Guide to Recording & Adding Audio to
PowerPoint Presentations
There are three sections to this guide. The first is for users of PowerPoint. The
second is for users of Adobe Presenter for PowerPoint. The third section is relevant
for both sets of users and addresses the use of Audacity.
Adding Audio
Microsoft PowerPoint Training: Add and Record Audio
o Short (3:23) video demonstration with transcript
Steps for Adding Audio
From Microsoft Support
Add audio
1. Select Insert > Audio.
2. Select how you’d like to add audio:
o Audio on My PC Insert an audio file already on your PC.
o Record AudioRecord audio from a microphone attached to your computer.
Steps for Adding Recorded Audio
From Microsoft Support
Add recorded audio
1. Select Record Audio.
2. Type in a name for your audio file, select Record, and then speak.
3. To review your recording, select Stop and then select Play.
4. Select Record to re-record your clip, or select OK if you’re satisfied.
5. To move your clip, select and drag the audio icon to where you want it on the slide.
NOTE: If you’re using more than one audio file per slide, it’s advisable to put the audio icon in the same
spot on a slide to find it easily.
6. Select Play.
Steps for Adjusting Recorded Audio
From Microsoft Support
Adjust recorded audio
1. Select the Audio Tools Playback tab, and then select which options you'd like to use:
o To trim the audio, select Trim and then use the red and green sliders to trim the audio
file accordingly.
o To fade in or fade out audio, change the number in the Fade Duration boxes.
o To adjust volume, select Volume and select the setting you prefer.
o To choose how the audio file starts, select the dropdown arrow and select an option:
On ClickPlays the audio file automatically with a click.
AutomaticallyPlays automatically once you advance to the slide that the
audio file is on.
o To choose how the audio plays in your presentation, select an option:
Play Across SlidesPlays one audio file across all slides.
Loop until StoppedPlays an audio file on loop until it’s stopped manually by
clicking the Play/Pause button.
o To have the audio play continuously across all slides in the background, select Play in
Recording and Adding Narration with Timings
Microsoft Support: Record a Slide Show with Narration and Slide Timings
o Instructions for Office 365, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2007
o Includes helpful recording tips at bottom of page
Audio File Formats Supported in PowerPoint
Microsoft Support: Video and Audio File Formats Supported in PowerPoint
o Article covering common file formats to avoid “codec” errors, and supported formats for
Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
Microsoft Support: File Formats that are Supported in PowerPoint
o Additional information about file formats for PowerPoint 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007.
Movie File Format Tip for Sharing Presentations Online
If you will be sharing your presentation with multiple people who are using different systems that may
or may not have the correct codecs to play your presentation’s audio, consider saving and sharing a
copy of your presentation in a universal movie file format.
Microsoft Support: Save a Presentation as a Movie File or MP4
Adobe Presenter for PowerPoint: Audio in Presentations
Adobe Presenter: Using Audio in Presentations
o The Adobe Presenter plug-in for PowerPoint is for users who want to create interactive
presentations. This comprehensive resource covers the use of Adobe Presenter to add
narration and other sounds to presentations. Sections include:
Add audio files to a presentation
Audio recording tips
Setting up audio equipment
Setting sound card options
Changing audio recording settings
Placing the microphone
Improving microphone techniques
Editing sound
Reviewing the presentation
About audio recording equipment
Set audio recording quality
Change the audio input source
Calibrate microphones for recording
Import slide notes
Record audio
Record audio at a specific location in a presentation
Synchronize audio and animation timings
Edit audio files
Preplay audio
Add silence to an audio file
Adjust audio volume
Manage audio clips and files
Edit audio timing
Change how audio files are distributed across slides
Jump to a specific slide during audio narration
Pause the presentation during audio narration
Listen to an audio file
Zoom in on an area of the waveform
Cut or copy and paste audio
Delete an entire audio file or portion of an audio file
Benefits of Creating Audio Files Outside of PowerPoint
Audacity, a free, open source audio software for recording and editing can be used to create audio files
to add to your presentations. If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of recording an entire
presentation within PowerPoint only to realize the audio was not saved or embedded properly, you
should seriously consider using this method which is described in full in this linked article
The overarching benefit of creating and saving audio files using software like Audacity is that you will
have access to your audio files outside of your PowerPoint presentations (rather than recording and
embedding your audio directly into the PowerPoint presentation). This helps to prevent lost or broken
files and makes it easier to re-use audio for other presentations, as well as update or
edit your audio
Editing a recording in PowerPoint requires you to delete it entirely and start over (unless you are using
the Adobe Presenter plug-in for PowerPoint). Whereas using a program like Audacity allows you more
control over editing and saving your audio files.
While you can extract your audio files from your PowerPoint file
, recording your audio outside of
PowerPoint may also help to lessen common audio and playback issues.
Be sure to save your audio files in a format that PowerPoint supports. Fortunately, Audacity allows for
easy file conversion. Refer to the PowerPoint section, “Audio File Formats Supported in PowerPoint” for
further information.