University Identification # ____________________
Application for 2024-2025 Financial Aid
For Canadian Students
To be considered for financial aid at the Rochester Institute of Technology as a Canadian student, you will need to
complete the following steps:
1. Complete this financial aid application and return it directly to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at RIT
by April 1, 2024. Please be sure to answer all questions and keep a photocopy for your records. Please note that
all financial information provided should be converted to U.S. dollars.
2. Financial aid eligibility for the 2024-2025 academic year is based upon parents/student 2022 income. Please
complete this application reporting 2022 income information.
3. Students who submit this financial aid application by the April 1 deadline will receive a financial aid
offer in April (new students) and June (continuing students).
Your financial aid offer will outline scholarships, grants, and work-study opportunities for which you should qualify
upon completion of the financial aid process. Additional information will be available with your offer.
Summary of Required Documents and Filing Dates
Required Documents
Return To
Priority Deadlines
RIT Application for 2024-2025
Financial Aid
RIT Office of Financial Aid
April 1, 2024 for new and continuing
Copies of most recent income tax forms
filed by student and parents if requested
RIT Office of Financial Aid
April 1, 2024 for new and continuing
Student Information
1. Name
Last First Middle
Permanent Address
Number and Street
City State/Province Country Postal Code
Date of Birth / / Expected or Actual Graduation from Secondary School /
2. 20242025 Enrollment Plans:
Please specify either full-time status or the number of credits for which you plan to register in each academic semester listed
below, or indicate “co-op” for each semester you plan to register for co-op.
Summer ___________ Fall ___________ Spring ____________
UID # ________________
Family Information
1. Check: Parent 1 Stepparent Check: Parent 2 Stepparent
Name: Name:
Occupation: Occupation:
Employer: Employer:
Work Telephone: ( ) Work Telephone: ( )
Home E-mail Address: Home E-mail Address:
2. Are parents separated or divorced? No (Proceed to next question.) Yes (Complete this question.)
NEW FOR 2024-2025: In the case of divorced/separated parents, the parent who provides the most financial support
should report their income information below.
Name of other parent:
Expected contribution from parent whose information is NOT reported below for education costs in 2024-2025: U.S. $
Currency Conversion:
Please convert all financial information to U.S. dollars in your response to the following questions. Indicate the currency
exchange rate you have used in the conversion: $1 Canadian = ________ $ U.S.
Actual 2022 Income, Earnings and Benefits
Student (and Spouse)
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
Parent 1/Stepparent
U.S. $
Parent 2/Stepparent
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
UID # _____________________
Expected Income in 2024
Expected 2024 income from work: Parent 1 U.S. $ Parent 2 U.S. $
Student U.S. $ Spouse U.S. $
Expected 2024 other taxable income: Parents U.S. $ Student/ U.S. $
Expected 2024 untaxed income and
benefits:* Parents U.S. $ Student/ U.S. $
* includes tax deferred pensions, cash gifts, and any other untaxed income or benefit.
Number of family members in 2024-2025. Include yourself and your parents. Also include your parents' other children,
or family members, who will receive more than one-half of their support from your parents from July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
(family member may not reside with student).
Full name of family
(Use code
below *)
In 2024-2025 school
year, who will
attend college at
least one term?
Full-time Half-time
Name of school or
college this person
will attend in
2024-2025 school
Year in
If attended college in
2023-2024, give amount of:
Scholarship Parents'
Grants Contribution
U.S. U.S.
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
* Relationship 1 = Student's parent 2 = Student's stepparent 3 = Student's brother/stepbrother or sister/stepsister
Codes 4 = Student's spouse 5 = Student's son or daughter 6 = Student's grandparent 7 = Other
Current Asset Information
Assets Of
Assets Of
Student (And Spouse)
What is it
worth today?
What is
owed on it?
What is it
worth today?
What is
owed on it?
1. Cash, savings accounts, and
checking accounts, child support received
U.S. $
Not Applicable
U.S. $
Not Applicable
2. Home (exclude farm value here
if family lives on farm)
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
3. Other real estate and investments
(Don't include your home) *
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
4. Business
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
5. Farm-Business (exclude home value if family lives
lives on farm)
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
U.S. $
*Assets should not include specific retirement account funds such as 401K’s, IRA’s or Canadian retirement savings accounts.
NEW FOR 2024-2025: Child support received for all children for the prior year should be reported as an asset
UID # _____________________
Outside Awards
If you have applied for financial aid from an organization other than RIT (e.g., local scholarships, tuition benefits from
parent's employer), please list awards below:
Name of Award
Amount of Award
U.S. $
Yes No
U.S. $
Yes No
U.S. $
Yes No
Explanations/Special Circumstances
Use this space to explain any unusual expenses such as medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance,
education and other debts, child care, elder care, or special circumstances such as anticipated unemployment.
Please attach additional sheets if necessary.
Statement of Understanding
I/we certify that all information presented here is correct at this time and that I/we will send timely notice of any
significant change in family situation, family income or assets, college plans of other children, or upon receipt of
other scholarships or grants.
Signature of Student Date
Signature of parent 1 (or Stepparent) Date
Signature of parent 2 (or Stepparent) Date
Completed applications may be securely uploaded to the Office of Financial aid and Scholarships at
Or mail to RIT Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, 56 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, N.Y. 14623-5604
E-mail address: ritai[email protected]
Phone Number: (585) 475-2186