Curriculum Vitae
Amanda Scaffe Higgs, M.G.C., C.G.C.
Instructor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Date June 5, 2017
Contact Information
Business Address: Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
22 South Greene Street, N6W39
Baltimore, MD 21201
Business Phone Number: (410) 328-3338
Fax: (410) 328-0279
1996 B.S. Biology, University of Richmond (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa),
undergraduate honors research thesis – “The Control of Flagellar
Regeneration in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii”
2000 M.G.C. Masters in Genetic Counseling, University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Masters thesis “Evaluation of Different Recruitment Strategies Used
in a Family Study
2002 Diplomate, American Board of Genetic Counseling (#2002292)
2012 Diplomate, American Board of Genetic Counseling (#11515)
Employment History
1996 – 1997 Research Assistant, Acute Cardiac Team, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical
College of Virginia
1998 Family Planning Associate (volunteer), Planned Parenthood of Maryland
1998 – 2000 Study Coordinator, Family Study of Early Onset Ischemic Stroke, Department of
Neurology, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2000 – 2002 Prenatal Genetic Counselor, High Risk Pregnancy Center, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Mercy Medical Center
2002 – present Prenatal Genetic Counselor, Center for Advanced Fetal Care, Department of
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of Maryland School
of Medicine
2011 – present Senior Genetic Counselor, Center for Advanced Fetal Care, Department of
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of Maryland School
of Medicine
Amanda Scaffe Higgs, M.G.C., C.G.C.
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Employment History (continued)
2011 – present Genetic Counselor, Fetal Heart Program, Center for Advanced Fetal Care,
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of
Maryland School of Medicine
Academic Appointments
2004 – 2011 Clinical Instructor (Volunteer), Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and
Reproductive Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2009 – present Graduate Faculty Member (Associate), University of Maryland Graduate School,
University of Maryland
2011 – present Instructor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences,
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Professional Society Membership
2000 – present Full Member, National Society of Genetic Counselors
2002 – present Diplomate, American Board of Genetic Counseling
Honors and Awards
2010 Master Genetic Counselor (peer-nominated), Jane Engelberg Memorial
Foundation, National Society of Genetic Counselors
Clinical Activities
Prenatal genetic counseling for advanced maternal age, teratogen exposure, abnormal screening results,
fetal ultrasound abnormalities, family history concerns, termination of pregnancy for fetal indication
Clinical Expertise
Board certified genetic counselor
Scope of Clinical Practice
Site of Primary Practice: Center for Advanced Fetal Care
Total Number of Encounters: ~400 per year
Responsibilities With Practice: leadership role
Total Time Spent: 100% FTE
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Administrative Service
Institutional Service
2002 – present Member, Program Admissions Committee, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training
Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2002 – present Member, Oral Examination Committee (~2 students per year/~10 candidates
total), Masters in Genetic Counseling Training Program, University of Maryland
School of Medicine
2002 Chair, Psychosocial Curriculum Committee, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training
Program Committee for Accreditation, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
2007 Chair, Medical Genetics Curriculum Committee, Masters in Genetic Counseling
Training Program Committee for Reaccreditation, University of Maryland School of
2007 – present Member, Curriculum Committee, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training Program,
University of Maryland School of Medicine
2008 – present Member, Prenatal Consultation Team, Ethical Advisory Committee,
University of Maryland Medical Center
2010 – present Member, Ethical Advisory Committee, University of Maryland Medical Center
2010 – present Member, Perinatal Bereavement Committee, University of Maryland Medical
2012 – present Member, Application Review Committee, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training
Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2012 – present Faculty Advisor, Medical Students for Choice, University of Maryland School of
2014 Planning Committee, Supervisor’s Workshop, University of Maryland Genetic
Counseling Training Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2014 – present Member, Advancement Committee, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training
Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2016 Member, Search Committee for Associate Program Director, Masters in Genetic
Counseling Training Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2016 Alternate Member, School of Medicine Council, University of Maryland School of
2016 – present Member, Steering Committee, Ethical Advisory Committee, University of Maryland
Medical Center
2017 – present Co-Director, Introduction to Genetics and Genetics Research Rotation, Maternal
Fetal Medicine Fellowship Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Local and National Service
National Service
2007 – 2008 Member, Annual Education Conference Planning Committee, National Society of
Genetic Counselors
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National Service (continued)
2016 Item Writer, Certified Genetic Counselor Examination, American Board
of Genetic Counseling
Local Service
2000 Rapporteur, Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing
2011 - present Member, Birth Defect Reporting Information System Advisory Committee, The
Office For Genetics and Children With Special Health Care Needs, State of
Teaching Service
Mercy Medical Center
2000-2002 Lecturer
Prenatal Genetic Counseling, Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis
6-8, 3rd year medical students - 8 contact hours per year
University of Maryland School of Medicine
2002 - present Clinical Supervisor, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training Program,
2-3 students per year
2002 - present Clinical Supervisor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive
Sciences, ~6 residents per year
2002 - present Independent Study Project Advisor, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training
Program, 8 students total
2002 - present Small Group Facilitator
Cell and Molecular Biology (Year 1 Block IV)
25 first-year medical students, 6 contact hours per year
2002 - present Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
“Nontraditional Inheritance and Updates in Molecular Testing in Prenatal
An update on prenatal screening for open neural tube defects and trisomies
18 and 21
“Sample Prenatal Genetic Counseling Scenarios”
“Genetic Risk Assessment
~ 24 residents, one contact hour per year
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Teaching Service (continued)
University of Maryland School of Medicine (continued)
2002 - present Lecturer, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training Program
“Second Trimester Screening”
“Prenatal Diagnosis”
“Prenatal Role Playing”
“Practical Issues in Prenatal Genetic Counseling”
“Introduction to Genetic Carrier Screening”
Genetic Termination of Pregnancy
“First and Second Trimester Screening”
“Prenatal Genetic Counseling Boot Camp”
“Genetic Counseling Following Abnormal Prenatal Diagnosis; Crisis Counseling
and Facilitation of Decision Making
~8 students, 12 contact hours per year
2007 Lecturer, Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics
“Prenatal Diagnosis for Genetic Disorders”
~6 neonatology fellows
2008 Lecturer, Department of Family Medicine
“Introduction to Prenatal Genetic Counseling”
~ 15 family medicine residents
2008 - present Coursemaster, Masters in Genetic Counseling Training Program
HGEN 610: Genetic Counseling Seminar
~16 students, 32 contact hours per year
2011 Lecturer, Program in Epidemiology and Human Genetics, Human Genetics and
Genomic Medicine Track and Masters in Genetic Counseling Training Program
HGEN 601: Human Genetics 1
“Risk Assessment”
~14 graduate students, 2 contact hours
2011 - present Facilitator
MSPR 512: Structure and Development
~100 first-year medical students, 2 contact hours
2011 – present Clinical Supervisor, Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship Program,
1 fellow per year
Amanda Scaffe Higgs, M.G.C., C.G.C.
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Akkurt, MO, Higgs, A, Turan, OT, Turan, OM, Turan, S. Prenatal diagnosis of inverted duplication
deletion 8p syndrome mimicking trisomy 18. Am J Med Genet Part A 2017 173A:776-779.
Abstracts and/or Proceedings
1. Scaffe, A, Pollin, T, Xu, J, Kittner, S. An evaluation of different recruitment strategies used in a
family study. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2000; 9(6): 530. Poster presentation at the Annual
Education Conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, Savannah, Georgia, 2000.
2. Piurek, A, Higgs, A, Ning, Y, Thomas, G. Current resources, methods and strategies for the
identification of clinically important cytogenetic abnormalities: a survey and independent analysis.
Journal of Genetic Counseling 2007; 16(6): 676. Platform presentation at the Annual Education
Conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, Kansas City, Missouri, 2007.
3. Dinsmore, C, Udoff, L, Higgs, A, Ashley, S. The use of invasive prenatal diagnostic tests in
patients with infertility. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2008; 17(6): 583. Platform presentation at
the Annual Education Conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, Los Angeles,
California, 2008.
4. Martin, J, Higgs, A, Denne, E, Baschat, A. Determination of risk assessment protocols for
midtrimester amniocentesis in prenatal care centers. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2008; 17(6):
638. Poster presentation at the Annual Education Conference of the National Society of Genetic
Counselors, Los Angeles, California, 2008.
5. Kantor, V, Joines, J, Higgs, A, Skinner, M. Patient education and subsequent satisfaction with
genetic counseling. Poster presentation at the Annual Education Conference of the National Society
of Genetic Counselors, San Diego, California, 2011.
6. Kaplan J, Skinner M, Higgs A, Harman C, Greene C. Uncontrolled Maternal PKU as a Cause of
Holoprosencephaly. DW Smith Workshop, Lake Lanier, Buford, GA, 2012.
7. Low, A., Hippman, C., Dixon, S., Higgs, A., & Joines, J. Training to provide psychiatric genetic
counseling: How does it impact recent graduates’ and current students’ attitudes towards individuals
with psychiatric illness and their readiness to provide genetic counseling for this
population? Journal of Genetic Counseling 2015; 24(6): 1139. Poster presentation at the Annual
Education Conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, Pittsburgh, PA, October
Major Invited Speeches
2000, 2001, 2002 Scaffe, A. “Introduction to Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counseling” (Departmental
Seminar), Department of Biology, University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia
2012 Higgs, A. “Genetic Considerations in Congenital Heart Disease”, Focus on the Fetal
Heart CME Symposium, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive
Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland