Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 2
Table of Contents
Link About the Illinois Arts Council Agency
Link Policies and Priorities
Link IACA Online Grant System
3 Updates and Special Notes
4 Individual Artist SupportArtist Project
7 Process, Notification, and Compliance
9 Application Overview
11 Application Attachments
14 Work Samples
Accessible Guidelines
To obtain accessibility information regarding applications and written materials contact the
Agency’s ADA/504 Access Coordinator.
Please be aware staff is working remotely and it is
recommended to reach out to them via email for more direct communications; send an
email that contains your preferred contact telephone number and general timeline of when
you are available.
Teresa Davis
Phone: +1 (312) 814-6753
TTY: +1 (888) 261-7957
Illinois Arts Council Agency Contact
Please be aware staff is working remotely and it is recommended to reach out to them via email for more
direct communications. For specific information on this grant contact:
Teresa Davis
Program Director
Phone: +1 (312) 814-6753
Cover artwork by Margaret Gonzalez
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 3
The Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA) has made several changes to this grant program for Fiscal Year 2024
(FY24). Please read the guidelines carefully to learn the full details, here is a summary of what to watch for.
Updated Guidelines
Please note that some sections of the guidelines have been updated. We ask you to please read through
carefully for all details.
Webinar and Drop Ins
Opportunities to connect with IACA staff for questions:
Individual Artist Support Grant Webinar (pre-recorded)
Drop-in session for questions, pre-registration is not available. To join click on the link at the meeting
o Friday, August 11, 2023, at 1:00pm
Meeting link
o Friday, September 8, 2023, at 1:00pm
Meeting link
o Friday, October 13, 2023, at 1:00pm
Meeting link
o Friday, November 3, 2023, at 1:00pm
Meeting link
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 4
Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant
The Individual Artist Support Artist Project Track (IAS/AP) supports individual artists in the production and
presentation of an artistic project.
Support for the development of skills, tools, and resources to advance an individual artist’s career are
available through the IAS Professional Development Track.
Program Priorities
The IACA is committed to advancing equity and access in the arts, through programming and grant
opportunities for all Illinoisans, and programming that makes special efforts to reach statewide
underserved audiences including but not limited to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) and
rural communities, persons with physical and intellectual disabilities, persons with limited access to the
arts, older individuals, and persons with low income.
Eligibility Requirements
All applicants must:
Be citizens of the United States or holders of permanent resident alien status
Be legal residents of the state of Illinois for the twelve months prior to the application deadline and
throughout the grant period.
Be at least 18 years of age.
Apply utilizing a Salesforce account registered to the applicant.
Submit all requested application materials by the deadline.
Collaborative Applications
An applicant may apply for support of a project that involves the joint creation of a single work of art or a
body of works of art by the applicant and up to two other artists. Only one artist of the collaborative team
may be the applicant. The applicant must play a principal artistic role in the proposed project and is
responsible for all legal and contractual issues related to the grant, including taxes. Any artist who
indicates they are part of a collaborative team must demonstrate an ongoing record of collaborative work
with the collaborating artists as named in the application. All collaborating artists must meet the
“Eligibility” requirements listed above.
Refer to the Proof of Eligibility page on the IACA website for specific details and verification requirements.
The following individuals are not eligible to apply:
Individuals enrolled in any degree or certificate granting program (including high school, bachelor, or
master’s degree programs) at the time of application or during the award period. (Ph.D. candidates
need to have completed their course work by the application deadline to be eligible.)
Recipients of an IACA Individual Artist Support Artist Project or Professional Development grant in the
previous fiscal year.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 5
Making the Project Accessible to All
Recipients of public funding are required to make reasonable efforts for projects to be accessible to the
public. Applicants should consider physical and programmatic accessibility as an integral part of the
planning and budgeting process. Accessibility involves both the location (the facility) and the content (the
activity or product.) Thinking about accessibility issues (e.g., accessible websites, sign language
interpreters, recordings of printed materials, audio-description describers, captioning or large- print
labeling) in the early planning stages of a project, is the key to ensuring that persons with disabilities will
be able to participate. For further information and resources see the Grantee Requirements page on the
IACA website.
This program has an open deadline. Applications must be received a minimum of eight weeks before the
project beginning date as identified in the application. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they
are received and will be accepted until the funds are fully committed or by May 15, 2024. (Funds have
historically been expended by or before January.)
Grant Period
Fiscal Year 2024 IAS/AP funds support activities occurring by August 31, 2024.
Examples of activities IAS/AP will support:
Marketing and distribution of a manuscript
Exhibitions and exhibition catalogues
Post-production and screenings of film or video
Music or Audio studio recordings
Examples of activities IAS/AP will not support:
Applicant compensation (payment to oneself)
Expenses and activities occurring outside of the project timeline
Apprenticeships or mentorships
Capital purchases, capital improvements, or construction
Purchase of permanent equipment which exceeds $500
Enrollment in higher education classes or programs
Presentation of classes or workshops
Curatorial projects (noncreators of the artwork)
Website development for individual artists (Available through IAS Professional Development Track.)
Projects and activities which take place outside the United States
Artistic Disciplines
Artists will select one Discipline Category to apply in.
Includes Clay, Fiber, Glass, Leather, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Wood
Design Arts
Includes Architecture, Fashion, Graphic, Industrial, Interior, Landscape Architecture
Ethnic & Folk Arts
Includes those artistic practices which have a community or family base; express that community’s
aesthetic, heritage, or tradition; and have endured through generations. These art forms reflect the
culture of the regional language, tribal, or nationality group from which they spring. Preference will be
given to those artists whose work reflects their own heritage.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 6
Incorporates at least one discipline outside the visual arts.
Includes Creative Non-fiction, Fiction, Poetry, and Scriptworks. Creative non-fiction is distinguished
from analytical, journalistic, technical, instructional, and scholarly/academic writing by its strong
narrative literary quality as found in personal essays and memoirs.
Media Arts
Includes Film, Video, Audio, Digital and Computer-based Art.
New Performance Forms
Includes work from Performance Artists, Solo Theatre Artists, Movement-based Artists, and
Performance Poets.
Visual Arts
Includes Experimental, Graphics, Mixed Media, Painting, and Sculpture. Experimental includes
Conceptual, Installations, New Materials. Graphics includes Works on Paper, Drawing, Printmaking, and
Artists Books.
Request Amounts
Applicants may request a maximum of 75% of the total cost of the project up to $4,000. The minimum
request is $500. All requests should be rounded down to the nearest five or ten. Grant amounts awarded
are based on eligible expenses outlined in the Project Budget. The maximum grant amount an applicant
can request will be self-calculated in the IAS/AP Budget Template.
Cash Match
Applicants must secure a cash match to cover the remaining costs of the project from sources other than
the State of Illinois, including the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
An appeal of the IACA’s decision must be made in writing within 30 calendar days of the date of the
notification letter. Appeals are limited to situations in which incorrect information has been used in the
panel process, procedural faults have occurred, or new information not available at the time of the panel
meeting which, in the opinion of the panel chair, could significantly influence the recommendation is now
available. Appeals should be made within the IACA online grant system and be addressed to the IACA
Executive Director.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 7
Process, Notification, and Compliance
Review Process
The application is received and assigned an application number that will be used in future communication
regarding that application.
The IACA staff reviews the application based on the review criteria with advisory panelist expertise when
necessary. Applications which have been ruled ineligible or incomplete will not be reviewed. The applicant
may be asked to answer questions or submit further written information. A record of the review process is
maintained for all reviewed applications, and applicants are encouraged to call for review feedback after
receiving funding notification. Funding recommendations are presented to the Executive Director and the
IACA board of directors for approval.
Applicants will be notified of the Council's decision on their application via email within eight weeks of
their submission date. If funded, this notification will include grant agreement and other required
materials, which must be completed and returned to authorize payment. Once these documents and
copies of other requested materials* are returned to the IACA, it will take at least two months and up to
six months for payment to be issued by the State Comptroller. Grantees can check the status of the grant
payment through the Comptroller’s vendor website, or sign-up to be notified about the payment via email,
text or both. Grantees can also sign up for direct deposit from the Illinois Comptroller. If you have
questions about direct deposit you will need to contact the Illinois Comptroller’s office as the IACA cannot
answer questions about direct deposit.
*Before funds are released, grantees may be required to provide additional documentation that confirms
residency status for at least one year prior to the application deadline. Refer to the Proof of Eligibility page
on the IACA website for specific details and verification requirements.
Grantees are legally obligated to complete their project activities within the time frame and by the manner
specified in the grantee’s application.
Grantees should ensure they have access to available resources (monetary and otherwise) with which to
fully complete the funded project in the timeframe and manner specified before accepting a grant award.
Taxability of Grant
The Internal Revenue Code provides that the full amount of an Individual Artist Support Program grant is
taxable to its recipient. For questions regarding income-tax liability, contact the Internal Revenue Service
or a personal tax advisor. Please note taxes on the grant are not an eligible expense.
Grant Acceptance
For awards to be processed, all grant acceptance paperwork must be submitted to the IACA grants office.
This paperwork should be submitted via the IACA online grant system and include:
Grant agreement signed and dated.
Completed and signed W-9 form.
Legal Status Disclosure Certificate (LSDC) signed and dated.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 8
Applicants that receive an IACA award are required to notify their state representative, state senator,
and the Office of the Governor by letter of the grant amount and the project or program it helps
support. Prior to mailing the letters to the legislators, make copies of the letters to include with your
grant acceptance materials.
Final Report
All IACA grant recipients are required to complete and submit a final report by September 30, 2024.
Notification and instructions for the final report will be sent to grantees in August.
The Final Report will report on the activities that took place during the grant period specified in the Grant
Agreement. Failure to submit complete final reports will impact the awarding of any subsequent grant.
Crediting Requirements
Grant recipients must credit the IACA in all promotional material and public notices in the following
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
For further information regarding usage of the logo and to download a copy, go to the logo page of the
IACA website.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 9
Application Overview
IACA utilizes an online grant system to accept applications. The online IAS/AP application consists of form
field components and the uploading of required documents. Each component must be completed and
submitted in the required format by the deadline. For complete instructions go to the Using Salesforce
section of the IACA website.
There is also a user manual for the online platform on our website to help guide the application process.
Please review this carefully and use as a reference.
How to Apply
Read the IACA Policies and Priorities and guidelines carefully and contact IACA staff for clarification. It
is the responsibility of the applicant to be familiar with IACA policies, priorities, and grantee
Prepare all required attachments and save them as PDFs
Log into IACA online grant system
Complete the electronic application in the IACA online grant system
Upload all attachments required to the electronic application
Successfully submit the electronic application to IACA online grant system a minimum of 8 weeks
before the project beginning date or by the deadline.
Application Components
1. Applicant Information
Under this tab, please create or update the entity applying for the grant. For the IAS/AP grant this must be
an individual. This tab requires the following information:
Individual contact information
Please note this information may be updated at any time. Please keep this information current to ensure
communications from IACA reach you.
2. Grant Programs Selection
Under the Grant Programs tab, select the Individual Arts Support - 2024 Grant. The system will prompt the
selection of the applicant to move forward.
On this main section please also provide:
Applicant Discipline
Select the Artist Project track under Individual Track
Requested Amount (From Line 7 on the IAS/AP Budget Template)
Project Beginning Date (Must be a minimum of 8 weeks after the submission date and no earlier than
September 4, 2023)
Project Ending Date (No later than August 31, 2024)
Please note that after an application is started it will appear on the home screen in the online grant
system. Within the grant application, the requirements/sections will be listed along the left-side of the
screen. Please access your draft application from here to avoid starting a duplicate application.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 10
Please also note that once you create your application, the system will say your Financial Information
records are complete. This is because the IAS/AP application does not have financial data that is entered
directly into the system. You will still need to upload your completed IAS/AP Budget Template as part of
your application.
3. Supporting Documents
All listed attachments are required.
All attachments that are uploaded must be PDFs.
The attachments to be uploaded are:
Project Budget (use IAS/AP Budget Template)
Artist Resume or Bio
Artist Statement
Proof of Confirmation
Work Sample may be pdf or URL link
Proof of Illinois Residency (if collaborative application, upload one document with proof for each
4. Submit / Certification
Please note this is a two-step process to both certify and submit your application. Once the application is
complete click the Submit Button in the lower left-hand corner. A pop-up will require certification of
eligibility and application content.
After certification there is a submit button which must be clicked to complete the application in the IACA
online grant system. The application will not be successfully submitted until the second submit button is
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals are evaluated based on the listed criteria. All required materials are considered in the review of
the application.
Clarity of project
Impact of the proposed project to advance the applicant’s work and career
Ability of the applicant to carry out the project
Quality of the applicant's work
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 11
Application Attachments
Refer to the description for each of the following attachments:
Narrative (no more than 2 pages)
Project Budget (use IAS/AP Budget Template)
Artist Resume or Bio (no more than 2 pages)
Artist Statement (no more than 1 page)
Proof of Confirmation
Work Sample
Proof of Illinois Residency
Formatting attachments
Apart from Promotional Materials, all attachments for which a template is not provided, must:
Be saved as PDF files
Be 8 ½ " x 11" with at least a 1" margin
Use a 12-point or larger black type on a white background
Have sequentially numbered pages with the applicant's name and attachment title on the top of each
Be organized using the headings listed for each attachment
Be named as follows: Lastname_Firstname_AttachmentName.pdf
Address the following areas in no more than two pages:
Project Description
Provide a detailed overview of the proposed project.
Include a description of the public release, or presentation of the proposed project.
Indicate your role in the proposed project. If any other individual or organization will be responsible for
aspects of the proposed project, include their role, name(s), and background.
Describe why this project is important to you and your career currently.
Detail the specific expenses related to this project.
If project expenses exceed the request, identify additional sources of income that will be used to
complete the project.
Target Audience
Describe the target audience for the project.
Promotion and Distribution
Describe how the activity will be promoted and marketed to the targeted audience.
If applicable, indicate how the activity will be distributed to the targeted audience.
Project Venue (if applicable)
Provide details on the venue and describe how it is relevant to this project and your work.
Virtual/online platforms and outdoor venues can be considered as possibilities.
Project Timeline
Provide a timeline for the project indicating specific dates for tasks to be completed including the
public release or presentation. All dates should fall within the grant period.
Submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Narrative.pdf
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 12
Project Budget
Complete a budget for the proposed project outlined in Attachment A: Project Narrative using the
template available, providing the following:
List itemized expenses for the project. Be specific about items, amounts, and note whether the expense is
actual or anticipated. Do not include expenses that have been or will be paid prior to the project
beginning date as they are not eligible expenses. Eligible Grant Amount (line 5) is self-calculating.
Itemize the sources of income both cash and in-kind. Indicate if the source is Confirmed (C) or Anticipated
(A). Applications must show a minimum of 25% cash match of the total cash expenses of the project.
Project income must equal project expenses.
Submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Budget.pdf
Artist Resume or Bio
Submit an artistic resume or bio of no more than two pages. Academic vitae are discouraged.
Submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Bio.pdf
Artist Statement
Submit an artist statement of no more than one page explaining the direction, focus, aesthetic, thematic,
content or form of your work.
Ethnic and Folk Arts applicants must also describe:
Traditional art form practiced and how it was learned (from whom, when, and where it was learned).
How the art form and personal experience expresses the culture and communities from which it
How the practice of this traditional art enriches your life and the life of your community.
Submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Statement.pdf
Proof of Confirmation
Submit verification of commitment for activities related to the project. This attachment may consist of
multiple pages. Acceptable formats may include:
A letter of intent outlining the understanding between two or more parties with the intent to formalize
for work intending to be done on an applicant’s project*
A contract
An application agreement
A cost estimate or quote from contractors or for services or materials
Proof of venue rental/studio booking
*Verification should be from any outside parties involved in the project, not the applicant. Applicant
self-statements are not accepted.
Submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Confirmation.pdf
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 13
Work Sample
This attachment may consist of multiple pages of materials/links or a direct URL link to online material.
This could include documentation on sites such as VIMEO, YouTube, SoundCloud, Flickr, Dropbox or the
artist’s own website. Please ensure any link submitted does not require a password or creation of an
account for access.
Refer to the Work Samples section on page 15 for specific discipline requirements.
If uploading a document, submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Sample.pdf
Proof of Illinois Residency
Applicants must upload of one of the following items:
A valid Illinois driver’s license which includes the date issued and expiration date (entire front and
A valid State of Illinois identification card which includes the date issued and expiration date (entire
front and back)
For collaborative applications, one document should be submitted with proof of residency for all
Submit this document as a PDF file and named: Lastname_Firstname_Residency.pdf
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 14
Work Samples
Artists will select one Discipline Category to apply in:
Design Arts
Ethnic & Folk Arts
Media Arts
New Performance Forms
Visual Arts
Crafts, Design Arts, Photography & Visual Arts
Enter a URL link or submit a PDF of no more than four pages in length which includes a link to the work
samples or contains up to eight images.
Indicate the following for each image:
Title of work
Date of execution
Dimensions (height x width x depth)
Dance & New Performance Forms
Submit a PDF of no more than one page in length which includes a link to a video work sample.
Include title of work, length, and date of completion.
Indicate what portion of the work sample should be reviewed, up to 10 minutes.
If the production of the work involves others, explain your role.
If performing with others, describe yourself to help with identification. For example, "I am the
performer in the green costume".
Still photography will not be accepted.
Ethnic & Folk Arts
Digital images, audio, and video links will be accepted. Follow the formats described for the disciplines that
best capture the work being presented.
Digital images and video links will be accepted. Follow the formats described for the disciplines that best
capture the work being presented.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 15
Media Arts (film, video, audio, digital & computer-based art)
Submit a PDF of no more than one page in length which includes a link to a video or audio work sample.
Include title of work and date of completion.
Indicate what portion of the work sample should be reviewed, up to 10 minutes.
Indicate your role and the role of others involved (if applicable), in the production of the work.
Submit a PDF of no more than one page in length which includes a link to an audio work sample, or if the
music has a strong theatrical or operatic component, a link to a video work sample.
For Composers
Include title of work, length, and date of completion.
Indicate what portion of the work sample should be reviewed, up to 10 minutes.
If the production of the work involves others, explain your role.
For Musicians
Submit a sample of your work as a musician as outlined for Composers.
If performing with others, describe yourself to help with identification. For example, “I am playing the
violin,” or “I am the lead singer.”
Maximum of eleven pages allowed. The first page must be the work sample inventory listing followed by
up to 10 pages of a typed manuscript.
Manuscripts must be typed with one-inch margins of all sides
Font size must be 12 pt. or larger
For Poetry submissions
Include no more than one poem per page. Submissions may be single-spaced only if double-spacing would
impinge on the interpretation or format of the work. The inventory page must indicate the following for
each piece submitted in the order it appears in the manuscript:
Title of poem
Total page count of each poem submitted (if the page count is different from the poem in its original
form, also indicate the original page count)
The date completed, or if work-in-progress, anticipated date of completion
For Prose submissions (fiction, creative non-fiction)
Manuscripts must be double spaced. The inventory page must indicate the following:
Title of work
Genre (fiction, creative non-fiction)
Number of pages submitted
Date completed, or if work-in-progress, anticipated date of completion
A brief synopsis of the entire work. If the manuscript is an excerpt from a larger work, describe the
submitted excerpt’s relationship to the entire work.
For Playwrights/Screenwriters
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 16
The first page of the manuscript should indicate the following:
Title of work
Title of excerpted scene or act submitted
Genre (e.g., stage play, screenplay, teleplay, libretto, radio play, audio drama, etc.)
Total length in pages
Date completed, or if work in progress, anticipated date of completion
A brief synopsis of the script including the excerpt and its relationship to the entire work.
Submit a PDF of no more than one page in length which includes a link to a video work sample.
Include title of work and date of completion.
Indicate what portion of the work sample should be reviewed, up to 10 minutes.
If the production of the work involves others, explain your role.
If performing with others, describe yourself to help with identification. For example, "I am the
performer in the green costume".
If a video work sample is not available, the following may be submitted in its place:
A PDF of no more than four pages in length which includes up to six photographs or digital images of
scene(s) from two recent productions, labeled as follows:
o Name of production.
o Producing company.
o Date of production.
o Name(s) of actors from left to right.
Program(s) from production(s).
Published reviews of productions.
Illinois Arts Council Agency FY24 Individual Artist Support Artist Project Grant 17
For general information contact:
Illinois Arts Council Agency
James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph, Suite 10-500
Chicago, IL 60601-3230
Phone: +1 (312) 814-6750
Toll-free in Illinois: +1 (800) 237-6994
Web site:
Visit the Illinois Arts Council Board Members page on for a complete list
of current board members.
The IACA acknowledges continuous support from the National Endowment for the Arts.
It is illegal for the Illinois Arts Council Agency or anyone receiving assistance from the Illinois Arts
Council Agency to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, non-binary and gender non-conforming employees, sexual harassment, national origin,
ancestry, citizenship status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, beliefs, age, order of
protection status, any other non-merit status, marital status, pregnancy, arrest record, military status,
veterans status or unfavorable discharge from military service. Any individual who has been subject
to such discrimination may file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights at
+1 (312) 814-6200 or TTY +1 (312) 263-1570.