Program (please tick one box)
Diploma in Business Administration Co-op
Diploma in Business Management Co-op
Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism
Management Co-op
Contact information
For office use only
Last name: _________________________ Given name: ___________________________________
TSoM student #: _______________________ Date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD):_______________________
Phone #: ________________________________ Cell #: _____________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Alternative email:____________________________
Mailing address:________________________________________________________________________
Please update my address on file: Yes No
If yes, please provide your new address:
Please provide the following documents along with your completed application form:
1. Evidence of academic achievements (official transcript)
2. A resume including information demonstrating leadership in past/current employment
and/or volunteering experience
3. 600-word essay expressing “Why do you love Canada? Why do you choose Canada for your
overseas study?
The eligibility of the Love Canada Scholarship will be assessed by the TSoM Scholarship Committee based on
the submitted documents the above crit
eria. Furthermore, the scholarship value will depend on the
excellent academic achievements converting into 0-100% in the academic scoring scheme.
Please note,
this scholarship is applicable for applications only from May 2018 intake until
September 2019
Kindly email your Love Canada Scholarship Application Form to
Approved scholarship:
Approved value:
Approved by:
I hereby declare that:
The information I have submitted in this application for the scholarship is true, correct, and complete to
the best of my knowledge.
I understand that submission of any false documents will result in the immediate cancellation of my
I understand that completion of this signed application permits Toronto School of Management to
request and/or confirm any information necessary to support my application for scholarship.
I understand and acknowledge that it is my responsibility to be aware of, and comply with, all
Toronto School of Management terms and conditions for the scholarship.
Privacy & Data Protection
The information collected on this form is used by Toronto School of Management for the adjudication
and administration of the scholarship.
The institution collects, uses, and discloses your personal information as permitted or required by
applicable privacy legislation.
By submitting your application and agreeing to the terms and conditions, you expressly consent to the
collection, use, and disclosure of your personal and educational information as described herein and are
hereby notified that your personal information may be accessed and stored outside of Canada.
______________________________________ _____________________________________________
Signature Date
Love Canada Scholarship will be only applicable for applications from May 2018 until the
September 2019 intake.
Students must provide the required supporting documentation; incomplete applications will not be
Students only need to apply once to be considered for the scholarship for the duration of their
studies with TSoM.
Recipients of scholarships must maintain the required registration status, remain in good academic s
tanding, and have no disciplinary sanctions (academic or conduct) throughout their studies to
remain eligible.
If the recipient withdraws or applies for a refund, the scholarship will not be considered when
calculating the refund amount.
Scholarships are not transferable to other students.
Payments will only be applied to the tuition fees. Scholarship recipients are responsible for paying all
fees not covered by the scholarship.
Scholarships may be deferred for a maximum of one (1) intake from the original intake start date.
Requests for a deferral must be made in writing to the Recruitment Advisor. However, the last intake
applicable for this scholarship is September 2019.
Decisions of the TSoM Scholarship Committee are final.
By submitting this application form, you agree to all the Terms and Conditions related to scholarships as
set out by TSoM.
I agree to all of the above statements and give my consent to the above terms.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________
Signature Date
The application must be for intakes between May 2018 and September 2019.