Multiple Processors vs. A Single Processor In Attribute Measurement Systems
Robert Landry, Luca Gratton, and Duncan MacArthur
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
Multiple Processors vs. A Single Processor In Attribute Measurement Systems
Robert Landry, Luca Gratton, and Duncan MacArthur
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
Competing design proposals for data acquisition and analysis components in an attribute
measurement system (AMS) differ in the processor (CPU) specifications, and in the distribution
and tasking of the processors. Primary design considerations include the number of CPU’s, their
locations within the system, and their processing assignments. Because the processor system
must communicate with multiple measurement collection units, viable design options include the
use of one multitasking CPU or multiple single-tasking CPU’s.
After a comprehensive comparison, the authors advocate the use of multiple, single-tasking
CPU’s rather than a single, multitasking unit (Tables 1.a and 1.b). This comparison is made on
the basis of anticipated attributes for generic systems. Detailed comparisons in each of the
categories require formal system descriptions, which are beyond the current scope of this effort.
The multiple processor design provides distinct advantages for AMS hardware and software
simplicity, certification, authentication, repair times and failure modes, processing capabilities,
and information security. The single processor design has advantages for apparent hardware
simplicity (i.e., the visual perception of simplicity), integration, system size, and communication
network security. Ties are recorded for physical security, the cost of processor acquisition, and
processing system reliability.
Table 1.a. A Categorical Comparison of Processor Design Solutions.
Advantage To
Multiple Processor Single Processor Tie
Hardware/Software Functional Simplicity
Hardware Apparent Simplicity
Hardware Integration
Physical Size of the Processing System
Processor Certification
Processor Authentication
Duration of Processor System Unavailability and Repair Time
Table 1.b. A Categorical Comparison of Processor Design Solutions (Continued).
Advantage To
Multiple Processor Single Processor Tie
Restriction of Processor Failure Modes and Criteria
Processing Mode Capabilities
On-Processor Information Security
On-Network Information Security
Physical Security
Reduced Cost of Acquisition
Processor System Reliability
An AMS allows qualitative assessments to confirm declarations for nuclear material properties
without divulging classified information. Differences among competing design proposals for an
attribute measurement system include the specifications for computer processor (CPU) control of
the measurement subsystems, and for the distribution and task-devotion of the processors.
Primary design considerations include the number of CPU’s in the system, and their processing
assignments among many possible system control distribution plans.
A proposed design solution uses several small microprocessors in the data gathering system to
implement different functions. An alternative proposal is to use only one processor to perform
all the functions in multitasking operations. In this paper, we present advantages and
disadvantages of each approach. Because advantages for the multiple processor
implementation are disadvantages for the single processor configuration and visa-versa, both
advantages and disadvantages are presented in the context of the multiple processor
implementation. The disadvantages of the multiple processor implementation are understood to
be advantages of the single processor configuration.
The use of a multiple processor design for the attribute measurement system confers advantages
in the categories of simplicity of function, certifiability, authenticatability, modularity, length of
system recovery and repair time, system development time, failure criteria and modes,
processing modes, and information security. There is no significant advantage for either solution
in the category of physical security of communication and power lines.
Simplicity is a desirable system design characteristic that may enhance system reliability.
Simplicity additionally accelerates maintenance and repair operations, and eases certification and
authentication activities. A multiple processor solution is preferable for achieving a high degree
of system simplicity.
A multiple CPU design employs a basic single-tasking operating system and limited instruction
set on each processor. A simple processor running a basic operating system is easier to inspect
than a single processor running a more complex multitasking operating system. This observation
is consistent with the findings of a working group formed to review information barrier system
concepts, which has recommended that extraneous code and complex operating systems be
A simple design facilitates visual inspection of the physical layout of the CPU’s,
cables, interconnections and interfaces to other hardware. An advantage of a multiple processor
solution is that the physical architecture better mimics the functional architecture. It is therefore
easier to visually inspect a multiple processor design with a smaller number of traces and
connections at each of the dedicated CPU’s, and a limited distribution of interfaces among
CPU’s, because the required function of each CPU is simpler than for the single processor
design. Additionally, the multiple CPU solution better facilitates the removal and replacement of
individual processors because fewer interconnections exist at each processing node and because
simple single-tasking software requires only a limited suite of diagnostic checks following
installation. Finally, the hierarchical software structure that is inherent to the multiple CPU
solution better compliments the hierarchical physical architecture.
Certification and attestation of the AMS are performed by the party hosting the measurements
(i.e., usually the steward of the nuclear materials). Certification and attestation ensure that the
AMS adequately protects sensitive information while operating in a secure acquisition mode. It
is more efficient for the hosts to certify a simple processor running a basic operating system than
a single processor solution running a more complex multitasking operating system. From the
certification standpoint, a network of simple processors, each running a basic operating system
and instruction set, can be evaluated on a node-by-node basis to ensure operational integrity.
Compared to a single processor design, the multiple CPU design is better distinguishable in
terms of component functionality and dedication of purpose. The functional dedication
facilitates systematic inspection processes consisting of a series of simple checks that are specific
to a given processing node. Because individual CPU tasks are dedicated, and reduced
compared to the single multi-tasking CPU design, it is easier to identify execution errors,
aberrant and unauthorized operations at a given node. Smaller CPU stacks and layers of boards
can be used for each processor, thereby reducing the likelihood that undetected programmable
logic or persistent memory is present, or that extraneous functionality exists. With simpler
instruction sets, smaller sizes for executable single-tasking programs on each CPU, and
dedicated function, the multiple CPU design allows minimization or elimination of unused
sections of memory so that they are not exploited for covert data storage or code execution.
Memory optimization for the intended processing operation also provides impediments to the
execution of self-modifying code. Similarly, with the functional dedication and reduced
number of interconnections at a single processor in the multiple CPU solution, the certification
of inputs and output connections at processing nodes is simpler than for the single CPU option.
Authentication is performed by the party monitoring the measurements. Authentication activities
provide assurance that the AMS implementation provides genuine and accurate output. Accurate
output is demonstrated by the evaluation of reference materials in an open (non-secure)
measurement mode. The benefits of a multiple CPU design to the authentication procedures are
analogous to those for certification procedures. The multiple CPU design facilitates the
authentication process in three major categories: abilities to conduct (1) detailed examination of
equipment, (2) functional and (3) system performance testing.
Multiple processor implementations may include standardized hardware components to allow for
module exchange. For a modular CPU design, a single processor is considered to be an
interchangeable module. Replacements for the CPU hardware components of multiple
subsystems can be stored in a reduced (compared to a single CPU solution involving multiple
expansions) spare parts inventory that consists of a single type and model of processor board,
perhaps with the exception of the software PROM. The use of standard modular hardware
allows random component selection from a larger pool of replacement parts. Because the same
part may be used for components in multiple subsystems in a modular, interchangeable
component design, it is less likely that a defect or engineered vulnerability in the replacement
can be successfully exploited for installations in all eligible subsystems. The use of a random
hardware selection procedure in situations where the host supplies the hardware, therefore,
provides authentication process advantages that are amplified where modular CPU designs are
employed. Moreover, these modules are inexpensive. Additionally, if all of the modules
(processor systems) are identical with the exception of the software PROM, replacement of a
failed module is faster. Two existing attribute measurement system designs with specifications
for multiple processors use single board computers conforming to a PC-104 architecture to
achieve a degree of modularity.
Recovery and Repair Times
For identical types of CPU failure, the time to system repair and the duration of system
unavailability can be reduced with a multiple processor design, relative to a single processor
design. System state-of-health software can identify a failure in a single module, and notify the
operator of the problematic module. Prior attribute measurement system designs conduct
operator notification by use of an unclassified output error signal that crosses the data barrier.
More detailed error messages would probably require operator access to diagnostic messages that
reside within the information barrier security enclosure, and may need to be preceded by an
active purge of sensitive information. The distribution of control and processing tasks among
dedicated CPU’s makes problem isolation and identification simpler; the characteristic of the
failed function indicates the problematic node and operation in a multiple processor design.
Finally, the replacement of the failed processor requires installation and manipulation of a
limited number of connections for the multiple processor design (e.g., see Reference 4, p. 10,
Fig. 8). Processor replacement would be a standard and rapid operation where modular
components are concerned.
The scope of diagnostic and operational integrity checks for a replacement module in a multiple
processor design can be limited to tests for the proper operation of the affected subsystem. The
ability to limit scope reduces the time required to develop, troubleshoot and debug simple
hardware and software configurations in a multiple CPU design. Additionally, the diagnostics
software for the individual single-tasking processors can be relatively simple in the multiple
processor design. Because the multiple CPU’s are controllers for respective subsystems,
troubleshooting and debugging may proceed for the subsystems individually. For a single
processor design, all system functions would require testing following replacement of the failed
processor component and system software. Each diagnostic check in a series of tests would
involve evaluation for the proper operation of relevant subsystems in a multitasking mode for the
single processor solution. The additional checks required for the multitasking system would
correspond to an increased expenditure of time in performing diagnostics. Additionally, a
relatively complex diagnostics and control program is required to take advantage of the multi-
tasking operating system in the single CPU solution.
Information Security And System Reliability
The level of physical security of the power and data communications lines and CPUs is
dependent mostly on the security enclosure, and is independent of the number of processors used
in the system. Either design requires the same number and types of barrier penetrations through
a shielded security enclosure for power delivery and communications. The use of multiple
processors requires a greater number of communication buses between CPU’s, but all added
buses are located within the security enclosure.
In an efficient multiple processor design, sensitive information is distributed among multiple,
secure processors. Applications for other attribute measurement systems with information
barriers have used multiple CPU’s, with operational relegation to either dedicated classified
processors and other unclassified processors in a distributed processing mode.
Ideally, the
entire ensemble of sensitive information is not simultaneously resident on a single processor for
the duration of a measurement, as is the case in a single processor solution. Therefore,
unauthorized access to an entire ensemble of sensitive information on a multiple processor
system requires more work and the defeat of more subsystems than with a single processor.
These considerations conform to functional requirements that mandate a minimization of the
amount of classified data residing at each stage of the system.
Additional security benefits of a multiple processor design are that fewer memory operations are
required and that memory capacities can be sized for the subsystem operations. Fewer
manipulations of information in core memory are required for a network of single-tasking
processors than for a multitasking single processor. Consequently, sensitive information
vulnerabilities are lowered by the less frequent storage and retrieval that occurs with the multiple
single-tasking processor design. Finally, sizing the memory in hardware such that it is just
sufficient to accommodate the executable and any runtime overhead requirements is a security
measure that provides assurances that unauthorized code execution is not occurring on any of the
processors. This resident memory tailoring is more difficult to do with a single, multitasking
processor because runtime dynamic memory allocation demands are generally greater.
A multiple processor design is less sensitive to a single failure, and is easily designed for the
system to fail gracefully while providing diagnostic warnings. This design thereby allows the
retention of important system functions, the active archival or erasure of information as
appropriate, the broadcast of diagnostic information, and the recovery of crucial system
capacities (e.g., information security functions) following the loss of a CPU. A single processor
solution is prone to catastrophic failure with the loss of a CPU. For a single processor design,
loss of the CPU has the consequences that core system functions are disabled, that information is
irretrievably lost, and most importantly, that the system is unable to transmit diagnostic
information to the operator.
The parallel processing capabilities of a multiple processor system can be used to shorten data
collection cycle times. This may only be a discernable advantage where the measurement count
rates are high, because no processor system supervisory deadtime from the multitasking
operation in a single processor configuration would be encountered with multiple processors.
However, this may only be a modest benefit that further shortens already-brief collection cycles.
The use of a single, multitasking processor design for the attribute measurement system offers
advantages in the areas of hardware integration, size, apparent simplicity and network security.
Integration, Size and Apparent Complexity
An advantage of the use of a single multitasking processor is the integration of all system control
and analysis functions in a single piece of hardware. This alleviates some of the interface and
communications issues present for the multiple processor design, but places added burdens on
the software, particularly with respect to security, reliability and programming error issues in
multitasking operations. Because of the hardware integration, the volume of a single processor is
generally accepted to be less than the combined displacement of multiple processors and
communications lines. Therefore, it is expected that less internal space is required for
electronics. The apparent complexity (i.e., the observer’s visual perception of system
complexity) of a single processor solution is lower than for a multiple processor system. While
the validity of this perception does not stand up to a detailed consideration of the functional
simplicity of the entire (hardware and software) system, the perception may confer advantages
for host and/or inspector acceptance of a single processor design.
Hardware Acquisition and Operation Costs
The relative cost of acquisition for a single multitasking processor system, compared to that for
multiple single-tasking processors, is dependent on the specific design proposals. If the CPU’s
considered for the single and multiple processor implementations are equivalent, it is reasonable
to expect that the acquisition cost for the single processor would be lower. Processor prices are
currently low, and the processors are among the least expensive components in the attribute
measurement system for either the single or multiple processor solutions. For these later reasons,
the processor acquisition cost is considered to be indifferent to a single or multiple processor
The integrated costs of acquisition, installation, maintenance, and repair are also dependent on a
comparison of specific design proposals. However, the computational expense is lower, and the
utilization factor is much greater, for one complex computer system running a multi-tasking
operating system than for the distribution of load over many CPU’s. Finally, the operational
costs (e.g., power requirements) are lower for a single multitasking CPU. Though it is unlikely
that computational and power costs are significant economic factors in the operation of an
attribute measurement system, operational cost issues may have added significance in
applications involving frequent or continuous measurement system use in remote locations.
Information Security And System Reliability
The single multitasking processor solution is slightly superior on the issues of network
vulnerabilities and reliability issues. The multiple processor design requires interprocessor
interfaces via communication lines and ports (i.e., a network). Possible network security
measures include the enforcement of one-way data transfers, the disconnection of network
connections during periods of inactivity, checksum-based block protection schemes, encryption,
and key management and authentication.
Few elaborate network security schemes should be
necessary because of the physical protection inherent to the location of the system within an
information barrier enclosure. However, network security must be considered with a multiple
processor solution. The advantage of a single multitasking CPU design is that no interprocessor
communication security considerations exist.
Although the single processor implementation has a quantitative advantage for system reliability
if all CPU’s have equivalent component failure probabilities, the quantitative difference in
system reliability between single and multiple processor designs is negligible and demonstrates
an indifference to design solution for likely implementations (i.e., comparisons to multiple
processor systems with far fewer than 10 CPU’s). Differences in system failure probability scale
linearly with the number of processors. Parametric comparisons demonstrate the scalings for the
examples of a 1 and a 3 CPU system over an arbitrary service lifetime. For small independent
and constant component failure probabilities, the parametric comparisons show that the system
failure probability is an intuitive factor of 3 greater than that for a single processor system.
Only at high uniform component failure probabilities ( > 0.1) do the system failure probabilities
for the 1 and 3 CPU systems converge. Because a reliable design implementation would lead to
the choice of processor components with failure probabilities less than 110
over a standard
service life (i.e., prior to routine processor replacement), the difference in the values of system
failure probability by a factor of 3 between solutions is of negligible consequence for overall
system reliability.
The computational loads on each of multiple processors would be smaller than for the CPU in a
single processor design. Therefore, it is likely that smaller and simpler CPU’s can be used in a
multiple processor design. Each of the simple (i.e., smaller number of traces and lower circuit
density) CPU’s would have a higher component reliability than the CPU in the single processor
configuration. This results in a sub linear scaling of the system failure probability, relative to the
failure probability for a 1 CPU system. The reliability differences of the 1 and 3 CPU systems
may, therefore, may be much less than a factor of 3 under actual implementation.
A comprehensive consideration of the advantages and disadvantages for single or multiple
processor design options results in a general endorsement for the multiple processor design by
the authors. The multiple processor solution provides distinct advantages in the categories of
functional simplicity for hardware and software; processor certification; processor
authentication; the brevity of processor system unavailability and repair time; the restriction of
failures to a tolerable field of failure modes and associated criteria; processing mode capabilities
(e.g., parallel); and processor-resident-information security. The single processor solution has
advantages in the categories of apparent hardware simplicity; the integration of processing
hardware; the processing system size; and information security over any inter-processor
communication network (the single processor does not have this network vulnerability). Though
the single processor solution nominally enjoys a modest quantitative advantage over the multiple
processor design in the category of processor system reliability, a tie is recorded for the
competing solutions in this category. The tie is assigned because the system reliability is largely
indifferent to the solution (provided the number of processors in the multiple processor system
does not approach or exceed 10) in the anticipated individual component reliability regime. A tie
also occurs in the physical security category, because there are no significant differences
between the barrier enclosures, or the number and types of enclosure penetrations, for the
competing solutions. Finally, the processor acquisition cost category is indifferent to the type of
solution. Processors are currently of low expense, and are among the least costly of components
in an attribute measurement system with either single or multiple CPU’s.
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, NA-241. The views and
conclusions presented here are solely those of the authors, and should not be interpreted as
representing the official views, policies or endorsements of the University of California or the
U.S. Government.
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