July 25, 2023
Office of the Secretary of State
State Capitol Building, 157-K
Charleston, WV 25305
Main: (304) 558-8000
Fax: (304) 558-8381
Toll Free: (866) 767-8683
Table of Contents
Recount Process
Timeline for Recounts
The declaration of results, announcement of the 48-hour recount period, and bond requirement for
demanding a recount all occur at the completion of canvass. For canvassing procedures and forms, please
refer to the 2018 Best Practices Guide for Canvass.
The board of canvassers sets the amount of bond for a recount “in a reasonable amount with good sufficient
surety” but not to exceed three-hundred dollars ($300.00). The recount bond amount shall be determined
during the canvass procedures before any recount request is received. W. Va. Code § 3-6-9(h).
The declaration of results starts a 48-hour countdown after the last county has declared their results in a
multi-county election, during which time a candidate or eligible person may request a recount. Each county
must notify the Secretary of State that they have declared their results. Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays
are excluded when computing the 48-hour period.
At the end of the 48-hour period*:
All election races and ballot questions for which a recount has not been requested must be certified at
the end of the 48-hour recount request period; or
If there is a recount request, the end of the 48-hour period begins a new 48-hour notification period.
Within this new 48-hour period, an official notice of the date, time and locations of the recount is
served to persons involved.
*NOTE: this 48-hour period could end on different dates and times for different races depending on when the
results are certified, whether the races are statewide, multi-county or local, etc.
Within 24 hours after the notice of recount is served, the person served with the notice has the opportunity to
notify the board in writing that they intend to preserve their right to demand a recount of precincts not
requested in the original recount request, or continue the recount if it is stopped by a requestor at any point,
who shall also furnish the same bond.
The date of a recount shall be set by the board of canvassers, and can be no sooner than three (3) days after
the notice of recount is served to the persons involved.
Requesting a Recount
The recount request must be received in writing by the county clerk (or municipal recorder for municipal
elections) within the 48-hour period following canvass.
REMEMBER: in a multi-county race, the 48-hour period begins after the last county has declared their
Who can request a recount?
To request a recount for an elected office, the person making the request must be a candidate for that
same elected office.
To request a recount for a special issue election, the person must be a voter of the jurisdiction of the
election or the governing board.
What must be in the written request for a recount?
The written request for a recount must include:
1. The name of the candidate requesting a
2. The office or issue to be recounted;
3. If it is an issue, the voter’s name and
4. All the precincts to be recounted;
5. Any specific precincts which are not to be
hand counted; and
6. The bond as required.
Other candidates involved in the recounted race have the opportunity to reserve the right to continue the
recount. The candidate who wants to reserve this right must respond to the recount notice within 24 hours
and post the same bond amount, and the same holds true for issue recounts.
What must be in the written request to preserve the right to continue a recount?
The request to preserve the right to recount has to be filed in writing to the county clerk/municipal recorder
and must state the following:
1. The name of the candidate(s), eligible person, or governing board filing the request to preserve the
right to recount;
2. The intention to preserve the right to request the recount of precincts not originally requested; and
3. The intention to preserve the right to continue the recount should the initiating person stop the
The candidate(s), eligible person, or the governing board filing the request to preserve the right to recount
must pay bond in the same amount as the bond required of the original candidate or eligible person
requesting the recount.
IMPORTANT: If the person requesting a recount requests only specific precincts to be recounted, that
candidate cannot afterwards add other precincts to the list to be recounted. The request for a recount shall
include all precincts covered by that election unless the person filing the request specifies otherwise. The
person requesting a recount or preserving the right to demand a continuation of the recount may specify
precincts which are not to be hand counted.
Notification of Recount
If a recount is demanded within the proper time, then the board of canvassers has 48 hours to send notice to
all candidates who filed for the office in which a recount has been demanded. The recount notice must state:
1. Date of the recount (cannot be earlier than 3 days after notice is served on all parties);
2. Time of the recount;
3. Place of the recount; and
4. Information in the original recount request.
The recount notice must be delivered by the sheriff of the county or the sheriff’s designee. In a municipality, it
must be delivered by the appropriate municipal police officer. The recount notice has to be delivered to the
requestor in person (or to the members of the governing board that officially requested a special issue
election in person). The sheriff or the sheriff’s designee or municipal police officer who delivers the notice
must record how, to whom and the time each notice is delivered.
If a candidate or board member cannot be found, the notice may be given to the spouse of the candidate or
board member or to some other family member over the age of 16. If the notice is given to a person other
than the candidate or board member, the sheriff or the sheriff’s designee must inform the person receiving
the notice of its purpose and meaning. If no one can be found to receive the notice, it must be posted on the
front door of the usual place of residence of the candidate or board member.
If the candidate or board member does not have a usual place of residence in the county where the recount
notice is being served, the recount notice must be delivered to the sheriff of the county in which the candidate
or board member does have a usual place of residence. The sheriff of that county serves the recount notice in
the same manner as discussed above.
If a sheriff or municipal police officer fails to make the recount notice delivery, he is penalized twenty dollars
Recount Preparation
The recount shall take place in the county courthouse for a county election or the town hall for a municipal
In addition to serving the recount notices on each of the parties in the race for which the recount has been
requested (or to the governing board that officially requested the special issue election in which the recount
has been requested), the board of canvassers must also post the notice on the door of the place where the
recount is to be held.
The county commission oversees the recount in the case of a county or statewide election, and the municipal
governing body for a municipal election. All procedures must be conducted under the supervision of a quorum
of the board.
A member of the board can still serve on the board even if the recount is for her/his office, but only in a
supervisory role.
There is a recount in a county commission race, and the sitting commissioner was running for
reelection. That commissioner may still serve in a supervisory role during the recount, but may not
assist with the recount. However, if the election goes to a contest, that individual MUST recuse
Others who may assist in a recount:
County Clerk (Municipal Recorder/Clerk)
County Clerk (Municipal Recorder) staff
Others hired to assist with recount
Those who may not assist in a recount:
Candidate of office involved in recount
Immediate family of candidate of office
involved in recount
Member of governing board which
requested a special issue election
Any board member’s immediate family
which requested a recount
Any voter that requested the recount of a
special election or his immediate family
The recount teams consist of 4 people 2 to count, and 2 to tally. Each team of 2 must be of opposite
political parties.
Everyone working in the recount proceedings must be deputized in writing and take an oath that they will
faithfully perform their duties.
Recount Materials
Materials for Electronic Voting Systems (Optical Scan, ExpressVote)
1. Ballots
a. Voted
b. Provisional (Challenged)
c. Early and Absentee
i. Absentee ballots not counted after polls closed
ii. Applications for mail-in/faxed absentee ballots
iii. Poll slips used for early voting
iv. Precinct list of absentee and early voters
v. Military and overseas absentee material
d. Spoiled
e. Unused
2. Ballot Stubs and Poll Slips
3. Provisional Ballot Forms (where applicable)
4. Poll Books and other official registration records
5. Tally Sheets for the hand count
6. Certificates and oaths for those participating
7. Statements of Ballots Used
8. Voting Devices / Terminals (where applicable)
9. Ballot Boxes (where applicable)
10. Tabulating Equipment
11. Computer Printout of Unofficial Returns
12. Any supplementary tabulations such as tally sheets of hand counted ballot with write-in votes
prepared on election night
13. Official list of write-in candidates (if applicable)
14. List of ballots sent to each precinct --- including a list of actual ballot numbers (optical scan)
15. Flashcards
16. Unity Software
Paper Ballots
1. Ballots
a. Voted
b. Provisional (Challenged)
c. Early and Absentee
i. Absentee ballots not counted after polls closed
ii. Applications for mail-in/faxed absentee ballots
iii. Poll slips used for early voting
iv. Precinct list of absentee and early voters
v. Military and overseas absentee material
d. Spoiled
e. Unused
2. Ballot and Poll Ticket Stubs
3. Poll Books and other official registration records
4. Tally sheets for the hand count
5. Certificates and oaths for those participating
6. Statements of Ballots Used
7. Ballot Boxes
8. Precinct return certificates
9. Cumulative Returns
10. Official list of write-in candidates (if applicable)
11. List of ballots sent to each precinct --- including a list of actual ballot numbers
Conducting the Recount
A quorum of the board of canvassers must be present at all times during the recount of the ballots and the
recount is conducted under their supervision. If a quorum of the board of canvassers is not present, the
recount is recessed until a quorum is present or stands adjourned until the next business day. The presiding
officer of the governing body acts as the presiding officer of the board.
Before starting the recount, the board determines the order in which the precincts will be recounted, either
by random drawing or using a sequential order beginning with the lowest number and continuing to the
highest number. The determined order should meet with the agreement of the parties to the recount or their
designated representatives.
At the appropriate time, the paper ballots, the electronically tabulated ballots, the paper rolls and the record
of the tally of votes for all election precincts are brought before the board. Only the board, the clerks, the
employees of the clerk and persons specifically employed to assist in the recount can handle election
materials. NO ONE ELSE is permitted to touch the election materials at any time. However, a reasonable
number of the general public are allowed to attend and observe the recount. The board should hold the
recount in a room of sufficient size and satisfactory arrangement to permit observation.
Everyone who has requested the recount or preserved the right to continue the recount (or an officially
designated representative). The official representative of a candidate (or eligible person) must have a written
and signed statement from the candidate, voter or governing board member designating him or her as the
official representative. The name of the representative must be included in the statement. Each candidate or
eligible person may appoint only one official representative to act for him or her.
The candidates, voter or governing board (or official representatives) have the right to observe the recount
proceeding, including observing each ballot as it is read in a hand count process. They may view and examine
the tally sheets and ballots, but may not handle the election material. If you have a way to project the ballot
images onto a monitor, screen or wall so that it can be easily seen by anyone observing the recount, it will
help eliminate the need for candidates, etc., to be watching over the shoulders of the recount teams.
The candidate or eligible person (or his or her representative) has the right to question any ballot during the
recount. If a ballot is questioned, the deputized team (all 4 members) must reexamine that ballot and vote on
the voter’s intent on that ballot. If a majority of the team cannot agree on the intent of the voter’s markings, it
remains questioned and the votes for that ballot are not recorded.
Any ballot that is questioned is to be marked to provide for its identification at any future contest of the
election. The ballots can be marked in numerical or alphabetical order, or they can be tracked by the
candidate questioning the ballot plus a number (ex: Smith 1, Jones 1, Smith 2, etc.).
The evidence considered at a recount is only what can be viewed on the election material as it exists or from
relevant evidence from the election commissioners, poll clerks or other persons present at the election. The
board may not consider extraneous evidence. Numerous court cases have determined that it is inappropriate
for additional evidence to be presented during the recount. Only evidence presented during the canvass can
be considered.
When ballots are being hand counted, one of the deputized teams reads the ballots together. The votes are
read aloud so that the deputized team that is recording the vote can hear. Each member of the recording
team marks separate tally sheets. The recording team should compare their vote count on a scheduled basis
(e.g. after every 20 ballots) in order to catch errors.
Keep in mind that during a recount, all ballots are to be hand tabulated, unless otherwise requested. This
includes all paper rolls from the electronic touch screens. However, if upon request precincts are specified to
not be hand counted, then the recount procedures from canvass are in place for electronically tabulated
ballots. If the random drawing brings up one or more of the same precincts that were hand-counted at
canvass, then those precincts must be counted by hand again.
If a recount has been requested in more than one elected office or special issue, each deputized team may
handle only one elected office or special issue recount proceeding at a time until that recount is completed.
After a recount of a particular elected office or special issue is completed, the teams that worked with the
completed recount can be assigned to work with a recount of another elected office or special issue.
In addition to only counting one office (or special issue) at a time, each team works with only one precinct
at a time. The precinct materials cannot be mixed. If more than one team is required to efficiently complete
the recount, it is imperative that the teams are made up of the appropriate party affiliations. The canvassing
board should determine the number of teams required in advance to allow for time to assemble the
appropriate individuals. State law does not limit the number of teams that can be utilized; this is important
when dealing with a countywide recount.
For challenged ballots, each precinct’s ballots are handled the same way they were during the canvass. The
same procedures shall be in place to maintain the secrecy of the ballots and to preserve them for any future
Each precinct can only be recounted one time. However, if after recounting a precinct, the results do not
match the canvass results, the ballots and tallies can be checked at that time in order to discover any error in
reading the ballots or marking and computing the tally figures.
The person who requested the recount has the right to stop the recount at the conclusion of any precinct by
withdrawing his or her request. When that happens, the any person (or governing board) that has preserved
the right to continue may exercise that right.
The costs of the recount are paid by the candidate or voter asking for the recount, as long as it continues at
his or her request. However, if the outcome of the election is reversed at the conclusion of the recount, costs
shall not be assessed. This amount may be more than the bond that was set at canvass.
Example: Candidate Smith asks for a recount and the result changes after 2 precincts so he stops the
recount. Because the result changed, Smith is not charged. Candidate Jones had reserved the right to
continue the recount and exercises that right. After 4 more precincts are recounted, the result changes
again. Jones stops the recount and also owes nothing because, again, the result changed. Smith
cannot restart the recount because he already stopped it.
The recount is not complete until the board puts the ballots in a sealed package and signs across the seal. The
sealed packages are kept by the county clerk (or municipal recorder). When the recount is complete, the
board takes official action to certify the result of the election as it is determined by the recount.
Certifying the Results
The board has 30 days from the date of the election to transmit the Certificate of Results of the election to the
Secretary of State or other official or agency, depending on what office is involved. Refer to the chart below
to determine where to send the certificates.
Federal Offices
Supreme Court Justice
State Senate
House of Delegates
Circuit Court Judge
Family Court Judge
State Executive Committee
County Executive Committee
Congressional Executive Comm.
Senatorial Executive Comm.
Delegate Executive Comm.
County Commission
Board of Education
Greater Huntington Parks
Conservation District Supervisor
County Clerk & Governor
County Clerk & Governor
County Clerk & Secretary of State
County Clerk & Secretary of State
County Clerk & Governor
County Clerk & Governor
County Clerk & Secretary of State
*County Clerk & Secretary of State
County Clerk & Secretary of State
County Clerk & Secretary of State
County Clerk & Secretary of State
County Clerk
County Clerk & Board of Education
County Clerk
County Clerk
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Worksheets & Forms
Forms may be found on the Secretary of State’s website at in
the Election Administrators section of the Elections page.
Name of Person Requesting Recount: ___________________________
Office (or Issue) Subject to Recount:_______________________________________
Recount Request Date: ___/___/___ Recount Notice Date: ___/___/___
Recount Start Date: ___/___/___ Recount End Date: ___/___/___
Precincts Canvass Results Recounted Results
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
No._______________________ _______________________ ________________________
Page _____ of _____
We, the undersigned, hereby certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief, the results of the recount
for the office/issue of __________________________________________ are true and correct as recorded
this ________ day of ____________________, 20______.
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Name (printed) Title Signature
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Name (printed) Title Signature
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Name (printed) Title Signature
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Name (printed) Title Signature
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Name (printed) Title Signature
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Name (printed) Title Signature