Toilet Rooms
This guide explains requirements in the ADA Standards for toilet rooms.
Required Compliance [§213]
Plumbing and building codes address the number and type of toilet rooms and toilet
Clustered Single User Toilet Rooms
Clustered single user toilet rooms (2 minimum) are those that are next to, or close to, one
another. No more than 50% for each use within a cluster must comply. Compliant toilet rooms
and portable units must be labeled by the International Symbol of Accessibility unless all are
accessible (§213.2, Ex. 3, §216.8).
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Unisex (Single-Use or Family) Toilet Rooms [§213.2]
Medical Care and Long-Term Care Facilities [§223.1, §805.4]
Toilet Room Location
 
 
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Additions [§202.2]
Alterations [§202.3]
the entire room or space must comply.
In a project involving alterations to the toilet, grab bars, faucet controls, and mirror in a
restroom, the Standards apply to these elements but not to those that remain unaltered.
In more extensive projects where additional elements are altered, application of the
Standards is greater, commensurate with the scope of work.
Recommendation: 
the entire room or space fully accessible.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
compliance is still required to the maximum extent feasible.
Alterations and Additions to Primary Function Areas [§202.4]
Alterations to Qualied Historic Facilities [§202.5, §213]
A117.1 Standards for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities that are not found
are noted in this guide.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Components of Accessible Single User Toilet Room
Requirements in the Standards for toilet rooms address doors, turning space,
plumbing xtures, mirrors, dispensers, shelves, and other elements provided.
Other provisions in the Standards also apply.
Mirror (§213.3.5)
where provided
Coat Hooks and Shelves (§213.3.7)
at least 1 of each type where provided
Dispensers and Receptacles (§205)
where provided
Toilet Paper Dispenser
Turning Space (§603.2.1)
60” diameter circle or T-turn
Water Closet
Lavatory (§213.3.4)
where provided
Urinals (§213.3.3)
An accessible urinal is required only in toilet
rooms where more than one urinal is provided.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Water Closets [§213.3.2, §604]
dispensers. Water closets can be arranged for either a left-hand or right-hand approach.
The required clearance provides space
for approach and transfer to water closets.
The water closet, associated grab bars,
toilet paper dispensers, seat cover and
other dispensers, coat hooks, shelves, and
sanitary napkin disposal units are the only
elements that can overlap this clearance
(§604.3.2). Other elements and xtures
cannot overlap the required water closet
clearance. (In residential dwelling units, a
lavatory can overlap a portion of the water
closet clearance under certain conditions.)
Location, Clearance, Seat Height and Flush Controls
Seats cannot be sprung
to return to lifted position
Flush controls must be on the
open side and, if hand-operated,
comply as operable parts)
(to top of seat)
Recommendation: 
60” min
56” min
Note: specifying 17” will accommodate
construction variations up to 1”
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Grab Bars [§604.5, §609]
Rear Grab Bar
36” min36” min
to top of
24” min12” min
Side Grab Bar
54” min
42” min
to top of
The rear grab bar can be shifted to the
open side of the water closet or split
where it would conict with the location
of ush controls required by applicable
codes (§604.5.2).
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
from the bottom and ends of grab bars so that the reach and use of grab bars is not impeded.
Minimum Clearances at Grab Bars
12” min
1½” min
1½” min
Cross Section and Clearance
1¼” - 2”
rounded edges
4” - 4.8” perimeter
2” max
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Vertical Grab Bar (ICC A117.1 Standard)
The ICC A117.1 Standard for Accessible and Usable
Buildings and Facilities
Toilet Paper Dispensers [§604.7]
Recommendations: Recessed toilet paper dispensers
closet clear. Large-roll dispensers can obstruct space
measured to the dispenser centerline.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Recessed Dispenser Location
48” max
(to dispenser outlet)
15” min
(to dispenser outlet)
Non-Recessed Dispenser Location
1½” min
12” min
of dispenser
15” min
(to dispenser outlet)
48” max
(to dispenser outlet)
(top of grab bar gripping surface)
If the grab bar is 36” high, a non-recessed toilet paper dispenser located
above the bar must have an outlet at exactly 48” high to accommodate both
the max. reach height and the 12” min. clearance above the grab bar.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Example Single User Toilet Room
used only as an example in illustrating the features of a compliant toilet room. These designs
Water Closet Clearance Lavatory Clearance
56” min
60” min
48” min
30” min
Water closets can be placed in any
The lavatory cannot overlap the water closet clearance
(except in residential dwelling units), but the clearance
at the lavatory can. It is advisable (but not required) to
nominally center the lavatory on the clear oor space.
Option: Recessed Lavatory
24” min
If a lavatory or other xture is recessed next
to a water closet, the rear grab bar can be
24” (instead of 36”) long minimum, centered
on the unit if wall space does not allow a grab
bar 36” long min. (§604.5.2).
Recessed xtures can save space where two
rooms are paired.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Doors [§404]
Push-Side Maneuvering Clearance Pull-Side Maneuvering Clearance
12” min if door has
both closer and latch
60” min
18” min
Door Swing Outside Fixture Clearances Wheelchair Space Beyond Door Swing
30” min
48” min
The location and orientation of the wheelchair
space is not specied, but it should be easy to
access upon entry into the room.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Turning Space [§304, §603.2.1]
Circular Turning Space T-Shaped Turning Space
60” min
12” min
12” min
36” min
36” min
24” min
Elements with knee and toe
space can overlap a portion
of the turning space
overlap limited
to 1 segment
Recommendation: 
outside the turning space.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Approximate Room Dimensions
60” min
any additional clearance
beyond the lavatory
In the same example, if the door is opposite the plumbing wall and swings in, the room depth will
likely be determined by keeping the door swing outside xture clearances (left). Alternatively, if there
is unobstructed wheelchair space beyond the door swing, the door maneuvering clearance and the
horizontal depth of the lavatory may determine the room depth (right). Turning space is typically
available in the room without further increase in room size where doors swing in.
door swing outside
xture clearance
60” min
wheelchair space
outside door swing
Note: Other elements provided may increase minimum room dimensions.
With a water closet and lavatory side-by-side,
the plumbing wall is typically determined by
the width of the water closet clearance, the
lavatory xture width, plus any additional
lavatory clearance beyond the xture (unless
the lavatory is recessed). Other elements
provided, such as a baby changing table, may
increase this dimension.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
If the door swings out, the room depth is usually
determined by the door maneuvering clearance
and the horizontal depth of the lavatory. Turning
space usually can be provided without further
increase in this design but providing additional
depth will help minimize xture overlap of the
turning space for improved access.
Example: Lavatory Opposite Water Closet
Toilet rooms can be congured in many dierent ways, but the same requirements apply, including
those for xtures, doors, and turning space. This example shows a door swing located outside xture
clearances (obviating the need for wheelchair space beyond the arc of the door swing) and turning
space free of any overlapping elements (left). Fixtures and other elements can overlap turning space
but not the door maneuvering clearance (right).
Recommendation: 
48” min
Note: Other elements provided may increase
minimum room dimensions.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Dispensers and Receptacles [§205, §309], Coat Hooks and Shelves
[§213.3.7, §603.4]
Dispensers & Receptacles
(§205, §309)
Hand-operated soap dispensers
that are xed, paper towel
dispensers, toilet seat cover
dispensers, and other types
of dispensers provided must
comply as operable parts, as
well as trash receptacles and
other receptacles.
Coat Hooks (§213.3.7, §603.4)
If coat hooks are provided,
at least one must be within
accessible reach range.
(§213.3.7, §603.4)
If shelves are
provided, at least one
of each type must be
located 40” min. to 48”
max. above nish oor.
Operable Parts (§309)
Operable parts must have
compliant clear oor space for
a forward or side approach.
They also must be located
within accessible reach range
and usable with one hand and
without tight grasping, pinching,
twisting of the wrist, or more
than 5 pounds force.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Baby Changing Tables [§226, §902]
Compliant operable parts
(§205, §309)
Compliant as
protruding object
(when stowed) if
it protrudes into a
circulation path
(§204, §307)
Compliant work surface (§902)
Forward approach clear
oor space (§305, §902)
4” max.
(if leading edge
higher than 27”)
Recommendations: Locate baby changing tables so that they are easy to use by
Baby changing tables cannot overlap xture
clearances or door maneuvering clearances
when stowed.
Clear space for a forward approach to the table
is required. This space can overlap xture
clearances and door maneuvering clearances.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Private Toilet Rooms Accessed through a Private Oce
permitted by the Standards as a post-construction accommodation.
Exceptions for Private Toilet Rooms
Note: All other applicable requirements, including clearances and turning space, must be met.
Grab Bars
Grab bars can be installed after
construction if walls are properly
reinforced/ blocked (§604.5, Ex. 1)
Toilet Seat Height
Toilet seat height not
required to comply
(§604.4, Ex. 1)
Door Swing
Door can swing into xture clearances
if the swing can be reversed and fully
comply with §404 or if unobstructed
wheelchair space is provided in the
room beyond the arc of the door swing
(§603.2.3, Ex. 1 and 2).
Lavatory Height and Knee/Toe Space
Lavatory height not required to comply.
Knee and toe space below the lavatory is
not required but must be provided when
needed (§606.2, Ex. 2, §606.3, Ex. 1))
Recommendations: 
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Water Closets in Residential Dwelling Units
Exceptions for Water Closets in Dwelling Units
Note: All other applicable requirements, including clearances and turning space, must be met.
Grab Bars
Grab bars can be installed
after construction if walls
are properly reinforced/
blocked (§604.5, Ex. 2).
Lavatory Knee & Toe Space
Cabinetry is permitted under
lavatories if: it can be taken
out without removal or
replacement of the xture, the
nish oor extends beneath
it, and the walls behind and
surrounding the cabinetry are
nished (§606.2, Ex. 3).
Toilet Seat Height
A lower toilet seat height is
permitted (§604.4, Ex. 2).
18” min
A compliant lavatory is permitted on the rear
wall 18” min. from the water closet centerline if
the clearance at the water closet is at least 66”
(instead of 56”) deep (§604.3.2, Ex.).
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Dwelling Unit Water Closet and Lavatory
Recommendations: 
Water Closets and Toilet Compartments for Children’s Use [§604.1, §604.8,
Recommendations: 
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Water Closet for Children 12 and Younger
Flush control
36” max height
14” min
19” max
Water closet centerline, seat height, and
grab bar height
Grab bar and toilet paper dispenser height
Recommendations: 
Note: All other requirements for children’s water closets and toilet
compartments are consistent with those based on adult dimensions.
Advisory (Non-Mandatory) Specications by Age Group
3 & 4 5 through 8 9 through 12
Water Closet Centerline
  
Toilet Seat Height
  
Grab Bar Height
  
Dispenser Height
  
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Portable Toilet Units
Compliance with all other
applicable provisions for water
closets, including those for
grab bars and clearance, is
required. Other requirements
for toilet rooms, such as door
maneuvering clearance (not
shown) and turning space also
An accessible route and entrance are required
to serve portable units. Ramps necessary for
changes in level must fully comply, and entrance
landings must be sized to accommodate door
maneuvering clearances and ramp landings.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Multi-User Toilet Rooms
Components of Multi-User Toilet Rooms
Doors, including toilet compartment doors,
cannot swing into the clear oor space
required at plumbing xtures (§603.2.3),
but they can swing into turning space.
turning space
At least one wheelchair
accessible toilet compartment
At least one compliant
urinal where more than one
urinal is provided (§213.3.3)
At least one compliant
lavatory (not located in a toilet
compartment) and at least one
compliant mirror, where provided
(§213.3.4 and §213.3.5)
At least one ambulatory accessible toilet
compartment in restrooms with at least 6 toilet
compartments or where the combined total of
toilets and urinals is at least 6 xtures (§213.3.1)
Dispensers, receptacles, and
other operable parts must
comply where provided (§205)
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Wheelchair Accessible Toilet Compartments [§213.3.1, §604.8]
Compliant coat hooks and
shelves where they are provided
in other toilet compartments
(§213.3.7, 604.8.3)
9” min
Toe clearance below the front and one
side partition unless the compartment
is enlarged to include toe space
(§604.8.1.4) (partition vertical supports
are permitted within this clearance)
Compliant water closet with additional clear
oor space required if xture is oor mounted
(59” instead of 56” deep) (§604.8.1.1)
A compliant door that is self-
closing (§604.8.1.2)
Compartment doors must be oset from the water closet in either the
front or the side partition so that there is space to enter the compartment.
Doors can be hinged on the left or right side of the opening.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Compartment Doors [§404, §604.8.1.2]
Door pulls, latches and other hardware must comply as operable parts and be
usable with one hand and not require tight grasping, pinching, twisting of the wrist,
or more than 5 pounds force. Hardware that is usable with a loose grip or closed
st will accommodate a wider range of users. Latches with small parts that must be
manipulated can be dicult to use and will not comply if pinching is necessary.
Recommendations: 
Doors cannot swing into
the minimum compartment
area specied.
Door must be self-closing (gravity or
spring hinges are typically used). The
min. closing time for spring hinges
is 1.5 seconds measured from a 70°
open position to the closed position.
Door pulls are required on both
sides near the latch, 34” – 48”
above the nish oor.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Recommendation: 
Latch Approach Clearance Forward Approach Clearance
42” min
24” min
18” min
60” min
Hinge Approach Clearance
Alternative Hinge
Approach Clearance
36” min
60” min
42” min
54” min
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Toilet compartments are typically enclosed by partitions. Full-height partitions and door
Recommendations: 
Compartment with Toe Clearance Below Partitions
56” min
wall-mounted water closet
59” min
oor-mounted water closet
60” min
Compartment without Toe Clearance Below Partitions
No toe clearance at front partition:
greater than 62”
wall-mounted water closet
greater than 65”
oor-mounted water closet
No toe clearance at side
partition: greater than 66”
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Toilet Compartments Designed for Children’s Use [§604.8.1]
Toilet compartments designed for use by
End-of-Row Toilet Compartment
compartment area. The compartment door can be located in the side partition that is closer
min compartment area
59” min
(greater than
65” if no toe
clearance at
front partition)
60” min
(greater than 66” if no toe
clearance at a side partition)
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Toilet Compartment with a Lavatory [§603, §604.8]
Turning space required
within compartment
Another compliant lavatory
is required outside the
compartment (§213.3.4)
Door cannot swing into
xture clearances (unless
unobstructed wheelchair
space beyond the door
swing is provided in the
compartment) (§603.2.3)
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Ambulatory Accessible Toilet Compartment [§213.3.1, §604.8]
The compartment width is specied so that both grab
bars are simultaneously within reach.
Like wheelchair accessible compartments, doors must
fully comply and be self-closing, have a pull on both
sides near the latch, and cannot swing into the required
compartment area. All other applicable door criteria,
including maneuvering clearances, must be met.
to top of
to top of
60” min
42” min
54” min
Water closets must comply, including
ush controls which must meet criteria for
operable parts if hand-operated. Seats
cannot be sprung to return to lifted position.
Requirements for toilet paper dispensers, coat
hooks, and shelves also apply.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Urinals [§213.3.3, §605]
Wall Hung Urinal Stall Type Urinal
13½” min
17” max
48” min
30” min
(36” min if
Portions of wall hung
urinals that provide toe
clearance (9” high min.)
can overlap the clear oor
space for a depth of 6” max.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Common Questions
Toilet Rooms
Are toilet rooms that serve employees but not the public required to comply?
Can access be provided to a unisex restroom instead of to men’s and women’s rooms?
Toilet Room Signs [§216 and §703]
These pictogram requirements do not apply to any informational pictograms that are also
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Is access required to a unisex family or gender-neutral toilet room that is provided in addition to
accessible men’s and women’s rooms?
How does the exception for clustered single user toilet rooms of the same type (no more than
50% at each cluster) apply when there is an odd number of toilet rooms?
permitted in this instance because the exception for clustered single user toilet rooms states
Is there a maximum distance or separation that applies to toilet rooms within the same cluster?
What is the impact of providing two unisex toilet rooms instead of a designated single-user
men’s room and a designated single-user women’s room?
Can toilet rooms be designed for assisted instead of independent access?
The Standards address independent accessibility and do not contain requirements for spaces
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
In facilities that are exempt from the requirement for vertical access between stories, are toilet
rooms required to comply on stories not connected by an accessible route?
What is the minimum size of toilet rooms?
Can doors swing into the turning space and xture clearances?
When is a toilet room required to be designed for children?
The Standards do not require that toilet rooms be designed for children. This determination
If a restroom serves both adults and children, must an accessible toilet compartment be
provided for both adults and children?
Can elements with knee and toe space overlap the required turning space?
portion of the turning space.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Can elements with knee and toe space overlap the door
maneuvering clearance?
edge of such elements so that the full clearance is free of any
Must toilet rooms be identied by the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA)?
Do the Standards require restroom pictograms?
Do the Standards require accessible toilet compartments, including the ambulatory accessible
compartment, to be labeled by the ISA?
Water Closets
Can an adjacent lavatory overlap the water closet clearance?
8” max
Grab bars and other elements
cannot overlap the door
maneuvering clearance but can
be located within the 8” max.
oset from the face of the door.
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Can other elements overlap the water closet clearance?
Can the toilet paper dispenser be mounted above the side grab bar?
How is the distance from the water closet measured for toilet paper dispensers with large or
multiple rolls?
How can conicts between the rear grab bar and the required location of ush controls be
Are automatic (motion sensor) ush controls required to be on the open side of the water
Are ush controls located on valves, walls, or tanks that are centered on the xture compliant
(i.e., on the open side)?
Can the side and rear grab bars be continuous?
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Must the side and rear grab bar both be at the same height within the specied 33” – 36”
Can the side grab bar be located on a half wall or wing wall?
Can the side grab bar be mounted on blocking when the centerline of the water closet exceeds
the 18” maximum?
Can grab bar attachments be located at points along the bar instead of at the ends?
How is the length of grab bars measured?
This also applies to post-mounted grab bars. When attached at points other than the ends
Can grab bars be mounted to the oor instead of the wall?
Must grab bars have a peened or other textured surface?
Are folding or swing-away grab bars permitted on the open side of water closets?
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Is a vertical grab bar required by the Standards?
Can grab bars have inll plates to prevent suicide or security risks in detention and correctional
and correctional facilities and other facilities so long as they do not impede gripping surfaces.
Toilet Compartments
What distinguishes “toilet compartments” from single-user “toilet rooms”?
to be treated as toilet compartments or single-user toilet rooms under the Standards. Toilet
Can compartment door openings be located more than 4” from the side partition when the
compartment width exceeds the 60” minimum?
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Are toilet compartment doors prohibited from swinging into xture clearances?
ambulatory accessible compartments.
Are spring hinges and gravity hinges on compartment doors considered “closers” in
determining the size of maneuvering clearances?
Can accessible toilet compartments have full-height walls instead of partition panels?
Can pilasters or other partition supports intrude into the required toe clearance below
Lavatories and Mirrors
Can a lavatory be located outside of a toilet room?
codes and other regulations.
Can a lavatory be provided in a wheelchair accessible toilet compartment?
Must the clear oor space at lavatories be centered?
Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities Toilet Rooms
Can accessible mirrors be located above lavatories?
If a toilet room has a full-length mirror and a mirror above a countertop or lavatory, must both
types comply?
Advancing Full Access and Inclusion for All
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(202) 272-0080 (v) ▪ (202) 272-0082 (TTY) ▪