AngularJS Course Syllabus
80% Practical training & 20% Theory
Experts Available 24x7 for your queries
35 to 45 Hrs. of training
Trainer Profile
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn
based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects
and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any
questions at any time.
More than 7+ Years of Experience
Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry
Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries
Since everyone wants to make their websites most beautiful and Faster. At the Same time
UI Developers facing lot of problems in multiple page application while loading speed is very
slow. To Overcome this issue Open Source Angularjs group and google come with Angular
frameworks for Single page Application. Get Hands-on Angularjs training with placements at
Besant technologies
Chennai: +91-8099 770 770 Bangalore: +91-8767 260 270 Online: +91-9707 250 260
Angular 10 / 11 / 12 Training
Create web-based Single Page Applications using Angular 10 / 11 / 12 Versions. Learn how
to make a static web page more interactive thus enhancing its user experience.
Dynamic Binding
Form Validations
Custom Directives
Making an API Call
Dependency Injection
Before Started with Angular 5 Topics we will give basic Overview on Angular 2/4 Versions.
Learn depth knowledge in Angular Versions 2,4,5,6 with the help of Real Time Experts. We
listed below the latest version of Angular 5 Topics.
Angular 5 Training
Section 1: Getting Started with Angular 5
Course Introduction
What is Angular
Angular vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4 vs Angular 5
CLI Deep Dive
Project Setup and First App
The Course Structure
What is TypeScript
A basic setup of Bootstrap for Styling
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Section 2: The Basics of Angular 5
Module Introduction
How an Angular App gets loaded and started
Creating new Component
Understanding the role of AppModule and Component Declaration
Understanding Component Templates
Understanding Component Styles
Understanding Component Selector
Section 3: Databinding & Directive Concepts
Module Introduction
What is Databinding
String Interpolation
Property Binding
Property Binding vs String Interpolation
Event Binding
Bindable Properties and Events
Passing and Using Data using Event Binding
Two-Way Binding
Forms Module and Two Way Binding
Understanding Directives
Using ngIf and Else Conditions
Using ngStyle for Styling Angular App
Applying CSS Class dynamically with ngClass
Displaying Lists using ngFor
Section 4: Advanced Component and Databinding
Module Introduction
Dividing the App into multiple components
Property and Event Binding deep dive
Binding to custom properties
Binding to custom events
View Encapsulation
Understanding Local Reference inside Templates
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Getting Access to the templates using @ViewChild.
Exploring Component Life Cycle
Life cycle hooks deep dive
Section 5: Advance Directive Concepts
Creating a basic custom attribute directive
Exploring Renderer to create a Directive
Understanding HostListener and HostBinding
Binding to Directive’s Properties
Building Structural Directives
Exploring switch
Section 6: Understanding Services and Implementing Dependency Injection
Module Introduction
Why Services are required
Creating a Service
Injecting the service into components
Understanding Dependency Hierarchical Injector
Injecting a Service into other services
Section 7: Routing in Angular 5
Module Introduction
Understanding the need of a Router
Setting Up and implementing Routes
Navigating to Router Links
Understanding Router Paths
Styling Active Router Links
Understanding Navigation Paths
Styling Router Links
Navigating Dynamically
Using Relative Paths
Passing Parameters to Routes and fetching route parameters
Fetching route parameters in a Reactive Way
Passing query parameters and fragments
Understanding Nested Routes
Redirecting and Wildcard routes
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Redirection Path Matching
Outsourcing the Route Configuration
Introduction to Guards
Understanding can activate
Understanding can activate child
Understanding can deactivate
Passing Static Data to a Route
Understanding Resolve Guard
Exploring Location Strategies
Section 8: Observables in Angular 5
Module Introduction
Understanding built-in Angular Observable
Creating Observables
Using a Custom observable
Using Subjects to pass and Listen to Data
Understanding Observable Operators
Section 9: Forms in Angular 5
Module Introduction
Need of Angular’s help
Template Driven vs Reactive Approach
Template Driven Approach
TD: Creating the Form and Registering the controls
TD: Submitting and Using the form
TD: Understanding Form’s State
TD: Accessing Form using @ViewChild
TD: Adding Validation to user input
TD: Built-in Validator and using HTML 5 Validation
TD: Understanding Form State
TD: Outputting Validation Error Messages
TD: Set Default Value with ngModel Property Binding
TD: Using ngModel and two-way binding
TD: Grouping Form Controls
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TD: Using Form Data
Reactive Form Approach
Reactive: Creating a Form in Code
Reactive: Submitting the form
Reactive: Adding Validation
Reactive: Getting Access to Controls
Reactive: Grouping Controls
Reactive: FormArray
Reactive: Custom Validators
Reactive: Exploring Error Codes
Reactive: Custom Async Validator
Section 10: Exploring Pipes in Angular 5
Module Introduction
Using Pipes
Parameterizing Pipes
Chaining Multiple Pipes
Creating a custom Pipe
Pure & Impure Pipes
Understanding the Async Pipe
Section 11: Making HTTP Requests in Angular 5
Introduction & how HTTP request works in SPAs
Sending POST Request
Adjusting request headers
Sending GET requests
Sending PUT Requests
Response with observable operators
Catching HTTP errors
Using the async pipe with HTTP Requests
Section 12: Authentication & Route Protection in Angular Apps
Module Introduction
How Authentication works in SPAs
Introduction to JWT
Creating a Signup Page and Route
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Setting up Firebase SDK
Signing users up
Signing users in
Token introduction
Sending a token
Route protection and redirection example.
Section 13: Typescript Introduction
Module Introduction
Using types
Wrap up & Modules
Deep dive into typescripts.
Section 14: Project: This section will cover a course project where we will try to implement
all the topics we covered in each session. The course project will run after the completion of
each module.
Angular 9 Syllabus
TypeScript v.3
Introduction to TypeScript
o Overview of TypeScript
o Why TypeScript?
o JavaScript vs TypeScript
Installation of tools
o Installing Brackets an IDE
o Installing TypeScript using npm
Datatypes in TypeScript
o Primitive Datatypes
o User-defined Datatypes
o Tuples and Unions
o Variables and Operators
Decision Makers and Loops
o if, if-else, switch statements
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o for, while loops
o forEach in TypeScript
Functions in TypeScript
o Defining and Calling a Function
o Returning functions
o Parameterized functions
o Arrow functions
Inbuilt methods in TypeScript
o String methods
o Array methods
o Other inbuilt methods
Oops in TypeScript
o Introduction to Classes and Objects
o Interfaces
o Inheritance
Winding up with TypeScript
o Revising the TypeScript Concepts
o Bridging TypeScript to Angular
Angular 9
Introduction to Angular
o What is Angular?
o Features of Angular
o Angular versions
o AngularJS vs Angular 2+
o What’s new in Angular 9
Installation of tools
o Installing the latest version of nodeJS
o Installing Angular 9 using a node package manager (npm)
o Installing an IDE like Visual studio code
Getting started with our First Angular Project
o List of commands for creating, running and building a project
o Create a new Angular project
o The folder structure of an Angular Project
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o Linking bootstrap with Angular
o Linking icons, fonts with the Projects
Angular Components and Modules
o What are the components?
o Structure of a component
o Default vs custom components
o Creating components manually
o Creating components using npm
o Calling a component
o Nesting components
o Execution flow of Angular applications
o Component Interactions
o Introduction to Modules
Navigation using Routers
o Introduction to Angular routings
o Nested routes
o Relative path vs Absolute paths
o Lazy loading modules
o Pre-loading modules
o Preventing unauthorized access using protected routes
Angular Templates and Directives
o Angular elements
o Advance concepts of components
o Angular Lifecycle hooks
o Structural directives
o Attribute directives
o Custom directives
Data Binding
o Introduction to data binding
o String Interpolation
o Property Binding
o Event Binding
o Two-way data binding
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Services and Dependency injection
o What are Services?
o Need for Services
o Creating a Service
o Achieving inter-component data exchange
o Dependency injection in Angular
o Creating an injectable service in a class
o Injecting services
Angular Animations
o Introduction to Angular Animations
o Creating a Basic Animation
o Example for Advanced Animations
o Creating Re-usable Angular Animations
Angular Pipes and Maps
o Introduction to Pipes
o Importing and using pipes
o Parameterizing pipes
o Chaining pipes
o Custom pipes
o Creating a Filter pipe
Angular Forms
o Introduction to Angular Forms
o Template-driven forms
o Reactive forms
o TDD vs Reactive forms
o Adding validations to forms
o Displaying error messages
Angular Observables and RxJS
o Introduction to Observables
o Using observables to pass data
o Type-ahead suggestions using Observables
o Introduction to RxJS library
Server Interactions using HTTP
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o Introduction to Http Client Services
o HTTP get vs post
o Requesting and sending data to the server
o Sending get Request
o Sending put Request
o Adjusting Request Headers
Deployment of the Application
o Building the Application
o Steps to host the application on some server
o Hosting the Application
Building a Real-time Website for an Imaginary University
o Creating the Project Setup
o Linking BootStrap
o Creating modules and grouping Components
o Implementing Lazy Loading and adding Routings
o Adding necessary Material Components
o Completing the contents
o Hosting the Website
o Introduction to Angular Material
o Working with any of three External Plugins
Chennai: +91-8099 770 770 Bangalore: +91-8767 260 270 Online: +91-9707 250 260
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