Chapter 14: The Origin of Species
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5. True or false: Offspring produced through two members of the same species are referred to as
hybrids. If false, make it a correct statement.
6. The types of reproductive barriers are ____________ and ____________.
Chapter 14: The Origin of Species
Guided Reading Activities
Big idea: Defining species
Answer the following questions as you read modules 14.1–14.3:
1. ______________ is the gradual adaptation of a population to its environment.
2. The process by which one species eventually evolves into two different species is known as
3. Briefly explain why microevolution must not be all that occurs with respect to how life changes
over time.
4. Complete the following table, which compares the different methods for defining a species.
Name ________________________ Period _________
Biological species
species concept
Ecological species
species concept
Description Based on the ability
of the organisms
to produce fertile
A system based
on similar sizes,
shapes, and other
physical traits,
in other words,
morphology (form)
Identifies species
based on their
specialized role(s)
in their respective
A small group of
organisms that
share a common
ancestor; in other
words, they share a
single branch on the
evolutionary tree.
If that were true, then there would be only highly specialized versions of the first form of life
on the planet.
False, hybrids are produced as a result of interbreeding between members of different species.
prezygotic postzygotic
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Chapter 14: The Origin of Species
# 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 94
Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e
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7. Which of the following represents a post-zygotic barrier?
a. Temporal
b. Habitat
c. Reduced hybrid viability
d. Gametic
8. Two different species of fruit flies mate at different times of the day. One breeds in the morn-
ing and one breeds in the afternoon. What type of reproductive barrier is this?
Big idea: Mechanisms of speciation
Answer the following questions as you read modules 14.4–14.11:
1. A geographic barrier to ____________ can give rise to ____________ speciation.
2. Isle Royale National Park consists of a series of islands located in Lake Superior. Initially,
there were no wolves on any of the islands since they were in the middle of Lake Superior.
However, in 1949, an unusually long and cold winter produced an ice bridge between Canada
and the islands of the National Park. During this winter, a pair of wolves used the ice bridge
to travel inadvertently to Isle Royale. Today there continues to be a wolf population on the
main island descended from that original pair. Has allopatric speciation occurred yet? If not,
could it?
3. True or false: Geographic isolation always leads to speciation. If false, make it a correct
4. Refer to Figure 14.5 on page 283 of your textbook. Assume that the initial growth medium
was different from both the starch and the maltose. Would the flies in either group, after the
40th generation, be able to reproduce with the flies from the original medium?
This is an example of a temporal prezygotic barrier.
Probably not because not enough time has passed. In theory, it could as long as enough time passes
to allow the wolves on Isle Royale to be subjected to the selective pressures specific to Isle Royale.
False, because some organisms have the ability to spread their seed or move across geographic
barriers, which renders the barriers ineffective.
It is expected that the starch flies and the maltose flies would have the same difficulty mating
with the flies from some other hypothetical medium.
reproduction allopatric
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Chapter 14: The Origin of Species
# 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 95
Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e
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5. Which of the following refers to having more than two complete sets of chromosomes?
a. Speciation
b. Polyploid
c. Sympatric
d. Allopatric
6. True or false: A new plant species can occur in one generation resulting from the creation of a
tetraploid plant. If false, make it a correct statement.
7. Complete the Venn diagram that compares sympatric speciation with allopatric speciation.
Stems from a
barrier that
isolates two
populations of a
species; can
occur as a result
of mutation,
genetic drift, or
natural selection.
new species.
No geographic
barrier; can occur
as a result of
polyploidy, habitat
differentiation, and
sexual selection.
8. True or false: In order to have polyploid speciation occur, you must have errors occur in either
mitosis or meiosis. If false, make it a correct statement.
9. Briefly explain why a plant that arises from hybridization of two haploid gametes would
be sterile.
10. The evolution of numerous species from a common species is referred to as ________________.
Because the single chromosomes cannot line up during meiosis as homologous pairs
adaptive radiation
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Chapter 14: The Origin of Species
# 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 96
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11. Isolated island chains are often capable of great speciation through adaptive radiation. Assume
that, in the future, Lake Superior shrinks to a series of smaller, disconnected lakes. Would this
provide a similar opportunity for fish species now residing in these smaller lakes? Briefly ex-
plain your answer.
12. Refer to Figure 14.9B on page 287 of your textbook. If color sensitivity in cichlids was not
heritable, how would that have affected the study?
13. Which of the following is the type of reproductive barrier exhibited in Pundamilia nyererei and
Pundamilia pundamilia?
a. Temporal
b. Behavioral
c. Habitat
d. Mechanical
14. An area in which members of different but closely related species can mate and produce hybrid
offspring is known as a(n) ____________.
15. Complete the following table, which compares the different outcomes for hybrid zones.
The fish in each lake would undergo evolution by natural selection given the distinct condi-
tions in each lake.
The females would not have necessarily chosen male cichlids with the red coloring.
hybrid zone
Reinforcement Fusion Stability
Description Results in a strengthening
of reproductive barriers due
to weakness in the hybrid
Occurs when the reproductive
barriers are weak and hybrid
organisms can actually
become a single species
A situation where occasional
gene flow between
populations occurs, but each
species is maintained
Example Collared flycatchers and
pied flycatchers
Cichlid species in Lake
Finches in the Galapagos
16. Sudden changes in speciation can be referred to as ___________________.
17. Almost everyone has seen that famous illustration of human evolution that shows us evolving
to become more upright over time until we get to modern humans. What kind of evolution
does that illustration show?
Use your knowledge of the information contained within this chapter’s “Big Ideas” to answer this
Do you think it is likely that modern humans will undergo speciation? Briefly explain your answer.
punctuated equilibria
It illustrates a graduated pattern of speciation.
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