Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
Widener University
Department of Chemistry
One University Place, Chester, PA 19013
e-mail: ae
Columbia University, Postdoctoral Appointment, Stephen J. Lippard laboratory, New
York, NY, 1981–1982; NIH Fellowship
University of Delaware, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Newark, Delaware
Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Spring, 1981
Dissertation: Binuclear Transition Metal Complexes of New Monocyclic and Bicyclic
Hexaamine Ligand, Professor John E. Bulkowski, Advisor
Joel Silver Memorial Award winner for presentation of graduate research
Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
B.S., Chemistry, 1975
Campus Council president, student laboratory assistant, National Merit Scholarship
Teaching and Instruction
Widener University
Associate Professor of Chemistry September 2011 to present
Assistant Professor of Chemistry September 2004 to August 2011
Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry September 2003 to August 2004
Adjunct Professor May 2002 to August 2003
Courses Taught
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 475), upper level course for chemistry
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab (CHEM 477), upper level class for ACS-
accredited chemistry majors
Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 375), sophomore level class for chemistry majors and
General Chemistry I and II (CHEM 145 and 146), freshman level course for science
and engineering majors
General Chemistry I and II Lab (CHEM 147 and 148), labs to accompany CHEM
General, Organic and Biochemistry (CHEM 105), one-semester integrated course for
nursing majors
General, Organic and Biochemistry Lab (CHEM 106), lab to accompany CHEM 105
Introduction to Chemistry I and II (CHEM 101 and 102, formerly CHEM 205),
general, organic and biochemistry class for pre-physical therapy students in the
humanities and social sciences
Introduction to Chemistry Lab I (CHEM 103), lab to accompany CHEM 101
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
Chemistry and Everyday Life (CHEM 100), general chemistry course for non-science
and engineering majors
Developmental Chemistry (CHEM 097), introductory chemistry course for science
students placing into MATH 101, coordinated with MATH 101 and a specially designed
freshman seminar as an initiative for retention of science majors
Freshman Orientation (CHEM 007), course designed to help new freshman chemistry
majors get acquainted with the department
Introduction to Environmental Science (ENVR 100), for non-science majors; taught
as a college credit course to a select group of students at Kennett High School, Kennett
Square, PA
Freshman Seminar (FRS 101): (1) seminar course to accompany CHEM 097,
coordinated with MATH 101 (F2011), (2) logic puzzles (F2013)
Research Experience (CHEM 498), mentored three students for their required senior
research experience
Laboratory Coordinator for CHEM 103, 106, 147, and 148, coordinated from 6 to 12
sections of freshman labs (from 5 to 10 instructors and 80 to 200 students), typically one
course coordinated most semesters
Delaware Technical & Community College
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry January 2002 to May 2003
Courses Taught
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Lecture and Lab (CHEM 111), second
semester course for nursing majors
University of Delaware
Teaching Assistant September 2002 to May 2003
Courses Taught
General Chemistry II Lab (CHEM 104), second semester lab for science (non-
chemistry) majors)
General Chemistry (CHEM 105), first semester general chemistry for nursing
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 458), junior and senior chemistry majors
Hercules Incorporated
Taught internal course on Interaction Management
Gave technical sales presentations and spoke at technical conferences
Additional Employment Experience
2003-2005 - IFI Claims
o Consultant/Trainer/Technical Indexer
2000-2001 - Synchrogenix Information Strategies, Inc.
o Sales Manager
1982-2000 - Hercules Incorporated
o Account Representative, Aqualon Division, January 1998–February 2000
o Inside Sales Representative, Aqualon Division, 1997
o Technical Service Representative, Paper Technology Division, 1996
o Research and Development, 1982–1995
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Corporate Research and Paper Technology Divisions,
Senior Research Chemist, Chemical Sciences, Advanced Materials, and
Corporate Research Divisions, 1988-1992
Research Chemist, Chemical Sciences Division, 1982-1988
o Other experience while at Hercules
Chair of the organizing committee, ISOM-9 (Ninth International Symposium
on Olefin Metathesis)
Technical expert for US and European patent litigation
Member, Hercules Incorporated Corporate Ethics Committee
Vice President, Hercules Country Club Board of Directors
On-campus recruiter
Widener Student Research Projects (chemistry and chemical engineering students
indicated in bold)
Paul St. Marie (Fall 2013), Senior Research Project, “Silver(I) complexes of binucleating
macrocyclic ligands and mononuclear model systems. Crystal structure of two Ag
Lauren Holsinger (Fall 2012), Senior Research Project, “Synthesis of 1,4,7,11,14,17-
Erika Druckenmiller (Spring 2012), Senior Research Project, “Copper complexes of
binucleating macrocyclic ligands
Alysha Moretti, Erika Druckenmiller, Matthew Raymond, Louise Liable-Sands and Andrea
Martin (Spring 2012) Chemistry outreach at Widener University through the Student Affiliates
Chapter of the American Chemical Society Chemistry Club
Alysha Moretti, Kevin Blattner, Chris Annunziato, Louise Liable-Sands, Andrea Martin and
Scott Van Bramer (Spring 2011) Refine, refurbish and revitalize the chemistry lab experience
Chris Annunziato, Kevin Blattner, Wayne Karnas, Alysha Moretti, Kassandra Pelton and
Michael Polen (Summer 2010) Synthesis of metal complexes of a macrocyclic ligand and a
‘half-ring’ analog chemistry (in collaboration with Professor Louise Liable-Sands)
(April 2010) Summer Research Experience for College Freshmen (in collaboration with
Professor Louise Liable-Sands)
Erika Druckenmiller and Brittney Offenbacker (Summer 2009) Synthesis and characterization
of a Macrocyclic Ligand and a new copper complex (in collaboration with Professor Louise
Olatilewa Adetula (Summer 2009) Synthesis of a ‘Half-ringmodel ligand
Ainalen Preciado and Luke Weincek (Spring 2008) Synthesis of a macrocyclic ligand
University Involvement
University Committees
Middle States Self-Study Steering Committee and Co-Chair of Working Group
on Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement, Spring 2015
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning GO Team, Institutional Agility & Innovation
Summer 2013 - present
Chair, Budget and Planning Assessment, Fall 2011- present
Faculty Council Executive Committee, Fall 2011- present
Member of Faculty Council, Fall 2011-Spring 2013 and Fall 2007 – Spring 2009
A&S Representative to Budget & Planning Assessment, Fall 2009 – Spring 2011
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
A&S Representative to Faculty Council Academic Affairs, Fall 2007 – Spring
Search Committee for Director, Office of Pedagogical Support, Fall 2008 – Fall
College Committees
A&S Strategic Planning Committee, Spring 2015
A&S Faculty Affairs Committee, Fall 2009 – Spring 2011
A&S Curriculum and Planning Committee, Fall 2007 – Spring 2009
Women’s History Month Committee, Fall 2008
A&S Representative to University College Faculty Council, Fall 2005 Spring
Women’s Studies Strategic Planning Committee, Spring 2007
Science Division Committees
Science Strategic Planning Committee, Spring 2015
SIRF (Science Initiation for the Retention of Freshmen), Fall 2011 – Spring 2013
Science Division Secretary, Fall 2005 Spring 2009
Science Administration Curriculum Committee/Sustainability Management
Curriculum Committee, Fall 2010 to present (co-chair with Prof. Sue Greenberg,
Representative to MLS Advisory Committee (sabbatical replacement), Spring
Safety Committee, Fall 2005 – Spring 2007
Ad Hoc Merit Committee, Fall 2006
Chemistry Department Committees
Visiting Assistant Professor Search Committee, Spring 2008
Other Academic Activities
Member, American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education Regional
Meetings Committee (2015-2017)
Advisor, Alpha Chi Sigma National Chemistry Fraternity, Gamma Omega
Chapter at Widener University
Chem Club Advisor (sabbatical replacement), spring 2013
Widener Science Accepted Student Day activity leader, 2013
Widener University Visioning Conference, 2013
Bridge Week Session Leader, 2011, two sessions (Quantitative Reasoning,
Learning Assistant Program)
Bridge Week Session Leader, 2008, two sessions (Academic Integrity, Learning
Assistant Program
Commencement Marshal
Widener Day and Accepted Student Day Volunteer
Science Teaching Center Advisory Committee
Writing Enriched Faculty Discussion Group
Grants and Awards
Widener University Provost Grant, “Binding and Activation of Carbon Dioxide at
Binuclear Metal Sites” ($2,000), 2015-2016
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
Widener University Provost Grant, “Effect of Ring Size on Properties and Reactions of
Binuclear Transition Metal Complexes” ($1,000), 2014-2015
American Chemical Society, Corporation Associates Grant for local section
programming benefiting industrial members ($1,000 granted to the Delaware Section
ACS, 2012)
American Chemical Society, Innovative Program Grant, Local Section for ‘Meet the
ACS’ programs for Delaware high school chemistry teachers ($2,000 granted to the
Delaware Section ACS, 2012)
Sabbatical semester, Widener University, Fall 2012
Widener University Provost Grant, “Freshman Summer Research Experience,” ($1,000),
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Freshman Summer Research,”
($2,100), 2013-2014
Widener University Provost Grant, “Substrate Binding and Activation at Binuclear
Transition Metal Sites,” ($1,000), 2012-2013
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Characterization and Reactions of
Binuclear Metal Systems and Mononuclear Model Systems,” ($2,100), 2011-2012
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Learning Assistants in the College of
Arts & Sciences,” ($1,755), with Drs. Annalisa Castaldo and Lori Simons, 2011-2012
Widener University Provost Grant, “Reactions at Binuclear Transition Metal Sites,”
($1,000), 2011-2012
Arts & Sciences Nominee for Fitz Dixon Innovation in Teaching Award, May 2011
American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, November 2010, applied for a 3-
year grant totaling $65,000 for research, not granted
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Learning Assistants in the College of
Arts & Sciences, ($1,755), with Drs. Annalisa Castaldo and Lori Simons, 2010-2011
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Freshman Summer Research
Experience in Chemistry” ($7,680), lead author, with chemistry faculty, 2010-2011
Widener University Provost Grant, “Analysis of SO
in Wine,” with Dr. Shirley Fischer-
Drowos ($1,800), 2009-2010
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Freshman Research Experience:
Ligand Synthesis and Metal Complexes” ($2,856), 2009-2010
Widener University Provost Grant, “Analysis and Characterization of New Ligands and
Their Metal Complexes” ($1,880), 2008-9
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Materials and Activities for
Whiteboard Modeling in an Inquiry-Based Chemistry Classroom” ($2,218), 2008-9
Widener University Provost Grant, “Synthesis of Soluble Binuclear Transition Metal
Complexes for Catalysis and Enzyme Modeling” chemicals and supplies for research
($2,000), 2007-8
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Synthesis of Soluble Binuclear
Transition Metal Complexes for Catalysis and Enzyme Modeling” student salary
($2,550), 2006-7
Widener University Provost Grant, “Synthesis of Soluble Binucleating Macrocyclic
Ligands and Their Metal Complexes ($2,000), 2006-7
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Revision of Chem 148 – General
Chemistry II Lab”, ($2,835), 2006-7
Widener University Provost Grant, “Novel Methods for Analyte Determination in
Wines,” with Dr. Shirley Fischer-Drowos ($2,000), 2005-6
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Chemistry Lab Safety and Technique
Video Development” ($740) – student salary, 2005-6
Widener University Faculty Development Grant, “Curriculum Development – Chem
145/147” with Dr. Scott Van Bramer, 2004-5 (pre-tenure-track)
Publications and Patents
Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. *N. McHenry, A. Martin, A. Castaldo, and D. Ziegenfuss, International Journal of
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2009, 22, 258-268, “Learning assistants
program: faculty development for conceptual change.”
(* indicates published while at Widener University)
2. *S. E. Van Bramer and A. E. Martin, ACS Symposium Series 2008, 994, 200-212, (R. S.
Moog and J. N. Spencer, Eds.), “Implementing POGIL in a multiple section laboratory
3. A. E. Martin and S. J. Lippard, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 2579-2583, “Thiocyanate
cleaves the imidazolate-bridged dicopper(II) center in a binucleating macrocycle to form
A’]. Model chemistry for superoxide dismutase.”
4. P. K. Coughlin, A. E. Martin, J. C. Dewan, E.-I. Watanabe, J. E. Bulkowski, J.-M. Lehn,
and S. J. Lippard, Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 1004-1009, “Synthesis and structure of the
imidazolate-bridged dicopper(II) ion in two binucleating macrocycles.”
5. A. E. Martin and S. J. Lippard, Copper Coord. Chem.: Biochem. Inorg. Perspect. 1983,
395-408, “Copper(II) chemistry in binucleating macrocycles.”
6. A. E. Martin and J. E. Bulkowski, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1982, 104, 1434-1436, “’Open-face’
macrobicycles as tunable binucleating ligands. Design, synthesis, and dicopper(II)
7. A. E. Martin and J. E. Bulkowski, J. Org. Chem. 1982, 47, 415-418, “General synthetic
route to hexaamine macrocycles.”
8. A. E. Martin, T. M. Ford, and J. E. Bulkowski, J. Org. Chem., 1982, 47, 412-415,
“Synthesis of selectively protected tri- and hexaamine macrocycles.”
9. A. E. Martin and J. E. Bulkowski, J. Organomet. Chem., 1981, 217(2), C29-C33,
“Binuclear rhodium(I) complexes. Synthesis of [Rh(COD)]
where L is the new
22-membered macromonocycle 1,4,7,12,15,18-hexaazacyclodocosane.”
10. P. K. Coughlin, S. J. Lippard, A. E. Martin and J. E. Bulkowski, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1980,
102, 7616-7617, “Enhanced stability of the imidazolate-bridged dicopper(II) Ion in a
binucleating macrocycle.”
Manuscripts in Preparation
1. Synthesis and structure of two binuclear macrocyclic copper(II) halide
complexes”, Andrea E. Martin, Louise M. Liable-Sands, *Erika Druckenmiller,
Glenn P. A. Yap
2. “Comparison of copper(II) and nickel(II) binding in a macrocyclic binuclear ligand,”
Andrea E. Martin, Louise M. Liable-Sands, and Glenn P. A. Yap
3. “Silver complexes of a macrocyclic binucleating ligand,” *Paul St. Marie, Andrea E.
Martin, and Glenn P. A. Yap
US Patents (assigned to Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, DE)
1. A. E. Martin, US Patent 5,120,806 (June 9, 1992), “Mixed activators for stabilized
metathesis catalysts
2. A. E. Martin and J. F. L. Newport, US Patent 5,079,318 (January 7, 1992), “Substituted
acetylenes as rate moderators for ring-opening metathesis polymerization
3. A. E. Martin, US Patent 5,075,272 (December 24, 1991), “Mixed activators for stabilized
metathesis catalysts
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
4. A. E. Martin, US Patent 4,918,039 (April 17, 1990), “Binuclear metathesis
polymerization catalyst system
5. A. E. Martin, US Patent 4,696,985 (September 29, 1987), “Catalyst composition for
polymerization of cycloolefins
Abstracts published while at Widener University
1. S. E. Van Bramer and A. E. Martin, Abstracts, 43
Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of
the American Chemical Society, Baltimore, MD, May 31-June 2 (2012), MARM-428,
“So you want to revise your laboratory course. What next?”
2. L. M. Liable-Sands, A. E. Moretti, M. Bradley, and A. E. Martin, Abstracts of Papers,
ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, March 25-29 (2012), CHED-
132, “Chemistry outreach at Widener University through the student affiliates chapter of
the American Chemical Society chemistry club.”
3. E. D. Druckenmiller, B. L. Offenbacker, A. E. Martin and L. M. Liable-Sands, Abstracts,
Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Wilmington,
DE, April 10-13 (2010), MARM-151, “Synthesis of a macrocyclic ligand and a new
copper complex.”
4. A. E. Martin, L. M. Liable-Sands, L. Bastin and S. Fischer-Drowos, Abstracts, 41
Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Wilmington, DE,
April 10-13 (2010), MARM-53, “Freshman summer research experience.”
5. S. E. Van Bramer, A. E. Martin, L. M. Liable-Sands and I. Kul, Abstracts of Papers, 236
ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 17-21 (2008), CHED-331, “Revising a
POGIL general chemistry laboratory to improve student outcomes.
6. A. E. Martin and S. E. Van Bramer, Abstracts of Papers, 236
ACS National Meeting,
Atlanta, GA, March 26-30 (2006), CHED-153, “Experiences in transitioning from
traditional to guided inquiry laboratories in freshman chemistry.”
Meetings Attended (Presentations in bold, student presentations marked *)
Delaware ACS Section Award Meeting, Wilmington, DE, Feb. 25, 2015
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Grand Valley State
University, “Assessment of Widener University's ‘Science Initiative for the
Retention of Freshmen’(co-author Louise Liable-Sands), August 2014
Delaware ACS Section Award Meeting, Wilmington, DE, Feb. 26, 2013
Ursinus College Chemistry Seminar Series, invited lecture, Oct. 25, 2013
Middle Atlantic Association of Liberal Arts Chemistry Teachers (MAALACT),
Widener University, Oct. 11-12, 2013 (chaired/presented at 3 sessions)
ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Sept 8-9, 2013, poster, “Widener’s SIRF
Program” (co-author Louise Liable-Sands)
Academic Citizenship & Leadership Training, Widener University, May 20-21, 2013
Bridge week, Dr. Jose Bowen, Widener University, May 13, 2013
Delaware ACS Carothers Award, Wilmington, DE, April 24, 2013
Delaware ACS Networking Event, Wilmington, DE, March 22, 2013
Ullyot Lecture, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, November 15, 2012
Delaware Section ACS Social Networking Event, October 2012 (organizer/presider)
Delaware Section ACS Meeting, Education Awards Banquet, September 2012
ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2012
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Penn State University,
facilitated workshop, “Revising Your Laboratory Curriculum,” joint with
Drs. Scott Van Bramer and Louise Liable-Sands, August 2012
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, ACS, Baltimore, MD, coauthor on presentation
by Dr. Scott Van Bramer, “Revising Your Laboratory Curriculum,”, June
Delaware Section ACS, 50- and 60-year member awards, May 2012 (organizer/presider)
Delaware Section ACS, University/Industry Poster Session, April 2012
Delaware Section ACS, Carothers Award Meeting, April 2012 (presider)
Delaware Section ACS Meeting, Section Award, Dr. Andrew Teplyakov, March 2012
Delaware Section ACS Meeting, Dr. Thomas Epps, conducting polymers, February 2012
Delaware Section ACS Meeting, Delaware Sustainable Chemistry Alliance, January 2012
American Chemical Society Leadership Institute, Forth Worth, TX, January 2012, Local
Section Leaders Workshops, Collaborating Across Boundaries, Engaging &
Motivating Volunteers
Delaware Section ACS Meeting, Section Award, November 2011
Academic Leadership Workshop, Widener University, November 2011
MAALACT, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, October 2011
Delaware Section ACS Meeting, Dr. Bassam Shakhashiri (President-Elect ACS),
September 2011
Academic Citizenship & Leadership Training, Widener University, August 2011
University of Delaware Nobel Prize Symposium honoring Richard Heck, May 2011
Academic Citizenship & Leadership Training, Widener University, May 2011
Chemical Heritage Foundation, Priestly Society, May 2011
ACS Delaware Section, 50- and 60-year member presentations, May 2011
ACS Delaware Section, Carothers Award, May 2011
Chemical Heritage Foundation, Priestly Society, March 2011
AAC&U Conference, “Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In
and Across the Disciplines,” Durham, NC, November 2010
MAALACT, Alvernia College, Reading, PA, November 2010
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), University of North Texas,
Denton, TX, “Research Experience for College Freshmen” (poster,
coauthored with Drs. Louise Liable-Sands and Loyd Bastin); Workshop
Facilitator, “Introduction to POGIL,” August 2010
Women in Chemistry Career Pathways Conference, Chemical Heritage Foundation,
Philadelphia, PA, April 2010 (accompanied students Erika Druckenmiller and
Anna Miller)
*Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, ACS, Wilmington, DE, “Summer Research
Experience for College Freshmen,” (with Dr. Louise Liable-Sands), also
Session Organizer and Presider, Chemical Education, April 2010; poster
session presentation by students Erika Druckenmiller and Brittney
Offenbacker (co-authored by Drs. Martin and Liable-Sands), “Synthesis of a
Macrocyclic Ligand and a New Copper Complex
MAALACT, Washington College, Chestertown, MD, November 2009
Virginia S. Lee workshop “Towards a Comprehensive General Education Program and
Its Assessment,” Widener University, August 2009
POGIL Advanced Workshop, University of Wisconsin, Platteville, WI, Workshop
Facilitator: “Developing Guided Inquiry Laboratories: the POGIL
Approach, ”July/August 2009
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
POGIL National Meeting, St. Francis University, St. Paul, MN, May/June 2009
ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2008, coauthor on presentation, S. E.
Van Bramer, A. E. Martin, L.M. Liable-Sands, I. Kul, “Revising a POGIL
General Chemistry Laboratory to Improve Student Outcomes.”
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Indiana U., Bloomington, IN,
Presentations: “Using the ICE Model to Improve Course Objectives and
Assessment Alignment in a General Chemistry Classand “General
Chemistry Class From the Student Perspective,” July/August 2008
POGIL Advanced Laboratory Workshop, Berry College, Mt. Berry, GA, Workshop
Facilitator, July 2008
Math Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia, Widener University, “Exploring the
Brain: Implications for Teaching and Learning,” June 2008
POGIL National Meeting, Univ. of Texas (Arlington), Poster: “Student Learning
Assistants in a POGIL Classroom,” May/June 2008
*Lilly East conference, Univ. of Delaware, Panel Discussion: “Hearing Student
Voices: Employing Student Learning Assistants to Improve Teaching” (co-
presenters, students Kaitlyn Gerhart, Michelle Danner, Suzanne Hopper;
Drs. Andrea Martin, Annalisa Castaldo, Nadine McHenry, Donna
Ziegenfuss), April 2008
2nd Annual MSPGP Mathematics and Science Education Research Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA Panel Discussion: “Students as
Teachers and Learners” (co-panelist, Dr. Annalisa Castaldo) and
Presentation: “POGIL in the Laboratory,” October 27, 2007
POGIL Advanced Laboratory Workshop, Simpson College, Indianola, IA,
Workshop Facilitator, July 18-20, 2007
POGIL Advanced Laboratory Workshop, Washington College, Chestertown, MD,
Workshop Facilitator, June 11-14, 2007
MSPGP, “Engaging Millennial Learners in Math and Science Courses,” Widener
University, June 1, 2007
Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, ACS, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA, Session
Organizer and Presider, Chemical Education, May 2007
Delaware Section ACS Joint University/Industry Poster Session, University of Delaware,
Newark, DE, April 18, 2007
MSPGP, Ridley Park HS, Ridley Park, PA, “Presentation: “What is POGIL? How
is POGIL used at Widener?,” February 8, 2007
MSPGP, Villanova Univ., Villanova, PA, December 8, 2006
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette,
IN, Presentation “Development of Guided Inquiry Experiments for a One-
Semester GOB Lab for Nursing Majors,” Poster “Use of a Math Pretest as a
Predictive Tool for Success in General, Organic, and Biochemistry for
Nursing Majors, and Workshop Facilitator: POGIL Laboratory
Workshop July/August 2006
POGIL Advanced Laboratory Workshop, Washington College, Chestertown, MD,
Workshop Facilitator, June 13-15, 2006
POGIL National Meeting, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, Invited
Presentation, “Putting POGIL into Practice in the Laboratory,” May 22-25,
University of Delaware Symposium in honor of Nobel Prize Winner Robert Grubbs, May
12, 2006
Andrea E. Martin, Ph.D.
ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Invited Presentation “Experiences in
Transitioning from Traditional to Guided Inquiry Laboratories in
Freshman Chemistry” (co-author Scott Van Bramer), March 25-28, 2006
MAALACT, Widener University, Session Chair and Presenter: “State of the
Discipline: General Chemistry/Non-majors Chemistry” and “POGIL in the
General Chemistry Laboratory,” October 2005
ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 28-30, 2005
POGIL Advanced Laboratory Workshop, Washington College, Chestertown, MD, June
21-23, 2005
ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ, May 23-24,
MADCP (Middle Atlantic Discovery Chemistry Project) – George Washington Univ.,
Washington, DC, Summer, 2004
BCCE (Biennial Conference on Chemical Education) – Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA,
Summer, 2004
PKAL (Project Kaleidoscope) New York, NY, Fall, 2003
Additional Experience and Awards
2014-present Chair, Education Committee, Delaware Section American Chemical
2014 – reviewer, POGIL organization (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning)
Dissertation Committee, Jennifer Eddy, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,
University of Delaware, 2013-present
2013 – Past Chair, Delaware Section American Chemical Society
2012 – Chair, Delaware Section American Chemical Society
2009-2010 – Secretary, Delaware Section American Chemical Society (2 terms)
2008 – present, reviewer, Journal of Chemical Education
1993-1999 – Sanford School Board of Trustees
1997 – Sanford School Alumni Award, inaugural class