Annual Performance Evaluaons—Employees
The annual performance evaluaon is part of performance management at VUMC. To begin the annual performance
evaluaon process, VUMC employees must check their Workday Tasks to access their self-evaluaon (see steps
below). For a full walkthrough on compleng the employee self-evaluaon, see course WDHR-801-W2-Annual
Performance Review in Workday for Employees in the Learning Exchange.
Employee Self Evaluaon
From the Workday Homepage:
1. Select the My Tasks icon.
2. Select the Task tled Self Evaluaon: Annual
Employee Performance Evaluaon Template: <Employee Name>.
3. Aer reviewing the instrucons for the Self Evaluaon, select
Get Started.
4. Hover over WalkMe SmartTips for addional guidance while
compleng the evaluaon.
Note: If you do not see WalkMe SmartTips, follow the instrucons
on this guide: WalkMe Extension - Mac Instrucons.
5. Complete the Self Evaluaon.
6. When the Self Evaluaon is complete, review and select Submit
to send it to your manager for their comments and rangs.
Note: Once an evaluaon has been submied, it can no longer be
7. Aer the manager has completed their evaluaon, you will
receive a Task in Workday, as well as, an Outlook email prompting
you to acknowledge the annual evaluation in Workday.
Note: You can go directly to the task by opening the hyperlink in
the Outlook email.
See page 2 of this guide for a full outline and the next steps in the
evaluaon process.
Annual Performance Evaluaons—Employee
Please email BusinessEduca[email protected].
Annual Performance Evaluation Process:
The steps below provide a summary of the annual performance evaluation process:
Step 1: All employees will receive a Task in Workday to complete their self-evaluation.
Step 2: The employee then completes the self-evaluaon or selects Skip This Task to opt out of the
self-evaluaon and to move the Annual Performance Evaluaon process forward. Please note the
self-evaluaon is oponal in Workday for all employees (with the excepon of nursing sta).
Step 3: The manager will receive a Task in Workday to begin the manager evaluation after the employee
has completed or skipped the self-evaluation. If needed, the manager can use the Send Back function to
send the evaluation back to the employee.
Step 4: The manager will schedule the annual discussion with the employee.
Step 5: After the annual discussion has occurred, the manager provides any edits needed to the annual
evaluation and submits the annual evaluation. Once the manager hits the submit button, the manager can
no longer edit the evaluation.
Step 6: The employee will receive a Task in Workday, as well as, an Outlook email prompting them to
acknowledge the annual evaluation in Workday. The email will be from vumc@myworkday.com and will
have the heading A Workday Task Awaits You: Acknowledge Annual Evaluation.
Step 7: After the employee completes their Acknowledgement, the manager will receive a Task in Workday
prompting them to Acknowledge the Annual Performance Evaluation.
The Annual Performance Evaluation Process is now complete. Completed Annual Performance Evaluations
can be found on the Employees Profile under the Performance tab.