DCMA Manual 4201-25
Awards and Recognition
Office of Primary
Responsibility Talent Management Capability
Effective: June 4, 2020
Releasability: Cleared for public release
New Issuance
Implements: DCMA-MAN 4201, “Civilian Personnel,” July 20, 2018
Incorporates and Cancels: DCMA-INST 613, “Awards and Recognition,” February 2, 2015
Internal Control: Process flow and key controls are located on the Resource Page
Labor Codes: Located on the Resource Page
Resource Page Link: https://360.intranet.dcma.mil/Sites/Policy/TM/SitePages/4201-
Approved by: David H. Lewis, VADM, USN, Director
Purpose: This Manual, in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense
Contract Management Agency (DCMA),implements policy and assigns responsibility for the
recognition of eligible DCMA employees at all levels, individually or in teams, for contributions
that are above those normally expected and managing the authority to administer the program
and funding within the allocated budget.
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Table of Contents 2
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION ........................................................... 3
1.1. Applicability......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Policy.................................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................. 4
2.1. Director, DCMA. ................................................................................................................. 4
2.2. Supervisors and Managers ................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Awards and Recognition Board ........................................................................................... 4
2.4. Director, Total Force Labor and Employee Relations Division.......................................... 4
SECTION 3: PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................ 6
3.1. Program Funding ................................................................................................................. 6
3.2. Recognition and Award Eligibility ...................................................................................... 6
3.3. Processing Civilian Performance Awards ........................................................................... 8
SECTION 4: MONETARY AWARDS ........................................................................................ 9
4.1. Monetary Awards Overview ................................................................................................ 9
4.2. Performance-Based Cash Awards ....................................................................................... 9
4.3. Special Act or Service Awards .......................................................................................... 10
4.4. On-the-Spot-Awards .......................................................................................................... 11
4.5. Quality Step Increase ......................................................................................................... 11
4.6. Time-Off Awards ............................................................................................................... 11
SECTION 5: HONARARY AWARDS (NON-MONETARY) ................................................ 13
5.1. DCMA Honorary Awards .................................................................................................. 13
5.2. DCMA Distinguished Civilian Service Award ................................................................. 13
5.3. DCMA Meritorious Civilian Service Award .................................................................... 15
5.4. DCMA Exceptional Civilian Service Award .................................................................... 16
5.5. DCMA Civilian Career Service Award ............................................................................. 16
5.6. Length of Service ............................................................................................................... 17
5.7. Retirements ........................................................................................................................ 17
SECTION 6: OTHER FORMS OF RECOGNITION .............................................................. 19
6.1. Other Forms of Recognition .............................................................................................. 19
6.2. DCMA Honorary Awards to Private Citizens and Organizations .................................... 20
6.3. Employee of the Quarter .................................................................................................... 21
6.4. DCMA Annual Recognition Program ............................................................................... 22
6.5. DoD Honorary Awards ...................................................................................................... 42
6.6. Nomination Process for DoD Awards ............................................................................... 46
G.1. Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 47
G.2. Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... 48
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 50
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Section 1: General Issuance Information 3
1.1. APPLICABILITY. This Manual applies to all DCMA activities unless higher-level
regulations, policy, guidance, or agreements take precedence.
1.2. POLICY. It is DCMA policy to:
a. Recognize eligible personnel at all levels, individually or in teams, for contributions that
are above those normally expected to: (1) improve efficiency, effectiveness and economy; (2)
make other improvements in Government; and (3) make special achievements in the public
interest in connection with, or related to honorees’ official employment. Quarterly and annual
awards for military personnel assigned to DCMA as well as the Military Decorations Program
Manual may be found on the Resource Page for this Manual. DCMA recognizes that strong
teamwork is essential to achieving the organization’s goals and objectives, and that many
accomplishments are team or group efforts. Accordingly, DCMA encourages supervisors and
managers to recognize teams whenever appropriate. Teams can be awarded Special Act or
Achievement Awards or Non-Monetary recognition for their contributions.
b. Execute this Manual in a safe, efficient, effective, and ethical manner.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 4
2.1. DIRECTOR, DCMA. The Director, DCMA provides overall executive oversight of the
DCMA Awards and Recognition Program and ensures that all managers, supervisors, and
employees properly adhere to the policies contained in this Manual and exercise their
responsibilities appropriately. The Director may delegate the authority to administer the
program and make funding decisions commensurate with available budget and the importance
of the program in achieving a results-oriented performance culture in DCMA.
2.2. SUPERVISORS AND MANAGERS. DCMA supervisory and other management
personnel are responsible for ensuring that all rules and procedures contained in this Manual are
adhered to in their organizational components, and for promptly initiating award
recommendations for those employees whose efforts warrant consideration for recognition under
this Manual. Other management responsibilities include:
a. Utilizing the Awards and Recognition Program to motivate employees and foster a
results-oriented performance culture effectively.
b. Meeting periodically with all employees in their organization to communicate how the
program works and to answer questions.
c. Meeting periodically with their subordinate supervisors to discuss the program and how it
can best be utilized in the organization to foster a results-oriented performance culture.
d. Ensuring that approval of an award is effected by an official at least one level above the
person initiating the recommendation and coordinated through the chain of command prior to
approval. The reviewing official and approving official may not be the same individual.
e. Ensuring that the awards are presented in an appropriate public forum, such as an All
Hands Meeting.
f. Ensuring that when qualifying and selecting employees for promotion, rating and selecting
officials will give due weight to awards received under this Manual.
2.3. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION BOARD. The Agency’s Awards and Recognition
Board serves as final review and recommending authority on nominations for competitive
awards and other forms of recognition requiring the approval of the DCMA Director or higher
authority. The permanent members of the Awards and Recognition Board are the DCMA
Component Heads.
The Director, Total Force Labor and Employee Relations Division, (TFL) and the Awards and
Recognition Program Coordinator are responsible for developing, maintaining, and administering
the DCMA-wide awards and recognition program. Specific responsibilities include:
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Section 2: Responsibilities 5
a. Taking steps to ensure that all DCMA supervisors, managers, and other employees are
fully aware of awards and recognition policies, procedures, and program activities.
b. Assisting supervisors in carrying out program requirements (e.g., conducting training and
monitoring activity levels).
c. Serving as technical advisor and recorder for the Awards and Recognition Board.
d. Maintaining appropriate program records and employee files.
e. Reviewing awards in a timely and accurate manner.
f. Evaluating awards and recognition programs results.
g. Ensuring all Agency level awards are framed or an appropriate binder for display is
h. Ensuring that awards and other forms of recognition are publicized.
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Section 3: Procedures 6
a. The DCMA Awards and Recognition Program will be funded consistent with applicable
human capital strategic objectives and financial management policies, practices, and controls.
The funding is normally allocated at the beginning of the fiscal year, but there may be annual
restrictions based on funding availability and these are subject to the process established each
fiscal year.
b. Monetary award payments will be charged against the budget of the DCMA activity to
which the employee is officially assigned/employed. However, if the employing activity is not
the same activity as the one initiating the award nomination, the nominating activity will
coordinate with the supervisor of record to reimburse the employing activity for the cost of the
c. Non-monetary awards may be purchased by a Contract Management Office (CMO) or
Component for the explicit purpose of recognizing certain contributions of civilian employees as
part of an established awards program. These items must include the DCMA logo. Agency
funds may not be used for the purpose of purchasing gifts for retiring or departing civilian or
military members. Appropriated funds may, of course, be used to purchase the type of awards
contemplated in this Manual for departing or retiring personnel whose performance qualifies for
such awards.
d. Appropriated funds may be used to purchase tangible items of a nominal amount to
recognize the performance of personnel, such as pens, mugs, certificates, and items of a similar
nature, provided the form of these non-monetary awards avoid the appearance of replacing a
bonus. These items may be used to reward eligible DCMA civilian employees who positively
contribute to Government operations or who perform a special service in furtherance of the
public interest in connection with or related to, official employment. The Office of General
Counsel must be consulted when purchasing awards with appropriated funds.
e. Individual circumstances concerning monetary and non-monetary awards should be
considered on a case-by-case basis. Before taking any action, consult with the Office of General
Counsel. DCMA officials must use great care with using appropriated funds for awards for
Government civilian employees and military personnel. Even greater caution and discretion
must be applied when considering the acquisition of promotional items and/or gifts.
a. All civilian employees who are paid from appropriated funds are eligible for award
consideration under this Manual.
b. Monetary awards may be granted to employees or groups of employees based on tangible
monetary savings, intangible benefits, or a combination of both, accruing to DCMA or the
Government from specific contributions of personnel.
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Section 3: Procedures 7
c. Active duty military personnel are eligible to receive monetary awards only for
suggestions, inventions, and scientific achievements.
d. Former civilian employees or the estates of deceased civilian employees are eligible to
receive awards for contributions made while employed with DCMA. Awards to separated or
deceased members of the Armed Forces for covered contributions made while on active duty
with DCMA may be made to the former member or the member’s estate, as appropriate.
e. Foreign nationals who meet the definition of employee in accordance with (IAW) Section
2105 of Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.) and are paid with US funds (i.e., direct hire
employees), are eligible to receive awards under this Manual.
f. A foreign national employee who is paid on a cost reimbursable basis by agreement with a
foreign country (i.e., an indirect hire employee) is not eligible to receive monetary awards but
may receive non-monetary awards under this Manual.
g. Private citizens are not eligible for monetary awards under this Manual. However, they
may receive honorary recognition for their significant contributions or support to DCMA
functions, services, or operations. Recognition of private citizens under this provision is limited
to a letter or a certificate of appreciation to the individual or the organization signed at the lowest
applicable level of the organization.
h. Guest speakers may be presented non-monetary awards depending upon eligibility and
status. The Office of General Counsel must be consulted when considering such an award to
guest speakers.
i. Generally, eligible guest speakers would include other DCMA civilian employees,
government service employees from other agencies or departments, and military personnel. No
statutory authority exists for using appropriated funds to obtain awards for any contractor
personnel. A letter of commendation to the contractor’s company may be appropriate under the
circumstances, but DCMA personnel must exercise care before offering any type of recognition
to contractor personnel. Consult the Office of General Counsel when considering the award or
recognition of contractor personnel or other civilian speakers.
j. Further, IAW DoD Manual 1400.25, Volume 451, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management
System: Awards,” private citizens, groups and organizations who do not have a commercial or
profit-making relationship with the DoD and who make a significant contribution to the DoD
may be considered for recognition of awards.
k. Prior to the purchase of trophies, badges, and similar devices for award to military
personnel, Section 1125 of Title 10, U.S.C. and DoD Instruction 1348.19, “Award of Medals,
Trophies, Badges, and Similar Honors in Recognition of Accomplishments,” should be
reviewed. Guidance provided permits military personnel to be awarded trophies, badges, and
similar devices for excellence in accomplishments or competitions related to service as part of an
established awards program and badges or buttons in recognition of special service, good
conduct, and discharge under conditions other than dishonorable.
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Section 3: Procedures 8
(1) Similar devices refers to items that are designed for purposes of display, are symbolic
in nature, and commemorate the event or accomplishment being celebrated by inscription and
logo. Items of merchandise that have intrinsic or utilitarian value, such as t-shirts, are not
considered similar devices,” and appropriated funds may not be used to purchase these items as
awards for military personnel. Other items, such as lapel pins and lanyards, which have no
independent intrinsic value to recipients, may be provided.
(2) Consult the Office of General Counsel when using appropriated funds to purchase
non-monetary awards for uniformed personnel.
awards will be processed IAW annual guidance distributed by TFL using the Automatic Nature
of Action (AutoNOA) website located on the Resource Page for this Manual. The AutoNOA
process is used for performance-based cash awards, special act or service awards, on-the-spot
awards, quality step increase (QSI), and time-off awards. The recommending official must
include award justification in the remarks section. The recommending official is responsible for
maintaining a copy of the award justification for 6 years. A Request for Personnel Action (RPA)
initiated through the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) will be initiated only
when the award recipient is no longer found within the AutoNOA website (e.g., when an
employee has been transferred out of the Agency).
a. Performance-Based Awards. A summary rating of “Fully Successful” requires written
justification that can demonstrate both exceptional performance and the level of contribution the
employee made to the organization’s overall mission during the rating period. The
recommending official will provide a certification in the remarks section as to the overall annual
rating level. A summary rating of “Outstanding” in and of itself serves as justification. A
sample certification statement for a QSI is located on the Resource Page for this Manual. The
certification statements are to be included in the remarks section.
b. Special Act or Service, On-the-Spot, and Time-Off Awards. For special act or service,
on-the-spot, and time-off awards, the recommending official will include a narrative statement as
to the amount of tangible and/or intangible benefits achieved along with a brief synopsis of the
achievement in the remarks section.
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Section 4: Monetary Awards 9
4.1. MONETARY AWARDS OVERVIEW. Monetary awards include performance-based
cash awards, special act or service awards, on-the-spot awards, and time-off awards. The
DCMA Awards Approval Authority Table outlines the process, approving/authorizing
delegations, and the maximum amount delegated to approving officials. The DCMA Awards
Approval Authority Table is located on the Resource Page for this Manual. Awards which are in
excess of the maximum amount delegated to approving officials may be approved by the
Director, DCMA, or the Director’s designee, IAW Part 451 of Title 5, Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR). Awards in excess of $10,000 will be submitted through DCMA and DoD
channels to the Office of Personnel Management for approval.
4.2. PERFORMANCE-BASED CASH AWARDS. Performance-based cash awards are
monetary awards given in recognition of high-level performance significantly above that
ordinarily found in the type of position occupied. Performance-based cash awards are based on
the employee’s annual performance evaluation rating of record. The DoD Performance
Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP) rating period is April 1 through March 31 of
each year. The DoD Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project
(AcqDemo) pay band rating period is October 1 through September 30. All Federal Wage
System (FWS) and General Schedule (GS) employees are eligible for performance-based cash
awards. Performance awards may be paid to the Senior Executive Service employees only IAW
Part 534.403 of Title 5, CFR and not on the basis for this Manual. The performance-based award
criteria are as follows:
a. The employee’s performance will be at least fully successful. The high-level performance
will cover a total of not less than 90 consecutive days of performing the same or substantially the
same duties. Performance will have been at the same grade level unless the employee was
demoted during this period for reasons other than for cause. An employee may be granted a
performance-based cash award only once in a performance period.
b. Nominations for performance-based cash awards are not appropriate when:
(1) The employee has not performed the same or substantially the same duties for 90
(2) The employee has received a previous monetary award (except an on-the-spot award)
based in whole or in part on the contribution currently being recommended for recognition.
(3) Prompted by the impending departure of an employee or the employee’s supervisor.
(4) Prompted by the fact that the employee is currently at a pay rate subject to legal
limitation (pay cap).
c. Performance-based cash awards may be computed as a percentage of basic pay. The rate
of basic pay will include (1) any applicable locality payment IAW Part 531, Subpart F of Title 5,
CFR; (2) special rate supplement IAW Part 530, Subpart C of Title 5, CFR; or (3) Subpart
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Section 4: Monetary Awards 10
similar payment or supplement under other legal/regulatory authority. For an employee
receiving a retained rate IAW Part 536 of Title 5, CFR or similar authority, the rate of basic pay
is the maximum payable rate for the employee’s grade or level rather than the retained rate. The
award may be based on a percentage of the individual’s rate of basic pay up to a maximum of 10
percent. TFL will publish guidelines for performance-based cash awards during the first quarter
of each fiscal year. Any performance-based cash award of $5,000 or more will be forwarded
through TFL to the Director, DCMA for approval.
d. The Commander, DCMA International Command, will determine the amount of awards
for DCMA foreign national employees. The amount of awards should not exceed the maximum
authorized for comparable GS or FWS positions.
4.3. SPECIAL ACT OR SERVICE AWARDS. Special act or service awards may be granted
to an employee or a group of employees to recognize accomplishments in the public interest
related to official duties or personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy, or
improvements in Government operations. They may be given for a contribution or
accomplishment either within or outside of job responsibilities (e.g., a scientific achievement or
an act of heroism). The achievement is characterized by a defined effort as opposed to sustained
high performance throughout an entire appraisal cycle. As such, these awards will be given as
close to the accomplishment as possible. All civilian employees are eligible to receive special
act or service awards.
a. The act or service upon which an award is based may or may not involve measurable
monetary benefits and may involve one or more employees. Nominations for the award will
normally be submitted within 60 days of the contribution on which the nomination is based. The
amount of the award will be commensurate with the value of the contribution to the Government
and will be based on either tangible or intangible benefits. When the award is for a group, all
members of the group may receive equal shares or the total may be divided in proportion to each
individual’s contributions to the group effort. The “Scale of Award Amounts Based on Tangible
and Intangible Benefits to the Government Worksheet” is located on the Resource Page for this
b. Processing a special act or service award is accomplished through AutoNOA or initiating
a RPA through DCPDS only when the award recipient is no longer found within the AutoNOA
website (e.g., when an employee has been transferred out of the Agency). Supporting narrative
justification should concisely describe specifically and factually the contribution and resultant
benefits to the Government. The justification will be placed in the remarks section. When the
award recommendation is based on measurable tangible benefits, the supporting data will show
in detail how these benefits were computed (see the Scale of Award Amounts Based on Tangible
and Intangible Benefits to the Government Worksheet located on the Resource Page for this
Manual). Recommendations based on intangible benefits will identify the value of benefits and
extent of application appropriate for achievement to be recognized with an explanation of the
rationale used. Recommended awards of more than $2,500, which are based on intangible
benefits, will be forwarded to TFL. Recommended awards based on both tangible and intangible
benefits of more than $5,000 will be forwarded to TFL for approval by the Director.
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Section 4: Monetary Awards 11
4.4. ON-THE-SPOT AWARDS. On-the-spot awards are given to an employee for recognition
of exceptional day-to-day accomplishments that benefit DCMA operations. An on-the-spot
award is a one-time or specific event-driven act or achievement of a short duration within or
outside an employee’s job responsibilities. Any civilian employee may be given this award. An
on-the-spot award will not exceed $500. Processing of this award is accomplished through
AutoNOA or initiating an RPA through DCPDS only when the award recipient is no longer
found within the AutoNOA website (e.g., when an employee has been transferred out of the
Agency) with the justification narrative placed in the remarks section.
4.5. QUALITY STEP INCREASE. A QSI is an immediate grade step increase given in
recognition of extremely high-level performance significantly above that ordinarily found in the
type of position occupied and which has been sustained over a period of time sufficient to
conclude that the level is characteristic of the employee’s performance. While QSIs can
generally be given at any time during the year, there may be annual restrictions based on funding
availability and these are subject to the process established each fiscal year.
a. QSIs may be granted only to GS employees who are on permanent appointments; they are
not applicable to FWS or local national employees.
b. To receive a QSI, the employee’s summary performance rating for the most recent
performance period will be “Outstanding” (level 5) with the expectation that this high quality
performance will continue in the future. A summary rating of Outstanding serves as justification
for a QSI. The recommending official will certify that the employee received an “Outstanding”
performance rating. An example of the certification statement for a QSI is located on the
Resource Page for this Manual.
c. QSIs cannot be granted when the employee is at step 10 of their grade, has received a QSI
within the preceding 52 consecutive calendar weeks, or has received a performance-based cash
award for the same appraisal period.
d. Nominating officials should note that granting a QSI to an employee at steps 3 and 6
would cause that employee to have a longer waiting period for their next within-grade increase.
e. Processing of QSIs is accomplished through AutoNOA or by initiating an RPA through
DCPDS only when the award recipient is no longer found within the AutoNOA website (e.g.,
when an employee has been transferred out of the Agency). The appropriate approval must be
received by the Headquarters (HQ) DCMA Component Head or the Regional Commander, and
the justification narrative should be entered in the remarks section.
4.6. TIME-OFF AWARDS. Time-off awards are an alternate means of recognizing the
superior accomplishments of employees with other than monetary awards. All civilian
employees are eligible for time-off awards.
a. Decisions to award time-off awards are based upon the same criteria or circumstances as
for any other incentive award. Time-off awards will not be granted to create the effect of a
holiday or treated as administrative excusals or leave (i.e., they will not be granted in conjunction
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Section 4: Monetary Awards 12
with a military “down” or “training” day or the like which would grant the entire civilian
employee population, or a majority of the civilian population, a time-off award to be used on a
specific day). Although time-off awards may not have an immediate budget consequence,
supervisors and managers will consider fully the wage costs and productivity implications of
granting time-off awards and will ensure that the amount of time-off granted as an award is
commensurate with the individual’s contribution or accomplishment. The Time-Off Awards
Worksheet is located on the Resource Page for this Manual.
b. The maximum amount of time-off that may be granted to an individual for a single
contribution is 40 hours. The minimum award is one hour. The total amount of time-off which
may be granted to an employee in any one leave year is 80 hours. For part-time employees or
those with an uncommon tour of duty, the total time-off granted during any calendar year should
be based on the average number of hours worked during a 2-week pay period. For example, the
maximum award amount for the entire leave year for a part-time employee working 4 hours per
day or 40 hours per pay period is 40 hours.
c. Employees must schedule and use time-off awards within 1-year of the effective date.
The awards may not be carried over beyond one year and may not be converted to cash under
any circumstance.
d. Time-off awards may be used in combination with honorary awards to recognize high
quality accomplishments contributing to the quality, efficiency, or economy of Government
e. Processing of a time-off award is accomplished through AutoNOA or initiating an RPA
through DCPDS. An RPA will be initiated through DCPDS only when the award recipient is no
longer found within the AutoNOA website (e.g., when an employee has been transferred out of
the Agency). The justification narrative should be placed in the remarks section.
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Section 5: Honorary Awards (Non-Monetary Awards) 13
5.1. DCMA HONORARY AWARDS. A variety of honorary awards are available to
recognize the achievements and contributions of DCMA personnel, to include achievements and
contributions in a deployed contingency environment. These awards may be granted
independently of, or in addition to, cash awards. Honorary awards do not, however, serve as
substitutes for cash awards. Honorary awards are symbolic, formal recognition of individual or
team achievement that contributes to meeting organizational goals or improving the efficiency,
effectiveness, and economy of the Government or otherwise in the public interest. To ensure
timely presentation, honorary awards should be requested at least 6 weeks prior to the anticipated
presentation date.
a. With the exception of the DoD Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the President’s
Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, and Career Service Awards, only one
honorary award may be given for a single act or achievement. However, if circumstances
warrant, an employee may be granted an honorary award in recognition of the contribution for
which a cash award has been granted. To be considered for honorary awards, nominations for
DCMA awards will normally be submitted within 60 days of the act or achievement on which
the nomination is based. A recipient of a DoD or DCMA honorary award does not automatically
become ineligible for a future grant of the same award, provided any subsequent consideration is
based on a different achievement or service performed. Subsequent grants of the DoD Medal for
Distinguished Civilian Service Award or the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious
Civilian Service are recognized successively by the issuance of a bronze, silver or gold leaf
ribbon attachment to the original medal.
b. The acknowledgement of exceptional service, achievement, and accomplishment is an
effective means of motivating employees to perform to their highest capability. To maintain the
credibility and the integrity of the Agency’s honorary awards program, it is important that these
awards not be viewed as “end-of-tour” or retirement awards. To retain the prestige and honor
associated with these awards, nominations at retirement or separation from the Agency should be
a rare occurrence. This is especially applicable for the DCMA Distinguished and Meritorious
Civilian Service Awards. Nominations for these awards at retirement, resignation, or
reassignment will be justified by significant accomplishments.
Civilian Service is the Agency’s highest honorary award. The award consists of a gold medal,
ribbon bar, lapel pin, and certificate. The Director, DCMA, bestows this award on those civilian
employees whose exceptional service or contributions had Agency-level or beyond impact. This
award may also be presented to deployed civilian employees whose achievements, whether or
not under hostile fire, were incontestably exceptional, or of a magnitude that clearly placed the
individual above their peers, and resulted in theater-wide or Agency-wide impact.
a. This award may be awarded for contributions such as, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Accomplishment of assigned duties in such manner as to have been clearly
exceptional among all persons who have performed like or similar duties.
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Section 5: Honorary Awards (Non-Monetary Awards) 14
(2) Development of improvement of methods and procedures or inventions, which
accomplish extraordinary results in the advancement of DCMA, DoD, or Government
(3) Exhibition of great courage and voluntary risk of personal safety in the face of
danger, over and beyond the call of duty, related to or in the performance of assigned duties,
which resulted in direct benefit to the Government or its personnel.
(4) Other exemplary performance related to official employment, comparable to that
above, deemed by the Director to warrant the Agency’s highest honorary civilian recognition.
(5) When this award is granted for a heroic act, a token cash award of $500 may be given
to the recipient if no other cash award has been granted in connection with the act being cited.
Should the act be related to the employee’s assigned duties, for purposes of cash award
eligibility, the award must be based on the employee having manifested great courage and
voluntary risk of personal safety over and beyond the call of duty.
(6) In a deployed environment, making similar contributions to those listed above and, in
doing so, having such meritorious achievement, whether or not under hostile fire, be
incontestably exceptional, of a magnitude that clearly placed the individual above their peers,
and resulting in theater-wide or Agency-wide impact. Significant acts of heroism are also
eligible for this award.
b. Recommendations for the DCMA Distinguished Civilian Service Award will be
submitted within 60 days of the act, achievement, or period of service being cited. When the
nomination is based on career achievements, it is expected that the nominee would have
previously received the DCMA Meritorious Civilian Service Award at some point during their
career. Nominations will have the endorsement of a DCMA Component Head and submitted
through TFL for approval/disapproval by the Director.
c. Nominations will be submitted in the following format:
(1) Prepare an Action Memorandum (Memo) for a DCMA Component Head
concurrence/non-concurrence containing the information on the Award Recommendation
Information document located on the Resource Page for this Manual.
(2) The completed nomination package will be forwarded to TFL. Nominations will be
submitted through the DCMA Awards and Recognition Board and then to the Director, for
(3) Upon approval, TFL will provide the medal, lapel pin, and certificate.
(4) Normally, the presentation of the award by the recommending and/or approving
official will be held at an appropriate award ceremony.
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Section 5: Honorary Awards (Non-Monetary Awards) 15
Service is the Agency’s second highest honorary award. The award consists of a silver medal, a
lapel pin, and a certificate. This award is presented to those civilian employees whose superior
service or accomplishments had significant impact on HQ, a Region, multiple CMOs or Centers.
It may also be presented to deployed civilian employees whose superior service or
accomplishments had significant impact across their deployed command’s assigned area of
responsibility in theater. This award is not normally granted in conjunction with retirement.
a. This recognition may be awarded for contributions such as, but not limited to, the
(1) Accomplishing assigned duties in an exemplary manner, setting a record of
individual achievement, and inspiring others to improve the quality and quantity of their work
(2) Exercising unusual initiative in devising new or improved work methods and
procedures that result in either substantial savings in manpower, time, space, materials, or other
items of expense or improving the safety or health of employees.
(3) Outstanding achievement in improving the morale of workers in an organizational
unit with consequent improvement in work performance.
(4) Demonstrating unusual courage or competence in an emergency while performing
assigned duties.
(5) Other outstanding performance relating to official employment, comparable to that
above, deemed by the Director/Deputy Director, a DCMA Component Head or Region
Commander to be worthy of the recognition.
(6) In a deployed environment, making similar contributions to those listed above and, in
doing so, having a significant impact across their deployed commands’ area of responsibility in
b. Recommendations for the DCMA Meritorious Civilian Service Award will be submitted
within 60 days of the act, achievement, or period of service being cited.
c. Nominations will be submitted in the following format:
(1) Prepare an Action Memo for a DCMA Component Head or designee’s
approval/disapproval containing the information on the Award Recommendation Information
document located on the Resource Page for this Manual.
(2) Upon approval, TFL will provide the medal, lapel pin and certificate.
(3) Normally, the presentation of the award by the recommending and/or approving
official will be held at an appropriate award ceremony.
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Service is the Agency’s third highest honorary award. This award consists of a bronze medal, a
lapel pin, and a certificate. DCMA Component Head or designee may present this award to
those civilian employees whose special acts or achievements had HQ, Regional HQ, CMO, or
Center impact. It may also be presented to those civilian employees whose special acts or
achievements while deployed reflect truly outstanding service.
a. This award may be awarded for significant contributions through consistent high quality
performance. It is not normally granted in conjunction with retirement. In a deployed
environment, it may be awarded for truly outstanding service and/or significant contributions in
temporary, short duration duties such as joint commissions, studies, and other special projects.
b. Recommendations for the DCMA Exceptional Civilian Service Award will be normally
submitted within 60 days of the act, achievement, or period of service being cited.
c. Nominations will be submitted in the following format:
(1) Prepare an Action Memo for a DCMA Component Head or designee’s approval
containing the information on the Award Recommendation Information document located on the
Resource Page for this Manual.
(2) The completed nomination package will be forwarded to TFL for review and
completion of the certificate for approval and signature by the Director.
(3) TFL will provide the medal, lapel pin, and certificate.
(4) Normally, the presentation of the award by the recommending and/or approving
official will be held at an appropriate award ceremony.
the Agency’s award given in recognition of highly distinguished Federal service. The award
consists of a bronze medal, a lapel pin, and certificate. All civilian employees may receive this
award upon their retirement in recognition of a career of sustained high-level service.
a. To be eligible for this award, the employee will have a record of sustained superior
performance that has had some impact on the effective accomplishment of mission objectives or
received some recognition for superior performance or special achievement. This award may not
be used as a replacement for the retirement certificate.
b. Nominations will be submitted in the following format:
(1) Prepare an Action Memo for a DCMA Component Head or designee’s approval
containing the information on the Award Recommendation Information document located on the
Resource Page for this Manual.
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(2) TFL will provide the medal, lapel pin, and certificate. To ensure timely presentation,
the nomination for the DCMA Civilian Career Service Award should normally be submitted at
least 6 weeks prior to the anticipated presentation date.
(3) Normally, the presentation of the award by the recommending and/or approving
official will be held at an appropriate award ceremony.
5.6. LENGTH OF SERVICE. The Federal career service pin, along with a Certificate of
Service, is used to recognize significant milestones in employees’ careers and emphasize service
to the Government, rather than service to a particular department or agency.
a. The pin may be awarded in recognition of the completion of 10 years of Federal service,
15 years of service, 20 years of service and, thereafter, for each 5-year period. Total Federal
civilian service is creditable toward eligibility for length-of-service recognition. By default,
creditable service is calculated from the service computation date established for each employee
by the Army Servicing Team. Late service awards are processed at the discretion of the
b. Component heads are responsible for processing all length of service awards for
employees in their servicing area. Activities may develop local procedures to ensure
presentation of these awards on an appropriate occasion.
5.7. RETIREMENTS. Retirement is an incredible milestone for any hard-working
professional. A retirement certificate and pin may be awarded to recognize an employee’s
dedication to government service.
a. Certificate of Retirement. Certificates of Retirement are granted in acknowledgement of
the retirement of employees. The TFL will prepare a retirement certificate upon notification
from the supervisor or Component Head that an employee has submitted their retirement
paperwork and that it has been approved. Upon verification by TFL of the approved retirement
date, the certificate will be processed accordingly. All certificates are signed by the Director.
Activities may develop local procedures to ensure presentation of these awards at an appropriate
retirement ceremony. Certificates will reflect civilian federal length of service and cannot be
combined with military time. Retirement certificate and pins are not provided for those going
out on “postponed retirement” or “deferred” retirement. The certificate and pin will be
processed by the Office of Personnel Management once the employee submits their official
request for retirement. To ensure timely presentation, retirement awards should be requested at
least 6 weeks prior to the anticipated presentation date.
b. Director’s Letter. Director’s Letters are congratulatory letters signed by the Director and
presented to eligible employees upon their retirement from DCMA. The proposed letter is
drafted by the recommending official and will be endorsed by the appropriate Component Head
or designee. The proposed letter is forwarded to TFL, which is responsible for arranging for the
preparation of the Director’s Letter after approval, by the Director. To ensure timely
presentation, the Director’s Letter should be requested at least 6 weeks prior to the anticipated
presentation date or retirement date.
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c. Spouse Certificates. The spouse of an employee retiring from DCMA may receive a
certificate of appreciation if requested. The name of the spouse must be submitted with the
employee’s retirement request to receive the certificate.
d. Presidential Letter. The Presidential Letter is signed by the President of the United
States and is presented to employees upon their retirement from Federal service. Employees who
have 30 or more years of dedicated Federal service are eligible to receive a letter. Both military
and civilian Federal time can be combined for the purposes of obtaining this letter. The
proposed letter is drafted by the recommending official using the template located on the
Resource Page for this Manual and must be endorsed by the Component Head. The proposed
letter is forwarded to TFL, which is responsible for coordination. To ensure timely presentation,
the presidential retirement letters should be requested 90 days in advance of actual retirement
date or retirement presentation (whichever comes first). These letters are processed at the
discretion of the White House and longer processing times may occur.
e. U.S. Flag Flown Over the Capitol. Flags may be procured from Congressional offices
for Federal retirees and will not be paid for with Agency funds. Complete request IAW
“Ordering a U.S. Flag for a Civilian Retiree” document located on the Resource Page for this
Manual. The flag does not include a shadow box. Appropriations may not typically be used for
any shadow box as part of recognition for retirement. Allow at least 6 weeks from the date of
order for receipt.
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Section 6: Other Forms of Recognition 19
a. DCMA Core Value Award. Three levels of recognition have been developed to
recognize and reward performance that model the DCMA Core Values – Integrity, Service, and
(1) Nature of Award. The Core Value award will consist of DCMA paper weights
depicting the Core Value Awards of Integrity, Service, and Excellence.
(2) Award Eligibility. All DCMA employees are eligible to receive recognition for their
performance that models the DCMA Core Values. These awards can be used to recognize a
team of DCMA employees.
(3) Selection Criteria. To warrant the Core Value Award, a contribution must be
identified in one or more of the three Core Values. The contribution or achievement is defined
as distinguished performance characterized by extraordinary, notable, or prestigious
contributions that impact the mission of the team, department, office, or activity. The award
justification for each of the three Core Value Awards must demonstrate the overall performance
as characterized by the specific Agency Core Value examples.
(a) Core Value Integrity. Committed to the highest standards of ethical and moral
behavior at all times. Examples:
Is a role model for the others in the organization
Models compassion for others
Inspires others by their example of excellence
Honest, open, fair, and follows through on commitments
(b) Core Value Service. Working for the benefit of our nation and putting
professional responsibilities before self-interest. Examples:
Demonstrates a strong commitment to customers
Increases customer loyalty and develops new opportunities
Meets and exceeds customer expectations and requirements
Ensures prompt and effective problem resolution
Builds effective relationships with customers
Implements and continuously assesses performance against standards for
improvement and customer satisfaction
Uses customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction information for improvement
(c) Core Value Excellence. Committed to exceptional performance in everything
one does. Examples:
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Commitment to continuous learning and professional growth
Passion for learning and sharing ideas – works to keep job skills sharp and
state of the art
Respected by others for personal and professional competence
Shows resiliency and flexibility in planning and in action
Consistently achieves personal, professional and organizational goals
Engenders optimism, candor, and trust
Seeks out and tackles tough challenges
Develops new insights for common situations
Willing to consider new ideas and possibilities in problem solving
Creates an environment of prudent risk taking, not risk adverse
Encourages creative thinking of all members of the organization
(4) Approval. The CMO Commander, Regional Commander, or Component Head may
approve the award. Approving officials will determine the local nominating process and
frequency of the awards.
(5) The paperweights for the Core Values should be requested from TFL using the core
value template located on the Resource Page for this Manual and must be endorsed by the
supervisor or Component Head.
b. Letters of Appreciation/Commendation. Letters of appreciation/commendation are
used to commend an employee for above average work performance or for an act or service
which exceeds the normal expectations. Letters may be awarded for any above average
achievement or performance which does not meet the criteria for monetary or honorary
recognition but is sufficiently valuable to warrant official commendation. These letters should
contain a complete and concise description of the work performance, act, suggestion, or service
being recognized. The letters may be signed by the immediate supervisor, higher level
supervisor, or any individual having knowledge of the services rendered.
(1) Certificates of appreciation may be awarded to civilian employees for significant
contributions, which have an immediate organizational impact.
(2) Prepare a short narrative justification and a proposed citation, which will be
maintained by the approving official. All certificates of appreciation are to be prepared at the
local level and signed by the immediate supervisor. If it is to be signed by the Director, forward
to TFL for preparation.
(3) Normally, the presentation of the award by the recommending and/or approving
official will be held at an appropriate award ceremony.
ORGANIZATIONS. Appropriate recognition may be provided to private citizens, groups, or
organizations, which contribute significant assistance or support to DCMA functions, services, or
operations as a public service. Persons or organizations having a commercial or profit-making
relationship with DCMA will not be provided recognition. Nominations may be initiated by
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anyone having direct knowledge of the contribution by an individual or organization to the
DCMA mission. Nominations will be submitted within 6 months of the act or service being
a. DCMA Distinguished Civilian Public Service Award. This is the highest DCMA
recognition for public service. Authority for its issuance is reserved for the Director. This award
may be awarded to private citizens or organizations rendering distinguished service of major
significance to DCMA.
(1) To submit a nomination, prepare an Action Memo IAW the Award Recommendation
Information document located on the Resource Page for this Manual.
(2) Attach a short description of the contribution and a proposed citation of not more
than 90 words.
(3) The completed nomination package will be forwarded to TFL. All awards must have
the endorsement of the applicable Component Head. Nominations will be forwarded to the
Director for approval/disapproval.
b. DCMA Outstanding Service Award. This award is represented by a citation certificate.
It may be awarded to a private citizen or organization performing an outstanding service, which
results in a substantial contribution to the accomplishment of any element of the DCMA mission.
This award may be granted by the DCMA Director/Deputy Director, DCMA Component Heads,
or Regional Commanders.
c. Letter of Appreciation. More modest contributions by private citizens or groups to
DoD/DCMA functions or operations should also be recognized. Letters of Appreciation may be
issued by CMO Commanders, Regional Commanders, and DCMA Component Heads in
recognition of service or assistance considered worthy of such an expression.
6.3. EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER. Employee of the Quarter (EOQ) nominations will be
submitted by function and grade level. Functions include Acquisition, Engineering, Quality
Assurance, and Mission Support. Nominations should be submitted for each award in two
categories: for DPMAP, employees GS-12 and above or GS-11 and below and for AcqDemo
equivalent employees. Component Heads may submit one nomination per functional category (a
total of eight nominations). All nominations must be submitted through respective Components
Heads IAW their guidance. Individual organizations are encouraged to recognize their EOQ
nominees locally.
a. All nominations will contain the following:
Full name of the nominee
Position title and grade of nominee
Functional category in which the nominee is competing
Organization to which the nominee is assigned
Narrative justification not to exceed one page
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Nominator’s name, e-mail address, organization, and telephone number
All submissions must be submitted on the Agency’s employee of the quarter template
located on the Resource Page for this Manual and must be endorsed by the supervisor
or Component Head.
b. Nominations will be received by TFL by the date specified in the current EOQ Tasking
c. Quarterly winners will be awarded the maximum on-the-spot award. Monetary award
payments will be charged against the budget of the DCMA activity to which the employee is
officially assigned/employed. These awards are not paid out by HQ.
d. No individual may be selected as EOQ more than once in any 12-month period.
e. The EOQ Program recognizes all DCMA civilian employees.
f. Any or all of the following criteria may be used as justification for a nomination. Other
significant actions may also be submitted as justification for an employee’s nomination.
Superior performance
Innovative improvement
Teamwork with other employees
Responsible for any savings to the Government
Performance of an act or service that positively contributes to the mission of DCMA
6.4. DCMA ANNUAL RECOGNITION PROGRAM. Each year, DCMA sets aside a time to
formally recognize the top performers in the workforce. Nominations are solicited from
throughout DCMA for specific award categories. The call for nominations will be sent out by
TFL each year. Nomination criteria and format outlined will be addressed in each tasking. The
DCMA Awards and Recognition Board recommends, based on a review of nominations, the
nominees to be selected by the Director, DCMA.
a. Outstanding Personnel of the Year. This award provides a highly visible means for the
Director, to recognize deserving superior performers in every segment of the DCMA workforce.
Performance recognized by this award is highly exemplary and inspirational to others and has
contributed significantly toward accomplishing the overall DCMA mission, demonstrating the
Agency’s core values of integrity, service, and excellence and improving the quality of
operations. Individuals recognized at this level are acknowledged by their peers as being model
(1) Nature of the award. The award consists of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy and
a cash award equal to six percent of the employee’s basic salary. Military members will receive
only the engraved plaque, IAW Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay
military personnel for their contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific
achievements, but not for performance.
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(2) Award Eligibility. All personnel are eligible who are employed by, or assigned to,
DCMA during the award consideration period of calendar year January 1 through December 31
of each year.
(3) Award Selection Criteria. Employees nominated for the Outstanding DCMA
Personnel of the Year will have clearly demonstrated or exhibited all of the following work
characteristics in the performance of their regularly assigned duties during the award
consideration period:
(a) The nominee’s performance of assigned duties effectively served as a positive
motivator and inspired other DCMA personnel to become more actively involved in serious
efforts to provide customers consistent and cost effective Contract Administration Services;
ensured effective policies and processes are in place; promoted a diverse, agile, and highly
performing workforce; and contributed to a system of management controls that effectively and
efficiently manages public resources.
(b) The nominee’s industry, application, resourcefulness, leadership, and initiative
have resulted in the accomplishment of visibly measurable and innovative work achievements,
either as a team member or in the assigned functional or staff area of employment.
(c) The nominees are held in high esteem by their peers, subordinates, and/or
superiors as demonstrated by visible evidence.
(d) The nominee has been an exceptionally effective advocate and proponent of the
principles of customer-focused organization, employee involvement and empowerment, and
teamwork, either as a team member or supervisor/manager, resulting in visibly improved
processes affecting productivity and organizational effectiveness in a positive way.
(e) Nominees demonstrate their commitment to the DCMA Core Values of Integrity,
Service, and Excellence by their daily professional conduct.
(f) Nominees will normally have received at least one other kind of highly significant
formal recognition during the awards consideration period.
(4) Award Nomination Process. The Senior Leadership Team members may nominate
employees from their organizations. Senior Leadership Team members will establish and utilize
a plan for appraisal of nominees that satisfies principles of merit and equity. They are
responsible for screening all nominations received from within their organizations and their
subordinate mission activities. Component Heads or designee should forward only the top
nominations to TFL.
(a) Ideally, nominees being considered will represent a cross-section of the
organization contributing to broad aspects of the DCMA mission and from diverse operating
areas. Nomination opportunities should be extended to cover personnel of all grades/ranks and
all organizational operating levels. Nominations should be submitted for each award in two
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categories: for DPMAP GS-12 and above or GS-11 and below and for AcqDemo equivalent
(b) The nominee selection process will be conducted in a manner that will ensure full
and equitable consideration for this award for all potential candidates.
(c) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will make the final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DCMA recognition.
(d) Emphasis will be placed primarily on those nominees whose exemplary
performance during the year has resulted in accomplishment of significant contributions toward
the continuing achievement of the mission and objectives of DCMA and clearly demonstrated
the capacity and potential for continued growth and development within the broad mission and
operations of DCMA. Consideration will also be given to the extent and impact of the
nominee’s influence on peers, subordinates, superiors, and specific DCMA operations/missions
during the award consideration period.
(e) The Component Heads, Regional Commanders, and CMO Commanders may
nominate employees. All awards must have the endorsement of the applicable Component Head.
Nominating officials will submit the nominations through TFL to the Director for consideration.
(f) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DCMA recognition.
b. Herb W. Homer DCMA Team Performance Award. Herb W. Homer spent his entire
DCMA career as part of teams composed of members from Government agencies and contractor
personnel. His primary goal was to improve efficiency, lower cost, and provide the best
customer service working with members of the government and industry team. In carrying out
his responsibilities as the Defense Corporate Executive at DCMA Raytheon, Herb displayed
attributes of a true professional--high ethical standards, fairness, innovation, insight, flexibility,
dedication to customer service, vision, proactive commitment, motivation, resourcefulness,
initiative, diligence, meticulous attention to detail, positive “can do” attitude, superb teaming
skills, and results driven. The purpose of the Herb W. Homer DCMA Team Performance Award
is to recognize teams who have best exemplified the principles and attributes of Herb Homer.
The intent of this award is to increase visibility and accomplishment of organizational goals,
advance the use of teamwork in the work environment, and motivate all DCMA employees to
improve the level of team performance. This award recognizes any team in DCMA that has
improved organizational performance by using structured improvement methods and/or
advanced the principles of teaming and teamwork in the work environment.
(1) Nature of the Award. The team award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or
trophy for the team. The winning team members will be presented with a certificate signed by
the Director and a medallion (or some other form of award to be determined at the time of
presentation) for each team member. For achievements that were based on measurable savings
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to the organization, cash awards may be presented as determined appropriate by the award
evaluation board. The amount of cash award will be determined by referring to the guidance
provided in the awards table on the Resource Page for this Manual and equally shared by all
members of the team. Any team that claims monetary savings as the result of their achievement
will attach substantiating documentation to the nomination. Reported savings should be
reflected in budgetary planning for the affected organizational element for the following fiscal
(2) Award Eligibility. Any formally chartered, permanent, or ad hoc team in DCMA is
eligible to be nominated for this award. Individuals and organizational groups not structured as
teams are ineligible to be nominated for this award.
(a) A “team” is defined as any group of people with similar or diverse skills
assembled in the workplace to achieve a common purpose or goal.
(b) The “common purpose or goal” of the team will be documented. This
documentation can be in the form of a written charter, mission statement, or other mandate
supported or sponsored by management to effect an improvement in the performance of the
organization or to solve a problem.
(c) Simply being a member of a team does not automatically qualify an individual to
be recognized as part of that team or the performance improvement effort. Active participation
in the actual structured performance improvement effort itself is mandatory for receipt of any of
the forms of recognition given to DCMA Team Performance Award recipients. For example, if
all members of a permanent organizational team were not actually a part of the structured
improvement effort, then the nomination should specify some sort of ad hoc team, or part
thereof, as the nominee rather than the entire organizational team.
(d) The team will have successfully completed its project or mission at the time of
the nomination. A project is considered successfully completed even if it is not implemented,
provided it has been so recognized by its chartering official. Nominations are to be based on one
performance improvement action and need not be a series of actions, strategies, or initiatives.
(e) Winning teams are generally eligible for the next iteration of this award.
However, additional performance improvements to the process for which the team was
previously recognized will be substantiated.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. The following criteria reflect the elements that should be
considered in nominating a team for this award:
(a) Teamwork. This element examines the purpose and membership of the team and
its group dynamics. Areas to consider include:
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1. How the team’s goal was established. Example: The purpose of the team was
to improve the aircraft acceptance process. The scope was to review all related processes of the
aircraft delivery from movement into the production hangar through DD Form 250, “Material
Inspection and Receiving Report,” which is located on the Resource Page for this Manual.
2. How the team’s goals and objectives align with the goals and objectives of the
organization. Example: The written performance plan identifies four continuous improvement
objectives. The team’s purpose is consistent with all of the organization’s objectives, but
particularly so with at least one of them. For instance, the team continually improved processes
used to deliver quality products and services to DCMA’s customers.
3. How the team capitalizes on diverse ideas. Example: Team members focused
on the team’s objective through the use of structured problem solving, conflict management, and
facilitation designed to give each member a clear and powerful voice in decision making and the
direction the team was taking. Team specialists relied on the strengths of each other’s unique
abilities. The leaders met with all four teams twice a day to communicate and review the
progress of each sub-team. The leaders ensured that each team’s contribution was viewed in the
context of the entire team.
4. How the team’s work exemplified some or all of the principles and attributes
of Herb W. Homer. Example: Implementation of the team’s solution improves efficiency in DD
Form 250 processing, which reduces labor hours expended and lowers costs to DCMA. Working
with members of DCMA and contractor personnel, the team streamlined the process to eliminate
redundancy and duplication. Their cooperative and professional work efforts resulted in a
cohesive team of government and industry personnel demonstrating flexibility and insight that
can be exported to other DCMA offices and industry counterparts.
(b) This element examines how the team analyzed the specific process in order to set
targets for improvement and to identify causes of possible problems (root causes). Areas to
consider include:
1. Tools used to analyze the process. Example: The teams explored a wide
variety of investigative tools, including diagrams, Lean Six Sigma, process maps, process
observation forms, flow charts, value added time charts, and waste observation forms. The
single most important tool used, however, was the interviews by team members of the
individuals actually involved in the process being studied.
2. How data was validated. Example: As the process flow and possible
contributing causes were understood, value added time charts, waste observation forms, run
charts, and interviews with production personnel were used by the team to quantify and analyze
the process prior to recommending changes.
3. How areas for potential improvement were identified. Example: The target
for improvement was selected after reviewing all the gathered information. Those causal factors
and root causes that could contribute best value to the aircraft acceptance process under the
structures of the methodology were targeted for improvement.
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4. How the team validated the data used. Example: A comparison between the
effectiveness of the improved process and the old methods was performed on all processes that
were identified as the source of potential inefficiencies.
(c) Solutions. This element examines the process through which the team identifies,
selects, plans, and implements the solution(s). Areas to consider include:
1. How the results meet the organization’s mission and objectives. Example:
Results met objectives and goals defined within the written performance plan because the team
identified, defined, and quantified customer requirements by using the analysis and improvement
tools referenced throughout the application. Capabilities were matched with customer
requirements by calling upon the most experienced and skilled members of the team and process
owners and customers.
a. Verifiable tangible savings. Charts should show this evidence.
b. Evidence of improvement in the process or product. Charts should show
this evidence.
(5) Award Nomination Procedures:
(a) Each Region and HQ DCMA Component may submit a single nomination for
their best team selected from those already recognized at the local level or within a Component
during the course of the year. Each Region and HQ DCMA Component must submit packets to
(b) Nominations should provide information pertaining to the team as outlined in this
Manual. The narrative description of justification addressing elements should not exceed five
pages. A team member, team leader, or customer can initiate a nomination. Only Senior
Leadership Team members, however, may forward a nomination to TFL for selection
(c) Winning teams may be considered for further recognition at DoD or Federal level
(i.e., the Secretary of Defense Productivity Excellence Award or the Presidential Management
Improvement Award).
(d) Regions will designate a point of contact and appoint a review team to select the
top nominations for endorsement by the respective Director/Commander. All awards must have
the endorsement of the applicable Component Head.
(e) The nominator/recommending official and reviewer will sign all nominations.
One 5- by 7-inch color photograph or a digital color photograph of each winner will be submitted
to TFL upon notification of selection.
c. DCMA Mentoring Award. The DCMA Mentoring Award recognizes our DCMA
employees for exceptional performance as a mentor. The mentor is a leader who contributes
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significantly toward developing DCMA’s future workforce. The mentor and employee (protégé)
work hand-in-hand to achieve a complete mentorship cycle. Sharing knowledge and experiences
about multiple situations, including those dealing with leadership and organizations, assist in
developing an employee’s competence and confidence.
(1) Nature of the Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy
and a cash award of $2,000. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy
IAW Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
(2) Award Eligibility. All DCMA personnel who are employed by, or assigned to,
DCMA during the award consideration period are eligible.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. Employees nominated will have clearly demonstrated or
exhibited all of the following work characteristics in the performance of their role as a mentor
during the award consideration period. The mentor is a leader or senior to an employee. A
mentor may also be a Training Coordinator. A mentor is concerned for an employee’s
development as a whole and not just in the job they perform. The mentor will be committed to
carrying out mentoring activities during the individual’s assignment and demonstrate the
following in their role as mentors:
(a) Provide advice and guidance on career development opportunities. Encourage
the development to the fullest, both personally and professionally.
(b) Share insights on broad DCMA missions and functions, as well as an awareness
of the programs and activities that fall within the scope of the mentor’s responsibility.
(c) Recommend pursuits that will help develop specific areas in the employee’s
professional advancement: (e.g., written or oral communication skills).
(5) Promotes a clear understanding of DCMA’s mission, vision, core values, and the
Agency’s “Strategic End States” which are to provide customers consistent and cost effective
CAS, ensure effective policies and processes are in place; promotes a diverse, agile, and highly
performing workforce; and contributes to a system of management controls that effectively and
efficiently manage public resources.
(6) Award Nomination Process.
(a) The mentee, Senior Leadership Team, Region Commander, and CMO
Commanders may nominate employees. Nominations will have the endorsement of the
Component Head. All nominations should be submitted to TFL for consideration.
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(b) Nominees may include Training Coordinators. Nomination opportunities should
be extended to cover personnel of all grades/ranks and all organizational operating levels.
(7) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DCMA recognition.
d. DCMA Leadership Award. This award provides a highly visible means for the
Director, to recognize deserving leaders within the DCMA workforce. The DCMA Leadership
Award recognizes our leaders whose visionary leadership, outstanding professional skill, and
untiring efforts advance DCMA’s strategic mission through “One Team, One Voice” and
inclusive, collaborative principles.
(1) Nature of the Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy
and a cash award of $5,000. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy
IAW Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
(2) Award Eligibility. All supervisors, managers, and team leaders in the pay band of
Business Management and Technical Management Professional Career Path (NH-04) who are
employed by, or assigned to, DCMA during the award consideration period are eligible.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. Employees nominated for the DCMA Leadership Award
will have clearly demonstrated or exhibited all of the following work characteristics in the
performance of their regularly assigned duties during the award consideration period.
(5) The nominee’s leadership on issues/efforts may have Agency-wide impact, enable
the Agency to move forward in advancing its strategic mission and vision through “Good to
Great” principles and demonstrate the following in their role as Leaders:
(a) Transform the Agency by demonstrating a leadership role that champions the
accomplishment of the Agency’s Strategic End States.
(b) Embrace and promote a results-oriented performance culture and approach to
achieving the Agency vision through the use of Performance Indicators that measure Agency
(c) Equip our employees with the competencies needed to provide extraordinary
support to our customers.
(d) Establish a leadership culture in their organization.
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(e) Nominees demonstrate their commitment to the DCMA Core Values of integrity,
service, and excellence by their daily professional conduct.
(6) Award Nomination Process. The Component Heads, Regional Commanders, and
CMO Commanders may nominate employees. All awards must have the endorsement of the
applicable Component Head. Nominating officials will submit the nominations through TFL to
the Director for consideration.
(7) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DCMA recognition.
e. Director’s Cup. This award recognizes a DCMA organization that has improved
organizational performance methods to advance the Agency’s strategic mission and vision
through the practice of collaborative and inclusive – One Team, One Voice – principles and
actions. These principles are displayed through demonstrated recognition that our people are our
most precious resource, demonstrated constant and continuous customer engagement and results,
demonstrated partnering with local union representatives to enhance workforce satisfaction and
organizational performance, demonstrated understanding and adherence to Agency process and
policy while challenging the status quo, and demonstrated stewardship of DCMA’s and our
customers’ precious resources.
(1) Nature of the Award. This award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque and
Director’s Cup for the organization. The winning organization will be presented with a
certificate signed by the Director.
(2) Award Eligibility. Any DCMA organization (HQ Component, Region, or CMO) is
eligible to be nominated for this award.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. The organization (or organizational element) that has in
place and is executing methods to advance DCMA’s strategic mission and vision through the
practice of “One Team, One Voice” and inclusive, collaborative principles including methods
that promote an effective labor-management relationship.
(5) Award Nomination Process. Each HQ Component, Region, and CMO may submit a
nomination. All awards must have the endorsement of the applicable Component Head. All
nominations should be submitted to TFL.
(a) The narrative description of justification addressing how the organization is
advancing DCMA’s strategic mission and vision through the practice of “Good to Great”
principles, including efforts to facilitate a constructive labor-management relationship, should
not exceed five pages.
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(b) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the organization who will receive this
special DCMA recognition.
f. DCMA Acquisition Newcomer Award. The DCMA Acquisition Newcomer Award
recognizes our newest employees whose outstanding acquisition skills and untiring efforts have
significantly contributed to the success of DCMA and our customers.
(1) Nature of the Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy
and a cash award of $3,000. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy
IAW Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
(2) Award Eligibility. All DCMA Keystone employees or acquisition personnel with
less than 5 years of acquisition experience who are employed by, or assigned to, DCMA during
the award consideration period are eligible.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. Employees nominated for the DCMA Acquisition
Newcomer Award will have clearly demonstrated or exhibited all of the following work
characteristics in the performance of their regularly assigned duties during the award
consideration period:
(a) The acquisition newcomer is a federal acquisition professional with less than 5
years acquisition experience or a Keystone employee who has contributed significantly to
acquisition operations or acquisition policy in DCMA and demonstrates the following in their
role as an acquisition newcomer:
1. Acquisition operations including extraordinary business leadership or team
participation in the design, development, or execution of an acquisition program or project that
furthers the Agency’s Strategic Plan or overall mission accomplishment.
2. Acquisition policy including the development of a management policy,
regulation, data system, or other task that significantly enhances the economy, efficiency, and
effectiveness of the Agency’s acquisition system or the Federal acquisition system.
(b) Nominees demonstrate their commitment to the DCMA Core Values of integrity,
service, and excellence by their daily professional conduct.
(5) Award Nomination Process.
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(a) The Component Heads, Regional Commanders, and CMO Commanders may
nominate employees. All awards must have the endorsement of the applicable Component Head.
Nominating officials will submit the nominations through TFL for consideration.
(b) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DCMA recognition.
g. Noreen Cassaro Award of Excellence. This award provides a highly visible means for
the Director, DCMA, to recognize deserving superior performers in the DCMA Keystone
program. The Noreen Cassaro Award of Excellence honors her legacy as a dedicated employee.
Noreen Cassaro devoted several years of her career to developing, training, and mentoring
Keystones and the Keystone Program. The performance has also contributed significantly
toward accomplishing the overall DCMA mission and demonstrating the Agency’s core values
of integrity, service, and excellence while improving the quality of operations and strengthening
the knowledge of the acquisition workforce. Performance recognized by this award is highly
exemplary and inspirational to others.
(1) Nature of the Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy
and a cash award of $2,000.
(2) Award Eligibility. Third-year Keystone personnel who are employed by DCMA
during the award consideration period are eligible. Each nominee must have been rated “Fully
Successful” and above on all evaluations during the course of the Keystone Program, have
attained Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Level II Certification, and submitted
his or her graduation packets to the Pathways/Keystone Program Manager for approval at the
time of the nomination.
(3) Award Selection Criteria. Keystone employees nominated for the Noreen Cassaro
Award will clearly demonstrate one or more of the following criteria:
Superior performance
Teamwork and positive influence on peers and other employees
Responsible for savings to the Government
Innovative improvements and knowledge sharing
Performance of an act or service that reflects positively on DCMA
Any other significant actions contributing to the achievement of the mission
Demonstration of professional self-development
(4) Award Nomination Process. Supervisors, team leaders, group leaders, Commanders
or Directors may nominate employees. Senior Leadership Team members will establish and
utilize a plan for appraisal of nominees that satisfies principles of merit and equity. They are
responsible for screening all nominations received from within their organizations and their
subordinate mission activities. HQ Component Heads and Regional Commanders should
forward only the top nominations to TFL for consideration. Nominations will have the
endorsement of the Component Head.
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(a) Ideally, nominees being considered will represent a cross-section of the
organization that are performing outstandingly in broad DCMA mission and operating areas.
Nomination opportunities should be extended to cover personnel of all grades/ranks and all
organizational operating levels.
(b) The nominee selection process should be conducted in a manner that will ensure
full and equitable consideration for this award for all potential candidates.
(c) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DCMA Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DCMA recognition.
(d) Emphasis will be placed primarily on those nominees whose exemplary
performance during the period of consideration has resulted in accomplishment of significant
contributions toward the continuing achievement of the mission and objectives of DCMA and
clearly demonstrated the capacity and potential for continued growth and development within the
broad mission operations of DCMA. Consideration will also be given to the extent and impact
of the nominee’s influence on peers, subordinates, superiors, and specific DCMA
operations/missions during the award consideration period.
(5) Submit nominations using the outlined format:
(a) Name:
(b) Grade and Occupational Series:
(c) Position Title:
(d) Region/HQ DCMA Component:
(e) Organizational Name and Location:
(f) Length of Service with DCMA:
(g) Description of Duties during Award Consideration Period (not more than 50
(h) Justification: (Not more than one page in length including title of award).
Nominations must be signed by the nominator/recommending official and reviewer and must
include a citation of not more than 100 words. One 5- by 7-inch color photograph of each
winner must be submitted to TFL upon notification of selection.
h. DCMA Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Awards. The DCMA EEO Awards
program is designed for those that are leading the charge for equal opportunity for everyone.
EEO exceptionalism is the foundational criteria for every award. Agency EEO personnel cannot
be nominated for these awards. EEO sponsored non-DCMA and non-DoD awards will be
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processed in the same manner utilized to garner agency nominations for DCMA and DoD
awards. The DCMA Awards and Recognition Board recommends, based on a review of
nominations, the nominees to be selected by the Director.
i. DCMA Award for Achievement in EEO by an Organization. The annual DCMA
Award for Achievement in EEO by an Organization recognizes a DCMA CMO or Component
that has demonstrated outstanding performance in support of the objectives of the DCMA EEO
program as well as ensuring DCMA has a “Model EEO Program.” The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) directs agencies when establishing a model EEO program to
incorporate into its design a structure for effective management, accountability, and self-analysis
which will ensure program success and compliance with EEOC Management Directive 715
(1) Nature of Award. A suitably engraved plaque or trophy will be presented.
(2) Award Eligibility. Any DCMA CMO or Component is eligible to receive this award.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. This award is a results-oriented award defined by notable
progress or improvement above and beyond normal requirements for program effectiveness in
five of the six EEOC essential elements for a model EEO program. EEOC essential element six,
Responsiveness and Legal Compliance, is not identified as a criteria element because the
requirements of this essential element exceed the level of authority of the CMO or component
level and will be accomplished by the Director. The five essential elements for a model EEO
Program that should be used as criteria are as follows:
Essential Element A: Demonstrated Commitment from Agency Leadership
Essential Element B: Integration of EEO into the Agency’s Strategic Mission
Essential Element C: Management and Program Accountability
Essential Element D: Proactive Prevention
Essential Element E: Efficiency
(5) Demonstrated Commitment from Agency Leadership. CMO/Component leadership
demonstrates commitment to EEO principles in carrying out program responsibilities such as:
(a) Issuing annual written EEO program policy statements declaring the
organization’s position against employment discrimination, harassment, and its strong support of
the employment and accommodation of people with disabilities.
(b) Effective use of the Alternative Dispute Resolution process.
(c) Ensuring sufficient staffing and resources to assist in the operation of the EEO
program by approving the appointment of, and providing funding for, specialized training for
collateral duty EEO personnel and EEO observance planning committee members when needed.
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(d) Ensuring new and existing supervisors receive regular EEO training.
(e) Facilitating the establishment and execution of ad hoc initiatives, which embrace
and/or compliment EEO (e.g., Diversity Councils).
(6) Integration of EEO into the Agency’s Strategic Mission. Success in this area is
shown by providing evidence that EEO officials are involved in critical workplace decisions,
have regular access to senior staff, and participate in meetings where critical personnel decisions
regarding management and the deployment of human resources are made. Specific examples
will be provided.
(7) Management and Program Accountability. Demonstrated achievements involve the
organization actively striving to hire, train, and develop supervisors and managers who have
effective managerial, communication, and interpersonal skills in order to supervise most
effectively in a culturally diverse workplace and avoid workplace disputes; ensuring that all
managers and supervisors make successful performance contingent, in part, on efforts to achieve
a workplace free of discrimination and actively encouraging inclusion. Specific examples will
be provided.
(8) Proactive Prevention of Unlawful Discrimination.
(a) Successful implementation is demonstrated when the organization can show that
it has taken positive steps to eliminate barriers that impede free and open competition in the
workplace for all. Nominations will show demonstrated effort in community relations/outreach
and impact on achievement in meeting EEO objectives. They will also provide specific
examples of unique training efforts that contribute to identifiable changes in the work
(b) The ability to capitalize on unique internal and external recruitment initiatives
and effective use of special appointing authorities (i.e., Schedule A) and significant outcomes.
(c) Significant progress or achievement in program objectives identified in the
Agency’s annual EEOC MD-715 Report as follows:
1. Made progress toward eliminating the substantial disparity of representation of
individuals with disabilities and targeted disabilities. Specific examples will be provided.
2. Made progress toward eliminating the substantial disparity of representation as
identified in the Agency’s MD-715 Plan.
3. Efficiency. Demonstrated improvements in decreasing the number of EEO
complaints being filed within the organization and demonstrated commitment to ensuring
supervisor and managers’ full participation in established Agency processes to resolve workplace
disputes at the earliest possible stage.
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(9) Other Unique/Noteworthy Activities or Initiatives. Although this area is not one of
EEOC’s six essential elements, nominees may use this space to identify any unique and/or
noteworthy EEO program initiatives the organization has participated in and wishes to highlight
during the consideration period.
(10) Award Nomination Procedures. EEO sponsored non-DCMA, DoD, and Senior
Leader Team approved non-DoD awards will be processed in the same manner utilized to garner
agency nominations for DCMA and DoD awards. The DCMA Awards and Recognition Board
recommends, based on a review of nominations, the nominees to be selected by the Director,
DCMA. All awards must have the endorsement of the applicable Component Head. Nominating
officials will submit the nominations through the Awards Program Manager, TFL for
(a) Nominations are to be submitted in the following format:
1. Name of DCMA Organization:
2. Address:
3. Point of Contact: (Name/telephone number/e-mail address):
4. Justification: (Not more than three pages, single-spaced in length, describing
specifically how the activity meets the award selection criteria described above). Include a
citation of not more than 150 words.
5. Other official comments or observations that attest to the organization’s
achievements/contributions to the DCMA EEO Program.
(b) A digital color photograph depicting a favorable aspect of the organization’s
support of the EEO program or a generic view of the organization will be submitted to DCMA
EEO Office upon notification of selection (at least 1 megabyte (MB); joint photographic experts
group (jpg) preferred). This photograph will be used in the awards program booklet.
(c) Organizations are encouraged to contact the EEO office for statistical data and
other pertinent information that would assist in preparing nomination packages. To access
DCMA’s submission of the annual MD-715 Plan and to locate servicing EEO personnel, visit the
DCMA Equal Employment Opportunity Office homepage on the Agency portal.
j. DCMA Award for Achievement in EEO by a Manager or Supervisor. This award
recognizes the manager or supervisor within DCMA who has done the most, within their sphere
of influence, to achieve the basic goals as identified in the DCMA EEO MD-715 Plan of fully
integrating the workforce at all levels.
(1) Nature of Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy and
a cash award of $3,500. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy IAW
Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
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contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
(2) Award Eligibility. DCMA managers or supervisors (civilian or military) of all
grades, ranks, and occupations employed by, or assigned to, DCMA during the award
consideration period are eligible. Emphasis should be placed upon recognizing the manager or
supervisor who has done the most to establish and make significant progress toward reaching
realistic goals in their own organization. In this instance, “manager or supervisor” means anyone
from first line supervisor to head of the activity.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. This award is a results-oriented award defined by notable
progress or improvement above and beyond normal requirements for program effectiveness in
five of the six EEOC Essential Elements for a Model EEO program.
(a) Persons nominated should normally be managers or supervisors who have
achieved results, which are measurable in terms of the Agency’s various indices for judging
progress toward numerical goals. Merely being assigned to, or serving as the head of, an
organization which performs well during a particular period in one or more of these quantitative
standards of rating performance should not be the sole criterion. There should be a demonstrable
cause and effect relationship between the actions of the nominee and the results achieved.
(b) Recognizable achievements may be in the form of significant progress in the
“upward mobility” of minority and female employees; ingenious, constructive, or original
program actions; effective contributions to community programs or community relations which
have a favorable effect upon EEO programs; or any combination of the above.
(5) Submit nominations using the Award Recommendation Information document
located on the Resource Page for this Manual. Nominations will be signed by the nominator/
recommending official and reviewer and will include a citation of not more than 150 words. A
digital color photograph of each winner will be submitted to the Director, Corporate Operations
(DCMA-DC) upon notification of selection (at least 1 MB; jpg preferred).
k. DCMA Award for Achievement in EEO by a Non-Supervisor. This award recognizes
the person in a non-supervisory position within DCMA who has done the most, within his or her
sphere of influence, to achieve the basic goals as identified in the DCMA-EEO MD-715 Plan of
fully integrating the workforce at all levels.
(1) Nature of Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy and
a cash award of $2,000. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy IAW
Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
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(2) Award Eligibility. DCMA personnel, military and civilian, of all grades, ranks, and
occupations employed by or assigned to DCMA in a non-supervisory position during the awards
consideration period are eligible. Emphasis should be placed upon recognizing the employee
who has done the most to establish and make significant progress toward reaching realistic goals
in his or her organization. Special Emphasis Program Coordinators (SEPC) may not be
nominated for this award.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. Those nominated should normally be persons who have
contributed significantly toward the attainment of the DCMA goals of fully integrating the
workforce at all levels. This contribution might be in the form of involvement in community
programs or relationships which have a favorable effect upon the EEO program; ingenious,
constructive, and original ideas for improving the program; the display of leadership in
encouraging other employees to give the EEO program full and sincere support; or any
combination of the above or similar noteworthy actions. Personnel technicians and other non-
supervisory employees who make extraordinary contributions to the effective recruitment of
qualified minorities and women to fill DCMA vacancies would merit consideration.
(5) Submit nominations using the Award Recommendation Information document
located on the Resource Page for this Manual. Nominations will be signed by the
nominator/recommending official and reviewer and will include a citation of not more than 150
words. A digital color photograph of each winner will be submitted to DCMA-DC upon
notification of selection (at least 1 MB; jpg preferred).
l. Outstanding Employee with a Disability Award. This award recognizes and publicizes
the contributions and achievements made by physically and mentally disabled Federal
employees. This program also serves to heighten awareness on the part of Federal employers of
their responsibility as managers to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
As a general rule, the recipient of the DoD Outstanding Employee with a Disability Award will
also be chosen as the recipient of this Agency award for each respective year. The EEO Office
will maintain oversight, and the Agency will retain the authority to overturn automatic receipt of
this award if so directed by the Agency Director.
(1) Nature of Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy and
a cash award. The amount of the cash award will be 6 percent of the employee’s basic salary.
(2) Award Eligibility. DCMA employees who demonstrate job performance clearly
exceeding requirements in spite of severely limiting physical and/or mental factors. The same
person should not be nominated for this award 2 years in succession.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria.
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(a) A narrative justification for the award covering job performance and examples of
excellence and initiative. Persons nominated will demonstrate job performance clearly
exceeding requirements in spite of severely limiting physical and/or mental factors.
(b) Persons will exhibit courage and initiative in overcoming disabilities.
(5) Submit nominations using the Award Recommendation Information document
located on the Resource Page for this Manual. Nominations will be signed by the
nominator/recommending official and reviewer and will include a citation of not more than 150
words. A digital color photograph of each winner will be submitted to DCMA-DC upon
notification of selection (at least 1 MB; jpg preferred).
m. DCMA Award for Achievement in EEO by a SEPC. This award recognizes a person
in an additional voluntary assignment (i.e., SEPC) within DCMA who has done the most, within
their sphere of influence, to achieve the basic goals as identified in the DCMA EEO MD-715
Plan of fully integrating the workforce at all levels.
(1) Nature of Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy and
a cash award of $2,000. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy IAW
Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
(2) Award Eligibility. DCMA’s SEPC must be assigned to the voluntary function for a
minimum of 9 months during the awards consideration period. Emphasis should be placed on
recognizing the SEPC who has done the most to establish and make significant progress toward
reaching identified SEP goals in their organization.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is calendar year January 1
through December 31 of each year.
(4) Award Selection Criteria. Those nominated should normally be persons who have
contributed significantly toward the attainment of DCMA EEO goals and fulfilled the duties and
responsibilities of the SEPC position in a noteworthy manner. This contribution might be in the
form of involvement in community programs or relationships which have a favorable effect upon
the EEO program; ingenious, constructive, and original ideas for improving the program; the
display of leadership in encouraging other employees to give the EEO program full and sincere
support; or any combination of the above or similar noteworthy actions.
(5) Submit nominations using the Award Recommendation Information document
located on the Resource Page for this Manual. Nominations will be signed by the
nominator/recommending official and reviewer and will include a citation of not more than 150
words. A digital color photograph of each winner will be submitted to DCMA-DC upon
notification of selection (at least 1 MB; jpg preferred).
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n. DCMA Aircraft Operations Awards. The DCMA Aircraft Operations Awards program
is designed to provide recognition for outstanding Aircraft Operations individuals and units
within the Agency. Aircraft Operations will form a committee to review award packages and
make recommendations to the Director.
(1) There are two major categories of awards: Unit and individual awards. Within the
unit award category there are three sub-categories: Outstanding Flight Activity, Outstanding
Aviation Program Team, and CMO Mishap-Free Awards. Within the individual award category
there are nine awards:
Outstanding Chief of Flight Operations (CFO)
Outstanding Aviation Safety Officer (ASO)
Outstanding Government Flight Representative
Outstanding Reserve Government Flight Representative
Outstanding Government Ground Representative
Outstanding Reserve Government Ground Representative
Outstanding Enlisted Acceptance/Delivery Crew Member
Outstanding Contract Safety Specialist/Manager
Outstanding Quality Assurance Representative
(a) Unit Awards. The unit awards are graded on the following criteria:
Training programs
Mission readiness/accomplishments
Customer and contractor interface
Significant initiatives to improve contractor quality or cooperation
Significant initiatives to improve customer satisfaction and product quality
Safety programs
Significant actions to correct aviation/ground hazards that improve safety
New safety initiatives
Mishap record
Mishap reporting
(b) Mishap-Free Awards. Mishap-Free Awards are used to recognize CMOs for
accumulating mishap-free periods of Aircraft Operations. For each period defined in Paragraphs
6.4.n.(1)(b)1-3, the CMO would be recognized for having no recordable DoD Class A-D aircraft
ground, flight, or flight related mishaps, to include FMS mishaps.
1. DCMA Aviation Safety Award of Achievement. One fiscal year with no
recordable DoD Class A-D mishaps, to include FMS mishaps. Certificate will be presented.
2. DCMA Aviation Safety Award of Merit. Two fiscal years with no recordable
DoD Class A-D mishaps, to include FMS mishaps. Engraved plaque or similar award will be
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3. DCMA Aviation Safety Award of Excellence. Three fiscal years with no
recordable DoD Class A-D mishaps, to include FMS mishaps. Small engraved trophy or similar
award will be presented.
(c) Individual Awards. Individual awards are graded by a board based on the
individual’s support of his or her CMO/Aircraft Integrated Maintenance Operation’s mission,
readiness, and accomplishments with additional consideration of the individual’s significant self-
improvement and community service.
(2) Time Frame. Submissions will only include achievements from January 1 through
December 31 of the calendar year being considered.
(3) Award Announcements. DCMA Aircraft Operations will coordinate the
recommended winners for the Director’s approval. The Director will formally announce the
winners along with the Annual Civilian and Military Award winners, unless a formal awards
ceremony is planned in conjunction with a Resident Aircraft Operations Training Seminar. The
DCMA Aircraft Operations Executive Director will also recognize winners during the Virtual
Aircraft Operations Training Seminar.
(4) Purchasing Awards. TFL will purchase Aircraft Operations award plaques to ensure
plaques are equivalent to the military and civilian awards. TFL representative will mail awards
to the winner’s CMO Commander for presentation.
o. DCMA Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Awards. The DCMA SOH Awards
program is designed to provide recognition for outstanding safety acts and achievements for
individuals and units within the Agency. Mishap prevention accomplishments spanning 2 or
more years merit extra consideration.
(1) There are two major categories of awards: Unit and Individual Awards. Within the
unit award category, there are two sub-categories: CMO/Center of the Year and Streamlined
CMO of the Year. Within the individual category, there are two awards: Collateral Duty Safety
Advocate of the Year and Individual Safety Achievement Award.
(a) Unit Awards. The unit awards are graded on the following criteria:
Organization ground and occupational health safety performance records
and achievements
Efforts to further risk management implementation and integration
Safety program management, direction, administration, and innovation
Reduction of mishaps
Effective safety program management and innovations (include
complexity and types of mission tasks, unusual hazards, environmental
and occupational working conditions)
Inspection/assessment results
Specific mishap prevention activities accomplished during the award year
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Implementation and status of risk management concepts, applications
and successes
(b) Winners will be awarded a trophy and certificate.
(c) Individual Awards. Individual awards are graded on their specific achievements
and how the nominee contributed to safety of DCMA’s and their unit’s mission using the criteria
Achievements and contributions to on-duty mishap prevention
Development and implementation of a special program or course
that improves operational effectiveness
Demonstrated skill or ingenuity that prevented or reduced loss of life,
injury to personnel, or DCMA property damage
Developed an innovative safety program or specific mishap
prevention activity that was adapted for use at the CMO/CMO
streamline/contractor location
Provided significant specific contribution to the resolution of an
unusual or difficult safety hazard or working condition
Reduced the possibility of mishap(s) in ground and occupational
health activities
Improved operational effectiveness through his or her contribution to
the mishap prevention program
Any other significant specific contribution to ground and occupational
health safety
(c) Winners will be awarded a plaque and certificate.
(2) Each nomination will be submitted using a standard Word document. Only include
achievements and contributions for the period January 1 through December 31 for the calendar
year under consideration. Any person, other than the nominee, who knows about an individual’s
specific contribution, may submit a nomination.
(3) Nominations are limited to 30 lines using bullet statements only. List uncommon
acronyms at the bottom of the Word document. Submit nominations electronically to the SOH
Division IAW the annual DCMA awards tasker.
(4) Award Announcements. Award winners are announced during the HQ SOH
Working Group Meeting.
a. DoD Medal for Distinguished Civilian Service. The Secretary of Defense, in an annual
ceremony, presents the DoD Medal for Distinguished Civilian Service Award to five or more
DoD civilian employees whose careers reflect exceptional devotion to duty and extremely
significant contributions of broad scope to the efficiency, economy, or other improvement in the
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Section 6: Other Forms of Recognition 43
operations of DoD. The awards are made for contributions in a scientific field or for
accomplishments in technical or administrative endeavors. Specific nomination format and
contents are announced each year. Persons nominated in 1 year, but not selected as the DCMA
nominee, or a DCMA nominee not selected as a DoD award recipient, may be nominated in
subsequent years.
b. Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service. This is the second highest
award granted to career civilian employees of DoD who have distinguished themselves by
exceptionally meritorious service of major significance to DoD.
c. Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian Service. This is the
third highest award presented to career civilian employees of DoD whose contributions merit this
level of recognition. Career DoD civilians who have a minimum of 3 years in an organization
and have distinguished themselves by exceptional service to an Office of the Secretary of
Defense Component may be nominated for this award.
(1) To submit a nomination for one of the DoD awards, prepare an Action Memo
containing the following information:
Nominee’s Name
Present Title, Series, and Grade
Organizational Location
Position Held during Period Covered
Type of Award Recommended
Period of Service Covered by Nomination
(a) Attach a narrative justification of no more than 1 page that cites the nominee’s
specific exceptional accomplishments to the DoD.
(b) Attach a summary of significant prior awards and approval dates.
(c) Attach a double-spaced proposed draft citation of 150 words or less.
(2) The completed nomination package will be forwarded to TFL. All awards must have
the endorsement of the applicable Component Head. Nominations will be submitted through the
DCMA Awards and Recognition Board and then to the Director, DCMA.
d. The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) Medal. The GWOT Medal is established to
recognize the contributions and accomplishments of the civilian workforce of the DoD in direct
support of the armed forces, whose members are engaged in operations to combat terrorism in all
forms throughout the world. The award of this medal acknowledges the essential service of the
Department’s civilian workforce supporting and maintaining the security of our nation.
(1) The medal will be awarded to civilian employees of the DoD who, on or after
September 11, 2001, to a date to be determined, participate abroad in an operation that directly
supports a U.S. military GWOT operation in a designated geographic location approved for
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Section 6: Other Forms of Recognition 44
award of the military GWOT Expeditionary Medal or similar operation for which a separate
military campaign medal was awarded.
(2) Employees will be engaged in direct support for 30 consecutive days in a combat
zone in an area of eligibility in a military operation (or the full period when the operation is less
than 30 days duration), for 60 non-consecutive days in a combat zone provided this support
involves the employee entering the area(s) of eligibility, or regardless of time, be killed or
medically evacuated from the area of eligibility while providing direct support in the designated
operation. The areas of eligibility are the same as designated for approved GWOT
Expeditionary Medal military operations. A contribution or support of a GWOT military
operation by employees assigned to remotely located activities which are outside the areas of
eligibility is not justification for award of the GWOT Medal.
(3) The GWOT Medal is a “theater” award and is authorized for all civilian employees
who meet the eligibility requirements. The medal may be awarded only once to a civilian
employee for service to a GWOT military operation. An employee may not be awarded the
GWOT Medal and the Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal for the same operation. The medal
may be awarded posthumously.
(4) DCMA Component Head or designee may approve this award. The GWOT Medal
will be presented to eligible civilian employees in an appropriate commemorative ceremony or
other meaningful recognition venue that honors their courageous, enduring service, and sacrifice
in support of contingency operations, combat operations, and stability and reconstruction
missions throughout the world. The Combat Support Center (CSC) Administration Team
validates the deployment and redeployment dates of the deployee. The CSC Administration
Team purchases GWOT medals and prints the GWOT certificates that accompany the medals
and coordinates as to where the award/certificate should be mailed.
e. The Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal (AFCSM). AFCSM is established to recognize
the contributions and accomplishments of the civilian workforce of the DoD in directly
supporting the armed forces whose members are engaged in designated military operations of a
peacekeeping or prolonged humanitarian nature. The medal symbolizes the importance the DoD
places on the service of its civilian workforce to military operations and the value of its
contribution in accomplishing the nation’s objectives.
(1) The AFCSM may be awarded to civilian employees of the DoD who, after June 1,
1992, to a date to be determined, participate in direct support of a U.S. military operation for
which military personnel have been awarded the Armed Forces Service Medal (AFSM). The
AFCSM may be awarded only for a military operation approved for award of the AFSM for
military personnel.
(2) Employees will be engaged in direct support for 30 consecutive days in the area of
eligibility (or for the full period when an operation is of less than 30 days duration) in a military
operation awarded the AFSM or for 60 non-consecutive days in an ASFM operation provided
this support involves the employee entering the area(s) of eligibility. The areas of eligibility are
the same as designated for approved AFSM military operations.
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Section 6: Other Forms of Recognition 45
(3) The AFCSM is a “theater” award and is authorized for all civilian employees who
meet the eligibility requirements. Award of the AFCSM does not preclude granting of other
awards if the employee’s contribution to the designated operation is so significant or
extraordinary as to merit additional recognition.
(4) DCMA Component Head or designee may approve this award. The medal may be
obtained from the CSC.
f. Secretary of Defense Medal for Defense of Freedom. The Secretary of Defense Medal for
Defense of Freedom is established to acknowledge civilian employees of the DoD who are killed
or wounded by hostile action while serving under any competent authority of the Department
under conditions for which a military member would be eligible for receipt of the Purple Heart.
The medal that is awarded symbolizes the extraordinary fidelity and essential service of the
Department’s civilian workforce who are an integral part of DoD and who contribute to the
preservation of national security. The medal may be obtained for appropriate presentation by
notifying TFL.
g. DoD Distinguished Public Service Award. This is the highest honorary award granted to
non-career Federal employees, private citizens, and foreign nationals who have performed
exceptionally distinguished service of significance to DoD as a whole or service of such
exceptional significance to a DoD Component or function that recognition at the Component
level is sufficient. The nominee may have rendered service or assistance at considerable personal
sacrifice and inconvenience motivated by patriotism, good citizenship, and a sense of public
responsibility. To be eligible, the nominee will be an individual who does not derive his or her
principal livelihood from the Federal Government.
h. Secretary of Defense Award for Outstanding Public Service. This is the second highest
award granted by the Secretary of Defense to non-career Federal civilian employees, private
citizens, and foreign nationals for contributions, assistance or support to DoD functions that are
extensive enough to warrant recognition but are lesser in scope and impact than is required for
the DoD Distinguished Public Service Award. To be eligible, the nominee will be an individual
who does not derive his or her principal livelihood from the Federal Government.
i. Presidential Rank Awards (PRA) for Senior Executive Service (SES). This is one of the
most prestigious awards in the Federal career civil service, awarded to career SES, Senior Level
(SL), and Scientific and Professional (ST) employees for sustained extraordinary
accomplishments. PRAs recognize strong leaders and professionals who consistently
demonstrate strength, integrity, industry and a relentless commitment to achieve excellence in
public service.
(1) Rank awards
(a) Meritorious Rank Award. An award that recognizes sustained accomplishment,
awarded to no more than five percent of the career SES/SL/ST members government-wide.
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Section 6: Other Forms of Recognition 46
(b) Distinguished Rank Award. An award that recognizes sustained extraordinary
accomplishment, and is awarded to no more than one percent of the career SES/SL/ST member’s
(2) Eligibility. Employees must:
(a) hold a career appointment in the SES or SL/ST;
(b) be an employee of the nominating agency on the nomination deadline;
(c) have at least 3 years of career service above GS-15;
(d) have a record of achievement that is recognized throughout the agency and/or is
acknowledged on a national or international level; and
(e) successfully complete a rigorous vetting process, specifically with regard to
violations of EEO statutes or Merit System Principles.
(3) PRA recipients may only receive the same award once in any 5 year period.
(4) The Office of Personnel Management solicits for nominations for these awards on an
annual basis.
(5) Further information is available in DoDI 1402.03, Volume 5, “Senior Executive
Service (SES), Senior Level (SL), and Scientific and Professional Personnel Categories in the
DoD Fourth Estate: Performance Management and Presidential Rank Awards,” April 20, 2017.
6.6. NOMINATION PROCESS FOR DoD AWARDS. To submit a nomination for one of the
DoD awards, prepare an Action Memo containing the following information:
Nominee’s Name
Present Title
Organizational Location
Position Held During Period Covered
Type of Award Recommended
Period of Service Covered by Nomination
a. Attach a narrative justification of no more than one page that cites the nominee’s specific
exceptional accomplishments to the DoD.
b. Attach a double spaced proposed draft citation of 150 words or less.
c. The completed nomination package will be forwarded to TFL, for review and submission
to the Director for approval.
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Glossary - Definitions 47
Award. Something bestowed or an action taken to recognize an individual or team
achievement that contributes to meeting organizational goals or to the efficiency, economy, or
other improvement of Government operations, or achieves a significant reduction in
paperwork. Such awards include, but are not limited to, employee incentives that are based on
predetermined criteria such as productivity standards, performance goals, measurement
systems, award formulas, or payout schedules.
Core Values. The term “values” refers to the guiding principles and/or performance results
that embody how an organization and its people are expected to operate. Values reflect and
reinforce the desired culture of the organization. Values support and guide the decision
making of every associate, helping the organization to accomplish its mission and attain its
vision in an appropriate manner.
FWS. The wage grade pay plan covers trade, craft, and labor occupations in the Federal
GS. The GS pay plan covers the majority of civilian white-collar Federal employees in
professional, technical, administrative, and clerical positions.
Intangible Benefits. Savings to the Government that cannot be measured in terms of dollars.
Monetary Award. An award for which the recognition device is a cash payment that does not
increase the employee’s rate of basic pay. This also includes a time-off award.
Non-monetary Award. An award for which the recognition device is not a cash payment or
time-off award but rather an award of an honorific value (e.g., a letter, certificate, medal,
plaque or item of nominal value).
Tangible Benefits. Savings to the Government that can be measured in terms of dollars.
Time-Off Award. An award for which time-off from duty is granted without loss of pay or
charge to leave and for which the number of hours granted is commensurate with the employee’s
contribution or accomplishment.
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Glossary - Acronyms 48
AcqDemo Acquisition Demonstration
AFCSM Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal
AFSM Armed Forces Service Medal
AutoNOA Automatic Nature of Action
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMO Contract Management Office
CSC Combat Support Center
DCMA-DC Director, Corporate Operations
DCPDS Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
DD Form 250 Material Inspection and Receiving Report
DPMAP DoD Performance Management and Appraisal Program
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EOQ Employee of the Quarter
FWS Federal Wage System
GS General Schedule
GWOT Global War on Terrorism
HQ Headquarters
IAW in accordance with
JPG joint photographic experts group
MB megabyte
MD-715 Management Directive-715
PRA Presidential Rank Award
QSI Quality Step Increase
RPA Request for Personnel Action
SEPC Special Emphasis Program Coordinators
SES Senior Executive Service
SL Senior Level
SOH Safety and Occupational Health
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Glossary - Acronyms 49
ST Scientific and Professional
TFL Total Force Labor and Employee Relations Division
U.S.C. United States Code
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References 50
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5
DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),” January 10, 2013
DoD Instruction 1348.19, “Awards of Medals, Trophies, Badges, and Similar Honors in
Recognition of Accomplishments,” February 3, 2014
DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 451, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Awards,” November 04, 2013
DoD Instruction 1402.03, Volume 5, “Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL), and
Scientific and Professional Personnel Categories in the DoD Fourth Estate: Performance
Management and Presidential Rank Awards,” April 20, 2017
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Management Directive 715, October 1, 2013
United States Code, Title 5
United States Code, Title 10