Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 2
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You can animate text, pictures, shapes, tables, SmartArt graphics
and other objects to add pizzazz to your presentation. Adding
animation simply means to add a special visual or sound effect to
an object including entrance and exit effects, changes in size and
colour, and even movement. For example, you may choose to
reveal bulleted points on a slide one line at a time to control your
presentation, or you could have an image of a ball bounce across
the screen just to add some amusement.
Another type of animation involves slide transition effects. By
applying a transition to the slides, you can control the way one slide
moves to the next during the slide show.
In this session you will:
gain an understanding of animation
learn how to apply animation to text
learn how to apply animation to objects
learn how to apply multiple animation effects to an object
learn how to use apply motion paths to objects
gain an understanding of the animation pane
learn how to set timing details for an effect
learn how to animate SmartArt graphics
learn how to apply transitions to slides.
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You can use animation to effectively manage the
flow of information in your presentation,
emphasise key points and to increase
participants’ interest in your presentation. There
are four types of animation effects in PowerPoint
entrance, emphasis, exit and motion paths. These
reflect the point at which you want the animation to
Entrance effects control the way objects appear on your slide. For example, you may
have individual lines of text fly in from the side of the slide, or have the slide titles
gradually fading in as the slides display.
Emphasis effects control how the audience’s eye is drawn to the animated object. For
example, you may make an image pulse or spin or have a line of text move in a wave
Exit effects determine how the animated objects will leave the slide. For example, an
image may bounce or shrink and turn off a slide.
Motion Paths
Motion paths control the movement of your text or objects around the slide. For example,
you could make objects move up and down, move in a specific shape or even create
your own custom path for an object to follow.
Types Of Effects
Many of PowerPoint’s animation effects are listed in the Animations
gallery. Each effect has an icon that indicates the way the effect works.
The effects are grouped into the following four groups.
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Not only can animation help to make your
presentation more dynamic, but you can use it to
effectively control the flow of information. For
example, you can animate each point of text to
appear when you are ready to talk about it. This will
ensure your audience listens to you rather than
reading the remaining information on the slide.
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file or open the file P814
Display Slide 1 in the Slides
Click on the arrow shape to
select it
Click on More for
Animation to display the
Animation gallery, then click
on Fly In under Entrance to
apply the effect
This effect would look better
if the arrow flew in from the
left rather than from the
bottom of the slide…
Click on Effect Options
in the Animation group
The options listed in this
gallery will depend on the
effect that is applied
Select From Left
Click on Preview in the
Preview group to test the
The arrow will now appear
from the left side of the slide.
Notice also that the icon
shown in the Effect Options
tool on the ribbon reflects the
change of direction
For Your Reference
To apply animation to an object:
1. Select the object
2. Click on More for Animation
3. Click on the desired effect
4. Click on Preview to preview the slide
Handy to Know…
You cannot set effect options for all
animation effects. When this is the case,
Effect Options will be greyed out in the
As well as animating text, you can apply
animation to objects either to emphasise a
concept or just to grab the audience’s attention.
Just be aware, however, not to overdo the
animation in a presentation. Too much animation
can be distracting you want your audience to go
away remembering the content of the presentation,
not the whizz-bang animation!
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise, or
open the file P814
Display Slide 3 in the Slides
Click on the image to select it
Click on More for
Animation to display the
Animation gallery, then click
on Bounce under Entrance
to apply the effect
Let’s add another effect…
Click on Add Animation
in the Advanced Animation
group to display the Add
Animation gallery
Click on Spin under
Emphasis to apply an
emphasis effect
Let’s add an exit effect…
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to
apply the Shrink & Turn exit
Click on Preview in the
Preview group to test the
Currently, these effects
would need to be triggered
individually. But we’ll fix this
For Your Reference
To apply multiple animation effects to an object:
1. Select the object
2. Click on More for Animation and click on
the desired effect
3. Click on Add Animation and click on the
desired effect
4. Click on Preview to preview the slide
Handy to Know…
Use animations and sound effects sparingly.
While well-placed animations can help to
effectively communicate your message, too
much animation can be off-putting.
To force multiple animation effects to work
simultaneously as one effect, you must set
timing options in the Animation pane.
You can apply more than one effect to the same
object. But, if you select the second effect from
the Animation gallery, it will simply replace the
first effect that was applied to the object. Instead,
you must select additional effects from the Add
Animation gallery. When multiple effects are
applied to an object, Multiple will be selected in the
Animation gallery rather than the effect names.
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise, or
open the file P814
Display Slide 1 in the Slides
window, then click on the text
A New Direction
Let’s apply a motion path to
this text so that it will come
onto the slide and move into
Drag it off the slide, as
We want the text to start off
the slide…
Click on More for
Animation to display the
Animation gallery, then click
on Custom Path under
Motion Paths
Click on the centre of the
selected text, hold down the
left mouse button and drag to
draw a path similar to as
shown, double-clicking at the
end point to complete the
motion path
Click on Preview in the
Preview group to test the
The centre point of the text
placeholder will follow the
motion path
For Your Reference
To draw a motion path:
1. Click on the text or object to be animated
2. Click on More for Animation
3. Click on Custom Path under Motion Paths
4. Draw the path from the centre of the object
and double-click at the end of the path
Handy to Know…
If you’re not happy with a motion path after
previewing it, it is probably best to press
to undo the path and then start again.
Although you can drag a handle of a selected
motion path, it is not easy to edit the path by
doing this.
While effects like Fly In and Fly Out can control
the movement of an object to a certain degree,
motion paths give you total control. The centre
of an object will follow the motion path. There are
many pre-set motion paths and shapes from which
you can select, plus an option for drawing a custom
path. A motion path has a beginning and an end
point which are shown as a green and red arrow.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 2
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When you add animations to objects on a slide,
PowerPoint automatically numbers each
animation with a numbered tag. These tags don’t
tell you a lot about the animations except their
order. By displaying the Animation pane, you can
see at a glance a list of all animations on the slide
along with information about the effects such as the
type of effect, duration of the effect, and more.
Animation effects are listed in the Animation pane in the order that you added them to the slide and
this is the order in which they will play. By default, the animation effects are numbered these
numbers match the numbered tags shown on the slide.
Notice that the fifth and sixth effects above are not numbered. These two effects have been set to
Start After Previous (see below) and both this start timing option and the Start With Previous
option automatically remove the number as these effects will play automatically.
The start timing icons indicate how an animation effect will be initiated.
Start On Click ( ) The animation effect will start when you click the mouse. This is the
default value.
Start With Previous (no icon) The animation effect will start when the previous effect starts. This
lets you combine multiple effects to work simultaneously as one
Start After Previous ( ) The animation effect will start immediately after the previous
animation has finished.
Pale orange timelines indicate the duration of the effect. Notice that a gap exists between the end of
the fourth effect and the start of the fifth effect as a Delay has been set in Timing.
You can hide these by clicking on an effect and then clicking on the menu icon and selecting
Show Advanced Timeline.
Click on an effect to display the menu icon. Click on the menu icon to display the menu.
The animation effects will play in the order in which they are listed in the Animation pane. If you
want them to play in a different order, simply click on the effect that you wish to move and click on
the appropriate Re-Order arrow.
Hovering over a
number, start timing
icon, effect icon or
object to which the
effect is applied will
display how the effect
is initiated, the name of
effect and the object
that it affects.
Hovering over an
orange timeline bar
will display the start
and end time for
the effect, e.g.,
Start: 0s, End: 2s.
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file or open the file P814
Display Slide 3 in the Slides
window, then click on the
image to select it
Click on Animation Pane
in the Advanced Animation
group to open the Animation
Currently, the three effects
require you to click to trigger
them. Let’s change this…
Click on effect 1 in the
Animation pane to select it,
then click on the drop arrow
for Start in the Timing group
and select With Previous
The effect will be renumbered
to 0…
Click on effect 1 (middle
effect), then repeat step 3 to
select After Previous in Start
The timeline will shift…
Click on the down spinner
arrow for Duration to 0.5,
then click on the up spinner
arrow for Delay to 1.5
Click on effect 1 (last effect)
and repeat step 3 to select
With Previous in Start
Preview the effect
For Your Reference
To set the timing for an effect:
1. Select the effect
2. Set Start, Duration and Delay as desired in
the Timing group on the Animation tab
To display the Animation pane:
1. Click on Animation Pane in the
Advanced Animation group
Handy to Know…
Duration is the time it takes for one cycle of
the effect. For example, reducing the Spin
duration will make the object spin quicker.
You can set the Start, Duration and Delay
of an effect by clicking on it in the Animation
pane, clicking on the drop arrow and
selecting Timing.
When you apply animations to objects, they are
created automatically to start with a mouse click.
This is ideal if you want to control when text on a
slide appears in a presentation. But if you want a
heading to appear automatically when a slide
displays or you want to combine several effects to
play simultaneously, you will need to change the
timing for the effect.
The gap between the timelines
of the first and second effects
shows the Delay in the starting
time. Also, the length of the
second effect’s timeline has
shortened now to reflect the
reduction in its Duration.
The third effect will move to
align with the starting time of
the previous effect.
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file
or open the file P814
Display Slide 6 in the Slide
window, then click anywhere on
the SmartArt to select it
Click on More for Animation
and click on Fade
The full graphic will appear…
Click on Effect Options in
the Animation group to open
the Effect Options gallery
Currently, the animation is
applied to the entire SmartArt…
Point to each of the options to
see how they will affect the
graphic, then click on Level at
Two animations will be applied:
one to the blue shapes and one
to the white shapes. The blue
shapes will appear before the
white shapes…
Click on the animation in the
Animation pane, click on the
drop arrow and select Effect
Options, then click on the
SmartArt Animation tab
Tick Reverse order, click on
[OK] and then preview the
The white shapes will appear
before the blue ones now
For Your Reference
To animate a SmartArt graphic:
1. Select the SmartArt
2. Click on More for Animation
3. If desired, click on Effect Options and
select an option
4. If desired, set the Timing options
Handy to Know…
Not all animations are available for SmartArt.
You can’t use the Re-Order tools in the
Animation pane to change the order of the
animations of the individual shapes of a
SmartArt graphic. You can only reverse the
Animating SmartArt is a bit different to animating
other shapes and objects. For one, any
connecting lines in a SmartArt can’t be animated
individually, and secondly, you can’t change the
order in which the individual shapes in a SmartArt
appear you can only reverse the order. You can,
however, select whether the animation applies to
the SmartArt as a whole, level by level and so on.
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Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
you MUST open the file P814
Display Slide 1, then click on
the Transitions tab to open it
Click on More for
Transitions to This Slide to
display the Transition gallery
Apply several transitions to
see how they work our first
sample shows Vortex at work
then apply the Fly Through
under Dynamic Content to
apply this transition to Slide 1
You can have the transitions
advance by clicking the mouse
and/or automatically after a
certain period of time
Click on the up spinner arrow
for Advance Slide After in
the Timing group until it reads
By leaving On Mouse Click
ticked you are leaving your
options open…
Click on Apply To All in the
Timing group to apply this
transition and timing to all
slides in the presentation
Click on Slide Show in the
status bar to check the
presentation, then press
when you’ve seen enough
For Your Reference
To apply slide transition effects:
1. Display the slide
2. Click on More for Transitions to This
Slide on the Transitions tab
3. Select the desired option
4. Click on Apply To All if required
Handy to Know…
Slide transitions provide a quick alternative to
animating the objects on a slide. For
example, use a plain background and fly the
slides in from different directions. This makes
the text and diagrams appear to fly, but they
are controlled by a single slide transition
effect instead of multiple animation effects.
As well as controlling the behaviour of objects on
a slide, you can control the transition between
slides during a presentation. Slide transition
effects are used to reflect the changing of a topic,
rather like flipping a page in a book. A word of
caution: it is unlikely that you will need both slide
transitions and animation effects.
Vortex an exciting effect
Fly Through a dynamic content effect (ie the non-animated
content flies onto the slide)