© 2021 Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund.
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Audience Development Plan Template
The purpose of an audience development plan is to increase the discoverability of your project.
The plan tells what the project aims to achieve in terms of audience reach and engagement, and
the process for realizing those objectives.
Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund
have standardized their requirements for audience
development documentation.
This document outlines their requirements for a comprehensive Audience Development Plan. If
you are just starting out, you may want to begin with the earlier stage Audience Development
Preliminary Plan which is sometimes sufficient to apply for funding. Consult the program
guidelines at each Fund to determine whether a preliminary or comprehensive audience
development plan is required.
Your comprehensive audience development plan should include four essential elements:
objectives, target audience(s), research, strategy. A detailed schedule and budget will also be
required prior to funding.
1. Overarching Objectives
When it comes to designing an audience development plan, it often works best to start at the
end. What do you want to achieve? Try to be specific with your objectives, for example:
Drive viewership for a broadcast premiere or online/digital launch
Gain recognition, e.g., win awards, secure festival entries.
Monetize content, e.g., sell digital downloads.
Drive traffic to a YouTube channel.
2. Target audience(s)
Identify the audience segment or segments the project is targeting. Demographic data (age,
gender, geolocation) is essential. Try to add insights about their interests, lifestyle, values,
media consumption habits, activities, etc.
© 2021 Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund.
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3. Research
Market research examines opportunities and barriers for building audiences. It should
Target audience research, e.g., analysis of comparable content to inform the
segments to be targeted, the online destinations your target audiences frequent,
potential influencers.
Partner review, e.g., the online reach and influence of partners with whom you
will be collaborating to build audiences for your project, including their reach on
social media, email/mailing lists, and website. As appropriate, include relevant
information about their real-world footprint, e.g., live events or traditional
marketing/advertising opportunities that may be leveraged to promote your
project. Partners may include, for example, broadcasters, digital streaming
channels, distributors, sales agents, sponsors, venues, expert individuals and
organizations, celebrity influencers and marquee talent.
An assessment of potential press outlets, offline activations, and other real-world
opportunities for connecting with target audience segments.
Your research may also include findings, e.g., content that may compete for viewer attention
or provide useful insights about audience building.
4. Strategy
The strategy is based on the research findings and should include the following components:
Audience touch points – Which channels, platforms and tactics will you use to reach
audiences? Channels and platforms are the places audiences will visit to interact with
your content, for example, social media platforms, websites, email marketing,
games/apps, live events. Tactics include other means by which you will connect with
audiences, for example, public relations, advertising in traditional media, newsletters.
© 2021 Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund.
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For each audience touch point that will be managed by the Applicant outline the
o Rationale - This is a simple sentence or two describing why you have chosen the
touch point to play a role in the strategy. For example, you may pull a key finding
from the research such as
the target audience is large and actively engaged around
similar content on Facebook
, or
the project involves marquee talent so public
relations will play a key role in securing earned media.
o Goals - These are the specific goals for the audience touch point. They relate to the
overarching objective but are unique and appropriate for the touch point. For
example, your overarching objective may be to
drive views for your series on
The goal for your project's Twitter account might be to
facilitate two-way
conversation with viewers between episodes.
o Approach to content Outline the content plan and assets that will be created for
each audience touch point. Include detail about the creative approach, the format
(e.g., scripted video vignettes, behind-the-scenes images, toys, or other
merchandise) and an estimate of the number of assets. you expect to create. For
a DIY Watch Party kit (French and English) containing a video greeting
from the cast, exclusive images, and menu ideas will be created and posted to the
Each day for two weeks leading up to the premiere, an image and text
post will be published to Facebook, introducing audiences to the story world. A
community manager will monitor and respond to comments daily.
o Success metrics – Share the data points you intend to track to measure success. The
data you measure should relate directly to your objectives.
Partner Plans Which partners will help build audiences for the project? Partners may
include for example broadcasters, digital streaming channels, distributors, sales agents,
sponsors, venues, expert individuals and organizations, celebrity influencers, and
marquee talent. Attach links to partner platforms along with a description of their plan.
© 2021 Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund.
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Alignment Describe how your audience development strategy integrates with the plans
of any partners, e.g., broadcaster, partner organizations.
Paid Media - If paid media is part of the audience development strategy, detail the
proposed budget and platforms as well as the metrics which will be used to measure
success. It is also important to explain how the paid media efforts will work alongside any
partner plans and organic social media efforts to amplify audience reach.
Schedule - Build a high-level calendar that identifies the dates when:
The audience development activities will begin in market (the Pre-Launch date),
typically 4-8 weeks prior to the first broadcast, premiere or online release of the
primary content.
The primary content will be released (the Launch date)
Audience development activities will wind down.
Budget, Expertise, and Resources
The project’s audience development strategy and schedule must match the available
budget, expertise, and resources.
Identify the total funding available to execute the audience development strategy.
Identify who on your team will be accountable for implementing or overseeing the
audience development strategy activation. Are you working with, or do you intend to
engage an external audience development agency or marketing expert? Be sure to
include links to brief bios of proposed experts and agencies.
If Partners have committed finances, expertise, or resources to deliver audience
development strategies for the project, include letters of support that outline the nature
of their commitment.
A detailed audience development budget may be required at the time of applying for
funding. The
standard line items in an audience development budget are listed in this
Bell Fund template. These line items may appear within or separate from the production
© 2021 Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund.
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budget of the project. Consult the program guidelines at each Fund to obtain detailed
information on standard budget requirements and when to submit this document.
The latest version of the Audience Development Preliminary Plan is available here
If you have any questions or feedback on these new audience development tools, please send an
email to info@bellfund.ca.
Bell Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund and TELUS Fund are collaborating to drive the
discoverability of Canadian content and equip content producers with new tools,
insights, and knowledge to help build audiences for their projects. This Audience
Development Plan standardizes requirements across the three funders. These
guidelines were developed with the expertise of Magnify Digital.