Copyright NAVA 2014.
Information in this Checklist is presented as general information only and
should not be relied on as legal or financial advice. Legal advice should be
sought on specific legal issues.
(02) 9368 1900
[email protected]
As a visual artist, craft practitioner or designer you’ll be
asked to provide a curriculum vitae or CV on a number
of occasions; for grant, residency or prize applications,
exhibitions proposals or a public art proposal. An
artist CV is an overview of your professional visual
arts practice and whilst similar in structure to an
employment resume, it should only contain content
and achievements that are related to your professional
artistic career.
Whilst different artists may order their CV’s in ways
that best communicate their achievements there are
general sector standards to you can use.
If you are just starting to write a CV below is a guide to
help you start the process.
Personal details
Jane Doe (b. 1984 Australia)
You can include more contact information here
depending on what you’re using your CV for.
i.e. UNSW Art and Design, Masters of Fine Art, 2014
National Art School, Bachelor of Fine Art, 2006
If you don’t have a formal training you can list short
courses that you have done.
i.e. Portrait Photography, ACP, 2006
Solo Exhibitions
When listing your exhibitions start with the most
recent and work back.
i.e. 2012 “Title” Findspace, Melbourne.
2011 “Exhibition name” Unamed Gallery, Sydney
“Title” Gallery No. 6, Adelaide.
Group Exhibitions
i.e. 2013 “Title”, Walkers Gallery, New York
Depending on how many you have you may when wish
to edit these down to the most significant and labelling
the section, “Selected Group Exhibitions”.
Awards and prizes
i.e. 2013 Finalist, National Photography Portrait Prize
Finalist, Doug Moran,
Artist residencies
i.e. 2011 Green St Residency, New York.
2009 PS5 Residency, Lodz, Poland.
2009 ARTSPACE, Sydney.
i.e. 2011 NSW Artist Grant, National Association for
the Visual Arts,
2009 Artstart Grant, Australia Council
In the bibliography is where you can list reviews of
your work or articles where you or your work has been
mentioned. When noting articles include the following
details: author, title, publication, volume (when relevant)
publication date and the page number.
i.e John Douglas, “Jane Doe at Findspace”, The Age,
March 15 2012 p. 15
Generally the collections subheading of your CV is a
list the public institutions, municipalities or corporate
companies that have purchased your work.
i.e. Albury City Council, Albury
Cameron, Smith and Bruckner Lawyers, Sydney
Faigen Trust, Melbourne.
Freeman and Bros Pty Ltd, New York
However as an early career artist you may wish to the
private collections by
i.e. Private Collections, Adelaide, SA
Private Collections, Sydney, NSW
Copyright NAVA 2014.
Information in this Checklist is presented as general information only and
should not be relied on as legal or financial advice. Legal advice should be
sought on specific legal issues.
(02) 9368 1900
[email protected]
Under texts you can include your published writing
that relates to your practice, other artists or
professional research.
i.e “Film noir in contemporary Australian
photography”, Catalogue title, Walkers Gallery, New
York. 2013
Teaching, employment or professional
In this section you can list any teaching positions,
permanent or casual, you may have had. List
professional employment and appointment positions
when it relates to your practice or the visual arts.
i.e 2014 Guest lecturer, National Arts School. 2014
Other points you may wish to note that are
related to your visual arts career are:
Curatorial projects
Conferences, lectures and seminars.
Tips for CVs
• Use a consistent font type and size.
• Keep the formatting clean, simple and ordered.
• Don’t use bold, italics, underline and different size font
all at once for the headings.
• Start with the most recent exhibitions and prizes etc
and work back.
• Leave out activities that are more than 5 years old
unless very relevant / impressive
• Edit back to the most impressive achievements
and activities