12/08/2015 LIB.UTS.EDU.AU UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F
Adobe Digital Editions
Downloading an eBook
1- Select which eBook you wish to download and Click on the 'Download' button on the hosts’
2- If you don’t have Adobe Digital Edition installed - follow the link and install the Mac or PC
version on your computer. Please note the public computers in the Library do not have
Adobe Digital Edition installed or the ability to install it – You can only read the eBook online
on public library computers.
3- Select the loan length and select the format desired if the option is available. Some
publishers have set loan periods and formats.
4- Download and save the .acsm file to your computer.
5- Open Adobe Digital Editions and to add your new book goto File – Add to library – choose file
type “Adobe Content Service Message” and click on the .acsm file you just downloaded –
then open. The title will be installed and added to your Library.
NOTE: When you first run Adobe Digital Editions it asks for your Adobe ID and password to view an
eBook. You can skip this step and continue without an ID and authorize your computer to view the file.
12/08/2015 LIB.UTS.EDU.AU UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F
See the Adobe FAQ if you want to set up your personal ID.
If you are uncertain whether you have Adobe Digital Editions goto start button in Windows: search for
Adobe Digital Editions
12/08/2015 LIB.UTS.EDU.AU UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F
ALTERNATE METHOD – You can assign the .acsm file type to Adobe digital editions once it is
installed on your computer e.g.