U.S. Department of Justice
United States Parole Commission
Isaac Fulwood
, Chairman
May 2003
Isaac Fulwood, Chairman
Cranston J. Mitchell
John R. Simpson
This report was prepared by Peter B. Hoffman, Ph.D.,
a consultant to the Parole Commission. It updates an
earlier history of the Parole Commission prepared by
Dr. Hoffman in 1997 when he was Staff Director of
le Commission.
May 2003
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Parole of federal prisoners began after enactment of legislation on June 25, 1910. There were
three federal penitentiaries and parole was granted by a parole board at each institution. The
membership of each parole board consisted of the warden of the institution, the physician of the
institution, and the Superintendent of Prisons of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
By legislation of May 13, 1930, a single Board of Parole in Washington, D.C. was
established. This Board consisted of three members, serving full time, appointed by the Attorney
General. The Bureau of Prisons performed the administrative functions of the Board. In August
1945, the Attorney General ordered that the Board report directly to him for administrative purposes.
In August 1948, due to a postwar increase in prison population, the Attorney General appointed two
additional members, increasing the Board of Parole to five members.
By legislation of September 30, 1950, the Board was increased to eight members appointed
by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for six-year, staggered terms. The Board
was placed in the Department of Justice for administrative purposes. Three of the eight members
were designated by the Attorney General to serve as a Youth Corrections Division pursuant to the
Youth Corrections Act.
In October 1972, the Board of Parole began a pilot reorganization project that eventually
included the establishment of five regions, creation of explicit guidelines for parole release
decision-making, provision of written reasons for parole decisions, and an administrative appeal
process. By October 1974, five regions were operational with one member and five hearing
examiners assigned to each region. The chairman and two members remained in Washington, D.C.,
at the headquarters office.
In May 1976, the Parole Commission and Reorganization Act took effect. This Act re-titled
the Board of Parole as the United States Parole Commission and established it as an independent
agency within the Department of Justice. The Act provided for nine commissioners appointed by the
President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for six year terms. These included a chairman,
five regional commissioners, and a three-member National Appeals Board. In addition, the Act
incorporated the major features of the Board of Parole's pilot reorganization project: a requirement
for explicit guidelines for parole decision-making and written reasons for parole denial; a regional
structure; and an administrative appeal process. The Youth Corrections Division of the Board of
Parole was eliminated and its duties absorbed by the Commission.
Eight years later, the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 created a United States
Sentencing Commission to establish sentencing guidelines for the federal courts and established a
regime of determinate sentences. The Chairman of the Parole Commission is an ex-officio, non-
voting, member of the Sentencing Commission. The decision to establish sentencing guidelines was
based in substantial part on the success of the U.S. Parole Commission in developing and
implementing its parole guidelines. On April 13, 1987, the U.S. Sentencing Commission submitted
to Congress its initial set of sentencing guidelines, which took effect on November 1, 1987.
Defendants sentenced for offenses committed on or after November 1, 1987 serve determinate terms
under the sentencing guidelines and are not eligible for parole consideration. Post-release
supervision, termed Asupervised release,@ is provided as a separate part of the sentence under the
jurisdiction of the court.
Under the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, the United States Parole Commission
retained jurisdiction over defendants who committed their offenses prior to November 1, 1987. At
the same time, the Act provided for the abolition of the Parole Commission on November 1, 1992
(five years after the sentencing guidelines took effect). This phase-out provision did not adequately
provide for persons sentenced under the law in effect prior to November 1, 1987 who had not yet
completed their sentences. Elimination of, or reduction in, parole eligibility for such cases would
raise a serious ex post facto issue. To address this problem, the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990
extended the life of the Parole Commission until November 1, 1997.
The Parole Commission Phaseout Act of 1996 again extended the life of the Parole
Commission for the same reason. This Act authorized the continuation of the Parole Commission
until November 1, 2002. In addition, it provided for a reduction in the number of Parole
Commissioners B to two Commissioners by December 31, 1999, and one Commissioner by
December 31, 2001 B and required the Attorney General, beginning in 1998, to report to Congress
annually on whether it was more cost effective for the Parole Commission to continue as a separate
agency or for its remaining functions to be transferred elsewhere. The Attorney General has reported
each year that it is more cost effective for the Parole Commission to continue as a separate agency.
The National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997 gave the
Parole Commission significant additional responsibilities. First, the Act provided for the abolition of
the District of Columbia Board of Parole by August 5, 2000 and the transfer of its responsibilities to
the U.S. Parole Commission. On August 5, 1998, the Parole Commission assumed jurisdiction over
all parole release decisions for prisoners confined under D.C. Code felony sentences. On August 5,
2000, the Parole Commission assumed jurisdiction over parole and mandatory release supervision
and revocation decisions for all persons serving D.C. Code felony sentences. Second, the Act
required the District of Columbia to move to a determinate sentencing system (at least for certain
offenses), provided for terms of supervised release to follow the determinate sentences to be
imposed, and gave the Parole Commission ongoing responsibility for supervision and revocation
decisions for D.C. Code offenders subject to terms of supervised release under the new determinate
sentencing system. In August 2000, the District of Columbia enacted a determinate sentencing
system for all offenses committed on or after August 5, 2000.
At the end of 2001, the first D.C.
Code determinate sentence cases were released from prison on supervised release under the
jurisdiction of the Parole Commission. Third, the Act repealed the portion of the 1996 Act that
reduced the number of Parole Commissioners authorized and instead provided for five Parole
As the statute was signed on August 11, 2000 at 5:00 p.m., offenses committed on or after August 5, 2000
but before August 11, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. may be subject to the provisions of the ex post facto clause.
Since the decision to abolish the Parole Commission in the Comprehensive Crime Control
Act of 1984, Congress has twice extended the life of the Parole Commission, most recently until
November 1, 2002. Congress also has given the Parole Commission additional ongoing
responsibilities, including the responsibility for making prison-term decisions in foreign transfer
treaty cases for offenses committed on or after November 1, 1987 (Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988);
jurisdiction over all state defendants who are accepted into the U.S. Marshals Service Witness
Protection Program (Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988); the responsibility for the release and supervision
of all remaining indeterminate sentence D.C. Code felony offenders (National Capital Revitalization
and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997); and responsibility for the supervision of all new-
law D.C. Code determinate sentence felony offenders released on supervised release (National
Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997). In addition to the above
responsibilities, the Parole Commission continues to have responsibility for the remaining Aold-law@
indeterminate sentence federal offenders in prison or under supervision, as well as ongoing
responsibility for military code offenders serving sentences in Bureau of Prisons institutions.
In the Parole Commission Phaseout Act of 1996, Congress recognized that some form of
parole function would have to remain beyond 2002, but this Act did not envision the substantial,
ongoing responsibilities for D.C. Code felony offenders given the Parole Commission by the
National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997.
The 21
Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act of 2002 extended
the life of the Parole Commission until November 1, 2005. The Act also requests a study be
completed prior to that date examining whether responsibility for supervised release for offenders
sentenced out of the District of Columbia Superior Court should remain with the Parole Commission
or be transferred to another agency. As of the preparation of this document (May 2003), the status
of the Parole Commission beyond November 1, 2005 remains unresolved.
Part 1 presents a chronological history of the federal parole system from its origin to the
present day.
Part 2 provides a list of the sixty-three men and women who have served as
Members/Commissioners of the U.S. Board of Parole/U.S. Parole Commission and a brief
biographical sketch for each.
Part 3 illustrates the workload of the U.S. Board of Parole/U.S. Parole Commission from
1931 to the present.
Part 4 contains a list of books, articles, and other materials relevant to the history of the
federal parole system.
The precursors of parole in the federal system were (1) the exercise of the Presidential power
to commute sentences, and (2) the reduction in the term of imprisonment by institutional officials for
good conduct. In each case, the prisoner was released from imprisonment prior to the expiration of
the sentence set by the court.
Set forth below is a chronological history of the federal parole system. Significant events are
shown corresponding to the date listed. At the end of each entry, the source material is shown in
brackets. Entries without a bracketed citation are based either on the source described in the entry
itself or on the personal knowledge of the author. The following are the primary source materials
AGSRP Attorney General's Survey of Release Practices, Volumes I (Digest of Federal and
State Laws on Release Procedures) and IV (Parole). (1939). U.S. Department of
ARUSBP Annual Report of the United States Board of Parole. The year covered by the report
is shown in parentheses.
ARUSPC Annual Report of the United States Parole Commission. The year covered by the
report is shown in parentheses.
EUSBPR An Evaluation of the U.S. Board of Parole Reorganization. (1975). Management
Programs and Budget Staff, Office of Management and Finance, U.S. Department of
FPJ Federal Probation Journal. Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The volume
and number are shown in parentheses (e.g., 4/2 is Volume 4, Number 2).
HUSBP History of the United States Board of Parole. (undated, circa 1976). A
mimeographed document prepared by James C. Neagles, Staff Director of the U.S.
Board of Parole.
PDMR Parole Decision-Making Reports. (1973). Research Center of the National Council on
Crime and Delinquency. A set of fourteen reports describing the Parole Decision-
Making Project.
PDMSR Parole Decision Making: Selected Reprints. U.S. Parole Commission. The volume
number is shown in parentheses. Six volumes containing reprints of articles
concerning parole decision making. Many of the articles were prepared by staff of
the U.S. Parole Commission.
Date Event
1867 The first statute providing for the reduction of sentences of federal prisoners because
of good conduct was enacted. This statute authorized a deduction of one month in
each year from the term of sentence of federal prisoners confined in state jails or
penitentiaries, upon the certificate of the warden or keeper with the approval of the
Secretary of the Interior. [AGSRP]
1870 The Department of Justice was created. [AGSRP]
The good time statute was amended to provide that the good time specified in the act
of 1867 applied only to institutions in which no other good time credits were
allowed. In all other cases, the deductions applicable to state prisoners were to apply.
1872 The duties of the Secretary of the Interior relating to the imprisonment and discharge
of federal prisoners were transferred to the Department of Justice. [AGSRP]
1875 The schedule of credits was changed so that federal prisoners in any state or
territorial institution in which no system of good time credits existed might earn a
credit of five days for each month in which no charge of misconduct was sustained.
1891 As part of legislation providing for the establishment of federal prisons, the Attorney
General was given authority for the reduction of sentences for good behavior, but not
to exceed two months for the first or any succeeding year of imprisonment.
1902 A general revision of the good-time credit statute was made, placing all federal
prisoners, wherever confined, on an equal basis. The schedule of good-time credits
was made more liberal and graduated so as to increase with the length of sentence.
The credits allowed per month follow: Five days upon a sentence of not less than 6
months nor more than 1 year; six days upon a sentence of more than one year and less
than 3 years; seven days on sentence of at least 3 years but less than 5 years; eight
days on a sentence of at least 5 years but less than 10 years; and ten days on a
sentence of 10 years or more. In addition, a prisoner in a camp or employed in prison
industry could earn an additional three days per month in the first year and five days
per month in each succeeding year. [AGSRP]
Good-time credits are primarily under the control of the officials of the institution at
which the prisoner is confined. Forfeitures for breach of institutional rules are
determined by the warden after the prisoner has been given a hearing before a
disciplinary board composed of three members of the prison staff with the deputy
warden or disciplinary officer acting as chairman. The prisoner has the privilege of
replying and may choose some member of the staff to represent him as counsel. This
board thoroughly investigates the alleged misconduct, hears the prisoner and any
witnesses he may wish to present, and the members individually recommend to the
warden the extent of discipline. The Bureau of Prisons issues general policies
concerning the administration of good-time deductions. [AGSRP]
The Attorney General is granted authority to restore credits lost because of
misconduct of prisoners in any United States penitentiary upon recommendation and
evidence submitted to him by the warden in charge. As to prisoners in state or
territorial institutions, restorations are governed by the rules of the particular
institution. [AGSRP]
There was no post-release supervision for persons released by good time. [HUSBP]
1910 The federal parole system was created with the passage of an act authorizing the
parole of prisoners sentenced to terms of one year or more. Any such prisoner was
made eligible for parole upon the expiration of one-third of his or her sentence. The
power to grant and revoke parole was placed in the hands of the respective boards of
parole established at the several penitentiaries and prisons. The board of parole at
each penitentiary was composed of the superintendent of prisons in the Department
of Justice and the warden and physician of the particular penitentiary. The board of
parole at any federal prison other than a penitentiary was composed of the
superintendent of prisons and such officers of the particular prison as the Attorney
General designated. [AGSRP]
The first person to hold the position of Superintendent of Prisons was Robert V.
Ladow. [HUSBP]
A parole officer was provided for each penitentiary to supervise parolees and to
perform such other duties as the board of parole might direct. It was provided that
supervision of parolees might also be devolved upon the United States Marshals.
The parole officer at each penitentiary served mainly as a clearing house for the
volunteers and United States Marshals who had personal contact with the parolees.
[ARUSBP (1970-72)]
The Act of 1910 also provided that whenever any person has been convicted of any
offense against the United States and sentenced and confined in any state reformatory
or institution, he becomes subject to the parole laws applicable to the inmates of such
institution. [AGSRP]
The Act of 1910 further provided that no parole from either a state or federal
institution became effective until approved by the Attorney General. [AGSRP]
Upon violation of parole, the Warden or any member of the institutional board of
parole was empowered to issue a warrant for his retaking. A revocation hearing was
conducted by the board of parole at the institution soon after his return. Each
institution employed a parole officer (at a salary not to exceed $1,500) to assist parole
applicants in obtaining employment and supervise parolees after release. U.S.
Marshals were used as parole supervisors when needed. A system of monthly reports
by parolees and their "first friends" was initiated. [HUSBP]
1911 The first Rules of the Board of Parole were promulgated. [HUSBP]
1913 The federal parole statute was amended so as to make prisoners serving a life term
eligible for parole after the service of 15 years. [AGSRP]
No further amendments were made to the parole law until 1930. [AGSRP]
1930 The federal parole system was materially altered by legislation in 1930:
C In lieu of the several institutional parole boards, there was created a single
parole board in the Department of Justice to be composed of three members
appointed by the Attorney General. This board (the United States Board of
Parole) was given power to grant parole without any requirement of approval
by the Attorney General. Salaries for the three parole board members in 1930
were $7,500 per year each.
C Eligibility for parole of persons sentenced to federal institutions with
sentences of more than one year was set at one third of the maximum
sentence or 15 years in the case of a life sentence:
C "Every prisoner who has been or may hereafter be convicted of any offense
against the United States and is confined in any United States penitentiary or
prison, for a definite term or terms of over 1 year, or for the term of his
natural life, whose record of conduct shows that he has observed the rules of
the rules of such institution, and who, if sentenced for a definite term, has
served one-third of the total of the term or terms for which he was sentenced,
or, if sentenced for the term of his natural life has served not less than 15
years, may be released on parole" if it appears to the Board of Parole "that
such applicant will live and remain at liberty without violating the laws, and
if in the opinion of the Board such release is not incompatible with the
welfare of society."
C A federal offender serving his sentence in a state institution was eligible for
parole under the same terms and conditions and by the same authority as a
prisoner committed to that institution by a state court, but all such paroles
were subject to approval by the United States Board of Parole. Supervision
within the state was provided by state authorities. If the parolee was
permitted to return to his home outside that state, his supervision was
devolved upon the United States Marshal in the district in which the parolee
C The legislation also provided for the transfer of the supervision of federal
parolees to the probation officers that supervised probationers for the federal
courts by providing that federal probation officers shall perform such duties
with respect to persons on parole as the Attorney General shall request. The
position of federal probation officer had been established by legislation in
1925 that for the first time authorized courts to impose probation in federal
cases. As originally enacted, the probation statute required appointments for
probation officers to be made by the judge of the particular district from the
civil service register, but in 1930 the requirement for use of the civil service
register was removed. The Bureau of Prisons (which had general oversight
responsibility for the probation system) promulgated general qualifications
which appointees should possess. In brief, these provided that persons
selected should have physical vigor and mental adaptability, at least a high
school education plus one year in college or a year's experience in organized
probation work, and thorough training in the technique of social
investigation. General oversight of supervision activities with respect to
persons on parole was provided by the parole executive whose office was
attached to the Board of Parole in Washington, D.C. [AGSRP]
Appointments to the parole board by the Attorney General were for an indefinite
period. [HUSBP]
Although the Federal Probation Act was passed in 1925, the first Congressional
appropriation to implement that act was in 1927, and five officers were appointed
that year. Two more were appointed in 1928, including Richard A. Chappell who
was later to serve on the Board of Parole. [HUSBP]
Preparation for parole was the responsibility of institutional parole officers, who, as
staff members in the several institutions, participated in classification procedures,
developed social histories, prepared and assembled official reports, and were
responsible for social case work involving the prisoner and his or her family in the
community. Under the original parole act, an institutional parole officer was
appointed by the parole board at each institution. In 1930, this authority was
transferred to the United States Board of Parole, but was actually exercised by the
Bureau of Prisons, subject to the satisfaction of the Board of Parole. In 1930, the
salary of an institutional parole officer was set at $2,000 to $2,600 per year.
The first offices of the Board of Parole were located in Room 201 of the Tower
Building in Washington, D.C. The first three parole board members entered on duty
on June 13, 1930. An executive secretary was employed to act as the administrative
officer of the board. [HUSBP]
1931 In the Board's first year of operation, the Board's three members traveled as a group
to hold hearings in institutions. After a short experimental period in which they
discovered that two-thirds of their time was spent in travel status, they began
traveling singly to conduct hearings with the vote taken later at headquarters in
Washington, D.C. When traveling as a group, the Board heard an average of 40
cases per day and made on-the-spot decisions relative to parole. The Board also
made decisions on federal prisoners serving sentences in state institutions. In these
cases, a local board made recommendations to the Board of Parole. [HUSBP]
During the first year of operation, the Board heard a large number of offenders who
had violated the National Prohibition Act. In the year or two after the Board was
created, it paroled a large percentage of this type of law violator. [HUSBP]
Due to the volume of work, three secretaries were assigned to the parole board in
addition to the administrative clerk. Two reporters were also employed to transcribe
the Board's hearings. [HUSBP]
Legislation was enacted providing for parole for the purposes of deportation. During
this year, 133 such paroles were granted. [HUSBP]
1932 Two significant amendments were made to the parole law. First, it was provided that
a parolee shall continue on parole until the expiration of the maximum terms
specified in his sentence without deduction for such allowance for good conduct.
Previously, in the case of a person who was released on parole, good conduct
deductions earned in prison operated to shorten the period of parole. Second, it was
provided that any person to whom parole is not granted, but who is released prior to
the expiration of the maximum term because of good-conduct deductions shall upon
release be treated as if released on parole and shall be subject to all provisions of law
relating to the parole of United States prisoners until the maximum term or terms
specified in his sentence. [AGSRP]
Legislation creating a separate parole board for the District of Columbia removed
from the federal parole board jurisdiction over prisoners confined in institutions of
the District of Columbia. [HUSBP]
The National Prohibition Act was repealed and there was a dramatic reduction in the
number of this type of law violator in federal prisons. The proportion of parole
grants to denial also declined. [HUSBP]
1933 The title of the administrative officer of the board was changed from executive
secretary to parole executive. [HUSBP]
1936 James V. Bennett was promoted from Assistant Director to Director of the Bureau of
Prisons, replacing Sanford Bates. The Parole Board and the Federal Probation
System were still assigned to the Bureau of Prisons and thus under Mr. Bennett'
supervision. [HUSBP]
Reports written during this year show that there was an emphasis by the Board to
ensure that parolees were returned to their bona fide residences at the time of their
release. The Board attempted to "diminish the assaults and larcenies committed
against prisoners en route to their homes" by mailing most of the prisoners' money to
them at their city of residence. [HUSBP]
1937 Myrl Alexander became the parole executive. Two years later he left the board and
returned to his administrative duties at the Bureau of Prisons. Mr. Alexander later
became the third director of the Bureau of Prisons. [HUSBP]
1938 The Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act was approved June 16, 1938. This Act
provided that juveniles could be paroled by the Board of Parole at any time after
commitment (i.e., that there was no minimum term of imprisonment required before
the juvenile was eligible for parole consideration). [HUSBP]
1939 The Board appointed its first hearing examiner on May 21, 1939. Three were
eventually appointed. Initially, they held hearings in cases of prisoners serving terms
of one year and one day. [HUSBP]
Attorney General Murphy called a National Parole Conference, which was held in
Washington, D.C. The conference followed a long term fact-finding project financed
largely by Works Project Administration (WPA) funds. The project was directed by
Wayne L. Morse, who later became a Senator of the United States, and resulted in the
five-volume Attorney General's Survey of Release Procedures. As a result of this
conference, AA Declaration of the Principles of Parole@ was adopted. The conference
proceedings were published as Proceedings - National Parole Conference,
Washington, D.C., April 17-18, 1939. [HUSBP]
In contrast to the liberal trend of granting reparole, which was extended by the Board
five or six years before, the Board in 1939 granted no reparoles at all and rereleased
only five conditional releasees. [HUSBP]
The following were the basic parole board procedures (circa 1939):
C Application for Parole. A short while before a federal prisoner became
eligible for parole, he is furnished with an application form. This is a very
brief form on which the applicant was to enter certain information about
himself, his plans, the nature of his crime, his prospective employer, and the
person he desires as his parole advisor. If a prisoner does not desire to apply
for parole, he is directed to sign a waiver of his right to apply for parole on a
form that will be furnished to him.
C Information About the Prisoner. When a federal offender is committed to a
penitentiary or other institution, the judge and district attorney of the
committing court file reports and recommendations concerning him. In some
instances, a presentence report is made by a probation officer, and in such
cases the probation officer's report is also forwarded to the institution to
which the offender is committed. Each prisoner is studied closely in
connection with the institutional classification procedure. Reports will be
filed concerning his progress by the various institutional officers from time to
time. Immediately after his admission to the institution, the parole officers
begin to study the family, and the social and economic conditions with which
he will be faced when he is released on parole. An attempt is made to effect
desirable community and home adjustments, and to prepare the community to
which the offender will go for his reception.
C Hearings. Parole hearings are held at each of the federal penal and
reformatory institutions four times each year, or once every three months.
The hearings are usually conducted by one member of the board. They are
ordinarily attended only by the member, the institutional parole officer, the
applicant, and a stenographic assistant. The warden and other institutional
officers ordinarily do not attend the hearings. No attorney, relative or other
person may appear for or against the applicant. However, such persons may
write to or interview members of the Board.
C Disposition. After the return to Washington of the board member who held
the hearing, a final determination is made by the whole Board.
C Conditions of Parole. Before an offender is released on parole, he must agree
to the conditions of his parole and an adviser is secured for him. An effort is
made to arrange suitable employment for him. Also upon release he is given
the usual gratuities which are allowed to federal offenders upon their
discharge from an institution.
C Supervision. Each person released on parole is required to file with the
parole executive an arrival report and subsequent written reports at intervals
of not more than one month. In some cases the parolee is required to report
every few days while in other cases he is required to report monthly. Each
report must be countersigned by the parolee's advisor. Each parolee is under
the supervision of a probation officer. In some cases, the officer makes
frequent visits to the parolee. In other cases, where the parolee has a strong
adviser and his case is not a hazardous one, the probation officers may visit
him infrequently.
C Each parolee has an adviser. In many cases, the person chosen is the person
suggested by the parolee himself. In other cases, the parole executive finds it
necessary to select some other person. In every case, an attempt is made to
secure as adviser the person in the community in which the parolee will live
who will be most able to direct him toward rehabilitation through the normal
community agencies of social control.
C Violations of Parole. Sole authority to issue a warrant for the arrest of a
parole violator rests with the Board of Parole or any member thereof. Such a
warrant may be issued at any time prior to the expiration of the sentence if the
Board or any member thereof has reliable information that the offender has
violated his parole. The violation of parole interrupts the running of the
sentence in the manner of an escape. The warrant may be executed by any
officer of the prison from which the parolee was released or by any federal
officer authorized to serve criminal process within the United States. Upon
return to a federal institution, the violator is given an opportunity to appear
before the Board at its next meeting. The Board may then or at any time in its
discretion revoke the order and terminate such parole or modify the terms and
conditions thereof. When parole is revoked, the parolee shall serve the
remainder of the sentence originally imposed; and the time that the prisoner
was out on parole shall not be taken into account to diminish the time for
which he was sentenced.
C A federal parole violator may be reparoled at any time by the Board of Parole.
C Final Discharge. Upon the expiration of the parolee's sentence, the parole
executive sends him a letter stating that he has apparently completed his
parole period satisfactorily. No formal certificate of discharge is issued to
him. [AGSRP]
1940 On July 1, 1940, the Federal Probation Service was transferred from the Bureau of
Prisons to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Responsibilities of
probation officers with respect to parolees continued as before. [HUSBP]
During the ten years the Probation System was under the supervision of the Bureau of
Prisons, it expanded from one with eight officers in eight judicial districts to a
nationwide program employing 238 officers in eighty-three United States District
Courts. [FPJ: 4/2, statement by James V. Bennett, Director, U.S. Bureau of Prisons]
1941 In The Pardoning Power of the President, W.H. Humbert reported Aparole authorities
have handled a considerable number of federal offenders since 1910. Though release
on parole does not banish prospects for a pardon, the conclusion is inescapable that
such release tends to keep down the number of requests.@
1942 World War II radically changed the character of the federal prison population.
Substantial numbers of selective service violators and conscientious objectors were
incarcerated. In 1942, the President issued Executive Order 8641 making it possible
for the Attorney General to grant special paroles to prisoners who might be useful in
the war effort. Extensive use was made of this authority with the parole board
playing an unofficial role for the Attorney General. [HUSBP]
1943 Congress conducted hearings relative to legislation providing for a broader form of
federal indeterminate sentence. The proposed legislation, entitled the "Federal
Corrections Act" would have established a ten-member parole board with an adult
division, a youth division, and a policy division. No legislation was enacted.
1945 On August 28, 1945, the Attorney General ordered the parole board to report directly
to him for administrative purposes. Staff formerly employed by the Bureau of
Prisons and assigned to the Board were transferred officially to the Board on
February 15, 1946. [HUSBP]
During the year, the character of the federal prison population changed in that the
number of persons who had been court-martialed by military authorities and
transferred to federal prisons increased. These offenders generally had longer
sentences than those imposed by civilian courts. [HUSBP]
1946 With the end of gas rationing, there was a dramatic use of automobiles over the
nation. Military prisoners decreased and the number of violators of the National
Motor Vehicle Theft Act rose sharply. [HUSBP]
1948 The Board of Parole was increased from three to five members by legislation enacted
June 25, 1948. This increase was needed primarily because of an increase in prison
population. Prior to the increase in the size of the Board, the two examiners on staff
conducted approximately one third of the hearings. [HUSBP]
1950 On September 30, 1950, the Youth Corrections Act was passed by Congress. Under
this legislation, federal offenders less than 22 years of age at the time of conviction
could be sentenced to indeterminate sentences with no minimum period of parole
ineligibility. The maximum period of imprisonment was fixed by statute at six years,
but longer maximum terms were permitted in the case of very serious offenses. This
Act contained three other significant features. First, all youth offenders must be
initially released on supervision at least two years prior to the expiration of the
maximum sentence. Thus, each offender would be initially released with a period of
supervision of at least two years. Second, it authorized a court to commit an offender
for a period of observation and study prior to sentencing. Third, it provided that the
parole board could grant an early discharge from parole supervision, an action that
"set the conviction aside" and granted relief from various legal disabilities imposed
by the conviction. The Youth Corrections Act was to become effective only upon the
certification of the Attorney General that facilities to house such offenders were
available. [HUSBP]
The Youth Corrections Act also changed the structure of the parole board. First, it
created a three-member Youth Division within the parole board. Second, it increased
the number of parole board members from five to eight. Third, it provided that all
parole board members would be appointed by the President, with the advice and
consent of the Senate, for six-year, staggered terms. [HUSBP]
The Youth Corrections Act also provided for an Advisory Corrections Council to be
composed of federal judges and federal correctional officials to study and advise on
correctional practices. [HUSBP]
1950 Until this year, secretaries traveled with the Board members to report institutional
hearings. After six months of experimentation with recording devices, the Board
adopted a system of hiring local shorthand reporters on a contract basis. [HUSBP]
1951 Until 1951, prisoners released by expiration of sentence less good time were under
supervision until the expiration of their maximum sentence. Legislation approved
June 29, 1951, provided that such prisoners were to be released from supervision 180
days prior to the expiration of the maximum sentence. With the implementation of
this Act, the number of mandatory releasees under supervision dropped sharply. In
general, prisoners with sentences of 18 months or less who were released by
expiration of sentence less good time would no longer be released to supervision.
Legislation approved July 31, 1951, made two changes in parole eligibility. Up to
this time, adult prisoners serving sentences of more than one year were eligible for
parole after service of one-third of their sentences, except for prisoners serving life
sentences who were eligible after the service of 15 years. Under the revised
legislation, adult prisoners serving sentences of 180 days to one year were also
eligible for parole after service of one-third of their sentences. In addition, prisoners
serving terms of more than forty-five years were eligible for parole after fifteen years
in the same manner as prisoners serving life sentences. [HUSBP]
1953 The first presidential appointments were made to the parole board in 1953. [HUSBP]
Mr. Scovel Richardson became the first African American appointed to the parole
board. [HUSBP]
By order of the Attorney General dated October 15, 1953, juveniles committed by the
District of Columbia Juvenile Court to the National Training School for Boys came
under the parole jurisdiction of the federal parole board. Prior to this time, the
District of Columbia Visiting Committee had acted as the paroling authority for such
juveniles. [HUSBP]
The Board hired its first staff director (Dr. Conway Esselstyn). [HUSBP]
1954 On January 15, 1954, the Youth Corrections Act was made available to the federal
courts east of the Mississippi River. [HUSBP]
1955 During 1955, the parole board began paroling prisoners to outstanding local detainers
if they were otherwise considered to be suitable for parole. Previously, an
outstanding detainer had acted as a bar to parole. [HUSBP]
Dr. Conway Esselstyn, the Board's first staff director, resigned and was replaced by
James Neagles, who served as staff director until 1976. [HUSBP]
1956 The Attorney General called the second National Conference on Parole, which was
held in Washington, D.C., on April 9-11, 1956. The Conference was sponsored by
the federal parole board and the National Probation and Parole Association.
Approximately 500 delegates attended. Out of this conference came Parole in
Principle and Practice: A Manual and Report. One of the recommendations of this
conference was that release from prison by expiration of sentence less good time be
termed "mandatory release" rather than "conditional release." The U.S. Board of
Parole implemented this recommendation. [HUSBP]
Congress enacted the Uniform Narcotic Control Act. This Act provided for
mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment for certain drug offenders. In addition,
such offenders were made ineligible for parole consideration. [HUSBP]
On October 4, 1956, the Youth Corrections Act was made available to the federal
courts west of the Mississippi River. [HUSBP]
1958 On August 25, 1958, Congress approved legislation that allowed courts to impose an
adult sentence on which the prisoner would be eligible for parole consideration after
serving less than one-third of the maximum sentence. That is, in addition to the
traditional sentencing procedure under which the prisoner had to serve one-third of
the maximum sentence before being eligible for parole, the court could now impose
(1) a sentence with a period of parole ineligibility that was less than one-third of the
maximum sentence, or (2) a sentence with no period of parole ineligibility. In
addition, this legislation authorized a court to commit an adult offender for a period
of observation and study prior to sentencing, a provision that earlier had been
available only for youthful offenders. Furthermore, this legislation provided for the
judicial sentencing institutes for federal judges. Finally, this legislation authorized
the parole board to terminate releasees from active supervision prior to the expiration
of their maximum sentences. [HUSBP]
In addition, legislation passed in 1958 authorized the courts to use the provisions of
the Youth Corrections Act in certain cases for persons who were less than 26 years of
age at the time of conviction. [HUSBP]
1959 This first federal judicial sentencing institute was held at Boulder, Colorado. A
primary topic was the issue of unwarranted sentencing disparity. [HUSBP]
Congress passed the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. This
legislation barred certain individuals with criminal records from serving in certain
labor or labor-management positions. The federal parole board was given the
authority to conduct a hearing for any person who applied for relief from the
disabilities imposed by this legislation, and to grant exemptions from these
disabilities in deserving cases. [HUSBP]
The Annual Report of the U.S. Board of Parole describes the second phase of a
research study on offenders sentenced under the Youth Corrections Act (pertaining to
prison programming). [ARUSBP (1959)]
The Annual Report of the U.S. Board of Parole also notes the parole board's
evaluation of recidivism statistics indicates that (1) maturation appears to be a
significant factor in rehabilitation in that adult offenders have lower recidivism rates
than youth offenders, and (2) most parole violations occur within the first or second
year after parole and the number of warrants issued in the fifth year after parole is
"practically non-existent." [ARUSBP (1959)]
1961 In accordance with an opinion handed down by the Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia, the parole board adopted procedures allowing alleged parole/mandatory
release violators to have an attorney and/or voluntary witnesses present at a
revocation hearing conducted upon return to a federal institution. [HUSBP]
1962 The parole board began making use of a new program initiated by the Bureau of
Prisons, involving the establishment of pre-release guidance centers in the
community to which the prisoner was to be released. Centers were first opened in
New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The parole board could parole an
individual with the understanding that the individual would reside in a pre-release
center from two to four months prior to parole. Subsequently, additional pre-release
centers were opened in other cities. Eventually, state and privately-operated centers
were used on a contract basis. [HUSBP]
1963 In accordance with an opinion handed down by the Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia, the parole board adopted procedures providing for preliminary
interviews for alleged parole/mandatory violators in the community in which the
alleged violation occurred. In addition, "local" revocation hearings, revocation
hearings in the community in which the alleged violation occurred, were authorized
to facilitate the appearance of voluntary witnesses. [HUSBP]
1966 The Board cooperated with the Bureau of Prisons in the Bureau's development of
work-release programs. Selected prisoners were permitted to leave the institution or
a pre-release center to work in private industry or, in some cases, to attend a trade
school or college. Such placements generally were made within six months of a
projected release date. [HUSBP]
1967 Congress passed the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act, which had provisions for
civil commitment of narcotic addicts as well as special provisions for those convicted
of criminal offenses. Under this Act, the maximum period of imprisonment on a
criminal commitment was fixed by the court with parole eligibility after six months
in treatment. A certificate of release readiness from the Surgeon General was a
prerequisite for parole. [HUSBP]
Congress also passed legislation transferring responsibility for D.C. youth offenders
confined in the D.C. Youth Center from the federal parole board to the District of
Columbia government. Supervision of such cases also was transferred from U.S.
Probation Officers to the District of Columbia government. [HUSBP]
1968 The parole board adopted a procedure for a "dispositional review" where a parolee or
mandatory releasee was serving a subsequent sentence and a violator warrant was
lodged as a detainer. Such a review could include a hearing at the place of
confinement if the parole board determined such a hearing was indicated. [HUSBP]
The National Training School for Boys was closed, and juveniles committed by the
District of Columbia Juvenile Court were placed in D.C. institutions. Accordingly,
the federal parole board had no further jurisdiction over D.C. juvenile offenders.
1969 The parole board requested and received a grant from the Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration for a large scale, three-year study of parole decision-
making. This study, under the co-directorship of Don M. Gottfredson, Director of the
National Council on Crime and Delinquency Research Center, and Leslie T. Wilkins,
a professor at the School of Criminal Justice, State University of New York at
Albany, led to a major revision in parole board practice. [HUSBP]
1970 The parole board hired its first legal counsel (Joseph Barry). [HUSBP]
1971 The parole board increased its complement of hearing examiners to eight. A
schedule was adopted under which parole board members conducted about one-third
of the hearings and hearing examiners conducted about two-thirds of the hearings.
This allowed parole board members more time for voting on cases. In general,
decisions were made by a concurrence of two parole board members. If the hearing
was conducted by a parole board member, the parole board member hearing the case
cast the first vote. The case file was then circulated among other parole board
members at the parole board's office in Washington, D.C., until a concurrence of two
votes was obtained. If the hearing was conducted by a hearing examiner, the
examiner made a recommendation but did not vote. The case file was then circulated
among the parole board members at the parole board's office in Washington, D.C.,
until a concurrence of two votes was obtained. [HUSBP]
Congress passed legislation authorizing the parole board to impose a special
condition that a parolee or mandatory releasee reside in and/or participate in a
program of a community treatment center (formerly called a pre-release guidance
center) as a special condition of parole. This special condition could be used, in
some cases, as an alternative to parole revocation. [HUSBP]
Congress amended the Criminal Justice Act to provide for court-appointed counsel
for alleged parole and mandatory release violators who could not afford to hire their
own attorney. [HUSBP]
Congress also passed legislation authorizing hearing examiners to conduct initial and
revocation hearings for youth offenders. [HUSBP]
1972 The parole board began a pilot project that included the following goals: (1) the
development of explicit paroling policy guidelines to provide greater consistency and
equity in parole decision-making; (2) the provision of well-reasoned, written
decisions; (3) more timely decisions; (4) the development of procedures to provide
the opportunity for representatives to appear at parole hearings; (5) the development
of a two-level appellate process to provide greater due process; and (6) increased
liaison between the Board and related agencies. Key features of this project were the
decentralization of the parole board into five regions (each headed by a board
member) with the Chairman and two other members forming a National Appeals
Board in Washington, D.C.; the use of explicit guidelines for parole decision-making;
hearings conducted by panels of two hearing examiners with review by the regional
parole board member on the record; and the provision of written reasons for parole
decisions. [EUSBPR]
The first hearings under this reorganization project were conducted at the Kennedy
Youth Center in Morgantown, West Virginia in October 1972. [EUSBPR]
The pilot project comprised five Federal institutions in the northeast region of the
country. They were the Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania; the Kennedy Youth
Center, Morgantown, West Virginia; the Reformatory for Women, Alderson, West
Virginia; the Reformatory, Petersburg, Virginia, and the Correctional Institution,
Danbury, Connecticut. [ARUSBP (1972-73)].
The parole board established a Research Unit and hired its first Research Director
(Peter Hoffman). [ARUSBP (1970-72)]
The explicit paroling policy guidelines adopted by the parole board were developed
in cooperation with a project funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration and conducted by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency.
The guidelines were in the form of a two-dimensional grid. The seriousness of the
prisoner's current offense (offense severity) was considered on the vertical axis with
six categories (later increased to seven and then eight categories). The prisoner's
likelihood of recidivism (parole prognosis) was considered on the horizontal axis
with four categories. The dimension of parole prognosis was determined by use of a
"salient factor score," an empirically derived parole prediction instrument. The
intersections of the vertical and horizontal axes formed a grid containing time ranges
(such as 12-18 months). The time range set forth the parole board's policy on the
customary time to be served before release for a prisoner having that offense
seriousness and parole prognosis, assuming good institutional conduct. Decisions
outside the guidelines may be made for good cause and upon the provision of case-
specific written reasons. For example, misconduct in the institution might warrant a
decision above the applicable guideline range, and exceptionally good participation
in institutional programs might warrant a decision below the applicable guideline
range. [PDMR]
The parole board implemented the procedures for due process in the revocation of
parole set forth in Morrissey vs. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471, 92 S. Ct. 2593. [ARUSBP
1973 In May 1973, Maurice Sigler, Chairman of the U.S. Board of Parole, submitted the
Board's reorganization proposal to the Department of Justice. In July 1973, this
proposal was approved by Attorney General Elliot Richardson. [EUSBPR]
The Research Center of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency published a
fourteen-volume set of reports on the Federal Parole Decision-Making Project.
1974 Regional offices were established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Atlanta Georgia,
Dallas, Texas, Kansas City, Missouri, and Burlingame, California. Each regional
office included a parole board member, five hearing examiners, two case analysts,
and clerical staff. [EUSBPR]
The parole board's budget for Fiscal Year 74 was $2,025,000, up from 1,391,000 in
Fiscal Year 73 and from approximately $500,000 in 1965. The increase from Fiscal
Year 73 to Fiscal Year 74 included the cost of implementing the reorganization.
Personnel increased from 48 positions in Fiscal Year 65 to 125 positions in Fiscal
Year 74. [EUSBPR]
1975 Each regional office has approximately 20 employees. A typical regional office is
staffed with a Board member acting as the Regional Director, an administrative
hearing examiner and four hearing examiners, a pre-release analyst, a post-release
analyst, and administrative and clerical support personnel. [EUSBPR]
Hearing examiner panels, each consisting of two persons, conduct parole interviews
at each institution within the region. At the conclusion of each interview, the
examiners inform the prisoner of the recommended (tentative) parole decision. If the
recommendations of the examiners differ, the prisoner is informed of both
recommendations. All panel decisions are reviewed in the regional office by an
administrative hearing examiner and the regional board member. It is the regional
board member who makes the final decision, subject to certain limitations (if the
regional board member wishes to alter a panel recommendation by more than six
months, the case must be sent to the national board members for review). After a
decision is made, a Notice of Action is mailed to the prisoner within 15 working days
of the hearing. If the prisoner is not granted parole at that time, the reasons are given
as part of the Notice of Action. If the prisoner is dissatisfied with the decision, he or
she has available a two-step administrative appeal process. [EUSBPR]
According to a report of field visits by Department of Justice Management Programs
and Budget staff --
C The average hearing lasted 30 minutes. Revocation hearings took anywhere
from 45 to 90 minutes. The hearing began with a review of the inmate's file
by one hearing examiner while the other examiner dictated the results of the
last hearing. The review usually took 10 to 15 minutes. The offender's prior
criminal history was closely examined during the file review. After the file
was reviewed by one examiner, he provided a brief summary of the file to the
other examiner, who had completed dictating the results of the previous
C Prior to the interview with the inmate, the hearing panel discussed the
inmate's progress with the institutional case manager. At the beginning of the
interview with the inmate, the hearing examiner carefully explained the
Board's procedures to the inmate and his right to appeal the decision. The
principal discussion points initiated by the hearing examiners were: the
validation of the salient factor score, the inmate's offense and the surrounding
circumstances of the crime, and his institutional behavior and program
C The inmate's remarks usually began with a description of the mitigating
circumstances of his offense and past criminal behavior. This was most often
followed by the inmate's statements regarding his participation in institutional
programs and his motivation to become a better citizen. The inmate usually
made some reference to his parole release plan. The period of time for the
discussion with the inmate ranged from five to 15 minutes. When an inmate's
representative was present, the discussion period required as much as one-
half hour.
C Following the inmate's discussion, he was asked if he had any questions he
would like to ask the panel. If not, he left the room and the hearing
examiners discussed the case. In most instances, the decision-making
process, which takes from two to five minutes, was a straightforward
application of the guidelines and salient factors to the individual case.
C The inmate returned to the hearing room and was advised of the panel's
tentative decision. When parole was approved, the discussion continued on
the completion and validation of the release plan. When parole was denied,
the examiners advised the inmate of the reasons and the right to appeal the
decision. The process of advising the inmate of the decision required
approximately five minutes.
C Most representatives who were observed by the evaluation teams were
institutional staff; however, relatives, prospective employers, and educators
have appeared at a number of hearings. Generally, hearing examiners and
Bureau of Prisons institutional staff agree that the inmate representative does
not have a major effect on parole decisions; however, the representatives can
have a positive effect on the inmate's attitude. Cases have occurred where
Bureau of Prisons institutional staff members serving as inmates'
representatives have directly contradicted the observations and
recommendations of the inmate's caseworker. In these instances, the
examiner stated that the representative can have a major impact on their
decision. [EUSBPR]
1976 The Parole Commission and Reorganization Act (Public Law 94-233) became
effective on May 14, 1976. A major revision of the statutes pertaining to parole, this
Act retitled the agency as the United States Parole Commission. The primary
provisions of this Act are listed below.
C The U.S. Parole Commission is created with a membership of nine
Commissioners. The Youth Correction Division was eliminated and its
duties absorbed within the new Commission.
C No fewer than five regions are mandated; a Regional Commissioner is placed
in charge of each. Three Commissioners are assigned to a National Appeals
Board. Authority and responsibilities of the Commission, the Chairman, and
the Regional Commissioners are set forth.
C Eligibility for parole for prisoners with long sentences, including life terms, is
reduced to ten years, from the previous fifteen years.
C Explicit Guidelines for Decision-Making are mandated.
C Reasons for denial of parole must be provided to the prisoner in writing.
Decisions outside the guidelines must be for "good cause" and must contain
specific written reasons for such departure.
C Parole applicants have a right to examine their own case file (with limited
exceptions) prior to the hearing.
C Parole applicants may be accompanied at their hearings by a representative of
their choice, who may make a statement on the applicant's behalf.
C If a prisoner's sentence is less than seven years, he must be reviewed no later
than at 18 month intervals after the initial hearing. If this sentence is seven
years or more, he must be reviewed no later than at 24 month intervals
following the initial hearing.
C Prisoners with terms of five years or more and satisfactory institutional
conduct must be paroled after service of two-thirds of the term, unless the
Commission finds that there is a "reasonable probability" of further crime.
C A two-level appeal system is mandated.
C Regular and special conditions of release set by the Commission may be
modified only after an opportunity has been offered to the releasee to
comment on the proposed modifications. Such modifications are also
C The Commission must review a parolee's progress under supervision after
two years and at least annually thereafter, and may terminate supervision
prior to completion of the sentenced term. Termination of supervision ends
the jurisdiction of the Commission over the releasee.
C After five years of supervision in the community, the Commission must
terminate jurisdiction unless it finds, after a hearing, that there is a likelihood
of further crime. Such decision is appealable.
C At the discretion of the Commission, alleged violators may be summoned to a
hearing in lieu of being arrested on a warrant, and may be released under
supervision pending a revocation hearing.
C Reviews of parole violation warrants placed as a detainer, while a prisoner is
serving a subsequent sentence, must be reviewed within 180 days and a
decision made with regard to disposition of the warrant.
C Alleged parole violators have the right to confront "adverse" witnesses at a
preliminary interview and any revocation hearing held in the local
community. At such interview or at any revocation hearing, the prisoner may
be represented by an attorney (either retained or appointed). Voluntary
witnesses may also be present.
C A preliminary interview is not necessary if the releasee has been convicted of
a crime while under supervision.
C The Commission may subpoena witnesses in revocation proceedings.
C Following revocation, the parolee receives credit for time under supervision
in the community unless he has been convicted of a crime committed while
under supervision. If he absconded from supervision, he is credited with the
time from the date of release to supervision to the date of such absconding.
C Attorney representation, privately retained or court appointed, is permitted in
any revocation proceeding and at any termination hearing scheduled after five
years on parole. [ARUSPC (1976-78)]
1977 The Parole Commission modified the permissible grounds for a prisoner's appeal to
make them more specific. The modified grounds for appeal are:
C That the guidelines were incorrectly applied.
C That a decision outside the guidelines was not supported by the reasons of
facts as stated.
C That especially mitigating circumstances justify a different decision.
C That a decision was based on erroneous information and the actual facts
justify a different decision.
C That the Commission did not follow correct procedure in deciding the case,
and a different decision would have resulted if the error had not occurred.
C There was significant information in existence but not know at the time of the
C There are compelling reasons why a more lenient decision should be rendered
on grounds of compassion. [ARUSPC (1976-78)]
Mexico and the United States signed a treaty for the mutual exchange of prisoners
incarcerated for crimes while transient aliens within each nation's jurisdiction. The
Commission's legal staff participated with the State Department and other units of the
Department of Justice in the development of prisoner transfer treaties and
implementing legislation. In December 1977, 154 U.S. citizens convicted of crimes
in Mexico were transferred to the United States. A special docket was set up to
provide prompt parole hearings to these cases. Shortly thereafter, Canada and
Bolivia followed this precedent by establishing similar treaties with the United
States. [ARUSPC (1976-78)]
After a pilot test of the concept in the Parole Commission's Western Region, the
Commission implemented a new procedure that has come to be called "presumptive
parole." The purpose of the presumptive parole procedure is to provide the prisoner
at the beginning of his sentence a date on which it is presumed that release will take
place, provided the prisoner maintains a good institutional adjustment and has
developed adequate release plans. This procedure is designed to remove much of the
dysfunctional uncertainty and anxiety surrounding the parole process, while retaining
the flexibility to deal with substantial changes in circumstances. Presumptive parole
procedures went into effect in September 1977. All prisoners with seven years or
less (regardless of sentence procedure) and all prisoners with no minimum sentences
are heard within 120 days of commitment or as soon thereafter as practicable. A
presumptive release date may be set up to four years from the date of the initial
hearing (previously, parole dates were set up to six months from the date of the
hearing). If a presumptive release date is not set within four years from the date of
the initial hearing, the prisoner will be continued to a reconsideration hearing four
years from the date of the initial hearing (a "four-year reconsideration hearing"). In
addition, interim hearings are conducted as required by statute to consider whether
there are any substantial positive or negative changes in circumstances (e.g.,
outstanding institutional program achievement, disciplinary infractions) that may
warrant modifying the presumptive release date originally set. In addition, a
prerelease record review is conducted to ensure that the conditions of the
presumptive release date (good institutional conduct and a suitable release plan) have
been satisfied. Failure to satisfy these conditions may result in retardation of the
release date or the scheduling of a rescission hearing. [ARUSPC (1976-78)]
1978 The Parole Commission published Federal Parole Decision Making: Selected
Reprints, Volume I. [PDMSR (1)]
In October 1978, the Commission began a periodic review of its paroling policy
guidelines at 28 C.F.R. 2.20 and 2.21. In addition to its usual publishing and posting
of the proposal, copies were sent to over 1,000 interested persons. Public hearings
were held in Atlanta, Denver, and Washington, D.C., and at the Atlanta and
Englewood facilities of the Bureau of Prisons. Testimony was received from 69
witnesses, generating over 3,000 pages of transcript. Those giving their views
included representatives from the Judiciary, defense and prosecution attorneys,
federal prisoners, enforcement agencies, the Bureau of Prisons, the Probation Service,
state correctional systems, and scholars. As a result of this effort, certain listed
offense behaviors were defined more specifically, certain previously unlisted offense
behaviors were added to the guidelines, and certain offense behaviors were moved
from one category to another or subdivided. The revised paroling policy guidelines
became effective June 4, 1979. [ARUSPC (1978-80)]
1979 Decision guidelines were established for decisions to retard or rescind a parole on
account of institutional misconduct. These guidelines are set forth at 28 C.F.R. 2.36.
[ARUSPC (1978-80)]
Decision guidelines were established to reward sustained superior program
achievement by a reduction from a previously established presumptive release date.
The advancement for superior program achievement under these guidelines was
deliberately kept modest. It is the intent of the Commission to encourage voluntary
program participation, not superficial attendance in programs merely in an attempt to
impress the parole decision-makers. These guidelines are set forth at 28 C.F.R. 2.60.
[ARUSPC (1978-80)]
1980 The Parole Commission's presumptive release date procedures were expanded.
Under the revised procedures, presumptive release dates are set up to ten years from
the date of the initial hearing. A defendant who does not receive a presumptive
release date will be scheduled for a ten-year reconsideration hearing. Procedures for
interim hearings, as required by statute, to review the case for any significant changes
in circumstances are unchanged. [ARUSPC (1978-80)]
From April 9-11, 1980, the Parole Commission, in joint sponsorship with the
National Institute of Corrections, conducted the Third National Parole Symposium.
The conference was held at the University of Maryland at College Park. United
States District Judge Frank A. Kaufman, Governor Brendan T. Byrne of New Jersey,
and Charles Silberman, author of Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice, were featured
speakers. Approximately 250 persons attended. The proceedings of the conference
were published as Parole in the 1980's: Proceedings of the National Parole
Symposium. [ARUSPC (1978-80)]
The Parole Commission published Federal Parole Decision Making: Selected
Reprints, Volume II. [PDMSR (2)]
1981 The Parole Commission published Federal Parole Decision Making: Selected
Reprints, Volume III. [PDMSR (3)]
Effective August 31, 1981, the Parole Commission, as a result of a research study,
revised its Salient factor Score, an actuarial device used in determining risk of
recidivism. The new Salient Factor Score (SFS 81) includes six items, which, when
added together, produce a score with a range from zero to ten points. The higher the
score, the higher is the likelihood of favorable outcome. SFS 81 demonstrates
predictive validity and stability equivalent to that of the seven-item predictive device
previously used by the Commission. Of prime importance, the revised device holds
promise for greater scoring reliability and ease of scoring. [ARUSPC (1980-83)]
1982 The Parole Commission published the first Rules and Procedures Manual, which
consolidated the Parole Commission's rules (28 C.F.R. 2.1 et seq.) with the
accompanying procedures. Previously, these had been published separately.
The Parole Commission published Federal Parole Decision Making: Selected
Reprints, Volume IV. [PDMSR (4)]
1983 Effective January 31, 1983, the Parole Commission revised its offense severity scale.
The revision, which used the format of the proposed revision of the federal criminal
code, was designed to make the severity scale more comprehensive, to improve its
clarity and organization, and to reflect changes in Commission policy for particular
offenses. [ARUSPC (1980-83)]
1984 The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-473, October 12,
1984) was passed. This legislation provided for the creation of a United States
Sentencing Commission to promulgate explicit decision guidelines (by May 1, 1986)
to be used by Federal judges in making sentencing decisions. The Chairman of the
Parole Commission serves as an ex officio, non voting member of the Sentencing
Commission. The Parole Commission was to be abolished five years from the date
the sentencing guidelines took effect. During the five-year transition period, the
Parole Commission was to continue in existence to handle cases of parole eligible
defendants convicted of offenses committed before November 1, 1987. Cases
sentenced under the new law would serve determinate sentences with limited
reduction for good time (about 15%). For such cases, post-release supervision would
be called supervised release rather than parole, and decisions regarding the conditions
of supervised release and revocation would be made by the courts rather than by the
Parole Commission. This legislation also repealed Youth Corrections Act. The
legislation did not, however, affect parole eligibility for military code or D.C. Code
offenders or the Parole Commission=s responsibility for making parole release
decisions for military code and D.C. Code offenders confined in Bureau of Prisons
The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 also eliminated the Parole
Commission's intermediate administrative appeal (regional appeal), providing a one-
step rather than a two-step administrative appeal. [ARUSPC (1986-87)]
The Parole Commission published Federal Parole Decision Making: Selected
Reprints, Volume V. [PDMSR (5)]
1985 Due to a delay in the appointment of the first members of the Sentencing
Commission, legislation was enacted that extended the date for the first sentencing
guidelines by one year (until May 1, 1987).
1986 The Parole Commission sought various legislative initiatives to facilitate the
transition between the current and new systems. Legislation was enacted (Public
Law 99-646, November 10, 1986) containing two provisions that afforded the Parole
Commission flexibility to facilitate its phase out. First, the legislation eliminated the
requirement of Ano less than five regions.@ Second, it authorized hearings conducted
by one examiner (with the requirement of a panel of two hearing examiners met by a
review on the record by the second examiner). [ARUSPC (1985-86)]
The Parole Commission also provided assistance to the newly created Sentencing
Commission. As the move toward the establishment of federal sentencing guidelines
was based, in large part, on the successful development and use of federal parole
guidelines, much of the research conducted and experience gained in the parole
context was directly relevant to the sentencing guidelines= effort. The Parole
Commission provided a number of data bases for the Sentencing Commission's use,
and staffs of both agencies met regularly to examine the data, review the
documentation, and discuss the empirical findings. [ARUSPC (1985-86)]
The Parole Commission published Federal Parole Decision Making: Selected
Reprints, Volume VI. [PDMSR (6)]
In March 1986, the Parole Commission implemented an experimental program,
called Special Curfew Parole, to provide a substitute for Community Treatment
Center residence for the 60-day period preceding the otherwise scheduled parole
release date. This program, a joint effort of the Parole Commission, the U.S. Bureau
of Prisons, and the U.S. Probation System, was designed for prisoners who were
transferred to Community Treatment Centers for a 30-120 day period prior to parole,
but who no longer required the support services provided there. Under this program,
a qualified prisoner could have his release date advanced by up to 60 days on the
condition that he remain at his place of residence between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and
6:00 a.m. each night unless given permission in advance by his probation officer.
The Probation Service provided high-activity supervision of the parolee during this
period (at least weekly in person contact as well as monitoring compliance with the
curfew by random telephone calls). Failure to comply with this special condition
could result in imposition of Community Treatment Center residence as a condition
of parole or revocation of parole and return to prison. Implemented as a cost-
reduction procedure through which the Bureau of Prisons could reduce the number
and expense of inmates confined in Community Treatment Centers, this project saved
over one million dollars in its first eighteen months of operation. [ARUSPC (1985-
In collaboration with the Bureau of Prisons and the National Institute of Justice, the
Parole Commission initiated an experimental program in which selected prisoners
would have their parole dates advanced if they volunteered to complete 400 hours of
"reparative work." Reparative work is defined as unpaid volunteer work for public or
nonprofit private agencies (such as the Volunteers of America, the Salvation Army,
or Goodwill Industries). The purpose of the project was to develop an alternative
form of punishment that returned something of value to the community and, at the
same time, saved prison bed space. During the first phase of the project, 100
prisoners in selected cities each completed the 400 hours of reparative work while
residing in halfway houses. These prisoners logged 38,481 hours of unpaid service,
work which would have cost the participating agencies over $168,000 for paid
employees to perform. In return, release dates were advanced by 5,538 days,
providing a substantial savings in prison bed space. Upon release, some parolees
were offered full-time paid positions with the agencies they had worked for in the
program. A second phase of the program was begun at the Federal Correctional
Institution at Forth Worth. In this phase, a limited number of prisoners performed
reparative work in the community while still residing at the institution. [ARUSPC
1987 On April 14, 1987, the U.S. Sentencing Commission transmitted its initial sentencing
guidelines to Congress. These guidelines took effect, as scheduled, on November 1,
1987, and applied to all defendants whose offenses were committed on or after that
The Bureau of Prisons reported that the cumulative savings from the Special Curfew
Parole Project exceeded two million dollars and requested that the program be
extended indefinitely. [ARUSPC (1986-87)]
The Parole Commission was accredited by the American Correctional Association=s
Commission on Accreditation.
The Parole Commission initiated a "Community Control Project," a joint effort with
the Bureau of Prisons and U.S. Probation System, using electronic monitoring to
ensure compliance with a curfew. Because of population pressures, the Bureau of
Prisons was placing offenders in halfway houses up to six months prior to release
even if there was no treatment need for such placement. Under this experimental
program, selected low-treatment-need offenders were released to the community up
to 180 days prior to their normally scheduled parole date with a curfew, electronic
monitoring, and intensive supervision substituted for Community Treatment Center
placement. Two districts (Southern District of Florida and Central District of
California) were selected for this project. [ARUSPC (1986-87)]
The Reparative Work Project was terminated. During the two phases, 132 offenders
each performed 400 hours of reparative work and had their parole dates advanced by
up to 60 days. A total of 51,281 hours of unpaid community service work was
completed and participants had their parole dates advanced by a total of 7,458 days.
The value of the work done was estimated to be over $225,000 (for paid employees
to have done the same work) and the project was well received by the non-profit
agencies involved. Despite these positive findings, the project was terminated
because the Bureau of Prisons did not believe that the staff time needed to monitor
the project could be spared given the current level of overcrowding. [ARUSPC
1988 The Special Curfew Parole Project continued. The cumulative number of offenders
participating reached 3,000. Very few problems were reported and the revocation
rate for violations occurring while on curfew parole was less than three percent.
[ARUSPC (1987-88)]
The Community Control Project continued. To date, 120 offenders have participated
in this project. During the year, the project was expanded to four additional districts.
[ARUSPC (1987-88)]
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 gave the Parole Commission jurisdiction over new-
law transfer treaty cases (transfer treaty cases in which the offense was committed on
or after November 1, 1987). In such cases, the Parole Commission is to determine
the release date by applying the sentencing guidelines promulgated by the U.S.
Sentencing Commission. [ARUSPC (1987-88)]
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 also gave the Parole Commission continuing
responsibility over all state defendants who are accepted into the U.S. Marshals
Service Witness Protection Program. Once a state defendant is accepted into this
program, the Parole Commission assumes jurisdiction over the case.
Fifty percent of the initial hearings conducted in Fiscal Year 1988 involved offenders
with drug-related convictions, 26% involved property crimes, and another 11%
involved crimes of violence (murder, kidnapping, arson, robbery, and assault).
[ARUSPC (1987-88)]
The Commission=s had 179 authorized positions (Commissioners and staff) and a
budget of $11,665,000.
1989 The Parole Commission began an Intensive Supervision Project with the U.S.
Probation Office for the District of Maryland for high risk cases. [ARUSPC (1988-
The number of hearings conducted by the Parole Commission began to decline as the
sentencing guidelines took effect for defendants who committed offenses on or after
November 1, 1987. In Fiscal Years 1987 and 1988, the Commission conducted
19,796 and 20,465 hearings, respectively. In Fiscal Year 1989, the number of
hearings declined to 16,619. [ARUSPC (1988-89)]
1990 The Judicial Improvements Act of 1990 extended the life of the Parole Commission
by an additional five years until November 1, 1997, because the Comprehensive
Crime Control Act of 1984 had failed to make adequate provision for the handling of
old-law cases. Retrospective abolition of parole release consideration (for defendants
who had already committed their offenses) would raise a serious constitutional issue
under the ex post facto clause. [ARUSPC (1989-90)]
The Parole Commission has jurisdiction over the following cases: (1) AOld Law@
Cases (persons sentenced to prison terms of more than one year for offenses
committed prior to November 1, 1987, unless sentenced under a statute expressly
prohibiting parole eligibility); (2) Transfer Treaty Cases (persons transferred to the
United States from foreign countries to complete service of a foreign sentence,
regardless of the date of the offense); (3) State Witness Protection Cases
(probationers and parolees serving state sentences who are transferred to federal
jurisdiction because of participation in the Federal Witness Protection Program,
regardless of the date of the offense); (4) D.C. Code Offenders in Federal Institutions
(persons sentenced under the District of Columbia Code who are confined in
correctional facilities of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, regardless of the date of the
offense); and (5) Military Offenders in Federal Institutions (persons convicted of
military offenses who are confined in correctional facilities of the U.S. Bureau of
Prisons, regardless of the date of the offense).
The number of Parole Commission hearings continued to decline as the sentencing
guidelines were applied to new-law cases by the courts. There were 13,568 hearings
conducted in Fiscal Year 1990. This included 903 hearings for D.C. Code offenders
housed in federal institutions. [ARUSPC (1989-90)]
The Parole Commission was re-accredited by the American Correctional
Association=s Commission on Accreditation.
1991 The Parole Commission's workload continued to decline. In Fiscal Year 1991,
10,720 hearings were conducted. [ARUSPC (1990-91)]
In August 1991, as part of its phase down effort, the Parole Commission closed its
Philadelphia and Atlanta Regional Offices and consolidated these operations in a new
Eastern Regional Office, co-housed with the Headquarters Office in Chevy Chase,
Maryland. [ARUSPC (1990-91)]
The Special Curfew Parole Project, which had started in 1986, reached a cumulative
total of 3,500 cases. As electronic monitoring (started under the Community Control
Project) became available in each judicial district, it replaced the curfew parole
project. [ARUSPC (1990-91)]
Due to the Parole Commission's phase down, its research unit was eliminated.
[ARUSPC (1990-91)]
1992 The Parole Commission, in cooperation with the U.S. Probation Service, developed
an experimental project to place technical parole violators in Asanction centers,@
rather than return them to prison. In 1992, two sanction centers were opened, one in
the Baltimore, Maryland, area and one in the Washington, D.C. area. [ARUSPC
The Parole Commission's Intensive Supervision Project in Hyattsville and Baltimore,
Maryland, which had started in 1988, was terminated due to the downsizing of the
Commission. An evaluation of the Hyattsville project, prepared by the National
Center on Institutions and Alternatives, concluded that the early intervention and
increased surveillance of the project provided a tool for preventing escalating
criminal behavior. [ARUSPC (1991-92)]
1993 The number of hearing conducted in Fiscal Year 1993 was 6,769, down from 9,307
hearings in Fiscal Year 1992, and slightly less than one half of the 13,568 hearings
conducted in Fiscal Year 1990. [ARUSPC (1992-93)]
1994 As part of its phase-down effort, the Commission closed its Dallas Regional Offices
and consolidated that operation in its Eastern Regional Office co-housed with the
Headquarters Office in Chevy Chase, Maryland. This closing resulted in a savings of
more than one million dollars in operating funds and reduced the number of
Commission personnel by 22 positions. The Commission also eliminated a number
of mid-management positions. [ARUSPC (1993-94)]
Given the requirement for the downsizing of the Commission, the Commission began
using single hearing examiners to conduct parole hearings. From 1974 to 1994,
hearings had been conducted by two-person panels of hearing examiners. Under the
revised procedure, a second examiner would review the case record and hearing
summary at the Commission's office. [ARUSPC (1993-94)]
The Parole Commission was re-accredited by the American Correctional
Association=s Commission on Accreditation.
1995 The Parole Commission revised the Salient Factor Score by adding an additional item
for older offenders. The revised Salient Factor Score was designated as SFS 95.
The Parole Commission published a Desk Book on Training and Reference Materials
as part of a program of staff training.
1996 The Parole Commission closed its Kansas City Regional Office and consolidated that
operation in its Eastern Regional Office co-housed with the Headquarters Office in
Chevy Chase, Maryland. As with the closing of the Dallas Regional Office in 1993,
this closing resulted in a savings of more than one million dollars in operating funds
and reduced the number of Commission personnel by 22 positions. With the closing
of this office, all Commission functions are conducted from its Chevy Chase,
Maryland, office.
Congress passed the Parole Commission Phaseout Act of 1996. This Act extended
the life of the Parole Commission by an additional five years (until November 1,
2002). In addition, it reinstated the twelve-year limitation on total service as a Parole
Commissioner, and provided for the reduction in the number of Parole
Commissioners to two Commissioners on December 31, 1999, and to one
Commissioner on December 31, 2001. Furthermore, it required the Attorney General
to report to the Congress annually, beginning in May 1998, as to whether it is more
cost effective for the Parole Commission to remain a separate agency or whether its
functions should be transferred elsewhere. If the Attorney General recommends
incorporating the Commission=s functions in another component of the Department
of Justice, the Attorney General=s plan shall take effect in November of the year in
which it is submitted unless Congress, by law, provides otherwise. If the
Commission=s functions are transferred to another component within the Department
of Justice, all laws pertaining to these functions remain in effect notwithstanding the
November 1, 2002, termination date for the Commission set forth elsewhere in the
The Parole Commission, with the assistance of a grant from the Office For Victims
of Crime, established two Victim/Witness Coordinator positions, and developed a
program to enhance the Commission's responsiveness to victims and witnesses at
revocation hearings.
Due to the phasing down of the Parole Commission, the Commission had 48
positions (Commissioners and staff) at the end of 1996, a substantial reduction from
145 positions in 1992. At the beginning of 1996, there were six Parole
Commissioners. By the end of 1996, this number was reduced to three due to
resignations and the provisions of the Parole Commission Phaseout Act of 1996. The
Commission=s budget was $5,446,000.
1997 The Parole Commission began an experimental project in which parole hearings are
conducted using video-conferencing equipment. In February 1997, the first hearings
in this project were conducted for prisoners at the Federal Correctional Institution in
Oakdale, Louisiana.
The National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997
gave the Parole Commission several additional responsibilities. First, it provided for
the abolition of the District of Columbia Board of Parole by August 5, 2000 and the
transfer of its responsibilities to the U.S. Parole Commission. The Act required the
Parole Commission to assume jurisdiction by August 5, 1998 over all parole release
decisions for felony prisoners confined under D.C. Code felony sentences, and to
assume jurisdiction by August 5, 2000 over parole and mandatory release supervision
and revocation decisions for all persons serving D.C. Code felony sentences. Second,
the Act required the District of Columbia to move to a determinate sentencing system
(at least for certain offenses), provided for terms of supervised release to follow these
determinate sentences, and gave the Parole Commission ongoing responsibility for
supervision and revocation decisions for D.C. Code offenders subject to terms of
supervised release under the new determinate sentencing system. Third, it increased
the authorized size of the Commission to five Commissioners.
The Parole Commission was re-accredited by the American Correctional
Association=s Commission on Accreditation.
1998 The Parole Commission revised the Salient Factor Score by increasing the weight
given to prior commitments and age at offense, and deleting the drug-abuse item.
The revised Salient Factor Score was designated as SFS 98.
The Parole Commission assumed jurisdiction over parole grant hearings for D.C.
Code felony offenders confined in District of Columbia Institutions (effective August
5, 1998). The District of Columbia Board of Parole continued to make post-release
supervision and revocation decisions for D.C. Code cases.
2000 The Parole Commission assumed jurisdiction over supervision and revocation
decisions for D.C. Code parolees and mandatory releasees (effective August 5, 2000).
The District of Columbia Board of Parole was abolished.
The District of Columbia moved to a determinate sentencing system for all D.C.
Code offenses committed on or after August 5, 2000 (The Sentencing Reform
Amendment Act of 2000). (As the law was signed at 5:00 p.m. on August 11, 2001,
offenses committed on or after August 5, 2001 but before 5:00 p.m. on August 11,
2001 may be subject to the provisions of the ex post facto clause.). Court-imposed
terms of supervised release are mandatory for felony offenders sentenced to
imprisonment. For felony offenders sentenced to imprisonment for more than one
year, the length of the term of supervised release is fixed by statute at five years (if
the maximum term of imprisonment authorized for the offense is twenty-five years
or more) or three years (if the maximum term of imprisonment authorized for the
offense is more than one year but less than twenty-five years), except in the case of
certain sexual offenses for which longer terms of supervised release are authorized.
By statute, the Parole Commission is responsible for supervision and revocation
decisions for these offenders.
2001 The first D.C. Code determinate-sentence offenders were released on supervised
release under the jurisdiction of the Parole Commission.
The Parole Commission began using its hearing examiners to conduct probable cause
hearings in D.C. Code parole violation cases. Previously, probable cause hearings for
alleged D.C. Code parole violators had been conducted by personnel of the Court
Services and Offender Supervision Agency.
The Commission re-established the position of research director.
In FY 2001, the Commission had an authorized total of 81 positions (Commissioners
and staff) and a budget of $8,836,000.
2002 Due to the additional responsibilities given the Parole Commission by The National
Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997, the
Commission was authorized a total of 100 positions (Commissioners and staff) for
FY 2002 and a budget of $9,876,000.
The Parole Commission published a revised Desk Book on Training and Reference
Materials for hearing examiners and analysts as part of a program of staff training.
The 21
Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act of 2002
extended the life of the Parole Commission until November 1, 2005.
Sixty-three men and women have served as Members/Commissioners of the U.S. Board of
Parole/U.S. Parole Commission. There have been fifty-one men and eleven women appointed.
Their backgrounds have included law, medicine, law enforcement, institutional corrections,
probation and parole, education, social work, and business.
From 1930-1950, federal parole board members were appointed by the Attorney General.
Originally, the Board of Parole had three members. In 1945, two additional members were
Beginning in 1950, federal parole board members were appointed by the President with the
advice and consent of the Senate for six-year, staggered terms, and their number was increased to
eight. At the end of his or her term, a member who had not been reappointed would continue to
serve until his successor had been appointed and qualified. In the case of a vacancy, an appointment
filling the vacancy would be for the unexpired portion of the term.
In 1976, the Parole Commission and Reorganization Act increased the number of federal
parole board members (now called Parole Commissioners) to nine, and changed the provisions
governing their terms in two respects. First, it provided that future appointments would be for full,
six-year terms, effective on the date the appointee took office. Second, it provided that no person
could serve a total of more than twelve years as a Parole Commissioner.
The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 extended the terms of Parole Commissioners
holding office on the date of the taking effect of the sentencing guidelines (November 1, 1987) for an
additional five years (until November 1, 1992) and removed the twelve-year limitation on total
service as a Parole Commissioner. The Judicial Improvements Act of 1990 extended the terms of the
Parole Commissioners holding office on November 1, 1987, by an additional five years (until
November 1, 1997).
The Parole Commission Phaseout Act of 1996 reinstated the twelve-year limitation on total
service as a Parole Commissioner. It also provided for the reduction in the number of Parole
Commissioners to two Commissioners on December 31, 2000, and to one Commissioner on
December 31, 2001.
The National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997
increased the authorized size of the Parole Commission to five Commissioners.
Subpart B lists the Members/Commissioners of the U.S. Board of Parole/U.S. Parole
Commission by dates of service.
Subpart C provides a brief biographical sketch of each Member/Commissioner.
Dates of Service
from to
1. Amy N. Stannard 06/30 07/35
2. Irvin B. Tucker 06/30 01/35
3. Arthur D. Wood 06/30 03/46
4. Charles Whelan 02/35 01/39
5. T. Webber Wilson 07/35 09/47
6. Edward P. Reidy 06/39 02/47
7. Douglas P. Lucas 03/46 01/47
8. Fred S. Rogers 01/47 07/53
9. B. J. Monkiewicz 06/47 08/53
10. Daniel M. Lyons 09/47 05/48
11. George G. Killinger 05/48 07/58
12. Joseph H. DeWitt 10/48 08/53
13. James A. Johnston 10/48 09/54
14. Richard A. Chappell 08/53 09/54
10/59 12/65
15. Dorothy McCullough Lee 08/53 08/56
16. George J. Reed 08/53 11/64
05/69 01/78
17. Scovel Richardson 08/53 04/57
18. Paul W. Tappan 08/53 09/54
19. Lewis J. Grout 09/54 12/65
20. John E. Henry 09/54 09/62
21. William F. Howland, Jr. 07/55 04/72
22. Gerald E. Murch 07/55 12/73
23. Eva Bowring 11/56 09/64
24. Harvey G. Straub 09/57 01/58
25. Edward J. Donovan 09/58 04/63
26. Homer L. Benson 11/62 07/69
27. James A. Carr, Jr. 04/63 01/67
28. Zeigel W. Neff 10/64 09/70
29. Charlotte Paul Reese 12/64 10/70
30. William T. Woodard, Jr. 09/66 12/74
31. Walter Dunbar 06/67 02/71
32. William E. Amos 07/69 11/80
33. Paula A. Tennant 11/70 11/77
12/83 06/86
34. Curtis C. Crawford 11/70 11/77
35. Maurice H. Sigler 08/71 10/76
36. Thomas R. Holsclaw 10/72 09/75
37. Lawrence A. Carpenter 05/74 12/76
38. Philip H. Modlin 02/75 03/75
49. Joseph A. Nardoza 11/75 01/82
40. J. Robert Cooper 05/76 09/78
41. Dorothy Parker 10/76 10/82
42. Cecil C. McCall 11/77 12/83
43. Benjamin J. Malcolm 11/77 07/84
44. Robert Vincent 11/77 09/83
45. Audrey A. R. Kaslow 11/77 11/83
46. O.J. Keller 19/78 10/84
47. Richard T. Mulcrone 10/78 01/82
48. Cameron M. Batjer 11/81 10/90
49. Benjamin F. Baer 01/82 04/91
50. Victor M.F. Reyes 12/82 12/92
51. Carol Pavilack Getty 03/83 04/96
52. Vincent J. Fechtel, Jr. 11/83 04/96
53 Helen G. Corrothers 12/83 10/85
54. Daniel Raul Lopez 07/84 11/90
55. Jasper R. Clay, Jr. 10/84 10/96
56. Saundra Brown Armstrong 07/86 01/89
57. George MacKenzie Rast 10/86 06/90
58. John R. Simpson 04/92 present
59. Edward F. Reilly, Jr. 08/92 present
60. Michael J. Gaines 09/94 05/03
61. Marie F. Ragghianti 12/99 12/00
62. Janie L. Jeffers 12/99 12/00
63. Timothy E. Jones, Sr. 01/01 08/01
64. Cranston J. Mitchell 03/03 present
1. Amy N. Stannard
Birth Date: April 17, 1894 (Appelton, Wisconsin).
Education: B. A. and M.D., University of California.
Employment: Medical Officer, St. Elizabeth's Hospital,
Washington, D.C. (1923-1930).
Civic Works: Psychiatric Consultant, Life Adjustment Clinic
and Juvenile Protective Association; Lecturer in
Mental Hygiene, San Francisco Teacher's College.
Appointment: June 13, 1930, by Attorney General Dwight
Mitchell. Term expired on July 24, 1935.
Continued in post-graduate psychiatric work.
2. Irvin B. Tucker
Birth Date: September 17, 1878 (Whiteville, North
Education: North Carolina State College (1897-1900);
University of North Carolina (1900). Admitted to
the Bar (1901).
Employment: Attorney (Private Practice) Whiteville,
N.C.(1901-1921); U.S. Attorney (1921-1923);
Attorney (private practice) (1923-1925); U.S.
Attorney (1925-1930).
Appointment: June 13, 1930, by Attorney General Charles B.
Sisson. Resigned on January 31, 1935.
3. Arthur D. Wood
Birth Date: October 3, 1876 (Little Falls, Minnesota).
Education: High School Graduate.
Employment: Judge, Probate and Juvenile Court, Alger
County, Michigan (1908-1926); Commissioner of
Pardons and Paroles, Michigan (1926-1930).
Appointment: June 13, 1930, by Attorney General Dwight
Mitchell. Served as Chairman during entire term.
Resigned on March 20, 1946, to accept position as
Expert Consultant in Justice Department. Retired
from government service on October 31, 1946.
4. Charles Whelan
Birth Date: July 9, 1873 (Gallion, Alabama).
Education: Bellevue Academy, Birmingham, Alabama;
Georgetown College, Washington, D.C.; University of
Virginia; M.D., University of Alabama (1896).
Employment: Physician, private practice, Birmingham,
Alabama (1896-19O8); City Physician in Charge of
Prisons, Birmingham, Alabama (1908-1918); Welfare
Director (Physician), American Radiator Co.
Civic Works: President, Medical Association of the State of
Appointment: February 1, 1935, by Attorney General Homer
Cummings. Died on January 27, 1939.
5. T. Webber Wilson
Birth Date: January 19, 1893 (Coldwater, Mississippi).
Education: B.A. and LL.B., University of Mississippi.
Admitted to the Bar (1913).
Employment: Prosecuting Attorney, Jones County,
Mississippi (1915-1919); U.S. District Attorney,
Mississippi (1919-1923); Member of Congress
(1923-1929); Attorney, Laurel, Mississippi
(1929-1933); U.S. District Judge, Virgin Islands
Appointment: July 25, 1935, by Attorney General Homer
Cummings. Served as Chairman from April 11, 1946,
to September 9, 1947. Resigned on September 1,
1947, to return to private law practice in Laurel,
6. Edward P. Reidy
Birth Date: January 9, 1898 (Worcester, Massachusetts).
Education: B.B.A., Boston University (1922); B.Ed., Clark
University (1925).
Employment: High School Teacher/Assistant Principal,
Williamsburg, Massachusetts (1922-1925); High
School Teacher, Ansonia, Connecticut (1925); High
School Teacher, Providence, Rhode Island
(1926-1936); Director of Public Welfare,
Providence, R.I. (1929-1936); Director of Public
Welfare, State of Rhode Island (1936-1938).
Civic Works: Chairman, Providence Council of Social
Appointment: June 12, 1939, by Attorney General Frank
Murphy. Resigned on February 5, 1947, to accept
position of Director of Social Welfare for Rhode
7. Douglas P. Lucas
Birth Date: April 11, 1881.
Appointment: March 20, 1946, by Attorney General Tom Clark.
Resigned on January 10, 1947.
(no other information available)
8. Fred S. Rogers
Birth Date: April 19. 1897 (Beeville, Texas).
Education: High School; studied in law office in Texas.
Admitted to the Bar (1909).
Employment: Major, U.S. Army (1917-1918); Attorney, Texas
(1919-1931); County Attorney, Fannin County Texas
(1927-1931); Member, State Board of Pardons &
Paroles, Texas (1934-1935); Attorney, Austin, Texas
(1935-1941); Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice
Appointment: January 12, 1947, by Attorney General Tom C.
Clark. Retired on July 31, 1953.
9. Boleslaus J. Monkiewicz
Birth Date: August 8, 1898 (Syracuse, New York).
Education: LL.B., Fordham University (1921). Admitted to
the Bar (1923).
Employment: Apprentice Seaman, U.S. Navy (1918-1921);
Attorney, New Britain, Connecticut (1923-1937);
Police Court Clerk, New Britain, Connecticut
(1937-1939); Member of Congress (1939-1945);
Unemployment Commissioner, Connecticut (1946-1947).
Appointment: June 5, 1947, by Attorney General Tom C.
Clark. Resigned on August 5, 1953, to return to
private law practice.
10. Daniel M. Lyons
Birth Date: February 7, 1886 (Boston, Massachusetts).
Education: B.A., Boston Law College (1907); Harvard Law
School (1908-1910). Admitted to the Bar (1910).
Employment: Attorney, private practice, Suffolk County,
Mass. (1910-1917); Assistant District Attorney,
Suffolk County, Massachusetts (1917-1922);
Attorney, private practice, Boston, Massachusetts
(1922-1935); Litigation Attorney, National Recovery
Act, Washington, D.C. (1935); Trial Examiner,
National Labor Relations Board, Washington, D.C.
(1935); U.S. Pardon Attorney, Washington, D.C.
Civic Works: Counsel, Carney Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts; President, Boston College Alumnus
Appointment: September 15. 1947, by Attorney General Tom C.
Clark. Served as Chairman during entire
appointment. Transferred to former position of
Pardon Attorney on May 17, 1948, in accordance with
agreement at time of appointment to the Board.
11. George C. Killinger
Birth Date: March 13, 1908 (Marion, Virginia).
Education: B.A., Wittenberg College, (1930); Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina (1933).
Employment: Assistant Psychologist, TVA, Knoxville,
Tennessee (1934-1936); Director, Outpatient &
Social Service Departments, S.W. State Hospital,
Marion, Virginia (1936-1937); Psychologist and
Director of Education, U.S. Bureau of Prisons,
Chillicothe, Ohio, Atlanta, Georgia, and
Washington, D.C. (1937-1943); Lt. Commander &
Chief, Psychological Activities, War Shipping
Administration, U.S. Navy, Washington, D.C.
Civic Works: Chairman, Army Parole Board, Washington, D.C.;
Fellow, American Psychologist Association;
Diplomat, Board of Professional Examiners in
Appointment: May 17, 1948, by Attorney General Tom C.
Clark. Served as Chairman from May 17, 1948,
to August 7, 1953. Retired on July 31, 1958.
12. Joseph H. DeWitt
Birth Date: March 15, 1888 (Duluth, Minnesota).
Education: B.S., University of Minnesota.
Employment: U.S. Army, Chemical Warfare Service
(1918-1919); Parole Officer and Parole Director,
Minnesota (1919-1944); Agent, U.S. Secret Service,
Washington, D.C. (1944); Chief of Internal Security
Officers, U.S. War Relocation Authority, Tule Lake,
California (1944-1945); Chairman, U.S. Army
Clemency & Parole Board (1945-1948).
Appointment: October 13, 1948, by Attorney General Tom C.
Clark. Term expired on August 7, 1953, upon
creation of a reorganized Board. Continued in
Government service later with the War Claims
13. James A. Johnston
Birth Date: September 15, 1874 (Brooklyn, New York).
Education: Two years of college, Sacred Heart, San
Francisco, California; Healds Business College;
American Institute of Banking; LaSalle Law School.
Admitted to the Bar (1919).
Employment: Department Manager, Weinstock & Lublin Co.
(1899-1909); Self-employed, Men's Furnishings Store
(1910); Chairman, Board of Control, California
(1911-1912); Warden, Folsom Prison, California
(1912-1913); Warden, San Quentin & Folsom Prisons,
California (1913-1925); Vice-President, American
Trust Co. (1925-1932); Appraiser, H.O.L.C, (1933);
Warden, Alcatraz Prison, U.S, Bureau of Prisons
Civic Works: Director, California Crime Commission
(1927-1930); Director, California Department of
Penology (1929-1930); Member, Advisory and Pardon
Board (1915-1925 and 1929-1930).
Appointment: October 13, 1948, by Attorney General Tom C.
Clark. Died on September 6, 1954.
14. Richard A. Chappell
Birth Date: December 23, 1901 (Jeffersonville, Georgia).
Education: B.A., Mercer University, Macon, Georgia
(1926); LL.B., Washington University; Fellow at New
York School of Social Work (1926). Admitted to the
Bar (1928).
Employment: U.S. Probation Officer, Macon, Georgia
(1928-1930); U.S. Probation Officer, Atlanta,
Georgia (1930-1937); Regional Director, Attorney
General's Survey of Release Procedures (1936);
Assistant Supervisor of Probation, Bureau of
Prisons (1938-1940); Chief of Probation,
Administrative Office of the Courts, Washington,
D.C. (1940-1944, 1946-1953); U.S. Navy, Prison
Administration (1944-1946).
Civic Works: Consultant on Probation to the U.S. High
Commissioner's Office, Germany (1950); Chairman,
Professional Council of National Crime and
Delinquency (1951); Consultant on Probation to the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (1953); Delegate to the
United Nations World Conference on Crime and
Delinquency, Stockholm, Sweden (1965).
Appointment: August 8, 1953, by President Eisenhower.
Retired September 30, 1954, to engage in private
law practice. Reappointed October 5, 1959, by
President Eisenhower. Retired on December 30,
15. Dorothy M. Lee
Birth Date: April 11, 1901 (Oakland, California).
Education: B.A., University of California (1921); J.C.D.,
University of California (1923). Admitted to the
Bar (1923).
Employment: Attorney, self-employed (1923-1943); Member,
Oregon House of Representatives (1929-1933);
Member, Oregon Senate (1933-1943); Commissioner,
Public Utilities, Portland, Oregon (1943-1949);
Mayor, Portland, Oregon (1949-1953).
Civic Works: President, Women's Advertising Club, Portland,
Oregon; State Department Specialist, Western
Germany; Chairman, Oregon Crime Commission;
Municipal Judge, Portland, Oregon.
Appointment: August 8, 1953, by President Eisenhower.
Resigned on August 31, 1956, to accept appointment
as Chairman U.S. Subversive Activities Control
16. George J. Reed
Birth Date: May 31, 1914 (Haigler, Nebraska)
Education: B.A., Pasadena College (1938); Graduate Work
at University of Southern California in Sociology
and Social Work
Employment: Deputy Probation Officer, Los Angeles County
Probation Department (1938-1946); U.S. Navy
(1942-1946); Field Representative, California Youth
Authority (1946-1948); Chief, Division of
Prevention and Parole Services, Minnesota Youth
Conservation Commission (1949-1953).
Civic Works: Executive Secretary of the Minnesota
Governor's Second and Third State Conference on
Youth; Chairman, Minnesota State Interagency
Recreational Council; Chairman, Committee on
Community Organization of the Minnesota State
Welfare Conference; Delegate, Mid-Century White
House Conference on Children and Youth; Chairman,
Parole Council, Member of Board of Trustees,
National Conference Committee, National Conference
on Parole.
Appointment: August 8, 1953, by President Eisenhower.
Served as Chairman of the Youth Correction Division
from October 2, 1953, to May 22, 1957. Reappointed
in 1958. Served as Chairman of the Board from May
23, 1957 to February 26, 1961. Term expired on
September 30, 1964, but remained on duty until
successor was appointed on November 30, 1964.
Reappointed by President Nixon on May 9, 1969, and
served as Chairman until July 1, 1972.
Subsequently served as Vice-Chairman. Retired on
January 30, 1978.
17. Scovel Richardson
Birth Date: February 4, 1912 (Nashville, Tennessee).
Education: B.A., University of Illinois (1934); M.B.A.
University of Illinois (1936); LL.B., Howard
University School of Law (1937).
Employment: Attorney, Chicago, Ill. (1938-1939); Associate
Professor of Law, Lincoln University, Missouri
(1939-1943); Senior Attorney, Office of Price
Administration, Washington, D.C. (1943-1944); Dean
and Professor of Law, Lincoln University, Missouri
Appointment: August 8, 1953, by President Eisenhower.
Served as Chairman from September 28, 1954, to
April 24, 1957. Resigned to accept appointment by
President Eisenhower as Judge, U.S. Customs Court,
on April 23, 1957.
18. Paul W. Tappan
Birth Date: December 25, 1911 (Danbury, Connecticut).
Education: B.A. cum laude, Clark University, Worchester,
Massachusetts (1935); M.A. and Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin (1940); LL.B., New York University
(1943); J.C.D., Columbia University (1945).
Admitted to the Bar (1943).
Employment: Assistant Instructor, University of Wisconsin
(1936-1937); Instructor, Miami University, Ohio
(1937-1941); Assistant Professor, Queens College,
New York (1940-1946); Professor, New York
University (1946-1953); Associate Reporter,
American Law Institute (1952-1953).
Civic Works: Delegate, International Penal & Penitentiary
Congress, The Hague; Delegate, Second International
Congress of Criminology, Paris; Consultant,
Economics & Social Council of the U.N.; Consultant,
American Law Institute, Committee on Model Penal
Code; Permanent Delegate, Society of Criminology,
to the United Nations Organization.
Appointment: August 8, 1953, by President Eisenhower.
Served as Chairman during entire period of service.
Resigned on September 10, 1954, to return to
former position as Professor at New York University
and Reporter for the American Law Institute.
19. Lewis J. Grout
Birth Date: July 19, 1903 (Bosworth, Missouri).
Education: LL.B., University of Missouri (1928).
Admitted to the Bar (1927).
Employment: Special Agent, F.B.I. (1928-1933); U.S.
Probation Officer, Kansas City, Missouri
(1933-1934); Chief U.S. Probation Officer, Kansas
City, Missouri (1934-1943); Chief of Probation
Division, Administrative Office of the Courts,
Washington, D.C. (1944-1946); Chief U.S. Probation
Officer, Kansas City, Missouri (1946-1954).
Appointment: September 8, 1954, by President Eisenhower.
Retired on December 30, 1965.
20. John E. Henry
Birth Date: October 13, 1894 (Waverly, Illinois).
Education: Public Schools, Jacksonville, Ill; Finance and
Business Administration, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Employment: Food Brokerage Business (1919-1922); Salesman,
Montana Representative, Folger Coffee Co.
(1922-1941); Purchasing Agent, Montana (1941-1942);
Warden, Montana State Prison (1943-1949);
Treasurer, State of Montana (1950-1952); Chairman,
Montana Railroad and Public Service Commission
Civic Works: Member, Executive Committee, American Prison
Association (1946-1949).
Appointment: September 28, 1954, by President Eisenhower.
Retired on September 28, 1962.
21. William F. Howland, Jr.
Birth Date: November 21, 1909 (Townsville, North
Education: B.A., Duke University (1930); LL.B., Duke
University (1933).
Employment: Attorney, private practice, Henderson, North
Carolina (1933-1936); U.S. Probation Officer,
Eastern District of North Carolina (1936-1943);
Chief, U.S. Probation Officer, Western District of
Virginia (1943-1955); Lt. Commander, U.S. Naval
Reserve, (Prison Administrative Officer)
Appointment: July 15, 1955, by President Eisenhower.
Served as Chairman of the Youth Correction Division
from July 15, 1970, to April 30, 1972. Retired on
April 30, 1972.
22. Gerald E. Murch
Birth Date: July 2, 1909 (North Jay, Maine).
Education: Wilton Academy, Wilton, Maine (1928); B.S.,
University of Illinois, Urbana (1932).
Employment: Parole Officer, State School for Boys, Maine
(1933-1941); Parole Officer, Maine State Prison
(1941-1942); Lt. Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve,
Active Duty (1942-1946), Active Reserve
(1946-1960); Private Industry (1946-1949); Chief
Parole Officer, Maine (1949-1955); Executive
Secretary, Maine State Parole Board (1952-1955).
Civic Works: Lt. Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve (1946-1960),
Appointment: June 29, 1955, by President Eisenhower.
Reappointed by Presidents Johnson and Nixon.
Retired on December 31, 1973.
23. Eva Bowring
Birth Date: January 9, 1892 (Nevada, Missouri).
Education: Public Schools, Pleasant Hill, Missouri.
Employment: Operated self-owned Bar-99 Ranch, Merriman,
Nebraska (since 1944). U.S. Senator, appointed to
fill unexpired term of Senator Dwight Griswold of
Nebraska (1954).
Civic Works: Advisor, National Institute of Mental Health;
Director and Member, Northwest Hereford Breeders
Association and Nebraska Stock Growers Association.
Appointment: November 2, 1956, by President Eisenhower.
Retired on September 30, 1964.
24. Harvey G. Straub
Birth Date: September 9. 1902 (Toledo, Ohio).
Education: B.A., University of Michigan (1930); LL.B.,
University of Michigan (1932); Admitted to the Bar
Employment: Attorney, Brady and Associates (1932-1936);
Assistant Director of Law, Toledo, Ohio
(1936-1939); Municipal Court Judge, Toledo, Ohio
(1939-1944); Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Lucas
County, Ohio (1944-1956); Attorney, Marshall,
Melhorn, Block, and Beet (1956-1957).
Appointment: September 5, 1957, by President Eisenhower.
Resigned on January 14, 1958, to accept appointment
as Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Lucas County,
25. Edward J, Donovan
Birth Date: July 24, 1897.
Education: B.A., Catholic University; Graduate Work at
the New York School of Law and New York School of
Social Work.
Employment: Deputy Director, Westchester County, New York,
Department of Probation (1929-1942); Director of
Personnel, Westchester County, New York
(1945-1947); Member, New York Board of Parole
(1947-1951); Executive Director, Legislation
Committee on Government Operation, New York
Appointment: September 2, 1958, by President Eisenhower.
Resigned on April 25, 1963. Accepted post as
Special Consultant, Bureau of Prisons until
retirement on September 2, 1963.
26. Homer L. Benson
Birth Date: November 19, 1918 (Elmore County, Alabama).
Education: B.S., Tuskegee Institute, Alabama (1941);
M.S.W., Atlanta University School of Social Work
Employment: Caseworker, Department of Public Welfare,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1948-1949); Caseworker,
U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Terre Haute, Indiana
(1949-1961); Analyst, U.S. Bureau of Prisons,
Washington, D.C. (1961-1962).
Appointed: November 9, 1962, by President Kennedy. Term
expired and remained on duty until July 10, 1969,
when his successor was appointed and qualified.
27. James A. Carr
Birth Date: June 12, 1913.
Education: Boston Public Latin School (1931); B.A.,
Harvard University (1935); Masters in Social
Sciences, Boston University (1941).
Employment: Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare
(1936-1939); U.S. Probation Officer, Massachusetts
(1946-1947); Chief Probation Officer, Suffolk
County, Massachusetts (1947-1963).
Civic Works: Lieutenant, Naval Reserve, Corrective Services
Division (1943-1946); President, Board of
Directors, Jamaica Plain Neighborhood House
(1947-1963); Vice-President, Massachusetts
Committee on Probation (1939-1943); Director,
Greater Boston Community Drive Fund (1939-1943).
Appointment: April 26, 1963, by President Kennedy. Served
as Chairman of Youth Correction Division from May
13, 1963, to January 6, 1967. Resigned on January
6, 1967, and returned to his former position in
Suffolk County.
28. Zeigel W. Neff
Birth Date: April 17, 1916 (Salisbury, Missouri).
Education: B.A., Southwest Missouri State (1939); J.D.,
University of Missouri (1948); LL.M., Georgetown
University (1958).
Employment: Attorney, private practice (1948-1951);
Commissioner, U.S. Court of Military Appeals
(1955-1957); Special Assistant, Navy JAG
(1957-1958); Member, Navy Board of Review
(1958-1963); Special Assistant to Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense (1963-1964).
Civic Works: Captain, U.S.N.R. (Retired) 1940-1945;
Assistant Attorney General, Missouri (1953-1954);
Judge Advocates Association (National Secretary).
Appointment: October 1, 1964, by President Johnson. Served
as Acting Chairman and Chairman of the Youth
Division from 1965 to 1970. Term expired on
September 30, 1970.
29. Charlotte Paul Reese
Birth Date: May 22, 1916 (Seattle, Washington).
Education: B.A., Wellesley College (1938).
Employment: Assistant Foreign News Editor, Chicago
Sun-Times (1940-1943); Editorial Staff,
Esquire-Coronet Publications (1943-1946); Free
lance researcher and writer (1941-1961);
Co-publisher, Snoqualmie Valley Record and North
Bend Record (weekly newspapers) (1949-1961);
Panelist, KING-TV (1956-1959); Member, Washington
State Board of Prison Terms & Paroles (1962-1964).
Civic Works: Member, Governor's Council for Children and
Youth, State of Washington (1957-1961.
Appointment: September 24, 1964, by President Johnson.
Term delayed until December 1, 1964, by agreement
with predecessor. Term expired on September 30,
30. William T. Woodard, Jr.
Education: B.A., University of North Carolina
Employment: Teacher, North Carolina Public Schools;
Caseworker, North Carolina Department of Public
Welfare; Superintendent, County Division, North
Carolina Department of Public Welfare; Chief U.S.
Probation Officer, Eastern District of North
Carolina (1951-1966).
Appointment: June 12, 1966, by President Johnson. Retired
on December 12, 1974.
31. Walter Dunbar
Birth Date: September 15, 1918 (Bakersfield, California).
Education: B.A., University of California, Los Angeles;
Graduate Work in Public Administration and Law.
Employment: Supervisory Officer, California Institute for
Men, Chino (1941-1942, 1946-1948); Staff, Special
Crime Study Commission, California (1948-1949);
Personnel Training Officer, California Department
of Corrections (1949-1951); Associate Warden, San
Quentin (1951-1955); Deputy Director, California
Department of Corrections (1955-1961); Director,
California Department of Corrections (1961-1967).
Civic Works: Editor, Manual of Correctional Standards;
President, American Correctional Association;
Chairman, Self Evaluation and Accreditation
Committee, American Correctional Association.
Appointment: June 20, 1967, by President Johnson. Served
as Chairman from June 20, 1967 to May 11, 1969.
Resigned on February 26, 1971, to take position as
Deputy Commissioner, Department of Correctional
Services, State of New York.
32. William E. Amos
Birth Date: July 26, 1926 (Charleston, Arkansas)
Education: B.S.E., State College of Arkansas (1949);
M.A., University of Tulsa (1950); M.Ed. University
of Maryland (1959); E.Ed, University of Maryland
Employment: Superintendent of Public Schools, Cabot,
Arkansas (1950-1951); Army Officer (assigned to
various correctional institutions and Military
Police Schools) (1951-1956); Special Agent, U.S.
Secret Service (1956-1958); Superintendent, Cedar
Knoll School, Washington, D.C. (1960-1962); Chief,
Division of Youth Employment and Guidance Services,
U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.
(1962-1965); Assistant Director, President's
Commission on Crime in the District of Columbia,
Washington, D.C. (1965-1967); Chief, Division of
Counseling and Test Development, U.S. Department of
Labor, Washington, D.C. (1967-1969).
Civic Works: Fellow, American Psychological Association;
President, Western Society of Criminology
(1975-1976); President, American Society of
Criminology (1976-1977).
Appointment: July 17, 1969, by President Nixon. Designated
as Chairman of the Youth Correction Division on May
1, 1972. Reappointed by President Ford in November
1974. Served as first Regional Commissioner of the
South Central Region. Retired in November 1980,
and accepted a teaching position at North Texas
State University, Denton, Texas.
33. Paula Tennant
Birth Date: May 23, 1913 (Indiana)
Education: LL.B., Lincoln University Law School
Employment: Military Service, Active Duty (1942-1945);
Assistant U.S. Attorney, Territory of Alaska
(1956-1957); Attorney, private practice
(1958-1959); Deputy District Attorney, Lassen
County, Calif. (1959-1961) District Attorney and
Public Administrator, Lassen County, California
(1961-1963); Attorney, private practice,
Susanville, California (1963-1968); Member,
California Youth Authority Board (1968-1970).
Civic Works: Board of Directors for Camp Fire Girls
(1957-1968); Chairman Lassen County Republican
Central Committee; Founding Member of Executive
Women in Government; Faculty, Federal Judicial
Center, Seminar for Newly Appointed U.S. Judges.
Appointment: November 9, 1970, by President Nixon.
Designated as the first Regional Commissioner of
the Western Region in May 1976. Term expired on
November 10, 1977, when her successor was appointed
and qualified. Appointed Assistant District
Attorney, County of Sam Mateo, Calif. after leaving
the Commission. Reappointed in November 1983 by
President Reagan. Designated as Regional
Commissioner of the Southeast Region. Retired in
June 1986.
34. Curtis C. Crawford
Birth Date: April 18, 1921 (Paris, Tennessee).
Education: B.A., West Virginia State College (1947); St.
Louis University (1947-1949); LL.B., Lincoln
University School of Law, Jefferson City, Missouri
Employment: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force (1943-1946);
Clerk, Army Records Center, St. Louis, Missouri
(1949-1952); Investigator, Civil Transit and
Casualty Co., St. Louis, Missouri (1951-1953);
Associate Attorney, Lynch & McMillian Law Office,
St. Louis, Missouri (1952-1956); Assistant Circuit
Attorney, St. Louis, Missouri (1956-1961); Circuit
Attorney, Chief Trial Assistant, St. Louis,
Missouri (1962-1965); Director, Legal Aid Society,
St. Louis, Missouri (1965-1967); Regional Director,
U.S. Small Business Administration, St. Louis,
Missouri (1970).
Appointment: November 9, 1970, by President Nixon. Served
as first Regional Commissioner of the Northeast
Region. Designated as Vice-Chairman in 1975.
Designated as Acting Chairman on October 9, 1976.
Term expired on November 10, 1977, when his
successor was appointed and qualified. Resumed
private law practice in Missouri.
35. Maurice H. Sigler
Birth Date: July 3, 1909 (Missouri City, Iowa)
Education: South Dakota State College
Employment: Correctional Officer, Leavenworth, Kansas
(1939-1946); Correctional Lieutenant and Staff
Training Supervisor, Seagoville, Texas (1946-1952);
Warden, Louisiana State Prison (1952-1958); Florida
Division of Corrections (1958-1959); Warden,
Nebraska State Penitentiary (1959-1963); Warden,
Nebraska Penal and Correctional Complex
(1963-1967); Director of Corrections, State of
Nebraska (1967-1972).
Civic Works: President, American Correctional Association.
Appointment: August 2, 1971, by President Nixon.
Designated as Chairman July 1, 1972. Retired on
October 9, 1976. Accepted a position as a Senior
Design Consultant in private industry.
36. Thomas R. Holsclaw
Education: B.S., University of Louisville; J.D.,
University of Louisville.
Employment: U.S. Army (1954-1956); Member, Jefferson
County Police Department, Kentucky (1959-1961);
Chief, Jefferson County Police Department
Appointment: October 4, 1972, by President Nixon.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the
Southeast Region on August 1, 1974. Died in office
on September 16, 1975.
37. Lawrence A. Carpenter
Education: B.A., Southern Methodist University
Employment: Warden, Texarkana Prison; Warden, Seagoville
Prison; Executive Assistant to the Director,
Federal Bureau of Prisons; Chief of Corrections
Division of Law Enforcement Assistance
Civic Works: Co-director, National Conference on
Corrections; Executive Director of the Corrections
Task Force of the National Advisory Commission on
Criminal Justice Standards and Goals.
Appointment: May 23, 1974, by President Nixon. Designated
as the first Regional Commissioner of the North
Central Region. Retired on December 23, 1976.
38. Philip H. Modlin
Education: B.S., High Point College; LL.B., University of
North Carolina
Employment: Attorney, Department of Labor; Labor Relations
in private industry; Assistant to the Deputy
Attorney General for Lawyer Careers; Deputy
Director/Director, Executive Office for U.S.
Appointment: February 13, 1975, by President Ford.
Designated as a member of the National Appeals
Board. Resigned on March 28, 1975, to accept a
position with the Department of Justice.
39. Joseph A. Nardoza
Birth Date: September 16, 1919 (New York City).
Education: B.B.A., Baruch School, City University of New
York (1965); M.P.A., City University of New York
Employment: New York City Police Department (1948-1968);
Intelligence Analyst, New York Intelligence System,
Albany, New York (1968-1969); Organized Crime
Program Specialist, Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration, Washington, D.C. (1969-1971);
Regional Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration, New York Office (1971-1973);
Assistant Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration (1973-1975).
Appointment: November 24, 1975, by President Ford.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the
Northeast Region. Term expired, but remained in
office until January 9, 1982, when his successor
was appointed and qualified.
40. J. Robert Cooper
Education: Junior College of Augusta; B.A., Emory
University; LL.B., University of Georgia.
Employment: Aviator, U.S. Navy; Private practice of law,
Gainsville, Georgia; Juvenile Court Judge, Hall
County, Georgia; Member, Georgia House of
Representatives (1967-1970); Assistant U.S.
Appointment: May 18, 1976 by President Ford. Designated as
Regional Commissioner of the Southeast Region.
Term expired on September 30, 1978. Resumed
private law practice in Georgia.
41. Dorothy Parker
Birth Date: January 30, 1916 (New York, N.Y.).
Education: B.A., Barnard College; LL.B., Columbia Law
School (changed to J.D.).
Employment: Private practice of law, New York, N.Y.
(1938-1940); Technical Advisor, Court Press, Inc.
(1940-1942); Executive Director, Independent
Citizens' Committee to Re-elect Mayor LaGuardia
(1942); Consultant, U.S. Office of Censorship
(1942-1945); Executive Assistant to Director, UNRRA
Clothing Collection (1945); Attorney, private
practice, New York City (1945-1964); Branch Chief
and Special Assistant, Office of General Counsel,
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
(1965-1970); Counsel to Senator Hiram Fong
(1970-1976); Minority Counsel, U.S. Senate
Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on
Constitutional Amendments (1970-1974); Minority
Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary,
Subcommittee on Refugees and Escapees (1974-1976).
Civic Works: Vice-Chairman, Exchange Visitors' Waiver
Review Board; Faculty Member, Federal Judicial
Center Seminar for Newly Appointed District Court
Judges; Member, Executive Women in Government.
Appointment: October 19, 1976, by President Ford.
Designated as a member of the National Appeals
Board. Retired in October 1982.
42. Cecil C. McCall
Birth Date: June 22, 1936 (Pickens, South Carolina).
Education: B.A., University of South Carolina (1961);
Georgia State University.
Employment: U.S. Air Force (1954-1958); Southeastern
Regional Director of the National Foundation
(1961-1970); Director, Georgia Department of
Probation (1970-1971); Deputy Commissioner, Georgia
Department of Offender Rehabilitation (1971-1972);
Chairman, Georgia State Board of Pardons & Paroles
(1972-1976); Member, Georgia State Board of Pardons
& Paroles (1976-1977).
Civic Works: Visiting Fellow, Guggenheim Program in
Criminal Justice, Yale University Law School (1979)
Appointment: November 11, 1977, by President Carter.
Served as Chairman from November 11. 1977 until
June 26, 1981. Then designated as Regional
Commissioner of the Southeast Region. Term expired
in November 1983; continued to serve until December
1983 when his successor was appointed and
43. Benjamin J. Malcolm
Birth Date: August 24, 1919 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
Education: B.A., Morehouse College; M.P.A., New York
Employment: First Lt., U.S. Army; Parole Officer/Deputy
Chief Parole Officer, New York City (1948-1967);
Assistant Director of Labor Relations, New York
City (1967-1970); Deputy Commissioner, New York
City Department of Corrections (1970-1972);
Commissioner, New York City Department of
Corrections (1972-1977); Associate Professor, John
Jay College; Associate Professor, C.W. Post
Civic Works: Member, Criminal Justice Advisory Council,
National Urban League; Member, New York City
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (1972-1977);
Member, New York State Crime Control Planning
Board; Consultant, Commission on Accreditation.
Appointment: November 11, 1977, by President Carter.
Served as Vice-Chairman from November 11, 1977, to
June 27, 1981. Served as Acting Chairman from June
27, 1981, to November 3, 1981. Designated as
Regional Commissioner of the Northeast Region on
February 19, 1982. Retired on July 3, 1984.
44. Robert D. Vincent
Birth Date: November 15, 1942
Education: Oklahoma State University (1960-1963); B.A.,
University of Oklahoma (1964); M.S., University of
Oklahoma (1968); Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Institute of Group Relations (1970).
Employment: Group Leader, Batelle Memorial Institute,
Columbus, Ohio (1968-1969); President, Action
Analysis, Washington, D.C. (1969-1970); President,
Antec, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (1970-1972);
Vice-Chancellor for Governmental Affairs, Oklahoma
State Regents for Higher Education (1972-1977).
Civic Works: Chairman, Federal United Way Campaign, Dallas,
Texas; Member and Director, Federal Executive
Board, Dallas; Adjunct Professor, University of
Texas, Arlington; Guggenheim Fellow, Yale
University, College of Law (1980).
Appointment: November 11, 1977, by President Carter.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the North
Central Region. Designated as a member of the
National Appeals Board on August 1, 1978. Served
as a member of the National Appeals until January
11, 1981, when designated as Regional Commissioner
of the South Central Region. Resigned in September
45. Audrey Anita Rojas Kaslow
Education: B.A., University of California, Los Angeles;
M.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.S.,
University of Southern California.
Employment: Probation Officer/Administrator and Probation
Director, Los Angeles County Probation Department;
Consultant to international government bodies in
Europe and Latin America; Consultant to U.S.
Department of Labor Consultant/Advisor, U.S.
Department of State, U.S. Agency for International
Development; Fulbright Lecturer.
Civic Works: Member, California State Judicial Council;
Committee Member, California State Social Welfare
Board; Member, California State Committee on Public
Appointment: November 22, 1977, by President Carter.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the Western
Region. Designated as a member of the National
Appeals Board on March 16, 1983. Term expired in
November 1983.
46. O.J. Keller
Birth Date: April 21, 1923 (Lancaster, Pennsylvania).
Education: Phillips Exter Academy (1941); B.A., Williams
College (1945); M.A., Northern Illinois University
Employment: Vice President and Sales Manager, WTAX Radio,
Springfield, Illinois (1951-1960);
Chairman/Commissioner Illinois Youth Commission,
Springfield, Illinois; Special Fellow, Committee on
Human Development, University of Chicago
(1963-1967); Research Fellow, Center Studies in
Criminal Justice, University of Chicago
(1965-1967); Director, Florida Division of Youth
Services, Tallahassee, Florida (1967-1973);
Secretary, Florida Department of Health and
Rehabilitative Services, (1973-1975); Visiting
Professor, Criminal Justice Studies, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida (1975-1978).
Civic Works: President, American Correctional Association;
President, National Association of State Juvenile
Delinquency Administrators; Vice Chairman, Forum on
Delinquency, White House Conference on Children and
Youth Faculty; Member, National College of Juvenile
Appointment: September 1, 1978, by President Carter.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the
Southeast Region. Designated as a member of the
National Appeals Board on January 11, 1981. Term
expired in September 1984; continued to serve until
October 1984 when his successor was appointed and
47. Richard T. Mulcrone
Birth Date: May 23, 1934 (St. Paul, Minnesota).
Education: Central High School, St. Paul Minnesota
(1952); St. Thomas College (1952-1953) and
Employment: Police Patrolman, St. Paul Parks Department
(1953-1954); U.S. Army, Special Services
(1954-1955); Roving Gang Worker, St. Paul,
Minnesota (1956); Probation Officer, St. Paul,
Minnesota (1957-1959); Probation Officer, Carver
and Scott Counties, Minnesota (1959-1963); Director
of Court Services, Carver and Scott Counties,
Minnesota (1963-1967); Family Court Referee, Carver
and Scott Counties, Minnesota (1973); Chairman,
Minnesota Corrections Board (1973-1978).
Civic Works: President, Minnesota Association of County
Probation Officers; President, Minnesota
Corrections Association; Member, Governors
Commission on Crime Prevention and Control; Member,
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission.
Appointment: October 18, 1978, by President Carter.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the North
Central Region. Resigned on January 4, 1982, to
accept a position as General Manager of City
Venture Corporation to head their Criminal Justice
48. Cameron M. Batjer
Birth Date: August 8, 1924 (Smith, Nevada).
Education: B.A., University of Nevada (1941); J.D.,
University of Utah (1950).
Employment: General ranch and farm experience (prior to
1941); Teacher, Nevada Elementary Schools and Legal
Assistant, Utah State Senate (1941-1951); Legal
Assistant to Senator George W. Malone, Washington,
D.C. (1952-1953); District Attorney, Carson City,
Nevada (1954-1959); Attorney, private practice,
Carson City, Nevada (1959-1967); Justice, Nevada
Supreme Court (1967-1981); Chief Justice, Nevada
Supreme Court (1977-1978).
Civic Works: President Carson City Rotary Club; Member
American Bar Association Committee on
Implementation of Standards of Judicial
Administration; Member Board of Governors, State of
Appointment: November 4, 1981, by President Reagan.
Designated as Chairman. Designated as
Vice-Chairman on February 18, 1982. Term extended
under the provisions of the Sentencing Reform Act
of 1984. Retired on October 3, 1990.
49. Benjamin F. Baer
Birth Date: January 2, 1918 (Peoria, Illinois)
Education: University of Illinois; B.A., San Diego State
College (1941); M.A., University of Southern
California (1947); Completed course work for
doctorate degree, University of Southern
Employment: Deputy Probation Officer, L.A. County
Probation Department (1942-1947); Senior
Sociologist, Reception Center, State of California
(1947-1951); Departmental Supervisor of
Classification, State of California (1951-1954);
Associate Warden, San Quentin (1954-1960); Director
of Corrections, Iowa (1960-1964); Co-Director,
Correctional Decisions Information Project,
Sacramento, California (1965-1967); Chairman, Youth
Conservation Commission, Department of Corrections,
St. Paul, Minnesota (1967-1972); Hearing Examiner,
U.S. Parole Commission (1972-1974, 1979-1982),
Administrative Hearing Examiner, U.S. Parole
Commission (1974-1979).
Civic Works: Commissioner (ex-officio), U.S. Sentencing
Commission; Advisory Board Member (ex-officio),
National Institute of Corrections; Member,
President Kennedy's Juvenile Delinquency Committee;
Member Board of Directors of American Correctional
Association; Member of the Professional Counsel,
National Counsel on Crime and Delinquency.
Appointment: January 8, 1982, by President Reagan.
Designated as Vice-Chairman. Designated as Acting
Chairman on February 18, 1982. Designated as
Chairman on March 24, 1982. Term extended under
the provisions of the Sentencing Reform Act of
1984. Died in office on April 9, 1991.
50. Victor M.F. Reyes
Education: B.S. and M.P.A., University of Arizona; Ph.D
course work at the University of Texas.
Employment: Recreational Director and Supervisor for the
Pima County Juvenile Detention Center; Arizona
State Juvenile Parole Officer; Arizona State Adult
Parole Officer; Administrator, (Warden) CHAPS
Project at the Arizona State Industrial School and
Member of the Arizona Juvenile Administrative
(Parole) Board; Coordinator, Mutual Agreement
Programming Project; Hearing Examiner, U.S. Parole
Commission (1974-1979), Administrative Hearing
Examiner, U.S. Parole Commission (1979-1982).
Civic Works: Member of the Hispanic Task Force, and the
Women/Minority Task Force, Presidential Personnel
Office of The White House. Publications include
History and Development of Parole Service in
Arizona (1970), CHAPS Behavior Modification
Programs (1970), CHAPS First Annual Report (1971),
The Mutual Agreement Program (1972).
Appointment: December 14, 1982, by President Reagan.
Designated as a Member of the National Appeals
Board. Designated as Regional Commissioner of the
Western Region on March 3, 1983. Designated as
Regional Commissioner of the South Central Region
on December 1, 1983. Term extended under the
provisions of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984.
Died in office on December 25, 1992.
51. Carol Pavilack Getty
Education: B.A. (Mathematics), Wellesley College; M.S.
(Criminal Justice), Arizona State University.
Courses completed at the University of Oregon,
Phoenix College, University of Southern California,
and Washington Public Affairs Center; Ph.D. course
work completed at university of Missouri - Kansas
Employment: Member and Vice Chairman of the Arizona Board
of Pardons and Parolees; mathematics teacher for
grades 7-11; engineering aide for the Garrett
Corporation; computer analyst for Motorola.
Civic Works: Member, Arizona Crime Commission; Technical
Advisor, Maricopa County Alternatives to
Incarceration Committee; Vice Chairman, Criminal
Justice Advisory Committee, City of Phoenix;
Volunteer Institutional Probation Officer, Maricopa
County; Member, Maricopa County Foster Care Review
Board; Treasurer and Chairman of Finance Committee
and Community Study and Action Committees, Junior
League of Phoenix; Co-Chair, Phoenix Junior League
IMPACT Program; President, Phoenix Wellesley Club;
Treasurer, Secretary, Docent, Touring Docent Chair,
Fund Raising Chair, and By-Laws Chair, Phoenix Art
Museum League; Advisor, Kansas City Junior League:
Focus on Crime Committee; Member, Kansas City
Victim Net Board; Third Vice-President, Chair of
Substance Abuse Program and Public Relations
Committees, Kansas City Federal Executive Board;
Board Member, Kansas City Women's Chamber of
Commerce; Chair, Women's Leadership Institute,
University of Missouri - Kansas City; Chair-Elect
of Chancellor's Advisory Board to the Women's
Center, University of Missouri - Kansas City;
Treasurer and Regional Vice-President, Association
of Paroling Authorities, International;
Commissioner (ex-officio), U.S. Sentencing
Commission (1991-1992); Advisory Board Member (ex-
officio), National Institute of Corrections (1991-
Appointment: March 1, 1983, by President Reagan.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the North
Central Region. Served as Acting Chairman from
March 1, 1991 to April 29, 1991. Designated as
Chairman on April 29, 1991. Designated as Regional
Commissioner of the North Central Region on August
13, 1992. Term extended under the provisions of
the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Resigned on
April 1, 1996.
52. Vincent J. Fechtel, Jr.
Education: B.A., University of Florida College of
Business Administration.
Employment: Owned and operated various business
enterprises in Florida, including a retail store
chain and a real estate and construction company
(since 1959). Elected as a legislator in the
Florida Senate and Florida House of
Representatives. Served in the Naval Reserve and
the National Guard.
Appointment: November 22, 1983, by President Reagan.
Designated as a Member of the National Appeals
Board. Term extended under the provisions of the
Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Retired on April 1,
53. Helen G. Corrothers
Education: A.A., Arkansas Baptist College (Liberal Arts)
(Magna Cum Laude); B.S., Roosevelt University
(Business Administration) (Honors Graduate); U.S.
Army Officer Training and Leadership School
(Distinguished Military Graduate); Graduate,
Summer Institute for Criminal Justice Executives,
University of Chicago; Completed course
requirements for M.B.A./Ph.D., California Coast
University (Business Administration).
Employment: United States Army (1955-1969), entered as a
Private and rose to the rank of Captain (Good
Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal and
the Army Commendation Medal); Chief, Military
Personnel, Fort Meyers, Virginia (1965-1967);
Director for Housing, U.S. Army Support Center,
Giessen, Germany (1967-1969); State Prison
Warden/Superintendent, Arkansas Department of
Correction (1971-1983).
Civic Works: Arkansas State Commission on Crime and Law
Enforcement; Arkansas State Commission on Status of
Women; National Board of Directors, Volunteers of
America; Treasurer, Pine Bluff Alumnae Chapter of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Treasurer, Vice-
President, and President, American Correctional
Appointment: December 1, 1983, by President Reagan.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the Western
Region. Resigned on October 25, 1985 to accept
appointment as a Commissioner, United States
Sentencing Commission, by President Reagan.
54. Daniel R. Lopez
Education: Army Air Corps Instructors Course, University
of Southern California. Courses at the U.S. Navy
Quartermaster School, Phipps Flying Service, State
Personnel Board Training Officer School, Vallejo
Junior College, University of Southern California,
University of California at Los Angeles, University
of California School Criminology, and McGeorge
School of Law.
Employment: U.S. Navy, Quartermaster and Senior Petty
Officer (during World War II). Correctional
Officer, California Department of Corrections
(attained the rank of Captain and was appointed a
Special Agent, working as a liaison with the
courts, district attorneys, probation departments,
and law enforcement agencies). Consultant to the
Director of the California Director of Corrections.
Manager of the East Los Angeles State Service
Center; Deputy Director of the Division of Job
Training and Placement of the Department of
California Human Resources Development. Member of
the California Parole Board (1980-1983).
Appointment: July 6, 1984, by President Reagan. Designated
as Regional Commissioner of the Northeast Region.
Term extended under the provisions of the
Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Died in office on
November 24, 1990.
55. Jasper R. Clay, Jr.
Birth Date: November 26, 1933 (Fairmont, West Virginia)
Education: B.S., Morgan State University (Psychology)
(1954); graduate courses at Loyola College in
Employment: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army (Infantry);
Correctional Officer, State of Maryland; Parole &
Probation Agent, State of Maryland (1958-1966);
Staff Training and Development Specialist, State of
Maryland (1966-1969); Member of the Maryland State
Parole Board (1969-1984).
Civic Works: Executive Vice President, Regional Vice
President, and Treasurer, Association of Paroling
Authorities International; Awards Committee,
American Correctional Association; Board of
Directors of Threshold Halfway House; Co-founder of
Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma
Appointment: October 12, 1984, by President Reagan.
Designated as a Member of the National Appeals
Board. Designated as Vice Chairman on May 31,
1991. Term extended under the provisions of the
Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Retired on October
16, 1996.
56. Saundra Brown Armstrong
Education: B.A., California State University at Fresno;
J.D., University of San Francisco School of Law.
Employment: Policewomen, Oakland Police Department; Deputy
District Attorney, Alameda County, California;
District Attorney's Office; Senior Consultant,
California Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice;
Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section, U.S.
Department of Justice; Commissioner, U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission, served as Vice Chairman
Appointment: July 24, 1986, by President Reagan.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the Western
Region. Resigned on January 27, 1989, to accept
appointment as a judge of the Alameda County
Superior Court (California). On June 21, 1991, she
was appointed as a judge of the U.S. District Court
(Northern District of California).
57. G. MacKenzie Rast
Birth Date: October 20, 1935 (Leesburg, Florida)
Education: B.A., University of South Florida; J.D.,
University of Florida. Graduate of the U.S. Air
Force Language School at Indiana University;
received additional litigation and advocacy
training at Northwestern University, University of
Houston, and Georgetown University.
Employment: Assistant State Attorney for the Fourth and
Fifth Judicial Circuits of Florida (1970-1981);
Special Counsel to the President of Hillsdale
College, Hillsdale, Michigan (1981-1982);
Shareholder with the Jacksonville, Florida law firm
of Mahoney, Adams, Milam, Surface and Grimsley
Appointment: October 14, 1986, by President Reagan.
Designated as Regional Commissioner of the
Southeast Region. Resigned to accept appointment
as a U.S. Immigration Judge on June 30, 1990.
58. John R. Simpson
Birth Date: February 13, 1932.
Education: B.C., Loyola College in Montreal (1954);
J.D., New England School of Law (1964).
Employment: U.S. Secret Service (1962-1992) (served as
Director from 1981-1992).
Civic Works: President of Interpol (1984-1988); Life
Member, International Association of Chiefs of
Police; Member, American Society of Industrial
Security; Member, National Sheriffs' Association;
Member, National Association of Public
Administrators; Member, Former Agents' Association
of Secret Service; Member, National War College
Alumni Association; Member, Board of Trustees, New
England School of Law; Member, Board of
Corporators, New England School of Law; Member,
Maryland Governor's Commission on Violent Crime
Appointment: April 20, 1992, by President Bush. Designated
as Regional Commissioner of the Eastern Region.
59. Edward F. Reilly, Jr.
Birth Date: March 24, 1937 (Leavenworth, Kansas).
Education: B.A., University of Kansas (Political Science)
Employment: Vice-President, Reilly & Sons, Inc., Insurors-
Realtors, Leavenworth, Kansas (1956-1992).
Director/Vice President, First State Bank of
Lansing, Kansas (1977-1983). Kansas State Senator,
District 3 (1964-1992) (Assistant Senate Majority
Leader; Chairman, Senate Committee on Federal and
State Affairs; Vice-Chairman, Senate Elections
Committee; Chairman, Senate Insurance
Subcommittee). Kansas State House of
Representatives, District 3 (1963-1964).
Civic Works: Commissioner (ex-officio), U.S. Sentencing
Commission (1992-1997); Advisory Board Member (ex-
officio) (1992-1997), National Institute of
Corrections; Commissioner, National Commission on
Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (1982-
1986); Member, National Highway Safety Advisory
Committee (1985); Advisory Member, American Justice
Institute (1983-1984); Member, Community Advisory
Committee, Leavenworth Penitentiary; Member, Board
of Directors, St. John Hospital Leavenworth, Kansas
(1974 - 1981); Vice-President and Director,
Leavenworth Historical Society (1968-1973); Member,
Kansas City Chamber of Commerce; Director and
Charter Member, Leavenworth People To People;
Director, Kaw Valley Heart Association (1971-1977);
Director, Leavenworth Association for the
Handicapped (1968-1969); Director, Leavenworth
County Chapter, American Red Cross; Member,
Frontier Army Museum Association Board of Directors
(1986-1993); Member, Kansas Attorney General's Task
Force on Drug Education (1986); Member, Buffalo
Soldier Monument Committee; Commissioner, Kansas
Governor's Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Celebration Commission (1991); Member, Kansas State
Penitentiary Citizens Advisory Committee; Civilian
Co-sponsor, Irish International Officers attending
the Command and General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas; Instructor/lecturer in Local,
State, and National Government, Command and General
Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, for
International Officers and Students (1975-1992);
Director, Kansas Blue Cross/Blue Shield (1969-
Appointment: August 12, 1992, by President Bush.
Designated as Chairman on August 13, 1992. Served
as Chairman until February 4, 1997, when designated
as a Member of the National Appeals Board. Again
designated as Chairman on May 31, 2001.
60. Michael J. Gaines
Birth Date: September 13, 1951 (Russellville, Arkansas).
Education: B.A. (1973) and J.D. (1977), University of
Arkansas at Little Rock. Admitted to the Bar
(1977). Member of the Bar of Arkansas, the United
States District Court, and the Supreme Court of the
United States.
Employment: Arkansas Governor's Security (1973-1977);
Attorney, private practice (1977-1978); Parole
Hearing Examiner, Arkansas Department of Correction
(1978-1983); Criminal Justice Liaison and Pardon
and Extradition Counsel to Governor of Arkansas
(1983-1986); Executive Director of the Arkansas
State Supreme Court Committee on Professional
Conduct (1986-1989); Chairman of the Arkansas State
Board of Parole and Community Rehabilitation (1986-
1994); Member of Arkansas Board of Correction
Civic Works: Arkansas Governor's Corrections Resources
Commission; Arkansas Governor's Task Force on
Crime; Arkansas Commission on Probation and Parole
Guidelines; Adjunct Professor, University of
Arkansas (1979-1982).
Appointment: September 28, 1994, by President Clinton.
Designated as a Member of the National Appeals
Board. Designated as Chairman on February 4, 1997.
Served as Chairman until May 31, 2001 when
designated as a member of the National Appeals
Board. Resigned on May 15, 2003.
61. Marie Fajardo Ragghianti
Birth Date: June 13, 1942.
Education: B.S. (English Literature and Psychology)
(1975) and M.S. (management of Human Services)
(1978), Vanderbilt University; M.P.A., Harvard
University (Kennedy School of Government) (1992).
Employment: Extradition Officer, Tennessee Department of
Corrections (1975-1976); Chair, Tennessee Board of
Pardons and Paroles (1976-1977); Consultant to the
Tennessee Legislature (1979); Criminal Justice
Consultant (1979-1997); Chief of Staff, U.S. Parole
Commission (1997-1999).
Civic Works: Ms. Ragghianti was responsible for a federal
investigation of corruption in the Tennessee parole
and pardon process that led to the conviction of
the governor and two aides, and was the subject of
the movie, Marie. She received the Goldsmith award
for journalism while attending the Kennedy School
of Government and was a National Institute on Drug
Abuse fellow while attending the graduate program
in criminal justice at the State University of New
York at Albany.
Appointment: December 9, 1999, by President Clinton
Designated as
Member of the
Appeals Board.
Designated as
Vice Chairman
on January 6,
December 15,
2000 as no
action on her
nomination had
been taken by
the Senate.
62. Janie L. Jeffers
Birth Date: June 4, 1947.
Education: B.A. and M.S.W., Howard University.
Employment: New York City (including various positions
with the Department of Corrections) (1972-1985);
Deputy Commissioner, New York City Department of
Corrections (1985-1991); Special Assistant, United
States Bureau of Prisons (1991-1992); Chief,
National Office of Citizen Participation, U.S.
Bureau of Prisons (1992-1996); Policy Advisor for
the President=s Crime Prevention Council (1996-
1997); Executive Deputy Director, Federal-District
of Columbia Interagency Task Force, White House
Civic Works: Ms. Jeffers has served as a consultant to the
World Health Organization on AIDS management in
penal institutions in Europe and Africa, as an
adjunct professor at the Baruch College, as a field
instructor at the Columbia University School of
Social Work, as a field instructor at the Howard
University School of Social Work, and as an
instructor at the National Academy of Corrections.
Appointment: December 10, 1999, by President Clinton
as a
n on
63. Timothy E. Jones, Sr.
Birth Date: September 21, 1948.
Education: B.A. (Sociology/Psychology) and M.Ed. (Correctional
Counseling), Georgia State University.
Employment: Probation/Parole Officer (1974-1977), Parole Review
Officer (1977-1980), Director, Parole Decision Guidelines
Unit (1980-1982), Assistant Director, Field Operations (1982-
1990), Director, Field Operations (1989-1990), Member (1990-
1997), Georgia Board of Parole; Director, Governor=s Office
of Highway Safety (Georgia) (1997-1999), Chief of Staff, U.S.
Parole Commission (1999-2001).
Civic Works: Board of Directors for the Greater Lithonia Chamber of Commerce; Member
of the DeKalb County (Georgia) Olympic Authority; Member of the DeKalb
County Civic Center Commission; Vice Chairman of the Georgia Law-
Related Education Consortium; Alumnus of Leadership Georgia and
Leadership Atlanta Foundations; Vietnam Veteran B received the Bronze
Star (for heroism in ground combat), Purple Heart, and Vietnam Cross of
Gallantry; served as District Commander and State Judge Advocate for the
Military Order of the Purple Heart.
Appointment: January 2, 2001, by President Clinton (recess appointment). Designated as a
Member of the National Appeals Board. Designated as Vice Chairman on
January 19, 2001. Resigned August 31, 2001 to accept an appointment as
Chief of Staff to the Dekalb County (Georgia) Executive Officer.
64. Cranston J. Mitchell
Birth Date: August 25, 1946
Education: B.S. (Political Science), University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Employment: Police Officer, City of St. Louis (1968-1974); Marketing Representative for
Mitchum-Thayer (1974-1975); Counselor and Administrator, Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation,
State of Missouri (1975-1984); Chairman and Director of the Board of
Probation and Parole, Missouri Department of Corrections (1984-2002);
Program Specialist, National Institute of Corrections, United States
Department of Justice (2002-2003).
Civic Works: Member of the Association of Paroling Authorities, International and honored
with the Vincent O=Leary Award for contributions to the field of parole;
member of the National Association of Blacks in Justice and honored with
the Jonathon Jasper Wright Community Leadership Award. Served on the
Public Housing Authority of Jefferson City, MO as Commissioner and as
Vice Chairman. Served on the Board of Directors of the Missouri Victim
Assistance Network.
Appointment: March 6, 2003, by President Bush.
The following table illustrates the workload of the U.S. Board of Parole/U.S. Parole
Commission for the fiscal years 1931-2001. Included are decisions made on the basis of initial and
review hearings relative to the grant or denial of parole, and revocation hearings for persons on
parole or mandatory release supervision. The decisions shown are those that generally follow a
personal hearing with the prisoner or releasee (although in some circumstances, the decision may
have been made on the basis of a record review). Other decisions that are made on the basis of a
review of the case record (e.g., decisions relative to warrant issuance, modification of conditions of
supervision, and termination of supervision) are not included.
The decisions shown enable comparison of the workload for the years before Fiscal Year
1974 with the workload for Fiscal Year 1975 and thereafter. In Fiscal Year 1975, the Board of
Parole completed its regionalization and shifted to a more automated data collection system. Data
from Fiscal Year 1974, the transition year, is not available. Despite its limitations, it is believed that
this table can provide a useful approximation of the workload of the Board/Commission over the
Parole and Revocation Decisions
Fiscal Year Number of Decisions
1931 8,459
1932 10,087
1933 8,333
1934 6,345
1935 6,521
1936 7,242
1937 8,317
1938 7,720
1939 8,103
1940 8,553
1941 8,434
1942 8,234
1943 7,944
1944 6,963
1945 7,847
Parole and Revocation Decisions (continued)
Fiscal Year Number of Decisions
1946 9,218
1947 10,628
1948 8,289
1949 9,374
1950 8,630
1951 8,938
1952 10,080
1953 11,329
1954 10,306
1955 11,973
1956 13,161
1957 12,665
1958 12,648
1959 12,307
1960 13,622
1961 14,981
1962 15,195
1963 15,872
1964 14,620
1965 13,325
1966 13,844
1977 12,730
1978 12,720
1969 15,886
1970 14,950
1971 13,495
1972 16,640
1973 19,174
1974 not available
1975 19,465
1976 19,419
1977 17,403
1978 18,731
Parole and Revocation Decisions (continued)
Fiscal Year Number of Decisions
1979 17,617
1980 16,042
1981 14,060
1982 14,326
1983 16,665
1984 15,865
1985 16,957
1986 19,207
1987 19,796
1988 20,465
1989 16,619
1990 13,568
1991 10,720
1992 9,307
1993 6,776
1994 4,922
1995 4,303
1996 3,572
1997 3,044
1998 3,293
1999 4,503
2000 4,683
2001 5,140
2002 4,217
Amos, W.E. and Newman, C.L., ed. (1975) Parole. New York: Federal
Legal Publications.
Bell, M., ed. (1957). Parole in Principle and Practice: A Manual
and Report (The National Conference on Parole). New York, NY:
National Probation and Parole Association.
Davis, K.C. (1969). Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry.
Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.
Frankel, M.E. (1973). Criminal Sentences: Law Without Order. New
York, NY: Hill and Wang.
Glaser, D. (1964). The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System.
Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill.
Gottfredson, D.M., Wilkins, L.T., and Hoffman, P.B. (1978).
Guidelines For Parole and Sentencing: A Policy Control Method.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Humbert, W.H. (1941). The Pardoning Power of the President.
Washington, DC: American Council on Public Affairs.
Management Programs and Budget Staff, Office of Management and
Finance. (1975). An Evaluation of the U.S. Board of Parole
Reorganization. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
National Counsel on Crime and Delinquency Research Center. (1973).
The Utilization of Experience in Parole Decision-Making (Fourteen
Volumes). Davis, CA: National Council on Crime and Delinquency.
Reed, George (with Hunt, Dave) (1987). Fear No Man. Eugene, OR:
Harvest House Publishers.
U.S. Department of Justice. (1939). Attorney General's Survey of
Release Procedures, Volume 1: Digest of Federal and State Laws on
Release Procedures. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
U.S. Department of Justice. (1939). Attorney General's Survey of
Release Procedures, Volume 4: Parole. Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Justice. (1939). Proceedings - National Parole
Conference. Washington, DC.
U.S. Parole Commission/National Institute of Corrections. (1981).
Parole in the 1980's: Proceedings of the National Parole Symposium.
Washington, DC.
Beck, J.L. (1975). The Effect of Representatives at Parole
Hearings. Criminology 13:114-117.
Beck, J.L. (1984). Development of Explicit Decision Guidelines By
the United States Parole Commission. In Proceedings of the One
Hundred and Fourteenth Annual Congress of Correction of the
American Correctional Association: 173-178.
Beck, J.L., and Hoffman, P.B. (1976). Time Served and Release
Outcome. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 13: 107-112.
Beck, J.L., and Hoffman, P.B. (1985). Reliability in Guideline
Application: Initial Hearings - 1982. Federal Probation 49: 33-36.
DeGostin, L.K., and Hoffman, P.B. (1974). Administrative Review of
Parole Decisions. Federal Probation 38: 24-28.
Gottfredson, D.M., Hoffman, P.B., Sigler, M.H., and Wilkins, L.T.
(1975). Making Paroling Policy Explicit. Crime and Delinquency 21:
Gottfredson, M.R. Parole Guidelines and the Reduction of Sentencing
Disparity. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 1: 218-231.
Gottfredson, M.R., and Adams, K. (1982). Prison Behavior and
Release Performance. Law and Policy Quarterly 4: 373-391.
Hoffman, P.B. (1972). Paroling Policy Feedback. Journal of Research
in Crime and Delinquency 9: 117-133.
Hoffman, P.B. (1975). A Paroling Policy Feedback Method. In Parole,
ed. W. E. Amos and C. L. Newman: 343-362.
Hoffman, P.B. (1982). Females, Recidivism, and Salient Factor
Score: A Research Note. Criminal Justice and Behavior 9: 121-125.
Hoffman, P.B. (1983). Screening For Risk: A Revised Salient Factor
Score (SFS 81). Journal of Criminal Justice 11: 539-547.
Hoffman, P.B. (1983). Parole Guidelines. In Encyclopedia of Crime
and Justice, ed. S. Kadish, 3: 1234-1240.
Hoffman, P.B. (1994). Twenty Years of Operational Use of a
Prediction Instrument: The United States Parole Commission's
Salient Factor Score. Journal of Criminal Justice 22: 477-494.
Hoffman, P.B. (1997). History of the Federal Parole System, Parts I & II. Federal
Probation 61: 23-31, 49-57.
Hoffman, P.B., and Adelberg, S. (1980). The Salient Factor Score: A Nontechnical Overview.
Federal Probation 44: 44-53.
Hoffman, P.B., and Beck, J.L. (1974). Parole Decision-Making: A Salient Factor Score. Journal of
Criminal Justice 2: 195-206.
Hoffman, P.B., and Beck, J.L. (1976). Salient Factor Score Validation--A 1972 Release Cohort.
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