Retail Outward Remittance Application cum A2 Form for purchase of Foreign Exchange
If Yes, then provide the Aadhaar No. else mention NA
Current Status Resident NRI
PIO / OCI Foreign National
Aadhaar Card Passport Voter ID Driving License PAN
ID proof attached*
Aadhaar Card
Passport Voter ID Driving License NREGA Job CardAddress proof attached
Self-employed Business Retired Student Housewife OthersOccupation Code
Foreign Currency Demand Draft
Telegraphic Transfer FCY NotesNature of Instrument
Business Income Rent Income Education Loan Other___________________________Sources of Funds
Rate to be booked on FX Retail Platform CCIL Customer ID
Debit Authority: I / We authorize you to debit my / our Account Number to effect the
Account Number (if other than the operative account)
Foreign Exchange Remittance / Issue a Draft / FCY Notes as detailed above (strike out whichever is not applicable) along with your applicable
charges (commission, applicable GST and Correspondent Bank Charges) to my / our
in Words
Amount in FCY (Foreign Currency) or,
Amount in INR
Applicable Exchange Rate
Mother’s Maiden Name Father’s / Spouse’s Name
E-mail Phone No. +91
Sub Code Description
Tax Residence Jurisdiction (if other than India)
Gender Married Date of Birth
Male Female Yes NoOthers
PAN is mandatory for LRS transactions
Please fill the annexure for "NON Resident individuals" if you are an NRI / PIO / OCI
PAN is mandatory for Residents
Are you an Axis Bank customer?
No Customer ID PAN
Do you hold an Aadhaar Card?
Is your Aadhaar linked to your PAN
Have you turned 80 years or above in the previous financial year ending on 31
More than 30 days ago Less than 30 days ago
If your Aadhaar is linked to your PAN then when was the linking done?
Is your permanent address as per bank records in the state of Meghalaya, Assam or Jammu and Kashmir. If Yes, then specify the State,
If Fixed INR amount is mentioned, it would be converted to FCY at the applicable rate. The commission, applicable GST, Correspondent Bank
Charges would be recovered in addition to the fixed INR amount.
else mention NA
Additional Details for creation of Customer ID (For first time transaction of non-account holders)
Details of Forex Required (Fill up amount figure only ONCE, either in FCY or INR)
USD (Dollar) EUR (Euro) JPY (Yen) GBP (Pound) CHF (Swiss Franc)
AUD (Aus Dollar) NZD (NZ Dollar) CAD (Canadian Dollar) Other
Select Currency (FCY)
for Remittance
Version Number RFR/23-24/3
Beneficiary Name
Beneficiary Country
Beneficiary Address
Correspondent Bank Details
Beneficiary Bank
Beneficiary Bank Address
Beneficiary Bank’s Country
Beneficiary Account
Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Code
Sort Code (for remittance to UK) Transit Number (for remittance to Canada)
BSB Code (for remittance to Australia) Routing Number (for remittance to USA)
Details of the remittance made under the Scheme in the current Financial Year (April - March) 20___ - 20___
Correspondent Bank Charges to be borne by : Beneficiary
Assured Pay
(For USD Currency Only)
IBAN (for remittance to UK, Europe,
Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE)
Name of the Country Providing Ultimate Services
Your Account Number Your Branch IFSC
Traveller’s Name
Traveller’s Passport No.
Additional Details**
Please visit our website - for complete information on our exchange rates and applicable charges.
Family maintenance: Relationship b/w remitter & beneficiary:
Travel for Holiday Trip / Pilgrimage / Medical / Immigration / Employment
/ Business Travel / Education Travel
*Includes step - relationships as well
**Student ID for Education Travel, Invoice number for Holiday Trip / Pilgrimage / Medical / Immigration
Mandatory field
(In the case of a Refund, the same will be processed to this account)
Additional Details (If purpose code is Family Maintenance, Education or Travel related, kindly provide following details)
Beneficiary Details
Whether under LRS
No Purpose Code Description__________________________________________________________
Father* Mother* Son’s Wife Son*
Brother* Sister*
Spouse Member of HUF
Retail Outward Remittance Application cum A2 Form for purchase of Foreign Exchange
(Attach an additional sheet, if required)
Sr. No. Date Amount (Eq. USD)
Name and address of AD branch / FFMC through
which the transaction has been effected
Version Number RFR/23-24/3
I / We hereby declare that -
Declaration under FEMA 10 (5)
1. I / We hereby declare that the transaction details of which are mentioned above does not involve, and is not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions
of the aforesaid Act, or of any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order made there under.
2. I / We also understand that if I / we refuse to comply with any such requirement or make only unsatisfactory compliance therewith, the Bank shall refuse, in writing, to undertake the
transaction and shall, if it has reason to believe that any contravention / evasion is contemplated by me / us, report the matter to RBI.
3. I / We also hereby agree and undertake to give such information / documents as will reasonably satisfy you about this transaction, in terms of the above declaration.
Declaration under Liberalised Remittance Scheme
1. The total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or remitted through, all sources in India, during this financial year including this application is within USD 2,50,000 (USD Two Lakh
Fifty Thousand only) the annual limit prescribed by Reserve Bank of India for the said purpose indicated in this Application Form.
2. I / We hereby certify that the source of funds for making the said remittance belongs to me and the foreign exchange will not be used for prohibited purposes.
3. I am a person resident in India. I am not a Foreign National / NRI / PIO.
4. I have not availed any loan / credit / borrowings for remitting under Liberalised Remittance Scheme for Capital Account transactions.
5. I / We undertake to make all Capital A/c transactions under LRS from Axis Bank only. Also, I / We have not clubbed remittance amount with any of my / our family members.
6. I / We confirm that if the remittance is being made for travel arrangements of Resident Individuals, as per enclosed list, the remittance made is within the limits prescribed by the Reserve
Bank of India for the resident individuals under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme and where the remittance is being made for Foreign tourists, as per enclosed list, the amount of
remittance does not exceed the amount of foreign exchange remitted to India by the foreign tourists. (Applicable for Tour Operator Remittances Only)
Declaration for Remittance of Life Insurance Premium by Residents in India
I / We declare that the conditions mentioned hereunder are compiled in respect of remittance towards premium on life insurance policy (as enclosed) issued in foreign currency;
1. I am a resident person of Indian nationality / origin who have returned to India after being Non-Resident and the premium is being paid out of remittances from foreign currency funds
held by me abroad or from my Resident Foreign Currency (RFC) account in India OR I am a foreign national not permanently resident in India and the premium is paid out of foreign
currency funds or from my income earned in India or repatriable superannuation / pension fund in India.
2. The transaction does not involve conversion of Rupee policies on the lives of person resident in India into foreign currency or transfer of records of such policies to a country outside India.
OFAC Declaration
1. I / We undertake not to hold Axis Bank Ltd., responsible for in any manner whatsoever in nature and hold Axis Bank Ltd., fully indemnified against all losses and damages that may be
caused to me on account of the funds remitted under this transaction being confiscated or blocked or seized by any authority / government / agency. I also undertake to bear the risk of
currency or cross currency, if any, in case Axis Bank needs to convert the remittance amount to any other currency or vice-versa or whatsoever in nature.
2. I / We further declare that I shall furnish any material information relating to this transaction as required by any authority / government / agency, now or in future. I / We also authorize
Axis Bank Ltd., to make available any of the material information pertaining to my / our transaction to any authority / agency / entity without referring the matter to me / us.
Declaration for FX Retail Customers
I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions regarding the FX Retail Service available at and hereby agree to abide by them. I undertake to provide further
information required by Axis Bank in this regard and execute any further documents as may be required. I understand and consent to the fact that Axis Bank reserves the right to refuse any
application without providing a reason therein. I am also aware that Axis Bank shall not be liable for any loss/risk which may arise on account of the transactions executed using this Service.
I understand that the limit and the margin on the FX-Retail platform will be set as per the sole discretion of the bank.
I agree that the Bank is at complete and sole liberty to debit my Bank Account mentioned hereinabove or any of my other accounts for the sum that is owed by me to the Bank, towards
registration charges and charges arising out of any loss caused / suffered by the Bank due to reversal or modification of transaction rate by me. The Bank shall have the right to debit my said
account held with the Bank or any of my other accounts for the aforesaid amounts and I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertake, agree and authorize the Bank to debit my accounts
forthwith without protest, delay or demur and without proof or condition the whole of such sum debited together with interest, charges, expenses due to the Bank and undertake to keep the
Bank protected against all losses of the said principal sum, interest, dues and all costs charges and expenses and I shall not contest the decision of the Bank on any grounds whatsoever. I
undertake that I shall at all times keep the account/s funded with sufficient funds to enable the Bank to debit the account/s to recover the aforesaid dues / charges. I hereby further confirm
that the said provision is irrevocable and unconditional.
At first instance if any difference, dispute or question shall arise between the Bank and me as to the interpretation, meaning or effect of this application or as to the rights and liabilities of the
Bank and me arising hereunder or as to any other matter or things relating to this application or arising out of or in connection herewith either during the continuance of this application or
after any termination or purported termination hereof, I agree that the same shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator who shall be appointed by mutual agreement sand whose decision shall be
final and binding. I agree that the said arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the
venue of the Arbitration shall be Mumbai. I further agree that the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.
General Declarations
1. The purpose and transaction details as mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and I / We shall be responsible and liable for any incorrect detail provided by me / us.
2. The remittance is not being requested for any purpose specifically prohibited under Schedule I or any item restricted under Schedule II of Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account
Transaction) Rules, 2000.
3. The remittance is not being sent directly or indirectly to those individuals and entities identified as posing significant risk of committing acts of terrorism as advised separately by the RBI
to the banks.
4. I / We confirm that the beneficiary is a Non Resident Indian where the purpose of the remittance is for “Family Maintenance and Savings” or towards “Personal gifts and donations”.
5. I / We agree that submission of request does not necessarily imply processing of the transaction. Axis Bank has full rights to reject the transaction based on regulatory and internal
guidelines. I / We agree that in the event the transaction could not be executed / debited to my / our account, after submitting the request for processing to the bank on account of
insufficient / unclear balance at the time of execution of the transaction in my / our account, Axis Bank shall not be responsible for not being able to process the transaction. Any exchange
losses incurred in this connection, due to reversal of the forex deal, can be charged to me or my / our Axis Bank account.
6. I / We agree that in the event the transaction is cancelled or revoked by me / us after submitting the request for processing to the bank, any exchange losses incurred in this connection,
can be charged to me or my / our Axis Bank account. I / We agree that in the event the transaction being rejected by the beneficiary bank, because of incorrect information submitted by
me, any charges levied by the beneficiary bank or exchange losses incurred in this connection can be charged to me or my / our Axis Bank account.
7. I / We further agree that once the funds remitted by me / us have been transmitted by Axis Bank to the correspondent and / or beneficiary banks, Axis Bank shall not be responsible for
any delays in the disbursement of such funds, including the withholding of such funds by the correspondent and / or beneficiary banks.
8. I / We agree that once the funds remitted by me / us have been transmitted by Axis Bank, intermediary bank charges may be levied by correspondent and / or beneficiary banks, which
may vary from bank to bank
9. I / We further declare that the undersigned has the authority to give this application, declaration and undertaking on behalf of the firm / company. Applicable when the application /
declaration / undertaking is signed on behalf of the firm / company.
10. I agree / confirm that the remittance will be processed at the applicable card rate on the date of transaction and the applicable commission / fees be levied in addition to the applicable
statutory levies / duties / taxes.
11. I / We aware of bank policy on customer compensation and grievance redressal as available on Axis Bank's website.
12. I / We confirm that remittance is not for margins or margin calls to overseas exchanges / overseas counterparty.
13. I / We confirm that remittance is not for purchase of FCCBs issued by Indian companies in the overseas secondary market.
14. I / We confirm that remittance is not for trading in foreign exchange abroad.
Version Number RFR/23-24/3
15. I / We confirm that remittance is not for Capital Account Remittances, directly or indirectly, to countries identified by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as “Non-cooperative
Countries and Territories”, from time to time.
16. I / We confirm that remittance is not for travel to and transaction with residents of Nepal and Bhutan.
17. I / We aware that any person resident in India collecting and effecting / remitting payments directly / indirectly outside India in any form towards overseas Foreign Exchange Trading
through Electronic / Internet Trading Portals would make himself / herself / themselves liable to be proceeded against with for contravention of the Foreign Exchange Management Act
(FEMA), 1999 besides being liable for violation of regulations relating to Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti Money Laundering (AML) standards.
18. I / We confirm that the address mentioned in the address poof document is accurate and permit Bank to use the same address for any future correspondence and record keeping.
19. I / We agree that in case the beneficiary account is maintained in other than remitting currency, the intermediary bank may convert the currency to beneficiary account designated
20. Axis Bank Ltd , including its subsidiaries and affiliates (the “Group”), is firmly committed to complying with all applicable sanctions laws (as imposed by UN, US, UK, EU or any other
Government and/or Regulatory authorities) that are legally binding upon the Group and its businesses. Any breach of sanctions may have a serious impact on our reputation, franchise,
regulatory relationships and could impair the Group’s ability to provide products and services to clients. The Group has therefore established a sanctions policy that may be more stringent
than what is permitted by law and regulation. Group may be unable to process any transactions that involves or have linkages / reference to any sanctioned countries*/territories*/parties
including cases where transhipment is involved
*Sanctioned Countries and Territories include Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea (also known as Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), Crimea and Sevastopol (also known as Crimean
Autonomous Republic), Donetsk People’s Republic (“DNR”) region of Ukraine, Luhansk People’s Republic (“LNR”) region of Ukraine and Sectorial Sanctioned Countries and Territories
include Russia, Venezuela, Belarus and Sudan.
21. Any statutory levy including duties or taxes payable as a result of me using the Outward Remittance facility shall be my responsibility and if imposed on/ recovered/ sought to be recovered
from Axis Bank (either directly or indirectly), such statutory levy shall be recovered directly from me and/ or from any accounts (including joint accounts) maintained by me with Axis Bank
or its group companies.
1. If aggregate foreign currency purchases in any form for the purpose of Education (funded by self), Medical, Travel for Education and Travel for Medical Remittances during the
financial year exceeds INR 7 lakhs and where the foreign currency purchase was made under LRS by me, I shall bear the applicable Tax Collected At Source (TCS) at the rate of 5%
on the net value of INR amount exceeding INR 7 lakhs.  
2. In cases where the amount remitted is for the purpose of pursuing education abroad through an education loan obtained from a financial institution*, in such a case, I shall bear the
applicable TCS at the rate of 0.5% on the net value of INR amount exceeding INR 7 lakhs.  
*Financial institution as defined u/s 80E of the Income Tax Act of 1961. 
3. In case offoreign currency purchases in any form for any purpose other than Education, Medical, Travel for Education and Travel for Medical remittances during the financial year
exceeding INR 7 lakhs and where the foreign currency purchase was made under LRS by me. I shall bear the applicable Tax Collected At Source (TCS) at the rate of 20% on the net
value of INR amount exceeding INR 7 lakhs. 
4. I understand that the Section 206CCA of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 requires Tax Collected at Source (TCS) at higher rate (wherever TCS is applicable) for a person identified as a
Specified Person (i.e., a Non-Filer of Income Tax Return) as per Income Tax department's database if the remittance is being made towards the purpose of Education, Medical, Travel
for Education and Travel for Medical Remittances.
5. If I am found to be a Specified Person as per data provided by the Income Tax department, I authorize Axis Bank Ltd to collect TCS at higher rate from my account as per the
aforementioned point. 
6. I acknowledge that if my Aadhaar and PAN are not linked, my PAN will be considered as inoperative and the bank reserves the right to refuse to process any such transaction or to
collect TCS at higher rate from my account 
22. For any remittance which is in the nature of a Capital Account Transaction
1. I declare that I am aware that I can retain, reinvest the income earned on the investments. However the received/realised/unspent/unused foreign exchange, unless reinvested, will
be repatriated and surrendered to an authorised person (Authorised Person means an authorised dealer, money changer, off-shore banking unit or any other person authorised under
Section 10(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 to deal in foreign exchange or foreign securities) within a period of 180 days from the date of such receipt/ realisation/
purchase/ acquisition or date of return to India, as the case may be 
2. I shall not transfer any overseas investment by way of gift to a person resident outside India.
Referral Agent’s Use Only
1. We request Axis Bank to send outward remittance(s) / issue Demand Draft (s) / Forex Card (s) on behalf of our customer (Applicant) as p er
details submitted in this Application Form. This Applicant is referred to Axis Bank basis the Referral Agreement cum Indemnity executed
between Axis Bank and us dated ____________. All the terms and conditions stated in the said Referral Agreement cum Indemnity shall be
applicable to this remittance / purchase transaction. The Applicant shall submit all the required KYC and other necessary documents as
required by Axis Bank. The funds for the said remittance / purchase transaction(s) shall be arranged directly by the Applicant to Axis Bank.
Certificate by the Authorized Dealer
* Where the applicant is minor, the application should be countersigned by minor’s natural guardian
Signature of the natural guardian of the Applicant* Signature of the Applicant
Relationship of natural guardian with Applicant
Name: Date: Name: Date:
This is to certify that the remittance is not being made by / to ineligible entities and that the remittance is in conformity with the instructions
issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time under the Scheme. For NTB Customer, OSV of KYC docs is done by Branch / Operation Head' &
'AML due diligence is done for high Cash Value Transactions'
I certify that I have verified the Customer’s signature as per Bank records and retained the originals of all the scanned documents and forms
submitted by the remitter for the above transaction.
Name and designation of the Authorised Official:
Place:_____________________________ Stamp________________________ Seal and Signature_______________________ Date:________________________
For Branch’s Use Only
Work ID: ____________________ Branch ID: ____________________ AD Code: _____________________ Finacle Ref: ___________________
Version Number RFR/23-24/3
2. We confirm and declare that the facts stated above are true and correct and that we are aware that Axis Bank has solely relied on the above
statement for undertaking the remittance / purchase transaction(s) as requested by the Applicant and that Axis Bank is not under obligation
to verify the veracity of the statements as above and Axis Bank shall not be held liable for any discrepancies or erroneous statements as
contained herein and we further confirm that Axis Bank shall stand indemnified at all times f or any loss incurred by Axis Bank on account
of any misrepresentation by us or by the Applicant.
For Non-Resident Individuals
For Remittance of Assets:
(i) The source of funds for the present remittance is (tick and fill the appropriate options)
For Remittance of Current Income:
Source of funds for the present remittance are (tick the appropriate options)
(ii) Mode of Acquisition of the assets (tick the appropriate options)
Sale proceeds of immovable property in India. Amount realized INR
Sale proceeds of other assets (please specify nature of asset)
Maturity proceeds of fixed deposits. Amount realized INR
Interest on Savings Bank a/c Interest on FDs Dividend on shares / Mutual Fund units Rent Pension
Any other current income (Please specify)
Out of own funds when I / We
was / were person (s) resident in India
Out of own funds when I / We
was / were person (s) resident outside India
Out of inheritance / legacy
Amount realized INR
Agent Name: Referral Code: Signature & Stamp:
Declarations for Remittances from NRO A/c:
I / We confirm that
1. The amount remitted out of the balances held my NRO account/(s) including the present request is not exceeding USD 1 million during the current financial year.
2. The asset was acquired by me / us in accordance with the foreign exchange law in force at the time of acquisition or the provisions of Foreign Exchange Management (Acquisition and
Transfer of Immovable Property in India) Regulations, 2000. Also, I / We confirm that the amount does not involve the amount invested on non-repatriation basis and capital appreciation
3. Source of funds for the present remittance is not from the sale of agricultural land / plantation property / farmhouse property in India.
4. I / We confirm that In respect of assets acquired under a deed of settlement made by either of my / our parents or a relative as defined in Companies Act, 2013. The settlement has taken
effect on the death of the settler.
5. In case of residential property purchased as a Non-Resident Indian, the repatriation of sale proceeds is not exceeding 2 such properties.
6. In case the remittance is being made in more than one instalment then the remittance of all instalments will be made through Axis Bank Ltd. only.
7. The said remittance is sought to be made out of the remitter’s balances held in the account arising from his / her legitimate receivables in India and not by borrowing from any other person
or a transfer from any other NRO account and if such is found to be the case, the account holder will render himself / herself liable for penal action under FEMA.
8. I / We confirm that I / We have paid the applicable taxes in India on the income declared in application form.
9. I / We confirm that the amount to be repatriated does not exceed the amount paid for acquisition of the immovable property received through normal banking channels or out of funds
held in FCNR(B) account or NRE account.
Certificate by the Authorized Dealer
This is to certify that the remittance is not being made by / to ineligible entities and that the remittance is in conformity with the instructions
issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time under the Scheme. For NTB Customer, OSV of KYC docs is done by Branch / Operation Head' &
'AML due diligence is done for high Cash Value Transactions'
I certify that I have verified the Customer’s signature as per Bank records and retained the originals of all the scanned documents and forms
submitted by the remitter for the above transaction.
Name and designation of the Authorised Official:
Place:_____________________________ Stamp________________________ Seal and Signature_______________________ Date:________________________
Signature of the natural guardian of the Applicant* Signature of the Applicant
* Where the applicant is minor, the application should be countersigned by minor’s natural guardian Date:
Name: Name:
Version Number RFR/23-24/3