2019-2020 CATALOG
2019-2020 Catalog
Georgetown College seeks students who will welcome a rigorous academic program and
appreciate the additional life-balancing aspects of our Christian emphasis and comprehensive
program of extra-curricular and leadership opportunities. Students are considered
individually on the basis of their high school records, standardized test scores, and school
and community achievements. Letters of recommendation or other supporting material will
also be considered by the Admissions Committee if present in the student’s file.
Georgetown’s Admissions staff is composed of counselors who have a desire to be of service
to students and their families as they consider educational options and opportunities
available to them. Georgetown College is committed to making its facilities, programs, and
activities, when viewed in their entirety, readily accessible to qualified students with
disabilities. The College provides reasonable accommodations for the disabilities of its
qualified students. Such accommodations will be provided to qualified students as long as
accommodations do not cause undue hardship for the College and/or alter the rigor of a
course. Specific questions regarding access should be addressed to the Disabilities Services
Campus Visits
A campus visit, although not required, is strongly recommended. The Office of Admissions is
located at 432 East Main Street, near the main entrance to the campus, and offers daily visit
opportunities. A visit can be scheduled online at Feel free to call 502-863-8009
or to contact Admissions via email ([email protected]) with any questions
you may have.
An application for admission can be completed online at If a paper copy
is needed, one can be requested from the Office of Admissions.
The Application Process
An application for admission can be completed online at If a paper copy
is needed, one can be requested from the Office of Admissions.
Students must submit a completed application, an official transcript of coursework and grades
from high school, and an official American College Test (ACT) College Report or the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT I or SAT(R)). ACT and SAT test scores reported on an official high school
transcript are deemed official. All transcripts must be official copies sent directly from a high
school or college to the Office of Admissions. Students not designating Georgetown College as a
score recipient when registering for the ACT or SAT and whose scores are not present on their
official transcript should request scores be sent from ACT or College Board.
SAT: scores
(ACT Code 1514; SAT Code 1249)
The College does not require the writing portion of the ACT or SAT I exam. Additional
materials (essays, recommendations, etc.) may be requested.
Applications are considered as soon as all of the above items are received. Students accepted for
admission will receive an official offer of admission from the Director of Admissions, along
with an Acceptance Agreement. Admitted students should complete and return the Acceptance
Agreement along with a
$200 non-refundable enrollment deposit by May 1. The deposit will be credited toward the
first semester’s bill.
Students who have submitted the enrollment deposit will also receive class registration
information from the Office of Admissions. Students are asked to attend a Preparation and
Advising Workshop (PAWS) event before the fall semester begins to finalize their class
schedule. Dates and information regarding PAWS will be sent from the Office of Admissions.
Medical forms can be found at the following link: http://www. Please complete these forms and
mail them to Attn: Student Wellness Center, 400 East College St., Georgetown, KY 40324.
All enrolling students should complete this information so the staff at the Student Wellness
Center can best serve you. Students should get the following immunizations: Meningitis,
MMR, Tdap, Polio, and Varicella, as well as a TB test.
Admission Criteria
First-Time Freshmen
First-time freshmen have graduated from high school but have not attended another
1. Submission of the Georgetown College Application for Admission.
2. Graduation from high school (or completion of GED or obtained home school
certification) supported by the submission of an official high school transcript or
GED score. Applicants are expected to have 20 units of credit and to have
completed the following: 4 Units in English, 3 Units in Mathematics (Including
Algebra I & Algebra II), 3 Units in Science, 2 Units in Social Science, and 2 Units in
Foreign Language. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.
3. Ideally, applicants should have an overall average of “B” or better in college
preparatory subjects.
4. Submission of ACT or SAT scores. Ideally, applicants should submit scores at or
above national averages.
5. If a student who does not meet the requirements is admitted to Georgetown
College, the student the student will be placed in the Academic Centered
Experience Program (ACE) at Georgetown College and will be subject to all
requirements and restrictions of that status.
Transfer Students
Transfer students have enrolled at another institution after completing high school and
are applying to be a student at Georgetown College.
1. Transfer students with less than 24 hours must meet all criteria stated in
Admissions Criteria A, given that the student is in good academic standing at their
most recent institution.
2. Students applying to Georgetown College who have not maintained the minimum
scholastic attainment for the number of cumulative quality hours attempted at
their most recent institution must provide a personal statement examining the
causes for the failure to thrive and proposing what will be different for the student
if admitted to Georgetown College.
3. All transcripts from any and all previously attended institutions must be forwarded
to the Office of Admissions.
4. If a student who has not maintained the minimum scholastic attainment from their
current institution is admitted to Georgetown College, the student will be placed in
the Academic Centered Experience Program (ACE) at Georgetown College and
will be subject to all requirements and restrictions of that status.
5. For policies on transferring credit, review catalog section Academic Policies and
Readmitted Students
Readmitted students are defined as students who had enrolled as a full-time student and
either voluntarily chose to leave or were involuntarily dismissed and are seeking re-
admission to Georgetown College. Readmitted students may not have enrolled in another
institution before seeking re-admission to Georgetown College. Those who have left
Georgetown College and enrolled at any point in another institution are to be classified as
transfer students; Admission Criteria B outlines the appropriate process.
1. All former students at Georgetown who have been absent for one or more terms
and are interested in returning to full-time status must submit an application for
2. Returning students do not need to submit a second final high school transcript or
exam scores.
3. Notification of receipt of a student’s readmission application will be sent to Student
Life, the business office, student financial planning, the Office of Academic
Success, and the registrar’s office, and before any action will be taken, all five
departments must return an affirmative statement for the application to receive a
4. Students can be reviewed by the Admissions, and, in special circumstances (e.g.
suspension or probation), may be required to go through the Academic Policy
Committee for re-admission. See Academic Policies section for additional
information on the process for readmission after suspension.
Non-Degree Seeking/Dual-Credit/Transient Students
Non-degree seeking students are defined as individuals who are interested in taking a class
or two at Georgetown for personal/professional development but who do not plan to
enroll for a degree. This category includes local high school (Scott and surrounding
counties) students who are allowed to take up to three classes per semester, either on
campus or at their high school. This category also includes transient students who are
typically enrolled full-time at another college/university and are applying to take a
minimal course load at Georgetown College.
Students in this category must submit a completed application for admission and, if
possible, a “good standing” letter from the student’s current institution.
Academic Centered Experience
The ACE Program is designed for students who require additional academic support for their
success at Georgetown College. This program is transitional, not remedial. Students cannot apply
for this program. This status is determined by the College ACE Committee. Students admitted to
the ACE Program shall not exceed 10 percent of the entering class. Students admitted under this
1. Take a course load of no more than 16 credit hours during their first two semesters at
Georgetown College.
2. Respond to outreach attempts by the coordinator of the ACE program in order to monitor
academic progress and identify areas of needed academic support.
3. Attend weekly tutoring appointments for every class in which they enroll during their first
two semesters at Georgetown College.
4. Enroll in GSC 101 (Freshman Seminar) and earn an A, B, or C.
5. Complete their freshman year with a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA and have earned at least
24 credit hours.
Home Schooled Students
Georgetown College welcomes applications from home-schooled students. Submission of ACT
(or SAT) scores, a transcript documenting performance in secondary-level coursework, and
other pertinent curriculum information is required. Additional materials may be requested.
International Students
Georgetown College welcomes students from other countries both as part of its formal
exchange programs and on an individual basis. In order to be considered for admission,
international applicants who are applying as first-time freshmen must submit an official
transcript and one of the following test scores: TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, or ACT. Georgetown’s
minimum TOEFL score is 520 (paper)/190 (computer)/68 (internet). The minimum IELTS
score for admission is a 6.0. International students transferring from another college or
university within the U.S. must submit official transcripts from all previous
colleges/universities attended. If the student has attempted less than 24 credit hours in
college work, they must submit high school transcripts and test scores (TOEFL, IELTS, SAT,
or ACT).
Upon acceptance to the College, all international students must submit a $1,000 enrollment
deposit prior to the issuance of immigration paperwork. This deposit is kept on the student’s
account in case of emergencies while the student studies at Georgetown and is credited to
the student’s last term at Georgetown College. The international deposit is refundable, less
any transaction fees, if the student is denied a visa. In order to obtain a refund, the student
must write a letter to the Dean of Admissions with proof of the visa denial. This letter must
be received at least 30 days prior to the start of classes or the student will forfeit the deposit.
Health insurance is mandatory for all international students and is the financial
responsibility of the student.
Contact the Dean of Admissions or
visit for more information.
Change of Address
When students make application to Georgetown College, they must give a permanent
address to which the College sends correspondence. It is the responsibility of students to
notify the College of a change of address. Updates can be made to the Office of Admissions at
Undergraduate Financial Planning and
The Office of Student Financial Planning exists to help students who would be unable to
attend Georgetown College without financial assistance. A student’s financial assistance
award is designed to supplement the contributions of the student and family. Financial
assistance comes in a combination of scholarships, grants, loans, or work opportunities.
Typically, students will receive more than one type of assistance. Though awards are made
each year on the basis of academic promise and ability alone, most financial assistance is
dependent on the eligibility of the individual family.
Freshmen and transfer students who have been admitted, have filed the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in a timely manner, and whose Student Aid Reports are
received will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. A student who receives financial
assistance is responsible for refiling a FAFSA each year. All institutional aid is available for a
maximum of eight semesters of enrollment. Assistance is renewed on the basis of the past
year’s academic record and current eligibility. Even those who do not qualify for need- based
aid may qualify for academic and/or other non-need scholarships, thanks to the generous
donations of various individuals and organizations.
How To Apply
All students are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). Eligibility is determined through a national processor which considers a family’s
income, assets, number of children, retirement needs, and other expenses. The family
financial resources available, based on the information supplied on the FAFSA, are
subtracted from the cost of education to arrive at the family’s eligibility for need-based
The FAFSA should be completed as soon after October 1 as possible. Georgetown College is
approved by the Kentucky Approving Agency for Veterans Education to provide education
for Veterans, National Guardsmen, selected Reservists, and other eligible persons
(dependents of deceased and disabled veterans).
How To Receive Assistance
Applicants receive an award letter listing the types of assistance they are eligible to receive.
By checking acceptance of each type of assistance, signing, and returning the award letter to
the Student Financial Planning Office, the account will be credited for the amount of the
award. EXCEPTIONS: Aid amounts marked as estimates will not be credited until paperwork
is complete or funds are received from the lender/agency. If work-study is part of the aid
package, this amount will not be a credit on your account. This is an award that must be
earned and is paid to a student recipient via payroll. All Georgetown aid is based on full-
time, residential status. If you drop below full-time or are granted a waiver to live off
campus, your aid will be adjusted accordingly. Institutional aid is reduced by 25 percent for
students who live off campus. All college aid is limited to four years (eight semesters).
Academic Scholarships
. Georgetown’s academic scholarships are earned on the basis of
application for admission and vary in amounts by academic tier. Scholarships with an
amount which exceeds half of the cost for tuition and fees require a cumulative GPA of at
least 3.0 to be automatically renewed for a student. Scholarships with an amount less than
half of the cost of tuition and fees require a student to maintain Satisfactory Academic
Progress (SAP) as outlined in the College Catalog. These scholarships are renewable for up to
four years (8 semesters). Students with questions about their scholarship requirements should
contact Student Financial Planning.
Other Awards
. Various grants and awards are awarded to incoming students each year on the
basis of need, academic ability, athletic ability, and leadership potential. Students with
questions about their scholarship requirements should contact Student Financial Planning.
Specialized scholarship programs may have different requirements; recipients will be notified
of those criteria.
Transfer Academic Scholarship
. A merit scholarship is available for transfer students who are
accepted for admission. These scholarships are renewable for the duration of study for degree
completion (no more than 8 semesters).
Air Force/Army ROTC Scholarships
. Two-, three-, and four-year scholarships are available
through the respective programs; contact the University of Kentucky Air Force ROTC Office
(859-257-7115) or Army ROTC Office (859-257-2696) for an application and further
Endowed Scholarships
. Georgetown College has many endowed scholarships provided by the
generosity of donors and friends of the College. If a student receives one of these
scholarships, it may reduce or replace other college funds received. There are no separate
Federal Grants
. Federal grants are awarded based on the expected family contribution,
determined by the FAFSA. Grants include the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grant (SEOG), and the Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and
Higher Education (TEACH) Grant program.
Kentucky Grants
. Kentucky residents may be eligible for the College Access Program and/or
the Kentucky Tuition Grant. Filing a FAFSA will automatically send information to the
Commonwealth for application. Deadlines are determined by the Commonwealth.
Athletic Performance
. Scholarships are available to a limited number of students (both men
and women) with outstanding ability in competitive sports. The student should contact the
coach for the sport in which he or she participates.
Outside Scholarships
. As some students receive scholarships from outside organizations, the
Department of Education requires that these be considered as part of the financial assistance
awards. If need has been met, the college is required to reduce any need-based portion of the
overall award, beginning with loans and work-study.
Bagby Loans, Stapp Loans, and Schell Loans
. These are interest-free loans with no specific
terms of repayment, under which recipients are asked to repay the amount borrowed at any
time during their lives and if circumstances permit.
Federal Direct Loans
. Every student who files the FAFSA is eligible for a Federal Direct loan.
All students are eligible for either unsubsidized, subsidized, or a combination of both up to
their maximum allowable per classification level: freshmen ($5,500), sophomores ($6,500),
juniors ($7,500), seniors ($7,500), and graduate students ($8,500). Repayment begins six (6)
months after the student graduates, leaves school, or drops below half-time status. For more
information or explanation on the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans,
please contact the Student Financial Planning Office.
Parent Loans
. Special loans to parents through the Federal PLUS program are also available.
Parents can borrow up to the full cost of education minus other aid. For more information,
contact the Student Financial Planning Office.
Work Opportunities
Many Georgetown students earn a portion of their college expenses through part-time jobs
on campus or in the surrounding community. Regular announcements of on- and off-campus
opportunities are available via TigerNet (the Georgetown College intranet portal). All
students working in campus jobs must sign a work agreement and are required to complete
federal and state tax forms in the Student Financial Planning Office prior to starting their
Federal Work-Study Program
. A wide variety of work-study jobs on campus are available to
Georgetown students. Community opportunities are also available. Students must
demonstrate eligibility by filing the FAFSA.
Georgetown Work Program
. Institutionally funded jobs may also be available to a
Georgetown student regardless of demonstrated eligibility. Any undergraduate student who
wants to work should contact the supervisor in the area of work preference.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
As outlined by federal regulation, students must be matriculated in a degree program and
must maintain a minimum grade point average sufficient to show satisfactory progress
toward their educational objectives as outlined below:
1-15 semester hours attempted: 1.6 cumulative GPA or above
16-30 semester hours attempted: 1.7 cumulative GPA or above
31-45 semester hours attempted: 1.8 cumulative GPA or above
46-60 semester hours attempted: 1.9 cumulative GPA or above
61 or more semester hours attempted: 2.0 cumulative GPA or above
Credit Hours Earned: Regardless of the number of hours attempted, a student must
successfully complete and earn cumulative hours as follows:
First Year – 20
Second Year – 40
Third Year – 60
Fourth Year – 80
Fifth Year – 100
The above standards will be prorated for part-time students.
Repeating a course will count toward hours earned if: (1) a passing grade was received, and
(2) the course had not been counted previously toward hours earned.
Review and Appeal Procedure
. Students may establish an academic plan with approval of the
Director of Academic Success, and with the Student Financial Planning Office. Based on
approved forward-progress goals, satisfactory academic progress for financial assistance may
be approved and aid re- established. The following procedure is required and is separate from
academic procedures:
An academic plan and appeal letter should be established (as noted above) and sent to
the Director of Student Financial Planning by the end of the second week of the
semester in which the student’s SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) probation
begins. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the institution.
The student’s satisfactory academic progress will be reviewed at the end of each
academic/payment period to ensure forward progress is being made and academic
goals are met. In the event the academic plan goal is not reached, the student will not
be permitted to receive Title IV funding. The Director will review the appeal and
notify the student accordingly.
Re-establishing Satisfactory Progress
. To have financial assistance reinstated, students must
take the hours required to bring them up to the standard at their own expense.
Appeal Process for Financial Assistance Extension
. An extra term may be approved by the
Student Financial Planning Office to accommodate the student who changes majors or
experiences extraordinary circumstances during the regular terms. Pell Grants are limited to
the first undergraduate degree and have a Lifetime Eligibility maximum mandated by the
Department of Education.
Institutional scholarships and grants are limited to a maximum of eight semesters. State
grants are limited to eight semesters. Course incompletes will not be counted until the course
is completed and the final grade appears on the transcript in the Registrar’s Office.
Rights and Responsibilities
. Students’ rights and responsibilities in financial assistance
matters include the following: (1) Students have the right to inspect information in their files
and to challenge any errors found therein. To challenge contents of a file, a student must file
a written request to the Student Financial Planning Office; (2) Students have the right to
request a review of their aid and aid amounts by the Director of Student Financial Planning;
(3) Students have a responsibility to report promptly any changes in their financial, marital,
or academic status, as well as any scholarship or aid funds received from any outside source;
(4) Students must understand the seriousness of any loan commitments and their obligation
to repay such loans and to keep the lender informed of their correct mailing addresses; (5)
Students must maintain satisfactory progress as explained under Criteria for Continued
Eligibility; (6) A student who receives financial assistance is responsible to refile a FAFSA
each year; (7) Students have a responsibility to promptly provide any additional
documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the
Student Financial Planning Office or the agency to which they submit an application.
As a private, faith-based institution, Georgetown College receives no support through taxes
or public revenue. In fact, tuition covers only a part of the actual expenses involved. Support
from the endowment, gifts, and grants from alumni, friends of the college, organizations, and
churches total over 35 percent of the actual cost of each student’s education, helping to keep
direct costs as low as possible. The College administers an extensive financial assistance
program; no prospective student should overlook Georgetown College for purely financial
reasons until investigating fully the amount and types of aid available.
Definition of Residence
. Residence is defined as the permanent residence of parents 90 days
prior to registration at Georgetown College, or the permanent address of the student one
year prior to initial registration if the student is independent of parental support. A student
who marries subsequent to enrollment may assume the residency status of the spouse.
. A non-refundable enrollment deposit of $200 is required. A one-time dorm damage
deposit of $100 is also required. It is returned (all or partially) at the end of the student’s
career at Georgetown College.
Basic Charges
Full-time Tuition (12-18 semester hours)
Additional credit above 18 hours
Part-time tuition, up to 11 hours
Only one course
Inter-Term (Winter Term), May Term, Summer Tuition
On campus
Off campus
Summer and Mini-Term Expenses
. Expenses for summer and mini-terms are published each
session along with the corresponding schedule of classes. Tuition and other charges for these
sessions are paid in the Business Office and are due on the first day of the term.
High School Students
$400 per course for up to 3 courses per semester
East Campus Apartment
Residence Hall Dual Occupancy
Private Room
Rucker Village/Hambrick Village Dual Occupancy
Single Occupancy
East Campus Apartment (7 meals per week)
Continuous Dining (Required for all students except East Campus residents
and commuters)
75 Meal Block (commuters only)
The tuition charge covers the cost of instruction, concerts, lectures, athletic events, and
subscription to The Georgetonian. Housing options require participation in a meal plan. The
cafeteria serves meals seven days a week. Each student on a board plan also receives credit
for use each semester in on-campus food locations other than the cafeteria.
Service Charges
The following service charges apply:
$8/official copy
Payments and Refunds
Payment of Accounts
. Charges for tuition, room, board, and fees are due and payable at
registration. Students are personally responsible to the College for payment of their financial
obligations. Registration may be cancelled upon nonpayment. Students may log in to to view their schedule and bill online. Payment can be
made on the GC ePayment tab within the “Finances” section of
No paper bills are sent. E-bills are sent to the student. Students can enroll parents/
spouses/others to receive e-billing or to access the Parent Portal version of (Call 502-863-8700 for assistance.) Georgetown College accepts
electronic checks on with a $3.00 service charge. Georgetown
College accepts VISA, American Express, Discover, or MasterCard on the Portal with a 2.5%
service charge. Checks can be mailed to Georgetown College Attn: Student Accounts, 400
East College Street, Georgetown, KY 40324. Meal plans and Tiger Dollars are subject to being
deactivated if payment of student account balance is not received.
Payment Due Dates for 2019/2020
Due Date
Fall 2019
August 1, 2019
Spring 2020
December 20, 2019
Current Student Accounts
. While a student may have submitted a class schedule
(registration) to the Office of the Registrar, a student’s registration is only confirmed upon
satisfactory completion of all financial obligations to the college. Completion of financial
obligations may occur through payment in full of tuition, fees, room, and board less any
applicable financial aid; covering the entire account balance with financial aid; or enrollment
in the college’s payment plan (Tuition Management Systems). This financial confirmation
must occur by Registration Day as listed in the Academic Calendar.
Students who are not confirmed or have no satisfactory payment plan on record with the
Business Office by Friday of the second week of classes forfeit their pre-registered courses
and will be removed from all class lists and will be charged tuition, room, board, and fees
according to the refund schedule. Students removed from classes may register again when all
financial obligations have been settled; however, these students cannot be guaranteed space
in their original classes. Students who fail to confirm registration by Registration Day will be
required to vacate residence halls within 24 hours, will not be allowed to access campus
services (including dining privileges), must pay for any room/ board charges incurred, and
will be subject to the institution’s refund policy.
All student accounts shall be paid in full by the end of each semester, including charges
incurred during the semester (such as parking fines). Students whose accounts are not
current at the end of a semester will not be allowed to pre- register for subsequent semesters
or, if pre-registered, will have their registration removed (as above).
Past Due Student Accounts
. Students with a past due account(s) will not be permitted to
register or, if pre-registered, the registration will not be valid for the next semester, nor will
the student receive a transcript or a diploma. At the end of each semester, any student with
an open account assumes responsibility for all collection and legal fees, if any.
Tuition Management Systems Payment Plan Information
. Most students are eligible for
monthly payment plans through Tuition Management Systems. International students are
not eligible for deferred or extended payment agreements because of US Customs and
Immigration Service regulations.
Veterans attending Georgetown College under P.L. 550 are responsible for the fulfillment of
financial obligations in the same manner as other students. The veteran should allow two
months from the date the initial papers are sent to the Veterans Bureau to the first payment.
Veterans are encouraged to initiate the paperwork well in advance of the first semester of
college work under P.L. 550. Payment information and plan application forms are made
available well in advance of the first payment due date.
Service Fee
. A service charge of 1% will be charged each month on balances beyond 30 days.
Even if a student expects all or a portion of the balance due to be paid from an outside
source, such as the federal government, a local club, or a church, it is the student’s
responsibility to see that such amounts are received on time. The service fee will still be
charged when applicable, even though further payments may be anticipated from such third-
party sources. Students enrolled with Tuition Management Systems may be subject to service
charges if their payments are late or their budget falls short of their account balance.
. Prorated refunds of charges billed will be made in the following circumstances: (1)
withdrawal by the student due to illness or other reason subject to administrative review and
approval (calculated from the date of submission to the Registrar and/or the Provost); (2)
reduction of course load from full-time to part-time (calculated from the date of official
receipt by the Registrar’s Office); and (3) marriage, resulting in prorated refund of remaining
room and board charges per the schedule below. Students suspended or expelled for conduct
reasons will not receive any refund.
Refunds during summer and mini-terms also will be prorated. Service charges will not be
refunded. Students who complete their enrollment under the provisions of a payment plan
are bound to fulfill the terms of the agreement even though they may withdraw from the
College prior to the close of the semester. Students who withdraw during the first six weeks
of fall or spring classes may be eligible for a partial refund or partial cancellation of an unpaid
balance, depending upon the portion of costs deferred and the amount of the refund as
determined by the schedule below. The withdrawal process is completed when the student
submits the withdrawal card to the Registrar’s Office and signs a request for any applicable
In all cases, student accounts will be billed for tuition, room, board, and fees for the fall or
spring semester according to the following schedule:
Week 1 – 0%
Week 2 – 20%
Weeks 3 & 4 – 40%
Weeks 5 & 6 – 60%
After Week 6 – 100%
Refund Schedule
Fall 2019
Spring 2020
08/19/2019 - 100%
01/13/2020 - 100%
08/26/2019 - 80%
01/20/2020 - 80%
09/03/2019 - 60%
01/28/2020 - 60%
09/16/2019 - 40%
02/10/2020 - 40%
09/30/2019 - 0%
02/24/2020 - 0%
Winter, May, and Summer session refund schedules are significantly reduced because the
sessions are shorter; contact the Business Office at 502-863-8700 for the refund schedules for
these terms.
Special Fees
The following special fees apply for selected programs:
Part-time, special students (auditing only)
Full-time students and senior adults
No charge
$15/card after first card
462-3, 467-8, 471-2, 473-4 (Student
$35/semester hour
Organic Chemistry
$45/one-hour lab; $55/two-hour
TMS payment plan
, annual enrollment
Vehicle registration
The Academic Program
Built near the current site of Georgetown College over 200 years ago, Elijah Craig’s Royal
Springs Academy centered on preparation for life in the world of that day, stressing science,
Greek, and Latin. In 1841, the College’s fifth president, Howard Malcom, introduced a
curriculum designed to develop “capacious views, solid judgment, self-command, right aims,
conciliatory manners, genuine benevolence, and pure morality.” Today, the academic
program of Georgetown College builds on those traditions and provides a preparation for life
in the twenty-first century. It serves as the foundation for intellectual growth, personal
development, and lifelong learning. The academic resources, special learning opportunities,
and curricular offerings of the College are the primary means through which academic
experiences are structured. Each student is encouraged to take advantage of the many
opportunities provided by the College in pursuit of individual goals and objectives,
recognizing that the benefits derived are greatly dependent upon the energies invested.
The following pages provide information on the requirements for graduation, the policies
governing academic life, and the opportunities available to students for the development of
their academic capacity. Each student is expected to take personal responsibility for knowing
and understanding these policies and expectations. Contact Academic Success, the Provost’s
Office, or the Registrar’s Office with any questions or concerns.
Graduation Expectations
Like all institutions, Georgetown College has requirements which must be met before a
degree can be awarded. Such requirements involve particular courses and curricula, majors
and minors, course levels, the Nexus Program, and courses taken in residence. Advisors and
administrators are committed to helping students meet these requirements and to
maintaining accounts of their progress. It is the responsibility of the student, however, to be
acquainted with, make progress toward, and ultimately meet all degree requirements.
To graduate, Georgetown College students must do the following:
Complete all the requirements of the Foundations and Core Program
Complete at least one academic major, including passing a comprehensive exam or its
Complete at least one academic minor, a second major, or a corollary major (unless
completing an area or interdisciplinary major)
Complete at least 120 credit hours, with at least 39 credit hours in courses numbered
300 or above
Complete the Nexus requirement
Satisfy the residence requirement
Earn at least a 2.0 overall GPA by time of graduation.
Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and following all the policies that follow
regarding the completion of these requirements.
Graduation Requirements: Foundations and
Completion of Foundations & Core Program
The Foundations & Core program requirements at Georgetown College are distribution
requirements, allowing each student considerable choice of courses to meet requirements yet
ensuring that the student has experience with a broad range of ideas and subjects. Courses
are required in significant areas of knowledge and human experience. Students must enroll
in FDN111 in the fall semester of their first year and continuously enroll in the Foundations
sequence (FDN111 and FDN112) until successful completion.
The Foundations and Core curriculum provides the framework in which all Georgetown
students will take on the project of their own academic formation. The curriculum is a
framework providing students with opportunities to discover what they are called to do and
be, to cultivate habits of mind conducive to a life of continued intellectual, physical, and
spiritual growth, and to equip themselves with the tools necessary to assess critically and
sustain or transform the social worlds of which they are a part.
Across the curriculum, both within and across disciplines, and at a variety of levels, students
will gain:
1. Knowledge of human cultures and the physical world through study in fine arts,
humanities, social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, religious studies,
wellness, cultural awareness, and foreign languages.
2. Intellectual and practical skill, including academic inquiry and analysis, critical
thinking, creative thinking, written communication, and quantitative literacy.
Learning Outcomes
Through the completion of the Foundations and Core curriculum, students acquire core
knowledge about:
1. fine arts
2. humanities
3. social or behavioral sciences
4. natural sciences
5. religious studies
6. wellness
7. cultural awareness
8. a foreign language
and demonstrate skill in:
1. academic inquiry and analysis
2. critical thinking
3. creative thinking
4. written communication
5. quantitative literacy
Overview of the Foundations and Core
The Foundations
Foundations 111 and 112
All entering freshmen will take Foundations 111 and 112 in their first two semesters. The fall
semester Foundations 111 course is designed to equip students with foundational skills in
academic inquiry, analysis, argument, critical thinking and discussion, and expression of
ideas. Students will cultivate these skills while exploring a set of significant works from
literature, philosophy, religion, the natural and social sciences, and the fine arts. The course
materials will be historically organized and will engage issues within a theme of perennial or
pressing concern. The spring semester Foundations 112 course is designed to reinforce the
skill development from Foundations 111, but the work will be done in modestly
interdisciplinary courses engaging a variety of topics.
Essential Proficiencies
Students will develop essential proficiencies in writing, mathematics, a world language, and
wellness. To develop basic writing and quantitative proficiencies, students will complete the
freshman composition and math requirements. Students will also demonstrate an essential
proficiency in a world language, enabling them to communicate at an intermediate level in a
second language and explore the culture of that language. Finally, students will obtain an
essential proficiency in wellness by exploring the relationships between physical activity,
nutrition, and health and fitness.
The Core
Areas of Inquiry
Students will acquire a core of knowledge addressing major questions in the following Areas
of Inquiry, including courses at introductory and higher levels.
Fine Arts
The study of the ways in which visual art, music, and theatre are created and encountered.
The study and analysis of human experience, ideas, and cultures using the methods and
traditions of philosophers, historians, and writers.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
The study and analysis of behavioral, social, political and economic processes and
organizations using the standards and practices of scientific inquiry.
Natural Sciences
The study and analysis of the natural world using modern scientific methodology and
laboratory and field experiences.
Religious Studies
The study and analysis of the Christian Scriptures, cultural and historical religious
phenomena, Christian theology, and world religions.
Writing Flags
will provide opportunities for students to apply basic composition skills to
more sophisticated tasks and receive further instruction in the writing process as they take
on discipline-specific projects. Please note:
Students must complete their Essential Proficiency Writing requirements before they
can receive credit for a Flagged Writing class.
Students may receive writing credit for no more than one Writing Flag in any one
Quantitative Flags
will allow students to apply their basic quantitative skills by modeling and
analyzing problems in a variety of disciplines. These flagged courses will reinforce the
foundational writing and quantitative skills in courses throughout the curriculum.
Cultural Awareness Flags
are designed to expand students’ understanding of different
cultural traditions and minority perspectives in courses that include a significant focus on
these goals.
Continuous Enrollment in English Composition
Students must enroll continuously in the Writing Sequence until successful completion.
Students eligible to begin the sequence with ENG111 or HON200 must enroll in one of those
classes their first fall semester. Students eligible to begin with ENG112 must enroll no later
than their first spring semester. For a student to drop one of these four classes, the drop slip
must be signed by the chair of the English Department, the Writing Program Coordinator, or
the Provost. The chair of the English Department or the Writing Program Coordinator may
waive this continuous enrollment policy as appropriate.
Continuous Enrollment in Quantitative Proficiency Courses
Students with strong backgrounds in mathematics will be placed at course levels
commensurate with demonstrated ability. After earning twenty-four credit hours, any
student who has not completed the quantitative proficiency requirement must enroll in a
course that completes this requirement and in each subsequent semester must enroll in such
a course until he/she completes the course with a grade of D or better or transfers in a course
deemed to satisfy the requirement. For students falling under the requirement of continuous
enrollment, drops during the semester can only be approved by the MPC Department Chair
or the Mathematics Program Coordinator. For students with a math subscore on the ACT of
less than 19 (or its equivalent), initial placement is in MAT115 (Liberal Arts Mathematics).
Exceptions to this placement can be made by the MPC Department Chair, the Mathematics
Program Coordinator, or the Provost.
Language Proficiency
Students must demonstrate proficiency through the intermediate level in a language other
than English. Students for whom English is a second language and/or who are heritage
speakers should contact the chair of the Department of World Languages as they are
potentially eligible for an exemption from the world language requirement in the
Foundations & Core program.
Language Placement Guidelines
SPA101 credit will not be given to students who have completed two years or more (level II
or higher) of high school Spanish. A student can demonstrate proficiency in Spanish by
passing SPA201, passing SPA230, or by passing a departmental 201 proficiency exam. The
online Spanish placement test is intended to establish a student’s appropriate class level, but
is not a measure of proficiency.
Students with less than two years of high school French (level II or higher) desiring to
continue in French should register for FRE115 in the spring semester. Students with three or
more years of French at the high school who feel reasonably comfortable with the language
should enroll in FRE201 in the fall semester. Students who have successfully completed 200-
level courses will not be allowed to take 100-level courses unless approved by the WLN
department chair. This policy applies to students who have taken language courses at
Georgetown College or another college/university.
Students with less than two years of high school German should register for GER101 in the
fall semester. Students with two years or more of German at the high school level should
enroll in GER102 in the spring semester or GER201 in the fall semester. Students who have
successfully completed 200-level courses will not be allowed to take 100-level courses unless
approved by the WLN department chair. This policy applies to students who have taken
language courses at Georgetown College or another college/university.
Students with two years or more of Japanese at the high school level desiring to continue in
the same language should consult with the WLN department chair for placement.
Students with two years or more of Latin at the high school level desiring to continue in the
same language should consult with the WLN department chair for placement.
Technology Literacy
Technology proficiency, as demonstrated in the successful completion of Foundations & Core
program coursework, is a requirement for graduation. Students must demonstrate basic
proficiencies in the use of computers and related information technology resources.
Foundations and Core Checklist
6 hours
[ ] FDN111 (3 hours) and
[ ] FDN112 (3 hours—may also count as AOI)
Enroll in FDN111 in the first semester of the first year and continuously enroll in the
Foundations sequence until successful completion.
Transfer students with 24 or more transferable hours may bypass Foundations 111. Transfer
students with 36 or more transferable hours may bypass both Foundations 111 and 112.
Essential Proficiencies:
11-16 hours
[ ] ENG111 and [ ] ENG112 (6 hours); or
[ ] HON200 (3 hours)
Enroll in one of the above in the fall semester of the first year and continuously enroll in the
writing sequence until successful completion. Students with an ACT subscore in English of
30 or higher may bypass ENG111.
[ ] Any Math course at or above MAT107 (3 hours)
After earning 24 credit hours, any student who has not completed this requirement must
enroll in a course that completes this requirement and in each subsequent semester must
enroll in such a course until he/she completes the course with a grade of D or better or
transfers in an approved course.
Elementary Education Majors: Take MAT 203 and 204
World Languages
[ ] Any language through 201 level (3-9 hours)
Intermediate proficiency through FRE201, GER201, GRK201/ REL203, JPN201, LAT201, or
SPA201 (Students for whom English is a second language and heritage speakers may be
eligible for an exemption. Contact the WLN Dept. Chair)
[ ] KHS100 (1 hour)
Flagged Courses
[ ] Q Flag (Quantitative—one required in ADDITION to the Essential Proficiency
Quantitative course requirement)
[ ] [ ] C Flags (Cultural Awareness--two required)
[ ] [ ] W Flags (Writing Intensive—two required) Important note: A student must
complete the essential proficiency writing requirement before earning a W flag. A
student may receive W credit for only one W flagged course per semester.
See course schedule for designated flagged courses. Flagged courses are noted in the title of
the courses as W, Q, and C. Students transferring to Georgetown College with 52 or more
credit hours will be required to satisfy, or demonstrate equivalencies for, three Foundations
and Core flagged courses at GC: one writing, one quantitative, and one cultural awareness.
Students may receive one Cultural Awareness flag by studying abroad, provided that they
receive at least 3 hours of academic credit from a Georgetown- approved study abroad
Areas of Inquiry (AOI):
31-35 hours across five areas
All 11 courses required must be taken in the Areas of Inquiry offerings, with at least ONE
course numbered 200 or higher in at least THREE of the five Areas of Inquiry.
Area of Inquiry #1 – Fine Arts
[ ] [ ] TWO courses (4-6 hrs). Enroll in TWO different departments.
Art: ART115, 117, 119, 121, 125, 170, 210, 212, 220, 222, 310, 313
Music: MUS107, 126, 147, 191, 195, 149, 305, 307, 309, 315, 335
Theatre: THE107, 171, 220, 225, 227, 347, 407, 425, SPA327
Elementary Education Majors: Take two of the following: ART313, MUS315, or THE407
Area of Inquiry #2 -- Humanities
THREE courses (9 hrs). Enroll in each of the following THREE subject areas.
[ ] History (3 hrs.) HIS111, 113, 211, 213, 223, 225, 331, 333
[ ] Philosophy (3 hrs.) 151, 152, 195, 201, 325, 335, 345, 355, 365, 385
[ ] Western &World Literature (3 hrs.) ENG196, 211, 213, 296, 298, 337, 343, 345;
CLA170, 314, 316, 318; SPA320, 322
Area of Inquiry #3 -- Social And Behavioral Sciences
[ ] [ ] TWO courses (6 hrs). Enroll in TWO different departments/programs.
Communication & Media Studies: COMM101, 200, 312, 323, 325, 329, 331, 400, 418
Economics: ECO221, 223
Political Science: POS100, 201, 210, 300, 307
Psychology: PSY111, 163, 242, 260, 470
Sociology: SOC111, 113, 118, 365, 380, 390
Area of Inquiry #4 -- Natural Sciences
[ ] [ ] TWO courses (6-8 hrs). Enroll in TWO different departments/ programs, one of which
must include a laboratory.
Biology: BIO100, 111, (212, 214, 314 – have prerequisites)
Chemistry: CHE100, 102, 111, 171, 271, (112, 201, 211 – have prerequisites)
Computer Science: CSC115
Geology: GEL113
Physics: PHY105, 115, 117, (211, 212 – have prerequisites)
Elementary Education Majors: Take both courses with laboratory, one of which must be BIO
Area of Inquiry #5 -- Religious Studies
TWO courses (6 hrs.) Enroll in TWO courses, one of which must include a Biblical Studies
[ ] Biblical Studies: REL117, 231, 233, 235, 237, 371, 373
[ ] The SECOND can come from Biblical Studies OR from any of the following:
REL243, 245, 253, 255, 257, 353, 357
Students transferring to Georgetown College with 52 or more credit hours will be required to
satisfy, or demonstrate equivalencies for, all Areas of Inquiry requirements with the
following exception: these students must take at least one class numbered 200 or higher in at
least two of the Areas of Inquiry.
Go to the Registrar’s page on the GC Portal for the Foundations and Core Requirement
Check Sheet, which will contain the most complete and up-to-date information on the
Foundations and Core requirements.
Graduation Requirements: Majors and Minors
Degrees Awarded
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Master of Arts in Education
Major and Minor Requirements
Students may declare a major/minor at any time. However, it’s suggested that students
declare during their sophomore year. Students are required to declare a major once 60 credit
hours have been earned. Failure to declare a major before this time will result in the student
being locked out of the Portal. The Catalog lists the majors and minors offered by each
department, and the degrees conferred, under the department headings; it also presents
specific requirements for each major and minor. Questions pertaining to major or minor
requirements should be directed to the department chair of the relevant department.
Note: Courses in which the student earns a grade below “C” do not count toward the major
or minor requirements (including required allied courses). Departments have the discretion
to decide whether such a course can satisfy prerequisite requirements (but not major/minor
To provide depth of study, each student must complete at least one major, which must
include at least 12 semester hours in courses numbered 300 or above. If a student wishes to
transfer substantial credit toward the major from another college, the chair of the
department involved shall evaluate the student’s previous coursework in terms of the
Georgetown College major requirements. The chair will also determine what courses are
needed at the College to validate the major, generally including at least six semester hours
within the major.
The minor requirement ensures that students pursue some advanced study in more than one
discipline. Students may satisfy this requirement by any of the following options:
completing one or more minors
completing a second major
completing an interdisciplinary major (which satisfies both major and minor
If a student wishes to transfer substantial credit toward the minor from another college, the
chair of the department involved shall evaluate the student’s previous coursework in terms
of the Georgetown College minor requirements. The chair will also determine what courses
are needed at the College to validate the minor, generally including at least three semester
hours within the minor.
Corollary Majors
Some majors are designed as corollary majors. A corollary major cannot count as a student’s
major area for the purposes of satisfying requirements for a degree. A corollary major may be
considered as a second major for the student, provided that the student earns another major
that is not designated as corollary. Students who complete a corollary major are not required
to complete a minor. Otherwise, all institutional policies regarding majors apply to corollary
Area Majors and Minors
When a student’s educational objectives can best be met outside of existing departmental
programs, an area major or minor may be proposed. Area majors and minors are intended to
bridge gaps between disciplines and can only be approved in those areas in which the
College has a full-time faculty member with a terminal degree.
The area major proposal is initiated by the student, who identifies a full-time faculty member
who can serve as the ongoing advisor for the major program. A form for declaring an area
major or minor is available from the Registrar. Initiated by the student after consultation
with the advisor (using Degree Plan Form), a program of study is proposed to the chairs of
the departments in which coursework will be pursued. Final approval rests with the
Academic Policy Committee. A student must have attained a cumulative grade point average
of at least 2.8 and must complete the approval process by the beginning of the second term of
the junior year; exceptions are at the discretion of the Academic Policy Committee.
For Area Majors, a proposal for an area major must include:
a statement providing the rationale for the proposed curriculum
a program of study including 50-60 hours
two or more disciplines represented
a concentration of at least 24 hours in one discipline
at least 50 percent of the proposed coursework at or above the 300-level
identification of the faculty advisor responsible for overseeing the major and
coordinating the comprehensive examination.
For Area Minors, a proposal for an area minor must include:
a statement providing the rationale for the proposed curriculum
a program of study including 21-27 hours
usually two disciplines represented
a concentration of at least 12 hours in one discipline
at least six hours at or above the 300-level
at least 15 hours that the student does not count toward the major or another minor
(exclusive of allied requirements)
at least 12 hours outside the major field.
Using Credits Towards More than One Major/Minor
All minors must include at least nine (9) unique credit hours. All majors must include at least
fifteen (15) unique credit hours.
All majors/minors in the same department require the approval of the Department Chair.
Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Provost. The Provost may consult the
Academic Policy Committee as needed.
Unique hours are defined as hours that do not count towards another major or minor. Such
hours may count towards a major/minor and the Foundations and Core. The Liberal Arts
minor requires all hours to be unique to the minor – no overlap between the Liberal Arts
minor and a major is allowed.
Completion of Second Degree
Georgetown College recognizes that superior academic achievement may result in levels of
scholarship that exceed customary academic expectations. In appropriate circumstances, the
College may choose to award two separate degrees to a student upon graduation, if the
student so desires. Minimum criteria for such would include two majors (one being a BA
program of study and the other being a BS program of study) and two minors or three
majors; a total of 160 semester hours; and at least 25% of each degree’s coursework earned at
Georgetown College. A student with a degree from another institution may be awarded a
degree by meeting the same minimum criteria (with the exception that none of the hours for
the first degree need be earned at Georgetown College); all Georgetown College Foundations
& Core program and Nexus requirements must be met, as well as the residency requirement
(30 of the last 36 hours). Students who meet the above criteria and are interested in receiving
two degrees should submit an appeal to the Provost.
Degree Limits
For a Bachelor of Arts degree, a department may require no fewer than 24 hours nor more
than 36 in the major field, with a maximum total requirement of 42 hours if allied courses
are also required for that major. A student may apply no more than 48 semester hours from
one department toward a Bachelor of Arts degree. For a Bachelor of Science degree, a
department may require no fewer than 30 hours nor more than 42 hours (or no more than 51
hours including allied courses) for a department major (exclusive of accounting). A student
may apply no more than 57 hours from one department toward a Bachelor of Science degree.
(For a minor, no fewer than 15 hours nor more than 21 hours, exclusive of applied music,
may be required.) Degree requirements and limits for the Master of Arts in Education
degrees may be found in the Graduate Catalog.
Comprehensive Examination
Each senior is required to pass a comprehensive examination in the major field of study. This
special examination will be held during the final year of the candidate’s residence at least 30
days prior to the end of the final term. The comprehensive examination will be given under
the direction of the chair of the department; it may be oral, written, and/or part of a capstone
course, as the faculty of the department may require.
Other Requirements and Policies
Total Credit Hours Required
The student must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 semester hours, including
Foundations & Core curriculum requirements, upper division course requirements, and
requirements in the major area and minor area of study. Students should be aware that some
combinations of majors and minors require more semester hours than others and may create
degree programs of more than 120 semester hours. A required level of achievement is a grade
point average of 2.0 or better. At least 25% of coursework for a degree must be taken at
Georgetown College, including those stipulated in the residence requirement.
Upper Level Hours
Each student must complete 39 semester hours of upper division courses (300-level and
above) toward the required minimum total of 120 semester hours. Freshmen may not take
courses numbered 300 and above without the approval of the Provost.
Residence Requirements
Thirty of the last 36 semester hours prior to graduation must be earned through Georgetown
College. Credit earned abroad via the Oxford Program, consortia of which Georgetown
College is a member, and/or the College’s affiliated study abroad partners is considered to be
counted in the residence requirement so long as at least 25% of total degree hours, exclusive
of college affiliated study abroad, are earned at Georgetown College.
Nexus Program
The Nexus program is designed to create meaningful connections that enhance, expand, and
engage the cultural, intellectual, and spiritual life of the campus community. Completion of
the program is required for graduation.
Students attending Georgetown College for eight full-time semesters are required to attend
48 events. Students attending less than eight full-time semesters will be required to attend a
total of six events, including at least one Tiger event, per full-time semester at Georgetown
Nexus events are divided into four categories:
1. Live-Learn-Believe Events (Know Your World – a minimum of 24 and maximum of
40 credits required);
2. Tiger Events (Know Your Traditions – a minimum of eight credits required), selected
from the following: Opening Convocation, Founder’s Day Convocation, Hanging of
the Green, Chapel Services, Cawthorne Lecture, Redding Lecture, Jo Shoop Lecture,
Hatfield Lecture, Collier Lecture, McCandless Program, Danford Thomas Program,
and Foust Artist Series;
3. Flex Events (Initiate Yourself – a maximum of eight credits possible but not required);
4. Immersion Events (Explore More Deeply – a maximum of eight credits possible but
not required).
Nexus events will range from one to four credits (in the case of Flex Events, from one to
three credits, and Immersion Events, from one to four credits), with the weighting being
based upon the level of engagement at which the student participates.
Each semester, a list of Nexus events shall be posted on the portal
(, as well as information regarding how to apply for Flex event
credit. A tally of earned Nexus credit is kept as part of each student’s academic record. For
many one-credit events (e.g., lecture, concert, gallery reception, worship service), a student
will receive a ticket to complete and turn in at the conclusion of the event.
However, in some circumstances, the event coordinator may take attendance. These credits
are then added to the student’s record. For Flex and Immersion Events, the coordinating
faculty member will make a list of the participating students and forward to the Registrar’s
Office for addition to the students’ record. Students should earn a minimum of six Nexus
credits per each full-time semester at Georgetown to ensure a timely completion of their
chosen degree program (although no more than 48 Nexus units are required to graduate). It is
the student’s responsibility to monitor his/her progress in meeting this graduation
requirement. The Nexus requirement shall be in addition to the Foundations & Core
requirements and all other degree requirements.
Course Limitations
The following courses have limitations on the amount of credit earned that can be applied to
graduation: GSC (seven semester hours); independent study and course by arrangement (15
semester hours); ROTC (16 semester hours); and internship (nine semester hours total).
Elementary and secondary student teaching is exempted from this requirement. Note: A
maximum of six semester hours of independent study/course by arrangement and internship
may be taken in any one semester.
Graduation Application
Candidates for graduation must complete an application for a degree to the Registrar’s Office
no later than the semester preceding the semester in which they intend to graduate.
Candidates for graduation must attend the practice session, Baccalaureate, and
Commencement exercises unless they obtain an exemption in writing from the Provost.
Catalog in Effect
A candidate for a degree may choose to graduate under the regulations of the catalog in force
at the time of enrollment or any subsequent catalog provided that the catalog chosen is not
more than seven years old. A student must have been enrolled under the catalog chosen and
must conform to the degree requirements of that catalog.
Graduation Honors
Graduation honors are awarded for high academic achievement according to grade point
average (GPA). Attainment of a 3.50 through 3.69 GPA will result in the designation of Cum
Laude; 3.70 through 3.89 GPA will be designated Magna Cum Laude; 3.90 through 4.00 will
be designated Summa Cum Laude.
Policies for Credit Earned Outside of
Georgetown College
Dual Credit
Georgetown College accepts for credit college-level courses taken before graduation from
high school provided that such work:
1. meets the standards as defined in Guidelines for Dual Credit Courses published by the
Council on Postsecondary Education;
2. is recorded as college credit on an official transcript issued by a regionally- accredited
institution; or
3. has been validated by Advanced Placement tests or CLEP tests. (See Credit by
Examination for other details.)
High School Dual Credit Program
High school students enrolled at selected high schools may enroll in a dual credit program
providing high school students the opportunity to earn high school credits and college credit
hours simultaneously. Georgetown College instructors are assigned to the selected high
school campus for course delivery. For additional information, contact the Admissions
Students who possess considerable knowledge and skill in English, math and some other
courses as documented by ACT/SAT test scores and/or
departmental exams may bypass certain prerequisites or Foundations & Core program
requirements. Bypassing courses involves no credit awarded, though competency has been
demonstrated, and students are eligible to take additional courses as if prerequisites have
been completed.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Georgetown College offers credit for Advanced Placement (AP) exams for which a student
has earned a score of 3, 4, or 5. Scores must be sent directly to Georgetown College (school
code 1249) in order to be considered for credit. A full listing of credit awarded by AP exam
may be found on the Office of the Registrar website (
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Georgetown College recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and offers
credit for IB courses passed with grades of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level examinations.
Official IB transcripts must be submitted to Georgetown College in order to be considered for
credit. A full listing of credit awarded based on IB results may be found on the Office of the
Registrar website (
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Georgetown College typically offers credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
exam scores of 50 or better, though some departments require higher scores. In order to
receive credit based on a CLEP exam, a student must be fully admitted to Georgetown
College as a degree-seeking student, send official exam results directly to the Office of the
Registrar, and achieve the minimum required score(s). A full listing of credit awarded by
CLEP exam may be found on the Office of the Registrar website
Credit by Examination
Students who possess considerable knowledge in the subject matter of a given course may
obtain college credit for that course by passing a departmental test. If a department develops
its own tests for credit by examination, the examination must be approved by the Academic
Policy Committee.
Transfer Credit Policies
Georgetown College accepts transfer credit from accredited college and universities subject
to the policies noted below. All transfer credit must be submitted to the Office of the
Registrar for evaluation. Transfer credit will be awarded only from official transcripts;
however, unofficial copies may sometimes be used for advising and/or scheduling purposes.
Students Currently Enrolled at Georgetown College
Students currently enrolled at Georgetown College who wish to take courses at other
regionally accredited institutions for credit towards a Georgetown College degree should
ensure prior to enrollment that a particular course intended for transfer may be credited for
the major, minor, and/or Foundations and Core curriculum. The student should consult with
the Office of the Registrar before taking the desired course.
General Policies
1. Georgetown College does not award quality points for transfer credit– grades earned
via transfer work are not calculated in the student’s GPA at Georgetown College.
2. Transfer work is accepted only for courses in which a grade of “C” or better has been
3. Georgetown College accepts college level work in any discipline offered by
Georgetown College. The credit will be accepted as one of the following:
o Courses that are similar in content and quality to courses taught at
Georgetown College will be accepted as equivalent to credit earned through
Georgetown College. Such courses will be given the equivalent Georgetown
College course code and listed as transfer credit on the student’s academic
o A course that meets a Foundations and Core requirement but does not have a
direct equivalent will be accepted and noted on the student’s academic record
with a department abbreviation and “AOI/Flag.” Note that prior approval from
the relevant department and/or chair may be required. See “Areas of Inquiry
and Flagged Courses” below.
o A course that is taught in a discipline that is offered by Georgetown College
but does not have a course equivalent or satisfy a Foundations and Core
requirement will be accepted as departmental elective credit. It will be noted
on the student’s academic record with a department abbreviation and
“Elective.” Such courses may count towards a major/ minor requirement with
departmental approval.
4. Credit for courses taught in a discipline not offered by Georgetown College will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If accepted, the credit will be notated in one of the
following ways:
o A course taught in a discipline not offered by Georgetown College but that
meets Georgetown’s quality standards may be transferred as general elective
hours. Such courses may count towards a major/minor requirement with
departmental approval.
o A course that meets a Foundations and Core requirement but is in a discipline
not offered by Georgetown College will be accepted as elective hours and
noted on the student’s academic record with “AOI/Flag.” Note that prior
approval from the relevant department and/or chair may be required. See
“Areas of Inquiry and Flagged Courses” below.
5. Courses taught at the developmental or remedial level from the transferring
institution are not accepted for credit.
6. Courses from vocational or technical schools are not accepted for credit.
7. Credit for institutionally specific courses, such as chapel, orientation, lecture series,
etc., is typically not accepted.
8. Athletic sport credit is limited to a maximum of three (3) credit hours per academic
year, not to exceed a total of nine (9) credit hours.
9. Class standing of transfer students is determined by the number of credit hours
accepted for transfer to Georgetown College.
Transfer Credit and Degree Requirements
1. No more than 66 hours earned from a two-year junior or community college may be
used toward the requirements for a degree from Georgetown College.
2. Credit earned at a two-year institution may not count toward the 39 upper- level
hours required for degree completion.
3. At least 30 of the last 36 credit hours must be taken through Georgetown College in
order to earn a degree from Georgetown College.
Foundations 111 and 112
Transfer students with 24 or more transferable hours and approval by the Foundations
Program Director(s) may bypass Foundations 111. Transfer students with 36 or more
transferable hours and approval by the Foundations Program Director(s) may bypass
Foundations 111 and 112. Transfer students who wish to bypass either Foundations 111 or
112 but are not eligible to do so may appeal to the Foundations Program Director(s).
Areas of Inquiry and Flagged Courses
1. Students transferring 52 or more credit hours will be required to satisfy three (3)
Foundations and Core flagged courses at Georgetown College: one writing (W), one
quantitative (Q), and one cultural awareness (C).
2. Students transferring 52 or more credit hours will be required to satisfy all Area of
Inquiry requirements; however, the student must take at least one class numbered
200 or higher in at least two (rather than three) of the Areas of Inquiry.
3. Course flags and Area of Inquiry (AOI) credit may be awarded by the Registrar as
appropriate. In such cases, the course flag/AOI credit will be noted on the student’s
academic record. Students may appeal for AOI credit and/or course flags for other
courses via the following processes:
o Area of Inquiry (AOI) Credit: Students may appeal to the appropriate
department chair(s) for AOI credit. The student may be required to submit a
course description and/or syllabus for each course for which he/ she seeks AOI
o Course Flags: Students may appeal to the Director of the Foundations and Core
Committee. The student must provide a course description and syllabus for
each course for which he/she seeks a flag.
Credit Earned through the Armed Forces
Georgetown College will award a minimum of 4 hours of military credit (MILS) for basic
training based on either the DD-214 or the AARTS transcript. An official AARTS, SMART,
CCAF or other equivalent military transcript must be submitted to the Registrar for
consideration of additional credit.
Credit from Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions
Georgetown College awards a limited amount of transfer credit for courses taken at a non-
regionally accredited institution on a case-by-case basis.
Requests for such credit should be made to the Registrar. The student must provide a course
description and syllabus for each course for which he/
she seeks transfer credit. The Registrar will award transfer credit based on consultation with
department chairs. Final approval to award transfer credit for courses taken at a non-
regionally accredited institution must be given by the Provost/Dean of the College.
International Credit
Credit earned from international institutions is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and
typically requires an evaluation by a professional foreign credential evaluation service
recognized by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES – The official, professional evaluation should be submitted to the Registrar.
International transfer credit is subject to all other transfer policies.
The Appeal Process
Students may appeal a transfer credit decision through the Office of the Registrar. All appeals
must be submitted in writing to the Registrar. Appropriate documentation, including a
syllabus for the course credit(s) being appealed, must accompany the request. A decision will
be rendered by the relevant department chair(s) and/or the Office of the Provost in
consultation with the Registrar. All decisions will be delivered in writing by the Registrar.
Except as specified above, all academic policies and degree requirements must be satisfied by
transfer students.
Certain exceptions to the transfer credit policy may apply to current Georgetown College
students who earn credit studying abroad via Georgetown College partnerships and/or
agreements. Other exceptions may exist.
Georgetown College reserves the right to update this policy as necessary.
Other Academic Policies
Grade Point Average
Quality points are awarded according to the grade received in a course. With a grade of ”A,”
the student is given 4 quality points; “AB,” 3.5 quality points; “B,” 3 quality points; “BC,” 2.5
quality points; “C,” 2 quality points; “D,” 1 quality point; “F,” 0 quality points. The student’s
grade point average is calculated by dividing the number of quality points earned by the total
number of semester quality hours. Quality hours are courses taken at Georgetown College in
which a grade of A, A/B, B, B/C, C, D, or F is earned.
The College grading system is as follows:
A (Excellent)
AB (Very Good)
B (Good)
BC (Satisfactory)
C (Acceptable)
D (Poor)
F (Unacceptable)
I (Incomplete)*
IP (In Progress)*
X (Incomplete for ENG111)*
P (Passing)*
W (Withdrawn)*
AU (Audit)*
AP (Advanced Placement Credit)*
BYP (Bypass)*
CL (CLEP Credit)*
IB (International Baccalaureate Credit)*
* Not figured in computing the grade point average
Pass (P)/Fail (F)
Students may designate up to 14 semester hours of coursework in their Georgetown College
career (and no more than six per semester) for the pass/ fail option. Pass/fail courses must be
elective (outside the major, minor, and Foundations & Core program requirements) with the
exception of Art Studio courses, which can be designated as pass/fail for Foundations and
Core requirements but not to satisfy requirements of an art major or minor. Language courses
numbered 101/102/115/201 may not be taken pass/fail unless one has otherwise satisfied the
language requirement. Some courses may be excluded from the pass/fail option (check the
catalog description). The student’s selection of P/F grading is known only to that student and
the Registrar. Note that the pass/fail option may affect Dean’s List eligibility.
Audit (AU)
Audit is a registration status allowing students to attend a course without receiving credit.
Audited courses do not count toward full-time status, calculate in a student’s GPA, or fulfill
graduation requirements, but an AU will appear on the transcript after successful completion
of the audit. Students auditing a course typically are not required to meet most course
requirements (such as exams and other assignments). However, students may be required to
participate in classroom discussion or attend regularly. The exact audit requirements for a
course are arranged between the student and instructor before registering to audit a course;
professors may decline to allow students to audit. Students wishing to audit a course must
complete an audit request in the Office of the Registrar. Upon submission of an audit request,
the instructor will be notified of the student’s audit status. Auditing a course may carry
additional fees for part-time students.
Incomplete (I)
A grade of I (Incomplete) may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor most often
when, due to extraordinary circumstances, a student has been prevented from completing
specific course requirements. Incompletes are not to be given to avoid recognizing or
evaluating inferior class performance.
To be considered for this grade, the student must:
1. have completed at least half of the work required for the course
2. have submitted coursework that is qualitatively satisfactory (C or better)
3. provide documentation of illness or other extenuating factors, or have the support of
the professor for extended time to delve more deeply into the course material.
The assignment of an “I” requires submission of an Incomplete Grade Agreement by faculty
on the GC Portal that specifies the nature of the remaining requirements and a target date for
completing those requirements. Incomplete grades will be automatically converted to an “F”
at the end of the next full semester (not including summer or mini-terms) following the
granting of the incomplete, unless the Registrar receives specific instruction to the contrary
(such as a final grade or a request for an extension of the time allowed for completion) from
the faculty member who granted the Incomplete. Permanent “Incomplete” grades may be
assigned only with the express permission of the Provost.
Withdrawn (W)
A student may elect to withdraw from a class after the last day to drop without a grade;
however, a grade of W (indicating withdrawal) will appear on the student’s transcript. It will
not affect GPA. Consult the academic calendar for the last date to elect to withdraw from a
Dean’s List
The Dean’s List honors students who have earned a grade-point average of 3.7 or above in at
least 12 graded (not Pass) credit hours of classes during a semester at Georgetown.
Minimum Scholastic Attainment
A student must attain and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 by the time 60 quality hours
have been earned. The record will be judged on the basis of semester quality hours and
progress made according to the following table:
Cumulative Quality Hours
Grade Point
Probation and Suspension
Whenever a student’s grade point average falls below minimum scholastic standards (see
Minimum Scholastic Attainment), the student is automatically on probation. Students on
probation must follow the recommendations of their advisors and may not register or earn
credit for more than 16 semester hours. Students on probation may not enroll for more than
one course in the May and inter (winter) terms; they may not enroll in more than two
courses in a summer term. Failure to earn at least a 1.5 grade point average during any
probationary semester will result in suspension.
Failure to raise the overall grade point average to the required level within two semesters
will result in suspension from Georgetown College for a period of one semester. Suspensions
will be for the full term of attendance, regardless of what credit may be earned before the
term begins (i.e., in mini-terms). Having served the suspension, the student may apply for
readmission to the Dean of Admissions, who will request a review by the Academic Policy
Committee before making a decision. Applicants must write a letter addressed to the
Academic Policy Committee requesting readmission to Georgetown College. In that letter,
the applicants must briefly identify what they believe was the cause of the academic
performance issues that led to suspension, and how they intend to address those issues if
readmitted to the institution.
Within two semesters, the student must attain the overall grade point average as listed under
Minimum Scholastic Attainment. Failure to do so will result in a second suspension. In rare
cases, a student who has been suspended twice may appeal to the Academic Policy
Committee and may be readmitted only with the strong recommendation of the faculty
under whom the student has studied most recently. No credit earned by a student during
suspension, either academic or social, will be honored by Georgetown College.
Classification of Students
Students who have satisfactorily completed courses receive classification as indicated:
Sophomore (at least 24 semester hours), Junior (at least 52 semester hours), and Senior (at
least 86 semester hours).
Credit Hour Definition
A credit hour is the unit by which academic progress is measured. Each credit hour is
expected to occupy at least three hours per week over the course of a 15-week semester,
including time spent in preparation and in class meetings. For all courses, including short-
term courses, online courses, and independent study/internships, a student is expected to
complete at least 45 hours of work for each credit hour of credit awarded. For academic
internships, a student is expected to work 50 hours on-site for each hour of credit awarded in
addition to completing academic work with a supervising professor.
Course Repetition Policy
A student may repeat (to remove the quality points and credit hours) a maximum of four
courses, other than ENG111, in which grades of “D” or “F” were earned provided that: (1) the
courses repeated were originally taken at Georgetown College, and (2) the courses are
repeated at Georgetown College. In such cases, the Registrar shall calculate the grade point
average on the basis of the grade earned the last time the course was taken. The original
grade for the repeated class will remain on the transcript but will not be counted toward
GPA or graduation hours.
Transfer students should note that only coursework completed at Georgetown College is
used in calculating the grade point average.
Georgetown College has a dedicated Disability Services Coordinator who serves as a liaison
between students and faculty in communicating the nature of a student’s diagnosed disability
and suggesting appropriate academic accommodations for the student. Students who wish to
receive accommodations must provide the Disability Services Coordinator with a copy of a
medical report listing their diagnosis. It can also be helpful to provide a copy of any IEPs or
accommodations used in prior educational settings. It is the student’s responsibility to
request accommodations each semester he or she wishes to use them. Accommodations may
not be applied retroactively. Students with questions about accommodations are encouraged
to contact the Disability Services Coordinator directly.
Class Attendance
Class attendance is considered to be key to successful academic performance. Individual
faculty and departments may establish specific expectations regarding class attendance, and
these are addressed early in the course of instruction.
However, a student who consistently fails to attend classes, to prepare assignments, and/or to
live responsibly in the academic community may be considered to have forfeited status as a
student and may be administratively withdrawn or suspended. Such withdrawals must be
approved by the Provost in consultation with the instructor(s).
For online courses taken in the Inter (winter), May, Summer One, and/or Summer Two
terms, students must log in by the fifth day of classes or they will be administratively
withdrawn from the course. Professors will send a warning to any student that has yet to log
in by the third day of class. This warning will be sent to the student’s GC email account.
Appeals must be sent to registrar@ Note that for online classes, all
days but Sunday are considered class days.
Academic Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy policy permits the student who has earned very poor grades in any one
term, due to extreme personal or financial difficulties, to petition the Academic Policy
Committee for Academic Bankruptcy status for that one term. The bankruptcy term will be
so designated on the student’s permanent record, and no credit earned during the semester
will be calculated in the student’s grade point average at Georgetown College. Nothing will
be erased from the permanent record. Students are cautioned that many colleges and
universities will not honor another institution’s bankruptcy policy, nor may certain medical,
law, or graduate institutions. Following consultation with one’s advisor, at any point in a
student’s college career while enrolled at Georgetown College, a student may request
Academic Bankruptcy for one term, according to the following procedure: (1) the request
will be made to the Academic Policy Committee; (2) the student must demonstrate to the
Academic Policy Committee that the particular term for which bankruptcy is petitioned was
an extraordinary case; (3) if the Academic Policy Committee approves the petition for
bankruptcy, the student forfeits credit for all courses that semester, and grades for that
semester are not used in computing the grade point average, although they do remain on
the permanent record. The permanent record will indicate clearly that Academic Bankruptcy
was granted;(4) if a student has been issued a notification of academic suspension, Academic
Bankruptcy cannot be claimed until fulfillment of the suspension and the student is again
enrolled at Georgetown College; (5) once bankruptcy status has been granted, the action is
Course Overload
The normal full-time student load is 15 hours per semester. The maximum is 21 hours per
semester, and the minimum load for full-time status is 12 semester hours. Upon the approval
of one’s academic advisor, and the department chairperson of the student’s major field, when
declared, a student with a GPA of 3.0 or better may register for more than 18 hours
according to the following: 3.00-3.25, 19 semester hours; 3.26-3.75, 20 semester hours; 3.76-
4.00, 21 semester hours. Students with a GPA below 3.00 must have permission of the
advisor, the department chair, and the Provost. There is an additional per-semester-hour
charge for each hour taken above 18. A student may not enroll in more than one course in
the May and/or inter (winter) term unless they have approval from the Registrar. The
normal load for each summer term is 6 semester hours, with the maximum being 7 semester
hours. A student may not enroll in more than two courses in a summer term. To register for
three courses, the student must have approval from the Registrar. To registrar for four
courses, the student must have approval from the Provost.
Courses may be dropped, via the Portal or a drop slip, without charge through the fourth day
of classes at 5 p.m. for the fall and spring semesters. During other terms, courses may be
dropped through the first day of class. After this time, a drop slip must be submitted to the
Office of the Registrar and a fee of $20 per course is charged to the student’s account.
Courses may be dropped with no grade after this period until the final date to drop a course
without a grade. After this date, courses may still be dropped with a W (withdrawal), until
the final date to drop with a W. A W has no effect on the GPA but does appear on the
Courses may not be added after the fourth day of classes at 5 p.m. for the fall and spring
semesters. During other terms, courses may be added through the first day of class. After this
period, further approval is needed to add a class.
Change of Level
Example: A student needs to move from SPA101 to SPA102 based on the recommendation of
the instructor.
The student must obtain an approval form from the Office of the Registrar. The form must be
signed by the department chair for the department in which the level change will occur. The
student should begin attending the new course upon the recommendation of the instructor.
All Other Requests
All other requests for adding a class beyond the add/drop period must be submitted in
writing to the Provost along with the approval form, obtained from the Office of the
Registrar, signed by the instructor of the course to be added. The student should begin
attending the new course upon the recommendation of the instructor.
Late-Start Classes
In order to be eligible to enroll in a late-start class, a student must have earned at least 12
hours of credit at Georgetown College and a minimum cumulative Georgetown College GPA
of 2.0 at the time of enrollment. Students may enroll in a maximum of three credit hours of
late-start coursework per semester. Students who meet these criteria and wish to enroll in a
late-start class must contact the Office of Academic Success in order to register. Students
who wish to enroll in a late-start class but do not meet these criteria may appeal to the
Provost via letter or e-mail.
Withdrawal from the College
In the event of withdrawal from Georgetown College during a semester, the student must
contact the Office of Academic Success at Academic_Success@ or at
502-863-7070 for an exit interview and to complete the official withdrawal process. The date
on the withdrawal form will be used for calculation of refund. See the schedule of refunds
under Refund Policy in this Catalog. A student may not withdraw after the Last Day to Drop
with W (see Academic Calendar) unless forced to do so by emergency circumstances.
Leaving without contacting the Office of Academic Success to complete all withdrawal
procedures will result in a grade of “F” in all courses.
Medical Withdrawal
While a semester is in progress, a student may request and be considered for a medical
withdrawal. A medical withdrawal may be appropriate when extenuating circumstances,
such as a serious physical or mental illness or injury, prevent the student from continuing his
or her classes, and incompletes or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible or
appropriate. All medical withdrawals must be substantiated with appropriate documentation
from the attending physician/health care provider. The Director of Academic Success will
review all requests for a medical withdrawal in consultation with the Disability Services
Students suspended for disciplinary causes shall not receive credit for courses in which they
are enrolled. No credit earned by a student during either academic or social suspension will
be honored by Georgetown College. The Provost, without further justification, may
administratively withdraw any student who is not attending class or otherwise not
demonstrating a serious academic effort.
Grade Appeal
Following consultation with their advisor, the professor, and the appropriate department
chair, students may request a review of a grade assigned in a particular course. Such an
appeal will be heard by the Academic Policy Committee, which will make a
recommendation to the Provost. Students must file an appeal within one term (semester or
summer) of receipt of the grade in question. Appeals should be made in writing, addressed to
the Academic Policy Committee, and submitted to the Provost.
Request to Waive or Modify an Academic Policy
Students may appeal to the Academic Policy Committee to ask for exceptions to academic
policies. Students should take care in putting together a clearly written case that supports the
To facilitate this process, students should first consult their academic advisor for help with
drafting the text of the appeal. Students may also ask for letters of support from faculty
members when appropriate. The written appeal and supporting documents should then be
sent to the Provost, who will review the appeal for completeness. The Provost may ask for
clarification or additional information. The Provost will then take the written appeal to the
Academic Policy Committee, which will then vote on the merits of the appeal based on the
written evidence.
Academic Grievance Procedure
Students should first seek to resolve the problem with the specific faculty member involved.
If a student wishes to lodge a complaint against a faculty member in an academic matter that
cannot be resolved directly with the faculty member, the student should normally first
consult with his/her academic advisor. The advisor will guide the student through the
options available to the student (informal or formal complaint). When there is an informal
expression of an academic concern, the student’s faculty advisor should convey the essence
of that concern to the department chair, who will investigate the issue and take any
necessary action to help resolve the issue. If the faculty member in question is the student’s
advisor, the student should contact the Provost for resolution of the problem.
Formal complaints should be reserved for situations in which a student believes he or she has
been adversely affected in a way that cannot be or has not been resolved through informal
intervention. When the student wishes to lodge a formal complaint, the student should
generally seek advice from his/her academic advisor about the best way to proceed (unless
the advisor is the focus of the complaint). To make a formal complaint, the student must
submit a written statement of the difficulty to the Provost and request that the issue be
resolved through the Academic Policy Committee. This statement should be no longer than
two pages and should concentrate on the facts of the issue in question.
The Provost, in consultation with other faculty/staff as appropriate, then reviews the facts,
communicates with the person(s) involved, and attempts to resolve the difficulty to the
student’s satisfaction. If that attempt is unsuccessful, the matter will be forwarded to the
Academic Policy Committee for review. The Committee will review the facts of the
grievance and make a recommendation to the Provost for resolving the problem. The final
disposition of the issue is in the hands of the Provost and is final and binding. A log of all
formal academic complaints is maintained in the Provost’s Office.
Should a student not be satisfied with the decision from the Provost, the student may file a
consumer complaint with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. To file the
complaint with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education the student will go
Grievances related to the Honor Code will be handled by the Honor Council. For policies
related to non-academic grievances, see the Student Handbook.
A Georgetown College student or former student is entitled to an official transcript of
academic record subject to the established schedule of necessary charges for this service and
provided that all financial obligations to Georgetown College have been satisfied. “Official” is
defined as an exact duplicate of the student’s academic record printed on security paper
imprinted with the signature of the Registrar. The official transcript is released only upon
the formal request of the student to the Registrar. Other than academic coursework, hours,
and grades, only suspension/probation status, Academic Dean’s List, Academic Honors,
and/or Honors Program achievements, shall appear on the official transcript. No more than
one area of emphasis within a major may be noted on the transcript. Students may request an
official transcript by visiting
The Honor System
In a truly academic community, honor must be expected. Honor is an ideal that is evident in
the lives of ethical scholars. Primarily, the function of the Georgetown College Honor
System is to educate and instill a common purpose within the campus student community.
The Honor System is an educational tool to assist the process of teaching morality and ethics.
The Honor System helps create an environment that will assist in the development of the
whole person by insisting upon honorable traits and behavior. Further, the process assists in
the establishment of precedent, consistency, and fairness with regard to questions of
academic integrity. An effective honor system requires students and faculty to understand
and abide by the system’s expectations.
The strength of the Honor System is in the creation of an atmosphere in which students can
act with individual responsibility. This includes the personal decision to act honorably and
not to tolerate others who choose to violate the conditions of the Honor System. Therefore,
an important aspect of the College’s Honor System is that all students must report violations
of the Honor System by their peers. Faculty and staff must also understand the spirit of the
system and do everything possible to abide by the guidelines. All students are expected to
sign an understanding of the Honor System.
Georgetown College prohibits harassment and intimidation on the basis of one’s sex, gender,
race, color, religion, or national origin. Examples of conduct prohibited by these policies
include but are not limited to repeated insults, humor, jokes and/or anecdotes that belittle or
demean an individual’s or group’s sex, race, color, religion, or national origin, and physical
conduct or verbal innuendo which, because of one’s sex, gender, race, color, religion, or
national origin, creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Special Academic Opportunities
International Programs
Georgetown College recognizes the tremendous value of knowledge and experience gained
from studying outside the United States and provides support for a variety of opportunities
abroad. Students at Georgetown may study with faculty through mini-term courses abroad or
may pursue longer-term international experiences within a variety of settings. Further
information on the following programs, available scholarships, and other opportunities may
be obtained from the Office of International Programs.
Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford. This program provides students from
Georgetown several options: (1) up to one year of study in Regent’s Park College,
Oxford; (2) a six-year ministerial education leading to a B.A. from Georgetown and a
B.Th. from Regent’s Park College, Oxford; (3) a six- year ministerial education leading
to a B.A. from Georgetown and an M.Th. (Applied Theology) from Regent’s Park
College, Oxford.
Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA). The College’s membership with CCSA
allows it to offer short-term programs in English-speaking countries, such as
Australia, Barbados, Belize, Canada, England, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, New
Zealand, and Scotland.
Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS). The College participates in this
consortium with others in Kentucky. Opportunities for study abroad have recently
included Austria, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and other
Affiliated Study Abroad Partners. Georgetown College works with the following
affiliated study abroad partners to offer a wide variety of study abroad
programs/destinations to students: The American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS),
International Studies Abroad (ISA), Sol Education Abroad, and Spanish Studies
In addition to these programs, highly motivated students are able to pursue any number of
study or service learning opportunities abroad. Students interested in pursuing more
individualized projects abroad should begin planning well in advance, in close consultation
with the Office of International Programs. See
for more information.
Pre-Professional/Dual Degree Curricula
The College offers the liberal arts foundation for careers in law, medicine, dentistry,
ministry, pharmacy, physical therapy, and other professions. No single major choice is
necessary for these pre-professional programs, but guidelines for curricular design in these
areas can be found elsewhere in this catalog.
In addition, Georgetown College has dual degree programs with the University of Kentucky
in Engineering Arts and Nursing Arts. The College also has a B.A./B.Th. program with
Regent’s Park College, Oxford University. Information about these programs can be found at
the end of the Curricular Offerings section of this Catalog.
In addition, Georgetown College has joint degree program agreements with the University of
Kentucky that allow students to enroll in Masters programs while still completing their
undergraduate degree: the B.A. and Master of Public Administration with the Martin School
of Public Policy and Administration, University of Kentucky; and B. A. and Master of Arts in
Diplomacy and International Commerce with the Patterson School of Diplomacy and
International Commerce, University of Kentucky. Information on those programs can be
found under the Curricular Offerings listing for the Political Science department.
Independent Study/Course by Arrangement
Most departments have a course numbered 440 designating Independent Study. These
courses allow for specialized study under the guidance of faculty members and are designed
to individualize the academic program through significant learning experiences. Research or
exploration of topics not currently addressed in catalog courses provides the basis for such
study. Students should consult with their advisor for further information about these
In extraordinary circumstances, a faculty member may agree to teach a regular catalog course
to a single student in a modified independent study format. Such courses are designated as a
Course by Arrangement.
Students intending to register for an Independent Study or Course by Arrangement must
complete the Independent Study/Course by Arrangement Proposal Form found on the
Registrar’s page on the GC Portal. Once the proposal is submitted to and approved by the
Office of the Provost, the student will be registered for the independent study. Proposals
must be submitted to the Office of the Provost by the fourth week of the fall or spring
semester. Proposals for the summer or winter terms must be submitted before the term
begins. Certain exceptions to deadlines may be approved by the Provost for extenuating
circumstances. Students may earn a maximum of 15 credit hours of independent study to
count towards graduation.
Though the College operates on the semester calendar, mini-term courses may be offered
between the fall and spring semesters, after the spring semester, during fall and spring
breaks, and during the summer. Such courses are typically intensive, experiential, and
innovative. They often involve travel; study trips to Germany, Spain, England, and Mexico,
as well as New York City and Washington, D.C., have been recent features. These courses are
generally not a part of the listings in this catalog.
Experiential Learning Opportunities
Internship experiences provide valuable opportunities to integrate classroom learning with
on-site application. Since the nature of these experiences is best defined in light of individual
student interests, needs, and professional goals, the departments have established specific
guidelines for such experiences. Credit may not be applied to past experiences or for
anticipated future experiences. All internships must be approved by the Department Chair in
order to count toward a major and/or minor. Students must also seek a faculty member with
qualifications appropriate to overseeing the intern’s major area of study to supervise their
internship, before the internship begins and registration will be accepted. Students intending
to register for an internship must complete the form found on the Portal (Departments >
Center for Calling and Career). The process for academic internships is outlined on the
Portal. The form must be completed and submitted no later than the final date for drop/add
(except under extenuating circumstances). Registration for the internship course will be
finalized when the supervising faculty member confirms with the Registrar. Students may
earn one to nine credit hours of internship toward graduation. If registering for summer
sessions, there is a fee per credit hour.
Cooperative Experiences
On occasion, opportunities to engage in significant practical experiences become available
which necessitate a planned break in enrollment. Along with one’s advisor and department
chair, each student should plan these in the semester prior to the actual cooperative
experience in order to ensure timely attention to matters related to campus housing,
financial aid, etc.
Student Teaching
For a number of years, Georgetown College has been recognized for its programs in teacher
education. Each student, upon completion of a teacher education program, participates in a
semester of supervised teaching, applying knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom.
Placement in an area school system under the direction of a cooperating teacher, while
supervised by a College faculty member, provides a culminating pre-service experience.
Center for Civic Engagement
Georgetown College’s Center for Civic Engagement partners with faculty and community
partners to inspire our students to become effective agents of change in their chosen
professions and communities. Through strong ties between academic learning goals and
service, structured critical reflection, and engagement with the community through
collaborative partnerships, the center heightens the College’s environment for spiritual,
intellectual, and social growth.
Georgetown College’s Center for Civic Engagement represents the College’s commitment to
enhancing student identity (spirit), learning (mind) and engagement (action). The center
supports and provides resources to the College and surrounding community to foster the
connection between service and academic learning goals. The key to these experiences is the
partnership between the College and our community partners. Civic engagement enhances
students’ understanding of social issues and concerns, and fosters leadership, citizenship,
organizing, and critical thinking, thereby serving the College’s mission of preparing students
to engage in their life’s pursuits with thoughtfulness and skill.
Civic engagement experiences offered through the center include service- learning classes
and community-based experiential learning. Service-learning classes are credit-bearing
educational experiences where service is an integral part of a course and involves an
intentional connection between service and academic learning goals. Community-based
experiential learning is a faculty- led or staff-led learning opportunity to actively engage
with the surrounding community but is not connected to a course.
Programs of Distinction
Georgetown College’s Programs of Distinction are unique academic opportunities that
combine rigorous academics with specialized and carefully- designed extracurricular
experiences to enrich and focus your time at Georgetown College and prepare you for
whatever may come next.
Honors Programs
The Georgetown College Academic Honors Program strives to encourage the intellectual
growth of the College community by giving highly motivated students at all levels the
opportunity to pursue challenging and stimulating coursework.
Students who wish to participate in the program must apply to and be admitted to the
Program in one of three tracks: Oxford Honors, Science Honors or Independent Honors.
Oxford Honors: This track provides an immersive experience in the Honors Program
during the freshman and sophomore year. It is designed to prepare students to make a
successful application to study at Oxford University through the College’s partnership
with Regent’s Park College.
Science Honors: The Science Honors track develops students’ ability to conduct
scientific investigation and research at a high level. Eligible students will be matched
with a summer research experience.
Independent Honors: The Independent Honors track challenges students to develop
their intellectual strengths and deepen their educational engagement by completing
an Honors curriculum developed in consultation with an Honors adviser. During the
junior year, students in this track propose and complete a section of HON440 (Honors
Independent Study) suited to their individual goals and objectives.
Students generally enter the Honors Program as freshmen, but they may apply as late as the
second semester of their sophomore year. If a qualified student applies to Oxford or Science
Honors when no slots are available, they may be offered admission to the Independent
Honors Program.
To graduate from the Honors program, students complete 21 hours of Honors credit,
3 sections of HON170 (3 hours total), or HON300 (3 hours)
15 hours of Honors classes, increments or contracts
2-3 hours of Honors thesis credit
The manner in which Honors students fulfill the program requirements varies by track.
After being accepted into a particular track, students are issued a contract that specifies how
and when they are expected to fulfill all requirements. With the permission of the Honors
Program committee, students may elect to switch tracks. Any exception to the program
requirements must be approved by the Honors Program Director.
All courses that earn Honors credit will be noted on the student’s transcript. Honors courses
may also count toward a student’s minor, or Foundations and Core requirements, depending
on the courses selected. In some circumstances, the Honors Seminar may also count toward a
requirement. Up to six hours of Honors credit may be earned through tutorial classes at
Regent’s Park College, Oxford.
Students who complete all of the Honors Program requirements will be designated as
graduates of the Georgetown College Honors Program on their official transcript.
Equine Scholars Program
Students who apply to become Equine Scholars have expressed their interest in pursuing
professions and/or extracurricular activities related to the equine industry. The program is
designed to provide students with an opportunity to pursue those interests both inside and
outside the classroom. At the core of the program is the expectation that all Equine Scholars
will pursue a balanced, liberal arts education. A student who enters Georgetown College
with an Equine Scholars scholarship remains in the program for their four-year tenure at
Georgetown College. This program will encourage the student to approach their liberal arts
education in a way that develops their interest in the equine industry. More information is
available on the Equine Scholars website, which is accessible through the Georgetown
College website.
Equine Scholars are expected to participate in a variety of planned activities that serve to
educate them about the many careers, disciplines, and opportunities in or related to the horse
industry and introduce them to key leaders in each field. Participation is based on a points
All Equine Scholars are expected to do the following:
Attend designated Equine Scholars events, which could include lectures, field trips,
and other activities specifically designed to explore issues of interest to those involved
with the equine industry;
Perform volunteer activities designated as give-back to the equine industry. Activities
could include representing the program at college or equine events, creating publicity
material or presentations, and performing other activities related to an individual’s
Complete at least one equine internship, either for academic credit (through a
department that offers internships) or not for credit. These internships must be
approved by the Equine Scholars Program leadership team and by the department
chair for academic credit;
Maintain at least a 2.65 semester GPA; and
Complete three Equine Option projects that reflect on their interest in the equine
industry. These projects require approval by faculty and the Equine Scholars
leadership team.
Equine Option projects can take a variety of forms. For instance, a student could complete a
paper assignment on a topic with an equine emphasis, create a work of art that is inspired by
the horse, make a presentation in a speech class that focuses on some aspect of horses or
horsemanship, complete a business class project on the horse business, etc. Students
undertaking these projects must complete the Equine Option Approval Form. Note that
faculty members are not asked to make any adjustments to their assignments in order to
accommodate the Equine Option; this option should be something that fits within the
normal structure of the class assignment.
Upon completion of all elements of the program, Equine Scholars will receive a certificate
indicating that they have received the Equine Scholars Distinction.
Note that no specific major or minor is required, because of the diverse interests of Equine
The Prototype Program
Students admitted to the Prototype Program will have access to personal studio space on
Georgetown College Campus. They will be able to work with artists in the Visiting Artist
and Future Emerging Artist in Residence Program. Program members will also have the
opportunity to assist select faculty on special projects and exhibitions. This program is an
opportunity for incoming Art students as well as current Art majors. The admission process
to the Prototype Program will consist of a portfolio review and application letter.
Applications are currently being taken to be reviewed before each semester by all Art faculty
Requirements for program admission and enrollment.
Must be an Art major at Georgetown College
Must be enrolled in an Art course each semester. If a student is unable to be in a class,
and is not enrolled in an independent study developing a body of work or process, the
student will relinquish their private studio.
Program participants will participate in group critiques, an open house, and a group
exhibition each year consisting of the Prototype Program members.
Health Scholars
The Health Scholars Program is the perfect preparation for students interested in a health-
related career. Along with providing a community of like-minded students, Health Scholars
will give students important professional experiences, and the skills and preparation that
they need to succeed in any form of post- graduate health program.
The Christian Scholars Program (CSP)
The Christian Scholars Program engages students in thoughtful reflection on the call to be
Christ in the world as servant scholars. The following practices shape and guide CSP
Learn - called to discover God’s world and our place in it, we pursue excellence in the
classroom and thoughtful reflection beyond it.
Love - called to participate in God’s work, we strive to change our neighborhoods and our
world with sacrificial, active love of God and neighbor.
Listen - called to lifelong transformation, once we have learned and loved, we seek to listen
again: to God, to our own desires and talents, and to the voices of those that God has put in
our lives.
CSP program, personnel, and resources help Georgetown College students to learn, both in
and out of the classroom, to love through service, and to listen to God’s call. There are four
requirements for CSP students:
CSP Directions: The summer before their freshmen year, CSP students attend a four-
day camp, where they will make new friends, meet faculty and staff mentors,
worship, and talk about God’s calling.
CSP Fall Break Retreat: CSP freshmen attend a fall break retreat, normally at Hilton
Head, for some quality beach time, shared meals, worship, and reflection on vocation.
A Vocations Course: Sometime during their college career, students take a three-
credit Vocations course, where they will read Scripture and great Christian texts,
reflect on vocation, and participate in a spring break mission trip.
Chapel Service: Each semester, CSP students attend two chapel services, where they
will worship and sing together and encounter God’s Word in a powerful way.
There are other opportunities as well, including spring break trips, service options,
international service trips, and local trips, along with pizza lunches and other fun activities.
Typically, students enter CSP as freshmen, but upper-class students are invited to participate
in the program elements of CSP.
Maskrafters Academy
As a Theatre and Film major at Georgetown, you can hone your craft in our dedicated black
box theatre or create an original student film. Our Maskrafters Academy allows accepted
students to use film equipment for individual projects, participate in every stage show, attend
workshops at the Humana Festival each spring, and intern in a related field. All Academy
Students will also receive $500 during their senior year to allow them to direct a play or film
a movie for their senior project. With our focus on developing new work for stage and
screen, we give students the chance to explore their own ideas and the tools to become
content creators.
Healthy Living and Leadership (HLL) Scholars
At Georgetown College we understand the ecological model of health -- that, although
healthy lifestyles require self-responsibility, one’s environment strongly impacts what people
do. The HLL Scholars program enables select students to gain experience in health
promotion and leadership that will add further value to their exceptional Georgetown
College liberal arts education
The HLL Scholars program is ideal for students pursuing allied health fields in which health
promotion is a cornerstone. These fields include physical and occupational therapy,
physician assistant, athletic training, nursing, worksite wellness, public health, personal
training, and strength coaching. The Georgetown College Kinesiology and Health Studies
(KHS) department is recognized for excellence by the American College of Sports Medicine
(ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
HLL Scholars are required to:
Maintain active and ongoing membership in the Kinesiology and Health Studies
(KHS) or Athletic Training (AT) Club, student-led organizations which provide
leadership, experiential learning, and networking opportunities;
Complete a preceptorship, internship, or clinical experience as part of the coursework
required for the major. The KHS department has established sites for all careers so
that HLL scholars can earn college credit while building their professional resumes;
Maintain a 3.0 GPA.
HLL Scholars are able to:
Enroll in a dedicated Freshman Seminar section for HLL Scholars;
Attend guest lectures by speakers in their field;
Meet professionals in their area of interest to expand their professional network;
Gain leadership experience.
Receive an additional $1,000 scholarship, renewable for four years.
Academic Resources
Georgetown College stresses the primacy of teaching and learning, with its principal
academic resource being the faculty. The College seeks to attract and retain outstanding
Christian scholars. Georgetown faculty have achieved regional and national recognition for
their involvement in and contribution to their respective disciplines. Recent examples of
such recognition include Fulbright awards, national and state professional organization
teaching honors, leadership positions in professional societies, grants from the National
Endowment for the Humanities and the United States Department of Education, and
numerous publications. More than ninety-five percent of the full-time faculty hold the
terminal degree in their field. Faculty are actively engaged in a variety of scholarly pursuits
that have favorable direct impact on their classroom instruction. Also, many faculty have
incorporated the latest technology in order to enhance the educational experience of
The Advising Program
Selected faculty serve as advisors to first-year students, with assignments made prior to
enrollment. Students are encouraged to select an advisor in their major field during their
second year. This advising relationship continues throughout the student’s enrollment,
emphasizing curriculum planning and progress toward individual goals. Though the advisor
may change due to the needs of the student or department, the College takes pride in the
efforts of faculty in providing guidance to students. A high percentage of graduates continue
their education in graduate or professional schools.
Academic Tutoring Services
Academic tutoring services are administered by the Office of Academic Success, and peer
tutors are provided free of charge to students requesting assistance with their classes.
Tutoring sessions may be one-on-one or in small groups.
Writing Center
Located in the Anna Ashcraft Ensor Learning Resource Center (LRC), the Writing Center
serves students with writing needs related to any course at the College. Students may
establish a regular schedule of visits or drop in as the need arises. Services such as tutorials,
writing exercises, and assistance with outlines, bibliographies, paraphrasing, and
documentation are provided; computers for word processing and both print and electronic
materials are available.
Anna Ashcraft Ensor Learning Resource Center
The Anna Ashcraft Ensor Learning Resource Center (LRC) opened in 1998 with more than
55,000 square feet of finished space and has seating for more than 300. The LRC encloses four
levels and houses the college library, a writing center, two computer classrooms, a lecture
space, art galleries, several teaching classrooms, a conference room, and a coffeehouse café.
The LRC’s Special Collections and Archives is a depository for materials relating to the
history of Georgetown College, as well as a selective depository for Scott County or local
materials. Additionally, the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky (BSK) is positioned within the
LRC; seminary accommodations contain administrative rooms, offices, and BSK class rooms.
There are multiple individual study carrels, along with eight group study rooms, that are
available without reservations. The library has a wireless environment along with more than
50 computer workstations for walk-in use. Black and white and color printers are available to
students, faculty, and staff.
The building currently holds more than 127,000 printed books, along with providing access
to more than 234,000 e-books. Access to more than 100 database titles is available
electronically. More than 120,000 media titles include DVDs, audiobooks, CDs, and
streaming media.
Librarians provide individual assistance and collaborate with faculty to offer sessions on the
effective use of technologies, research techniques, and the use of the library’s electronic
resources. Library and research instruction is presented through one-on-one sessions and via
group presentations in classrooms or in the library. The LRC offers a variety of resources and
services to its users; information regarding those services is available through the LRC’s web
The LRC has an app available for download by searching “LRC” in the App Store or Google
Play. The app gives one access to library hours, catalog and database research, one’s personal
account, and much more. Additionally, LRC staff collaborated with teaching faculty to
develop Research Genius, an app focused on delivering research education and assistance to
students on their phones, tablets, or computers. Search for “Research Genius” in the App
Store or on Google Play or find the web version at
To supplement GC’s book and periodical collection, the LRC staff can borrow by means of
interlibrary loan materials from other libraries for GC faculty, students, and staff. Students,
with their GCard, may also borrow books directly from the FOKAL (Federation of Kentucky
Academic Libraries) institutions at any member college’s campus.
Academic Computing
The College is committed to sustaining a technological environment that will serve as a
model for information technology systems in liberal arts colleges. Information technology
services are provided through state-of-the-art networks for voice, video, and data to every
residence hall room, classroom, and office on campus. Academic computing services on
campus provide support for student access to e-mail, word processing, spreadsheet, database
applications, and the internet from residence hall rooms or any of the academic computing
labs on campus. Students may register for classes online and use their college ID card for a
variety of services on and off campus.
Informational Technology Services (ITS) has implemented a Secure Computing Policy that
requires all student computers connected to the campus network to be running an up-to-date
version of anti-virus, anti-spyware software and a vendor-supported operating system. ITS
also offers an optional Computer Maintenance Agreement for limited hardware and software
support. For a fee each semester, ITS will provide workbench support for problems with
student- owned computers that cannot be corrected over the telephone.
The Anna Ashcraft Ensor Learning Resource Center (LRC) contains publicly accessible
computers and peripheral equipment such as printers and scanners. Additionally, there are
four computer labs on the lower floor of the LRC and in the Asher Science Center. All
classrooms on campus have access to voice, video, and data services. Most classrooms are
equipped with data projectors and computers. The Art Department has highly specialized
digital computing labs specific to their curricula.
Georgetown College is a Microsoft Campus Agreement participant. This program enables the
college, faculty, and students to have access to the latest versions of Microsoft’s most popular
applications. The ethics policy and recommended computer configurations are available on
the internet, in the online Student Handbook, or by contacting ITS.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain
rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a
student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution.) These
rights include:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after
the day Georgetown College (“College”) receives a request for access. A student
should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other
appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes
to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the
student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are
not maintained by the College official to whom the request was submitted, that
official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the
student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s
privacy rights under FERPA.
3. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write the College
official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student
wants changed and specify why it should be changed.
If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the
student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request
for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to
the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
1. The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally
identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the
extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The College discloses
education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA
exception for disclosure to College officials with legitimate educational interests. A
College official is a person employed by Georgetown College in an administrative,
supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement
unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student
serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A
College official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of Georgetown
College who performs an institutional service of function for which the College
would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the
College with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such
as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent, or a student volunteering to assist another
College official in performing his or her tasks. A College official has a legitimate
educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to
fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Georgetown College.
2. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning
alleged failures by Georgetown College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
See the list below of the disclosures that postsecondary institutions may make without
FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of
the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA
regulations. Except for disclosures to College officials, disclosures related to some judicial
orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to
the student, §99.32 of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure.
Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A
postsecondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining
prior written consent of the student:
To other College officials, including teachers, within Georgetown College whom the
College has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includes
contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the College has
outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed in
§99.31(a)(1)(i)(B)(1) - (a)(1)(i)(B)(2) are met. (§99.31(a)(1))
To officials of another College where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where
the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s
enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of §99.34. (§99.31(a)(2))
To authorized representatives of the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney
General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities,
such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the
university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision
may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or
evaluation of Federal or State supported education programs, or for the enforcement
of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These
entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by
them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or
enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf. (§§99.31(a)(3) and 99.35)
In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the
student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the
aid, determine the amount of the aid,determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce
the terms and conditions of the aid. (§99.31(a)(4))
To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the College, in order to: (a)
develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs;
or (c) improve instruction. (§99.31(a)(6))
To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. ((§99.31(a) (7))
To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes.
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§99.31(a)(9))
To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to
§99.36. (§99.31(a)(10))
Information the College has designated as “directory information” under §99.37.
The College has designated certain information contained in the education records of its
students as directory information for purposes of compliance with FERPA. The following
constitutes directory information regarding students:
home address
campus address
telephone number and e-mail address
date and place of birth
major field of study
participation in officially recognized activities and sports
weight and height of athletic team members
dates of attendance and full-time/half-time enrollment status
degrees and awards received
the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
denominational preference, and
other similar information as determined by the FERPA compliance officer
Directory information may be disclosed by Georgetown College for any purpose at its
discretion, without the consent of a parent of a student or an eligible student. However,
parents of students and eligible students have the right to refuse to permit the designation of
any or all of the above information as directory information. In that case, this information
will not be disclosed except with the consent of a parent or student, or as otherwise allowed
by FERPA. Any parent or student refusing to have any or all of the designated directory
information disclosed must file written notification to this effect with Georgetown College at
the Registrar’s Office within two weeks after registration day of the semester. In the event a
refusal is not filed, the College assumes that neither a parent of a student nor eligible student
objects to the release of directory information designated.
To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non- forcible sex
offense, subject to the requirements of §99.39. The disclosure may only include the
final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or
offense, regardless of the finding. (§99.31(a)(13))
To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the
requirements of §99.39, if the College determines the student is an alleged perpetrator
of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a
violation of the College’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against
him or her. (§99.31(a) (14))
To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local
law, or of any rule or policy of the College, governing the use or possession of alcohol
or a controlled substance if the College determines the student committed a
disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (§99.31(a)(15))
Academic Organization
Kristin Czarnecki, Chair of Faculty
Academic Departments
Art: Darrell Kincer, Chair
Biology: Rick Kopp, Chair
Business Administration/Economics: Tom Cooper, Chair
Chemistry: Todd Hamilton, Chair
Communication and Media Studies: Susan Dummer, Chair
Education (Graduate): Candis Haskell, Interim Dean of Education
Education (Undergraduate): Jane Arrington, Associate Dean
English: Holly Barbaccia, Chair
History: Harold Tallant, Chair
Kinesiology and Health Studies: Brian Jones, Chair
Library Services: Andrew Adler, Director
Mathematics/Physics/Computer Science: Homer White, Chair
Music: Pete LaRue, Chair
Philosophy: Roger Ward, Chair
Political Science: Gui Silva, Chair
Psychology: Jay Castaneda, Chair
Religion: Sheila Klopfer, Chair
Sociology: John Johnson, Chair
Theatre and Film: Ed Smith, Chair
World Languages: Laura Hunt, Chair
Academic Divisions
Fine Arts Division: Ed Smith, Chair
Humanities Division: Todd Coke, Chair
Natural and Life Science Division: Will Harris, Chair
Professional Studies Division: Jane Arrington, Chair
Social Sciences Division: Susan Dummer, Chair
Curricular Offerings
Courses numbered 100-199 are intended primarily for freshmen; 200-299 are intended
primarily for sophomores; and courses numbered 300 and above are intended primarily for
juniors and seniors. Freshmen may enroll in courses numbered 300 and above only with
permission of the Provost/Dean of the College. Three letter codes following course categories
designate headings on class schedules and other publications. Courses are normally offered
only in the semester indicated at the end of each course listing. The College reserves the
right to withdraw any course for which there is insufficient enrollment.
Curricula and courses are organized as follows:
Bachelor of Arts Majors*
American Studies; Art; Communication and Media Studies; Economics; English or English
with Creative Writing Emphasis; European Studies; History; International Business and
Culture; Language and International Studies; Mathematics; Philosophy; Political Science;
Psychology; Religion; Security Studies; Sociology, Sociology with Social and Criminal Justice
Emphasis, or Sociology with Sustainable Community Development Emphasis; Spanish or
Professional Spanish (corollary major); Sports Administration; Theatre and Film
Bachelor of Science Majors*
Accounting; Biochemistry; Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Business Administration;
Chemistry or Chemistry ACS Certified; Elementary Education or Education (corollary
major); Environmental Science; Exercise Science; Finance; Healthcare Administration;
Health Science; Management; Marketing; Mathematics; Physics
Accounting; Art; Asian Studies; Behavioral Neuroscience; Biology; Business Administration;
Chemistry; Child Development; Christian Leadership; Classics; Communication and Media
Studies; Computer Science; Data Analysis; Economics; English or English with Creative
Writing Emphasis; Exercise Science; French; Healthcare Administration; History;
Mathematics; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Music; Philosophy; Physics; Political
Science; Professional Media; Psychology; Public Health; Religion; Security Studies; Social
and Criminal Justice; Sociology; Spanish; Sustainable Community Development; Theatre and
Film; Women’s Studies
Dual Degree Programs
Engineering Arts (B.S.); Nursing Arts (B.S.); BA/BTh Religion
Pre-Professional Curricula
Law; Medicine; Dentistry; Ministry; Pharmacy; Physical Therapy; Physician Assistant;
Veterinary Medicine
Reserve Officer Training Program (ROTC)
Air Force ROTC; Army ROTC
*Students completing more than one major will receive the degree associated with their first
major. Only one degree is awarded unless certain criteria are met. See Completion of Second
Degree in the Academic Programs section for additional information.
Accreditation and Affiliations
Georgetown College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate and masters degrees. Contact the
Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-
679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Georgetown College.
Georgetown College is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE) and the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board for initial and
advanced level educator preparation programs. The Athletic Training Program at
Georgetown College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training
Education (CAATE). This program is no longer offered to incoming undergraduates, since
the program is in process of voluntarily withdrawing from accreditation in preparation for
transition to a graduate level program. Affiliations include the American Council of
Education, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Association of American
Colleges and Universities, Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities,
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the Lilly Network of Church-
Related Colleges and Universities, and the International Association of Baptist Colleges and
Universities. Additionally, faculty and staff are affiliated with a number of regional, national
and international professional organizations.
As a Christian institution, Georgetown College builds community through admissions, hiring
and promotion policies based on merit, qualification and character. As a matter of policy and
in compliance with state and federal laws, Georgetown College operates on the principle of
non-discrimination. Georgetown College does not discriminate, either in the admission of
students, hiring and promotion of employees, or in the administration of any educational
policies, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex,
sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age or disability. Because the College is
primarily residential in nature, Georgetown College reserves the right to restrict admissions
to undergraduate programs on the basis of sex due to limitations in availability of campus
housing, if necessary. The College may use religion as a factor in making faculty
employment decisions and in Board of Trustees appointments. This policy is in compliance
with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Inquiries or concerns should be directed to
the Director of Human Resources or the Title IX Coordinator at 502-863-8000.
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their places in society and to thrive
in whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the program will:
be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
be able to communicate ideas effectively;
demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the functional areas of business:
accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing.
The department is committed to providing a broadly oriented professional education to
prepare students for careers in business, government, and not- for-profit organizations. Our
major in Accounting contains a large number of required core courses that provide our
students with basic skills in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of business
administration. In addition to this broad introduction to the primary functional areas of
business, the accounting courses in the major provide a solid preparation for students who
seek careers in accounting or related fields.
Many students who major in Accounting are interested in becoming a CPA (Certified Public
Accountant). Earning the CPA opens the door to a variety of very attractive careers in public
accounting (auditing, tax advice, or consulting), in non-accounting firms (accountant,
comptroller, or chief financial officer), and in private practice (tax preparation or business
consulting, for example).
In order to become a CPA, one must complete at least 150 semester hours of college (or
higher level) classes, pass the CPA exam, and obtain one year of work experience that can be
verified by a CPA.
The biggest hurdle for college graduates who seek this certification is the CPA exam.
Students who complete the Accounting major at Georgetown College can satisfy all the
requirements to take the CPA exam in Kentucky by the time they graduate. To take the
exam, one must have a college degree (our B.S. in Accounting qualifies); one must complete
at least 12 semester hours of related business classes (our Accounting major requires more
than 12 hours in this category); and one must complete at least 27 semester hours of
Accounting classes (our major requires 24 Accounting hours, but we offer a 3-hour
Accounting elective annually for students who want to reach 27 and take the CPA exam, so
one can graduate with the required number of Accounting hours.)
There are a few options for accumulating the 150 semester hours needed to become officially
certified as a CPA. One option is to enroll in a Masters program, usually in Accounting or
Business, to earn the additional hours needed. Georgetown College does have an agreement
with the University of Kentucky Masters in Accounting program that can help students who
pursue this route. The alternative route for amassing 150 hours is to take additional courses
beyond the minimum required for graduation. Some take those classes at Georgetown
College, while others take them at other institutions. Interested students should consult with
an Accounting advisor as soon as possible to obtain some useful guidance on these
Please note: Additional tuition charges are waived for students taking greater than 18 hours
when all of the following conditions are met:
1. The student is required to take credit hours in excess of what is needed for graduation
in order to meet professional certification requirements (ex: CPA exam).
2. The student is a senior.
3. The student meets the standard academic requirements for overload approval.
4. The academic dean approves.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Debbie Madden
Major in Accounting (ACC)
(B.S. Degree) Sixty hours required.
Core Courses
(48 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
BUA300: Accounting/Management Information Systems (3 credit hours)
BUA310: Intermediate Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA311: Intermediate Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA318: Cost Accounting (3 credit hours)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA330: Business Law (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
BUA413: Principles of Auditing (3 credit hours)
BUA415: Income Tax Accounting (3 credit hours)
BUA450: Business Policy and Strategic Planning (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(12 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
COMM115: Professional Communication (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
Minor in Accounting (ACC)
Eighteen hours required
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(9 hours required: select three courses)
BUA300: Accounting/Management Information Systems (3 credit hours)
BUA310: Intermediate Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA311: Intermediate Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA318: Cost Accounting (3 credit hours)
BUA415: Income Tax Accounting (3 credit hours)
American Studies
American Studies is an interdisciplinary major which approaches the study of American
culture from the perspective of a variety of academic disciplines. This approach encourages
students to form a broad understanding of the ideas, issues, and events which have shaped
our national identity. Students will develop an area of concentration in consultation with the
program coordinator.
The American Studies major will demonstrate:
Knowledge of the key factors shaping American history and culture;
Understanding of the contribution of American literature to the construction of
American culture.
Awareness of the variety of cultural influences that shape American society,
including (but not limited to) such fields as art, politics, religion, and philosophy.
The capacity to produce written and oral analysis of aspects of American identity.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Todd Coke
Major in American Studies (AMS)
Core Courses
(18 hours required)
AMS250: Introduction to American Studies (3 credit hours)
HIS223: Introduction to American History: 1492-1877 (3 credit hours)
HIS225: Introduction to American History: 1877 to Present (3 credit hours)
ENG343: American Literature to 1870 (3 credit hours)
ENG345: American Literature from 1870 (3 credit hours)
AMS450: Senior American Studies Seminar (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(9 hours required: select three courses from three different departments)
ART310: Modern Art History (3 credit hours)
COMM306: Media Criticism (3 credit hours)
PHI412: American Philosophy (3 credit hours)
HIS338: Religion in American History (3 credit hours)
SOC309: Sociology of Religion (3 credit hours)
SOC113: Modern Social Problems (3 credit hours)
POS100: American Government (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(24 hours required)
Select remaining 24 hours from the following departments, subject to approval form the
program director: Art, Biology, Communication, Economics, English, History, Music,
Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, or Sociology.
The Art major is designed to provide students with foundational skills in traditional and
experimental media, a broad understanding of the history of art, and advanced study in their
studio practice or art historical research. The major provides an introduction to a variety of
media, processes, and topics that may be catered to suit particular student interest and career
goals. The flexibility of the art major affords students the opportunity to pursue other
academic interests, including a departmental major in another academic area. Art majors will
produce and present a capstone project that is studio- or research- based. Students with an
emphasis in Studio Art will finish their program of study with a body of work that is
documented through a portfolio of works and supporting documentation. Students with an
emphasis in Art History will prepare and present a research paper that incorporates art
historical or curatorial methodologies and utilizes primary research. Students majoring in Art
find career opportunities in a wide variety of professional fields, including advertising and
design studios; web design and development; teaching in public or private schools;
management of cultural programs in city, state, or federal government agencies; museums,
galleries and other cultural institutions; In addition, graduates start small businesses and
begin independent professional practices. Our undergraduate major prepares students for
graduate study in fine arts, curatorial, and art history programs.
Students in the studio art track will demonstrate:
skills in formal and contextual analysis;
a broad knowledge of art history;
the ability to relate one’s own ideas and intentions to the wider contemporary and
historical context; and
technical skills showing knowledge of traditional and digital media, thereby enabling
the student to execute work with competence and clarity.
Students in the art history track will demonstrate:
skills in formal and contextual analysis;
deepened knowledge of art history;
knowledge and application of the methods of art history; and
familiarity with foundational skills in 2-D, 3-D, and/or digital media.
For more information about the Art major leading to a teaching certification, please contact
the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Darrell Kincer
Major in Art (ART)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-six hours required.
Students majoring in Art must choose one track.
Required Course Selections
(32 hours required)
Foundational Studio Art Courses
(select nine hours/three courses)
ART115: Drawing (3 credit hours)
ART117: Design Basics and Color (3 credit hours)
ART119: Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design and Ceramics (3 credit hours)
ART121: Introduction to Graphic Design (3 credit hours)
Foundational Art History Courses
(select nine hours/three courses)
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
ART212: Survey of Art History II (3 credit hours)
ART361: Curatorial Studies (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
Capstone Sequence
ART494: Senior Seminar (1 credit hours)
ART495: Senior Thesis (4 credit hours)
Studio Art Track
(9 hours required; select three courses)
ART220: Digital Photography (3 credit hours)
ART222: Film Photography (3 credit hours)
ART300: Printmaking (3 credit hours)
ART319: 3-D Practices (3 credit hours)
ART321: Intermediate Graphic Design (3 credit hours)
ART323: Web Design (3 credit hours)
ART331: Painting (3 credit hours)
ART332: Advanced Painting (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
Art History Track
(9 hours required; select three courses)
ART310: Modern Art History (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
ART375: Tutorial Topics (3 credit hours)
ART395: Art History Methods (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(4 hours required)
Select four additional hours in ART courses.
Minor in Art (ART)
Twenty-one hours required.
Required Course Selections
(18 hours required)
Foundational Studio Art Courses
(select six hours/two courses)
ART115: Drawing (3 credit hours)
ART117: Design Basics and Color (3 credit hours)
ART119: Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design and Ceramics (3 credit hours)
ART121: Introduction to Graphic Design (3 credit hours)
Foundational Art History Courses
(select six hours/two courses)
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
ART212: Survey of Art History II (3 credit hours)
ART361: Curatorial Studies (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
Studio Art Track
(6 hours required; select two courses)
ART220: Digital Photography (3 credit hours)
ART222: Film Photography (3 credit hours)
ART300: Printmaking (3 credit hours)
ART319: 3-D Practices (3 credit hours)
ART321: Intermediate Graphic Design (3 credit hours)
ART323: Web Design (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
Art History Track
(6 hours required; select two courses)
ART310: Modern Art History (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
ART375: Tutorial Topics (3 credit hours)
ART395: Art History Methods (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(3 hours required)
Select three additional hours in ART courses.
Asian Studies
One of the most economically and culturally dynamic regions in the world, Asia is home to
more than 60 percent of the world’s people and some of the world’s most highly developed
civilizations and richest cultural heritages. The Asian Studies minor enables students to
combine study of an Asian language with selected courses in history, religion, politics, and
other fields. Students who complete this minor will be culturally and linguistically literate in
a rapidly changing region with ever-deepening ties to Kentucky and the United States.
Program Contact: Professor Harold Tallant
Minor in Asian Studies (AST)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(6 hours required)
JPN201: Intermediate Japanese I (3 credit hours)*
JPN202: Intermediate Japanese II (3 credit hours)*
Required Course Selections
(15 hours required)
Group 1
(select three hours/one course)
HIS211: Asian Civilization I (3 credit hours)
HIS213: Asian Civilization II (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select twelve hours/four courses; at least one course must be from a discipline other than
AST270: East Asian Cinema (3 credit hours)
AST355: Doing Business in Asia (3 credit hours)
ECO410: International Economics (3 credit hours)
HIS321: History of Japan (3 credit hours)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
POS311: Politics of the Pacific Rim (3 credit hours)
POS321: International Human Rights (3 credit hours)
POS407: International Law and Organization (3 credit hours)
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
REL353: Advanced Topics in World Religions (3 credit hours)
WLN360: Internship (1-3 credit hours)
* Students may take another Asian Language to the intermediate level with approval of the
program coordinator.
** No more than one of these courses may be counted towards the minor.
Behavioral Neuroscience
The Behavioral Neuroscience minor is an interdisciplinary minor designed for students with
an interest in neurology from both a biological and psychological perspective. The
curriculum provides foundational knowledge and practical experience related to
neuroscience that can serve as an additional preparation for careers in clinical, counseling, or
neuropsychology as well as for vocations in veterinary, medical, or other health-related
areas. After completing a common core of classes, students specialize in either a human
neuroscience or animal neuroscience track, taking upper-level courses in biology and
Upon completion of this program, students will demonstrate:
Proficiency in describing the structure and function of the nervous system using
molecular, cellular, systems, behavioral, and computational perspectives
Recognition and articulation of key theoretical approaches to studying the mind and
Critical assessment of neuroscience literature
Development of their written and oral communication abilities, such that they can
convey the essence of neuroscience to both technical and non- technical audiences.
Program Contact: Professor Rebecca Singer
Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience (BNS)
Twenty-Four to Twenty-Five hours required.
Students minoring in Behavioral Neuroscience must choose one track.
Core Courses
(14 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
PSY425: Brain and Behavior (3 credit hours)
Human Track
(10-11 hours required)
BIO305: Human Physiology I (3 credit hours)
BIO305L: Human Physiology I Lab: Electrophysiology (1 credit hours)
And two courses from the following; one must be a PSY course:
PSY323: Sensation and Perception (3 credit hours)
PSY328: Learning (3 credit hours)
PSY333: Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY355: Abnormal Psychology (3 credit hours)
BIO306: Human Physiology II (3 credit hours)
BIO325: Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology (4 credit hours)
Animal Track
(10-11 hours required)
BIO325: Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology (4 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
PSY433: Animal Cognition (3 credit hours)
PSY290: Animal Behavior (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
BIO305: Human Physiology I (3 credit hours)
BIO306: Human Physiology II (3 credit hours)
PSY328: Learning (3 credit hours)
Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary major appropriate for students who plan to go to health
professional programs (such as medical, dental, veterinary, or pharmacy school) or to
graduate studies in Biochemistry.
In addition to the four student learning outcomes expected within the chemistry major,
graduates of the biochemistry major will:
Understand the major concepts and developments at the interface of chemistry and
Develop laboratory skills and the ability to utilize and select instrumentation specific
to biochemical investigations
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Assistant Professor Amanda Hughes
Major in Biochemistry (BCH)
(B.S. degree) Sixty hours required. No minor required.
Core Courses
(43 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE331: Physical Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE341: Biochemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE342: Biochemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE343: Lipid Biochemistry (1 credit hours)
CHE450: Junior Seminar (1 credit hours)
CHE451: Senior Seminar (1 credit hours)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO335: Genetics and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO337: Cell Biology (4 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(7-8 hours required)
Group 1
(select six hours/two courses)
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry (4 credit hours)
CHE315: Spectroscopy (4 credit hours)
CHE332: Physical Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE400: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one lab if needed to reach 34 CHE hours)
CHE325: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE333: Physical Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(10 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
The mission of the Department of Biological Sciences is to provide a well- rounded education
for its majors, which includes understanding core biological principles at the molecular,
cellular, organismal, population, and ecosystem levels. The department also seeks to cultivate
the analytical skills and curiosity about the biological world that will enable students to be
successful professionals, thoughtful citizens, and caretakers of the earth.
Through a range of introductory and advanced courses, the B.S. degree program is designed
to provide students with the academic preparation needed to succeed in professional schools
in the health sciences (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy,
nursing, etc.) and in graduate programs across the biological disciplines (zoology, botany,
microbiology, cellular and molecular biology, evolution and ecology, etc.). In addition, the
department provides an academic foundation that may lead to direct employment in
education, industry, government, and many other fields. Through its broad curriculum, the
department helps students to achieve this preparation by requiring them to demonstrate:
an understanding of the purpose of science and the place biology has among the
sciences and society, in general;
an understanding of the scientific method: construction of hypotheses, data collection
and analysis techniques, and formulation of conclusions;
a comprehension and appreciation of the basic concepts of biological science
including: the unity and diversity of life, biological molecules, the cell as a
functioning structure, mechanisms of inheritance, principles of ecology, and processes
of evolution;
skills for effective verbal communication to peers in scientific settings;
skills to write clear scientific research and review papers; and
an understanding of the process of scientific publication and the ability to understand
and critique primary scientific literature.
For more information about the Biology major leading to a teaching certification, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Rick Kopp
Major in Biology (BIO)
(B.S. degree) Forty-nine hours required.
Core Courses
(22 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO214: Organismal Diversity (4 credit hours)
BIO314: Evolution and Ecology (4 credit hours)
BIO335: Genetics and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO402: Seminar I (2 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6-7 hours required)
Field Courses
(select one course)
BIO300: Marine Biology (3 credit hours)
BIO316: Plat Taxonomy and Spring Flora (4 credit hours)
BIO320: Vertebrate Ecology (4 credit hours)
BIO327: Freshwater Biology (4 credit hours)
Capstone Courses
(select one course)
BIO421: Developmental Biology (3 credit hours)
BIO423: Neurobiology (3 credit hours)
BIO433: Environmental Science and Natural Resources (3 credit hours)
BIO435: Conservation Biology (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9-10 hours required)
Select nine to ten additional credit hours among 300-400 level BIO courses (excluding
BIO306) to bring the total hours for the major to forty-nine.
Allied Courses
(11 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
Minor in Biology (BIO)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(4 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(14 hours required)
Select fourteen additional hours in Biology, excluding BIO100, BIO260, and BIO270.
Biomedical Sciences
The Biomedical Sciences major is an interdisciplinary program designed for students
specifically wishing to pursue a career in the health sciences. The curriculum provides
students with the foundation required for admission to and success in a variety of graduate
programs (physiology, neuroscience, immunology, human genetics, etc.) or professional
schools (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, nursing, etc.). After
completing a common core of classes, students specialize in a specific area of interest through
upper-level courses in biology and/or chemistry.
Upon completion of this program, students will demonstrate:
an understanding of the purpose and process of science, including the scientific
method: construction of hypotheses, data collection and analysis, and the formulation
of conclusions;
an understanding of the basic concepts of biological science with a special emphasis
on human biology: the unity and diversity of life, biological molecules, the cell as a
functioning structure, and mechanisms of inheritance and evolution;
an understanding of core knowledge in inorganic, organic, and biological chemistry;
skills for effective verbal and written communication to peers in scientific settings.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Tracy Livingston
Major in Biomedical Sciences (BMS)
(B.S. Degree) Sixty hours required. No minor required.
Core Courses
(38 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO305: Human Physiology I (3 credit hours)
BIO305L: Human Physiology I Lab: Electrophysiology (1 credit hours)
BIO402: Seminar I (2 credit hours)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE341: Biochemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE342: Biochemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(7 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
BIO214: Organismal Diversity (4 credit hours)
BIO314: Evolution and Ecology (4 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(15 hours required)
Select fifteen additional credit hours among 300-400 level courses in Biology or Chemistry.
Business Administration
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their places in society and to thrive
in whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the Business
Administration major will:
be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
be able to communicate ideas effectively; and
demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the functional areas of business
(accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing)
The department is committed to providing a broadly oriented professional education to
prepare students for careers in business, government, and not-for-profit organizations. The
major in Business Administration is built around a large number of required core courses that
provide our students the basic skills in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of business
administration. The business program provides the students with the basic introduction to
the primary functional areas of business and the opportunity to pursue additional advanced
study in at least two specific functional areas.
For the description of the Accounting major and minor, please see Accounting.
For the description of the Economics major and courses, please see Economics.
For the description of the Finance major, please see Finance.
For description of Healthcare Administration major, see Healthcare Administration.
For the description of the Management major, please see Management.
For the description of the Marketing major, please see Marketing.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Tom Cooper
Major in Business Administration (BUA)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(24 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
BUA330: Business Law (3 credit hours)
BUA460: Internship (1-6 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
BUA363: International Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA423: International Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA443: International Management (3 credit hours)
ECO410: International Economics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Select twelve additional hours among 300-400 level courses in Business Administration,
including at least one course from two of the following areas: Accounting, Economics,
Finance, Management, and Marketing.
Allied Courses
(9 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
And one course selected from the following:
MAT107: College Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT115: Liberal Arts Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
Minor in Business Administration (BUA)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(15 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required: select two courses)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
Chemistry is everywhere! Actually everything we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell has a firm
basis in chemistry. The high quality of life that we experience today is due in no small part to
many significant chemical discoveries over the past 150 years. Chemistry, as a pure science,
seeks to describe and make comprehensible the nature and transformations of matter. As an
applied science, it provides society with knowledge and tools to achieve its material
purposes. By coupling creative thought and critical thinking skills with experimentation, the
study of chemistry contributes to a liberal arts education. The courses in Chemistry are
designed to emphasize the fundamental principles of the science, to reflect its
interdisciplinary nature, and to develop experimental skill.
Because chemistry is the “central” science, a wide variety of opportunities awaits those with
training in this field. The chemistry department offers a program meeting the needs of
students pursuing a variety of study and career options in the chemical sciences. Included are
students who anticipate careers as:
Professional chemists in industrial research or as environmental chemists for the
government or industry
Healthcare professionals in the medical sciences, such as medicine, dentistry, nursing,
pharmacy, physical therapy, or biomedical research
Chemical engineers or materials scientists
Secondary science teachers or college professors
Individuals who desire knowledge of chemistry as part of their liberal arts experience;
several graduates have chosen careers in the fields of law, religion, and business
The Department of Chemistry has “approved” status by the American Chemical Society. This
prestigious recognition is granted to less than one-quarter of the nation’s colleges and
universities. The ACS promotes excellence in chemistry education for undergraduate
students through approval of baccalaureate chemistry programs. Graduates of the chemistry
program will:
demonstrate a core of knowledge in inorganic, organic, biological, analytical, and
physical chemistry;
develop basic laboratory skills and the ability to select and utilize appropriate
instrumentation to conduct scientific investigations and analyses;
conduct effective searches of the chemical literature and will communicate
competently, both orally and in writing, the results of literature research and
laboratory experimentation;
understand career options and the role of chemistry in our society
For more information about the Chemistry major leading to a teaching certification, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Todd Hamilton
Major in Chemistry (CHE)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Students majoring in Chemistry must choose one track.
Core Courses
(25 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE331: Physical Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE341: Biochemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE450: Junior Seminar (1 credit hours)
CHE451: Senior Seminar (1 credit hours)
Traditional Track
Required Course Selections
(12-13 hours required)
Group 1
(select three courses)
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry (4 credit hours)
CHE315: Spectroscopy (4 credit hours)
CHE332: Physical Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE400: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select two labs)
CHE319: Nuclear Chemistry and Electrochemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE325: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE329: Medicinal and Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE333: Physical Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE339: Environmental Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE342: Biochemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE421: Computational Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(3-4 hours)
Select enough additional hours to reach a total of 41 CHE hours; PHY301 may be used as
an elective.
Allied Courses
(10 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
Forensic Track
Additional Core Courses
(13 hours required)
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry (4 credit hours)
CHE315: Spectroscopy (4 credit hours)
CHE317: Forensic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE318: Forensic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE342: Biochemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours; select one course)
CHE332: Physical Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE400: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(10 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
Major in Chemistry (CHE)
(ACS-certified B.S. degree) Sixty-two hours required.
Core Courses
(46 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE211: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE213: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry (4 credit hours)
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE315: Spectroscopy (4 credit hours)
CHE325: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE331: Physical Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE332: Physical Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE333: Physical Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE341: Biochemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE342: Biochemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE400: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE450: Junior Seminar (1 credit hours)
CHE451: Senior Seminar (1 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(0-2 hours required)
A research lab experience is required. This may be fulfilled with CHE440 Independent
Research or a summer research experience.
Allied Courses
(14 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
PHY212: College Physics II (4 credit hours)
Minor in Chemistry (CHE)
Twenty hours required.
Core Courses
(16 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(4 hours required)
Select four additional hours in CHE courses, one of which must be a lab course.
CHE100, CHE102, and CHE171 may not count toward the Chemistry major or minor.
Child Development
The Child Development minor provides core coursework relevant to the education and
direct care of children. In addition, students may choose courses tailored to their individual
career interests.
Program Contact: Professor Susan Hart Bell
Minor in Child Development (CHD)
Twenty-four hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY340: Child Development (3 credit hours)
SOC213: Marriage and Family (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(15 hours required; select one course from each group)
Psychological Processes
PSY242: Adolescence and Adulthood (3 credit hours)
PSY260: Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY328: Learning (3 credit hours)
PSY333: Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY343: Personality (3 credit hours)
Cultural Diversity and Socio-cultural Context
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
ART212: Survey of Art History II (3 credit hours)
EDU309: Teaching in a Diverse Society (2 credit hours)
HIS310: History of the South (3 credit hours)
HIS424: History of the Middle East (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC335: Sociology of Appalachia (3 credit hours)
SOC365: Education for Social Change (3 credit hours)
Child Guidance and Health
COMM323: Conflict Management (3 credit hours)
EDU233: Student Development (3 credit hours)
KHS320: Nutrition (3 credit hours)
PSY460: Enhanced Internship (3 credit hours)
PSY415: Counseling Skills (3 credit hours)
Exceptional Children/Atypical Development
PSY355: Abnormal Psychology (3 credit hours)
EDU307: Educating Exceptional Children (3 credit hours)
PSY417: Developmental Disorders of Childhood (3 credit hours)
PSY419: School Psychology (3 credit hours)
ART115: Drawing (3 credit hours)
ART313: Art Education (2-3 credit hours)
MUS315: Public School Music (2 credit hours)
THE407: Creative Dramatics and Children’s Theatre (2-3 credit hours)
Students applying a required course (excluding PSY111) and/or a course from groups 1-5 to
another major/minor must substitute another course in the same group.
Christian Leadership
The Christian Leadership minor is designed to prepare students for Christian ministry in the
twenty-first century. Its primary focus is for service in the church and parachurch or non-
profit Christian ministries. With a curriculum built around a core of vocation, ministry,
Biblical studies, church history, and Christian theology courses, students benefit from the
expertise of multiple disciplines in a liberal arts curriculum. Along with classroom
experience, students will participate in service learning and practical experiences to better
prepare them to serve in the twenty-first century.
Program Contact: Professor Sheila Klopfer
Minor in Christian Leadership (CHL)
Twenty-one semester hours required.
Students majoring in Religion may not minor in Christian Leadership
Core Courses
(21 hours required)
Vocations Courses
(select three hours/one course)
PHI195: Discovering Vocation (3 credit hours)
PHI395: Seminar on Vocation (3 credit hours)
REL357: Advanced Topics in Theological Studies (3 credit hours)
Practical Ministry Courses
(select six hours/two courses)
REL211: Introduction to Christian Ministry (3 credit hours)
REL213: Missional Community (3 credit hours)
REL215: Biblical Storytelling (3 credit hours)
REL219: Youth and Family Ministries (3 credit hours)
REL379: Advanced Studies in Specialized Areas of Christian Ministry (3 credit hours)
REL460: Internship (1-3 credit hours)
Biblical Studies Courses
(select three hours/one course)
REL371: Advanced Topics in New Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
REL373: Advanced Topics in Old Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
Christian Theology or History Courses
(select three hours/one course)
HIS338: Religion in American History (3 credit hours)
REL341: Women in the Christian Tradition (3 credit hours)
REL345: Advanced Topics in Cultural/Historical Studies (3 credit hours)
REL357: Advanced Topics in Theological Studies (3 credit hours)
(select six hours/two courses)
PHI151: Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI335: Theories of Economic Justice (3 credit hours)
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI355: Philosophy of Religion (3 credit hours)
PHI385: Medical Ethics (3 credit hours)
PSY242: Adolescence and Adulthood (3 credit hours)
PSY260: Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
REL253: Religions of the Modern World (3 credit hours)
At least six hours must be from 300-400 level courses.
The languages and literature of ancient Greece and Rome are the foundation of virtually
every discipline in the liberal arts and sciences. The study of Greek and/or Latin, and of
Greek and Roman authors in English translation, will deepen a student’s understanding of
any field.
Program Contact: Associate Professor John Henkel
Minor in Classics (CLA)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(3 hours required; select one course)
LAT202: Intermediate Latin Reading (3 credit hours)
GRK202: Intermediate Classical Greek Reading (3 credit hours)
REL204: Greek New Testament II (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(18 hours required)
Group 1
(select six hours/two courses)
LAT101: Elementary Latin I (3 credit hours)
LAT102: Elementary Latin II (3 credit hours)
LAT201: Intermediate Latin (3 credit hours)
LAT202: Intermediate Latin Reading (3 credit hours)
LAT340: Independent Study (1-3 credit hours)
LAT370: Advanced Topics in Latin (3 credit hours)
REL101: Beginning Greek I (3 credit hours)
REL102: Beginning Greek II (3 credit hours)
REL203: Greek New Testament (3 credit hours)
REL204: Greek New Testament II (3 credit hours)
GRK170: Topics in Beginning Greek (1-3 credit hours)
GRK201: Intermediate Classical Greek (3 credit hours)
GRK202: Intermediate Classical Greek Reading (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select twelve hours/four courses)
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
CLA170: Introductory Topics in Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
CLA314: Mythology in Greek and Roman Literature (3 credit hours)
CLA316: Ancient Drama (3 credit hours)
CLA318: Ancient Epic (3 credit hours)
CLA370: Topics in Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
HIS412: Ancient Hisory (3 credit hours)
PHI201: History of Philosophy I (3 credit hours)
POS400: Classical Political Theory (3 credit hours)
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
*LAT101, REL101, GRK170 counts only if it is the student's second Classical language.
**LAT340 or 370 may be subsituted for up to 6 hours of courses from Group 2.
Communication and Media Studies
The Department of Communication and Media Studies represents one of the fastest-growing
disciplines in higher education. It is founded on the belief that competent communication
transforms individuals, organizations, and society. Competent communication involves
forming and maintaining satisfactory relationships, having skill in a variety of
communication behaviors and being able to adjust those behaviors for a variety of situations,
showing empathy, and applying ethical guidelines for communication practice. Courses in
the department reflect these concepts through the breadth of areas of expertise within the
Graduating majors are prepared for careers or advanced education in fields as diverse as
advertising, entrepreneurship, public relations, broadcast journalism, law, ministry, human
resources, higher education, and not-for-profit management.
After completing the requirements for a Communication and Media Studies major, students
will be able to:
Describe the Communication Discipline and its central questions;
Employ Communication theories, perspectives, principles and concepts;
Engage in Communication Inquiry;
Create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context;
Critically analyze messages.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Susan Dummer
Major in Communication and Media Studies (COMM)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(15 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
COMM101: Principles of Communication (3 credit hours)
COMM115: Professional Communication (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
COMM200: Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication (3 credit hours)
COMM215: Introduction to Media Studies (3 credit hours)
COMM320: Communication Theory and Research Methods (3 credit hours)
COMM450: Seminar in Communication and Media Studies (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(18 hours required)
Select eighteen additional hours in COMM courses. At least twelve of these hours must be
from 300-400 level courses.
No more than three hours of practicum and three hours of internship credit may be applied
to the major.
Minor in Communication and Media Studies (COMM)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(6 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
COMM101: Principles of Communication (3 credit hours)
COMM115: Professional Communication (3 credit hours)
And complete the following course:
COMM200: Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Select twelve additional hours in COMM courses. At least nine of these hours must be from
300-400 level courses.
*No more than three hours of practicum and three hours of internship credit may be applied
to the minor.
Computer Science
Computing pervades both the economy and contemporary society; a minor in computer
science can improve your job prospects and enhance your capacity to contribute to the
common good. Providing a background in programming fundamentals, web design and
development, databases and data analysis, the minor is a valuable complement to a wide
variety of majors in the social and natural sciences and in the humanities.
Program Contact: Professor Homer White
Minor in Computer Science (CSC)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(15 hours required)
CSC115: Computer Science I (3 credit hours)
CSC215: Computer Science II (3 credit hours)
CSC303: Fundamentals of Data Computing (3 credit hours)
CSC324: Web Programming (3 credit hours)
CSC405: Database Management (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
CSC323: Web Design (3 credit hours)
ART323: Web Design (3 credit hours)
*With permission of the Program Coordinator, CSC470 may be substituted for one of these
Data Analysis
The minor in Data Analysis introduces students to data analysis, which is an activity at the
intersection of statistics, computing, and a particular domain of application. The emphasis of
the minor is on the statistical methods that support data analysis. It may be of particular
interest to students of business, finance, economics, and any of the natural or social sciences.
Program Contact: Professor Homer White
Minor in Data Analysis (DTA)
Twenty-one hours required.
Students majoring in Mathematics may not minor in Data Analysis.
Core Courses
(18 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
MAT331: Probability Theory (3 credit hours)
MAT332: Mathematical Statistics (3 credit hours)
CSC303: Fundamentals of Data Computing (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(3 hours required)
An applications course (at least three semester hours). This is a course numbered 300 or
higher, in any discipline, in which the student either learns substantially new tools or
methods--beyond those covered in other courses taken to satisfy minor requirements--for
data analysis, or completes a substantial data analysis project. Since course content varies
over time, the student’s choice of course must be approved by the Data Analysis Coordinator.
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their places in society and to thrive
in whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the program will:
be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
be able to communicate ideas effectively;
demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of economics.
The Department is committed to providing a broadly-oriented professional education to
prepare students for careers in business, government, and not-for- profit organizations.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Dan Vazzana
Major in Economics (ECO)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-six hours required.
Core Courses
(18 hours required)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO311: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3 credit hours)
ECO313: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required; select four courses)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
ECO304: Regression Analysis in Business and Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO315: Behavioral Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO317: Economic History of the United States (3 credit hours)
ECO337: Environmental Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO355: Public Finance (3 credit hours)
ECO405: Government Regulation of Business (3 credit hours)
ECO410: International Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO420: Labor Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO425: Financial Institutions and Monetary Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO470: Topics in Economics (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(6 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
Minor in Economics (ECO)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(6 hours required)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(9 hours required)
Group 1
(select three hours/one course)
ECO311: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3 credit hours)
ECO313: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select six hours/two courses)
ECO304: Regression Analysis in Business and Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO315: Behavioral Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO317: Economic History of the United States (3 credit hours)
ECO337: Environmental Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO355: Public Finance (3 credit hours)
ECO405: Government Regulation of Business (3 credit hours)
ECO410: International Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO420: Labor Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO425: Financial Institutions and Monetary Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO470: Topics in Economics (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(6 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
The mission of the Georgetown College Teacher Education Program is to develop scholars
who are competent and caring educators, committed to a spirit of service and learning. Our
vision for transformative practice promotes equitable teaching of diverse learners and
requires that we prepare competent and caring educators who Plan effective instruction,
Engage and educate students in positive learning climates, Advocate for growth and
development of all learners, Reflect on the teaching process, and Lead in their classrooms,
schools, and communities. PEARL serves as the theme and philosophical basis that guides the
teacher education program. This philosophy embraces an ethic of caring coupled with
excellence in curriculum design and professional practice. To realize this goal, learning
experiences center around three knowledge domains: Professional Skills and Competencies,
Professional Values and Dispositions, and Reflective Practice. Our courses are taught by full-
time faculty of the College and by quality adjunct faculty with specialized experience.
The Education Department requires majors to demonstrate:
Content knowledge within their own discipline(s) and in application to other
Effective designing and planning of instruction that develops student abilities to use
communication skills, apply core concepts, think and solve problems, and integrate
Effective implementation and management of classroom instruction;
Effective assessment and communication of students’ learning results;
Efficacy in creating and maintaining effective learning climates within classrooms and
Collaboration with colleagues and parents of students;
Effective and meaningful implementation of technology;
Commitment to the profession and to students and families by creating supportive
and constructive learning communities;
An appreciation for diversity and a belief that all students can learn;
High moral and ethical standards: respect for others; strong sense of justice, fairness,
empathy, and integrity; and
Reflection and evaluation of teaching and learning: practical reflection of teaching
and learning; critical reflection of teaching and learning.
For all certification areas, consult the Teacher Education Handbook and your Education
advisor for further details.
Certification in Elementary School (P-5)
For Elementary School certification, the candidate completes a major in Elementary
Education and a minor that satisfies Georgetown College graduation requirements. To be
recommended for certification as a teacher, a candidate must complete all requirements for
the Kentucky Provisional Certificate and successfully complete the appropriate PRAXIS
Certification in Middle School (5-9)
For Middle Grades certification, a candidate obtains a major in a certifiable content field and
in an additional teaching area, both chosen from: English and Communications,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies. In addition, the candidate satisfies certification
requirements by completing the Corollary Major in Education - Middle Grades Track.
Specific content course requirements include the following:
English/Communication: Requires thirty semester hours in English and
Communications including ENG211, 213, 352, 356, 343, 345, COMM200 and 308, and
Mathematics: Requires eighteen hours including MAT125, 203, 204, 225, 325, 301,
335, and 6 additional hours above 225.
Science: Thirty-one semester hours are required, 14 of which must be in biology. In
addition, students must take 3 additional hours from either chemistry, physics, or
earth science. The final 14 hours must be taken from the remaining two disciplines.
All four areas must include a laboratory experience.
Social Studies: Twenty-seven semester hours are required including HIS111, 113, 223,
225, Political Science (3 hours), Economics (3 hours), Sociology (6 hours), and
Psychology (3 hours).
See both your content and Education advisors for planning how to satisfy content area
expectations. To be recommended for certification as a teacher, a candidate must complete
all requirements for the Kentucky Provisional Certificate and successfully complete the
appropriate PRAXIS examinations.
Certification for Elementary/Middle/Secondary School (P-12)
For P-12 certification, a candidate obtains a major in either Spanish or Art and satisfies
certification requirements by also completing the Corollary Major in Education—Secondary
Track. Since the coursework for the teaching major certification sometimes differs from the
graduation major, the candidate should confer with the department chair in the major to
verify specific requirements. To be recommended for certification as a teacher, a student
must complete all requirements for the Kentucky Provisional Certificate and successfully
complete appropriate PRAXIS examinations.
Criteria For Admission Into Teacher Education, Admission Into Student Teaching, And Exit From The Teacher
Education Program.
The Teacher Education Program Admission, Student Teaching, and Exit processes are
conducted through three Checkpoints: Checkpoint 1 (Admission to the Teacher Education
Program), Checkpoint 2 (Admission to Student Teaching), and Checkpoint 3 (Exit from the
Teacher Education Program).
Meetings take place every semester in the Education Department detailing requirements for
each Checkpoint. Candidates should watch for signs and announcements for these meetings.
All candidates must use LiveText for each of these admissions checkpoints. Detailed
information about the requirements for each Checkpoint is in the Teacher Education
Handbook available in the Education Department office.
Additional Notes:
Candidates may make application to the Teacher Education Program once completing
at least 5 hours of education classes including EDU131- Current Issues in Education,
and EDU233 - Student Behavior, Development and Learning. October 1 is the
deadline for submitting application materials and portfolios for consideration for
admission (Checkpoint1) during the fall semester; February 15 is the deadline for
spring semester consideration. Post-baccalaureate candidates must adhere to the same
schedule as traditional candidates. In addition, post-baccalaureate candidates must
complete the Application for Admission into Student Teaching concurrently.
Applications and LiveText portfolios must be fully completed and on time in order to
be considered for admission into the department by the Education Advisory
Candidates making application to Student Teaching (Checkpoint 2) must be seniors in
standing and have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program. LiveText
portfolios and all application materials must be submitted by September 15 for spring
student teaching and February 1 for fall student teaching.
Candidates completing (Exiting) from the Teacher Education Program (Checkpoint 3)
will also complete LiveText portfolios, which must be fully completed and on time in
order to be exited from the Program after Student Teaching and completion of all
program requirements.
Special Notes on Education:
All students must receive passing scores on the appropriate PRAXIS Tests (see to receive certification. Teacher certification
requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the test(s), please refer to the
Education Professional Standards Board website at for current
requirements. Candidates will be informed of required PRAXIS Tests throughout the
Course Permissions: Courses above EDU131, 233, 307, and 309 in the Education Department
require prior acceptance into the Teacher Education Program before registering for the
classes. For more information, contact your Education Advisor or the Education Department
Georgetown College student teachers will be placed in a public school setting within a 25-
mile radius of campus and in a school with which Georgetown College holds a contractual
agreement. Therefore, any candidate making a request to student teach beyond the 25-mile
radius must petition the Dean of Education for approval. Included in the petition would be
an explanation as to reasons that would warrant an alternative placement.
Each student teacher candidate will complete two grade-level assignments (three if the
candidate is an elementary education major who is certifying up to middle grades) within
their student teacher experience. It is expected that student teacher candidates will live the
life of a teacher during their student teaching experience, arriving at the school when the
host teacher does and remaining until the end of the school day. Any student teacher
candidate who requests a leave from student teaching is required to complete the “Request
for Released Time from Student Teaching” form. Only extenuating circumstances will be
considered, and requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Disposition Concerns
All candidates enrolled in the Education program must demonstrate the professional
dispositions expected of teacher candidates as outlined in the program’s dispositions rubric.
Candidates’ dispositions are assessed upon program entrance and throughout the program
during each course. If a disposition concern occurs outside of a course experience, the
department chair may submit a disposition rubric to document the concern.
When a candidate’s dispositions are inconsistent with the criteria outlined in the dispositions
rubric, faculty score the candidate either a Developing (2) or a Novice (1). Candidates who
receive two ‘Developing’ scores or one ‘Novice’ score are required to meet with their
department chair to develop an action plan and address all areas of concern. A ‘Dispositions
Record of Concern’ form will be completed, signed by the candidate and the department
chair, and filed in the candidate’s electronic record. If the disposition is not resolved by the
agreed upon due date or, if appropriate, by the next checkpoint, the candidate will not be
able to continue to be enrolled in the program until the disposition issue is resolved. If any
additional disposition concerns are reported, or if the disposition is not resolved by the
deadline, the department chair, department full-time faculty, and the Dean of Education will
review the matter and, if deemed appropriate, will refer the concern to a faculty
subcommittee of the Education Advisory Committee (EAC) for additional action, which
could include additional sanctions or removal from the program. The candidate may appeal
EAC decisions to the Provost for final determination.
Graduate Enrollment Option
Undergraduate students who hold a senior classification may be permitted to enroll as a
special student (SP1) in Georgetown College’s Graduate Education program, provided the
academic schedule does not exceed 16 total semester hours in a Fall or Spring semester with
no more than 6 hours of graduate courses per semester.
Undergraduate students may not take more than a total of 12 graduate credit hours under
this policy. Only students who demonstrate outstanding scholastic ability will be considered.
Undergraduates who want to request permission to take graduate courses under these
circumstances should contact the Dean of Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Jane Arrington
Major in Elementary Education (EDU)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-nine hours required.
Core Courses
(46 hours required)
EDU131: Current Issues in Education (2 credit hours)
EDU233: Student Development (3 credit hours)
EDU307: Educating Exceptional Children (3 credit hours)
EDU309: Teaching in a Diverse Society (2 credit hours)
EDU313: Fundamentals of Teaching in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
EDU315: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
EDU317: Teaching Language Skills in the Elementary Schools (3 credit hours)
EDU321: Teaching Science in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
EDU323: Teaching Integrated Social Studies in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
EDU329: Teaching Reading and Literature in the Elementary Grades (3 credit hours)
EDU345: Classroom Applications of Technology and Content (3 credit hours)
EDU413: Elementary Classroom Management (2 credit hours)
EDU462-463: Supervised Student Teaching in the Elementary Grades (12 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(9 hours required)
MAT203: Mathematics for Elementary Education I (3 credit hours)
MAT204: Mathematics for Elementary Education II (3 credit hours)
KHS230: Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
Fine Arts
(select four hours/two courses)
ART313: Art Education (2-3 credit hours)
MUS315: Public School Music (2 credit hours)
THE407: Creative Dramatics and Children’s Theatre (2-3 credit hours)
Elementary education majors are strongly encouraged to take PHY105 to fulfill the Area of
Inquiry requirement in Physical Science. An academic minor is also recommended. A
candidate must successfully complete all institutional requirements to earn a degree from
Georgetown College. Additionally, to be recommended for a Kentucky Provisional
Certificate, successful completion of all applicable PRAXIS examinations is required.
Corollary Major in Education (CEDU)
Thirty-two (Middle Grades Track) OR Thirty-three (Secondary Education Track) hours
Core Courses
(15 hours required)
EDU131: Current Issues in Education (2 credit hours)
EDU233: Student Development (3 credit hours)
EDU307: Educating Exceptional Children (3 credit hours)
EDU309: Teaching in a Diverse Society (2 credit hours)
EDU345: Classroom Applications of Technology and Content (3 credit hours)
EDU423: Secondary Classroom Management (2 credit hours)
Education Area
(3 hours required; select one area)
Art and Spanish Education:
EDU313: Fundamentals of Teaching in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Education:
EDU341: Middle/Secondary Science Methods (3 credit hours)
English/Communication Education:
EDU333: Middle/Secondary English Methods (2-3 credit hours)
History, Political Science, and Sociology/Social Studies Education:
EDU343: Middle/Secondary Social Studies Methods (3 credit hours)
Math Education:
EDU339: MIddle/Secondary Mathematics Methods (3 credit hours)
Secondary Education Track
(15 hours required)
EDU337: Teaching in the Middle and Secondary School (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
EDU467-468: Supervised Student Teaching in the Secondary School (12 credit hours)
EDU473-474: Supervised Student Teaching (12 credit hours)
Middle Grades Track
(14 hours required)
EDU326: The Teacher and the Middle School (2 credit hours)
EDU471-472: Supervised Student Teaching in the Middle Grades (12 credit hours)
The English Department’s curriculum is designed to develop students’ understanding of the
English language and the literature written in that language while also fostering analytical
ability and writing skills. Students who complete the English major will comprehend the
historical and cultural context of literature and will see literature as a reflection of diverse
They will learn how to use the written word to communicate clearly, effectively, accurately,
logically, and gracefully. They will also be able to speak and write effectively on a wide range
of literary issues and to apply analytical reasoning to literary texts.
Students have many opportunities for involvement outside the classroom. They may join the
English honor society (Sigma Tau Delta), write for the campus newspaper (The
Georgetonian), and contribute to and edit the student literary magazine (Inscape). Qualified
students may tutor their peers in the Writing Center and in literature survey classes.
Many of our English majors go on to graduate school in journalism, literary studies, law,
ministry, communications, or creative writing. Upon graduation, others enter a variety of
fields, such as personnel management, public relations, writing, business, or teaching. A
student majoring in English will develop the flexibility of mind that comes from a broadly
based liberal education. English majors will demonstrate:
core knowledge of the English and American Literary tradition;
understanding of the diverse historical and cultural contexts of literature;
skill in speaking on a range of literary topics;
analytical reading ability;
written communication skills.
Additionally, students who are English majors with a creative writing emphasis or who are
creative writing minors will demonstrate:
improvement in their creative writing in one or more of three genres: fiction, poetry,
and creative nonfiction;
an ability to apply editing skills to their own writing by effective revision;
an ability to apply editing skills to the writing of others, both by line editing and
writing reading responses; and
a capacity to apply analytical reasoning to literature to discuss not only its formal
elements such as plot and imagery, but also to discuss the techniques that writers have
used to achieve these effects.
Students have many opportunities for involvement outside the classroom. They may join the
English honor society (Sigma Tau Delta), write for the campus
For more information about the English major leading to a teaching certification please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Holly Barbaccia
Major in English (ENG)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-nine hours required.
Core Courses
(12 hours required)
ENG211: English Literature Survey I (3 credit hours)
ENG213: English Literature Survey II (3 credit hours)
ENG292: Introduction to Literary Analysis (1 credit hours)
ENG414: Shakespeare (3 credit hours)
ENG482: Senior Seminar in English (2 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required)
American Literature
(select three hours/one course)
ENG341: Survey of African-American Literature 1745-Present (3 credit hours)
ENG343: American Literature to 1870 (3 credit hours)
ENG345: American Literature from 1870 (3 credit hours)
ENG347: American Novel (3 credit hours)
ENG349: Southern Novel (3 credit hours)
ENG445: Topics in American Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG447: Topics in Multiethnic American Literature (3 credit hours)
English Literature Before 1700
(select three hours/one course)
ENG311: Medieval Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG313: Renaissance Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG412: Chaucer (3 credit hours)
ENG416: Milton (3 credit hours)
ENG418: Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (3 credit hours)
English Literature Between 1700 and 1900
(select three hours/one course)
ENG321: Neo-Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG323: British Romantic Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG327: Victorian Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG329: English Novel (3 credit hours)
ENG424: Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature (3 credit hours)
Comparative Literature
(select three hours/one course)
ENG196: Topics in World Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG296: World Literature Survey I (3 credit hours)
ENG298: World Literature Survey II (3 credit hours)
ENG331: Modern British Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG403: Contemporary Poetry (3 credit hours)
ENG407: Contemporary Fiction (3 credit hours)
ENG409: Contemporary Drama (3 credit hours)
ENG436: Irish Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG438: Topics in Women and Literature (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Select twelve hours in English courses above ENG112.
Allied Courses
(3 hours required; select one course)
AMS250: Introduction to American Studies (3 credit hours)
AMS450: Senior American Studies Seminar (3 credit hours)
CLA314: Mythology in Greek and Roman Literature (3 credit hours)
CLA316: Ancient Drama (3 credit hours)
CLA318: Ancient Epic (3 credit hours)
CLA370: Topics in Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
HIS323: Renaissance and Reformation (3 credit hours)
HIS335: History of England (3 credit hours)
HIS337: Modern England (3 credit hours)
PHI355: Philosophy of Religion (3 credit hours)
PHI412: American Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI435: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy (3 credit hours)
THE327: Directing (3 credit hours)
Any 300-400 level course in World Languages.
Major in English with Creative Writing Concentration (ENG)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-six hours required.
The Creative Writing Concentration within the English major requires students to complete
the same Core Courses, Required Course Selections, and Allied Courses as the regular English
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Group 1
(select 6-9 hours; any of these courses may be repeated for credit)
ENG361: Creative Writing: Poetry (3 credit hours)
ENG363: Creative Writing: Fiction (3 credit hours)
ENG365: Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction (3 credit hours)
THE330: Screenwriting (3 credit hours)
THE471: Topics in Theatre and Performance Studies (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select 3-6 hours)
ENG403: Contemporary Poetry (3 credit hours)
ENG407: Contemporary Fiction (3 credit hours)
ENG409: Contemporary Drama (3 credit hours)
ENG462: Topics in Writing and Literature (3 credit hours)
*This course will only count for Creative Writing if it is taught as playwriting or
Minor in English (ENG)
Eighteen Semester hours required.
Elective Courses
(18 hours required)
Select eighteen hours in ENG courses above ENG112.
Minor in English with Creative Writing Concentration (ENG)
Eighteen Semester hours required.
Required Course Selections
(18 hours required)
Group 1
(select six to twelve hours; any of these courses may be repeated for credit)
ENG361: Creative Writing: Poetry (3 credit hours)
ENG363: Creative Writing: Fiction (3 credit hours)
ENG365: Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction (3 credit hours)
THE330: Screenwriting (3 credit hours)
THE471: Topics in Theatre and Performance Studies (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select six to nine hours)
ENG403: Contemporary Poetry (3 credit hours)
ENG407: Contemporary Fiction (3 credit hours)
ENG409: Contemporary Drama (3 credit hours)
ENG462: Topics in Writing and Literature (3 credit hours)
*This course will only count for Creative Writing if it is taught as playwriting or
Environmental Science
The Environmental Science program provides an interdisciplinary foundation in
environmental science within the framework of a liberal arts education.
Because of the broad spectrum of environmental fields, students are provided with flexibility
in selecting a course of study that reflects their specific area(s) of interest (i.e., analytical
laboratory studies, field-oriented biology, political science, or some combination). All
students in the program are provided with a common foundation (the “Environmental
Science Core”) and the opportunity to focus their studies in either the Science or Policy
Track. This B.S. degree program (57 to 59 hours) prepares students for future study and
employment leading to several possible career paths in government, industry, research, and
academia. Independent studies and internships are encouraged.
Graduates of the environmental science program will demonstrate:
an understanding of the evolutionary and ecological processes that have led to the
diversity of life on earth and that shape biological systems, especially at the
population, community, ecosystem, and global levels;
an understanding of how humans influence and are influenced by their environment;
an understanding of the scientific method: construction of hypotheses, data collection
and analysis, and the formulation of conclusions; and
skills for effective verbal and written communication to peers in scientific settings.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Rick Kopp
Major in Environmental Science (ENV)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-seven to Fifty-nine hours required. No minor required.
Students majoring in Environmental Science must choose one track.
Core Courses
(22 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
BIO314: Evolution and Ecology (4 credit hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
ENV402: Junior Seminar (2 credit hours)
ENV433: Environmental Science and Natural Resources (3 credit hours)
SOC355: Environment and Sustainability (3 credit hours)
Additional Core Courses
(8 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(7-8 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO214: Organismal Diversity (4 credit hours)
BIO300: Marine Biology (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
GEL113: General Geology (4 credit hours)
PHY109: Meteorology (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(21 hours required)
Group 1
(select 18 hours)
BIO300: Marine Biology (3 credit hours)
BIO311: General Microbiology (4 credit hours)
BIO316: Plat Taxonomy and Spring Flora (4 credit hours)
BIO320: Vertebrate Ecology (4 credit hours)
BIO327: Freshwater Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO335: Genetics and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO435: Conservation Biology (3 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry (4 credit hours)
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE315: Spectroscopy (4 credit hours)
CHE337: Environmental Chemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE339: Environmental Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
ENV460: Internship in Environmental Science (1-3 credit hours)
Group 2
Select one 300-400 level course listed in the Policy Track outside of the natural and
physical sciences.
Additional Core Courses
(6 hours required)
ECO337: Environmental Economics (3 credit hours)
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(11 hours required)
(select one course)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO214: Organismal Diversity (4 credit hours)
(select one course)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
GEL113: General Geology (4 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(21-22 hours required)
Group 1
(select 18 hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ENV460: Internship in Environmental Science (1-3 credit hours)
POS309: State Government (3 credit hours)
POS315: Public Administration (3 credit hours)
POS409: Kentucky Government (3 credit hours)
SOC335: Sociology of Appalachia (3 credit hours)
SOC373: Class and Stratification (3 credit hours)
SOC400: Community Development (3 credit hours)
SOC405: Development and Globalization (3 credit hours)
SOC415: Food and Society (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select 3-4 hours)
BIO300: Marine Biology (3 credit hours)
BIO311: General Microbiology (4 credit hours)
BIO316: Plat Taxonomy and Spring Flora (4 credit hours)
BIO320: Vertebrate Ecology (4 credit hours)
BIO327: Freshwater Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO335: Genetics and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO435: Conservation Biology (3 credit hours)
European Studies
European Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to give students a comprehensive
view of Europe, past and present, from a variety of perspectives. This program provides a
solid grounding in the liberal arts and is excellent preparation for advanced study in graduate
or professional school. Majors are encouraged to study abroad.
A student completing the European Studies major will demonstrate:
Knowledge of the key factors shaping European history and culture;
Awareness of the variety of cultural influences that shape European society including
(but not limited to) such fields as art, politics, literature, religion, and philosophy;
The capacity to produce written and oral analysis of aspects of European culture;
Communication skill in a European language in addition to English.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Ellen Emerick
Major in European Studies (EUS)
(B.A. degree) Fifty-four hours required. No minor required.
Students majoring in European Studies must choose one track.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
HIS331: Revolutionary Europe 1789-1871 (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
POS302: European Politics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required)
Group 1
(select three hours/one course)
EUS350: European Studies Seminar (3 credit hours)
EUS440: Independent Study (1-3 credit hours)
EUS470: Topics (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select nine hours/three courses)
HIS111: History of Civilization to 1648 (3 credit hours)
HIS113: History of Civilization Since 1648 (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
HIS335: History of England (3 credit hours)
HIS337: Modern England (3 credit hours)
HIS343: Modern Central Europe (3 credit hours)
HIS345: Military History (3 credit hours)
HIS412: Ancient Hisory (3 credit hours)
HIS417: History of Modern Russia (3 credit hours)
French Track
(15 hours required)
FRE230: Intermediate French II Through Film (3 credit hours)
FRE235: Conversation and Composition: Intermediate (3 credit hours)
And select nine additional hours of French courses at the 300-400 level
German Track
(15 hours required)
GER230: Intermediate German II (3 credit hours)
And select twelve hours of approved independent study or study abroad
Spanish Track
(15 hours required)
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation (3 credit hours)
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)
SPA310: Spanish Civilization and Culture (3 credit hours)
And select six additional hours of Spanish courses at the 300-400 level
Elective Courses
(15 hours required)
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
ART212: Survey of Art History II (3 credit hours)
ART310: Modern Art History (3 credit hours)
BUA353: International Business Operations (3 credit hours)
BUA363: International Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA423: International Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA443: International Management (3 credit hours)
CLA314: Mythology in Greek and Roman Literature (3 credit hours)
CLA316: Ancient Drama (3 credit hours)
CLA318: Ancient Epic (3 credit hours)
CLA370: Topics in Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG211: English Literature Survey I (3 credit hours)
ENG213: English Literature Survey II (3 credit hours)
ENG298: World Literature Survey II (3 credit hours)
ENG311: Medieval Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG313: Renaissance Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG321: Neo-Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG323: British Romantic Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG327: Victorian Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG329: English Novel (3 credit hours)
ENG331: Modern British Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG412: Chaucer (3 credit hours)
ENG414: Shakespeare (3 credit hours)
ENG416: Milton (3 credit hours)
ENG418: Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG424: Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG436: Irish Literature (3 credit hours)
PHI201: History of Philosophy I (3 credit hours)
PHI307: History of Philosophy II (3 credit hours)
PHI435: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy (3 credit hours)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
POS400: Classical Political Theory (3 credit hours)
POS402: Modern Political Theory (3 credit hours)
POS403: American Foreign Policy (3 credit hours)
POS407: International Law and Organization (3 credit hours)
THE425: Theatre History (3 credit hours)
A second foreign language (French, German, Greek, Latin, or Spanish)
Any Topics, Study Abroad, or other course with a significant European focus, subject
to approval.
Exercise Science
Exercise Science borrows from many parent disciplines in the natural and social sciences in
order to understand the phenomenon of exercise and human movement activities, ranging
from sport training to injury rehabilitation. Graduates typically work in corporate fitness,
cardiac rehabilitations, YMCAs, community recreation programs, commercial health clubs,
and other settings. Other graduates have entered graduate programs in physical therapy,
nutrition, athletic training, occupational therapy, biomechanics, and exercise physiology. A
major and minor are offered in this area.
Graduates of the majors offered in the Kinesiology and Health Science department will
a basic understanding of the physiological, anatomical, and mechanical foundations of
the skills associated with planning, implementing, and evaluating developmentally
appropriate fitness programs;
the fundamental understanding of behavior as it applies to adherence to
the knowledge and skills associated with assessing emergency health conditions
requiring first aid and/or CPR;
the knowledge and physical skills associated with health-related fitness activities; and
a basic understanding of research techniques and tools used in the field of kinesiology
and health.
For the course descriptions for Exercise Science, please see Kinesiology and Health Studies.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Brian Jones
Major in Exercise Science (EXS)
(B.S. degree) Forty-four hours required.
Core Courses
(31 hours required)
KHS214: Foundations of Kinesiology (3 credit hours)
KHS220: Personal Health (3 credit hours)
KHS304: Anatomy for Allied Health (4 credit hours)
KHS306: Physiology for Allied Health (3 credit hours)
KHS320: Nutrition (3 credit hours)
KHS322: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics (3 credit hours)
KHS400: Psycho-social Issues in Kinesiology and Health Studies (3 credit hours)
KHS410: Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology (3 credit hours)
KHS423: Physiology of Exercise (3 credit hours)
KHS452: Senior Seminar in Kinesiology and Health Science (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(1 hour required; select one course)
KHS111: Conditioning Activities (1 credit hours)
KHS170: Introductory Topics in Physical and Recreational Activities (1 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(6 hours required)
Select an additional six hours from any KHS course numbered 180 or above.
Allied Courses
(6 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
PSY211: Statistics for the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
BIO100: Science of Life (3 credit hours)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
Optional Personal Training Track
The Personal Training Track requires students to complete the same Core Courses, Required
Course Selections, and Allied Courses as the regular Exercise Science major. Instead of six
hours of Elective Courses, students must complete the following:
Additional Core Courses
(6 hours required)
KHS413: Personal Training (3 credit hours)
KHS460: Internship in Kinesiology and Health Studies (1-6 credit hours)
Minor in Exercise Science (EXS)
Twenty-two hours required.
Core Courses
(19 hours required)
KHS214: Foundations of Kinesiology (3 credit hours)
KHS220: Personal Health (3 credit hours)
KHS304: Anatomy for Allied Health (4 credit hours)
KHS306: Physiology for Allied Health (3 credit hours)
KHS322: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics (3 credit hours)
KHS423: Physiology of Exercise (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
KHS185: Introductory Athletic Training and Sports Medicine (3 credit hours)
KHS310: Healthcare Administration (3 credit hours)
KHS315: Epidemiology (3 credit hours)
KHS320: Nutrition (3 credit hours)
KHS400: Psycho-social Issues in Kinesiology and Health Studies (3 credit hours)
KHS405: Health Behavior Modification (3 credit hours)
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their places in society and to thrive
in whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the finance major will:
Be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
Be able to communicate ideas effectively;
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the functional areas of business
(accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing);
Be able to apply finance concepts to business problems
The department is committed to providing a broadly oriented professional education to
prepare students for careers in business, government, and not-for-profit organizations. The
finance major contains a large number of required core courses that provide students with a
firm foundation in the functional areas of business. In addition, the finance courses provide
sound, specific preparation for students who seek careers in banking, financial management,
or securities sales.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Tom Cooper
Major in Finance (FIN)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(36 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA342: Investments (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
BUA363: International Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA452: Financial Analysis and Valuation (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO425: Financial Institutions and Monetary Economics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
BUA330: Business Law (3 credit hours)
BUA460: Internship (1-6 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
BUA340: Corporate Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA351: Insurance and Risk Management (3 credit hours)
ECO355: Public Finance (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(9 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
And one course selected from the following:
MAT107: College Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT115: Liberal Arts Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
The study of French language and culture prepares the conscientious student for graduate
school, teaching, international business, the travel industry, social work, foreign missions,
and work in volunteer agencies such as the Peace Corps and Doctors Without Borders.
Language study is also a valuable complement to nearly any other field. Students of French
may wish to pursue a major in Language and International Studies (LIS) and should consider
taking advantage of the many study abroad opportunities available.
Students two years of high school French (level II or higher) desiring to continue in French
should register for FRE102 (Fall). Students with three or more years of French at the high
school level who feel reasonably comfortable with the language should enroll in FRE201
(Spring). Students who have successfully completed 200-level courses will not be allowed to
take100-level courses. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the department chair.
(This policy applies to students who have taken language courses at Georgetown or another
college or university.)
Program Contact: Professor Laura Hunt
Minor in French (FRE)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
FRE201: Intermediate French (3 credit hours)
FRE230: Intermediate French II Through Film (3 credit hours)
FRE235: Conversation and Composition: Intermediate (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select nine additional hours in French courses at the 300-400 level. Upon approval of the
department chair, the following allied courses may also count toward the minor: ART210,
ART212, HIS331, HIS333, IBC319, POS300, POS302, and SOC118.
*Students who test out of FRE201 must complete an additional three hours of electives to
reach the required 18 hours.
Minors will achieve the ACTFL level Intermediate High.
Health Science
The mission of Georgetown College’s Health Science major is to advance the quality of life in
our society by providing students with the knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to
plan, implement, and evaluate health programs in schools, community organizations,
healthcare organizations, and worksites.
Graduates of the majors offered in the Kinesiology and Health Science department will
a basic understanding of the physiological, anatomical, and mechanical foundations of
the skills associated with planning, implementing, and evaluating developmentally
appropriate fitness programs;
the fundamental understanding of behavior as it applies to adherence to
the knowledge and skills associated with assessing emergency health conditions
requiring first aid and/or CPR;
the knowledge and physical skills associated with health-related fitness activities; and
a basic understanding of research techniques and tools used in the field of kinesiology
and health.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Jean Kiernan
Major in Health Science (HSC)
(B.S. degree) Forty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(31 hours required)
KHS180: First Aid, CPR, and Sport Safety (3 credit hours)
KHS214: Foundations of Kinesiology (3 credit hours)
KHS220: Personal Health (3 credit hours)
KHS304: Anatomy for Allied Health (4 credit hours)
KHS306: Physiology for Allied Health (3 credit hours)
KHS310: Healthcare Administration (3 credit hours)
KHS320: Nutrition (3 credit hours)
KHS400: Psycho-social Issues in Kinesiology and Health Studies (3 credit hours)
KHS405: Health Behavior Modification (3 credit hours)
KHS452: Senior Seminar in Kinesiology and Health Science (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required; select two courses)
KHS185: Introductory Athletic Training and Sports Medicine (3 credit hours)
KHS200: Medical Terminology (3 credit hours)
KHS315: Epidemiology (3 credit hours)
KHS322: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics (3 credit hours)
KHS324: Environmental Health (3 credit hours)
KHS423: Physiology of Exercise (3 credit hours)
KHS460: Internship in Kinesiology and Health Studies (1-6 credit hours)
KHS470: Advanced Topics in Kinesiology and Health Studies (3-6 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(6 hours required; select one course from each group)
Group 1
PSY211: Statistics for the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
Group 2
BIO100: Science of Life (3 credit hours)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
Students intending on applying to Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Physician
Assistant programs must take BIO111 (not BIO100) as a requirement for applying to the
graduate program.
Healthcare Administration
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their place in society and to thrive in
whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the Healthcare
Administration major will be skilled in combining compassion and caring for people with
principled business leadership.
Graduates will demonstrate work-force readiness skills in healthcare industry standards of
Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment – understand the US healthcare system
sectors, stakeholders, contemporary policy issues, technology, and business
Business Skills and Knowledge – apply business principles, including systems
thinking, to the healthcare environment.
Communication and Relationship Management – communicate clearly and concisely
with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and
community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and
Leadership – foundational understanding and ability to inspire individual and
organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to
attain strategic ends and successful performance.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Sarah Whitis
Major in Healthcare Administration (HCA)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(42 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA307: Introduction to Healthcare Administration: Policy, Organization, and
Management (3 credit hours)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
BUA367: Human Resource Management (3 credit hours)
BUA377: Organizational Behavior (3 credit hours)
BUA407: Healthcare Systems: US Health Care Delivery System (3 credit hours)
BUA457: Valu Based Healthcare Administration--Linking Finance and Quality (3 credit
BUA460: Internship (1-6 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(9 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI385: Medical Ethics (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
MAT107: College Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT115: Liberal Arts Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
Minor in Healthcare Administration (HCA)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(18 hours required)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA307: Introduction to Healthcare Administration: Policy, Organization, and
Management (3 credit hours)
BUA407: Healthcare Systems: US Health Care Delivery System (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
History involves the study of most aspects of the human experience over time — politics,
social life, cultural developments, military affairs, diplomacy, ethnicity, technology,
economics, religion, literature, and so much more. It is a story of real people and how they
responded to change, choice, or conflict. Studying the past offers us a valuable perspective
for understanding our own time. Students in the history department learn valuable skills-
how to do research, analyze evidence, put issues in proper context, and communicate in a
clear and coherent way- that can be used in many different contexts. Internships and study
abroad represent examples of the ways students can learn more outside the college classroom.
In short, the history department prepares students to do well in the wider world.
History majors will complete requirements for the major — including producing and
defending a primary research paper — in a timely fashion while meeting departmental
standards. Additionally, students who major in history will be presented with opportunities
for involvement in the field of history outside of the classroom, including membership in the
Phi Alpha Theta history honorary, field study, study abroad, and attendance at and
submission of papers to history conferences and contests. History majors will:
develop a workable knowledge of important facts, themes, and issues of American,
European, and world history;
become familiar with varieties of sources, techniques of source evaluation, and
methods of historical interpretation utilized by historians;
develop skills of critical thinking, analysis, and written and oral communication that
allow for informed assessment, debate, and defense of historical issues and arguments;
develop the ability to distinguish historical similarities and differences among
different cultures/societies and across time.
For more information about the History major leading to a teaching certification, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Harold Tallant
Major in History (HIS)
(B. A. degree) Thirty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(12 hours required)
HIS250: Historical Methods (3 credit hours)
HIS450: Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
And select a two-course chronological sequence:
HIS111: History of Civilization to 1648 (3 credit hours)
HIS113: History of Civilization Since 1648 (3 credit hours)
HIS211: Asian Civilization I (3 credit hours)
HIS213: Asian Civilization II (3 credit hours)
HIS223: Introduction to American History: 1492-1877 (3 credit hours)
HIS225: Introduction to American History: 1877 to Present (3 credit hours)
HIS331: Revolutionary Europe 1789-1871 (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(9 hours required; select one course from each group)*
Non-Western History
HIS211: Asian Civilization I (3 credit hours)
HIS213: Asian Civilization II (3 credit hours)
HIS321: History of Japan (3 credit hours)
HIS424: History of the Middle East (3 credit hours)
HIS426: History of the American Indian (3 credit hours)
American History
HIS223: Introduction to American History: 1492-1877 (3 credit hours)
HIS225: Introduction to American History: 1877 to Present (3 credit hours)
HIS304: Kentucky History (3 credit hours)
HIS306: Colonial and Revolutionary America, 1607-1783 (3 credit hours)
HIS308: History of the Early Republic: 1783-1848 (3 credit hours)
HIS310: History of the South (3 credit hours)
HIS312: Civil War and Reconstruction (3 credit hours)
HIS314: Gilded Age through the 1920s (3 credit hours)
HIS325: United States Diplomatic History (3 credit hours)
HIS338: Religion in American History (3 credit hours)
HIS409: Modern Kentucky Politics and Government (3 credit hours)
HIS430: Recent America (3 credit hours)
HIS475: Topics in the Social and Intellectual History of the Unites States (3 credit hours)
European History
HIS323: Renaissance and Reformation (3 credit hours)
HIS331: Revolutionary Europe 1789-1871 (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
HIS335: History of England (3 credit hours)
HIS337: Modern England (3 credit hours)
HIS343: Modern Central Europe (3 credit hours)
HIS345: Military History (3 credit hours)
HIS412: Ancient Hisory (3 credit hours)
HIS417: History of Modern Russia (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12-15 hours required)
Select twelve to fifteen additional hours in history courses.
*Students may count three hours from their core chronological sequence toward the required
course selections. In such cases, students will take an additional three hours of elective
courses to complete the remainder of the thirty-three hour requirement.
Students must take at least 18 hours of 300-400 level history courses to complete the major.
Minor in History (HIS)
Eighteen hours required.
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required; select one course from two of the following three groups)
Non-Western History
HIS211: Asian Civilization I (3 credit hours)
HIS213: Asian Civilization II (3 credit hours)
HIS321: History of Japan (3 credit hours)
HIS424: History of the Middle East (3 credit hours)
HIS426: History of the American Indian (3 credit hours)
American History
HIS223: Introduction to American History: 1492-1877 (3 credit hours)
HIS225: Introduction to American History: 1877 to Present (3 credit hours)
HIS304: Kentucky History (3 credit hours)
HIS306: Colonial and Revolutionary America, 1607-1783 (3 credit hours)
HIS308: History of the Early Republic: 1783-1848 (3 credit hours)
HIS310: History of the South (3 credit hours)
HIS312: Civil War and Reconstruction (3 credit hours)
HIS314: Gilded Age through the 1920s (3 credit hours)
HIS325: United States Diplomatic History (3 credit hours)
HIS338: Religion in American History (3 credit hours)
HIS409: Modern Kentucky Politics and Government (3 credit hours)
HIS426: History of the American Indian (3 credit hours)
HIS430: Recent America (3 credit hours)
HIS475: Topics in the Social and Intellectual History of the Unites States (3 credit hours)
European History
HIS323: Renaissance and Reformation (3 credit hours)
HIS331: Revolutionary Europe 1789-1871 (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
HIS335: History of England (3 credit hours)
HIS337: Modern England (3 credit hours)
HIS343: Modern Central Europe (3 credit hours)
HIS345: Military History (3 credit hours)
HIS412: Ancient Hisory (3 credit hours)
HIS417: History of Modern Russia (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Select twelve additional hours in History courses.
International Business and Culture
Georgetown College recognizes that business and culture are inextricably linked.
Opportunities for students to participate in the global society and to engage effectively in
business will be enhanced if students have studied business, language, and culture in an
integrated and reflective manner.
The student who completes the International Business and Culture major will:
Be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
Be able to communicate ideas effectively;
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the functional areas of business
(accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing);
Demonstrate understanding of global societies and world issues, particularly as related
to business and commerce;
Communicate with proficiency in Spanish or another global language.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Laura Hunt (WLN) & Professor Tom Cooper (BUA)
Major in International Business and Culture (IBC)
(B.A. degree) Sixty hours required. No minor required.
Core Courses
(30 hours required)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA353: International Business Operations (3 credit hours)
BUA423: International Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA450: Business Policy and Strategic Planning (3 credit hours)
BUA460: Internship (1-6 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
IBC319: Foundations in Culture (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required)
Group 1
(6 hours required; choose one pair)
FRE230: Intermediate French II Through Film (3 credit hours)
FRE235: Conversation and Composition: Intermediate (3 credit hours)
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation (3 credit hours)
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(6 hours required; choose one pair)
FRE301: Francophone Cultures (3 credit hours)
FRE308: French Civilization (3 credit hours)
SPA310: Spanish Civilization and Culture (3 credit hours)
SPA312: Hispanic American Civilization/Culture (3 credit hours)
SPA320: Survey of Spanish Literature (3 credit hours)
SPA322: Survey of Hispanic American Literature (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Select six additional hours from 300-400 level French or Spanish courses and six additional
hours from 300-400 level courses in any discipline as approved by the World Languages
chair. Study Abroad is an essential component to this major and therefore strongly
Allied Courses
(6 required hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
And one course from the following:
MAT107: College Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
Language and International Studies
A degree in Language and International Studies (LIS) is an interdisciplinary major, focusing
students’ attention on the international scene, primarily from historical, political, socio-
cultural, and economic perspectives. The degree combines studies in two different cultures
and languages with studies in such areas as history, political science, art history, philosophy,
world religions, and sociology. The program provides preparation for participation in
internships and exchange programs abroad and builds a foundation for careers in
international relations, international business, marketing, commerce, industry, government,
human resources, and for graduate degrees in international law, foreign relations, diplomacy,
and world language teaching.
LIS graduates will be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of global societies and world issues;
Communicate with proficiency (ACTFL and CEF proficiency levels vary by language
— see catalog course descriptions for specific course proficiency levels) in one global
Demonstrate basic communication skills in a second global language;
Analyze global cultures via their languages, history, politics, art, religions, and
philosophy; and
Integrate knowledge of diverse frames of reference to develop alternate and critical
Study Abroad Experience: Language and International Studies majors are strongly
encouraged to study abroad in a country where their primary language of study is spoken.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Laura Hunt
Major in Language and International Studies (LIS)
(B.A. degree) Fifty-four hours required. No minor required.
Core Courses
(21 hours required)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
French Track
(18 hours required)
FRE201: Intermediate French (3 credit hours)
FRE230: Intermediate French II Through Film (3 credit hours)
FRE235: Conversation and Composition: Intermediate (3 credit hours)
And select nine additional hours of French courses.
Spanish Track
(18 hours required)
SPA201: Intermediate Spanish (3 credit hours)
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation (3 credit hours)
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)
And select nine additional hours of Spanish courses.
Required Course Selections
(42 hours required)
Language II
(12 hours required)
Select twelve hours at any level in a second language (French, German, Greek, Japanese,
Latin, or Spanish).
(select six hours/two courses)
HIS211: Asian Civilization I (3 credit hours)
HIS213: Asian Civilization II (3 credit hours)
HIS321: History of Japan (3 credit hours)
HIS323: Renaissance and Reformation (3 credit hours)
HIS331: Revolutionary Europe 1789-1871 (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
HIS335: History of England (3 credit hours)
HIS337: Modern England (3 credit hours)
HIS343: Modern Central Europe (3 credit hours)
HIS417: History of Modern Russia (3 credit hours)
HIS424: History of the Middle East (3 credit hours)
Political Science
(select six hours/two courses)
POS280: Model United Nations (1 credit hours)
POS302: European Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
POS311: Politics of the Pacific Rim (3 credit hours)
POS321: International Human Rights (3 credit hours)
POS333: Women and Politics (3 credit hours)
POS341: Force and Security (3 credit hours)
POS346: Politics of Latin America (3 credit hours)
POS400: Classical Political Theory (3 credit hours)
POS402: Modern Political Theory (3 credit hours)
POS407: International Law and Organization (3 credit hours)
International Liberal Arts
(select nine hours, three hours each in three different disciplines)
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
ART212: Survey of Art History II (3 credit hours)
ART310: Modern Art History (3 credit hours)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI335: Theories of Economic Justice (3 credit hours)
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI355: Philosophy of Religion (3 credit hours)
PHI365: Social/Political Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI435: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy (3 credit hours)
REL253: Religions of the Modern World (3 credit hours)
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
REL353: Advanced Topics in World Religions (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
SOC365: Education for Social Change (3 credit hours)
SOC380: Race and Ethnicity (3 credit hours)
SOC400: Community Development (3 credit hours)
SOC405: Development and Globalization (3 credit hours)
Students wishing to use German to satisfy the Language I requirement of the LIS major may
be able to do so with courses abroad.
Liberal Arts
The Liberal Arts minor allows students to study a broad range of disciplines while meeting
the minor requirement. This minor is not available to students pursuing more than one
major, including corollary majors, or another minor. None of the hours used for this minor
may count towards a major; however, they may fulfill Foundations and Core requirements.
Program Contact: Jason Snider
Minor in Liberal Arts (LBR)
Fifteen hours required.
Elective Courses
(15 hours required)
Select fifteen hours at the 300/400 level outside of the major department.
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their places in society and to thrive
in whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the Management major
Be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
Be able to communicate ideas effectively;
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the functional areas of business
(accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing);
Be able to apply management concepts to business problems
The department is committed to providing a broadly oriented professional education to
prepare students for careers in business, government, and not-for-profit organizations. The
Management major contains several required core courses that provide students with a good
foundation in the functional areas of business. In addition, the management courses offer
sound preparation for students who seek careers in management of people or processes.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Sarah Whitis
Major in Management (MGT)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(36 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
BUA367: Human Resource Management (3 credit hours)
BUA377: Organizational Behavior (3 credit hours)
BUA443: International Management (3 credit hours)
BUA450: Business Policy and Strategic Planning (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
BUA330: Business Law (3 credit hours)
BUA460: Internship (1-6 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
ECO405: Government Regulation of Business (3 credit hours)
ECO420: Labor Economics (3 credit hours)
PSY313: Psychology of Motivation (3 credit hours)
PSY365: Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(9 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
And one course selected from the following:
MAT107: College Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT115: Liberal Arts Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
The BUA department strives to prepare students to take their places in society and to thrive
in whatever roles they choose. The successful student who completes the marketing major
Be able to analyze problems and formulate appropriate solutions;
Be able to communicate ideas effectively;
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the functional areas of business
(accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing)
Be able to apply marketing concepts to business problems
Marketing creates satisfaction by providing the tools people and organizations need to make
better exchanges. The study of marketing includes examining how consumers make decisions
and how to discover needs and wants as effectively as possible in an increasingly complex
global environment. Because this major includes a broad base that explores all areas of
business, it is good preparation for almost any career in business, as well as for graduate
studyin business and related disciplines. The marketing component specifically prepares
people for careers in sales and sales management, market research, and promotion/
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Scott Takacs
Major in Marketing (MKG)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(33 hours required)
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications (3 credit hours)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA335: Principles of Finance (3 credit hours)
BUA346: Marketing Research (3 credit hours)
BUA348: Principles of Management (3 credit hours)
BUA423: International Marketing (3 credit hours)
BUA454: Marketing Strategy (3 credit hours)
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
BUA330: Business Law (3 credit hours)
BUA460: Internship (1-6 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
BUA338: Consumer Behavior (3 credit hours)
ECO315: Behavioral Economics (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(12 hours required)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
COMM315: Advertising (3 credit hours)
COMM415: Public Relations (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
MAT107: College Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT115: Liberal Arts Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
The various disciplines within the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer
Science are united by their reliance upon:
methods for discovering and demonstrating patterns, and for constructing structures
that exhibit, unify and illuminate these patterns;
applications of these structures to model a wide variety of phenomena in mathematics
and the sciences;
precise language as a means to express patterns and describe structures.
Accordingly, graduates of the Math/Physics/Computer Science department will:
demonstrate knowledge of basic content appropriate to the chosen major;
communicate precisely and effectively on quantitative matters;
perform basic modeling and interpret the results in terms of the phenomena being
modeled; and
read quantitative material, interpret correctly what has been read, and apply it
Mathematics is the art of creating, recognizing, and analyzing abstract quantitative and
geometrical structures. Students who pursue this course of study are trained to solve
theoretical and practical problems and to communicate their solutions effectively. This
training provides a foundation for further graduate and professional study in many fields as
well as for employment in business and industry.
For more information about the Math major leading to a teaching certification, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelors (BA or BS)
Program Contact: Professor William Harris
Major in Mathematics (MAT)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(21 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
MAT301: Discrete Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT310: Linear Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT325: Calculus III (3 credit hours)
MAT415: Abstract Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT431: Real Analysis I (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select nine additional hours among 300-400 level math courses.
Allied Courses
(3 hours required)
CSC115: Computer Science I (3 credit hours)
Major in Mathematics (MAT)
(B.S. degree) Thirty-nine to forty hours required.
Core Courses
(21 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
MAT301: Discrete Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT310: Linear Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT325: Calculus III (3 credit hours)
MAT331: Probability Theory (3 credit hours)
MAT332: Mathematical Statistics (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(9 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
MAT415: Abstract Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT431: Real Analysis I (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select two courses)
MAT303: Fundamentals of Data Computing (3 credit hours)
MAT343: Mathematical Modeling (3 credit hours)
MAT345: Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(3 hours required; select one course)
CSC324: Web Programming (3 credit hours)
CSC405: Database Management (3 credit hours)
ECO304: Regression Analysis in Business and Economics (3 credit hours)
ECO313: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 credit hours)
PHY212: College Physics II (4 credit hours)
Any 300-400 level math course
Allied Courses
(6 hours required)
CSC115: Computer Science I (3 credit hours)
CSC215: Computer Science II (3 credit hours)
Minor in Mathematics (MAT)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
MAT301: Discrete Mathematics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select nine additional hours among 300-400 level math courses.
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
The interdisciplinary minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies amplifies students’ liberal
arts educations by focusing on an especially rich and diverse period of cultural history.
Examining how medieval and early modern women and men lived, thought, governed,
worshipped, and created art, minors apply analytical methods and approaches associated
with a range of disciplines to various kinds of early texts. Students who complete the
program will emerge with a deep understanding of the differences and continuities between
the two epochs, as well as with a clearer idea of how those eras were shaped by antiquity and
how they have, in turn, shaped the modern and postmodern Western world. Medieval and
Renaissance Studies minors will:
demonstrate knowledge of core medieval and Renaissance primary texts, including
literary and historical documents;
articulate an understanding of the cultural changes and continuities between the
Middle Ages and Renaissance; and
conduct advanced research in medieval and Renaissance cultural history, using the
varied methods of analysis associated with interdisciplinary coursework.
Program Contact: Professor Holly Barbaccia
Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MRST)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Course
(3 hours required)
ENG211: English Literature Survey I (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(18 hours required)
Group 1
(select three hours/one course)
ENG313: Renaissance Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG414: Shakespeare (3 credit hours)
ENG416: Milton (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select three hours/one course)
ENG311: Medieval Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG412: Chaucer (3 credit hours)
ENG418: Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (3 credit hours)
Group 3
(select six hours/two courses)
HIS323: Renaissance and Reformation (3 credit hours)
HIS335: History of England (3 credit hours)
Group 4
(select six hours/two courses)
ART210: Survey of Art History I (3 credit hours)
CLA314: Mythology in Greek and Roman Literature (3 credit hours)
CLA316: Ancient Drama (3 credit hours)
CLA318: Ancient Epic (3 credit hours)
CLA370: Topics in Classical Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG452: Topics in the English Language (3 credit hours)
POS400: Classical Political Theory (3 credit hours)
PHI201: History of Philosophy I (3 credit hours)
SPA420: Spanish Literature of the Golden Age (3 credit hours)
THE425: Theatre History (3 credit hours)
*This course is only accepted for the minor when offered as History of the English Language.
The Georgetown College Department of Music is housed in the Nunnelley Music Building.
The primary goal of the department is to provide a wealth of meaningful experiences with
and about music for all members of our campus community. Within the historic and
distinctive tradition of liberal arts scholarship for which the College is nationally recognized,
the department strives for excellence, whether in the classroom, studio, or ensemble setting.
Program Contact: Professor Pete LaRue
Minor in Music (MUS)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(12 hours required)
MUS111: Music Theory for the College Student (3 credit hours)
MUS126: Music History and Styles (3 credit hours)
MUS149: Liberal Arts Piano Lab (2 credit hours)
MUS335: Conducting (2 credit hours)
MUS160: Applied Music (1 credit hours)
Band Track
(4 hours required)
MUS105: College Band (1 credit hours)
MUS195: College Band PLUS (2 credit hours)
Chorale Track
(4 hours required)
MUS101: Chorale (1 credit hours)
MUS191: Chorale PLUS (2 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(2-3 hours required; select one course)
MUS305: Tunes for Twangers - A History of Country Music (2 credit hours)
MUS307: History of Rock Music (3 credit hours)
MUS309: Film Music: From Psyco to Star Wars, and More! (3 credit hours)
MUS315: Public School Music (2 credit hours)
*Minors are required to complete two semesters of MUS160.
Philosophy studies the basic beliefs that support all of our thinking and living. These beliefs
are about the nature and existence of the universe, God, persons, free will, space/time, and
causality; about evidence, theory-testing, and rational judgment; and about justice, the good
person, and moral education. The curriculum emphasizes the history of philosophy, as well
as recent philosophical work concerning religion, science, business activity, environmental
ethics, poverty, and social justice. Philosophy students will develop skills to evaluate
critically what they read, to examine and to write clearly about what they believe, and to
think in a cooperative way. These skills are useful in most careers and in graduate and
advanced professional study. Majors often select an area of philosophy for independent
study, and many students choose to double-major. The Department offers innovative tutorial
courses to prepare students for study at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University.
Philosophy graduates will demonstrate:
a basic understanding of major western traditions in ethics;
a basic understanding of the history of western philosophy from the ancient world
through the modern period;
a basic understanding of formal symbolic logic and its application to arguments in
ordinary language;
a basic understanding of one or more areas of philosophy related to the student’s
successful application in a major independent project of fundamental research skills
related to philosophy, including synthesis and critical evaluation of arguments,
clarification and critical evaluation of one’s own beliefs and values, logical
argumentation, organized written and oral presentation of ideas, and critical analysis
of cultural trends.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Roger Ward
Major in Philosophy (PHI)
(B.A. degree) Thirty semester hours required.
Core Courses
(15 hours required)
PHI151: Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI152: Logic (3 credit hours)
PHI201: History of Philosophy I (3 credit hours)
PHI307: History of Philosophy II (3 credit hours)
PHI450: Seminar (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
PHI412: American Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI435: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required; select four courses)
PHI195: Discovering Vocation (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI335: Theories of Economic Justice (3 credit hours)
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI355: Philosophy of Religion (3 credit hours)
PHI365: Social/Political Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI370: Topics in Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI385: Medical Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI440: Independent Study (3 credit hours)
Minor in Philosophy (PHI)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(12 hours required)
PHI151: Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI152: Logic (3 credit hours)
PHI201: History of Philosophy I (3 credit hours)
PHI307: History of Philosophy II (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(6 hours required; select two courses)
PHI195: Discovering Vocation (3 credit hours)
PHI325: Business Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI335: Theories of Economic Justice (3 credit hours)
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI355: Philosophy of Religion (3 credit hours)
PHI365: Social/Political Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI370: Topics in Philosophy (3 credit hours)
PHI385: Medical Ethics (3 credit hours)
PHI440: Independent Study (3 credit hours)
Physics is the study of the physical universe. In physics, students learn to solve theoretical
and practical problems using fundamental principles and to effectively communicate those
solutions. This study provides preparation for graduate studies in physics, engineering, and
other physical sciences and in professional schools, as well as preparation for positions in
The various disciplines represented within the Department of Mathematics, Physics and
Computer Science are united by their reliance upon:
methods for discovering and demonstrating patterns, and for constructing structures
that exhibit, unify, and illuminate these patterns;
application of these structures to model a wide variety of phenomena in mathematics
and the sciences;
precise language as a means to express patterns and describe structures.
Accordingly, graduates of the Math/Physics/Computer Science department will:
demonstrate knowledge of basic content appropriate to the chosen major;
communicate precisely and effectively on quantitative matters;
perform basic modeling and interpret the results in terms of the phenomena being
modeled; and
read quantitative material, interpret correctly what has been read, and apply it
For more information about the Physics major leading to a teaching certificate, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Jonathan Dickinson
Major in Physics (PHY)
(B.S. degree) Fifty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(17 hours required)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
PHY212: College Physics II (4 credit hours)
PHY241: Engineering Physics (3 credit hours)
PHY319: Dynamics (3 credit hours)
PHY343: Relativity and Modern Physics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(15 hours required)
Select fifteen additional hours among 300-400 level physics courses.
Allied Courses
(19 hours required)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
MAT325: Calculus III (3 credit hours)
And at least ten hours selected from:
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CSC115: Computer Science I (3 credit hours)
MAT310: Linear Algebra (3 credit hours)
MAT345: Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credit hours)
Minor in Physics (PHY)
Twenty hours required.
Core Courses
(11 hours required)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
PHY212: College Physics II (4 credit hours)
PHY241: Engineering Physics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select nine additional hours among 300-400 level physics courses.
Political Science
The general aim of the department is to teach students a deeper understanding of
government and politics both in the United States and overseas. Training in the department
may serve as preparation for graduate school or law school, government jobs at both the
federal and state levels, law school, opportunities in business and teaching, or just being an
informed citizen.
Political Science graduates will demonstrate
in-depth knowledge of government and politics in the U.S. and the world;
a balanced preparation in the four subfields of political science: American politics,
comparative government, world politics, and political theory; and
the capacity for success in law school, graduate school, and careers in government.
Master of Public Administration Accelerated Program
The University of Kentucky’s Martin School of Public Policy and Administration offers
particularly gifted and highly motivated students at Georgetown College the opportunity and
the challenge of integrating their undergraduate and graduate courses of study in a single
continuous program culminating in both a baccalaureate degree and a Master of Public
Administration. The M.P.A. is designed for students with an interest in public and nonprofit
service, allowing them to take graduate-level courses during the fourth year of their
undergraduate program. Application to the program should be submitted by the end of the
student’s junior year. Applicants should have (1) completed at least 86 credit hours of work
toward the bachelor’s degree or be eligible for senior standing in the semester they are
admitted to the program; and (2) earned an undergraduate grade point average of at least a
3.5 in the major field and 3.2 cumulative.
Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Commerce/University Scholars Program
The University of Kentucky’s Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce
offers particularly gifted and highly motivated students at Georgetown College the
opportunity and the challenge of integrating their undergraduate and graduate courses of
study in a single continuous program culminating in both a baccalaureate degree and a
Masters of Arts in Diplomacy and International Commerce. The M.A. program is designed
for students with an interest in foreign service, including diplomacy, national security,
commerce, or international organization and nonprofit organization work. The program
offers the added benefit of allowing students to take graduate-level courses during the fourth
year of their undergraduate program. An application to the program should be submitted
during the second semester of the student’s junior year. Applicants should have (1)
completed at least 86 credit hours of work toward the bachelor’s degree or be eligible for
senior standing in the semester they are admitted to the program; and (2) earned an
undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.5 in the major field and 3.2 cumulative.
For more information about the Political Science major leading to a teaching certification,
please contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Guilherme Silva
Major in Political Science (POS)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(6 hours required)
POS100: American Government (3 credit hours)
POS450: Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required)
Group 1
(select one course)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one course)
POS400: Classical Political Theory (3 credit hours)
POS402: Modern Political Theory (3 credit hours)
POS415: American Political Thought (3 credit hours)
POS425: Political Science Research Methods (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(18 hours required)
Select eighteen additional hours in POS courses. At least twelve hours must be 300-400 level
Allied Courses
(3 hours required)
Select three additional hours in 300-400 level courses outside POS. Students often choose
from Economics, Psychology, Sociology, or History. Allied courses must be approved by the
department chair.
Only six semester hours of credit in the major will be given for courses taken off campus in
the intern program.
Minor in Political Science (POS)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(3 hours required)
POS100: American Government (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(12 hours required)
Select twelve additional hours in POS courses.
Only three semester hours of credit in the minor will be given for courses taken off campus
in the intern program.
Professional Media
Students pursuing a minor in Professional Media will focus their study on applied uses of
media in professional environments. Understanding the theoretical foundations for using
particular messaging, students will complete the minor with a portfolio of work including
press releases, professional social media posts, and digitally edited video that are
representative of the possibilities they may be using in the professional world.
Program Contact: Associate Professor Susan Dummer
Minor in Professional Media (PROM)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(18 hours required)
COMM215: Introduction to Media Studies (3 credit hours)
COMM265: Communication Practicum (1-3 credit hours)
COMM325: Human Communication and Technology (3 credit hours)
COMM345: Emergent Media (3 credit hours)
COMM315: Advertising (3 credit hours)
COMM415: Public Relations (3 credit hours)
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognitive processes, with application to
many human and animal concerns. Students with a liberal arts education should develop an
understanding of themselves and others that allows them to function effectively in diverse
situations, interpersonally and intellectually. The Psychology Department offers a strong
curriculum aimed at providing students with a comprehensive conceptual base from a variety
of perspectives. Emphasis is placed on critical reading and thinking, and understanding the
historical and theoretical framework of psychology and the methodology used in research.
Students majoring in psychology are afforded an opportunity to be involved in research as
well as to participate in local educational and mental health agencies. Many psychology
majors continue their education in graduate school, and the department actively participates
in their preparation for this goal. Should a student choose not to attend graduate school, the
study of psychology successfully prepares graduates for a variety of career options. The
department sponsors three student organizations: Psi Chi, which is the international
Psychology honor society; Psi Alpha Omega, which is open to all students who have an
interest in the discipline; and the Psychology Bowl team, which is a four- student group that
competes during the Kentucky Psychological Association Conference each spring.
The Psychology Department has identified specific learning outcomes for our students. After
completing the requirements for a psychology major, students should be able to:
relate figures, events, and theoretical approaches from the history of psychology to
prevailing research and practice in contemporary psychology;
gain practical understanding of basic statistical procedures using calculations and gain
an introductory knowledge of computer software programs;
master the design and implementation of a student-led research project;
engage in critical thinking about psychology as a science and the ethical issues that
arise in psychological research;
demonstrate information and technological literacy as applied to scientific literature
and use of APA format; and
demonstrate effective writing skills and oral communication skills.
Successful completion of these learning outcomes will be assessed by various assignments in
the required components of our psychology curriculum. Students seeking certification in
teaching should consult with the department chair.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Jay Castaneda
Major in Psychology (PSY)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three semester hours required.
Core Courses
(12 hours required)
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY211: Statistics for the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
PSY311: Experimental Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY411: Senior Capstone in Psychology (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required)
Group 1
(select six hours/two courses)
PSY313: Psychology of Motivation (3 credit hours)
PSY315: Health Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY323: Sensation and Perception (3 credit hours)
PSY328: Learning (3 credit hours)
PSY333: Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY425: Brain and Behavior (3 credit hours)
PSY433: Animal Cognition (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select six hours/two courses)
PSY242: Adolescence and Adulthood (3 credit hours)
PSY260: Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY340: Child Development (3 credit hours)
PSY343: Personality (3 credit hours)
PSY355: Abnormal Psychology (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select nine additional credit hours in Psychology courses.
Minor in Psychology (PSY)
Eighteen semester hours required.
Core Course
(3 hours required)
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(15 hours required)
Select fifteen additional credit hours in Psychology courses.
Students may count only two developmental courses (PSY240, 242, 340) toward the
Psychology major or minor.
Public Health
The focus of public health is on protecting the health of entire populations. This can be
accomplished through education, policy making, and research related to disease and injury
prevention. Public health is a broad field which draws from and applies many different
disciplines including biology, psychology, mathematics, computer science, business, and
public policy. Individuals working in public health may be employed in government
agencies (local, state, or federal), hospitals, non-profits organizations, and in worksite health
promotion programs. Public health knowledge is pertinent to students with aspirations of a
career in medicine and other allied health careers.
Public health minors will demonstrate understanding of:
the underlying science of human health and disease including opportunities for
promoting and protecting health across the life course
the basic concepts, methods and tools of public health data collection, use, analysis
and why evidence-based approaches are essential
the socioeconomic, behavioral, biological, environmental factors that impact health
the fundamental characteristics and organizational structures of the U.S. health
system as well as differences in systems in other countries
For the course descriptions for Public Health, please see Kinesiology and Health Studies.
Program Contact: Associate Professor Brian Jones
Minor in Public Health (PBH)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(12 hours required)
KHS220: Personal Health (3 credit hours)
KHS310: Healthcare Administration (3 credit hours)
KHS315: Epidemiology (3 credit hours)
KHS324: Environmental Health (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required; select two courses)
KHS200: Medical Terminology (3 credit hours)
KHS320: Nutrition (3 credit hours)
KHS400: Psycho-social Issues in Kinesiology and Health Studies (3 credit hours)
KHS405: Health Behavior Modification (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses
(3 hours required; select one course)
PSY211: Statistics for the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
*May substitute: Introduction to Healthcare Administration: Policy, Organization, and
In keeping with Georgetown’s traditions, the curriculum of the Religion Department
emphasizes the study of Christianity but does so in the broad context of religious studies as
they are encountered in the past and present. To accomplish this task, the department
requires majors to demonstrate:
a basic understanding of the content of the Bible and an ability to interpret it in light
of academic approaches;
an understanding of the cultural and historical dimensions of religious phenomena
and demonstrate a capacity to analyze them critically by focusing on special historical
and cultural topics of study;
a basic understanding of Christian theology and an ability to analyze it academically;
a basic understanding of other world religions and a capacity to analyze them
academically; and
an ability to think critically about issues involving religious studies and to base
conclusions on data from the appropriate major disciplines of religious studies.
Through the core courses, the department additionally seeks to introduce students to the
varieties of religious expression. Majors and minors in the department have the opportunity
to gain experience in ministry through courses and an optional supervised internship.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Sheila Klopfer
Major in Religion (REL)
(B.A. degree)
Thirty hours required.
Students majoring in Religion must choose one track.
Core Courses
(24 hours required; select one 100 or 200-level and one 300-level course from each group)
Biblical Studies
REL117: Introduction to Biblical Studies (3 credit hours)
REL231: New Testament I (3 credit hours)
REL233: New Testament II (3 credit hours)
REL235: Old Testament Law and History (3 credit hours)
REL237: Old Testament Prophecy and Poetry (3 credit hours)
REL371: Advanced Topics in New Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
REL373: Advanced Topics in Old Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
Cultural Historical Studies
REL243: The Christian Heritage (3 credit hours)
REL245: Religion and Popular Culture (3 credit hours)
REL341: Women in the Christian Tradition (3 credit hours)
REL345: Advanced Topics in Cultural/Historical Studies (3 credit hours)
World Religions
REL253: Religions of the Modern World (3 credit hours)
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
REL353: Advanced Topics in World Religions (3 credit hours)
Christian Theology
REL257: Basic Christian Thought (3 credit hours)
REL357: Advanced Topics in Theological Studies (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(6 hours required)
Select six additional hours among 300-400 level REL courses.
Core Courses
(24 hours required)
Biblical Studies
(select one 100 or 200-level and one 300-level course)
REL117: Introduction to Biblical Studies (3 credit hours)
REL231: New Testament I (3 credit hours)
REL233: New Testament II (3 credit hours)
REL235: Old Testament Law and History (3 credit hours)
REL237: Old Testament Prophecy and Poetry (3 credit hours)
REL371: Advanced Topics in New Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
REL373: Advanced Topics in Old Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
Cultural Historical Studies and World Religions
(select one 200-level and one 300-level course)
REL243: The Christian Heritage (3 credit hours)
REL245: Religion and Popular Culture (3 credit hours)
REL253: Religions of the Modern World (3 credit hours)
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
REL341: Women in the Christian Tradition (3 credit hours)
REL345: Advanced Topics in Cultural/Historical Studies (3 credit hours)
REL353: Advanced Topics in World Religions (3 credit hours)
Christian Theology
REL257: Basic Christian Thought (3 credit hours)
REL357: Advanced Topics in Theological Studies (3 credit hours)
Ministry Studies
(select two courses)
REL211: Introduction to Christian Ministry (3 credit hours)
REL213: Missional Community (3 credit hours)
REL215: Biblical Storytelling (3 credit hours)
REL219: Youth and Family Ministries (3 credit hours)
REL279: Topics in Ministries Studies (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(6 hours required; select one option)
Option 1:
Select two different sections of:
REL379: Advanced Studies in Specialized Areas of Christian Ministry (3 credit hours)
Option 2:
REL379: Advanced Studies in Specialized Areas of Christian Ministry (3 credit hours)
REL460: Internship (1-3 credit hours)
Minor in Religion (REL)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(18 hours required; select one 100 or 200-level and one 300-level course from three of the
following groups)
Biblical Studies
REL117: Introduction to Biblical Studies (3 credit hours)
REL231: New Testament I (3 credit hours)
REL233: New Testament II (3 credit hours)
REL235: Old Testament Law and History (3 credit hours)
REL237: Old Testament Prophecy and Poetry (3 credit hours)
REL371: Advanced Topics in New Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
REL373: Advanced Topics in Old Testament Interpretation (3 credit hours)
Cultural Historical Studies
REL243: The Christian Heritage (3 credit hours)
REL245: Religion and Popular Culture (3 credit hours)
REL341: Women in the Christian Tradition (3 credit hours)
REL345: Advanced Topics in Cultural/Historical Studies (3 credit hours)
World Religions
REL253: Religions of the Modern World (3 credit hours)
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
REL353: Advanced Topics in World Religions (3 credit hours)
Christian Theology
REL257: Basic Christian Thought (3 credit hours)
REL357: Advanced Topics in Theological Studies (3 credit hours)
Security Studies (SST)
Security Studies is an interdisciplinary major and minor designed to give students a
foundation in national and international security issues in the framework of a liberal arts
education. Due to the broad spectrum of security issues, from weapons of mass destruction to
cyber-warfare, environmental degradation, human security and terrorism, students are
provided with some flexibility in selecting a course of study that reflects their area of
interest. At the same time, all students are expected to gain fundamental knowledge in a core
area of study. The major and minor provide students with several future opportunities,
including graduate study, as well as government, industry, or research careers.
The student completing a major in Security Studies will demonstrate:
A core understanding of social, economic, and historical issues central to security
Competency in a field of the natural or physical sciences that will aid in
understanding security concerns;
Effective communication skills;
The capacity for analytical thinking;
The ability to integrate multiple disciplinary approaches to the understanding of
Security Studies.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Melissa Scheier
Major in Security Studies (SST)
(B.A. degree) Fifty-four to Fifty-eight hours required. No minor required.
Students majoring in Security Studies must choose one track.
Core Courses for all Security Studies Majors
(27 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice (3 credit hours)
HIS325: United States Diplomatic History (3 credit hours)
HIS345: Military History (3 credit hours)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
POS341: Force and Security (3 credit hours)
SST450: Security Studies Seminar (3 credit hours)
Biology Track
(12 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
BIO311: General Microbiology (4 credit hours)
BIO314: Evolution and Ecology (4 credit hours)
Chemistry Track
(12-13 hours required)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
And select one of the following options:
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE211: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE213: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry (4 credit hours)
CHE317: Forensic Chemistry (3 credit hours)
CHE337: Environmental Chemistry (3 credit hours)
Physics Track
(14 hours required)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
PHY212: College Physics II (4 credit hours)
PHY241: Engineering Physics (3 credit hours)
PHY343: Relativity and Modern Physics (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses for all Security Studies Majors
(15 hours required)
Group 1
(select 6 hours/two courses)
HIS213: Asian Civilization II (3 credit hours)
HIS321: History of Japan (3 credit hours)
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949 (3 credit hours)
HIS337: Modern England (3 credit hours)
HIS343: Modern Central Europe (3 credit hours)
HIS417: History of Modern Russia (3 credit hours)
HIS424: History of the Middle East (3 credit hours)
HIS430: Recent America (3 credit hours)
POS302: European Politics (3 credit hours)
POS311: Politics of the Pacific Rim (3 credit hours)
POS346: Politics of Latin America (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select 3 hours/one course)
COMM310: Persuasion and Propaganda (3 credit hours)
COMM312: Group Dynamics (3 credit hours)
COMM323: Conflict Management (3 credit hours)
COMM418: Intercultural Communication (3 credit hours)
PHI335: Theories of Economic Justice (3 credit hours)
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (3 credit hours)
PSY260: Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY333: Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
PSY343: Personality (3 credit hours)
PSY380: Psychology and the Law (3 credit hours)
Group 3
(select 6 hours/two courses)
POS305: Urban Government (3 credit hours)
POS309: State Government (3 credit hours)
POS315: Public Administration (3 credit hours)
POS317: American Constitutional Politics (3 credit hours)
POS319: Constitutional Rights (3 credit hours)
POS321: International Human Rights (3 credit hours)
POS325: The American Legal System (3 credit hours)
POS335: United States Congress (3 credit hours)
POS355: The American Presidency (3 credit hours)
POS407: International Law and Organization (3 credit hours)
POS409: Kentucky Government (3 credit hours)
Allied Courses for all Security Studies Majors
(0-3 hours required)
Majors must demonstrate competence in an appropriate world language, approved by the
program coordinator, by completing the second half of an intermediate language course
(Intermediate II or a more advanced course) or by taking a qualifying examination.
Completion of a third year of language is strongly recommended.
Topics courses, transfer courses, or other courses meeting the specifications of the major or
minor may be substituted at the discretion of the program coordinator.
Minor in Security Studies (SST)
Twenty-four hours required.
Core Courses
(24 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
HIS325: United States Diplomatic History (3 credit hours)
POS403: American Foreign Policy (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
HIS345: Military History (3 credit hours)
POS300: World Politics (3 credit hours)
POS307: Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
POS341: Force and Security (3 credit hours)
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice (3 credit hours)
Topics courses, transfer courses, or other courses meeting the specifications of the major or
minor may be substituted at the discretion of the program coordinator.
Social and Criminal Justice
Students earning a minor in Social and Criminal Justice explore historical and contemporary
issues surrounding criminal justice. The Social and Criminal Justice focus prepares students
for work within the criminal justice system or affiliated agencies by bridging the
“professional” field of criminology/criminal justice with the liberal arts, specifically
sociology, by offering a perspective of and experience with building a more just society.
For information on Major in Sociology with Social and Criminal Justice emphasis, see
Program Contact: Assistant Professor John Johnson
Minor in Social and Criminal Justice (SCJ)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(6 hours required)
SOC121: Introduction to Social and Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC328: Criminological Theory (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required; select four courses)
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC302: Classical Sociological Theory (3 credit hours)
SOC311: Ethics in Social and Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC322: Juvenile Delinquency (3 credit hours)
SOC324: Deviance & Social Control (3 credit hours)
SOC326: Restorative Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC373: Class and Stratification (3 credit hours)
SOC380: Race and Ethnicity (3 credit hours)
SOC390: Gender and Society (3 credit hours)
SOC403: Criminal Procedure (3 credit hours)
SOC408: Applied Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC460: Internship in Applied Sociology (3-6 credit hours)
*Recommended course
Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of
human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, communities,
and societies, and how people interact in these contexts. Since human behavior is shaped by
social factors, the subject matter of sociology ranges from the family to education; from crime
to religion; from the divisions of race, social class, and gender to the shared beliefs of a
common culture; and from environment and sustainability to the sociology of sports. Few
fields have such a broad scope and relevance for research, theory, service, and the application
of knowledge. The Sociology Department emphasizes engaged pedagogy, critical thinking,
theoretical and methodological understanding, service learning, and the application of
theory to practice. Sociology majors have the opportunity to be involved in research,
sustainable community development, and law enforcement, as well as local community
service projects. Since many sociology majors continue their education in graduate school,
the department seeks to prepare them for success at the graduate level. Others often utilize
their sociology degree for work in community development, human and community
services, the business world, and a wide variety of careers that involve problem- solving and
gathering, organizing, and analyzing information (i.e., data). The department sponsors the
local chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Sociology Honors Society.
The Department of Sociology requires majors to:
Describe and analyze the relationship between the individual and the social world;
Define and apply key sociological concepts, theories, and research methods;
Locate the causes and consequences of social inequality in an increasingly diverse
Engage in community-based research; and
Explain and apply sociological theories and methods to affect change and create a
sustainable society.
For more information about the Sociology major leading to a teaching certification, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Assistant Professor John Johnson
Major in Sociology (SOC)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(15 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
SOC111: Principles of Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
SOC302: Classical Sociological Theory (3 credit hours)
SOC395: Qualitative Research Methods (3 credit hours)
SOC397: Statistical Methods in Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC450: Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(18 hours required)
Select eighteen additional hours in SOC courses.
Major in Sociology with Social and Criminal Justice Concentration (SOC)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-six hours required.
Core Courses
(27 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
SOC111: Principles of Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
SOC121: Introduction to Social and Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC302: Classical Sociological Theory (3 credit hours)
SOC311: Ethics in Social and Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC328: Criminological Theory (3 credit hours)
SOC395: Qualitative Research Methods (3 credit hours)
SOC397: Statistical Methods in Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC403: Criminal Procedure (3 credit hours)
SOC450: Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select nine additional hours in SOC courses.
Major in Sociology with Sustainable Community Development Concentration
(B.A. degree) Thirty-six hours required.
Core Courses
(18 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
SOC111: Principles of Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
SOC302: Classical Sociological Theory (3 credit hours)
SOC395: Qualitative Research Methods (3 credit hours)
SOC397: Statistical Methods in Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC400: Community Development (3 credit hours)
SOC450: Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(18 hours required; select six courses)
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC306: Social Movements and Social Change (3 credit hours)
SOC335: Sociology of Appalachia (3 credit hours)
SOC355: Environment and Sustainability (3 credit hours)
SOC365: Education for Social Change (3 credit hours)
SOC405: Development and Globalization (3 credit hours)
SOC415: Food and Society (3 credit hours)
SOC420: Research Methods for Community Change (3 credit hours)
SOC460: Internship in Applied Sociology (3-6 credit hours)
Minor in Sociology (SOC)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(3 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
SOC111: Principles of Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(15 hours required)
Select fifteen additional hours in SOC courses.
The study of world languages prepares the conscientious student for graduate school,
teaching, international business, the travel industry, social work, foreign missions, and work
in volunteer agencies, such as the Peace Corps and Doctors without Borders. A language
major or minor is also a valuable complement to other majors, such as Political Science,
Business, Art, English, History, and Theatre. In addition to the Spanish major and minor,
students of Spanish may wish to consider a major in International Business and Culture
(IBC)or Language and International Studies (LIS). Majors, minors, and general education
students reach different levels of proficiency; however, in accordance with guidelines from
the Common European Framework (CEF), and more specifically with the national guidelines
(5Cs) from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), all world
language students at Georgetown College will:
Communicate in languages other than English;
Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures, including their art,film,
literature, history, music, etc.;
Connect with other disciplines;
Make comparisons to other languages and develop insights into the nature of language
and culture; and
Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.
Students with two years or more of high school Spanish (level II or higher) desiring to
continue in Spanish may enroll in SPA115, 102, 201 or above. Students who are uncertain
about placement may contact the department chair to take the Spanish placement test.
Students with fewer than two years of high school Spanish or with no previous knowledge of
Spanish may register for SPA101. SPA101 credit will not be given to students who have
completed two years or more (level II or higher) of high school Spanish.
For more information about the Spanish major leading to a teaching certification, please
contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Laura Hunt
Major in Spanish (SPA)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three hours required
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
SPA201: Intermediate Spanish (3 credit hours)
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation (3 credit hours)
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
SPA420: Spanish Literature of the Golden Age (3 credit hours)
SPA431: Caribbean Literature (3 credit hours)
SPA470: Topics (1-3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(21 hours required)
Select twenty-four additional hours in Spanish courses. 21 hours must be at the 300-400
*Students who test out of SPA201 must complete an additional three hours of electives to
reach the required 33 hours
Credits for approved internships in WLN460 may count toward the major.
Majors are expected to reach the Advanced-Mid Level in accordance with ACTFL guidelines,
B2.1.2 CEF.
Corollary Major in Professional Spanish (CSPA)
Twenty-four hours required.
The Professional Spanish Corollary major is communication-skill oriented to complement
any other major (except Spanish) and is only offered as a second major. Students who
complete the Professional Spanish Corollary major do not need a minor.
Core Courses
(21 hours required)
IBC319: Foundations in Culture (3 credit hours)
SPA201: Intermediate Spanish (3 credit hours)
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation (3 credit hours)
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)
SPA314: U.S. Latino Civilization/Culture (3 credit hours)
SPA353: Introduction to Spanish Translation and Interpretation (3 credit hours)
And select one course from the following:
SPA355: Spanish for the Professions through Service Learning (3 credit hours)
SPA357: Business Spanish or Professional Communication in Spanish (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(3 hours required)
Select three additional hours in an internship (WLN460) or a Spanish course above
*Students who test out of SPA201 must complete an additional three hours of electives to
reach the required 24 hours
Professional Spanish Majors are expected to reach the Intermediate-High Level in
accordance with ACTFL guidelines, B2.1. CEF.
Minor in Spanish (SPA)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
SPA201: Intermediate Spanish (3 credit hours)
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation (3 credit hours)
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(9 hours required)
Select twelve additional hours in Spanish courses at the 300-400 level.
*Students who test out of SPA201 must complete an additional three hours of electives to
reach the required 18 hours
Minors are expected to reach an Intermediate High level in accordance with ACTFL
guidelines, B2.1 in accordance with CEF.
Sports Administration
Sports Administration is an interdisciplinary field of study that draws from a wide range of
academic disciplines. Each discipline informs the enterprise of amateur, professional, and
other sport-related professions. Students work throughout the curriculum to focus on
content areas from a variety of disciplines and apply those concepts to the arena of sport.
The interdisciplinary emphasis of the Sports Administration major aims to educate students
in the skills and theory necessary to assume both leadership and supportive roles involved
with the various roles sport plays within our society.
The Sports Administration major is formed around a core set of classes intended to provide a
solid foundation to any student wishing to pursue a profession in a sports-related
organization. Through the core, this major provides a basic introduction that acknowledges
the various roles and skills associated with being a professional in the field. Furthermore,
students will have the opportunity to explore individualized areas of interest by focusing on
one of two tracks. Although various knowledge and skills will be acquired through both
tracks, each provide a solid base for working within a sports- related organization or
obtaining a graduate degree upon the successful completion of the program.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this program, students should be able to:
Relate foundational knowledge of basic concepts and practices associated with sports
Analyze and think critically about personal and social issues within sports- related
organizations; and
Apply knowledge gained from coursework to an integrative sports administrative
Learning Outcomes: In order to reach the objectives of the program, students will be
required to:
Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and skills in the area of sport industry concepts,
theories, and practices;
Demonstrate effective interactional skills within the sport industry, which includes
leadership, assessment, promotion, and marketing;
Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills related to sports operations, health,
and relationships;
Demonstrate an understanding of sport’s place in society, including historical and
cultural knowledge as it relates to the broader community;
Demonstrate the ability to apply class knowledge to the sport industry through an
internship experience; and
Complete an integrative sports administration capstone experience.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Associate Professor Kenny Sibal
Major in Sports Administration (SAM)
(B.A. degree) Sixty hours required. No minor required.
Students majoring in Sports Administration must choose ONE track.
Core Courses for all Sports Administration Majors
(39 hours required)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I (3 credit hours)
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II (3 credit hours)
BUA333: Sports Marketing (3 credit hours)
COMM333: Sports and Communication (3 credit hours)
KHS180: First Aid, CPR, and Sport Safety (3 credit hours)
KHS214: Foundations of Kinesiology (3 credit hours)
KHS400: Psycho-social Issues in Kinesiology and Health Studies (3 credit hours)
SOC330: Sociology of Sport (3 credit hours)
SAM315: Sports Events and Operations Planning (3 credit hours)
SAM400: Legal Issues in Sport (3 credit hours)
SAM450: Senior Seminar (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours)
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
SOC111: Principles of Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
Select remaining courses from one track:
Communication and Media Studies Track
(21 hours required)
COMM215: Introduction to Media Studies (3 credit hours)
COMM264: Sports Media Practicum (1-3 credit hours)
COMM360: Event Planning (3 credit hours)
COMM460: Internship (3-6 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
COMM315: Advertising (3 credit hours)
COMM415: Public Relations (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
COMM345: Emergent Media (3 credit hours)
COMM420: Videography: The Documentary (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
COMM312: Group Dynamics (3 credit hours)
COMM400: Organizational Communications (3 credit hours)
COMM350: Entrepreneurial Leadership (3 credit hours)
Kinesiology and Health Studies Track
(21 hours required)
KHS304: Anatomy for Allied Health (4 credit hours)
KHS306: Physiology for Allied Health (3 credit hours)
KHS410: Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology (3 credit hours)
KHS423: Physiology of Exercise (3 credit hours)
KHS460: Internship in Kinesiology and Health Studies (1-6 credit hours)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the following:
BIO100: Science of Life (3 credit hours)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
Sustainable Community Development
Students earning a minor in Sustainable Community Development examine issues of
inequality and social transformation in the local, regional, and global communities in order
to bring marginalized groups to the table with an emphasis on building dialogue and
collaboration across groups. The Sustainable Community Development focus prepares
students with applied sociological fieldwork and service learning engagements in order to
prepare change-agents who, as advocates for the marginalized, can serve as catalysts for
change through their experience addressing social inequalities.
For information on Major in Sociology with emphasis in Sustainable Community
Development, see Sociology.
Program Contact: Assistant Professor John Johnson
Minor in Sustainable Community Development (SCD)
Eighteen hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
Select one course from the following:
SOC111: Principles of Sociology (3 credit hours)
SOC118: Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
And complete the following courses:
SOC400: Community Development (3 credit hours)
SOC408: Applied Sociology (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(9 hours required; select three courses)
SOC211: Community (3 credit hours)
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice (3 credit hours)
SOC306: Social Movements and Social Change (3 credit hours)
SOC335: Sociology of Appalachia (3 credit hours)
SOC355: Environment and Sustainability (3 credit hours)
SOC365: Education for Social Change (3 credit hours)
SOC405: Development and Globalization (3 credit hours)
SOC415: Food and Society (3 credit hours)
SOC420: Research Methods for Community Change (3 credit hours)
SOC435: Social Justice Through Folk Music (3 credit hours)
SOC460: Internship in Applied Sociology (3-6 credit hours)
*Recommended course
Theatre and Film
Students pursuing a major or minor in Theatre and Film engage in a two- step process of
investigating both the act of aesthetic performance and the fact of performance in American
and global culture. Because theatre and film synthesize all the arts and humanities, majors
and minors will study the art of stage and screen acting, scenic design and stagecraft,
directing for the screen and the stage, and the history of dramatic representation from
Greece to the silver screen, as well as other courses in the department.
The Department of Theatre and Film offers course work and extracurricular experiences that
foster an appreciation for the art and craft of theatre and film, as well as create a challenging,
intellectually stimulating, professionally-based, participatory environment that encourages
the creative process.
The department requires majors to demonstrate:
a broad knowledge of the history, literature and function of the theatre and film,
including dramatic texts and motion pictures from various periods and cultures;
the ability to analyze a script from the viewpoint of a performer, designer/ technician,
or the director;
basic performance and production skills in theatrical and cinematic productions; and
critical thinking skills that connect performances, texts, and activities to broader
cultural, ethical, and historical concerns.
Students are encouraged to take part in Maskrafter productions, student productions,
departmental reading hours and performances, and Alpha Psi Omega (the theatre honorary),
as well as other campus organizations, such as the Georgetown College Film Club and other
groups dedicated to visual and performing arts.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Ed Smith
Major in Theatre and Film (THE)
(B.A. degree) Thirty-three hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
THE225: Acting (3 credit hours)
THE227: Theatre Production (3 credit hours)
THE425: Theatre History (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required)
THE266: Practicum in Theatre (1 credit hours)
THE267: Practicum in Theatre (1 credit hours)
THE268: Production Practicum in Theatre (1 credit hours)
THE366: Advanced Theatre Practicum-Performance (1-3 credit hours)
THE367: Advanced Theatre Practicum-Production (1-3 credit hours)
THE368: Advanced Filmmaking Practicum (1-3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(21 hours required)
Select twenty-one additional hours in Theatre. ENG414 (Shakespeare) may be used as an
Students may not present more than six hours of practicum credit for the major.
Minor in Theatre and Film (THE)
Eighteen hours required.
Required Course Selections
(4 hours required)
Group 1
(select three hours/one course)
THE225: Acting (3 credit hours)
THE227: Theatre Production (3 credit hours)
Group 2
(select one hour/one course)
THE266: Practicum in Theatre (1 credit hours)
THE267: Practicum in Theatre (1 credit hours)
THE268: Production Practicum in Theatre (1 credit hours)
THE366: Advanced Theatre Practicum-Performance (1-3 credit hours)
THE367: Advanced Theatre Practicum-Production (1-3 credit hours)
THE368: Advanced Filmmaking Practicum (1-3 credit hours)
Elective Courses
(14 hours required)
Select fourteen additional hours in Theatre. ENG414 (Shakespeare) may be used as an
Students may not present more than three hours of practicum credit for the minor.
Women's Studies
The interdisciplinary minor in Women’s Studies enhances students’ liberal arts educations by
emphasizing the experiences and contributions of women from diverse historical and
contemporary cultures. Students who graduate with a minor in Women’s Studies will:
Use the critical methods and approaches associated with Women’s Studies in classes
from a variety of disciplines;
Articulate an understanding of the diversity of women’s contributions, perspectives,
and experiences within and across various cultures, past and present; and
Conduct upper-level research in issues related to women and/or sex/gender.
Program Contact: Professor Holly Barbaccia
Minor in Women's Studies (WST)
Twenty-one hours required.
Core Courses
(9 hours required)
WST211: Introduction to Women’s Studies (3 credit hours)
WST341: Women in the Christian Tradition (3 credit hours)
WST450: Senior Seminar in Women’s Studies (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(12 hours required; select four courses)
ART370: Topics in Art (1-3 credit hours)
CLA316: Ancient Drama (3 credit hours)
COMM329: Gender and Communication (3 credit hours)
ENG438: Topics in Women and Literature (3 credit hours)
HIS470: Topics in History (3 credit hours)
PHI370: Topics in Philosophy (3 credit hours)
POS333: Women and Politics (3 credit hours)
PSY337: Psychology of Women (3 credit hours)
PSY350: Relationships (3 credit hours)
SOC390: Gender and Society (3 credit hours)
SPA324: Spanish American Short Story (3 credit hours)
WST112: Women and Culture: An Introduction (3 credit hours)
WST470: Topics (3 credit hours)
*This course is accepted for the minor when offered as Women and Art
** This course is accepted for the minor when offered as Women’s History
*** This course is accepted for the minor when offered as Feminist Philosophy
Engineering Arts
Special arrangements have been made by which an undergraduate student may attend
Georgetown College for three years and the University of Kentucky for two years and
receive degrees from both institutions. After completing the requirements of both
institutions, the student will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in
Engineering Arts from Georgetown College and one of the following degrees from the
University of Kentucky: Bachelor of Science in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical
Engineering, Material, or Mining Engineering.
In all cases, Engineering Arts Dual Degree students must:
Have a minimum of ninety-six semester hours credited at Georgetown College.
Satisfy the Nexus program requirement.
Satisfy the Georgetown College Foundations and Core requirements.
Take at Georgetown College those courses specified from the list(s) below that
correspond to the degree sought at the University of Kentucky. (Note that some of the
Georgetown College Foundations and Core requirements will be satisfied by courses
on these lists. The courses on these lists are chosen to satisfy requirements at the
University of Kentucky.)
Have your final Georgetown College transcript sent to the University of Kentucky
(this is part of the application process to the University of Kentucky Engineering
Program, which effectively treats Georgetown College students as transfer students).
Pass the comprehensive exam. The chemical engineering comprehensive is in math,
chemistry, and physics. All other engineering comprehensives are in math and
Complete the chosen degree at the University of Kentucky.\
Have your final University of Kentucky transcript sent back to Georgetown College’s
registrar’s office and apply for Georgetown College graduation.
Students matriculating to the University of Kentucky are automatically admitted to pre-
engineering but will need to be admitted for engineering standing in an engineering
department. The conditions for being admitted to an engineering department vary from
department to department and are continually changing. The student should see an advisor
involved with the engineering program for details.
Dual degree students may choose one of the following options to participate in a Georgetown
College commencement ceremony:
Participate in the ceremony during the student’s final semester at GC
Participate in the ceremony during the semester the student’s incoming class
Participate in the ceremony during the semester the student completes both UK and
GC degrees
Students must notify the Georgetown College Office of the Registrar of their preferred
option two semesters before leaving GC.
Students planning to finish at the University of Kentucky must take the following courses at
Georgetown College to complete the Engineering Arts major. Students must complete all
courses listed in the first group and those courses listed in one of the subgroups below
corresponding to the desired UK degree.
Listed requirements are subject to change. See the program coordinator for updated
Becuase Engineering Arts is a dual-degree program with the University of Kentucky, the
learning outcomes associated with this program will be assessed by both institutions.
Georgetown College’s program will support the learning outcomes for the University of
Kentucky Engineering program by ensuring that graduates of Engineering Arts can
demonstrate the ability to:
Apply knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry to the field of engineering;
Communicate effectively;
Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental,
and societal context.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Homer White
Major in Engineering Arts (EGR)
Core Courses for all Engineering Majors
(36 hours required)
COMM115: Professional Communication (3 credit hours)
CSC115: Computer Science I (3 credit hours)
MAT125: Calculus I (3 credit hours)
MAT225: Calculus II (3 credit hours)
MAT325: Calculus III (3 credit hours)
MAT345: Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credit hours)
PHY211: College Physics I (4 credit hours)
PHY212: College Physics II (4 credit hours)
PHY241: Engineering Physics (3 credit hours)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
University of Kentucky Chemical Engineering
(12 hours required)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours)
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis (1 credit hours)
CHE331: Physical Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
PHY317: Statics (3 credit hours)
University of Kentucky Civil Engineering
(13 hours required)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
PHY313: Thermal Physics (3 credit hours)
PHY317: Statics (3 credit hours)
PHY319: Dynamics (3 credit hours)
Upper-Level Math Elective
University of Kentucky Electrical Engineering
(10 hours required)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
PHY313: Thermal Physics (3 credit hours)
PHY317: Statics (3 credit hours)
PHY319: Dynamics (3 credit hours)
University of Kentucky Mechanical Engineering
(13 hours required)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
PHY313: Thermal Physics (3 credit hours)
PHY317: Statics (3 credit hours)
PHY319: Dynamics (3 credit hours)
Upper-Level Math Elective
Depending on the particular engineering program, there will sometimes be additional
courses needed so that the student can be accepted for Engineering Standing in their chosen
department. To assure a timely progression in the student’s chosen program, the student may
wish to take some of these courses during the summer.
Nursing Arts
Special arrangements have been made by which an undergraduate student may attend
Georgetown College for three years and the University of Kentucky for two years and
receive degrees from both institutions attended: a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in
Nursing Arts from Georgetown College and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the
University of Kentucky. Students may be able to attend other schools of nursing, but no
special arrangements have been made with other schools.
Students will attend Georgetown College for four full-time semesters and two part-time
semesters, and the University of Kentucky for four full-time semesters and two part-time
semesters. Students will be part-time in both institutions for two semesters.
Initial Admission to the Program. To be accepted into the Dual Degree Program in Nursing,
all students, including transfer students, should have an ACT composite score of 21 or above
and a high school grade point average of 2.75 or more. Students must also be approved by the
Admissions Committee of Georgetown College.
Continuation in the Program. A student planning to pursue the dual degree program in
Nursing Arts needs to contact the Georgetown College Program Coordinator by the
beginning of the sophomore year.
Admission to the University of Kentucky. At the end of three full-time semesters at
Georgetown College, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher
for work completed at Georgetown College and at least a 3.0 grade point average in biology
and chemistry. Students must have successfully completed CHE111, 112, and 113 before
beginning their nursing courses at the University of Kentucky. In addition, enrollment in
nursing classes requires completion of an approved certified nursing assistant program.
Because Nursing Arts is a dual-degree program with the University of Kentucky, the learning
outcomes associated with this program will be assessed by both institutions. Georgetown
College’s program will support the learning outcomes for the University of Kentucky BSN
program by ensuring that graduates of Nursing Arts can demonstrate the ability to:
Integrate knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences in preparation for
providing humanistic, safe, quality care
Employ oral and written communication and inter-professional collaboration in
providing safe, high quality care to improve client health outcomes
Understand core principles of biology and chemistry necessary for further study of
nursing practice.
General Requirements
In order to be eligible to receive a degree from Georgetown College, students must:
Complete 6 Nexus credits for each full-time semester at Georgetown College
Satisfy the Foundations and Core requirements of Georgetown College as specified for
Nursing Arts*
Complete all requirements for the degree at the University of Kentucky
*Nursing Arts majors are required to take only ONE flagged writing class and ONE three-
hour course in the Fine Arts Area of Inquiry. Majors may also obtain their Cultural
Awareness flags at the University of Kentucky and are exempt from the Wellness Essential
Proficiency Requirement (KHS100).
Dual degree students may choose one of the following options to participate in a Georgetown
College commencement ceremony:
Participate in the ceremony during the student’s final semester at GC
Participate in the ceremony during the semester the student’s incoming class
Participate in the ceremony during the semester the student completes both UK and
GC degrees
Students must notify the Georgetown College Office of the Registrar of their preferred
option two semesters before leaving GC.
Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Program Contact: Professor Rick Kopp
Major in Nursing Arts
Core Courses
(33 hours required)
BIO111: Biological Principles (4 credit hours)
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credit hours)
BIO305: Human Physiology I (3 credit hours)
BIO305L: Human Physiology I Lab: Electrophysiology (1 credit hours)
BIO306: Human Physiology II (3 credit hours)
BIO311: General Microbiology (4 credit hours)
CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 credit hours)
CHE112: General Chemistry II (3 credit hours)
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit hours)
KHS320: Nutrition (3 credit hours)
PSY111: General Psychology (3 credit hours)
Required Course Selections
(3 hours required; select one course)
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)
PSY211: Statistics for the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
Oxford Programs BA/BTh Religion
In the Joint BA/BTh Religion Degree Program, students would receive both a Bachelor of
Arts degree in religion from Georgetown College and a Bachelor of Theology from Regent’s
Park College in the University of Oxford. Students in this program would spend three years
at Georgetown and three years at Regent’s Park College. This degree program has been
specifically designed for students who intend to pursue a vocation in Christian ministry, but
it would also serve those who are simply interested in first-rate study of religion in its
practical context.
Initial Admission to the Program: To enter this program, a student must submit (no later
than January 5 of the second year at Georgetown College) an application to the Director of
Oxford Programs (a copy must be sent to the Academic Policy Committee as well). After a
brief interview with the Director of Oxford Programs, Religion faculty representative(s), and
possibly others selected by the Oxford Programs Advisory Board, the student will receive
written notification of acceptance or rejection within a week. Students must also be
approved by the Academic Policy Committee. A minimum college GPA of 3.3 is required. If
application is made prior to the freshman year, an ACT score of 28 or higher on the English
section is strongly recommended.
Continuation in the Program: Students must maintain an overall 3.3 GPA each semester after
being granted admission to the program. They must also pass a second interview with
Regent’s Park College faculty members (or representatives endorsed by the Oxford Advisory
Board) in the third year.
In all cases, BA/BTh Religion Dual-Degree students must:
Have a minimum of 96 semester hours credited at Georgetown College. (Transfer
students must take a minimum of 25% of their course work at Georgetown College).
Satisfy the Nexus program requirement by completing six NEXUS credits per full-
time semester enrolled at Georgetown College.
Satisfy the Georgetown College Foundations and Core requirements as outlined under
Foundations and Core Program in the Catalog.
Complete REL360.
Complete a minor, second major, or 15 hours of upper-level electives in place of a
Take no more than six hours in religion above the Foundations and Core
requirements and REL360.
Complete no less than 9 elective hours (unless the student is completing a double
Complete a tutorial course no later than the spring semester of the second year with a
grade of B or higher.
Complete all BTh degree requirements at Regent’s Park College in the University of
Up to 32 hours of the work completed at Regent’s Park College will transfer as religion credit
to complete the major in religion at Georgetown College. If a student chooses not to
complete a full three years (or its hourly equivalent) at Regent’s Park College in the
University of Oxford, the balance of the required hours for the religion major and overall
graduation hours could be completed at Georgetown College (such students would not be
required to complete 30 of their last 36 hours at Georgetown College).
Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Program Contact: Professor Brad Hadaway
Athletic Training is transitioning to an entry-level master’s program at Georgetown College
to follow suit with national standards. Students will complete 3 years of traditional
undergraduate education with an exercise science major then apply to the athletic training
program. Upon admission, students will complete 3 years of master-level courses to
complete the 5-year degree sequence where students will exit with both a bachelor’s and a
master’s degree. Students who wish to transfer into the program must meet the pre-
requisites as outlined below.
Certified athletic trainers work under the direct supervision of a licensed physician and
perform a wide variety of services to the physically active population. Their core
responsibilities include: 1) injury/illness prevention and recognition; 2) clinical evaluation
and diagnosis of injury/illness; 3) immediate care of injury/ illness; 4) treatment,
rehabilitation, and reconditioning of injury/illness; 5) organization and administration; and
6) professional responsibility.
Certified athletic trainers are employed in such settings as high schools, colleges and
universities, orthopedic clinics, professional sports, industrial settings, physicians’ offices, and
many other settings. This program will require some off-campus travel to various clinical
sites. Successful completion of this program will allow the student to be eligible for the
national certification examination administered by the Board of Certification.
Students interested in this major should contact the Athletic Program Director for more
information and other requirements regarding this program.
Formal admission into the Athletic Training Program (ATP) is required. The student must
complete the application process in order to be considered for admission into the ATP. The
formal application process for the major consists of:
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
Completion of the following prerequisites courses:
o KHS185: Introduction to Athletic Training (3 hours)
o KHS315: Epidemiology (3 hours)
o KHS320: Nutrition (3 hours)
o KHS322: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics (3 hours)
o KHS304: Anatomy for Allied Health (4 hours)
o KHS306: Physiology for Allied Health (3 hours)
o KHS306L: Physiology lab for Allied Health (1 hour)
o KHS423: Physiology of Exercise (3 hours)
o BIO111: Biological Principles (4 hours)
o CHE111: General Chemistry I (4 hours)
o PHY211: College Physics I (4 hours)
o PSY111: General Psychology (3 hours)
o MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics (3 hours)
Fulfillment and documentation of at least 100 hours of direct observation with the
athletic trainers employed at Georgetown College unless approved by program
Current CPR and first aid certification
Completion of a formal student portfolio consisting in part of application packet,
resume, official transcripts, personal statement, direct observation hours log,
immunization records, background check, and three letters of recommendation; and
Completion of a formal interview with the ATP Admissions Committee. Those
interested in the ATP at Georgetown College may begin the prerequisite courses for
the program during their first semester.
Formal admission into the ATP is typically granted at the end of the spring semester
of the student’s third year. Completion of the application process does not guarantee
admission into the ATP. Admission is granted on a competitive basis. Students not
accepted into the ATP may continue their exercise science degree and reapply to ATP
the following application cycle.
Students with any deficiencies in the above criteria may be admitted at the discretion of the
ATP Admissions Committee. For a more detailed description of the complete requirements
of the Athletic Training major, please contact the Athletic Training Program Director, Dr.
Karla Francioni.
Program Contact: Assistant Professor Karla Francioni
There is no set pre-law curriculum required for admission to law school. Instead, law school
admissions committees advise prospective applicants to acquire a well-balanced liberal arts
education and maintain a rigorous course load. Students should choose a major related to
their interests, but they are also encouraged to take a wide range of academically challenging
courses that will prepare them to think, work, and write well. A student considering law
school should contact the pre-law advisor, Dr. Melissa Scheier, in the Political Science
Department as soon as possible. For more information about pre-law, please contact Dr.
Melissa Scheier.
Program Contact: Professor Melissa Scheier
These are professions which need individuals with a diversity of educational backgrounds
and a wide variety of talents and interests. Specific pre-medicine and pre-dentistry course
requirements and other qualifications for enrollment may vary somewhat from one medical
or dental school to another, but all recognize the desirability of a broad education: a good
foundation in the natural sciences, highly developed communication skills, and a solid
background in the social sciences and humanities. The majority of students entering medical
or dental school hold a bachelor’s degree, but it is possible in some cases to complete the
degree requirements after enrollment in the professional school. Most students major in one
of the sciences, usually biology or chemistry. It is possible to major in non-science areas,
completing the necessary science courses as electives. However, since so much of medicine is
derived from a scientific basis, the student who majors in a non-science field and elects the
minimum number of required science courses must excel to ensure adequacy of preparation
and favorable consideration of the application. The entrance tests require excellent verbal
reasoning skills, so a good background in English is also advised. A student planning a career
in medicine or dentistry should request an advisor from the Natural Sciences as early as
possible. For more information about pre-medicine or pre-dentistry, please contact Dr. Tracy
Program Contact: Professor Tracy Livingston
No fixed pre-seminary curriculum is prescribed by the Association of Theological Schools.
Persons who feel called to ministry should plan a strong liberal arts course of study that will
prepare them for the theological seminaries. Special attention should be given to
development of writing and speaking abilities and the study of foreign languages. Greek may
be chosen as the language required for the Foundations and Core requirement. Many
academic majors can help the student develop skills, enhance learning abilities, and deepen
one’s understanding of the human situation in which ministry take place. A Religion major
offers the best preparation and may be coupled with a second major. Some courses are
especially helpful for student ministers: Biblical Studies, Vocations, Introduction to Christian
Ministries, Youth and Family Ministries, Biblical Storytelling, Ethics, and Counseling.
Students are encouraged to contact the Director of Faith and Service or a professor in the
Religion Department soon after arrival at Georgetown College for advice concerning such
coursework and opportunities to minister in area churches. For more information about pre-
seminary, please contact Dr. Sheila Klopfer.
Program Contact: Professor Sheila Klopfer
Most schools of pharmacy recommend that applicants obtain a strong background in social,
behavioral, chemical, mathematical, and biological sciences, as well as business. Many
students that enter into a professional pharmacy program have a baccalaureate degree,
although a prior degree is not required for admission. The student should consult the catalogs
of pharmacy schools. The following courses are required and/or recommended: BIO111, 212,
214, 311, 305, 306; CHE111, 112, 113, 201, 202, 309, 310; ECO223; MAT111 and 125;
PHY211 and 212. Georgetown College’s Pre-Pharmacy program is a transfer- preparatory
program that allows students to complete three years of coursework that can qualify a
student for admission into pharmacy programs. Specific course requirements for transfer to
the University of Kentucky’s pharmacy program are noted on the University of Kentucky
College of Pharmacy’s website: Students interested in entering other
pharmacy programs should consult the Pre-Health Advisor at Georgetown College. For more
information about pre-pharmacy, please contact Dr. Tracy Livingston.
Program Contact: Professor Tracy Livingston
Physical therapy (PT) degree programs now require a doctorate degree as the minimal
requirement for licensure and practice. Generally, these programs do not prescribe a specific
undergraduate major, but rather require certain prerequisite courses to be taken before
admission to the PT curriculum. Although these pre-professional courses vary somewhat
from program to program, the basic requirements are similar. Students interested in this field
should obtain the requirements of the specific PT program they wish to attend and are
encouraged to have academic advisors from either the Biological Sciences or Kinesiology and
Health Studies Departments.
The minimum pre-professional requirements for physical therapy programs typically
1. Two semesters of general biology, animal biology or zoology, with labs (BIO111, 212,
214, 305, 306, and 325 are recommended);
2. two semesters of general chemistry with labs (CHE111, 112, 113); and
3. two semesters of general physics with labs (PHY211 and 212). Additional upper- level
courses in biology, chemistry, and/or physics are also recommended to increase the
overall value of the application. Courses in general psychology (PSY111), adolescence
and adulthood (PSY242) and child development (PSY340), medical terminology
(KHS200), exercise physiology (KHS423), KHS304, KHS306 (with lab), oral
communication (COMM 200) and statistics (MAT111) are recommended and/or
required by many institutions. Additional requirements include a minimum of 50
volunteer hours. For more information about pre-physical therapy, please contact Dr.
Karla Francioni.
Program Contact: Assistant Professor Karla Francioni
A physician assistant is a health care professional who works closely with a licensed
physician. Admission to PA school is just as competitive as any other graduate program;
therefore, the prerequisites are similar, including a strong background in social, behavioral,
chemical, mathematical, and biological sciences. Additionally, to gain acceptance to many
PA programs, direct patient contact hours may be required. This is typically done by
becoming a certified nursing assistant. A student planning a career in physician assistant
studies should request an advisor from the Natural Sciences as early as possible. For more
information about pre-physician assistant studies, please contact Dr. Tracy Livingston.
Program Contact: Professor Tracy Livingston
Students interested in veterinary medicine should follow the recommendations for pre-
medical and pre-dental students and consult the catalogs of veterinary colleges for specific
course recommendations and other application requirements. Georgetown College offers all
the prerequisites and recommended courses for veterinary programs Students also need to
work in the veterinary field, preferably shadowing both large and small animal veterinarians.
Kentucky has a contract with Auburn’s Veterinary School where they accept at least 40% of
their entering class from Kentucky. For more information about pre-veterinary medicine,
please contact Dr. Tracy Livingston
Program Contact: Professor Tracy Livingston
American Studies
AMS250: Introduction to American Studies
3 credit hour(s)
An interdisciplinary seminar that introduces students to the concept of American Studies
and applies various disciplinary perspectives to a focused topic announced at registration.
AMS450: Senior American Studies Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
An interdisciplinary seminar that requires students to integrate understanding from the
various disciplines represented in the study of American culture. Serves as the capstone for
the American Studies major but is open to students from all disciplines with an interest in
the field.
ART115: Drawing
3 credit hour(s)
This foundation-level art course deals with the basics of drawing using both traditional
media and innovative techniques. The drawing approaches will range from representational
to experimental. This course is suggested as a prerequisite for ART331.
ART117: Design Basics and Color
3 credit hour(s)
This foundation-level art course deals with basic topics of visual structure, the elements of
design, materials and design terminology, and color theory. This course is suggested as a
prerequisite for ART331.
ART119: Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design and Ceramics
3 credit hour(s)
This studio course addresses the fundamental concepts of sculpture and other three-
dimensional practices. Working with a variety of materials including paper, wire, metal,
clay, and installation, students will have the opportunity to examine the formal elements of
three-dimensional forms through hands-on experience. In this course, students will observe
the work of others in the studio environment; explore a broad repertoire of media
possibilities; and critically analyze works.
ART121: Introduction to Graphic Design
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an introductory study in the aesthetics, creative, and technical aspects of
digital imaging and graphic design. Although no one area will be mastered in this course,
students will gain a basic proficiency of Adobe’s Creative 51 Suite with emphasis in
Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Course assignments will address a wide array of topics,
including image manipulation, creation of graphics, overview of typography, and layout
design. ART121 is recommended for all art majors/minors.
ART123: Rock Paper Scissors
2 credit hour(s)
This course investigates contemporary art history and current practicing artists while
students take part in creative exercises and projects. There is an optional one-hour lab,
which addresses the fundamental concepts of studio practices including but not limited to
conceptual development, collaboration, installation, and technical direction. In this course,
students will observe the work of others in the studio environment, explore a broad
repertoire of media possibilities, and critically analyze works.
ART123L: Rock Paper Scissors Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This is an optional one-hour lab for ART123, which addresses the fundamental concepts of
studio practices including but not limited to conceptual development, collaboration,
installation, and technical direction.
ART125: Handmade Photography
3 credit hour(s)
This is an introductory studio course that exposes students to a variety of historical,
traditional, and alternative photographic processes, expanding their experience and
understanding the medium of photography. Students will explore various techniques,
including photograms, pinhole cameras, view cameras, cyanotypes, and mordancage.
Photographic topics will typically be open-ended, allowing students to pursue a mastery of
each technique or address artistic, conceptual development based on their future academic
and career goals.
ART170: Topics in Art
2-3 credit hour(s)
This course provides the opportunity to engage in visual and contextual analysis of art while
investigating a topic of interest in the area of art history, art studio, or curatorial studies. The
course is open to all students and may be counted toward the art major or minor. Topics
include: “Design via Photography,” “The Grand Tour,” “Chemistry and Art,” “Artistic
Traditions of Asia,” and “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Consult the semester schedule for this
information as well as the topic under study.
ART210: Survey of Art History I
3 credit hour(s)
ART210 introduces the basic concepts of visual and contextual analysis in the form of a
historical survey of paintings, sculpture, architecture, and other art forms from prehistoric
and ancient cultures to circa 1450 CE. Art history explores how and why works of art and
visual culture function in context, paying attention to issues such as religious identity,
politics, patronage, and gender while reflecting, too, on the ways in which these works are
mediated and understood by viewers across time. The course is taught from the Western
perspective with some attention paid to content from beyond the Western tradition.
ART212: Survey of Art History II
3 credit hour(s)
ART212 is the second half of a year-long introductory survey of art history which introduces
the basic concepts of visual and stylistic analysis in the form of a historical survey of
paintings, sculpture, architecture, and other art forms from 1450 CE to the present day. Like
210, this course emphasizes understanding how and why works of art and visual culture
function in context, paying attention to issues such as religious identity, politics, patronage,
and gender while reflecting, too, on the ways in which these works are mediated and
understood by viewers across time. This course interrogates the role and biography of
individual artists more explicitly than ART210. The course is taught from the Western
perspective with some attention paid to content beyond the Western tradition.
ART220: Digital Photography
3 credit hour(s)
This course explores the practice of photography through contemporary digital methods.
Students will be instructed in the operation of digital cameras, Adobe Lightroom software,
and fine art digital printing. Course foundations will underscore the basics of camera settings,
subject and composition, and digital workflow. Students will address a variety of subjects,
including topics such as 52 landscapes and portraiture. Students will receive help in refining
their knowledge and vision for the photographic medium, as well as preparation for further
development of personal photographic workThis course explores the practice of photography
through contemporary digital methods. Students will be instructed in the operation of digital
cameras, Adobe Lightroom software, and fine art digital printing. Course foundations will
underscore the basics of camera settings, subject and composition, and digital workflow.
Students will address a variety of subjects, including topics such as 52 landscapes and
portraiture. Students will receive help in refining their knowledge and vision for the
photographic medium, as well as preparation for further development of personal
photographic work
ART222: Film Photography
3 credit hour(s)
This course explores the practice of photography through traditional film/analog methods.
Students will be instructed in the operation of 35mm and medium format cameras, exposure
and processing of black and white film, and printing in the darkroom. Students will also
discover how film-based photography can be incorporated into a digital workflow with a
variety of printing options. Course foundations will underscore the basics of manual camera
controls, calculating exposure, and the craft of hands-on image making. Students will address
a variety of topics designed to broaden their level of experience and personal vision within
the medium of photography (Both 35mm and medium format film cameras are provided).
ART300: Printmaking
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces students to basic methods of traditional printmaking. Each student
will complete individual assignments utilizing multiple printmaking media including
monoprint, paper lithography, and silkscreen. Demonstrative instruction will be given in
woodcut, etching, engraving, and multiple transfer techniques. Students will learn how to
identify various types of papers and will become familiar with a number of fundamental
print concepts such as editioning, registration, group problem solving, and collaboration.
Students will also receive the fundamental processes found in bookmaking. No prerequisite,
although ART121 is recommended.
ART310: Modern Art History
3 credit hour(s)
This course surveys developments in nineteenth and twentieth-century art and architecture,
beginning with the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 and concluding around 1970, with the
advent of color- field painting and minimalism. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical
and critical issues in addition to the historical, intellectual, and socioeconomic changes that
are reflected or addressed in the works of artists and architects. Prerequisite: ART210 or 212
or permission of instructor.
ART313: Art Education
2-3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to address the needs of education majors while providing
opportunities to develop skills in pedagogy, leadership and advocacy, and personal inquiry in
visual arts. In this course, students will: understand the elements of art and principles of
design and will be able to critique a work of art according to universally recognized criteria;
create original works of art using a variety of media and styles; and write and present original
lesson plans incorporating visual arts and Kentucky’s core content. No prerequisite; however,
enrollment in the Teacher Education Program and/or declaration of art major/minor is
recommended. This course offers students a Service Learning opportunity.
ART319: 3-D Practices
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an exploration of materials and techniques leading toward conceptual
advancement and an investigation of personal aesthetics. The assignments in each course will
range from exercises to fully developed works based in conceptual research. 3-D Practices are
offered in four major fields of sculptural pursuits: Furniture making (focusing on, but not
limited to, wood as a material and furniture as a medium); Metal works (a survey of
fabrication practices including, but not limited to, welding, casting, and blacksmithing);
Ceramics (a course that investigates clay as a medium and a conceptual context, including
wheel throwing); and Performance and Installation (using the medium of the body, working
with spatial relationships, and creating installation works). This course is repeatable.
Prerequisite: ART119 or permission of instructor.
ART321: Intermediate Graphic Design
3 credit hour(s)
This course serves as an indepth study of problem-solving and conceptual development
through digital image manipulation, integration of type and graphics, and overall layout
design. Primarily utilizing Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, course assignments address a
variety of complex design problems that encourage both technical and conceptual graphic
design solutions.
ART323: Web Design
3 credit hour(s)
This course will teach students how to design and develop websites using HTML and CSS,
with an emphasis placed on responsive, mobile-ready design. Students will become familiar
with the basic tools of web development, including text editors, FTP appli-cations, and
browser web inspectors, and will develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of
standards-based web design. Skills developed in this course will allow students to design,
develop, and trouble-shoot a variety of static websites. Prerequisite: one art course or per-
mission of the instructor.
ART325: Pottery (Wheel Thrown Ceramics)
3 credit hour(s)
This course investigates the processes found in wheel throwing and glazing ceramic wares.
The course focuses on functional works including but not limited to tumblers, mugs, bowls,
jars, plates, and teapots. Students will learn about clay and their properties.
ART327: Furniture Design and Fabrication
3 credit hour(s)
This course investigates the processes found in traditional and contemporary practices of
furniture making, specifically with wood as a material. The course will cover the use power
tools and hand tools as well as lumber structure, wood species, wood movement, and joinery
techniques. Students will engage in a number of technical exercises leading up to the
creation of finished works.
ART331: Painting
3 credit hour(s)
This course deals with the basics of painting using traditional media and experimental
techniques in which color and composition problems will be assigned. A broad range of
approaches and styles are addressed, and one’s personal creative development will be
emphasized. Prerequisite: ART115 or 117 or permission of instructor
ART332: Advanced Painting
3 credit hour(s)
This advanced painting course further explores composition and painting techniques while
moving toward a greater independence and personal development for the student.
Prerequisite: ART331 or permission of instructor.
ART361: Curatorial Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Students engage in individual and group projects to further their understanding of art
historical and curatorial activities in addition to collections care and management through
reading, discussions, and the planning, design, and installation of exhibitions. One project
includes the student collaboration in preparing an exhibition that focuses on an aspect of
Georgetown College’s history. The exhibition is held in conjunction with the college’s
Homecoming. Students also learn the basics of art handling, condition reporting, and the
professional responsibilities of the curator. Students collaborate with peers and work closely
with faculty, the Director of Art Galleries and Curator of Collections, and the College
Archivist throughout the semester. This course is experience-based and employs
collaborative learning. For this reason, students are not permitted to enroll in this course
with the “Pass/Fail” option. Please see the course instructor for clarification.
ART370: Topics in Art
1-3 credit hour(s)
This art course addresses specialized mediums, techniques, and/or subjects. Topics may
address studio art or art history and have included: Noh Mask Carving, Paper/Book Arts,
Impasto Painting, Alternative Photographic Processes, and Museum Studies. This course may
carry a Flag in the Foundations and Core Program. Consult the semester schedule for this
information as well as the topic under study. This course may be repeated. Prerequisites may
apply; consult instructor.
ART375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a special topic in art history or art theory using the one-on-one tutorial method
of instruction adapted from humanities courses at the University of Oxford, one of the
leading universities in the world. The course is required as preparation for students
interested in pursuing study in art history through the Oxford Program at Georgetown
College. Please consult the art department chair for current offerings. Prerequisite: one
course in art and permission of the instructor.
ART394: Critique Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
Highly recommended for Art Majors in their Junior year, this course provides the
opportunity to engage in visual and contextual analysis of art while investigating a topic of
interest in the area of art history, art studio, or curatorial studies. This course will consist of
formal and informal critiques of independent projects; as well as the development of
conceptual writing for supporting documentation of personal independent work. This course
serves to keep majors on track and accustomed to the process of exhibiting work as well as
their eventual participation in ART495 Senior Thesis. Also it will give those in independent
studies a form of feedback outside of one professor. The course is open to all students and
may be counted toward the art major or minor. This course may be repeated.
ART395: Art History Methods
3 credit hour(s)
This course serves as an introduction to the concepts, methods, and issues in art history and
art criticism. Students will explore several art historical methods before intensively
examining a work or series of works firsthand. In consultation with instructor, students may
choose to research a work(s) of art in the GC Archives, Permanent Collection, or Jacobs
Gallery. Prerequisite: one course in art history or junior standing.
ART440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may select any studio area or art history or art education topic for research and
development. For each hour of credit, a student must complete 45 contact hours. Students
must consult with faculty for application and approval in the semester prior to taking the
course. They must complete paperwork as well as seek approval from the Office of the
Provost. This course may be repeated.
ART460: Internship in Visual Arts
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may undertake professional involvement in a studio, gallery, collection, archive,
organization, or company as a means of preparing for a career goal or further studies in the
visual arts. For each hour of credit, a student must complete 50 contact hours. Students must
consult with faculty for application and approval in the semester prior to taking the course.
They must complete paperwork and register with the Center for Calling and Career. This
course may be repeated.
ART494: Senior Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
This course provides the opportunity to engage in visual and contextual analysis of art while
investigating a topic of interest in the area of art history, art studio, or curatorial studies. This
course will consist of formal and informal critiques of independent projects; as well as the
development of conceptual writing for supporting documentation of personal work. This
course serves to keep majors on track and accustomed to the process of exhibiting work as
well as their eventual participation in ART495 Senior Thesis. The course is open to all
students and may be counted toward the art major or minor. This course may be repeated.
ART494 is to be taken in the final year of study for Art Majors, serving as the prerequisite for
ART495 Senior Thesis. Note: ART394 is not a prerequisite for ART494 but rather serves as an
opportunity for students to participate in the course before their senior year.
ART495: Senior Thesis
4 credit hour(s)
Students completing the BA in art (with a specialization in art history or art studio) will
develop skills in formal and contextual analysis, demonstrate knowledge of art history,
demonstrate technical skills, and produce a capstone project that addresses art historical,
curatorial, or studio contexts. The purpose of the course is to assist students in developing a
portfolio and thesis. For art history majors, participation in the senior research preview and
subsequent 56 research review precede enrollment in this course. During the course, the
student conducts, writes, presents, and defends an original research or curatorial project that
evidences skill with primary literature and current art historical or curatorial methods. A
resume and an art historical statement complete the portfolio. A public presentation and an
oral defense are required. For art studio majors, participation in the senior preview
exhibition and subsequent portfolio review precede enrollment in this course. During the
course, the student develops, exhibits, supports, and/or defends a consistent and relevant
body of work based upon mature concepts and well-developed ideas relevant to his/her
study. A resume, artist’s statement, thesis statement, and documentation of the exhibited
work comprise the portfolio. An oral defense is required. Prerequisite and additional note:
Because the course is the capstone course for the Art major, ART495 must be taken during
the final semester of residence. Before admission into course, students must pass a portfolio
review the semester prior to enrolling into the course.
Asian Studies
AST270: East Asian Cinema
3 credit hour(s)
In this course, we will view films made by some of the great East Asian directors of the past
50 years, particularly of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan.
AST355: Doing Business in Asia
3 credit hour(s)
This course will introduce students to business practices and strategies in Asia based upon the
instructor’s work and study in Japan, South Korea, China, and Taiwan. Students will acquire
familiarity with the languages, cultures and histories of East Asia to prepare them for smooth
interaction with business people from Asian cultures. This course should also enable students
to proactively understand and manage cultural differences and make life and work much
more pleasant in an international context.
BIO100: Science of Life
3 credit hour(s)
A general course designed for students other than biology or environmental science majors
or minors. Laboratory.
BIO111: Biological Principles
4 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the major themes of biology: organismal diversity, evolution and ecology,
and the cellular, genetic, and metabolic basis of life. Laboratory.
BIO212: Cellular and Molecular Biology
4 credit hour(s)
An introduction to cell biology, metabolism, genetics, gene expression, and diversity of
unicellular organisms. Laboratory.
BIO214: Organismal Diversity
4 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the biology of multicellular organisms. Lecture topics include
reproduction and early development, control of gene expression in development,
homeostatic systems of plants and animals, signaling and coordination in plants and animals,
and the history of multicellular life. Lab will emphasize the diversity and evolution of
multicellular organisms. Laboratory.
BIO260: Preceptorship in Health Sciences or Veterinary Science
1 credit hour(s)
On-site supervised experience in the medical, dental, pharmacy, or veterinary sciences.
Forty- eight hours of shadowing required. There will be five evening meetings to discuss
topics to prepare for professional school interviews. Prerequisite: Junior classification with a
minimum GPA of 3.2 or permission of instructor. BIO305 recommended. (Pass/Fail only).
BIO270: Special Topics in Biology
.5-4 credit hour(s)
Research and instructional topics in the biological sciences.
BIO300: Marine Biology
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to marine science with an emphasis on the ecology of marine life and
marine ecosystems.
BIO305: Human Physiology I
3 credit hour(s)
The function of the human body with emphasis on cellular and tissue-level structure and
function. Topics include cellular physiology and the physiology of the musculoskeletal,
cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.
BIO305L: Human Physiology I Lab: Electrophysiology
1 credit hour(s)
This lab is designed to introduce students to the properties of cells in the respiratory, skeletal
muscle, and cardiovascular systems. Most labs will examine the electrical properties of cells,
including electroencephalography, electrocardiography, and electromyography.
BIO306: Human Physiology II
3 credit hour(s)
A continuation of BIO305. The physiology of the brain and sensory organs, and of the
endocrine, digestive, immune, and urogenital systems, with emphasis on cell and tissue
structure and function.
BIO306L: Human Physiology II Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This lab is designed to introduce students to the microscopic study of cellular/tissue structure
and function. All of the major organ systems will be examined in this lab.
BIO311: General Microbiology
4 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the diversity, cell biology, physiology, genetics, ecology, and medical impact
of microorganisms and viruses. Laboratory.
BIO312: Immunology and Pathogenesis
4 credit hour(s)
A study of the bacteria pathogenic to humans and the mechanisms of infection and
immunity. Methods of isolation, growth, and identification of the pathogens and serology are
emphasized. Laboratory.
BIO314: Evolution and Ecology
4 credit hour(s)
Study of populations, communities, and ecosystems, and the evolutionary forces that
shape them. Laboratory.
BIO316: Plat Taxonomy and Spring Flora
4 credit hour(s)
Principles of classification, identification, and nomenclature of vascular plants. Fieldoriented
laboratory emphasizes collection and identification techniques, as well as on-sight
recognition of local flora in winter and spring conditions.
BIO320: Vertebrate Ecology
4 credit hour(s)
An investigation of vertebrate animals emphasizing their ecology, biogeography, and
conservation. Special emphasis is placed on life history strategies. Field-oriented laboratory
activities include the collection and identification of animals, as well as the gathering and
analysis of baseline population data.
BIO325: Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology
4 credit hour(s)
A course on the organization, development, and function of the vertebrate body, with
emphasis on understanding why vertebrates, including humans, are built as they are.
Laboratory includes detailed dissection of sharks and cats and microscopic study of frog and
chick embryos. This course provides a strong foundation for the study of medical or
veterinary gross anatomy, but it is not intended solely for pre-medical and pre-veterinary
students. Laboratory.
BIO327: Freshwater Biology
4 credit hour(s)
Freshwater systems and the nature and interactions of their physical and biotic components.
Includes taxonomic identification, emphasizing the algae, invertebrates, and vertebrates.
BIO335: Genetics and Molecular Biology
4 credit hour(s)
Introduction to both classical and molecular genetics using microbial, plant, and animal
systems. Modern recombinant DNA techniques and their applications are also discussed.
BIO337: Cell Biology
4 credit hour(s)
Relationships of intricate cell structures to specialized cell function, including mechanisms
associated with growth, differentiation, biochemical activity, physiological behavior.
BIO402: Seminar I
2 credit hour(s)
A topical capstone course which draws upon skills, knowledge, and experiences students
have gained throughout their years of college study, particularly in biology. Emphasizes
library research, scientific writing, oral presentations, discussion, and critical thinking.
BIO421: Developmental Biology
3 credit hour(s)
The genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying the development of multicellular
organisms. Topics include control of gene expression, pattern formation, and selected topics
in animal and plant development. Emphasis on reading and discussion of current research
BIO423: Neurobiology
3 credit hour(s)
Selected topics in the function of neurons and brain systems, with an emphasis on reading
and discussion of current research literature. Topics include membrane potential and
synaptic transmission, mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and memory, visual perception, and
the neural basis of consciousness. This course satisfies the senior seminar requirement for
the Biology major.
BIO433: Environmental Science and Natural Resources
3 credit hour(s)
See ENV433
BIO435: Conservation Biology
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of the major anthropogenic threats to biological diversity and solutions for
preserving this diversity. Topics include the rationale for preserving biodiversity, threats
that arise at population community and ecosystem levels, and in- and ex-situ conservation
BIO440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
An independent research project supervised by a member of the department.
BIO460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the facultyapproved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
BIO470: Advanced Topics in Biology
1-4 credit hour(s)
Significant topics in biology. Course content varies. Not offered on a regular basis; students
should consult the current class schedule.
Business Administration
BUA125: Introduction to Business with Computer Applications
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to computer applications and their uses in the
business setting. This will be accomplished through various computer software programs
including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software, as well as the
campus network and Internet access. Students will learn to manage and analyze both
business and economic data and begin to develop decision making and communication skills
applicable in a business setting. Students will develop their computer skills while working
through problems that introduce them to some of the models central to the disciplines of
business and economics. Offered in the fall and spring.
BUA127: Healthcare--It’s Everybody’s BusinessThe Triple Aim.
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the current turbulent US healthcare
environment utilizing several methods of inquiry. Students will explore their own interests
in healthcare while examining how leading health care organizations in the US are pursuing
“the Triple Aim” of health care change and reform: improving the individual experience of
health care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the cost of care to individuals.
BUA170: Topics in Business
3 credit hour(s)
BUA210: Principles of Accounting I
3 credit hour(s)
This is a sequence course. It deals with the accounting policies, procedures, theories, and
practices of merchandising and service concerns. Emphasis will be placed on the accounting
cycle, balance sheet, income statement, partnerships, and the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP). Achieving proficiency in Excel Spreadsheet is a course
BUA211: Principles of Accounting II
3 credit hour(s)
This is a continuation of BUA210. Emphasis will be placed on long-term liabilities and
shareholder’s equity, corporations, the statement of cash flows, analysis of financial
statements, and managerial and cost accounting for decision making.
BUA300: Accounting/Management Information Systems
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the design of accounting information systems, including flowcharting,
understanding specific accounting subsystems, using computerized accounting packages, and
studying advanced spreadsheet applications.
BUA307: Introduction to Healthcare Administration: Policy, Organization, and
3 credit hour(s)
Examines population health with a comprehensive introduction to health services delivery:
historical evolution, how the US health system is organized, managed, financed, and
evaluated. Additional emphasis is on health policy, fundamentals of epidemiology, and
health behavior.
BUA310: Intermediate Accounting I
3 credit hour(s)
Review of the basic financial accounting process, the income statement, and the balance
sheet. Topics covered in depth include accounting applications of time value of money and
accounting for current assets, property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets.
BUA311: Intermediate Accounting II
3 credit hour(s)
Continuation of BUA310, including a study of current liabilities, accounting for long-term
debt, stockholder equity, retained earnings, investments, revenue recognition, earnings per
share, error analysis, and statement of cash flows.
BUA318: Cost Accounting
3 credit hour(s)
Business cost accounting, special records and cost statistics and application to particular
business organizations. Prerequisites: BUA211, MAT125 or 109, and MAT111.
BUA326: Contemporary Marketing
3 credit hour(s)
Current techniques of marketing including e-commerce; addresses fundamental problems in
producing, pricing, distributing and purchasing a product.
BUA330: Business Law
3 credit hour(s)
Principles of contracts, negotiable instruments, sales, bailments, real property, and personal
property. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
BUA333: Sports Marketing
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the marketing of sports. Students will develop an understanding of
price and revenue models for sports businesses and product, distribution, and promotional
issues in sports. Ongoing and current issues in sports marketing will be discussed.
BUA335: Principles of Finance
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the financial evaluation of interest, the time value of money, valuation of stocks
and bonds, risk and return analysis, balance sheet analysis, and capital budgeting techniques.
BUA336: Quantitative Business Methods
3 credit hour(s)
Quantitative analysis in support of managerial decision making, the modeling process, linear
programming, simulation, decision theory, regression models, Q-Theory, and PERT.
BUA338: Consumer Behavior
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the behavior of buyers in the marketplace. Topics will include
consumer psychology and theories of consumer behavior, the history of consumer behavior,
and current issues in consumer behavior.
BUA340: Corporate Finance
3 credit hour(s)
Study of corporations, corporate combinations, and how they are financed. Particular
emphasis given to major functions of departments, issuance of securities, managing corporate
income, and taxation of corporations.
BUA342: Investments
3 credit hour(s)
Investigation of various investments. Primary emphasis on financial assets such as stocks,
bonds, real estate, and insurance. Study of financial markets.
BUA346: Marketing Research
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the applications of research in marketing decisions. Provides students with
knowledge of marketing data and its use in decision making.
BUA348: Principles of Management
3 credit hour(s)
This course surveys fundamental management principles and explores their applications in
specific businesssituations. The principles include all four dimensions of management:
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Prerequisites: BUA211, ECO221, and
BUA351: Insurance and Risk Management
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to risk management principles and an examination of the role of private
insurance and social insurance in the reduction of uncertainty. Emphasis will be on the risk
management process and the concept of Enterprise Risk Management, insurance as a
mechanism for negotiating risky outcomes, personal and commercial insurance options, and
the types of social insurance available in society today.
BUA353: International Business Operations
3 credit hour(s)
A comprehensive course covering the internal and external environmental forces and their
influence in all of the functional areas of the international firm. Topics include finance,
management, marketing, production, and the multinational’s ethical responsibility to the
host country. Also considered are cultural, political, and legal constraints which affect
international business operations.
BUA363: International Finance
3 credit hour(s)
Financing corporate enterprise in a world business environment. Examines the theory of
international financial adjustments, the functions of financial institutions, and the financing
of trade. Evaluating foreign exchange markets, management of currency exposure, estimating
country debt-servicing capacity and external debt financing problems.
BUA367: Human Resource Management
3 credit hour(s)
Process and practices in human resource management including law, manpower planning,
employee selection, development, motivation, performance, appraisal, compensation, and
union relations. Instructional method provides for case method, laboratory exercises and
small group discussion.
BUA377: Organizational Behavior
3 credit hour(s)
The study of individual and group behavior in organizations. Identification and application
of behavioral science research theories and methods. Motivation, interpersonal and
intergroup relations, communications, group dynamics, norms, leadership, power, conflict,
values, task characteristics, formal managerial controls, and the process of organizational
decision making.
BUA407: Healthcare Systems: US Health Care Delivery System
3 credit hour(s)
A detailed study of all sectors the US healthcare system: structure, finance, technology,
organization. Recent changes in health care structure and delivery will be explored with an
introduction to healthcare quality and cost factors.
BUA413: Principles of Auditing
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the generally accepted auditing standards and their application by auditors.
BUA415: Income Tax Accounting
3 credit hour(s)
Federal income tax laws relating to both personal and corporate income; preparation and
filing of returns.
BUA423: International Marketing
3 credit hour(s)
Environmental factors affecting world marketing management. Methods applied to estimate
market potential and to select pricing and distribution strategies, communications to serve
foreign markets, methods to serve the markets, management of marketing functions, and
financing analyzed via case studies.
BUA440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent study course.
BUA443: International Management
3 credit hour(s)
The principles and special problems of management in an international context, dealing with
both the parent company and the foreign affiliates. Emphasis on differences between
domestic vs. international business situations in administration, marketing, finance,
production, and personnel.
BUA450: Business Policy and Strategic Planning
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of the business enterprise as a total system in a total environment. Analysis and
evaluation of the problems, opportunities, and ethical responsibilities which face a chief
executive. Emphasis on formulation and implementation of various strategies. Extensive use
of case problem analysis.
BUA452: Financial Analysis and Valuation
3 credit hour(s)
Financial Statement Analysis is a key technique used throughout the financial services
industry. This course is a study of the tools and techniques used for the determination of the
intrinsic value of a public corporation. Particular emphasis in the course will be given to:
financial reporting mechanics and standards, assessing past and future financial performance,
long-lived assets and long-term liabilities, and the assessment of financial reporting quality.
BUA454: Marketing Strategy
3 credit hour(s)
Developing marketing strategy as it relates to the total business environment. Analysis and
evaluation of the problems, opportunities, and ethical challenges that marketing strategists
face. Emphasis is on formulating strategies through case analysis.
BUA457: Valu Based Healthcare Administration--Linking Finance and Quality
3 credit hour(s)
An in-depth examination of the Healthcare Enterprise linking finance to quality of care.
Analysis and evaluation of the problems, opportunities, and ethical responsibilities which
face a chief executive. Emphasis is placed on formulation and implementation of value-based
BUA460: Internship
1-6 credit hour(s)
BUA470: Special Topics in Business
3 credit hour(s)
Special topics course.
CHE100: Liberal Arts Chemistry
4 credit hour(s)
This introductory course, primarily for non-science students, will introduce the basic
concepts of chemistry and how it affects our life. Particular emphasis is placed upon the
relevancy of chemistry today to problems including air and water pollution, energy
production, and nuclear energy. Practical applications of chemistry to the broad exposure of
our modern life, such as foods, household chemicals, personal fitness and health, and drugs
are included. Includes a 3-hour lab each week.
CHE102: Liberal Arts Chemistry/No Lab
3 credit hour(s)
This course has the same lecture as CHE100 but does not include a lab. (A student may not
receive credit for both CHE100 and 102, but CHE102 can be upgraded to 100 by later
completing the lab.)
CHE111: General Chemistry I
4 credit hour(s)
This initial course on the principles of chemistry is for those who may have a continuing
interest in the natural sciences. Content includes the structure of matter, stoichiometry,
chemical reactivity, gases, thermochemistry, atomic structure, and periodic relationships of
the elements. Includes a 3-hour lab each week.
Proficiency in math at the level of college algebra or a Math ACT >= 22 is strongly advised.
CHE112: General Chemistry II
3 credit hour(s)
This course is a continuation of the material in CHE 111. It will include chemical bonding,
molecular geometry, intermolecular forces, solutions, rates of reactions, equilibrium, and
acid-base chemistry. Lecture only.
CHE113: General Chemistry II Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This course involves laboratory experiences that accompany the General Chemistry II
lecture. The activities are designed to develop skills in the chemistry laboratory via
quantitative analysis, synthesis, molecular modeling, rates of reactions, and inorganic
qualitative analysis. Practical experiments that correlate with the lecture material are
designed to aid the understanding of modern chemical concepts. One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE135: Practical Applications of Chemistry
1 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to expose science majors to some of the many practical applications of
chemistry, such as nuclear power, plastics, household products, nutrition, or drugs, as well as
the interaction of chemistry with other segments of society.
CHE171: Culinary Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This course will examine the principles of cooking and the chemistry of food using scientific
principles. Students will have the opportunity to test theories of improving cooking and to
determine how and why certain foods are used in recipes. Lab is not required with CHE271.
CHE201: Organic Chemistry I
3 credit hour(s)
The nomenclature, reactions, preparations, electronic and structural features of carbon-
containing compounds will be covered in this course. These compounds include many
medicines, pesticides, plastics, fibers, solvents, and fuels. The study of alkanes, alkenes,
alkynes, alcohols, and alkyl halides is emphasized.
CHE202: Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis
1 credit hour(s)
This is a technique-oriented course focusing on the ability to carry out standard operations in
the laboratory. Content includes learning how to determine the melting and boiling points of
compounds as well as purifying liquids by distillation and solids by recrystallization and
sublimation. Also covered are methods of synthesizing and proving the identity of
compounds, chromatographic methods of analysis, and general safety considerations.
CHE211: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to chemical concepts covered in-depth in advanced courses such as equilibrium,
thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear reactions. The major focus will be on the
periodic properties of the elements, descriptive main group and transition metal chemistry,
and solid state chemistry. The lab (CHE213) is optional.
CHE213: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
Laboratory experiences to accompany CHE211 will include qualitative inorganic analysis and
inquiry-based labs on topics relevant to descriptive inorganic chemistry. One 3-hour lab per
CHE271: Culinary Chemistry: The Science of Food and Cooking
3 credit hour(s)
Students will examine raw ingredients and the methods to prepare foods from a chemical
perspective. The effects of temperature, acidity, and polarity on the texture and flavor of
foods will be examined. No science prerequisite, but a core knowledge of the basic structure
of an atom and scientific method will be presumed. Students should have completed the
writing sequence prior to taking this course. The lab is optional. Students with credit for
CHE102 should take this course as CHE135.
CHE305: Analytical Chemistry
4 credit hour(s)
Qualitative and quantitative analyses dealing with both the theoretical and practical aspects
of classical gravimetric and volumetric chemical techniques, spectrophotometry,
chromatography, and electrochemistry are covered. This course places an emphasis on both
accuracy and precision in the lab and incorporates a discussion of elementary statistics and
uncertainty in measurements. Includes a 3-hour lab each week.
CHE309: Organic Chemistry II
3 credit hour(s)
This continuation of CHE201 emphasizes the chemistry of aromatics, ketones, aldehydes,
carboxylic acids and their derivatives, and amines. Multistep synthesis ties it all together.
The theory and interpretation of spectral methods is also included.
CHE310: Organic Chemistry Lab II - Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis
1 credit hour(s)
This lab utilizes more advanced synthetic methods than those covered in CHE202. Classical
methods of organic qualitative analysis, including refractive indices and densities, are used to
determine the identity of unknown compounds and mixtures. Skill in obtaining and
interpreting ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and mass
(MS) spectra is emphasized.
CHE315: Spectroscopy
4 credit hour(s)
This course covers modern analytical methodology, including the theory, instrumental
analysis, and advanced spectral interpretation of UV-Visible, IR, NMR, MS, Fluorescence,
and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. In addition, this course, like many other upper-level
courses, gives students a chance to review the basic concepts introduced in the General and
Organic sequences. Includes a 3-hour lab each week.
CHE317: Forensic Chemistry
3 credit hour(s)
Students will study the scientific principles and analytical techniques applied to forensic
investigations associated with crime scenes, legal proceedings, and current TV dramas. The
class will study the history of forensic science and will be introduced to typical analytical
techniques used for drug identification, arson investigation, forensic serology, DNA typing,
and trace evidence investigation.
CHE318: Forensic Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This laboratory course is designed to complement CHE317 Forensic Chemistry. Experiments
include soil, hair, and fiber analysis; matching glass and plastic samples; fingerprinting; drug
and toxicology tests; analysis of gunshot and explosives residues; detecting forgeries and
fakes; impressions such as tools and footprints; and instrumental analysis. CHE317 is
CHE319: Nuclear Chemistry and Electrochemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This lab provides experience in the use of modern electrochemical instrumentation and in
the study of the characteristics of the three types of natural radioactivity. Materials
containing safe, low levels of radioactivity are utilized. One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE325: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
Advanced synthesis and characterization of inorganic and organometallic compounds using
solution and solid state techniques, along with the study of the properties of these materials.
One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE327: Medicinal Chemistry
3 credit hour(s)
This course covers the basic categories of medicinal compounds and the chemical methods
by which many are prepared commercially. It will also cover the principles by which
pharmaceutical preparations are developed into usable form and the biochemical mode of
action and transformations of selected compounds (such as aspirin and penicillin). The
chemical and legal processes required to bring a compound to market and the history of the
development of some of the important classes of drugs will also be covered. The lab is
CHE329: Medicinal and Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This lab includes the multi-step synthesis and analysis of a variety of medically significant
materials using modern instrumentation. One 3-hour lab per week. CHE327 is optional.
CHE331: Physical Chemistry I
4 credit hour(s)
An advanced treatment of chemical principles will include quantum mechanics, atomic and
molecular structure, the first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry,
and chemical equilibria in gas phase reactions. Includes a 3-hour lab each week.
CHE332: Physical Chemistry II
3 credit hour(s)
Topics will include molecular spectroscopy, the properties of gases, kinetics, and chemical
equilibria in solution phase reactions. The lab is optional. CHE331 and 332 may be taken in
any order.
CHE333: Physical Chemistry II Lab
1 credit hour(s)
In this laboratory course, students will perform detailed measurements of density, viscosity,
conductivity, and freezing point depression. A series of unknowns are identified using
physical measurements, various types of spectroscopy (UV-Visible, IR, NMR, MS,
Fluorescence), and known literature values. One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE337: Environmental Chemistry
3 credit hour(s)
By combining chemical principles with issues of environmental concern, this course explores
the flow of energy through nature, air pollution (global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion,
photochemical smog, and indoor air), water pollution and purification, and toxic substances.
Analytical techniques that are used to measure pollutants in the environment are also
covered. The lab is optional.
CHE339: Environmental Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
By working with EPA sampling techniques and using modern instrumentation to separate
and analyze real samples for environmentally significant materials, students will gain an
appreciation for measuring trace components in complex samples. One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE337 is optional.
CHE341: Biochemistry
3 credit hour(s)
This class focuses on the molecular structures, functions, and naming systems of the four
major classes of biomolecules (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids). It includes
the acid-base behavior of biomolecules, enzyme kinetics, bioenergetics, and practical
considerations of personal nutrition. The biochemistry of glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid
cycle, and electron transport is also covered. The optional lab is offered in even springs.
CHE342: Biochemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
Students will be introduced to the theory and application of modern biochemical techniques.
Experiments will emphasize amino acid, carbohydrate, and lipid chemistry; protein isolation
and characterization via column chromatography and electrophoresis; enzyme kinetics; and
membrane biochemistry. One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE343: Lipid Biochemistry
1 credit hour(s)
This course will explore the structural and functional diversity of lipids. The structures and
synthesis of a variety of lipids including fatty acids, triglycerides, cholesterol and steroids,
Phospholipids, eicosanoids, and sphingolipids will be presented. The roles of lipids in
membrane transport and signaling processes will also be examined. Additionally, pathways
involving the absorption, storage, and mobilization of lipids in response to hormones will be
studied. Defects in lipid metabolism impacting human health will be addressed.
CHE371: Special Topics in Chemistry
1-4 credit hour(s)
Selected courses from fields such as chemical energetics, separations, toxicology, surface and
materials chemistry, polymers, and mass spectrometry. Typically, one topic is offered each
CHE400: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
3 credit hour(s)
Advanced principles of inorganic chemistry will be introduced by focusing on the periodic
properties, bonding, and structural theories of the elements, particularly the transition
metals. Symmetry and group theory, acid-base theories, coordination compounds, and
bioinorganic compounds are also covered. The lab (CHE325) is optional.
CHE421: Computational Chemistry Lab
1 credit hour(s)
This lab will utilize powerful, yet convenient, molecular modeling software suites to model
the chemical and physical properties of organic, inorganic, and biological molecules. Modern
theoretical methods will examine molecular structure, spectra, bonding, and reactivity.
Studies of Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR) and the molecular dynamics
of physical processes will be included. One 3-hour lab per week.
CHE440: Independent Research
1-3 credit hour(s)
A student will work closely with a chemistry faculty member to identify a problem, define a
course of investigation, accomplish the study in the library or laboratory, and submit a
document recording the project. One hour of credit for each 3-hour lab per week.
CHE450: Junior Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
Students will present several short presentations based on the chemical industry and the
chemical literature. Resume preparation, small group activities, and talks by visiting speakers
are included.
CHE451: Senior Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
This continuation of the seminar series includes a 30-45 minute seminar presentation by
each student on a current chemical topic.
CHE460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the facultyapproved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
CHE510: Classroom Demonstration of Chemistry and Physics Principles
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed for elementary, middle, and secondary teachers who want to learn
new practical methods for doing science in the classroom. Topics will include the scientific
method, states of matter, chemical and physical changes, combustion reactions, solubility,
acids and bases, polymers, household chemicals, density, pressure, waves, light and lasers,
and refraction. Students will observe demonstrations and discuss the chemical and physical
principles behind them, perform demonstrations, and design new demonstrations.
CHE520: The Science and History Behind the Atomic Bomb
3 credit hour(s)
From 1939 to 1946, the United States Government led a research and development program
called the Manhattan Project, that resulted in the development of the first Atomic Bombs.
The program was highly secretive, employed 130,000 people at more than 30 sites, and cost
nearly $2 Billion (at its height, equivalent in size to the entire American automobile
industry). In this course, we will explore the science behind the bomb, including the details
of nuclear fission, and the historical significance of the first Atomic Bombs in relation to
helping end World War II and ushering in the Atomic Age. The ethical questions of why the
bombs were developed, why they were used, and what role they play in today's political
scene will be investigated. Students will also collaborate to create a Wiki with imbedded
electronic resources designed to meet specified learning objectives. Also, computer-
controlled sensors will be introduced and used to measure nuclear chemistry phenomena,
along with applications to proposed science lessons.
CHE540: Independent Study in Chemistry
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study in Chemistry.
CHE570: Topics in Chemistry
2-3 credit hour(s)
Topics in Chemistry.
CLA170: Introductory Topics in Classical Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Selected readings from Greek and/or Roman literature, offered at the introductory level,
with emphasis both on developing the skills of literary interpretation and on introducing
students to Classical literature and the discipline of Classics. The course is open to all
students, and can be counted toward the Classics minor. Topics will include, but not be
limited to, “Ancient Epic: Heroes of Greece and Rome” and “Introduction to Classical
CLA314: Mythology in Greek and Roman Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Selected readings of Greek and Roman literature (in English translation) with mythological
CLA316: Ancient Drama
3 credit hour(s)
Selected readings in Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy (in English translation),
combining literary study with attention to stagecraft and cultural context.
CLA318: Ancient Epic
3 credit hour(s)
Selected readings in Greek and Roman epic poetry (in English translation). Readings may
include, but are not limited to, Homer’s Iliad, Homer’s Odyssey, and Vergil’s Aeneid.
CLA370: Topics in Classical Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Selected readings in Greek and Roman literature (in English translation). Topics will include,
but not be limited to, “From Lyric to Satire: Greek and Roman Poetry,” and “Women and
Gender in Antiquity.”
CLA378: Tutorial Topics
1-3 credit hour(s)
Special topics in classics; use of one-on-one tutorial method of instruction adapted from
humanities courses at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
Communication and Media Studies
COMM101: Principles of Communication
3 credit hour(s)
Survey course designed to provide students with an introduction to human communication
processes. Students will acquire a theoretical basis for understanding and evaluating
specialized content areas within the discipline which include: (1) Interpersonal/Relational
Communication, (2) Media Studies, (3) Corporate/Organizational Communication, and (4)
Rhetorical Studies.
COMM115: Professional Communication
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the rhetorical dimensions of public communication in the professional world
including the use of technology to enhance multi-media presentations.
COMM200: Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the social, psychological, and physiological bases of private communication.
COMM215: Introduction to Media Studies
3 credit hour(s)
This course covers the technical and social history of major media from the early days of
radio through the rise of the internet and digital communication technologies. The course
also introduces students to critical perspectives on the media and theoretical conceptions of
what the media are and the role they play in society. Examines the historical and technical
development of the mass media. This course serves as an introduction to basic theoretical
examinations of media.
COMM263: News Media Practicum
1-3 credit hour(s)
Supervised practical experience in news reporting, broadcasting, and possibly webcasting
through the student radio station facilities. Requires two scheduled hours per week for every
credit hour taken.
COMM264: Sports Media Practicum
1-3 credit hour(s)
Supervised practical experience in sports reporting, broadcasting, and possibly webcasting
through the student radio station facilities.
COMM265: Communication Practicum
1-3 credit hour(s)
Supervised practical experience in media production, broadcasting, and possibly webcasting
through the student radio station facilities.
COMM302: Media Journalism
3 credit hour(s)
Principles and problems of news and feature writing for print media.
COMM306: Media Criticism
3 credit hour(s)
Provides an examination of critical theories and their application to a variety of media forms.
COMM310: Persuasion and Propaganda
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of classical and contemporary theories of rhetoric (persuasion and propaganda)
as they apply to speech, media, campaigns, social movements, and popular culture.
COMM312: Group Dynamics
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of the increasing importance of interpersonal communication in small group
situations. Experiential group activities and research required for in-class and outside
COMM315: Advertising
3 credit hour(s)
Examination and analysis of principles and concepts of advertising with special emphasis on
developing creative strategies for the marketing plan and advertising campaign.
COMM320: Communication Theory and Research Methods
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the role of communication theories used to understand and assess
communication in contemporary social environments. Specifically, this course examines
current trends in communication research, along with various fundamental theories.
COMM323: Conflict Management
3 credit hour(s)
Examines the roles of communication in relational conflict. Addresses interpersonal theories
that explain ineffective skills, personal dispositions, and strategies that affect dispute
COMM325: Human Communication and Technology
3 credit hour(s)
This course explores the role of electronic and digital technologies in facilitating human
communication. It addresses questions concerning how technology affects the way we
communicate and how changes in communication and technology may alter our
relationships with one another and the technology itself. Topics will include computer-
mediated communication, text messaging, social networking, and virtual communities.
COMM329: Gender and Communication
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of gender and gender stereotypes related to communication competency in four
primary contexts: intimate relationships (e.g., friendships and family), the educational
setting, the media, and the workplace.
COMM331: Nonverbal Communication
3 credit hour(s)
Examines nonverbal communication codes, including their structures, usages, and
interrelationships. Stresses student understanding, analysis, and application of nonverbal
communication through lecture, discussion, and experiential activities.
COMM333: Sports and Communication
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the influence of communication on the experiences of sport. Students
will examine the impact of media on sport consumption and the dynamics of communication
with sport organizations. Cultural, organizational, and critical theoretical approaches will be
applied to various contexts to explore contemporary issues in sport communication.
COMM335: Media Theory
3 credit hour(s)
Study of a broad range of media theory which exposes students to primary theoretical texts.
COMM345: Emergent Media
3 credit hour(s)
This course explores media that are still developing, the use and roles of which are still being
determined. Students will examine academic studies and practical industrial applications of
emerging media, including social and mobile media, marketing techniques, content creation,
and globalization.
COMM350: Entrepreneurial Leadership
3 credit hour(s)
Attempts to identify the new characteristics and behaviors that benefit new ventures and
also questions whether these characteristics benefit leaders in contexts other than startup
COMM360: Event Planning
3 credit hour(s)
Students will incorporate understanding and practical application of corporate events
coordination concepts with basic Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) principles.
Students will be able to understand and implement event coordination concepts from the
pre-planning, planning, execution, and follow-up phases, as well as understand how IMC
principles such as brand management, audience analysis, and public relations are imperative
to execution of a corporate event.
COMM400: Organizational Communications
3 credit hour(s)
Communication processes within an organization, such as socialization, performance control,
decision- making, conflict management, diversity, and technology.
COMM413: Leadership for Change
3 credit hour(s)
Overview of leadership theories and the examination of the communication processes
involved in developing and sharing a vision, making and implementing decisions, and
managing conflict.
COMM415: Public Relations
3 credit hour(s)
A campaign-based study of public relations literature and practices in business, industrial,
educational, social, and governmental contexts.
COMM418: Intercultural Communication
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of the influence of culture as a primary variable on interpersonally-oriented
communication outcomes in contexts ranging from macro- and microcultures of social and
ethnic identification to countercultures, social classes, rural-urban settings, geographic
regions, and gender differences in organizations and families.
COMM420: Videography: The Documentary
3 credit hour(s)
An examination and analysis of principles and concepts of videography, including the
planning, development, production, and post-production of short-video genres.
COMM425: Seminar in Popular Culture
3 credit hour(s)
Popular culture has been described as a sphere in which audiences struggle over meaning
and understanding of reality. This course explores the study of that struggle, examining the
ways in which the media contribute to the construction of popular culture and help to define
the ways in which we view the world.
COMM440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Study of a limited subject within any communication area, proposed by the student and
submitted in written form stating objectives, methodology, and time limit. Must be approved
by a COMM faculty member who agrees to supervise the study and by the department chair
prior to registration. Only three hours may be applied toward the major.
COMM444: Crisis Communication
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the role of communication before, during, and after crises. Both
theoretical and practical applications of crisis communication will be studied. Students are
expected to complete projects that intersect interpersonal, corporate, community, and
mediated contexts.
COMM450: Seminar in Communication and Media Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Integrative experiences and research on current topics of interest in communication theory
and practices.
COMM460: Internship
3-6 credit hour(s)
Fieldwork activity in a related communication field to apply classroom theory.
COMM471: Topics in Communication and Media Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Group study of selected topics in special areas, such as Communication Theory,
Ethnography, Family, Health Care, and Electronic Media.
Computer Science
CSC115: Computer Science I
3 credit hour(s)
Developing algorithms to solve problems and using the computer as a means to implement
algorithms and to automate tasks. The course includes the study of a modern computer
language along with the programming paradigms that it represents. Topics include variables,
control structures, data structures, objects and reuse of code.
CSC215: Computer Science II
3 credit hour(s)
This course includes the study of the computer language and programming topics begun in
CSC 115. It also covers tools and resources available in the larger “eco-system” of the
language, and introduces students to development tools, including version control systems.
CSC303: Fundamentals of Data Computing
3 credit hour(s)
This course focuses on data analysis in settings where the data is so large, dispersed or messy
that machine-processing is required to gather, clean and transform it into forms suitable for
analysis. We also study computer-based techniques for the analysis of such data, including
machine data visualization and machinelearning. Finally we consider how the practice of
reproducible research and the development of interactive web-based applications can
enhance communication of the results of data analysis.
CSC323: Web Design
3 credit hour(s)
The study of basic front-end web design, including HTML and CSS and other design topics.
Possible topics include: CSS frameworks, static site generators, flat content-management
systems and elementary JavaScript. ART 323 may be substituted for this course in order to
fulfill requirements of the Computer Science minor.
CSC324: Web Programming
3 credit hour(s)
The study of one or more web programming languages, and the application of these
languages in frontend and back-end web development.
CSC405: Database Management
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces database concepts necessary to inform the choice of a database system
for applications, and to construct and use a database. At least one type of database system is
studied, and is used in both data analysis and web-app development settings.
CSC440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent study course
CSC460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the facultyapproved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
CSC470: Topics in Computer Science
1-3 credit hour(s)
Topics in Computer Science
ECO221: Principles of Macroeconomics
3 credit hour(s)
A study of national income determination, commercial and central banking, money,
monetary policy, fiscal policy, economic growth, and the economics of trade and exchange
rates. Some knowledge of basic mathematics and algebra, as well as the ability to understand
and interpret economic data, is desirable. This course is not a prerequisite for ECO223.
ECO223: Principles of Microeconomics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of markets, supply and demand, value distribution, business organization, market
structure, and selected problems in microeconomics. Some basic mathematics and facility
with graphs are necessary. ECO223 may be taken before ECO221.
ECO304: Regression Analysis in Business and Economics
3 credit hour(s)
Application of elementary econometric procedures and statistical inference as used in
business and economics.
ECO311: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of determinants of aggregate income, the price level, and employment; the role
of policy in influencing aggregate economic activity.
ECO313: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
3 credit hour(s)
Price theory, including analysis of consumer behavior, production costs, and firm behavior.
ECO315: Behavioral Economics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of situations in which actual human choices differ from the predictions of standard
economic theory. Topics may include cooperation versus self-interest, altruism, bounded
rationality, and the use of reference points to shape decisions. Students will also explore
experimental economics as the primary source of learning in this field.
ECO317: Economic History of the United States
3 credit hour(s)
American economic development from colonial times to Great Depression; economic
analysis of the impact of colonial system, free banking, and slavery; identification of major
sources of economic growth.
ECO324: Economics and Managerial Decision Making
3 credit hour(s)
The application and extension of microeconomics to the problems and decisions of business
firms relating to output and pricing policy.
ECO337: Environmental Economics
3 credit hour(s)
Economic principles applied to environmental quality and resource utilization; origins of and
approaches to environmental problems.
ECO355: Public Finance
3 credit hour(s)
Institutional and theoretical perspectives of the role of government as an economic agent;
impact of tax policy and spending programs within a market economy.
ECO405: Government Regulation of Business
3 credit hour(s)
Application of the economic theory of industries and markets to government
regulation; topics include legal foundations and economic impact of market regulation,
antitrust policy, competitive practices, monopolies, and workplace safety.
ECO410: International Economics
3 credit hour(s)
International Economics. (3 hours) Causes and consequences of international flow of goods,
services, and money; topics include trade incentives, trade regulation, and foreign exchange
markets. Prerequisites: ECO221 and 223.
ECO420: Labor Economics
3 credit hour(s)
This course uses empirical and theoretical models to examine the behavior of firms as the
buyers of labor services, the behavior of households as the sellers of labor services, and the
attempts of third parties (such as policy makers or unions) to influence outcomes in the
market for labor services.
ECO425: Financial Institutions and Monetary Economics
3 credit hour(s)
A study of banks and other institutions, their relationship to money and credit, and their
impact on financing business firms.
ECO440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study
ECO470: Topics in Economics
3 credit hour(s)
Topics in Economics
EDU001: Education Field Experience Lab
0 credit hour(s)
This laboratory course serves to reserve time in the teacher candidate’s schedule for the
observation hours required by the state of Kentucky for certification. Each time a candidate
takes at least one of the EDU courses with Field Experience hours required, the candidate
will register for one of these labs as well. If a candidate is taking more than one course with
required Field Experience hours, still only one lab is required. This course serves as a
schedule placeholder for observation hours. It does not appear on the final transcript.
EDU131: Current Issues in Education
2 credit hour(s)
An introduction to education in American society through an analysis of some of the most
pressing issues in the field, their historical and philosophical underpinnings, and
implications. A 25-hour field experience is required. This is the first course in the teacher
education program.
EDU233: Student Development
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the major theories of learning and of cognitive, psychosocial, and moral
development and their applications in K-12 classrooms. Lesson plans, including assessment,
will be written and taught. The CASE Praxis Exam must be taken during this course. Co- or
prerequisite: EDU131. Note: No perquisite is required for Child Development minors and
students who are not pursuing a degree in education.
EDU307: Educating Exceptional Children
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to help pre- service teachers understand their role in identifying and
serving students with identified learning challenges in an inclusive educational setting.
Emphasis is placed on the skills needed to collaborate with special educators, participation in
Responsive to Treatment Intervention (RTI), and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Study of the major categories of exceptionality designed to meet the needs of pre-service
teachers who must implement appropriate services for students with special needs in a
regular classroom with specific emphasis on instruction of students displaying characteristics
of dyslexia. Offered in the fall and spring.
EDU309: Teaching in a Diverse Society
2 credit hour(s)
An introductory course in multicultural education that explores current issues and practices
related to teaching in a pluralistic society. A 25-hour field experience in school classrooms
EDU313: Fundamentals of Teaching in the Elementary School
3 credit hour(s)
Development of sound philosophy of effective and affective teaching in the elementary
school. Includes effective instructional practices, quality assessment, and creating a positive
learning environment. A 50-hour field experience in school classrooms required. Candidates
must be admitted to the TEP before taking this course.
EDU315: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the methods and materials to effectively teach mathematics in K-5. Candidates must
be admitted to the TEP before taking this course. A 50-hour field component in the school
classrooms required..
EDU317: Teaching Language Skills in the Elementary Schools
3 credit hour(s)
Instructional philosophy, research, methods, and materials for teaching communication
skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing, spelling, and grammar. Candidates must be
admitted to the TEP before taking this course.
EDU321: Teaching Science in the Elementary School
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the principles, methods, and materials basic to the teaching of science using inquiry
in the elementary school. Successful completion of PHY105 before enrolling in EDU321 is
strongly encouraged. Candidates must be admitted to the TEP before taking this course.
EDU323: Teaching Integrated Social Studies in the Elementary School
3 credit hour(s)
Social studies will be considered broadly, emphasizing such fields as economics and culture
in addition to history and citizenship. Careful study of the principles, methods, and materials
basic to integrating social studies will be the focus. Lesson and unit planning, including
assessment, is included.
EDU326: The Teacher and the Middle School
2 credit hour(s)
An examination of the goals and practices of middle schools, including teaming, looping, and
exploration. The cognitive and social development of young adolescents will be studied in
theory and in practice. Lesson planning for middle school students, including assessment,
will be emphasized. A 50-hour field experience in school classrooms required if candidate is
only certifying for middle grades teaching. If certifying for secondary grades and adding
middle grades certification, these 50 hours will be completed in EDU 337 instead.
EDU329: Teaching Reading and Literature in the Elementary Grades
3 credit hour(s)
Survey of traditional and contemporary children’s literature and its uses in the teaching of
literacy; provides methods, strategies, and assessment procedures for teaching literacy to a
diverse student population. A 50-hour field component in school classrooms required.
EDU333: Middle/Secondary English Methods
2-3 credit hour(s)
Study of curriculum, unit and lesson development and study of evaluation methods for
teaching English/Language Arts at the Middle and High School level, including philosophical
and practical issues relevant to composition and literature. A 50-hour field component in
school classrooms required.
EDU337: Teaching in the Middle and Secondary School
3 credit hour(s)
Topics include principles of learning; classroom communication; group dynamics and the
instructional process with a focus on embedding literacy in the content areas. Candidates
will spend one segment of the class in seminars with practicing middle and secondary
educators in the identified teaching fields. A 50-hour field component in the school
classrooms required.
EDU339: MIddle/Secondary Mathematics Methods
3 credit hour(s)
Topics include effective strategies that reflect the NCTM Standards, using instructional
materials and technology for representing math concepts, promoting learning math with
understanding, and enabling all students to succeed in math. A 50-hour field component in
school classrooms required.
EDU341: Middle/Secondary Science Methods
3 credit hour(s)
Focuses on effective teaching strategies that reflect the nature, method and content of
science, creating classroom environments to foster inquiry and understanding. Topics
include lesson and unit planning, adapting instruction, using technology to promote learning
and assessment. A 50-hour field component in school classrooms required.
EDU343: Middle/Secondary Social Studies Methods
3 credit hour(s)
Focuses on effective teaching strategies in history, geography, economics, world cultures, and
civics. Topics include lesson and unit planning, adapting instruction, using technology to
promote inquiry, and assessing student learning. A 50-hour field component in school
classrooms required.
EDU345: Classroom Applications of Technology and Content
3 credit hour(s)
Applications of important concepts and considerations in using technology and content skills
to support, assess, and stimulate learning in the classroom. A 50-hour field component in
school classrooms required.
EDU413: Elementary Classroom Management
2 credit hour(s)
This course is taken during the student teaching semester and assists candidates in
developing a personalized classroom management program as an integral part of their overall
teaching approach. Topics include developmental aspects of student behavior, theories
relating to elementary classroom management, and practical approaches to successful
classroom leadership.
EDU423: Secondary Classroom Management
2 credit hour(s)
This course is taken during the student teaching semester. The course will assist candidates
in developing a personalized classroom management program that will be an integral part of
their overall teaching approach. Topics include developmental aspects of student behavior,
theories relating to secondary classroom management, and practical approaches to successful
classroom leadership based on each student’s orientation toward teaching control/student
EDU440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Guided study in education based upon student interest and need.
EDU450: Seminar
1-3 credit hour(s)
Selected studies in Education.
EDU460: Internship in Education
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
EDU462-463: Supervised Student Teaching in the Elementary Grades
12 credit hour(s)
Supervised Student Teaching in the Elementary Grades. (6 hours each) An extended period
of continuous full-time professional activities with a given group of learners with increasing
responsible experiences in all aspects of the teacher’s work. It is focused on the analytical
approach to the development of teaching skills and takes place in the public or private school
setting under supervision of school and college personnel. The initial elementary certificate
requires twelve semester hours credit.
EDU467-468: Supervised Student Teaching in the Secondary School
12 credit hour(s)
Supervised Student Teaching in the Secondary School. (6 hours each) An extended period of
continuous full-time professional activities with a given group of learners with increasing
responsible experiences in all aspects of the teacher’s work. It is focused on the analytical
approach to the development of teaching skills and takes place in the public or private school
setting under supervision of school and college personnel. The initial secondary certification
requires twelve semester hours credit.
EDU471-472: Supervised Student Teaching in the Middle Grades
12 credit hour(s)
Supervised Student Teaching in the Middle Grades.
EDU473-474: Supervised Student Teaching
12 credit hour(s)
Supervised Student Teaching: 12 Grades.
ENG111: English Composition I
3 credit hour(s)
Develops satisfactory college-level proficiency in basic skills of composition and reading
comprehension. Students must demonstrate their ability to produce a portfolio of literate,
reasonably logical, and perceptive short themes. Grades given are A, B, C, or X (conditional
incomplete, to be satisfied by repeating the course). All students must be enrolled in
ENG111or ENG112 until they have successfully completed the freshman writing sequence.
For a student to drop ENG111, the drop slip must be signed by either the Chair of the
English Department or the Writing Program Coordinator. The Chair of the English
Department or the Writing Program Coordinator may waive this continuous enrollment
policy as appropriate.
ENG112: English Composition II
3 credit hour(s)
Introduces research techniques and instruction in the principles of documentation and
scholarship as well as continues a concern with rhetoric, style, clear thinking, reading
comprehension, and successful communication. Orients the student to computer literacy and
the use of the library. All students must be enrolled in ENG111or ENG112 until they have
successfully completed the freshman writing sequence. For a student to drop ENG112, the
drop slip must be signed by either the Chair of the English Department or the Writing
Program Coordinator. The Chair of the English Department or the Writing Program
Coordinator may waive this continuous enrollment policy as appropriate.
ENG196: Topics in World Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Chronological survey of no fewer than three successive periods of literature. Topic and
specific course content to be determined by professor and announced at advanced
registration. Offered exclusively as a Foundations 112 course.
ENG211: English Literature Survey I
3 credit hour(s)
Chronological survey of English literature from Beowulf through Milton, with emphasis on
the greats.
ENG213: English Literature Survey II
3 credit hour(s)
Chronological survey of English literature from the Restoration through James Joyce, with
special emphasis on the greats.
ENG292: Introduction to Literary Analysis
1 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the skills and methods of literary analysis. Designed to supplement the
introductory English literature survey courses. Must be taken prior to or concurrently with
the major’s first 300- or 400-level literature class in English. Student majoring in English
should enroll in this course as early as possible. Minors are also encouraged to enroll.
ENG296: World Literature Survey I
3 credit hour(s)
Chronological survey of world literature in translation from antiquity to the seventeenth
ENG298: World Literature Survey II
3 credit hour(s)
Chronological survey of world literature in translation from the seventeenth century to the
present day.
ENG311: Medieval Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Studies in the original language of English poetry, prose, and drama, excluding Chaucer.
ENG313: Renaissance Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Literature of the English Renaissance, excluding the works of Shakespeare and Milton.
ENG321: Neo-Classical Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Drama, prose, and poetry of representative figures of England’s Age of Enlightenment.
ENG323: British Romantic Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of British poetry and prose composed between 1789 and 1832, with emphasis on
the six major Romantic poets.
ENG327: Victorian Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of British poetry, drama, and fiction written between 1832 and 1900.
ENG329: English Novel
3 credit hour(s)
The novel as a prose form, from its introduction to the beginning of the twentieth century.
ENG331: Modern British Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of modern British poetry, drama, and fiction written during the first half of the
twentieth century.
ENG337: Native American Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of Native American literature from indigenous oral traditions through
contemporary works.
ENG341: Survey of African-American Literature 1745-Present
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of African-American literature from 1745 to the present.
ENG343: American Literature to 1870
3 credit hour(s)
History and interpretation of American literature from John Smith to Walt Whitman.
ENG345: American Literature from 1870
3 credit hour(s)
History and interpretation of American literature from Emily Dickinson through the
twentieth century.
ENG347: American Novel
3 credit hour(s)
The novel in America, from the beginnings to the late twentieth century.
ENG349: Southern Novel
3 credit hour(s)
The novel as representative of the culture of the American South, from the beginnings to the
late twentieth century.
ENG352: Media Journalism
3 credit hour(s)
Principles and problems of news and feature writing for print media.
ENG354: Magazine Editing an Publishing
3 credit hour(s)
Instruction and experience in the major elements of editing and publishing a magazine.
ENG356: Linguistics
3 credit hour(s)
English language and grammar compared to other languages and their dialects based on
structural and transformational principles to facilitate understanding of language arts. May
include language acquisition, psycholinguistics (and its parallels to computational linguistics),
sociolinguistics, and neurolinguistics.
ENG361: Creative Writing: Poetry
3 credit hour(s)
Introduces students to poetry writing. Students work within a workshop atmosphere,
providing and accepting critiques of their writing and the writing of others. In addition,
there will be in-depth discussions of some classic and contemporary work by established
ENG363: Creative Writing: Fiction
3 credit hour(s)
Introduces students to fiction writing. Students work within a workshop atmosphere,
providing and accepting critiques of their own writing and the writing of others. Repeatable
to 9 hours.
ENG365: Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
3 credit hour(s)
Combines reading and writing in creative nonfiction. Students will explore contemporary
examples in the field, examining literary techniques while developing their own writing.
Students will work within several sub-genres, including memoir, travel writing, and
interview/feature writing. Students work within a workshop atmosphere, providing and
accepting critiques of their writing and the writing of others.
ENG375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
Special topics in literature; use of one-onone tutorial method of instruction adapted from
humanities courses at Oxford University.
ENG403: Contemporary Poetry
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the genre of poetry from 1900 to the present.
ENG407: Contemporary Fiction
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the development of the genre of fiction, including the short story, the short novel,
and the novel, from 1900 to the present.
ENG409: Contemporary Drama
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the development of modern drama from Henrik Ibsen to the present.
ENG412: Chaucer
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the works of Chaucer, particularly the Canterbury Tales, with emphasis on
Chaucer’s contribution to the development of the English language.
ENG414: Shakespeare
3 credit hour(s)
Shakespeare’s art and craft through study of important plays: comedies, tragedies, and
ENG416: Milton
3 credit hour(s)
Critical study of Milton’s major and minor works to estimate his present day literary and
political significance.
ENG418: Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Selected studies in medieval and/or Renaissance literature. Specific topics to be announced
during advanced registration.
ENG424: Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Selected topics in Romantic and/or Victorian literature, announced at advanced registration.
ENG432: Special Topics in Literature
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a body of literature, organized around a single theme, announced at advanced
ENG436: Irish Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Readings in Irish literature, with emphasis on Yeats and Joyce.
ENG438: Topics in Women and Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Selected studies in literature by and about women, on a topic announced at advanced
ENG440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
With the approval and permission of a member of the English faculty and the Chair of the
English Department, students may undertake independent reading and research on a topic of
their own choosing.
ENG445: Topics in American Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Extensive study of a selected genre, announced at advanced registration.
ENG447: Topics in Multiethnic American Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Studies in literature by multiethnic American writers, on a topic announced at advanced
ENG452: Topics in the English Language
3 credit hour(s)
Investigation of problems and developments in the study of the English language.
ENG460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
ENG462: Topics in Writing and Literature
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a body of literature, announced at registration, with special emphasis given to
an analysis of the techniques of the writers studied.
ENG482: Senior Seminar in English
2 credit hour(s)
Senior capstone course for the English major.
Environmental Science
ENV402: Junior Seminar
2 credit hour(s)
A topical capstone course which draws upon skills, knowledge, and experiences students
have gained throughout their years of college study, particularly in biology. Emphasizes
library research, scientific writing, oral presentations, discussion, and critical thinking.
ENV433: Environmental Science and Natural Resources
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the principles of environmental science and their application to current issues.
Emphasis is placed on the use of natural resources (energy, mineral, water, and biological)
and the consequences of that use (resource depletion, water and air pollution, hazardous and
non-hazardous waste).
ENV440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
An independent research project supervised by a faculty member in an appropriate
ENV460: Internship in Environmental Science
1-3 credit hour(s)
Field experience in any area of environmental science education, management, or research
conducted through a governmental or private agency. Course may be repeated for up to six
hours of internship credit.
European Studies
EUS350: European Studies Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
European Studies Seminar
EUS440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent study
EUS470: Topics
3 credit hour(s)
FDN111: Foundations I
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to equip students with foundational skills in academic inquiry,
analysis, argument, critical thinking and discussion, and expression of ideas. Students will
cultivate these skills while exploring a set of significant works from literature, philosophy,
religion, the natural and social sciences, and the fine arts. The course materials will be
historically organized and will engage issues within a theme of perennial or pressing
FDN112: Foundations II
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to build upon students’ foundational skills in academic inquiry,
analysis, argument, critical thinking and discussion, and expression of ideas, as derived from
FDN111. The course will contain modestly interdisciplinary content, though it may be
taught within a specific department. Foundations 112 courses may satisfy an Area of Inquiry
requirement and/or departmental prerequisites. Students should consult each semester’s
offerings for specific course information.
FRE101: Elementary French I
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading
French. In addition, students become familiar with aspects of the culture of the French-
speaking countries. Intended for students who are new to the language or who have less than
two years of high school French.
FRE102: Elementary French II
3 credit hour(s)
Development of the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading French.
In addition, students become familiar with aspects of the culture of the French-speaking
FRE115: Intensive Elementary French
3 credit hour(s)
Intensive review of the fundamentals of French designed for students who have already
developed a basic command of the language but are not fully prepared for FRE102.
Communicative skills will be emphasized through the four language skills (listening,
speaking, reading, and writing) and culture. ACTFL level of Novice-High.
FRE201: Intermediate French
3 credit hour(s)
A course designed to bring students up to the required proficiency level at Georgetown
College. ACTFL level Intermediate-Low.
FRE230: Intermediate French II Through Film
3 credit hour(s)
Continued development of listening and speaking skills. Increased emphasis on reading and
writing skills and with concomitant study of more complex grammatical structures.
Discussions of Francophone cultures and social issues presented in films. ACTFL level
Intermediate- Mid.
FRE235: Conversation and Composition: Intermediate
3 credit hour(s)
Practice in speaking and writing, mostly on everyday topics, using appropriate models and
French identities. ACTFL level Intermediate-Mid.
FRE301: Francophone Cultures
3 credit hour(s)
This course will focus on the development of reading strategies. Through an exploration of a
variety of modern and historical texts students will review complex grammar, build
vocabulary, study complex sentence structure, and examine cultural questions pertaining to
various parts of the francophone world.
FRE308: French Civilization
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the major influences on and expressions of French civilization in the different
periods through the examination of works of art, key figures, social institutions, and political,
intellectual, literary, and artistic movements. Readings explore the historical and cultural
complexities of France and the Francophone countries.
FRE312: La Francophonie
3 credit hour(s)
In this journey to the Francophone world, students will explore various cultural issues,
historical events, and literary texts to better understand the contemporary concerns of the
French-speaking world. Key concepts in post-colonial studies will also be introduced.
FRE321: Introduction to French Literature
3 credit hour(s)
An examination of a selection of outstanding literary works. Writing skills will also be
developed through practice of the explication method of analyzing texts.
GEL113: General Geology
4 credit hour(s)
Physical structure of the earth; processes acting on the earth’s features; common minerals
and rocks. Chronological study of different ages of earth’s history. Laboratory.
GER101: Elementary German I
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading
German. In addition, students become familiar with aspects of the culture of the German-
speaking countries. Intended for students who are new to the language or who have less than
two years of high school German.
GER102: Elementary German II
3 credit hour(s)
Development of the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading German.
In addition, students become familiar with aspects of the culture of the German-speaking
GER201: Intermediate German
3 credit hour(s)
This course is the third of a three-semester sequence designed to bring students to the
proficiency level of the Georgetown College Foundations and Core requirement. Students
enhance their abilities in the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading
through review, “recycling,” and further study of structures, vocabulary, and contemporary
culture. One-hour lab per week is required.
GER230: Intermediate German II
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to help students solidify and develop their speaking, listening,
writing, and reading skills through review and study of structures and an increased emphasis
on vocabulary building. Through readings of authentic German “texts,” including a
children’s book and feature films, students will gain an overview of the political and cultural
history of twentieth-century Germany.
GRK101: Beginning Greek I
3 credit hour(s)
Same as REL 101.
GRK102: Beginning Greek II
3 credit hour(s)
Same as REL 102.
GRK170: Topics in Beginning Greek
1-3 credit hour(s)
Topics in Greek language and literature, as appropriate for beginning students. May be
repeated for credit.
GRK201: Intermediate Classical Greek
3 credit hour(s)
Development of Greek reading skills through grammar review and reading of selected
authors; selections may include Homer, Herodotas, and/or other texts.
GRK202: Intermediate Classical Greek Reading
3 credit hour(s)
Continued development of Greek reading skills through the study of selected Greek texts and
their culture context; selections may include Euripides and Plato.
GRK203: Intermediate New Testament Greek
3 credit hour(s)
Same as REL 203. Intermediate-level Greek grammar and reading of selected texts.
GRK204: Intermediate New Testament Greek Reading
3 credit hour(s)
Same as REL 204. Reading of selected texts from all major divisions of the Greek New
General Studies Credit
GSC101: Freshman Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
Freshman Seminar is a one-hour course designed for first-semester college students. The
course affords students the opportunity to study and discuss topics important to college life
and academic success and to learn and practice essential skills in a supportive small group
atmosphere under the guidance of their faculty advisor. Students may earn one to seven
credit hours in GSC classes toward graduation.
GSC170: Topics in Service Learning
1 credit hour(s)
This course will allow students the opportunity to work with a faculty member and College-
approved community partner on a service project, and to thoughtfully reflect upon the
connections between what students have learned in class and what they observe and
experience through their project. The course is open to any student regardless of major, and
the topic will vary each semester. One possibility is to take this class as part of an Alternative
Offered in the spring Break experience. The course could be repeatable up to six credit hours.
Students may earn one to seven credit hours in GSC classes toward graduation.
GSC180: Information Literacy
1 credit hour(s)
This course provides a broad overview of information literacy concepts. The class introduces
students to the organization, retrieval, and evaluation of electronic and print information.
Lessons consist of lectures, class discussions, hands-on-activities, and practical exercises on
how to properly and effectively locate and use information in libraries and on the Internet.
Undergraduates should learn the basics for citing information, and they will discuss issues
relating to plagiarism. Students will be able to apply principles learned in this course to
research assigned in other courses. Students may earn one to seven credit hours in GSC
classes toward graduation.
GSC461: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate academic content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty. The GSC internship is designed for internships that are
interdisciplinary in nature and/or do not meet the requirements established for departmental
GSS105: Elements of Quantitative Reasoning
3 credit hour(s)
A course to prepare students for successful completion of a Quantitative Essential
Proficiencies class. This course includes a review of numerical and algebraic skills such as
fractions and percentages, factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations, exponents, and
reading mathematics for comprehension. It also addresses topics in descriptive statistics and
elementary graph theory. GSS105 credit affects GPA but does not count for the Quantitative
Essential Proficiencies requirement or toward the 120 hours needed for graduation.
HIS111: History of Civilization to 1648
3 credit hour(s)
A study of human origins stressing the continuity of development through 1648. The course
will be taught on a chronological or topical basis and will attempt to combine historical
interpretation with a general knowledge of the significant developments of the past.
HIS113: History of Civilization Since 1648
3 credit hour(s)
A study of civilization from 1648 to the present. The course will be taught on a chronological
or topical basis and will attempt to combine historical interpretation with a knowledge of the
significant developments of the past.
HIS211: Asian Civilization I
3 credit hour(s)
This course will survey the development of East and South Asian civilizations, covering their
origins as well as their cultural influences, from prehistoric times to approximately AD 1800.
HIS213: Asian Civilization II
3 credit hour(s)
This course will explore the development of East and South Asia from about AD 1800 to the
present. Students will compare and contrast the similarities and differences among the
national experiences in modern Asia.
HIS223: Introduction to American History: 1492-1877
3 credit hour(s)
This course is a survey of the political, economic, intellectual, social, and religious
development of America before 1877.
HIS225: Introduction to American History: 1877 to Present
3 credit hour(s)
This course is a survey of the political, economic, intellectual, social, and religious
development of America after 1877.
HIS250: Historical Methods
3 credit hour(s)
An intensive introduction to concepts, methods, and issues in the study of history. Emphasis
will be on the framing of historical questions and immersion in the actual sources of history.
HIS304: Kentucky History
3 credit hour(s)
Looks at Kentucky history in its varied aspects, beginning before the written record,
continuing through the frontier era and the Civil War, and going to the present. It
emphasizes the social, political, economic, cultural, educational, and other parts of that
history, while looking at the myths and realities of Kentucky.
HIS306: Colonial and Revolutionary America, 1607-1783
3 credit hour(s)
An intensive investigation of the American colonies, their political and social origins, their
culture developments, and their subsequent revolution with and separation from Great
HIS308: History of the Early Republic: 1783-1848
3 credit hour(s)
This course is a study of the formative years of the United States. The course covers the early
years of government under the Articles of Confederation, the adoption of the United States
Constitution, and the political development of the new nation through the Mexican War.
Additionally, the course will cover the social, ethnic, economic, intellectual, cultural, and
religious transformations which characterized American life in the 1780s-1840s.
HIS310: History of the South
3 credit hour(s)
The contribution of Southern civilization to the total life of the nation, with emphasis on the
New South.
HIS312: Civil War and Reconstruction
3 credit hour(s)
Intensive investigation of some aspect of the period. Topics selected to give insight into the
war and its effect on American history.
HIS314: Gilded Age through the 1920s
3 credit hour(s)
An intensive overview of America between 1877 and 1930. This course explores the political,
social, economic, and cultural developments of the period, especially in their relationship to
the formation of industrial capitalism.
HIS321: History of Japan
3 credit hour(s)
This course will cover Japanese history from the Sengoku period to the Russo-Japanese War.
While covering the political, institutional, religious, economic, and cultural history of Japan,
particular attention will be paid to the significant influence of China, as well as Japanese
social structure and reaction to the outside world.
HIS323: Renaissance and Reformation
3 credit hour(s)
This course will cover the intellectual, cultural, political, and economic development of
Europe with particular focus on the Italian Renaissance and the Reformation in Germany.
The course will continue through the Counter-Reformation and the Thirty Years War.
HIS325: United States Diplomatic History
3 credit hour(s)
The course will survey the historical development of United States diplomatic policies and
positions which have influenced American attitudes toward other peoples or significantly
affected domestic development. American economic, religious, racial, and cultural values
will be integrated into the study.
HIS331: Revolutionary Europe 1789-1871
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of European history from the period of the French Revolution through the
unification of Germany. Emphasis will be given to the revolutionary political, economic,
social, cultural, and military/diplomatic changes transforming Europe in this period.
HIS333: Europe in Crisis 1871-1949
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of European history from the period of German unification to the beginning of the
Cold War. Emphasis will be given to the challenges posed by nationalism and militarism; the
two world wars; technological, economic, and social change; imperialism; the emergence of
fascist, national socialist, and communist movements and governments; and the evolution of
cultural modernism.
HIS335: History of England
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the political, social, economic, religious, and constitutional history of England to the
end of the Stuart period.
HIS337: Modern England
3 credit hour(s)
This course describes the role of the English nation in the modern world as well as its
contributions to modern society. Anglo-American relations will be given special emphasis.
HIS338: Religion in American History
3 credit hour(s)
Role of religion in American history; impact of religion on major social and political
HIS343: Modern Central Europe
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of German, Austrian, and Hungarian history from the 19th century to the present;
topics include the industrial revolution in Central Europe, the 1848 revolutions, the creation
and collapse of the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, the rise of radical ideologies
after 1918, the Second World War, and Germany’s division and reunification.
HIS345: Military History
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of the role of warfare and the military in Western society from prehistory to the
present. Topics will include the origins of war and military institutions; the relationship of
military organizations to the state; philosophies/ doctrines regarding the state’s use of war as
policy; the evolution and impact of new military technologies, tactics, and strategies; the role
of leadership, organization, and logistics in war; moral and ethical issues of war; and the
perspective of the individual combatant.
HIS360: Public History
3 credit hour(s)
Public history involves all those aspects of history that take place outside an academic
classroom — including work in museums, historical societies, archives, historic houses, oral
history, administration, education, and more. Designed to prepare students in both the
philosophical and practical aspects of history, the course includes numerous guest speakers
and field work.
HIS378: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
Special topics in History using a one-on-one tutorial method of instruction similar to that
used in humanities courses at Oxford University.
HIS409: Modern Kentucky Politics and Government
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the state’s recent political history and an examination of how state
government is structured and functions.
HIS412: Ancient Hisory
3 credit hour(s)
Roots of western civilization; primary source material for the ancient Near East, Greece and
HIS417: History of Modern Russia
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of Russian history from the 19th century to the present; topics will include the
social and cultural trends of Imperial Russia, Russia’s role in European and world affairs, the
1917 revolutions, the Communist era and Cold War, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
HIS424: History of the Middle East
3 credit hour(s)
Political, economic, and cultural events and institutions from the time of Muhammad, with
emphasis on the contemporary period.
HIS426: History of the American Indian
3 credit hour(s)
This course traces the multifarious history of American Indians, with particular emphasis on
the course of American history from their perspectives. It is designed to digress from the
traditional view of Indian history as one of Indian-white warfare and frontier violence, and
explore a deeper understanding of Indians as human beings caught up in dramatic historical
events that continue to shape their lives.
HIS430: Recent America
3 credit hour(s)
This course surveys American growth since 1930 and the social, political, and intellectual
adjustments which that growth has required. It emphasizes the transition of people and
institutions over time.
HIS440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study
HIS450: Senior Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
Historical criticism, historiography, and research.
HIS460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
HIS470: Topics in History
3 credit hour(s)
Some topics might include African American History; History of Feminism; Hitler and
National Socialism; History of Revolutions; History of American Labor; History of Race
Relations; History of American Business; History of Latin America.
HIS475: Topics in the Social and Intellectual History of the Unites States
3 credit hour(s)
Topics in the Social and Intellectual History of the United States.
HON170: Honors Reading Group
1 credit hour(s)
A student reading group, convened by a faculty member. Group meets once per week to
discuss assigned readings; students take turns leading discussion. Possible “readings” include:
an anthology of short stories or poetry, collections of essays on a particular topic, a novel, or
even a film series. This course may be repeated up to three times for credit, provided that a
substantially different set of readings is covered each time. Enrollment is limited to students
in the Honors Program.
HON200: Honors Research Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
Provides an intensive introduction to the research techniques and practices of disciplinary
writing along with continued attention to developing composition, reading, and
argumentative skills. May be used to fulfill the English 112 requirement.
HON300: Honors Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
An interdisciplinary seminar on a topic chosen by the Honors Program Committee. Open to
honors students after their freshman year. May be repeated for credit, provided that different
topics are taught each time. Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program.
HON440: Honors Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Honors Independent Study
International Business and Culture
IBC319: Foundations in Culture
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces the student to the concept of culture and related theoretical
questions, as well as to aspects of the European, Asian, and Hispanic cultures. May count
toward Spanish major or Professional Spanish corollary major.
JPN101: Elementary Japanese I
3 credit hour(s)
Immediate introduction of hiragana, katakana, and kanji immerses students in an authentic
linguistic environment, and use of communicative strategies in class and with the text
encourages rapid acquisition of skill in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Lab required.
JPN102: Elementary Japanese II
3 credit hour(s)
Study of hiragana, katakana, and kanji immerses students in an authentic linguistic
environment, and use of communicative strategies in class and with the text encourages
rapid acquisition of skill in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
JPN201: Intermediate Japanese I
3 credit hour(s)
Emphasis on development of basic skills acquired in Elementary Japanese and role-playing
activities to develop student ability to travel and study in Japan. Students will also have the
opportunity to give presentations in Japanese on topics of their own choosing.
JPN202: Intermediate Japanese II
3 credit hour(s)
Readings from Japanese newspapers and magazines and other authentic sources will be
introduced, and activities will focus on using Japanese in a variety of “real life” situations.
Kinesiology and Health Studies
KHS100: Lifetime Fitness
1 credit hour(s)
Knowledge and skills associated with the relationship of physical activity and nutrition to
health and fitness; lecture and lab experiences.
KHS111: Conditioning Activities
1 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to teach skills and knowledge about aerobic exercise and weight
KHS170: Introductory Topics in Physical and Recreational Activities
1 credit hour(s)
Selected physical education activity topics.
KHS180: First Aid, CPR, and Sport Safety
3 credit hour(s)
Emergency treatment and preventive measures for injuries and accidents with emphasis on
sport injuries. Successful completion of course requirements will qualify students to receive
certification by the American Heart Association.
KHS185: Introductory Athletic Training and Sports Medicine
3 credit hour(s)
This course serves as an introduction to the profession of athletic training. The role of the
athletic trainer shall be explored in relation to physicians, other allied health care providers,
coaches, and patients. Emphasis will be placed on the fundamentals essential for the
prevention, recognition, and treatment of injuries to the physically active. Non-orthopedic
conditions and topics will also be introduced. In addition, practical experiences will include
the application of supportive techniques to the major joints of the body.
KHS200: Medical Terminology
3 credit hour(s)
Utilizing an independent method of workbook/ text, weekly quizzes, and audiotape
pronunciation, this course provides the student with a working knowledge of common
medical terms and abbreviations. This course will use a body systems approach to medical
terminology, therefore allowing the student to learn vocabulary as it pertains to each of the
systems of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous, etc.). Prerequisite:
Must be a declared KHS major or minor or have consent of the instructor.
KHS214: Foundations of Kinesiology
3 credit hour(s)
Survey of principles and perspectives from the humanities, social sciences, and natural
sciences related to the study of human movement.
KHS216: Emergency Care in Athletic Training
3 credit hour(s)
An overview of the mechanism and management of trauma experienced during athletics and
physical activity. Practical experiences include the application of treatment techniques for
such trauma.
KHS220: Personal Health
3 credit hour(s)
Designed to expose students to a broad range of issues and information relating to the various
aspects of personal health. An emphasis is placed on factors that impact health and wellness
including prevention and individual health behaviors.
KHS230: Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School
3 credit hour(s)
Characteristics, physical growth, and needs of children in grades K-6 with games, rhythms,
and activities appropriate to their physiological and emotional development.
KHS260: Preceptorship in Physical Therapy
1 credit hour(s)
On-site supervised observation experience in physical therapy that will document
observation hours required for admission to graduate programs in Physical Therapy. The
course requires 50 hours of observation; it may be repeated.
KHS271: Practicum in Athletic Training I
1 credit hour(s)
Field experiences in athletic training under a qualified preceptor in athletic training.
KHS273: Practicum in Athletic Training II
1 credit hour(s)
Field experiences in athletic training under a qualified preceptor in athletic training.
KHS275: Practicum in Athletic Training III
1 credit hour(s)
Field experiences in athletic training under a qualified preceptor in athletic training.
KHS277: Practicum in Athletic Training IV
1 credit hour(s)
Field experiences in athletic training under a qualified preceptor in athletic training.
KHS279: Practicum in Athletic Training V
1 credit hour(s)
Field and clinical competencies in athletic training under the supervision of a qualified
preceptor in athletic training.
KHS281: Practicum in Athletic Training
1 credit hour(s)
Field experiences in athletic training under a qualified preceptor in athletic training.
KHS285: Evaluation and Assessment of the Lower Extremity
2 credit hour(s)
Evaluation, assessment, knowledge, and prevention of injuries related to the lower
extremities, including ligamentous and special testing of the major joints.
KHS287: Evaluation and Assessment of the Upper Extremity
2 credit hour(s)
Evaluation, assessment, knowledge, and prevention of injuries related to the upper
extremities, including ligamentous and special testing of the major joints.
KHS304: Anatomy for Allied Health
4 credit hour(s)
A course in human anatomy for allied health and KHS students, with emphasis on gross
anatomy and palpation. The following systems will be covered: musculoskeletal, endocrine,
integumentary, and urogenital.
KHS306: Physiology for Allied Health
3 credit hour(s)
A course in human physiology for allied health and KHS students. The following systems
will be covered: nervous system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory
system, digestive system, temperature regulation, and the reproductive system.
KHS306L: Physiology for Allied Health
1 credit hour(s)
A lab course in human physiology for allied health and KHS students. The following systems
will be covered: nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, temperature
regulation, and the reproductive system.
KHS310: Healthcare Administration
3 credit hour(s)
Introduces methods of policy analysis and concepts of economic theory as a means to
understand the basic issues and trends in the health care system and analyze the impact of
changes on the ability of patients to access health services, the practice of health sciences
professionals, and the quality and process of care.
KHS315: Epidemiology
3 credit hour(s)
Covers the basic concepts and principles of epidemiology and biostatistics. Special emphasis
is placed upon application of the epidemiological concepts that are presented.
KHS320: Nutrition
3 credit hour(s)
Scientific study of nutrition; application of this knowledge to personal and professional areas.
KHS322: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics
3 credit hour(s)
Application of principles from anatomy, physiology, and physics (mechanics) for the analysis
and appreciation of human movement in sport and exercise activities.
KHS324: Environmental Health
3 credit hour(s)
Covers the effect of environmental factors on the health and well-being of mankind.
KHS387: Evaluation and Assessment of the Head and Spine
2 credit hour(s)
Evaluation, assessment, knowledge, and prevention of injuries related to the head and spine,
including ligamentous and special testing of the major joints.
KHS390: Therapeutic Modalities
3 credit hour(s)
Development of knowledge and practical use regarding the indications, contraindications,
actions, and side effects of modalities (ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, cold and
warm applications, and others).
KHS395: Therapeutic Exercise & Rehabilitation
3 credit hour(s)
Focus on procedures to develop and apply exercise and rehabilitation programs for athletic
injuries. Includes the use of a variety of isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic equipment.
KHS400: Psycho-social Issues in Kinesiology and Health Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Provides an in-depth focus on the conceptual elements of contemporary psychoanalytic,
cognitive, social, existential and systematic theories of personality and behavior change as
applied to exercise and sport.
KHS403: General Medical Conditions & Pharmacology for Athletic Training
3 credit hour(s)
Advanced course designed to recognize and appreciate various medical conditions of diverse
populations, including youth, adolescents, adults, and special needs. This course will also
encompass common pharmacological applications used by allied health professionals,
including Certified Athletic Trainers.
KHS405: Health Behavior Modification
3 credit hour(s)
An in-depth study of theories and principles of behavioral science as they related to the
study of behavior change and health promotion.
KHS407: Organization & Administration in Athletic Training
2 credit hour(s)
Advanced course designed to demonstrate management challenges that Certified Athletic
Trainers encounter during daily operation in the field of athletic training. Covers the
theories of organization and administration and applies them to real world situations in the
profession of athletic training.
KHS410: Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the various testing procedures used in
Kinesiology and instruct him/her on how to use the results. The areas studied will include a
wide range, including test of knowledge, skills, fitness, and attitudes. In addition, each
student will be introduced to research methods. Students are expected to conduct a research
KHS413: Personal Training
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed for students wanting to enter the field of personal training and/or
strength and conditioning coaching. The course will apply knowledge of anatomy,
physiology, biomechanics, sport and exercise psychology, nutrition and wellness to the
process of personal training. The course will provide content necessary for students to pass a
national certification exam.
KHS423: Physiology of Exercise
3 credit hour(s)
Nature of neuromuscular activity; physical potential of the human body related to
requirements of exercise.
KHS440: Independent Study in Kinesiology and Health Studies
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study in Kinesiology and Health Studies.
KHS450: Senior Seminar in Athletic Training
2 credit hour(s)
This course will serve as a comprehensive overview of the field of Athletic Training
providing the senior-level Athletic Training student the opportunity to synthesize
coursework and discuss the care of athletic injuries from the time of injury until return to
play. This course is designed to be the culminating class for those students enrolled in the
Athletic Training major.
KHS452: Senior Seminar in Kinesiology and Health Science
3 credit hour(s)
This course will serve as a comprehensive overview of the field of Kinesiology and Health
Science (KHS), providing the senior-level KHS student the opportunity to synthesize
coursework and discuss current issues in Kinesiology. This course is designed to be the
culminating class for those students enrolled in the Exercise Science and Health Science
KHS460: Internship in Kinesiology and Health Studies
1-6 credit hour(s)
Internship in Kinesiology and Health Studies.
KHS470: Advanced Topics in Kinesiology and Health Studies
3-6 credit hour(s)
Advanced Topics in Kinesiology and Health Studies.
LAT101: Elementary Latin I
3 credit hour(s)
First course in a two-semester sequence. Emphasis on grammar and reading with some
attention to writing skills.
LAT102: Elementary Latin II
3 credit hour(s)
Second course in a two-semester sequence. Emphasis on grammar and reading with attention
to writing skills.
LAT201: Intermediate Latin
3 credit hour(s)
A course designed to bring students up to the required proficiency level at Georgetown
College. Completion of grammar foundation; increase in reading skills using selected original
Latin texts.
LAT202: Intermediate Latin Reading
3 credit hour(s)
Continued development of Latin reading skills and study of Roman literary culture, focusing
on selected ancient authors.
LAT340: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study.
LAT370: Advanced Topics in Latin
3 credit hour(s)
Selected readings of Latin literature in Latin. Advanced-level development of Latin reading
skills and study of Roman literary culture, with course selections chosen by author, genre, or
time period. Topics may include, but will not be limited to, Vergil’s Aeneid, Cicero, Roman
Historians, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and Augustine’s Confessions. May be repeated for credit.
MAT107: College Algebra
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of algebraic techniques and of functions. Topics include theory of equations and
inequalities, graphs, transformations of functions, inverse functions, and exponential and
logarithmic functions. Can be used as preparation for MAT109. Not applicable to a major or
minor in mathematics. Students with a grade of C or higher in MAT123 (or its equivalent)
may not subsequently take MAT107 for credit.
MAT109: Calculus for Business and the Social Sciences
3 credit hour(s)
An introductory survey of calculus, less theoretical in nature than MAT125. Topics include
derivatives of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, the definite integral, and
applications to business and the social sciences. Not applicable to a major or minor in
mathematics. Students with a grade of C or higher in MAT125 (or its equivalent) may not
subsequently take this course for credit.
MAT111: Elementary Probability and Statistics
3 credit hour(s)
An introductory study of statistics, including such topics as numerical and graphical
descriptive statistics, sampling methods and design of studies and experiments, basic
probability and the distribution of sampling statistics; and inferential procedures such as
confidence intervals and tests of hypothesis. This course does not count toward a major or a
minor in Mathematics.
MAT115: Liberal Arts Mathematics
3 credit hour(s)
An introductory mathematics class with a focus on practical applications including but not
limited to: money management, basic statistics, voting and social choice, and management
science. Students with a grade of C or higher in MAT109 or MAT125 (or its equivalent) may
not subsequently take this course for credit.
MAT123: Precalculus
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of algebraic and trigonometric techniques and functions designed to prepare
students for the study of calculus. Topics include a review of algebra, exponential and
logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, analytic trigonometry, and vectors. If time
permits, systems of equations and conic sections will be introduced. Not applicable to a major
or minor in mathematics.
MAT125: Calculus I
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the derivative, its applications, and an introduction to the integral. Topics include
limits, continuity, techniques of differentiation, optimization, the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus, and indefinite integrals.
MAT170: Special Topics in Mathematics
.5-3 credit hour(s)
Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT203: Mathematics for Elementary Education I
3 credit hour(s)
A detailed development of the mathematics taught in elementary school using a problem-
solving approach. Topics include numeration, proportional reasoning, number theory, and,
for whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, number sense and standard and non-standard
algorithms. For elementary education majors only.
MAT204: Mathematics for Elementary Education II
3 credit hour(s)
A continuation of MAT203. A detailed development of the mathematics taught in
elementary school using a problem-solving approach. Topics include further development of
the real numbering system, informal geometry, probability, and statistics. For elementary
education majors only.
MAT225: Calculus II
3 credit hour(s)
A continuation of the study of the integral and a study of infinite series. Topics include
techniques of integration, applications of the definite integral, introduction to differential
equations, tests for convergence of series, and power series.
MAT301: Discrete Mathematics
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to fundamental theoretical concepts of mathematics. Topics include logic,
techniques of proof, elementary set theory, mathematical induction, relations and functions,
and counting techniques.
MAT303: Fundamentals of Data Computing
3 credit hour(s)
This course focuses on data analysis in settings where the data is so large, dispersed or messy
that machine-processing is required to gather, clean and transform it into forms suitable for
analysis. We also study computer-based techniques for the analysis of such data, including
machine data visualization and machine-learning. Finally we consider how the practice of
reproducible research and the development of interactive web- based applications can
enhance communication of the results of data analysis.
MAT310: Linear Algebra
3 credit hour(s)
A theoretical study of systems of linear equations and vector spaces. Topics include matrix
algebra, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, determinants, and linear
MAT325: Calculus III
3 credit hour(s)
A continuation of the study of single-variable calculus, and a study of multivariable calculus.
Topics include parametric equations, polar coordinates, vectors, and vector-valued functions,
partial differentiation, Lagrange multipliers, double and triple integrals, and line integrals.
MAT331: Probability Theory
3 credit hour(s)
A study of chance phenomena and probability distributions, with applications to elementary
descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include probability laws and elementary
combinatorics, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, the
Central Limit Theorem, and basic interval estimation and hypothesis testing.
MAT332: Mathematical Statistics
3 credit hour(s)
A study of statistical methods and tests of hypotheses. Topics include estimation of
parameters from both frequentist and Bayesian points of view, and linear models.
MAT335: Advanced Geometry
3 credit hour(s)
A rigorous but non-axiomatic treatment of advanced geometry on the Euclidean plane, from
two or more points of view. Possible viewpoints include synthetic geometry, vector
geometry, and geometry using complex numbers. Usually additional topic(s) will be covered,
with such topics typically being drawn from axiomatic development of elementary geometry,
geometry in higher dimensions, non-Euclidean geometries, and historical studies, especially
geometry in non-Western cultures.
MAT343: Mathematical Modeling
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the study of modeling real- world phenomena, with an emphasis on
applications to science. Topics include modeling using difference equations and differential
equations, simulation, and matrix modeling and Markov chains.
MAT345: Ordinary Differential Equations
3 credit hour(s)
A study of solution methods and applications of ordinary differential equations. Topics
include first order equations, second and higher order linear equations, and linear systems.
Additional topics are chosen from: the Laplace transform, power series techniques, Fourier
series, nonlinear systems, calculus of variations. An introduction to partial differential
equations may also be included.
MAT415: Abstract Algebra
3 credit hour(s)
A theoretical development of basic algebraic structures, with an emphasis on group theory.
Topics include cyclic groups, Lagrange’s Theorem, quotient groups, and homomorphisms.
Rings, integral domains, and fields are introduced.
MAT431: Real Analysis I
3 credit hour(s)
A theoretical development of the elements of calculus. Topics include sequences, continuity,
derivatives, and integrals of single-variable functions.
MAT432: Real Analysis II
3 credit hour(s)
A continuation of MAT431. Topics include integration theory, infinite series, and series and
sequences of functions.
MAT440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study.
MAT460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
MAT470: Advanced Topics
.5-3 credit hour(s)
Advanced Topics
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
MRST440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study.
MUS101: Chorale
1 credit hour(s)
A non-auditioned choral ensemble with membership open to all students. The Chorale
performs a variety of choral repertoire, including works from the Renaissance through the
twenty-first century. Numerous performances are presented annually.
MUS105: College Band
1 credit hour(s)
A large instrumental ensemble engaged in the preparation and performance of a variety of
music composed, arranged, or transcribed for wind and percussion instruments. The College
Band performs each semester on campus and engages in regional tours. Participation requires
the permission of the Director. The Fighting Tiger Grrr... Pep Band, an integral offering of
the instrumental program at Georgetown College, performs at home football and basketball
games, and travels throughout the country. Participation is open to students from across
campus with the permission of the Director.
MUS107: Music Appreciation
2 credit hour(s)
A study of the styles of music through listening, reading, and lecture. Reading knowledge of
music is not required. A general course designed for students in any discipline. Partial
fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry Requirement [AOI] in Fine Arts may be met by successful
completion of this course.
MUS111: Music Theory for the College Student
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the fundamentals of musicianship, including aural and writing skills, keyboard
harmony and sight singing. Harmony vocabulary includes functional use of diatonic triads in
major and minor. This course is designed for the music minor, or any college student who
desires to better understand the materials and structures of music.
MUS126: Music History and Styles
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the stylish characteristics, major composers, and works from the Renaissance,
Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras, as well as an exploration of the 20th and 21st century
American jazz/blues music and musicians.
MUS147: Liberal Arts Voice
2 credit hour(s)
Group instruction in singing. The course will also include the following segments:
development of music-reading skills, basic anatomy and function of the breathing and vocal
mechanisms, maintaining vocal health, major composers and performers of vocal repertoire,
styles of vocal repertoire, and an introduction to singer’s diction. Partial fulfillment of the
Area of Inquiry Requirement [AOI] in Fine Arts may be met by successful completion of this
MUS149: Liberal Arts Piano Lab
2 credit hour(s)
Group instruction for students with limited or no background playing the piano. The course
will also include the following topics: reading music, major piano composers and performers,
representative piano works from the last three centuries, the evolution of the instrument,
and piano maintenance. Partial fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry Requirement [AOI] in Fine
Arts may be met by successful completion of this course.
MUS160: Applied Music
1 credit hour(s)
Individual instruction for music electives.
MUS191: Chorale PLUS
2 credit hour(s)
A non-auditioned choral ensemble with membership open to all students. The Chorale
performs a variety of choral repertoire, including works from the Renaissance through the
twenty-first century. Numerous performances are presented annually. Partial fulfillment of
the Area of Inquiry [AOI] requirement in Fine Arts may be met with successful completion
of this course. Participation is open to students from across campus with the permission of
the Director.
MUS195: College Band PLUS
2 credit hour(s)
A large instrumental ensemble experience in the preparation and performance of a variety of
music composed, arranged, or transcribed for wind and percussion instruments. Varying
musical eras and styles are explored each semester with an emphasis on connections with
other art forms, artists, and authors. Participation in Band PLUS would include membership
in the Tiger Symphonic Band and may also include membership in the Fighting Tiger Grrr...
Pep Band. Partial fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry [AOI] re-quirement in Fine Arts may be
met with successful completion of this course. Participation is open to students from across
campus with the permission of the Director.
MUS305: Tunes for Twangers - A History of Country Music
2 credit hour(s)
Tunes for Twangers will present a history of country music in the United States. It is
important to note that it is “a” history, not “the” history of that which we know as country
music. Through reading, discussion, listening, and reflecting, the early influences of country
music through the music of today shall be examined with an emphasis on societal patterns
that have always shaped this American art form. Partial fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry
Requirement [AOI] in Fine Arts may be met by successful completion of this course.
MUS307: History of Rock Music
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the origins, characteristics, and stylistic development of rock and roll music from
the early 1950s through the 1990s. Partial fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry Requirement
[AOI] in Fine Arts may be met by successful completion of this course.
MUS309: Film Music: From Psyco to Star Wars, and More!
3 credit hour(s)
A historical and aesthetic survey of the styles, trends, and notable figures in the development
of film music from the inception of moving pictures to the present. Partial fulfillment of the
Area of Inquiry Requirement [AOI] in Fine Arts may be met by successful completion of this
MUS315: Public School Music
2 credit hour(s)
Preparation for classroom teachers in elementary grades; fundamentals of music, singing,
eurhythmics, listening, creative activities, planning use of adoptive texts. A course designed
for elementary education majors. Partial fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry Requirement
[AOI] in Fine Arts may be met by successful completion of this course.
MUS335: Conducting
2 credit hour(s)
A study of the fundamentals of conducting and rehearsal techniques applicable to either
instrumental or choral ensembles.
PHI151: Ethics
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to important texts and authors, including Aristotle, Kant, and Mill, who provide
interesting answers to the question, “How should one live?”
PHI152: Logic
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to principles of sound reasoning with emphasis on formal and informal
techniques for evaluating arguments.
PHI195: Discovering Vocation
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces the idea of vocation through reading, discussion, writing, and
research. “Vocation” is a term of art referring to the integration of practice and intellect with
moral and spiritual calling. The interdisciplinary readings in this course will acquaint the
student with representative and historical models of reflection on vocation. This course will
be offered only as a Foundations 112 course.
PHI201: History of Philosophy I
3 credit hour(s)
Survey of the development of Western philosophical thought within its cultural contexts
from ancient Greece through the Middle Ages. Exploration of foundational approaches to
questions of reality, virtue, knowledge, God, faith, and reason.
PHI307: History of Philosophy II
3 credit hour(s)
Survey of the development of Western philosophical thought within its cultural contexts
from the Renaissance through the eighteenth century. Exploration of issues foundational to
contemporary philosophy, theology, and the sciences.
PHI325: Business Ethics
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to both the moral issues involved in business management and the ethical
concepts and analytical skills relevant to resolving those issues.
PHI335: Theories of Economic Justice
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the moral and political issues raised by the facts of absolute poverty and
economic inequality in both international and domestic contexts. Contemporary theories of
beneficence and distributive justice will be explored.
PHI345: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
3 credit hour(s)
Philosophical exploration of the concept of the natural environment, including a survey of
ethical positions that guide human habitation in nature.
PHI355: Philosophy of Religion
3 credit hour(s)
Philosophical exploration of the classical issues of theistic religious thought, such as the
reality of God, the problem of evil, religious language, life after death, and the pluralism of
religious traditions.
PHI365: Social/Political Philosophy
3 credit hour(s)
An examination of the major political philosophies of our time, with same attention to the
historical precedents.
PHI370: Topics in Philosophy
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a special topic in philosophy, announced at advanced registration. Recent
offerings include Postmodernism, Feminist Philosophies, and Friendship and Love.
PHI375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a special topic in philosophy using a one-on-one tutorial method of instruction
adapted from humanities courses at Oxford University. Please check with department for a
list of current offerings.
PHI385: Medical Ethics
3 credit hour(s)
Philosophical exploration of the moral issues involved in the practice and management of
medicine, including a basic introduction to the moral concepts and analytical skills relevant
to resolving these issues.
PHI395: Seminar on Vocation
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces the idea of vocation through readings and discussions. The readings
include scripture, biography, theology, and philosophical texts. The purpose of the course is
to develop the student’s understanding of vocation as a reflective theme and to have access to
rich sources for exploring the idea of vocation.
PHI412: American Philosophy
3 credit hour(s)
Survey of the most influential American philosophies from the colonial period to the present:
Puritanism, Deism, transcendentalism, pragmatism, and process philosophy.
PHI435: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy
3 credit hour(s)
Survey of the development of Western philosophical thought within its cultural contexts
from the beginning of the 19th century through the end of the 20th century. Exploration of
issues pertinent to the development of contemporary theories of scientific discovery,
personal identity, language, and mind-world relation. Major figures may include Hegel,
Husserl, Heidegger, Russell, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Lewis.
PHI440: Independent Study
3 credit hour(s)
With the approval and permission of a member of the Philosophy faculty and the chair of
the Philosophy Department, students may undertake independent reading and research on a
philosophical topic of their own choosing.
PHI450: Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
Class presentation of research on a philosophical topic, announced at advanced registration,
with the guidance of a member of the Philosophy faculty.
PHI460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
PHY105: Integrated Physical Science
4 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the physical sciences through an examination of sustainable energy. The
course is primarily for non-science majors and pre-service elementary and middle school
teachers. Mathematics requirements will be kept to a minimum. Laboratory.
PHY109: Meteorology
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to atmospheric structure and behavior including cloud structure and
precipitation as well as the effects of pressure, density, temperature, and humidity
differences on energy transport and atmospheric motions. Climate, weather forecasting, air
pollution, and other applications will be covered. No laboratory.
PHY115: Solar System Astronomy
3 credit hour(s)
Content covers the earth, moon, planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, TNO’s, and the
sun. The planetarium is used occasionally. No laboratory.
PHY117: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology
3 credit hour(s)
Content covers stars, stellar life cycles, pulsars, supernovae, black holes, clusters, galaxies,
galactic clusters, quasars, bursters, and the Big Bang theory of cosmology. Occasionally use of
the planetarium. No laboratory.
PHY211: College Physics I
4 credit hour(s)
First course in an introductory, algebra-based, physics sequence for college students. Topics
include mechanics, heat, thermodynamics, sound, and waves. Laboratory.
PHY212: College Physics II
4 credit hour(s)
Second course in an introductory, algebra- based, physics sequence for college students.
Topics include electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Laboratory.
PHY241: Engineering Physics
3 credit hour(s)
Supplements Physics 211-212. Selected topics in mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity,
magnetism, optics, and modern physics with the application of calculus in physics.
PHY260: Engineering Preceptorship
1 credit hour(s)
On-site supervised experience in the engineering sciences, observing and working with
practicing engineers in the field. Pass/fail grading.
PHY301: Electronics
3 credit hour(s)
D.C. circuits; A.C. circuits; basic devices; basic instruments. Laboratory.
PHY305: Mathematical Physics
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to mathematical methods used in physics such as matrix algebra, vector
calculus, special functions, and function spaces.
PHY313: Thermal Physics
3 credit hour(s)
Basic principles of thermal and statistical physics; laws of thermodynamics; equilibrium and
irreversibility; cyclic processes; ensembles; thermodynamic potentials; canonical distribution;
equipartition theorem; Maxwell distribution; phase changes; applications.
PHY317: Statics
3 credit hour(s)
Application of the conditions of equilibrium to two and three-dimensional systems; trusses,
frames and beams; friction; shear and bending moment diagrams; centroids, centers of
gravity, area and mass moments of inertia, vectors.
PHY319: Dynamics
3 credit hour(s)
Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies; work-energy method; impulse and
momentum; harmonic motion; two body problem.
PHY343: Relativity and Modern Physics
3 credit hour(s)
Special relativity, introduction to general relativity, introduction to quantum physics,
hydrogen atom and complex atoms, atomic spectra, topics in nuclear and solid-state physics.
PHY401: Advanced Experimental Physics
3 credit hour(s)
Selected experiments in mechanics, heat, physical optics, electricity and magnetism, solid
state, atomic and nuclear physics, and lasers.
PHY405: Electricity and Magnetism
3 credit hour(s)
Theory of the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their sources including Maxwell’s
PHY440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study.
PHY450: Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
May be taken as many as three times. One formal presentation of current interest must be
completed. Visiting scientists will constitute a portion of this course.
PHY460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
PHY471: Topics in Classical Physics
1-3 credit hour(s)
Topics in Classical Physics.
PHY473: Topics in Modern Physics
1-3 credit hour(s)
Topics in Modern Physics.
Political Science
POS100: American Government
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the study of American political institutions and behavior, focusing on the
federal (national) government.
POS170: Selected Topics in Political Science: Visual Politics
1-3 credit hour(s)
Selected topics in political science, offered at the introductory level. Specific course content
to be determined by professor and announced at advanced registration. Offered exclusively
as a Foundations 112 course.
POS201: Public Opinion
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of public opinion polls, polling methods, opinion-holding, group differences, and
public opinion and linkages between public opinion and public policies.
POS205: Mass Media, Technology, and Politics
3 credit hour(s)
An examination of the role of the mass media and new communications technologies in the
political process, with special emphasis on the constitutional protections for the press and the
POS210: Politics and Film
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to basic principles of politics through the use of film. The course analyzes
several films, placing them in context and discussing the specific events depicted in the films.
This course will also examine the messages (if any) these films have for contemporary
POS260: Trial Practice and Procedures
1 credit hour(s)
Students study and practice trial procedures. Topics include opening statements, direct
examination, closing statements, objections, and impeaching a witness. Emphasis is on
developing critical thinking skills through analysis and preparation of cases developed for
mock trial competition. May be repeated, but no more than two hours of practica credit may
be applied toward a major or minor.
POS280: Model United Nations
1 credit hour(s)
A study of the structure, processes, and operations of the United Nations with special
attention given to relevant contemporary issues in order to facilitate preparation for
participation in college-level Model United Nations conferences in which students will role-
play various U.N. member-states. This course will supplement the Georgetown College
Model United Nations Club (GMUNC). Students do not have to participate in the class to be
a member of the club. This course may be repeated, but no more than two hours of practica
credit may be applied toward a major or minor.
POS300: World Politics
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an introduction to world politics, designed to familiarize students with the
ways in which states, international organizations, and non-state actors interact in the
international system. It offers an analysis of the general approaches to world politics,
emphasizing current issues and problems.
POS302: European Politics
3 credit hour(s)
Political behavior and institutions of European countries and the European Union.
POS305: Urban Government
3 credit hour(s)
An examination of current urban problems, city governments, metropolitan governmental
reform, and future alternatives of urban public policy.
POS307: Comparative Politics
3 credit hour(s)
This course will provide an introduction to key theoretical frameworks, concepts, and
analytical methods commonly used today in comparative politics, including: the state,
political culture, democracy, authoritarianism, development, and national/ethnic identity, to
name a few. This course is intended to familiarize students with the most important concepts
necessary for the comparison of different political systems and contexts. Students will learn
how to apply this understanding in investigating different countries and regions in the
contemporary world.
POS309: State Government
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of the structure and function of the state governments in the U.S. federal system
and current problems and issues in state polities.
POS311: Politics of the Pacific Rim
3 credit hour(s)
A background analysis of government and politics of Pacific Rim from a comparative
perspective, including its foreign policy and future role in international relations.
POS315: Public Administration
3 credit hour(s)
A detailed study of the theory and practice of administration in the public sector.
POS317: American Constitutional Politics
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the constitutional development of the U.S. federal court system, judicial behavior,
and Supreme Court decisions.
POS319: Constitutional Rights
3 credit hour(s)
A study of Supreme Court decisions on freedom of speech, press, religion, race relations, and
due process of law.
POS321: International Human Rights
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines human rights and humanitarian intervention in world politics.
POS325: The American Legal System
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the organization and operation of the U.S. legal system; the functions and role of
judges, lawyers, and juries; procedures in civil and criminal trials; jury verdicts, judgments,
and sentencing; and the appellate process.
POS330: Globalization
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the multidimensional nature of Global Relations, or what is commonly
referred to as Globalization. Topics include the exploration of the nature, contents, processes,
and actors involved in global capitalism, global governance, and global civil society.
POS333: Women and Politics
3 credit hour(s)
Examination of the connection between gender and politics in America; topics include use
and exercise of political power, historical and current social movements, political campaigns
and elections, and public policy debates.
POS335: United States Congress
3 credit hour(s)
An examination of the legislative process, with an emphasis on the structure, functions, and
politics of U.S. Congress.
POS341: Force and Security
3 credit hour(s)
In a world without higher authority than the sovereign state, war is always possible, and
states must prepare to settle their disagreements through the use of force. This course will
deal with the consequences of this dilemma, focusing not only on war itself, but also on the
means that states use to insure their security short of war and the ethical issues involving the
use of force.
POS346: Politics of Latin America
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the major political actors and issues in Latin America.
POS350: Terrorism
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the social phenomenon of terrorism, both at the national and the
international levels. Topics include the nature, historic evolution, types, determinants, and
motivations related to terrorism. Strategies and policies from nation-states in dealing with
terrorism are also explored.
POS355: The American Presidency
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the American presidency and the various parts of the executive branch of the
federal government.
POS365: Political Parties and Elections
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the political party system, party organizations, the nomination process, political
campaigns, elections, and voting behavior.
POS370: Topics
1-3 credit hour(s)
Selected topics in political science.
POS375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a special topic in Political Science using a one-on-one tutorial method of
instruction adapted from humanities courses at Oxford University. Please check with
department for a list of current offerings.
POS400: Classical Political Theory
3 credit hour(s)
An analysis of classical and medieval political theory, focusing on issues such as nature, law,
and reason. Major theorists are covered: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas.
POS402: Modern Political Theory
3 credit hour(s)
An analysis of political theory from the Renaissance to the present. Major theorists are
covered: Hobbes, Locke, Hegel, Rawls, and others.
POS403: American Foreign Policy
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines American foreign policy and the foreign policy process, placing special
emphasis on current issues and problems.
POS407: International Law and Organization
3 credit hour(s)
A study of laws among nation-states, with emphasis on rights and duties, territories,
diplomacy, settlement of disputes, armed conflicts, and the United Nations system.
POS409: Kentucky Government
3 credit hour(s)
A study of political behavior and institutions of Kentucky at all levels.
POS415: American Political Thought
3 credit hour(s)
A study of major American political thinkers and the influence of their ideas on American
politics and government, from colonial times to the present.
POS425: Political Science Research Methods
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the methods and procedures used in quantitative political science
research, such as the specification of the research questions, measurement issues, research
design, data collection, and analysis.
POS440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Special research assignments by approval and appointment with the faculty.
POS450: Senior Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
Capstone course bringing together the several sub-fields of the discipline; students conduct
research in areas of political theory, American politics, international relations, and
comparative politics; present research; and participate in peer evaluation.
POS460: Internship
1-6 credit hour(s)
Supervised, practical experiences in the field of political science in appropriate agencies.
Consent of instructor required for enrollment.
POS461: Kentucky, Legislative Intern Program
3 credit hour(s)
A one-term experience working with the Legislature in Frankfort, along with evening
seminars and a research paper submitted to the Georgetown College Political Science
PSY111: General Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to psychology as a science, using the scientific approach to study many areas of
behavior such as motivation, emotion, perception, thinking, learning, abnormal, personality,
and social. This course satisfies an Area of Inquiry requirement for Social and Behavioral
PSY163: Life above Zero: An Introduction to Positive Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to the field of psychology with an emphasis on
positive psychology, which is the scientific study of happiness and the good life. This course
will educate students on research methodology by examining topics like happiness,
optimism, and character strengths. In addition, the course will infuse opportunities for self-
examination and reflection by incorporating self-report assessments and applied exercises.
This course will be offered only as a Foundations 112 course. This course satisfies an Area of
Inquiry requirement for Social and Behavioral Sciences.
PSY211: Statistics for the Social Sciences
3 credit hour(s)
Study of both descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on their use in
psychological research.
PSY240: Lifespane Development
3 credit hour(s)
Study of human developmental processes from prenatal stages through later adulthood with
an examination of the biological, psychological, social, and contextual factors influencing
behavior across the lifespan.
PSY242: Adolescence and Adulthood
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed as an overview of adolescent and adult development. Readings and
class activities cover issues from adolescence through adulthood, examining research in
physical, cognitive, personality, and social development. A particular emphasis of this course
is an integration of biological, psychological, social, and cultural contributions to human
development. This course satisfies an Area of Inquiry requirement for Social and Behavioral
PSY260: Social Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The study of how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the
actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Topics to be covered include the self,
conformity, obedience, gender, attitudes, prejudice, liking and love, aggression, helping, and
group behavior. This course satisfies an Area of Inquiry requirement for Social and
Behavioral Sciences.
PSY290: Animal Behavior
3 credit hour(s)
This course will examine the development, underlying neurology and physiology, adaptive
function, and application of behavior to understanding feeding, habitat selection,
communication, reproduction, parenting, and social behavior. Students will be exposed to
methods for the design, analysis and interpretation of behavioral experiments.
PSY304: Psychology of Slavery
3 credit hour(s)
This will be an online course that will explore the effects of slavery on the enslaved person,
the owner/trafficker, and society in general. Psychological and physical trauma associated
with slavery both in the past and present will be explored. More specifically, this will
include an examination of the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, social, cultural and physical
trauma experienced by enslaved persons. This course will also focus on the psychological
effects of slavery on modern society including topics such as dominant and subordinate
groups, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, cognitive frameworks and stereotypes, identity
formation, and attitudes of apathy. In addition, the class will include a special focus on the
Underground Railroad and modern forms of slavery in Kentucky.
PSY311: Experimental Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
Design and interpretation of psychological experiments; advanced study in selected areas of
experimental psychology.
PSY313: Psychology of Motivation
3 credit hour(s)
The study of biological, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions of what motivates people in
their thoughts and actions.
PSY315: Health Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The study of the biological, psychological, and social dimensions involved in health and
illness, with emphasis on immune functions, stress, drugs, alcohol, cardiovascular disease,
diet, and sexually- transmitted disease.
PSY318: Sport Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The study of the psychological and mental factors that affect and are influenced by
participation and performance in sport, exercise and physical activity.
PSY323: Sensation and Perception
3 credit hour(s)
The study of sensory systems and the higher- order cognitive processes involved with
interpreting sensory information.
PSY328: Learning
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an introductory level survey of the major classic and contemporary
psychological theories and research in learning. Learning will be examined from biological,
psychological, and sociocultural perspectives.
PSY333: Cognitive Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The study of attention, memory, thinking, concept formation, language, intelligence, and
PSY337: Psychology of Women
3 credit hour(s)
This course will provide an over-view of classical and contemporary psychological research
pertaining to women. It will explore biological and cultural similarities and differences
within topics such as behavior, language, emotion, motivation, mental health, and
development. The course will include a special focus on women of different ethnic
PSY340: Child Development
3 credit hour(s)
This course provides an overview of growth and development from conception through
middle childhood. Opportunities are provided for observation in an early childhood center
or participation in a service learning placement in a community organization or agency
serving young children (5 hours). Special emphasis is placed on the cultural contexts of child
PSY343: Personality
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an introductory level survey of the major classic and contemporary
psychological theories and research in personality. We will cover major theories, including
psychoanalysis, humanistic, cognitive, social learning, and biological perspectives. Various
traits and their importance in predicting health, achievement, and adjustment will also be
PSY347: Careers in Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to provide advanced psychology students with the opportunity to
examine future career paths in and out of psychology. The course also designed to provide a
foundation for professional and career development for entry level positions in human
service fields as well as preparation for graduate school. We will work to accomplish these
goals by lecture, guest speakers, and professional visits to outside facilities.
PSY350: Relationships
3 credit hour(s)
The application of psychological methods and principles to intimate relationships. Topics to
be covered include attraction, dating, friendship, love, passion, commitment, marriage,
jealousy, conflict, and divorce. Students must have senior standing to enroll in this course.
PSY355: Abnormal Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The study of classification, assessment, and causes of psychological disorders, reviewing
contemporary issues in the study and treatment of psychopathology.
PSY358: Human Trafficking
3 credit hour(s)
The purpose of this course is to explore modern day slavery both in the United States and
Abroad. It will examine topics such as trafficker characteristics, victim vulnerabilities,
rehabilitation of victims, human trafficking policies and laws, product supply chain and fair
trade, and modern abolition efforts.
PSY360: Undergraduate Research
2-3 credit hour(s)
Implementation of psychological research processes using topics chosen by individuals or
small groups of students in consultation with the professor of the course. Tutorial teaching
will replace classroom teaching for most of the semester. Research methods will involve
computer and/or paper and pencil techniques.
PSY363: Positive Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The focus of this course is the science of positive subjective experiences, positive traits, and
positive institutions. This course will present psychological perspectives and research
findings on topics such as happiness, life satisfaction, and optimism, as well as character
strengths and virtues. The course will also encourage self-exploration of students’ own
strengths and virtues and investigate empirically-based strategies for enhancing one’s life.
PSY365: Industrial/Organizational Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
The application of psychological methods and principles to organizational settings. Topics to
be covered include motivation, psychological testing, job satisfaction, training, leadership,
employee selection, stress, and performance appraisal.
PSY367: Dying, Grieving, and Coping
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the concept of death and our psychological responses to death. This
subject is explored across cultures and through history from many viewpoints. The class also
has many outside speakers to address multiple views on death and dying.
PSY375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a special topic in Psychology using a one-on-one tutorial method of instruction
adapted from humanities courses at Oxford University. Please check with department for a
list of current offerings.
PSY380: Psychology and the Law
3 credit hour(s)
Application of psychological methods and principles to the legal system. Topics to be covered
include eyewitness testimony, confessions, the insanity defense, polygraphs, jury selection,
profiling, serial killers, and victims.
PSY411: Senior Capstone in Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to guide senior Psychology majors as they examine enduring issues in
psychology from the earliest beginnings in the history of psychology to contemporary
research and application. Class readings, assignments, and discussions will synthesize
material from previous psychology course work and facilitate the development of each
student’s conceptual framework to guide his/her career or graduate school decision-making.
The class will culminate in the application of theoretical principles and empirical research
findings to a senior paper where students will examine and take a position on a debatable
issue within the field of psychology. The paper will be assessed by at least two psychology
faculty (e.g., the professor of the course and a second departmental faculty member).
PSY413: Clinical Assessment
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the appraisal and assessment techniques used in clinical settings. Topics covered
include effective interviewing strategies, test theory, test development, and administration of
tests involving intelligence, achievement, adaptive functions, neuropsychology, clinical
symptoms, personality, and vocation/ interest. Emphasis will be placed on ethical standards
in interviewing and testing.
PSY415: Counseling Skills
3 credit hour(s)
The study of current approaches used in counseling and psychotherapy. Topics covered
include basic counseling and psychotherapy skills, various theoretical models of
psychological intervention, and a review of the most current, empirically-supported
treatment approaches. Emphasis will be placed on ethical standards as they apply to
PSY417: Developmental Disorders of Childhood
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an examination of the most recent research in disorders of childhood. This
class is designed as a seminar examining diagnostic categories and critical issues of child
psychopathology and identifying evidence-based interventions. Readings and class materials
cover diagnostic categories, causal theories of childhood disorders, and a survey of the
intervention literature.
PSY419: School Psychology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to the field of school psychology, from its
influential place in the history of psychology to contemporary “best practices.” Readings and
assignments will direct the student to examine the roles school psychologists play in the
school system as a whole, including: individual assessment and intervention with young
children; individual, class-wide and system-wide consultation for learning and behavioral
issues; and program development in the areas of crisis prevention and intervention.
PSY425: Brain and Behavior
3 credit hour(s)
This course covers the influence of brain functioning on behavior from physiological,
genetic, and evolutionary perspectives. The course will include current research and examine
the impact of injury and disease/ disorder on human behavior.
PSY433: Animal Cognition
3 credit hour(s)
This course will cover a range of issues involving animal consciousness, animal intelligence,
and evolution of mind. We will look at what is known about intelligence in other animals,
how intelligence is revealed in social and problem-solving behavior, and the ways in which
animal cognitive abilities are adaptive.
PSY440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Emphasis on independent research.
PSY460: Enhanced Internship
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to provide advanced psychology students with the opportunity to
work in applied field placements in the community. The course also provides a foundation
for professional and career development for entry-level positions in human service fields, as
well as preparation for graduate school. Students will be given the opportunity to learn in
diverse ways (e.g., exposure to special topics, issues relevant to the placement, different
supervisory styles, etc.) through practical experience and guidance from the instructor and
site supervisor.
PSY462: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Students may receive graduation credit for internships with appropriate disciplinary content
that meet the faculty-approved criteria for academic internships. Such experiences include a
significant reflective component and must be supervised by a full-time member of the
Georgetown College faculty.
PSY470: Special Topics in Psychology
1-3 credit hour(s)
The study of special areas of psychology deemed of value to Psychology majors and minors.
REL101: Beginning Greek I
3 credit hour(s)
Grammar of the Greek New Testament.
REL102: Beginning Greek II
3 credit hour(s)
Grammar of the Greek New Testament.
REL117: Introduction to Biblical Studies
3 credit hour(s)
An introductory survey of the origins and content of the Bible, giving special attention to its
interpretation, historical setting, and content.
REL203: Greek New Testament
3 credit hour(s)
Intermediate-level Greek grammar and reading of selected texts.
REL204: Greek New Testament II
3 credit hour(s)
Reading of selected texts from all major divisions of the Greek New Testament.
REL211: Introduction to Christian Ministry
3 credit hour(s)
Presentation of biblical, historical, and practical information related to Christian ministry as
a career. Designed for those interested in ministry, the course should aid students in making
more mature, informed career decisions.
REL213: Missional Community
3 credit hour(s)
An examination of the biblical, historical, and theological basis for missional communities.
This course will introduce students to missional strategies in the twenty-first century.
Students will engage in practical projects and assignments that will help develop best
practices in developing missional communities.
REL215: Biblical Storytelling
3 credit hour(s)
A biblical, historical, and theological study of the forms of address employed by the church
to share the Gospel. Particular attention will be given to the Gospel as narrative and biblical
storytelling in the twenty-first century. Students will engage in practical projects and
assignments that will help develop best practices and methods of biblical storytelling.
REL219: Youth and Family Ministries
3 credit hour(s)
A biblical, historical, and theological study of youth and family ministries. Particular
attention will be given to ministering to young people and families in the twenty-first
century. Students will engage in practical projects and assignments that will help develop
best practices and methods for ministry.
REL231: New Testament I
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of the content of the Gospels; attention to historical setting, basic literary problems,
the history and teachings of Jesus, and the nature and interpretation of Gospel literature.
REL233: New Testament II
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of the content of Acts, the New Testament Epistles, Hebrews, and Revelation.
Special attention will be devoted to the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of these
REL235: Old Testament Law and History
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the content, historical and social context, literary structure, and theological value
of the Old Testament books Genesis to Esther.
REL237: Old Testament Prophecy and Poetry
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the content, historical and social context, literary structure, and theological value
of the Old Testament prophets, the poetic books, and the book of Daniel.
REL243: The Christian Heritage
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of major events, personalities, and issues in the history of Christianity. Attention
will be given to Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism in all its
varieties, including Pentecostalism. The course emphasizes the connections between the
various Christian “pasts” and current events and issues within Christianity.
REL245: Religion and Popular Culture
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the study of religion and popular culture. Special attention is given to the
ways in which religious and secular values interact and find expression in mass media
products such as literature, film, music, and television.
REL253: Religions of the Modern World
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the history, beliefs, practices, and overarching worldviews of the major
religions of the modern world. Emphasis is placed upon understanding the perspective of the
adherents of each tradition, rather than using a comparative method to make evaluative
judgments about the merits of the various traditions.
REL255: Religions of the Ancient World
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the religious texts, traditions, rituals, and ideas of the ancient
Mediterranean world and the ancient Near East. The focus will be on a comparative analysis
of the varieties of religious expression, with particular attention paid to the conceptual
approaches to the study of religion, as well as to the historical, social, literary, and cultural
contexts of religious practices.
REL257: Basic Christian Thought
3 credit hour(s)
A survey of Christian theology, examining the central ecclesial teachings of the Christian
faith with special emphasis given to their biblical foundation, historical context, and
contemporary relevance.
REL279: Topics in Ministries Studies
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to aspects of Christian ministry not covered in
other courses, including newly emerging prospects and paradigms. May be taken for credit
with different topics.
REL341: Women in the Christian Tradition
3 credit hour(s)
An exploration of the involvement of women in the Christian tradition from the time of
Jesus to the present. (Same as WST341.)
REL345: Advanced Topics in Cultural/Historical Studies
3 credit hour(s)
The study of special areas in cultural/historical studies. Among the topics that this course
might include is Christianity in the modern era.
REL353: Advanced Topics in World Religions
3 credit hour(s)
Advanced study in one of the world’s major religious cultures. It traces the origin of that
culture and surveys its major beliefs, practices, traditions, scriptures (when applicable),
values, and modern-day challenges.
REL357: Advanced Topics in Theological Studies
3 credit hour(s)
The study of special areas in Christian theology. Examples might include Trinitarian
theology, patristic theology, feminist theology, ecclesiology, liberation theology, or the
theology of Jürgen Moltmann.
REL371: Advanced Topics in New Testament Interpretation
3 credit hour(s)
A study of individual books or areas within the New Testament with emphasis on topics of
current interest in New Testament studies.
REL373: Advanced Topics in Old Testament Interpretation
3 credit hour(s)
A study of individual books or areas within the Old Testament with emphasis on topics of
current interest.
REL375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a specific topic in Religion using the tutorial method adopted from the Oxford
University humanities classes.
REL379: Advanced Studies in Specialized Areas of Christian Ministry
3 credit hour(s)
Students will engage in practical projects and assignments that will help develop best
practices for ministry.
REL440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study
REL450: Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
Group study of a specialized area of religion including preparation and defense of a seminar
REL460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Supervised experiences through a cooperative program with a religious worker or an
institution as closely related as possible to the type of ministry the student is considering.
Sports Administration
SAM315: Sports Events and Operations Planning
3 credit hour(s)
The course is designed to provide sport administrators with the knowledge necessary for
operating and planning sport facilities and events. The focus will be on organization and
administration, including personnel and resource management, revenue resources, risk
assessment, and event management, as well as facility design and maintenance. A variety of
venues will be examined, to include indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas, gymnasiums,
athletic field complexes, and recreational centers.
SAM400: Legal Issues in Sport
3 credit hour(s)
The course looks at the way sport is governed in our changing world on both the amateur
and professional level. Organizational policies that regulate high school, intercollegiate, state,
national, international amateur sport, and professional level sport will be examined. The
legal concerns faced at these various levels will be addressed by focusing primarily on tort
liability and risk management, contract, and constitutional law.
SAM450: Senior Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
This capstone experience is intended to involve all aspects of the chosen course
concentration in Sports Administration at the undergraduate level. The student has options
through which this may be done. A successful capstone project will satisfy the following
objectives: demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge of sport administration through
its application to real-life scenarios, demonstrate a competent knowledge of the
organizational and managerial logistics of being involved in the sport industry, demonstrate
competent knowledge in interpersonal and leadership skills, develop materials which will
prove useful when seeking employment, and demonstrate individual creativity, initiative,
and responsibility.
SOC111: Principles of Sociology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to sociological concepts, theories, and
SOC113: Modern Social Problems
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to offer a description and analysis of selected social problems, their
causes, effects, and social responses to these problems.
SOC118: Cultural Diversity
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the diversity of human cultural
experience in the contemporary world. Goals of the course include gaining an appreciation
for the common humanity and uniqueness of all cultures; to gain a sensitivity toward
stereotypes and ethnocentrism, and to understand the distinctions between “race,” ethnicity,
and racism. Please note that this course employs service learning and therefore involves
significant work outside of the classroom.
SOC121: Introduction to Social and Criminal Justice
3 credit hour(s)
This course is an introduction to the philosophical and historical background of law
enforcement agencies, processes, purposes, and functions. It includes an evaluation of law
enforcement today, including current trends in social and criminal justice. This course
provides an overview of crime and the criminal justice system: Police, Courts, and
SOC211: Community
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to the role of communities in the creation of
society. It will offer a critique of contemporary social mobility. Please note that this course
employs service learning and therefore involves significant work outside of the classroom.
SOC213: Marriage and Family
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to offer a sociological and historical analysis of the institution of
marriage in the United States, with an emphasis on the changing structure of marriage and
family in a contemporary context.
SOC220: Equality and Social Justice
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to examine social justice in relation to the economy, racial paradigms,
political structures, and past and present social welfare policies. A specific emphasis will be
placed on government responses to inequities in American society.
SOC302: Classical Sociological Theory
3 credit hour(s)
The 19th and 20th centuries brought unprecedented change to our world, and many great
thinkers sought to create theories to explain this change. This course will focus on the
writings of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, as well as Talcott Parsons and the structural
functionalists, stopping short of the microsociological and the postmodern views of the social
world (subjects that are covered in SOC304, Contemporary Sociological Theory).
SOC304: Contemporary Sociological Theory
3 credit hour(s)
This seminar is designed to examine the contributions of contemporary sociological theory to
the understanding of the main structures, processes, and contradictions of modern societies.
Whereas classical theory courses primarily focus on the works of Marx, Weber, and
Durkheim, this course will offer a broader range of theorists, beginning with the
microsociological thought of Schutz and Blumer, and ending up with many of the
postmodern questions being asked by theorists like Immanuel Wallerstein.
SOC306: Social Movements and Social Change
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to examine the origins, dynamics, and consequences of social
movements through both sociological theory and empirical case studies.
SOC309: Sociology of Religion
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to offer students a classical understanding of the sociology of religion
and a contemporary look at ways in which religion is used in society.
SOC311: Ethics in Social and Criminal Justice
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines the many difficult decisions that social and criminal justice
professionals make in an environment of competing interests. The decision-making of
criminal justice professionals is often impacted by their ethical dilemmas. Emphasis is placed
on addressing moral issues and concerns of our justice process in personal, social, and
criminal justice contexts.
SOC319: Work and Organizational Sociology
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to the societal assumptions of work and
organizations and the role of work and organizations in perpetuating or solving social
SOC322: Juvenile Delinquency
3 credit hour(s)
This course provides an introduction of the origins and theories associated with juvenile
delinquency, and a comprehensive analysis of social issues that influence delinquency, plus a
thorough overview of the juvenile justice system processes.
SOC324: Deviance & Social Control
3 credit hour(s)
This course examines why individuals and groups violate social norms. Typically, when we
think of deviance, we think of one individual engaging in one specific deviant act. The
adoption of a sociological perspective, however, reminds us that there are many others
involved in the creation of deviance and the enforcement of society’s norms. In this class, we
will ask the question: “Who breaks society’s rules, and why?” Further, we’ll explore who
makes the rules in the first place, who benefits, and who is most likely to follow the rules.
SOC326: Restorative Justice
3 credit hour(s)
Provides an in-depth study of the history and current processes and procedures of probation,
parole, and intermediate sanctions that makes up community corrections. Specifically, this
course will highlight critical issues and trends in community-based corrections, as well as
evaluate the practice of community corrections nationwide. Special emphasis will be placed
on exploring the development of community corrections, including probation, parole,
intermediate punishments, special offenders in the community, and juvenile offenders in the
SOC328: Criminological Theory
3 credit hour(s)
This course will focus on examining sociological explanations of crime and how these
theories relate to empirical evidence and social policy. We will begin by asking the question,
“What is crime?” From there, we will look at how crime is measured and what general
patterns emerge from previous surveys of criminal behavior. Next, we will dive into the
heart of the course: investigation of the various explanations of crime and the implications
these theories have for crime control policies and social change. Finally, we will conclude
with a discussion about what the future holds for crime and social control in American
SOC330: Sociology of Sport
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the role of sport in human
life through social theories, methods, and research findings of sociological inquiry.
SOC335: Sociology of Appalachia
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to the culture, economics, politics, families,
literature, and religions of the Appalachian region.
SOC355: Environment and Sustainability
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to help the student think about the environment, sustainability, and
the role of society and culture in determining how we will survive and prosper on this
planet. Please note that this course employs service learning and therefore involves
significant work outside of the classroom.
SOC365: Education for Social Change
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to offer students sociological explanations of the racial and ethnic,
class, and gender inequalities that are reproduced within education and focuses on critical
pedagogical theories and practices that promote social justice and social change.
SOC373: Class and Stratification
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to provide a survey of major sociological theories and research on
inequality in modern societies, with emphasis on the contemporary United States. We will
examine: the distribution of wealth, status, political power, and other valued resources; the
structure and effects of class, race, gender, and other modes of social differentiation; social
mobility; and the reproduction of inequality.
SOC375: Tutorial Topics
3 credit hour(s)
The study of a special topic in sociology. Required as preparation for students interested in
pursuing study through the Oxford Program at Georgetown College. Please consult
department chair for current offerings.
SOC380: Race and Ethnicity
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to a sociological overview of issues pertaining
to race and ethnicity in the United States.
SOC390: Gender and Society
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to offer an explanation of the social construction of gender. The
central themes of the course will be changes and continuities in gender roles within the
United States, social processes that influence our lives and our gender identities, and the
connections between gender, power, and inequality.
SOC395: Qualitative Research Methods
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the methodological
approaches we commonly think of as qualitative, with special emphasis on interview based
research, ethnography, and comparative research.
SOC397: Statistical Methods in Sociology
3 credit hour(s)
This course provides a basic introduction to statistical analysis in the social sciences. A great
deal of emphasis will be placed on understanding and interpreting statistics that are used to
describe and to generalize about the characteristics of groups.
SOC400: Community Development
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to explore the challenges of empowering the poor in a world marked
by marginalization, disempowerment, and injustice. Topics to be covered include worldview
issues that influence our understanding of poverty and development; a framework for
transformational development; an overview of contemporary development theory; and the
development practitioner. Please note that this course employs service learning and therefore
involves significant work outside of the classroom.
SOC403: Criminal Procedure
3 credit hour(s)
This course focuses primarily on the constitutional issues confronting law enforcement and
suspects during a criminal investigation as a result of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. It covers the law of search and seizure, self-
incrimination, and the right to counsel as defined by the U.S. Supreme Court. Attention will
also be given to differences in these areas between the U.S. Supreme Court and the law of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. It covers important selected procedural issues that arise during
the prosecution of a criminal case, including double jeopardy, discovery, pretrial hearings,
jury selection, confrontation, and the ethical responsibilities of a prosecutor.
SOC405: Development and Globalization
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce the student to how sociologists approach the study and
practice of development. It explores cross-culturally how local populations have responded
to development; the different topics of development, such as agriculture and rural
development; and the ways sociological knowledge is applied in addressing development
SOC408: Applied Sociology
3 credit hour(s)
Applied sociology is simply “sociology put to use.” It involves the application of sociological
and anthropological knowledge, theories, and methods to address social problems and issues.
This class focuses on the social scientific approach to informing policy and initiating action
that alleviates some of the most pressing social, economic, health, environmental, and
technological problems facing communities and organizations. Please note that this course
employs service learning and therefore involves significant work outside of the classroom.
SOC415: Food and Society
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to look at the food we eat; the way we think about food; the role of
neo-liberal and capitalist values, as well as the role of agribusiness marketing, in shaping our
understanding of food and its role in society; and, finally, of the need for reform in our
overall societal understanding of food. Particular attention will be paid to concerns such as
food insecurity, food safety, and the role of food systems in perpetuating systemic inequality.
Please note that this course employs service learning and therefore involves significant work
outside of the classroom.
SOC420: Research Methods for Community Change
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to provide an overview of the history, theory, and methods of
participatory community-based research for social change. Communitybased research (CBR)
is a collaborative, change-oriented approach to research that equitably engages all partners in
the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBR is research
that is conducted with and for, not on, members of a community. CBR begins with a
research topic based in the needs of communities, and has the aim of combining knowledge
with action and achieving social change on behalf of disadvantaged communities or groups.
Please note that this course employs service learning and therefore involves significant work
outside of the classroom.
SOC425: Aging in Mass Society
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to offer a comprehensive study of the dimensions of aging from
young adulthood through the senior years. Particular emphasis will be placed on the analysis
of problems related to aging with exploration of possible solutions, including social services.
SOC427: Social Network Analysis
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to provide an introduction to social network analysis. Special
attention will be paid to the theories behind this research, but this class will also provide an
introduction to the theoretical concepts and methodology of social network analysis from a
research perspective. Although technical in a certain sense, the course will not require any
mathematical background.
SOC435: Social Justice Through Folk Music
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to explore stories of injustice, social action, social movements, and
social change through the perspective of folk music.
SOC440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Emphasis on independent research.
SOC450: Senior Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
Capstone course in sociology.
SOC460: Internship in Applied Sociology
3-6 credit hour(s)
Supervised internship experiences in the application of sociological concepts in selected
organizations. Prerequisites: one course in sociology and permission of the instructor.
SOC470: Topics
1-3 credit hour(s)
The study of special topics in sociology.
SPA101: Elementary Spanish I
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and
Hispanic culture. Communicative skills will be emphasized. ACTFL level of Novice-
Mid. 218 SPA101 credit will not be given to students who have completed two years or more
(level II or higher) of high school Spanish.
SPA102: Elementary Spanish II
3 credit hour(s)
Development of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and
students become familiar with aspects of the culture of Spanish-speaking countries.
Communicative skills will be emphasized. ACTFL level of Novice-High for SPA102.
SPA115: Intensive Elementary Spanish
3 credit hour(s)
Intensive review of the fundamentals of Spanish designed for students who have already
developed a basic command of the language but are not fully prepared for SPA102.
Communicative skills will be emphasized through the four language skills (listening,
speaking, reading, and writing) and study of culture. ACTFL level of Novice-High.
SPA201: Intermediate Spanish
3 credit hour(s)
Continued development of the four language skills, plus culture (listening, speaking,
reading, and writing). Communicative skills will be emphasized. ACTFL level of
SPA230: Intensive Grammar/Conversation
3 credit hour(s)
Designed to improve proficiency in all four language skills with an emphasis on grammar or
conversation. ACTFL level of Intermediate-Mid.
SPA235: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Development of reading comprehension and introduction to literary criticism through the
study and discussion of literary, historical, and cultural texts. ACFTL level of Intermediate-
SPA310: Spanish Civilization and Culture
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the various aspects of Spanish culture such as the arts, music, leisure activities,
geography, political structures, and the main events of Spanish history.
SPA312: Hispanic American Civilization/Culture
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the various aspects of Spanish-American culture such as the arts, music, leisure
activities, geography, political structures, and the main events of Hispanic American history.
SPA314: U.S. Latino Civilization/Culture
3 credit hour(s)
A study of Latino civilization in the United States and culture through literary, historical and
cultural texts. Major issues and challenges to the Latino population will be addressed; in
addition, students will learn of the contributions made by Latinos to U.S. culture.
SPA320: Survey of Spanish Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A study of prominent authors and works from the 12th through the 21st centuries.
SPA322: Survey of Hispanic American Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A study of prominent authors and works from the 15th through the 21st centuries.
SPA324: Spanish American Short Story
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the principal authors and representative examples of the Spanish-American short
SPA327: Hispanic Film
3 credit hour(s)
A study of major Hispanic films, directors, and actors, and their contributions to cinematic
art. Within the framework of history, culture, and politics, the course develops a deeper
understanding of the Spanish-speaking world.
SPA333: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the historical development of the Spanish language and five other areas of
Hispanic linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and sociolinguistics.
SPA340: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study Course
SPA353: Introduction to Spanish Translation and Interpretation
3 credit hour(s)
An introduction to the theory and practice of translation and interpretation in its various
forms. The course will present a comparative analysis of grammar structures, vocabulary, and
idiomatic expressions to emphasize the communicative aims of translation and
interpretation, given considerations such as context and intended audience.
SPA355: Spanish for the Professions through Service Learning
3 credit hour(s)
A study and practice of Spanish as related to the world of business and/or other professional
activities; specifically, the health care, law enforcement, education, business, welfare, and
equine fields. The course includes a 220 Service Learning component where the skills
learned in class will be applied in the community.
SPA357: Business Spanish or Professional Communication in Spanish
3 credit hour(s)
A study of vocabulary and cultural practices in international business, the travel industry,
and legal matters in Spanish-speaking countries. The course teaches practical skills in written
and oral professional situations, through interviews, phone conversations, writing
assignments and presentations.
SPA370: Topics in Hispanic Language/Culture/Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Study of special topics announced at advanced registration.
SPA402: Teaching of World Languages
3 credit hour(s)
Methods and materials for the teaching of world languages. Taught in English. SPA402
counts only for the Spanish Major Leading to Teacher Certification. It will not count towards
the major or minor.
SPA420: Spanish Literature of the Golden Age
3 credit hour(s)
A study of prominent authors and/or writings from the XVI and XVII centuries in Spain, the
golden age of Spanish literature, through current U.S. and Spanish pop culture.
SPA431: Caribbean Literature
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the history, culture, and experience of the Hispanic Caribbean by means of
various artistic and literary genres. A series of concepts and techniques are used to augment
the aesthetic appreciation, bibliographic knowledge, and cultural and linguistic command of
the student. The course investigates the concept of “caribeñidad” within the framework of
Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, and its repercussions in the United States,
Hispanic America, and Spain. This course satisfies a Cultural Awareness Flag (C) in the
Foundations and Core Program.
SPA435: Advanced Grammar
3 credit hour(s)
A study of advanced grammatical structures of the Spanish language. Emphasis will be
placed on skills required to reach ACTFL Advanced level.
SPA440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study
SPA450: Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
SPA470: Topics
1-3 credit hour(s)
Cervantes, Literature of the “Boom,” Hispanic Testimonial Literature, Spanish Post-War
Literature, Novela de la Selva, or Spanish Modernity, 1700-1898.
Security Studies
SST450: Security Studies Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
This course aims to develop a working knowledge of the theories and conceptual frameworks
that form the intellectual basis of security studies as an academic discipline. Students will
write a seminar paper in which theoretical insights are systematically applied to a current
security issue. NOTE: This course will be taught in an independent study format unless
demand is sufficient to offer it during the semester.
Theatre and Film
THE107: Theatre Appreciation
2 credit hour(s)
Introduction to the history and development of performance.
THE171: Topics
3 credit hour(s)
This course will introduce students to the study of script analysis and how it relates to the
creation of live theatrical events and filmed adaptations while exploring a specific topic in
one or more of the fields of performance production. The course is open to all students and
may be counted toward the Theatre major or minor. This course may be repeated.
THE220: Performance of Literature
3 credit hour(s)
Basic principles of performance, with attention to analysis as preparation for individual and
group performance of literature.
THE225: Acting
3 credit hour(s)
Concentration on the creation of dramatic characters through the development of the
performer’s awareness of the physiological, psychological, and mental components inherent
in performance as learned through experiential activities.
THE227: Theatre Production
3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of theatre production: theatre styles, set
construction, painting, sound, lighting, costuming, makeup, and theatre management.
THE266: Practicum in Theatre
1 credit hour(s)
Practical experience in theatre production and performance. Serves as laboratory for the
development of production skills and performance experience. No student may present more
than two hours of practica credit for a major; one for a minor.
THE267: Practicum in Theatre
1 credit hour(s)
Practical experience in theatre production and performance. Serves as laboratory for the
development of production skills and performance experience. No student may present more
than two hours of practica credit for a major; one for a minor.
THE268: Production Practicum in Theatre
1 credit hour(s)
Implementation of performance/production position. A student may enroll for credit in
conjunction with an assigned role in a department production. No student may present more
than two hours of practica credit for a major; one for a minor.
THE320: Advanced Performance Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Concentration on contemporary performance theory and practice in three different genres of
solo performance.
THE325: Advanced Acting
3 credit hour(s)
Students will study further development of physical and emotional instruments;
development of improvisational and dramatic scenes.
THE327: Directing
3 credit hour(s)
Basic play interpretation; casting-rehearsal procedures, director-actor relationship in analysis
and creation procedures; creation of character, and the major tasks of the director. Each
student will select, cast, rehearse, and present for class analysis several short dramatic scenes.
THE330: Screenwriting
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces students to the process of screenwriting, paying particular attention to
the structure of traditional, Hollywood narrative by focusing on plot development,
characterization, description, and dialogue.
THE335: Acting For The Camera
3 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to introduce students to the different demands made on the actor
when performing on camera.
THE347: History of Film
3 credit hour(s)
Study of the history of film as a medium of communication, culture, and art through survey
of significant films in the history of its development as well as its relationship to theatre and
other arts.
THE366: Advanced Theatre Practicum-Performance
1-3 credit hour(s)
Implementation of a performance position. A student may enroll for credit in conjunction
with an assigned role in a department production. No student may present more than six
hours of practica credit for a major; three for a minor.
THE367: Advanced Theatre Practicum-Production
1-3 credit hour(s)
Implementation of a theatre production position. A student may enroll for credit in
conjunction with an assigned production position in a department production. No student
may present more than six hours of practica credit for a major; three for a minor.
THE368: Advanced Filmmaking Practicum
1-3 credit hour(s)
Implementation of a filmmaking position. A student may enroll for credit in conjunction
with an assigned position in a department film production. No student may present more
than six hours of practica credit for a major; three for a minor.
THE407: Creative Dramatics and Children’s Theatre
2-3 credit hour(s)
Introduction to and overview of the theory and use of creative dramatics and children’s
theatre activities in education.
THE420: Group Performance
3 credit hour(s)
Study of and experience in group performance of literature, including readers theatre and
chamber theatre through adaptation of scripts, direction of, and participation in productions
for public performance
THE422: Independent Filmmaking
3 credit hour(s)
This course introduces students to the process of conceptualizing and producing independent
digital cinema. Students will study and participate in all pre-production, production, and
post-production elements of digital motion pictures
THE425: Theatre History
3 credit hour(s)
Study of elements of theatre from Ancient Greece to the present, with an emphasis on
dramatic literature.
THE428: Production Design
3 credit hour(s)
Techniques of production design; re-search, creative design, and development of working
drawings for sets, lighting, and costumes.
THE440: Independent Study
1-3 credit hour(s)
With the approval and permission of a member of the Theatre and Film faculty and the chair
of the Theatre and Film department, students may engage in reading, research, and
performance on or in an area of their own choosing.
THE450: Seminar
3 credit hour(s)
In-depth study of a topic announced during pre-registration.
THE461: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
Fieldwork activities in performance-related fields in the area.
THE471: Topics in Theatre and Performance Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Specialized study in theatre and performance styles, genres, or issues related to the field.
World Languages
WLN360: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
WLN370: Topics in Modern and Classical Languages and Cultures
3 credit hour(s)
Study of a special topic announced at advanced registration.
WLN460: Internship
1-3 credit hour(s)
This course provides supervised practical experience in international business, media,
education, government, or other fields. The course credits may count toward a language
major with approval by the language coordinator.
Women's Studies
WST112: Women and Culture: An Introduction
3 credit hour(s)
A chronological, interdisciplinary survey of women’s major cultural and artistic
contributions. Offered only as a Foundations 112 course.
WST211: Introduction to Women’s Studies
3 credit hour(s)
An interdisciplinary study of women and gender viewed through historical and
contemporary readings. Emphasizes analysis of new and traditional representations and
interpretations of women’s experiences.
WST341: Women in the Christian Tradition
3 credit hour(s)
Same as REL341.
WST440: Independent Study
3 credit hour(s)
Independent Study.
WST450: Senior Seminar in Women’s Studies
3 credit hour(s)
Senior research seminar for students minoring in women’s studies. Non-minors may take the
course with the approval of the program coordinator.
WST470: Topics
3 credit hour(s)
Georgetown College, in cooperation with the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (Air
Force ROTC) detachment at the University of Kentucky, offers a two, three, or four-year Air
Force ROTC program. These programs allow qualified students an opportunity to earn a
commission as an officer in the active duty U.S. Air Force while completing the requirement
for a degree in their chosen field. The Air Force ROTC courses are offered on the campus of
the University of Kentucky. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Students
attend classes at the University of Kentucky (UK) while enrolling for all other courses at
Georgetown College. For more information, visit Note that sixteen
semester hours of ROTC credit can be counted toward a bachelor’s degree at Georgetown
College. Upon graduation from the College and completion of either the two-, three-, or
four-year Air Force ROTC program, students are commissioned as active duty second
lieutenants in the United States Air Force.
Scholarships may be available to qualified students who enroll in the Air Force ROTC
program. These scholarships provide full payment of tuition, laboratory fees, an allowance
for books and a nontaxable subsistence allowance every month. Students coming to
Georgetown College on an Air Force ROTC scholarship receive free room and board for the
number of years equal to the length of their scholarship and must enroll for Aerospace
Studies classes to activate their scholarship.
High school seniors are eligible for a four-year Air Force ROTC scholarship. Applicants are
evaluated on the basis of:
1. Results of the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
2. High school academic record and class rank
3. Extra-curricular and athletic activities
4. Personal interview with an Air Force officer
High school seniors who feel they can meet the basic eligibility requirements for a four-year
scholarship must submit an application by December 1 of the year prior to graduation from
high school. All selections are made at Air Force ROTC headquarters in Alabama. High
school students should apply for scholarships online at
Scholarships are also awarded to cadets enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program on a
competitive basis for two and three years. Initial qualification for these is handled by the
detachment staff at the University of Kentucky. Final selection is made by a central selection
board at Air Force ROTC headquarters. Express scholarships may also be available for
qualified minority students or students with scientific and technical academic majors. Call
859-257-7115 for details.
General Military Course
The General Military Course (GMC), taken during the freshman and sophomore years,
consists of eight paired courses (AFS111 & 112, AFS113 & 114, AFS211 & 212, and AFS213 &
214), each carrying one hour of credit. Each course meets once a week. One is an academic
course and one is a Leaership Laboratory. Leadership Laboratory is open to students who are
members of AFROTC or are eligible to pursue a commission as determined by the Professor
of Aerospace Studies.
Professional Officer Course
Admission to the Professional Officer Course (POC) is competitive. Individuals who have
completed the GMC may apply, as well as any other interested applicants. All applicants
must successfully complete a Field Training camp prior to entrance into the POC. Individuals
who have completed the GMC will attend a four-week camp while those individuals
interested in the two-year program will attend a longer camp. The POC consists of four
academic courses, each a three-credit-hour course. It also consists of four Leadership
Laboratory classes for which there is one credit hour. The academic classes and the
Leadership Laboratory meet once a week. All cadets contracted in the POC receive a
monthly nontaxable subsistence allowance and could qualify for a scholarship as long as they
have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Students who receive scholarship receive funding to help
pay for tuition and books in addition to their monthly nontaxable subsistence.
Information is subject to change. Specific questions should be addressed to: Unit Admissions
Officer, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0028, or call 1-859-257-7115.
Program Contact: Professor Cliff Wargelin
AFS111: Aerospace Studies I
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the nature and
principles of war, national power, and the Department of Defense’s role in the organization
of national security.
AFS112: Leadership Laboratory I
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed for development of basic skills required to be a manager, including
communications, human relations, and administration of equal opportunity.
AFS113: Aerospace Studies I
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the contribution of
aerospace power to the total U.S. strategic offensive and defensive military posture.
AFS114: Leadership Laboratory I
1 credit hour(s)
A continuation of AFS113. A course designed to develop managerial skills, including
superior/subordinate relationships, communications, customs and courtesies, basic drill
movements, and career progression requirements. Credit will not be granted toward the
hours requirements for the degree. Pass/Fail only.
AFS211: Aerospace Studies II
1 credit hour(s)
Introduces the study of air power from a historical perspective; focuses on the development
of air power into a primary element of national security. Leadership experience is continued
through active participation in the cadet corps. Lecture.
AFS212: Leadership Laboratory II
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed for development of advanced skills required to be a manager/leader,
including leadership styles, public speaking, group dynamics, motivation, and preparation for
field training. Credit will not be granted toward the hours requirements for the degree.
Pass/Fail only.
AFS213: Aerospace Studies II
1 credit hour(s)
Provides a foundation for understanding how air power has been employed in military and
non-military operations to support national objectives. Examines the changing mission of the
defense establishment, with particular emphasis on the United States Air Force. Lecture.
AFS214: Leadership Seminar
1 credit hour(s)
A continuation of AFS213. A course designed to develop supervisory management skills to
include communications, techniques of critique, social actions, personnel evaluation
procedures, problem-solving, and role playing. Credit will not be granted toward the hours
requirements for the degree. Pass/ Fail only.
AFS311: Aerospace Studies III
3 credit hour(s)
A study of management function with emphasis on the individual as a manager in an Air
Force environment. Individual motivational and behavioral process, communication, and
group dynamics are included to provide a foundation for the development of professional
skills as an Air Force Officer. Students refine their leadership and managerial abilities by
organizing and managing a quasi- military unit. Prerequisite: Acceptance into POC or
approval of PAS.
AFS312:Leadership Laboratory IIIA
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed and focused on developing advanced leadership skills. Students fill the
mid-level management function within the cadet corps, and the preparation and
presentation of briefings and other written and oral communications. Pass/Fail only.
AFS313: Aerospace Studies III
3 credit hour(s)
A study of leadership with specific emphasis on the Air Force leader. Includes theoretical,
professional, and communicative aspects. In addition, military justice and administrative law
are discussed within the context of the military organization. Students continue to develop
and refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, the cadet
corps, which offers a wide variety of situations requiring effective leadership.
AFS314: Leadership Laboratory III
1 credit hour(s)
Laboratory to accompany AFS313. Pass/Fail only.
AFS411: Aerospace Studies IV
3 credit hour(s)
A study of the military profession, civil-military interaction, communicative skills,
framework of defense policy, and formulation of defense strategy. Students refine their
leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, the cadet corps, which offers
a wide variety of situations requiring effective leadership.
AFS412: Leadership Laboratory IVA
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed and focused on developing advanced leadership skills. Students fill the
top-level management function within the cadet corps, and the preparation and presentation
of briefings and other written and oral communications. The lab also includes practice of
leadership techniques aimed at motivating and instructing cadets in the lower three levels.
Pass/Fail only.
AFS413: Aerospace Studies IVB
3 credit hour(s)
Continues the study of strategy and the management of conflict, formulation, and
implementation of U.S. defense policy, defense organization, and case studies in defense
policy-making. Students also refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a
military unit, the cadet corps, which offers a wide variety of situations requiring effective
AFS414: Leadership Laboratory IVB
1 credit hour(s)
A course designed and focused on developing advanced leadership skills. Students fill the
top-level management function within the cadet corps. The course involves planning and
controlling of military activities of the cadet corps and the preparation and presentation of
briefings and other written and oral communications. The lab also includes practice of
leadership techniques aimed at motivating and instructing cadets in the lower three levels.
Pass/Fail only.
The Army ROTC courses are primarily offered on the campus of the University of Kentucky.
Select courses are offered on the Georgetown College campus as possible. Students are
responsible for their own transportation. Students attend classes at the University of
Kentucky (UK) while enrolling for all other courses at Georgetown College. The Military
Science Program, open to both men and women, is divided into two separate courses. The
basic course is designed to acquaint the student with the military and its role in American
society. The advanced course is designed for those students who desire to earn a commission
as a Lieutenant in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or the National Guard. For more
information, visit Note that sixteen semester hours of ROTC credit can be
counted toward a bachelor’s degree at Georgetown College.
Scholarships (four-, three-, and two-year) are available on a competitive basis to qualified
students. These scholarships pay for tuition, all books and laboratory fees, and provide the
recipient with a $200 tax-free subsistence allowance each month of the school year.
Scholarship students do not automatically incur an active duty obligation.
Academic Program
The normal four-year program consists of the successful completion of Army ROTC
coursework, which qualifies a student to be commissioned as a second Lieutenant in the
United States Army. The following courses are required to complete this program: Military
Science (MLS) 101, 102, 107, 211, 212, 301, 302, 320, 341, 342, 350. In addition to these
courses, an alternative two-year program is also available for students who have at least two
academic years remaining until graduation and have not taken the required MLS100- and
200-level courses. Interested students must attend a five-week Basic Camp conducted at Ft.
Knox, Kentucky, during the summer. Successful completion of the Basic Camp enables
academic juniors to enroll in MLS300-level courses and complete the pre-commission
program in two years. Students who complete Basic Camp will receive a four-hour 4.0 credit.
Basic Camp attendees are also eligible for two-year scholarships.
The Basic Courses (100- and 200-levels) are orientational in content and deal with U.S.
military history, small unit tactics, military communication, and civil-military relations in a
The Advanced Course (300-level) focuses on leadership, management, and command/staff
responsibilities within military organizations, and prepares students for their prospective role
as an officer in the United States Army. All junior and senior Advanced Army ROTC
students are eligible to receive up to $400 per month up to 10 months of the school year; A
MILITARY OBLIGATION IS INCURRED. Advanced Course students must attend ROTC
classes at the University of Kentucky on Wednesday afternoons. In addition, students are
paid approximately $750 during the summer(s) they attend and complete the Basic and/or
the Advanced Camp.
Program Contact: Professor Cliff Wargelin
MLS101: Introduction to the Army
2 credit hour(s)
A course examining the U.S. Army as an institution, specifically looking at the roles and
relationships of the Army within our democracy. Course also provides a look at the Army
officer and unique aspects of the military profession. No military obligation is incurred by
the completion of this course. Prerequisite: Must be concurrent with MLS250.
MLS102: Introduction to Leadership
2 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental skills necessary to be a
leader, both in military and civilian contexts. Course also covers basic military map reading
skills. No military obligation is incurred by the completion of this course. Prerequisite: Must
be concurrent with MLS250.
MLS211: Advanced Leadership I
2 credit hour(s)
This course delves into theoretical and practical leadership instruction. Specifically, students
examine several aspects of communication and leadership concepts such as written and oral
communication, effective listening, assertiveness, personality, adult development,
motivation, and organizational culture and change. The course concludes with a major
leadership and problem-solving case study. Upon completion, students will be well-grounded
in fundamental leadership principles and will be better prepared to apply such principles to a
wide variety of life experiences. Prerequisite: Must be concurrent with MLS250.
MLS212: Advanced Leadership II
2 credit hour(s)
This course focuses principally on officership, providing an extensive examination of the
unique purpose, roles, and obligations of commissioned officers. It includes a detailed look at
the origin of our institutional values and their practical application in decision-making and
leadership. At the core of this course of instruction is a capstone study in
officership/leadership. This lesson traces the Army’s successes and failures as it evolved from
the Vietnam War to the present, placing previous lessons on leadership and officership in a
real-world context that directly affects the future of students who choose to enter the
advanced course of the ROTC program. This course draws the various components of values,
communications, decision- making, and leadership together to focus on a career as a
commissioned officer. Upon completion of this course, student should possess a fundamental
understanding of both leadership and officership, demonstrate the ability to apply this
understanding in real- world situations, and be excited about the aspect of shouldering the
responsibility of a commissioned officer in the United States Army. Prerequisite: Must be
concurrent with MLS250.
MLS250: Basic Military Science Lab
1 credit hour(s)
A hands-on practicum which exposes the student to the military skills required for basic
technical and tactical competence to enter the Advanced Course. Laboratory; two hours per
week and two weekend exercises. Laboratory two hours per week and two week-end
exercises. May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
MLS301: Leadership and Management
3 credit hour(s)
Course of study in development of basic skills required to function as a manager, study of
leadership styles, group dynamics, communications, motivation, and military instruction
methods; and school of the soldier and exercise of command. Prerequisite: Must be
concurrent with MLS350.
MLS302: Advanced Tactics
3 credit hour(s)
Small Unit tactics and communications, organization and mission of combat arms units;
leadership and the exercise of command. Prerequisite: Must be concurrent with MLS350.
MLS320: Advanced Studies in American Military History
3 credit hour(s)
This course will furnish upper-level UK ROTC Cadets and qualified history majors or minors
with the methodological tools and materials needed to gain a more detailed understanding of
American military history and to put together a major research paper. The course will
emphasize basic research skills. Understanding historiographical debates within a military
framework, developing effective note-taking and outlining techniques, picking a feasible
research topic, finding useful primary sources and drawing inferences from them, examining
American military campaigns and leaders in order to complete a battle analysis, and short
MLS341: Leadership and Management II
3 credit hour(s)
An advanced study of logistics, operations, military administrations, personnel management,
military justice, world change and military implications, service orientation, and leadership
MLS342: Command Management
3 credit hour(s)
A course teaching ethics, professionalism, contemporary aspects of military training and
personnel management, and the planning and conduct of military operations. Prerequisite:
Must be concurrent with MLS350.
MLS350: Advanced Military Science Lab
1 credit hour(s)
A hands-on practicum which exposes the student to the military skills required for advanced
technical and tactical competence as an Army officer. The course affords junior and senior
cadets opportunities to develop and refine their leadership style and abilities under differing
constraints and environments. Laboratory; two hours per week and two weekend exercises.
May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.