Revised May 17, 2024
Office of the Secretary of State
State Capitol Building, 157-K
Charleston, WV 25305
Main: (304) 558-8000
Fax: (304) 558-8381
Toll Free: (866) 767-8683
GENERAL ELECTION November 5, 2024
Races on the ballot in 2024:
U.S. President
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
Secretary of State
Agricultural Commissioner
Attorney General
Justice of Supreme Court of
Judge of the Intermediate
Court of Appeals
State Senate
House of Delegates
Judge of the Circuit Court
Family Court Judge
County Commission
Prosecuting Attorney
Greater Huntington Park &
Recreation District
Board of Education
Conservation District Supervisor
"If any applicable provision of this code or any legislative rule or other administrative rule or regulation . . .
designates a particular date on, before or after which an act, event, default or omission is required or allowed to
occur, and if the particular date designated falls on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or designated day off, then
the date on which the act, event, default or omission is required or allowed to occur is the next day that is not a
Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or designated day off."
- W. Va. Code § 2-2-1(e)
"When a proceeding is directed to take place or any act to be done on any particular day of the month or within
any period of time prescribed or allowed . . . if that day or the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday .
. . the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday . . . shall be deemed to be the one intended . . . ."
- W. Va. Code § 2-2-2(a)
"Accordingly, in the opinion of the Attorney General, where the last day upon which an act must, or may, be
done falls upon a Sunday, the Monday following should be considered as the last day upon which the act can be
- See Report and Opinions of the Attorney General, pages 216-17 (1941)
December 15, 2023
Optional: County Executive Committees May Nominate
Community Voting Locations for Primary Election
The county executive committees of the two major political
parties may nominate sites to be used as community voting
locations during the early voting period by written request to the
county clerk delivered no later than 150 days prior to election
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
January 1 - May 8, 2024
Receive Absentee Ballot Applications for Primary Election
from Eligible Voters
Period begins during which an eligible voter may submit an
absentee ballot application, completed in his or her own
handwriting, to the County Clerk in person, by mail, or
electronically. Application must be received no earlier than
January 1 preceding the Primary Election and not later than 6
days preceding Primary Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(b)
January 1 - May 8, 2024
Receive Application for Absentee Ballot from Military or
Overseas Voter (UOCAVA)
Received no earlier than the first day of January of an election
year, but not later than the sixth day preceding the election,
which application shall, upon the voter’s request, be accepted as
an application for ballots for all elections in the calendar year.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(b)(1)
January 1 January 8,
Quarter Report
Reports due on January 1 of each year and filed within 6 days
This report covers transactions from October 1, 2023, through
December 31, 2023.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b)
- CSR § 146-3-8
Candidates, treasurers, and financial agents submit reports to
the Secretary of State, County Clerk or Municipal Recorder,
determined by which office is sought. A detailed itemized
statement is submitted setting forth all activity from the previous
report or organization date.
January 8, 2024
List of Authorized Ballot Vendors Issued
On or before the second Monday of January of each year the
Secretary of State provides a list of all vendors authorized to
print ballots for state, county, and municipal elections to the
county clerk.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-21a
January 8 - January 27,
Candidate Filing Period
Not earlier than second Monday in January and not later than
last Saturday in January preceding primary election,
candidates for nomination or election in the Primary Election file
certificates of announcement of candidacy and filing fee with:
The Secretary of State for statewide races, offices to be
filled by voters of more than one county, and judicial
offices, excluding magistrate;
The County Clerk if office is to be filled by voters of a
single county, including magistrate; or
The Town Recorder or City Clerk if for an office is to be
filled by voters of a municipality.
Hours for in-person filing on the final day, January 27, 2024:
Secretary of State: 9:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.
County Clerk’s office: 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
Mailed Certificate of Announcement Deadline: Must be
postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service before midnight E.S.T.
on January 27, 2024.
Candidates unable to pay filing fee must provide an oath stating
he or she is unable to pay fee due to a lack of financial
resources and receive in-lieu-of-filing-fee petition forms and
instructions on gathering signatures. Candidates shall file
petitions with required number of signatures by close of filing on
January 27, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-7, 3-5-8, 3-5-8a
January 10 - January
25, 2024
Give Notice of Appointment of Ballot Commissioners
At least 5 days before appointment of Ballot Commissioners the
County Clerk notifies each chairman of the two county executive
committees of the parties that cast the largest number of votes
in the last preceding General Election of the time for making the
Each chairman shall designate, in writing, a person to be
appointed as Ballot Commissioner between January 15 and
January 30. If no appointment is made by the Committee, the
County Clerk shall appoint.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-19
January 15, 2024
Notice of Precinct Change
Notice must be given of the intent to change precincts at least 1
month before any precinct boundary changes go into effect, and
such changes must be made at least 90 days before an
Last day on which to complete Class II-0 legal notice of County
Commission’s intention to change, divide, or consolidate voting
precincts for primary election; notice published once each week
for 2 successive weeks in 2 qualified newspapers of opposite
politics published in the publication area.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7(b), 59-3-1 et seq.
January 15, 2024
Optional: County Clerk Proposal of Early Voting Community
Voting Location in Addition to the Primary Location for
Primary Election
No less than 120 days prior to election day, the clerk shall
submit a proposal for an early voting community voting location
in writing to the County Commission for approval or disapproval.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
January 15 January
30, 2024
Appoint Ballot Commissioners
Ballot Commissioners are appointed between 15
and 30
January in each year a General Election is held.
The designees of each party shall be appointed if he or she
meets the qualifications for a 2 year term, and cannot be a
candidate for any office in any election during the term.
The County Clerk appoints if the party county executive
committee fails to appoint in a timely manner.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-19
January 27, 2024
(Deadline is 11:59 p.m.)
Candidate Filing Deadline
Certificate of announcement received in filing office or, if mailed
postmarked, before midnight.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-7
February 1, 2024
Term of Ballot Commissioners Begins
The term is for 2 years. Vacancies are filled in the same manner
as original appointment.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-19
February 9, 2024
(Deadline for
February 13, 2024
(Deadline for committee
Executive Committees Fill Vacancies in Nomination by
Appointment due to No Candidate Filing
Deadline to fill vacancies is no later than the second Friday
following the close of filing for the committee, and no later than
third Tuesday following the close of filing for the committee
Last day for the executive committee to appoint a nominee for
the Primary Election ballot if a vacancy is caused by failure to
file and to certify the nomination to the proper filing officer.
If executive committee fails to act: last day for the committee
chair to appoint a nominee for the Primary Election ballot if a
vacancy is caused by failure to file and to certify the nomination
to the proper filing officer
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-11
February 13, 2024
Last Day for Candidate to Withdraw from Primary Election
A candidate who has filed a certificate of announcement and
wishes to withdraw and decline to stand as a candidate for office
shall file a signed, notarized statement of withdrawal with the
same officer with whom the certificate of announcement was filed;
this statement must be received not later than the third Tuesday
following the candidate filing deadline.
If filed within the specified time period, the name of a candidate
who files the statement of withdrawal may not be printed on the
ballot. No candidate who files a statement of withdrawal after that
time will have his or her name removed from the ballot.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-11
February 14, 2024
Deadline for Ordering Precinct Change
Last day for County Commission (after at least a 1 month
notice) to enter an order changing the boundaries of any
precinct into 2 or more precincts, or consolidate 2 or more
precincts into 1, or to change the location of the polling place
whenever the public convenience may require it. Within 15 days
after such order is issued, the County Commission shall publish
the order as a Class II-0 legal advertisement.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7(b), 59-3-1 et seq.
February 14, 2024
Adopt Policy Extending Emergency Absentee Voting
Last day County Commission may adopt policy extending the
emergency absentee voting procedures to:
1. Hospitals or other duly licensed health care facilities
within an adjacent county or within 35 miles of the county
seat; and
2. Nursing homes within the county; or
3. A voter who becomes confined, on or after the seventh
day preceding an election, to a specific location within the
county because of illness, injury, physical disability,
immobility due to advance age or other medical reason.
County Commission must adopt this policy 90 days before
election and a copy of this policy must be filed with the Secretary
of State.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5c(a)
February 14, 2024
Petition for Suspension of Election Official
Petition seeking suspension of an election official must be filed
with County Commission at least 90 days before an election.
The petition must be signed by 25 registered voters of the
precinct where the election official last served. Upon
presentation of evidence of listed grounds, County Commission
may, upon majority vote, suspend the eligibility to serve as an
election official for 2 years.
County Commission may, on its own motion, suspend an
election official for specific causes for 4 years.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-28
February 14, 2024
Notice of Emergency Precinct Change
In the case of an emergency and with the approval of the
Secretary of State, last day on which to complete notice of
County Commission’s intention to change, divide or consolidate
voting precincts is at least 1
month before any precinct boundary change. Notice must be
published once each week for 2 successive weeks in 2 qualified
newspapers of opposite politics as Class II-0 legal ad.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7, 59-3-1 et seq.
February 14, 2024
Early Voting Community Voting Location Approval or
Disapproval for Primary Election
The county commission shall approve or disapprove community
voting location proposal/s submitted by the county clerk no less
than 90 days prior to election day.
An early voting community voting location may continue to be
used in subsequent elections without complying with the
approval process if the county commission finds, and the county
clerk agrees, at least 50 days, but not more than 80 days, prior
to the election, that the location continues to qualify.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
February 20, 2024
Notice of Number of Election Officials
The County Commission designates the number and type of
election boards for the various precincts and gives written notice
to the county executive committees of the 2 major political
parties stating the number of nominations which may be made
for poll clerks and commissioners.
Recommended that notice of the number of emergency
absentee voting commissioners needed is also provided at this
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-29
February 20, 2024
Secretary of State Certifies and Posts List of Candidates
Filed with the Secretary of State’s Office
By 84 days before the election the Secretary of State arranges
and certifies names of all candidates who filed and posts such
list in office until after the Primary Election.
Secretary of State begins determining the certified candidates to
be on the ballots in each county and transmits to the counties.
The County Clerks are to receive by the 70
day before the
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-9
February 20, 2024
(At 9:00 am)
Drawing for Order on the Ballot
For all ballot systems beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the 4
following the close of candidate filing, a drawing by lot shall be
conducted in the office of the County Clerk of each county to
determine the order of names of candidates for any office or
division for which more than 1 is to be nominated. Notice of the
time and date is provided on the certificate of announcement.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-13a
February 24 March 25,
Continued use of Community Voting Early Voting Location
Agreement for Primary Election
An early voting community voting location may continue to be
used in subsequent elections without complying with the
approval process if the county commission finds, and the county
clerk agrees, at least 50 days, but not more than 80 days, prior
to the election, that the location continues to qualify.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
February 26, 2024
(Deadline for Executive
Committee to act)
February 28, 2024
(Deadline for Chair to
Executive Committees Fill Vacancies in Nomination by
Appointment for General Election Ballot if Vacancy is
Caused by Failure to File
If vacancy is due to no candidate filing, the executive committee
may appoint a nominee for the General Election ballot no later
than 30 days after the last day to file a certificate of
If committee does not act, the chairperson may appoint a
nominee no later than 2 days following executive committee
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-19
February 27, 2024
Proposed Levy Order Due to Governing Body
Attorney gives proposed order calling the election to the
appropriate person to be place on the agenda for the governing
body’s meeting on or before 71 days.
- W. Va Code §6-9A-3
March 4, 2024
Governing Body Adopt Proposed Order
At a regular or special meeting, the governing body adopts an
order set out as required by law for submitting the question to the
voters at either a regularly scheduled primary or general election.
- W. Va Code §§11-8-16
March 5, 2024
Certification of Candidates to County Clerk
70 days before the election the County Clerk is to receive the
certification of candidates from the Secretary of State’s Office.
- [This date conflicts with the Code requirement for the
Ballot Order Drawing. County Clerks will receive the
certification via email by February 20, and via certified
mail no later than the Code deadline of March 5].
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-9
March 5, 2024
Estimate Number of Absentee Ballots
No later than 70 days before the election the County Clerk
estimates number of official absent and early voter’s ballots
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-11(a)
March 5, 2024
Election Official Nominations Filed
No later than 70 days before the Primary Election, each county
executive committee, or its chairman or secretary on its behalf,
shall file in writing with the County Commission a list of persons
nominated by a majority vote of the committee at a duly called
meeting, as election officials and the positions for which they are
designated, and those persons nominated as alternates. The
number of alternates for each party may not exceed the number
of precincts in the county.
- W. Va. Code §3-1-30
March 5, 2024
(Approximate date)
Candidate Name Removed from Ballot Due to Death
Upon request of the candidate’s family, the board of ballot
commissioners may remove the name of a candidate who dies if
the death occurs before the ballots are printed.
If death occurs after ballots are printed, a written notice shall be
posted with the sample ballot at each precinct which states: “To
the voter: (candidate name) of (residence), a candidate for
(office sought) is deceased.”
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-11(c)
March 15, 2024
Emergency Order to Change Precincts
In case of an emergency and with the permission of the
Secretary of State, the County Commission may enter an order
to consolidate, divide or change the boundaries of a precinct
within a county no later than 60 days before the election.
Within 15 days after such order is issued, the County
Commission shall publish the order as Class II-0 legal
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7, 59-3-1 et seq.
March 15, 2024
Emergency Order to Change Community Early Voting
Location for Primary Election
In counties where community early voting locations are used, in
the case of an emergency, the county commission may enter an
order to
move the community voting location with the clerk’s approval no
later than 60 days before the election.
Reasonable notice of the ordered change shall be given to the
public in a clear and conspicuous manner, which may include
but is not limited to public announcements, news media, social
media, and posting on the county’s website.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
March 19, 2024
Notice Given for Number of Emergency Absentee Voting
Commissioners Needed
56 days before the Primary Election, the County Clerk notifies
the County Commission of the number of sets of emergency
absentee ballot commissioners necessary.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5c(b)
March 26, 2024
Election Officials and Alternates Appointed
No later than 49 days before the election, the County
Commission shall appoint the election officials for each
designated election board as follows:
1. Eligible persons nominated and timely filed by the
executive committees as poll clerks, election
2. Additional persons selected by the County Commission to
serve as election commissioners; and
3. Persons to fill any positions for which no nominations
were filed.
The County Commission shall also appoint emergency absentee
voting commissioners (at the same meeting or at a subsequent
The County Commission shall:
1. Appoint the alternates nominated by the executive
2. Appoint additional alternates; and
3. Determine the number of persons who may be instructed
to attend training as alternates.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-30, 3-3-5c
March 26, 2024
Write-In Candidate Filing Deadline for Election of ONLY
Nonpartisan offices:
1. Judicial races
1. Board of Education Member
2. Conservation District Supervisor
3. Greater Huntington Park & Recreation District
Eligible persons who seek to be elected by write-in votes to an
office which is to be filled at the Primary Election shall file a
write-in candidate’s certificate of announcement by the 49
before the Primary Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-4a
March 29, 2024
Delivery of Absentee Ballots to County Clerk
The board of ballot commissioners are to have the official
absentee ballots printed and delivered to the County Clerk 46
days before the election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-11(a)
March 29, 2024 May 8,
(May 9, 2024 if
applications are
received on May 8,
Mail Absentee Ballots
No later than the 46
day before the election, the County Clerks
must mail absentee ballots to voters from whom they have
received applications. Following the 46
day before the election,
ballots must be sent within one day of receiving applications.
Upon acceptance of a completed application, determine whether
the requirements have been met and transmit absentee
ballot(s), envelopes, instructions, and any other supplies
required for voting the ballot. If determined the requirements
have not been met, transmit balloting materials and give notice
to the voter that the ballot will be provisional.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5
April 1, 2024
Approved Voter Registration Program for Eligible High
School Students
No later than 45 days before the election the County Clerk shall
conduct an approved program of voter registration services for
eligible high school students at each high school within the
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-8(b)(2)
April 1 April 8, 2024
1st Quarter Report
Reports due on April 1, 2024 of each year and filed within 6
days thereafter
This report covers transactions from January 1, 2024 through
March 31, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b);
- CSR § 146-3-8
Candidates, treasurers and financial agents submit reports to
the Secretary of State, County Clerk or Municipal Recorder,
determined by which office is sought. A detailed itemized
statement is submitted setting forth all activity from the previous
report or organization date.
April 2, 2024
(Deadline depends
upon date of
Notice Mailed to Election Officials
Within 7 days following appointment, county commission
notifies, by first-class mail, all election commissioners, poll clerks
and alternates of their appointment, including a response form.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-30(h)
April 9, 2024
(Deadline depends
upon date of
Election Officials Respond to Notification from County
Clerk confirming ability to serve.
When an election official or alternate fails to return the response
notice (or otherwise confirm to the County Clerk his or her
agreement to serve within the required time, the position shall be
considered vacant and the County Clerk shall proceed to fill the
vacancies within 14 days following the date of appointment.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-30(i)
April 15, 2024
(within 30 days of
Instructional Program for Election Officials
Within 30 days prior to election, County Clerk conducts
instructional program using training materials produced by
Secretary of State, to all election officials, explaining and
illustrating procedures for conducting elections, duties of the
various election officials and methods of voting.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-46
April 18 24, 2024
Publish Sample Ballot for Early Voting
Not more than 26 nor less than 20 days preceding the Primary
Election, Ballot Commissioners publish sample official primary
ballot for each party, nonpartisan candidates, and public
questions as follows:
1. For counties in which 2 or more qualified newspapers
publish a daily newspaper, publish a Class I-0 legal
advertisement in the 2 qualified daily newspapers of
different political parties within the county having the
largest circulation
2. For counties having no more than 1 daily newspaper, or
having only 1 or more qualified weekly newspapers,
publish sample as Class I legal advertisement in qualified
newspaper having largest circulation
- §§ 3-5-10, 59-3-1 et seq.
April 23, 2024
Voter Registration Deadline
Voter registration for an election shall close 21 days before the
election, or on the first day thereafter which is not a Saturday,
Sunday or legal holiday.
Completed application of eligible voter for registration, transfer,
change of political party or other change submitted by the close
of voter registration will be effective for any subsequent election,
1. Received at office of the County Clerk, no later than the
hour of the close of registration;
2. Accepted by a designated agency or motor vehicle
licensing office no later than the close of registration;
3. Accepted through a registration outreach program and
received by the County Clerk no later than the close of
4. Addressed to the appropriate County Clerk and
postmarked by the postal service no later than the date of
the close of registration;
5. Accepted through an approved electronic voter
registration system and received no later than 11:59 PM;
6. The verification notice mailed to the applicant is not
returned as undeliverable
Voters must change party affiliation by close of registration in
order to participate in that party’s Primary Election.
- W. Va. Code §3-2-6
April 24 May 7, 2024
April 26 May 9, 2024
(Convene & Inspect)
Inspection of ballots, electronic poll books and vote
recording devices
1 inspection can be done for Early Voting and Election Day
materials, or they can be done separately if Election Day
materials are not ready. Note: Vote recording devices used for
Early Voting may only be used on Election Day if they are
Preparation of materials is completed and Notification given to
County Commission and Ballot Commissioners no later than 7
days before election
Early Voting = April 24; Election Day = May 7
Convene County Commissioners and Ballot Commissioners no
later than 5 days before election.
Early Voting = April 26; Election Day = May 9
Class I-0 public notice regarding place and time of inspection is
published no later than 3 days before inspection.
- W. Va. Code §§3-4A-13, 59-3-1 et seq.
April 24 May 13, 2024
Authorized Late Voter Registration Accepted from Certain
Uniformed and Overseas Voters
Between the 20
day before the election and 1 day before the
election, members of the uniformed services and overseas
citizens whose employment supports national security, who
have been discharged 60 days preceding an election, and
spouses/dependents residing with said individuals, may register
to vote in person at the County Clerk’s Office. Appropriate
documentation/affidavit must be presented as required by law.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-6a;
- CSR § 153-44-1 et seq.
April 26, 2024
Accept Voter Registration Card by Mail without Postmark
No later than 3 days following the close of registration is the last
day an application for registration may be accepted if addressed
to the appropriate County Clerk and received by mail with the
postmark missing or illegible.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-6(b)(2)(A)
April 29, 2024
Correct Incomplete Applications for Voter Registrations
Within 4 business days after the close of registration, County
Clerk may correct applications for voter registration containing
incomplete information if applicant provides the required
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-6(b)(1)
April 29 May 3, 2024
Primary Report
Reports due on the 15
day preceding the primary election and
filed within 4 days thereafter.
This report covers transactions from April 1, 2024 through April
28, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b);
- CSR § 146-3-8
Candidates, treasurers and financial agents submit reports to
the Secretary of State, County Clerk or Municipal Recorder,
determined by which office is sought. A detailed itemized
statement is submitted setting forth all activity from the previous
report or organization date.
May 1 May 11, 2024
Early Voting in Person
Beginning on the 13
day and continuing through the third day
before the election, voter may vote an early ballot at the county
courthouse, an annex or a designated community voting location
during normal business hours; additionally, early voting must be
conducted between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the last 2 Saturdays
before the Primary Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-3
May 7, 2024
Public Test of Tabulating Equipment
1 week prior to the start of the count of the votes, all automatic
tabulating equipment must be tested to ascertain that it will
accurately count the votes for all offices and on all measures.
Notice must be provided no more than 2 weeks but not less than
48 hours before test by publication of Class I-0 legal
advertisement. (Notice must be provided April 23 May 5.)
After processing pre-audited ballots, the County Commission
certifies the equipment to be free from error as determined by
the test. Testing material and certification is to be placed in a
sealed container until the start of canvass.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-4A-26, 59-3-1 et seq.
May 7 - May 13, 2024
Instructional Program Make-Up Session
Within the last 7 days before the election, County Clerk
conducts make-up session for election officials unable to attend
regular session.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-46(c)
May 7 - May 13, 2024
Publish Official List of Candidates or Sample Ballot for
Election Day
On the last day on which a newspaper is published immediately
preceding the Primary Election, Ballot Commissioners publish
the official list of candidates and issues, or the sample ballot, as
1. For counties in which 2 or more qualified newspapers
publish a daily newspaper, publish as Class I-0 legal
advertisement in the 2 qualified daily newspapers of
different political parties within the county having the
largest circulation; or
2. For counties having no more than 1 daily newspaper, or
having only 1 or more qualified weekly newspapers,
publish as Class I legal advertisement in qualified
newspaper having largest circulation.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-10, 59-3-1 et seq.
May 7 May 14, 2024
(Deadline: Noon on May
Receive Requests for Emergency Absentee Ballot
No earlier than 7 days preceding the election and no later than
noon of Election Day, a voter or a member of the voter’s
immediate family (or in counties with an extended policy, a staff
member of a nursing home) may request a ballot for voting
emergency absentee. A voter may be eligible to receive an
emergency absentee ballot in the following circumstances:
Voter in the hospital on Election Day;
Replacement poll worker appointed after the period for
Early Voting;
Voter in licensed health care facilities within an adjacent
county or within 35 miles of the county seat (county policy
Voter in nursing home within the county if he or she has
resided there for a period of less than 30 days (county
policy required); or
Voter becomes confined, on or after the seventh day
preceding an election, to a specific location within the
county because of illness, injury, physical disability, or
immobility due to advance age or other medical reason
(county policy required).
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-3-1, 3-3-5c(d)
May 8, 2024
Deadline for Absentee Ballot Applications
Not later than the sixth day preceding the election, last day to
receive application for absentee ballot by mail. Ballot shall be
mailed no later than the following day.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(b)(1), 3-3-5(e)(1)
May 11, 2024
Deadline for Early Voting in Person
Last day to vote an early ballot in person (occurs on a Saturday)
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-3
May 13, 2024
Deadline to Hand-Deliver Absentee Ballot to the Clerk’s
No later than 1 day preceding the election, the last day for
County Clerk to accept hand delivered absentee ballot by mail.
No person may personally deliver more than 2 absentee ballots
in any election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(k)
May 13, 2024
Election Commissioners Receive Election Supplies
No later than 1 day before Primary Election, the last day on
which election commissioner(s) of each precinct, as designated
by County Commissioners, shall receive necessary election
supplies from County Clerk.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-24(a), 3-4A-13(f)
May 13, 2024
Failure to Pick Up Supplies, Delivery Thereof
By close of County Clerk’s Office 1 day prior to Primary Election,
Board of Ballot Commissioners (or chairman thereof) forthwith
dispatches, by special messenger, election supplies to any
election commissioner who has failed to pick up supplies by
designated time.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-25
May 14, 2024
second Tuesday in May of even years. Polls open at 6:30 a.m.
and close at 7:30 p.m.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-31, 3-5-1
In counties using electronic voting systems, County Clerk must
deliver vote recording devices to polling places not less than 1
hour prior to polls opening.
- W. Va. Code § 3-4A-16
If appointed election official fails to appear at polling place by
5:45 a.m., election officials shall contact County Clerk for
assistance in filling vacancy.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-30(k) et. seq.
Upon request by or for persons eligible to vote emergency
absentee ballot made no later than noon of Election Day,
emergency absentee voting commissioners deliver application
and ballot to voter in hospital (or nursing home if authorized).
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5c
A voter whose registration record lists one address but has since
moved to another within the county may update the registration
at the polling place and shall vote in the precinct of current
residence using a provisional ballot.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-2-22(a)(6), 3-2-31(c)
A voter whose legal name has changed may update the
registration by filing an affidavit of change of legal name at the
polling place on Election Day.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-22(d)(2)
May 14, 2024
Post Summary Returns
Upon completion of the count, the returns are to be open to the
public by posting a summary of the returns as have been
tabulated at the central counting center.
- W. Va. Code § 3-4A-27(e)
May 14, 2024
(Deadline: 7:30 PM)
Absentee Ballots Received Electronically from Eligible
Voters Accepted
No later than the close of polls Election Day, accept absentee
ballots submitted electronically by eligible military and overseas
voters and eligible voters with physical disabilities.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-5(i)
May 15, 2024
Absentee Ballots without Postmark Accepted
1 day after Election Day, absentee ballots without postmark are
accepted if delivered by the US Postal Service or other express
shipping service and received by the County Clerk, no later than
the day after Election Day. (Does not apply to UOCAVA ballots.)
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(g)(1)
May 20, 2024
Absentee Ballots Postmarked by Election Day Accepted
No later than the hour at which the board of canvassers
convenes to begin the canvass, absentee ballots by mail shall
be accepted if ballot bears a postmark of the US Postal Service
dated no later than Election Day and the ballot is received by the
County Clerk, within the required time. Absentee ballots from
military are accepted without postmark if received prior to start of
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-3-5(g)(2)
May 20, 2024
Canvass Returns
On the fifth day, except for Sundays, after Primary Election.
not counting Sunday, after every election. If the fifth day falls
on a Saturday or legal holiday, the canvass shall begin on the
next business day. County Commission, as the board of
canvassers, meets to canvass Primary Election returns. The
board of canvassers shall meet from day to day adjourning no
longer than is necessary until the canvass is complete.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-17, 3-6-9(a)(1)
- CSR § 153-18-3
Deadline depends on
date canvass is
completed in all
Upon completion of canvass, publicly declare the election results
and wait 48 hours (do not count Saturdays, Sundays and legal
holidays) to allow for recount requests to be submitted.
Multi-county races must wait until the last county declares
results for the 48 hours to begin. Notice will be provided by the
Elections Division on the start times.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-17
Deadline depends on
date results are
Recount request must be made within 48 hours of the
declaration of results. If a candidate is on the ballot in more than
one county, the 48 hours begins after the final county’s board of
canvassers declares the results. A candidate may demand a
Note: If a recount has been demanded, the board of
canvassers shall have 48 hours in which to send notice to all
candidates who filed for the office in which a recount has been
demanded. Such recount shall be set for no sooner than 3 days
after serving the notice. After the notice is served, candidates
so served shall then have an additional 24 hours in which to
demand a recount of precincts not requested to be recounted by
candidate originally requesting recount. The recount is open to
the public. However, only those authorized may handle election
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-17, 3-6-9
Deadline depends on
date results are
declared and recounts
48 hours after the declaration, CERTIFY election results in
races where a recount was NOT requested.
- W. Va. Code §§3-5-17, 3-6-9, 3-6-10
Deadline depends on
date of election
Contest Primary Election
Within 10 days after the results of election are certified,
candidate may contest the Primary Election before the County
Commission in which any primary procedures, practices or
results may be in issue. A contest is a legal proceeding. Legal
counsel should (but not mandatorily) be obtained by parties
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-20, 3-7-1, 3-7-6
June 7, 2024
Optional: County Executive Committees May Nominate
Community Voting Locations for General Election
The county executive committees of the two major political
parties may nominate sites to be used as community voting
locations during the early voting period by written request to the
county clerk delivered no later than 150 days prior to election
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
June 13, 2024
Transmit Certificates of Results
The certification of the results of the Primary Election should be
sent to Secretary of State as soon as possible but no later than
30 days after the primary.
Board of canvassers transmits original certificates of election
results for all offices to be filled by the voters of more than one
county to the Secretary of State, along with copies of certificates
of results for county candidates.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-17, 3-5-18
July 1, 2024
Terms of Board of Education and Soil Conservation District
Supervisors Begin
New members of the Board of Education and Soil Conservation
District elected to full terms and un-expired terms take office.
- W. Va. Code §§ 18-5-1b, 19-21A-6
July 1 July 8, 2024
2nd Quarter Report
Reports due on July 1 of each year and filed within 6 days
This report covers transactions from April 1, 2024 through June
30, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b);
- CSR § 146-3-8
Candidates, treasurers and financial agents submit reports to
the Secretary of State, County Clerk or Municipal Recorder,
determined by which office is sought. A detailed itemized
statement is submitted setting forth all activity from the previous
report or organization date.
July 8, 2024
Notice of Precinct Change
Notice must be given of the intent to change precincts at least 1
month before any precinct boundary changes go into effect, and
such changes must be made at least 90 days before an
Last day on which to complete Class II-0 legal notice of County
Commission’s intention to change, divide, or consolidate voting
precincts for primary election; notice published once each week
for 2 successive weeks in 2 qualified newspapers of opposite
politics published in the publication area.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7(b), 59-3-1 et seq.
July 8, 2024
Optional: County Clerk Proposal of Early Voting Community
Voting Location in Addition to the Primary Location for
General Election
No less than 120 days prior to election day, the clerk shall
submit a proposal for an early voting community voting location
in writing to the County Commission for approval or disapproval.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
July 13, 2024
Report Failure to File Financial Statement to Prosecuting
60 days after Primary Election the Secretary of State and the
County Clerk is to give notice of the failure of any candidates,
agents or treasures to file required, detailed, itemized financial
statements of transactions connected with Primary Election to
Prosecuting Attorney where candidate resides.
- W. Va. Code § 3-8-7(a)
Report Failure to File Financial Statement to Secretary of
60 days after Primary Election the County Clerk is to give notice
of the failure of any candidates, agents or treasures to file
required, detailed, itemized financial statements of transactions
connected with Primary Election to the Secretary of State.
- W. Va. Code § 3-8-7(b)(1)
Written notification to candidates/committees that failed to
file financial statements
60 days after the Primary Election), a written notice is to be sent
by certified mail to candidates/committees that failed to file the
required finance reports relating to the Primary Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-8-7(e)
- CSR § 151-51 et seq.
August 1, 2024
Deadline for No Party Organization/Unaffiliated Candidates
to File Nominating Petitions, Certificate of Announcements
and Pay Filing Fee
No later than August 1 preceding the General Election,
certificates nominating candidates are to be filed with the
Secretary of State or County Clerk, depending upon the office
being sought.
If nomination certificate is not timely filed and filing fee not timely
paid, they may not be accepted by the filing office.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-23, 3-5-24
August 2, 2024
(Deadline for Primary)
Voter History
After each primary, general, municipal, or special election, the
County Clerk shall enter the voting records into the statewide
voter registration database within 80 days after the election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-18(e)
August 5 - 20, 2024
Special Filing Period for Board of Education Vacancy
Occurring after Close of Filing for Primary Election
No earlier than the first Monday in August and no later than 77
days before the General Election, candidate filing period for
unexpired term of Board of Education to fill vacancy which
occurs after the close of the Primary Election candidate filing but
not later than 84 days before the General Election. The
certificate of announcement and filing fee shall be remitted to the
County Clerk no earlier than August 1 and no later than 77
days before the General Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-19(c)
August 7, 2024
Deadline for Ordering Precinct Change
Last day for County Commission (after at least a 1 month
notice) to enter an order changing the boundaries of any
precinct into 2 or more precincts, or consolidate 2 or more
precincts into 1, or to change the location of the polling place
whenever the public convenience may require it. Within 15 days
after such order is issued, the County Commission shall publish
the order as a Class II-0 legal advertisement.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7(b), 59-3-1 et seq.
August 7, 2024
Adopt Policy Extending Emergency Absentee Voting
Last day County Commission may adopt policy extending the
emergency absentee voting procedures to:
1. Hospitals or other duly licensed health care facilities
within an adjacent county or within 35 miles of the county
seat; and
2. Nursing homes within the county; or
3. A voter who becomes confined, on or after the seventh
day preceding an election, to a specific location within the
county because of illness, injury, physical disability,
immobility due to advance age or other medical reason.
County Commission must adopt this policy 90 days before
election and a copy of this policy must be filed with the Secretary
of State.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5c(a)
August 7, 2024
Petition for Suspension of Election Official
Petition seeking suspension of an election official must be filed
with County Commission at least 90 days before an election.
The petition must be signed by 25 registered voters of the
precinct where election official last served. Upon presentation of
evidence of listed grounds, County Commission may, upon
majority vote, suspend the eligibility to serve as an election
official for 2 years.
County Commission may, on its own motion, suspend an
election official for specific causes for 4 years.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-28
August 7, 2024
Notice of Emergency Precinct Change
In the case of an emergency and with the approval of the
Secretary of State, last day on which to complete notice of
County Commission’s intention to change, divide or consolidate
voting precincts is at least 1 month before any precinct
boundary change. Notice must be published once each week for
2 successive weeks in 2 qualified newspapers of opposite
politics as Class II-0 legal ad.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7, 59-3-1 et seq.
August 7, 2024
Early Voting Community Voting Location Approval or
Disapproval for General Election
The county commission shall approve or disapprove community
voting location proposal/s submitted by the county clerk no less
than 90 days prior to election day.
An early voting community voting location may continue to be
used in subsequent elections without complying with the
approval process if the county commission finds, and the county
clerk agrees, at least 50 days, but not more than 80 days, prior
to the election, that the location continues to qualify.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
August 13, 2024
Notice of Number of Election Officials
The County Commission designates the number and type of
election boards for the various precincts and gives written notice
to the county executive committees of the 2 major political
parties stating the number of nominations which may be made
for poll clerks and commissioners.
Recommended that notice of the number of emergency
absentee voting commissioners needed is also provided at this
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-29
August 13, 2024
Last Day for Candidate to Withdraw from General Election
The last day for candidate to file a notarized statement of
withdrawal with the same officer with whom the certificate of
announcement was filed must be provided to the County Clerk
No later than 84 days before the General Election
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-11(b)(2)
August 13, 2024
Disqualification for failure to file Primary Financial
Late financial statements must be received in the filing office by
close of business on this day. Failure to file by the 84
before the General Election is automatic disqualification, and the
candidate’s name will be removed from the ballot. If disqualified,
the executive committee may appoint according to the
provisions of §3-5-19(a)(4).
- W. Va. Code § 3-8-7(c)(1)
August 13 October
30, 2024
Accept Applications for Mail-in Absentee Ballot from
Eligible Voters for the General Election
Period begins during which an eligible voter may submit an
absentee ballot application, completed in his or her own
handwriting, to the County Clerk in person, by mail, by fax or by
email. Application must be received no earlier than 84 days
preceding the General Election and not later than 6 days
preceding General Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(b)(2)
August 17 September
16, 2024
Continued use of Community Voting Early Voting Location
Agreement for General Election
An early voting community voting location may continue to be
used in subsequent elections without complying with the
approval process if the county commission finds, and the county
clerk agrees, at least 50 days, but not more than 80 days, prior
to the election, that the location continues to qualify.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
August 19, 2024
(Deadline for
Executive Committee or Chair Appointment to Fill Vacancy
in Nomination
(For committee -- After Primary Election, but not later than 78
days preceding General Election.)
August 21, 2024
(Deadline for chair)
Last day an executive committee may fill vacancy in nomination
if the vacancy occurs 84 days before the General Election and
is caused by any of the reasons below:
Candidate automatically disqualified due to failure to file
campaign finance reports
Candidate determined disqualified by State Election
Incapacity of candidate
Withdrawal of a candidate
Vacancy in certain partisan offices not on the General
Election ballot (filing fee required)
(Not later than 2 days following the deadline for the executive
If appropriate political executive committee has not filled
vacancies in its General Election nominations, according to the
provisions of this section such vacancies may be filled by the
committee's chairman by filing with the proper officer.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-19
August 20, 2024
Proposed Levy Order Due to Governing Body
Attorney gives proposed order calling the election to the
appropriate person to be place on the agenda for the governing
body’s meeting on or before 71 days.
- W. Va Code §6-9A-3
August 21 27, 2024
Secretary of State Certifies Names
Secretary of State certifies to each County Clerk the names of
each political party's nominees entitled to be placed on the
General Election ballot between last day to fill vacancies in
nomination and the drawing to determine ballot order
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-18
August 26, 2024
Governing Body Adopt Proposed Order
At a regular or special meeting, the governing body adopts an
order set out as required by law for submitting the question to the
voters at either a regularly scheduled primary or general election.
- W. Va Code §§11-8-16 and 13-1-4
August 27, 2024
(9:00 a.m.)
Drawing for Order of Names on Ballot
(On the 70th day next preceding the date of the General
For all ballot systems, drawing by lot shall be conducted at
9 a.m. in the office of the County Clerk to determine the order of
names of candidates for any office or division for which more
than one is to be elected.
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-2(d)(2)
August 27, 2024
Estimate Number of Absentee Ballots
No later than 70 days before the election the County Clerk
estimates number of official absent and early voter’s ballots
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-11(a)
August 27, 2024
Election Official Nominations Filed
No later than 70 days before the General Election, each county
executive committee, or its chairman or secretary on its behalf,
shall file in writing with the County Commission a list of persons
nominated by a majority vote of the committee at a duly called
meeting, as election officials and the positions for which they are
designated, and those persons nominated as alternates. The
number of alternates for each party may not exceed the number
of precincts in the county.
- W. Va. Code §3-1-30
August 27, 2024
(Approximate date)
Candidate Name Removed from Ballot Due to Death
Upon request of the candidate’s family, the board of ballot
commissioners may remove the name of a candidate who dies if
the death occurs before the ballots are printed. If death occurs
after ballots are printed, a written notice shall be posted with the
sample ballot at each precinct which states: “To the voter:
(candidate name) of (residence), a candidate for (office sought)
is deceased.”
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-11(c)
September 6, 2024
Emergency Order to Change Precincts
In case of an emergency and with the permission of the
Secretary of State, the County Commission may enter an order
to consolidate, divide or change the boundaries of a precinct
within a county no later than 60 days before the election.
Within 15 days after such order is issued, the County
Commission shall publish the order as Class II-0 legal
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-7, 59-3-1 et seq
September 6, 2024
Emergency Order to Change Community Early Voting
Location for General Election
In counties where community early voting locations are used, in
the case of an emergency, the county commission may enter an
order to move the community voting location with the clerk’s
approval no later than 60 days before the election.
Reasonable notice of the ordered change shall be given to the
public in a clear and conspicuous manner, which may include
but is not limited to public announcements, news media, social
media, and posting on the county’s website.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-2a
- CSR §153-13-3
September 10, 2024
Notice of Number of Sets of Emergency Absentee Voting
Commissioners Needed
56 days before the General Election, the County Clerk notifies
the County Commission of the number of sets of emergency
absentee ballot commissioners necessary.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-5c
September 17, 2024
Election Officials and Alternates Appointed
No later than 49 days before the election, the County
Commission shall appoint the election officials for each
designated election board as follows:
1. Eligible persons nominated and timely filed by the
executive committees as poll clerks, election
2. Additional persons selected by the County Commission to
serve as election commissioners; and
3. Persons to fill any positions for which no nominations
were filed.
The County Commission shall also appoint emergency absentee
voting commissioners (at the same meeting or at a subsequent
The County Commission shall:
4. Appoint the alternates nominated by the executive
5. Appoint additional alternates; and
6. Determine the number of persons who may be instructed
to attend training as alternates.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-1-30, 3-3-5c
September 17, 2024
Write-In Candidate Filing Deadline for General Election
Eligible persons who seek to be elected by write-in votes to an
office which is to be filled at the General Election shall file a
write-in candidate’s certificate of announcement by the 49
before the General Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-4a
September 20, 2024
Delivery of Absentee Ballots to County Clerk
(No less than 46 days prior to General Election)
Last day for board of ballot commissioners to have printed and
delivered to County Clerk the official absent voters' ballots.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-11(a)
September 20
October 30, 2024
(October 31, 2024 if
applications are
received on October 30,
Mail Absentee Ballots
No later than the 46
day before the election, the County Clerks
must mail absentee ballots to voters from whom they have
received applications. Following the 46
day before the election,
ballots must be sent within one day of receiving applications.
Upon acceptance of a completed application, determine whether
the requirements have been met and transmit absentee
ballot(s), envelopes, instructions, and any other supplies
required for voting the ballot. If determined the requirements
have not been met, transmit balloting materials and give notice
to the voter that the ballot will be provisional.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5
September 24, 2024
(Deadline, depending
on date of appointment)
Notice Mailed to Election Officials
Within 7 days following the appointment, county commission
notifies, by first-class mail, all election commissioners, poll clerks
and alternates of their appointment, including a response form.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-30(h)
October 1 October 7,
3rd Quarter Report
Reports due on October 1, 2024 of each year and filed within 6
days thereafter
This report covers transactions from July 1, 2024 through
September 30, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b);
- CSR § 146-3-8
Candidates, treasurers and financial agents submit reports to
the Secretary of State, County Clerk or Municipal Recorder,
determined by which office is sought. A detailed itemized
statement is submitted setting forth all activity from the previous
report or organization date.
October 1, 2024
(Deadline, depending
on date of appointment)
Election Officials Respond to Notification from County
Clerk confirming ability to serve
When an election official or alternate fails to return the response
notice (or otherwise confirm to the County Clerk his or her
agreement to serve within the required time, the position shall be
considered vacant and the County Clerk shall proceed to fill the
vacancies within 14 days following the date of appointment.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-30(i)
October 7, 2024
Instructional Program for Election Officials
Within 30 days prior to election, County Clerk conducts
instructional program using training materials produced by
Secretary of State, to all election officials, explaining and
illustrating procedures for conducting elections, duties of the
various election officials and methods of voting.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-46(c)
October 10 16, 2024
Publish Sample Ballot for Early Voting
Not more than 26 nor less than 20 days preceding the General
Election, Ballot Commissioners publish sample official general
ballot, nonpartisan candidates, and public questions as follows:
1. For counties in which 2 or more qualified newspapers
publish a daily newspaper, publish a Class I-0 legal
advertisement in the 2 qualified daily newspapers of
different political parties within the county having the
largest circulation
2. For counties having no more than 1 daily newspaper, or
having only 1 or more qualified weekly newspapers,
publish sample as Class I legal advertisement in qualified
newspaper having largest circulation
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-6-3, 59-3-1 et seq.
October 15, 2024
Voter Registration Deadline
Voter registration for an election shall close 21 days before the
election, or on the first day thereafter which is not a Saturday,
Sunday or legal holiday.Completed application of eligible voter
for registration, transfer, change of political party or other
change submitted by the close of voter registration will be
effective for any subsequent election, if:
1. Received at office of the County Clerk, no later than the
hour of the close of registration;
2. Accepted by a designated agency or motor vehicle
licensing office no later than the close of registration;
3. Accepted through a registration outreach program and
received by the County Clerk no later than the close of
4. Addressed to the appropriate County Clerk and
postmarked by the postal service no later than the date of
the close of registration;
5. Accepted through an approved electronic voter
registration system and received no later than 11:59 PM;
6. The verification notice mailed to the applicant is not
returned as undeliverable
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-2-6
October 16 - 29, 2024
October 18 31, 2024
(Convene & inspect)
Inspection of ballots, electronic poll books and vote
recording devices.
1 inspection can be done for Early Voting and Election Day
materials, or they can be done separately if Election Day
materials are not ready. Note: Vote recording devices used for
Early Voting may only be used on Election Day if they are
Preparation of materials is completed and Notification given to
County Commission and Ballot Commissioners no later than 7
days before election (Early Voting = October 16; Election Day =
October 29).
Convene County Commissioners and Ballot Commissioners no
later than 5 days before election. [Early Voting = October 18;
Election Day = October 31].
Class I-0 public notice regarding place and time of inspection is
published no later than 3 days before inspection.
- W. Va. Code §§3-4A-13, 59-3-1 et seq.
October 16 - November
4, 2024
Authorized Late Voter Registration Accepted from Certain
Uniformed and Overseas Voters
Between the 20
day before the election and 1 day before the
election, members of the uniformed services and overseas
citizens whose employment supports national security, who
have been discharged 60 days preceding an election, and
spouses/dependents residing with said individuals, may register
to vote in person at the County Clerk’s Office. Appropriate
documentation/affidavit must be presented as required by law.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-6a;
- CSR § 153-44-1 et seq
October 18, 2024
Accept Voter Registration Card by Mail without Postmark
No later than 3 days following the close of registration is the last
day an application for registration may be accepted if addressed
to the appropriate County Clerk and received by mail with the
postmark missing or illegible.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-6(b)(2)(A)
October 21, 2024
Correct Incomplete Applications for Voter Registration
County Clerk may correct applications for voter registration
containing incomplete information if applicant provides the
required information within 4 business days after the close of
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-6(b)(1)
October 21 - October
25, 2024
General Report
Reports due on the 15
day preceding the general election and
filed within 4 days thereafter.
This report covers transactions from October 1, 2024 through
October 20, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b);
- CSR § 146-3-8
October 23 November
2, 2024
Early Voting in Person Conducted
Beginning on the 13
day and continuing through the third day
before the election, voter may vote an early ballot at the county
courthouse, an annex, or a designated community voting
location during normal business hours; additionally, early voting
must be conducted between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the last 2
Saturdays before the General Election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-3
October 29, 2024
Public Test of Tabulating Equipment
1 week prior to the start of the count of the votes, all automatic
tabulating equipment must be tested to ascertain that it will
accurately count the votes for all offices and on all measures.
Notice must be provided no more than 2 weeks but not less than
48 hours before test by publication of Class I-0 legal
advertisement. (Notice must be provided October 15 October
After processing pre-audited ballots, the County Commission
certifies the equipment to be free from error as determined by
the test. Testing material and certification is to be placed in a
sealed container until the start of canvass.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-4A-26, 59-3-1 et seq.
October 29 November
4, 2024
Instructional Program Make-Up Session
Within last 7 days before election, County Clerk conducts make-
up session for election officials unable to attend regular session.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-46(c)
October 29 November
4, 2024
Publish Official List of Candidates or Sample Ballot for
Election Day
On the last day on which a newspaper is published immediately
preceding the General Election, Ballot Commissioners publish
the official list of candidates and issues, or the sample ballot, as
1. For counties in which 2 or more qualified newspapers
publish a daily newspaper, publish as Class I-0 legal
advertisement in the 2 qualified daily newspapers of
different political parties within the county having the
largest circulation; or
2. For counties having no more than 1 daily newspaper, or
having only 1 or more qualified weekly newspapers,
publish as Class I legal advertisement in qualified
newspaper having largest circulation.
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-3, 59-3-1 et seq.
October 29 Noon,
November 5, 2024
Receive Requests for Emergency Absentee Ballot
No earlier than 7 days preceding the election and no later than
noon of Election Day, a voter or a member of the voter’s
immediate family (or in counties with an extended policy, a staff
member of a nursing home) may request a ballot for voting
emergency absentee. A voter may be eligible to receive an
emergency absentee ballot in the following circumstances:
Voter in the hospital on Election Day;
Replacement poll worker appointed after the period for
Early Voting;
Voter in licensed health care facilities within an adjacent
county or within 35 miles of the county seat (county policy
Voter in nursing home within the county if he or she has
resided there for a period of less than 30 days (county
policy required); or
Voter becomes confined, on or after the seventh day
preceding an election, to a specific location within the
county because of illness, injury, physical disability, or
immobility due to advance age or other medical reason
(county policy required).
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-3-1(d), 3-3-5c
October 30, 2024
Deadline for Absentee by Mail Application
Not later than the sixth day preceding the election, last day to
receive application for absentee ballot by mail. Ballot shall be
mailed no later than the following day.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(b)(1), 3-3-5(e)(1)
October 31, 2024
(By close of business
at the filing office)
Write-In Candidate Filing Deadline in Case of Death of
Vacancy occurs no earlier than 48 days (September 18) and no
later than 5 days (October 31) before the General Election, the
certificate shall be received no later than the close of business 5
days before the election, or the close of business on the day
following the occurrence of the vacancy, whichever is later.
Write-in candidates file a certificate of announcement to become
certified write-in candidates in case of the death of a candidate.
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-4a(c)(2)
November 2, 2024
Deadline for Early Voting in Person
Last day to vote an early ballot in person (occurs on a Saturday)
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-3
November 4, 2024
Deadline to Hand-Deliver Absentee Ballots to the County
Clerk’s Office
The last day for County Clerk to accept hand delivered absentee
ballot by mail is no later than 1 day preceding the election. No
person may personally deliver more than 2 absentee ballots in
any election.
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(k)
November 4, 2024
Election Commissioners Receive Election Supplies
No later than 1 day before the General Election, the last day on
which election commissioner(s) of each precinct, as designated
by County Commissioners, shall receive necessary election
supplies from County Clerk.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-24, 3-4A-13(f)
November 4, 2024
Failure to Pick Up Supplies
By close of County Clerk’s Office 1 day prior to General
Election, Board of Ballot Commissioners (or chairman thereof)
forthwith dispatches, by special messenger, election supplies to
any election commissioner who has failed to pick up supplies by
designated time.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-25
November 5, 2024
Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even years. Polls
open at 6:30 a.m. and close 7:30 p.m.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-31
In counties using electronic voting systems, County Clerk must
deliver vote recording devices to polling places not less than 1
hour prior to polls opening.
- W. Va. Code § 3-4A-16
If appointed election official fails to appear at polling place by
5:45 a.m., election officials shall contact County Clerk for
assistance in filling vacancy.
- W. Va. Code § 3-1-30(k)
Upon request by or for persons eligible to vote emergency
absentee ballot made no later than noon of Election Day,
emergency absentee voting commissioners deliver application
and ballot to voter in hospital (or nursing home if authorized).
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5c
A voter whose registration record lists one address but has since
moved to another within the county may update the registration
at the polling place and shall vote in the precinct of current
residence using a provisional ballot.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-2-22(a)(6), 3-2-31(c)
A voter whose legal name has changed may update their
registration by filing an affidavit of change of legal name at the
polling place on Election Day without using a provisional ballot.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-22(d)(2)
November 5, 2024
Post Summary Returns
Upon completion of the count, the returns are to be open to the
public by posting a summary of the returns as have been
tabulated at the central counting center.
- W. Va. Code § 3-4A-27(e)
November 5, 2024
(Deadline: 7:30 PM)
Absentee Ballots Received Electronically from Eligible
Voters Accepted
No later than the close of polls Election Day, accept absentee
ballots submitted electronically by eligible military and overseas
voters and eligible voters with physical disabilities.
- W. Va. Code §3-3-5(i)
November 6, 2024
Absentee Ballots Without Postmark Accepted
1 day after Election Day, absentee ballots without postmark are
accepted if delivered by the US Postal Service or other express
shipping service and received by the County Clerk, no later than
the day after Election Day. (Does not apply to UOCAVA ballots.)
- W. Va. Code § 3-3-5(g)(1)
November 12, 2024
Absentee Ballots Postmarked by Election Day Accepted
No later than the hour at which the board of canvassers
convenes to begin the canvass, absentee ballots by mail shall
be accepted if ballot bears a postmark of the US Postal Service
dated no later than Election Day and the ballot is received by the
County Clerk, within the required time. Absentee ballots from
military are accepted without postmark if received prior to start of
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-3-5(g)(2) 3-5-17
November 12, 2024
Canvass Returns
On the 5
day, excluding Sundays, after General Election. If the
fifth day falls on a Saturday or legal holiday, the canvass shall
begin on the next business day. County Commission, as the
board of canvassers, meets to canvass General Election
returns. The board of canvassers shall meet from day to day
adjourning no longer than is necessary until the canvass is
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-17, 3-6-9(a)(1)
- CSR § 153-18-3
Deadline depends on
date canvass is
completed in all
Upon completion of canvass, publicly declare the election results
and wait 48 hours (do not count Saturdays, Sundays and legal
holidays) to allow for recount requests to be submitted.
Multi-county races must wait until the last county declares
results for the 48 hours to begin. Notice will be provided by the
Elections Division on the start times.
- W. Va. Code § 3-5-17, §3-6-9(a)(8)
Deadline depends on
date results are
Recount request must be made within 48 hours of the
declaration of results. If a candidate is on the ballot in more than
one county, the 48 hours begins after the final county’s
canvassing board declares the results. A candidate may
demand a recount.
Note: If a recount has been demanded, the board of
canvassers shall have 48 hours in which to send notice to all
candidates who filed for the office in which a recount has been
demanded. Such recount shall be set for no sooner than 3 days
after serving the notice. After the notice is served, candidates
so served shall then have an additional 24 hours in which to
demand a recount of precincts not requested to be recounted by
candidate originally requesting recount. The recount is open to
the public. However, only those authorized may handle election
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-9
Deadline depends on
date results are
declared and recounts
48 hours after the declaration, CERTIFY election results in
races where a recount was NOT requested.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-5-17, 3-6-9, 3-6-10
Deadline depends on
date election results
are declared
Contest General Election
Within 10 days after the results of election are certified,
candidate may contest the General Election before the County
Commission in which any general procedures, practices or
results may be in issue. A contest is a legal proceeding. Legal
counsel should (but not mandatorily) be obtained by parties
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-7-1, 3-7-6
December 5, 2024
Transmit Certificates of Results
The certification of the results of the General Election should be
sent to Secretary of State as soon as possible but no later than
30 days after the election.
Board of canvassers transmits original certificates of election
results for all offices to be filled by the voters of more than one
county to the Secretary of State, along with copies of certificates
of results for county candidates
- W. Va. Code § 3-6-11
January 1 January 7,
4th Quarter Report
Reports due on January 1 of each year and filed within 6 days
This report covers transactions from October 24, 2024 through
December 31, 2024.
- W. Va. Code §§ 3-8-5, 3-8-5(b);
- CSR § 146-3-8
Candidates, treasurers, and financial agents submit reports to
the Secretary of State, County Clerk or Municipal Recorder,
determined by which office is sought. A detailed itemized
statement is submitted setting forth all activity from the previous
report or organization date.
January 4, 2025
Report Failure to File Financial Statement to Prosecuting
(60 days after General Election)
Secretary of State and County Clerk give notice of any failure of
candidates, agents or treasurers to file required, detailed,
itemized financial statements of transactions connected with
General Election to Prosecuting Attorney where candidate
- W. Va. Code § 3-8-7(a)
January 24, 2025
Voter History
(Within 80 days following General Election)
After each primary, general, municipal or special election, the
County Clerk shall enter the voting records into the statewide
voter registration database.
- W. Va. Code § 3-2-18(e)