Rev. 03/19/2024
Federal and Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Acts and
Connecticut Paid Leave Policy
(Including how they coordinate with Wesleyan’s Parental Leave and Short-Term Disability Policies)
The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act (CT FMLA)
allow eligible employees to take job and benefit-protected time away from work for certain family and medical
The Connecticut Paid Leave Program (CT PL) provides eligible employees with income replacement benefits for
qualifying events but does not provide job-protected leave.
Federal FMLA, CT FMLA and CT PL may all run concurrently depending on the circumstances necessitating the
leave. When both the Federal FMLA and CT FMLA apply, the leave provided by each will count against the
employee’s entitlement under both laws and leave taken under the Federal FMLA will run concurrently with leave
taken under the CT FMLA. To the extent CT PL applies during a CT FMLA leave, these benefits will run
Federal Job-Protected Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Must be employed at least 12 cumulative months in the last seven years unless the break in service is due to
an employee’s fulfillment of military service (in which case, the time is not counted towards the 12-months).
Must have worked at least 1,250 hours within a 12-month period before the leave starts.
Military Caregiver - Up to 26 weeks in a 12-month period for military caregiver leave.
Spouse eligibility When both spouses work for Wesleyan, they share their 12-week job-protected leave
entitlement if the reason for leave is:
o To bond with a newborn child, newly adopted child, newly placed foster care
o To care for a parent with a serious health condition
Connecticut Job-Protected Family and Medical Leave Act (CT FMLA)
Must be employed by the employer for at least 3 months
No hours worked requirement
Up to 12 weeks of leave are available in a 12-month period for all qualifying leave reasons
Military Caregiver - Up to 26 weeks of leave are available in a 12-month period for military caregiver leave
Family Violence- Up to 12 days in a calendar year can be used for family violence leave, per the
Family Violence Leave Act
Pregnancy Incapacity - An employee may be eligible for 2 additional weeks of leave for incapacity during
Spouse eligibility - When both spouses work for Wesleyan, they share their 12-week job-protected leave
entitlement if the reason for leave is:
o To bond with a newborn child, newly adopted child, newly placed foster care
o To care for a parent with a serious health condition
Federal Job-Protected Family Leave eligibility requirements are secondary to the CT FMLA
Non-Job Protected Connecticut Paid Leave (CT PL)
Must be currently employed and working in Connecticut; or was employed and working in Connecticut during
the past 12 weeks
Earned at least $2,325 in the highest earning quarter of the first 4 of the past 5 quarters (from 1
or more employers)
Up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period for all qualifying leave reasons including military caregiver
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Family Violence - Up to 12 days of the 12 weeks can be used for income replacement during
family violence leave
Pregnancy Incapacity - An employee may be eligible for 2 additional weeks of income
replacement during leave for incapacity during pregnancy
Spousal Eligibility - Spouses are not required to share their 12-week paid leave benefit
entitlement for any reason
Allowed Reasons for CT FMLA, Federal FMLA and CT PL
The birth of a child and care within
the first year after birth
The placement of a child with an
employee for adoption or foster care
and care for that child within the
first year after placement
To care for a family member with a
serious health condition
Because of the employee’s own
serious health condition
To serve as an organ or bone
marrow donor
To address qualifying exigencies
arising from a spouse, son,
daughter, or parent’s active-duty
service in the armed forces; or
To care for a spouse, son,
daughter, parent or next of kin with
a severe injury or illness incurred
on active duty in the armed forces
Family violence (up to 12 days in
a calendar year)
Birth of employee’s newborn child
Placement of child with
employee for adoption or foster
Providing care for an
employee's parent, child, or
spouse with serious health
Employee’s own serious health
Any qualifying exigency when
employee’s spouse, child or
parent is on active duty or is
notified of impending call or
order to active duty in Armed
Forces; or
Caring for a spouse, child,
parent or next of kin who is a
covered service member with a
severe injury or illness
Receive treatment or recover from their
own serious health condition, including
pregnancy and serving as an organ or
bone marrow donor
To care for a family member who has a
serious health condition
To bond with their newborn child or
child who has joined their family
through adoption or foster care
To care for a parent, spouse, child or
next of kin who was injured in the line of
duty on active duty in the military
To address specific exigent
circumstances associated with the
deployment of a parent, spouse, or
child to overseas military duty; and
To address specific situations
associated with the fact that they are
experiencing family violence
Covered Family Members for Purposes of Taking CT FMLA, Federal FMLA and CT PL
Individual relation to the employee
by blood or affinity relationship
: Federal FMLA allotment will not
be reduced if CT Paid Leave or CT
FMLA is used for a non-qualifying
dependent under federal FMLA
Spouse’s Parent
Child’s Spouse
Spouse’s Grandparent
Individual relation to the employee by
blood or affinity relationship
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Types of CT FMLA, Federal FMLA and CT PL
Continuous Leave: continuous (block of time) absence for a single qualifying reason.
Reduced Schedule: leave schedule that reduces an employee’s usual number of working hours per
workweek, or hours per workday, normally from a full-time to a part-time schedule.
Intermittent: leave in separate, non-consecutive time periods rather than a single block of time
for a single qualifying reason, in 15-minute increments.
Note: Reduced schedules and intermittent leaves for birth or placement of a child will be reviewed on a case-
by-case basis.
Requesting Leave
If you need to take Federal or CT FMLA, 30-day notice is required (if feasible) by contacting
or by calling 860.685.2100. A department’s regular procedures for notifying
supervisors of absences applies to all absences from work.
For those leaves, such as parental leave, where the approximate date of the leave is known well in advance, we
recommend contacting [email protected]
at least 45 days prior to the leave begin date to discuss the leave
process and required documentation.
To apply for CT PL benefit:
Apply to the CT Paid Leave Authority for Paid Leave Benefits at www.ctpaidleave.org
or by calling
The employee will be supplied with the forms required based on the type of leave requested.
All types of leaves require the employee to provide an Employment Verification Form from the CT
Paid Leave’s third-party administrator, AFLAC, and provide it to bene[email protected]
completion. If you have other employers, you must provide a form to each employer.
Notify benef[email protected] that you have applied for leave.
It is the employee’s responsibility to obtain all required forms and documentation and provide them to
the State’s third-party administrator.
To apply for Wesleyan Short-Term Disability and Family and Medical Leave:
Contact Human Resources at [email protected]
or 860-685-2100. Human Resources will provide
you with the forms to apply for FMLA and short-term disability benefits.
To apply for Wesleyan Parental Leave Benefits:
Staff - Contact [email protected]
or 860-685-2100.
Faculty - Contact your Department Chair and the Associate Provost.
Military/Qualifying Exigency:
Next of Kin
Military/Qualifying Exigency:
Next of Kin
Next of Kin
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Benefit Payment Schedule
The State of Connecticut will be the primary payer for leave types that qualify for CT PL. Wesleyan will be
considered the secondary payor for parental leave and short-term disability (STD) benefits.
Wesleyan will supplement the State-provided paid leave benefit for employee medical leave according to the
schedule of STD benefits outlined on page 5 of the STD Summary Plan Description
or applicable bargaining
unit contract. The total payments to the employee from the State’s paid leave program and Wesleyan’s STD will
not exceed the amounts listed in the STD Summary Plan Description.
In the case of coordination with Wesleyan’s short-term disability coverage, only State-paid benefits will apply
during the short-term disability elimination period. No Wesleyan short-term disability benefit will be paid during
this time. Please refer to page five of the STD Summary Plan Description
for the elimination period that applies
to your employee group.
Similarly, Wesleyan will supplement the State-provided paid leave benefit for family leave according to the
faculty and staff schedule of benefits outlined in the faculty and staff
handbooks or applicable bargaining unit
contracts. The total payments to the employee from the State’s paid leave program and Wesleyan’s parental
leave benefit will not exceed the amounts listed in faculty and staff handbooks or applicable bargaining unit
Timing of Payments
The State’s Paid Leave Authority will generally determine benefits within five (5) to seven business days of their
third-party administrator Aflac’s receipt of all required documentation. Payments will be two (2) weeks in arrears.
Wesleyan’s parental leave or short-term disability benefit payments will be made as soon as administratively
possible after determination of Wesleyan’s payment amount.
Please note: The timing of payments is based on the State Paid Leave Authority’s (CT PL) approval of claims.
Wesleyan CT PL Income Replacement Loan
If there is a financial hardship for an employee based on the above schedule of pay, the employee may request
that Wesleyan pay the State’s benefit portion in advance of actual receipt from the State. If approved, the employee
must sign a promissory note and reimburse the University within 30 days of receiving their CT PL notice of approval
for paid benefits.
Benefit Deductions
If the Wesleyan benefit payment does not allow for full benefit deductions, the employee will be directly billed through
Wesleyan’s 3
-party benefit billing administrator, Group Dynamic Inc. (GDI) or they can make double deductions upon
their return to work.
Paid Time Off Accrual
Employees will continue to accrue vacation and sick time (if applicable) during any paid time off period.
Employees will not be required to use accrued paid time off for the Federal or CT FMLA or CT PL programs.
An employee may choose to supplement pay with accrued paid time off, however, under no circumstances will
more than 100% of an employee’s normal earnings be paid from all pay sources (the State benefit (CT PL),
Wesleyan’s benefit, and paid time off).
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Job Restoration
An employee returning from a leave taken for their own serious health condition must receive a certification
form from a health care provider so that they can resume work.
An employee is entitled to restoration to the position they held prior to taking leave upon return from Federal or
CT FMLA (up to 12 weeks, or 14 if an additional two weeks of pregnancy incapacitation applies). If the original
position of employment is not available, the employee is entitled to restoration to an equivalent position with
equivalent employment benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment. In the case of medical
leave, if the employee is medically unable to perform the original job upon return from leave, the employee is
entitled to be transferred to a position suitable to their physical condition if such a position is available.
Unpaid personal leave
after the Federal or CT PL period (12 weeks or 14 when pregnancy incapacitation) may
be approved jointly by Human Resources and the employee’s department once the Federal or CT PL period is
exhausted. Generally, an employee’s job will not be filled during unpaid leave. However, if a business needs
change and a job can no longer be held, the employee will be notified and given the opportunity to return to
When a leave is due to a serious medical condition, job protection is generally extended through the end of the
STD period. An employee has no greater right to continued employment or reinstatement than if the employee
had been continuously employed. For example, employment may be terminated in conjunction with a layoff or
job elimination during a leave of absence the same as if the employee were not on leave.
Wesleyan will not retaliate or discriminate against an employee for exercising their Federal or CT FMLA rights.
Additionally, Wesleyan will not discharge, cause to be discharged, or in any manner discriminate against any
individual because the individual has filed a charge, provided information, or testified in connection to an inquiry
or proceeding, related to the violation of rights provided by Federal or CT FMLA. Employees who believe their
FMLA or CT FMLA rights have been violated in any way should immediately report the matter to the Associate
Vice President of Human Resources.
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Bonding Leave (CT PL) is the portion of a CT Paid Leave that provides additional bonding time with a new child at
birth, adoption, or foster-care placement. After the birth of a child, it is the leave period after the birthing mother can
Caregiver Leave (CT PL and FMLA)Leave that is for the caring of a family member with a serious health
Continuous Leave is an extended absence taken on consecutive days for a single qualifying reason. CT PL refers
to this as a “block leave.”
Military Caregiver Leave (CT PL and FMLA)leave that is taken by a spouse, parent, child, or next of kin to care
for a covered service member who incurred a serious injury or illness in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed
Forces. Up to 26 weeks of job-protection leave are available for military caregivers. However, CT Paid Leave is
only available for 12 weeks total in a 12-month period.
Elimination Period (STD) is the period before short-term disability benefits begin. Benefits begin the day
after the elimination period is completed.
Intermittent Leave is leave taken in separate, non-consecutive time periods rather than a single span of time for a
single qualifying reason.
Family Violence Leave - If an employee is experiencing family violence, they can apply to take up to 12 days of
leave to seek medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability, to
obtain services from a victim services organization, to relocate or to participate in any civil or criminal proceeding
related to the family violence.
Military Exigency Leave (CT PL and FMLA) - For any qualifying exigency (urgent need or demand), arising out of
the fact that the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on active duty, or has been notified of an
impending call or order to active duty, in the armed forces.
Pregnancy Incapacitation (CT PL) is any period of incapacity due to pregnancy, including pre-natal appointments.
If during pregnancy or after childbirth, a healthcare provider determines that an individual may need a bit more time
for recovery, individuals may apply for an extra 2 weeks of leave.
Reduced Schedule Leave is a leave schedule that reduces an employee’s usual number of working hours per
workweek, or hours per workday for a period of time, normally from a full-time schedule to a part-time schedule.
For additional definitions and details, link to the CT PL website or the FMLA website and CT PL FAQs
Federal FMLA FAQs.