The Ambitious Dragon
Beijing’s Calculus for Invading Taiwan by 2030
MAJ Kyle AMonson, Us ArMy
CAPT DAne egli, Us CoAsT gUArD, reTireD
Chinese president Xi Jinping has a strategic window, in the 2030 timeframe, when favorable condi-
tions exist to forcefully annex Taiwan if peaceful unification is not achieved before then. is hypoth-
esis is based upon the fact that an emboldened China intends to fulfill its imperial—and geostrate-
gic—objectives through expansionist behavior against Taiwan. e three main factors examined are
(1) President Xis “cult of personality as a totalitarian leader to support the why of the invasion
timeline, (2) the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) defense modernization as an enabling planning
factor, and (3) Chinese demographics against the backdrop of domestic election cycles and President
Xi’s life expectancy. ese three factors offer a strategic harbinger that, if President Xi continues to
pursue annexation of Taiwan, the PLA will be prepared by 2027, and he will likely take steps to real-
ize these ambitions by 2030 as Chinas population ages, while pursuing unification to solidify his
historic legacy in his lifetime. is article will begin with an overview of the current geopolitical
tensions, provide an explanation for the fundamental factors contributing to President Xi’s window
of opportunity, and conclude by providing an integrated assessment of relevant global security.
Taiwan is China’s Taiwan. Resolving the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese, a mat-
ter that must be resolved by the Chinese. We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification
with the greatest sincerity and the utmost effort, but we will never promise to renounce the
use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary . . . (emphasis added)
—Xi Jinping
n 23 October 2022, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) announced
that Chinese President Xi Jinping would serve an unprecedented third
term leading the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It is noteworthy
that during his speech to the 20th National Congress of the CCP, President Xi
repeatedly reinforced the narrative that complete reunification of our country
must be realized, and it can, without a doubt, be realized.”
He followed this bel-
licose statement by asserting that the PRC “reserves the option to take all mea-
sures necessary.”
e international community must not only assess if President
Low De Wei, “Full Text of Xi Jinping’s Speech at China’s Party Congress,” Bloomberg. 18 October 2022,
Low, “Full Text of Xi Jinpings Speech at China’s Party Congress.”
e Ambitious Dragon
Xi will honor his commitment to his people of annexing Taiwan, but when the
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will act on Beijing’s hegemonic ambitions to
invade Taiwan—if peaceful unification is not possible on President Xis terms.
e thesis of this article is that President Xi has a strategic window, in the 2030
timeframe, when favorable conditions exist to forcefully annex Taiwan if peaceful
unification is not achieved before then. is hypothesis is based upon the fact that
an emboldened China intends to fulfill its strategic intent and imperial objectives
through expansionist behavior against Taiwan. e three main factors examined
are (1) President Xi’s cult of personality as a totalitarian leader to support the
why of an invasion timeline, (2) the PLAs defense modernization as an enabling
planning factor, and (3) Chinese demographics against the backdrop of domestic
election cycles and President Xi’s life expectancy.
ese three factors highlight geostrategically that, if President Xi continues to
pursue the annexation of Taiwan, the PLA will be prepared by 2027, and he will
likely take steps to realize these ambitions by 2030 as Chinas population ages,
while pursuing annexation to solidify his historic legacy in his lifetime. ese
findings draw from an eclectic body of literature, including sources from English,
Mandarin, and CCP government documents, to holistically assess military, diplo-
matic, cultural, economic, and political factors. is article will begin with an
overview of the current geopolitical tensions, provide an explanation for the fun-
damental factors contributing to President Xi’s window of opportunity, and con-
clude by providing an integrated assessment of relevant global security. Figure 1
depicts a theoretical timeline overview.
Figure 1. Timeline overview
Critics will aver that China is not willing to incur the cost that the international
community will impose in response to an invasion because that action runs coun-
ter to Chinas strategic intent and goals for a national transformation by 2049.
Egli & Amonson
However, President Xi’s actions belie that argument, because he is already execut-
ing a genocidal campaign against the Uyghurs in western China with little appar-
ent international opposition or consequences, even from leading countries within
the Muslim world. Critics will also opine that President Xi’s statements are merely
harmless political rhetoric. However, in a society imbued with cultural pride and
history, dating back thousands of years, commitments such as these, to a popula-
tion of 1.4 billion citizens, cannot be taken lightly. International security and
diplomatic professionals as well as military planners must assess the risks associ-
ated with the most dangerous course of action.” As indicators and warnings
across the global commons become more challenging to identify, a predictive ap-
proach must be taken, reinforced by a realistic analysis of Chinas kleptocratic
ambitions. Ultimately, time will tell whether restraint will be exercised to enable
the flourishing democracy of Taiwan, and its 23 million citizens, to avoid the fate
seen in Hong Kong and fall to oppressive communism.
Overview—Factors for Invasion
As the Chinese Government has successively resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong
Kong and Macao, the people of the whole of China are eager to resolve the Taiwan issue as
early as possible and realize the total reunification of the country. ey cannot allow the
resolution of the Taiwan issue to be postponed indefinitely. (emphasis added)
—PRC Taiwan Affairs Ofce and the Information Ofce of the State Council
During a May 2022 briefing from the US Director of National Intelligence
Avril Haines to the Senate Armed Services Committee, she stated that “China is
watching how the nations of the world respond to Russia and considering a po-
tential invasion of Taiwan. And President Xi is scrutinizing Putins playbook in
the international response.”
While this could be cited as an example of “Ameri-
can strategic competition,” President Xi has also supported this narrative, stating
that he sees unification as not only desired but also as an inevitable Chinese prob-
lem to solve.
It appears that the PRC is currently asserting and escalating eco-
nomic, military, and diplomatic pressure on the island as a precursor for future
“HRN and SOS Release Joint Statement on the Human Rights Situation in Hong Kong since the
National Security Laws Enactment (joint statement, Human Rights Now and Sounds of the Silenced,
30 November 2022), https://hrn.or.jp/.
Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence Testimony on Global reats and National Security. Presented
at the Senate Armed Services Committee Brief, (Washington, DC, 10 May 2022).
Low, “Full Text of Xi Jinpings Speech at China’s Party Congress.”
e Ambitious Dragon
Figure 2. Southeast Asia geographic overview. (Source: Helen Davidson, Japan Urg-
es Europe to Speak out against Chinas Military Expansion, The Guardian, 20 September
2021, https://www.theguardian.com/.)
e Taiwan Strait is not a novel area of contention. e First Taiwan Strait
Crisis occurred from 3 September 1954 to 1 May 1955 and revolved around
several small islands off the coast of mainland China in disputed control between
the PRC and the Republic of China. is conflict escalated to the point that the
US Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended the potential use of nuclear weapons
against mainland China. e Second Taiwan Strait Crisis took place in 23 Au-
gust–2 December 1958 and was also an armed conflict surrounding several islands
off the east coast of mainland China. e ird Taiwan Strait Crisis (21 July
1995–23 March 1996) was precipitated by the Taiwanese presidents visit to the
United States in 1996 and involved a series of missile strikes from the PRC in the
waters surrounding Taiwan.
Based on the PRC’s historic One China principle, Beijing will only accept
unification on its terms, a calculated demand that will likely involve similar
human rights violations already demonstrated in the PRC’s annexation of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR).
Based on the PRC’s cur-
rent trajectory, the 2030 timeframe aligns with strategic variables pointing to-
Henry Kissinger, On China (New York: Penguin Press, 2011).
“HRN and SOS Release Joint Statement.”
Egli & Amonson
ward PRC intervention. With an expected looming Chinese threat to Taiwan,
this requires further analysis regarding when the invasion will happen, how that
invasion will manifest itself, and what the international response might be, es-
pecially within the context of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. ere
are three main points that highlight this fraught discussion within the interna-
tional security landscape.
Nation- State Ambiguity: Taiwan has a significantly more complex set of inter-
national relationships than Ukraine. Specifically, the international community
varies—and is conflicted—in their position regarding Taiwanese independence.
Taiwan is typically recognized as an independent democratic territory—but not a
sovereign state. Even the United States remains in a position of strategic ambigu-
ity, still recognizing the One- China policy—that the Taiwanese society is a Chi-
nese culture, but the US does not recognize PRC sovereignty over Taiwan.
should not be confused with the One China principle, the bedrock of the PRC’s
cross- straits policy, stating that there is only one China, that includes Taiwan, and
that any discussion of independence is based upon separatist movements against
How would this Chinese military aggression be viewed vis- à- vis the cur-
rent conflict in the Black Sea region?
It is unlikely that there would be a similar ardent public outcry following an
invasion of Taiwan as observed after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. e in-
ternational community can expect to see President Xi continue to gather a
coalition behind his narrative that Taiwan is Chinas Taiwan.”
As China
increases pressure on Taiwan and potentially transitions to armed conflict, the
PRC will leverage its growing number of economically dependent, less-
developed countries (Belt and Road Initiative–related) to support Beijings
objectives. is action will likely precipitate United Nations objections and
resolutions to counter malign influence and coercive actions that undermine
the international rules- based order. As an example of China’s international
economic ties compared to Russia’s, figure 3 highlights the major differences of
each countrys global economic influence.
Michael Green,What Is the U.S. ‘One China’ Policy, and Why Does it Matter?,” Center for Strategic
and International Studies, 13 January 2017, https://www.csis.org/.
Peoples Republic of China, “e One- China Principle and the Taiwan Issue” (press release, Taiwan
Affairs Office and the Information Office of the State Council, n.d.) http://www.china.org.cn/.
Low, “Full Text of Xi Jinpings Speech at China’s Party Congress.”
e Ambitious Dragon
Figure 3. Difference in import from Russia and China 2020. (Source: The Observatory of
Economic Complexity, “China/Russia, https://oec.world/.)
As President Xi conducts the risk calculus for an invasion, there is already a
clear harbinger for how the international community will respond to Chinas ex-
pansionist behavior and fail to hold Beijing accountable for its actions. Based on
multiple reports from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, a multi-
tude of UN human rights experts, and the Human Rights Watch nongovernmen-
tal organization, the international community displays a clear reluctance to con-
demn China for its corrupt human rights violations against its own population in
Xinjiang, in a demonstration of genocide not seen since World War II and Rwan-
Further, as China’s ubiquitous and predatory financial tactics proliferate on
the world stage, Beijings soft power to leverage debt- trapped countries for diplo-
matic purposes will continue to increase in financial and geographic impact.
Geopolitical Dynamics: When Taiwan is compared to Ukraine, the latter is a
sovereign state, a NATO non- member partner, and is in a geopolitical region with
existing forces in place to deter Russian aggression—i.e., NATO forces in neigh-
boring member states. ere is no comparable regional alliance to provide collec-
“HRN and SOS Release Joint Statement.”
Egli & Amonson
tive defense or integrated deterrence located in Southeast Asia to effectively deter
Chinese aggression.
Regional Maritime Commons: While the international intelligence commu-
nity could identify key indicators and warnings associated with the massing of
troops on the Russia–Ukraine border, Moscows objectives spanned an entire
country. In this case, China only has to transit a 180-kilometer body of water, the
Taiwan Strait, to reach the island- nation of Taiwan, a much smaller military ob-
jective, and can still conduct exercises as feints as a precursor to operational execu-
tion, similar to Russian military warfare tactics.
Additionally, while partners willing to support Ukraine were staged on multiple
surrounding borders, Taiwans partners face the challenge of geographic distance
and barriers to deliver support in the form of security cooperation and operational
resources. Ultimately, Taiwan suffers the tyranny of distance with key partners as
a smaller military objective and has significantly less measures to predict an inva-
sion than existed with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ese are all key factors
contributing to a shorter kinetic timeline to transition from competition to crisis
and conflict.
Based on President Xi’s speech to the 20th Congress and extensive documents
and speeches captured on the PRC government website, President Xis current
stance portends that any option resulting in the status quo is unacceptable. How-
ever, the passing of President Xi, combined with a democratic election of a Tai-
wanese government more sympathetic to PRC ambitions could produce an alter-
native future compromise. e following statement from the PRC’s website
accurately depicts why the peaceful unification option is unlikely in the current
security environment:
e Chinese Government advocates that the final purpose of cross- Straits
negotiations is to achieve peaceful reunification; and that to achieve this
purpose, talks should be held based on the principle of one China. However,
the proposals for Taiwan independence, “two Chinas” and “two states,“
aiming for separation instead of reunification, violate the One- China Prin-
ciple, and are naturally unacceptable to the Chinese Government.
e following section examines three primary imperatives that support the
hypothesis for a 2030 timeframe when PRC expansionist behavior will assert
Beijings dominance over Taiwan.
National Defense Strategy, 2022.
Peoples Republic of China, “e One- China Principle and the Taiwan Issue.”
e Ambitious Dragon
Cult of Personality—President Xi’s Leadership and Legacy
To examine China’s motivation to annex Taiwan in the next decade, the most
significant factor impacting the probability of this action is its leader, President
Xi. At 69, and as the seventh president of the PRC, Xi recently began his unprec-
edented third term. In addition to serving as president, he also serves as the Gen-
eral Secretary of the CCP and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. At
no time since the founding PRC Chairman, Mao Zedong (led from 1949–1976),
has power been more politically centralized with an authoritarian leader in China.
Following Chinese cultural ethos, President Xi is portrayed as a god, and he has
sought nothing less than to transform the CCP into the high church of a revital-
ized, Marxist–Leninist faith.
Kevin Rudds Foreign Affairs article titled “e
World According to Xi Jinping aptly stated:
Xi has pushed politics to the Leninist left, economics to the Marxist left,
and foreign policy to the nationalist right. e West ignores Xis ideologi-
cal messaging at its own peril. No matter how abstract and unfamiliar his
ideas might seem, they are having profound effects on the real- world con-
tent of Chinese politics and foreign policy- and thus, as China’s rise con-
tinues, on the rest of the world.
As of 2018, the National People’s Congress passed a constitutional amendment
allowing the president to serve an unlimited number of five- year terms.
1982 constitutional limitation was instituted after Mao Zedongs rulership to
prevent a leader from gaining absolute power. Immediately following the 2018
CCP term- limit announcement, the party employed mass censorship to suppress
public disapproval of the vote. Alongside the amendment, President Xi took the
opportunity to write his CCP- based political ideology into the constitution, titled
Xi Jinping ought.” It was subsequently released as a smartphone application to
fully immerse the populace in this autocratic ideology. Xi Jinping ought is now
the most downloaded item on Apple’s App Store in China.
Kevin Rudd,e World According to Xi Jinping,” Foreign Affairs November/December 2022, https://
Rudd, “e World According to Xi Jinping.”
Associated Press, “China makes historic move to allow Xi to rule indefinitely,” CBC News, 11 March
2018, https://www.cbc.ca/.
Zheping Huang, “Chinas most popular app is a propaganda tool teaching Xi Jinping ought,” South
China Morning Post, 14 February 2019.
Egli & Amonson
Chinas current average life expectancy is 78 years.
As President Xi’s longevity
is considered against the invasion opportunity timeline, it is important to recognize
that his legacy has a strong connection to his frequent commitments to annex Tai-
wan. To President Xi, annexing Taiwan would be particularly meaningful because it
is a feat Mao could not accomplish and would affirm Xi’s reputation and iron grip
on state power. Xi has several key objectives as president, including completion of
the PLA modernization by 2027, the annexation of Taiwan, progress of the Belt and
Road Initiative, and most importantly, the National Rejuvenation by 2049 (the cen-
tenary of the PRC). e “great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation has been the
ultimate goal for President Xi, marking the emergence of China as the leading
global power by 2049. In this era of strategic competition, no strategic goal is more
ambitiously anticipated, than the annexation of Taiwan. is feat would establish
President Xi’s standing in Chinese history and enable him to consolidate power as
a crucial element of the middle kingdom would be accomplished.
Deng Yuwen, a former editor of a CCP newspaper, who now lives in the United
States, said the countrys nationalists would be unable to accept inaction on the
Taiwan issue: “If Taiwan is not reunited, it shows that what he is doing now lacks
conviction. If Xi got a third term this year, he would have a deadline to achieve his
signature ‘Chinese Dream’—the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation—which in-
cludes Taiwan.
Any indecisive shortfall that leads to failure is a strategic option
that President Xi cannot afford and will not tolerate.
A critical view would suggest that President Xi is unwilling to endure the po-
tential international backlash on his reputation, in addition to the sanctions and
international response triggered by a violent annexation. However, this is the same
president who is currently waging a genocide in western China, imprisoning an
estimated 1 to 1.8 million Uyghurs in concentration camps with mass killings,
rape, and torture.
At this time, there is no significant international objection to
this aggression, with several states even commending Chinas treatment of the
“terrorist threat in Xinjiang.
If genocide in Chinas western provinces does not impose a cost through inter-
national condemnation, it is unlikely that an invasion of a territory on its eastern
border will incur harsh criticism from the international community. Diplomati-
State Council, People’s Republic of China, “Chinas average life expectancy rises to 78.2 years,” https://
Bang Xiao, “Why is Taiwan so important to Chinese President Xi Jinping?,” Australian Broadcasting
Corps News, 23 August 2022, https://www.abc.net.au/.
“HRN and SOS Release Joint Statement.”
United Nations Human Rights Council, Letter - Agenda item 3, Forty- first session, 24 June–12 July
e Ambitious Dragon
cally, the short- term consequences of a Taiwanese invasion would be worth the
long- term benefit of gaining national honor and expanded sovereignty. China has
long since departed from any attempt to comply with the international rules-
based order. Instead of forging balanced partnerships, Beijing coerces and pres-
sures economically vulnerable nations to establish a relationship that results in
their subordinate position as dependent states. For decades China has underwrit-
ten its international engagements with formal long- term investments that are
linked directly to UN cooperation and economic and diplomatic alliances, in a
tactic known as “dollar diplomacy.” Additionally, since 1996, China has convinced
more than a dozen countries to change their diplomatic recognition from Taipei
to Beijing, leaving Taiwan with only 15 remaining allies.
In a departure from the
Chinese diplomacy of the past 35 years, the PRC now also encourages its diplo-
mats to routinely attack their host governments in the event they do not align
with Sino- communist values, in an ethos that has come to be known as “wolf
warrior diplomacy.”
Pragmatically, at 69, the international community can expect 10 more years of
President Xi’s rule, consisting of what will be his third and likely fourth terms.
During this timeframe, there will be a growing ambition for an expanded global
presence and willingness to accept greater risk to secure his legacy. And Taiwan
would be a crown jewel to secure a place of high honor nationally. Further, con-
sidering his family history, it is noteworthy that President Xi’s mother is 96 and
his father lived to age 89, in addition to the fact that he has better healthcare than
the average Chinese citizen, when compared to the 78 average life expectancy.
As President Xi takes comprehensive steps to achieve peaceful or forceful annexa-
tion, the next variable in the equation points to a timeline no- earlier- than date of
2027, based on PLA modernization.
Military Readiness—No Earlier Than 2027
By 2027, [the] Chinese military will have the ability to effectively deal with threats brought
by the hegemonism and power politics in western pacific region, including issues relating
to [the] Taiwan question and South China Sea, as well as border tensions between China
and India.
—Li Jie
Oriana Skylar Mastro, “e Taiwan Temptation: Why Beijing Might Resort to Force,” Foreign Affairs,
July/August 2021, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/.
Rudd, “e World According to Xi Jinping.”
Rudd, “e World According to Xi Jinping.”
Egli & Amonson
Beginning with the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, the year 2027 will mark the
centennial of the founding of the PLA.
During President Xi’s congressional
speech to the CCP, he stated that the PLAs 2027 centennial modernization goals
are one of the PRC’s top eight priorities for the next five years and his third term:
Achieving the goals for the centenary of the People’s Liberation Army in
2027 and more quickly elevating our people’s armed forces to world- class
standards are strategic tasks for building a modern socialist country in all
respects. To this end, we must apply the thinking on strengthening the mili-
tary for the new era, implement the military strategy for the new era, and
maintain the Partys absolute leadership over the peoples armed forces.
In 2015, the PRCs State Information Council published a white paper titled
China’s Military Strategy, replacing its 1993 Military Strategy Guidelines for a New
Era. In this publication, the PRC takes a realistic approach to closing capability
gaps and modernizing outdated equipment and processes.
Speed, deception,
and coercion will be critical to Chinas strategy for a forceful unification. China
will need a swift seizure of Taiwan to decrease the potential of foreign interven-
tion, avoid engagement with international forces, and introduce both a logistical
and diplomatic dilemma for other countries poised to aid Taiwan with coopera-
tive security in the form of military resources. If China cannot achieve a rapid
seizure of Taiwan, its forces run the risk of a prolonged armed conflict playing out
on the world stage, a cost that will cause a severe impact economically and cer-
tainly put China in direct conflict with the United States. To mitigate this risk,
China will need to delay as long as possible until its defense modernization and
strategic economic goals are achieved.
During President Xi’s congressional speech, he not only highlighted that he
will intensify military training under combat conditions, laying emphasis on joint
training, force- on- force training, and high- tech training but also that the PLA
will intensify troop training and enhance combat preparedness across the
An emboldened posture of force projection and combat lethality is re-
flected in a number of ways leading up to the 2027 mark. e Taipei- based Insti-
tute for National Defense and Security Research recorded that the Peoples Lib-
eration Army Air Force (PLAAF) flew within the Taiwanese air defense
identification zone more than 91 days with 380 sorties during an 11-month pe-
Rudd, “e World According to Xi Jinping.”
Low, “Full Text of Xi Jinpings Speech at China’s Party Congress.”
State Information Council, China’s Military Strategy, 2015.
Low, “Full Text of Xi Jinpings Speech at China’s Party Congress.”
e Ambitious Dragon
riod in 2020.
Along with the development of new capabilities and force mod-
ernization, the PLA is continuing to pursue commercial upgrades that will ac-
celerate its deployment capabilities to support an invasion of Taiwan. For example,
China Central Television (CCTV) released video footage in 2021 of various
commercial shipping vessels conducting drills and exercises with PLA units to
validate agile and advanced amphibious maritime capabilities.
China has also employed deception and disinformation campaigns with politi-
cal military messaging, including stating that “after [US Speaker of e House
Nancy] Pelosis reckless Taiwan visit, the PLA launched large- scale military exer-
cises around the island, including launching conventional ballistic missiles over
As the frequency and intensity of military exercises and missile launches
increase in the maritime region and air space of Taiwan, there will be more op-
portunities for military observers and intelligence analysts to detect and monitor
strategic threats and incursions that precede military action. ese strategic indi-
cators will provide Taiwanese armed forces timely warnings and enable opera-
tional readiness to actively defend the island nations sovereignty.
Since President Xi has been in office, the PLA has conducted large- scale, live-
fire missile strikes around the Taiwanese coast, simulating a maritime and air
blockade of the island—an operational strategy designed to prepare its forces for
seizing Taiwan. Additionally, China has embarked on a series of island “reclama-
tions” in the South China Sea and turned these into garrisons, ignoring earlier
guarantees that it would not do so.
ese actions are consistent with Xi’s state-
ments at the National Congress of the Communist Party and is a reflection of
Chinas intent to take aggressive military action, in direct violation of international
law, to expand Beijings regional sovereignty through illegal use of force in the
global maritime commons.
In the RAND report titled Factors Shaping China’s Use of Force Calculations
Against Taiwan, Mark Cozad conducts a poignant assessment of the PLAs grow-
ing capabilities and Beijings risk assessments that reflect Chinas accelerated force
and military modernization. A premature invasion could result in failure at the
tactical, operational, and strategic levels, while patience will allow time to build
William Langley, “PLA warplanes made a record 380 incursions into Taiwans airspace in 2020,” South
China News, 6 January 2021.
Andrew Tate, “Chinese military using commercial Ro- Ro shipping to enhance its amphibious capa-
bilities,” Janes Defence News, 23 August 2021. https://www.janes.com/.
Liu Xuanzun, “Red line over Taiwan question reiterated in talks between Chinese, US defense chiefs,”
Global Times, 22 November 2022, https://www.globaltimes.cn/.
Rudd, “e World According to Xi Jinping.”
Egli & Amonson
effective military capabilities and concurrently take diplomatic steps to soften
anticipated international criticism.
Population Demographics—Window Closes in 2030s
An unfolding population crisis could be a catalyst for changing of public atti-
tudes toward the Taiwan issue. e proposed no- later- than date is based on sev-
eral factors. First, President Xi reaches the average Chinese life expectancy of 78
during the summer of 2031. Second, the 22nd Nation Congress will take place
October 2032, and Xi will seek to demonstrate results to solidify a fifth term at
that point. ird, and arguably the most significant factor, China has an extant
working- class population bubble—caused by their previous One- Child policy,
introduced in 1979, which has yielded an ever- increasing average age—and rela-
tive shortage of working- and military- age citizens.
Further, China has one of the fastest aging populations in the world, with the
World Health Organization predicting that 28 percent of Chinas population will
be over the age of 60 by 2040.
is 28-percent figure equates to more than 402
million people, inducing a significant demographic burden on Chinese society.
Also, as of 2019, roughly 75 percent of Chinas population older than 60 had
noncommunicable diseases, requiring medical support from the state. As the
number of elderly increases, so will the requisite healthcare requirements. Figure
4 depicts the current bubble residing in the 45–49 and 50–54 age ranges. Addi-
tionally, since 2020 the COVID-19 virus pandemic has imposed a medical crisis
on the national population due to widespread resurgence, adding pressure to the
existing population and healthcare challenges.
President Xi is currently enacting a variety of policies to boost China’s birth
rate. ese incentives include tax deductions, housing subsidies, medical insur-
ance, and longer maternity leave.
However, even with an increase in Chinas
birth rate will not remedy the nations current working- class transition to state-
sponsored support. Politically and demographically, Chinas aging population will
create internal dilemmas and will adversely impact economic growth. One of
Chinas greatest strengths—economically and militarily—is its size and scale.
However, this aging generation that has brought the country strength will require
a holistic solution to address pressures on the national healthcare system and
management of a burgeoning elderly population.
World Health Organization,Aging and Health in China,” n.d., https://www.who.int/.
Low, “Full Text of Xi Jinpings Speech at China’s Party Congress.”
e Ambitious Dragon
Figure 4. Age pyramid of China, 2020. (Source: “Population Pyramids of the World from 1950
to 2100: China, Population Pyramid.net, 2023, https://www.populationpyramid.net/.)
In his 2019 Foreign Affairs article, Nicholas Eberstadt stated “[Chinas]
working- age population has already been shrinking for the past five years, and it
is set to decrease by at least 100 million between 2015 and 2040. e country will
see a particularly large decline in its working- age population under 30, which may
plunge by nearly 30 percent over these years.”
While the 28 percent over 60
metric is extrapolated to 2040, once paired with the first and second factors, 2030
Nicholas Eberstadt,With Great Demographics Comes Great Power,” Foreign Affairs, July/August
2019, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/.
Egli & Amonson
will be the most likely end of the optimum window of opportunity before Xi is at
risk for leadership succession. And China will need to place a national focus on
the support of domestic economic and social welfare programs, rather than on an
invasion of Taiwan.
While many often cite Chinas vast population and geographic size as the
countrys strength, Xi realizes that dynasties—and public opinion—change over
time, and the will of the people may turn away from taking military action to
acquire Taiwan. For example, if Beijing is unable to resolve vexing domestic issues
surrounding healthcare and garner support for a growing elderly population, pub-
lic support may be lost for the annexation of Taiwan under the great rejuvenation
campaign—turning a populace of 1.4 billion against the CCP.
Impact Considerations
After reviewing the primary factors contributing to the anticipated window
for a Chinese invasion, observers must consider the impacts surrounding a
forced unification and why the Taiwan challenge is so globally significant. e
most noteworthy challenge is the long- term economic impact for China. Tai-
wan produces 63 percent of the worlds semiconductors.
As seen during CO-
VID-19, a supply- chain disruption to semiconductors is felt worldwide because
of the complex interdependencies of the computer industry and cascading im-
pact on a production center like Taiwan. Considering maritime trade in the re-
gion, if China controlled the Taiwan Strait, shipping traffic would shift to the
nearby Luzon Strait. However, if the PRC is also able to control these water-
ways, China would be able to significantly impede Japans international trade
and critical sea lines of communication.
Taiwans fate would likely be similar
to what happened in the Hong Kong SAR, with the PRC enacting policies
“which violated Chinas international legal obligations and imposed severe re-
strictions on civil and human rights in the autonomous region,” as described by
the UN Human Rights Office.
ere would also be serious geopolitical impacts, as an invasion would drasti-
cally increase tension in the region and likely drive additional counter- PRC coali-
tions to form as regional states anticipate what the PRC’s next expansionist ambi-
Yen Nee Lee, “2 charts show how much the world depends on Taiwan for semiconductors, CNBC,
15 March 2022, https://www.cnbc.com/.
Scott Cheney- Peters, “Navigating the Black Ditch: Risks in the Taiwan Strait,” Center for Interna-
tional Maritime Security, 25 December 2014, https://cimsec.org/.
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, “UN experts call for decisive mea-
sures to protect fundamental freedoms in China,” 26 June 2020.
e Ambitious Dragon
tions would be. e international impact would initially depend upon how quickly
the PRC could establish land, air, and sea superiority to prevent the influx of in-
ternational support. As discussed previously, when comparing the international
response to that for Ukraine, the global condemnation would likely be smaller by
comparison, as Chinas international relationships increase the complexity of, and
probability for, a majority vote in the United Nations General Assembly follow-
ing a Security Council veto. e greatest international impact would come from
the demonstrated commitment to the global rules- based order and principles
embraced by concerned nations around the world—and how they choose to re-
spond, or not respond, diplomatically, militarily, and economically. A forceful and
coercive PRC annexation of Taiwan would be a Chinese demonstration of might-
makes- right nationalism, as a socialist state engulfs a thriving democracy.
Whether compelling airlines to take Taiwan off their maps or pressuring Paramount Pic-
tures to remove the Taiwanese flag from the Top Gun hero Maverick’s jacket, China has
largely succeeded in convincing many countries that Taiwan is an internal matter that they
should stay out of.
—Oriana Skylar Mastro
It is expected that President Xi will seek to solidify his historic legacy and
achieve the central goal of unification and consolidation of the middle kingdom
in the 2030 timeframe. According to a survey by the state- run Global Times, 70
percent of mainlanders strongly support using force to annex Taiwan to the main-
land, and 37 percent think it would be best if the war occurred in three to five
As a 69-year- old president, Xi has a limited timeline to execute. At the
2027 PLA Centennial, a President Xi in the final year of his third term will be 73
years old. He will likely be voted into a fourth term at the age of 74, with a mili-
tary capable of a swift overpowering invasion. e international community will
likely fail to hold China accountable for its actions. is is already reflected in the
global states’ inability, or unwillingness, to hold China accountable for its ongoing
human rights violations in Xinjiang and further supported by the shift of China’s
economic partners to the PRC’s view on Taiwan in formal recognition and United
Nations resolutions.
e Taiwan problem is a security challenge that has significant geostrategic
and global power implications for the international order, as the PRC is viewed
Wang Mouzhou, “What Happens After China Invades Taiwan?,” e Diplomat, 24 March 2017,
Mastro,e Taiwan Temptation.”
Egli & Amonson
as the major pacing threat in the US National Security Strategy and US Na-
tional Defense Strategy. Critics will often state that the engagement between
China and countries like the United States is regional hegemonic competition
and not an existential threat to the world order. However, the safety and security
of Taiwan would not only be a casualty of PRC’s regional ambitions but also
represent a loss of independence and freedom for a thriving democracy of 23
million people. Xi and his increasingly strident PRC have made clear that
Chinas goal is to establish a “fairer and more just global political system based
in Marxist–Leninist values. According to Xi, a Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis is
eminent as he seeks to consolidate power to achieve the Chinese Dream and
national rejuvenation.
Finally, as Oriana Skylar Mastros Foreign Affairs article
e Taiwan Temptation depicted, e most effective way to deter Chinese
leaders from attacking Taiwan is also the most difficult: to convince them that
armed unification would cost China its rejuvenation.”
Only time will tell if
China considers the strategic risk of forceful annexation too great or if Presi-
dent Xi will exercise his leadership as a rising global power and mobilize for an
invasion of Taiwan. Either way, the actions of an ambitious dragon are catalyzing
historic changes in the twenty- first–century security environment that must be
understood and countered with active defense and deterrence. µ
MAJ Kyle Amonson, US Army
Major Amonson is an Army Aviation officer currently completing a tour as the US Army representative at the Ca-
nadian Forces College–Joint Command and Staff Program.
CAPT Dane Egli, US Coast Guard, Retired
Dr. Egli is a career Coast Guard officer currently serving as a senior military advisor for the Ministry of Defense in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Rudd, “e World According to Xi Jinping.”
Mastro,e Taiwan Temptation.”
e views and opinions expressed or implied in JIPA are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the
official sanction of the Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, Air Education and Training Command,
Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government or their international equivalents.