AR Teacher Excellence Support System
Note: This is a brainstormed list of possible artifacts. Teachers should use artifacts that are reflective of their own work. The
following are examples ONLY and not meant to provide an exhaustive list.
TESS Examples of ARTIFACTS 1 Revised 3/1/2021
Domain 1: Planning and Preparations
a. Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
- Standards/Pacing Guides with notations
- Task Analysis of Prerequisite Skills
- Research Articles on Content & Pedagogical
- Lesson Plans
- Units of Study
- Pre-Conference
b. Knowledge of Students
- Data Analysis/Test Scores/Data Notebook
- Child Development Research
- Child Development Charts
- Student Learning Profiles
- Surveys and Inventories (interest, learning styles, etc.)
- Assessments (reading, language, content, etc.)
- IEPs, AIPs, 504 Modification Plans
- Pre-Conference
c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes
- Standards/Goals/Pacing Guides
- Matrix or Spreadsheet for Tracking Different
- Units of Study
- IEPs, Modification Plans
- Differentiation Plan
d. Knowledge of Resources
- Internet Usage Report/Log
- Virtual Tours Report/Log
- Sign-in Computer Lab
- In-class Library Listing
- Guest Speaker & Guests Log
- Parent Partner List
- Resource Log
e. Designing Coherent Instruction
- Lesson Plans
- Units of Study
- Pacing Guides/Instructional Maps
- Modification Plans
- Grouping Matrix
f. Designing Student Assessments
- Lesson Plans
- Example Assessments
- Rubrics
- Checklists
- Modification Plans
- Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment Instruments
- Assessment Matrix
- Various Formative Assessments
- Student Progress Template
AR Teacher Excellence Support System
Note: This is a brainstormed list of possible artifacts. Teachers should use artifacts that are reflective of their own work. The
following are examples ONLY and not meant to provide an exhaustive list.
TESS Examples of ARTIFACTS 2 Revised 3/1/2021
Domain 2: Classroom Environment
a. Creating Environment of Respect and Rapport
- Action Plan
- Respect Worksheets/Activities
- Lesson Plans with Activities that Reflect Students’ Interest
b. Establishing a Culture for Learning
- Mission Statement
- Class Motto
- Norms/Rules
- Student Assignment Revision Checklist
- Peer Review Worksheet
- Student Incentives
- Performance Management/Action Planning and Reflection
- Lesson Plans
c. Management of Instructional Groups
- Rubric for Working as a Group
- Grouping Plan
- Classroom Transition Plan
- Materials and Supplies Management Plan
- Homework Policy/Plan/Procedures/Folder
- Teaching Routine Checklist
- Procedure/Routine for Non-Instructional (Poster or Checklist)
- Volunteer/Para-Professional Check-in/Sign-in
- Volunteer/Para-Professional Agenda/Plan/Activities
d. Managing Student Behavior
- Behavior Management Plan
- Posted Rules/Norms
- Code of Conduct
- Office Referrals
- Parent Contact Log with Notations of Behaviors
- Student Behavior Checklists
e. Organizing Physical Space
- Safety Checklist
- Drawing of Room Arrangement
AR Teacher Excellence Support System
Note: This is a brainstormed l
ist of possible artifacts. Teachers should use artifacts that are reflective of their own work. The
following are examples ONLY and not meant to provide an exhaustive list.
TESS Examples of ARTIFACTS 3 Revised 3/1/2021
Domain 3: Instruction
a. Communicating with Students
- Lesson Plans
- Units of Study
- Graphic Organizers
- Expectations for Learning Charts
- Printed Directions and Procedures
- Modification Plans
- Examples of Student Presentations/Plans
- Teacher’s Peer-Review Report/Feedback
b. Using Questions & Discussion Techniques
- Lesson Plans
- List of Questions for each Lesson
- Examples of Student Questions
- Self-Assessment of Questioning Strategies Checklist/Template
- Norms/Guidelines for Student Discussion/Participation
- Discussion Rubric
- Student Participation Checklist
- Units of Study
c. Engaging Students in Learning
- Lesson Plans
- Differentiation Plan
- Assignments (Problem-based, Enrichment, Differentiated, Extension)
- Learning Contracts
- Student Engagement Checklist
- Alternative Project Proposal
- Grouping Plan
- Units of Study
d. Using Assessment in Instruction
- Printed Assessment Criteria
- Student-made Assessment Example(s)
- Examples of Variety of Assessments
(Formative & Summative)
- Rubrics
- Self-Reflection/Assessment Instrument
- Examples of Written Feedback to Students
- Exit Tickets
- Lesson Plans
- Units of Study
e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
- Lesson Plans
- Rewards/Incentives
- Teacher and/or Peer Observation Form
AR Teacher Excellence Support System
Note: This is a brainstormed list of possible artifacts. Teachers should use artifacts that are reflective of their own work. The
are examples ONLY and not meant to provide an exhaustive list.
TESS Examples of ARTIFACTS 4 Revised 3/1/2021
Domain 4: Professional Responsibility
a. Reflecting on Teaching
- Post-Conference
- Lesson Reflection Questionnaire
- Learning Logs
- Action Planning and Reflection Chart
- Lesson Plans
b. Maintaining Accurate Records
- Grades (hard copy and on-line)
- Attendance Log
- Assignment Checklist/Log
- Homework Record
- Student Progress Report
- Report Cards
- Permission Slips
- Health Records/Requirements
- Student Profile
- Student Portfolios
- Field Trip Brochure/Maps/Bus Information, Etc.
- Volunteer File
- Behavior Contracts
- Notes Sent and Received from Home
c. Communicating with Families
- Contact Log
- Web Site
- Notes Sent and Received from
- Newsletters
- Syllabus
- Parent/Teacher Conference Record
- Parent Night Sign-in and Agenda
ci. Participating in a Professional Community
- Meeting Agendas/Minutes
- Grade-Level or Content Meeting
Study Group
- School Project
- Portfolio of School-Related
- Teacher-Facilitated Professional
- Profession Community Log
- Course Work Syllabus,
Certificate and/or Transcript
- Professional Development
- Individual Professional
Growth Plan
- Research Material Folder
f. Showing Professionalism
- Department Chair
- Committee Chair Verification
- List of Tutors