Cypriot Journal of Educational
Volume 15, Issue 2, (2020) 282-291
Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement
Christian S. Ugwuanyi*, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Education Studies, Faculty of Education, University of the
Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa.
Chinedu I. O. Okeke, Host, Professor, and Head, School of Education Studies, Faculty of Education, University of
the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa.
Peace A. Nnamani, Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Euphemia C. Obochi, Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Christian C. Obasi, Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Suggested Citation:
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated
and non-animated powerpoint presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of
Educational Science. 15(2), 282291.
Received August 5, 2019; revised January 1, 2020; accepted April 1, 2020.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu, Higher Education Planning,
Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board, Nicosia, Cyprus.
2020 United World Center of Research Innovation and Publication. All rights reserved.
This paper determined the relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint (PPT) presentations on students’
achievement in physics. A non-equivalent group quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study, using a
sample of 88 senior secondary two students drawn from secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.
A 30-item multiple-choice Physics Achievement Test (PAT) was used for data collection. The instrument was both face and
content validate. The internal consistency reliability of the items of the PAT was established to be 0.76 using Kuder
Richardson formula 20, while the estimated temporal stability was obtained to be 0.88 using Pearson’s product-moment
correlation. The mean was used to answer the research questions while t-test of independent samples was used to test the
null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that animated PPT significantly enhanced the
achievement of students in physics than the non-animated PPT presentation.
Keywords: Achievement, powerpoint animation, physics, presentation, relative effect.
*ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Christian S. Ugwuanyi, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Education Studies, Faculty of
Education, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa. E-mail address: [email protected]
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
1. Introduction
Students’ performance in physics internal and external examinations has not been encouraging.
This is evidenced in the West African Examinations’ Council Chief Examiner’s reports of students’
performance in Physics which showed that out of 685,669 candidates enrolled for the examination in
the subject in May/June 2014, less than 30% had credit pass and above and in May/June 2015 less
than 35% of 658,393 candidates who enrolled for the same examination had credit pass and above.
Besides, Erdemir (2009) found that the performance in physics is lower than other science subjects,
such as biology and chemistry. This alarming trend has become a great threat to the nation’s future
and survival in terms of science and its benefits.
This poor performance of students in physics can be attributed to the lack of teachers' use of
innovative teaching methods and strategies in the 21st-century classroom. The literature shows that
information communication technology has a significant impact on students’ achievement, especially
in this 21st century world. In technology-aided education, visual materials such as powerpoint (PPT)
animations, animated pictures and multimedia software have great importance (Aksoy, 2013). PPT is a
soft way of presenting lecture materials to the students to appeal to the visual sense of the students
and attract their attention. PPT Instruction Strategy is one aspect of computer-based instruction that
helps any educational level to convey information better and allows students to proceed at a
comfortable learning rate (Osigwelem, 2005).
The presentation can be animated or non-animated. According to Clark and Mayer (2003),
animation refers to a computerised simulation of processes using images to structure a synthetic
motion picture and adding printed text, charts, maps, static graphics and self-motivated graphics.
When used essentially as a form of entertainment, an animation can be a cartoon, but in this study,
we focused on the potential of animation as an educational tool (Hamzat, Bello & Abimbola, 2017).
According to Hamzat et al. (2017), different categories of images with text have diverse functions in
creating mental models as a replacement for simply receiving the knowledge. The animation that
combines audio and visual features may help in the course of encoding information, storing it into
lasting memory and the recovery process (Paivio as cited in Hamzat et al., 2017). Animations facilitate
descriptive and procedural learning with an assurance of enhanced performance when applied for
instructions over contemporary means (Mayer, 2001).
Several studies have revealed the effect of PPT animation on students’ achievement. Ugwuanyi et
al. (2019) found that PPT presentation had a significant effect on students’ achievement in physics and
mathematics. Bamidele and Yoade (2017) found that the animation combined with narration and on-
screen text (A + N + T) package produced the highest mean score (mean = 16.67), followed by the
Animation combined with Narration (A + N) package (mean = 15.42) and the lowest mean score (mean
= 12.75) was recorded for the conventional teaching method. Erdemir (2011) found that the students
at the experimental group who participated in lectures supported by PPPs had higher grades than the
control group who were solely taught through traditional presentations. Aksoy (2013) found that the
computer animation technique is more effective than traditional teaching methods in terms of
enhancing students' achievement. Abdul, Sana and Arabella (2017) found a positive effect of
animation on learning of physics. Findings of Adegbija and Falode (2014) revealed that students taught
Physics using Animation-based CamStudio Instructional Package performed significantly better than
those taught using the conventional lecture method. Computer-assisted instructional package
significantly improved students' achievement in practical biology (Hamzat et al., 2017). Findings of
other studies, such as Abidoye and Omotunde (2015), Ayotola and Abiodun (2010), Gambari, Falode
and Adegbenro (2014) and Salisu (2015) revealed a significant effect of computer-assisted instruction
on students’ achievement in different subjects excluding physics. King-Dow and Shih-Chuan (2015)
found that animations contributed much in learning the results of students’ performance which
uplifted students’ physics concepts understanding and learning attitudes indicated by different
variances of gender and dispositions.
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
Moreover, findings of Anigbo and Orie (2018) revealed that the experimental group taught with
Microsoft PPT Instruction Strategy obtained a higher mean achievement score than the control group
in the post COSAT but the difference was not significant. Ezza, Alhuqail and Elhussain (2019) found
that instructional technology could significantly enhance learners’ composing skills. Ruzicka and
Milova (2019) found that the use of video analysis in providing feedback has a positive effect on the
process of downhill skiing skills acquisition.
Despite the inconsistencies in the findings of the previous studies on the subject matter, literature
is scarce on the effect of animated and non-animated PPT presentations on students’ achievement in
physics, especially in the Nigerian context. This gap in literature necessitated the present study which
determined the relative effect of animated and non-animated PPT presentations on students’
achievement in physics in Nsukka Education zone of Enugu State.
1.1. Objectives of the study
The following objectives were sought for the study.
1. Determine the effect of animated and non-animated PPT on mean achievement scores of students
at the pretest.
2. Determine the effect of animated and non-animated PPT on mean achievement scores of students
at the posttest
3. Determine the effect of animated and non-animated PPT on mean achievement scores of students
at the follow-up measure.
1.2. Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were tested at 5% probability levels
: There is no significant difference in mean achievement scores of animated and non-animated
groups students at the pretest.
: Animated and non-animated PPT presentations had no significant differential effects on
students’ achievement in physics at posttest.
: Animated and non-animated PPT presentations had no significant differential effects on
students’ achievement in physics at follow-up measure.
2. Methods
2.1. Research design
The study adopted a non-equivalent group quasi-experimental research design. According to
Creswell (2014), quasi-experiment involves a researcher assigning, but not randomly, participants to
groups because the experimenter cannot artificially create groups for the experiment. This was to
enable the researchers to experiment using intact classes of students without disrupting the school's
normal academic program.
2.2. Participants
The sample size for the study was 88 senior secondary, 2 students out of 3,635 senior secondary,
2 Physics Students in 30 public Secondary Schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.
The sample was purposively drawn from two co-educational schools in Nsukka Education zone of
Enugu State, Nigeria. The students in the two intact classes were assigned to experimental 1 (43) and
experimental group 2 (45) using a simple random sampling technique as shown in Figure 1.
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
Figure 1. Flow diagram of the sampled participants
2.3. Instrument for data collection
Physics Achievement Test (PAT) developed by the researchers was used to collect the data. The
instrument has 30 multiple-choice test items. PAT has two sections (A and B). Section A elicited
information on the students’ names, class and sex, while section B elicited information on the
achievement of the student in the content area. Each of the multiple-choice test items had four
options (AD). For each item, only one of the four options is the correct answer. The items were
developed to reflect the concepts treated and about the objectives of the lesson on which instruction
was based.
Assessed for eligibility (n = 88)
Excluded (n = 0)
Not meeting inclusion criteria (n = 0)
Declined to participate (n = 0)
Other reasons (n = 0)
Lost to follow-up (give reasons) (n = 0)
Discontinued intervention (give reasons)
(n = 0)
Allocated to intervention (n = 43)
Received allocated intervention (n = 43)
Did not receive allocated intervention (give
reasons) (n = 0 )
Lost to follow-up (give reasons) (n = 0)
Discontinued intervention (give reasons)
(n = 0)
Allocated to intervention (n = 45)
Received allocated intervention
(n = 45)
Did not receive allocated intervention
(give reasons) (n = 0)
Analysed (n = 45)
Excluded from analysis (give reasons)
(n = 0)
Randomized (n = 88)
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
2.4. Development of the learning package
PPT presentations with animation package and without animation packages were developed by the
researchers. The need for the researchers to make a computer package is based on the fact that PPT
presentation packages are not common. The PPT Presentation package utilises custom animation and
it is presented in slides. The production of the package was carried out with the help of a team of
professionals and specialists, including system programmers and instructional designers who are the
researchers. The main menu consists of the background, introduction, the topic and the unit of the
topic and finally exit button. PPT presentation was done in two ways, one with animation and the
other without animation.
2.5. Validation of the instrument and PPT package
The developed PPT presentation package and the 30 items objective physics achievement test
instrument was subjected to face validation by three experts. These include one (1) expert from
measurement and evaluation and two (2) experts from physics Education all in the Department of
Science Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka. The experts were requested to specifically examine
the test items along with the following criteria, clarity of the questions asked, appropriateness of the
questions to the students’ level of understanding and experience. The constructive criticisms of the
validators were used to modify the instrument as well as the package.
2.6. Reliability of the instrument
A trial testing was conducted to ascertain the reliability of the objective test items. The trial testing
was carried out using 20 students who were randomly sampled from Community Secondary School
Obollo-Afor using a simple random sampling technique (hat and draw). The data obtained were
analysed using KuderRichardson formula 20. An internal consistency reliability coefficient of 0.76 was
obtained while a test–retest reliability index of 0.88 was obtained using Person’s product-moment
2.7. Experimental procedure
Before the commencement of the experiment, the researchers conducted training for the research
assistants. They were briefed on how to carry on with the experiment. PAT was then administered to
the students before the commencement of the treatment as a pretest. The data obtained by students
served as pretest scores for the study. After the pretest, treatment was administered to the students
in each of the groups which lasted for 4 weeks. The first group was taught with animation after which
the students attempted some multiple-choice objective questions. The second group was taught
without animation after which the students attempted the same multiple questions. At the end of the
treatment, posttest was administered on the two groups. The test was conducted at the same time
and the scripts were collected immediately for marking. After 2 months of the treatment, a follow-up
measure or assessment was done by the researchers on the same participants.
Finally, the pre-test, post-test and follow-up scores were subjected to data analysis. For the scoring
purpose, each of the thirty items in PAT was scored one mark making a total of 30 marks.
2.8. Method of data analysis
Data collected were analysed using mean and t-test of independent samples. Mean was used to
answer the research questions while t-test of independent samples was used to test the hypotheses
formulated for the study at p ˂ 0.05 probability level.
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the methods
n = 43
n = 45
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
3. Results
Table 1. T-test of independent samples for the differences in the mean achievement scores of physics
students at pretest, posttest and follow-up measures
Animated PPT
Non-animated PPT
Animated PPT
Non-animated PPT
Animated PPT
Non-animated PPT
Table 1 shows that the mean achievement score of the students taught physics using animated PPT
(M = 15.31, SD = 3.50) did not differ significantly from those taught using non-animated PPT
(M = 14.98, SD = 2.80), t (86) = 0.493, p = 0.624. At the posttest, the mean achievement score of the
students taught physics using animated PPT (M = 23.92, SD = 5.63) differed significantly from those
taught using non-animated PPT (M = 20.93, SD = 5.05), t (58) = 2.629, p = 0.010. Similarly, at the
follow-up measure, the mean achievement score of the students taught physics using animated PPT
(M = 24.26, SD = 5.80) differed significantly from those taught using non-animated PPT (M = 21.02,
SD = 5.13), t (86) = 2.781, p = 0.007. This implies that animated PPT had a significant effect on
students’ achievement in physics than the non-animated PPT.
Figure 3. Graph of the pretest, posttest and follow-up mean achievement scores of the participants in
experimental and control groups
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
4. Discussion of the findings
The findings of the study revealed that the students taught physics using PPT presentations with
animation achieved significantly higher than those taught using PPT presentations without animation
at both posttest and follow-up measures. This implies that animated PPT had a significant effect on
students’ achievement in physics than the non-animated PPT. These findings may have resulted in this
way because of the nature of animated PPT. The animated PPT has the inherent feature of attracting
the attention of the users thereby making them focused. During the treatment period, the researchers
noticed that those who were taught using animated PPT were more participatory than those taught
with non-animated PPT. This may have resulted in their significant achievement than their
counterparts in the non-animated PPT group. Buttressing this point, Abdul et al. (2017) opined that
the use of animations in teaching generate and sustain attention, cheer in the thinking of students and
assist for conceptual understanding. These findings are in line with the findings of other related
studies. For instance, Ugwuanyi et al. (2019) found that PPT presentation had a significant effect on
students’ achievement in physics and mathematics. Bamidele and Yoade (2017) found that the
animation combined with narration and on-screen text (A + N + T) package produced the highest
mean score (mean = 16.67), followed by the Animation combined with Narration (A + N) package
(mean = 15.42) and the lowest mean score (mean = 12.75) was recorded for the conventional teaching
Erdemir (2011) found that the students at the experimental group who participated in lectures
supported by PPPs had higher grades than the control group who were solely taught through
traditional presentations. Aksoy (2013) found that the computer animation technique is more
effective than traditional teaching methods in terms of enhancing students' achievement. Abdul et al.
(2017) found a positive effect of animation on learning of physics. Findings of Adegbija and Falode
(2014) revealed that students taught Physics using Animation-based CamStudio Instructional Package
performed significantly better than those taught using the conventional lecture method. Computer-
assisted instructional package significantly improved students' achievement in practical biology
(Hamzat et al., 2017). Findings of other studies, such as Abidoye and Omotunde (2015), Ayotola and
Abiodun (2010), Gambari et al. (2014) and Salisu (2015) revealed a significant effect of computer-
assisted instruction on students’ achievement in different subjects excluding physics. King-Dow and
Shih-Chuan (2015) found that animations contributed much in learning the results of students’
performance which uplifted students’ physics concepts understanding and learning attitudes indicated
by different variances of gender and dispositions. The findings of this study validated many
characteristics of integrated animations and animated environments which contributed much to
studentsscientific learning competence and proficiency (Kiboss, 2002; Su, 2008a; 2008b, 2011, 2013;
Tao, 2004). Ezza et al. (2019) found that instructional technology could significantly enhance learners’
composing skills. Ruzicka and Milova (2019) found that the use of video analysis in providing feedback
has a positive effect on the process of downhill skiing skills acquisition. Ejimonye et al. (2020) found
that 2D animation technique proved to be significantly effective in enhancing students’ motivation in
quantitative contents of economics. Ugwuanyi et al. (2019) found that flipped classroom instructional
technology was effective in enhancing the achievement of physics students at both post-test and
follow-up measurements.
This study has been able to add to the contribution to the knowledge in the area of physics
education by proving empirically the effectiveness of animated PPT over non-animated PPT on the
achievement of students in physics. This is unlike other studies that used either animated versus
lecture method or animated versus non-animated but different subject areas like geography, biology,
chemistry and so on.
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. I. O., Nnamani, P. A., Obochi, E. C. & Obasi, C. C. (2020). Relative effect of animated and non-animated powerpoint
presentations on physics students’ achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 15(2), 282-291.
4.1. Limitations of the findings
The findings of this study may be limited by, such factors as gender, cultural orientation and
location. In this study, the researchers were not able to check for the moderating influence of those
possible moderators, thereby limiting the generalisability of the findings of the study. Thus, further
researchers can replicate this study by considering those possible moderators.
5. Conclusion and recommendations
This study has proven the efficacy of animated PPT presentation on students’ achievement in
physics. This may be because, during the treatment periods, the students who were in the animated
PPT group were very active in the learning process than those in the non-animated PPT group. Hence,
the application of animated PPT enhances students’ achievement in physics more than the non-
animated PPT. In order words, adequate implementation of animated PPT presentation by physics
teachers will lead to enhanced students’ achievement in physics. It was, therefore, recommended
1. An adequate arrangement should be made by the school authorities for the full implementation of
animated PPT for physics instruction by the teachers.
2. Physics teachers should also be made to undergo intensive training on how to use animated PPT to
present their physics instructions.
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