Last Revision Date: 6/26/2024
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Completing an Apply Texas Application
This document is intended for potential SJC students and demonstrates how to create an account on the Apply Texas
website, access and complete an admissions application, then select a school and submit the application. If you
experience issues as you are completing the application, please contact the San Jacinto College Call Center at 281-998-
6150 for help.
Table of Contents
Creating an Apply Texas Account ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Finding the Right Application (Screener Questions) ................................................................................................................ 7
High School Status Page ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Course History Page ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
US Citizenship Page .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Answering Core Questions..................................................................................................................................................... 11
About You Page .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Your Name Page............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Contact Page .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Background Page ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Military Status Page ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Foster Care Page ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Language Page ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Household Section ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Parents or Guardians Page ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Emergency Contact Page ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Texas Residency Page .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Family Obligations Page ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Family Information......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Education and Testing Section ........................................................................................................................................... 21
High School Information ................................................................................................................................................ 22
College History Page ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Advanced Certifications Page ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Entrance Exams Page ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Activities and Achievements Section ................................................................................................................................. 25
Family Obligations Page ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Extracurriculars .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Volunteer Activities Page ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Awards and Honors Page ............................................................................................................................................... 29
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Employment Page .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
School Search ......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
School Search Page ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
Application Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Application Overview Page ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Choose Your Major Page................................................................................................................................................ 34
School-Required Questions Page ................................................................................................................................... 35
Essays Page .................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Review Application Page .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Terms and Conditions Page ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Payment Instructions ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Accessing an Open Application .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Updating Your Answers to Screener Questions .................................................................................................................... 40
Glossary of Terms: ................................................................................................................................................................. 41
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Creating an Apply Texas
To begin your college application, you must
first create an Apply Texas account. You will
use this account to apply for admission or
transfer to schools.
1. Access the Apply Texas website and click
the Create a Free Account button.
2. On the Sign In page, click the Sign Up
Now hyperlink at the bottom of the
3. On the Create an Account page, enter the
email address you wish to associate with
your account and click the Get Code
button. Apply Texas will send a
verification code to this email address to
confirm your identity.
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4. Check your email account for the
verification code.
Note: Verification code email will come from
‘Microsoft on behalf of THECB.’
5. Enter the code in the Verification Code
field on the Create an Account page and
click the Verify Code button.
Note: If you did not receive a Verification
code email, click the Send New Code button.
6. Once you confirm your email address,
enter your First Name, Last Name,
Preferred First Name (if applicable), Date
of Birth and create and confirm a
Password before clicking the Create
Note: Your password must be 14-20
characters long. It also must contain at least 3
of the 4 elements; lowercase letters (a-z);
uppercase letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9); one
or more of the following symbols: @ # $ % ^
& * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ’ , ? / ` ~ ” ( ) ; . ”
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7. Upon account creation, the system will
navigate you to the Apply Texas login
page, where you can enter your new login
credentials (Email Address and
Password) and click the Sign In button.
8. Apply Texas will ask you to verify your
identity. Click the Send Verification Code
button to receive a code.
9. Check your email account for the
verification code.
Note: Verification code email will come from
‘Microsoft on behalf of THECB.’
10. Enter the code in the Verification Code
field and click the Verify Code button.
Note: If you did not receive a Verification
code email, click the Send New Code
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11. Once your email address is verified, click
the Continue hyperlink to navigate to
your Apply Texas dashboard.
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Finding the Right Application
(Screener Questions)
In order to create an application, you must
first complete an application screener. Apply
Texas uses your answers to the screener
questions to determine which application you
should use.
1. At the bottom of your Apply Texas
dashboard, click the Find Right
Application button on the right side of
the page.
High School Status Page
2. On the High School Status page, click
YES or NO for the question asking,
“Are you currently in high school or
middle school?”
If your answer is “NO,” click the Next
button at the bottom of the screen.
If your answer is YES, select the option
that best applies for the question asking,
“Do you plan to apply to an
undergraduate program, dual credit
program, or both?” and then click the
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
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Course History Page
3. On the Course History page, click “YES” or
“NO” for the question asking, “Have you
ever taken college courses?”
If your answer is “NO,” select the option
that best applies for the question asking,
“Do you plan to apply to an
undergraduate program, graduate
program or both?” and then click the
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
If your answer is “YES,” select the option
that best applies for each of the following
questions and then click the Next button
at the bottom of the screen.
Do any of these apply to you?”
“Do you plan to apply to an
undergraduate program, graduate
program, or both?”
“Do you already have or will you have a
bachelor’s or equivalent degree prior to
the start of the semester for which you
are applying?
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US Citizenship Page
4. On the US Citizenship page, click “YES” or
“NO” for the question asking, “Are you a
U.S. Citizen?”
If your answer is “NO,” select the option
that best applies for each of the following
questions and then click the Next button
at the bottom of the screen.
“Which of these apply to you?”
“Do all of these circumstances apply to
If your answer is “YES,” click the Next
button at the bottom of the screen.
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5. Apply Texas confirms the submission of
your screener answers and lists the types
of applications for which you are eligible.
Click the Start Core Questions button at
the bottom of the page.
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Answering Core Questions
Core Questions are a set of common
questions you can use to apply to multiple
schools. The Core Questions consist of four
separate sections: About You, Household,
Education and Testing, and Activities and
A list of sections, and their subsets, displays
on the left side of the screen as you complete
your application and you can click an item
from the list to quickly navigate to that
About You Page
The About You section of the Core Questions,
requests name, background, and other
personal information, which schools may use
to evaluate your application.
1. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the About You page.
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Your Name Page
The Your Name page prefills with information
from your Apply Texas account but the
information can be updated as necessary.
Schools may use this information when
evaluating your application.
2. Enter required details before clicking the
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
A. First Name (Required)
B. Middle Name (Optional)
C. Last/Family Name (Required)
D. Suffix (Optional)
E. Add Other Name (Optional)
F. Preferred Name (Optional)
G. Name Confirmation (Required)
Note: You can return to the About You page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
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Contact Page
The Contact page requests the following
details, which helps schools contact you with
questions or information about your
3. Enter required details before clicking the
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
A. Permanent Country (Required)
B. Permanent Street Address (Required)
C. Permanent Street Address Line 2
D. Permanent City (Required)
E. Permanent State (Required)
F. Postal/ZIP Code (Required)
G. Validate Address
H. Is your residential address different
from your permanent address?
I. Is your mailing address different from
your permanent address? (Optional)
J. Use my Apply Texas account email on
my application (Optional)
K. Preferred Email (Required)
L. Preferred Phone Number (Required)
M. International Preferred Phone
Country Code (Optional)
N. Preferred Phone Type (Optional)
O. Alternate Phone Number (Optional)
P. International Alternate Phone
Country Code (Optional)
Q. Alternate Phone Type (Optional)
R. Would you like to designate yourself
to be able to file with the target
university’s admissions office?
Note: You can return to the About You page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
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Background Page
The Background page requests background
and demographic information, which schools
use for reporting, when evaluating your
4. Enter required details before clicking the
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
A. Date of Birth (Required)
B. Date of Birthday Confirmation
Checkbox (Required)
C. Country of Birth (Required)
D. City of Birth (Required)
E. What is Your Gender? (Required)
F. Are you Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
origin? (Required)
G. What is Your Race? (Required)
H. Are you a U.S. Citizen? (Required)
I. Are you Currently Residing in U.S.?
J. Do one or more of these apply to
your life? (Optional)
K. If you answered Yes above, do you
want to learn more about services
and support that may be available to
help you succeed in college?
Note: You can return to the About You page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
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Military Status Page
The Military Status page requests your status
as a current U.S. military service-member,
veteran, or dependent, which schools may
use to determine if you qualify for financial
aid and scholarships.
5. Select your current status before clicking
the Next button at the bottom of the
Note: You can return to the About You page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
Foster Care Page
The Foster Care page requests information
about time you may have spent in foster care
in Texas, which schools may use to determine
if you qualify for financial aid and
6. Make required selection(s) before clicking
the Next button at the bottom of the
Note: You can return to the About You page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
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Language Page
The Language page requests information
about languages you speak in additional to
English, which schools may use for reporting
7. The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the blue
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
Optional: Click the Add Language button
to enter the language and years spoken.
Note: You can return to the About You page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
Household Section
The Household section of the Core Questions,
requests information on parents/guardians,
emergency contacts, and residency status,
which schools may use to evaluate your
1. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the Household screen.
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Parents or Guardians Page
The Parents or Guardians page requests
information about your parents or guardians,
which schools may use to contact you.
2. The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the blue
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
Optional: Click the Add Parent or
Guardian button to enter the following
A. Title (Optional)
B. First Name (Required)
C. Middle Initial (Optional)
D. Last Name (Required)
E. Suffix (Optional)
F. Relationship to you (Required)
G. Is this parent/guardian still living?
(Required) an additional required
field displays if you select ‘Yes’.
H. Parent/guardian address (Required)
additional required fields display
based on your selection.
I. Email Address (Required)
J. Email Address Confirmation
K. Preferred Phone Number (Required)
L. International Country Code (Optional)
M. Phone Type (Optional)
N. Alternate Phone Number (Required)
O. International Alternate Phone
Country Code (Optional)
P. Alternate Phone Type (Optional)
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Step 2 Continued…
Q. Education (Required)
R. Add Parent or Guardian (Optional)
click to add information for another
S. Gross Income (Optional)
Note: You can remove the parent or guardian
record/fields, if desired, by clicking the
Remove Parent or Guardian button at the
top of the screen.
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Emergency Contact Page
The Emergency Contact page requests
information about your emergency contact,
which schools may use in the event of an
accident or emergency.
3. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
A. My emergency contact info is the
same as my parent/guardian’s
information. (Required) Answering
Yes to this question allows you to
select the parent or guardian you
want listed as your emergency
contact. Answering No,’ requires you
to enter additional details.
B. Title (Optional)
C. First Name (Required)
D. Last Name (Required)
E. Email Address (Required)
F. Email Address Confirmation
G. Does your emergency contact have a
phone? (Required)
H. Country (Required)
I. Address (Required)
J. Address Line 2 (Optional)
K. City (Required)
L. State (Required)
M. Postal/ZIP Code (Required)
N. Validate Address (Required)
Note: You can return to the Household page
by clicking the Back button at the bottom of
the screen or click the hyperlink to Save and
Come Back Later.
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Texas Residency Page
The Texas Residency Page requests
information about where you live, which
helps schools determine if you are a Texas
resident. Schools use residency status to
determine in and out-of-state tuition and
evaluate applications.
4. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
Note: Selecting anything other than ‘Texas’
allows you to click Next and continue.
Selecting ‘Texas’ requires you to enter/select
additional details before clicking Next.
Family Obligations Page
The Family Obligations page requests
information for any commitments you have
to family or household. These commitments
are an important accomplishment schools
want to hear about. Schools may use this
information to better understand your
activities and achievements.
5. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
Note: Selecting ‘Yes’ to most of these
questions requires you to enter/select
additional details before clicking Next.
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Family Information
The Family Information page requests
information about your family, which schools
may use to determine what support is
needed when entering college or for family
6. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
Note: Selecting ‘Single’ allows you to click
Next and continue. Selecting ‘Married’ allows
you to enter/select additional (optional)
details before clicking Next. Clicking the Add
Child button requires additional details.
Education and Testing Section
The Education and Testing section of the
Core Questions, requests information about
any high school and college classes you’ve
taken, which schools may use to evaluate
your application.
1. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
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High School Information
The High School Information page requests
details for any high school and college classes
you’ve taken, which helps institutions
evaluate which degree programs are the best
fit for you.
2. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
A. Search for your high school
secondary school (Required)
B. Expected Graduation Date (Required)
C. Previous High Schools (Optional)
D. Senior Courses (Optional)
E. GED Information (Required)
Note: Your answers to these questions may
require you to enter/select additional details
before clicking Next.
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College History Page
The College History page requests
information about any college courses you’ve
taken, which helps schools understand your
educational background and may be used to
evaluate your application. Schools request
your transcripts for all the colleges you’re
attended. Transcripts should be sent directly
to the school you are apply to.
3. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
A. Have you ever taken any college
courses? (Required)
B. Are you a freshman with previous
college credit hours? (Required)
C. Did you take a tech prep course or
courses for college credit? (Required)
D. Please indicate on what basis you are
seeking admission (Required)
E. Please indicate the primary reason
for attending classes at this college
Note: Your answers to these questions may
require you to enter/select additional details
before clicking Next.
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Advanced Certifications Page
The Advanced Certifications page requests
information about your plans for certification
and professional programs, which may be
used by schools when evaluating your
4. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
A. Do you plan to graduate with an IB
(International Baccalaureate)
diploma? (Required)
B. If you plan to pursue a professional
program, please specify which one
C. Will you seek teacher certification?
Note: Your answers to these questions may
require you to enter/select additional details
before clicking Next.
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Entrance Exams Page
The Entrance Exams Page requests
information about any college entrance
exams you may have taken, which may be
used by schools when evaluation your
5. Enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
A. Have you taken or will you take the
ACT test? (Optional)
B. Have you taken or will you take the
SAT test? (Optional)
C. Have you taken or will you take the
TOEFL test? (Optional)
D. Have you taken or will you take the
IELTS test? (Optional)
Note: Your answers to these questions may
require you to enter/select additional details
before clicking Next.
Activities and Achievements Section
The Activities and Achievements section of
the Core Questions, requests information
about your family obligations and your
involvement in extracurriculars, community
service, or volunteer activities, awards and
honors, and work experiences. Schools may
use this information to make an admission
decision based on your full involvement.
1. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the Household page.
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Family Obligations Page
The Family Obligations Page requests
information on commitments you have to
support your family or household. These
commitments are an important
accomplishment schools want to hear about.
Schools may use this information to better
understand your activities and achievements.
2. This page displays answers you provided
in the Household section of the Core
Questions. If necessary, return to that
section, by clicking Household in the list
on the left side of the page, and update
your answers.
The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the Next
button at the bottom of the screen.
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The Extracurriculars Page requests
information on any clubs, teams, or
organizations you have participated in. This
may include service and work done in the
summer and may be used by schools when
evaluating your application.
3. The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the blue
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
Optional: Click the Add Extracurricular
button to enter the following details.
A. Organization/Activity (Required)
B. Activity Level (Required)
C. Description (Required)
D. Please check the years you
participated in organizations/activity
during high school (Optional)
Note: You can add another extracurricular
activity by clicking the Add Extracurricular
button towards the bottom of the screen.
You can remove the Extracurricular
record/fields, if desired, by clicking the
Remove Extracurricular button at the top of
the screen.
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Volunteer Activities Page
The Volunteer Activities page requests
information for any volunteer activities
you’ve participated in, like community
service or work with nonprofits. This may
include work done in the summer. This
information helps schools make a holistic
admission decision.
4. The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the blue
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
Optional: Click the Add Volunteer
Activity button to enter the following
A. Place of Service (Required)
B. Total Hours (Required)
C. Description of Service (Required)
D. When did you start this service
experience? (Required)
E. When did you complete this service
experience? (Required)
Note: You can add another volunteer activity
by clicking the Add Volunteer Activity button
towards the bottom of the screen.
You can remove the volunteer activity
record/fields, if desired, by clicking the
Remove Volunteer Activity button at the top
of the screen.
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Awards and Honors Page
The Awards and Honors Page requests
information on any awards, honors, and/or
distinctions you have received. Please spell
out the name of the honors and describe the
organizations who awarded them. This
information helps schools make a holistic
admission decision.
5. The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the blue
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
Optional: Click the Add Awards and
Honors button to enter the following
A. Award, Honor, Distinction (Required)
B. Level (Required)
C. Description of the Award or Honor
D. Please select the year or years in high
school that you received this
recognition (Required)
Note: You can add another volunteer activity
by clicking the Add Award or Honor button
towards the bottom of the screen.
You can remove the volunteer activity
record/fields, if desired, by clicking the
Remove Award or Honor button at the top of
the screen.
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Employment Page
The Employment Page requests information
about your employment and internships. This
may include work done in the summer. This
information helps schools make a holistic
admission decision.
6. The information on this page is optional
and can be skipped by clicking the blue
Next button at the bottom of the screen.
Optional: Click the Add Internship
Experience, Add Employment
Experience, or Add References buttons
to enter the following details.
Add Internship Experience:
A. List your specific role/job title for
internship/activity (Required)
B. Intern Employer (Required)
C. When did you start this internship?
D. When did you complete this
internship/activity? (Required)
E. Hours per week (Optional)
Add Employment Experience:
F. Type of Work/Title (Required)
G. Employer (Required)
H. When did you start this
employment/activity? (Required)
I. When did you complete this
employment/activity? (Required)
J. Employer Country (Required)
K. Employer City (Required)
L. Employer State (Required)
M. Employer Work Phone Number
N. Employer Work Fax Number
O. Employer Work Email Address
P. May we contact you at work?
Q. Job Category (Required)
R. Industry Category (Required)
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Add References:
S. Reference Name (Required)
T. Reference Position (Required)
U. Reference Organization (Required)
V. Reference Email (Required)
Note: You can add records by clicking the
Add Internship Experience, Add Employee
Experience, or Add References buttons
towards the bottom of the screen.
You can remove the record/fields, if desired,
by clicking the Remove Internship
Experience, Remove Employment
Experience, or Remove References button at
the top of the screen.
7. Apply Texas confirms submission of your
Core Question answers and lists
appropriate next steps.
Click the blue Search for Schools button
at the bottom of the page.
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School Search
The school search allows you to find San
Jacinto College and apply for admission using
your Apply Texas application. You can search
by school name or filter based on semester
application type and more.
School Search Page
1. Type San Jacinto” into the School Search
field. The search feature will list
recommendations below the search field
as you type.
2. Click the suggestion for San Jacinto
Community College to select it. A
checkmark will appear beside the name
once it is selected.
If you click outside of the School Search
field, San Jacinto Community College
appears below the field.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT choose a Major on this
3. In the results that display below the
search fields, click the View Details
hyperlink for your desired semester.
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4. Click the Start Your Application button
towards the top of the screen.
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Application Overview
The Application Overview page displays
College contact information (email address,
phone number, and website), details for the
selected application and deadline
Application Overview Page
1. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
Choose Your Major Page
2. On the Choose Your Major page, select
your desired major from the First Choice
Major drop-down box and click the Next
button at the bottom of the screen.
Note: You can return to the Application
Overview page by clicking the Back button at
the bottom of the screen or click the
hyperlink to Save and Come Back Later.
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School-Required Questions Page
6. On the School-Required Questions page,
enter/select required details before
clicking the Next button at the bottom of
the screen.
A. Campus (Required)
B. Student Classification (Required)
C. International Student Via (F-1 visa)
D. Social Security Statement (Required)
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Step 6 Continued…
E. Veteran (Required)
F. Veteran Benefits (Required)
G. Dual Credit/Early College HS
H. Transfer (Required)
I. Transfer Intent (Optional)
J. Parent (Required)
K. Dual Credit (Required)
Note: You can return to the Application
Overview page by clicking the Back button at
the bottom of the screen or click the
hyperlink to Save and Come Back Later.
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Essays Page
San Jacinto College does not require an essay
for admissions.
1. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the screen to continue.
Review Application Page
The Review Application Page allows you to
review your answers to Core Questions and
San Jacinto College custom questions.
1. Click Expand beside questions, where
applicable, to review your answers and
click Edit to make updates.
2. When satisfied with your application
answers, click the Next button at the
bottom of the screen.
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Terms and Conditions Page
3. The Terms and Conditions page requires
you to accept terms and conditions
related to service and data privacy and
bacterial meningitis. It also asks if you
consent to be contact.
Payment Instructions
IMPORTANT: San Jacinto College does NOT
charge an application fee. Follow the
instructions in this section to bypass the
payment piece and submit your application.
1. Payment Instructions page, click the radio
button beside Credit or Debit Card for
the question asking, “How will you be
paying your application fee to this
school?” You will not be asked for credit
card information.
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2. Check the boxes to consent to statements
regarding payment and sharing your
application with other institutions that
offer the same degree program. These
boxes are required in order to submit you
3. Apply Texas confirms the submission of
your application and lists any additional
documents and/or fees required for
admission. San Jacinto College will send
admissions decisions to you directly.
You can also click the Track Status in the
Dashboard button at the bottom of the
page to review your applications and
identify the current status.
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Accessing an Open Application
If you started an application, but did not yet
submit it, you can access the application from
within your Apply Texas dashboard.
1. From your Apply Texas dashboard, click
the arrow beside the desired
2. Click the Next button at the bottom of
the Application Overview page to
continue with your application.
Note: You can also select the desired section
of the application from the list on the left
side of the screen to navigate directly to that
Updating Your Answers to
Screener Questions
It may be necessary to update your answers
to the Apply Texas screener questions in
order to access certain applications. Updating
answers to screener questions will not affect
your existing SJC application(s).
1. Click the Find the Right Application
hyperlink in the top, left corner of your
Apply Texas dashboard. You will be
prompted to answer each of the original
screener questions again.
See the section of this instruction manual
called Finding the Right Application
(Screener Questions) for help.
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Glossary of Terms:
ACT entrance exam which measures your skills in English, math, reading, and science. When you register for
the ACT, you can select colleges and universities to send your score to. Once your ACT scores are available, you
can send them to additional schools using your ACT account. There may be an additional cost for these score
Alien Number - You receive an alien registration number when you apply for a green card or apply for an F-1
student visa. Every person has their own number. You can find this number on your documents from the United
States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Application Representatives - If you are over the age of 18, the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 applies to
you. This law prohibits schools from releasing your information and educational records to others. You can give
written permission to release educational information to an application representative, who is often a family
member, such as a parent or guardian.
Average Tuition - This is the average annual cost of tuition and fees for students taking 30 semester credit hours
for fall and spring semesters only. For public schools, costs only include in-state tuition. This number may
represent all the school's campuses if the school's data is reported at the district level. Data is provided by the
THECB College Student Budget.
Basis for Admission - Your basis for admission is based on your highest level of education so far. This includes
the high school and college courses you completed. Below are example cases for each of the answer choices.
o High school graduate - a first-time student with a high school diploma.
o GED - a first-time student with a GED or high school equivalency program certificate.
o Home school graduate - first-time student who completed a home school program.
o College transfer, degree seeking a student who attended classes toward a degree at another school.
o College transfer, nondegree seeking a student who attended classes at another school and does not
plan to earn a degree.
o Visiting students, seeking a degree elsewhere a student attending classes at one university toward a
degree and who wishes to temporarily take classes at another school.
o Readmission from prior semester a student who attended a school and are applying to attend again.
o Dual credit - a current high school student looking to take college classes for high school and college
o High school early admission - a current high school student looking to earn an Associate’s degree while
in high school.
o Individual approval a student who has not finished high school, earned a GED and is not applying for
dual credit or early admission.
Citizenship - You are a U.S. citizen if you were born in the United States or are a child of a U.S. citizen. You can
also become a U.S. citizen if you are over 18, have been a permanent resident for at least 5 years, and apply for
Naturalization. If you are not a U.S. citizen, select the country you are a citizen of. For example, if you are a
Canadian citizen, select Canada.
College Courses - College courses include classes taken at a community college or university. College courses
also include classes completed through a dual credit program.
College Credits - Schools use college credit hours to measure the hours of instruction for a college class. If you
took classes at a college or university, you completed a dual credit program, or you took AP or IB courses, you
may have college credit hours. You can find the number of college credit hours earned on
your college transcript.
Concurrent Enrollment - Concurrent enrollment is when you enroll and take classes at two different institutions
at the same time. You receive college credit from both schools.
Dual Credit - Dual credit programs allow you to enroll in college courses while in high school. Classes count for
both high school and college credit. Students may take dual credit courses at a high school or college campus.
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Early College High School - Early college high schools allow you to take high school and college courses at the
same time. Upon graduation you receive a high school diploma and either an associate degree or college credit
Ethnicity - Schools use background and demographic information for reporting purposes. Select “yes” to the
Ethnicity question if you are of Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central
American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.
Family Obligations - This may include things like helping care for your siblings. Select yes if family contributions
keep you from volunteering, playing school sports, or joining student clubs.
GED - The General Education Diploma, shows you earned a high school equivalency credential similar to a high
school diploma. Only answer yes to this question if you completed your GED in the U.S.
Gender - Schools use background and demographic information for reporting purposes. Possible responses to
the gender question on your application are male, female, or prefer not to say. If you do not see an answer
choice that applies to you, you may select “Prefer not to say”.
Graduation Rate - This is the rate of students graduating within 6 years at 4-year universities or within 4 years at
2-year colleges.
Gross Income - Gross income is the total amount of income your parent/guardian earns in a tax year. Gross
income includes all income, before taxes are taken out. Most commonly, gross income includes your parent’s or
guardian’s salary or total earning from a job. It may also include retirement distributions, interest received from
savings or investments, etc. To find the gross income, your parent or guardian can reference their most recent
tax filing. If they filed joint taxes, it should be one number for gross income. If they filed independently, you can
add both gross incomes together for the total family gross income.
High School Equivalency Program - High school equivalency programs help students prepare for high school
equivalency exams. Students can pass these exams in place of earning a high school diploma. Answer yes to this
question if you passed a high school equivalency exam.
I-485 Permanent Residence - Non-US citizens may apply for permanent resident status. This allows them to live
permanently in the US. This type of permanent residence allows you to apply without returning to your home
I-551 Permanent Residence - Non-US citizens may apply for permanent resident status (Green Card). This allows
them to live permanently in the US. If you have applied for permanent residence status, you should receive a
fee/filing receipt or Notice of Action (I-797). These documents show the government reviewed your application
and did not reject it.
IB Diploma - International Baccalaureate (IB) courses allow you to earn college credit in high school.
When you complete courses through an accredited IB school, you receive an IB diploma.
IELTS exam which shows your ability to understand the English language in an academic setting, such as during
lectures and discussions. You can pick up to five schools to send your IELTS scores to for free when you take the
test in a testing center. You can send results to more schools for a fee by contacting your testing center. If your
testing center closed, you can submit a form online up to two years after your test date to send your scores. If
you took the IELTS online, you will receive the results in an electronic format. You can send it to as many schools
as need to for no additional cost.
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) - The IRS gives ITINs to people who cannot get a Social
Security number. The IRS uses this number to process taxes. This typically applies to nonresident and resident
aliens, their spouses and their dependents. You can find your ITIN on tax returns or other documents filed with
the IRS.
Language - Schools may use language information for reporting purposes. Schools also use this to send you
communication materials in relevant languages. On your application, enter languages you speak with a high
level of comfortability. You are fluent in a language if you can speak, read, or write in the same manner as a
native speaker.
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Military Home of Record - Your home of record is the state you lived in when you entered the military. It is a
term only used in the military to help determine benefits upon separation from the military. This may be
different than your legal residence.
Military Legal Residence - Your state of legal residence is the place you live permanently, as proven by having a
state driver’s license, paying state taxes, owning property, or being registered to vote in the state.
Permanent Resident - Non-US citizens authorized to live permanently in the US may hold permanent resident
Primary Caretaker any day-to-day care you provide for family members. This might mean you help care for
grandparents, siblings, etc. on a regular basis. This also includes caring for a parent or guardian living with
medical conditions or disabilities.
Race - Schools use background and demographic information for reporting purposes. Choose all option(s) that
best describe your origins. Origins refers to your ancestry or heritage. You may also select “Prefer not to say”.
o American Indian/Alaska Native - You have origins in any of the original peoples of North and South
America (including Central America) and maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.
o Asian
o You have origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia or the Indian subcontinent
including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine islands,
Thailand, and Vietnam
o Black/African American - You have origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
o Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
o You have origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific islands.
o White/Caucasian - You have origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North
Reasons for Attending - There are many reasons why a student may choose to enroll in classes at a two-year
college. Below are examples of why students take courses at a community college.
o Earn an Associate degree student plans to attend a community college for two years and complete all
requirements for an Associate degree.
o Earn a certificate student plans to attend a community college for less than two years and complete
all requirements for a certificate. Examples of certificates include accounting, American Sign Language,
real estate, and more.
o Earn credits for transfer student does not plan to earn a certificate or Associate degree at this school.
This applies to you if you plan to use credits earned at this school to transfer to another school.
o Courses to get a new or better job student does not plan to earn a certificate, Associate degree, or
college credit. This applies if instead you take classes for professional development.
o Courses for personal enrichment student does not plan to earn a certificate, Associate degree, or
college credit. This applies if instead you take classes to learn something new.
Residence Card Issue Date - This date is the date the government approved your immigrant visa or permanent
resident status. You can find this date on your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).
SAT - SAT scores test your skills in critical reading, math, and writing. When you take your SAT exam, you can
select colleges and universities to send your score to. Once your SAT scores are available, you can send them to
additional schools using your College Board account.
Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) - This tool allows students to report courses taken and grades earned in
high school. Students will submit the SRAR outside of Apply Texas. Not all schools ask for a SRAR. Schools will
send more information about SRAR requirements as part of the confirmation email.
Social Security Number - U.S. citizens, permanent residents and eligible workers have Social Security numbers
(SSNs). These are nine-digit numbers used to identify individuals. Find your SSN on your social security card or
tax returns.
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Special Circumstances - This question asks about special circumstances that may apply to you. Schools may use
this information for reporting purposes. Schools may also use this information to provide support services.
o Have a disability: Check this box if you have a physical or mental impairment
that substantially limits your life activities.
o Have financial difficulties: Check this box if your current conditions make it difficult to provide for you or
your household.
o Want a job the people of the opposite sex usually have: Some examples of jobs that may fall into this
category include welding for a woman or nursing for a man.
o Are a single parent: Check this box if you are the sole provider for your child.
o Are a single pregnant woman: Check this box If you are pregnant and will be the sole provider for your
o Are unemployed: Check this box if you can work, but do not have a paying job.
o Are still learning English: Check this box if you are not proficient in speaking, reading, or writing English.
o Don’t have a regular place to live: Check this box if you do not have a permanent residence.
o Are you or have you been in foster care: Check this box if at any point and for any length of time you
were in foster care.
o Have a parent in the police or on active duty in the military: Check this box if your parent or guardian
is serving full-time in the police or armed forces.
Supplemental Family Income any money you earn outside of your regular paycheck, which your family relies
on to live. This might mean you help pay for things like bills, groceries, rent or a mortgage, among other things.
Select yes if you or your family would have trouble meeting basic needs without your income.
Teacher Certification - A teacher certification shows you have completed all requirements for a teaching
credential. With a teacher certification you can teach elementary, middle, or high school.
Teacher Certification Levels - The level describes which grade you plan to teach. Elementary includes early
childhood through grade six. Secondary includes grades seven to twelve. All-level covers both elementary and
secondary. You can change levels after submitting your application.
Tech Prep Course - Tech prep courses are a series of technical classes taken during high school. Tech prep
courses extend two years after high school graduation. When you complete a tech prep course, you receive an
associate degree or certificate.
Texas Records Exchange (TREx) - System through which Apply Texas allows students to request transcripts. With
this, students can request official transcripts from high schools in Texas. You can submit requests for transcripts
before submitting your application. Apply Texas shows the status of these requests on your dashboard and the
application overview page. For colleges or high schools outside of Texas, you will need to ask each school to
send your transcripts.
TOEFL entrance exam which shows your ability to understand the English language in an academic setting,
such as during lectures and discussions. You can pick up to four schools to send your TOEFL scores to for free
when you take the test. Test results are valid for two years after. You can send scores to additional schools
through your ETS account.