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Article Page
Preamble 1
1 Purpose of Agreement 2
2 Recognition and Scope of Agreement 3
3 Status of Agreement 6
4 Classification of Work 9
5 Hours of Service 17
6 Part Time Employees 23
7 Overtime 26
8 Holidays 33
9 Seniority 36
10 Vacancies 40
11 Transfers and Moving Expenses 51
12 Leaves of Absence 52
13 Vacations 57
14 Sick Leave 60
15 Transportation 63
16 Grievance Resolution Procedure 64
17 Safety and Health 76
18 General and Miscellaneous 78
19 Wage Rules 81
20 Savings Clause 85
21 Shift Differential 86
22 Union Security 87
23 // Retirement Plan 91
24 Letters of Agreement 95
25 Insurance 96
26 Longevity Pay 102
27 Effective Date and Duration 103
28 Home Agent 104
29 Field Service 106
30 Training 108
Letters of Agreement #1-24 110
Wage Scales 164
Index 170
as represented by
Hereinafter, Alaska Airlines, Inc. will be referred to as the "Company" and the International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers will be referred to as the "Union."
COPS Guiding Principles 1
Alaska Airlines’ COPS employees have earned a decades-long 3
reputation for distinctive, industry-leading customer service. In order 4
for us to continue to outpace our competition in this rapidly changing 5
industry, we must strive every day to provide a safe and reliable 6
operation as well as a great experience for our passengers. We 7
recognize that having our COPS employees enthusiastically engaged 8
is critical for our future success. 9
The IAMAW and Alaska Airlines management recognize that an 11
effective partnership, based on mutual respect and trust, will improve 12
the long term profitability and competitiveness of Alaska Airlines and 13
is beneficial to the COPS group. In order to take full advantage of all 14
opportunities, labor and management must embrace collaboration as 15
the means to build an innovative and effective team- a team fully 16
focused on the future. 17
Alaska Airlines COPS employees should be well compensated and 19
enjoy a high standard of living and job security. In order to make our 20
career a continued success in this intensely competitive industry, we 21
all must be committed to constantly making our business stronger and 22
more successful. 23
Our mission is to be universally recognized as a high-performance 25
company with a high performance culture. Leadership, employee 26
relations, work rules and incentives should reflect this objective, and it 27
will take the dedicated and unified efforts of leaders for both the 28
company and the IAMAW to make this goal a reality. 29
Management recognizes that the IAMAW is the elected representative 31
for the COPS employee group and we do want to work together to 32
grow the company and improve the livelihoods of our COPS 33
employees. 34
Neither party, through these principles, relinquishes any rights 36
protected by law or the agreement. 37
A. The purpose of this Agreement is, in the mutual interest of the 3
Company and of the employees, to provide for the operation of the 4
services of the Company under methods which will further, to the 5
fullest extent possible, the safety of air transportation, the efficiency of 6
operation, and the continuation of the employment under conditions of 7
reasonable hours, proper compensation, and reasonable working 8
conditions. It is recognized by this Agreement to be the duty, of the 9
Company and of the employees, to cooperate fully, both individually 10
and collectively, for the advancement of that purpose. 11
B. No employee covered by this Agreement will be interfered with, 13
restrained, coerced, or discriminated against by the Company, its 14
officers or agents, because of membership in or lawful activity on 15
behalf of the Union. 16
C. It is understood wherever in this Agreement employees or jobs 18
are referred to they shall be recognized as both male and female and 19
they shall be referred to as s/he and his/her. 20
D. Both the Company and the Union recognize and mutually agree 22
that no employee covered by this Agreement will be discriminated 23
against because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, sexual identity, 24
religion, age, veterans, handicapped or national origin. 25
A. In accordance with the National Mediation Board certification in 3
Case No. R-4416 dated March 8, 1974, the Company recognizes the 4
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers as the 5
sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all employees of Alaska 6
Airlines, Incorporated, composing the class and craft as covered 7
under this Agreement. 8
B. The Company agrees that the work set forth in the 10
Classifications in Article 4 of this Agreement, normally performed by 11
employees in those Classifications, within the Company's airline 12
operations in the U.S.A. and its possessions, comes within the 13
jurisdiction of the IAMAW and is covered by the provisions of this 14
Agreement. 15
C. Except as provided in Article 4.E. // management and other 17
employees will not perform work in the classifications as set forth in 18
Article 4. 19
D. The Company may continue to subcontract out work which has 21
heretofore been customarily contracted out. It is the Company's intent 22
to utilize its own facilities and equipment in performing work in its own 23
organization where it is economically feasible because of the 24
existence of the equipment, facilities and technology. However, the 25
Company may subcontract out any work for which the Company's cost 26
exceeds the charge of a vendor. Each twelve (12) months during the 27
term of this Agreement, the Union may request a meeting with the 28
Company, in writing through Labor Relations, for the purpose of 29
reviewing the status of all stations wherein the classifications covered 30
by this agreement are not utilized. Other work, not previously 31
subcontracted and/or cost effective for the Company to perform, which 32
is included in the classifications under the Agreement, shall not be 33
subcontracted without the mutual agreement of the Company and the 34
Union. 35
E. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be governed by the 37
Company's General Policy and Operating Manuals, and the System 38
Regulation and Customer Service Manuals and by all other applicable 39
rules, regulations and orders issued by properly designated authorities 40
of the Company which are not in conflict with the terms of this 41
Agreement. The Company shall have the right to modify these 42
manuals, policies and System Regulations during the term of the 1
Agreement. A copy of the Company's manuals, applicable rules, and 2
regulations shall be maintained at each station, and shall be made 3
reasonably available to employees. Each employee shall be 4
responsible for knowledge of their location and contents. The 5
Company shall advise all employees of changes in rules and/or 6
regulations that could result in disciplinary action. 7
F. When “new equipment” is put into service by the Company, all 9
employees required to utilize this “new equipment” will be provided 10
training regarding its use. To the extent practicable, all employees will 11
be given an opportunity to become familiar with the new equipment. 12
Upon review and approval by local management, such training may 13
include one-on-one individual training. 14
G. 1. In the event of the introduction of “new equipment or 16
technology” that will be used by employees in this bargaining unit and 17
will directly affect the employees performance or process in 18
functioning in his/her position, the Company and the IAM 19
President/Directing General Chair or his/her designee will meet at 20
least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the scheduled implementation 21
date for the “new technology”. The purpose of this meeting will be to 22
discuss and review the impact of the new technology. The following 23
topics shall be reviewed at this meeting. 24
a. A description of the nature of the proposed 26
technological changes. 27
b. The approximate number, locations and employee 29
classifications likely to be affected by the technological change. 30
c. The impact on the job security of bargaining unit 32
employees. 33
d. The reason for the change and the impact it will 35
have on the Company’s operation. 36
e. The Company’s efforts to minimize any negative 38
impact the technological change may have on the employees 39
affected. 40
2. If the introduction of new technology directly results in a 1
reduction in force of employees covered by this Agreement, the 2
Company will make reasonable efforts to provide retraining and/or 3
alternate job placement within the Company for all affected incumbent 4
employees. 5
3. For purposes of this Article, the terms “new equipment” 7
and/or “new technology” do not include enhancements or upgrades to 8
currently used equipment or systems. Such new equipment or 9
technology must be used by the employees covered by this 10
Agreement and must directly affect the employee’s performance or 11
functioning in his/her job. 12
A. In the event the Company opens a new station within the United 3
States or its possessions, such station shall be considered the same 4
as a new department of the Company and shall come under this 5
Agreement. 6
B. It is further understood and agreed that all provisions of this 8
Agreement shall be binding upon the successors or assigns of the 9
Company throughout the system and upon any wholly owned 10
subsidiary company airlines until the annual renewal date of the 11
Agreement. In case of consolidation or merger, representatives of the 12
Company and Union will meet within 30 days and negotiate for proper 13
provisions for the protection of employees' seniority and property 14
rights. 15
C. The right to hire, promote, discharge or discipline for cause and 17
to maintain discipline and efficiency of employees is the sole 18
responsibility of the Company, provided it is not in conflict with any 19
provision in this Agreement. In addition, it is agreed upon and 20
understood that the routes to be flown, the equipment to be used, the 21
location of plants, hangars, facilities, stations, and offices; the 22
scheduling of airplanes, the general operation and direction of the 23
Company and its employees are the sole and exclusive function and 24
responsibility of the Company. 25
D. It is the intent of the parties of this Agreement that the 27
procedures herein shall serve as a means of peaceful settlement for 28
all disputes that may arise between them. During the life of this 29
Agreement the Company will not lock out any employee; the Union will 30
not cause or permit its members to cause, nor will any member of the 31
Union take part in any sit-down, stay-in, or slowdown in any plant, 32
hangar or facility of the Company, or in any curtailment or restriction 33
of operation, overhaul, repair or servicing of airplane, or any work of 34
the Company. The Union will not cause or permit its members to 35
cause, nor will any member of the Union take part in any strike or 36
stoppage of any of the Company's operations, or picket any of the 37
Company plants or premises until the bargaining procedures outlined 38
in this Agreement and provided for in the Railway Labor Act have been 39
exhausted; and in no case where a grievance or dispute comes under 40
the jurisdiction of the System Board of Adjustment as provided for 41
herein. The Company reserves the right to discipline any employee 42
taking part in any violation of this provision of the Agreement, or 43
engaging in any willful destruction or defacing of Company property. 44
E. In the event of a merger, purchase, or acquisition of another air 1
carrier involving that entire company or any portion of that company 2
by the Company, the IAMAW and the Company will meet to discuss 3
the merger, purchase or acquisition. The Company will provide the 4
IAMAW with the information concerning the proposed merger, 5
purchase or acquisition reasonably in advance of the transaction for 6
the union to prepare for discussions. Those discussions will include 7
the impact of IAMAW jobs as a result of the merger, purchase or 8
acquisition. 9
F. This Agreement shall be binding upon any successor, assign, 11
assignee, transferee, administrator, executor and/or trustee (a 12
“successor”) of the Company resulting from any transaction that 13
involves transfer (in a single transaction or a multistep transaction) to 14
such successor of ownership and/or control of all or substantially all of 15
the equity securities and/or assets of the Company. The Company 16
agrees that it shall not consummate any transaction that involves a 17
transfer as defined herein until the Successor agrees in writing to be 18
bound by the terms of this agreement. 19
The following provisions apply in the case of a successorship 21
transaction, as described in paragraph E. above, in which the 22
successor is an air carrier or any corporate affiliate, alliance or 23
acquisition of an air carrier. The Clerical, Office and Passenger 24
Service employees shall be merged in accordance with the following: 25
1. The integration of the seniority lists of the Clerical, Office 27
and Passenger Service employees shall be governed by Sections 28
2.a., 3 and 13 of the Allegheny-Mohawk Labor Protection Provisions 29
(LPP’s). The successor shall accept the integrated seniority list, 30
including any conditions and restrictions established through the LPP 31
proceedings, as applicable; and 32
a. There shall be no system wide realignment of Clerical, 34
Office and Passenger Service positions, or system rebid, 35
resulting from the integration of the seniority lists or the 36
implementation of a single collective bargaining agreement that 37
results in employees on the Alaska Airlines seniority list being 38
involuntarily displaced or bumped from their station by a pre-39
transaction employee of the Successor. This paragraph shall 40
not restrict the Successor from the furloughing of employees 41
from the integrated seniority list due to closure of a station or 42
reduction in operations at a station. 43
2. The respective Clerical, Office and Passenger Service 1
collective bargaining agreement shall be merged into one (1) 2
agreement as the result of negotiations with IAM and the Successor; 3
and 4
3. In the event of a transaction in which the Successor is not 6
an air carrier or any corporate affiliate of an air carrier, the Successor 7
shall, in addition to assuming all obligations under the Agreement, 8
provide the Clerical, Office and Passenger Service with Labor 9
Protection Provisions as specified in paragraph E. above. 10
4. Any and all disputes concerning alleged violation of 12
Paragraph E. shall be resolved by final and binding arbitration. The 13
Company agrees to arbitrate any grievance filed by the Association 14
alleging violation of Paragraph E. on an expedited basis directly before 15
a neutral arbitrator. The dispute shall be heard expeditiously no later 16
than thirty (30) days following the submission to the neutral arbiter and 17
decided expeditiously no later than sixty (60) days after submission. 18
The parties agree to abide by any arbitration award that is issued. 19
A. The following classifications are listed for the purpose of job 3
bidding for vacancies and do not correspond to pay grades. 4
B . Clerical Division 6
1. Lead Work Control Specialist 8
2. Work Control Specialist 9
3. Lead Accounting Specialist 10
4. Accounting Specialist 11
5. Records Specialist 12
6. Manuals Specialist 13
7. Lead Mail Specialist 14
8 Mail Specialist 15
9. Crew Scheduling Specialist 16
C . Agent Division 18
1. Lead Crew Scheduler 20
2. Crew Scheduler 21
3. Lead Operations Agent 22
4. Operations Agent 23
5. Lead Station Agent 24
6. Station Agent 25
7. Lead Customer Service Agent 26
8. Customer Service Agent 27
9. Lead Cargo System Control Agent 28
10. Cargo System Control Agent 29
11. Lead Central Reservations Control Agent 30
12. Central Reservations Control Agent 31
13. Lead Reservations Sales Agent 32
14. Reservations Sales Agent 33
D. Job Descriptions 35
The words "but not limited to" as used in this Article are not intended 37
to provide for utilization of employees in performing duties described 38
in higher paying job descriptions in Article 4, paragraph D. without 39
proper compensation as set forth in Article 19, paragraph H. It is 40
intended to mean that the job descriptions are not all-inclusive and, 41
also, that employees may perform functions in lateral and lower paying 1
positions without a reduction in pay. 2
Clerical Division 4
Lead Work Control Specialist- 6
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the duties of a Work 7
Control Specialist. In addition, the Lead Work Control Specialist will 8
supervise and train Work Control Specialists. 9
Work Control Specialist- 11
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, maintaining, updating 12
databases, accessing and updating functions using ARCTIC 13
mainframe and/or PC related systems. Reviewing processing, 14
monitoring and reporting production and labor statistics, inclusive of 15
daily, weekly, month end, quarterly and year end reports. Maintain 16
work packages and assemble data for pre-dock and post-dock 17
meetings. Schedule and track repairs, material requirements and 18
general aircraft activity/requirements. Support individual shift and daily 19
turnover meeting requirements. Provide operational support related to 20
the aircraft and shop maintenance processes and record keeping, 21
including security, audit review and regulatory compliance 22
requirements. Maintain awareness of aircraft maintenance procedures 23
and processes including updates/revisions to our manuals and 24
general documentation. 25
Lead Accounting Specialist - 27
Duties include, but are not limited to, examining and coding invoices 28
and/or vouchers and making accounting distribution and allocations, 29
account coding, account analysis, journal entries, preparation and 30
reconciliation of accounts receivable, accounts payable. May be 31
assigned the responsibility of supervising other Accounting 32
Specialists. 33
Accounting Specialist - 35
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, accounting and clerical 36
tasks of a fundamental and routine nature according to prescribed 37
procedures under supervision, including accounts payable/receivable, 38
payroll, statistics, and auditing; checking and verifying and correcting 39
sales reports, cash receipt summaries, verifying fare and rate charged 40
on tickets, airbills, and excess baggage receipts; balancing daily cash 41
transactions, preparing journal and voucher entries, code account 42
distribution, make simple specific analysis as directed, record cash 1
receipts and disbursements, prepare general fund checks as directed. 2
Reviewing forms, records, and reports for accuracy, completion and 3
conformance with standards. Operates standard office machines and 4
equipment incidental to efficient discharge of primary assignments 5
and responsibilities. 6
Records Specialist - 8
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, maintaining current files 9
of logs, records, work in progress or accomplished and will provide 10
status reports and forecasts to facilitate work scheduling. Shall 11
maintain coordination with EDP where necessary to input information 12
accurately. Shall also perform other clerical duties such as 13
preservation and storage of records. 14
Manuals Specialist - 16
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, preparation, 17
maintenance and revision of all Company and FAA mandated 18
manuals, coordination with various departments in ensuring revisions 19
are properly submitted, including proofing page numbers and dates, 20
and processing revisions through printing and distribution, maintain 21
historical manual copies and complete set of Flight and Operation 22
manuals for FAA audit purposes. Maintain database for company 23
controlled manuals and monthly Company newspaper. Distribute 24
monthly copy-holder list and revision reports and bi-monthly Company 25
newspaper, and provide distribution and recordkeeping of Seattle 26
based parking stickers. 27
Lead Mail Specialist - 29
Duties include, but are not limited to, those of a Mail Specialist. In 30
addition, the Lead Mail Specialist shall supervise and may train Mail 31
Specialist. 32
Mail Specialist 34
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, handling, sorting, 35
folding, stamping, pick-up and dispersion of all Company mail and 36
U.S. mail. 37
Crew Scheduling Specialist - 39
Duties include, but are not limited to, the preparation and filing of 40
documents and the performance of any function, including handling 41
telephone contacts in the assistance of a crew scheduler or 42
scheduling supervisor. Assistance means that the specialist will not 1
do any crew scheduler, or scheduling supervisor work except under 2
the direct supervision by a scheduler or supervisor. 3
Agent Division 5
Lead Crew Scheduler - 7
Duties include the duties of a Crew Scheduler. In addition, the Lead 8
Crew Scheduler will supervise and may train Crew Schedulers and 9
Crew Scheduling Specialists. 10
Crew Scheduler - 12
Duties include, but are not limited to, the scheduling and/or 13
assignment of crew members for flight deck or flight cabin duty, 14
including checking in crews, assuring coverage and handling day-to-15
day situations. 16
Lead Operations Agent - 18
Duties include the duties of an Operations Agent. In addition, the Lead 19
Operations Agent will supervise and may train Operations Agents. 20
Operations Agent - 22
Duties include, but are not limited to, flight releases, load planning, 23
weight and balance for all aircraft, keeping all pertinent operations 24
manuals up to date, and transmitting all load messages to their 25
respective stations or offices. At ASA stations, without FAA, FSS 26
weather services, the Operations Agent may gather and transmit 27
(hourly) Company weather observations. If the total amount of the 28
operations work performed on a shift exceeds three and one-half (3-29
1/2) hours, a full time Operations Agent shall be employed. Duties of 30
an Operations Agent may include duties as described in the Customer 31
Service Agent classification. 32
Lead Station Agent - 34
Duties include, but are not limited to, the duties of a Station Agent. In 35
addition, the Lead Station Agent will supervise and may train agents. 36
Station Agent - 38
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, duties found in the job 39
descriptions for a Customer Service Agent, Operations Agent and 40
Ramp Serviceman (as defined in the Ramp Service and Stores Agent 41
[RSSA] contract, Article 4). Station Agents may be used at the existing 42
stations of Gustavus (GST), Wrangell (WRG) and Petersburg (PSG) 1
as well as any other current station. Station Agents may be utilized at 2
future stations served by Alaska Airlines where the work might have 3
otherwise been subcontracted. It is understood that no employee 4
under the COPS or RSSA Agreements will be laid off as a result of 5
adding the Station Agent classification. Ramp Service Agents 6
covered by the Ramp Service and Stores Agent (RSSA) labor 7
agreement will be able to bid all Station Agent positions. The awarding 8
of this position will be to the senior qualified employee possessing the 9
qualifications of this position for both COPS and RSSA employees. 10
The Station Agent classification will not be utilized in the following 11
stations: Anchorage, Seattle, Portland, Juneau, Los Angeles and San 12
Francisco. 13
Lead Customer Service Agent - 15
Duties include but are not limited to the duties of a Customer Service 16
Agent. In addition, the Lead Customer Service Agent will supervise 17
and may train agents in all other classifications. When there are four 18
(4) or more Customer Service Agents on duty at a single work location 19
on a shift (exclusive of shift overlap) a Lead Customer Service Agent 20
position will be established for the shift. When a Lead Customer 21
Service Agent is not on duty for a particular day or shift and one is 22
required, the position will be assigned first to the most senior 23
employee on duty holding Lead Customer Service Agent seniority, 24
then to the most qualified employee on duty in the Customer Service 25
Agent classification, unless the employee has informed the Company 26
in writing on January 1 of each year, s/he does not desire to be 27
upgraded. Such letters must be renewed if the employee changes 28
stations or work location at the same station. Probationary employees 29
will not be considered for any upgrade. Whenever the Company 30
designates a zone coordinator, a Lead Customer Service Agent will 31
perform the duties. One Lead Customer Service Agent may supervise 32
up to twenty (20) agents. Security Agents will not be included in the 33
computation for the minimum or maximum. Shift overlap means 34
day shift, afternoon, or nights, not shift starting times. Example: two 35
(2) day shift starting times of six (6) a.m. and eight (8) a.m. would not 36
be considered as an overlap. 37
Customer Service Agent - 39
Duties include, but are not limited to, performing customer relations 40
activities including conversion of passengers' tickets, meeting other 41
carriers' flights to direct passengers to Company facilities, handling 42
individual passenger's problems, assisting passengers and/or tour 1
groups at the ticket counter, gate check-in areas, and baggage 2
claiming areas; receiving inquiries regarding fares, schedules, 3
routings, and connecting flights; verifying space availability and 4
confirming reservations; controlling arrival and departure of 5
passengers; notifying passengers of delays, cancellations, or extra 6
sections; selling tickets; checking in passengers' luggage, baggage, 7
and freight; operating jet-loaders and/or motorized stairs; operating 8
equipment used in transmitting and receiving messages; working lost 9
and found; receiving, routing and dispatching of air freight, Company 10
material, U.S. mail, and Small Package Express; customer contact 11
regarding outbound and inbound shipments; handling all waybills and 12
manifests; maintaining office files, manuals, and reports; performing 13
security surveillance, as necessary; and may be required to have a 14
driver’s license. Duties may also be those of a Departure Coordinator, 15
which may include; operating and monitoring equipment for flight and 16
gate information display systems and updating information on 17
systems; coordinating and communicating that aircraft have been 18
properly cleaned, provisioned and secured prior to departure, 19
coordinating and communicating load information regarding cargo, 20
mail, passengers, baggage and any other special items per the 21
published load plan and instructions, reporting final load information 22
and coordinating gate activities with other airlines and to act as an 23
airport liaison between Operations, Customer Service, Ramp, Cargo, 24
Fueling, Maintenance, Flight Attendants, and Pilots; observation and 25
reading of FAA winds and weather equipment (i.e. JNU winds); 26
planeside presence validating loading and placement of items on 27
aircraft and reporting final numbers as needed to operations. 28
Lead Cargo System Control Agent - 30
Duties include, but are not limited to, the duties of a Cargo System 31
Control Agent. In addition, the Lead Cargo System Control Agent will 32
supervise and may train agents. 33
Cargo System Control Agent - 35
Duties shall include, but are not limited to, handling telephone contacts 36
with prospective cargo customers, initiating and completing cargo 37
booking and tracking transactions, computing cargo rates, responding 38
to system cargo questions relating to policy, procedures, and cargo 39
system functionality, use of necessary office and computer equipment 40
and processing system problem reports. 41
Lead Central Reservations Control Agent - 1
Duties include the duties of a Central Reservations Control Agent. In 2
addition, the Lead Central Reservations Control Agent will supervise 3
and may train Central Reservations Control Agents. 4
Central Reservations Control Agent - 6
Duties shall include, but not be limited to, flight inventory control, 7
liaison with processor control, recommendation and establishment of 8
extra sections, control of computer repair advice, maintenance of 9
reservations quality control and may include the performance of the 10
duties of a Reservations Sales Agent. 11
Lead Reservations Sales Agent - 13
Duties include, but are not limited to, those of a Reservations Sales 14
Agent. In addition, the Lead Reservations Sales Agent will supervise 15
Reservations Sales Agents on a shift and may train such agents. 16
When four (4) or more Reservations Sales Agents are on duty at a 17
single work location on a shift (exclusive of shift overlap) one Lead 18
Reservations Sales Agent will be established for the shift. When a 19
Lead Reservations Sales Agent is not on duty for a particular day or 20
shift and one is required, the position will be assigned first to the most 21
senior employee on duty holding Lead Reservations Sales Agent 22
Seniority, then to the most qualified Reservations Sales Agent on duty 23
unless the employee has informed the Company in writing that s/he 24
does not desire to be upgraded. Such letters will be renewed January 25
1 of each year and if the employee changes stations or work locations 26
at the same station. A Lead Reservations Sales Agent will supervise 27
and be responsible for up to thirty-five (35) Reservations Sales Agents 28
only. Probationary employees will not be considered for any upgrade. 29
Shift overlap means day shift, afternoon, or night, not shift starting 30
time. Example: Two (2) day shift starting times of six (6) a.m. and 31
eight (8) a.m. would not be considered as an overlap. 32
Reservations Sales Agent - 34
Duties shall include, but not be limited to, receiving inquiries 35
concerning travel; furnish information regarding arrivals, departures, 36
fares, schedules, routings, policies, other facilities. The inquires could 37
be in a telephone, email or fax format. The Reservations Sales Agent 38
(RSA) will determine and recommend the service which meets the 39
customer’s needs, verify availability of space, confirm reservations; 40
record customer information for office records. The RSA will also 41
make appropriate changes upon receipt of ticketing, cancellation and 42
other pertinent information for the customer. They will support special 1
services which include support desk functions as deemed necessary 2
by departmental management. The RSA may also initiate contact with 3
potential/established customers to advise of promotional offers or 4
services. The RSA has use of necessary office and computer 5
equipment as required and may assist a CRC Agent in the 6
performance of his/her duties. 7
E. // Management personnel not covered by this Agreement will
predominantly perform supervisory duties but may assist employees
with the performance of their duties. // In addition, management
personnel not covered by this Agreement may perform work in the 12
above Classifications by: (1) assisting employees under this 13
Agreement in those instances when due to an unforeseeable peak 14
period, where time is of the essence, and no other arrangement is 15
feasible to alleviate the situation, or (2) when instructing or training of 16
employees, or in emergencies. It is agreed that the servicing of late 17
flights, the performance of necessary work to maintain flight 18
schedules, or the protection of Company property against the 19
elements may be considered emergencies. Management employees 20
in professional or technical capacities may perform work included 21
within the Clerical Classifications consistent with their duties (e.g. 22
Accountant, Engineer, Purchasing Agent, Secretary). // Boardroom 23
Hostesses may perform reservations and seat assignment functions 24
for members and guests in the Company's Boardroom facilities. (See 25
Letter of Agreement, #1.) There is no intent to use this paragraph as 26
a vehicle to displace jobs in the bargaining unit. In order to review its 27
efficiency, the parties will meet semi-annually for the purpose of 28
discussing management working under this paragraph and to mutually 29
resolve. 30
// 32
F. Employees in classifications under this agreement may
routinely work in other classifications and be paid in conformance with 35
Article 4, paragraph E. and Article 19, paragraph H. 36
A. Work Day 3
1. Eight (8) consecutive hours exclusive of a meal period 5
shall constitute a standard work day. Eight (8) consecutive hours 6
inclusive of a meal period shall constitute a work day for third shift as 7
described in Article 21. 8
2. Ten (10) consecutive hours, exclusive of a meal period 10
not to exceed thirty (30) minutes, shall constitute a modified work day. 11
The lunch period may, at the option of the Company, exceed thirty (30) 12
minutes in which case the excess over thirty (30) minutes shall be paid 13
for at straight time rates. Ten (10) consecutive hours, inclusive of a 14
meal period, shall constitute a modified work day for third shift as 15
described in Article 21. 16
3. A part time employee shall receive a paid lunch for third 18
shift as described in Article 21, if more than five (5) consecutive hours 19
are worked. 20
4. The hour of the work day will be divided into ten (10) 22
periods of six (6) minutes each in calculating all pay. 23
B. Work Week 25
1. A standard work week consists of a seven (7) day period 27
with five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days of work and two (2) 28
consecutive scheduled days off and shall commence with the first day 29
of work following the scheduled days off. 30
2. The modified Work Week may be used at a station or bid 32
location. A modified Work Week will consist of four (4) consecutive 33
ten (10) hour days worked within seven (7) consecutive days. Three 34
(3) consecutive days shall be scheduled as regular days off and shall 35
commence with the first day of work following the scheduled days off 36
in each Work Week. The modified Work Day and Work Week will not 37
be implemented or discontinued within sixty (60) days of the last 38
change unless there is a change in the Company's general schedule 39
affecting the station, or an increase or decrease in employees within 40
the work group without the mutual agreement of the Company and the 41
majority of the employees in the affected work group and notification 1
to the General Chair prior to the change. 2
3. Except for a relief shift, as defined in Article 21, no more 3
than two (2) starting times within the same shift (1, 2 or 3) within a time 4
frame of three (3) hours will be allowed in the employee’s weekly 5
schedule. 6
4. Full time and part time relief schedule(s) may be 8
developed to augment the work force on an as needed basis (i.e., to 9
provide coverage for vacations including DAT/HAT, absences, open 10
shifts, or other operational or training needs). Employees on Relief 11
schedules will bid by classification seniority for the shift requiring 12
coverage as follows unless the employee voluntarily agrees to less 13
notice: in locations with three (3) or more relief agents, for every three 14
(3) Relief shift employees, one (1) will have a minimum of five (5) days 15
notice and the other two (2) will have a minimum of fourteen (14) days 16
notice. For those locations with less than three (3) Relief employees, 17
all will have the minimum five (5) days notice. Lead qualified relief 18
employees may cover Lead shifts. Hours for full time employees on 19
relief schedules shall not be involuntarily reduced when relieving part 20
time employees. Part-time employees on relief schedules shall be 21
scheduled for a minimum of 20 hours and a maximum of // 32 hours
per week. Variable work schedules resulting from such relief coverage 23
are not in violation of the labor agreement. Relief employees on 24
variable work schedules will be paid the applicable shift differential as 25
defined in Article 21, paragraph C. 26
a. Agents on five (5) day relief may have their shift 28
adjusted with no less than 5 days notice. 29
5. All employees assigned to a relief work schedule shall 31
have their work week coincide with the pay week. 32
C. All employees covered by this Agreement scheduled to work 34
more than five (5) hours exclusive of a meal period will be scheduled 35
to have a meal period of not less than one-half (1/2) hour nor more 36
than one (1) hour. 37
1. If the lunch period is one-half (1/2) hour, it will be 39
scheduled within one (1) hour before and one (1) hour after the middle 40
of the shift. 41
2. If the lunch period is one (1) hour, it will be scheduled 2
within one and one-half (1-1/2) hours before or one and 3
one-half (1-1/2) hours after the middle of the shift. 4
3. a. Off Schedule Lunch 5
If the employee fails to have his/her lunch 6
period as set forth above, s/he will be entitled to straight time 7
pay, not to exceed thirty (30) minutes, for the lunch period 8
missed, and will be permitted to receive his/her full lunch period 9
as soon as possible. The Company may direct the employee to 10
leave work thirty (30) minutes early, without loss of pay, in lieu 11
of pay for the lunch period. 12
b. No Lunch 14
If the employee fails to receive his/her lunch 15
period as set forth above, s/he shall receive thirty (30) minutes 16
at the time and one-half (1-1/2) rate of pay for his/her missed 17
lunch and also receive the applicable rate of pay for all hours 18
worked (overtime, if applicable). The Company may direct the 19
employee to leave work one (1) hour early, without loss of pay, 20
in lieu of pay for the missed lunch. A graveyard shift (third shift) 21
employee who receives no lunch will receive the applicable rate 22
of pay for all hours actually worked plus sixty (60) minutes at the 23
time and one-half (1-1/2) rate of pay as compensation for the 24
missed lunch. 25
D. All employees covered by this agreement scheduled to work an 27
eight (8) hour shift, will be granted a fifteen (15) minute rest period 28
during the first half of a work shift and a fifteen (15) minute rest period 29
during the second half of a work shift without loss of time for the 30
purpose of relaxation. The time of rest periods will be regularly 31
scheduled and posted by the Company insofar as possible. Part-time 32
employees shall be granted a fifteen (15) minute rest period which will 33
be scheduled for each four (4) hours worked. Employees scheduled 34
to work a ten (10) hour shift will be granted a fifteen (15) minute rest 35
period in addition to the two (2) rest periods received by eight (8) hour 36
shift employees. 37
E. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be called to work 39
or required to report for work for less than his/her normal work day or 40
pay therefore, except when the employee has been relieved for the 41
day and is recalled to work in accordance with Article 7, paragraph K. 1
of the Agreement. Full time employees of the Company shall be 2
provided with a minimum of forty (40) hours of work each week. 3
F. Trades 5
1. Employees in the same classification and work group may 7
participate in the trade of days off or shifts with their manager's 8
approval forty-eight (48) hours in advance. The employee working 9
the trade shall not be credited the hours towards weekly overtime, but 10
shall be compensated at his/her regular rate of pay and shall receive 11
credit for the accruals for workers compensation, Family Medical 12
Leave, and retirement. The employee not working his/her shift shall 13
not be compensated for the shift, however, s/he shall receive the 14
accruals for step increase date, seniority, sick leave, and vacation. If 15
a trade takes place and one (1) or both of the employees is absent 16
due to illness, no sick leave shall be payable. The employee that 17
agreed to work would be considered as on a regular day off, and the 18
employee normally scheduled to work would be considered to be on 19
an authorized leave of absence for the day. Employees may use 20
compensatory time earned on a one-for-one basis for trade days off. 21
It is expressly understood that there shall be no additional accrual 22
related to the use of compensatory time. 23
a. When two employees trade shifts of the same length 25
on the same day that time shall be considered for calculations 26
of daily overtime. 27
b. Employees will be allowed up to trade up to fifty (50) 29
percent of their scheduled monthly hours. 30
2. Flex-time: Employees in the Clerical Division, Resource
Planning, and Contract Service Leads may participate in “flex-time”
scheduling as provided below: 34
a. Subject to the advance approval of management, 36
employees will be permitted to participate in this program. 37
b. The manager’s decision to offer flex-time will be 39
based on employee requests and the operational needs of 40
the work function. Lunch and rest periods may be adjusted 41
by the manager to maintain a smooth and efficient operation. 42
c. The employee requesting such leave shall submit the 2
request in writing to his/her immediate manager at least two 3
working days in advance of the leave date. 4
d. The date and time of the leave make-up shall be 5
mutually agreed to by the employee and the immediate 6
manager and according to the local policy. 7
G. In lieu of overtime payments, employees may, at their option, 9
earn compensatory time at the applicable overtime rate at which it was 10
worked up to one hundred twenty (120) hours per calendar year. Such 11
time may be used as follows: 12
1. Employees may take compensatory time off on a one-for-14
one basis during the calendar year it is earned. The use of time off 15
will be awarded as long as overtime is not anticipated to be required 16
to cover the resulting shift. Awarding of time off will be according to 17
the provisions in Article 13, paragraph F.1. 18
2. At the time of the vacation bidding in October, the 20
employee may elect to be paid for any portion or all of the unused 21
compensatory time accrued as of the time of vacation bidding, at the 22
straight time rate. 23
3. Employees may elect to roll any portion or all of the 25
unused compensatory time accrued into their 401k plan. Time rolled 26
into the 401k plan will receive the appropriate Company match as 27
outlined in Article 23. 28
4. Any unused compensatory hours as of December 31 will 30
be added to the employee's vacation accrual. 31
H. All employees shall receive eight (8) hours free from duty 33
commencing with their release and terminating with their reporting for 34
work or the applicable overtime rate shall apply until such rest is 35
received. The employee is required to inform his/her supervisor if less 36
than eight hours rest will be received. If his/her normal shift is not 37
subsequently adjusted as outlined above, the applicable overtime rate 38
shall apply until the rest is received. An employee may be relieved 39
from his/her normal shift, with straight time pay, to provide this rest. 40
Example: Employee regular shift is 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The 1
employee works overtime until midnight. 2
1. If the employee reports for the next shift at 7:00 a.m. the 4
overtime rate the employee was on will continue until the eight (8) 5
hours rest is obtained, provided his/her supervisor was notified as 6
outlined above. 7
2. The company may request the employee to not report to 8
work until 8:00 a.m. thereby obtaining the eight (8) hours rest and be 9
paid straight time from 7:00 a.m. 10
3. The same would apply if the above was a shift 12
realignment. 13
// 15
A. 1. At least four (4) // consecutive hours, but not more than
ten (10) hours, as set forth in Article 5, A.1. and A.2., shall constitute 4
a work day for the part time employee, except split shifts as described
in Article 6, C.1-C.5.
2. The part time employee's work week shall not be 8
scheduled for less than twenty (20) hours or for more than thirty-two
(32 //) hours in any seven (7) consecutive days. Each part time
employee shall be scheduled to have at least two (2) consecutive days 11
off per week. The number of hours a part time employee is scheduled 12
for in a work week shall not be changed without two (2) weeks notice. 13
If a part time employee's hours are reduced five (5) or more per week, 14
he shall be eligible to exercise his/her seniority as set forth in Article 15
10.A.2.a., but shall be restricted to positions within his/her work 16
location at his/her station. This language does not apply to shift 17
realignments. Part time employees may be utilized for voluntary 18
overtime from volunteer lists based on their company seniority within 19
the classification in which the overtime work is to be performed. 20
3. Part time employees shall accrue seniority on the same 22
basis as full time employees. All part time employees will be included 23
in the insurance program. 24
4. The number of part time employees on the system will not 26
exceed forty percent (40%), considering part time employees as a 27
percentage of all employees within the bargaining unit without the 28
mutual agreement of the Company and the Union. 29
a. For purposes of this calculation new bid locations will 31
not be counted in the total for the first three (3) years of their 32
operation. Locations converting from oversight by a Contract 33
Service Lead will be considered new locations. 34
B. The following rules shall govern the establishment of part-time 36
positions consistent with Article 9 and 10: 37
1. Full time employees being furloughed need not accept 39
part-time positions in lieu of furlough. However, once an employee 40
takes a station furlough, that employee will not be permitted to change 41
his/her mind later and bump a junior part time employee. 42
2. Prior to hiring part-time employees, furloughed 1
employees with a preference bid on file must be offered the positions. 2
3. Furloughed part-time employees must accept part-time 3
openings or forfeit seniority. 4
4. Full time employees on furlough need not accept part-6
time openings. 7
5. Movement between full time and part-time positions shall 9
be by preference bid. 10
6. Part-time employees may accept a station lay off in lieu of 12
either bumping into a full time position or filling a full time vacancy. 13
C. There shall be no split shifts except for part time employees 15
assigned in accordance with the following: 16
1. One of an employee's split shift work periods during a day 18
will be at least three (3) hours, and the other work period will be at 19
least two (2) hours in duration. 20
2. The overall span of hours in which a split shift work 22
schedule may be assigned will be a minimum of eight (8) hours to a 23
maximum of twelve (12) hours. 24
3. No full time position will be discontinued in order to create 26
a split shift position. 27
4. A shift 4 premium as defined in Article 21 will be paid for
all hours worked on a split shift. 30
5. Split shifts will not be utilized at Seattle, Anchorage, Los 32
Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, Juneau, Fairbanks and 33
Ketchikan, San Jose, CA, Newark, New York City, and San Diego.
D. Part time employees shall not be scheduled or assigned to work 36
sequentially in lieu of a full time employee. 37
E. Semi-annually, on February 1 and August 1, the Company will 39
supply The District Lodge with a list of the number of part-time 40
employees at each station as of January 1 and July 1. 41
F. Part time employees shall be compensated at the overtime rate 1
of time and one-half (1-1/2X) and double time (2X) rates of pay as 2
follows: 3
1. For employees scheduled eight (8) hours or less, the 5
overtime rate of time and one-half (1-1/2X) shall apply for the first four 6
(4) hours of work performed in excess of eight (8) hours in any one 7
twenty-four (24) hour period commencing with the scheduled starting 8
time, either before or after regularly scheduled hours. The double time 9
(2X) rate of pay shall apply for all hours worked in excess of twelve 10
(12) hours. 11
2. For employees scheduled more than eight (8) hours and 13
up to ten (10) hours, the overtime rate of time and one-half (1-1/2X) 14
shall apply for all work performed in excess of ten (10) hours and up 15
to fourteen (14) hours in any one twenty-four (24) hour period 16
commencing with the scheduled starting time, either before or after 17
regularly scheduled hours. The double time (2X) rate of pay shall 18
apply for all hours worked in excess of fourteen (14) hours. 19
G. In the event hours are worked in excess of the work day as a 21
result of shift or days off trades or schedule bidding, F.1., and F.2. 22
above shall not apply (see Article 7, paragraph J.). 23
H. Part time employees working on their days off shall be paid at 25
the time and one-half (1-1/2X) rate for all hours worked in excess of 26
forty (40) regular hours within the work week. Hours worked in excess 27
of those described in F.1. and F.2. above on the sixth (6th) day and all 28
hours on the seventh (7th) day worked shall be paid at the double (2X) 29
time rate. 30
I. Part time employees observing the holiday shall receive the 32
straight time rate for the hours they were scheduled to work on the 33
holiday. If a holiday falls on a part time employees day off, such part-34
time employee shall be paid holiday pay at the straight time rate for 35
the daily average number of hours the employee was scheduled to 36
work during the week. To calculate this daily average, the employee’s 37
total scheduled hours during the work week will be divided by five (5). 38
Part time employees who work on a day observed as a holiday will be 39
compensated at the double time and one-half (2 ½X) rate for all hours 40
worked. 41
A. 1. Except as otherwise provided herein, the overtime rate of 3
time and one-half (1-1/2) shall be paid for the first four (4) hours of 4
work performed in excess of eight (8) hours in any one twenty-four 5
(24) hour period commencing with the scheduled starting time, either 6
before or after regularly scheduled hours. 7
2. Except as otherwise provided herein, for employees 9
assigned to ten (10) hour shifts, an overtime rate of time and one-half 10
(1-1/2) shall be paid for the first four (4) hours of work performed in 11
excess of ten (10) hours in any one twenty-four (24) hour period 12
commencing with the scheduled starting time, either before or after 13
regularly scheduled hours. 14
B. 1. Except as otherwise provided, the overtime rate of double 16
time (2) shall be paid for all time worked in excess of A.1. or A.2., 17
above, in any one twenty-four (24) hour period commencing with the 18
scheduled starting time, either before or after the regularly scheduled 19
hours. 20
2. Part time employees shall be compensated at the rate of 22
time and one-half (1-1/2) as outlined in A.1. and A.2 above. Part time 23
employees shall be compensated at the rate of double time (2X) as 24
outlined in B.1. above. 25
C. In the event hours are worked in excess of the work day as a 27
result of shift or days off trades or scheduled bidding, A.1., A.2., B.1. 28
and B.2. above shall not apply (see paragraph J. of this Article). 29
D. 1. For full time employees assigned to eight (8) hour shifts, 31
the sixth (6th) day shall be paid at the time and one-half (1-1/2) rate 32
for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) regular hours within the 33
work week, up to eight (8) hours. Hours in excess of eight (8) on the 34
sixth day and all hours on the seventh day worked shall be paid at the 35
double time (2x) rate. Vacation time, sick leave, Union leave (when 36
the Union pays the employee's wages), training time, holidays not 37
worked and trade hours off (not worked) will be used in computing the 38
forty (40) hour week. 39
2. For full time employees assigned to ten (10) hour shifts, 41
the fifth day worked shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) for all 42
hours worked in excess of forty (40) regular hours within the work 1
week. Hours in excess of ten (10) on the fifth day, and all hours on 2
the sixth and seventh days worked shall be paid at the double time 3
(2x) rate. Vacation time, sick leave, Union leave (when the Union pays 4
the employee's wages), training time, holidays not worked and trade 5
hours off (not worked) will be used in computing the forty (40) hour 6
week. 7
3. Part time employees working on their days off shall be 9
paid at the time and one-half (1-1/2) rate for all hours worked in excess 10
of forty (40) regular hours within the work week. Hours worked in 11
excess of those described in A.1. and A.2. above on the sixth (6th) 12
day and all hours on the seventh (7th) day worked shall be paid at the 13
double time (2X) rate. Vacation time, sick leave, union leave (when 14
the Union pays the employee’s wages) training time, holidays not 15
worked, and trade hours off (not worked) will be used in computing the 16
40 hour work week. 17
4. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime and only straight 19
time hours worked within a given day shall apply to the forty (40) hour 20
provisions in D.1., 2. and 3., above. 21
E Employees working overtime will be entitled to rest periods 1
according to the following charts: 2
1. Additional hours worked immediately before and/or after 4
regular shift 5
Total Additional
Hours Scheduled
in One Day
2.0 3.9 Overtime One (1) fifteen (15) minute break
4.0 5.9 Overtime One (1) fifteen (15) minute break, and one (1)
thirty (30) minute paid lunch
6.0 7.9 Overtime Two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks, and one
(1) thirty (30) minute paid lunch
8.0 Overtime Two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks and two (2)
thirty (30) minute paid lunches
The periods in this table are inclusive of breaks and paid lunches. 8
Part-time shifts less than 8 hours would complete a normal 8 hour 9
pattern before entering this pattern. 10
Breaks and paid lunches are without loss of pay. 11
2. Working on your regular day off or not in continuous 1
service: 2
Hours Break/Breaks
2.0 5.0 One (1) fifteen (15) minute break
5.1 - 7.9 One (1) fifteen (15) minute break, and one (1) thirty
(30) minute lunch
8.0 - 9.9 Two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks, and one (1)
thirty (30) minute lunch
10.0-11.9 Three (3) fifteen (15) minute breaks, and one (1)
thirty (30) minute lunch
12.0 - 13.9 Three (3) fifteen (15) minute breaks, one (1) thirty
(30) minute lunch, and one (1) thirty (30) minute
paid lunch
14.0 - 15.9 Four (4) fifteen (15) minute breaks, one (1) thirty
(30) minute lunch, and one (1) thirty (30) minute
paid lunch
16.0 Four (4) fifteen (15) minute breaks, one (1) thirty
(30) minute lunch, and two (2) thirty (30) minute
paid lunches
The periods in this table are inclusive of breaks and paid lunches. 5
Breaks and paid lunches are without loss of pay. 6
F. 1. Overtime will be assigned to qualified volunteers by 8
Company seniority within the classification at the bid location. A list 9
of the above volunteers shall be maintained by the Company at the 10
bid location. Such list shall provide space to permit employees to 11
insert their preferred times to work overtime, provided however, such 12
information regarding preferred times is advisory only and shall not 13
limit the employees' availability for overtime, nor restrict the Company 14
in the scheduling of such employees' overtime work. Once an 15
employee posts his/her name, it will remain current until s/he removes 16
it. An employee may add or delete his/her name at any time, except 17
that he may not remove his/her name once the overtime has been 1
assigned. Overtime will not be assigned more than Fourteen (14) days 2
in advance. No employee shall work more than sixteen (16) hours in 3
a single work day, except in regards to the following scenarios; 4
catastrophic situation, natural disaster, extremely severe weather 5
condition (i.e., snow storms in cities like SEA, extended fog, etc.) and 6
critical community support. 7
2. The distribution of voluntary overtime by Company 9
seniority shall not be required if it results in pay in excess of the one 10
and one-half (1-1/2) rate. To prevent the double time (2X) rate, 11
seniority may be bypassed, unless the only volunteers are at the 12
double time (2X) rate. This provision shall not apply to overtime 13
assigned by inverse seniority when there are no volunteers as set forth 14
in "I" below. 15
G. Overtime work at the end of the shift shall be offered to those 17
volunteering in the classification on that shift or to the individual 18
performing the actual work during the shift, if it is impractical to break 19
the continuity of work. Overtime work prior to the beginning of a shift 20
shall be by call-in of the volunteers on that shift in the classification 21
required. In the event none can be contacted, any qualified employee 22
who is on the volunteer list may be offered the work. 23
H. When the Company is aware of a requirement for overtime two 25
or more hours before the end of a shift, employees will be given at 26
least two (2) hours notice of the contemplated overtime. 27
I. 1. An employee will not be required to work overtime against 29
his/her wishes, except that, if emergency overtime has been declined 30
by all eligible employees at the location, it may be assigned in inverse 31
order (junior assignment) of Company seniority within the appropriate 32
classification to qualified employees. In the event an employee is 33
required to work overtime against his/her wishes, the Company will 34
provide him/her the reason for such requirement, in writing, should the 35
employee so request. When junior assigning for overtime, it shall be 36
limited so that the employee so assigned will not be required to work 37
overtime against his/her wishes for the next three // (3 //) calendar
days if another employee is available as set forth in F. above. The 39
three // (3 //) calendar day period begins at the end of the junior
assignment. If overtime is needed during the aforementioned three //
(3 //) calendar days, the next senior employee will be assigned the 42
overtime. No employee shall work more than fourteen (14) hours in a 1
single work day, except in regards to the following scenarios; 2
catastrophic situation, natural disaster, extremely severe weather 3
condition (i.e., snow storms in cities like SEA, extended fog, etc.) and 4
critical community support. 5
2. Prior to junior assigning as stated above, an employee 7
may choose to volunteer for overtime during the identified needed time 8
period, in lieu of being junior assigned. If the employee exercises this 9
option, and the employee is assigned overtime, he will not be required 10
to work overtime against his/her wishes for the next three // (3 //)
calendar days, if another employee is available as set forth in F. 12
above. 13
3. For the purpose of this paragraph, an emergency shall be 15
defined as follows: 16
a. Unforeseen peak work loads where it is impractical 18
to alter the schedules and no solution other than overtime is 19
feasible. 20
b. Unanticipated absence or the illness of an 22
employee(s) resulting in a work force unable to provide 23
adequate service. 24
c. The servicing of late flights and maintaining of flight 26
schedules when all other means of overtime coverage have 27
been exhausted. 28
d. Protection of Company property against the 30
weather. 31
e. Insufficient volunteers for overtime. 33
4. a. In the event an employee has exceeded his/her 35
normal scheduled work week by ten (10) hours, any additional 36
mandatory hours over the ten (10) hours will be paid at the 37
double time (2x) rate of pay. Trade hours worked will not apply 38
in this calculation. 39
b. The provisions of 4.a. above will not apply to situations 41
where the mandatory overtime hours worked are the result of 42
the following scenarios; catastrophic situation, natural disaster, 1
extremely severe weather conditions (i.e. snow storms in cities 2
like SEA, extended fog. Etc.) and critical community support. 3
5. When the need for junior assignment as been reduced or
eliminated, employees who are held on junior assignment can choose
to be released in Company Seniority order or to complete their junior
assignment prior to the Company offering Staffing Adjustment per
LOA #16. If employees on junior assignment have declined the option
to be released, they may sign up for staffing adjustment per LOA #16.
J. 1. When an employee's days off are changed by direction of 11
the Company and as a result, he works more than five (5) consecutive 12
days, he will receive the applicable overtime rate for the additional 13
days. When his/her days off are changed as a result of the employee's 14
voluntary action, including bid schedule changes, the additional days 15
worked will be paid at the straight time rate. 16
2. When it is evident an employee will lose pay as the result 18
of a bid schedule change which occurs between pay periods, the 19
Company will allow such employee to work additional hours at the 20
straight time rate within the affected pay period to preclude such loss. 21
The Company may allow an employee who would receive more than 22
eighty (80) scheduled hours in the pay period time off so that the 23
employee does not exceed the eighty (80) regular hours. Such day(s) 24
off or additional days of work will be determined by the manager, and 25
every reasonable effort will be made to schedule them in a mutually 26
agreeable but efficient manner. Requests for time off or extra days of 27
work must be made within forty-eight (48) hours after the new 28
schedule assignments are posted. 29
K. 1. When an employee covered by this Agreement has been 31
relieved for the day and is recalled to work, s/he will be paid not less 32
than four (4) hours pay at the applicable overtime rate, unless the 33
employee agrees to work less than four (4) hours. 34
2. When an employee covered by this Agreement works on 36
one of his/her regularly scheduled days off, s/he will be paid not less 37
than four (4) hours pay at the overtime rate applicable, unless the 38
employee elects to work less than four (4) hours. 39
A. Employees covered by this Agreement in the Agent Division 3
shall observe the following holidays on the actual day or at the 4
Company's option on the day observed by the Federal Government; 5
employees within the Clerical Division shall observe the following 6
holidays on the actual day or the day observed by the Company's 7
General Offices: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, 8
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, 9
Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. The 10
Company shall post a list of all holidays and the dates they will be 11
observed along with the vacation selection list in October of the 12
preceding year. The Company shall make every reasonable effort to 13
allow as many employees off of work on the above holidays consistent 14
with the needs of the service. 15
B. 1. In order to provide time off on the holidays, the Company 17
will, no later than (21) twenty-one calendar days in advance, post a 18
sign up sheet requesting volunteers who would like to have the holiday 19
off and a sign up sheet for volunteers who would like to work on their 20
regularly scheduled day off (RDO). The sign up sheets will remain 21
posted for seven (7) calendar days. All volunteers shall be notified at 22
least ten (10) calendar days in advance and any corrections will be re-23
posted within three (3) calendar days of the posting of that list. 24
Volunteers shall be selected on the basis of their Company seniority 25
within their classification and shift. If no volunteers sign up for the day 26
off, those not needed will be given the day off beginning with the 27
employee with the lowest Company seniority within the classifications 28
and shifts. For the purposes of this Article, Article 5, Paragraph H. will 29
not apply. 30
2. The holiday sign up sheets will be separated by shifts 32
(1,2, or 3) and lead from agent, and full time from part time. RDO 33
volunteers who sign up for more than one (1) choice, will clarify their 34
preference(s). RDO volunteers will be assigned by Company seniority 35
within the classification. The volunteer will be assigned the maximum 36
numbers of hours available. 37
C. Holiday Pay 1
1. Eight Hour Shift 3
An employee whose regular days off coincide with a 4
holiday or an employee not required to work on a holiday shall be paid 5
eight (8) hours at his/her regular rate of pay for the holiday. 6
Compensation for work on a holiday shall be at double time and one-7
half (2 1/2) rate for all hours worked with a minimum of eight (8) hours. 8
2. Ten Hour Shift 10
An employee working a ten (10) hour shift shall be 11
compensated at the double time and one-half (2 1/2) rate for all hours 12
worked with a minimum of ten (10) hours except as provided in G. 13
below. An employee whose regular days off coincide with a holiday 14
and who is not required to work on that holiday, will be paid eight (8) 15
hours at his/her regular rate of pay. 16
3. An employee working the modified work week of four (4) 18
ten (10) hour days that has a holiday fall on this work day and does 19
not work the holiday will be paid ten (10) hours at his/her regular 20
straight time rate of pay. 21
4. An employee working the holiday will have the option of 23
being paid time and a half (1 1/2) for all hours worked and accrue the 24
balance of straight time as compensatory time in lieu of receiving 25
double time and a half (2 1/2) pay for all hours worked. 26
D. If any of the above Holidays fall on an employee's day off, the 28
employee shall receive eight (8) hours straight time pay, or upon 29
written notification to the Company accrue the Holiday as a vacation 30
day. Such day may in accordance with Article 13, paragraph F. be 31
used as a DAT vacation day. Employees will be required to give 32
seventy-two (72) hours notice prior to the Holiday if they intend to use 33
the Holiday as a vacation day. 34
E. A holiday which falls during an employee’s vacation period will 36
be compensated as a holiday. The employee’s vacation credits will 37
not be charged for the holiday, however, his/her vacation period will 38
not be extended because of the reduced number of vacation days 39
charged. 40
F. Notwithstanding Paragraph B. above, representatives of the 1
Company and the Union at a station or location may agree to an 2
alternative arrangement(s) for assigning holiday work provided such 3
arrangement is approved by the Union's General Chair and the 4
Company's Vice President in charge of Labor Relations. Any such 5
arrangement shall not be a violation of the Labor Agreement. 6
G. When an employee covered by this Agreement is called out to 8
work on a holiday, he will be given a minimum of four (4) hours work 9
and pay, or the number of hours remaining in the shift, whichever is 10
greater. 11
H. An employee may work up to sixteen (16) hours on a holiday. 13
This could consist of a combination of bidding a holiday shift, a shift 14
trade(s), or overtime. 15
A. Seniority under this Agreement shall be defined as length of 3
service with the Company since the last date of hire and shall be by 4
work classification and shall accrue from the date of entering said 5
classification on a regular assignment, subject to Paragraph B. 6
B. 1. New employees working full time shall be regarded as 8
probationary employees for the first one thousand forty (1,040) hours 9
worked, (including trades worked) performing job duties as defined in 10
Article 4. New employees working part time shall be regarded as 11
probationary employees for the first seven hundred eighty (780) hours 12
worked (including trades worked) performing job duties as defined in 13
Article 4. After successful completion of the probationary period, the 14
names of such employees shall then be placed on the Seniority List 15
for their respective classification in order of the date of their original 16
hiring. The probationary period affords the Company the opportunity 17
to evaluate the employee’s qualifications and ability to perform the 18
duties assigned. Articles 16 of this Agreement shall not apply to new 19
employees terminated during their probationary period. Probation will 20
begin subsequent to successful completion of required formal training. 21
Minimum requirements for passing probation will include successful 22
completion of required formal training (classroom training and/or 23
testing). If a formal training class is not provided, on-the-job training, 24
will be provided. All hours worked during on-the-job training will be 25
applied toward the probationary period 26
2. Hours counted toward the time required to complete the 28
probationary period shall be measured from the employee's last date 29
of hire; provided, however, that employees whose employment is 30
terminated for involuntary, non-disciplinary reasons prior to 31
completing the probationary period and who are later re-employed by 32
the Company in the same classification shall receive credit for hours 33
worked during the prior period(s) of employment, provided no more 34
than three hundred sixty-five (365) days has elapsed from any date of 35
termination to the next following date of reemployment. An employee 36
who completes his/her probationary period by virtue of this paragraph 37
shall have an adjusted classification seniority date which is adjusted 38
by the amount of hours away from the Company. (see Article 9.A. 39
above) 40
C. 1. An employee awarded a bid in a classification in which he 1
holds no seniority shall be considered probationary for the first five 2
hundred twenty (520) hours worked performing job duties as defined 3
in Article 4. Probation will begin subsequent to successful completion 4
of required formal training. Minimum requirements for passing 5
probation will include successful completion of required formal training 6
(classroom training and/or testing). If a formal training class is not 7
provided, on-the-job training, will be provided. All hours worked during 8
on-the-job training will be applied toward the probationary period. 9
After the first one hundred sixty (160) hours worked, but no later than 10
320 hours worked, the employee will be given a written report and 11
interviewed as to his/her progress, and a final written review. The 12
written report and the interview will be accomplished by management, 13
and the employee may have his/her Union representative present, if 14
s/he so requests. S/he shall accrue seniority from the date of the bid 15
award after completing his/her probationary period. 16
2. If the employee in Paragraph C.1. above does not 18
successfully pass his/her probationary period, s/he will be returned to 19
his/her former classification and station, bid location, and shift, that 20
his/her seniority would entitle them to. The Company shall not incur 21
any expense with respect to the employee's return to his/her former 22
classification or station. 23
3. If an employee involuntarily leaves a position in a 25
classification and accepts a position in another classification, s/he 26
shall retain and continue to accrue seniority in the former 27
classification. 28
4. If an employee voluntarily leaves a position in a 30
classification by bidding a job in another classification, s/he shall retain 31
and continue to accrue seniority in the former classification. 32
5. If an employee is awarded a vacancy in a classification in 34
which s/he holds no seniority and works for a period of time less than 35
the probationary period, and later re-enters the classification, s/he will 36
be given credit toward completion of his/her probation for the initial 37
time s/he spent in the classification if no more than 365 consecutive 38
days have elapsed from the date of first entering to the day of 39
completion. 40
D. To decide the position of two (2) or more employees on the 1
Seniority List whose hiring date or date of entering a classification is 2
the same, the following procedure will be used in sequence as 3
outlined: 4
1. Date of entering classification 6
2. Company Hiring Date 7
3. Chronological Age 8
E. Seniority Lists corrected to December 1, April 1 and August 1 10
shall be posted by January 1, May 1 and September 1 of each year at 11
all locations where employees covered by this Agreement are 12
employed. Such lists shall show employee's name, classification and 13
seniority date and shall be subject to correction upon protests. 14
Seniority protests will be processed by the President, Directing 15
General Chair of the District or his/her designee and the Company 16
during the December, April and August periods above. If no protest is 17
filed within sixty (60) calendar days of a posting, such list shall be 18
presumed beyond question to be correct and no protest, grievance, or 19
other means shall thereafter be commenced or entertained to change 20
said date for any employee. The burden of proof to show that a listing 21
is in error shall be with the employee. The employee shall provide 22
credible written evidence that there is an error. Any protest that is 23
granted shall be effective only for purposes of correcting the 24
subsequent list. There will be no retroactive adjustments. The 25
Company will supply two (2) copies of the Seniority List to each Local 26
Shop Steward and one (1) copy to the District Office. 27
F. Employees covered by this Agreement shall lose their Seniority 29
status and their names shall be removed from the Seniority List under 30
the following conditions: 31
1. Resignation 33
2. Discharge for cause 35
3. Employee is absent from work for two (2) consecutive 37
work days without properly notifying the Company for the reason of 38
absence unless a satisfactory reason is given for not notifying the 39
Company. 40
4. Does not inform the Company in writing of his/her 1
intention to return to service within seven (7) days of sending notice 2
offering to re-employ him/her. 3
5. Does not return to the service of the Company on or 5
before a date specified in the notice from the Company offering 6
him/her re-employment, which date shall not be prior to fifteen (15) 7
days after sending such notice. 8
6. Furlough or awaiting recall for sixty (60)
months. 10
7. Employees working in positions not covered by this 12
agreement within the Company will retain and continue to accrue 13
seniority in classifications from which promoted for a period of ninety 14
(90) calendar days from the time of the promotion, during such time 15
s/he shall have the option of returning to his/her former position under 16
the Agreement. After completion of the aforementioned ninety (90) 17
day period, s/he shall retain former seniority for a period not to exceed 18
one (1) year on an accumulative basis. If during the aforementioned 19
one (1) year period, s/he is laid off, s/he will be permitted to bid a 20
vacancy. After the one (1) year period his/her name will be removed 21
from all seniority lists. 22
8. Failure to exercise Seniority according to Article 10. 24
G. All notices required to be sent under Paragraph F. shall be sent 26
by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee at the last 27
address filed by
him/her with the Company. It is the employee’s 28
responsibility to notify the Company and the Union of any address 29
change. 30
H. Employees who have given long and faithful service in the 32
employ of the Company and who, because of their age or physical 33
inability, have become unable to handle their normal assignments, will 34
be given preference for such other available work as they are able to 35
handle. 36
I. An employee accepting a position and passing probation in any 38
classification within this Agreement shall retain and accrue seniority in 39
all classifications in which s/he has established seniority. 40
A. Furloughs 3
1. When it is necessary for the Company to reduce the work 5
force at a station, it will reduce the employees in that classification at 6
the bid location with the least seniority. Upon notification of furlough, 7
the affected employee will be scheduled to meet with the Manager or 8
designee and a Union Representative. S/he will discuss their options 9
due to furlough and assist them in completing the required preference 10
bid forms. The furloughed employee must complete the Company 11
Option Sheet indicating the position they were furloughed from and 12
their status at time of furlough from either part-time or full-time. 13
Employees will also be required to file a preference bid for all 14
classifications in which they hold seniority that are currently active at 15
that station. Employees may file additional preference bids as 16
described in Paragraph G in this article, within the COPS work group 17
in any bid location they desire to fill. Notwithstanding Art 10.G.7., 18
furloughed employees will not be required to renew such preference 19
bids annually. The bids will remain on file until either an award is 20
made, it is withdrawn by the employee, or their name is stricken from 21
the seniority list at the end of the recall period per Art 9.F.6. 22
Preferred method //:
x Manager/designee and Union Representative meet to 26
discuss possible alternatives to furlough(s), and options 27
available to affected employee(s). 28
x Manager/designee and Union Representative schedule 29
meeting(s) with affected employee(s). (If possible, in 30
inverse seniority order) 31
x Manager/designee and Union Representative meet with 32
affected employee(s) a minimum of fourteen (14) days 33
prior to effective date of furlough(s). 34
x Issue written furlough notice to affected employee. 35
x Explain available options to affected employee. 36
x Review company option sheet. 37
x Review preference bid form(s). 38
x Explain timeline for completing and returning form(s). 39
x Seven calendar days after meeting with Manager/designee 40
and Union Representative, affected employee will return 41
forms, or their name will be stricken from all seniority lists. 42
2. In the event of the furlough of employees who have 1
completed their probationary period, two (2) calendar weeks notice 2
shall be given by the Company, or pay in lieu thereof, with a copy of 3
such notice furnished to the Local Shop Steward, Local Lodge and to 4
the District Lodge 142 office. If employment is temporarily interrupted 5
because of a strike or picketing of Company premises, an act of God, 6
a national war emergency, revocation of the Company's operating 7
certificate(s), or grounding of the carrier's aircraft by government 8
order, the two week notice will not apply. The employee affected must 9
within seven (7) calendar days give written notice to the Company and 10
the Union exercising his/her seniority by selecting one (1) of the 11
following options or his/her name shall be stricken from all Seniority 12
Lists. 13
a. Displace the junior employee in his/her present 15
classification at any bid location at his/her station. 16
b. Displace the junior employee at any bid location in 18
any classification in which s/he holds seniority at his/her station. 19
3. If the employee does not exercise his/her seniority as set 21
forth in 2.a. & b. above, s/he may select one (1) of the following options 22
within the seven (7) days as established in 2. above. 23
a. Displace the junior employee in his/her present 25
classification at any station. 26
b. Displace the junior employee in any classification in 28
which s/he holds seniority at any station. 29
4. When an employee has exercised his/her seniority in A.2. 31
and 3. above or was displaced from a work schedule as a result of 32
furlough, bumping, returning from a temporary assignment or return 33
from leave of absence, or either voluntarily or involuntarily returning to 34
their former classification prior to passing probation, they will be 35
allowed to exercise their seniority by selecting a shift that their 36
seniority would entitle them to. As a result of this selection the local 37
management may either conduct a new shift bid among the 38
employees junior to the displaced employee or they can allow the 39
displaced employee to work a schedule that mirrors an existing work 40
schedule on the bid. This option will be solely at the discretion of the 41
local manager. 42
5. When an employee has exercised his/her seniority in A.2. 2
and 3. above or was displaced from a work schedule as a result of 3
furlough, bumping, returning from a temporary assignment or return 4
from leave of absence, or either voluntarily or involuntarily returning to 5
their former classification prior to passing probation, the Company will 6
post at each job location a notification showing the name and seniority 7
date of the employee who has exercised his/her seniority within five 8
(5) days of such transfer or return to work. 9
B. If due to seniority, an employee is not able to select any option 11
in Paragraph A.
2. above and does not select an option in Paragraph 12
. 3. above, s/he may elect to take a station furlough. The employee 13
shall continue to retain and accrue all seniority in classifications s/he 14
held at the time of furlough. S/he shall only be eligible for recall at 15
his/her station; however s/he will be allowed to bid on vacancies or 16
new positions according to the bidding procedures outlined in Article 17
10, Paragraph H. Employees who refuse a recall in any classification 18
at his/her station to which they hold seniority will be removed from the 19
seniority list and will be considered to have resigned from the 20
company. 21
C. Full time employees may accept a station furlough in lieu of 23
either bumping into part-time or filling a part-time vacancy. Part-time 24
employees may accept a station furlough in lieu of either bumping into 25
a full time position or filling a full time vacancy. 26
D. Other provisions of this Article notwithstanding, employees on 28
furlough will not be required to accept recalls to a temporary vacancy 29
as defined in Article 10, paragraph P. 30
E. Employees recalled to work from a furlough shall be returned to 32
the classification that their seniority entitles them to at the time of 33
recall. An employee who receives notice of furlough but exercises 34
seniority under Article 10, Paragraph A. 2. above or A. 3. above will 35
not be considered furloughed under the terms of this Article. All recall 36
notices will be sent by certified mail return receipt requested. 37
Furloughed employees will be recalled in seniority order under Art 10 38
H Vacancies. 39
F. 1. Employees whose jobs are eliminated by a station, or bid 41
location closure, either temporary or permanent will be afforded the 42
full entitlements of paragraph A.2. of this Article. 43
2. Any time a job function or part of a job description is 2
eliminated and an employee is furloughed, the furloughed employee 3
shall receive consideration, over and above new hires, for job 4
vacancies elsewhere within the Company for which the employee is 5
qualified 6
G. Vacancies 8
1. Permanent vacancies for the purpose of this Agreement 10
shall be defined as vacancies projected to be ninety (90) days or 11
longer in the classifications covered by this Agreement, and shall be 12
awarded to those employees who have filed a preference bid for the 13
station/bid location and classification on a standard Company bidding 14
form. 15
2. "Vacancy" for purposes of this Article 10 shall be defined 17
as an open position resulting from an employee leaving the work group 18
or an increase in staffing; it is not intended to mean a specific 19
shift/hours or days off. 20
3. All bids and awards for vacancies will be processed 22
through the centralized bidding office. 23
4. Preference bids do not apply during shift realignments. 25
5. Preference bids shall be utilized for filling vacancies as 27
follows: 28
a. Bidding from station to station (e.g., ANC CSA to 30
SEA CSA, PHX Res to SEA CSA); 31
b. Bidding within the same station between 33
classifications (e.g., SEA Res to SEA CSA); 34
c. Bidding between bid locations within the same 36
classifications at the same station (e.g., SEA FTO to SEA CTO); 37
d. Movement between full time and part-time 39
positions. 40
e. Returning from furlough. 42
6. Preference bidding will be done electronically on a 2
Company preference bid form. Only these bid forms will be accepted 3
(no telephone or e-mail bidding will be accepted). Copies of the 4
preference bid may be submitted at any time. 5
a. All vacancies will be posted for a minimum of seven 6
(7) days. 7
7. a. Preference bids may be withdrawn at any time. The 9
procedure for withdrawal and the time limits will be the same as 10
for filing in Article 10 G. 6. Once an employee is awarded a bid, 11
all other preference bids s/he has on file will become invalid. 12
Employees with bids on file must renew them between // 13
January 1 and January 15 of each year to keep them valid. If an
employee is awarded a preference bid and wishes to reject it, 15
s/he must reject the bid within forty-eight (48) hours from the 16
time the employee is notified (notification means the employee’s 17
verifiable receipt of award) bid award. The award will be by 18
written receipt of notification from the Company and signed by 19
the employee. Those not responding within forty-eight (48) 20
hours will be deemed to have accepted the bid. If an employee 21
rejects a preference bid award, s/he will be restricted (see Art 22
10.G.9) for a period of six (6) months, except for movement 23
between part time and full time within their bid location. The
restriction will commence on the date the bid is rejected. The
classification seniority of the employee selected to fill the 26
vacancy shall commence with the date of the award. All bid 27
awards will have an effective date. In the event an effective date 28
is not published the effective date will be 14 days subsequent to 29
the bid award. 30
b. The Company shall post at each job location a 32
notification showing the name and seniority date of the 33
employee awarded the preference bid within five (5) days of the 34
award. If an employee is not awarded a bid, the Company will 35
within seven (7) days after the awarding of the preference bid, 36
him/her the reason in writing, should the employee so 37
request. 38
8. Probationary employees may not file preference bids, 40
except between part time and full time at their bid location. If an 41
employee does move between part time and full time while on 1
probation, their probationary period will be one thousand forty (1,040) 2
hours. 3
9. Employees who are restricted per Art 10.G.7.a., L. and M., 5
can file preference bids but will not be awarded until all eligible bids 6
have been awarded. Such bids will be awarded in seniority order prior 7
to hiring new employees from outside of this agreement. 8
10. Employees who have more than one (1) preference bid 10
on file must prioritize the order of their preference bids on a Company 11
supplied form. 12
H. Vacancies will be awarded to the senior employee with a valid 14
preference bid on file. Bid awards shall be made in the sequence 15
listed below: 16
1. To the senior employee at the station, holding seniority in 18
the classification where the vacancy exists. 19
2. To the senior employee on the system holding seniority 21
in the classification where the vacancy exists. 22
3. To the senior employee on the system holding seniority 24
in the Division as defined in Article 4, Paragraph B or C. 25
4. To the senior employee on the system holding seniority 27
in either the Clerical or Agent Division 28
I. Employees on leave of absence from the Company shall not be 30
awarded a preference bid if the employee is unable to report when the 31
new assignment is effective. If the employee is unable to report for 32
duty, the preference bid will remain on file and shall not be considered 33
a refusal pursuant to Article 10, paragraph G.7.a. 34
J 1. A notice will be posted at all job locations systemwide no 36
later than thirty (30) days prior to the opening of a new station. 37
Employees will be allowed to submit preference bids for the new 38
station. Preference bid awards which occur during the first ninety (90) 39
days after the notice as set forth above, shall be awarded by 40
classification seniority systemwide. If classification seniority is 41
exhausted, then Article 10 Paragraph H 1-4
// applies. 42
2. Preference bids received after the initial period but during 2
the 1
ninety (90) days described in J.1. above, will be treated as 3
restricted bids and awarded after all initial bids have been exhausted. 4
After the ninety (90) day period, awarding of bids under Article 10 5
paragraph H 1-4 // will resume.
3. When the Company initiates a classification at a bid 8
location where it has never been utilized, a notice will be posted 9
systemwide fifteen (15) days prior to awarding the position or hiring 10
from the outside. Preference bids may be filed by employees in 11
accordance with Article 10, paragraph G.6. and awarded as in Article 12
10, paragraph H. 13
4. Employees at a station on a temporary bid shall not be 15
considered "at the station" for purposes of awarding preference bids 16
as set forth in Paragraph H. above. 17
K. Any employee selected to fill a vacancy at another station shall 19
not be required to report for duty until fourteen (14) calendar days after 20
being released from his/her job. For all vacancies, the Company will 21
make every reasonable effort to release the employee within fifteen 22
(15) days of the bid effective date, but, in no event will an employee
be held for more than ninety (90) days after the bid effective date. On
those occasions where this cannot be accomplished, the Company 25
will provide the employee and the Union with an explanation for the 26
delay upon request and the employee will be paid the higher rate for 27
all hours worked beyond the fifteen (15) days. An employee may, at 28
his/her option, utilize earned vacation or comp time to defer loss of 29
pay during the fourteen (14) calendar days. 30
L. 1. Employees awarded a bid
to a classification in which they 32
hold no seniority who fail to qualify within the five hundred twenty (520) 33
hours (as defined in Article 9.C.1.) will be returned to their former 34
classification as outlined in Article 9.C.2. Said employees will be 35
restricted from submitting preference bids for a period of six (6) 36
months, except for movement between full-time and part-time within
their classification at their bid location. This six month period shall
commence on the date of the employee’s return to their former
classification and location.
2. Employees awarded a bid
to a classification in which 1
they hold no seniority who voluntarily resign a new position within five 2
hundred twenty (520) hours (as defined in Article 9.C.1. and 9.C.2.) 3
will be returned to their former classification and will be allowed to 4
displace the most junior employee in their former classification and will 5
be restricted from submitting preference bids for a period of one (1) 6
year, except for movement between full-time and part-time within their
classification at their bid location. This one year period shall
commence on the date of the employee’s return to their former
classification and location.
M. When an employee has been transferred to fill a vacancy, s/he 11
shall not be entitled to file a bid for a one (1) year period, except for 12
movement between part time and full time within their bid location, or 13
into a Lead position. The one (1) year bid restriction will commence
on the date the bid is awarded, and will not apply to new stations or
bid locations. 16
N. Employees temporarily transferred from their regular work, to 18
work of any other classification covered under this Agreement, shall 19
receive their regular rate of pay or the equivalent progression rate of 20
the classification, whichever is higher, for performing such work. 21
O. It shall be the policy of the Company to promote its own 23
employees; only when no valid preference bids are on file will the 24
Company vary from this policy. 25
P. 1. Any vacant shift may be temporarily filled for the interim 27
period required to post, bid and fill the shift as described in paragraph 28
by the Company selecting any employee holding seniority in the 29
classification at the station. 30
2. A vacancy of ninety (90) days or more may be temporarily 32
filled by the Company assigning any employee holding seniority in the 33
classification at the station where the vacancy exists, or, if none is 34
available, any employee covered by this Agreement at the station. 35
Such assignment shall continue until the employee awarded the 36
preference bid or new hire is available to fill the assignment. 37
3. In the case of vacancies not expected to exceed ninety 39
(90) calendar days, the Company may select an employee to fill the 40
vacancy on a temporary basis from any employee at the station 41
holding seniority in the classification with a preference bid on file, in 1
seniority order if practical, or, if none is available, from any qualified 2
employee in any classification at the station with a preference bid on 3
file, in seniority order if practical, or if none is available, from either any 4
employee from another station with a preference bid on file, in seniority 5
order if practical, or a new hire. If the vacancy continues to exist after 6
ninety (90) days, Article 10.G.1. shall apply. 7
4. An employee under this agreement volunteering for a 9
temporary job under P .1., 2. or 3. above, shall upon reaching the 10
eighty-nine (89) day limit, and/or discontinuance of the temporary job, 11
be returned to his/her former job and status and exercise his/her 12
seniority in accordance with Article 10.A.4. The employee will be 13
restricted from another temporary job for sixty (60) calendar days 14
starting with their return date back to their former classification and
5. When an employee leaves a classification and/or location 18
and a vacant shift is created; or if a new shift is created by an increase 19
in the work force at a bid location; the open shift and resulting open 20
shift will be bid upon by the existing employees on other shifts 21
including relief shift in the same classification/location/station on the 22
basis of their classification seniority. The bids shall be posted for a 23
minimum of five (5) days and the bids must be canceled or awarded 24
and posted within five (5) days of bid closing. Said shift will be 25
awarded before the vacancy is filled by a preference bid or hiring from 26
the outside. The remaining shift will be awarded to the employee 27
placed in the vacancy. 28
Q. Realignment: 30
1. Employees in the Agent Division shall realign at their bid 32
location at least three (3) times each year. Employees in the Clerical 33
Division shall realign at their bid location at least two (2) times each 34
year. For the purpose of realignment, employees shall select shifts 35
and days off in accordance with their classification seniority. 36
Realignments shall be considered an employee’s voluntary action. 37
2. Employees awarded permanent preference bids prior to 39
a shift realignment will be allowed to participate in the bid for the shift 40
3. Shift realignments at times other than those provided for 1
above will be accomplished by abolishing the position(s) no longer 2
needed with a furlough notice given to the affected employee(s) in 3
accordance with this Article 10 and a bid posted for the new 4
position(s). Employee(s) affected by the furlough notice may exercise 5
their seniority in accordance with Article 10.A. or bid one of the open 6
positions. For the purposes of such shift realignments, the employee 7
shall be restricted to exercising his/her seniority within three (3) work 8
days rather than the seven (7) calendar days. 9
4. a. Bids for a shift realignment will be posted, in 11
accordance with this Article 10, a minimum of fourteen (14) days 12
prior to the effective date. 13
b. Bidding for shifts will begin a minimum of seven (7) 15
days following the initial posting of the available shifts. 16
c. Any adjustments or changes to the available shifts 18
must be done seventy-two (72) hours prior to shift bidding as 19
described in b. above. 20
d. Awarded shift bids will be posted a minimum of seven 22
(7) days prior to the effective date. 23
5. When employees realign as set forth in Paragraph Q 25
above, the Company may block a sufficient number of shifts to 26
accommodate up to a maximum of eighty percent (80%) of the 27
probationary employees in a classification at a bid location at a station. 28
"Probationary" shall be defined as set forth in Article 9.B. and C. 29
Beginning October 29, 2000, the Company and the Union shall meet 30
at least once every six (6) months, if either party so requests, to review 31
the percentage of shifts blocked. Such meetings will be held between 32
the Labor Relations Department, or its designee, and the designee of 33
the District. 34
R. Special Projects 36
1. A Special Project is an assignment that a COPS 38
employee could hold for a maximum period of one (1) year. The 39
Special Project assignment option will only be used when the 40
assignment requires specialized skills and knowledge. Labor relations 41
and the Union must be advised of Special Project assignments. 42
2. When a Special Project exists, the Company will post the 2
opportunity system-wide. In the posting, the skills and knowledge 3
needed for the job will be listed along with a reply date and to whom 4
to reply. 5
3. The only restriction prior to applying for the assignment is 7
that the employee has not been assigned to a Special Project within 8
the last six (6) months. The selection process will be as follows: 9
a. Where appropriate, an interview(s) will be 11
conducted in seniority order to determine which employee(s) 12
has the skills and knowledge that are needed. After the 13
interview, the final selection will be made at management’s 14
discretion. 15
b. If an interview is not needed, the selection will be 17
made in seniority order. 18
4. When the one (1) year period has been reached, 20
the employee will be returned to his/her former job and status 21
and will be restricted from another Special Project assignment 22
for six (6) months and will exercise seniority for shift purposes 23
under Article 10.A.4. Any employee working on a Special 24
Project assignment will be returned to his/her former job and 25
status within one (1) year of the start of the assignment or 26
his/her name will be removed from the Seniority List. 27
A. 1. Employees shall be reimbursed for transfers resulting 3
from their assignment to a station by the Company. Expenses and 4
transportation of the family and household goods shall be at Company 5
expense, as provided in System Regulations. 6
2. Employees transferring to another station at their own 8
request due to bidding or exercise of seniority shall be provided with 9
service charge waived, space available transportation for self and 10
family. 11
a. Employees bidding to another station shall be 13
provided with on-line space available transportation of personal 14
effects up to 12,000
pounds at no cost to the employee. 15
b. Employees transferring to another station to avoid 17
furlough resulting from a reduction in force shall be provided 18
with on-line, space available transportation of personal effects 19
up to 12,000
pounds at no cost to the employee. 20
c. The Company shall provide service charge waived 22
transportation for employee, spouse, and family and allow up to 23
12,000 pounds of space available cargo (service charge 24
waived) for relocation of any employee moving between stations 25
as the result of an employee failing to qualify or voluntarily 26
returning to his/her former job. 27
d. All shipments under either a. b. or c above shall be 29
limited to size by the type of aircraft normally operated between 30
the two locations and shall be on an airport to airport basis. All 31
other expenses shall be borne by the employee. 32
B. Each employee requested by the Company to be away from 34
regular base on duty shall receive expenses as set forth in System 35
Regulations, and will be provided single occupancy temporary 36
housing, if the employee so desires. 37
C. The Company will provide the General Chair with a copy of the 39
applicable Company regulations and subsequent revisions thereto. 40
A. All leaves of absence shall be without pay. 3
B. All requests for Leave of Absence must be made through 5
employee's immediate supervisor. After probation period, Leave may 6
be granted upon written request, such request being made at least 7
fifteen (15) days prior to commencement of desired Leave, except in 8
an emergency. An employee on Leave of Absence (LOA), with an 9
established expiration date, desiring to return prior to the expiration of 10
such LOA must give fourteen (14) days written notice and may return 11
with Company approval. Once the employee is granted LOA, the 12
Company may rescind the leave with a seven (7) day written notice, 13
sent certified mail return receipt requested. 14
C. When the requirements of the service will permit, an employee 16
shall be granted a Personal Leave of Absence in writing for a period 17
of up to one (1) year. During such leave the employee will retain but 18
not continue to accrue seniority after ninety (90) days. Requests for 19
extensions of such leaves will be considered under extraordinary 20
circumstances. Personal leaves, including extensions, will be for a 21
maximum continuous period of two (2) years. The employee will 22
retain, but not continue to accrue seniority during such extensions. 23
During Leaves of Absence granted because of health, injury, or 24
special assignment by the Company, seniority shall accrue during the 25
entire period of the Leave. Copies of all approvals shall be forwarded 26
to the Employee Services Department and the General Chair of the 27
Union. Leaves for sickness or injury may be granted up to a maximum 28
continuous period of five (5) years. During Military, Maternity, Parental
(per 12.D.3), and Medical leaves, the employee shall retain and
continue to accrue seniority. 31
D. 1. // Employees who are certified as unable to work 33
during pregnancy by a healthcare provider will be considered on 34
Medical Leave of Absence. Employees who are granted Leave after
the birth of the child, or after a miscarriage, will be required to return
to work within // one hundred and twenty days (120) days after the
birth of the child or of a miscarriage, unless an extension is granted or 38
additional time is required under federal or state leave laws or as a 39
form of reasonable accommodation. Said extension may not exceed 40
an additional // sixty (60) days unless additional time is required under
federal or state leave laws or as a form of reasonable accommodation. 42
At the conclusion of her Leave, the employee must give the Company 1
three (3) weeks advance notice of the date she intends to return. 2
Regardless of the length of time of the Maternity Leave, a vacancy 3
created by a Maternity Leave shall be treated as a vacancy of less 4
than ninety (90) days under Article 10 of the agreement. The 5
employee will be returned to her former position unless it has ceased 6
to exist or is filled by a more senior employee who has exercised 7
displacement rights, in which case the employee will exercise her 8
seniority in accordance with Article 10 Par. A.4. 9
2. Employees who must leave work for Maternity or other 11
disability reasons will have the option of using or not using accrued 12
sick leave for all or for a portion of the disability period. Employees 13
may also use their earned vacation and/or compensatory time during
this period. Employees who elect to utilize accrued sick leave, earned
vacation, or compensatory time must inform the Company, and such
pay will be for a continuous period, at the beginning of the leave.
Regardless of the usage of sick leave, employees taking a Maternity 18
or other disability Leave of Absence must apply for any State disability 19
benefits that may be available prior to the employee being eligible for 20
any disability benefits provided by the Company. Such Company 21
disability benefits (sick leave or short term disability) may be received 22
in addition to State-provided disability benefits, provided the total of 23
State and Company weekly payments do not exceed the employee's 24
regular weekly wage income immediately prior to leaving work due to 25
the disability. 26
3. For all employees who do not qualify for parental leave 28
under Federal or State regulations, a personal Leave of Absence of 29
up to // one hundred and twenty days (120) days may be utilized for
the birth or adoption of a child. Such leave shall be treated as a 31
personal leave and granted upon request in conjunction with required 32
certification. Employees will be allowed to utilize any earned vacation
or compensatory time, for all or a portion, of the leave. Employees who
elect to utilize earned vacation or compensatory time must inform the
Company, and such pay will be for a continuous period, at the
beginning of the leave.
E. During periods of furlough, special consideration will be given to 40
requests for Leaves of Absence from senior employees when granting 41
such Leaves will result in the retention of qualified junior employees. 42
F. When more than one employee requests Leave of Absence 1
over the same period of time and the reasons for requesting the 2
Leaves are similar, company seniority within classifications shall 3
apply. Once an employee is granted a leave of absence they may not 4
be bumped by a senior employee requesting a leave for similar 5
reasons. 6
G. The Company and the Union will abide by the Selective Service 8
Act of 1950 as amended for any employees who serve in Active and 9
Reserve Armed Forces. 10
H. 1. Employees elected to positions in the service of the 12
Government of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, 13
shall be granted an indefinite Leave of Absence by the Company. An 14
employee on Leave of Absence for this purpose shall retain and 15
continue to accrue seniority but shall have no other employee benefits. 16
The employee will be compensated for any accrued vacation and will 17
retain whatever sick and occupational injury leave s/he had at the time 18
the Leave of Absence began. Thirty (30) days after the expiration of 19
his/her term of Government office, the employee shall report to work 20
or forfeit his/her seniority. 21
2. Employees accepting full time employment with the 23
Union as representatives of employees covered by this Agreement 24
shall be granted an indefinite Leave of Absence by the Company. Any 25
employee on Leave of Absence for this purpose shall retain and 26
continue to accrue seniority and other employee benefits as provided 27
herein. 28
a. The employee will continue to receive pass privileges, as 30
provided for all other employees covered by the Agreement. 31
b. The employee will be permitted to continue in the group 33
hospitalization, dental and life insurance programs 34
providing the employee reimburses the Company for the 35
active employee premium cost. 36
c. The employee will retain all accrued sick and occupational 38
injury time which s/he has in accrual at the commencement 39
of the Leave of Absence. 40
d. The employee will be permitted to continue in the Pension 1
Plan and the following shall apply: 2
I. Seniority for vesting purposes shall continue. 3
II. The employee will be permitted to contribute to the 5
Plan on a yearly basis in an amount which would 6
continue his/her benefits at the same rate as if 7
s/he were not on Leave of Absence. 8
e. All vacation in accrual at the time the Leave of Absence 10
commences will be paid to the employee, at his/her rate of 11
pay, on a special check issued within two (2) weeks after 12
the Leave commences. Upon the employee's return to the 13
service of the Company, the employee will accrue vacation 14
credit in accordance with his/her length of service. 15
f. Thirty (30) calendar days after termination of the 17
employment with the Union, the employee shall report for 18
work or forfeit his/her seniority. 19
I. Employees covered by this Agreement shall, upon returning 21
from an authorized Leave of Absence or extension thereof, be 22
returned to the bid location from which they left and to the position 23
(shift and days off) they held at the time they left on Leave of Absence, 24
s/he will exercise their seniority according to Article 10 A.4. 25
J. Any employee covered by this Agreement who engages in 27
gainful employment while on Leave of Absence without prior written 28
permission from the Company and Union, except employees on 29
special assignments in the interests of the Company, shall be deemed 30
to have resigned from the Company's service and his/her name will 31
be stricken from the seniority roster. 32
K. Any employee covered by this agreement on approved Leave 34
of Absence for Union business will continue to receive and accrue all 35
employee's benefits and wages, at the same rate as if they were on 36
the job (see Letter of Agreement #8). While in negotiations or voting 37
in conjunction with negotiations such employees will be considered to 1
be on day shift with Saturday and Sunday days off and their week will 2
start and end at midnight between Friday and Saturday. 3
A. The calendar year will be used to compute vacation allowances. 3
Employees shall accrue vacation credits based on their length of 4
service with the Company under this Agreement on the basis of the 5
scale set forth in "B" below. Vacation credits shall be accrued for each 6
month of employment prorated on the basis of the number of straight 7
time hours worked, or in the case of vacation, sick leave or Workmen's 8
Compensation, paid for by the Company under this Agreement, 9
versus 173.3 hours. Accrued vacation shall be available for use on 10
January 1 each year. No vacation credits may be earned in other ways 11
except that the Company may, at its discretion, approve personal 12
leaves of absence up to eighty (80) hours per month with accrual for 13
those hours not worked. Vacation credits will be compensated for at 14
the employee's base rate of pay. 15
B. On date of hire 6.67 hours/173.3 hrs. 17
On completion of five (5) years 10.00 hours/173.3 hrs. 18
On completion of twelve (12) years 13.33 hours/173.3 hrs. 19
On completion of eighteen (18) years 16.67 hours/173.3 hrs. 20
On completion of twenty-five (25) yrs. 20.00 hours/173.3 hrs. 21
One year equates to 2080 hours 22
C. On October 1 of each year, employees will be notified of the 24
amount of vacation they should be entitled to bid during the 25
forthcoming calendar year, and all employees will bid for their vacation 26
preference during the month of October according to their company 27
seniority, by classification at each bid location, at each station. In 28
order to bid vacation under this paragraph, a full time employee must 29
have a minimum of forty (40) hours of vacation credit for each week of 30
vacation bid, and a part-time employee must, for each week of 31
vacation bid, have a minimum number of vacation hours credit equal 32
to his/her or her weekly scheduled hours at the time the bid is 33
submitted. An employee shall make his/her selection in person or by 34
proxy within two (2) calendar days, or s/he shall forfeit his/her right to 35
select in turn and shall follow the last employee who has selected. It 36
is also understood that the leads of each classification will bid their 37
vacation along with the classification they lead (e.g., Lead CSA's will 38
bid along with CSA's) subject to the provisions of paragraph L. of this 39
Article. Approved vacation selections will be posted at the various 40
stations by November 15 and once posted, a senior employee will not 41
be permitted to take a vacation already assigned a junior employee. 42
D. Employees may accrue a maximum of three (3) years earned 1
vacation, except as set forth in Article 5, Paragraph G. and Article 13, 2
paragraph K. 3
E. Vacations will be bid in weekly increments. Employees with two 5
(2) or more weeks of vacation credit may split their vacation weeks. 6
Employees may bid two (2) separate periods during the first (1st) 7
round of bidding. Any remaining vacation may be bid in round two (2). 8
Only actual hours bid will be deducted from the employee’s vacation 9
hours (i.e. if there is a holiday during the week that is bid, those hours 10
will not be included in the vacation deduction.) 11
F. 1. Vacation shall commence with shift change closest to 13
twelve midnight at the beginning of the pay period. Employees shall 14
be allowed to bid days of their vacation on a day-at-a-time (D.A.T.) 15
basis, subject to the approval of their supervisors. Employees will also 16
be allowed to request hour-at-a-time (H.A.T.) vacation, subject to the 17
approval of their supervisors. Requests for "D.A.T." or "H.A.T." 18
vacation will be made no more than thirty (30) calendar days in 19
advance of the day requested and will be awarded according to 20
company seniority, by classification at each bid location, at each 21
station, no more than twenty-one (21) days, nor less than seven (7) 22
days prior. Once granted, the time will not be rescinded except in 23
accordance with paragraph J. below. 24
2. Employees will be allowed to donate day-at-a-time 26
(D.A.T.) earned vacation to another employee to use as paid time off 27
for catastrophic illness subject to management approval. 28
G. Employees will accrue vacation time while on paid sick leave 30
and emergency leave. 31
H. All accrued vacation pay will be paid to the employee upon 33
retirement; or to his/her estate or heirs upon death; or to the employee 34
upon termination, or to an employee on furlough. Upon layoff, the 35
employee will have the option of retaining vacation accrual, if s/he 36
notifies the Company in writing at least seven (7) calendar days prior 37
to the furlough date. After one (1) year on layoff s/he will be 38
reimbursed for this vacation time. 39
I. Vacation periods made available after the selection process is 1
completed (as set forth in paragraph C. of this Article) will be posted 2
for bid, with company seniority ruling. In order to bid vacation under 3
this paragraph, a full time employee must have a minimum of twenty-4
four (24) hours of vacation credit and a part time employee must have 5
a minimum of twelve (12) hours of vacation credit. Any difference 6
between the minimum vacation credit hours and the weekly schedule 7
will be treated as a leave of absence or the employee may use 8
accumulated compensatory time. The vacation period shall be posted 9
for a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours. 10
J. If a vacation period is cancelled by an employee changing jobs, 12
or if it is cancelled by the Company in writing, the employee will: 13
1. Select an open vacation period, if s/he has the maximum 15
three (3) year accrual, or if no open periods are available, s/he may 16
place his/her cancelled vacation period in accrual even though it 17
exceeds the three (3) year limit. 18
2. If s/he has less than the three (3) years accrual, s/he may 20
place his/her cancelled vacation in accrual or select an open vacation 21
period. 22
K. Vacation will be granted at the time most desired by employees, 24
based on company seniority by classification, but the right of allotment 25
of any vacation period is reserved to the Company in order to ensure 26
the orderly operation of its business. If any blocked out periods are 27
made available after the initial bidding, employees will, in the order of 28
company seniority, bid for these periods. The amount of vacation 29
weeks allowed in a calendar year shall be equal to or exceed the 30
vacation accrued by the group bidding. The Company has the right to 31
allot vacations in a manner to assure adequate lead coverage. 32
L. Employees will, with Company approval, be allowed to cancel 34
their vacation periods provided they give notice in writing to their 35
supervisor at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of their 36
vacation period. Affected vacation relief employee(s) will be given a 37
minimum of two (2) weeks notice of any resulting change in the 38
vacation schedule. If an employee cancels a vacation in accordance 39
with this paragraph and the Company makes it available for bid, the 40
vacation period will be posted for bid as soon as practicable after the 41
cancellation has been approved. 42
A. All employees will be credited with eight (8) hours of sick leave 3
for each month of their employment prorated on the basis of the 4
number of straight time hours worked versus 173.3 hours or, in the 5
case of vacation, sick leave, or Workmen's Compensation, paid for by 6
the Company under this Agreement. No sick leave credits may be 7
earned in other ways except that the Company may, at its discretion, 8
approve personal leaves of absence of up to eighty (80) hours per 9
month with accrual for those hours not worked. The employee will be 10
informed by the Company as to whether s/he will accrue sick leave 11
while on leave prior to commencing such leave. Probationary 12
employees may not utilize sick leave, however, they will accrue during 13
this period and will be credited retroactively after completion of their 14
probation. Sick leave may be accrued at the rate of eight (8) hours 15
per month as set forth above up to a maximum of 1,650 hours. 16
B. Sick leave may be retained but not accrued during periods of 18
lay off or leave of absence, provided such lay off or approved leave of 19
absence does not exceed five (5) years. 20
C. An employee shall report to his/her Supervisor that s/he is ill and 22
unable to work at least two (2) hours prior to the start of his/her shift if 23
at all possible (i.e. an employee injured on the way to work would be 24
unable to communicate). 25
D. One (1) day of paid sick leave will be granted for an annual 27
physical examination provided the employee substantiates the usage 28
with a Doctor's slip. 29
E. Payment for sick leave shall be based on the employee’s regular 31
straight time rate. 32
F. The employee and Union recognize their obligations to prevent 34
absence for other reasons than illness and injury, or other abuses of 35
the sick leave provisions, and pledge their wholehearted cooperation 36
to the Company to prevent abuse. Sick leave with pay will be granted 37
to those employees using the Chemical Dependency Program 38
provided for employees covered by this Agreement (See Letter of 39
Agreement #2). 40
G. On October 1, when vacation accrual is posted the amount of 1
sick leave accrued shall also be posted. 2
H. 1. In the event of death in an employee's immediate family, 3
a fourteen (14) calendar day leave of absence will be granted by the 4
Company upon request of the employee. Said leave shall be without 5
loss of pay provided the employee has sufficient sick leave to cover 6
their leave. If the employee doesn’t have sufficient sick leave they 7
may opt to use compensatory time, vacation time or take such time 8
unpaid. Immediate family shall be defined as an employee’s spouse, 9
// registered domestic partner, domestic partner’s child, child, 10
stepchild, grandchild, mother, step-mother, father, step-father, 11
grandparents, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law and // 12
registered domestic partner’s parents. Absences under this 13
paragraph will not be counted against an employees’ attendance 14
record. 15
2. Only days absent due to illness of the employee shall be
paid for from such allowed sick leave, except that, where an employee
is not otherwise permitted to use sick leave accrual to care for family
members, the employee will be allowed to use paid sick leave of up to
// six (6) days in each // calendar year due to // illness or hospitalization
of his/her // spouse/domestic partner, // child or domestic partner’s 22
child //. The use of paid sick leave shall be considered to mean time
for the employee to care for the spouse/domestic partner, // child or
domestic partner’s child. The Company may require verification in
writing //. The // six (6) days in each calendar year // may be expanded
by Company policy or law. (For current information on Company 27
policy, please contact Employee Benefits-SEAHB.) Absences under
this paragraph will not be counted against an employee’ attendance
I. Occupational Injury Leave 32
1. Each full time employee covered by this Agreement shall,
on an annual non-cumulative basis, be awarded // one hundred twenty
(120) hours of occupational injury leave to be utilized in the event of
absence due to occupational injury or illness during each calendar 37
year. Each part-time employee will be awarded eighty (80) hours.
2. // The leave shall be expended on the basis of hourly
increments for time absent from work and shall compensate the
individual for the difference between Workman’s Compensation and
regular straight time rate (including longevity and shift differential), but
excluding overtime. After the exhaustion of said leave, an employee
may utilize accumulated sick leave on a prorated basis. 4
J. If the Company, at any time at its discretion, grants additional 6
sick leave or assistance to any employee, it shall not constitute a 7
precedence requiring additional sick leave or assistance in any other 8
case. 9
K. For retiree // sick leave cash out see Letter of Agreement 18.11
A. Employees covered by this Agreement will be granted the same 3
transportation privileges on the Company system as may be 4
established by Company regulations for all personnel. The service 5
charge will be the same as for other employees of Alaska Airlines. 6
Transportation privileges for eligible retirees shall be established 7
through the Company Pass Policy. 8
B. Transportation while on medical leave of absence is governed 10
by System Regulations. 11
C. The System General Chair of the Union will be furnished with 13
free annual positive passes over the Company's system during their 14
terms of office for use when needed in connection with Union 15
business. The Executive Board Members of the Union will be 16
furnished with space available transportation. Employees officially 17
representing the Union as a member of the contract negotiating 18
committee to conduct joint section 6 negotiations shall receive on-line, 19
Company business, positive space, non-bumpable, service charge 20
waived passes as long as the flight on which they book is below 21
capacity at the time of booking.22
A. Structure 3
In order to properly administer this Agreement and to dispose of all 5
disputes or grievances which may arise under this Agreement, the 6
following resolution procedures shall be followed. 7
1. The Company and the Union, will each designate a 9
representative(s) at each location where persons covered by this 10
Agreement are employed who is empowered to settle all local 11
grievances. 12
2. The Union and Company will, at all times, keep the other 14
party advised through written notice, of any change in authorized 15
representatives. 16
3. The General Chair of the Union or his/her designee shall 18
be permitted at any time, to enter departments and facilities of the 19
Company for the purpose of investigating grievances and disputes 20
arising under this Agreement after contacting the Company officer in 21
charge and advising him/her of the purpose of his/her visit. 22
B. Grievance Review Board (see diagram page 73-A) 24
1. A Grievance Review process will be implemented 26
effective January 2000. This process will consist of three (3) meetings 27
a year, one (1) meeting occurring every four (4) months which will 28
discuss grievances filed and processed forward during the preceding 29
four (4) months. The periods will end April 30, August 31 and 30
December 31 and the reviews will be held the fourth week of May, 31
September and January. To be included in the Grievance Review, 32
grievances must have had the final decision rendered and appealed 33
by the twenty-fifth (25
) day of the last month of the period. The 34
Grievance Review Board will consist of a combination of two (2) 35
representatives of IAM District Office (consisting of a General Chair 36
and designee) and two (2) Company representatives (consisting of at 37
least one (1) individual from Labor Relations and another designated 38
individual). 39
2. One (1) week after the end of the period as stated in B.1. 41
above, Labor Relations and the District Office will exchange lists of 42
appealed grievances during the first week after the end of the months 43
listed in paragraph B.1 above. The first list from Labor Relations will 44
be exchanged with the Union three (3) business days after the end of 1
the month. This will be verified within five (5) business days of the list 2
exchange. Position papers will be exchanged between the parties on 3
or before the 15
of the month (May, September and January). If the 4
falls on a weekend or holiday, then it will be the next business day 5
after the 15
. Position papers will be limited to one (1) page front and 6
back and will consist of: 7
a. Question or questions at issue. 8
b. Statement of facts. 9
c. Position of employee or employees and relief 10
requested. 11
d. Position of the parties: The Company shall submit 12
the Company’s position and the Union shall submit the Union’s 13
position. 14
3. a. All grievance disputes reviewed during this process 16
will be resolved according to one (1) of the options below: 17
1) Granted 18
2) Withdrawn 19
3) Settled with or without precedence 20
4) Scheduled for either full or expedited 21
arbitration 22
b. When a grievance has been granted, withdrawn or 24
settled, the paperwork will be completed within thirty (30) days 25
from the closure of the Grievance Review Board. 26
c. Full or Expedited Arbitration: The parties will make 28
every effort to schedule grievances into expedited arbitration, 29
however, failure to do so will result in the grievance being heard 30
in full arbitration. 31
d. All arbitrations (full or expedited) scheduled will be 33
assigned a hearing date within fourteen (14) days following the 34
close of the Review Board. The parties will make every effort to 35
schedule the date prior to the next Review Board. 36
C. Contract Related Grievances 38
For the presentation and adjustment of contract related grievances 40
(not involving discipline or discharge of employees) the following 41
procedure will apply. 42
1. The Shop Steward or employee will make every 1
reasonable effort to first discuss the matter with the employee’s 2
immediate supervisor and endeavor to arrive at a satisfactory 3
settlement of the matter. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached, 4
the Shop Steward may file a grievance which will be handled in 5
accordance with C.2. and C.3. below. 6
2. After exhausting the procedure in C.1. above, an 8
employee or employees may file a grievance in connection with the 9
terms of this Agreement and shall within twenty (20) calendar days of 10
the occurrence, or twenty (20) calendar days of reasonable first 11
knowledge thereof, present the grievance to his/her Shop Steward 12
and immediate supervisor, or designee, on a standard grievance form. 13
The parties shall meet within seven (7) calendar days, and every effort 14
shall be made to arrive at a satisfactory resolution with the decision 15
being rendered within ten (10) calendar days. The requirement for a 16
written decision may be waived by mutual agreement in writing. 17
3. If not resolved in C.2. above, the General Chair or his/her 19
designee may appeal the grievance to the Grievance Review Board 20
for consideration within // thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the
decision rendered in C.2. above. 22
D. Discipline Grievances Involving Unsatisfactory Attendance 24
1. a. An Oral Warning, Written Warning and Final 26
Warning will be deemed to have been grieved in a timely fashion 27
by the employee to whom it was issued and timely appealed to 28
the System Board of Adjustment. It will also be deemed to have 29
been heard and denied by the appropriate hearing officer in a 30
timely fashion as required by the provisions in Article 16.E. 31
Therefore, an employee is not required and will not be expected 32
to file a written grievance challenging the issuance of discipline. 33
b. No specific review of discipline will be contractually 35
required unless the Union has filed a written grievance pursuant 36
to paragraph 3 below or the employee is later terminated for 37
unsatisfactory attendance reliability and properly grieves such 38
event. In such an event, the termination action and all previous 39
discipline will be subject to review by the System Board of 40
Adjustment. 41
2. A copy of any discipline issued to an employee will be 1
retained in the employee’s local file and a copy will be furnished to the 2
employee’s local union representative or Chief Shop Steward. An 3
employee and/or his/her union representative, upon authorization by 4
the employee, will be permitted to review his/her local attendance 5
records and discipline. 6
3. The Union reserves the right to file written grievances 8
(which will be subject to the normal grievance procedures) contesting 9
the validity of the information used by the Company in issuing 10
attendance discipline. 11
E. Discipline Grievances not including Suspension or Discharge 13
In the case of any discipline not involving loss of pay (oral warning, 15
written warning and final warning), the following procedure shall apply. 16
1. No employee who has completed his/her probationary 18
period, as set forth in Article 9, will be disciplined without first being 19
advised of the charges and extent of discipline, in writing with a copy 20
to the local Union representative within twenty (20) calendar days of 21
the alleged incident, or twenty (20) calendar days of reasonable first 22
knowledge of the incident. The twenty (20) calendar days does not 23
include days in which the employee is not at work except for his/her 24
scheduled days off. Not later than seven (7) calendar days after 25
receipt of the above notice, the employee may request a hearing and 26
such hearing will be conducted no later than seven (7) calendar days 27
after the employee's request. The employee may be represented at 28
such hearing by the Local Shop Steward and/or the Union General 29
Chair or his/her designee. The Company representative conducting 30
such hearing shall not be the person preferring the charges. Oral and 31
written evidence may be introduced at such hearings and witnesses 32
may be required to testify under oath. The employee and the Union 33
may, upon request, examine the employee's personnel record prior to 34
such hearing. 35
2. Initial Hearing 37
Within ten (10) calendar days after the close of such 38
hearing, the Company shall render its decision in writing and shall 39
furnish the employee and his/her accredited Union representative a 40
copy thereof. The requirement for a written decision may be waived 41
by mutual agreement in writing. 42
3. Secondary Hearing 44
If not satisfactorily settled, the General Chair or his/her 1
designee may appeal for consideration to the appropriate Company 2
officer, or his/her designee, for review within // thirty (30) calendar days
of the date of the decision rendered in paragraph D.2. above. A 4
meeting will be held within ten (10) calendar days and a decision 5
rendered by the appropriate Company officer or his/her designee 6
within seven (7) calendar days. In the event the issue(s) is not settled 7
satisfactorily, the grievance may be appealed to the Grievance Review 8
Board as described in paragraph B. above. 9
F. Suspension and Discharge Grievances 11
In the case of an action involving discipline resulting in the loss of pay 13
(suspension and discharge), the following procedure shall apply. 14
1. No employee who has completed his/her probationary 16
period, as set forth in Article 9, will be disciplined without first being 17
advised of the charges and extent of discipline, in writing with a copy 18
to the local Union representative within twenty (20) calendar days of 19
the alleged incident, or twenty (20) calendar days of reasonable first 20
knowledge of the incident. The twenty (20) calendar days does not 21
include days in which the employee is not at work except for his/her 22
scheduled days off. Not later than seven (7) calendar days after 23
receipt of the above notice, the employee may request a hearing and 24
such hearing will be conducted no later than seven (7) calendar days 25
after the employee's request. The employee may be represented at 26
such hearing by the Local Shop Steward and/or the Union General 27
Chair or his/her designee. The Company representative conducting 28
such hearing shall not be the person preferring the charges. Oral and 29
written evidence may be introduced at such hearings and witnesses 30
may be required to testify under oath. The employee and the Union 31
may, upon request, examine the employee's personnel record prior to 32
such hearing. 33
2. Initial Hearing 35
Within seven (7) calendar days after the close of such 36
hearing, the Company shall render its decision in writing and shall 37
furnish the employee and his/her accredited Union representative a 38
copy thereof. The requirement for a written decision may be waived 39
by mutual agreement in writing. 40
3. Secondary Hearing 42
If not satisfactorily settled, the General Chair or his/her 43
designee may appeal for consideration to the appropriate Company 44
officer, or his/her designee, for review within thirty (30) calendar days
of the date of the decision rendered in paragraph F.2. above. A 2
meeting will be held within ten (10) calendar days and a decision 3
rendered by the appropriate Company officer or his/her designee 4
within seven (7) calendar days. In the event the issue(s) is not settled 5
satisfactorily, the General Chair may appeal to arbitration within thirty 6
(30) calendar days. Once Labor Relations receives the appeal, the 7
case will be scheduled for arbitration no later than twenty-one days 8
after receipt. The arbitration will be scheduled no earlier than thirty 9
(30) calendar days after the appeal is received, and heard within one 10
hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of the appeal, 11
unless no date in this time frame is available from an arbitrator 12
selected under paragraph I, below. In such instance, the hearing will 13
be scheduled at the first date available from a member of the panel. 14
G. If, as a result of a hearing, it is found the suspension or 16
discharge was not justified, the employee shall be reinstated without 17
loss of seniority and made whole for any loss of pay and benefits s/he 18
suffered by reason of his/her suspension or discharge and his/her 19
personnel records shall be corrected and cleared of such charge. In 20
determining the amount of back wages due an employee who is 21
reinstated as a result of the procedures outlined in this Agreement, the 22
maximum liability of the Company shall be limited to the amount of 23
normal wages and benefits s/he would have earned at straight time 24
pay in the service of the Company had s/he not been discharged or 25
suspended. 26
H. Grievances - General Information 28
1. If any dispute is settled in any of the steps as outlined in 30
this Article, the Union shall so advise the Company in writing. 31
2. When it is mutually agreed that a stenographic report is to 33
be taken by a public stenographer of any hearing provided for in this 34
Agreement, the cost will be borne equally by both parties to the 35
dispute. When it is not mutually agreed that a stenographic report of 36
the proceedings be taken by a public stenographer, the stenographic 37
record of any such hearing may be taken by either of the parties to the 38
dispute. A copy of such stenographic record will be furnished to the 39
other party to the dispute upon request at prorate cost. The cost of 40
any additional copies requested by either party shall be borne by the 41
party requesting them whether the stenographic record is taken by 42
mutual agreement or otherwise. 43
3. The time limits set forth in this Article may be extended by 1
mutual written agreement. 2
4. If either party fails to comply with the time limits set forth 4
in this Article, it shall result in the grievance being settled in favor of 5
the other party. 6
5. Stewards will be permitted, after reporting to their 7
supervisor, a reasonable and necessary amount of time during work 8
hours to investigate an issue or present grievances without loss of pay. 9
In the event it is necessary to go to another Department, they will 10
report in with the supervisor of the other Department. 11
6. Necessary hearings called by the Company shall, insofar 13
as possible, be conducted during regular business hours. Whenever 14
possible, all first step hearings will be conducted within the shop 15
steward’s scheduled shift. All stewards, and witnesses necessary for 16
a proper hearing will be compensated at straight time rate for all time 17
spent attending such hearing. 18
7. Disciplinary letters not involving a suspension in an 20
employee's personnel file will be removed from the personnel file and 21
will not be utilized for the basis of further disciplinary action if there 22
have been no further discipline letters within one (1) year. All letters 23
of discipline in an employee's personnel file will become null and void 24
and removed from the personnel file if a two (2) year period has 25
passed during which the employee receives no additional disciplinary 26
letters. 27
8. Rejected offers made by the Company or the Union for 29
settlement of employee complaints and grievances will be of no value 30
and will be inadmissible in any grievance or System Board of 31
Adjustment hearing. Settlements of complaints and grievances will 32
not, unless expressly so stated in writing and approved by the 33
President/Directing General Chair of the District Lodge and the 34
Company, be of any value in the interpretation of this Agreement, nor 35
will they set or be of any value as precedent for the handling of other 36
similar matters, and they will be without prejudice to either the position 37
of the Company or the Union on the issues raised. 38
9. Either party may withdraw or settle a grievance at any 40
time, and this shall not set a precedent on the merits of grievances 41
filed in the future on a similar matter. 42
10. Prior to taking any action under this Article, the Company 1
may withhold an employee from service without loss of pay. 2
11. If at any time during an investigation the Company 4
interviews an employee and the subject of that interview may lead to 5
discipline or discharge of that employee, s/he may request the 6
presence of the shop steward during that interview. If the shop 7
steward is not available, an appointed alternate may act in his/her 8
place. 9
I. System Board of Adjustment 11
1. In compliance with Section 204, Title 2 of the Railway 13
Labor Act, as amended, there is hereby established a System Board 14
of Adjustment, hereinafter referred to as "The Board," for the purpose 15
of adjusting and deciding disputes or grievances which may arise 16
under the terms of this Agreement, and which are properly submitted 17
to it after exhausting the procedure for settling disputes. 18
2. The Board shall be composed of a Company member, a 20
Union member and a neutral referee selected by the Company and 21
the Union. Unless the Company and the District Lodge agree upon a 22
combination of cases to be presented, each case presented to the 23
Board shall be treated as a separate case. The Board shall meet and 24
consider each Grievance properly appealed to it at a time and place 25
set by mutual agreement of the parties. If either party shall fail to 26
appear, the grievance shall be deemed settled in favor of the other 27
party. 28
3. The neutral member of the Board shall preside at 30
meetings and hearings of the Three (3) Person Board. It shall be the 31
responsibility of the neutral to guide the parties in the presentation of 32
testimony, exhibits and argument at hearings to the end that a fair, 33
prompt and orderly hearing to the dispute is afforded. The Board shall 34
meet in the city where the general offices of Alaska Airlines are 35
maintained unless a different place of meeting is agreed upon by the 36
Board and the parties. 37
4. The Board shall have jurisdiction over disputes between 39
any employee or employees covered by this Agreement and the 40
Company growing out of grievances or out of interpretation or 41
application of any of the terms of this Agreement. The jurisdiction of 42
the Board shall not extend to proposed changes in hours of 43
employment, basic rates of compensation or working conditions 1
covered by this Agreement or any Amendment hereto. 2
5. The Board shall consider any dispute properly submitted 4
to it by the General Chair of the Union or his/her designee, or by the 5
Representative of the Company. Disputes introduced by the Union 6
shall have been processed in accordance with the terms provided for 7
in this Article. 8
6. All disputes involving suspensions and discharges 9
referred by the Union to the Board for consideration shall be filed with 10
the Company's Vice President in charge of Labor Relations by a 11
Notice of Appeal which must be postmarked within thirty (30) days 12
after final decision in the last step of the grievance procedure set forth 13
in this Article. A copy of the submission as defined below will be 14
included with the notice of appeal sent to the Company's Vice 15
President in charge of Labor Relations. All disputes properly referred 16
by the Company to the Board for consideration shall be filed with the 17
President/Directing General Chair of the District Lodge by a Notice of 18
Submission which must be postmarked within thirty (30) days after the 19
Vice President in charge of Labor Relations knew or should 20
reasonably have been expected to know of the cause giving rise to the 21
dispute. Both parties will submit to the Board a statement of the case 22
which shall include: 23
a. Question or questions at issue. 25
b. Statement of facts. 26
c. Position of employee or employees and relief 27
requested. 28
d. Position of the parties: The Company shall submit 29
the Company’s position and the Union shall submit the Union’s 30
position. 31
7. Employees covered by this Agreement may be 33
represented at Board hearings by such person or persons as they may 34
choose and designate, in conformance with the constitution of the 35
Union, and the Company may be represented by such person or 36
persons as they may choose and designate. Evidence may be 37
presented either orally or in writing, or both. 38
8. A majority vote of all members of the Board shall 40
constitute a decision which shall be final and binding on the parties. 41
The decision of the Board shall be rendered within sixty (60) days of 42
the close of the hearing, or if briefs are filed, within sixty (60) days of 1
receipt of briefs. 2
9. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit, restrict or 4
abridge the rights or privileges accorded either to the employees or to 5
the Company, or to their duly accredited representatives, under the 6
provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended. 7
J. System Board of Adjustment Selection 9
The Company and the Union shall meet yearly, during the first 10
week of October, to agree upon the selection of neutral members to 11
sit with the Board in the consideration and disposition of pending 12
cases during the following year for both full and expedited arbitration 13
cases. A total of twenty (20) neutrals will be selected: ten (10) for full 14
arbitration cases and ten (10) for expedited arbitration cases. If the 15
number of panel members so selected does not equal a minimum of 16
ten (10), the parties shall select from the remaining names until a 17
minimum of ten (10) arbitrators have been selected. Any nominee 18
appearing on both lists will automatically be included on the list of ten 19
(10). The selection process shall be accomplished by the parties 20
alternately striking from the other parties list. The first strike shall be 21
determined by a coin flip. Upon selection of the panel, the parties will 22
contact the twenty (20) neutrals and reserve hearing dates mutually 23
agreeable for the Company, the Union and the neutral for the following 24
year. After a schedule of hearing dates is established for each neutral, 25
the Company and the Union will mutually agree during the Grievance 26
Review Board the particular case to be heard on each hearing date. 27
Said neutral shall be scheduled to hear the specific case (either for a 28
full or expedited arbitration) on his/her first available date. Either party 29
may terminate the services of a neutral by written notification to that 30
neutral with copy to the other party, except for cases already 31
scheduled before that neutral. If the number of neutrals falls below 32
twenty (20) the parties will meet to bring the total number to at least 33
twenty (20). 34
K. System Board of Adjustment - Miscellaneous 36
1. No matter shall be considered by the Board which has not 38
first been fully processed in accordance with the grievance and appeal 39
provisions of this Agreement. 40
2. The Board shall maintain a complete record of all matters 1
submitted to it for its consideration and of all findings and decisions 2
made by it. 3
3. Each of the parties hereto will assume the compensation, 5
travel expense and other expenses of the Board members selected by 6
it. 7
4. Each of the parties hereto will assume the compensation, 9
travel expense and other expenses of the witnesses called or 10
summoned by it. Witnesses who are employees of the Company shall 11
receive positive space transportation over the lines of the Company 12
from the point of duty or assignment to the point at which they must 13
appear as witnesses and return, to the extent permitted by law. 14
5. The Company Board member and the Union Board 16
member, acting jointly, shall have the authority to call witnesses and 17
to incur such other expenses as in their judgment may be deemed 18
necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the Board, and 19
such expense shall be borne one-half (1/2) by each of the parties 20
hereto. Board members who are employees of the Company shall be 21
granted necessary leaves of absence for the performance of their 22
duties as Board members. Board members shall be furnished positive 23
space transportation over the lines of the Company for the purpose of 24
attending meetings of the Board, to the extent permitted by law. 25
6. It is understood and agreed that each Board member shall 27
be free to discharge his/her duty in an independent manner, without 28
fear that his/her individual relations with the Company or with the 29
Union may be affected in any manner by any action taken by him/her 30
in good faith in his/her capacity as a Board member. 31
7. All time limits regarding system boards in this Article are 33
calendar days unless otherwise specified and may be extended due 34
to a substantiated emergency such as an accident, death, or serious 35
illness, or by mutual agreement in writing. 36
L. Expedited Arbitration 38
1. The Grievance Review Board will meet as outlined in 40
paragraph B. of this Article, and will identify specific cases which the 41
parties agree to arbitrate under the expedited rules contained in this 42
Article. 43
2. The parties shall agree to both a date(s) and a neutral to 1
hear these cases under the expedited rules. 2
3. No discharge or suspension case may be heard under 4
this procedure. 5
4. All decisions will be final and binding. 7
5. All decisions will be without precedent unless mutually 9
agreed to by the parties in advance. 10
6. Each party will be limited to a maximum of two (2) hours 12
of presentation in each case. This includes opening statement, direct, 13
cross, re-direct, re-cross, summation, etc. Each party may decide how 14
to allocate its own time. A stopwatch system will be employed. 15
7. No transcripts will be taken except in precedent setting 17
cases. 18
8. No written briefs may be filed. 20
9. Oral decisions will be rendered at the close of the hearing 22
day and written decisions will be rendered within three (3) business 23
days of the close of the hearing, with the exception of precedent 24
setting cases, but no longer than thirty (30) calendar days. 25
10. Executive sessions may be waived by mutual agreement, 27
but if conducted will be limited to thirty (30) minutes per case. 28
11. A Company appointed Board member and a Union 30
appointed Board member will hear these cases with the neutral. 31
12. The parties will meet after each expedited case session 33
to discuss the mutual benefit of adding to, deleting from, or amending 34
these rules to further expedite the proper resolution of cases 35
A. No employee will be required to lift weights beyond his/her 3
capability or to work under unsafe or unsanitary conditions and shall 4
not be subject to discipline if these conditions exist. 5
B. In accordance with System Regulations, local, state, and/or 7
federal laws and regulations, joint safety committees, composed of an 8
equal number of Union representatives and Company representatives 9
will be established at each location on the system, where employees 10
covered by this Agreement are employed. The purpose of the Safety 11
Committees shall be to hold monthly meetings and to provide a forum 12
for employees to bring forward their safety and health concerns and 13
work together toward hazard abatement, compliance with regulatory 14
requirements, the prevention of employee injuries/illnesses, 15
passenger injuries/illnesses and damage to company property or 16
environment. It shall be the duty of the Company to determine if 17
applicable State and Municipal safety and sanitary regulations are 18
complied with, and to make recommendations for the maintenance of 19
appropriate safety and sanitary standards. Safety Committee 20
meetings shall: 21
1. Review of safety/health and environmental inspection reports 23
and assist in correction of identified unsafe conditions and practices. 24
2. Evaluate accident investigations conducted since the last 26
meeting to determine if the cause of the unsafe acts or unsafe 27
condition involved was properly identified and corrected. 28
3. Evaluate accident and illness prevention program with a 30
discussion of recommendations for improvement where indicated. 31
Minutes of each committee meeting shall be prepared and filed for a 33
period of at least one year and shall be made available for review. The 34
subjects discussed and attendance of the members shall be 35
documented. Minutes shall be posted for all affected employees to 36
review. Copies of minutes shall be sent to the Company’s 37
Occupational and Operational Safety Department. (“OOSD”). Safety 38
Committee members shall be paid their normal straight time hourly 39
rate for their attendance at official joint safety committee meetings held 40
during their working hours. The General Chair shall be provided 41
copies of minutes upon request to the OOSD.
C. The Company will make available to employees a pair of 1
hearing protectors (earmuff type) at one-half (1/2) the Company's cost. 2
Replacements will be issued on a one-half (1/2) cost basis if the old 3
protectors are turned in. Also, the Company will make available to 4
employees a pair of ear plug type hearing protectors at no cost to the 5
employee upon request. 6
D. Employees entering the service of the Company may be 8
required to take a physical examination specified by the Company. 9
The cost of such examination will be paid for by the Company. 10
Thereafter, the Company may request an employee to submit to 11
further physical examination, with five (5) days written notice, during 12
the course of his/her employment or recall to service after a lay-off or 13
any absence of over six (6) months. The cost of such further 14
examination shall be paid by the Company. If it becomes necessary 15
to hold an employee out of service due to his/her physical condition, 16
the Union will, on the employee's request be fully informed of the 17
circumstances and every effort will be made to return the employee to 18
service at the earliest possible date. 19
E. Employees who are pregnant and operate Cathode Ray Tubes 21
in the normal conduct of their job shall be granted a leave of absence 22
for the duration of their pregnancy if they so request. 23
F. Employees will be subject to drug testing as outlined in the 25
Company's System Regulations governing drug and alcohol abuse. 26
G. The Company shall investigate the cause of any incidents which 28
result in work-related injuries to employees. Summaries of those 29
investigations and corrective actions taken (if any are necessary) shall 30
be made available to the General Chair upon request. 31
H. The Company will make every reasonable effort to create a work 33
environment free from violence and hostility. The Company will 34
provide employee training on conflict resolution procedures as they 35
may relate to incidents of violence and hostility. The training program 36
procedures and incident reporting system will be developed by the 37
Company. The Company shall work with the Union to identify possible 38
programs and mechanisms, which will further contribute to developing 39
a safe environment for all employees. Upon prior request from the 40
General Chair, incident reports will be made available.
A. A personnel file shall be maintained for all employees by the 3
Company. In some instances, a location personnel file and a location 4
training file may also be maintained. An employee may review these 5
files as well as the Supervisor's Records of Discussion regarding job 6
performance and attendance upon request, within the confines of the 7
normal office hours. Nothing of a derogatory nature shall be entered 8
into an employee's personnel files without first giving the affected 9
employee the opportunity to sign such material and provide a copy of 10
the material to the employee. Customer complaint letters and 11
accounting discrepancy notices will be purged from the files after one 12
(1) year unless they were the basis of disciplinary action, in which case 13
they shall be removed from the personnel file at the same time as the 14
related discipline. 15
B. Any employee leaving the service of the Company will, upon 17
request, be furnished with a letter setting forth the Company's record 18
of his/her qualifications and stating his/her length of service. 19
C. 1. The Company shall provide the initial basic uniform and pay 21
all costs associated with the issuance, basic tailoring, required 22
exchange of unworn garments, shipping, etc. of such uniform. The 23
initial basic uniform allowance will be one hundred twenty five (125) 24
points at the time of hire or initial entry into the CSA classification. 25
Upon successful completion of probation, the Company shall provide 26
a uniform allowance of seventy five (75) points for additional pieces 27
and replacements during the remainder of the calendar year. On 28
January 1st of each year, the uniform allowance for all non 29
probationary uniformed employees will be reset to the full allotment of 30
one hundred twenty five (125) points to be used for replacements 31
during such calendar year. The normal life of the uniform pieces will 32
be considered to be two (2) years for the hard finish items and one (1) 33
year for blouses and shirts. The cost of any additional pieces or 34
accessory items in excess of the allowance shall be borne by the 35
employee. 36
2. The style of a uniform shall be considered to have a life 38
of two (2) or more years. Prior to changing a uniform, the Company 39
will consult with a committee representing the employees and the 40
committee's recommendations will be given consideration in the 41
selection process. In the event of a complete uniform style change, 42
the Company will provide each employee with a uniform allowance of 43
two hundred (200) points for the purposes of ordering the new basic 1
uniform pieces. 2
3. The basic uniform shall consist of any combination of the 4
following items and/or additional optional uniform pieces as defined in 5
the Customer Service Manual: 6
a. Uniform Piece Point Value Per Item 8
Jacket 25 Points 9
Trousers/Shorts 15 Points 10
Skirt 10 Points 11
Shirt 10 Points 12
Vest 15 Points 13
Belt 5 Points 14
Scarf or Tie 5 Points 15
b. Maternity Uniform pieces will be available as optional 17
pieces. 18
c. Optional uniform pieces will not exceed twenty five (25) 20
points unless the Company and the Union agree to an 21
exception. 22
4. All employees must comply with company approved 24
uniform combinations and guidelines as published in the Customer 25
Service Manual. 26
5. In locations where Station Agents are utilized, in addition 28
to the CSA uniform provided, Ramp Service Agent uniforms and 29
accessories will be provided, as needed, upon request, per IAMAW 30
ASA RSSA Contract Article 18. 31
6. Employees may wear a Union insignia pin approved by 33
the Company. Pin placement for uniformed employees shall be 34
identified in the Customer Service Manual. 35
D. Employees shall notify the Company in writing of any change of 37
address or phone within ten (10) days of such change. 38
E. Each employee covered by this Agreement shall be issued a 40
printed copy of this Agreement. Any changes or additions from the 41
previous Agreement will be underlined. The cost of printing such 42
booklet shall be borne by the Company. The booklet shall be printed 43
and distributed within sixty (60) days of the signing of the Contract and 1
shall contain a Table of Contents and Index. 2
F. The Company agrees to pay employees on jury duty the 4
difference between the jury pay actually received and normal straight 5
time pay which would have been earned during the period of such 6
duty. Employees summoned for jury duty will be assigned to day shift, 7
not to exceed eight (8) hour work days, with Saturdays and Sunday 8
off unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and the 9
employee. On days when actual jury duty is performed, the 10
employee’s shift start time will be considered the employee’s court 11
report time. On days when the employee does not have to report for 12
jury duty, his/her start time will be the same as his/her report time for 13
jury duty. The weekend will commence at the beginning of the first 14
week of jury duty. Reasonable accommodation will be made prior to 15
the beginning of jury duty to ensure legal rest without loss of pay. 16
Employees agree to return to work on those days when excused from 17
jury duty prior to the midpoint of their shift with the total combination 18
of jury duty and work time will not be scheduled to exceed eight (8) 19
hours. At locations where state, county, city, borough, or local courts 20
have odd hours, irregular schedules, or where the jury duty obligation 21
is less than four (4) days a week, the Company will adjust the 22
employee’s daily work schedule so that they may perform their civic 23
duties. Employees will resume their regularly scheduled shift on the 24
Saturday following their release from jury duty. 25
G. The Company will provide inclement weather gear, where 27
required, for use by those employees required to meet or depart 28
aircraft. 29
H. The Company shall provide free parking for employees under 31
this Agreement at all locations where they are employed other than 32
City Ticket Offices. 33
1. The Company is required to meet with a committee
appointed by the PDGC or his/her designee to address parking
concerns, issues, and solutions. This committee will meet on a
quarterly basis, or more often as needed.
I. Employees covered by this Agreement stationed at Ketchikan, 41
who must commute from the ferry terminal on Revillagigedo Island to 42
the Airport terminal on Gravina Island, will receive a ferry pass. 43
J. The Company may establish reasonable personal standards for 1
appearance and safety. 2
A. The minimum hourly rates set forth on Schedule "A" attached 3
hereto and made a part of this Agreement shall prevail on and after 4
the effective date of this Agreement. 5
B. No employee shall suffer any reduction in hourly rate as a result 7
of this Agreement, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed 8
to prevent increases in individual rates or classifications over and 9
above the minimum specified. 10
C. Employees shall be paid on alternate Fridays during their 12
regular working hours. The payment on such Fridays shall include 13
normal wages due through the preceding Friday. Swing shift 14
employees, and employees whose shifts end at 4:00 p.m. or later, who 15
have Fridays as scheduled days off, shall receive their pay at the end 16
of their shift which commences on Thursday. Every effort will be made 17
to ensure the prompt re-issue of any missing paychecks. 18
D. Should the regular pay day fall on a legal holiday recognized by 20
this Agreement, employees will be paid on the day preceding such 21
legal holiday. 22
E. Paychecks will include a statement of all wages and deductions 24
made for the pay period, compensatory time balance, and balance of 25
vacation time. 26
F. Employees leaving the service of the Company with proper 28
notice will be given their final check within forty-eight (48) hours after 29
final clearance at points where payroll offices are located or mailed 30
within seventy-two (72) hours at other points, or earlier when possible. 31
G. Where there is a shortage equal to one-half day's pay or more 33
in the pay of an employee, and such shortage is the result of a 34
Company error, a special check will be issued at the Company's 35
General Offices by the Company within five (5) accounting working 36
days after notification to the Company regarding the shortage. 37
H. Employees working in a higher pay grade shall receive the rate 39
of pay for that classification for all time worked in that classification 40
with a minimum of two hours. 41
I. When an Accounting Manager is absent, the Company may 1
optionally appoint a Lead Accounting Specialist to perform the 2
Manager's functions. If a Lead is specifically appointed to perform the 3
Manager's functions during his/her absence, s/he will be compensated 4
an additional premium equal to the appropriate Lead Specialist rate of 5
pay as outlined in Schedule A for those hours s/he performed the 6
Manager's functions. 7
J. When an employee is reclassified s/he will commence receiving 9
the new rate of pay beginning on the first day s/he actually begins work 10
in the new classification. 11
K. When moving between divisions or classifications, current step 13
will be maintained. Employees who transferred previous to this 14
agreement will be placed in the appropriate step of their highest 15
seniority upon their next transfer between classifications. 16
1. Should there be future new hire wage exceptions, the
Company and the Union will meet and discuss a necessary exception.
Employees will progress from the step they are hired in on the pay
scale. In addition, any employee in such a location that may be at a
lower step on the pay scale will be raised to the new wage rate. If an
employee transfers from such a location, they will return to the step on
the pay scale based on seniority per Article 19.R. These wage rates
are not transferable should someone change location, regardless of
the reason.
L. Lead Differential 28
1. Effective on // August 10, 2019, the Lead Differential will
be // two dollar and // twenty-five cents (// $2.25) per hour.
2. // 33
M. After the May 20, 1995 signing of the agreement, current 35
employees as of that date (and new hires) who successfully bid (or 36
are hired) to the state of Alaska on or before July 4, 1995 will be 37
eligible to receive the Alaska Differential. Also, employees currently 38
receiving the Alaska Differential, who are involuntarily required to 39
relocate to the Lower 48, shall maintain their eligibility for the Alaska 40
Differential in the event they are subsequently successful in returning 41
to Alaska. Additionally, if current employees as of May 20, 1995, 42
involuntarily relocate to Alaska after July 4, 1995 due to a reduction in 43
force, they will be eligible to receive the Alaska Differential until they 44
can return to the Lower 48. The following Alaska differential rates 1
apply: 2
1. Employees hired prior to October 1, 1985 receive a 4
differential of one dollar and ninety cents ($1.90) per hour. 5
2. Employees hired between October 1, 1985 and July 4, 7
1995 receive a differential of one dollar ($1.00) per hour. 8
N. 1. Effective on January 1. 2014, the Trainer differential will 9
be one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour. 10
2. Effective on August 10. 2019, the Departure Coordinator 12
differential will be one dollar and // fifty cents ($1.50) per hour.
O. 1. All COPS employees at the Nome, Kotzebue, Barrow, 15
Cordova, Bethel, Wrangell, Petersburg, and Yakutat stations, shall
receive a location differential, which at the contractual wage start rate 17
will be // eight dollars and fifty cents ($//8.50) per hour. This differential
will be reduced by .25 cents ($.25) per hour beginning at step // two,
then reduced by .25 cents ($.25) per hour at step four, and then
reduced by .25 cents ($.25) per hour at each step beginning at step
five and will be// six dollars // ($//6.00) per hour at the // twelfth (12
) 22
step. When an employee transfers out of these stations, s/he shall 23
revert to the appropriate rate of pay for his/her classification under this 24
Agreement. (see chart in Schedule A)
2. All COPS employees at Oakland, San Francisco and San 27
Jose shall receive a two dollar ($2.00) per hour location differential. 28
When an employee transfers out of these stations, s/he shall revert to 29
the appropriate rate of pay for his/her classification under this 30
Agreement. 31
3. All COPS employees at the Los Angeles station, shall
receive a location differential which at the contractual wage start rate
will be two dollars ($2.00) per hour. This differential will be reduced
by .20 cents ($.20) per hour per hour at step 2, then reduced by .20
cents ($.20) per hour at step 4, and then reduced by .20 cents ($.20)
per hour at each step beginning at step five at each step until it
disappears into the basic wage scale.
P. Any employee who has been properly trained and is responsible 41
for and required to perform a Hazwoper Spill Clean Up shall receive a 42
pay premium of four dollars ($4.00) per hour for all time physically 43
accomplishing the clean up and related paperwork. Environmental 1
Affairs will be responsible for determining the appropriate method to 2
clean up a Hazwoper spill (i.e., in house or specialized spill 3
Q. Employees under the COPS Agreement shall participate in the 6
Company’s Performance Based Pay (PBP) Plan as outlined in the 7
approved plan. 8
R. Schedule A, Wage Scales, list the pay progression steps under 10
this labor agreement for all classifications. For purposes of 11
progressing onto the next pay step in Schedule A an employee will 12
reach the next pay step by reaching his anniversary date within his/her 13
classification. This wage increase anniversary date will be adjusted 14
for any periods when the employee is off payroll status for ninety (90) 15
days or longer except: 16
1. Employees on Military Leaves and Union Business Leaves 18
will not be subject to the 90 day calendar limit for purposes of wage 19
1. Effective // August 10, 2022, employees will be placed on the 22
appropriate new wage scale as listed on pages 166-171.
2. Effective // August 10, 2023, (first day of the pay period
closest to August 10) the pay scales will be amended as listed on 26
pages 166-171.
3. Effective // August 10, 2024, (first day of the pay period
closest to August 10) the pay scales will be amended as listed on 30
pages 166-171.
4. Effective // August 10, 2025, (first day of the pay period
closest to August 10) the pay scales will be amended as listed on 34
pages 166-171.
5. Effective // August 10, 2024 and 2025, (first day of the pay
period closest to August 10) the pay scales will be amended as listed 38
on pages 166-171 or per Letter of Agreement (wage review),
whichever is greater.
Should any part of provision of this Agreement be rendered 3
invalid by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation, 4
such invalidation of any part or provisions of this Agreement shall not 5
invalidate the remaining portions thereof and they shall remain in full 6
force and effect. In the event of any invalidation, either party may, 7
upon thirty (30) days notice, request negotiations for modification or 8
amendment of this Agreement. 9
A. Employees covered by this Agreement shall receive a shift 3
differential as set forth below: 4
First Shift None 6
Second Shift $.// 60 cents per hour
Third Shift $.// 75 cents per hour
// Fourth Shift $.// 80 cents per hour
B. For shift differential purposes, the three shifts shall be defined 11
as follows: 12
Commencing Between 14
First Shift 0500 - 1159 Local Time 15
Second Shift 1200 - 2059 Local Time 16
Third Shift 2100 - 0459 Local Time 17
C. // Fourth Shift: An employee who works a schedule of two or
more shifts during a work week will be paid the // fourth shift differential
for all hours worked during any work week in which s/he works such a 21
schedule. 22
D. Shift differential is part of the wage rate and therefore will be 24
included in the computation of pay for the hours of overtime, holiday 25
hours worked, but shall not apply to sick leave, holidays not worked, 26
vacations, jury duty, etc. 27
A. All employees subject to this Agreement shall become members 3
of the Union within sixty (60) days after date of employment and shall 4
thereafter maintain such membership in good standing as a condition 5
of employment. The employer will, within seven (7) working days after 6
receipt of notice from the Union, give any employee a discharge notice 7
who is not in good standing in the Union as required by this provision. 8
B. All new employees will meet with Union representative(s) for the 10
purpose of union orientation. Membership applications and 11
authorizations for initiation fees, dues and assessments forms will be 12
Upon receipt by the Company of a signed authorization to 13
the Union of initiation fees, dues and assessments payable to the 14
Union, the Company will deduct from the employee’s initial check each 15
month such initiation fees, dues and assessments, as are uniformly 16
required as a condition for acquiring or retaining membership. This 17
assignment shall be revocable by the employee through written notice 18
after the expiration of one (1) year, such notice to be sent in duplicate 19
by certified or registered mail to the District Secretary-Treasurer of the 20
Union, or upon the termination date of the Collective Bargaining 21
Agreement, whichever occurs sooner. Such assignment shall specify 22
the amount of the initiation fees, dues and assessments, and shall 23
provide that the amount of such deduction for membership dues or 24
assessments will be subject to change upon receipt by the Company 25
of a written certification by the President/General Chair of the District 26
Lodge that such initiation fees, dues, or assessments, have been duly 27
changed and specifying the amount thereof. 28
C. Deductions provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be 30
remitted to the Secretary-Treasurer, District Lodge, International 31
Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO no later 32
than the end of the month in which the deductions were made. The 33
parties agree that check-off authorization shall be in the form which 34
shall be prepared and furnished by the Union. The Company will 35
supply the Secretary Treasurer, District Lodge or his/her designee a 36
monthly list of all employees by bid location. This list will show 37
employee name, bid location, status and any dues deducted. 38
D. In the event that the Union requires the discharge of an 40
employee for non-membership or lack of good standing in the Union, 41
the Union may be required to supply a qualified replacement within 42
sixty (60) days. The non-Union employee shall not be discharged until 43
the replacement is available. The Union does hereby agree to 44
indemnify the Company for any and all expenses of defense and 1
judgment liability incurred by the Company by reason of the discharge 2
of an employee at the Union’s request pursuant to this action. 3
E. The Union shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless for 5
any time or wage claims for any employees discharged by the 6
Company or for any dues deduction changes pursuant to a written 7
order by an authorized Union representative. The Company agrees 8
that the Union shall maintain the exclusive right to defend, settle, 9
mitigate damages, litigate and/or take whatever action is necessary or 10
it deems proper with respect to a person who sues the carrier under 11
the Railway Labor Act, through attorneys of its own choosing and at 12
its own discretion, but, in any event, if the carrier unilaterally 13
determines that it desires attorneys to represent it in defense of such 14
actions, it shall do so at its own cost and not at the cost of the Union. 15
It is further agreed that the carrier shall promptly notify the Union of 16
any such action when and if filed and the Union shall, at its own option, 17
defend such actions and/or settle under the circumstances above 18
described. 19
F. In order to provide for orderly and peaceful labor relations, the 21
Company acknowledges that Union representatives are an integral 22
part of the resolution of disputes between the Company and the Union 23
and are vital to the Company’s continued success. Therefore the 24
Company recognizes the following Union Representatives. 25
1. Two (2) properly designated stewards in each bid location 27
on the system on each shift. Three (3) properly designated stewards,
on each shift, in the following locations: Seattle Counter, Seattle
Reservations, Portland Counter, San Francisco Counter, San Jose
Counter, Anchorage Counter, San Diego Counter, Los Angeles
Counter, Boise Reservations, Phoenix Reservations. In the absence
of the Shop Steward, a Union-appointed alternate may act in his/her 33
place. 34
2. Properly designated Chief Shop Steward(s) from within 36
the Local Lodge’s representational area to cover all facilities and 37
locations in the following manner: three (3) Chief Stewards in Seattle, 38
one (1) Chief Steward in each Anchorage, Phoenix, San Francisco, 39
New York and Los Angeles.
3. The parties expressly recognize the need to have Chief 42
Shop Stewards or his/her designee regularly available. In 43
consideration of this, Chief Stewards will not be assigned to duties 44
within the operation, but rather assigned to perform Union 1
representational duties for their full weekly schedule at no cost to the 2
Union. When not performing Union representational duties, the Chief 3
Shop Steward shall perform the normal duties of his/her classification. 4
Definitions: 6
1. Shop Steward A Shop Steward is a COPS employee 8
duly selected in accordance with official IAM procedures and vested 9
by the Union with the power to represent and to act on the behalf of 10
all COPS members in a given bid location. 11
2. Chief Shop Steward A Chief Shop Steward is a COPS 13
employee duly selected in accordance with official IAM procedures 14
and vested by the Union with the powers to represent and to act on 15
the behalf of all COPS members in a combination of bid locations. 16
3. General Chair An IAM employee duly selected in 18
accordance with official IAM procedures and vested by the Union with 19
the powers to represent and to act on the behalf of all IAM members 20
in an area defined by the IAM. 21
G. All orders or notices to an employee covered by this Agreement, 23
involving a transfer, promotion, layoff, or leave of absence, shall be 24
given in writing. In the event of the layoff of employees who have 25
completed their probationary period, two (2) weeks notice shall be 26
given by the Company, or pay in lieu thereof, and a copy of such notice 27
shall be furnished to the Union. 28
H. Bulletin boards, lockable if desired by the union, at least 22" X
32" will be provided by the Company in bid locations with fewer than 31
100 COPS employees, and bulletin boards, lockable if desired by the
union, at least 44" X 32" will be provided by the Company in bid
locations with 100 or more COPS employees for posting notices,
restricted to: 35
1. Notices of Union recreational and social affairs. 37
2. Notices of Union elections. 39
3. Notices of Union appointments and results of Union 41
elections. 42
4. Notices of Union meetings. 44
5. Official Union bulletins. 2
6. There shall be no other general distribution or posting by 4
employees of advertising or political matter, notices or any kind of 5
literature upon the Company's property other than herein provided. At 6
those locations where individual mailboxes are provided, unsealed 7
Union material may be placed in employees mailboxes by recognized 8
Union officials if it is: 9
a. A general distribution to all employees. 11
b. Meets the criteria established above for material on 13
the bulletin boards. 14
c. Is reviewed and approved prior to distribution by the 16
management supervisor or his delegate in charge of the 17
department. 18
Failure to meet these requirements will result in forfeiture 20
of this privilege to the Union for twelve months. This provision does 21
not require the Company to either provide or continue to provide 22
mailboxes. 23
I. Except in the case of unusual work loads, the following 25
elected Union officials may, with 24 hour prior notice given to their 26
supervisors, attend regular Union meetings which occur at their Lodge 27
while such officials are on shift: President, Financial and Recording 28
Secretaries, Chief Shop Steward(s), Shop Steward(s), and in periods 29
of contract negotiations, members of the Negotiating Committee. 30
Such attendance shall be without loss of pay for a period of up to two 31
(2) hours. 32
J. The company will provide a locking file cabinet if requested by
the union.
A. COPS employees hired before July 19, 2006: 3
COPS employees hired before July 19, 2006 will be given the 5
opportunity to choose between the following options during a 6
“Retirement Choice Program” election period offered to eligible 7
employees during 2007. 8
1. Remaining with (and accruing future service under) 10
the current COPS Retirement Program, including participation in the 11
Retirement Plan for COPS Employees, and the current matching 12
provisions under the COPS, MRP, Dispatch 401(k) Plan providing a 13
50% company matching contribution in cash // up to the first // 9% of
participant’s pre-tax contributions (maximum company matching 15
contribution is // 4.5% of eligible compensation); or
2. Freezing participation in the Retirement Plan for COPS 18
Employees as of December 31, 2007 and becoming eligible for an 19
enhanced company contribution under the COPS/MRP/Dispatch 401 20
(k) plan beginning January 1, 2008 that will provide a company 21
contribution of 4% of eligible compensation in cash plus 50% 22
company matching contributions in cash of up to the first // 7% of
participant’s pre-tax contributions (maximum company contribution, 24
including match, is // 7.5% of eligible compensation). Participants
who choose this option will receive no additional credited service in 26
the COPS Retirement Plan after December 31, 2007. 27
B. COPS Employees hired on or after July 19, 2006: 29
COPS Employees hired on or after July 19, 2006 will be eligible 31
to participate in the COPS/MRP/Dispatch 401 (k) Plan with the 32
enhanced company matching contribution as described in A.2. above. 33
Those employees will not be eligible to participate in any company-34
sponsored defined pension plan. 35
C. In lieu of the cash out options described in Letter of Agreement 37
18 (sick leave cash out) upon retirement, employees may elect to roll 38
twenty five percent (25%) of their accrued sick leave into their 401k 39
plan with a Company match as outlined in Article 23.A.1 or 23.B. 40
D. Effective January 1, 1983, the existing retirement plan originally 42
instituted October 1,1962, for Clerical, Office and Passenger Service 43
Employees shall become inactive or "frozen" and be referred to as the 44
"old plan." Upon being frozen, the Old Plan's actuary shall determine 45
the level of Company funding necessary to provide the benefits 1
accrued by participants under the Old Plan. If insufficient funds are 2
within the Old Plan's Trust, the Company shall make the appropriate 3
payments within the next five (5) years to fund the Old Plan. If excess 4
funds are within the Old Plan's Trust, the Company may withdraw such 5
funds at any time, at its discretion. The actuarial evaluation shall be 6
subject to the following conditions: 7
1. No participant may withdraw his/her contributions to the 9
Old Plan except in the case of termination, retirement or death. 10
2. Participation under the "new plan" after January 1, 1983, 12
shall apply to vesting under the Old Plan. 13
3. "Final Average Earnings" under the Old Plan shall include 15
those five (5) years of earnings (or less than five years if the participant 16
had less than five years credited service under the plan) prior to 17
January 1, 1983, in which the participant had his/her highest earnings. 18
4. Any participant contributions made to the Old Plan after 20
January 1, 1983, shall be returned to the participant within thirty (30) 21
days after the signing of this Agreement, without interest. 22
E. Effective January 1, 1983, a new, non-contributory career 24
average retirement plan shall be instituted for Clerical, Office and 25
Passenger Service Employees similar to the plan covering Mechanic, 26
Ramp Service and Related employees. 27
1. The Company shall provide a retirement plan for all 29
employees covered by this Agreement. 30
2. Employees shall participate after one (1) year of service 32
with the Company, retroactive to date of hire, but not prior to January 33
1, 1983. 34
3. There shall be no past service credit under this plan. 36
Service credit shall commence January 1, 1983 or thereafter. 37
However, for vesting purposes only, service credit earned by 38
participants under the "Old Plan" shall apply to vesting under this New 39
Plan. 40
4. Monthly benefits paid at retirement shall be one and three 42
tenths percent (1.3%) of the employee's basic monthly average wage, 43
multiplied by the number of years of credited service from January 1, 44
1983 to May 6, 1995, plus one and four tenths percent (1.4%) of the 1
employee's basic monthly average wage multiplied by the number of 2
years of credited service earned after May 6, 1995. 3
5. Effective October 29, 1999, for active plan participants 5
who are age fifty (50) and have twenty (20) years of anniversary 6
service with the Company as of July 1, 1999, benefits paid at 7
retirement age shall be as follows: 8
a. For service earned prior to January 1, 1999, the 10
monthly benefit shall be equal to one and eight-tenths percent 11
(1.8%) of the employee’s “average pay” for the period of five (5) 12
calendar years beginning January 1, 1994 and ending 13
December 31, 1998, multiplied by “credited service” divided by 14
twelve (12). (“Average pay” for a calendar year will be the 15
Participant’s “basic hourly rate” multiplied by 2080 hours.); and 16
b. For service earned after January 1, 1999, benefits 18
at retirement age shall be one and four-tenths percent (1.4%) of 19
the employees basic monthly average wage, multiplied by the 20
number of years of credited service earned after January 1, 21
1999. 22
6. a. “Basic monthly wage" shall be defined as the 24
employee's basic hourly rate of pay multiplied by 173. "Basic 25
monthly average wage" shall be defined as the average of the 26
employee's basic monthly wages during his/her active service 27
with the Company after January 1, 1983 or after January 1, 1999 28
for the group described in B.5., above. 29
b. “Basic hourly rate” shall be the average determined 31
by dividing the participant’s straight time earnings for a plan by 32
the number of straight time hours worked by the participant 33
during such plan year. 34
7. Retirement age shall be: 36
a. Normal - 62 (no actuarial increase beyond age 62) 38
b. Early - 60 (actuarially reduced below 62) 40
c. Early with six months written notice - 55 (actuarially 42
reduced below 62) 43
8. A participant whose employment terminates for reasons 1
other than death or retirement shall have no benefit under this plan 2
unless s/he has completed five (5) years of vesting service, in which 3
case the employee shall be entitled to a deferred pension at retirement 4
age. 5
9. The full text of this plan will incorporate the basic 7
provisions herein outlined. A copy of the Plan Document will be 8
furnished to the District Lodge, IAMAW, who will also be furnished with 9
a copy of the annual actuarial report covering the plan. It is 10
understood that the District Lodge, IAMAW, shall bear no fiduciary 11
responsibility under the plan. 12
10. Information explaining the Plan will be made available
to 14
all eligible employees. 15
This Agreement shall succeed and take precedence over all 3
Agreements, Supplemental Agreements, Amendments, Letters of 4
Understanding, and any similar related documents executed between 5
the Company and the Union heretofore, except the following 6
documents listed below. Any such agreements between the parties 7
signed during the term of this Agreement shall be printed in the same 8
size as the pocket-sized Agreement booklet and be issued to each 9
employee under this Agreement. 10
1. Passenger Service Coordinators and Boardroom 12
Concierge 13
2. Chemical Dependency 14
3. // Crew Scheduler Transition Scale
4. Military Charters 16
5. Prudhoe Bay 17
6. Bilingual letter 18
7. Station Agent Classification 19
8. PULP Paid Union Leave Program 20
9. DPASA 21
10. Contract Service Lead 22
11. Resource Planning 23
12. Work // Security
13. Holiday Helpers 25
14. Inactive classifications 26
15. Information Technology
16. Staffing Adjustment 28
17. Health and Wellness 29
18. Sick Leave Buyout 30
19. Double-Dipping
20. Non-DOT Random testing
21. GSAP
22. Bridge Agreement
23. Wage Review
24. LAX Transition Scale
A. The Company shall provide a Basic Life Insurance Benefit and 3
a Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit for regular 4
employees in accordance with the following schedule. The Accidental 5
Death and Dismemberment Benefit shall be on a twenty-four (24) hour 6
non-occupational basis. The premium shall be fully paid by the 7
Company. 8
Basic Life Basic 10
Monthly Earning Insurance AD & D 11
Less // than $2,000 $45,000 $45,000
$2,000 but less than $2,250 $54,000 $54,000
$2,250 but less than $2,500 $60,000 $60,000
$2,500 but less than $2,750 $66,000 $66,000
$2,750 but less than $3,000 $72,000 $72,000
$3,000 but less than $3,250 $78,000 $78,000
$3,250 but less than $3,500 $84,000 $84,000
$3,500 but less than $3,750 $90,000 $90,000
$3,750 but less than $4,000 $96,000 $96,000
$4,000 but less than $4,250 $102,000 $102,000
$4,250 but less than $4,500 $108,000 $108,000
$4,500 but less than $4,750 $114,000 $114,000
$4,750 but less than $5,000 $120,000 $120,000 25
$5,000 but less than $5,250 $126,000 $126,000
$5,250 but less than $5,500 $132,000 $132,000
$5,500 but less than $5,750 $138,000 $138,000
$5,750 but less than $6,000 $144,000 $144,000
$6,000 but less than $6,250 $150,000 $150,000
$6,250 but less than $6,500 $156,000 $156,000
$6,500 but less than $6,750 $162,000 $162,000
$6,750 but less than $7,000 $168,000 $168,000
$7,000 or over $174,000 $174,000
An employee may, at his/her option, increase his/her life insurance 36
coverage by purchasing at group rates, supplemental life and AD&D 37
insurance coverage. He may also purchase life insurance coverage 38
for his spouse and children 39
B. Short Term Disability- Company-paid coverage will be provided 41
in the amount of forty percent (40%) of weekly basic earnings up to a 42
maximum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per week. The Company 43
shall offer an Optional Short-Term Disability Plan. The cost to the 44
employee of optional short-term coverage will be determined by the 1
Company and this amount may change from year to year. The 2
Optional Short-Term Disability plan will provide benefits, in addition to 3
Company-paid coverage, equal to twenty percent (20%) of the weekly 4
basic earnings up to a maximum benefit of two hundred dollars 5
($200.00) a week. All terms and conditions which apply to the 6
Company-paid Short-Term Disability Plan shall apply to the Optional 7
Short-Term Disability Plan. 8
C. Long Term Disability - In lieu of current LTD plan, the company 10
will provide for payroll deductions and onsite enrollment for an LTD 11
program. The union shall determine the design of the plan, 12
participation requirements, and will select the agent and underwriter 13
for the Plan. The cost of the plan shall be borne by the employees. 14
The union shall have the opportunity to offer an onsite enrollment 15
subject to coordination with the appropriate operational area and 16
payroll. 17
D. Health Care Benefits - The Company shall offer each active 19
eligible employee and his/her eligible dependents a medical, 20
prescription drug, dental and vision plan subject to employee 21
contributions. The plans and terms of coverage shall be the same as 22
the plans offered to management employees, subject to the following 23
minimum terms and benefits: 24
1. Participation 26
a. Eligibility: All active regular full time 28
employees, and active regular part-time employees, who 29
regularly work 16 or more hours per week, their spouse and 30
dependents up to age 26 or as otherwise required by law. 31
b. Enrollment: Effective the first day of the 33
month following one (1) month of active Company service 34
provided the employee is on active status on that date. 35
c. Discontinuance: Last day of month in which 37
the employee is no longer on the payroll (except for employees 38
on Workers' Compensation as stated in D.1.d below). 39
d. Employees on Workers' Compensation who 41
have expended all injury leave and sick leave as set forth in 42
Article 14, paragraph I., occupational injury, shall have their 43
group insurance (medical/dental/vision and life) premiums paid 44
by the Company for a period of ninety (90) days subsequent to 1
the expiration of their injury and sick leave benefits. After the 2
above coverage has been expended, the Life Insurance may be 3
converted to an individual plan within thirty (30) days and 4
Medical/Dental/Vision coverage may be continued under 5
COBRA provisions. Employees on leave of absence (including 6
medical leave) or layoff may elect to continue their Group 7
Medical/Dental/Vision benefits and Life Insurance coverage by 8
paying to the Company the monthly premium covering the cost 9
of such coverage according to COBRA but not less than a 10
period of up to three (3) months. 11
2. Contributions 13
a. // Employee monthly contributions for the PPO plan
will reflect //a //80%/20% //cost sharing. //
// 17
b. Annual increases will be no more than 10% higher
than the prior year’s contribution. 19
c. The amount of employee contributions required of
part-time employees for the Health Plan will be as follows: 22
Average Number of Hours Percent of Health 24
Compensated Per Week in Care Premiums 25
the Prior Payroll Month Employee Pays 26
16 through 20 50% 28
20.1 through 30 25% 29
30.1 or more Same as full time 30
employee contribution 31
d. The Company will contribute the same amount
towards the funding of any applicable HMO as it contributes 34
to the same tier of coverage for the PPO plan. 35
3. PPO Benefit Levels - Effective January 1, 2007, co-37
pays, deductibles and other terms under the PPO health care 38
plan will be fixed at the following levels: 39
a. In-network physician visit co-pay $15; Plan pays 41
remainder of the covered physician charges (no deductible). 42
Ancillary services in-network are covered at 80% (after 43
deductible). Plan pays 60% of reasonable and customary 1
covered charges for out-of-network providers (after 2
deductible). 3
b. Annual Deductibles: 5
Individual In- network: $250.00 7
Family In-network $500.00 8
Individual Out of Network: $350.00* 9
Family Out of Network $700.00* 10
* If an in-network provider is available. 11
c. Annual Out of Pocket Max: 13
Individual In- network: $1500.00 15
Family In-network $3000.00 16
Individual Out of Network $3000.00 17
*Family Out of Network $6000.00* 18
* If an in-network provider is available. 19
d. Emergency room co-pay: $ 75 per visit.
e. Prescription Drug Co-pays:
Retail (30-day supply): 25
Generic $10 26
Formulary Brand Name - $25 27
Non-Formulary Brand Name 50% 28
(with min. $40/ Max. $100) 29
Mail Order (90-day supply): 31
Generic $20 32
Formulary Brand Name - $50 33
Non-Formulary Brand Name 50% (with 34
min. $80/ Max. $200) 35
f. Co-insurance:
In-network 80% 38
Out-of-network 60%* 39
* If an in-network provider is available. 40
g. Comprehensive Medical Maximum: unlimited.
h. // Chiropractic care shall be limited to 24 visits per
person per calendar year.
i. Hearing Aid Expenses: Limited to three hundred
dollars ($300) per person per two years. 3
j. Quality of Care/Cost Management Program:
Hospitalization expenses which are not pre-6
certified, but determined to be medically necessary, 7
will be paid at 50%. Expenses for a second opinion 8
paid at 100%. 9
k. // A High Deductible PPO plan will be offered as an
option, with the same plan coverage and at the 12
same monthly employee cost, as offered to 13
management employees. 14
4. Dental Summary 16
a. Deductible: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per 18
individual, fifty dollars ($50.00) per family unit, per calendar 19
year. 20
b. Co-Insurance: Plan pays 80% of usual and 22
customary charges, including prosthetics and periodontal 23
procedures. 24
c. Maximum: Up to $1,750 per individual per calendar 26
year. 27
d. // Orthodontia: Maximum of $2,000 lifetime per
individual with separate $100 lifetime deductible and 80% of 30
reasonable and customary charges paid by the Plan. 31
5. Vision Summary 33
// 34
a. One examination in a twelve month period; subject
to a copay of $20 if provided by a VSP network provider.
The plan will provide reimbursement up to $45 for an
exam provided by a non-network provider.
b. The plan will provide coverage for lenses and frames
as follows:
Network - One pair every 12 months, subject to $20
Non-network - $45 reimbursement every 12
months, subject to allowance ($25 single vision,
$45 bifocal, $61 trifocal
Network - $75 reimbursement every 12 months
Non-network - $45 reimbursement every 12 months
Medically necessary network covered in full (with
VSP approval) once every 12 months; non-
network, reimbursed up to $101
Network - $150 reimbursement every 24 months
Non-network - $90 reimbursement every 24 months
6. When both // spouses work for the Company and both
have elected to be covered, there shall be coordination of 21
medical/dental and vision benefits for the spouses and eligible 22
dependents if they are enrolled in both employees’ coverage. 23
E. Savings Accounts - The Company will offer the same tax 25
qualified Health Care and/or Dependent Daycare savings accounts as 26
are offered to management employees. 27
// 29
Employees covered by this Agreement shall receive a length 3
of service adjustment. This bonus is part of the wage rate and, 4
therefore, shall be included in the computation of pay for hour of 5
overtime, holidays, vacation, sick leave, etc. Longevity shall be based 6
on // five cents ($.05) per hour, per year for all years after six (6) of
service to a maximum of // thirty-five ($.35) per hour. Increments will
increase by five cents each year up to a maximum of thirty-five cents
per hour.
Except as may otherwise be stated, all provisions of this Agreement 3
shall become effective upon signing and shall remain in full force for the period 4
ending September 27, // 2026 and shall automatically be renewed under the 5
same terms and conditions for consecutive yearly periods thereafter unless 6
notice of intended change is served as provided herein. Either party desiring 7
to amend or modify any provision of this Agreement shall serve notice in 8
writing on the other party at least fourteen (14) months July 27, // 2025 9
preceding September 27, // 2026, or September 27,of any year thereafter; 10
specifically mentioning any amendments or modifications desired, and no 11
other provisions of this Agreement shall be affected by such notice, except to 12
the extent that other provisions must be revised to conform with the 13
amendments of modifications agreed upon. When any notice of desired 14
amendment or modification of any provisions hereof is served, the parties 15
hereto shall meet within thirty (30) days from receipt of said notice to negotiate 16
concerning such desired amendments or modifications. If an Agreement has 17
not been reached by May 27, // 2026, the parties will jointly petition the 18
National Mediation Board for mediation services. 19
IN THE WITTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this RSSA 21
Collective Bargaining Agreement this // 15
day of June, // 2022. 22
s/Sonia Alvarado s/Jenny Wetzel 25
s/Jason McAdoo s/John M Coveny 29
General Chairperson President Directing General Chairperson 30
s/Dan Suafoa District 142 31
General Chairperson 32
s/Justin Bates 33
General Chairperson 34
COPS members in call centers and COPS members performing 3
functions in other departments when agreed upon by the company 4
and the President - Directing General Chair or their designee may 5
participate in a program whereby they work from their homes. All 6
provisions of the COPS agreement apply to those persons choosing
to work from home, except as noted in this article. 8
A. // Reservations Sales Agents and Lead Reservations Sales Agents
holding classification seniority on or before // May 22, 2014 may
become a Home Agent on a voluntary basis. Employees hired after // 12
that date // may be directed to become a Home Agent. //
B. Eligibility Criteria 15
1. An agent’s home office must be // located in the same
state as their Company Designated Facility // or within the Anchorage,
Alaska Metropolitan area as defined by the U. S. Census Bureau. //
All Reservations Agents living in Anchorage will be home agents and
will be assigned to the same company designated facility.
// 23
C. Schedules 25
1. Home Agents will not be considered a separate bid 27
location. 28
2. Home Agents will bid a shift based on classification 30
seniority within their bid location. 31
D. Home Office Requirements 33
1. Supervisors, or another representative of the company, 35
and a union representative will be allowed to visit for an initial site 36
inspection, an annual privacy/security assessment and as required for 37
equipment or connectivity testing during an employee’s scheduled 38
shift within twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to the visit to both the 39
employee and the Shop Steward with a positive response from each. 40
Written and photographic documentation of the employee’s physical 41
environment may be made during these visits for safety and security 42
purposes. 43
a. A Shop Steward will be present at all visits to an 1
employee's home. Should the employee decline Union 2
Representation for such an inspection, the Union will be 3
provided documentation from the Company that the employee 4
declined representation. In the event a steward is not available 5
the company will advise the General Chair or their designee and 6
still conduct the visit. 7
b. The Company, in partnership with the Union, will 9
identify technical solutions and other technical enhancements to 10
communicate and engage with employees. These new 11
technologies and technical enhancements will be made 12
available for both the Union and the Company. 13
E. Equipment 15
1. The Company will provide agents with all required 17
equipment. 18
2. Each agent must subscribe to and pay for the installation 20
of the computer line, modem and maintenance fees for a continuous 21
high-speed internet connection such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), 22
broadband cable or fiber optic in the at-home office 23
F. Ready to Work 25
1. In cases of equipment or connectivity failure in the at-27
home office. home agents will be paid for troubleshooting/travel time.
Travel time will be determined by Google Maps with real time traffic or 29
a program mutually agreed upon by the Company and the District 30
President/Directing General Chair or his/her designee. 31
2. In cases of equipment or connectivity failure in the at-home 33
office, an agent may be required to report to the company designated
facility to finish the remaining time of their shift. 35
// 37
A. A Field Service Assignment is work covered under the craft and 3
class of this Agreement that is performed away from his/her station. 4
Field Service is intended but not limited to the following: 5
1. Emergencies as defined in Article 7.I.4.b; 7
2. Immediate staffing needs not adequately covered by 9
temporary or permanent bid awards; or 10
3. Ground Service duties associated with charter flights 12
outside of the employee’s home station. 13
B. When employees covered by this Agreement are required to 15
engage in field or emergency work away from their station, they shall 16
be paid for such work on the same basis as at their bid location. 17
C. Upon completion of a field or emergency work assignment an 19
employee shall return to his/her bid location in accordance with the 20
orders received at the time s/he left his/her home station, or in 21
accordance with the orders s/he received from the person to whom 22
s/he was ordered to report in the field, and shall be compensated for 23
the return trip in accordance with the provisions of paragraph A. 24
above. 25
D. All time spent in traveling or waiting in connection with field 27
service will be paid at the applicable straight time and overtime rates 28
of pay. If such travel is interrupted or delayed for any reason and the 29
employee is released by an agent of the Company for a period of five 30
(5) consecutive hours or more, s/he shall not be paid for the time 31
released but in no event shall any employee receive less than their 32
regularly scheduled hours at straight time rates for any twenty-four 33
(24) hour period while away from his/her bid location on emergency 34
field service. When two (2) or more employees are assigned to a field 35
service trip the most senior qualified employee will be appointed as 36
lead if no lead is available at the station. 37
E. Each employee covered by this Agreement shall receive, when 39
away from his/her station on regular or special duty, actual and 40
reasonable expenses as defined in Systems Regulations. The 41
employee shall be entitled to draw an expense advance to be 42
accounted for in accordance with Company policy. The advance, 43
however, is not to exceed the allowance for the estimated number of 44
days s/he will be away from his/her bid location. Employees will not 1
be required to use their personal automobile for Company business. 2
F. When an employee is away from his/her station on a field 4
assignment he shall be paid straight time and overtime in accordance 5
with the provisions of this Agreement but in no event shall s/he receive 6
less than their regularly scheduled pay for each day; provided, 7
however, that the Company may schedule him/her to take his/her 8
regular day off without compensation except for the reasonable and 9
necessary expenses provided for in this Article. 10
G. An employee having completed a field assignment away from 12
his/her home station, beyond his/her regular shift, shall have at least 13
eight (8) hours rest before being required to report for work. An 14
employee having completed a field assignment shall not be paid less 15
money, exclusive of expenses, then s/he would have received had 16
s/he worked his regular shift at his/her bid location. 17
H. When employees are required to engage in field or emergency 19
work, luggage will be protected by the Company at a full dollar value 20
against fire, theft or damage. The Company may require the valuation 21
to be certified in advance of the employee departing. 22
I. Employees traveling or waiting in pay status are prohibited from 24
partaking of alcoholic beverages. 25
J. Any employee covered by this Agreement required by properly 27
designated Company authority to travel in connection with his/her job 28
for all hours away from his/her station shall be covered by standard 29
travel accident insurance policy with a death benefit of $100,000 at no 30
cost to the employee. The Group Insurance beneficiary will apply 31
unless the employee designates a beneficiary in a letter to the 32
Employee Services Department. 33
K. The Company and Union will establish a mutually agreed upon 35
policy(s) for all classifications regarding Field Trip employee selection, 36
at stations where such a policy becomes necessary. 37
A. When a non-management training position is established 3
to train employees in the Agent/Clerical Division, such position will be 4
filled by employees in the Agent/Clerical Division. A COPS employee 5
selected as a trainer and those currently serving as trainers will 6
receive the appropriate Trainer rate of pay. Trainers will mirror a shift 7
that their seniority will allow them to hold. in accordance with Article 8
10.Q. within their job classification, unless they perform only training 9
duties for their entire shift, in which case, they will be allowed to have 10
a separate shift bid. Trainers may adjust their shifts when performing 11
training duties. 12
1. Notwithstanding paragraph A, representatives of
the Company and the Union at a station or location may agree to an
alternative arrangement(s) for trainers shifts provided such
arrangement is approved by the Union’s General Chair and the
Company’s Vice president in charge of Labor Relations. Any such
arrangement shall not be a violation of the labor agreement.
B. When employees are required to attend formal 20
educational classes conducted by or for the Company at or away from 21
their station, they shall receive the applicable rate of pay for the period 22
they are in attendance and for published travel time from origin to 23
destination including scheduled connection time by the most direct 24
routing plus one (1) hour, away from their station. When employees 25
attend Company provided training as a prerequisite to meeting 26
qualifications for a classification for which they have a bid on file and 27
there is a reasonable expectation of a bid award, they shall receive 28
the applicable rate of pay for the period they are in attendance and for 29
published travel time from origin to destination including scheduled 30
connection time by the most direct routing plus one (1) hour, away 31
from their station. In either situation, employees may elect to take 32
compensatory time off in lieu of pay for travel time. No employee shall 33
receive less pay than s/he would normally receive when s/he attends 34
classes on his/her regularly scheduled work days or work week. 35
C. If an employee is required to attend classes on his/her day 37
off, s/he will be assured a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the 38
applicable rate of pay, or the employee may agree to adjust his/her 39
days off. 40
D. If training is held immediately prior to or after the 42
employee's regular shift, such time will be at the applicable rate of pay 43
unless the employee agrees to an adjusted shift. The Company may 44
change an employee's start time within a shift with five (5) days written 45
notice in order to facilitate training. 1
E. Employees attending classes away from their base or 3
station will have all reasonable expenses paid by the Company 4
according to System Regulation 5.150. 5
F. When new equipment is put into service by the Company, 7
all affected employees shall be given reasonable instruction to 8
become familiar with its operation. 9
G. After satisfactorily completing initial COPS 11
seniority requirements under this agreement single occupancy hotels 12
will be provided for employees attending training which requires an 13
overnight stay. 14
H. The Company will provide the required amount of time to
complete all training. Training time will be at the discretion of the
company, and may be adjusted for operational needs. The
responsibility to timely complete training remains with the employee.
P.S.C. & Boardroom Concierge LETTER #1 1
October 29, 1999 3
Mr. Donald Welch 7
General Chairman 8
International Association of Machinists 9
and Aerospace Workers 10
District Lodge 143 11
1355 Mendota Heights Road, Ste. 300 12
Mendota Heights, MN 55120 13
Dear Mr. Welch: 16
This will confirm our discussion during negotiations regarding the 18
Passenger Service Coordinators and the Boardroom Concierge. 19
It is agreed that in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph C., of the 21
current agreement, Passenger Service Coordinators and Concierge 22
are not to perform any work covered by the Agreement except as 23
provided in Article 4.E. 24
It is also agreed that any advance reservations or services the 26
Passenger Service Coordinator obtains for passengers during a flight 27
should be coordinated with the Senior Agent on duty. 28
Very truly yours, 30
Alaska Airlines, Inc. 32
s/Thomas R. O’Grady 35
Staff Vice President/Labor Relations 36
Chemical Dependency LETTER #2 1
Chemical dependency abuse is one of the leading health problems, 3
resulting in human tragedy and economic loss. We believe that 4
Chemical dependence is an illness, which can be successfully treated. 5
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will help any employee who 6
needs and accepts treatment. To accomplish this, the Employee 7
Assistance Program, in conjunction with the IAM and with the 8
cooperation of the Alaska Airlines management, offers a program to 9
diagnose and treat this disease. 10
The benefits under our Group Hospitalization and Medical Insurance 16
Plan, as well as Alaska Airlines' Sick Leave benefits, will be provided 17
for those employees requiring treatment for a chemical dependence 18
problem. 19
The importance of this program to the afflicted individual cannot be 21
over-emphasized. The need for his/her cooperation in responding to 22
treatment by trained professionals also cannot be over-emphasized. 23
Guidelines for the establishment of such a program will be agreed to 24
between the representatives from the Union and representatives from 25
the Company. 26
THE ALTERNATIVE in failing to accept help and treatment could be 28
loss of job and, finally, life itself. Unfortunately, the problem may not 29
be obvious to the person struggling with this terrible disease. It may 30
be more evident to their family, friends and fellow employees. All 31
employees must accept a responsibility in the control of this disease 32
among their peers. 33
CONFIDENCE. Should you desire assistance, please contact your 36
Employee Assistance Program Coordinator or the General Chair. 37
Crew Scheduler Transition Scale Letter #3
Any COPS member hired on or before September 27, 2019 who is
working in or transfers to a Crew Scheduling shall follow the Crew
Scheduling transition pay scale per Article 19.K.
Grade “A” Transition
Crew Scheduler
Step 8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024
$27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
1 $27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
2 $27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
3 $27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
4 $27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
5 $27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
6 $27.07 $31.79 $32.58 $33.40
7 $27.95 $32.14 $32.95 $33.77
8 $30.87 $33.62 $34.46 $35.32
9 $31.11 $33.88 $34.73 $35.60
10 $32.19 $35.06 $35.93 $36.83
11 $33.00 $35.94 $36.84 $37.76
12 $33.46 $37.54 $38.48 $39.44
Start to first step takes six months 11
First step to second step takes six months. 12
All other steps take one year. 13
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 16
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 20
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 21
Military Traffic LETTER #4 2
between 6
and the 8
hereby agree that: 11
1. The employees will continue to provide required services 13
in connection with all military traffic which the Company carries for the 14
United States Government even though any or all of such employees 15
withdraw from commercial airline service because of unresolved labor 16
disputes, including disputes arising out of the contract termination 17
date. 18
2. Pay and other benefits for employees providing services 20
within respective classifications in connection with military traffic 21
carried for the United States Government, pursuant to Paragraph 1 22
hereof, will: 23
a. For any period prior to the opening date of the 25
contract between the parties be governed by the then existing contract 26
unless modified by agreement of the parties, and, 27
b. after the opening date of the contract be governed 29
by either the contract that existed at or prior to the said labor dispute 30
or the contract negotiated as a settlement of such dispute, whichever 31
is more beneficial to the employees. 32
3. To assure the movement of a particular flight under such 34
circumstances, the Union will require certification by an appropriate 35
Company operating official designated by the Company for such 36
purpose that such flight is in accordance with the specifications set 37
forth in paragraph 1. above and will be exclusively for military flights 38
deemed essential to the national defense. 39
4. This understanding constitutes an amendment and 41
modification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the 42
parties hereto and, notwithstanding, any other provisions of said 43
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall run exclusive of the 44
Agreement. 45
Signed this 28th day of March, 1980. 1
s/Charles D. Easley s/Robert E. Gray 7
s/JoAnne Swansen s/Donald Downs 8
s/Walter Fitzgibbon s/Reece Gilstrap 9
s/Garey Davis 10
s/Walt Goodwin 11
Prudhoe Bay LETTER #5 1
between 4
and 6
for 9
at 11
WHEREAS, it is the Company's desire to initiate a station at 14
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska; and, 15
WHEREAS, it is the Union's desire that its members be utilized 16
to staff that station; and 17
WHEREAS, the remote location of Prudhoe and the lack of 18
normal living facilities present unique working conditions not 19
contemplated in the Labor Agreement between the parties; 20
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed that the provisions of the basic 21
Labor Agreement shall apply to the Prudhoe Bay Station with the 22
following modifications: 23
1. Article 4, Classification of Work 24
a. It is contemplated that the classifications of Lead 25
Customer Service Agent, Customer Service Agent, Security Agent 26
and Operations Agent will be utilized. The Lead CSA and CSA may 27
perform all responsibilities in the classifications listed above. 28
b. Management personnel will not normally perform 29
work in the Classifications covered by the basic Agreement except for 30
assisting employees in those instances when due to an unforeseeable 31
peak period, where time is of the essence, and no other arrangement 32
is feasible to alleviate the situation, or if there are insufficient 33
volunteers for overtime, or in the case of an emergency. It is agreed 34
that the servicing of late flights, the performance of necessary work to 35
maintain flight schedules, or the protection of Company or customer 36
property against the elements may be considered emergencies. Each 37
emergency may be explained in writing to the local Union shop 38
committee or local shop steward when there is no shop committee, 39
upon receipt by the Company of a request in writing. The Company 40
will respond in writing within forty-eight (48) hours of the written 41
request, exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays. 42
c. The Company may not subcontract work normally 43
covered by the Basic Agreement except when specific skills, 44
equipment or facilities are not present at the station, when customers 45
require the use of their own or a subcontractor's employees, and in 1
emergency situations beyond the Company's control. 2
2. Article 5, Hours of Service 3
a. All shifts and work periods shall be fixed and will be 4
bid according to the basic Agreement and awarded by classification 5
seniority. 6
b. There shall be no shift differential. 7
c. Part-time employees (working less than twelve (12) 8
hours per day) may be utilized but shall work a minimum of six (6) 9
hours per day. 10
d. Vacation, sick leave and Workmen's Compensation 11
absences may be covered by relief shift employees working irregular 12
tours at normal compensation. 13
3. Article 7, Overtime 14
a. Overtime shall apply to any work performed in 15
excess of twelve (12) hours in any work day. It shall be paid at the 16
time and one-half (1-1/2) rate. 17
b. Employees unable to leave the station at the end of 18
their fourteen (14) day tour of duty because of lack of Company 19
transportation from Prudhoe to FAI/ANC will, for pay purposes, be 20
considered to be on actual duty. If required to work, overtime at the 21
time and one-half rate shall apply. Those employees unable to return 22
to work through no fault of their own because of a lack of Company 23
transportation from FAI/ANC to Prudhoe will be considered to be on 24
actual duty and will be paid at their normal rate of pay. 25
4. Article 8, Holidays 26
Holidays shall not apply to the station, except that Prudhoe Bay 27
employees who work the holiday shall be compensated at the double 28
time and one-half (2½X) rate for all hours worked. Prudhoe Bay 29
employees who are not on their tour of duty shall receive holiday pay 30
which is a daily average of the number of hours the employee worked 31
during their last tour of duty. 32
5. Article 10, Vacancies 33
a. The bidding of vacancies shall be by "permanent" 34
or "preference" bid. 35
b. When an employee covered by this Agreement is 36
not available to fill a vacancy, after exhausting procedure set forth in 37
the basic Agreement and after the Company has first asked for 38
volunteers to fill the vacancy temporarily until a new employee is hired, 39
management employees may perform any necessary functions for 40
thirty (30) days. 41
c. If an employee is unable to cope with the 42
environment or working conditions within ninety (90) days of being 43
awarded the bid, s/he will be allowed to return to his/her former 44
position (if his/her seniority so allows) with a thirty (30) calendar day 1
written notice to the Company. 2
d. For vacancies of thirty (30) days or less the 3
Company shall have the option of the following procedures in any 4
order: 5
1) Hire a new employee on a temporary basis. 6
2) Select any volunteer at any station on the 7
system. 8
3) Offer the position to those employees who 9
have preference bids on file for the Classification and station, in 10
seniority order. If none accept, the Company shall have the right to 11
assign the junior employee with a preference bid on file. 12
e. Any employee who is absent from the Prudhoe 13
station for reasons other than vacation or approved personal LOA for 14
more than three-hundred thirty six (336) hours in a twelve month 15
period shall be considered unfit for assignment to the station and shall 16
be furloughed. 17
6. Article 11, Transfers and Moving Expenses 18
This section shall not apply to the Prudhoe Bay Station. 19
7. Article 13, Vacation 20
Vacations shall be bid in increments of one-half (1/2) a 21
tour of duty, that is, seven (7) consecutive days. It shall be paid for on 22
the basis of twelve (12) hours per day and shall be accrued on the 23
basis of the same relative accrual as set forth in the basic Agreement 24
reduced to an hourly rate. 25
Accrual Rate in Minutes per 26
Straight Time Hour Worked Years of Service 27
2.50 0 - 4 28
4.65 5 - 11 29
6.94 12 - 20 30
7.50 21 and over 31
One year represents 2,184 hours.
8. Article 14, Sick Leave 34
a. Sick Leave shall be accrued at the rate of 2.75 35
minutes for each straight time hour worked and shall be expended at 36
the rate of twelve (12) hours per day, Paragraph D. of the contract 37
shall not apply. 38
b. Employees leaving the station prior to the 39
conclusion of their tours because of illness or injury must provide the 40
company with a telephone contact. Employees who are ill and unable 41
to report for their assigned tour shall contact the Customer Service 42
Manager at least 24 hours prior to the report time. 43
9. Article 15, Transportation 1
a. The Company will provide "Positive Space, Service 2
Charge Waived" transportation between Prudhoe and the employees’ 3
home of record on Alaska Airlines system for normal rotation of tours 4
of duty, any markets within the State of Alaska under a capacity 5
purchase agreement with Alaska Airlines. 6
b. Section 11, paragraphs A & B, shall not apply for 7
transfers to the Prudhoe Station. 8
c. The Company's Pass Policy, System Regulations 9
6.000-6.600, shall not apply to transportation to and from the Prudhoe 10
Station. 11
d. Transfer and moving expenses shall not apply to 12
the Prudhoe Bay Station. 13
10. Article 19, General and Miscellaneous 14
a. Parkas and gloves will be provided for all 15
employees required to work out of doors. The employee shall be 16
responsible for maintaining his/her uniform in a clean, presentable 17
condition. Cleaning facilities will be provided by the Company. 18
b. The Company may ask for volunteers for temporary 19
relief from all stations for vacation, sick leave, or other temporary 20
vacancies. 21
c. The Company shall prepare and maintain "Station 22
Rules" which shall govern the operation of the station and the conduct 23
of the employees at the station. The rules shall not discriminate nor 24
coerce the employee and shall not conflict with this Agreement or the 25
basic Agreement. Each employee shall receive and sign for a set of 26
these rules attesting his/her compliance prior to being awarded a 27
position at the station. 28
d. Room and board at Prudhoe shall be furnished to 29
employees assigned to the station at Company expense. 30
Signed this 29th day of October, 1999. 32
WORKERS, District Lodge No. 143 36
s/Robert De Pace s/Thomas R. O’Grady 38
Bobby De Pace Thomas R. O’Grady 39
President/Directing General Chair Staff Vice President, Labor 40
Relations 41
s/Donald Welch 43
Donald Welch 44
IAM General Chair 45
Bilingual LETTER #6 1
The Company and the Union recognize the importance of Alaska 12
Airlines’ international service and the value of providing quality 13
customer service to our non-English-speaking passengers. All 14
employees, regardless of their shift designation, are expected to assist 15
each non-English speaking customer to the best of his/her ability. 16
1. Shift assignments at reservations and airport locations 18
will be bid separately from among language-qualified employees at 19
the respective location. 20
2. a. At Reservations locations, if the Company is 22
unable to staff bilingual shift assignments using qualified 23
bidders, junior bilingual agents may be assigned as needed to 24
ensure a reasonable level of coverage to meet the needs of the 25
service. 26
b. At airport locations with international departures 28
the Company will not, specifically to maintain bilingual language 29
qualification, junior assign more than two (2) bilingual agents per 30
flight. 31
3. In the event of a reduction in force, seniority shall be used 33
in accordance with Article 10. 34
a. At Reservations locations should circumstances 36
indicate that a reduction in force would result in the Company 37
losing its ability to provide desired bilingual customer service, 38
the Company would advise the Union that a reasonable number 39
of bilingual agents would be retained to meet the needs of the 40
service and that the reduction in force would be handled by 41
seniority among those employees affected, subject to the 42
bilingual qualifications. 43
b. At airport locations with international destinations 1
the Company will not, specifically to maintain bilingual language 2
qualifications, furlough out of seniority order except to the extent 3
necessary to assure two (2) bilingual agents per flight. 4
4. Agents at airport locations and/or Reservations locations 6
who are certified by the Company in the specific bilingual language 7
skills required, and who are awarded a shift which is designated for 8
bilingual service, will be paid a differential of $1.00 an hour for all hours 9
worked in that function. The Company will designate when and where 10
the bilingual differential will be utilized. 11
a. Bilingual agents who are not on a specific 13
bilingual defined schedule, but who are assigned bilingual 14
duties during the course of their work day, will receive the 15
bilingual differential pay for all time worked with a minimum of 16
two (2) hours. 17
b. New and existing bilingual agents covered by this 19
letter of agreement will be required to go through a certification 20
procedure prior to receiving the differential unless they are 21
currently working in that function or have worked in that function 22
in the past year. 23
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter 25
of Agreement this15th day of February, 2011. 26
s/Kelley Dobbs 30
Kelley Dobbs 31
Vice President Employee Resources & Labor Relations 32
s/Tom Higginbotham 36
Tom Higginbotham 37
President - Directing General Chair 38
Station Agent LETTER #7 1
April 17, 1994 3
Mr. Marvin E. Sandrin 8
President/Directing General Chairman 9
International Association of Machinists 10
and Aerospace Workers 11
Air Transport District Lodge 143 12
2600 Eagan Woods Drive 13
Suite 220 14
St. Paul, MN 55121 15
Dear Mr. Sandrin: 17
This will confirm the assurances I provided to you during these 19
negotiations that no employee under the COPS or MRP Agreements 20
will be laid off as a result of adding the Station Agent classification. 21
Future Station Agent classification vacancies which are established by 22
the Company at existing stations that previously were staffed by 23
Customer Service Agents (CSA) will be filled by attrition if there are no 24
incumbent qualified volunteers unless new positions are added. 25
Additionally, no current CSA will be required to lose their job if 26
physically unable to perform the requirements of the Station Agent 27
classification. Also, no CSA will be forced to become a Station Agent. 28
Sincerely, 30
s/ Nick McCudden 33
Nick McCudden 34
Assistant Vice President, 35
Labor Relations 36
I agree: 39
s/Marvin E. Sandrin May 20, 1995 41
Marvin E. Sandrin Date 42
P.U.L.P. LETTER #8 1
between 4
and 6
for 9
Paid Union Leave Program (P.U.L.P.) 11
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into in 14
accordance with the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, 15
by and between ALASKA AIRLINES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as 16
the "Company") and the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF 17
MACHINISTS AND AEROSPACE WORKERS (hereinafter referred to 18
as the "Union"). 19
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Company and the Association 21
to enter into a Letter of Agreement establishing a procedure for the 22
Company to bill the Union for reimbursement in connection with the 23
release of employees from duty for authorized Union business. 24
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed and understood by 26
and between the parties to this Letter of Agreement that: 27
1. An employee who loses time due to being released from 29
duty for authorized Union business will be paid for the time lost for 30
which they had been scheduled to work and the Company will bill the 31
Union for the time lost as a result of such release. 32
2. In addition to the amount of reimbursement determined in 34
Paragraph 1, above, an additional payment in the amount of thirty-six 35
point five percent (36.5%) shall be added for those fringe benefits 36
accrued by the employee while on Union leave. 37
3. An employee who is released for authorized Union 39
business shall accrue all sick leave and vacation benefits to which they 40
are entitled as if they had worked during such periods. 41
4. For purposes such as sick leave accrual, vacation 43
accrual, retirement, life/medical insurance, 401(k) and other 44
applicable benefits, as well as pass privileges, the employees covered 1
by this Letter of Agreement shall be considered active employees. 2
5. Authorized leaves for Union business shall only be 4
requested by the General Chair or his/her designee and a copy of the 5
Company's billing to the Union will be furnished by the Company to 6
the General Chair. The Assistant Vice President of Labor Relations 7
must be advised in writing by the General Chair of the name(s) of the 8
individual(s) who the Union has designated to act on behalf of the 9
General Chair to request Union leaves. 10
6. Either the Company or the Union may exercise their 12
independent right at any time for any reason to discontinue this 13
agreement with thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 14
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this 16
Letter of Agreement this 29
day of October, 1999. 17
s/Gail L. Neufeld s/Thomas R. O’Grady 21
s/Marcia Stock Thomas R. O’Grady 22
s/Bennie Johnson Staff Vice President, Labor 23
s/Karen Wells-Fletcher Relations 24
s/Stacie Butcher 25
s/Bob Hartnett 26
s/Joanne Robitaille s/ Robert De Pace 32
s/Lauren Lewis Robert De Pace 33
s/Don Anderson President/Directing General Chair 34
s/Jacki Belden 35
s/Marsha Cline Morgan s/Donald Welch 36
s/Bea Knott Donald Welch 37
IAM General Chair 38
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into with the intent to 12
outline a newly proposed procedure and for developing new duties 13
and responsibilities for bargaining unit classifications which will be 14
assigned to transfer Disabled Passengers at the Seattle station. 15
WHEREAS Alaska Airlines (“Company”) and the International 17
Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers ( “Union”) have 18
mutually agreed to establish a procedure for Alaska Airlines to 19
interview, select, and assign employees based on the principal duties 20
and responsibilities described below, and 21
WHEREAS the shift assignment and selection process shall consider 23
the bidder’s qualifications and seniority in classification or with the 24
Company. The selection of candidates for the duties and 25
responsibilities described herein, will be at the discretion of the 26
Company. 27
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed and understood by and 29
between the parties to this Letter of Agreement that: 30
1 Employees who are currently employed in a job classification 32
covered under the Clerical, Office, and Passenger Service 33
Employees’ Labor Agreement, at SEATR, may indicate their 34
desire to be considered as employees who shall perform duties 35
and responsibilities as a “Disabled Passenger and Aislechair 36
Service Agent” (hereinafter “DPASA”)and shall be assigned to 37
attend to the special needs of disabled passengers who are 38
traveling on Alaska Airlines. 39
2. If selected, the employee will be compensated at a $1.25 per hour 41
premium for the entire shift worked as a DPASA. 42
3. All DPASAs shall attend and be certified to have successfully 43
completed training classes for lifting, Image, PAL, and 44
electronic/electric wheelchairs. Alaska Airlines shall provide or 1
make available this training on a periodic basis to employees 2
selected for the DPASA duties. 3
4. For the purposes of maintaining a pool of trained employees who 5
will provide coverage for employees absent due to vacation, sick, 6
and other leave under the labor agreement or Company policies, 7
Alaska Airlines will maintain a base list of employees that are 8
eligible to perform the DPASA duties and responsibilities. 9
5. DPASA shifts shall be bid by classification seniority. 11
6. Employees working as DPASAs shall be considered eligible for 13
overtime opportunities in their regular job classification. 14
7. Overtime may be assigned to DPASAs and must be filled with 16
trained, qualified individuals from the Company list based upon 17
seniority. 18
8. Movement of disabled passengers to and from gate areas will 20
remain the primary responsibility of the Customer Service Agents 21
(“CSAs”) who are working as DPASAs. This provision shall not 22
be construed to operate as a bar to other CSAs being assigned 23
temporary DPASA duties and responsibilities when a DPASA is 24
not available. Such duties include moving aislechair and 25
wheelchair passengers from gate to gate or down the jetway. 26
CSAs who are required to transfer or move two or more full assist 27
aislechair passengers a day will get a premium of two hours (2 28
hours @ $1.25 = $2.50). 29
9. The parties to this agreement will make every reasonable effort to 31
secure special training which will be designed to facilitate the 32
identification of and proper transfer of full assist passengers. 33
10. Failure to meet the responsibilities and duties described below 35
shall result in an employee’s eligibility lapsing until the employee 36
requalifies and rebids as a DPASA. DPASA principal 37
responsibilities and duties shall include but not be limited to: 38
x Aislechair assistance and transfers. 40
x Electronic/electric wheelchair breakdown, battery storage, and 41
offloading. 42
x Ability to operate passenger assist lifting vehicle. 1
x Proficiency at accessing computer generated arrival/departure 3
information pertaining to special service requests. 4
x A professional, caring, and empathetic attitude towards disabled 6
customers. 7
x Assistance, as time allows, with additional disabled, special 9
needs, and aislechair passengers on outbound flights. 10
x Maintenance of recurrent training schedule and occupational 12
therapy certifications as required by Alaska Airlines. 13
x Five hours initial training from a Community Healthcare 15
professional organization designated by Alaska Airlines and 16
maintenance of annual recurrent training as may be required. 17
x Any other relevant training Alaska Airlines deems necessary. 19
11. Alaska Airlines reserves the right to determine whether or not an 21
employee is sufficiently physically fit to perform the 22
responsibilities of a DPASA. 23
12. Any DPASA who determines (within 90 calendar days of his/her 25
first day of work as a DPASA) that s/he is unable to cope with the 26
working conditions and/or physically unable to do the work will be 27
required to return to their previous position by exercising seniority 28
under COPS contract Article 10 A.4 (1999 to 2002 Agreement). 29
13. The term of this agreement shall be for 18 months from the date 31
of the union’s first signature. If the event either party wishes to 32
terminate this agreement, that party shall give the other party 33
written notice to meet and discuss the issue. The meeting shall 34
occur within fifteen (15) days’ mailing of the written notice. At the 35
conclusion of the meeting, either party may terminate the 36
agreement with fifteen (15) days’ written notice. Upon written 37
mutual agreement the terms herein may be extended. 38
14. Participation in the DPASA selection program is completely 40
voluntary. 41
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter 1
of Agreement this 23
day of August, 2006. 2
s/Dennis Hamel 6
Dennis Hamel 7
Vice President Employee Services 8
s/Robert DePace 12
Robert DePace 13
President/Directing General Chair 14
Contract Service Lead Letter #10 1
Contract Service Lead 12
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered in accordance with the 14
provisions of Title II of the Railway Labor Act as amended, by and 15
between Alaska Airlines, Inc. (the “Company”) and the Clerical, Office 16
and Passenger Service employees in the service of the Company (the 17
“employees”) as represented by the International Association of 18
Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW). 19
This will serve to establish the duties, pay and protections for a 21
Contract Service Lead. 22
Duties include, but are not limited to the duties of a Lead Customer 24
Service Agent, the preparation and filing of documents and the 25
oversight of operational performance, examining and coding invoices 26
for payment, representing Alaska Airlines in required meetings with 27
Airport, Vendor, partner and business meetings. In addition, the 28
Contract Service Lead will act as a Customer Service Supervisor 29
responsible for supervising Customer Service, Ramp, Operations, and 30
Cargo Functions; oversee ticketing, enplaning/deplaning activities, 31
customer relations, passenger security, internal security, load 32
planning, weight/balance, baggage handling procedures, servicing 33
and implementing plans and schedules to assure the availability of 34
equipment; investigate and report delays and irregular flight activity 35
determining solutions for how to avoid such delays in the future; 36
involvement in customer relations including passenger complaints, 37
Lost and Found, and special passenger arrangements and ensure 38
company passenger service standards are maintained or exceeded, 39
and other duties as deemed appropriate (in bid locations where 40
permanent Alaska Airlines COPS members are not assigned). The 41
Contract Service Lead will not be responsible for Alaska Airlines 42
employment decisions and/or the administration of discipline. 43
The selection process shall consider the bidder’s qualifications and 1
seniority in classification or with the Company, the selection and de-2
selection of candidates for the duties and responsibilities described 3
herein will be solely at the discretion of the Company. 4
Any Contract Service Lead who determines (within 90 calendar days 6
of his/her first day of work as a Contract Service Lead) that s/he is 7
unable to cope with the working conditions and/or physically unable to 8
do the work will be required to return to their previous position by 9
exercising seniority under COPS contract Article 10.A.4. 10
Contract Service Leads who are deselected (after 90 calendar days of 12
his/her first day of work as a Contract Service Lead) will follow the 13
furlough procedures as set forth in Article 10.A. 14
Contract Service Leads will receive a // differential of $6.25 //. After
one year in the CSL position, the differential shall increase to
$8.25/hour. The Contract Service Lead differential will be paid above
the base classification (e.g., CSA, RSA) and will become part of the 19
Contract Service Lead’s base pay for sick leave, vacation, overtime, 20
etc. 21
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter 25
of Agreement this 22nd day of May, 2014. 26
s/Shane Tackett 30
Shane Tackett 31
Vice President Labor Relations 32
s/Tom Higginbotham 36
Tom Higginbotham 37
President - Directing General Chair 38
Resource Planning LETTER #11 1
Resource Planning: 12
The company may elect to utilize COPS members for the purposes of 13
assisting with staff planning. When it does so the following provisions 14
will apply: 15
For every six (6) vacancies, three (3) shall be made by the Company 17
selecting the most qualified candidate and three (3) shall be made 18
utilizing the bid processes as outlined in the COPS Contract Article 10. 19
It is further agreed that successful candidates, whether selected by 20
the Company or those to successfully bid into the department, will 21
receive three ($3.00) per hour differential on their base classification. 22
Should the Company wish to establish additional bid locations outside 23
of the current location of Seattle and the proposed location of 24
Anchorage, 30 days’ notice must be given to the District General Chair 25
in addition to the notification requirements outlined in the COPS 26
contract. 27
Each bid location established will have a separate list utilizing the 29
same three to three (3:3) ratio for the purposes of filling vacancies. 30
Should the need for a reduction in force arise in one of the bid 32
locations, COPS Article 10.A shall be utilized. 33
The Company will furnish a list to the District General Chair in January 35
of every year detailing each bid location’s personnel. The lists will 36
include the names, seniority dates, bid or selection status, bid or 37
selection date, and contract that each person came from. 38
s/Shane Tackett 42
Shane Tackett 43
Vice President Labor Relations 44
s/Tom Higginbotham 6
Tom Higginbotham 7
President - Directing General Chair8
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into in accordance with
the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, by and between
ALASKA AIRLINES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)
AEROSPACE WORKERS (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”).
WHEREAS, the Union is the collective bargaining representative of
the Company’s Clerical, Office and Passenger Service Employees
(“COPS”) employees, and the Union and the Company are parties to
a collective bargaining agreement covering such employees (the
“COPS Agreement”) and
WHEREAS, the Union has proposed, and the Company has agreed,
that the parties enter into a Letter of Agreement providing for work
security for its COPS employees; and
THEREFORE, the Company and the Union enter into this Letter of
Agreement, as set forth below.
1. The Company agrees that, for the duration of this Letter of 31
Agreement, it will not outsource or subcontract work that, as
of September 27 ,2019, is exclusively performed at Company
locations by employees within classifications covered in
Article 4 of the COPS Agreement.
2. As an exception to paragraph 1, the Company may outsource 37
or subcontract work that, as of the September 27 ,2019 of this
letter, is exclusively performed by employees within
classifications covered in Article 4 of the COPS Agreement if
such outsourcing or subcontracting is through an Airport
consortium or as a result of other regulatory requirements,
and if such a consortium or regulatory requirement is
mandatory at a particular airport. Article 10 of the COPS
Agreement shall apply to any employee displaced as a result
of outsourcing or subcontracting under this paragraph.
3. It is agreed the following are examples of work that is not 4
“exclusively performed” by employees within classifications
covered in Article 4 of the COPS Agreement as of September
27 ,2019:
i. Wheelchair pushing
ii. Curbside
iii. Baggage Delivery (physical delivery of bag)
iv. Customer Care
4. This letter does not require the Company to bring in any work 16
that the Company currently outsources or subcontracts.
5. Except as specifically provided herein, this Letter of 19
Agreement does not alter either party’s rights under the COPS
Agreement, including but not limited to the Company’s ability
to introduce new equipment and technology and continue to
innovate as provided in Article 2.G.
This Letter of Agreement shall go into effect on September 27,
2019, and shall expire on September 27, // 2028. Once this Letter
of Agreement expires, the Company’s rights and responsibilities
with respect to the outsourcing or subcontracting of work will be
governed by the COPS Agreement in effect at the time of
expiration. The parties do not intend to create a status quo
obligation as it relates to the Company’s contractual right to
outsource or subcontract work beyond the expiration date of this
Letter of Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 15
Day of June, 2022. 37
s/Jenny Wetzel s/
John M Coveny 41
s/Sonia Alvarado s/Jason McAdoo 42
s/Justin Bates 43
s/Dan Suafoa 44
Holiday Helpers Letter #13 1
This will confirm our discussions during the course of Alaska COPS 3
negotiations in 2013 regarding the use of non-represented 4
(management) employees during the Holiday Season (“Holiday 5
Helpers”). 6
Prior to the Company utilizing Holiday Helpers, and with as much 7
advanced notice as feasible, the Vice President of Labor and/or the 8
Vice President of the responsible division(s) will notify the appropriate 9
General Chair of Air Transport District 142. The notification will 10
include the level of support staff that will be utilized, the approximate 11
duration of that support, and the nature of the support. 12
After the notification, the Manager of the Station that will be utilizing 13
Holiday Helpers and the Station’s Shop Steward(s) will meet to 14
discuss the proposed program and use. 15
This Memorandum of Understanding is intended to end the 16
miscommunication that has surrounded the use of Holiday Helpers. In 17
no way does this letter waive the Union’s right to seek remedy through 18
the grievance procedure if an agreement of the usage of Holiday 19
Helpers is not reached, nor does this letter waive the Company’s belief 20
that non-represented management employees may assist during 21
certain peak times. This letter is not meant to supersede either the 22
Company’s or the Union’s rights under the Collective Bargaining 23
Agreement (CBA). 24
If there is agreement to this letter, please indicate by signing below 26
and returning to me. 27
In Agreement: Witness: 29
s/Jeff Tobius s/Jackie Fay 30
General Chair General Chair 31
IAM District 142 IAM District 142 32
In Agreement: Witness: 34
s/Jeff Butler s/Shane Tackett 35
Vice President Vice President 36
Customer Service and Cargo Labor Relations 37
Inactive Classifications Letter #14 1
In order to preserve the work defined as covered by the COPS 12
agreement in classifications not currently in active use, the following 13
classifications will be considered to be COPS work in the event they 14
are reestablished. 15
B. Agent Division 19
5. Lead Security Agent 20
a. Security Agent 21
C. Clerical Division 23
2. Computer Operator 24
4. Lead Press/High Speed Print Operator 25
a. Press/High Speed Print Operator 26
d. Bindery/Collator Operator 27
6. Lead Desk Top Publishing Specialist 28
a. Desk Top Publishing Specialist 29
7. Receptionist 30
D. Job Descriptions 32
Receptionist - 34
Duties include, but are not limited to, receiving and directing 35
visitors. Requires routine knowledge of the organization to answer 36
inquiries. May also perform routine clerical duties. 37
Lead Desktop Publishing Specialist - 39
Duties include, but are not limited to, those of a Desktop 40
Publishing Specialist. In addition, will coordinate project work flow, 41
supervise and direct other Desktop Publishing Specialist and may be 42
required to train such employees when necessary. 43
Desktop Publishing Specialist - 1
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, designing, 2
formatting, editing and proofing of company manuals, forms, 3
newsletters, brochures, flyers, posters, logos and other printed 4
materials using industry standard graphic design software applications 5
on both Macintosh and PC platforms. Operate and maintain scanners, 6
image setters, and film processors. 7
Computer Operator - 9
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, operation of 10
computer as set forth in operating instructions; maintains card, tape 11
and disk file libraries and their production; keeps log and check control 12
totals, ensures completeness and accuracy of outputs prior to release, 13
coordinates with vendor concerning malfunctions. May be assigned 14
to irregular hours without penalty except for overtime as set forth in 15
Article 6. Supervisory employees may perform the above duties 16
including routine assignment to shifts in lieu of a computer operator. 17
Lead Press/High Speed Print Operator- 19
Duties include, but are not limited to, those of a press print 20
operator and bindery operator. In addition the lead position will 21
supervise, direct, schedule, and train employees on press, high speed 22
digital copier, and bindery areas for efficient operation of printshop. 23
Responsibilities include: scheduling all incoming jobs for presses and 24
bindery operators. Coordinating with desktop, customers, and outside 25
design firms on formatting, design, inks and papers for jobs performed 26
in the printshop. Assist with monthly printshop production reports and 27
may from time to time assist with quotes from vendors when requested 28
by his/her manager. 29
Press/High Speed Print Operator - 31
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, operation of 32
multiple color offset press and digital high speed copier (including 33
digital networking, programming, and scanning), pre-press (includes, 34
camera operation, masking negatives, and burning plates) and also, 35
perform all bindery functions including, collating, cutting, drilling, 36
folding, numbering, binding, padding, perforating, laminating, shrink 37
wrapping, packaging, labeling and shipping via internal Company mail 38
and/or coordinating with common carriers. Maintain a neat and safe 39
working area; paper and chemical supplies. 40
Bindery/Collator Operator - 1
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, setup, operation 2
and maintenance of a digital collator with finishing accessories, 3
specialty book binding equipment and a variety of automated folding, 4
perforating, scoring, cutting, numbering, laminating, binding, drilling, 5
shrink wrapping and padding equipment. Also included is packaging, 6
labeling and shipping of printed materials via Company mail and/or 7
coordinating with common carriers along with maintenance of a neat 8
and safe work area. Also assist Mail Room when needed with 9
handling, sorting and dispersing of Company mail. 10
Lead Security Agent - 12
Duties include, but are not limited to, the duties of a Security 13
Agent. In addition, the Lead Security Agent will supervise and may 14
train agents. Lead Security Agents will be utilized where mandated by 15
the FAA and at Company discretion. 16
Security Agent - 18
Duties include, but are not limited to, the security inspection of 19
passengers, freight and luggage, either visually or electronically; 20
direction of passengers to outbound flights; handling of Company mail; 21
checking inbound luggage tags in baggage claim area; and may 22
include assisting a CSA in baggage service. 23
s/Shane Tackett 28
Shane Tackett 29
Vice President Labor Relations 30
s/Tom Higginbotham 36
Tom Higginbotham 37
President - Directing General Chair 38
Information Technology Letter # 15 1
Information Technology Support: 12
The company may elect to utilize COPS members for the purposes of 14
assisting and supporting the development and testing of new or 15
enhanced technologies at the direction of and as determined 16
necessary by company leadership. When it does so the following 17
provisions will apply: 18
Work may be performed in collaboration with other company 20
personnel, Horizon Air employees or third party vendors. Work 21
performed may include, but is not limited to, testing, quality assurance, 22
design development, requirements specification, and scoping. 23
For every ten (10) vacancies, seven (7) shall be made by the 25
Company selecting the most qualified candidate and three (3) shall be 26
made utilizing the bid processes as outlined in the COPS Contract 27
Article 10. It is further agreed that successful candidates, whether 28
selected by the Company or those who successfully bid into the 29
department, will receive a premium equal to the Lead differential in 30
addition to their current rate of pay. Should the Company wish to 31
establish additional stations outside of Seattle, 30 days’ notice must 32
be given to the District General Chair in addition to the notification 33
requirements outlined in the COPS and contracts. 34
Each station established will have a separate list utilizing the same 36
seven to three (7:3) ratio for the purposes of filling vacancies. 37
Should the need for a reduction in force arise in one of the stations, 39
COPS Article 10.A shall be utilized. 40
The Company will furnish a list to the District General Chair in January 1
of every year detailing each bid location’s personnel. The lists will 2
include the names, seniority dates, bid or selection status, bid or 3
selection date, and contract that each person came from. 4
s/Shane Tackett 9
Shane Tackett 10
Vice President Labor Relations 11
s/Tom Higginbotham 17
Tom Higginbotham 18
President - Directing General Chair 19
Staffing Adjustment Letter #16 1
Dear Mr. Butler: 3
This will confirm our discussions regarding the use of earned vacation 5
time as (HAT) in conjunction with an agent being awarded Staffing 6
Adjust (commonly referred to as “SA,” or Day of LOA) which is 7
unpaid leave time awarded on a scheduled working day. Staffing 8
Adjustment will be awarded by company seniority within the 9
classification in a bid location in accordance with COPS Article 12.F., 10
and RSSA Article 11.E. 11
When an agent has been awarded Staffing Adjust for a day or portion 12
of a day, it will be the individual agent’s discretion to utilize any earned 13
vacation time for the like time that has been awarded off. The time will 14
be considered to be unpaid unless the employee indicates at the time 15
of the award that they prefer to utilize HAT pay. Seniority will not be 16
bypassed in favor of awarding an agent time off that wishes to forego 17
pay; likewise, seniority will not be bypassed in favor of awarding an 18
agent time off that wishes to utilize earned vacation. Time off will be 19
awarded strictly based on seniority. However, once an agent has 20
made their determination to utilize earned vacation, or take the 21
awarded leave unpaid, and the time off has been awarded, the agent 22
may not switch their pay status (from paid to unpaid, and from unpaid 23
to paid). 24
Please indicate your agreement to this letter by countersigning and 25
returning to me at your earliest convenience. 26
In Agreement: Witness: 28
s/Jeff Tobius s/Jackie Fay 29
General Chair General Chair 30
IAM District 142 IAM District 142 31
In Agreement: Witness: 33
s/Jeff Butler s/Shane Tackett 34
Vice President Vice President 35
Customer Service and Cargo Labor Relations36
Health and Wellness Letter # 17 1
Health Care and Wellness 12
The Company and the Union will work jointly in quarterly meetings to 14
learn more about the challenges of providing a benefits plan that can 15
adapt with the market, fostering and encouraging quality care and 16
good outcomes at costs affordable to the Company and to our 17
employees. 18
The Company will develop and share medical plan claims data, at a 20
level that is compliant with privacy requirements, on a regular basis to 21
increase the awareness of trends and of the costs of our plan, and 22
explore specific recommendations to reduce or minimize the impact of 23
escalating health care claims costs. 24
We will share a willingness to explore, and if mutually agreed, test new 26
plan designs and new tools which will help incentivize informed and 27
thoughtful consumer behavior in our members’ choice of medical 28
providers and discretionary treatments as well as encourage informed 29
dialog with providers. These tools should promote and incentivize 30
wellness programs to maintain and improve the health of all of our 31
members and work to reduce wasteful medical treatments and 32
procedures. 33
We share a commitment to work together during the term of the 35
Agreement to implement agreed upon wellness programs and 36
incentives, cost containment and “value based” benefits with 37
applicable incentives and other mutually agreed affordable health care 38
programs with demonstrated good outcomes, with flexibility on the 39
part of both parties to remove, with mutual agreement, any contractual 40
barriers which might otherwise impede a successful enhancement of 41
such programs. 42
s/Shane Tackett 3
Shane Tackett 4
Vice President Labor Relations 5
s/Tom Higginbotham 11
Tom Higginbotham 12
President - Directing General Chair 13
Sick Leave Buyout Letter #18 1
// 13
Alaska Airlines, Inc. [“Company”], and IAMAW as representative of the 15
COPS members employed by Alaska [the “Association”] agree as 16
follows: 17
// 19
An employee retiring directly from active service at age 55 or older 21
who has ten (10) years of vesting service or twenty (20) years of 22
Company service will be paid a lump sum equal to the Employee’s 23
current rate of pay multiplied by the sum of the Employee’s accrued 24
sick leave balance multiplied by 25%. 25
Employees covered under this letter will receive the same increase to
the sick leave lump sum cash payout if another Company represented
workgroup receives an increase after the date of signing of this letter.
All other provisions of the collective-bargaining agreement remain in
full force and effect. //
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 35
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 39
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 40
Double Dipping Letter #19
Letter of Agreement
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
The International Association of Machinists
And Aerospace Workers
Clerical, Office and Passenger Service
Double Dipping
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered in accordance with the
provisions of Title II of the Railway Labor Act as amended, by and
between Alaska Airlines, Inc. (the “Company”) and the Clerical, Office
and Passenger Service employees in the service of the Company (the
“employees”) as represented by the International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW).
Pursuant to the “Double Dipping” letter dated February 1, 2012, this
letter of agreement recognizes the issue of Double Dipping”, as it
relates to the COPS Agreement.
The Company agrees that it will not issue an attendance occurrence
and withhold trade privileges due to a single trade violation. The
Company will have the option of issuing either an attendance
occurrence or restricting trade privileges due to a trade violation, as
outlined in the Company’s trade policy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 33
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 37
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 38
Non-DOT Random Testing Letter #20 1
Letter of Agreement 3
Between 4
Alaska Airlines, Inc. 5
And 6
The International Association of Machinists 7
And Aerospace Workers 8
For 9
Clerical, Office and Passenger Service Employees 10
Non-DOT Random Drug Testing 12
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered in accordance with the 14
provisions of Title II of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, by and 15
between Alaska Airlines, Inc. (the “Company”) and the International 16
Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (the “Union”) in 17
representation of the Company’s Clerical, Office and Passenger 18
Service employees (the “employees”). 19
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Company and the Union to enhance 21
the safety of the Company’s operation through a non-DOT random 22
drug testing program (“Program”). 23
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Company and the Union to enter into 25
a Letter of Agreement providing for a second chance for employees 26
who fail a drug test under the Program. 27
NOW THEREFORE, the Company and the Union agree that the 29
following will apply to the Program and to employees covered by the 30
Program who fail a Program test and that the Company and the Union 31
agree to the following: 32
1. The Union agrees that the Company has the right to 34
implement and maintain the Program. However, the 35
Program will include a Last Chance Agreement (“LCA”) 36
rehabilitation program for employees who test positive 37
under the Program and who agree to and successfully 38
complete the second-chance process. This will be a one-39
time only option for an employee who tests positive under 40
the Program to retain his or her employment with the 41
Company under the conditional reinstatement pursuant to 42
an LCA. 43
2. An employee who executes a LCA may not test positive for 2
drugs or alcohol for the remainder of his or her career at the 3
Company and will agree to be subject to “no-notice” testing 4
at the direction of the Company under the terms of the LCA. 5
If the employee fails to comply with the provisions of the 6
LCA, he or she will be subject to immediate discharge. The 7
employee may challenge the discipline in the grievance 8
procedure, but only as to the question of whether the 9
charged offense occurred, and not the extent of the penalty. 10
3. An employee who does not execute an LCA will be subject 12
to immediate discharge under the Program. In this case, 13
the Union and employee will have the right to challenge 14
whether the Company had cause for the discharge under 15
the applicable labor agreement, but will not have a right to 16
challenge whether the Company violated the applicable 17
labor agreement by implementing the Program as approved 18
by the Arbitration award. 19
4. This Letter of Agreement and the second-chance process 21
called for under it is precedential for the Program only. This 22
Letter of Agreement is non-precedential with respect to any 23
other Company drug-testing program. For example, the 24
Alaska Airlines post-accident, reasonable suspicion, and 25
DOT drug and alcohol-testing programs are not covered by 26
this Letter of Agreement. The Company’s right to discharge 27
for an offense under those programs is maintained by the 28
Company, and the right of the Union and the employee to 29
grieve discipline or discharge under those programs is 30
maintained by the Union. 31
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 34
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 38
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 39
Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) for Ground Employees 1
LETTER #21 2
FOR 10
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into in accordance with 13
the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, by and between 14
ALASKA AIRLINES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) 15
AEROSPACE WORKERS (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”). 17
The Company and the Union enter into this Letter of Agreement to 19
incorporate the Alaska Airlines Ground Safety Program (GSAP) 20
Memorandum of Understanding and Commitment to a Continuously 21
Improving Safety Culture, dated February 1, 2018, signed by Dave 22
Supplee, President/General Chair, IAM District 142; Tom Nunn, VP 23
Safety; and Wayne Newton, VP Airport Operations and Customer 24
Service (AOCS). 25
GSAP-Commitment to a Continuously Improving Safety Culture 27
The Ground Safety Awareness Program (GSAP) is designed to foster 29
transparency and accountability by openly identifying issues that 30
impact the safety of our aircraft, customers, and employees. The goal 31
of this program is to gather information that otherwise might not be 32
available. Since GSAP was started in November of 2012, over 2,000 33
reports have been filed. These reports will provide us with data that 34
allows us to see trends and implement corrective actions to 35
continuously enhance the safety of our airline. 36
As we move forward, the GSAP program will be non-punitive in a 37
majority of cases. The Company will not take disciplinary action 38
against you for involvement in an incident or accident if you file a timely 39
GSAP report, which is subsequently accepted by the Event Review 40
Committee (ERC) as long as the following are not involved: 1) 41
intentional/willful disregard for safety, 2) repeat cases of reckless 42
behavior. 43
This is intended to ensure a fair and balanced safety culture, in which 1
we make improvements from lessons learned, and there is an 2
appropriate place for discipline. In cases where the ERC cannot come 3
to consensus on report acceptance, the Safety Division will conduct 4
an investigation in order to provide a neutral perspective regarding the 5
employee intentions, actions, and system factors. Per the MOU, if 6
willful or intentional disregard for safety is determined by the ERC, the 7
report will not be accepted, and company disciplinary action may be 8
involved. The same holds true for repeat cases of reckless behavior. 9
If the company determines the employee has a history of reckless 10
behavior, the employee may be disciplined regardless of whether a 11
GSAP was accepted. In either case, the content of the GSAP report 12
remains confidential and will not be used to initiate or support 13
company discipline, consistent with the terms of the MOU. 14
To follow the intent of our GSAP program, it is critical that you provide 15
detailed information on how and why the event occurred, that you 16
respond to requests for information as requested by the ERC, and that 17
you offer ideas regarding future prevention. Additionally, it is important 18
that anyone who has filed a report reply to phone and email requests 19
from an ERC member in a timely manner. In all reports accepted by 20
the ERC, constructive tools will be considered, such as coaching, 21
sharing of lessons learned, and refresher training. Employees who 22
report through the GSAP program are required to participate in these 23
constructive tools, per the MOU. It is also important to remember that 24
filing a GSAP does not replace the requirement to file an Irregularity 25
report. 26
The GSAP program and its voluntary nature have been a key element 27
in fostering the safest period in history for commercial airline 28
operations. Both management and the IAMAW remain fully committed 29
to the program’s success. 30
1. GENERAL. Alaska Airlines (AS) is a Title 14 of the Code of 7
Federal Regulations (14 CFR), air carrier operating under Part 8
121 engaged in Passenger and Cargo Air Transportation within 9
North and South America. AS operates approximately 218 10
aircraft, and employs approximately 5081 ground employees. 11
The ground employees are represented by the International 12
Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW), 13
hereinafter referred to as "ground employees". 14
2. PURPOSE. AS and the IAMAW are committed to improving 16
safety. Each party has determined that safety would be enhanced 17
if there were a systematic approach for ground employees to 18
promptly identify and correct potential safety hazards. The 19
primary purpose of the AS Ground Safety Action Program 20
(GSAP) is to identify safety events, and to implement corrective 21
measures that reduce the opportunity for safety to be 22
compromised. In order to facilitate flight safety analysis and 23
corrective action, AS joins the IAMAW in voluntarily implementing 24
this GSAP for ground employees, which is intended to improve 25
safety through ground employee self-reporting, cooperative 26
follow-up, and appropriate corrective action. This Memorandum 27
of Understanding (MOU) describes the provisions of the program. 28
Ground employees include customer service, cargo,
ramp, operations, stores, crew scheduling, reservations,
accounting and records specialist agents.
3. BENEFITS. The program will foster a voluntary, cooperative, 33
nonpunitive environment for the open reporting of safety 34
concerns. Through such reporting, all parties will have access to 35
valuable safety information that may not otherwise be obtainable. 36
This information will be analyzed in order to develop corrective 37
action to help solve safety issues and possibly eliminate 38
deviations from Company Policy. 39
4. APPLICABILITY. The AS GSAP applies to all ground employees 2
of AS and only to events that occur while acting in that capacity. 3
Reports of events involving apparent noncompliance with 4
Company Policy that is not inadvertent or that appears to involve 5
an intentional disregard for safety, criminal activity, substance 6
abuse, controlled substances, alcohol, or intentional falsification 7
are excluded from the program. 8
a. Events involving possible noncompliance with 14 CFR by 10
AS that are discovered under this program may be 11
handled under the Voluntary Disclosure Policy, provided 12
that AS voluntarily reports the possible noncompliance to 13
the FAA and that the other elements of that policy are 14
met. (See the current version of AC 00-58, Voluntary 15
Disclosure Reporting Program and FAA Order 2150.3B, 16
Compliance and Enforcement Program, Chapter 5). 17
b. Any modifications of this MOU must be accepted by all 18
parties to the agreement. 19
5. PROGRAM DURATION. This is a Continuing program and may 21
be terminated at any time for any reason by AS or the IAMAW. 22
The termination or modification of a program will not adversely 23
affect anyone who acted in reliance on the terms of a program in 24
effect at the time of that action; i.e., when a program is 25
terminated, all reports and investigations that were in progress 26
will be handled under the provisions of the program until they are 27
completed. Failure of any party to follow the terms of the program 28
ordinarily will result in termination of the program. 29
6. REPORTING PROCEDURES. When a ground employee 31
observes a safety problem or experiences a safety-related event, 32
he or she should note the problem or event and describe it in 33
enough detail so that it can be evaluated by a third party. 34
a. GSAP Report Form. At an appropriate time during the 36
workday (e.g. after the shift has ended for the day), the 37
employee should complete GSAP Report (electronic 38
form) for each safety problem or event and submit it 39
electronically. If the electronic reporting system is not 40
available to the ground employee at the time he or she 41
needs to file a report, the employee may contact the 1
ASAP Hotline (877-897-2727). 2
b. Time Limit. Reports will generally be accepted under the 3
GSAP, regardless of the timeframe within which they are 4
submitted, provided they otherwise meet the acceptance 5
criteria of paragraph 4 of this MOU. 6
c. Non-reporting employees covered under this GSAP 7
MOU. If a GSAP report identifies another covered ground 8
employee in an event involving possible noncompliance 9
with Company Policy and that employee has not 10
submitted a separate report, and the original report 11
otherwise qualifies for inclusion under GSAP, the ERC 12
may offer the non-reporting employee the opportunity to 13
submit his/her own GSAP report. 14
d. Non-reporting employees not covered under this GSAP 15
MOU. If a GSAP report identifies another AS employee 16
who is not covered under this MOU, and the report 17
indicates that employee may have been involved in 18
possible noncompliance with 14 CFR, the ERC will 19
determine on a case-by-case basis whether it would be 20
appropriate to offer that employee the opportunity to 21
submit a GSAP report. If the ERC determines that it is 22
appropriate, the ERC will provide that employee with 23
information about GSAP and invite the employee to 24
submit a GSAP report. 25
7. POINTS OF CONTACT. The ERC will be comprised of one 27
representative from AS management; one representative from 28
the IAMAW; and one representative from the Safety Division; or 29
their designated alternates in their absence. In addition, AS will 30
designate one person who will serve as the ASAP/GSAP 31
manager. The ASAP/GSAP manager (or designee) will be 32
responsible for program administration, and will not serve as a 33
voting member of the ERC. 34
8. ASAP/GSAP MANAGER. When the ASAP/GSAP Manager 36
receives the report, he or she will record the date and time of any 37
event described in the report and the date and time the report 38
was submitted through the electronic reporting system. The 39
ASAP/GSAP Manager will enter the report, along with all 40
supporting data, on the agenda for the next ERC meeting. 41
Reports should be provided to all ERC members prior to the 42
scheduled ERC meeting in accordance with guidance contained 1
in Advisory Circular 120-66, as amended. The ERC will determine 2
whether a report is submitted in a timely manner or whether 3
extraordinary circumstances precluded timely submission. To 4
confirm that a report has been received, the ASAP/GSAP 5
Manager will send a written receipt through the electronic 6
reporting system to each employee who submits a report. The 7
ASAP/GSAP Manager will serve as the focal point for information 8
about, and inquiries concerning the status of, GSAP reports, and 9
for the coordination and tracking of ERC recommendations. 10
9. EVENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC). The ERC will review and 12
analyze reports submitted by the ground employees under the 13
program, identify actual or potential safety problems from the 14
information contained in the reports, and propose solutions for 15
those problems. The ERC will provide feedback to the individual 16
who submitted the report. 17
a. The ASAP/GSAP Manager will maintain a database that 19
continually tracks each event and the analysis of those 20
events. The ERC will conduct a 12-month review of the 21
GSAP database with emphasis on determining whether 22
corrective actions have been effective in preventing or 23
reducing the recurrence of safety-related events of a 24
similar nature. That review will include 25
recommendations for corrective action for recurring 26
events indicative of adverse safety trends. 27
a. The ERC will meet as necessary to review and analyze 30
reports that will be listed on an agenda submitted by the 31
ASAP/GSAP Manager. The ERC will determine the time 32
and place of the meeting. The ERC will meet at least 33
once a month, or the frequency of meetings will be 34
determined by the number of reports that have 35
accumulated or the need to acquire time-critical 36
information. 37
b. The ERC will make its decisions involving GSAP issues 38
based on consensus. Under the AS GSAP, consensus of 39
the ERC means the voluntary agreement of all 40
representatives of the ERC. It does not require that all 41
members believe that a particular decision or 42
recommendation is the most desirable solution, but that 1
the result falls within each member's range of acceptable 2
solutions for that event in the best interest of safety. In 3
order for this concept to work effectively, each ERC 4
representative shall be empowered to make decisions 5
within the context of the ERC discussions on a given 6
report. The ERC representatives will strive to reach 7
consensus on whether a reported event is covered under 8
the program, how that event should be addressed, and 9
the corrective action or any enforcement action that 10
should be taken as a result of the report. For example, 11
the ERC should strive to reach a consensus on the 12
recommended corrective action to address a safety 13
problem such as an operating deficiency or airworthiness 14
discrepancy reported under GSAP. The corrective action 15
process would include working the safety issue(s) with 16
the appropriate departments at the airline that have the 17
expertise and responsibility for the safety area of 18
concern. In the event there is not a consensus of the 19
ERC, the AS Director, Airports Operations and Customer 20
Service Safety will decide how the report should be 21
handled. 22
c. It is anticipated that three types of reports will be 23
submitted to the ERC: safety-related reports that appear 24
to involve a possible noncompliance with Company 25
Policy, reports that are of a general safety concern, but 26
do not appear to involve possible noncompliance with 27
Company Policy, and any other reports: e.g., involving 28
catering and passenger ticketing issues. All safety-29
related reports shall be fully evaluated and, to the extent 30
appropriate, investigated. 31
d. The ERC will forward de-identified non-safety reports to 32
the appropriate AS department head for his/her 33
information and, if possible, internal (AS) resolution. For 34
reports related to safety, including reports involving 35
possible noncompliance with Company policy, the ERC 36
will analyze the report, conduct interviews of reporting 37
ground employees, and gather additional information 38
concerning the matter described in the report, as 39
necessary. 40
e. The ERC should also make recommendations to AS for 41
corrective actions for systemic issues. For example, such 42
corrective action might include changes to AS operations 1
procedures, aircraft maintenance procedures, or 2
modifications to the training curriculum for ground 3
employees. Any recommended changes that affect AS 4
will be forwarded through the ASAP/GSAP Manager to 5
the appropriate department head for consideration and 6
comment, and, if appropriate, implementation. The 7
ASAP/GSAP Manager will track the implementation of 8
the recommended corrective action and report on 9
associated progress as part of the regular ERC 10
meetings. Any recommended corrective action that is not 11
implemented should be recorded along with the reason it 12
was not implemented. 13
g. Any corrective action recommended by the ERC for a 15
report accepted under GSAP must be completed to the 16
satisfaction of all members of the ERC, or the GSAP 17
report will be excluded from the program, and the event 18
will be referred to the appropriate department for further 19
action, as appropriate. 20
h. Use of the AS GSAP Report: Neither the written GSAP 21
report nor the content of the written GSAP report will be 22
used to initiate or support any Company disciplinary 23
action, or as evidence for any purpose in an FAA 24
enforcement action. The Company may conduct an 25
independent investigation of an event disclosed in a 26
report. 27
a. Criteria for Acceptance. See paragraph 4. 30
b. Informal Action. Possible noncompliance with Company 31
policy disclosed in GSAP report that is covered under the 32
program and supported by sufficient evidence may be 33
addressed with informal action (i.e., oral or written 34
counseling} by the ERC. 35
c. Reports Involving Qualification Issues. AS GSAP reports 36
covered under the program that demonstrate a lack, or 37
raise a question of a lack, of qualification of a ground 38
employee will be addressed with corrective action, if such 39
action is appropriate and recommended by the ERC. If 40
an employee fails to complete the corrective action in a 41
manner satisfactory to all members of the ERC, the 42
GSAP event will be referred to an appropriate 1
department within the Company for any additional 2
investigation and reexamination and/or enforcement 3
action, as appropriate. An ERC recommended corrective 4
action cannot be used to initiate or support Company 5
discipline. 6
d. Excluded from GSAP. Reported events involving 7
possible noncompliance with Company Policy that are 8
excluded from GSAP (see paragraph 4) will be referred 9
by the ERC to an appropriate department within the 10
Company for any additional investigation and re-11
examination and/or enforcement action, as appropriate. 12
e. Corrective Action. Employees initially covered under a 13
GSAP event will be excluded from the program if they fail 14
to complete the recommended corrective action(s) in a 15
manner satisfactory to all members of the ERC. Failure 16
of an employee to complete the ERC recommended 17
corrective action(s) in a manner satisfactory to all 18
members of the ERC may result in the reopening of the 19
case and referral of the matter for appropriate action. 20
f. Repeated Instances of Noncompliance with Company 21
policy involving the same or similar possible 22
noncompliance with the policies that were previously 23
addressed with informal action under GSAP will be 24
accepted into the program, provided they otherwise 25
satisfy the acceptance criteria in paragraph 4 above. The 26
ERC will consider on a case-by-case basis the corrective 27
action that is appropriate for such reports. 28
g. Closed Cases. A closed GSAP case involving a violation 29
which no action has been taken, may be reopened and 30
appropriate enforcement action taken if evidence later is 31
discovered that establishes that the violation should have 32
been excluded from the program. 33
12. EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK. The GSAP program will publish a 35
synopsis of the reports received, as well as pertinent data and 36
trend information derived from the ground employee reports, in 37
the GSAP Monthly Review publication. Specific event summaries 38
contained in the synopsis will not include employee names or 39
identify stations. Any employee who submitted a report may also 40
contact the ASAP/GSAP Manager to inquire about the status of 41
his/her report. In addition, each employee who submits a report 42
accepted under GSAP will receive individual feedback on the final 1
disposition of the report. 2
13. INFORMATION AND TRAINING. The details of the GSAP 4
Program will be made available to all ground employees and their 5
supervisors by publication in the AS Customer Service Manual. 6
AS ground employees, supervisors and managers will receive 7
instruction concerning the program during regularly scheduled 8
recurrent training. All new-hire ground employees will receive 9
training on the program during initial training. 10
14. REVISION CONTROL. Revisions to this MOU shall be 12
documented using standard revision control methodology. 13
15. RECORDKEEPING. All documents and records regarding this 15
program will be kept by the AS ASAP/GSAP Manager and made 16
available to the other parties of this agreement at their request. 17
All records and documents relating to this program will be 18
appropriately kept in a manner that ensures compliance with 19
Company policy and all applicable law. IAMAW and the Company 20
will maintain whatever records they deem necessary to meet their 21
needs. 22
16. SIGNATORIES. All parties to this GSAP are entering into this 24
agreement voluntarily. 25
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 27
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 31
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 32
COPS/RSSA Bridge Agreement LETTER #22
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into in accordance with
the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, by and between
ALASKA AIRLINES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)
AEROSPACE WORKERS (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”).
WHEREAS, the Union is the collective bargaining representative of
the Company’s Clerical, Office and Passenger Service (“COPS”)
employees, and of the Company’s Ramp and Stores (“RSSA”)
employees; and
WHEREAS, the Union has proposed, and the Company has agreed,
that the parties enter into a Letter of Agreement to address the
circumstance when a COPS employee is hired into an RSSA position
(or vice versa);
THEREFORE, the Company and the Union enter into this Letter of
Agreement to establish the terms that apply when a Company COPS
employee is hired into an RSSA position (or vice versa), as set forth
If a COPS employee is hired into an RSSA position (or vice versa), the
following provisions apply:
1. A COPS employee hired into an RSSA position will retain the
seniority that the employee had accrued under the COPS
Agreement, and shall continue to accrue seniority in the previous
position as if employed under the COPS Agreement for as long
as the employee holds a position covered under the RSSA
Agreement. Likewise, an RSSA employee hired into a COPS
position will retain the seniority that the employee had accrued
under the RSSA Agreement, and shall continue to accrue
seniority in the previous position as if employed under the RSSA
Agreement for as long as the employee holds a position covered
under the COPS Agreement.
2. The employee seeking to move from a COPS position to an
RSSA position (or vice versa) will be subject to the normal hiring
standards and process as set forth by the Company. If hired into
a new position, the employee shall be subject to initial probation
as set forth in COPS and RSSA Articles 9.
3. In addition to seniority, the employee would retain steps for pay,
their annual step increase date, and their existing vacation
accrual years of service. The employee’s accrual of vacation and
sick leave will be governed by the collective bargaining
agreement under which the employee is working. The
employee’s current vacation (earned and accrued) and sick
balances will transfer with the employee to the new position.
4. Retirement plan participation and eligibility in the Company
pension plan and/or 401(k) plan are governed by the
requirements and provisions set forth in the respective plan
documents. A COPS employee who is considering being hired
into an RSSA position (or vice versa) should contact the
Retirement Benefits to understand the consequences of such
move on his or her Company retirement benefits.
5. If an RSSA employee is hired into the COPS agreement, the
employee will not be subject to the language in RSSA Article
6. If a COPS employee is hired into the RSSA agreement, the
employee will not be subject to the language in COPS Article
7. In order for the employee to return to the other Agreement, a
vacancy must exist and the employee would be subject to the
normal bidding process under the collective bargaining
agreement under which they will be working after the employee’s
8. If furloughed, the employee can exercise his/her furlough rights
into any classification where the employee holds seniority in the
agreement under which the employee is working at the time of
the furlough. In the event the employee cannot exercise seniority
under that agreement, the employee can then exercise furlough
rights into any classification where they hold seniority under the
other agreement.
Should any unanticipated or unintended issues arise between the
parties as the provisions of this letter are implemented, the Company
and Union agree to meet and discuss those issues and, if necessary,
amend this Letter of Agreement to clarify and mitigate them. At the
minimum, the parties will meet to discuss the status of this letter once
a year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 7
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 11
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 12
Wage Review LETTER #23 1
between 6
and the 8
August 10, 2024 and 2025 Wage Review
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered in accordance 13
with the provisions of Title II of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, 14
by and between Alaska Airlines, Inc. (the “Company”) and the Clerical, 15
Office and Passenger Service Employees, Ramp and Stores
employees in service of the Company (the “employees”) as
represented by the International Association of Machinists and 18
Aerospace Workers (the “Union”). 19
To ensure Alaska employees are competitively compensated 21
relative to their industry peers, the company and the IAM agree that 22
on August 10, // 2024 and 2025 there will be an annual increase of //
2.5% to all wage steps or adjusted per the below, whichever is greater.
At least 30 days prior to August 10, 2024 and 2025 //, the Company
and the Union will meet for the purpose of reviewing base Clerical,
Office and Passenger Service Employees CSA // wage rates at the
major U.S. based passenger air carriers (American, Delta, United, 28
Southwest, JetBlue, Spirit and Frontier) and establishing the 29
appropriate adjustment for base scales in Schedule A. 30
The formula to determine the appropriate adjustment will be 32
as follows: 33
1. Identify the top of scale base wage rates at the above
referenced carriers.
2. Identify where the Alaska scheduled top of scale base
wage rate for Customer Service Agents would be relative
to these carriers.
3. Alaska CSA's // will not be paid less than fourth place at
the Top of Scale.
4. If they are not at least the fourth highest paid, the total
percentage needed to get to 4th will be applied in place of
the scheduled 2.5%.
a. This same percentage increase will be applied to all
steps, scales, and grades.
For 8/10/24 increase:
Example #1
8/10/23 Alaska TOS wage rate [30 days prior to review]- $34.85
Alaska 8/10/24 scheduled TOS wage rate (2.5%) -- $35.72
Delta TOS wage rate -- $37.00
Southwest TOS wage rate -- $37.50
American TOS wage rate -- $38.50
United TOS wage rate -- $40.00
In order to reach 4th in the industry, Alaska CSA’s need to make
$37.00 per hour. This would result in an 6.17% increase to the
8/10/23 Alaska TOS rate and this same percent would be applied to
all steps, scales, and grades.
Example #2
8/10/23 Alaska TOS wage rate [30 days prior to review]- $34.85
Alaska 8/10/24 scheduled TOS wage rate (2.5%) -- $35.72
Delta TOS wage rate -- $34.00
Southwest TOS wage rate -- $37.00
American TOS wage rate -- $38.00
United TOS wage rate -- $39.00
In this example, Alaska’s scheduled increase places them at 4th, so
the scheduled 2.5% wage increase would apply to the 8/10/23
Alaska TOS rate and this same percent would be applied to all steps,
scales, and grades.
Example #3
8/10/23 Alaska TOS wage rate [30 days prior to review]- $34.85
Alaska 8/10/24 scheduled TOS wage rate (2.5%) -- $35.72
Delta TOS wage rate -- $36.00
Southwest TOS wage rate -- $37.00
American TOS wage rate -- $37.00
United TOS wage rate -- $38.00
In order to reach 4th in the industry, Alaska CSA’s need to make
$36.00 per hour. This would result in a 3.3% increase to the 8/10/23
Alaska TOS rate and this same percent would be applied to all steps,
scales, and grades.
// 16
Differentials and other pay variables will not be considered in these 18
base wage rate calculations. 19
This letter will automatically expire following the August 10, 2025
review. 22
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter 24
of Agreement this 15
Day of June, 2022. 25
s/Jenny Wetzel s/Jason McAdoo 29
s/Sonia Alvarado s/Dan Suafoa 30
s/Justin Bates 31
LAX Transition Scale Letter # 24
Any COPS member hired on or before April 15, 2017 who is either
currently working at LAX or who transfers to LAX shall receive the
following differential.
LAX Transition Differential
Start $2.00
Step 1 $2.00
Step 2 $2.00
Step 3 $2.00
Step 4 $1.80
Step 5 $1.60
Step 6 $1.40
Step 7 $1.20
Step 8 $1.00
Step 9 $0.80
Step 10 $0.60
Step 11 $0.40
Step 12 $0.00
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Letter
of Agreement this 27
Day of September, 2019. 9
s/Shane Tackett s/Dave Supplee 13
s/Wayne Newton s/Jeff Tobius 14
Agent: Grade A
Crew Scheduler/Operations Agent
Step 8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024 8/10/2025
Start $20.60 $24.19 $24.80 $25.42 $26.05
1 $21.21 $24.19 $24.80 $25.42 $26.05
2 $21.85 $24.69 $25.31 $25.94 $26.59
3 $22.51 $25.21 $25.84 $26.49 $27.15
4 $23.19 $25.97 $26.62 $27.29 $27.97
5 $23.87 $26.85 $27.53 $28.21 $28.92
6 $27.07 $29.48 $30.22 $30.97 $31.75
7 $27.95 $30.44 $31.20 $31.98 $32.78
8 $30.87 $33.62 $34.46 $35.32 $36.21
9 $31.11 $33.88 $34.73 $35.60 $36.49
10 $32.19 $35.06 $35.93 $36.83 $37.75
11 $33.00 $35.94 $36.84 $37.76 $38.70
12 $33.46 $37.54 $38.48 $39.44 $40.43
Start to first step takes six months 1
First step to second step takes six months. 2
All other steps take one year. 3
Agent: Grade B
Station Agent
Step 8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024 8/10/2025
Start $16.80
$19.73 $20.22 $20.73 $21.25
$17.22 $19.73 $20.22 $20.73 $21.25
$17.85 $20.17 $20.67 $21.19 $21.72
$18.11 $20.28 $20.79 $21.31 $21.84
$18.23 $20.42 $20.93 $21.45 $21.99
$19.32 $21.74 $22.28 $22.84 $23.41
$20.36 $22.17 $22.73 $23.30 $23.88
$21.61 $23.54 $24.12 $24.73 $25.35
$22.16 $24.13 $24.74 $25.36 $25.99
$22.65 $24.67 $25.28 $25.92 $26.56
$24.17 $26.32 $26.98 $27.66 $28.35
$26.31 $28.65 $29.37 $30.10 $30.86
$31.34 $35.16 $36.04 $36.94 $37.87
Start to first step takes six months 1
First step to second step takes six months. 2
All other steps take one year. 3
Agent: Grade C
Customer Service
Cargo Systems Control Agent
Central Reservations Control Agent
8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024 8/10/2025
Start $15.75 $18.50 $18.96 $19.43 $19.92
1 $16.17 $18.50 $18.96 $19.43 $19.92
2 $16.80 $18.98 $19.46 $19.95 $20.44
3 $17.06 $19.11 $19.59 $20.07 $20.58
4 $17.42 $19.51 $20.00 $20.50 $21.01
5 $18.49 $20.80 $21.32 $21.85 $22.40
6 $19.57 $21.31 $21.85 $22.39 $22.95
7 $20.81 $22.66 $23.23 $23.81 $24.41
8 $21.30 $23.20 $23.78 $24.37 $24.98
9 $21.84 $23.79 $24.38 $24.99 $25.61
10 $23.34 $25.42 $26.06 $26.71 $27.37
11 $25.50 $27.77 $28.47 $29.18 $29.91
12 $30.30 $34.00 $34.85 $35.72 $36.61
Start to first step takes six months 1
First step to second step takes six months. 2
All other steps take one year. 3
Clerical: Grade A
Work Control Specialist
Step 8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024 8/10/2025
Start $19.05 $22.37 $22.93 $23.50 $24.09
1 $19.72 $22.37 $22.93 $23.50 $24.09
2 $20.40 $23.05 $23.63 $24.22 $24.82
3 $21.14 $23.68 $24.27 $24.88 $25.50
4 $21.86 $24.48 $25.10 $25.72 $26.37
5 $22.64 $25.47 $26.11 $26.76 $27.43
6 $23.41 $25.75 $26.39 $27.05 $27.73
7 $24.26 $26.42 $27.08 $27.76 $28.45
8 $25.10 $27.34 $28.02 $28.72 $29.44
9 $25.98 $28.29 $29.00 $29.73 $30.47
10 $26.88 $29.28 $30.01 $30.76 $31.53
11 $27.82 $30.30 $31.06 $31.83 $32.63
12 $29.84 $33.48 $34.32 $35.18 $36.05
Start to first step takes six months 1
First step to second step takes six months. 2
All other steps take one year. 3
Clerical: Grade B
Accounting Specialist
Step 8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024 8/10/2025
Start $16.30
$19.14 $19.62 $20.11 $20.61
$16.85 $19.14 $19.62 $20.11 $20.61
2 $17.44 $19.71 $20.20 $20.70 $21.22
$18.07 $20.24 $20.74 $21.26 $21.79
$18.71 $20.96 $21.48 $22.02 $22.57
5 $19.37 $21.79 $22.34 $22.89 $23.47
$20.04 $22.04 $22.59 $23.16 $23.73
$20.73 $22.58 $23.14 $23.72 $24.31
8 $21.47 $23.38 $23.97 $24.57 $25.18
$22.22 $24.20 $24.80 $25.42 $26.06
$23.00 $25.05 $25.68 $26.32 $26.98
11 $23.80 $25.92 $26.57 $27.23 $27.91
$25.50 $28.61 $29.33 $30.06 $30.81
Start to first step takes six months 1
First step to second step takes six months. 2
All other steps take one year. 3
Clerical: Grade C
Mail/Manuals Specialist/
Crew Scheduling Specialist
Step 8/10/2021 8/10/2022 8/10/2023 8/10/2024 8/10/2025
Start $13.04
$15.31 $15.70 $16.09 $16.49
1 $13.79 $15.31 $15.70 $16.09 $16.49
$14.56 $16.45 $16.86 $17.29 $17.72
$15.39 $17.24 $17.67 $18.11 $18.56
4 $16.30 $18.26 $18.71 $19.18 $19.66
$17.23 $19.38 $19.87 $20.37 $20.87
$18.22 $19.84 $20.34 $20.85 $21.37
7 $19.27 $20.99 $21.51 $22.05 $22.60
$20.66 $22.50 $23.06 $23.64 $24.23
$21.39 $23.30 $23.88 $24.48 $25.09
10 $22.13 $24.10 $24.70 $25.32 $25.95
$22.90 $24.94 $25.56 $26.20 $26.86
$24.55 $27.55 $28.23 $28.94 $29.66
Start to first step takes six months 1
First step to second step takes six months. 2
All other steps take one year. 3
. 4
INDEX Article Par. Page
Accidents 17 A 76 3
Accounting Specialist 4 D 10 4
Address notification 5
laid off employees 9 G 39 6
change of address 18 D 79 7
Age 8
discrimination 1 D 2 9
seniority 9 D 38 10
faithful service 9 H 39 11
retirement 23 E.7-8 93 12
dependent/insurance 25 D 96 13
Alcoholism Letter Ltr #2 - 111 14
Allegheny-Mohawk 3 F 7 15
Anniversary Date 19 R 83 16
Annual Physical 14 D 60 17
Arbitration 16 I 71 18
Awarding Vacancies 10 H 45 19
written notification 10 G.7.a. 44 20
requirements 10 H 45 21
Bidding 4 A 9 24
part-timers 10 G.5.d 43 25
vacancy 10 H 45 26
while on lay off 10 G.5.e 43 27
preference form 10 G.1 43 28
use of preference 10 G.5 43 29
withdrawal 10 G.7 44 30
one year freeze 10 M 47 31
during realignment 10 G.4 43 32
Bilingual Letter Ltr #6 - 119 33
Breaks 5 D 19 34
Bridge Agreement Ltr #22 - 157 35
Bulletin Boards 22 H 89 36
Call out minimum 7 K.1 32 39
Cargo System Control Agent 4 D 14 40
Central Reservations Control Agent 4 D 14 41
INDEX Article Par. Page
Change of Address 9 G 39 2
laid off employees 10 A 40 3
notification within 10 days 18 D 79 4
Chemical Dependency Letter Ltr #2 - 111 5
Classifications of Work 6
Agent Division 4 B 9 7
Clerical Division 4 C 9 8
job description 4 D 9 9
job bidding 4 A 9 10
management performing work 4 E 16 11
non-management trainers 4 F 16 12
Committees 13
attend lodge meetings 22 I 90 14
copy of layoffs 10 A.2 41 15
discipline representation 16 D.2 67 16
E.1 67 17
F.1 68 18
negotiating 12 K 55 19
pass travel 15 C 63 20
safety 17 A 76 21
uniform 18 C.2 78 22
Compensatory Time 5 G 21 23
formal training program 30 B 108 24
Contract booklet 18 E 79 25
Contract Service Lead Ltr #10 - 129 26
Crew Scheduling Specialist 4 D 11 27
Crew Scheduling Transition scale Ltr #3 - 112 28
Crew Scheduler 4 D 12 29
Cross Utilization 4 F 16
Customer Service Agent 4 D 13 31
DAT vacation 13 F.1 58 34
Days off 35
changing 7 J.1 32 36
during negotiations 12 K 55 37
during vacation 13 F.1 58 38
holiday on 8 C.1 34 39
on pay day 19 C 81 40
part-time 6 A.2 23 41
standard work week 5 B.1 17 42
ten hour shift 8 C.2 34 43
trading 5 F 20 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
flex-time 5 F.2 20 2
working on 7 K.2 32 3
Defacing property 3 D 6 4
Dental Plan 5
union leave of absence 12 H.2 54 6
while on injury leave 25 D.1.d 97 7
plan coverage 25 D 97 8
Destruction of property 3 D 6 9
Differential 10
Workers’ Compensation 14 I.2 61 11
shift amount 21 A 86 12
Alaska 19 M 82 13
Arctic 19 O.1 83 14
Bay Area 19 O.2 83 15
Hazwoper 19 P 83 16
Denver/Fairbanks 19 T 85 17
Discharge 18
appeal to system board 16 I.6 72 19
exoneration from 16 G 69 20
failure to pay union dues 22 D 87 21
management right 3 C 6 22
notice of 16 F.1 68 23
seniority list 9 F.2 38 24
Discipline 25
management right 3 C-D 6 26
notification of 16 E.1 67 27
16 F.1 68 28
one year limitation 16 H.7 70 29
unsafe conditions 17 A 76 30
Discrimination 1 B 2 31
Disputes 32
appeal to Board 16 I 71 33
Board jurisdiction 16 I.4-5 71 34
grievance procedure 16 A 64 35
peaceful settlement 3 D 6 36
System Board of Adjustment 16 I 61 37
Double-Dipping Ltr #19 - 144 38
Double time 39
bypassing volunteers 7 F.2 30 40
holidays/8 hour shift 8 C.1 34 41
holidays/10 hour shift 8 C.2 34 42
in excess of work day 7 B.1-2 26 43
in excess of work week 7 I.4 31 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
DPASA Ltr #9 - 124 2
Drug Dependence 3
Letter Ltr #2 - 111 4
testing 17 D 77 5
Dues 6
authorization 22 B 87 7
union dues 22 A 87 8
Duration 27 - 103 9
Education 30 B 108 12
Efficiency 13
of operations 1 A 2 14
of employees 3 C 6 15
Eight hours of rest 5 H 21 16
Emergencies 4 E 16 17
Emergency 18
emergency room deductible 25 D.3.d 99 19
extending time limits 16 K.7 74 20
leave of absence 12 B 52 21
national war 10 A.2 41 22
overtime 7 I.1 30 23
vacation accrual 13 G 58 24
Equipment 25
Company rights 3 C 6 26
new technology 2 F-G 4 27
subcontracting 2 D 3 28
Ltr #12 - 132 29
training on new equip. 30 F 109 30
2 F 4 31
Expenses 32
customary medical 25 D.3.a 98 33
exclusion 11 A.2.c 51 34
medical 25 D 96 35
relating to System Boards 16 K 73 36
transfers 11 A 51 37
while attending classes 30 F 109 38
Facilities 41
Company rights 3 C 6 42
subcontracting 2 D 3 43
Ltr #12 - 132 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
Ferry Passes 18 I 80 2
Field Service 29 - 106 3
File, personnel 4
discipline letters 16 H.7 70 5
all employees 18 A 78 6
Forfeiting seniority 7
removed from list 9 F 38 8
reporting after Government off. 12 H.1 54 9
reporting after union leave 12 H.2 54 10
station lay off 10 B 42 11
Furlough 12
accrued vacation pay 13 I 59 13
leaves of absence 12 E 53 14
medical insurance 25 D 97 15
other jobs within company 10 F.1 42 16
part-time positions 6 B 23 17
preference bids 10 G.5.e 43 18
recalls of less than 90 days 10 D 42 19
shift realignments 10 Q.3 48 20
station furlough 10 C 42 21
transfer to avoid furlough 11 A.2.b 51 22
Gender references 1 C 2 25
General and Miscellaneous 26
address/phone number 18 D 79 27
appearance 18 J 80 28
Contract booklet 18 E 79 29
ferry passes 18 I 80 30
jury duty 18 F 80 31
parking 18 H 80 32
personnel file 18 A 78 33
references 18 B 78 34
safety 18 J 80 35
uniforms 18 C 78 36
weather gear 18 G 80 37
Grievance Resolution Procedure 38
Attendance 16 D 66 39
Chief shop steward 22 F 88 40
discharge/suspension 16 F 68 41
disciplinary letters 16 H.7 70 42
general procedures 16 A 64 43
grievance review board 16 B 64 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
hearing schedules 16 H.7 70 2
investigating grievances 16 H.5 70 3
notification of settlement 16 H.1 69 4
regular grievances 16 C 65 5
rejected offers 16 H.8 70 6
shop steward 22 F 88 7
stenographic reports 16 H.2 69 8
time limits 9
extensions 16 H.3 70 10
failure to meet 16 H.4 70 11
Grievances outside the Agreement 3 D 6 12
GSAP Ltr #21 - 147 13
Guiding Principles - - 1 14
Hangars 3 C 6 17
HAT vacation 13 F 58 18
Health & Wellness Ltr #17 - 141 19
Hiring from outside 20
new classification at station 10 J.3 47 21
Holiday Helpers Ltr #13 - 134 22
Holidays 23
banking options 8 C.4 34 24
call out 8 G 35 25
days observed 8 A 33 26
during vacation 8 E 34 27
eight hour shifts 8 C.1 34 28
falling in a vacation period 8 E 34 29
falling on a day off 8 D 34 30
hours restriction 8 H 35 31
modified work week 8 C.3 34 32
part-time 6 I 25 33
regular day off volunteers 8 B.2 33 34
selection of volunteers 8 B 33 35
ten hour shifts 8 C.2 34 36
volunteer sheets 8 - 35a-b 37
Home Agents 28 - 104 38
Hours of Service 39
compensatory time 5 G 21 40
eight hour shifts 5 A.1 17 41
hourly periods 5 A.4 17 42
meal periods 5 C 18 43
minimum hour guarantee 5 E 19 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
minimum rest 5 H 21 2
modified work week 5 B.2 17 3
relief shift 5 B.3 18 4
rest periods 5 D 19 5
shift starting times 5 B.3 18 6
standard work week 5 B.1 17 7
ten hour shifts 5 A.2 17 8
trading shifts 5 F 20 9
Inactive Classifications Ltr #14 - 135 12
Inclement weather gear 18 G 80 13
Information Technology Ltr #15 - 138 14
Injury 15
leave of absence 12 C 52 16
occupational leave 14 I 61 17
Insurance 25 96 18
coordination of benefits 25 D.6 101 19
dental 25 D.4 100 20
H.M.O. coverage 25 D 97 21
life insurance 25 A 96 22
medical 25 D 97 23
part time 25 D 97 24
retirement coverage Ltr #18 - 143 25
vision 25 D.5 100 26
Job descriptions 4 D 9 29
Junior assigning 7 I 30 30
Jury duty 18 F 80 31
Ketchikan Ferry passes 18 I 80 34
LAX Transition Scale Ltr#24 - 163 37
Lay off 38
awarding vacancy 10 H.1 45 39
notice 10 A.2 41 40
part-time employee 6 B.6 24 41
preference bid 10 A.1 40 42
seniority list 9 F.6 39 43
sick leave retention 14 B 60 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
Lead Accounting Specialist 4 D 10 2
Lead Cargo System Control Agent 4 D 14 3
Lead Central Reservations Control Agent 4 D 15 4
Lead Crew Scheduler 4 D 12 5
Lead Customer Service Agent 4 D 13 6
Lead Mail Specialist 4 D 11 7
Lead Operations Agent 4 D 12 8
Lead Pay 9
differential 19 L 82 10
managers functions 19 I 82 11
non-management trainer 4 F 16 12
Lead Reservations Agent 4 D 15 13
Lead Station Agent 4 D 12 14
Lead vacation allotment 13 L 59 15
Lead vacation bidding 13 C 57 16
Lead Work Control Specialist 4 D 10 17
Leaves of Absence 18
accruing seniority 12 C 52 19
awarding 12 B 52 20
duration 12 C 52 21
during furlough periods 12 E 53 22
gainful employment during 12 J 55 23
government employment 12 H 54 24
maternity 12 D.1 52 25
vacancy during 12 D.1 52 26
medical 12 C 52 27
negotiating committee 12 K 55 28
parental leave 12 D.3 53 29
pay 12 A 52 30
requesting 12 B 52 31
return from 12 I 55 32
Selective Service Act 12 G 54 33
Union Employment 12 H.2 54 34
Letters of Agreement 35
Bilingual agents Ltr #6 - 119 36
Bridge Agreement Ltr #22 - 157 37
Chemical dependency Ltr #2 - 111 38
Contract Service Lead Ltr #10 - 128 39
Crew Scheduling Transition scale Ltr #3 - 112 40
Double-Dipping Ltr #19 - 144 41
DPASA Ltr #9 - 124 42
GSAP Ltr #21 - 147 43
Health and Wellness Ltr #17 - 141 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
Holiday Helpers Ltr #13 - 134 2
Information Technology Ltr #15 - 138 3
LAX Transition Scale Ltr#24 - 163 4
Inactive Classification Ltr #14 - 135 5
Military charters Ltr #4 - 113 6
Non-DOT Random Testing Ltr #20 - 145 7
Prudhoe Bay Ltr #5 - 115 8
PSC's and Boardroom Concierge Ltr #1 - 110 9
Resource Planning Ltr #11 - 130 10
Sick Leave Buyout Ltr #18 - 143 11
Staffing Adjustment Ltr #16 - 140 12
Station Agent classification Ltr #7 - 121 13
Union Business Ltr #8 - 122 14
Wage Review Ltr#23 - 160 15
Work Security Ltr #12 - 132 16
Letters of Agreement List 24 - 95 17
Lock Out 3 D 6 18
Long and faithful service 9 H 39 19
Long Term Disability 25 C 97 20
Longevity pay 26 - 102 21
Lunch period 22
during overtime 7 E 28 23
graveyard/third shift 5 A 17 24
no lunch pay 5 C.3.b 19 25
off schedule pay 5 C.3.a 19 26
scheduling 5 C 18 27
ten hour day 5 A.2 17 28
Mail Specialist 4 D 11 31
Management performing work 32
exceptions 2 C 3 33
routinely 4 E 16 34
Management Rights Clause 3 C 6 35
Mandatory overtime 36
assignment 7 I 30 37
in excess of a work week 7 I.4 31 38
Manuals 2 E 3 39
Maternity 40
leave of absence 12 C 52 41
Meal Period (s) 5 C 18 42
off schedule lunch 5 C.3.a 19 43
no lunch 5 C.3.b 20 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
Military Charters Letter Ltr #4 - 113 2
Military Leave 12 C 52 3
Minimum 4
higher rate of pay 19 H 81 5
holiday call out 8 G 35 6
holiday hours 8 B 33 7
hourly rates 19 A-B 81 8
hours per week 5 E 19 9
realignment posting 10 Q 48 10
split shift hours 6 C 24 11
subsequent vac. hours.- bidding 13 J 59 12
training on days off 30 C 108 13
vacancy posting 10 P.5 48 14
vacation hours - bidding 13 C 57 15
Minimum rest 5 H 21 16
Modified work week 5 B.2 17 17
Moving expenses 11 - 51 18
Negotiating Committee 21
accruing benefits 12 K 55 22
union meetings 22 I 90 23
passes 15 C 63 24
New employee 9 B 36 25
No strike clause 3 D 6 26
Non-management trainers 4 F 16 27
Occupational injury leave 14 I 61 29
Operations Agent 4 D 12 30
Orders and notices 22 G 89 31
Overtime 32
advance notice 7 H 30 33
at end of shift 7 G 30 34
call back minimum 7 K.1 32 35
call out minimum 7 K.2 32 36
double time 7 B 26 37
emergency definition 7 I.3 31 38
junior assigning 7 I 30 39
mandatory assignment 7 I 30 40
part-time 6 F 25 41
premium for work on days off 7 D 26 42
schedule change 7 J 32 43
INDEX Article Par. Page
short paycheck 7 J 32 2
sick leave 7 D 26 3
time and one-half 7 A 26 4
trade days 7 C 26 5
volunteers 7 F.1 29 6
Parental Leave 12 D.3 53 9
Part-time employees 10
benefits 6 A.3 23 11
bidding to full time 10 G.5.d 43 12
establishment of positions 6 B 23 13
insurance 6 A.3 23 14
25 D 97 15
limitation 6 A.4 23 16
lists of union 6 E 24 17
percentage 6 A.4 23 18
seniority 6 A.3 23 19
split shifts 6 C 24 20
work day 6 A.1 23 21
work week 6 A.2 23 22
Pass privileges 15 - 63 23
Pay dates 19 C 81 24
during holiday 19 D 81 25
Pay shortage 19 G 81 26
Pension Plan 27
401(K) 23 AB 91 28
age 50 with 20 years service 23 E.5 93 29
existing plan 23 E 92 30
retirement age 23 E.7 93 31
Performance Based Pay 19 Q 83 32
Personnel file 18 A 78 33
Physicals 17 D 77 34
Preamble - - 1 35
Preference bids 36
awarding 10 H 45 37
restriction 10 L 46 38
shift realignment 10 Q 48 39
vacancies 10 G 43 40
Pregnancy 12 D 52 41
Cathode Ray Tubes 17 E 77 42
Prescription Drug Co-pay 25 D.3.e 100 43
INDEX Article Par. Page
Probation 2
additional classification 9 C.1 37 3
new employees 9 B.1 36 4
purpose of 9 B.1 36 5
Promotion adjustments 19 K 82 6
Prudhoe Bay Letter Ltr #5 - 115 7
PSCs and Boardroom Hostess Letter Ltr #1 - 110 8
Purpose of Agreement 9
coercion of employees 1 B 2 10
discrimination 1 D 2 11
gender references 1 C 2 12
mutual interest 1 A 2 13
Railway Labor Act 16
privileges under 16 I 71 17
System Board of Adjustment 16 I 71 18
Realignment 10 Q 48 19
Recall from furlough 20
minimum recall 10 D 42 21
physical examination 17 D 77 22
preference bid filing 10 G 43 23
recall to laid off station 10 A.1 40 24
time limit 9 F.6 39 25
Recognition and Scope of Agreement 26
jurisdiction of work 2 B 3 27
management working 2 C 3 28
policies & manuals 2 E 3 29
recognition of bargaining agent 2 A 3 30
subcontracting 2 D 3 31
Records Specialist 4 D 11 32
Regular days off 5 B 18 33
Relief shift differential 21 A 86 34
Relief shift starting times 5 B.3 18 35
Representation 2 A 3 36
Reservations Sales Agent 4 D 15 37
Rest - Insufficient 5 H 21 38
Rest Period(s) 39
15 minutes 5 D 19 40
during overtime 7 E 28 41
Resource Planning Ltr #11 - 130 42
Right of allotment 13 L 59 43
Routes 3 C 6 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
Safety and Health 3
hearing protectors 17 C 77 4
safety committee 17 A 76 5
Savings clause 20 - 85 6
Schedule change 7
change of days off 7 J 32 8
Scheduled days off 7 J 32 9
Seniority 10
definition 9 A 36 11
faithful service 9 H 39 12
forfeiting seniority 13
accepting recall 10 E 42 14
leaves position voluntarily 10 L.2 47 15
leave position involuntarily 10 L.1 46 16
outside agreement 9 F.7 39 17
preference bid/lay off 10 C 42 18
refuse recall 10 B 43 19
seniority in another class. 9 C.4 37 20
station lay off 10 B 42 21
time limits 9 F.7 39 22
in another classification 9 C 37 23
lists 9 E 38 24
position by age 9 D 38 25
probation 26
new classification 9 C.5 37 27
new employees 9 B 36 28
protest 9 E 38 29
recall rules, loss of 9 F.6 39 30
recall rules, bid awards 10 H 45 31
reduction in force 10 A 40 32
removing names 10 A.2 41 33
sending notices 10 G.7 44 34
station closures 10 F 42 35
Service Charges 36
employee union obligation 22 B 87 37
authorization 22 B 87 38
Settlement of disputes 3 D 6 39
Shift bids 10 Q 48 40
Shift differential 41
computation 21 D 86 42
rates 21 A 86 43
relief shift 21 C 86 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
times 21 B 86 2
Shop Steward 22 F 88 3
Steward definition 22 F 88 4
Chief Steward definition 22 F 88 5
Short term disability 25 B 96 6
Sick Leave 7
abuse 14 F 60 8
accrual 14 A 60 9
additional sick leave 14 J 62 10
annual physical 14 D 60 11
chemical dependency Letter Ltr #2 - 11112
chemical dependency sick leave 14 F 60 13
death in the family 14 H.1 61 14
leaves of absence 12 D.2 53 15
occupational injury leave 14 I 61 16
overtime 7 D 26 17
posting accrual 14 G 61 18
rate 14 A 60 19
sick leave buyout Ltr #18 - 14320
spouse/child 14 H.2 61 21
trades 5 F 20 22
Sit-Down 3 D 6 23
Slowdown 3 D 6 24
Special checks 19 G 81 25
Special Project 10 R 49 26
Split Shifts 6 C.5 24 27
pay/differential 21 A 86 28
locations 6 C.5 24 29
Staffing Adjustment Ltr #16 - 140 30
Station Agent 4 D 12 31
Station Closure 10 F 42 32
Status of Agreement 33
management rights 3 C 6 34
new stations 3 A 6 35
settlement of disputes 3 D 6 36
successors or assigns 3 B 6 37
Stay-In 3 D 6 38
Stenographic reports 16 H.2 69 39
Stoppage 3 D 6 40
Strike clause 3 D 6 41
Subcontracting 2 D 3 42
Job Security Ltr #12 - 132 43
INDEX Article Par. Page
Suspension 2
grievance procedure 16 F 68 3
System Board of Adjustment 4
appointments 16 J 73 5
compliance of RLA 16 I.1 71 6
composition of board 16 I.2 71 7
discharge 16 I.6 72 8
disputes for consideration 16 I.5 72 9
employee representation 16 I.7 72 10
expenses 16 K 73 11
extensions 16 K.7 74 12
jurisdiction 16 K.6 74 13
neutral member 16 I.2 71 14
records 16 H.2 69 15
rights 16 I.9 73 16
rights of members 16 I.9 73 17
submissions 16 I.6 72 18
voting 16 I.8 72 19
System Regulations 20
attending classes 30 E 109 21
drug testing 17 F 77 22
expenses away from base 11 B 51 23
modification during agreement 2 E 3 24
moving expenses 11 A.1 51 25
Telephone 18 D 79 28
Temporary vacancies 10 P.1 47 29
Ten hour shifts 30
holidays 8 C.2 34 31
overtime 7 A.2 26 32
overtime on days off 7 D.2 26 33
work day 5 A.2 17 34
work week 5 B.2 17 35
Termination 36
during probation 9 B 36 37
grievance procedure 16 F 68 38
insurance 25 D 97 39
// retirement plan 23 91
vacation pay 13 I 59 41
Trades and overtime 7 C 26 42
Trading shifts 5 F 20 43
Flex-time 5 F.2 20 44
INDEX Article Par. Page
Trainers 30 A 108 2
Training 3
away from station 30 B 108 4
before or after work 30 D 108 5
expenses 30 E 109 6
on days off 30 C 108 7
on new equipment 30 F 109 8
Overnight accommodations 30 G 109 9
Transfers and Moving Expenses 11 - 51 10
Transportation 11
allotment/service charge 15 A 63 12
General Chair 15 C 63 13
moving 11 A.2.c 51 14
negotiating committee 15 C 63 15
Prudhoe Bay Letter Ltr #5 115 16
System Boards 16 K 73 17
transfers 11 A 51 18
Uniforms 18 C 78 21
Union dues 22 B 87 22
membership 22 A 87 23
non-membership 22 D 87 24
Union or Government employment 12 H 54 25
Union meeting attendance 22 I 90 26
Union membership 22 A 87 27
Union pin 18 C.6 79 28
Union Security 22 - 87 29
Union Shop 30
assignment of duties 22 B 87 31
furnishing replacements 22 D 87 32
indemnification 22 E 88 33
new employees 22 B 87 34
remitting dues 22 C 87 35
Vacancies 38
awarding 10 H 45 39
bidding procedure 10 G.5 43 40
central bidding procedure 10 G.3 43 41
from lay-off/furlough 10 G.5 43 42
preference bid awards 10 H 45 43
probationary period 10 G.8 44 44
temporary 10 P.3 47 1
transfer period 10 M 47 2
Vacations 3
accrual 13 B 57 4
bidding 13 C 57 5
canceling 13 L 59 6
commencement 13 F 58 7
computing allowances 13 A 57 8
day-at-a-time 13 F 58 9
holiday during 8 E 34 10
if canceled 13 K 59 11
odd days 13 F 58 12
pay advance 13 G 58 13
retirement or death 13 I 59 14
right of allotment 13 L 59 15
sick leave 13 H 58 16
vacation relief 5 B.4 18 17
Wage Rules 20
specialist as manager 19 I 82 21
higher pay grade minimum 19 H 81 22
minimum rates 19 A 81 23
pay dates 19 C 81 24
pay day on holiday 19 D 81 25
pay stub statements 19 E 81 26
preventing increases 19 B 81 27
reclassification 19 J 82 28
special checks 19 G 81 29
termination 19 F 81 30
Wage Review Ltr#23 - 160 31
Wage Scale 19 R 83 32
Wage rate charts 164-169 33
Waived Passes 15 C 63 34
Work Control Specialist 4 D 10 35
Work Day 5 A 17 36
Work Security Ltr #12 - 132 37
Work stoppage 3 D 6 38
Work week 5 B 17 39
Workers' compensation 14 I 61 40