An Examination of “The Martian” Trajectory
Laura Burke
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, OH
October 5, 2015
1 Introduction
This analysis was performed to support a request to examine the trajectory of
the Hermes vehicle in the novel “The Martian” by Andy Weir[1]. Weir devel-
oped his own tool to perform the analysis necessary to provide proper trajectory
information for the novel. The Hermes vehicle is the interplanetary spacecraft
that shuttles the crew to and from Mars. It is notionally a Nuclear powered
vehicle utilizing VASIMR[2] engines for propulsion. The intent of this analysis
was the determine whether the trajectory as it was outlined in the novel is con-
sistent with the rules of orbital mechanics.
2 Mission Overview
In the nominal mission scenario, Hermes departs Earth orbit on July 7, 2035
and transports the crew from Earth to Mars where it then aerocaptures into
Mars orbit. The specifics of the Mars parking orbit are not provided within the
novel. The Mars Descent Vehicle (MDV) delivers the crew to the surface where
they will stay for 31 days. After their nominal stay, the crew will use the Mars
Ascent Vehicle (MAV) to transport them from Mars surface back to the Hermes
in Mars orbit. The Hermes vehicle will then depart Mars and return to Earth.
The round trip time of the nominal mission is 396 days.
Weather conditions force the crew to abort to orbit on Sol 6 using the MDV.
Following rendezvous the Hermes immediately departs Mars orbit and begins a
236 day return trip to Earth.
[email protected]v, Mission Architecture and Analysis Branch
On approximately mission day 320, the crew decides to alter the course of
the Hermes spacecraft to begin the “Rich Purnell” maneuver. This maneuver
is intended to flyby Earth for a gravity assist and return to Mars to retrieve
Mark Watney. However, in order to then return back to Earth, the Hermes
vehicle cannot capture into Mars orbit so the Hermes will perform a hyperbolic
rendezvous with Mark Watney who will have modified the MAV to allow it to
launch to Mars escape rather than low Mars orbit. Following the Mars flyby,
the crew and Mark Watney will return to Earth 211 days later, 533 days after
the planned end of the original abort mission.
2.1 Assumptions
Within “The Martian” Weir has provided information about the Hermes space-
craft as well as its trajectory thoughout the entirety of the mission. The dated
of major mission events mentioned are captured in Table 1. Additional details
are also discussed in a video of Weir’s trajectory analysis[3] which provides more
insight as to the particulars of the three different mission scenarios that unfold
during the novel.
The trajectory analysis that was completed using the information in the
novel assumed the Hermes maintained a constant acceleration of 2
. This
clever assumption by the author meant that the mass of the vehicle and the
specifics of the propulsion system could be ignored. Although VASIMR is a
variable specific impulse thruster and can therefore maintain the thrust to bal-
ance the changing mass of the vehicle to provide 2
, an actual mission
would take advantage of the increasing thrust-to-weight ratio of the vehicle as
propellant is consumed to further increase acceleration thoughout the duration
of the mission.
Table 1: Mission Events of Final Hermes Trajectory
In order to get an idea of how a “real” Hermes vehicle would perform the
VASIMR propulsion system was modeled operating at a constant specific im-
pulse (isp) rather than assuming the isp varies to produce a constant accel-
eration. Although optimizing a variable isp without maintaining a constant
acceleration may improve the overall performance, for simplicity, this analysis
fixed the isp at 5000 s. In this manner we can more easily determine the total
thrusting time as well as the amount of propellant required to complete each
leg of the mission. Previous VASIMR studies[4] of potential Mars mission have
used the following performance data:
VASIMR Propulsion System Performance Ranges:
Power to Propulsion System = 2 MW to 50 M W
Specific Impulse: 5000 s
Total System Efficiency: 60 %
Propellent: Argon
A Hermes vehicle with an inert mass of 110 t was assumed for this com-
parison trajectory[5]. For the modeling of the nominal mission (the scenario
in which the crew stays the full 31 days), the power was optimized in order
to minimize the mass of the vehicle at Earth escape (i.e. the beginning of the
nominal mission). The arrival date at Mars was also optimized. The original
arrival date for the constant acceleration mission from the book (November 8,
2035) resulted in nearly a 30 t increase in mass at Earth escape. All other dates
remained unchanged.
In modeling the nominal and early return of the crew contingency trajecto-
ries, a closest approach range of 0.8 AU constraint was set in order to ensure
that the Hermes spacecraft did not cross within Venus’ orbit. This would be a
normal mission design constraint in order to reduce radiation exposure as well
as much increased thermal loads for the crew and spacecraft. Since the “Rich
Purnell” maneuver trajectory in the book is far from nominal or any other
contingency scenario that would have been evaluated the closest approach dis-
tance of 0.8 AU was relaxed. This may or may not be deemed an acceptable risk.
3 Analysis Tools
COPERNICUS was used to model the constant acceleration as well as the con-
stant specific impulse Hermes trajectories. COPERNICUS is a 3-Degrees of
Freedom spacecraft trajectory design and optimization program that was origi-
nally developed at the University of Texas with recent developments and main-
tenance being done by Johnson Space Center[6]. Trajectory models are built as
a series of segments propagated in either a point-mass or higher order gravita-
tional field. The segments can be connected and constrained with the addition
of linear or non-linear constraints. COPERNICUS has the capability to model
both low thrust burns as well as high thrust burns as either impulsively or with
finite maneuvers for propulsion systems which can be based on chemical, solar
electric, or nuclear powered engines. SPICE files provided by Jet Propulsion
Laboratory’s NAIF is the basis of coordinate systems and ephemeris data.
4 Constant Acceleration Trajectory
To model a trajectory using a constant acceleration assumption it is not neces-
sary to know specifics of the propulsion system or the vehicle mass at any giving
time. It is assumed that the propulsion system will adjust the thrust level to
account for the ever-changing mass of the vehicle to provide a constant 2
Since the departure orbit as well as the method for escaping Earth orbit
are not revealed in the novel, this analysis assumed the vehicle started at es-
cape from Earth with a C3 = 2
(which is consistent with performing
an outbound lunar flyby). Similarly, since the parking orbit at Mars was un-
known, all Mars departures left with an escape energy of C3 = 0
. In order
to achieve these departure specifications some additional propulsive maneuvers
around Earth and Mars are required but have not been modeled in this study.
Since the Hermes vehicle either aerocaptures or aerobrakes at Mars the Her-
mes vehicle can approach on a hyperbolic trajectory at a relatively low altitude
necessary to produce the Lift-to-Drag ratios required of these maneuvers. The
nominal scenario generated for this study assumed the Hermes approached Mars
with a hyperbolic excess velocity, V
, of 5.36
/s at an altitude of 100 km.
If the arrival date at Mars is added into the optimization for the nominal tra-
jectory, the Hermes arrives at Mars approximately 27 days earlier than the date
stated in the novel. When calculating this trajectory the author adjusted the
nominal arrival date at Mars to ensure that the 31 day stay included Thanks-
giving. Forcing the arrival date to occur later than the optimal arrival date
resulted in approximately 60 more days of thrusting and 60 additional days
worth of required propellent.
During the abort scenario, although the Earth arrival/resupply flyby occur
earlier than the nominal Earth arrival date, the time the Hermes vehicle has to
transit from Mars back to Earth remains nearly the same given that a shorter
time was spent at Mars. When the abort occurs on Sol 6 the Hermes spacecraft is
actually able to depart Mars closer to the optimal departure date (mid-October
2035) for this opportunity. This results in a slightly better performing Earth
return phase of the mission than the nominal trajectory had planned for. This
also means that there is more than enough propellant onboard the baseline ve-
hicle to support the return to Earth abort scenario.
It is unknown what orbit the Hermes vehicle would have captured into when
it returns to Earth so this analysis made the assumption that the entry velocity
at Earth should not exceed 11.5
/s. This limit is consistent with what is
usually assumed when a human crewed capsule performs a direct entry return
to Earth. Similarly, it is unknown if there were any relative velocity constraints
for re-supply flyby during the “Rich Purnell” maneuver. For this analysis the
Earth arrival V
was constrained to be less than 6
There are some details in the novel regarding the Mars flyby in which the
Hermes will attempt to perform a hyperbolic rendezvous with Mark Watney.
It can be inferred from the descriptions in the novel that Mark Watney is near
the edge of Mars atmosphere, an altitude near 250 km, and it is stated that
the MAV must be modified to be able to match the 5.8
/s relative velocity
of the Hermes during the flyby. Those values were used as constraints for the
Mars rescue flyby for the “Rich Purnell” phase of the mission. Giving these
constraints and the fixed event dates, the Purnell maneuver requires slightly
less thrusting time than the original non-optimized nominal mission, therefore
still within the original propellant budget the Hermes would have carried to
perform its nominal mission.
Figure 1: Nominal Her-
mes Trajectory
Figure 2: Abort Tra-
jectory Following Sol 6
Figure 3: Rich Purnell
Hermes Trajectory
Additional details regarding the burn times for the nominal, contingency,
and “Rich Purnell” maneuver flight plans are provided in the tables below:
Figure 4: Nominal Burn
Figure 5: Abort Burn
Figure 6: Rich Purnell
Burn Durations
5 Constant Specific Impulse Trajectory
In addition to modeling the trajectory with a content acceleration propulsion
system, the trajectory was also modeled with a VASMIR propulsion system
providing a constant specific impulse of 5000 s and pushing a Hermes vehicle
with an inert mass of 110 t. Modeling the trajectory this way, the optimizer is
able to take advantage of the ever increasing acceleration of the vehicle due to
the mass lost from the consumption of propellent. It is also easier to understand
how propellent is being consumed since it will have a constant mass flow rate.
Results presented in this section will be for both the original Mars arrival
date from the novel as well as a variable arrival date determined through the
optimization process. The optimal arrival date in this case ended up being 24
days prior to the date the crew arrives at Mars in the novel. Allowing the arrival
date to occur earlier reduces the total amount of propellent necessary for the
nominal mission, resulting in a lower mass at Earth escape as well as resulting
in less propellent being consumed during the abort scenario and the “Rich Pur-
nell” maneuver scenario. Whether the decrease in propellent mass for the abort
trajectory and “Rich Purnell” trajectory is due to the overall lower escape mass
of the vehicle or due to better planetary alignment during the interplanetary
transit is unknown at this point. Additionally, the earlier Mars arrival date also
allows the propulsion system to accomplish the mission with a lower power level
than if the original arrival date is maintained: 15.45 MW instead of 17.37 MW .
Figure 7: Nominal Her-
mes Trajectory - Fixed
Mars Arrival Date
Figure 8: Abort Tra-
jectory Following Sol 6
Figure 9: Rich Purnell
Hermes Trajectory
Figure 10: Nominal Her-
mes Trajectory - Optimal
Mars Arrival Date
Figure 11: Abort Tra-
jectory Following Sol 6
Figure 12: Rich Purnell
Hermes Trajectory
Figure 13: Escape Mass and Propellent Requirements for Mission Scenarios
Additional details regarding the burn times for the nominal, contingency,
and “Rich Purnell” maneuver flight plans are provided in the tables below:
Figure 14: Comparison of the Burn Event Durations during each Mission Sce-
By forcing the nominal trajectory to perform a longer outbound transit in
order to align the surface stay with Thanksgiving, the nominal mission required
an additional 30 t of propellent over the minimum required amount when the
Mars arrival date is allowed to occur earlier. However, due to this imposed
arrival constraint, the Hermes had nearly sufficient propellent remaining to per-
form the “Rich Purnell” maneuver. The Hermes would more than likely have
sufficient propellent reserves onboard to make up the 1.1 t difference.
6 Conclusions
This analysis confirms that the nominal trajectory as well as both contingency
trajectories within “The Martian” are consistent with the laws of physics as they
were modeled and portrayed in the book. Additionally, by modeling the original
non-optimized trajectory using VASIMR performance characteristics pushing a
110 t Hermes vehicle, it has been shown that all phases of the trajectory in this
novel converge and that the resulting amount of required propellant is within
a believable range for this class of vehicle. Also, since the nominal trajectory
was intentionally modified to lengthen the outbound transit time (to be on the
surface over Thanksgiving) an additional 30 t of propellent was present that
would have not been otherwise. This additional propellent (along with some of
the propellent margin that would more than likely be present) gives the Her-
mes just enough propellent to perform the “Rich Purnell” maneuver to rescue
Mark Watney. However, since “Rich Purnell” maneuver would result in the
Hermes transiting well within the orbit of Venus, exposing both the crew and
spacecraft to large levels of radiation and high temperatures, this rescue scenario
may not be a possibility depending on physical limits of the crew and spacecraft.
However, as VASIMR has yet to be demonstrated in space, it is unknown
as to the viability of this vehicle itself. It is becoming more evident that mis-
sion architectures which employ low-thrust technology paired with a substantial
power source[7],[8],[9] can perform Mars mission much more efficiently than all-
chemical architectures. Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP) is particular well
suited to short-duration Mars mission due to the inclusion of a constant power
source. It would be of interest in the future to compare the VASIMR trajec-
tories in this study with a similarly sized Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Electric
Propulsion (BNTEP) vehicle[9] or potential an NEP-Chemical vehicle.
7 Acknowledgements
Thank you to Michael Greshko, journalist with Inside Science News Service at
the American Institute of Physics, for allowing me to dive deeper into a novel
that I already loved and Andy Weir for writing a novel which will inspire people
to take a closer look at Mars and the science and technology that goes into sup-
porting Mars exploration missions. Additionally, thank you to Melissa McGuire
(NASA, GRC) for always keeping me busy with the most interesting projects.
[1] Andy Weir., The Martian, Crown Publishing Group, 2011.
[2] Cassady, L., Longmier, B., Oleson, C., Maxwell, G., McCaskill, G., Ilin, A.,
Carter, M., Glover, T., Squier, J., Chang Diaz, F., VASIMR Performance
Results, AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, March 2010.
[3] Neo Navras., Orbital Trajectories of the Hermes, YouTube, 2011.
[4] Ilin, A., Cassady, L., Glover, T., Chang Diaz, F., VASIMR Human Missions
to Mars, Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences International Forum, March
[5] Greshko, M., “The Martian Mission Design, Message to M. McGuire, 14
Sept. 2015. Email.
[7] Oleson, S., McGuire, M., COMPASS Final Report: Piloted Mars Combined
SEP/Chemical Design Study, Version 9, 2012.
[8] Oleson, S., McGuire, M., Martini, M., COMPASS Final Report: Evolvable
Mars Campaign: Hybrid SEP/Chemical Vehicle Design, 2015.
[9] Burke, L., Borowski, S., McCurdy, D., Packard, T., A Crewed Mars One-
year, Short-stay Mars Mission using Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Electric
Propulsion (BNTEP)), NASA, 2013.