eBook User Guide
Version 1.0
1 - Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2 - Before downloading your eBook ....................................................................................................... 2
3 Registering with Adobe ..................................................................................................................... 6
4 Authorize your PC ............................................................................................................................. 8
5 Download your eBook ..................................................................................................................... 11
6 License ............................................................................................................................................. 12
6.1 Printing and Copying ................................................................................................................ 12
6.2 Sharing between devices ......................................................................................................... 13
7 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 - Errors ......................................................................................................................................... 14
7.1.1 - E_AUTH_NOT_READY ........................................................................................................ 14
7.1.2 - E_LIC_ALREADY_FULFILLED_BY_ANOTHER_USER ............................................................. 14
Disclaimer: The following document is purely for guidance and is believed to be accurate at the
time of writing. NBN International accepts no responsibility for issues arising from the instructions
provided herein.
1 - Introduction
This guide is intended for customers who wish to view their eBook on a Windows PC.
2 - Before downloading your eBook
Once you submit your order you will receive an email with a download link. Before you click this link
you will need to install Adobe Digital Editions and authorize it with your AdobeID.
If you already have Adobe Editions installed you can skip ahead to section 3 Registering with
You can download the free software from here: http://www.adobe.com/uk/solutions/ebook/digital-
Click on Windows and download the installer.
You may be asked “Do you want the following program to make changes to your computer?”. Click
Yes to continue.
Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
You can now tick/untick four options, if you are not sure leave them all ticked.
Associate .acsm and .epub file types
This should be left ticked. It will mean if you try to open an EPUB or ACSM file it will start in
Adobe Digital Editions
Start Menu Shortcuts
By leaving this ticked a link will appear in your Start menu
Windows 7 start menu, Windows XP/8/8.1 will look different but should still have the same items
Desktop Shortcut
An icon for Adobe Digital Editions will appear on your desktop
Quick Launch Shortcut
On Windows XP this will create a link next to your start menu button
Once you are happy click Next.
Click Install to finish the process.
Click close and Adobe Digital Editions will start up.
3 Registering with Adobe
If you already have an Adobe ID skip to section 4 Authorize your PC.
Go to the AdobeID sign in page here http://www.adobe.com/uk/account/sign-in.adobedotcom.html
Click Get an Adobe ID
Fill in the form making sure your email address is valid. This will be used as your AdobeID
4 Authorize your PC
If you have already have an AdobeID and have authorized your PC skip ahead to section 5
Download your eBook.
Once you have created your AdobeID you need to authorize your PC.
In Adobe Digital Editions click Help > Authorise Computer…
You will then be asked for you Adobe ID (email) and password you used earlier on the Adobe
Do not tick “I want to authorize my computer without an ID”. Click Authorize to finish the process.
5 Download your eBook
In the email you originally received you should have a download link for each item you purchased.
Click this link now to open the eBook.
Your browser may ask you if you want to save the acsm file to a location or open it with a program.
If you have the option, open it with Adobe Digital Editions.
If Digital Editions is not already open it will start up and download the eBook content.
You can now access your book.
6 License
6.1 Printing and Copying
Your license may limit the number of pages you can print and copy. To find this information within
Digital Editions click once on the title so that it is highlighted.
Now right click the title to open the context menu.
Click Item Info.
In the example above you may print/copy a total of 16 pages.
6.2 Sharing between devices
You may download the eBook on to any device you own up to a total of 3 devices. When you first
download the eBook it will be associated with your Adobe ID so any device you use must be
authorized using your details.
7 Troubleshooting
If you encounter a problem with accessing your purchase please contact customer support on +44
1752 202301 or email cservs@nbninternational.com
Alternatively you can check the Adobe Learn & Support page here: http://helpx.adobe.com/digital-
7.1 - Errors
The authorization information may have become damaged.
First check Digital Editions is authorized by clicking Help > Authorization Information. This should
open up a window with the heading “This Computer is Already Authorized”. If not please refer to
section 4 Authorize your PC.
If you are authorized then please get in touch with customer services so that we can provide you
with a new link.