Part 13
Indian Self-Determination
Chapter 3
Awarding Official Certification System
Page 1
This chapter establishes a Bureau o
f Indian Affairs (BIA) Awarding Official
Certification System (AOCS) to guide the selection, designation, development, and
restriction, suspension, or termination of Awarding Officials (AOs) for contracts,
including construction contracts and grants, awarded under the authority of the Indian
Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA), as amended.
Authority to award and administer Self-Determination (SD) contracts and
grants to Indian tribes and tribal organizations is vested in BIA employees who are
certified under the AOCS. There are no exceptions.
Certification of a BIA employee authorizes the employee to award, modify, and
administer SD contracts, including construction contracts and grants. This designation
does not alter the routine supervisor-employee relationship, except that designated
Senior A Os will provide professional supervision of SD contracting duties and
A Os duties and responsibilities are viewed as a professional discipline.
Employees must meet established standards of knowledge, training, performance, and
prior to designation and certification as A Os.
A. Statutes and Regulations.
1) U.S.C. §§450 et seq., ISDEAA of 1975, as amended
2) Public Law (P.L.) I 04-156, Single Audit Act Amendments of
3) 41
U.S.C. §§601-613, Contract Disputes Act of 1978, as amended
4) 5 U.S.C. Appendix, Ethics in Government Act of 1978
5) 5
CFR Part 2635, Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
6) 25 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter M, ISDEAA Program
7) 25 CFR Chapter V, Part 900, Contracts Under the ISDEAA
8) 43 CFR Part 12, Administrative and Audit Requirements and Cost
for Assistance Programs
9) 43 CFR Part 20, Employee Responsibilities and Conduct
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Chapter 3
Indian Self-Determination
Awarding Official Certification System
Page 2
B. Guidance.
Executive Order 12731 Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officer
and Employees, October 17, 1990
Cost Principals
CF R 900.45(e) requires each tribal organization to have a financial
system from which the Secretary can determine the reasonableness, allowability and
allocability of SD contract costs based upon the terms of the contract and the tribal
organization's applicable Office of Management and Budget (0MB) cost principles.
Awarding Officials (AO) are encouraged to negotiate the cost principles of 2 CF R
1402 into new ISDEAA awards. 2 CF R part 1402 contains the cost principles
adopted by the Department for non-ISDEAA awards.
Audit Requirements
25 U.S.C. section 450c(f)(I) requires a tribal organization to submit the audit report
required by the Single Audit Act, 31 U.S.C. section
et seq.,
for each fiscal
year during which the tribal organization received or expended funds pursuant to a
SD contract.
0MB has implemented the Single Audit Act through 2 CF R part 200 subpart F.
Therefore, 2 CF R part 200 subpart F applies to all ISDEAA awards and annual
funding agreements, as a matter of law. 2 CF R section 200.512(6)(2) applies to
tribal organizations that enter into ISDEAA agreements, 0MB has interpreted 2 CF
R section 200.512(6)(2) to apply only to Indian tribes, as defined at 2 CF R 200.54.
1) Internal Agency Procedures Handbook for Non-Construction
Contracting Under Title
of the ISDEAA.
This Handbook sets out the
procedures to guide the actions of all agencies of the Department of the Interior and
the Department of Health and Human Services to facilitate and enhance contracting
with Indian tribes and tribal organizations.
Awarding Official Certification System Handbook (AOCSH). The Handbook
provides procedures to implement a certification system for those persons designated
and delegated authority to function as AOs for contracts, including
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Chapter 3
Awarding Official Certification System Page 3
construction contracts, awarded under the authority of the Act and all grants,
except for those grants awarded under the authority of the Tribally Controlled
Schools Act of
1988, as amended (P.L. I 00-297).
Delegation of Authority Handbook.
The Handbook provides procedures to
implement the delegation of authority to Indian Affairs (IA) line officers to
approve, decline, award, modify, and perform all other functions in the
administration of contracts, including construction contracts under the Act and
all grants, except for those grants awarded under the authority of P.L. I 00-297.
1.5 Responsibilities.
Director, BIA,
is responsible for:
1)Approving requests for AO certification;
2) Restricting, suspending, or terminating AO certification based on
recommendations from the Deputy Bureau Director, Indian Services (IS).
Deputy Bureau Director, BIA, is responsible for:
1) Issuing and maintaining a Handbook to provide detailed administrative
procedures to implement the AOCS, including qualifications, requirements,
and requests for AO certification;Establishing training requirements and a
curriculum of study;
2) Reviewing all requests for certification of AOs and making
recommendations to the Director, BIA;
3) Issuing AO certificates;
4) Maintaining a system of records that accurately reflects the status of A Os'
training, education, and experience;
5) Reviewing all Regional Directors' written recommendations for restriction,
suspension, or termination of AO certification and making recommendations
to the Director, BIA;
6)Terminating AO certification for administrative reasons, i.e., reassignment,
Reduction-in-Force, retirement, or death.
Regional Directors (RD) are responsible for:
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Chapter 3
Indian Self-Determination
Awarding Official Certification System
1) Submitting applications for AO
certification, with recommendations for approv
or denial, to the Deputy Bureau Director, IS;
Ensuring that training and technical assistance is provided to AOs and other SD
staff within the Region.
Senior AOs
or Regional SD designated contacts have the following responsibilities
under the AOCS:
1) Functioning as the regional certification system coordinator;
2) Maintaining a staffing pattern designed to meet current and future workload
needs in an efficient and effective manner, subject to available resources;
3)Providing training and other information on AOCS requirements to employees;
4) Counseling employees as to present and projected training requirements of the
5) Ensuring that recertification requirements are met;
6) Providing written notification to the Deputy Bureau Director, IS through the RD
that an AO will no longer be exercising certification authority due to transfer,
reassignment, resignation, retirement, or death.
1.6 Requests for Certification of AOs.
A. A BIA employee is certified as an AO based on that employee meeting applicable
training, experience, and work performance requirements, as well as a specific
organizational need for the position. Qualifications for SD positions are outlined in
Attachment I. AOs must occupy a SD position that Indian Affairs has classified in
the General Schedule (GS) series, GS-I IO I.
B. RDs and Central Office Deputy Bureau Directors must submit written requests to the
Deputy Bureau Director, IS. The request should include:
1)A justification for the appointment of an AO;
2) The name, classification series and grade of the nominee for whom the request is
made, and the location and position that the individual will occupy;
3) The nominee's application for certification (which at a minimum, must include
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Indian Self-Determination
Awarding Official Certification System
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specification as outlined in A above); and
4) Verification that the nominee's Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Statement is on file in
the servicing Human Resources Office.
The Deputy Bureau Director, IS reviews and evaluates the request, and either disapproves
the request or forwards the request with a recommendation for approval to the Director,
BIA. If the request is disapproved, the Deputy Bureau Director, IS will notify in writing
this recommendation to the RD or Central Office Deputy Bureau Director, the supervisory
official and the nominee, which will include the specific reason(s) for the declination.
1.7 Certification of Awarding Officials.
A. If the minimum requirements are met, the Director, BIA approves the request and the
Deputy Bureau Director, IS issues a certificate with an assigned AOCS number
designating the individual as an AO and designating the level of authority.
B. Certificates are effective for four (4) years unless otherwise restricted, suspended, or
terminated by the Director, BIA.
AOs are to include their AOCS number wherever their name/signature and title appear
on official SD award documents.
1.8 Continued Certification as an AO.
Employees who have received certification are subject
to the following professional development requirement
Successful completion of a minimum of 80 hours every four (4) years of relevant SD and
acquisition training provided by training sources approved by the Deputy Bureau Director,
IS. The Deputy Bureau Director, IS may consider, on a case by case basis, to extend by one
(1 ) year the completion of acquisition training.
Evidence of satisfactory performance appraisals based on performance elements that reflect
the employee's AO duties relating to SD contract planning and execution, compliance with
Federal laws and regulations, and BIA policies.
Requests for recertification of employees are submitted to the Deputy Bureau Director, IS
by the RD or Deputy Bureau Director for review and evaluation at least three (3) months
prior to the requested recertification date. If all requirements are met, the Deputy Bureau
Director, IS will provide the submission to the Director, BIA for approval and
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Indian Self-Determination
Chapter 3
Awarding Official Certification System
Page 6
Change in Duty Station.
If an employee has a change in duty station but still meets the
requirements as outlined in this chapter, the employee must submit through his/her RD or
Deputy Bureau Director to the Deputy Bureau Director, IS, a request for continued
certification at the new duty station prior to any authorization to execute contracts/grants.
The written request must include Position of Record, Position Number, and Position
Restriction, Suspension, or Termination.
A. An
AO's certificate may be restricted, suspended, or terminated by the Director, BIA, for
any of the following reasons related to the performance of the employee:
1) Unsatisfactory performance of the designated AO duties and responsibilities, or, receipt
of a less-than-satisfactory performance rating from the immediate supervisor;Failure of
the employee to exercise good business judgment and to comply with the applicable
Federal laws, statutes, Executive Order, regulations, Departmental, and IA policies or
2) Inability or unwillingness to institute appropriate corrective management actions to
reconcile negative audit findings or internal SD contract management reviews;
3) Failure to properly exercise certification authority;
4) Failure to maintain certification system standards and successfully complete training
requirements after appointment;
5) Violation of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch
(5 CFR 2635); Executive Order 12731 (Oct. 17, 1990): Principles of Ethical Conduct for
Government Officers and Employees; and/or Title 43 CFR, Part 20, Employee
Responsibilities and Conduct;
6) Organizational need for a certified AO no longer exists.
B. The servicing Human Resources Officer should be consulted if restriction, suspension,
or termination of certification is being considered and before a written recommendation
is submitted to the Deputy Bureau Director, IS.
C. All requests for restriction, suspension, or termination of certification must be in writing
and submitted by the RD or Deputy Bureau Director to the Deputy Bureau Director, IS,
who reviews and forwards the request with written recommendations to the Director,
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Indian Self-Determination
Chapter 3
Awarding Official Certification System
Page 7
The Deputy Bureau Director, IS, may terminate an AO's certification for
administrative reasons when:
1) The effective period of the certification appointment has expired;
2) The appointee is voluntarily reassigned to another BIA position where the
need for the certification does not exist;
3) The appointee is no longer employed by the BIA;
4) The appointee retires, resigns, or the appointee's employment is terminated;
5) Failure to maintain certification system standards and successfully complete
training requirements after appointment;
6) Violation of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
Executive Branch (5 CFR 2635); Executive Order 12731 (Oct. 17, 1990):
Principles of Ethical Conduct for
Government Officers and Employees; and/
or Title
CFR, Part 20, Employee Responsibilities
and Conduct;
7) Organizational
need for a certified AO no longer exists.
Michael Black
Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs
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Indian Self-Determination
Chapter 3 Awarding Official Certification System
Page 8
Attachment l
Qualifications for Self-Determination Awarding Official
(1) Self-Determination (SD) Specialist(GS-1101-11)- Level I Awarding Official. The
Awarding Official (AO) is certified via written designation. AO authority covers all SD
non-construction contracts, and grants. The minimum requirements below apply to those
staff seeking designation as a Level 1 AO:
(a) Two (2) years of satisfactory performance in diverse progressively
responsible, and increasingly complex full-time SD contract experiences involving
the knowledge, skills, and abilities set for in the Awarding Officials Certification
System Handbook
(b) Successful completion of the six (6) required core courses ( 120 hours) of
acceptable training, as outlined in the AOCSH;
(c) Satisfactory annual performance appraisal rating in SD contract duties
including ethical conduct and the exercise of appropriate professional and business
(d) The individual's full-time position must be classified in the SD classification
(GS-I IO I), excluded are the noted exceptions in 1.4 (B) and the entire portion
the employee's time must be dedicated to SD contract duties;
(e) Level I AO certification requires a minimum grade level of 11.
(2) SD Specialist/Officer
I IO 1-12) - Level 11 Awarding Official (AO): This is the
journeyman level. The AO is certified. The AO authority covers all SD contracts and grants,
including construction contracts and grants. The minimum requirements below apply to those
staff seeking wishing to be a Level II AO:f
(a) Two (2) years of satisfactory perormance in diverse progressively responsible,
and increasingly complex full-time SD contract experiences involving the knowledge,
skills, and abilities set forth in the AOCSH;
(b) In addition to completion of the training requirements for Level I
certification, staff must have successful completion of the two (2) required courses
for Level 11 certification ( 168 hours) of acceptable training as outlined in the
(c) One (1) year of concentrated experience in a SD contract subject area beyond
the minimum two (2) year work requirement may be substituted for twenty-four (24)
classroom hours of advanced training in that same subject area.
The maximum credit
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Chapter 3
Awarding Official Certification System
Page 9
the total of all additional year's work experience in separate concentrated SD contract
subject areas is ninety-six (96) classroom hours;
The individual's
full-time position
must be classified
in the SD
series (GS-
); excluded are the noted exceptions in 1 .4 (B) and the entire portion of
the employee's time must be dedicated to SD contract duties;
Level II AO certification requires a minimum GS grade level of 12 in the
designated series.
Senior Awarding Official: {GS- 13/14 or the equivalent): This is a Regional Office
position. The Senior AO is a certif ied Level II AO. This authority covers all SD contracts and
grants, including construction contracts and grants. The minimum requirements below apply to
those persons wishing to be a Senior AO:
more years
satisfactory performance as a Level JI
Two (2) years of satisfactory performance in
diverse progressively responsible,
and increasingly complex full-time SD
contract experiences involving
the knowledge,
skills, and abilities set forth in
completion of
training requirements
at section
A(2)(b ),
One (1)
year of concentrated experience
a SD
contract subject
area beyond the
two (2) year work
requirement may be
substituted for
classroom hours of
advanced training in
area. The
maximum credit for
total of all
additional year's work
experience in
separate concentrated SD
subject areas is
ninety-six (96) classroom hours.
The individual's full-time position must be classified in the SD classification
series (GS-I IO I); excluded are the noted exceptions in 1.4 (B) and the entire portion of
the employee's time must be dedicated to SD contract duties;
Senior AO
status requires a minimum grade level of
a GS
1 3.
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