80th Anniversary Special Edition
1945 2025
Compiled by Jeffrey Meyer, 36th Wing Historian, Jun 2024
Includes the 36th Wing’s Heritage since 1 Oct 1994.
Any questions concerning this Heritage Pamphlet please call:
36th Wing Public Affairs Office, 366-2228.
1955 1968
19 Sep 1921 8:35 am, the first recorded flight of any kind from
Guam. The USMC seaplanes flight log simply stated, N-9 2335
launched. It is possible that earlier flights occurred. The Marines
maintained an aviation presence of six aircraft on Guam until 1931.
27 Mar 1935 The steamer S.S. North Haven set sail from Pan
American Airways(Pan Am) San Francisco Bay base at Alameda, CA
to establish flying boat bases in Hawaii, Midway, Wake Island, Guam,
and Manila. On Guam they occupied the old USMCs Sumay seaplane
facilities. (See Above)
13 Oct 1935 A Pan Am flying boat, Hong Kong Clipper, Sikorsky
S-42, on its first Trans-Pacific Survey Flight landed on Apra Harbor,
Guam, and taxied into the newly completed flying boat base at the
seaside village of Sumay.
22 Nov 1935 Amid much fanfare, the first Pan Am Martin M-130
flying boat China Clipper launched from the waters of Alameda, CA
with 1,837 pounds of mail; officially opened the Trans-Pacific route.
This inaugural Trans-Pacific Airmail Flight passed through Guam,
27-28 Nov 1935.
21 Oct 1936 China Clipper again made history by carrying the
first nine paying passengers across the Pacific Ocean; round trip
from California to Manila in 15 days. Those passengers paid
$1,438.20 (Approx. $24K today) for the round trip ticket. This
inaugural Trans-Pacific Passenger Flight passed through Guam, 26-
27 Oct 1936.
2 Jul 1937 Iconic AviatrixAmelia Earhart disappeared while attempting to fly around the world. The
last airfield she launched from was Lae, Papua New Guinea, approx. 1,400 miles south of Guam. Her
navigator, Fred Noonan, was well known for the some of the earlier Pan Am Trans-Pacific firsts.
11 Jan 1938 — Pan Ams Samoan Clipper, a Sikorsky S-42, exploded
near Pago Pago, American Samoa, while on an airmail flight to Auckland
New Zealand. The incident killed Ed Musick, the most famous male pilot in
the world at the time, and his crew of six. Musick was the pilot who flew all
of the Pan Ams Trans-Pacific firsts through Guam, some with navigator
Fred Noonan. On 2 Jan, he just completed another one of his firsts the
inaugural New Zealand to the U.S. airmail flight.
29 Jul 1938 The Lost Clipper”, at 6:08 am, Pan Ams Hawaii Clipper
launched from Apra Harbor, Guam to Manila, Philippines, with 15 people
onboard, but was never seen again. After an extensive search nothing was ever found of the flying boat. Its
disappearance remains a mystery to this day.
8 Dec 1941 At 0827, just four hours after the Attack on Pearl Harbor, Sumay Guams Pan Am facilities
were destroyed by Japanese aircraft. The bombing destroyed the Libugon radio and the Standard Oil fuel
depot. The Marine Barracks and Piti Navy Yard were also damaged. Ten Chamorro Pan Am employees were
killed, and 32 others on Guam and Wake Island were interred for the duration of the war. At nearly the same
time, the Pan Am Hong Kong Clipper II was strafed and destroyed in Hong Kong by Japanese airpower.
8 Dec 1941 The Pan Am Philippine Clipper heard that Guam had been attacked. It was on a routine flight
from Wake Island to Guam carrying a Flying Tiger pilot and cargo full of airplane tires bound for China. The
Clipper returned to Wake Island where it sustained 60 bullet holes from Japanese strafing attacks. Then
loaded with as many people possible and returned safely to Hawaii. The start of WWII ended Pan Ams
Trans-Pacific routes. All Clippers were transferred to the US Navy.
10 Dec 1941 — Japanese captured Guam after a series of
amphibious landings at different beaches around the island.
1942 - 1943 Japanese military built the first two airfields on
Guam, using Chamorro and Korean labor. These airfields were
Guamu Dai Ichi (Guam No.1) at the Orote Peninsula; Guamu
Dai Ni (Guam No. 2) at Tiyan. Guamu Dai Ni, later become
Naval Air Station (NAS) Agana and is now Guams main
airport called Antonio B. Won Pat, Guam International Airport,
named in honor of Antonio Borja Won Pat (10 Dec 1908 - 1
May 1987), Guams first Delegate to serve on the U.S. House
of Representatives, 19731985.
EA R L Y A V I A T I O N O N G U A M , 1 9 2 1 - 1 9 4 4
PFC Art Price, USMC,
photographed this flight over
Apra Harbor, Guam, in 1923.
A Pan Am Martin M-130 flying boat,
Village of Sumay, Guam circa 1935-1936.
Pan Ams 1930s Logo.
Pan Am Facilities, Sumay, Guam, 1935-41.
Cover Photographs Top: Andersen AFBs Main Gate signs through the years. (AAFB Archives)
Left: 42d Bomb Sq., 11th Bomb Group, B-24J Liberator takes off from Harmon Field, Guam, 1945. (USAAF)
Right: 19th Bomb Group returns to North Field, Guam (Andersen AFB) after combat mission, 1945. (USAAF)
25 Apr 1944 — The fight to retake Guam started when the 7th Air Force
conducted a joint USAAF/USN bombing/photo reconnaissance mission over
the island with very long range (VLR) B-24 Liberators.
1920 Jun 1944 — Battle of the Philippine Sea, nicknamed The Marianas
Turkey Shoot,was the last major battle between aircraft carrier forces. It was
fought west of Guam. Most of the Japanese naval aircraft were lost during the
battle, including aircraft from Guamu Dai Ichi & Guamu Dai Ni airfields.
21 Jul 1944 Liberation DayAmerican forces began the amphibious
landings on Guam. The landings occurred at Asan and Agat Beaches. This day
is celebrated with a parade down Marine Corps Drive annually.
3 Aug 1944 First Air Force Aircraft to ever land in Guam. Lt Howard H.
Barrett, USAAF, landed his P-47 Thunderbolt at Orote Field on the current
Naval Base Guam (NBG). The pilot and aircraft were assigned to the 318th
Fighter Group (318 FG), East Field, Saipan. His P-47 was one of 16 others along with three B-25 Mitchells
flying the AAFs first Close Air Support (CAS) mission over Guam.
8-10 Aug 1944 The Last Tank Battle on Guam took place on current
Andersen AFB property. Marines first sighted Japanese medium tanks near
pre-war Salisbury-Tarague Trail (Near todays Main Gate) and the chase/
battle ended on the road that leads down Tarague Beach. Several M4
Sherman tanks fired on seven enemy medium tanks in a short exchange of
fire. The crews abandoned the tanks and retreated over the cliff line.
11 Aug 1944 Japanese Island Commander, Lt Gen
Hideyoshi Obatas cave complex headquarters near Mt.
Mataguac, Yigo, fell while under attack by US forces. It is
the same location of todays South Pacific Memorial
Peace Park”.
6 Sep 1944 — Construction commenced at Guam Depot
(Later, Harmon) Field, now known as Harmon Industrial
Park. The runway paving was completed on 10 Nov 1944. The three AAF airfields and roads
north of Tumon were constructed by the USAAFs Engineer Aviation Battalions (EAB)
under the command of the 933d Engineer Aviation Regiment (EAR). Sadly, in the sign of
those times, over half of the EABs in Guam were segregated units.
21 Oct 1944 The first USAAF flying unit assigned to Guam. The 11th
Bombardment Group (BG), 7th Air Force (7 AF), arrived on Guam, temporally
assigned to the Navys Agana Field. Their B-24 Liberators immediately conducted
bombing missions against the Japanese-held island of Palau in support of Gen
MacArthurs amphibious landings at Leyte, Philippines. The 11 BG would
eventually move down the hill to Guam Depot (Harmon) Field.
13 Nov 1944 Four Airmen of the 854 EAB began drafting in a tent at Pati Point,
Guam. They braved the jungle, sword grass, Dengue Fever, and Japanese military
stragglers to survey/blueprint the future North Field (Andersen AFB). The first
asphalt was laid on the RWY 06R/24L and nearby hardstands on 17 Jan 1945.
1 Nov 1944 First US aircraft over Tokyo since Doolittles Raid in 1942. The 3d
Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (3 PRS), F-13A (B-29) Superfortress, S/N
42-93852, nose art Tokyo Roseflew the mission from Isely Field, Saipan.
4 Nov 1944 First B-29 Superfortress bombing mission
of Tokyo from the Mariana Islands. The 20th Air Force (20
AF), XXI Bomber Command (XXI BC), 73d Bombardment
Wing (73 BW), Isely Field, Saipan, bombed Tokyo from
high altitude. Remarkably, 18 of those B-29s landed at
Guam Depot (Harmon) Field afterward, easing the strain of
Saipans one runway at dusk. These were the first B-29s to
ever land on Guam.
4 Dec 1944 Commander XXI Bomber Command (BC)
moved from Saipan to Guam. Brig Gen Haywood
Possum Hansell moved his command, from Isely Field,
Saipan, to Guam Depot (Harmon) Field near Two Lovers Point. The same week
marked the arrival of the 314th Bombardment Wing (314 BW) advanced echelon,
the first command wing of North Field (Future Andersen AFB).
Marines moving up Salisbury-
Tarague Trail during the last
weeks of engagements on
Guam, Aug 1945. (USMC)
B-29s & bulldozer at
North Field, Guam 1945.
Guam assigned 98 BS, 11 BG, B-
24J Liberator, S/N 42-109951,
nose art, Madam Pele.Japanese
-American high school students
in Oahu, HI, raised & donated
$350k to have this B-24 built.
After the Liberation of Guam, work immediately began construction of five large airfields. Three Army
Air Forces (USAAF) and two Navy (USN). The three USAAF B-29 Superfortress airfields were Guam
Depot Field (Later, Harmon AFB), North Field (Later, Andersen AFB), and Northwest Field.
Insignia of the
11th Bomb Gp.
Airman Charles D.
Buchinsky was a gunner
on a B-29, with the 61st
Bomb Sq., 39th Bomb
Gp., North Field
(AAFB), Guam. He flew
25 combat missions &
received a Purple Heart.
He is more well-known
as actor Charles Bronson
(1921-2003). (IMDb)
8 Jan 1945 Construction commenced at Northwest Field, Guam, where the progress was slow. Naval
Construction Battalions (Seabees) helped get the base operational by its planned date.
17 Jan 1945 The First Asphalt Laid at North Field, Guam.
The 854th and the segregated 1895th Aviation Engineer
Battalions (EAB) began construction of what became Andersen
AFB in mid-Dec 1944.
3 Feb 1945 North Fields (AAFB) RWY 06R/24L was
declared operational when the 314 BWs administrative C-87 (B-
24) Liberator Express was the first aircraft to land on the runway.
The real celebration began when Maj Gen Curtis LeMay, new
commander of the XXI BC, landed a F-
13A (B-29) Superfortress at the field.
25 Feb 1945 — The 314 BWs first
combat mission launched from North
Field (AAFB), Guam, and participated
in Operation MEETINGHOUSE #1, the first firebombing mission of Tokyo.
25 Feb 1945 Generals Harmon & Andersen Disappear. Commander Army Air
Forces Pacific Ocean Area (Basically, WWIIs PACAF) Lt Gen Millard Miff
Harmons C-87 Liberator Express launched from Guam Depot (Harmon) Field.
The next day his aircraft disappeared without a trace enroute from Kwajalein to
Hawaii. Guam Depot Field was immediately renamed in Gen Harmons honor.
Also, onboard was his Chief of Staff, Brig Gen James R. Andersen. North Field,
Guam, was renamed Andersen AFB in 1949.
9-10 Mar 1945 Operation MEETINGHOUSE #2. 270 B-29s from three
Mariana Islands airfields dropped 1,667 tons of incendiary bombs from low
altitudes, destroyed over 267,000 buildings, equivalent to 16 square miles of Tokyo
in one night. Known as the most destructive single Airpower event in history. The
mission was led by Brig Gen Thomas Power, 314 BW/CC, North Field (AAFB),
27 Mar 1945 Operation STARVATION, the 313 BW, North
Field, Tinian, began B-29 bombers commenced mining Japans
waterways. This operation proved to be the most efficient means of
destroying enemy shipping the last five months of the war.
6 Apr 1945 History maintains USN submarines discovered the
Japanese super-battleship IJN Yamato first during its fateful sailing.
According to the 3 PRS History, Mission No. 121 Report, the crew
of a F-13A Recon Superfort from Guam recorded the movement of
the Yamato & her escorts near Tokuyama first, about 36 hours later
it was destroyed by USN carrier aircraft.
12 Apr 1945 Only Medal of Honor of B-29 Operations. Radio
Operator MSgt Henry Red Erwin of the 52d Bomb Sq., 29th
Bomb Gp., North Field (AAFB), Guam, was severely burned when
a phosphorus smoke ignited inside his B-29, City of Los Angeles.
Redwas able to save his crew and aircraft. He received the
Medal of Honor for his sacrifice. The 36th Contingency Response
Group (36 CRG) headquarters was dedicated in his name in 1997.
13 Apr 1945 POWs Airmen killed in B-29 Incendiary Raid. Lt Col Doyne
Turner, Commander 458th Bomb Sq. 330th Bomb Gp., North Field (AAFB),
Guam was on a bombing mission when his B-29 was shot down over Tokyo Bay.
His unit thought the crew were killed in action (KIA). What they did not know
until after the war was the crewmen actually survived the crash and became
prisoners of war (POW). On 26 May, those POWs were killed during in an
incendiary bombing mission by their own unit that burned down Yoyoge Army
Prison. Japanese captors did not let any POWs out of their cells. In 1946, the old
Turner Memorial Outdoor Theater was dedicated to him and his crews honor.
5 May 1945 B-29 Crewmen used in Experiments. The B-29, S/N 42-65305, 6th
Bomb Sq., 29th Bomb Gp., took off from North Field (AAFB), Guam, on a
bombing mission at Tachiarai Airfield, Empire of Japan. The bomber was rammed
& crashed on Kyushu Island. Eight crewmen survived the bailout. Seven of them
were used in medical experiments & killed at the Kyushu University Medical
314 BWs Administrative C-87 (B-24)
Liberator Express, nose art Maximum
Goose was the first aircraft to ever land at
North Field (AAFB) on 3 Feb 45.
Lt Gen Millard MiffF.
Harmon, Commander
Army Air Forces Pacific
Ocean Area
(Left to Right) Brig Gen Lauris Norstad,
HQ 20 AF Deputy Commander; Maj Gen
Curtis LeMay, XXI BC/CC; & Gen Thomas
S. Power, 314 BW/CC; discuss the after-
math of MEETINGHOUSE on Guam.
Formation of 314th Bomb
Wing B-29s in formation.
School along with other Airmen. The pilot 1Lt Marvin S. Watkins was taken to Tokyo
for questioning, thus the only survivor of this crew.
5 May 1945 B-29 Crewmen Executed. On the same day, the same squadron, on the
same mission as the above, the B-29 S/N 42-93953, piloted by 1Lt Ralph B. Miller was
shot down by an enemy fighter, then crashed in the sea near Kyushu. After the war, an
investigation revealed five of the crew were executed on 20 Jun 1945. The rest were
listed as MIA, only one Airmen remains were recovered and returned. The co-pilot 2Lt
Joseph H. Finkelsteins parents published a book in memory of her son and 64 other
Jewish 20th Air Force Airmen who were killed in B-29 actions over Japan.
11 May 1945 Bomber Exploded. B-29, S/N 42-63571,
52d Bomb Sq., 29th Bomb Gp., call sign Dracula 44”, exploded and crashed in
the ocean off RWY 06R/24L the crew was KIA. A ceremony was held over the
location of the crash with family members onboard a USCG boat on the 60th
Anniversary, 11 May 2005.
1 Jun 1945 Northwest Field Guam Dedication Ceremony was attended by
many USAAF and USN distinguished visitors including, Fleet Admiral Chester
Nimitz and Maj Gen LeMay. The 315 BW/CC, Brig Gen Frank Armstrong,
commanded a force of special B-29Bs nicknamed Eagles”, the name of the top
secret AN/APQ-7 Eagle Radar which allowed the bombardiers to precision
bomb at night.
13 Jun 1945 41st Photographic Reconnaissance
Squadron (41 PRS) equipped with Photo Recon F-5G (P-
38) Lightnings were assigned to Northwest Field.
22 Jun 1945 — B-29 Crash on Base. Capt Carl R. Bauer, accidently crashed the
B-29, S/N 42-93955, nose art Colleen 458 BS, 330 BG, 314 BW, North Field
(AAFB), Guam. He attempted to land with a feathered propellor on a rainy night. The
crash happened over the northwest cliff line of Pati Point. Only the tail gunner
survived. In 1997, the remains of Bauer and co-pilot were found in the wreck. They
were recovered and a ceremony was held at the Arc Light Memorial Park in 1998.
25-26 Jun 1945 — Longest Mission of WWII, the crew of B-29, S/N 44-69901,
Double Trouble”, 60 BS, 39 BG, 314 BW, North Field (AAFB), Guam flew 23-
hours non-stop 4,650 mile reconnaissance sortie over Hokkaidō, Japan. The aircrew met with no opposition
in spite of flying at Dear John Speeds.
26 Jun 1945 First Combat Mission of the 315 BW, Northwest Field, Guam. Although, it was less than
two months before the end of WWII, the wing would complete 15 important combat missions on Japans oil
facilities at night.
16 Jul 1945 20th Air Force (AF) moved to Guam. From Gen Henry HapArnolds office in Washington
D.C. to Harmon Field near Two Lovers Point. It was assigned to the United States Strategic Air Forces in the
Pacific (USSTAF) along with the Gen Jimmy Doolittles 8 AF, Okinawa, part of the Pacific reorganization.
B-29 Colleenflies in a 330
BG formation. Colleen was
named for the pilots one
year old daughter. She
visited the crash site in 2002.
315 BW B-29B inflight
shows the AQN-7
Eagle radar antenna
underneath the wings.
2 Jul, Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific
(USASTAF) activated Harmon Fld.
Gen Carl Andrew
"Tooey" SPAATZ
1st Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF)
16 Jul –1 Aug, 20th Air Force
2 Aug-17 Sep, Chief of Staff USASTAF
Gen Curtis E.
5th Chief of Staff of the USAF (CSAF)
2 Aug– 14 Oct, 20th Air Force
(Note: 18 Jul, XXI BC inactivated)
Gen Nathan F.
3rd Chief of Staff of the USAF(CSAF), 1953-1957; 3rd Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, (1st USAF Gen. CJCS), 1957-1960
Until 31 Jul, 314 BW, North Fld. (AAFB)
After, Deputy Chief of Ops USASTAF
Gen Thomas S.
Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command (CINCSAC)
Until Oct, 315th Bomb Wing,
Northwest Field (AAFB)
Lt Gen Frank A.
Alaskan Air Command,1956-1961; inspiration for the intense version Brig
Gen Savage in the novel (1948) & movie, Twelve O'clock High” (1949).
20th Air Force Deputy Commander Gen Lauris
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, and Commander in Chief, U.S.
European Command, 1956-1962. 1st Airman to hold those posts.
20th Air Force Statistics Branch Lt Col Robert S.
8th Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), 1961-1968
Insignia of the
315th Bomb Wing.
1 Aug 1945 Largest WWII Bombing Attack in the Pacific, when 836 B-29s
from all Marianas based bomb wings attacked several locations in Japan.
6 Aug 1945 First Atomic Bomb Little BoyHiroshima, Japan. Silver-plate
modified B-29 S/N 44-86292, nose art Enola Gaywas flown by the commander
of the 509th Composite Group (509 CG), Col Paul Tibbetts, from North Field,
9 Aug 1945 Second Atomic Bomb Fat ManNagasaki, Japan. Another Silver-
plate B-29 S/N 44-27297, nose art Bocks Carpiloted by the commander of the
393 BS, 509 CG, Lt Col Charles W. Sweeney.
9-14 Aug 1945 — Continued Attacks, many people might think WWII in the
Pacific was over after the second atomic bomb was dropped. There were several
starts and stops to missions as it looked like the war might be over, but all the B-29
bomb wings continued to bomb Japan until 15 Aug, totaling of 1,023 sorties.
14-15 Aug 1945 The Last Missionwhen the 315 BWs B-29Bs returned to
Northwest Field, Guam, from a night mission to Nippon Oil, Akita, the morning of
15 Aug, the Emperor of Japan had already surrendered. The 315 BWs mission
was the last bombing mission, dropped the last bomb, and the last to land. The
blackout caused by this mission along helped to prevent a military coupin Tokyo.
17 Aug– 20 Sep 1945 POW Supply Missions of Mercy. The next
important mission was to supply the POW camps in Japan, China,
Manchuria, and Korea until all the US and Allied prisoners could be
evacuated. Gen Spaatz, USASTAF, ordered the 20 AF to conduct the
airdrop mission and deliver supplies to 154 camps. The range and
capacity of the B-29s made them perfect for the job.
2 Sep 1945 Show of ForceOver 400 B-29s conducted a flyover
of Tokyo Bay during the surrender ceremony aboard the USS
Missouri (BB-63). Although it was Surrender Day in Tokyo, it was a
somber day at Northwest Field. A B-29B crashed on the field after
developing engine problems while on a POW Supply Mission, 10 of
the 12 crewmen were killed.
Brigadier General James JimmieRoy Andersen
Born on 10 May 1904 in Racine, WI. Gen Andersen graduated in the top 4th of his
class from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and commissioned as a Second
Lieutenant in the infantry in 1926. Married his high school sweetheart after his
graduation from West Point and went on to served as an infantry officer at Ft.
Sheridan, IL, 1927-1929. He then served as an infantry officer with the 27th Infan-
try Regiment at Schofield Barracks in HI, 1929-1931.
In 1931-1933, he transferred to the Ordnance Department serving at Watertown
Arsenal, Aberdeen, MD, Proving Ground Command; while there he studied at
M.I.T. In 1934, after eight years as a Second Lieutenant he was promoted to First Lieutenant. Transferred to
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ, then to Selfridge Field, MI, 1934-1936.
In 1936, he applied for and began training as an Aviation Cadet at Randolph Field, TX. At advanced
Training, Kelly Field, TX, he received his wings as a member of the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1937. The
newly promoted Captain then served as part of the defense force for the Hawaiian Islands from 1937 1939
with the 72d Bombardment Sq. (72 BS), 5th Bombardment Gp. (5 BG), 18th Composite Wing, Hickam
Field. He flew the Martin B-12A bomber until 1938; then the Douglas B-18 Bolo until his departure. The
commander of the 5 BG at the time was Col Millard F. Harmon.
1940 - 1942, he served as an instructor first in the Ordinance Department, then the Department of Chemistry
and Electricity at the US Military Academy West Point. He was promoted to Major in 1940 and Lt Col in
1942. Also 1942 1943, he went on to serve as the Director of Training at the Army Air Force Basic - Ad-
vanced Flying School for USMA Cadets, Stewart Field, NY, where he helped implement the first flight
training class for Army cadets. It was during this time he was promotion to Colonel. 1943 1944, assigned
to the Strategy Section of the Operations Division of the War Department General Staff, Washington, D.C.
In 1944, Lt Gen Millard F. Harmon, Commander US Army Air Forces Pacific Ocean Areas (AAFPOA), the
senior AAF General Officer in the Pacific, personally selected Col Andersen to be his Chief of Staff. As
Harmons Chief of Staff, he assisted in the final planning and coordination in the construction of the six B-
29 bases in the Marianas and their initial bombings of Japan. He also distinguished himself as the principal
planner for the headquarters move to Guam, which was accomplished by Jan 1945. Promoted to brigadier
general just six weeks prior to his death. Gen Harmon and Andersens aircraft disappeared on 26 Feb 1945.
Col Tibbets waves from
the cockpit of the B-29
Enola Gaywhile taxiing
on North Field, Tinian,
just before takeoff on the
Atomic Bomb Little
BoyHiroshima mission.
B-29s of the 58 BW, West Field, Tinian
(Top) & 314 BW, North Field (AAFB),
Guam, staged & loaded for the POW
Supply Missions from Isley Field, Saipan.
MSgt Henry Red Erwin, received the Medal of Honor after flying a B-29
combat mission from North Field, Guam. Decorations citation reads:
Staff Sergeant Henry E. Erwin was the radio operator of a B-29 airplane leading a
group formation to attack Koriyama, Japan, on April 12, 1945. He was charged with the
additional duty of dropping phosphorous smoke bombs to aid in assembling the group
when the rendezvous point was reached. Upon entering the assembly area, antiaircraft
fire and enemy fighter opposition was encountered. Among the phosphorous bombs
launched by Sergeant Erwin, one proved faulty, exploded in the launching chute, and
shot back into the interior of the aircraft, striking him in the face. Smoke filled the
plane, obscuring the vision of the pilot. Sergeant Erwin realized that the aircraft and
crew would be lost if the burning bomb remained in the plane. Without regard for his own safety, he
picked it up and, feeling his way, instinctively crawled around the gun turret and headed for the copilot's
window. He found the navigator's table obstructing his passage. Grasping the burning bomb between his
forearm and body, he unlatched the spring lock and raised the table. Struggling through the narrow passage
he stumbled forward into the smoke-filled pilot's compartment. Groping with burning hands, he located the
window and threw the bomb out. Completely aflame, he fell back upon the floor. The smoke cleared and the
pilot at 300 feet pulled the airplane out of its dive. Sergeant Erwin's gallantry and heroism above and beyond
the call of duty saved the lives of his comrades."
2 Sep 1945 Surrender Photos to CONUS. An eligible mixed crew and a B-
29 from the 330 BG, 314 BW, North Field (AAFB), Guam, flew the surrender
photos from Iwo Jima to Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Then a train took the
photos the rest of the way to D.C. *Note: Another B-29 from North Field, Tinian,
may have taken the actual documents to the CONUS.
27 Sep 1945-28 Feb 1946 SUNSET PROJECT, with the war over with Japan,
it was time to return the crews and B-29s from the 8th and 20th Air Forces, and
the B-24's from the Far East Air Force. The flights were flown by combat crews
operating under Air Transport Command (ATC) control and carried passengers
assigned as extra crew members, all Airmen required to be eligible for
separation. The returning bombers passed through the Marianas, Kwajalein,
Johnston Island, and John Rodgers Field (Oahu) to Mather Field, CA. The flow
continued the rest of the year into 1946. By New Year's Day 1946, 653 B-29's
and 601 B-24's had returned to CONUS. The SUNSET PROJECT flights would
lead to many world record flight attempts as maintenance Airmen and aircrews
tinkered with the newest & lightest B-29Bs from Northwest Field, Guam.
1819 Sep 1945 GeneralsRecord Flight, from Chitose Airfield, Sapporo,
Hokkaidō, Japan, to Chicago IL. Three modified B-29B Eaglesfrom the 315
BW, Northwest Field, Guam, with three Generals Barney M. Giles
(USASTAF/DC), Curtis LeMay (USASTAF/COS), & Emmett O'Donnell
Jr. (73 BW/CC) at the controls of each one. They broke several aviation
records, including the greatest USAAF takeoff weight, the longest non-stop
flight, and the first ever non-stop Japan–Chicago flight, known as the Great
Circle Route.This was the first such flight of its kind.
1 Nov 1945 Forgotten Record Flight. Gen Armstrong, 315 BW/CC, led a
flight of three more B-29B Superforts, assigned to Northwest Field, Guam,
Rare color photo of the
19 BW Airmen's Club
in 1952. (Bruce Young)
1. North Field redesignated on 9 May 1946, to Northfield Air Base Command (P)
2. Northfield Air Base Command redesignated on 1 Mar 1948 North Air Force Base
3. North Air Force Base redesignated on 22 Apr 1948, to North Guam AFB
4. North Guam AFB redesignated on 1 Feb 1949, to North Field AFB Guam
5. North Field AFB Guam redesignated on 15 March 1949, to North Guam AFB
6. North Guam AFB redesignated on 7 Oct 1949, to Andersen Air Force Base
Col Irvine and the crew of the
record breaking PACUSAN
Dreamboat. Capt Ruth Saltz-
man was the stenographer on
every flight; sadly, is not
pictured as part of the crew.
By mid-1946, the six heavy bomber bases in the Mariana Islands were reduced to just the three on Guam.
Only North Field remained a heavy bomber base. Harmon Field became Harmon AFB and continued its
logistical and maintenance mission. Northwest Field became a P-47 Thunderbolt fighter base. Both Harmon
AFB and Northwest Fields closed in 1949. North Field, Guam, became Andersen AFB where construction of
permanent structures was started.
Greeted upon arrival in
Washington are Generals:
Curtis LeMay (far left),
Emmett O'Donnell & Barney
Giles (far right) pose
with "Hap" Arnold (in tie).
They flew nonstop from Chitose Airfield, Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japan, to Washington D.C. (The intended
destination of the Generals Record Flight). This flight was largely forgotten in history since it was
sandwiched between the two more famous flights.
19-20 Nov 1945 Record Flight from Guam. Col Clarence S.
Irvine and Lt Col G. R. Stanley flew YB-29J Superfortress, S/N
44-84061, nose art PACUSAN Dreamboat,to the new world
distance record of 7,916 miles from Northwest Field to
Washington D.C. in 35 hours 5 minutes.
17 Apr 1946 - 3 Apr 1949 Northwest Field (NWF) converted
to a fighter base. First the 21st Fighter Group (FG) was assigned,
then replaced by the famous 23 FG Flying Tigersfrom China.
These Fighter Groups were equipped with P-47 Thunderbolts
responsible for Marianas Air Defense. NWF became a storage
for many access WWII aircraft from around the Pacific Theater.
15 May 1946 The future 314th Air Division departed North Field, Guam, after
the 29, 39, and 330 BGs and their squadrons inactivated. This left the 19 BG as
the only heavy bomber group in the Western Pacific.
11 Jun 1946 F-13A Superfortress, S/N 42-94114, 3 PRS, 311 RW, nose art
Wild Westys Wabbitscrashed in the ocean after takeoff from RWY 06R/24L,
while on a Marianas mapping flight, the crew was killed.
20 Jun 1946 The former 41 PRSs 20 F-5G Lightnings (Recon P-38s) were
destroyed by Typhoon DOLLY while in storage at either Harmon or Northwest
26 Jun 1947 President Truman signed the National Security Act which called
for Army, Navy, and Air Force to be equal within the new Department of Defense
18 Jul 1947 21 Oct 1986 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI), under
the terms of a United Nations (UN) trusteeship agreement the U.S. became
responsible for administration of the former Japanese South Pacific Mandate
(Nan'yō-chō) islands. AAFBs Mission Support Branchs motto was U Call We
Haul. The history of the mission included: Mercy missions, search and rescue,
US Govt sorties, parts/supply runs, and general support missions. In return, the
aircraft would bring back fresh fruits and vegetables etc. to Guam for the Commissary to sell.
2 Aug 1947 54th Reconnaissance Squadron (VLR) Weather (54 RSW) arrived at North Field, Guam.
54th specialized in early typhoon detection and monitoring. It would inactivate, active, and change
designations of its long rich history.
18 Sep 1947 United States Air Force! All US Army
air activities were transferred to the new US Air Force
on this date.
15 Oct 1947 514th Reconnaissance Squadron (VLR)
Weather (514 RSW). Designations of all of the weather
squadrons were changed to 3-digit numbers. However,
the 54 RSW inactivated and the 514 RSW activated in
its place, using same personnel and equipment.
20 Apr 1948 Bomber Disappeared. 19 BGs B-29 S/
N 44-61700 launched from North Field, Guam, and was
never seen again. On 31 May 1948, Memorial Day, Maj Gen Francis H. Griswold, 20 AF/CC, presided over
the dedication ceremony at the Memorial Field in honor of the crew of 11. It the same baseball field by the
current Base Exchange.
14 Apr - 14 May 1948 Operation SANDSTONE. 514 RSW provided eight WB-29 Superfortresses and
crews for weather reconnaissance and radiation sampling for three nuclear tests conducted Eniwetok,
Marshall Islands. The first penetration of a nuclear cloud by a manned aircraft was flown by Maj Paul H.
Fackler, 514 RSW/CC.
12 Oct 1948 Building 21000 was opened, nicknamed The Little Pentagon in the Pacificit was the first
large completely concrete building constructed on Guam. It served many missions over the years, including
as the Wing Headquarters. The building was demolished
15 May 1949 The 20
AF moved from Harmon AFB to
Kadena AB, Okinawa. The 19th Bomb Wing assumed area
15 Nov 1949 Typhoon ALLYN struck Guam and
destroyed most of Harmon AFBs structures, the base
subsequently closed. Harmons Cliff line housing
continued to be used until the early 1962. Northwest Field
was also closed in 1949.
The hulk of B-29A S/N 44-61789, being used as the Pati
Point Gunnery School on Andersen AFB. Its wreckage
remains over the cliff line today. (Mann Collection)
P-47N Thunderbolts of the 21st Fighter Group
lined up on the Northwest Fields ramp circa
May 1946. (315 BW/Ken Moore Collection)
31 May 1948 Memorial
Day ceremony for the lost
crew of the B-29, S/N 44-
61700 that disappeared on
20 Apr 1948.
Aerial view of Bldg. 21000 when it was the Head-
quarters of the 3960th Air Base Wing in 1955 (USAF)
15 Apr 1950 Andersen Air Force Base. After the redesignation on 7 Oct 1949,
the official dedication ceremony took place on this date. It was attended by Gen
Andersens widow Mrs. Esther Andersen and his son James Roy Andersen Jr., with
many distinguished visitors and old friends.
28 Jun 1950 The Korean War. The 19th Bomb Group (19 BG) sent its entire
bomber fleet from Andersen AFB to Kadena AB, Okinawa, while still
administratively attached to the 19th Bomb Wing. Four B-29s were flown on
combat missions the very first day. B-29 S/N
44-27288, nose art "Atomic Tom", was the first
large bomber to drop bombs in the Korean
War. The 19 BG flew 645 missions, 5,950
sorties, dropped 52k tons of bombs, lost 91
Airmen, and 20 B-29s, all statistics were the most of any B-29 Bomb
Group of the war.
6 Aug 1950 The First Rotational Bomber Deployment. Strategic Air
Commands (SAC) began deploying B-29 and B-50D Superfortress to
AAFB. The base wing supplied security forces and administrative support to the forward-based units.
2 Sep 1950 514 RSW Supported Inchon Landings. Typhoon JANE was bearing down on the loading of
Gen MacArthur's Amphibious Force in Japan. Capt Charles Cloniger and crew flew WB-29 Superfort, nose
art Typhoon Gooninto JANEs eye many times to monitor
the strength and position of the typhoon. Capt Cloniger
dangerously accomplished this with only 3-engines ensuring
the operation continued for the famous Inchon Landings. He
was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
20 Feb 1951 54th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron
(Medium) Weather, reactivated and the 514 RSW inactivated
at AAFB continued the typhoon chasing from Guam.
Equipment and personnel stayed the same.
19 Mar 1951 Last Tarzon Bomb Mission. Commander of the 19 BG, Col Payne Jennings and his crew
were killed after jettisoning an ASM-A-1 Tarzon guided bomb in strike
against Sinuiju, North Korea. The 12,000 lbs. bomb detonated
prematurely and crashing the B-29. AAFBs old Officers Housing area
near the main gate was possibly renamed Jennings Manorin his honor.
12 Apr 1951 Black Thursday. (Yalu River Bridge Mission) 48 B-29s
escorted by 76 fighter jets were attacked by 36 MiG-15s flown by top
Soviet pilots. Seven B-29s were lost, five of them from the 19 BG. After
which, B-29 gunners were sent to Pati Point Gunnery School on AABs
cliff line. The school used the hulk of a WWII veteran B-29A. On 23 Oct
1952, was another bad B-29 vs MiG day, known as Black Tuesday.
Andersen AFB was originally comprised of rows of temporary wartime
structures called Quonset Huts (Q-Huts). Then from the late 1940s through 1965 the
base was under perpetual construction, transforming the environment with permanent,
typhoon-proof concrete structures.
One especially important area was housing until 1960 the majority of AAFBs
Airmen and families lived in wooden prefabricated units, located on base, or in the
detached AF housing areas at Northwest Field, Harmon, MARBO, or private rentals.
Slowly, the base housing areas became concrete. Fleming Heights nicknamed
Flintstoneshouses were completed in 1949. Most of the dorms on the base
were built 1950-1954. Roberts Terrace housing area was completed in 1956.
Capehart Housings 1050 units were completed on 2 Aug 1960, thus ended
most of the Air Forces housing problems on Guam.
Fortunately, typhoon-proof housing was available before Super-typhoon KA-
REN struck on 11 Nov 1962. It destroyed most of the non-concrete structures
on Guam, including much of the bases remaining WWII-era infrastructure.
Post-KAREN rebuild projects of 1963-1965 resulted in the construction of 15
new buildings including: AMC Terminal, Chapel Two, NCO Club (Top of the
Rock), and the Bowling Alley/Hot Spot/Shoppette Arcade complex.
Following the KAREN Rebuild, apart from upgrades and beautification
projects, AAFB saw very little new construction until after the 9/11 Attacks.
Super-Typhoon KARENs total
destruction of Guams villages
prompted the construction of
buildings in concrete.
Pre-fabricated housing
unit, circa 1957.
Nose art Typhoon Goon II 54 SRS
(W), WB-29 S/N 44-69970. (AWRA)
Two KB-29Ps of the 91st Air Refueling Squadron
(91 ARS) during Operation FOX PETER ONE.
19 BG, B-29 No Sweatover Korea,
1950. (Frank Farrell)
KOREAN WAR ERA, 1950-1953
18 B-29s overhead & the
19 BWs Airmen march-
ing in review during the
dedication of AAFB. (AP)
26 Feb 1952 WB-29 Superfort Crash. No. 1 Engine exploded on a 54 SRS (W),
WB-29, S/N 44-61640, 125 miles west of Saipan. The aircraft crashed into the ocean.
Four Airmen survived by bailing out and parachuting to safety. Six others were killed.
25 Apr 1952 Stowaways. 54 SRS (W) Airmen smuggled two women from
McCellan Field, CA to AAFB onboard a WB-29. The two women were offered jobs
on Guam, but opted to pay their own way back home.
4-16 Jul 1952 Operation FOX PETER ONE (Fighters Pacific, Op No. 1). AAFB
was one of the major hubs for the: First mass movement of jet fighters (60 F-84G Thunderjets, 31st Fighter
Escort Wing) across the Pacific. First mass midair refueling movement of jet fighters (24 KB-29P
Superfortresses, 91 ARS). Longest mass movement of a complete jet fighter wing by air, at the time. Longest
mass nonstop over-water flight 1,860 nautical miles by jet fighters, at the time. First of what would become a
regular occurrence for the USAF.
6 Oct 1952 Weather Aircraft Lost. 54 SRS (W), WB-29 S/N 44-69970, nose art Typhoon Goon IIand
its crew were lost while penetrating the eye of Typhoon WILMA, 300 NM east of Leyte, Philippines. First
loss of any USAF Weather Service aircraft while actively engaged with any type of cyclone.
14 Nov 1952 The 79th Air Rescue Squadron (79 ARS) activated on AAFB. First equipped with SB-29
'Super Dumbo' Superfortresses; later with SC-54D Rescuemasters and SH-19B Chickasaw helicopters.
1952 Operation CHRISTMAS DROP (OCD). The annual tradition and story began when a 54 SRS (W),
WB-29, Superfortress Airmen airdropped some goodies with a dropsonde parachute down to the people of
Kapingamarangi Island. The annual CHRISTMAS DROP is the longest running airdrop Humanitarian effort
in the DoD and the world. (See later chronological entries for significant OCDs.)
19 May 1953 B-50D Superfortress, S/N 49-0283, 830 BS, 509 BW, crashed while attempting an
emergency landing on AAFB. The 79 ARS were praised for their quick response and were able to rescue 4 of
the 6 crewmen from the fiery crash. Most of the wreck is still buried in the boonies.
27 Jul 1953 An armistice was reached ending combat operations during the Korean War. A demilitarized
zone is created along the 38th parallel.
17 Dec 1953 Worst Accident in AAFB History. B-29MR Superfortress,
S/N 44-87741, 9 BW, redeploying to Mountain Home AFB, ID, suffered
engine failure and crashed into Jennings Manor OfficersHousing while
attempting to land. The crash killed nine crewmembers and passengers.
Additionally, 10 men, women, and children on the ground were killed..
Typhoon DOLLY occurred and two USN aircraft were lost the same week.
17 Jan 1954 The Armys 809th Engineer Battalion started to lengthen
and strengthen the runways, taxiways, and ramp to accommodate SACs
new and larger aircraft the B-36 Peacemaker, B-52 Stratofortress, and the
KC-135 Stratotanker.
28 Jan 1954 Last Executions in the USAF. Two Airmen were hung by an old abandoned hangar at
18 Jun 1965 Strategic Air Command (SAC) B-52Fs attacked communist positions in South Vietnam
under the code name Operation ARC LIGHT. Gradually, they also hit enemy strongholds in Laos, Cambodia
and southern North Vietnam. Flying at altitudes where they could not be heard on the ground, the B-52s gave
the enemy little warning. Often, the first the enemy knew they were under attack was when bombs exploded
around them. If the B-52s hit enemy forces concentrated for an attack, like during the siege of Khe Sanh and
the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam in April 1972, the results were devastating. The first Arc
Light B-52s were deployed to Andersen AFB, Guam, but the 2,600-mile flight from Guam to South Vietnam
took six to seven hours. This distance made it difficult to attack the mobile enemy forces, on the Ho Chi Minh
Trail, plus the bombers required aerial refueling. To reduce the response time and lessen the need for aerial
tankers, B-52s were also stationed at the U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Air Base, Thailand. Throughout the war,
SAC provided B-52s & Airmen for operations in Southeast Asia while also keeping B-52s on nuclear alert
duties. To meet both requirements, SAC rotated B-52 aircrews into Guam and Thailand on temporary duty
status. When ARC LIGHT operations ended on 15 Aug 1973, B-52 aircrews had flown about 125,000 sorties
and dropped almost 3.5 million tons of bombs. Over half of all ARC LIGHT missions were flown over South
Vietnam, and the rest struck targets in Cambodia, Laos & North Vietnam. - From USAF Fact Sheet
B-52F 1965-1966 B-52D 1966-1973
B-52G 1972-1973
Early COLD WAR ERA, 1953-1964
B-29 tail leaning against on a
house after the 17 Dec 1953 Crash.
Northwest Field. They were convicted of the 13 Dec 1948, rape
and murder of Ruth Farnsworth.
18 Jun 1954 SAC established the 3d Air Division (3 AD) at
AAFB as a tenant unit.
16 Oct 1954 B-36 Peacemaker Deployment. 92d Bomb Wing
(92 BW), Fairchild AFB, deployed its entire wing overseas to
AAFB. The giant B-36s would deploy to Guam, 1954 to 1956.
1 Apr 1955 SAC took over the base completely when the 3d
Air Division assumed area control and the 6319th Air Base Wing
inactivated. The 3960 ABW activated. The Cold War had arrived to the Mariana Islands.
1 Mar 1956 Meehan Theater Opened. The first air conditioned theater on Guam
opened its doors to much fanfare at AAFB. Many distinguished visitors (DV)
including GovGuam Ford Q. Elvidge attended the first movie Strategic Air
Commandstarring Jimmy Stewart. It was rededicated on 12 Jun 1957, as the Meehan
Theater in honor of Col Arthur W. Meehan, 90th Bomb Group Jolly Rogers
Commander who disappeared during a WWII combat mission from Australia, 14-15
Nov 1943. The outdoor Turner Memorial Theater would close.
5 Aug 1956 The 41st Fighter Interceptor Squadron (41 FIS) was reassigned from
Misawa, Japan. The 41 FIS was equipped with F-86 Sabres and remained integral part
of AAFB until inactivation in March 1960.
5 Oct 1956 — Operation LUMBER JACK. The first B-47E Stratojets arrived on
Guam. AAFBs Airmen had to focus extreme attention on Foreign Object Debris
(FOD) awareness thanks to two all-jet powered aircraft units. (See Cartoon)
22 Jan 1957 Last Superfort. The last B-29 departed AAFB after almost 13 years in
the Marianas. The aircraft a weather reconnaissance version from the 54 WRS.
14 Aug 1957 B-47 Record. Brig Gen James V. Edmundson, SAC's Deputy Director of Operations, flew a
321 BW B-47 Stratojet nonstop from AAFB, Guam to Sidi Slimane, Morocco, North Africa. He set the B-47
record for distance and time aloft, 11,450 miles in 22 hours 50 minutes.
3 Oct 1957 Fiction novelist James Michener famous for the book Tales of the
South Pacificvisited Guam while researching for his new book about SAC.
Later, his C-47 ditched about two miles from Iwo Jima. He was rescued, but all
his notes were lost and he never finished the book.
15 Jan 1958 Weather Aircraft Lost. WB-
50 Superfortress, S/N 49-295, 54 WRS,
AAFB, was lost with the crew of 10 Airmen
in the Category 4 Typhoon OPHELIA, 500
miles west of Guam.
30 May 1958 First Visit by both B-52 and
KC-135. According to the base newspaper, a
Stratofortress and a Stratotanker, spent the weekend as part of the base
open house event. This was the start over six decades of the partnership
with the B-52, KC-135, and Andersen AFB.
18 Nov 1959 Numerous UFO sighting around AAFB. There were so
many reports that a entry was written into the annual 3d AD History.
8 Mar 1960 — 41 FIS with the last fighters assigned to Guam, departed.
19 Sep 1960 The Forgotten Crash. A MATS DC-6 leaving the NAS
Agana Terminal crashed into Barrigada Heights. The crash left 80 of 94
mostly military and dependents onboard dead. This was the worst crash
on Guam until Korean Airlines (KAL) Flt 801 in 1997.
26-31 Jan 1961 Operation HAPPY HOUR. Martin TM-61 Matador
Missiles were test fired from Northwest Field, Guam, to the island of
Farallon de Medinilla (FDM) in the Northern Mariana Islands.
1428 Oct 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. SAC and the B-47s forward-
based at AAFB were in high alert in response to the tensions in the
16 Mar 1966 GEMINI 8 RESCUE.
NASA mission went awry & landed
430 miles east of Okinawa, instead of
the Atlantic Ocean. AAFBs own 79
ARRS, was assigned secondary
recovery force at Naha, Okinawa.
Luckily, the rescue pilot saw the
capsules parachute on the first pass
and 3 Pararescuemen (PJs) jumped
from the aircraft & stood by the
capsule until a USN destroyer arrived.
1st B-36J Peacemaker arrived at AAFB, 1 Oct
1954. It carried the 92 BWs ADVON team.
The rest of the Wing arrived 16 Oct 1954.
The first deployed B-52B to
land was the City of El
PasoS/N 53-0394.
15 B-47s lined up on the South Ramp, AAFB, circa 1956. (USAF)
11-12 Nov 1962 Super-Typhoon KAREN. Category 5 winds struck Guam with veracity killing 11 people
and approximately 45,000 were left homeless. Nearly everything not made of concrete was severely damaged
or completely gone.
13-17 Nov 1962 Operation HANDCLASP, as part of KAREN Relief, PACAFBASECOM agencies at
Hickam AFB, HI, operated 24-hours-a-day to support military dependents evacuated from Guam. In addition,
the USAF joined other military/civilian agencies collected donations of food, clothing, and other items to be
flown or shipped to Guam.
4 Dec 1962 Super ConnieCrash. USAF C-121G Super Constellation, S/N 54-4066, crashed on Nimitz
Hill, Guam, while carrying humanitarian supplies for KARENs recovery efforts. 3 of 8 Airmen were killed.
29 Mar 1964 First B-52 Rotational Deployment. B-52B Stratofortresses from the 95th and 22d Bomb
Wings arrived for 90-day deployment to replace the B-47s on SACs Cold War REFLEX ALERT.
15 Jun 1964 — The 1507th Support Squadron and the MATS terminal moved from NAS Agana to AAFB.
18 Jun 1965 ARC LIGHT One. The first B-52 bombing mission over
Vietnam. 30 B-52Fs launched from AAFB. Tragically two of the BUFFs
collided in midair and eight crewmen were lost.
29 Jun 1965 Last Stratojet. The 54 WRSs WB-47E departed, ending
the Stratojets nine-year run.
17 Sep 1965 CORONA PROJECT. Satellites were used for
photographic surveillance of
adversaries from 1959 to
1972. As part of CORONA,
the Guam Tracking Station
became operational, first as a
mobile unit, at Northwest
Field. Today, its part of the
new U.S. Space Force; namely
Det. 2, 21st Space Operations
Squadron, Space Delta 6.
12 Apr 1966 Operation ROLLING THUNDER. B-52Ds from
Andersen AFB, Guam, struck North Vietnam for the first time.
Although depicted as the symbol of Rolling Thunder, the B-52
flew less than one percent of all sorties.
c. Dec 1966 Operation PURPLE DRAGON. During the early
Vietnam War, it seemed the enemy knew when B-52 strikes from
Guam were coming. PURPLE DRAGON was the investigation to
find out why. Todays Airmen practice it, specifically Operational
Security (OPSEC).
20 Mar 19675 Jul 1972 Operation POPEYE. AAFBs tenant
unit the 54 WRS operated/rotated three modified WC-130A Hercules from Udon AB, Thailand. The crews
seeded clouds in an attempt to make it rain and to extend the monsoon season over the Ho Chi Minh Trail; in
an effort to slow/stop the flow of war materials into South Vietnam.
The 54 WRS s slogan was, "Make Mud, Not War." Nothing
conclusive if it worked or not.
10 Apr 1967 Operation POKER DICE. SAC sent three B-52Ds
from AAFB to U-Tapao AB, Thailand, officially opening the base
for B-52 combat operations. An important BUFF base during the
Vietnam War, as it shorten the distances to target, with no in-
flight refuelings, compared to the grueling 2,600 mile sorties from
7 Jul 1967 Crumm Tragedy. Maj Gen William J Crumm, 3 AD,
commander, AAFB, was lost on his fini-flight when the B-52D call
sign RED 1 collided with another B-52D call sign RED 2. Both
bombers crashed about 20 miles off the Vietnam coast. Gen Crumm
is the highest ranking US military officer missing in action from the
Vietnam War, presumed dead.
VIETNAM WAR ERA, 1965-1975
21 Mar 1967 Super DV Day. President
Johnson, South Vietnam President Nguyen
Van Thieu, & PM Nguyen Cao Ky; plus,
all of the Presidents Cabinet visited
AAFB. President awarded 12 B-52F Crew-
dogs with medals & spoke in front of the
current 36 WG HQ. in the rain. It was also
the first time Andersen Radio broadcasted
a live event to AFRT & around the world.
(Top) B-52D S/N 55-0100 Old 100” drops its
ordnance over Vietnam c.1966. Arguably the
most famous photograph of ARC LIGHT.
(Bottom) Old 100” became the centerpiece of
the Arc Light Memorial, 1974-1983.
30 Dec 1965, Maj Gen Crumm pre-
sents comedian Bob Hope a plaque at
AAFB. Bob Hope performed his USO
Christmas Show on Guam nine times
in the years 1957, 1962, 1964, 1965,
1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, and 1972.
Andersen AFBs operations evolved significantly with the arrival of the first B-52Bs in 1964. On 12 Feb
1965, 30 more B-52Fs arrived as the U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia escalated. Soon the eight-year
campaign called Operation ARC LIGHT would begin. It was during this time that Andersen AFB, Guam,
became synonymous with the B-52.
8 Jul 1967 B-52 Misfortune Da Nang. B-52D, S/N 56-0601,
attached to the 4133 BW (P), AAFB, diverted to Da Nang, South
Vietnam, for an emergency landing because of electrical and hydraulic
systems problems. Upon landing the bomber overran the end of the
runway, broke up, and caught fire in a mine field. All forward
crewman were killed. The gunner was the only survivor.
23 Jan 1968 Operations PORT BOW & NIAGARA. After North
Korea seized the USS Pueblo, SAC sent nine more B-52Ds to AAFB,
then another 15 CONUS based B-52Ds were sent to Kadena AB,
Okinawa. Although not used in North Korea, the extra BUFFs
supported the close air support (CAS) during the Siege of Khe Sanh.
24 Sept 1968 KC-135 Major Accident. The Stratotanker, S/N 55-
5133, crashed landed on Wake Island while returning deployers to
Pease AFB, NH, from AAFB, Guam. A1C Allan S. Major, 509 Bomb
Wings Historian died with 10 other Airmen. Allan S. Major Award,
recognizes an USAF historian assigned to a single-person history office.
28 April-18 June 1969 Operation GROMET II. A
severe drought in the Philippines 1968 and 1969 led their
government to try cloud seeding (See POPEYE) to increase
rainfall with the help of the U.S. military. 58 silver iodide
cloud seeding missions were conducted over the islands.
These sorties were conducted by the AAFBs 54 WRS, WC
-130s. The only Airmen to be killed in either GROMET II
or POPEYE operations was Capt Charles Booker, ARWO,
on 16 May 1969, when the silver iodide seeding device
exploded on WC-130E, S/N 64-0554, causing fatal injuries.
Overall, the missions flown were considered highly
10 May 1969 B-52D Crash. B-52, S/N 56-0593, attached
to the 4133 BW (P), AAFB, crashed into the ocean after
takeoff from AAFB on a combat mission to Vietnam, no survivors.
27 Jul 1969 B-52D Crash. BUFF, S/N 56-0630, attached to the 4133 BS (P), AAFB, suffered structural
failure just after lift-off from AAFB and crashed into the ocean, no survivors.
1 Apr 1970 8AF moved to Guam. 8th Air Force
replaced the 3d Air Division; the 43d Strategic Wing
replaced the 3960th Strategic Wing; and the 4133d
Strategic Wing (Provisional) inactivated at AAFB.
18 Apr 1970 F-4 Phantom II Crash. The F-4D, S/N
65-0616, 12 TFW, transiting to the Vietnam War
crashed on AAFB during take off. One of the crew was
killed and one injured. On 12 Feb 2019, the wreckage
was rediscovered by the 36WG/CC & CV!
10 Jul 1970 — The first C-5 Galaxy landed at AAFB
1-30 Aug 1970 Hollywood Movie, Noon Sunday
was filmed at Tarague Beach and other locations on
8 May 1972 Operation LINEBACKER I. President Nixon authorized bombings in North Vietnam to push
back the North Vietnamese Armys (NVA) Easter Offensive. B-52s from
AAFB and U-Tapao participated .
8-9 Jul 1972 Crewdogs Bail Out in Typhoons Path. The crew of B-
52G S/N 59-2600, 72 BW, bailed out of their ailing aircraft approx. 300
miles west of AAFB after takeoff. Typhoon RITA was bearing down on
them. Rescue and weather aircraft from Guam were overhead, but no
surface ships could reach the crew because of the 40 foot seas and typhoon
force winds. Amazingly, two USN submarines the USS Barb and USS
Gurnard rescued all but one of the crewmen!
12 Jul 1972 Air Traffic Control Tower Opened. AAFBs current tower
officially began operations. Its 168.5 feet tall with 223 steps. When it was
built it was the tallest structure in the AF.
25-26 Oct 1972 Largest EVAC in AAFB History. Typhoon OLGA was bearing down on Guam, all of the
Operation BULLET SHOTs over 175 aircraft evacuated to other locations in the Pacific Region. The
typhoon never hit Guam.
18-29 Dec 1972 Operation LINEBACKER II. When North Vietnam showed unwillingness to negotiate
the end of the war, the Pres. Nixon unleashed the B-52s out of AAFB and U-Tapao. During this “11-Day
Warthere were over 153 B-52s on the ramp supported by an estimated 15,000 Airmen (a third of whom
Vietnamese refugees in a line at
Tin CityAAFB, Guam., 1975.
12 Feb 1972 Operation BULLET SHOT, SACs
5-phase mission to bring more B-52s into Southeast
Asia in response to intelligence reports North Vi-
etnam planned to invade South Vietnam. Over 200
B-52s, crews, and maintainers rotated through Guam
and U-Tapao AB, Thailand, for the next 18 months.
21 Feb 1966, Brig Gen Jimmy
Stewart, USAFR, famous Actor (Left)
flew a B-52F ARC LIGHT mission from
AAFB during Vietnam. Gen Crumm is
in the center of the photo. (AAFB Archives)
1972-1973 Operation BULLET SHOT, there were so
many large wing aircraft on AAFBs ramp that KC-135s
were backed up on the old WWII B-29 hardstands with
their tails hanging Arc Light Boulevard like trees!
were maintainers). 15 B-52s lost, 8 from AAFB. The Paris Peace
Accords were signed on 27 January 1973.
15 Aug 1973 — Last ARC LIGHT Mission. Three B-52Gs bombed
locations in Cambodia prior to the cease fire order.
26-29 Oct 1973 — Oil Embargo Crisis. BULLET SHOTs 86 B-52s
redeployed to the CONUS during the crisis. Annual Operation
CHRISTMAS DROP was also canceled, the only time since 1952.
12 Feb 1974 ARC LIGHT Memorial Dedication. The ceremony was
held exactly one year after the release of the Vietnam War POWs. The
memorial honored 75 B-52 crewdogs killed during the Vietnam War
when 33 B-52s were lost.
20 Apr 1974 C-130 Hercules Crash. S/N 62-1841 crashed on the base
after takeoff on a flight to CONUS. The wreckage is still located below
the cliff line.
12 Dec 1974 — B-52 in the Water. B-52D, S/N 55-0058, 43 SW, AAFB, crashed into the water after
instrument malfunction, followed by loss of control. Two Airmen survived the bail out of the aircraft
approximately 25 miles west of Andersen AFB.
23 Apr 1975 Operation NEW LIFE. North Vietnam invaded the South, which caused a major refugee
crisis. AAFB received more than 34,000 of the 112,000 refugees who arrived on Guam. By August, over
109,000 were processed through and departed out of AAFB to CONUS.
23 Dec 1975 YOUNG TIGERS Ceased Ops. The last KC-135 Stratotankers still operating under the
Vietnam War Era moniker Young Tigers departed AAFB, Guam.
c. Jan 1976 — Military Housing in Andersen South started to be built.
21-22 May 1976 Super Typhoon PAMELA, hit Guam with an estimated winds of
138 mph, gusts over 167 mph, and over 22 inches of rain in 24-hours. On AAFB,
communication with the outside world was lost for 14 hours, the runways were
flooded and buried under debris. 23 May - 9 June, the 605th Military Airlift Support
Squadron (605 MASS) handled 2,652 tons of cargo from over 86 aircraft sorties.
21-25 Aug 1976 Operation PAUL BUNYAN. B-52Ds from AAFB along with
many other U.S. aircraft responded to the Korean DMZ. On 18 Aug 1976, Axe Murder Incidentwhen two
U.S. soldiers were killed by North Korean Army personnel over a disagreement about a tree being trimmed
on the border. During PAUL BUNYAN the tree was completely cut down with no further incident.
c. Sep 1977 Guam Sister Village Program, began to promote community between AAFB & the villages of
Guam. Squadrons assisted with community service , such as building bus stops & cleaning up debris after
typhoons. Villages reciprocated by inviting
squadrons to community events making the military
feel welcome.
26 Feb 1982 The BUFF & Pump House B-
52D, 55-0099, 43 SW, AAFB, was damaged
beyond repair during engine maintenance run. It
jumped chocks and collided with a concrete fuel
pump house. The lower half forward fuselage was
crushed from the tip of the chin radome to the
March 1983 — Three Different Operational B-52 Models on the Same Ramp at the Same Time. This historic
event was probably the first and last time three different operational B-52s were at the same operational base
at he same time. (Left to Right) The B-52H, possibly the first time at AAFB, it was 1 of 3 returning from
Australia. The B-52G was 1 of 4 at AAFB to augment the MINEX part of TEAM SPIRIT 83. The B-52D
was assigned to the 43 BW, 1 of 14 assigned to AAFB. The B-52Ds were going to fly off into the sunset
later that year. The B-52G replaced them until they departed AAFB in 1990. (Tropic Topics, Mar 1983)
Super Typhoon Pamelas destructive
nature can be seen in this photo. In the
background, all the windows, except
one, were blown out of the tower.
Late-COLD WAR thru Early-PACAF Era, 1976-1994
6 Oct 1987, A B-52G
was almost shot down
by someone shooting a
M-14 at the aircraft!
Bullets caused hydrau-
lic system failures. The
crew managed to emer-
gency land at AAFB.
(AAFB Archives)
Andersen AFB quieted considerably after Operation NEW LIFE. The post-Vietnam period brought the
return to routine operations. AAFB continued to be a vital overseas platform for carrying out SACs global
deterrence mission. Nonetheless, a new enemy surfaced the next 18 years; what was it? Nature! A major
Earthquake, a Volcano Evacuation, and many Typhoons! Guess the Airmen won, since we are still here.
Last B-52D Tall Tailtakes
off from AAFB in 1983..
forward edge of the wheel well.
18 Feb 1983 — First visit to AAFB by a KC-10A Extender.
7 Mar 1983 Largest B-52 Mining Exercise (MINEX) to
date, TEAM SPIRIT ‘83, was conducted off the South Korean
coast with seven B-52Ds and four B-52Gs, along with eight
KC-135s all flew sorties from AAFB.
12 Oct 1983 The Last Tall Tail. The last B-52D, known for
their Vietnam Era black and camouflage paint scheme, departed
AAFB. During Operation LINEBACKER II, the same B-52, S/N 56-0676, was the first B-52 to shoot down
an enemy aircraft. It is currently on static display at Fairchild AFB, WA.
28 Feb 1986 Former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was exiled to
the U.S., his first stop was AAFB, Guam.
2 May 1986 — President Ronald Reagan visited AAFB.
24 Dec 1986 — First Rota Walk. Although there were similar events during the
holidays in years before, the 1986 Rota Walk was the genesis of how Holidays
are celebrated on Rota Drive today. It even had a similar name, but was a
tranquil event until the arrival of the 13th Air Force (13 AF) in 1991.
17 Sep 1987 Thunderbirds. The first ever performance of the Thunderbirds
at AAFB. It coincided with the 40th USAF birthday and AAFBs Open House.
c. Oct 1988 The host 43d Bombardment Wing traded its nuclear deterrent
role for a conventional mission, and in the next year began redeploying it B-
52s to CONUS. The 43d would see inactivation on 30 Sept 1990.
1 Oct 1989 633rd Air Base Wing (633 ABW). The thawing
of the Cold War, AAFB became part of Pacific Air Forces
(PACAF) and saw the activation of 633 ABW. Although the
633ds life on Guam was relatively short, it would be an
interesting 5-years.
19902011 AAFB designated as emergency Space Shuttle
landing site.
27 Mar 1990 The Last B-52G. to ever permanently
assigned to AAFB departed to Australian Aviation Heritage
Centre, Darwin. the SACs 60 BS continued to fly B-52s out
of Guam until Mar 1990.
17 Jan 1991 Operation DESERT STORM. 34 Airmen from
Guam were deployed to Middle East in support. On 1 Oct
1990, the 1500th Strategic Wing (Provisional) activated with
six B-52Gs less than a year after the 60 BS departed. The 1500
SW (P) sent the B-52Gs to Diego Garcia to replace BUFFs that
flew combat missions the first day of air operations.
20 Aug 1991 Amn Laurie Lucas, 633d Security Police
Squadron (633 SPS), died from wounds sustained in MIDNIGHT TRAIL training exercises.
2 Dec 1991 13th Air Force (13 AF). An official flag raising ceremony was held at the current HQ Bldg.
for the 13 AF who moved from the Philippines to Guam after Clark AB was closed. The Pinatubo eruption
and non-renewal of RP-US Military Bases Agreement,
29 Dec 1991 SSgt Stacey Levay, 633 SPS, was murdered while escorting the Commissarys cash box to
be deposited at the old Bldg. 21000. Jose Simoy, a Security Forces Airman, was convicted in the murder.
23 Jan 1992 — B-52G Blown Up. A veteran DESERT STORM BUFF, S/N 58-0234, was blown up and
scrapped at AAFB. After Depot Maintenance Airmen found an unrepairable unflyable condition.
21-29 Jul 1992 Nasion Chamoru Protests. USAFs Potts Junction entrance to Northwest Field and NAS
Agana were sites of protests by future Guam Senator Angel Santos and his Nasion Chamoru Activist Group.
28-29 Aug 1992 Super Typhoon OMAR. The strongest typhoon since
1976 (PAMELA). OMAR caused severe damage to AAFB and the
surrounding areas. US Navy unit VRC-50s KC-130F B/N 149793 was
crushed in a partially collapsed hangar. The Hercules was resurrected and
flew again.
8 Aug 1993 8.1 Earthquake! Known as the “8.1”, the USGS later
reduced it to an 7.8 magnitude. There were four aftershocks over 5
magnitude. It caused various damages across Guam. On AAFB the
damages included: 1) Tower swayed 8-10 feet and a fire broke out on the
15th floor; 2) Current 36 MXS Bldg.18006 had to be abandoned until
major repairs were completed; 3) Over 90,000 bombs fell off their racks; 4)
Loss of power and water; and 5) two injuries. In spite of the damage,
AAFB was declared ready for air ops within 14 hours after the quake.
Airmen deployed from AAFB
return to a HeroesWelcome
after Operation DESERT
SHIELD & STORM in 1991.
14 May 1988 First Lancer. B-1B Lancer, S/N
85-0072, nose art Polarizedlanding at AAFB.
12 Jun 1991 Operation FIERY VIGIL. The
volcano Mt. Pinatubo, RP., erupted in close prox-
imity to Clark AB. In the wake of the eruption,
then a typhoon; more than 21,000 U.S. Military,
family members, and pets evacuated from the
Philippines. Eventually, all the evacuees made it
to AAFB, Guam, for processing to CONUS.
Photo: FIERY VIGIL evacuees being processed
in one of the old metal hangars at Andersen.
1 Oct 1994 USN Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 5 (HC
-5). Not only did the 36 ABW activate on this date, but another
unit moved to AAFB too. The HC-5 Providers moved from
NAS Agana equipped with HH-46A Sea Knights. On 21 Apr
2005, HC-5 redesigned as the Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron
(HSC) 25 Island Knightsequipped with MH-60S Sea Hawks.
5 Feb 1996 First B-2
Spirits. The first B-2 stealth
bombers to land on Guam were
the 509th Bomb Wings Spirit
of Washington and Spirit of
California. They were on a
stopover for the Singapore Air
2-3 Sep 1996 Operation DESERT STRIKE. Saddam Hussein attacked
Kurds and seized the city of Irbil in a zone protected by the U.S. In
response, Operation DESERT STRIKE commenced. The two B-52Hs
from Barksdale AFB started and ended their mission at AAFB, fired 13
conventional air launched cruise missiles (CALCM) against Iraqi targets
simultaneously with the USS Carl Vinson Battle Group in the Persian
6 August 1997 Korean Air Flt 801. The Boeing 747 crashed on Nimitz
Hill killing 228 of the 254 passengers and crew onboard. All military
services on Guam assisted with emergency and the recovery efforts.
8 Nov 2000 613th Contingency Response Squadron (613 CRS)
activated. Assigned to the 13th Air Force.
11 Apr 2001 VALIANT RETURN. On 1 Apr 2001, an USN
EP-3 Aries II was involved in the accidental collision with a
Chinese fighter jet and it landed at Hainan Island, China. On 11 Apt
2001, a Continental Airlines jet retrieved the crew from China and
flew them to their first U.S. soil, AAFB, Guam; where they spent a
few hours before departing on an C-17 to Hickam AFB, HI.
21-23 May 2001 Joint CAPEX. AAFB hosted PACAF
sponsored Combat Ammunition Production Exercise (CAPEX) for the first time. It was also the first Joint
Services CAPEX. 300 service members from three different branches of the military participated.
11 Sep 2001 9/11 Terrorist Attacks. At 2246L (Guam Time), American
Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade
Center, NY. By early 12 Sep, the 36 ABW went into FPCON Delta in
response to the terrorist attacks.
14 Sep 2001 Operation NOBLE EAGLE. After the terrorist attacks in
New York, Washington DC, and
Pennsylvania, the 36 ABW hosted the
VMFA-212 Lancers, USMC F/A-18
Hornets, MCAS Iwakuni. The VMFA-212
flew combat air patrol missions over Guam.
They were the first USMC squadron to
deploy after the 9/11 Attacks. At nearly the
same time, the USN Aegis cruiser USS
Cowpens (CG-63), from Yokosuka, Japan,
stood naval air defense offshore of Guam.
Sep 2001—July 2002 Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. AAFBs flight
11 Apr 2001 VALIANT
16 Sep 1996 - 30 Apr 1997
Operation PACIFIC HAVEN. After
Team Andersensupported 6,572
Kurdish refugees for six months.
Rows of KC-135s and KC-10s on the North Ramp during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, 2001.
21 June 1999 First Cope North
Guam. Exercise COPE NORTH ‘99
was the first time the Japan Air Self-
Defense Force (JASDF) deployed
outside of Japan since WWII.
B-52Hs First Combat Mission. Op DESERT
STRIKE, 1 of 2 BUFFs shown here returning
to AAFB, Guam, on 3 Sep 1996. (USAF)
Wreckage of KAL-801 smolders in the
morning of 6 Aug 1997, after crashing on
the Nimitz Hill. (Troy R. Wegleitner, DoD)
On 1 Oct 1994, the 36th Air Base Wing (36 ABW) activated at Andersen AFB; the 633 ABW was inactivated.
Prior to Guam, the 36th was a Fighter Wing (36 FW) at Bitburg AB, Germany. Other units also moved from
USAFE and activated on Guam that day were the: 36 LG (now MXG), 36 MDG, 36 SPTG (now MSG), 36
CES, 36 CONS, 36 CS, 36 MDOS, 36 MDSS, 36 MSS (now FSS), 36 MXS, 36 OSS, 36 SFS, 36 SPTS (now
LRS), & 36 CPTF (now CPTS). See 36th Wing Heritage Pamphlet for pre-1994 History.
line served as the epicenter for air bridge activity supporting and
servicing 3,211 aircraft, 38,000 passengers and 60,000 tons of cargo.
7 Oct 2001 US Combat Operations began in Afghanistan. Det. 1, 13
AF (Det. 1, 36 MSG), Diego Garcia, BIOT, provided facilities,
munitions, vehicles, ground equipment, supplies and fuel to sustain the
deployed bomber and tanker combat operations of the 40th Air
Expeditionary Wing (40 AEW).
30 Sep 2002 USAF-Wide Changes. The following groups
redesignated: 36th Logistics Group became the 36th Maintenance Group
(36 MXG) and the 36th Support Group became the 36th Mission Support
Group (36 MSG).
8 Dec 2002 Super Typhoon
PONGSONA. AAFB endured typhoon
strength winds for more than 17 hours.
Sustained winds reached 120 mph and
gusts were reported at 156 mph. The
total rainfall came to over 17 inches.
The widespread damage caused an
estimated $112.1 million.
28 March 2003 613th Contingency Response Group (613 CRG)
activated on AAFB. Also activated under the 613 CRG were the 613th
Mobility Response Squadron (613 MRS) and 613th Security
Forces Squadron (613 SFS).
9 Jul 2004 36th Munitions Squadron (36 MUNS) reactivated. It
had been inactive since 1979.
2 Mar 2005 First B-2 Spirit CBP. 393rd Expeditionary Bomb
Sq. (393 EBS) was the first B-2 Spirit unit to deploy in Continuous
Bomber Presence (CBP).
29 Apr 2005 Theater Security Package (TSP). AAFB hosted 12
F-15E Eagles of the 391st Expeditionary Fighter Squadron (391
EFS). This was the first TSP fighter unit deployed to Guam.
2 May 2005 13 AF Departed. The 13 AF transferred to Hickam
AFB, HI. The NAF had been on Guam since Dec 1991.
15 Sep 2005 Lancer Fire. 37 EBSs B-1B bomber, S/N 85-0066, burst into flames after landing at AAFB.
It was repaired and flown back to Ellsworth AFB, SD, 11 Jun
19 Jan 2006 CRG Swap. The 36 CRG activated at AAFB,
replacing the 613 CRG, who inactivated. Also activated that day
were the 36 MRS and 736 SFS.
c. Jun 2006 — 506th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron
(506 EARS) activated at AAFB for the deployed active and
reserve KC-135 Stratotanker unit rotations in PACOMs Theater
Security Package (TSP).
12 Feb 2007 36th Operations Group (36 OG), The
reestablishment ceremony was held for the 36 OG replacing the
Provisional 36th Expeditionary Operations Group (36 EOG) for
all deployed flying units assigned at AAFB.
10 May 2007 F-22 Raptors visited AAFB for the first time.
19 Jul 2007 RQ-4 Global Hawk visited Guam the first time.
1 Jan 2008 644th Combat Communications Squadron
(644 CBCS), reactivated at AAFB as 3rd of 5 eventual squadrons assigned to the 36 CRG.
22 Feb 2008 554th RED HORSE (554 RHS). The flag transfer ceremony for the 554 RHS from 7th Air
Force (to the 36 CRG was held. Transition marked the first time in USAF history, a RED HORSE unit was
aligned under a Wing.
1 Jul 2008 —36th Mission Support Squadron (36 MSS) was redesignated as the 36th Force Support
Squadron (36 FSS). The 36th Services Squadron
(36 SVS) was inactivated. The missions of both
the 36 MSS and 36 SVS were combined under the
new 36 FSS umbrella.
10 Sep 2008 New BX Grand Opening. A
ribbon cutting ceremony was held to open the
new 181,000 square foot AAFB AAFES Base
1924 June 2006 First Exercise VALIANT
SHIELD, formations of multi-service combat
aircraft & three USN Carrier Strike groups, of
the USS Kitty Hawk, USS Ronald Reagan and
USS Abraham Lincoln, led by a B-2 Spirit of
the 393 EBS. VALIANT SHIELD was an
exercise that focused on integration of joint
training among US forces. (USN)
19 Aug 2005 Andersen International
Airport. A Northwest Airlines 747 nose
gear collapsed while landing, blocking the
runway at Guams International Airport,
The 36 MXS assisted with emergency
removal of the aircraft and Team Andersen
landed nine civilian airliners at the base.
23 Feb 2008 B-2 Crash. 393 EBS, B-2 Spirit of KansasS/
N 87-0127, crashed while taking off from AAFB. The estimated
$1.4 billion accident was the most expensive aircraft crash in
history, both pilots ejected safely with minor injuries. (FAA)
5 Mar - Jun 2003, the 7th Air Expe-
ditionary Wing (7 AEW) activated
and was the first bomber wing as-
signed to AAFB since 1992. The
deployment of 12 B-1Bs and 12 B-
52Hs was the largest bomber deploy-
ment since the Vietnam War.
22 Feb 2004 Continuous
Bomber Presence (CBP), rotation-
al bomber deployments began
when six 23d Expeditionary Bomb
Squadron (23 EBS) B-52Hs from
Minot AFB arrived at AAFB.
6 Feb 2009 Joint Region Marianas (JRM) was established during
the ground breaking ceremony of the new JRM HQ on Nimitz Hill.
Brig Gen Ruhlman 36 WG/CC, attended the ceremony as the Deputy
Commander of JRM. While bases in CONUS were becoming Joint
Bases”, Guams became Joint Region since the bases were
geographically separated across the the island.
5 Aug 2010 36th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
(36 EAMXS), Provisional (P), activated for deployed aircraft
12 Mar-4 May 2011 Operation TOMADACHI. After the 8.9
Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami ravaged northern Honshu, Japan. The
554 RHS, 644 CBCS, and 36 MRS, sent 27 Airmen and equipment
for relief efforts. RQ-4 Global Hawks flew over 300 hours and were
used to help the U.S. and Japanese governments to assess damages
and helped to direct rescue teams.
6 Oct 2011 First Aviation Training Relocation (ATR). Marine
Fighter Attack Squadron 115 and Strike Fighter Squadron 94
conducted aerial and ground training in the Marianas. ATR was
training located outside of Japan for USAF, USMC, USN, and
JASDF aircraft. It enabled increased operational readiness for
maintainers, pilots, and support personnel, while managing the
noise impacts in and around the local communities of Japan.
14 Dec 2011 CHRISTMAS DROP ‘11. C-130H Hercules
aircrew from the 36th Airlift Squadron (36 AS), Yokota AB, Japan,
delivered 25 boxes of life-saving IV fluids to the Micronesian
Island of Fais from AAFB. The real-world emergency was an
outbreak of dengue fever infecting 35 percent of the population of
Fais which prompted a declaration of emergency.
11-24 Feb 2012 First Trilateral COPE NORTH. CN 12 took
place with Australian Air Force (RAAF) joining forces with USAF
and JASDF for the exercise.
c Apr 2013 Terminal High Altitude Area Defense. The first elements of the
US Armys THAAD system arrived at Northwest Field. The anti-ballistic
missile system under the name Task Force Talon was brought to Guam in
response to North Koreas threats .
10 Nov 4 Dec 2013 Operation DAMAYAN. 89 Airmen from the 36 CRG
deployed to Tacloban, Philippines, and the RQ-4 Global Hawk conducted
reconnaissance in assisting the rescue and relief efforts after Super Typhoon
HAIYAN struck.
14 - 28 Feb 2014 COPE NORTH 14. Turned real-world when the CNMI
governor declared the island of Rota under a state of emergency due to shortage
of food & other commodities. CN 14 participants provided humanitarian
20 Jun 2014 SILVER
FLAG. 554 RHS completed
the first mock course at PRTC, Northwest Field. In the
past the course was held by Det.1, 554 RHS, Kadena AB,
Japan until moved to Guam.
26 Jun 2015 The Last Blast. A 20 EBS B-52H dropped the last M117, 750-lbs bomb, from the PACAF (36
MUNS) stockpile. The last Vietnam War Era ordnance was dropped on Farallon de Medinilla Island (FDM).
29 Jul 2015 First Chamorro Airman General. Brig General Johnny Lizama, Guam Air National Guard
GUANG), became the first Chamorro Airman promoted to
USAF general officer.
2 Aug 2015 Typhoon
SOUDELOR, hit the island of
Saipan, CNMI, and caused
widespread damage to homes
& the power systems.
Numerous agencies
contributed to the disaster
relief efforts including: 36
CRG, HSC-25, & the USS
Ashland (LSD-48).
15 Aug 2016 B-1B Returned CBP. The BONES of the 34 EBS returned
in support of PACOMs Continuous Bomber Presence (CBP) mission. It
was the first time B-1Bs were part of CBP rotation since 23 Apr 2006.
21 Jul 2008 RAIDER 21 Crash. 20
EBS B-52H, S/N 61-0053, nose art
Louisiana Firecrashed into the Philip-
pine Sea while maneuvering for the annual
Liberation Day Parade fly-over. RAIDER
21 Memorial in Anigua, Guam, honors
the memory of the six B-52H Airmen who
lost their lives on Liberation Day 2008.
21 Apr 2009 Stealths First OCONUS
Deployment. The B-2 Spirit and F-22 Raptor
conducted their first OCONUS deployment
together at AAFB, Guam. (USAF)
Gen OShaughnessy, PACAF/CC,
visits Soldiers of the 94th Army Air
and Missile Defense Commands
Task Force Talon, THAAD on
Northwest Field, 1 Feb 2017.
20 Sep 2010 RQ-4 Global
Hawk Arrived. The Det. 3, 9
OG, brought significant intelli-
gence, surveillance and recon-
naissance (ISR) capabilities to
the Pacific Theater. (USAF)
First Intl Operation CHRISTMAS DROP 2015
25 Apr 2015 Operation SAHAYOGI HAAT.
devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck
Nepal. The 36 CRG responded to call. Photo:
4 May 2015, the 36 CRG boards a C-17 Globe-
master III, AAFB, bound for Nepal. (USAF)
7 Dec 2017 Northwest Field (NWF) Pacific Regional
Training Center (PRTC). 11 years after ground-breaking, the
554 RHS held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the
conclusion of more than 70 construction projects, valued at
$251 million, making up the new PRTC. Airmen used facilities
to prepare for contingency and deployment missions.
11 Dec 2017 Operation Christmas Drop ‘17, was the first to
feature 374 AWs new C-130J Super Hercules from Yokota
AB, Japan.
c. Jan 2018 554 RHS deployed to South Korea. Airmen
from the 554 RHS, 36 CRG, AAFB, deployed to assist the 7 AF
in repairs and construction projects at multiple bases on the
Korean Peninsula.
526 Oct 2018 Operation DHARMA PALU. On 28 Sep, the 7.5 Magnitude SULAWESI earthquake
struck north of Palu, Indonesia. It triggered a large tsunami that left
4,340 dead, 10,679 injured, and thousands displaced.
INDOPACOM sent three C-130J Super Hercules from 374 AW,
Yokota AB, Japan and 30 Airmen from the 36 CRGs “911 Force
assisted USAID in Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HA/DR)
25 Oct 2018 Super Typhoon YUTU, devastated the islands of
Saipan and Tinian. The 36 CRG, 36 CES, and the tenant units 734
AMS, USNs HSC-25, and Guam National Guard provided disaster
relief from AAFB.
22-24 Feb 2019 COPE NORTH ‘19 EVAC. CN 19’s 3,000
international Airmen demonstrated flexibility when Typhoon
WUTIPs closest point of approach (CPA) initiated inclement
weather plans. Many of the 100 assigned exercise aircraft needed to evacuate from Guam, then later returned.
28 Mar 2019 36th Mobility Response Squadron (36 MRS) redesignated to 36th
Contingency Response Sq. (36 CRS).
1 Jun 2019 36th Contingency Response Support Squadron (36 CRSS) activated
on AAFB. It was the 5th Squadron assigned to the 36 CRG.
17 - 28 Jun 2019 — Operation Christmas Drop Movie. A movie about the
annual Christmas Drop was filmed on AAFB and off-base Guam. Many of Team
Andersens Airman participated as extras. It was one of the first movies filmed on
Guam to be widely distributed (See 1-30 Aug 1970). The movie was released on 5
Nov 2020.
10 Dec 2019 Operation Christmas Drop ‘19. A fourth international partner, the
Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF), joined the humanitarian airdrop. The first
multi-national OCD took place in 2015 when C-130 Hercules from the Japanese
Air Self
Defense Force
(JSDF), and the Royal Australian Air
Force (RAAF) joined the USAF.
26 Jan 2020 MQ-4C Triton. The
USNs version of the RQ-4 Global
Hawk arrived at AAFB, Guam.
Unmanned Patrol Squadron (VUP) 19,
the first Triton squadron operated two
aircraft. The MQ-4C conducted
intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance missions; also, brought
increased persistence, capability, and
capacity through its multi-sensor
mission payload.
7 Mar 2020 — Patriot Express. The AMC rotator commercial charter flight began routine flights for
passengers between AAFB, Guam, and the Seattle-
Tacoma International Airport, WA.
17 Mar 2020 COVID-19. In response to the virus
spreading around the world and on Guam, Brig Gen
Gentry Boswell, 36 WG/CC, declared a Public
Health Emergency. What was not known then was
how long COVID would last. At the start of 2022,
Guam seemed to be getting back to normal.
1 May 2020 First Bomber Task Force (BTF)
13 Apr 2020 Elephant Walk. USN MH-60S Knighthawks, USAF RQ-4
Global Hawk, USN MQ-4C Triton, B-52H Stratofortresses, & KC-135
Stratotankers assigned to Guam performed an "Elephant Walk". During
COVID-19, it showed Team Andersen's ability to generate combat airpower
at a moment's notice to ensure regional stability throughout the Indo-Pacific.
17 Aug 2016 All three of AFGSC's
strategic bombers simultaneously conducted
operations in the U.S. PACOM area of
operations for the first time in history.
19 May 2016 69 EBS, B-52H, S/N 60-0047,
Nose art Neanderthaulhad a take off accident
at AAFB. All seven Crewdogs egressed safely.
24 Nov 2020 PACAF Agile Combat Employment (ACE).
F-22s assigned to the 94 FS, 1 FW, Joint Base Langley-
Eustis, VA, deployed to AAFB, Guam, conducted hot refuel
during a Dynamic Force Employment on Palau. 36 ASs
C-130J Super Hercules refueled the Raptors using Aerial
Bulk Fuel Delivery System which supports the ACE concept.
Deployment. The Continuous Bomber Presence (CBP) ended in Apr 2020,
after being on the Forward Edgefor over 16 years. The new BTF rotation
arrived in the form of Four B-1B Lancers of the 9 BS, 7 BW, Dyess AFB,
TX. It was the first BTF on Guam since B-2 Spirits, Jan 2019.
30 Jun 2020 C-17 Globemasters Airdrop. Paratroopers from the 4th
Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, U.S. Army
Alaska, parachuted onto AAFB as part of their Emergency Deployment
Readiness Exercise from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
23 Jul 2020 4th Reconnaissance
Squadron. The 319th Operations
Group, Detachment 1 was a tenant
unit at AAFB. Their RQ-4 Global
Hawks deployed to Japan nearly every
year since 2014. In 2020, the 319 OG,
Det. 1. deactivated and the old 4th
Reconnaissance Sq. reactivated. The
4 RS was assigned to the 319 OG, Grand Forks AFB, ND.
Jul 2021 PACIFIC IRON 21. 35 Fighters, Mobility Aircraft, 800
Airmen, and support equipment operated from AAFB, Guam
International Airport, Northwest Field, and Tinian International
Airport to conduct ACE.
22 - 24 May 2023 Typhoon MAWAR was a Category 4 typhoon,
that produced winds of at least 130 miles per hour, making it the
strongest typhoon to strike Guam in two decades. As it tore through
the Rota Channel the southern portion of the eye wall passed over
the northernmost parts of Guam, that being Pati Point on Andersen AFB and the Ritidian Wildlife Refuge
near Northwest Field. An assessment of the base showed that nearly 500 facilities sustained some sort of
damage and more than 100 needed significant repair. It was estimated that AAFB required nearly $9.7
billion to rebuild and improve its facilities on the island.
11 Dec 2021, 35th Rota Walk.
SrA Alexander Lawrence, 734
AMS, constructed the 8-foot
Operation Candy Drop C-17
replica. The 35th Annual Rota
Walk was attended and enjoyed
by over 4,000 people. (USAF)
14 Dec 2021, 70th Operation Christmas
Drop. C-130J Hercules crew, call sign
SANTA 63, 36 AS, 374 AW, Yokota AB,
Japan, prepares to Bring Love from
Above.70th The DODs longest-running
humanitarian airlift operation. (USAF)
19 Jul 2023 Exercise Mobility Guardian 2023. U.S. and
Allied aircraft conduct an elephant walk on Andersen AFB
less than two months after Typhoon MAWAR. Guam hosted
part of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Commands exercise where
more than 15,000 U.S. and Allied forces are participated in
various exercises across the INDOPACOM area of responsi-
bility to enhance readiness and interoperability. (USAF)
5 Feb 2024 COPE NORTH ‘24 Elephant Walk. U.S. and Allied
aircraft conduct an elephant walk on Andersen AFB. CN24 aimed to
further integrate ally and partner nations contributions towards enhancing
security and stability to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific. (USAF)
Operation Christmas Drop (OCD) 2023
Featured a multinational formation flight for the
first time. (L-R) A C-130J Super Hercules, 36th
Airlift Sq., Royal Canadian Air Force C-130J
Super Hercules assigned to the 436th Transport
Sq., a Japan Air Self-Defense Force C-130H
Hercules assigned to the 401st Tactical Airlift
Sq., and a Republic of Korea Air Force C-130H
Hercules assigned to the 251st Airlift Sq. fly in
formation near Guam on 9 Dec 2023. (USAF)
(Left to Right) 24 May 2023, satellite image of Typhoon MAWAR just before striking Andersen AFB, Guam. On 26 May
2023, Airmen and dependents receive cases of water in the aftermath of MAWAR near an overturned vehicle outside the
Magellan Dining Facility. A photograph shows the 36th Wing emblem torn off the Air Traffic Control tower. (USAF)
North Field, Guam, 03 February 1945
314th Bombardment Wing (Very Heavy), 17 January 1945
Gen Thomas S. Power, 29 Aug 1944
Col Carl R Storrie, 23 Jul 1945
19th Bombardment Group (Very Heavy), 15 May 1946
Col Vincent M Miles Jr, 1 Mar 1946
Col Elbert D Reynolds, 13 Apr 1946
Col David Wade, 26 Apr 1947
Col Francis C Shoemaker, 8 Nov 1947
Col Robert V DeShazo, 2 Dec 1947
19th Bombardment Wing (Medium), 17 August 1948
Lt Col Clarence G. Poff, 17 Aug 1948
Col Robert V. DeShazo, 24 Sep 1948
Maj Gen Alvan C. Kincaid, 16 May 1949
Brig Gen Alfred R. Maxwell, 1 Jun 1949
Andersen Air Force Base, 7 October 1949
Col Frederick E. Calhoun, 26 Nov 1949
Brig Gen Adlai H. Gilkeson, 29 Nov 1949
Brig Gen Robert W.C. Wamsatt, 27 May 1951
6319th Air Base Wing, 1 June 1953 - 18 Jun 1954
Brig Gen Robert W.C. Wamsatt, 1 June 1953
Col Edwin G. Simenson, 12 Jun 1953
3d Air Division, 18 Jun 1954 – 1 Apr 1970
(3960th Air Base/Strategic Wing, 1 Apr 1955 – 1 Jul 1970)
Maj Gen Joseph D. Caldara, 18 Jun 1954
Brig Gen Nils O. Ohman, 10 Feb 1955
Maj Gen Charles W. Schott, 1 Oct 1956
Lt Gen Richard M. Montgomery, 3 Sep 1958
Maj Gen John M. Reynolds, 2 Aug 1959
Maj General William C. Kingsbury, 7 Jul 1961
Brig General Harold W. Ohlke, 2 Jul 1963
Maj Gen William J. Crumm, 16 July 1965
Brig Gen John W. Kline, 7 Jul 1967
Lt Gen Selmon Willard Wells, 8 Jul 1967
Lt Gen Alvan C. Gillem II, 6 Jun 1968
8th Air Force, 1 Jul 1970 – 1 Jan 1975
(43d Strategic/Bomb Wing, 1 Jul 1970 – 1 Oct 1989)
Lt Gen Alvan C. Gillem II, 1 Apr 1970
Brig Gen Leo C. Lewis, 11 Jul 1970
Lt Gen Sam J. Byerley, 1 Aug 1970
Lt Gen Gerald W. Johnson, 14 Sep 1971
Lt Gen George H. McKee, 1 Oct 1973
Maj Gen Charles F. Minter Sr., 30 Aug 1974
3d Air Division, 1 Jan 1975 – 12 Sep 1988
Maj Gen Charles F. Minter Sr., 1 Jan 1975
Maj General Thomas F. Rew, Aug. 20, 1975
Maj Gen Hilding L. Jacobson Jr., Aug. 17, 1976
Maj Gen Andrew Pringle, 30 Apr 1978
Maj Gen Louis C. Buckman, 13 August 1979
Maj Gen Stanley C. Beck, 12 Aug 1980
Brig Gen Clarence R. Autery, 27 Aug 1982
Lt Gen E.G. "Buck" Shuler Jr, July 1984
Maj Gen Donald L. Marks, July 1986
3d Air Div departed AAFB to Hickam, 12 Sep 1988
19 BG/
3 AD
Chronological List of the Most Senior Commanders, Andersen AFB
Each commanders highest rank achieved in the USAF
3960 ABW
8 AF
43 SW/BW
13th Air Force, 2 Dec 1991 -- 1 May 2005
(633d Air Base Wing, 1 Oct 1989 1 Oct 1994)
Maj Gen H. Hale Burr, Jr., 2 Dec 1991
Lt Gen Richard T. Swope, 21 Jul 1994
Maj Gen John R. Dallager, 22 Apr 1996
Lt Gen Thomas C. Waskow, 20 Aug 1998
Maj Gen Daniel M. Dick, May 1999
Maj Gen Theodore W. BillLay II, 14 Nov 2000
Lt Gen Dennis R. Larsen, 21 Sep 2002
Gen Edward A. Rice, Jr., 24 Jan 2005
13 AF departed AAFB to Hickam, 1 May 2005
36th Air Expeditionary Wing, 20 Feb 2004
Col Paul K. White, 1 May 2005
Maj Gen Michael Boera, Jun 2005
36th Wing, 15 Mar 2006 Current
Lt Gen Douglas H. Owens, 25 Oct 2006
Brig Gen Philip Rulhman, 2 Sep 2008
Brig Gen John W. Doucette, 25 Jun 2010
Brig Gen Steven D. Garland, 26 Jun 2012
Maj Gen Andrew J. Toth, 19 Jun 2014
Brig Gen Douglas A. Cox, 6 May 2016
Brig Gen Gentry W. Boswell, 8 Jun 2018
Brig Gen Jeremy T. Sloane, 8 Jul 2020
Brig Gen Paul R. Birch, 10 Jun 2022
Col Larry Fenner Jr., 21 Mar 2023
Brig Gen Paul R. Fast, 8 Apr 2023
Brig Gen Thomas B. Palenske, 30 Jun 2023
13 AF
633 ABW
Quite the difference
80 years makes!
(Top Photo) On 25 April 1944, a
USN reconnaissance aircraft took
this photo of the Japanese held
Savana Grande, Guam, now An-
dersen AFB. (Bottom photo) A
recent aerial view of Andersen
AFB at dusk. (USAF)