Consumer Counselor
Insurance Information for Michigan Consumers
[FIS-PUB 5400] Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services | 877-999-6442 | [11/19]
What You Need to Know About Adjusters
An adjuster investigates insurance claims to
determine the amount owed to the policyholder.
Adjusters investigate the circumstances of the
loss and the events that led up to the loss,
evaluate the amount of damage, verify that
coverage exists under the terms of an
insurance policy, and negotiate a settlement.
In Michigan, there are three kinds of adjusters:
Company Adjuster a salaried
employee of an insurance company who
is sent by the insurer to evaluate and
adjust claims.
Independent Adjuster - an individual
licensed by the State of Michigan to
contract with and represent insurance
companies to evaluate and adjust crop,
fire and other hazards, and/or workers'
compensation losses. Many times
insurance companies hire independent
adjusters after a disaster due to the high
volume of claims being submitted to the
Public Adjuster (Adjuster for the
Insured) an individual licensed by the
State of Michigan who offers services
for a fee to policyholders who want help
getting their claims paid.
A Company Adjuster does not require a license
from the State of Michigan. Independent
Adjusters and Public Adjusters must be
licensed. To verify if an adjuster is properly
licensed, go to the DIFS Licensing Locators
located on the DIFS website,
. Michigan licensed
attorneys may adjust claims in Michigan without
obtaining an Adjuster’s license but cannot
represent themselves to be “licensed adjusters”
without the proper license.
As a policyholder, review the terms of your
insurance policy to ensure you receive full
payment for your loss and to comply with policy
requirements. Also, review the DIFS Consumer
Counselor: “Insurance Policies and How to
Claim What is Yours”, which provides helpful
information about what to do when filing a
If you hire a Public Adjuster to assist you with
your claim, you should review and understand
fully the terms of your contract with that
adjuster. A Public Adjuster cannot provide
services without a written contract, and must
use the written contract form approved by the
DIFS Director. The contract form lists different
items for which an insurance company might
pay reimbursement and on which the adjuster’s
fee may be based. It is up to the insured to
indicate what part of the loss should be
included in the adjuster contract (i.e. building,
contents, etc.). A Public Adjuster works for you,
the policyholder, and is allowed to charge a fee
for his or her services which cannot exceed
10% of the amount paid by the insurer in the
settlement of the loss.
Typically, a policyholder hires a Public Adjuster
to assist in filing a claim and to ensure a
satisfactory settlement. Depending on the size
of the claim and the amount of damages, you
should determine if hiring a public adjuster and
paying this fee is appropriate for your situation.
If you hire a public adjuster, you should be
aware of your rights to cancel the contract. A
Public Adjuster contract can be canceled at any
time; however, the Adjuster is entitled to be
paid for any work performed up to that
[FIS-PUB 5400] Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services | 877-999-6442 | [11/19]
point. There are two exceptions: the Home
Solicitation Sales Act allows a homeowner to
cancel a residential contract within 3 days of the
contract being signed without having to pay the
Adjuster when the contract was solicited at the
homeowners residence. Also, the Michigan
Insurance Code allows a commercial or
residential contract to be canceled within 10
days of the contract being signed, without
having to pay the Adjuster, if it was signed
within 48 hours after conclusion of the loss-
producing occurrence.
You should also be aware of the requirements
of a Public Adjuster and certain things they are
prohibited from doing pursuant to the Michigan
Insurance Code. A Public Adjuster cannot do
any of the following:
Employ anyone to help in adjusting the
loss unless that person is licensed as an
Adjuster or employed as a Solicitor.
Represent himself to be a
representative of an insurance
company, a fire investigator or a person
connected with the fire department. A
Public Adjuster cannot be employed by,
own stock in, be an officer or director of,
or in any other manner be connected
with a fire repair contractor.
Collect or attempt to collect a fee or
payment from a repair contractor for
obtaining repair work for that contractor.
Attempt in any manner to solicit a loss
during the progress of a fire or while the
fire department or any of its
representatives are present at the
damaged premises.
Loan or advance any money or
collateral of any kind to any insured
during the adjustment of any claim.
If you have a question or problem with your
claim or the Public Adjuster you hired, contact
the Department of Insurance and Financial
Services (DIFS) toll free at 1-877-999-6442.
Assistance is also available from the DIFS
website at:
About DIFS
The mission of the Michigan Department of
Insurance and Financial Services is to ensure
access to safe and secure insurance and
financial services fundamental for the
opportunity, security and success of Michigan
residents, while fostering economic growth and
sustainability in both industries. In addition, the
Department provides consumer protection,
outreach, and financial literacy and education
services to Michigan citizens. For more
information please contact DIFS at 877-999-
6442 or visit