Travel 365
Leisure Travel Plans for US Residents
Travel With Condence —
Wherever Your Journey
Takes You
Sickness, injuries, and other emergencies are facts of life.
When youre away from your customary medical and
informational resources, even minor situations can become
more intense. You can travel condently, no matter where you
are or what you need, when you have the right plan in place.
Travel 365 helps provide solutions and insurance protection
for the “what ifs” of modern travel.
You’re covered 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year during
any leisure travel.
Coverages and integrated
services offer a tailored
solution to meet your
unique needs.
One annual premium
covers travel throughout
the year; there’s no need
to activate on a trip-by-
trip basis.
Chubb Travel Protection — Travel 365
Be Prepared for the Unexpected
You’ve put a lot of thought into planning
and preparation for your travels, but what if…
Your travel plans are cancelled or interrupted?
Our plans provide reimbursement for forfeited, pre-paid non-refundable
trip costs and additional covered transportation expenses for trips that are
cancelled or interrupted due to a covered unforeseen event.
Your travel is delayed, preventing you from returning
home and requiring additional accommodations?
Our plans reimburse for reasonable additional expenses incurred until travel
becomes possible to the originally scheduled destination, if your trip is delayed
5 consecutive hours due to a covered unforeseen event.
Your baggage is delayed and you need to purchase
essential items?
We can help reimburse you for the purchase of necessary personal effects if
your baggage is delayed or misdirected for more than 12 hours while on a trip.
Your travel is disrupted due to a sickness or injury
and you need to seek medical attention?
We provide coverage for reasonable and customary charges if you suffer an
injury or sickness requiring you to be treated by a physician while on a trip.
Travel 365 provides
reassurance that our
team will be there to
help if any of these
incidents occur.
We designed our plans
to cover the unexpected
risks related to traveling.
Contact your insurance
broker for a quote.
For coverage questions,
contact our Travel 365
Customer Service
Center at +18448252264.
Standard Plan Benets Travel 365 Basics Travel 365 Essentials Travel 365 Choice
Trip Cancellation N/A
100% of Trip Costs
($2,500 maximum)
100% of Trip Costs
($5,000 maximum)
Trip Interruption $1,000
100% of Trip Costs
($2,500 maximum)
100% of Trip Costs
($5,000 maximum)
Trip Interruption –
Return Air Only
Included in Trip Interruption Included in Trip Interruption Included in Trip Interruption
Trip Delay $750 ($150 per day) $1,000 ($150 per day) $1,500 ($150 per day)
Missed Connection N/A $500 $1,000
Baggage & Personal Effects $1,500 $2,000 $2,500
Baggage Delay $300 ($150 per day) $500 ($250 per day) $1,000 ($250 per day)
Accident & Sickness
Medical Expense*
$25,000 $50,000 $100,000
Emergency Evacuation &
Repatriation of Remains
$250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
Accidental Death
& Dismemberment
$10,000 $50,000 $100,000
Car Rental
Collision Coverage
$35,000 maximum
($250 deductible)
$35,000 maximum
($250 deductible)
Security Evacuation $25,000 $50,000 $100,000
Assistance Services Included Included Included
Coverage limits and rates are per person. All coverages are aggregate amounts for the annual term.
Plans are not available to residents of certain states. Please see the full list of available states here.
Plans are not available for travelers over the age of 80 years old; plans do not include Financial Default benet.
Chubb Travel Assistance provides 24/7
assistance to help you navigate emergencies
and manage your travel risk during a trip.
Our experts have 60+ years of experience
in providing best-in-class assistance, from
medical coordination to destination-based
intelligence and even security evacuations.
Medical Assistance
Provides medical monitoring; doctor, hospital, dentists and clinic
referrals; replacement of eyeglasses or medication; emergency
medical transportation or medical evacuation; return of dependent
children; dispatch of doctor or specialist when needed; assistance
for traveling companion; escort transportation; repatriation
of remains.
Travel Assistance
Provides emergency message relay to relatives, friends and
business associates; emergency cash; legal and bail assistance;
emergency travel arrangements; location of lost or stolen
documents and articles; assistance with foreign language
and interpretation problems.
Personal Assistance
Provides travel advisories for travel destinations; visa, passport
and inoculation requirements; cultural information; embassy and
consulate referrals; foreign exchange rates; temperature and
weather conditions.
Security Assistance
Provides on the ground security assistance in the event of a
potentially life-threatening military or political situation while
traveling or studying abroad and access to a crisis hotline and
security assistance center to discuss any safety concerns about
travel locations or to secure immediate assistance while traveling.
Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage
Reimburses if an Insured cancels their Trip, or is unable to continue
their Trip due to any of the following unforeseen events:
• Sickness, Injury, or death of an Insured, Family Member,
Traveling Companion, Business Partner, or Host at Destination;
• Sickness or Injury of an Insured, Traveling Companion, or
Family Member traveling with the Insured must be so disabling
as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted or
which results in medically imposed restrictions as certied
by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued
participation in the Trip;
• Sickness or Injury of a Family Member not traveling with
the Insured must be because their condition is life-threatening,
as certied by a Physician, or they require the Insured’s
immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to
reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and
must be certied by a Physician;
• Sickness or Injury of the Business Partner must be so disabling
as to reasonably cause the Insured to cancel or interrupt the
Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability
must be certied by a Physician;
• Sickness, Injury, death, or hospitalization of the Insured’s Host
at Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;
• Inclement Weather causing delay or cancellation of travel;
• Strike causing complete cessation of travel services
at the point of departure or Destination;
• The Insured’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable
or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;
• The Insured’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or
inaccessible by ood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption,
re, wildre, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;
• The Insured or Traveling Companion is subpoenaed or
required to serve on a jury;
• The Insured or Traveling Companion is called to active military
service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;
• Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary
within 30 days of the Insured’s scheduled arrival;
• The Insured and/or Traveling Companion is directly involved
in or delayed due to a trafc accident, substantiated by a police
report, while en route to the Insured’s Destination;
Chubb Travel Protection — Travel 365
• A named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption
of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or
Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is
foreseeable prior to the Insured’s effective date. A hurricane
is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm.
The Company will only pay the benets for Losses occurring
within 30 days after the named hurricane makes the Insured’s
Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;
• The Insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a
Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date.
No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by
another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion, or
Traveling Companion’s Family Member; or
• The Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to
be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster
and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as
a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.
Trip Delay Coverage
Reimburses for reasonable additional expenses
incurred until travel becomes possible to the originally
scheduled destination, if your trip is delayed 5 or
more consecutive hours for one of the following
unforeseen events:
• Common carrier delay;
• The Insured’s or traveling companion’s lost or stolen
passports, travel documents, or money;
• Reasons listed (above) under Trip Cancellation
and Interruption benets
Missed Connection Coverage
Reimburses for unused, non-refundable, pre-paid
trip payments or additional transportation expenses
incurred if you miss a trip departure because of a delay
or cancellation of 3 or more consecutive hours due to
inclement weather or a common carrier caused delay.
Chubb Travel Protection — Travel 365
This plan does not cover any loss caused by or resulting from: intentionally self-inicted Injury, suicide, or
attempted suicide of the Insured while sane or insane (this exclusion does not apply to any medical benets);
Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth, other than Unforeseen Complications of Pregnancy, or elective abortion of
the Insured, a Traveling Companion, or a Family Member; participation in professional athletic events, motor
sport, or motor racing, including training or practice for the same; mountaineering where ropes or guides are
normally used and specialized equipment is necessary for the ascent or descent of a mountain. Specialized
equipment includes but is not limited to pick-axes, anchors, bolts, crampons, carabineers, and lead or top-rope
anchoring equipment; war or act of war, whether declared or not, participation in a civil disorder, riot, or
insurrection; operating or learning to operate any aircraft, as student, pilot, or crew; air travel on any air-
supported device, other than a regularly scheduled airline or air charter company; commission of or attempt
to commit a felony by the Insured; Mental, Nervous, or Psychological Disorder (this exclusion does not apply
to any medical benets); if the Insured’s tickets do not contain specic travel dates (open tickets); being under
the inuence of drugs or narcotics, unless administered upon the advice of a Physician or intoxication above
the legal limit; any Loss that occurs at a time when this coverage is not in effect; traveling for the purpose
of securing medical treatment; any Trip taken outside the advice of a Physician.
Pre-existing Medical Condition
The Company will not pay for any loss or
expense incurred as the result of an Injury,
Sickness, or other condition (excluding any
condition from which death ensues) of an
Insured, Traveling Companion, Business
Partner, or Family Member which, within
the 90-day period immediately preceding
and including the Insured’s coverage
effective date: (a) rst manifested itself,
worsened, became acute, or had symptoms
which would have prompted a reasonable
person to seek diagnosis, care, or
treatment; (b) for which care or treatment
was given or recommended by a Physician;
(c) required taking prescription drugs or
medicines, unless the condition for which
the drugs or medicines are taken remains
controlled without any change in the
required prescription drugs or medicines.
Trip Cancellation and
Trip Interruption Exclusions
Unless otherwise provided by this plan,
Benets will not be provided for any loss
resulting (in whole or in part) from: travel
arrangements canceled by an airline, Cruise
line, or tour operator, except as provided
elsewhere in the plan; changes in plans by
the Insured, a Family Member, or Traveling
Companion, for any reason; nancial
circumstances of the Insured, a Family
Member, or a Traveling Companion; any
government regulation or prohibition; an
event which occurs prior to the Insured’s
coverage Effective Date; failure of any
tour operator, Common Carrier, person,
or agency to provide the bargained-for
travel arrangements or to refund money
due the Insured.
Baggage & Personal Eects
and Baggage Delay Exclusions
Benets will not be provided for any Loss,
or damage to, caused by, or resulting in
whole or in part from: animals, rodents,
insects, or vermin; bicycles (except when
checked with a Common Carrier); motor
vehicles, aircraft, boars, boat motors,
ATVs, and other conveyances; articial
prosthetic devices, false teeth, any type
of eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses,
or hearing aids; keys, notes, securities,
accounts, currency, deeds, food stamps,
bills, or other evidences of debt, or tickets;
money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal,
or money orders; property shipped as
freight, or shipped prior to the Departure
Date; contraband, illegal transportation
or trade; items seized by any government,
government ofcial, or customs ofcial;
defective materials or craftsmanship;
normal wear and tear; deterioration.
Car Rental Collision Coverage
Coverage is not provided in whole or in
part for any loss to, or due to: the Insured
or his/her Traveling Companion violating
the rental agreement; rentals of trucks,
(not including jeeps or SUVs) campers,
trailers, off-road vehicles, or Exotic
Vehicles; any obligation the Insured or
his or her Traveling Companion assumes
under any agreement except insurance
collision Deductible; failure to report the
Loss to the proper local authorities and
the rental car company; damage to any
other vehicle, structure, or person as a
result of a covered Loss; participation in
contests of speed, motor sport, or motor
racing including training or practice for
the same; driving under the inuence of
alcohol; being under the inuence of
drugs or intoxicants, unless prescribed
by a Physician; war or act of war, whether
declared or not, the Insured’s participation
in a civil disorder, riot, or insurrection.
Accident Sickness
Medical Expense Exclusions
Unless otherwise provided by this plan,
Benets will not be provided for the
following: routine physical examinations;
mental health care; replacement of
hearing aids, eye glasses, contact lenses,
and sunglasses; routine dental care; any
service provided by the Insured, a Family
Member, or Traveling Companion; alcohol
or substance abuse or treatment for
the same; Experimental or Investigative
treatment or procedures; care or
treatment which is not Medically
Necessary, except for related
reconstructive surgery resulting from
trauma, infection, or disease; coverage
for Trips less than 100 miles from the
Insured’s Primary Residence.
Accidental Death and
Dismemberment and Flight
Accident Exclusions
Benets will not be provided for the
following: loss caused by or resulting
directly or indirectly from Sickness
or disease of any kind; stroke or
cerebrovascular accident or event;
cardiovascular accident or event;
myocardial infarction or heart attack;
coronary thrombosis; aneurysm.
Presented by:
©2023 Chubb. Insurance underwritten and provided by ACE Property & Casualty Insurance Company or ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company afliates or network partners. Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services.
For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at All products may not be available in all states. This communication contains product summaries only.
Coverage is subject to the language of the policies as actually issued. Surplus lines insurance sold only through licensed surplus lines producers. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road,
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
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