Kallemeyn, Leanne M.
School of Education, Research Methodology
Loyola University Chicago
820 North Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611
lkallemey[email protected]du
(847) 942-5335
Date Prepared: August, 2017
Associate Professor, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, Aug.
Assistant Professor, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, Aug.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Champaign, IL, 2006—2007
Research Associate, Bureau of Educational Research, UIUC, Champaign, IL, 2006—2007
Research Assistant, Bureau of Educational Research, UIUC, Champaign, IL, 2002—2005
Evaluations Coordinator, Medical Education and Research Center/Spectrum Health, Grand
Rapids, MI, 1999—2002
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL,
Oct. 2006
Dissertation Title: Evaluation Working Within and Challenging Performance Measurement
Systems: An Example with the National Reporting System and On-Going Child
Assessments in a Local Head Start Program
Dissertation Adviser: Dr. Lizanne DeStefano
M.Ed. in Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL,
Adviser: Dr. Lizanne DeStefano
B.A. in Psychology, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, 2000
Adviser: Dr. Marvin Bolt
American Evaluation Association, 2003—present
American Educational Research Association, 2004present
European Evaluation Society, 2016—present
International Mixed Methods Research Association, 2014—present
Kallemeyn 2
Mid-Probationary Research Leave, Loyola University Chicago, 2012
Course Reduction Award, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago, 2009
Travel Award, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Training
Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research: Understanding the Development of
Young Children from an Ecological Perspective, University of Michigan, 2006
Evaluation Coach for Continuous Quality Improvement for the Fussy Baby Network
Advanced Practice Training Expansion. Subcontract from Erikson Institute for a U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home
Visiting Program grant. $128,083. 2015-2017. PI: Leanne Kallemeyn
Research Consultant for The Fussy Baby Network Project in New Orleans. Subcontract from
the Erikson Institute for the Fussy Baby Network Project, $91,200, 2012-2017. PI:
Leanne Kallemeyn
External Evaluation of the Social Studies 2.0 Framework. Contract from the Children’s First
Fund, a Chicago Public Schools Foundation, $35,000, 2015—2016, PI: Dr. Diane
External Evaluation of Differentiating Professional Development: A Data Driven Model for
Literacy Workgroups, subcontract from Roosevelt University for an Illinois Board of
Higher Education Improving Teacher Quality grant, $117,800, 2010—2016. PI: Dr.
Leanne Kallemeyn
External Evaluation of the American Dreams Teaching American History Project, subcontract
from Maine Township High School District for U.S. Department of Education Teaching
American History Grant, $170,000, 2008—2013. PI: Dr. Leanne Kallemeyn.
External Evaluation of the Circle of Citizenship: From Chicago to the World, contract from
the Children’s First Fund, a Chicago Public Schools Foundation, $37,500, 2012. Co-PI:
Dr. Leanne Kallemeyn and Dr. Ann Marie Ryan.
External Evaluation of the Transition Adolescent Literacy Leadership Project, McDougal
Family Foundation, $34,125, 2008—2009, PI: Dr. Leanne Kallemeyn.
External Evaluation of the Transition Adolescent Literacy Leadership Project, subcontract
from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via McDougal Family Foundation,
$19,898, 2007—2008, PI: Dr. Leanne Kallemeyn.
Head Start Dissertation Grant, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $39,984,
2004—2006, PI: Dr. Lizanne DeStefano
Head Start Pre-Dissertation Partnership Development Grant, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, $5,000, 2003—2004, PI: Dr. Lizanne DeStefano
Kallemeyn 3
Kallemeyn, L.M., Evenson, A.*, Heller, S., Taylor, C., Gilkerson, L., & Moran, T. (2018). Local
adaptation during implementation: A case study of the Fussy Baby Network® New
Orleans and Gulf Coast Initiative. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 42, 128-139.
Kallemeyn, L.M. (2018). Using digital photographs in visual narratives. Canadian Journal of
Program Evaluation, 33(1), 114–134. doi: 10.3138/cjpe.31106
Wade, J.*, Kallemeyn, L., Ensminger, D., Baltman, M. & Rempert, T. (2016). The Unified
Outcomes Project: Evaluation Capacity Building, Communities of Practice, and
Evaluation Coaching. The Foundation Review, 8(1), 24—39. DOI: 10.9707/1944-
Kallemeyn, L., Friche, N., Hall, J., & Reynolds, C.* (2015). Cross-continental reflections on
evaluation practice. American Journal of Evaluation, 36, 339-357.
Kallemeyn, L., Ensminger, D., Rempert, T., Polanin, M.* & Wade, J.* (2015). A case study of
evaluation coaching. Evaluation and Program Planning, 49, 124-136.
Kallemeyn, L. (2014). School-level organizational routines for learning: supporting data use.
Journal of Educational Administration, 52( 4), pp.529 – 548.
Kallemeyn, L., Schiazza, D.M.*, Ryan, A.M., Johnson, C., & Peters, J. (2013). Ambitious U.S.
History teachers bringing professional development into the classroom: A mixed
methods study. Research in the Schools, 20(1), 39—56.
Hialdo, A.*, Kallemeyn, L., & Phillips, L. (2013). Examining understandings of parent
involvement in early childhood programs: Implications for policies and practice. Early
Childhood Research and Practice, 15(2). Available at:
Hialdo, A.*, Kallemeyn, L., Leow, C., Israel, M. & Lundy, M. (2011) Supporting child welfare
and parent involvement in preschool programs. Early Childhood Education Journal,
39(5), 343-353.
Kallemeyn, L., & DeStefano, L. (2010). Perceived Purposes of the Head Start National
Reporting System at the Local Program Level: A Case Study. NHSA Dialog: A Research-
to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 13(1), 21-41.
Kallemeyn, L., & DeStefano, L. (2010). Lessons Learned about Perceived Purposes of the Head
Start National Reporting System at the Local Program Level. NHSA Dialog: A Research-
to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 13(1), 46-52.
Kallemeyn, L. (2009). Methodological changes and respecting stakeholder dignity. American
Journal of Evaluation, 30, 575—580.
Kallemeyn, L. (2009). Responding to the Demands of Assessment and Evaluation in Catholic
Education. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 12(4), 498-518.
Kallemeyn, L.M. & DeStefano, L.. (2009). The (limited) use of local-level assessment system: A
case study of the Head Start National Reporting System and on-going child assessments
in a local program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 24(2), 157–174.
Zwart, L. M., & Kallemeyn, L. M. (2002). A peer-based coaching program for students in
college/university with ADHD and learning disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary
Education and Disability, 15(1), 1-15.
Kallemeyn 4
Kallemeyn, L.M. & Hall, J.M. (under revision). Using Complexity Theory to Frame the
Phenomena Mixed Methods Researchers Study. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
Policastro, M., MacDougall, J., Kallemeyn, L., Grabarek, J.*, Wenzel, S., & Deiger, M. (under
revision). Creating Collaborative Balanced Literacy Schools: 7 Systems of Change.
Planning and Changing.
Young, J.* & Kallemeyn, L. (under revision). Retrospective Pretest/Posttest Design and
Response-shift Bias in Afterschool Programs for Youth. Journal of Youth Development.
Wade, J.* & Kallemeyn, L. (under review). The Sustainability of ECB Interventions: An
exploratory study. American Journal of Evaluation.
*indicates a student author
Jankowski, N. & Kallemeyn, L. (2015, Nov.) Interactive Discussion on Evaluation Practices that
Foster Transformative Change. Invited panelist at the Transformative Change Initiative
Evaluation Collaborative Meeting: Approaches to evaluation that Foster Transformative
Change sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of
Community College Research and Leadership. Chicago, IL.
Heller S., Drnach G.,* Taylor C., Kallemeyn L., & Gilkerson L. (2018, May). TBEARS-Tulane
Building Early Relationships Supports and Services: Supportive Home Visitation for
Families Struggling with their Infant’s Behaviour. Poster Presentation at the 16
WAIMH World Congress, Rome, Italy.
Baura, G. & Kallemeyn, L. (2018, June). Building a Functional Cardiograph Over Four
Semesters. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Society for
Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
Baura, G. & Kallemeyn, L. (2018, July). Loyola University Chicago’s BS Engineering Science
Program: Engineering and Social Justice Intertwined. Paper presented at the Founding
Conference for the International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools, Rome, Italy.
Kallemeyn, L.M. (2018, March). Research Evidence and Lessons Learned about Accreditation.
Paper presented at the Working Conference on the Future of Evaluation Education.
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
Kallemeyn, L.M. & Gilkerson, L. (2017, Nov). Using Narratives and Pivotal Stories to Facilitate
Learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association. Washington, DC.
Kallemeyn, L.M., Evenson, A.*, Heller, S., Taylor, C., Gilkerson, L., & Moran, T. (2017, Nov).
Local Adaptation During Implementation: A Case Study of the Fussy Baby Network®
New Orleans and Gulf Coast Initiative. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Evaluation Association. Washington, DC.
Usinger, J., Freeman, M., Kallemeyn, L., & Rallis, S. (2016, Oct). Analyzing Qualitative Data:
One Interview Three Lenses. Panel member at the annual meeting of the American
Evaluation Association. Atlanta, GA.
Kallemeyn 5
Kallemeyn, L. (2016, Oct.) Lessons from the field on using the ECAI to frame and measure
evaluation capacity. Chaired a session at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association. Atlanta, GA.
Hall, J., & Kallemeyn, L. (2016, Oct.). On the Meanings and Use of International Evaluation.
Roundtable at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association. Atlanta, GA.
Hall, J., & Kallemeyn, L. (2016, Sept). On the Meanings and Use of International Evaluation.
Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the European Evaluation Society. Maastricht,
The Netherlands.
Kallemeyn, L. & Hall, J. (2016, Sept). The Language of Complexity and Mixed Methods. Paper
presented at the biennial meeting of the European Evaluation Society. Maastricht, The
Kallemeyn, L., Hines, M., & Knetl, B. (2016, April). Creating College Access: Openning a
Liberal Arts, Junior College. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Center for
Culturally Responsive Assessment and Evaluation. Chicago, IL.
Wade, J., Rempert, T., Kallemeyn, L., & Ensminger, D. (2015, Nov). Collaboration,
Communities of Practice and Coaching: A Case Study of Evaluation Capacity Building.
Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association,
Chicago, IL.
Kallemeyn, L. (2015, Nov). Promoting evaluation capacity through communities of practice and
coaching: The McCormick Foundation’s United Outcomes Project. Session chair at the
annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.
Hall, J., Kallemeyn, L. & Friche, N. (2015, Nov.) Cross-Continental Reflections on Evaluation
Practice: Methods, Use, and Valuing. Discussion leaders at the annual meeting of the
American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.
Kallemeyn, L. & Wright, K. (2014, June). Complex Phenomena and Mixed Methods Research.
Roundtable at the Inagural Conference of the Mixed Methods International Research
Association, Boston, MA.
Kallemeyn, L. (2014, April). School-level Organizational Routines for Learning: Supporting
Data Use. Roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Schiazza, D., Kallemeyn, L., & Ryan, A. (2013, Oct.). Engaging in Integrated Data Analysis:
Methodological and Analytical Considerations. Paper presentation at the annual meeting
of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC.
Kallemeyn, L. (2013, Oct.). Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building. Panel
session chaired at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association,
Washington, DC.
Kallemeyn, L. (2013, April). Successes and Missed Opportunities in an Evaluation of a Teacher
Professional Development Program. Roundtable at the Inaugural Conference for the
Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment. Chicago, IL.
Kallemeyn, L. (2012, November). Outcomes-Based Decision-Making, With Some Data-Based
Decision-Making: A Case Study of an Urban Elementary School Using Data. Paper
presentation at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research
Association, Evanston, IL.
Hall, J., Kallemeyn, L., Friche, N. (2012, October). Cross-Continental Reflections on Evaluation
Practice. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Kallemeyn 6
Kallemeyn, L., McReynolds, C., & Policastro, M. (2012, October). Digital Photos as Data
Sources. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Schiazza, D., Kallemeyn, L., & Ryan, A.R. (2012, May) A case study of a mixed methods
program evaluation engaged in integrated data analysis. Paper presented at the
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL.
Kallemeyn, L., Schiazza, D.M., Ryan, A.M., Johnson, C., & Peters, J. (2012, April).
Understanding the influence of professional development on history teachers’
pedagogical content knowledge. Roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Friche, N., Kallemeyn, L., & Hall, J. (2011, November). Differences and similarities in
American and European evaluation research. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of
the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
Kallemeyn, L., Policastro, M., Wren, J., & Hood, L. (2011, November). Telling our story:
School transformation documented through an ethnographic photo gallery.
Demonstration session at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association,
Anaheim, CA.
Kallemeyn, L., Schiazza, D., & Ryan, A.M. (2011, May). Evaluating professional development
in a Teaching American History Project: Dreams and Realities. Round table presentation
at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans,
Kallemeyn, L. (2010, November). Engaging social justice in a graduate course on program
evaluation. Round table presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association, San Antonio, TX.
Kallemeyn, L., Schiazza, D., Ogle, D., McKnight, K.S., & Livingston, C. (2010, May). Student
Literacy Learning and Transition to High School Assessments: Tools Developed and
Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Denver, CO.
Kallemeyn, L. (2010, May). Evidence-based practice: Integrating research knowledge, local
knowledge, and professional judgment. Round table presentation at the annual meeting of
the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Kallemeyn, L. (2009, November). Evaluating educational innovation in the midst of outcomes
measurement. Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association, Orlando, Florida.
Kallemeyn, L., Ensminger, D., & Pigott, T. (2009, November). Developing a Masters degree
program in collaboration with a Business School. Think tank presented at the annual
meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Orlando, Florida.
Kallemeyn, L., & Johnson, C. (2009, November). Integrating quasi-experimental design and
case study to address diverse stakeholders: An evaluation design for a Teaching
American History project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Evaluation Association, Orlando, Florida.
Kallemeyn, L. (2008, November). Assisting the local program level with performance
measurement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association, Denver, Colorado.
Kallemeyn 7
Kallemeyn, L. (2007, November). What learning does performance measurement facilitate? A
case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation
Association, Baltimore, Maryland.
DeStefano, L., Kallemeyn, L., Scott, K., & Salazar, B. (2006, April). Integrating literacy and
the arts at the zoo: Innovative educational program collaborating with Chicago Public
Schools. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Kallemeyn, L. & DeStefano, L. (2005, April). Understanding school readiness assessments in
Head Start: National Reporting System and curriculum-based assessments. Poster
presented at the Biannual Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Atlanta, GA.
Hammer, V., Kallemeyn, L. M., & Zhu, L. (2003, November). Application of mixed-methods to
the design and analysis process. In Greene, J. C. & DeStefano, L. (Chairs), A purposeful
mixed methods journey in the Illinois Reading Excellence Act (REA) Evaluation.
Symposium conducted at the 17
Annual American Evaluation Association Conference,
Reno, NV.
Kallemeyn, L,, & Gunnoe, M. L. (2000, May). Maternal parenting and youth religiosity as
mediators of the relationship between maternal religiosity and youth outcomes. Psi Chi
Program at the Midwest Psychological Association.
Grabarek, J., Wade, J. & Kallemeyn, L. (2016). External Evaluation of the Chicago Public
Schools Social Science Academy. Chicago Public Schools Department of Curriculum and
Kallemeyn, L., & Grabarek, J. (2016). External Evaluation of the Differentiating Professional
Development Project: Year 6. Roosevelt University and Illinois Board of Higher
Kallemeyn, L., & Grabarek, J. (2015). External Evaluation of the Differentiating Professional
Development Project: Year 5. Roosevelt University and Illinois Board of Higher
Kallemeyn, L., Alves, A., Flores, S., & Morrison, D. (2014). External Evaluation of the
Differentiating Professional Development Project: Year 4. Roosevelt University and
Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Kallemeyn, L., Alves, A., Flores, S., McReynolds, C., & Morrison, D. (2013). External
Evaluation of the Differentiating Professional Development Project: Year 3. Roosevelt
University and Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Kallemeyn, L. Lipsky, E., & Ozbeck, E.. (in preparation). External Evaluation of the American
Dreams Teaching American History Project: Year 5. Maine Township School District
and U.S. Department of Education Teaching American History Program.
Schiazza, D., Kallemeyn, L., Lipsky, E., Ryan, A.M., Denten, J., & Ozbeck, E.D. (2012).
External Evaluation of the ‘Circle of Citizenship: From Chicago to the World’ Program
2011—2012 School Year. Chicago Public Schools Department of Curriculum and
Kallemeyn, L. & McReynolds, C. (2012). External evaluation of the Differentiating Professional
Development Project: Year 2. Roosevelt University and Illinois Board of Higher
Kallemeyn 8
Kallemeyn, L. & Schiazza, D. (2012). External evaluation of the American Dreams Teaching
American History Project: Year 4. Maine Township School District and U.S. Department
of Education Teaching American History Program.
Kallemeyn, L. & Wren, J. (2011). External evaluation of the Differentiating Professional
Development Project: Year 1. Roosevelt University and Illinois Board of Higher
Kallemeyn, L. & Schiazza, D. (2011). External evaluation of the American Dreams Teaching
American History Project: Year 3. Maine Township School District and U.S. Department
of Education Teaching American History Program.
Kallemeyn, L. & Schiazza, D. (2010). External evaluation of the American Dreams Teaching
American History Project: Year 2. Maine Township School District and U.S. Department
of Education Teaching American History Program.
Kallemeyn, L., Livingston, C., & Schiazza, D. (2009). External evaluation of the Transition
Adolescent Literacy Project: Year 3. McDougal Family Foundation.
Kallemeyn, L., & Schiazza, D. (2009). External evaluation of the American Dreams Teaching
American History Project: Year 1. Maine Township School District and U.S. Department
of Education Teaching American History Program.
Kallemeyn, L., DeStefano, L., Livingston, C., & Williams, R. (2008). External evaluation of the
Transition Adolescent Literacy Project: Year 2. McDougal Family Foundation.
DeStefano, L., Kallemeyn, L., Chandler, M., & Salazar, B. (2007). External evaluation of the
Transition Adolescent Literacy Project: Year 1. McDougal Family Foundation.
DeStefano, L., & Kallemeyn, L. (2006). External evaluation of the Lincoln Park Zoo Project
N.O.A.H. 2005-2006 report. Lincoln Park Zoo.
DeStefano, L., Hanson, M.R., & Kallemeyn, L. (2005, August). External evaluation of the
Advanced Reading Development Demonstration Project: Year three report. Chicago
Community Trust.
DeStefano, L., Hammer, V., Fiedler, E., Love, D., & others. (2004). Reading First external
evaluation: Year 1 report to the Illinois State Board of Education. Illinois State Board of
DeStefano, L., Hammer, V., Ryan, K., Davis, J. B., Downs, H., Kallemeyn, L., Lee, H.,
Marszalek, J., Parker, P., & Zhu, R. C. (2003). Reading Excellence Act (REA) external
evaluation: Final report to the Illinois State Board of Education. Illinois State Board of
Introduction to Educational Research (SP 2013, SP2018)
Introduction to Qualitative Research (FA 2007*, FA 2008*, FA 2010, SP 2011, FA 2011, FA
2012, FA 2013, FA 2014, FA 2015, FA2016, FA2017)
Educational Evaluation (SP 2008, SP 2013, SP 2014, SP 2015, SP 2016, SP 2017, SP 2018)
Case Study Research (FA 2008, SP 2010, FA 2011, FA 2012, FA 2014, FA 2016)
Mixed Methods Research (FA2013, FA 2015, FA2017)
Quasi-Experimental Research Design (SP 2007, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Introduction to Evaluation Theory (FA 2006, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; SUM
2015, SUM 2017, SUM2018)
*Indicates 2 sections of the same course
Kallemeyn 9
Advanced Qualitative Methodologies
Rodreiquez, Sophia (Summer 2011)
Blosser, Allison (Summer 2011)
Flores, Sophia (FA 2011)
Desai, Poonam (FA 2011)
Advanced Program Evaluation
Ness, Corinne (SP 2009)
Davis, Elizabeth (SP 2010)
Nedko, Natalya (SP 2010)
Wren, Julie (Summer 2011)
Grabarek, Jana (Spring 2016)
Mixed Methodologies
Schiazza, Daniela (SP 2009)
Burnham, Jeremy (FA 2011)
McReynolds, Clifton (SP 2013)
Ausikaitis, Ashley (Summer 2012)
Desai, Poonam (Summer 2012)
Literature Review
Williams, Ernest (Spring 2017)
Masters (2)
Clark-Meyers, Katherine (2009). Mixed Methods Research in the Health Sciences: A Systematic
Review and Analysis
Im, Young. (2016). Use of Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA) as a Method of Process
Evaluation: Maximizing Limited Resources of Nonprofit Organizations
Dissertation (5)
Heroux, Katheryn. (2012). How Secondary Science Teachers Understand and Implement
Technological Design in their Classrooms.
Schiazza, Daniela. (2013). A Case Study of a Mixed Methods Study Engaged in Integrated Data
Young, Jill (2016). Retrospective Pre/Posttest Design and Response-Shift Bias in an Urban
After-School Program for Teens: A Mixed Methods Study
McReynolds, Clifton. (2017). A Content Analysis of the Journal of Research in Music Education
(2011-2016): Descriptions of research practices and their contexts
Wade, James. (2017). The Sustainability of Evaluation capacity Building Interventions: An
Exploratory study.
In-Progress (5)
Kaye, Brian; Greene-Negron,Victoria; Grabarek, Jana; Grant, Christina; McNicoles, Sean
Kallemeyn 10
Completed (32)
Moore, Forrest; Sziszycki, Lori; McKinney, Daniel; Hialdo, Aimee; Dahlstrand, John; Grais,
Benjamin; Arresola, Celia; Levon-Pettis, Erika; Prihatin, Pius; Schackmuth, Kurt; Ena, Ouda;
Baker, Gregory; Blosser, Allison; Gilbert, Aliza; Helin, Ilona; McCann, Kristin; Rodriquez,
Sophia; Zimmerman, Gwen; Murphy, Jessica; Mujuni, John; Jourian, T.J.; Amber Evenson;
Banach, Matthew; Neir, Stacy; Marshall, Joanna; Segvich, John; McReynolds, Clifton; Lee,
Kathleen; Frey, Julie; Hamadah, Linda; Pease, Heather; Fidishin, Marianne; Costello, Beth;
Allen, Mike
In-Progress (8)
Keiser, Dana; Manderino, Mark; Lauren Solarski; Torrez, Mark; Wallace, Grace (Masters);
Williams, Ernest; Yee, Joliana; Paydon, Marie
Member, School of Education Representative for Faculty Advisory Group for Research
Technologies, 2016—present
Member, Institutional Review Board, 2017—present
Member, School of Education Representative for Graduate School Taskforce, 2017—present
Member, University Appeals Committee, 2015—present
Consultant, Arrupe College, 2015—present
Consultant, School of Engineering, 2015—present
Consultant, Center for Urban Research and Learning, early childhood education and other
education-related program evaluations, 2007—2012
Consultant, Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University Chicago, Project INSPIRE, 2010—
Substitute Representative for the School of Education, University Technology Committee,
Advisory Member, Institute of Pastoral Studies, Project INSPIRE, 2010—2012
Member, Curriculum Committee, 2016—present
Member, Academic Council, 2014—2016
Member, Research Methodologies Search Committee, 2013—2014
Member, International Higher Education Search Committee, 2012—2013
Member, Clinical Faculty Member for Senn High School Partnership, Summer 2012
Member, School of Education, Faculty Development Committee, 2010—2014
Evaluation Consultant, Center for School Evaluation, Intervention, and Training, 2009—2017
Research Consultant, Chicago Teacher Partnership Project, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chair, School of Education, Technology Committee, 2009—2010
Member, School of Education, Technology Committee, 2008—2009
Member, Curriculum and Instruction Search Committee, 2007—2008
Kallemeyn 11
Consultant, Evaluation of Cristo Ray Network Schools, 2008
Consultant, Center of Catholic School Effectiveness regarding the development of standards in
Catholic Education, 2007, 2009, 2012
Consultant, Mary Charles regarding proposal for an external program evaluation, 2007, 2010
Member, New Masters Program in Organizational Evaluation Committee, 2009—2012
Consultant, Evaluation of Chicago Public Schools Gifted Program, 2008
Co-Chair, AEA Qualitative Methods Topical Interest Group, 2016—present
Member, AEA Professional Development Committee, 2015
Journal manuscript reviewer, Journal of Mixed Methods, 2012—present
Journal manuscript reviewer, Evaluation and Program Planning, 2011—present
Journal manuscript reviewer, American Journal of Evaluation, 2009—present
Conference proposal reviewer, Teaching of Evaluation TIG, American Evaluation Association,
Conference proposal reviewer, Qualitative Methods TIG, American Evaluation Association,
Conference proposal reviewer, PreK-12 Schools TIG, American Evaluation Association, 2009,
Conference proposal reviewer, Head Start Researcher Conference, 2011
Conference proposal reviewer, American Evaluation Association, 2008
Conference proposal reviewer, Division H, American Educational Research Association, 2008—
Grant Review Panel Member for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families, Head Start Dissertation Research Grants, 2008
Student Representative, Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate, UIUC, Champaign, IL, 2003-2004
Board Member, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation, Chicago, IL, 2017—present
Elder, Christian Education Committee, Wildwood Presbyterian Church, Wildwood, IL, 2012-
Grant review panel member, United Way of Lake County, 2009
Grant Writer, Evaluation Subcontract for Early Childhood Educator Professional Development,
submitted to U.S. Department of Education, 2006
Presenter, Illinois National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference,
Springfield, IL, 2006
Presenter, Illinois Head Start Association Conference, Springfield, IL, 2005, 2006
Independent Consultant, External Evaluation of the Project N.O.A.H., Lincoln Park Zoo, 2004—
Evaluation Coach, Outcomes-Based Evaluation Workshop, UIUC, Champaign, IL, 2002