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year students 3 April 2021 1/4
Private Bag X1290, Potchefstroom
South Africa 2520
Tel: 018 299-1111/2222
Fax: 018 299-4910
Web: http://www.nwu.ac.za
Unit for Open Distance Learning
3 April 2021
Dear Diploma in Grade Student
We apologize for the delay in communication due to challenges experienced with the registration
process. A backlog caused by the pandemic in 2020 hampered the registration process in 2021 and
also resulted in delays in the delivery of study material and student communications Nevertheless,
we welcome you to another year as student in the programme. I hope it will be a fruitful year despite
the challenging times in which we find ourselves. Although the NWU undertakes to accommodate
students who received their study material late, we want to appeal to all students to put in the extra
effort to make up for lost time. This will help to ensure students complete their academic year in time
so that they can either complete the qualification or continue with their next academic year in 2022
without losing valuable time.
We realise that not all students have received their study material. If you have not yet received your
material, you can access study guides and the information booklet on the website in the meantime:
For resources go to: http://distance.nwu.ac.za/downloads
Use the username: Education
Password: education
Note the case sensitivity of these access codes
Due to the pandemic, there is no face-to-face sessions this semester. This semester there will also
be no sit-down exam and it may also be the case in the second semester, depending on the Covid-
19 regulations. The exam papers of academic modules are again replaced with a final continuous
assessment referred to as the “Covid-19 assessment”. These assessments will be distributed to
students in due course. Students will be notified via SMS when these assessments are loaded onto
the website but it will also be distributed to students in hard copy.
Lecturers responsible for the respective modules will upload recordings of their presentations onto
the website according to the timetable. However, some lecturers may even upload the presentations
earlier if possible. Please view these recordings to make sure you know what is expected from you
in completing the module assignments, portfolios and Covid-19 assessments. It is evident that
students who do make use of this support mostly perform better than students who dont. Repeating
a module is wasting students time and can be prevented if they make use of this support by the
Keep in mind: enrolling in a Distance Learning (DL) Programme requires self-directed learning
from you as student.
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Step 1: Information booklet
Study the information booklet that forms part of the study material. This booklet is also available on
the website and explains the programme outlay and provides all the necessary information to help
you regulate and plan your studies. Highlight the modules you are registered for and that you plan
to complete this semester. You will also find the timetable in this booklet. Although there are no face-
to-face sessions, presentations for each of these sessions will be placed on the website according
to the timetable. The timetable kicked off on the 6
of March 2021.
Step 2: Tutorial notes
If you have received your study material or were able to download it from the website, open the
tutorial notebook. NB! Study the introductory pages with care. Find the assignment letters for each
of your first semester modules. They are arranged in alphabetical order. Study these letters before
you view the recording of the first presentation so that you have a good idea of what the lecturer is
referring to during the presentation.
Step 3: Study the module content, complete and submit your assignments/portfolios for the
First semester modules: Assignments of your first semester modules need to be submitted in the
first semester. The final continuous assessments (Covid-19 assessment) for first semester modules
are also submitted in the first semester. The arrangements for submitting and addresses for courier
or posting of assignments/portfolios are explained in the information booklet.
Keep in mind: There are three sessions for each of these semester modules that will be placed on
the website as indicated on the timetable. You need to view all three these presentations that are
placed on the website in the order they appear on the timetable. The Covid-19 assessment is usually
explained by the lecturer in the third session.
Identify the year modules: You also need to start working through the study guides and study material
of the year modules during the first and will continue these into the second semester. View the six
(6) presentations for these modules (3 per semester). Year module assignments are submitted in
the second semester. The final continuous assessment (Covid-19 assessment) for year modules
will also be submitted with your second semester modules in November.
NB! The study guides for each module and your own self-regulation and self-directed learning largely
replace the lecturer in a DL programme. Self-directed learning is even more important during this
pandemic where we cannot rely on face to face support and students therefore need to:
1. Work through the study guide of each module of the semester,
2. Study the assignment in each tutorial,
3. View the sessions of each module placed on the website, and
4. Do and submit your assignment before/on the due date.
5. Do and submit the Covid-19 assessments as soon as they are distributed to students (keep
an eye open for the SMS in this regard).
The email address of the lecturer for each module appears on the tutorial letter for the respective
module. Please contact the lecturer with specific information BUT ONLY AFTER you have worked
through the study material and still find you do not understand a specific aspect the assignment or
NB Please do not contact the lecturer for issues such as registration, marks or to inquire if the
UODL received your assignments/portfolios. Find the list of contact details for different queries
attached below.
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Due dates are only the final dates on which you may submit. Please try to submit as soon as
First semester:
Second semester
Assignments: 24 April
COVID and portfolio: 29 May
Assignments: 2 October
COVID and portfolios: 6 November
Please continue with your WIL portfolios as soon as you can. The same concessions as were
communicated to students last year, still apply namely
Only 10 daily reflections in the reflective journal (also indicated as such on the PR24
attendance list)
Only 3 lesson observations (RWIL111) and 3 lesson presentations (RWIL121, 211, 221,
311 and 321) (also indicated as such on the PR23)
All WIL tasks still need to be completed and assessed by the mentor. NB Many students
fail their portfolios because there is no mentor rubric included or no mark assigned by the
mentor for the tasks. No student can pass without this mentor assessment.
Final formal WIL assessment of 3
year students practical competence:
Due to the pandemic NWU staff cannot visit schools for the final WIL assessment in the students
classrooms. All Dip in Gr R students who are now registered for the RWIL311 and/or RWIL321 will
receive an SMS with the explanation of the alternative process for the implementation of the final
formal assessment of their practical competence. The link in the email will take you to the relevant
documentation that will require of the student to request the mentor to do the assessment on behalf
of the NWU. Different forms are used for the two lessons to be assessed by the mentor and the
mentor has to sign a declaration that he/she conducted these assessments.
NB: It is of utmost importance that this WIL assessment process is done in an ethical and honest
way. This process has been approved by the Department of Higher Education and, if not adhered
to, students may jeopardize their studies and may not be able to complete the qualification.
It has come to our attention that some students submit work (assignment and portfolios) that is not
their own work. These students are handed over to the legal office and, if found guilty, their studies
can be suspended and they may also be reported to SACE. Remember that this is your own
professional journey make it a journey you and your loved ones can be proud of.
Remember that hard work pays off. Good luck and may you enjoy your studies.
Corné Kruger
Programme leader: Diploma in Grade R Teaching
(Please find contact details on next page)
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Please direct queries to the relevant department:
General UODL inquiries: DistancePot[email protected]
Gr R registrations: UODLGradeR@nwu.ac.za
Assignment Department: 018 285 2699 / 018 285 2705 / UODL-Assign[email protected]
Academic Records: 018 285 2074 / UODL-Aca[email protected]
For you academic record, please email: UODL-AcademicR[email protected] you will have
to pay R50 for a stamped record
For a free academic record (not stamped): visit http://diyservices.nwu.ac.za/formal-student-
to download it yourself. Your first password is either your ID number or passport number
followed by @Nwu, e.g. 12345667890123@Nwu If you forgot your password, visit
password.nwu.ac.za to reset your password.
Finances: 018 299 2667/8/9 / PC[email protected]
Study Material: 018 285 2095 / 018 285 2095 / UODL-studymaterial@nwu.ac.za
WIL Practical Information: 018 285 2781/2/3 / p-wil[email protected].za
To request a certificate [email protected].za
Support on the website: You can access your Results / Proof of Reg / Academic Record /
Downloads etc at the following link: http://distance.nwu.ac.za/help
Specific academic questions: Please contact your lecturer for modules that you need
academic assistance with, all of these contact details will be found in the tutorial for that
specific module.
Retrieve a free academic record: http://diyservices.nwu.ac.za/
Your username is your student number.
The first time default password is your ID@Nwu example: 123456789@Nwu
Or http://www.nwu.ac.za/ - at the bottom of the page you will find the DIY services that will
take you to the application.
These sites work best in the FireFox browser if you use your phone.
Please explore the UODL website http://distance.nwu.ac.za/ . There are many resources placed on
the website to support you in your studies.
Do not type here
Original details: (28105737) C:\Users\28105737\Desktop\NWU Letterhead_Potchefstroom.docm
15 November 2019