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Kick-start Creating Your
Administrative Procedures
Presented by
Julie Perrine, CAP-OM, MBTI Certified
Founder and CEO, All Things Admin
All materials included in this course are copy written © by Julie Perrine International, LLC. All handouts, templates,
and binder contents provided as part of this course are for your individual use only. No part of this program or
course may be copied, reproduced, or distributed in any manner. You do not have resale rights to this program or
its contents. You do have the limited right to adapt the files provided in this program for your personal use as you
create your personalized version of your administrative procedures binder using this material.
© 2013 Julie Perrine International, LLC www.AllThingsAdmin.com Page 2
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Why administrative procedures are VITAL to every office:
The 5 Simple Steps:
1. Assemble the Right Tools for the Job
2. Track Your Tasks for a Few Days
3. Document Your Top 5 Procedures (Repeat)
4. Identify What Else To Include
5. Organize Your Binder for Use
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Step 1: Assemble the Right Tools for the Job
Sturdy 3-ring "D" binder that is about 1 1/2" to 2" wide and in a color that is unique from all of the
other binders on your desk, if possible.
Create a fun, yet professional, cover and spine to clearly identify the contents of this binder on your desk.
Tabbed dividers 2 sets of 8-tab dividers
Heavy duty sheet protectors for the commonly referred to lists, checklists, forms, and templates that will
receive the most use.
Create a permanent home for your binder on your desk that is easy to reach from your computer and
when you are on the phone.
Create a general table of contents listing the overall sections and the forms included in each section for
quick fingertip reference. Do NOT include page numbers as those can change quickly if you are regularly
updating the binder.
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Step 2: Start Tracking Your Tasks for a Few Days
If you don't already have a binder of procedures started, here are a few ideas on where to begin:
Create a list of your specific job responsibilities and how often you handle them (daily, weekly, monthly,
quarterly, annually)
This will also help you determine what you need to document. Think about starting with a short checklist of
the things you do to start the day, end the day, etc.
TEMPLATE PROVIDED at http://www.allthingsadmin.com/free-templates/
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Create a list for each manager you specifically support and identify the types of recurring meetings, events,
or items that you handle for them (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually)
Activity: “First 15 Minutes” of Your Workday Activity
Think about the first 15 minutes of your workday. List all of the things you do once you arrive at the office to get
your day started.
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How to Create Good Procedures
Use a template to keep you on track and
consistent from process to process.
Go through each task or process step by step
(in detail).
Think commands, not sentences. Be specific
without being excessively wordy.
Use bullets as much as possible.
o Number steps that must be done in a
specific order.
o Use other bullets for non-order
specific instructions.
Provide screen shots or images where
Have another person try the procedure.
Additional Tips
It’s o.k. if your documentation is handwritten
notes to get things started!
This reference tool doesn't have to be the most
perfectly formatted book in your office, it just
needs to be functional and available to the
person(s) who may need to assist in your
Put a note inside the front cover (see sample in
Appendix) and tell those who cover for you to
create a list of the things you didn’t have
documented or that they had questions on how
to handle. Then you can fill in those details on
your procedures when you return.
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Procedures Example: Mail Sorting
For example, if you have "sort and distribute incoming mail" as something you do daily, add some details to
your procedure about how you sort it and route it. It may look something like this:
Sort the Incoming Mail
All incoming bills, bank statements, invoices, payments - Route to Accounting
All incoming trade magazines and trade show flyers - Route to Sales and Marketing
All incoming resumes and interview thank you notes - Route to HR
All incoming contracts - Route to Legal
Any office equipment or office supply mail - Leave in my inbox
Sort the Incoming Mail
Photocopy the incoming contract.
3-hole punch the photocopied contract and put it in the executed contracts binder on
[Name of Person’s] 3
bookshelf inside her office door.
Forward the original contract to [Name of Person] in Legal.
If you have any questions regarding contract routing, contact [Name of Person] at [phone
number] or [email address].
Bank Statements
Open the envelope.
Stamp the statement with the date received stamp.
Forward the statement to [Name of Person] in Accounting.
If you have any questions regarding bank statement routing, contact [Name of Person] at
[phone number] or [email address].
Trade Publication or Trade Show Flyers or Marketing Related Mail
Forward to [Name of Person] in Marketing.
Invoices (Accounts Payable)
Open the envelope.
Stamp the invoice with the date received stamp.
If it’s an office supply or office equipment related invoice, verify that the amounts and
charges match what you anticipated for the month. Refer to my office supplies folder to
match up my individual order confirmations with the monthly statement.
Initial the amount.
Forward to [Name of Person] in Accounting.
If you have any questions regarding Accounts Payable routing, contact [Name of Person]
at [phone number] or [email address].
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Step 3: Pick your top five (repeat)
Choose the top five (5) daily items from your list you created in step 2 and begin to develop a step-by-step
procedure for how to accomplish those items.
Or ask yourself, what are the 5 most important things someone would need to know if they were filling in for
me today?
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
It’s o.k. if they are only handwritten to get things started.
Five documented procedures is five documented procedures no matter how they look!
When you use the template, they already have consistency and structure built in.
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STEP 4: Identify What Else to Include…and What NOT to Include
Pull from materials, documentation, and resources that may already be completed without recreating them.
What procedures are documented for your position that you can include?
o Start with your job description.
o Ask co-workers or other admins in your company.
o Ask your accounting department for procedures on how to complete expense reports, check
requests, etc.
o Ask your travel department or provider.
o Ask your mail room.
o What other departments do you interact with that may have documented procedures relevant to your
position already created?
o Google it! If you are looking for user guides for phones, voicemail, office equipment, etc., do a specific
Google search with make, model, and type of “user guide” you need.
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What types of checklists might be helpful?
o Daily or Weekly Checklists
o Daily Start-up or Shut-Down Checklists
o HR Checklists for New Hires, Terminations, Employee Setup
o Event or Meeting Planning Checklists
o Travel Planning Checklists
What forms or templates do you use regularly?
o Fax Cover Sheets
o Accounting Forms / Templates
o Travel Forms / Templates
o Event & Meeting Planning Forms / Templates
o HR Forms / Templates
o Shipping Forms / Templates
o Sales and Marketing or Corporate Board PowerPoint Templates
o Other forms or templates…
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Activity: Brainstorm Procedures to Create
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What NOT to include…and how to handle that vital information:
o Know your corporate policies on sharing this information.
o You may need to write some of this down depending on the type of password information you’re
documenting. Keep it in a separate file in a locked drawer if you must document it.
o Consider keeping one password-protected spreadsheet saved on your computer in a shared area
where both you and your boss can access the information. Then all you and your boss need to
remember is ONE password.
o Use a “base password” with a unique ending related to each site or login you use. For additional
security, change your “base password” at least once a year.
For example: Let’s say my base password for all of my passwords is “AdminsRock11”. For each
specific site I use a unique ending related to that site such as the first 4 letters of the website. For
Gevalia.com, my password would be: AdminsRock11geva.
In your documentation, you could simply put this for the password: basegeva.
o Consult with your employer on best practices for your documentation of confidential information.
Credit Card Information
Social Security Numbers
Dates of Birth
Highly Confidential Information
This is all information that most admins have and/or maintain for the executives and teams they support.
The key here is NOT to have it openly accessible to anyone walking by your desk who could pick up your
administrative procedures binder.
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DISASTER PLANNING: If disaster strikes, will you be ready?
Whether your company currently has a formal disaster
recovery plan in place or not, here are some things you can
do right now to proactively prepare yourself and your
company if disaster strikes.
1. Find out if your company has a disaster
recovery plan. If so, ask if you can get a copy of
the plan. Read it and familiarize yourself with what
it contains. If you have questions, ask them. You
may be able to identify gaps or holes that should be
addressed. Don’t be afraid to speak up.
2. Educate yourself on Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Planning. Start
with these awesome sites:
o http://www.preparemybusiness.org - Read every page…and take full advantage of their FREE
webinars and training series!
o www.ready.gov
3. Download, print, and assemble in a binder all of the free templates and files from
http://www.preparemybusiness.org/. Use these as your personal guide to creating your own disaster
recovery plan/kit. Even if your company has a “master disaster recovery plan”, you still should create an
individual plan for your position/team if one doesn’t already exist.
4. Start creating a disaster recovery plan for yourself and your immediate team. For starters, you’ll want
to include:
o Emergency Contact Lists company executives, team members, home phones, cell phones,
email addresses, etc.
o Key Vendors/Suppliers Contact Lists names, emails, office phones, cell phones, etc.
o List of vital files, paperwork, equipment, machines you’d need to work remotely
o Contingency plans for fire vs. water vs. power loss emergencies. E.g. In case of fire, you
might need to act or do things differently than you would with a power outage.
5. Share your plan with your team and get their feedback and ideas on how to make it better or more
complete. Once you’ve taken the initiative to get things rolling, stick with it until you have it fully
assembled. Then make sure everyone on your team knows the procedures and has access to the
information you’ve assembled in case of emergency!
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Recommendation for maintaining confidential information:
Keep a brightly colored file folder for each executive or team you support that is labeled “Admin Info for
Executive Name” or “Executive Name Admin Info”.
Place this file at the back of a file drawer that is locked when you’re out, your area is unattended or after
Make sure your executive (or the appropriate person) has a key and knows how to access this information
if you are out of the office.
Strategies for teaming up with others to create your procedures documentation:
Be willing to collaborate. If you want them to help you, be willing to help them.
Be able to “sell” the idea by showing them how it will benefit them also. Benefits sell!
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Step 5: Organizing Your Procedures Binder for Ongoing Use & Success
How to Organize Your Administrative Procedures Binder
Break it into sections
Potential Sections to Include in Your Admin Binder
Accounting Info
Admin Info
Calendars / Meeting Dates
Catering / Menu Planning
Contacts/ Phone #’s
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Checklists
Department Specific Info
E-mail Distribution Lists
General Info
HR / Attendance / Payroll Tracking Info
I.T. Info
Mail Distribution
Meeting / Event Planning
New Employees Info & Setup
Office Supplies
Person Specific Info
Phone Info
System How To’s
Travel Planning
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Create a Table of Contents and Tabbed Section Dividers
o Use numbered tabs vs. named tabs
Insert a “how to use this binder sheet” at the beginning at the binder for those filling in for you
o Use the Template provided in the Appendix to get you started.
How often to update your procedures binder
Write notes in your binder on the pages that need updates as you realize them.
If you have time to update it on the spot, do it. If you don’t, come back and do it when you see you have
several pages with marks or post-its with additional information included on them.
Reviewing it on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on how busy your office is and how many changes
occur from week to week or month to month.
Add a reminder to your Outlook Calendar or Tasks so you don't forget.
Tips to make updating or revising this binder easier:
o Create an electronic folder called "Admin Binder". Create a desktop shortcut to this folder for
easy access.
o Add the document path and file name to the footer of each document before you print it.
o Do not store multiple copies of the same file in multiple online folder locations.
o Setup a SharePoint site or a shared internal online folder. For external shared folders, you may
check into a free, secure site like Dropbox.com.
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How to share the materials with those who cover for you
Give those who cover for you a chance to preview it or flip through it before your next scheduled time off.
Make sure those who cover for you (and your boss) know where the binder lives on your desk.
It may take a little time for everyone to get used to having something to refer to while you’re away. Just
keep reminding them that the tool is there for their use.
How to present the materials to your executive or manager
Place it prominently on your desk so they see you using it. When the time is right to put it in their hands,
and do it; give them some time to review it.
Before you take your next vacation or time off, make sure you show the binder to your boss again to remind
them that this awesome tool now exists.
Make it part of your weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings to review progress. This provides built in
accountability to keep adding to it until it’s substantially completed, too!
Use it before and/or during your annual performance review time. This is a major accomplishment, so
make sure it gets noted on your review documentation.
Additional Benefits/Uses for Your Administrative Procedures Binder
Use elements of this for your personal professional portfolio
Be the Office Super Star!
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Unlock doors
Unforward Phones
Check voice messages
Login to PC
Read E-mails
Check/Review Calendars: [Your Own, EXEC, EXEC, EXEC]
Pick up notes/mail from weekend.
Review IN TRAY Items that came over the weekend.
Turn RICOH copier on.
Turn lamp/light on
Meet with Julie to review priorities for the day
3:00 PM-ish Check with Julie to see what else we need to get done before the end of the day.
Review tomorrow’s projects/tasks
Review calendars for next day: Julie, Bob, etc.
Clear IN TRAY.
4:30 PM-ish Print EXEC’s Daily Calendar Page for the Next Day (On Friday, print a week at a glance page for the
next week also.)
Clear desk top
Lock any file drawers necessary
5:00 PM Forward Phone, Log Out of Computer
Turn lamp/light off
Lock front door
Water Plants (Lobby, EXEC’s Office)
Kitchen Cleaning Schedule Reminders & Follow-up
Office Supply Ordering/Purchasing
Stock water in the fridge for Exec. Guests
Team in/out schedule
Office Cleaning/Dusting Schedule Reminders & Follow-up
Recycling Office Paper
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How to Use This Administrative Procedures Binder
If you’re reading this right now, then you’re probably filling in for me while I’m out of the office.
Let me start by saying, “THANK YOU!”
Here’s how you’ll benefit the most from the information included in this procedures binder:
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the various tabbed sections of
information included in this binder so you know what’s here in case you need to refer to
As you use the procedures outlined here, please make notes about anything that didn’t
make sense or could use additional clarification for future updates. This will help me
make this tool even more useful in the future.
If there were any procedures missing completely, please write them down and leave the
list inside the front cover for me to review upon my return.
Thanks again for your assistance during my absence!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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Additional Resources
3 Options to help you get started quicklye-book, binder, and course!
The Self-Guided 5-Module Course!
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