Thank you for your interest in becoming an approved Broker with Allied Mortgage Group. We have a 25+ year
history of supporting mortgage brokers and we are looking forward to having you as a client.
Your company should meet the following criteria:
Be properly licensed and authorized to originate and broker loans that meet our product line and
underwriting requirements.
Have been in business for at least two years. In cases of newer firms, principals should have at
least five years’ experience in the mortgage industry.
Have a good reputation in the industry and a high level of professionalism and strong ethical
Have a “good standing” rating with all governmental licensing and revenue collection agencies
with a public record clear of any civil or criminal judgments. A Broker whose firm has been
suspended or is currently under investigation may not be approved or may not be renewed to
do business with ALLIED.
Have at least a company net worth of $25,000. Exceptions below may be considered on a case
by case basis.
rtgage Broker Application*
Mortgage Broker Agreement*
Addendum to Broker Agreement-Fair Lending Compliance Certification*
Addendum to Broker Agreement Broker Hiring Policy Certification*
Mortgage Broker Compensation Agreement*
Mortgage Broker Compensation Addendum*
Corporate Resolution (if applicable) *
Anti-Money Laundering & Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Declaration*
Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement dated within last 90 days. Both signed by
Articles of Incorporation (if applicable)
Resumes of Principal Officers
Quality Control Policy
VA Approval Form
en the package is complete, please send securely to your Rep or to
We will begin processing the application immediately so you can begin to submit your loans for review.
Revised – 09/19/2022
Company Name Company NMLS #
DBA Name (if applicable) Company Website
Federal Tax ID
Main Address (Physical, not a P.O. Box)
City State Zip Code Company Phone
Start Date of Business Business License #/State Entity Type
Primary Contact/Branch Manager Title NMLS # Email Address
*Affiliated defined as: Having an ownership in, partnership interest with, family or close personal relationship.
you owned, controlled or a subsidiary of any other entity?
Yes No
If Yes, Name of entity:
Are you closing loans under an affiliated Title Company, Closing Agent or Escrow Co? Yes No
Name Address, City, State, Zip
Are you utilizing an outside Loan Processing company? Yes No
Name Address, City, State, Zip
Is the Loan Processing company an affiliated relationship? Yes No
Do you ow
n or are affiliated with any of the following?
Building Contractor
Yes No
Realty Company
Yes No
Property Management Co
Yes No
Appraisal Company
Yes No
Accounting/Tax Prep Co
Yes No
Credit Repair Co
Yes No
Loan Modification Co
Yes No
Other Affiliation (List below)
Yes No
If Y
es, you must provide the following information on each affiliated* company:
Name Address, City, State, Zip
Name Address, City, State, Zip
Name Address, City, State, Zip
Name Address, City, State, Zip
Social Security
Home Address
Email Address
Allied Mortgage Group may order a credit report on one or more of the principal officers listed above. If a credit report is warranted, we will contact the
principal officer(s) in advance to obtain a credit report authorization prior to pulling any credit report.
Revised – 09/19/2022
If additional space is needed, please attach separate spreadsheet (Excel format preferred)
NMLS (if applicable)
Client Portal Admin
Operations Manager
Secondary Marketing
If additional space is needed, please attach separate spreadsheet (Excel format preferred)
Branch NMLS
Branch Address
Branch Manager
If additional space is needed, please attach separate spreadsheet (Excel format preferred)
INATION ACTIVITIES (Last 12 months):
Product Type
# Units
$ Volume
1. Is Applicant sponsored by any lenders for FHA?
Yes No
2. FHA I.D.#
3. MERS I.D.#
4. Approved Fannie Seller/Servicer?
Yes No
5. Approved Freddie Seller Servicer?
Yes No
6. Approved VA Lender?
Yes No
7. Has your company been suspended or terminated by any investor, MI company, FHA/VA or state/federal regulatory
or licensing agency? If yes, please attach explanation
Yes No
By executing this application, Applicant and each of the above named officers hereby authorize Allied ("ALLIED") to obtain positive identification of information
the Applicant provided in this application and to obtain personal credit reports, business reference reports and other information that is of concern to ALLIED.
Broker acknowledges that such reports and information will be obtained and used only in connection with Allied’s approval of Applicant and evaluation of
Applicant’s eligibility to do business with ALLIED and not for any consumer credit or other purpose. Applicant certifies to its best belief and knowledge that the
information provided herein is true and correct.
Print Name of Principal Officer Title
Signature of Principal Officer Date
Revised – 09/19/2022
THIS MORTGAGE BROKER AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this day of
, 20 by and between
(“Broker”), its successors and assigns and Allied Mortgage Group (“Lender”), (collectively, the “Parties”).
In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein, Broker and Lender hereby agree as follows:
1. Lender hereby authorizes Broker to submit mortgage loan applications and other documentation
related to a mortgage application (or a “Loan Submission Package”) based on Lender’s application
program, policies, procedures, and pricing information, as amended from time to time.
2. Broker agrees to deliver to Lender Loan Submission Packages that are taken by Broker in accordance
with all applicable federal, state and local requirements. Broker covenants that it shall: (a) comply
with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”) and its Regulation B, and with the Fair Housing Act, in
Broker’s pre- and post- qualification communications with any and all applicants; (b) comply with the
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (“HMDA”) and its Regulation C with respect to accurately completing
the Government Monitoring Information sought on a Loan Application Form 1003; (c) comply with
the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”) and its Regulation X with respect to the
mortgage loan application and settlement process; and (d) comply with all Federal Housing
Administration (“FHA”) requirements and regulations.
3. Upon receipt of a Loan Submission package from Broker, Lender shall underwrite and approve or
deny Loan Submission Package on the basis of Lender’s underwriting criteria, rules and regulations,
and secondary market standards. Nothing herein constitutes any representation or commitment of
Lender that it will extend credit to any applicant, and Lender’s determination as to the
creditworthiness of any applicant is final and conclusive as to the parties. A mortgage loan resulting
from Broker’s submission of a Loan Submission Package (“Mortgage Loan”) shall be closed in the
name of Lender and, subject to Broker’s right to the fee as set forth herein, Broker agrees to assign to
Lender, at the time of closing of a Mortgage Loan, all right, title and interest in and to the Loan
Submission Package and related documents. Broker shall accurately prepare each Mortgage Loan
application contained in a Loan Submission Package in accordance with Lender’s policies and
procedures in effect at the time such application is made.
4. In following Truth-in-Lending, (TILA), and Regulation Z, all mortgage brokers and/or loan originators are
subject to the following:
Payments to Broker/Loan Originator are prohibited that are based on the loan’s interest rate or
other terms. Compensation that is based on a fixed percentage of the loan amount is permitted.
Payments to Broker/Loan Originator are prohibited from creditor or other person if payments
are received directly from a consumer.
Steering a consumer to a lender offering less favorable terms, in order to increase the
Broker/Loan Originator compensation, is prohibited.
Broker/Loan Originator agrees to provide a safe harbor to facilitate compliance. Safe harbor is
met if the consumer is presented with loan offers for each type of transaction in which the
consumer expresses an interest and the loan options presented to the consumer include the
The lowest interest rate for which the consumer qualifies,
The lowest points and origination fees and
The lowest rate for which the consumer qualifies for a loan with no risky features.
5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Broker shall not be entitled to receive any
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fees from an applicant or lender in connection with a Mortgage Loan if Broker is no longer approved,
licensed or registered or if Broker is suspended from transacting business by a state or federal agency
unless express prior written permission is given by Lender. Further, upon cessation of business, Broker
shall not be entitled to collect any fees from Lender or applicant if applicant has not yet executed loan
documents in connection with an active (not withdrawn) Loan Submission Package previously
submitted by Broker.
6. Lender shall not be responsible for the collection of any fees owed by an applicant to Broker in
connection with a Loan Submission Package. Broker shall be wholly responsible for any collection of
fees owed to Broker by an applicant.
7. To comply with loan originator compensation rules, the level of broker compensation must be uniform
regardless of whether it is lender-paid or borrower-paid.
8. As an inducement to Lender to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the making of each
Mortgage Loan related to any Loan Submission Package submitted by Broker, Broker represents and
warrants to Lender as follows, as of the date of execution hereof and the date of each mortgage
application which is delivered by Broker to Lender for approval:
If a corporation, Broker is a corporation, and if a partnership, Broker is a partnership, duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation
or organization. Broker is properly licensed, or is exempt or partially exempt, and qualified to
transact business in all jurisdictions where it originates mortgage loans and to conduct all
activities contemplated by this Agreement. Specifically, Broker maintains a lender’s and/or
broker’s license to originate first and/or second lien residential mortgage loans as may be
required by applicable legal requirements.
Broker has all requisite corporate power, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement
and to perform its obligations hereunder. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and any
related agreements and instruments and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby and thereby, each have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate
Broker shall comply with all provisions set forth in any present or future guide, manual, policy,
procedure, announcement, or other communication (collectively, “Guidelines”) provided by
Lender to Broker. Any violation by Broker of the Guidelines shall be considered a violation of the
Agreement. Any amendment to any present or future Guidelines shall be made via electronic
communication, which may include the posting of any amendment to any present or future
Guidelines on Lender’s broker website. An amendment to any Guidelines or any new Guidelines
shall be considered accepted by Broker upon Broker’s submission of a Loan Submission Package
subsequent to the date of the communication.
There is no litigation, suit, proceeding or investigation pending or threatened before any court of
law or administrative agency (state or federal), other than the litigation, suits, proceedings, or
investigations disclosed on Broker’s application for approval by Lender, (i) which, individually or
in the aggregate may result in any material adverse change in the business, operations, financial
condition, or assets of the Broker or in any impairment of the right or ability on the part of the
Broker to perform under this Agreement; (ii) relating to fraud; and (iii) relating to predatory
lending, or the Broker’s brokering practices. No representation, warranty or written statement
made by or on behalf of Broker in this Agreement, or in any written or verbal communication
made to Lender in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, contains, or will
contain, any untrue statement of a material fact or omits, or will omit a material fact necessary
to make the statements contained herein or therein not misleading.
Broker agrees to comply with all other federal, state or local governing authorities, including but
not limited to, Fannie Mae (FNMA), Freddie Mac (FHLMC), and Ginnie Mae (GNMA).
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The Broker does not believe and has no reason or cause to believe that it cannot perform each
representation, warranty, and covenant contained in this Agreement.
Broker shall at all times comply with all applicable federal, state and local anti-money laundering
laws, orders and regulations to the extent applicable to Broker, including without limitation, the
USA Patriot Act of 2001, the Bank Secrecy Act and the regulations of the Office of Foreign Asset
Control (“OFAC”).
9. As an inducement to Lender to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the making of each
Mortgage Loan related to a Loan Submission Package submitted by Broker, Broker represents and
warrants to Lender as follows, as of the date of execution hereof and the date of each Loan
Submission Package delivered by Broker to Lender for approval:
Broker will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations
including, but not limited to:
Broker will not submit a Loan Submission Package for and Lender will not originate “high
cost” loans under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (“HOEPA”) or a
”high cost,” “predatory,” “threshold,” “covered,” or “abusive” loan under any applicable
state, federal or local, law, regulation, or ordinance relating to such loans (or similarly
classified loans using different terminology under a law, regulation, or ordinance imposing
heightened regularity scrutiny or additional legal liability for residential mortgage loans
having high interest rates, points and/or fees.)
Broker shall provide any additional documentation requested by Lender in connection with
a “higher priced mortgage loan” as defined under Regulation Z, which implements the
federal Truth in Lending Act (“TILA”), and in connection with any similarly classified loans
using different terminology under a law, regulation, or ordinance imposing heightened
regulatory scrutiny or additional legal liability for residential mortgage loans.
Broker shall not submit a Loan Submission Package for a loan product where the applicant
for the mortgage loan will not receive a tangible net benefit.
Broker shall comply with all disclosure requirements under local, state, or federal laws,
regulations and ordinances. Broker shall provide all applicants with all applicable disclosures
in compliance with all delivery requirements contained in local, state or federal laws,
regulations, or ordinances, or in compliance with Lender’s Guidelines. Further, Broker
represents and warrants that all disclosures provided by Broker to an applicant shall be
dated the date that the disclosure was provided (the date placed in the U.S. Mail or placed
in the care of a commercial courier service for overnight delivery, or emailed, sent via
facsimile, or personally delivered to the applicant.
Broker shall comply with all applicable fee restrictions and requirements under local, state,
or federal laws, regulations, or ordinances. Broker shall also comply with all applicable fee
restrictions and requirements of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae or
FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac or FHLMC), Federal
Housing Authority (FHA) or Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Ginnie Mae (GNMA)
and any other federal agency or quasi-governmental agency.
Broker shall comply with any fee restrictions and requirements under Lender’s Guidelines,
including any applicable cap on fees charged by Broker.
Broker shall not submit a Loan Submission Package to Lender for a Mortgage Loan that
refinances a “special” mortgage (including but not limited to, reverse mortgages, mortgages
with discounted interest rates or special terms, loans by charitable, religious or state or
local agencies.)
Each mortgage application, submitted as part of a Loan Submission package, has been submitted
in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, guidelines and all applicable legal
requirements. Broker has no knowledge of any circumstances or conditions with respect to any
Loan Submission Package or the related mortgaged property (the “Mortgage Property”) or loan
applicant that Broker reasonably believes could be expected to cause the resulting Mortgage
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applicant that Broker reasonably believes could be expected to cause the resulting Mortgage
Loan to become delinquent or adversely affect the value or marketability of such Mortgage Loan.
Broker has committed no act or omission that will impair or invalidate Lender’s interest in, or the
enforceability of, any Mortgage Loan. All information and documents submitted by or on behalf
of a loan applicant to Broker and by Broker to Lender pursuant to this Agreement are genuine
and the information contained in such documents is true, accurate, and complete to the best of
the Broker’s knowledge.
Each Loan Submission Package includes each of the documents and instruments specified by
Lender to be included therewith, each of which document and instrument, and all signatures
contained thereon, are genuine and enforceable in accordance with its terms.
Broker shall not charge an applicant a fee for any services performed prior to applicant’s receipt
of disclosures required to be provided under the Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act
(“MDIA”), Regulation Z, which implements the Truth in Lending Act (“TILA”) as applicable,
Regulation X, which implements the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”), and any
other applicable federal or state law or regulation as applicable; however, Broker may charge a
reasonable fee, that complies with all applicable federal and state restrictions, for the
procurement of a credit report.
Broker shall comply with all federal and state restrictions and requirements and any restrictions
and requirements contained in Lender’s Guidelines in connection with any appraisal that is part
of a Loan Submission Package (regardless of who obtained the appraisal) including but not
limited to, the Appraisal Independence Requirements (AIR), FHA requirements/restrictions
(HUD), Fannie Mae (FNMA) requirements/restrictions, Freddie Mac (FHLMC)
requirements/restrictions, Ginnie Mae (GNMA) requirements/restrictions, and any other related
issuances of guidelines issued by any governmental or quasi-governmental bodies related to
Broker shall not act as mortgage broker on a Loan Submission Package as to which the Broker or
an affiliated company of the Broker provides or will provide settlement services, as defined
under RESPA, including but not limited to acting as a notary, unless Broker receives the express
prior written permission of Lender.
No fraud, material error, omission, misrepresentation, negligence, or similar occurrence with
respect to the Loan Submission Package has taken place on the part of the Broker. Broker shall
notify Lender if Broker discovers the occurrence of any fraud, error, omission, misrepresentation,
negligence, or similar occurrence by any party with respect to the Loan Submission Package.
Broker shall also notify Lender immediately of any suspected fraud, error, omission,
misrepresentation, negligence, or similar occurrence by any party with respect to any Loan
Submission Package.
10. Lender shall deduct from the loan proceeds the mortgage insurance premium (MIP) and shall forward
to HUD such premium together with the completed mortgage insurance package. In the event that
HUD issues to Broker the OTMIP Statement of Account, the Mortgage Insurance Certificate (MIC) or a
suspense letter with regard to the issuance of a MIC, Broker shall forward same to Lender
immediately. Broker agrees to cooperate with Lender in resolving issues relating to suspension of HUD
11. Broker shall maintain a Quality Control Program which shall be acceptable to and comply with all
applicable requirements of Lender. Lender reserves the right to change its requirements for such
Quality Control Program at any time and for any reason, which such changes shall be effective upon
notice to Broker, and to conduct an audit of Broker to verify the existence and implementation of such
Quality Control Program. As Lender may from time to time request, including, without limitation,
during the initial due diligence and approval of Broker, Broker shall promptly provide Lender with a
detailed written description of its Quality Control Program.
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12. Any of the following circumstances shall be considered a “Repurchase Obligation”:
Broker failed to observe or perform, or has breached any of representations, warranties,
covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement or any applicable Guidelines with
respect to any loan;
Lender receives a repurchase notification from any third party investor and the repurchase
request is based on actual or alleged fraud or misrepresentation with respect to the loan and
Broker was negligent in conducting its responsibilities under this Agreement with respect to
the Loan; or failed to follow standard practices which are prevalent in the mortgage banking
Broker committed fraud or misrepresentation with respect to the Loan or otherwise aided,
abetted or assisted in the commission of fraud or misrepresentation by any third party with
respect to the Loan or should have known such fraud was being committed and failed to act;
Any third-party fraud or misrepresentation has occurred with respect to the Loan in which
Broker either had knowledge of or any participation in.
If any of the first four (4) payments due Lender or a subsequent investor become ninety (90)
days or more delinquent.
13. a) Request for Repurchase. In the event of an occurrence of any repurchase obligation, upon the
request of Lender, Broker hereby agrees to repurchase the related Mortgage Loan(s) (or, if the related
Mortgage Loan(s) has been foreclosed, the related Mortgaged Property) within thirty (30) days of
Broker’s receipt of Lender’s written demand for an amount equal to the Repurchase Price (as defined
below). For the purpose hereof, the term “foreclosure” shall include judicial foreclosure, non-judicial
foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or any other mechanism of obtaining title to the Mortgage
b) Repurchase Price. The repurchase price for any Mortgage Loan which Lender has requested Broker
to repurchase (the “Repurchase Price”) shall be an amount equal to the sum of (a) the current unpaid
principal balance of the Mortgage Loan at the time of repurchase (or at the time of the foreclosure
sale date if the related Mortgage Loan has been foreclosed); (b) accrued but unpaid interest on such
principal balance at the interest rate, contained in the applicable promissory note (the “Note”), from
the paid-to-date of the Mortgage Loan through and including the last day of the month in which the
Repurchase Price is paid; (c) all costs and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable fees and
expenses of counsel, incurred by Lender as a result of Broker’s breach of this Agreement or enforcing
the terms of the Mortgage Loan; (d) any unreimbursed advances made by Lender, including without
limitation, principal payments advanced to investors, taxes or insurance or payments authorized by
the Note or the Mortgage or Deed of Trust (collectively, the “Mortgage”) or law to protect Lender’s
interest in the Mortgage Loan or related Mortgaged Property; (e) any discount on sale of the property
to the third party; and (f) any other fees, costs or amounts relating thereto. The Repurchase Price shall
be reduced by (i) any proceeds of mortgage insurance collected by Lender with respect to the
Mortgage Loan that have not been applied to the unpaid principal balance and (ii) if the Mortgage
Loan has been foreclosed and the Mortgaged Property has been sold to a third party, the proceeds of
the sale price received by Lender net of all advances, costs and expenses, including but not limited to
reasonable fees and expenses of counsel, incurred by Lender in connection with such sale.
c) Repurchase Procedures. Upon Lender’s receipt of the Repurchase Price, Lender shall execute and
deliver to Broker (i) an assignment of the Mortgage, an endorsement to the Note, and the related
Mortgage Loan files and other Mortgage Loan documents, each without representation, warranty or
recourse, and (ii) if Lender previously foreclosed the Mortgage Loan and at such time then owns the
Mortgage Property, a deed to the Mortgage Property, without representation, warranty or recourse,
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(iii) if Lender previously foreclosed the Mortgage Loan but either sold the Mortgage Property or another buyer
purchased the Mortgage Property at the foreclosure, an assignment of all deficiency obligations of the
mortgagor, without representation, warranty or recourse. With respect to the servicing of any Mortgage Loan(s)
repurchased by Broker, Lender shall transfer such servicing, or cause such servicing to be transferred, to Broker
or its designee. If the Broker is unable to service any Mortgage Loan(s) or does not have a designee for such
servicing, Lender may, at its sole option, service such Mortgage Loan(s) for a fee equal to Lender’s then current
rate until such time as Broker is capable of servicing such Mortgage Loan(s) or designates a successor servicer.
All costs of transferring servicing of any repurchased Mortgage Loan(s) from Lender to Broker or its designees
shall be borne by Broker and Broker shall reimburse Lender for any costs incurred in connection therewith.
Broker’s Repurchase Obligation with respect to a Mortgage Loan shall not be eliminated, reduced or otherwise
modified as a result of any modification, workout or assumption of the Mortgage Loan.
14. a) Request for Indemnification. Upon the request of Lender, Broker hereby agrees to indemnify and
hold Lender and its officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders and representatives harmless
from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, causes of action and expenses, including
attorneys’ fees actually incurred, relating to, arising out of or in connection with Broker’s breach of
any representation, warranty or covenant contained herein; provided, however, that Broker shall have
no obligation to indemnify Lender to the extent the claim for indemnification is based on (i) Lender’s
negligence or willful misconduct or (ii) Broker’s breach of an obligation that is or was the responsibility
of Lender under a processing agreement entered into between the parties.
b) Indemnification Agreement in lieu of Repurchase. At Lender’s sole option and in lieu of
repurchasing the related Loan(s) subject to a Repurchase Obligation, Lender may require the Broker to
enter into a written indemnification agreement in a form acceptable to Lender (the “Indemnification
Agreement”) which requires the Broker to indemnify Lender, including, without limitation,
reimbursing Lender for any losses incurred by Lender as a result of such Repurchase Obligation with
respect to the Mortgage Loan(s).
15. If any Mortgage Loan is paid off within one hundred twenty (120) days of the funding date, Broker
agrees to pay Lender all compensation Broker received as a result of the original Mortgage Loan. In
the event the payoff is due to a refinance by the same Broker, and the new loan is delivered back to
Lender, part or all of the above requirements may be waived upon the sole discretion of Lender.
Lender shall notify Broker in writing of the amount due with respect to any Early Payoff, and Broker
agrees to submit payment within fifteen (15) days of receipt of such notice. If payment is not received
by Lender, the amount owing may be offset against any amount due Broker, or an affiliated Broker, as
determined by Lender.
16. Broker shall maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement, at its own expense, such
insurance as is required by applicable legal requirements, and that is otherwise appropriate given the
nature of Broker’s business, including: (i) hazard and liability insurance, (ii) errors and omissions policy
or policies where required by state law, and (iii) a blanket fidelity bond.
17. Broker shall promptly notify Lender; (i) in the event of any substantial change in the financial
condition, ownership or management of Broker, (ii) if Broker knows or has reason to believe that any
information in the Loan Submission Package or other document delivered to Lender is untrue, and (iii)
in the event any government or other agency has made any adverse finding or threatened or taken
any adverse actions with respect to the Broker or its officers, directors or employees. Broker shall
promptly notify Lender of any suspension or termination or any notice of suspension or termination of
any license, registration, or approval to broker mortgage loans at the state or federal level.
Revised – 09/19/2022
18. Broker shall execute and deliver all such instruments and take all such action as Lender may reasonably
request from time to time in order to effectuate the purposes and to carry out the terms of this
19. Broker shall not use Lender’s, or Lender’s affiliates’, name, brand or logo without the express prior
written consent of Lender
20. In addition to any other remedies that the parties hereto may have at law or equity, Broker shall
indemnify Lender and hold Lender harmless against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs,
expenses, damages, penalties, fines and forfeitures of any kind, including but not limited to
reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from: (a) the breach by Broker of any representation, warranty or
covenant of this Agreement or (b) the failure of Broker to comply with applicable legal requirements
or Lender’s requirements. In the event that Broker fails to pay Lender any sums due hereunder, or
which are owed to the Lender, Lender shall be permitted to offset such sums from any amounts which
are due or become due to Broker pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
21. The remedies set forth in this Agreement and the Guidelines, if any, are in addition to and not to the
exclusion of any and all rights and remedies available to Lender at law or in equity including specific
performance. All remedies shall be cumulative and non-exclusive.
22. Lender reserves the right to modify any provision hereof in whole or in part upon the giving of thirty
(30) days’ written notice of such modification to Broker. Loan Submission Packages submitted by
Broker after the end of the thirty (30) days’ notice provided for herein shall be governed by the
revised provision of this Agreement.
23. This Agreement shall continue in existence and effect until terminated as provided for herein. This
Agreement may be terminated with respect to future mortgage applications submitted by Broker to
Lender by either party at any time by giving prior written notice of termination to the other party.
Such termination shall not in any respect change, alter, modify or terminate the obligations of any
party, including the representations and warranties of Broker with respect to Mortgage Loans or Loan
Submission Packages which have been submitted by Broker to Lender prior to the date of such
24. For a period of twelve (12) months following the consummation of any Mortgage Loan under this
Agreement, neither Broker nor any of its affiliates, officers, employees or agents shall directly or
indirectly solicit or cause to be solicited, by direct mail, telephone, email, personal solicitation or
otherwise, any Mortgage Loan resulting from a Loan Submission Package for the purpose of
prepaying, refinancing or modifying such Mortgage Loan in whole or part, except with the written
permission of Lender. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that mass
promotions undertaken by the Broker which are directed to the general public at large, provided that
no segment shall consist primarily of the borrowers or obligors under the Mortgage Loans, including,
without limitation, mass mailings from commercially acquired mailing lists, advertisements via radio,
television, newspaper, email, shall not constitute solicitation under this Section.
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25. The Parties will keep confidential, and will cause their respective employees, contractors, affiliates and
agents to keep confidential, any and all information obtained from the other Party which is designated
as confidential, and the Parties will not use such information for any purpose other than those
intended by this Agreement.
26. All customer information in the possession of either Party (“Customer Information”) is and shall
remain confidential and proprietary information of each Party except (i) as otherwise set forth in this
Agreement and (ii) information independently obtained by the Parties and not derived in any manner
from information obtained under or in connection with this Agreement. The Parties agree to comply
with any and all federal, state and local statutes, regulations and rules applicable to the protection
and privacy of consumer information, including without limitation, the privacy provision of the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. § 6801 (the “Privacy Requirements”) and implementation of
appropriate measures designed to safeguard Customer Information.
27. If Broker is provided access to Lender’s broker website, Broker shall comply with any and all
requirements of applicable law, policies, procedures and/or terms and conditions of use related
thereto, including, without limitation, the protection of passwords and maintenance of security
regarding access and use of Lender’s broker website, present and future. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Broker may be required to consent to such policies and procedures, and such terms and
conditions of use regarding Lender’s broker website, present and future, via a “click-through” or hard
copy agreement, in which case, Broker agrees that by acceptance of such, Broker shall be legally
bound thereby. Further, Broker expressly agrees that Lender may change the policies and procedures
and/or terms and conditions of use governing Lender’s broker website, present and future, at any
time and for any reason upon notice to Broker, and any such change shall be effective on the date
specified in such notice.
28. Any notice or demand which is given pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
sufficiently given if in writing and delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail (return
receipt requested), postage prepaid, or sent by facsimile (and confirmed promptly by telephone) with
a hard copy sent by overnight courier service, or sent by overnight delivery to the following addresses,
unless otherwise specified in this Agreement:
If to Lender: If to Broker
Allied Mortgage Group
Attention: Bob Wexler
225 E. City Ave, Suite 102
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: 610-668-2745
Fax: 610-680-3912
Revised – 09/19/2022
All such notices or other communications shall be deemed to have been received: (i) on the date of
such personal delivery, if sent by personal delivery; (ii) on the date of facsimile transmission (and machine-
confirmed receipt), if sent by facsimile transmission; (iii) on the third (3
) business day after being mailed
by registered or certified mail, if sent by registered mail or certified mail; and (iv) on the next business day
after being sent via commercial overnight courier, if sent by commercial overnight courier.
29. With regard to home equity loans secured by owner occupied collateral located in Texas, Lender
hereby appoints Broker as Lender’s agent for the sole and limited purpose of complying with the pre-
closing disclosure requirements of Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution relating to the
notice required by Section 50(g), identified herein as the “Notice Concerning Extension of Credit”, so
that the 12-day pre-closing period may commence to run as soon as possible. This limited agency is
restricted to the Broker receiving the loan application from the owner on behalf of the Lender and
providing the owner a copy of the Notice Concerning Extension of Credit for the sole purpose of
starting the 12-day period and for no other purpose. Broker is not acting as the agent of Lender in
receiving the loan application for any other purpose, including but not limited to disclosures required
by the Truth In Lending Act and Regulation Z.
30. Any action arising out of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated shall be instituted in any
state or federal court located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without regard to choice of law
provisions thereof. Further, each Party expressly waives any obligation which such Party may have to
the laying of venue of any such action, and irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of any such court
and agrees to be fully bound by any final unappealed decision of those courts.
31. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the relationship
hereby established and shall supersede and cancel all prior agreements, offers and negotiations
whether in writing or otherwise. This Agreement may be amended and any provision hereof waived,
but only in writing signed by the party against whom such amendments or waiver is sought to be
32. This Agreement will insure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their
successors and assigns. However, neither Lender nor Broker shall assign this Agreement without the
prior written consent of the other except that Broker expressly agrees that Lender may, in its sole
discretion, transfer and assign this Agreement to any of its affiliates. Nothing in this Agreement,
express or implied, is intended to confer on any person other than the parties hereto and their
successors and permitted assigns, any rights, obligations, remedies or liabilities.
33. Any part, provision, clause, sentence, representation or warranty of this Agreement which is
prohibited, or which is held to be void or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such
prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof.
34. Nothing herein contained shall be deeded or construed to create a partnership, agency or joint
venture between the Parties hereto. The services of Broker shall be rendered as an independent
contractor and not as agent for Lender, and Broker shall not represent to any applicant(s) that it is an
Revised – 09/19/2022
agent for Lender. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive relationship between the Parties.
35. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
37. The Parties hereby waive their rights to institute litigation with respect to any dispute arising under
this Agreement except as to disputes arising under Subsection 37(e), and consent instead to be bound
by the results of the dispute resolution process of this Section provided, however, that the foregoing
shall not affect the right of a Party to seek judicial confirmation or relief after the entry of a Decision
(as defined below) by an Arbitrator (as defined below) which is not complied with within the time
required therein.
In t
he event that a dispute or disagreement arises that cannot be amicably resolved, either Party, may
apply to the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) for arbitration and the appointment of an
arbitrator ("Arbitrator") in accordance with the following procedures:
Rules of Arbitration. The arbitration process shall be conducted by the Arbitrator at a location in or
near Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania selected by the Arbitrator, and shall be conducted under the
Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Section 1, et seq., subject to this Agreement, any other documents
executed by the Parties and Law. Except as provided herein, the Arbitrator shall follow the rules of
the AAA, but shall have discretion to vary from those guidelines in light of the nature or
circumstances of any particular disagreement. Discovery rules and the extent and scope of
discovery with respect to any dispute shall be in the sole discretion of the Arbitrator responsible for
the arbitration with respect to such dispute.
Timing of Arbitration. The Parties shall cooperate in good faith to permit a conclusion of the
arbitration hearing within twenty (20) business days following the appointment of the Arbitrator
(including, but not limited to, making representatives available for the arbitration), and shall
endeavor to submit a joint statement setting forth each dispute to be resolved, including a
summary of each Party's position on each dispute.
Arbitration Hearing. In all events, unless waived by the Parties, the Arbitrator will conduct an
arbitration hearing at which the Parties and their counsel shall be present and have the opportunity
to present evidence and examine the evidence presented by the other Parties. The proceedings at
the arbitration hearing shall, unless waived by the Parties, be conducted under oath and before a
court reporter.
Revised – 09/19/2022
Reliance on Experts. If the matters or issues involved in any dispute are outside the scope of
expertise of the Arbitrator acting as the arbitrator with respect to such dispute, the Arbitrator shall
have the right to obtain and rely on experts with respect to the applicable matters or issues (such as
mortgage loan consultants, lawyers, accountants, etc.). All costs of any experts retained by the
Arbitrator shall be borne by the Parties in accordance with Subsection 37(g). The services or advice
obtained from experts by the Arbitrator in accordance with this Section shall not be in lieu of any
testimony that a Party may wish to present from its own expert on the matters or issues that are
the subject of the dispute.
Decision of Arbitrator. Upon the conclusion of the arbitration hearing, the Arbitrator shall render a
decision with respect to each individual dispute. The decision of the Arbitrator with respect to any
dispute shall be final and binding on all Parties. As part of its decision, an Arbitrator acting as an
arbitrator hereunder may render a decision compelling specific performance by a Party of its
obligations under this Agreement. The Arbitrator acting as an arbitrator of any dispute hereunder
shall have the authority to award monetary damages subject to any limitations on damages in this
Agreement. A judgment may be entered and enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction based
on any decision rendered by an Arbitrator acting as an arbitrator hereunder.
Standards of Conduct. If a dispute is submitted to arbitration, the Parties agree that they will not
contact or communicate with the Arbitrator who was appointed as arbitrator with respect to any
dispute either ex parte or outside of the contacts and communications contemplated by this
Costs. The cost of resolving any dispute pursuant to arbitration, as described in this Section, shall be
borne by the Parties as determined by the Arbitrator who acts as arbitrator with respect to such
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of day and year first
above written.
Allied Mortgage Group
Bob Wexler Company Name
Vice President
Principal Name/Title
Signature Principal Signature
Date Date
Revised – 09/19/2022
Allied Mortgage Group Inc. (the “Company”) is committed to treating all prospective and existing customers in a fair and
equitable manner. As part of this commitment, the Company has adopted a Fair Lending Policy, which promotes
organizational compliance with applicable fair lending laws, including the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and Fair
Housing Act.
As a third party (“you”) who takes customer applications and brings customers to the Company for assistance in obtaining
a loan, the Company requests that you review the following set of expectations and acknowledge and confirm that you
operate in accordance with fair lending laws as they apply to your business with the Company.
Pursuant to its Fair Lending Policy, the Company conducts routine monitoring of third parties for fair lending compliance
and reserves the right to take action against third parties where fair lending risks, or violations, are identified. This includes,
but is not limited to, restrictions on business and suspension of the business relationship.
Fair Lending Laws
ECOA, and its implementing regulation, is a law that prohibits discrimination with respect to any aspect of a credit
transaction. The Fair Housing Act, and its implementing regulations, contain similar prohibitions against discrimination with
respect to the origination or purchase of loans secured by real estate. Under both ECOA and the Fair Housing Act, it is also
unlawful to make any oral or written statement, in advertising or otherwise, to applicants or prospective applicants that
would discourage on a prohibited basis a reasonable person from making or pursuing an application.
Collectively, the Company, ECOA, and the Fair Housing Act prohibit discrimination based on (i.e., the “prohibited bases”):
Race or color;
Marital status;
Familial Status;
Handicap; or
Sexual orientation or gender identity.
National origin;
Receipt of public assistance income;
The exercise of any right under the
Consumer Credit Protection Act;
Theories of Discrimination
While the above-mentioned fair lending laws provide a clear set of prohibited practices, fair lending laws also generally
recognize three types of discrimination. These are:
Overt Discrimination Overtly discriminatory policies or practices.
Disparate Treatment Adverse use of discretion in the lending function relative to a prohibited basis; and
Disparate Impact Application of a nondiscriminatory policy that has a discriminatory impact.
The Company is committed to engaging in fair lending in accordance with the above-noted laws, as well as other applicable
fair lending laws. It is the Company’s policy to make credit products available to all applicants who meet the Company’s
credit standards in a fair and consistent manner within the confines of safe and sound lending practices.
The Company appreciates your business and requests that you acknowledge your compliance with the foregoing fair lending
practices of the Company during the entire term of your relationship with the Company. The Company also conducts routine
monitoring to assess third party compliance with fair lending laws.
Received, read, understood and agreed:
Revised – 09/19/2022
All third-party originators (Brokers) who do business with Allied Mortgage Group Inc are expected to have a hiring policy and
procedure in place for checking all employees, including management, involved in the origination of mortgage loans (including
application through closing) against the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Excluded Parties List, the HUD Limited Denial of
Participation List (LDP List), and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Suspended Counterparty Program (SCP) list.
Broker certifies that they fully comply with this requirement.
Received, read, understood and agreed:
Revised – 09/19/2022
This Compensation Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this day of ,
20____, by and between the “Lender” Allied Mortgage Group Inc., and _____________________ ,
the “Broker”.
In accordance with TILA, this Agreement establishes the agreed upon compensation between Allied Mortgage Group Inc
and the Broker. Allied Mortgage Group will offer two plans: a Borrower-paid plan and a Lender-paid plan. The Broker may
select either plan for each individual loan submitted to Allied Mortgage Group. Compensation may not come from multiple
sources, thus all compensation on each individual loan must be 100% Borrower-paid or 100% Lender-paid.
Borrower-Paid Plan
Under a Borrower-Paid Plan, the Broker may negotiate and establish compensation directly with the borrower and will be paid
100% by the Borrower. The only limitations are:
The compensation must be permitted under the program selected
The compensation must not exceed any high-cost provisions, higher-priced regulations, state predatory lending laws
or usury laws
The compensation must not exceed the amount of the Lender-Paid plan in effect
Note: For subject properties located in New Jersey only, borrower-paid compensation must be disclosed and calculated as
a percentage of the loan amount and cannot be stated as a flat fee.
Lender-Paid Plan
Compensation: Compensation will be established as a percentage of the loan amount. The Broker must pre-select one of
several compensation tiers ranging from 0.25% to 2.75%, in increments of .125%. Once the Broker selects a compensation
tier, that tier applies to all loans submitted during that period. Under a Lender-Paid Plan, compensation may not increase or
decrease on each individual loan. Allied Mortgage Group will also assign a maximum dollar amount.
Additional Provisions
Broker Compensation to Loan Originators: The Broker is responsible for complying with all aspects of TILA, including but
not limited to, compensation to their loan originators. If the Broker selects a Borrower-Paid Plan for a specific loan, the
Broker must compensate the loan originator on either a salary or hourly basis. Bonuses are allowed as long as they are not
based on a specific individual loan. For example, bonuses are allowed to be paid on overall volume or quality. If the Broker
selects a Lender-Paid Plan for a specific loan, the Broker may compensate the loan originator as a fixed percentage of the
loan amount with or without a fixed minimum or maximum dollar amount, but cannot vary with different levels or tiers of
loan amounts. The Broker may also split the Broker’s compensation with the loan originator as long as the amount is a fixed
percentage or fixed dollar amount. The Broker may not pay the loan originator on a loan’s terms or conditions or interest
The Broker may not compensate a loan originator on factors that are considered proxies such as the credit score or debt-to-
income ratio. If the Broker has multiple branches, all loan originators of each branch must only be paid based on the sole
compensation agreement in place for their company. If the Broker chooses to submit one loan to Allied Mortgage Group
under a Borrower-Paid Plan, and another loan to Allied Mortgage Group under a Lender-Paid Plan, the Broker must still pay
each loan originator in accordance with TILA as stated above. The Broker must have written compensation agreements in
place with their loan originators. These compensation agreements may change periodically but cannot change by individual
loan. Thus, if the loan originator is on a salary and the Broker changes a loan from one Plan to the other, the Broker must
continue to pay the loan originator on a salary. There may be other forms of acceptable and unacceptable compensation.
The paragraph is only intended to outline Broker responsibilities as they relate to compensation to loan originators. The
Broker should refer to the regulation for further guidance or seek legal advice.
Revised – 09/19/2022
Modifications: The Broker may not change plans on a per-loan basis. Established compensation via the Compensation
Addendum (the “Addendum”) will remain in effect for a minimum of 90 days. Broker may choose to change the
compensation indicated on the Addendum as often as every 90 days by notifying Allied Mortgage Group in writing. An
amended Addendum will be prepared stating the new compensation amount and must be executed by both the Broker and
Allied Mortgage Group. Changes will be effective on the first business day of the month following the end of the previously
contracted 90-day period. Once the modification to the Agreement is made, the Broker is responsible for managing loans in
his pipeline to ensure each loan still complies with all Federal, State, County and Local regulations as well as Allied Mortgage
Group policies.
Term: This Agreement shall remain in effect indefinitely until terminated by mutual agreement or at the sole discretion of
Allied Mortgage Group. Upon termination, Broker’s compensation will immediately cease, and Allied Mortgage Group will
not be obligated to pay Broker any additional monies.
Effective Date: This Agreement is effective upon the later date of both parties’ acceptance and will be applied at the time
the individual loan is accepted for submission by Allied Mortgage Group. If modifications are subsequently made to the
Agreement by Addendum, the compensation will be paid in accordance with the Addendum in effect at the time the
individual file is accepted for submission by Allied Mortgage Group. Subsequent modifications by Addendum will not be
applied to loans already accepted by Allied Mortgage Group.
Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and all agreements, either oral or written, between the parties hereto
with respect to Broker compensation, and governs any Schedules subsequently entered into between Allied Mortgage Group
and Broker excepting the Mortgage Broker Agreement and its Addendums, as well as any and all Allied Mortgage Group
polices which are incorporated herein by reference and remain in full force and effect. Both Parties agree that no
representations, inducements, promises, or agreements (oral or otherwise) have been made by any party or anyone acting
on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein; and that no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained
herein shall be valid or binding. Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if it is writing and signed by both
Governing Law: The Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced under the laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania without conflict of any law. Each of the parties irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of any state or federal
court located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, over any action, suit or proceeding to enforce or defend any right under
this Agreement or otherwise arising from any transaction existing in connection with this Agreement. If any provision of this
Agreement is found to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision hereof.
Counterparts and Addendums: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and Addendums, each of which shall be
deemed an original, and both of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument.
Electronic Record: Our transmission of this Agreement as an electronic record containing an electronic signature, as those
terms are defined in applicable federal and/or state laws (excluding audio and video recordings), or the facsimile transmission
of this Agreement containing a facsimile of a signature, shall be as effective, enforceable and valid as if a paper version of this
Agreement were delivered containing an original written ink signature.
Indemnification: Broker indemnifies and holds Allied Mortgage Group harmless from Broker’s violation of TILA and
accordingly agrees to cover any losses incurred by Allied Mortgage Group , which includes, but is not limited to, losses
incurred through borrower’s rescission of any loan.
Compliance Certification: Broker agrees to comply with the applicable TILA regulation as it relates to compensation. Broker
certifies to Allied Mortgage Group that Broker has read and understands the regulation mentioned above, and is in
compliance with all requirements of the regulation and has established written compensation agreements with each of its
originators including loan originators, producing managers and/or applicable loan processors, and will compensate these
originators in accordance with the regulation. Broker further certifies that every loan under the Lender-Paid Plan contains a
Safe Harbor document in compliance with the Anti-Steering provision, and that it maintains a signed document on each
loan by all borrowers indicating the loan with the (1) lowest posted interest rate; and (2) lowest posted interest rate for any
loan with no risky features such as pre-payment penalties or balloons; and (3) interest rate with the lowest cost.
Revised – 09/19/2022
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date written below.
Printed Name:
Revised – 09/19/2022
This Addendum supplements, amends and becomes part of the Mortgage Broker Compensation
Agreement (“Agreement”), dated , by and between Allied Mortgage
Group, and (the “Broker”) and supersedes all previous Addendums.
Allied Mortgage Group currently offers both a Borrower-Paid Compensation Plan and a Lender-Paid
Compensation Plan.
r elected Lender-Paid Compensation will be ________bps per funded loan (from 50 to 275bps with
increments of 25 bps).
Minimum $ Maximum $
e maximum dollar amount of our compensation will never exceed $25,000.
Any compensation changes will apply to any and all loans with a Lock Date on or after the Effective Date
listed above.
ect to the modifications set forth herein, all other terms, conditions, and provisions of the Agreement
are affirmed, incorporated herein by reference and shall remain in full force and effect. All terms not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning specified in the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date written below.
Printed Name:
Revised – 09/19/2022
A meeting of the Board of Directors of
Corporation Name
was held on day of , 20____.
Resolved that
Corporation Name
mmences to do business with Allied Mortgage Group for the purpose of submitting loans for approval
and funding by said Lender.
Accordingly, I , _______________________________________
Name of Witnessing Officer Title of Witnessing Officer*
of a Corporation, do
Corporation Name State
hereby certify that as
Corporation Officer who Executed Agreement** Title of Officer who Executed Agreement
is authorized to execute documents and forms on behalf of the corporation and be bound by the terms
and conditions of the Agreement.
Witness my hand and seal of office on day of___________________________, 20_______
Signature of Witnessing Officer Title of Witnessing Officer
* The party signing this document must be an officer of said Corporation.
** The Officer listed in the Corporation Officer space above must be the same Officer that executed the Agreement.
Revised – 09/19/2022
Per the final Rule 31CFR, (Parts 1010 and 1029) of the Bank Secrecy Act, dated February 14, 2012,
issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
requiring non-bank residential mortgage lenders, mortgage loan brokers and originators to establish
an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) program and file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), Allied
Mortgage Group requires that all third party clients certify that they are fully compliant with the
The applicant named below hereby certifies that they have a current and compliant Anti-Money
Laundering (AML) plan in place.
______________________________________ _______________________
President Date
Revised – 09/19/2022
VA Approval Form
If you are NOT approved with the VA, just let us know and we’ll help you get approved.
you are already VA approved and you want to originate VA loans for Allied, please follow these instructions.
lied will pay for your first year VA sponsorship! No need to send us a check.
Find a copy of a document or screen shot from VA Portal reflecting your existing VA ID number.
ease note: Sponsorship must be completed by the VA before you can close a VA loan with Allied.
you wish to be sponsored by Allied for VA loans, please sign below
Company Name
VA Number