Updated March 26, 2024
Annual Evaluations 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should start the evaluation form?
The supervisor must start the process. From there, they can select which employee that is the
subject of the evaluation and choose whether or not to have them complete a self-evaluation.
(Self-evaluations are highly recommended).
Should I prepare an annual evaluation for a Civil Service employee who is on probation?
Civil Service employees who are still in their probationary period as of April 1, 2024, should be
evaluated using the appropriate probationary evaluation forms (3, 6 or 12 month) which can be
found on the HR website.
Should I prepare an annual evaluation for an Academic Professional who has been
employed for less than one year?
Academic Professionals hired on or after January 1, 2024, are not included in the 2024 annual
performance evaluation process. All other AP employees should have an annual evaluation.
What if the employee has changed supervisors during the evaluation period?
If an employee has changed positions or the supervisor of an employee has changed during the
annual evaluation period, the current supervisor is responsible for completing the evaluation, but
should seek input from the previous supervisor, if possible.
Should I complete an annual evaluation if the employee is on leave?
If an employee is currently on a leave of absence, a supervisor should wait until the employee
returns to work before completing the annual evaluation. If an employee was on a leave for
some but not all of the evaluation period, the supervisor should complete the evaluation
assessing work performance for the time when the employee was working.
Do I have to use the electronic form to complete the annual evaluation?
Human Resources highly encourages everyone to use the electronic form. If this is not possible,
the supervisor can fill out the electronic form and print the PDF version that will come to theirs
and their employee’s email. It will be the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure the paper
evaluation is delivered to Human Resources with all required signatures by June 7th.
Can an employee receive more than one performance value per category?
No. Supervisors must select one performance value per category. The performance value
options include Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Developing, Needs Improvement and
What does a performance value of “Developing” mean?
Developing is a new performance value category that should be utilized if the employee often
meets standards but is still developing. It is intended to be utilized when the performance falls
between consistently meeting expectations and consistently needing improvement.
Do I need to update the employee’s job description when I do the annual evaluation?
The Annual Performance Evaluation cycle is an excellent time to review employee
Updated March 26, 2024
responsibilities and ensure the accuracy of all employee job descriptions. Human Resources will
not be collecting job descriptions with the annual evaluation this year. If you need to make
changes to an existing job description, please contact your Division Liaison.
What should I do if I do not agree with the annual evaluation my supervisor has completed
for me?
We encourage employees and supervisors to discuss the content of evaluations, including any
areas of disagreement. Employees are required to sign their annual evaluation form, but they
have the option of noting their disagreement in a number of ways. An employee may sign and
check the box “I understand but disagree with the contents of this performance review.” In the
alternative, an employee may check the box “I would like the next level supervisor to talk with
my supervisor and me about this review.” In addition, employees may add their own comments
to the evaluation regardless of whether they agree or disagree with the content of the evaluation.
Does my Division Head need to sign the evaluation?
The Division Head signature is not required by Human Resources. Please check with your
Division Head to determine whether they would like to review and sign all evaluations. If the
Division Head is the direct supervisor of the employee being evaluated, then the Division Head
would need to sign as the Supervisor and the Dean/Director as they are both required fields in the
electronic form.
How will the electronic form route?
The form will be initiated by the supervisor by clicking on the electronic form. The supervisor
will have the option to begin form with or without a self-evaluation. Self-evaluations are highly
encouraged for all employees to complete. If the self-evaluation process is chosen, an email will
be sent to the employee to complete. The supervisor will receive an email with a PDF version of
the employee self-evaluation once completed. The supervisor will then start the official annual
evaluation. Once complete, the form will then route to the employee for review and signature. It
then routes back to the supervisor for signature and to choose the routing process. They will
have the option to send the form to the Dean/Director, the Division Head, or directly to HR.
Please consult with your Division Head to determine whether such approval is needed. Once all
approvals are complete, the employee and supervisor will receive an electronic copy via email.
Please review this email to make sure that the content of the evaluation is correct. An
electronic copy will also be automatically routed to Human Resources to be placed in the
employee’s electronic personnel file.
Additional questions?
Contact Kenzie Westlake at mwest22@uis.edu