Revised 7/15/24 AB
CHCA Theatre
Playbill Bio Instructions
Your bio should...
Be written and submitted in UltraCamp at the time of registration.
Be approximately 4-5 sentences long.
Be written in third person (he/she, his/her).
Begin with your first and last name.
Help the audience get to know a little bit about you and your experience with the Arts.
When listing past productions, please write it like this, with the show in italics and the role in
The Wizard of Oz: Youth Edition (Ensemble)
If you thank or dedicate the show to someone, instead of saying “She would like to thank…He
would like to dedicate…” simply say: “She thanks…He dedicates...”
Sample Bios
Zoe Epp (Storyteller) Zoe is a sophomore and is excited to perform in Children of Eden. Although this
is her theatrical debut, she started dancing at the age of three and continued for nine years,
including dancing competitively for five years. She also participated in Choir in the sixth through
eighth grade. Zoe is excited to try something new and take on a more active role in CHCA’s Fine Arts
Ray Muenzer (Storyteller and Snake) Ray is a sophomore and is enjoying his second year of theatre
at CHCA. Last year, you may have seen him in The One Act, playing in various scenes. You may have
also seen Ray in Something Rotten (Bard Boys/Ensemble) and Matilda Jr. Outside of the theater, he
enjoys playing the piano, golf, tennis, and spending time with friends.
If this is your first show or you don’t have much performance experience, that is OK! Let people know
this is your debut on stage. Tell them what you like to do outside of theatre or how you came to be
involved in it. Thank those who encouraged you to try theatre or helped you prepare for it. If you’ve
taken voice, dance, acting, or instrumental lessons, feel free to include that.
If you have a long list of shows you’ve participated in, pick the most meaningful shows or favorite
roles you’ve played.
Remember that you’re sharing yourself with the whole audience, and you are representing not on
you, but your family, the Theatre Department, and CHCA as well.