Jiffy: A Fast, Memory Efficient, Wait-Free Multi-Producers
Single-Consumer Queue
Dolev Adas and Roy Friedman
Computer Science Department
November 3, 2020
In applications such as sharded data processing systems, sharded in-memory key-value stores,
data flow programming and load sharing applications, multiple concurrent data producers are feeding
requests into the same data consumer. This can be naturally realized through concurrent queues,
where each consumer pulls its tasks from its dedicated queue. For scalability, wait-free queues are
often preferred over lock based structures.
The vast majority of wait-free queue implementations, and even lock-free ones, support the
multi-producer multi-consumer model. Yet, this comes at a premium, since implementing wait-
free multi-producer multi-consumer queues requires utilizing complex helper data structures. The
latter increases the memory consumption of such queues and limits their performance and scalability.
Additionally, many such designs employ (hardware) cache unfriendly memory access patterns.
In this work we study the implementation of wait-free multi-producer single-consumer queues.
Specifically, we propose Jiffy, an efficient memory frugal novel wait-free multi-producer single-
consumer queue and formally prove its correctness. We then compare the performance and memory
requirements of Jiffy with other state of the art lock-free and wait-free queues. We show that indeed
Jiffy can maintain good performance with up to 128 threads, delivers up to 50% better throughput
than the next best construction we compared against, and consumes 90% less memory.
1 Introduction
Concurrent queues are a fundamental data-exchange mechanism in multi-threaded applications. A queue
enables one thread to pass a data item to another thread in a decoupled manner, while preserving ordering
between operations. The thread inserting a data item is often referred to as the producer or enqueuer
of the data, while the thread that fetches and removes the data item from the queue is often referred to
as the consumer or dequeuer of the data. In particular, queues can be used to pass data from multiple
threads to a single thread - known as multi-producer single-consumer queue (MPSC), from a single thread
to multiple threads - known as single-producer multi-consumer queue (SPMC), or from multiple threads
to multiple threads - known as multi-producer multi-consumer queue (MPMC). SPMC and MPSC queues
are demonstrated in Figure 1.
MPSC is useful in sharded software architectures, and in particular for sharded in-memory key-
value stores and sharded in-memory databases, resource allocation and data-flow computation schemes.
Another example is the popular Caffeine Java caching library [19], in which a single thread is responsible
for updating the internal cache data structures and meta-data. As depicted in Figure 1b, in such
architectures, a single thread is responsible for each shard, in order to avoid costly synchronization while
manipulating the state of a specific shard. In this case, multiple feeder threads (e.g., that communicate
with external clients) insert requests into the queues according to the shards. Each thread that is
responsible for a given shard then repeatedly dequeues the next request for the shard, executes it,
dequeues the next request, etc. Similarly, in a data flow graph, multiple events may feed the same
computational entity (e.g., a reducer that reduces the outcome of multiple mappers). Here, again, each
arXiv:2010.14189v2 [cs.DB] 2 Nov 2020
(a) SPMC queue used in a master worker
architecture. A single master queues up
tasks to be executed, which are picked
by worker threads on a first comes first
served basis.
(b) MPSC queues used in a sharded architecture. Here, each shard is
served by a single worker thread to avoid synchronization inside the
shard. Multiple collector threads can feed the queue of each shard.
Figure 1: SPMC vs. MPSC queues.
computational entity might be served by a single thread while multiple threads are sending it items, or
requests, to be handled.
MPMC is the most general form of a queue and can be used in any scenario. Therefore, MPMC is
also the most widely studied data structure [16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28]. Yet, this may come at a premium
compared to using a more specific queue implementation.
Specifically, concurrent accesses to the same data structure require adequate concurrency control
to ensure correctness. The simplest option is to lock the entire data structure on each access, but this
usually dramatically reduces performance due to the sequentiality and contention it imposes [11]. A more
promising approach is to reduce, or even avoid, the use of locks and replace them with lock-free and wait-
free protocols that only rely on atomic operations such as fetch-and-add (FAA) and compare-and-swap
(CAS), which are supported in most modern hardware architectures [10]. Wait-free implementations
are particularly appealing since they ensure that each operation always terminates in a finite number
of steps.
Alas, known MPMC wait-free queues suffer from large memory overheads, intricate code complexity,
and low scalability. In particular, it was shown that wait-free MPMC queues require the use of a helper
mechanism [4]. On the other hand, as discussed above, there are important classes of applications for
which MPSC queues are adequate. Such applications could therefore benefit if a more efficient MPSC
queue construction was found. This motivates studying wait-free MPSC queues, which is the topic of
this paper.
Contributions In this work we present Jiffy, a fast memory efficient wait-free MPSC queue. Jiffy
is unbounded in the the number of elements that can be enqueued without being dequeued (up to the
memory limitations of the machine). Yet the amount of memory Jiffy consumes at any given time
is proportional to the number of such items and Jiffy minimizes the use of pointers, to reduce its
memory footprint.
To obtain these good properties, Jiffy stores elements in a linked list of arrays, and only allocates a
new array when the last array is being filled. Also, as soon as all elements in a given array are dequeued,
the array is released. This way, a typical enqueue operation requires little more than a simple FAA and
setting the corresponding entry to the enqueued value and changing its status from empty to set. Hence,
operations are very fast and the number of pointers is a multiple of the allocated arrays rather than the
number of queued elements.
To satisfy linearizability and wait-freedom, a dequeue operation in Jiffy may return a value that is
already past the head of the queue, if the enqueue operation working on the head is still on-going. To
ensure correctness, we devised a novel mechanism to handle such entries both during their immediate
dequeue as well as during subsequent dequeues.
Another novel idea in Jiffy is related to its buffer allocation policy. In principle, when the last buffer
is full, the naive approach is for each enqueuer at that point to allocate a new buffer and then try adding
it to the queue with a CAS. When multiple enqueuers try this concurrently, only one succeeds and the
others need to free their allocated buffer. However, this both creates contention on the end of the queue
and wastes CPU time in allocating and freeing multiple buffers each time. To alleviate these phenomena,
in Jiffy the enqueuer of the second entry in the last buffer already allocates the next buffer and tries to
add it using CAS. This way, almost always, when enqueuers reach the end of a buffer, the next buffer is
already available for them without any contention.
We have implemented Jiffy and evaluated its performance in comparison with three other leading
lock-free and wait-free implementations, namely WFqueue [32], CCqueue [7], and MSqueue [20]. We
also examined the memory requirements for the data and code of all measured implementations using
valgrind [23]. The results indicate that Jiffy is up to 50% faster than WFqueue and roughly 10 times
times faster than CCqueue and MSqueue. Jiffy is also more scalable than the other queue structures we
tested, enabling more than 20 million operations per second even with 128 threads. Finally, the memory
footprint of Jiffy is roughly 90% better than its competitors in the tested workloads, and provides similar
benefits in terms of number of cache and heap accesses. Jiffy obtains better performance since the size of
each queue node is much smaller and there are no auxiliary data structures. For example, in WFqueue,
which also employs a linked list of arrays approach, each node maintains two pointers, there is some per-
thread meta-data, the basic slow-path structure (even when empty), etc. Further, WFqueue employs a
lazy reclamation policy, which according to its authors is significant for its performance. Hence, arrays
are kept around for some time even after they are no longer useful. In contrast, the per-node meta-data
in Jiffy is just a 2-bit flag, and arrays are being freed as soon as they become empty. This translates to
a more (hardware) cache friendly access pattern (as is evident in Tables 1 and 2). Also, in Jiffy dequeue
operations do not invoke any atomic (e.g., FAA & CAS) operations at all.
2 Related Work
Implementing concurrent queues is a widely studied topic [2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 24, 29, 31]. Below we focus on
the most relevant works.
Multi-Multi Queues: One of the most well known lock-free queue constructions was presented by
Michael and Scott [20], aka MSqueue. It is based on a singly-linked list of nodes that hold the enqueued
values plus two references to the head and the tail of the list. Their algorithm does not scale past a few
threads due to contention on the queue’s head and tail.
Kogan and Petrank introduced a wait-free variant of the MSqueue [14]. Their queue extends the help-
ing technique already employed by Michael and Scott to achieve wait freedom with similar performance
characteristics. They achieve wait-freedom by assigning each operation a dynamic age-based priority and
making threads with younger operations help older operations to complete through the use of another
data structure named a state array.
Morrison and Afek proposed LCRQ [22], a non-blocking queue based on a linked-list of circular
ring segments, CRQ for short. LCRQ uses FAA to grab an index in the CRQ. Enqueue and dequeue
operations in [22] involve a double-width compare-and-swap (CAS2).
Yang and Mellor-Crummey proposed WFqueue, a wait free queue based on FAA [32]. WFqueue
utilizes a linked-list of fixed size segments. Their design employs the fast-path-slow-path methodology [15]
to transform a FAA based queue into a wait-free queue. That is, an operation on the queue first tries the
fast path implementation until it succeeds or the number of failures exceeds a threshold. If necessary,
it falls back to the slow-path, which guarantees completion within a finite number of attempts. Each
thread needs to register when the queue is started, so the number of threads cannot change after the
initialization of the queue. In contrast, in our queue a thread can join anytime during the run.
Fatourou and Kallimanis proposed CCqueue [7], a blocking queue that uses combining. In CCqueue,
a single thread scans a list of pending operations and applies them to the queue. Threads add their
operations to the list using SWAP.
Tsigas and Zhang proposed a non-blocking queue that allows the head and tail to lag at most m
nodes behind the actual head and tail of the queue [30]. Additional cyclic array queues are described
in [8, 27]. Recently, a lock-free queue that extends MSqueue [20] to support batching operations was
presented in [21].
Limited Concurrency Queues: David proposed a sublinear time wait-free queue [5] that supports
multiple dequeuers and one enqueuer. His queue is based on infinitely large arrays. The author states
that he can bound the space requirement, but only at the cost of increasing the time complexity to O(n),
where n is the number of dequeuers.
Jayanti and Petrovic proposed a wait-free queue implementation supporting multiple enqueuers and
one concurrent dequeuer [13]. Their queue is based on a binary tree whose leaves are linear linked lists.
Each linked list represents a “local” queue for each thread that uses the queue. Their algorithm keeps
one local queue at each process and maintains a timestamp for each element to decide the order between
the elements in the different queues.
3 Preliminaries
We consider a standard shared memory setting with a set of threads accessing the shared memory using
only the following atomic operations:
Store - Atomically replaces the value stored in the target address with the given value.
Load - Atomically loads and returns the current value of the target address.
CAS - Atomically compares the value stored in the target address with the expected value. If
those are equal, replaces the former with the desired value and the Boolean value true is returned.
Otherwise, the shared memory is unchanged and false is returned.
FAA -Atomically adds a given value to the value stored in the target address and returns the value
in the target address held previously.
We assume that a program is composed of multiple such threads, which specifies the order in which
each thread issues these operations and the objects on which they are invoked. In an execution of the
program, each operation is invoked, known as its invocation event, takes some time to execute, until
it terminates, known as its termination event. Each termination event is associated with one or more
values being returned by that operation. An execution is called sequential if each operation invocation is
followed immediately by the same operation’s termination (with no intermediate events between them).
Otherwise, the execution is said to be concurrent. When one of the operations in an execution σ is being
invoked on object x, we say that x is being accessed in σ.
Given an execution σ, we say that σ induces a (partial) real-time ordering among its operations:
Given two operations o
and o
in σ, we say that o
appears before o
in σ if the invocation of o
occurred after the termination of o
in σ. If neither o
nor o
appears before the other in σ, then they
are considered concurrent operations in σ. Obviously, in a sequential execution the real-time ordering is
a total order.
Also, we assume that each object has a sequential specification, which defines the set of allowed
sequential executions on this object. A sequential execution σ is called legal w.r.t. a given object x if the
restriction of this execution to operations on x (only) is included in the sequential specification of x. σ
is said to be legal if it is legal w.r.t. any object being accessed in σ. Further, we say that two executions
σ and σ are equivalent if there is a one-to-one mapping between each operation in σ to an operation in
and the values each such pair of operations return in σ and σ
are the same.
Linearizability An execution σ is linearizable [12] if it is equivalent to a legal sequential execution σ
and the order of all operations in σ
respects the real-time order of operations in σ.
4 MPSC Queue
One of the problems of multi producer multi consumer queues is that any wait-free implementation of
such queues requires utilizing helper data structures [4], which are both memory wasteful and slow down
the rate of operations. By settling for single consumer support, we can avoid helper data structures.
Further, for additional space efficiency, we seek solutions that minimize the use of pointers, as each
pointer consumes 64 bits on most modern architectures. The requirement to support unbounded queues
is needed since there can be periods in which the rate of enqueue operations surpasses the rate of dequeues.
Without this property, during such a period some items might be dropped, or enqueuers might need to
block until enough existing items are dequeued. In the latter case the queue is not wait-free.
Figure 2: A node in Jiffy consists of two fields: the data itself and an IsSet field that notifies when the
data is ready to be read. The BufferList consists of 5 fields: Currbuffer is an array of nodes, a Next
and Prev pointers, Head index pointing to the last place in that buffer that the consumer read, and
PositionInQueue that tracks the location of the BufferList in the list. The Tail index indicates the last
place to be written to by the producers. HeadOfQueue is the consumer pointer for the first buffer; once
the head reaches the end of the buffer, the corresponding BufferList is deleted. TailOfQueue points to
the last BufferList in the linked list; once the Tail reaches the end of this buffer a new array BufferList
is added.
4.1 Overview
Our queue structure is composed of a linked list of buffers. A buffer enables implementing a queue
without pointers, as well as using fast FAA instructions to manipulate the head and tail indices of the
queue. However, a single buffer limits the size of the queue, and is therefore useful only for bounded
queue implementations. In order to support unbounded queues, we extend the single buffer idea to a
linked list of buffers. This design is a tradeoff point between avoiding pointers as much as possible while
supporting an unbounded queue. It also decreases the use of CAS to only adding a new buffer to the
queue, which is performed rarely.
Once a buffer of items has been completely read, the (sole) consumer deletes the buffer and removes
it from the linked list. Hence, deleting obsolete buffers requires no synchronization. When inserting an
element to the queue, if the last buffer in the linked list has room, we perform an atomic FAA to a
tail index and insert the element. Otherwise, the producer allocates a new buffer and tries to insert it
to the linked list via an atomic CAS, which keeps the overall size of the queue small while supporting
unbounded sizes
. The structure of a Jiffy queue is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 3 exhibits why the naive proposal for the queue violates linearizability. This scenario de-
picts two concurrent enqueue operations enqueue
and enqueue
for items i
and i
respectively, where
terminates before enqueue
. Also, assume a dequeue operation that overlaps only with
(it starts after enqueue
terminates). It is possible that item i
is inserted at an earlier
index in the queue than the index of i
because this is the order by which their respective FAA instruc-
tions got executed. Yet, the insertion of i
terminates quickly while the insertion of i
(into the earlier
index) takes longer. Now the dequeue operation sees that the head of the queue is still empty, so it
returns immediately with an empty reply. But since enqueue
terminates before the dequeue starts, this
violates linearizability.
Figure 3: A linearizability problem in the basic queue idea.
Yet, the queue as described so far is not linearizable, as exemplified in Figure 3. To make the
queue linearizable, if the dequeuer finds that the isSet flag is not set (nor handled, to be introduced
shortly), as illustrated in Figure 4a, the dequeuer continues to scan the queue until either reaching the
tail or finding an item x at position i whose isSet is set but the isSet of its previous entry is not, as
depicted in Figure 4b. In the latter case, the dequeuer verifies that the isSet of all items from the head
until position i are still neither set nor handled and then returns x and sets the isSet at position i to
In fact, to aviod contention the new buffer is usually already allocated earlier on; more accurate details appear below.
(a) The dequeuer finds that the isSet flag for the element
pointed by the head is Empty.
(b) The dequeuer found an item whose isSet is ready, the
isSet of the entry pointed by head is not set. It removes
this item and marks its isSet as handled.
Figure 4: An example of the solution for the basic queue’s linearizability problem.
Algorithm 1 Internal Jiffy classes and fields
1: class Node {
2: T data;
3: atomic < State > isSet; }
4: // isSet has three values: empty, set and handled.
5: class bufferList {
6: Node currBuffer;
7: atomic < bufferList > next;
8: bufferList prev;
9: unsigned int head;
10: unsigned int positionInQueue; }
11: buff erList headOf Queue;
12: atomic < buff erList > tailOf Queue;
13: atomic < unsigned int > tail;
handled (to avoid re-dequeuing it in the future). This double reading of the isSet flag is done to preserve
linearizability in case an earlier enqueuer has terminated by the time the newer item is found. In the
latter case the dequeue should return the earlier item to ensure correct ordering. This becomes clear in
the correctness proof.
4.2 Jiffy Queue Algorithm
4.2.1 Internal Jiffy classes and fields
Algorithm 1 depicts the internal classes and variables. The Node class represents an item in the queue. It
holds the data itself and a flag to indicate whether the data is ready to be read (isSet=set), the node is
empty or is in inserting process (isSet=empty), or it was already read by the dequeuer (isSet=handled).
Every node in the queue starts with isSet=empty.
The bufferList class represents each buffer in the queue: currbuffer is the buffer itself an array of
nodes; next is a pointer to the next buffer it is atomic as several threads (the enqueuers) try to change
it simultaneously; prev is a pointer to the previous buffer it is not concurrently modified and therefore
not atomic; head is an index to the first location in the buffer to be read by the dequeuer it is changed
only by the single dequeuer thread; positionInQueue is the position of the buffer in the queue it is
used to calculate the amount of items in the queue up until this buffer, it never changes once set and is
initialized to 1.
The rest are fields of the queue: headOfQueue points to the head buffer of the queue. The dequeuer
reads from the buffer pointed by headOfQueue at index head in that buffer. It is only changed by the
single threaded dequeuer. tailOfQueue points to the last queue’s buffer. It is atomic as it is modified by
several threads. tail, initialized to 0, is the index of the last queued item. All threads do FAA on tail to
receive a location of a node to insert into.
4.2.2 The Enqueue Operation
A high-level pseudo-code for enqueue operations appears in Algorithm 2; a more detailed listing appears
in Appendix A. The enqueue operation can be called by multiple threads acting as producers. The
method starts by performing FAA on Tail to acquire an index in the queue (Line 2). When there is a
burst of enqueues the index that is fetched can be in a buffer that has not yet been added to the queue,
or a buffer that is prior to the last one. Hence, the enqueuer needs to find in which buffer it should add
its new item.
Algorithm 2 Enqueue operation
1: function enqueue(data)
2: location = F AA(tail);
3: while the location is in an unallocated buffer do
4: allocate a new buffer and try to adding it to the queue with a CAS on tailOfQueue
5: if unsuccessful then
6: delete the allocated buffer and move to the new buffer
7: end if
8: end while
9: bufferList* tempTail = tailOfQueue
10: while the location is not in the buffer pointed by tempT ail do
11: tempTail = tempTail prev
12: end while
13: //location is in this buffer
14: adjust location to its corresponding index in tempT ail
15: tempT ail[location].data = data
16: tempT ail[location].isSet = set
17: if location is the second entry of the last buffer then
18: allocate a new buffer and try adding it with a CAS on tailOfQueue; if unsuccessful, delete this buffer
19: end if
20: end function
Figure 5: “folding” the queue - A thread fetches an index in the queue and stalls before completing the
enqueue operation. Here we only keep the buffer that contains this specific index and delete the rest. H
stands for isSet = handled and EMPTY stands for isSet = empty.
If the index is beyond the last allocated buffer, the enqueuer allocates a new buffer and tries to add it
to the queue using a CAS operation (line 3). If several threads try simultaneously, one CAS will succeed
and the other enqueuers’ CAS will fail. Every such enqueuer whose CAS fails must delete its buffer
(line 6). If the CAS succeeds, the enqueuer moves tailOfQueue to the new buffer. If there is already a
next buffer allocated then the enqueuer only moves the tailOfQueue pointer through a CAS operation.
If the index is earlier in the queue compared to the tail index (line 10), the enqueuer retracts to
the previous buffer. When the thread reaches the correct buffer, it stores the data in the buffer index
it fetched at the beginning (line 15), marks the location as Set (line 16) and finishes. Yet, just before
returning, if the thread is in the last buffer of the queue and it obtained the second index in that buffer,
the enqueuer tries to add a new buffer to the end of the queue (line 17). This is an optimization step
to prevent wasteful contention prone allocations of several buffers and the deletion of most as will be
explain next.
Notice that if we only had the above mechanism, then each time a buffer ends there could be a lot of
contention on adding the new buffer, and many threads might allocate and then delete their unneeded
buffer. This is why the enqueuer that obtains the second entry in each buffer already allocates the next
one. With this optimization, usually only a single enqueuer tries to allocate such a new buffer and by the
time enqueuers reach the end of the current buffer a new one is already available to them. On the other
hand, we still need the ability to add a new buffer if one is not found (line 3) to preserve wait-freedom.
4.2.3 The Dequeue Operation
A high-level pseudo-code for dequeue operations appears in Algorithm 3; a more detailed listing appears
in Appendix A. A dequeue operation is called by a single thread, the consumer. A dequeue starts by
advancing the head index to the first element not marked with isSet = handled as such items are already
dequeued (line 4). If the consumer reads an entire buffer during this stage, it deletes it (line 7). At the
end of this scan, the dequeuer checks if the queue is empty and if so returns false (line 10).
Next, if the first item is in the middle of an enqueue process (isSet=empty), the consumer scans the
queue (line 15) to avoid the linearizability pitfall mentioned above. If there is an element in the queue
that is already set while the element pointed by the head is still empty, then the consumer needs to
dequeue the latter item (denoted tempN in line 15).
Algorithm 3 Dequeue operation
1: function dequeue
2: mark the element pointed by head as n
3: //Skip to the first non-handled element (due to the code below, it might not be pointed by head!)
4: while n.isSet == handled do
5: advance n and head to the next element
6: if the entire buffer has been read then
7: move to the next buffer if exists and delete the previous buffer
8: end if
9: end while
10: if queue is empty then
11: return false
12: end if
13: // If the queue is not empty, but its first element is, there might be a Set element further on find it
14: if n.isSet == empty then
15: for (tempN = n; tempN.isSet != set and not end of queue; advance tempN to next element) do
16: if the entire buffer is marked with handled then
17: “fold” the queue by deleting this buffer and move to the next buffer if exists
18: Notice comment about a delicate garbage collection issue in the description text
19: end if
20: end for
21: if reached end of queue then
22: return false
23: end if
24: end if
25: // Due to concurrency, some element between n and tempN might have been set find it
26: for (e = n; e = tempN or e is before tempN ; advance e to next element) do
27: if e is not n and e.isSet == set then
28: tempN =e and restart the for loop again from n
29: end if
30: end for
31: // we scanned the path from head to tempN and did not find a prior set element - remove tempN
32: tempN.isSet= handled
33: if the entire buffer has been read then
34: move to the next buffer if exists and delete the previous buffer
35: else if tempN = n then
36: advance head
37: end if
38: return tempN.data
39: end function
During the scan, if the consumer reads an entire buffer whose cells are all marked handled, the
consumer deletes this buffer (line 17). We can think of this operation as “folding” the queue by removing
buffers in the middle of the queue that have already been read by the consumer. Hence, if a thread
fetches an index in the queue and stalls before completing the enqueue operation, we only keep the
buffer that contains this specific index and may delete all the rest, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Further, before dequeuing, the consumer scans the path from head to tempN to look for any item
that might have changed it status to set (line 28). If such an item is found, it becomes the new tempN
and the scan is restarted.
Finally, a dequeued item is marked handled (line 32), as also depicted in Figure 4b. Also, if the
dequeued item was the last non-handled in its buffer, the consumer deletes the buffer and moves the
head to the next one (line 35).
There is another delicate technical detail related to deleting buffers in non-garbage collecting en-
vironments such as the run-time of C++. For clarity of presentation and since it is only relevant in
non-garbage collecting environments, the following issue is not addressed in Figure 3, but is rather de-
ferred to the detailed description in Figure 5 at the Appendix. Specifically, when preforming the fold,
only the array is deleted, which consumes the most memory, while the much smaller meta-data structure
of the array is transferred to a dedicated garbage collection list. The reason for not immediately deleting
the the entire array’s structure is to let enqueuers, who kept a pointer for tailOfQueue point to a valid
bufferList at all times, with the correct prev and next pointers, until they are done with it. The exact
details of this garbage collection mechanism are discussed in Appendix A.
4.2.4 Memory Buffer Pool Optimization
Instead of always allocating and releasing buffers from the operating system, we can maintain a buffer
pool. This way, when trying to allocate a buffer, we first check if there is already a buffer available in
the buffer pool. If so, we simply claim it without invoking an OS system call. Similarly, when releasing
a buffer, rather than freeing it with an OS system call, we can insert it into the buffer pool. It is possible
to have a single shared buffer pool for all threads, or let each thread maintain its own buffer pool. This
optimization can potentially reduce execution time at the expense of a somewhat larger memory heap
area. The code used for Jiffy’s performance measurements does not employ this optimization. In Jiffy,
allocation and freeing of buffers are in any case a relatively rare event.
5 Correctness
5.1 Linearizability
To prove linearizability, we need to show that for each execution σ that may be generated by Jiffy, we
can find an equivalent legal sequential execution that obeys the real-time order of operations in σ. We
show this by constructing such an execution. Further, for simplicity of presentation, we assume here
that each value can be enqueued only once. Consequently, it is easy to verify from the code that each
value can also be returned by a dequeue operation at most once. In summary we have:
Observation 5.1. Each enquequed value can be returned by a dequeue operation at most once.
Theorem 5.2. The Jiffy queue implementation is linearizable.
Proof. Let σ be an arbitrary execution generated by Jiffy. We now build an equivalent legal sequential
execution σ
. We start with an empty sequence of operations σ
and gradually add to it all operations in
σ until it is legal and equivalent to σ. Each operation inserted into σ
is collapsed such that its invocation
and termination appear next to each other with no events of other operations in between them, thereby
constructing σ
to be sequential.
First, all dequeue operations of σ are placed in σ
in the order they appear in σ. Since Jiffy only
supports a single dequeuer, then in σ there is already a total order on all dequeue operations, which is
preserved in σ
Next, by the code, a dequeue operation deq that does not return empty, can only return a value that
was inserted by an enqueue operation enq that is concurrent or prior to deq (only enqueue operations can
change an entry to set). By Observation 5.1, for each such deq operation there is exactly one such enq
operation. Hence, any ordering in which enq appears before deq would preserve the real-time ordering
between these two operations.
Denote the set of all enqueue operations in σ by EN Q and let
EN Q be the subset of EN Q consisting
of all enqueue operations enq such that the value enqueued by enq is returned by some operation deq in
σ. Next, we order all enqueue operations in
EN Q in the order of the dequeue operations that returned
their respective value.
Claim 5.3. The real time order in σ is preserved among all operations in
Proof of Claim 5.3. Suppose Claim 5.3 does not hold. Then there must be two enqueue operations enq
and enq
and corresponding dequeue operations deq
and deq
such that the termination of enq
is before
the invocation of enq
in σ, but deq
occurred before deq
. Denote the entry accessed by enq
by in
and the entry accessed by enq
by in
. Since the invocation of enq
is after the termination of enq
, then
during the invocation of enq
the status of in
was already set (from line 16 in Algorithm 2). Moreover,
is further in the queue than in
(from line 2 in Algorithm 2). Since deq
returned the value enqueued
by enq
, by the time deq
accessed in
the status of in
was already set. As we assumed deq
is after
, no other dequeue operation has dequeueud the value in in
. Hence, while accessing in
and before
terminating, deq
would have checked in
and would have found that it is now set (the loops in lines 4
and 26 of Algorithm 3 this is the reason for line 26) and would have returned that value instead of the
value at in
. A contradiction.
To place the enqueue operations of
EN Q inside σ
, we scan them in their order in
EN Q (as defined
above) from earliest to latest. For each such operation enq that has not been placed yet in σ: (i) let
be the latest dequeue operation in σ that is concurrent or prior to enq in σ and neither deq
nor any
prior dequeue operation return the value enqueued by enq, and (ii) let deq
be the following dequeue
operation in σ; we add enq in the last place just before deq
in σ
. This repeats until we are done placing
all operations from
EN Q into σ
Claim 5.4. The real-time ordering in σ between dequeue operations and enqueue operations in
EN Q is
preserved in σ
as built thus far.
Proof of Claim 5.4. Since we placed each enqueue operation enq before any dequeue operation whose
invocation is after the termination of enq, we preserve real-time order between any pair of enqueue and
dequeue operations. Similarly, by construction the relative order of dequeue operations is not modified
by the insertion of enqueue operations into σ
. Thus, real-time ordering is preserved.
Hence, any potential violation of real time ordering can only occur by placing enqueue operations in a
different order (with respect to themselves) than they originally appeared in
EN Q. For this to happen,
it means that there are two enqueue operation enq
and enq
such that enq
appears before enq
EN Q but ended up in the reverse order in σ
. Denote deq
the latest dequeue operation in σ that is
prior or concurrent to enq
and neither deq
nor any prior dequeue operation return the value enqueued
by enq
and similarly denote deq
for enq
. Hence, if enq
was inserted at an earlier location than enq
then deq
is also before deq
. But since the order of enq
and enq
EN Q preserves their real time
order, the above can only happen if the value enqueued by enq
was returned by an earlier dequeue than
the one returning the value enqueued by enq
. Yet, this violates the definition of the ordering used to
Claim 5.5. The constructed execution σ
preserves legality.
Proof of Claim 5.5. By construction, enqueue operations are inserted in the order their values have been
dequeued, and each enqueue is inserted before the dequeue that returned its value. Hence, the only thing
left to show is legality w.r.t. dequeue operations that returned empty.
To that end, given a dequeue operation deq
that returns empty, denote #
the number of
dequeue operations that did not return empty since the last previous dequeue operation that did return
empty, or the beginning of σ
of none exists. Similarly, denote #enq
the number of enqueue operations
during the same interval of σ
Sub-Claim 5.6. For each deq
that returns empty, #
> #enq
Proof of Sub-Claim 5.6. Recall that the ordering in σ
preserves the real time order w.r.t. σ and there is
a single dequeuer. Assume by way of contradiction that the claim does not hold, and let deq
be the first
dequeue operation that returned empty while #
. Hence, there is at least one enqueue
operation enq
in the corresponding interval of σ
whose value is not dequeued in this interval. In this
case, deq
cannot be concurrent to enq
in σ since otherwise by construction enq
would have been placed
after it (as it does not return its value). Hence, deq
is after enq
in σ. Yet, since each dequeue removes
at most one item from the queue, when deq
starts, the tail of the queue is behind the head and there is
at least one item whose state is set between them. Thus, by lines 4 and 26 of Algorithm 3, deq
have returned one of these items rather then return empty. A contradiction.
With Sub-Claim 5.6 we conclude the proof that σ
as constructed so far is legal.
The last thing we need to do is to insert enqueue operations whose value was not dequeued, i.e., all
operations in EN Q \
EN Q. Denote by enq
the last operation in
Claim 5.7. Any operation enq
EN Q \
EN Q is either concurrent to or after enq
in σ.
Proof of Claim 5.7. Assume, by way of contradiction, that there is an operation enq
EN Q \
that is before enq
in σ. Hence, by the time enq
starts, the corresponding entry of enq
is already set
(line 16 of Algorithm 2) and enq
obtains a later entry (line 2). Yet, since dequeue operations scan the
queue from head to tail until finding a set entry (lines 4, 15, and 26 in Algorithm 3), the value enqueued
by enq
would have been dequeued before the value of enq
. A contradiction.
Hence, following Claim 5.7, we insert to σ
all operations in EN Q \
EN Q after all operations of
EN Q. In case of an enqueue operation enq that is either concurrent with or later than a dequeue deq
in σ, then enq is inserted to σ
after deq. Among concurrent enqueue operations, we break symmetry
arbitrarily. Hence, real-time order is preserved in σ
Absolute Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative
Total Heap Usage 38.70 MB 611.63 MB x15.80 610.95 MB x15.78 305.18 MB x7.88 1.192 GB x31.54
Number of Allocs 3,095 9,793 x3.16 1,230 x0.40 5,000,015 x1,615 5,000,010 x1,615
Peak Heap Size 44.81 MB 200.8 MB x4.48 612.6 MB x13.67 420.0 MB x9.37 1.229 GB x28.08
# of Instructions Executed 550,416,453 5,612,941,764 x10.20 1,630,746,827 x2.96 3,500,543,753 x6.36 1,821,777,428 x3.31
I1 Misses 2,162 1,714 x0.79 1,601 x0.74 1,577 x0.73 1,636 x0.76
L3i Misses 2,084 1,707 x0.82 1,591 x0.76 1,572 x0.75 1,630 x0.78
Data Cache Tries (R+W) 281,852,749 2,075,332,377 x7.36 650,257,906 x2.3 1,238,761,631 x4.40 646,304,575 x2.29
D1 Misses 1,320,401 25,586,262 x19.37 20,037,956 x15.17 15,000,507 x11.36 11,605,064 x8.79
L3d Misses 652,194 10,148,090 x15.56 5,028,204 x7.7 14,971,182 x22.96 10,973,055 x16.82
Table 1: Valgrind memory usage statistics run with one enqueuer and one dequeuer. I1/D1 is the L1
instruction/data cache respectively while L3i/L3d is the L3 instruction/data cache respectively.
The only thing to worry about is the legality of dequeue operations that returned empty. For this,
we can apply the same arguments as in Claim 5.5 and Sub-claim 5.6. In summary, σ
is an equivalent
legal sequential execution to σ that preserves σ’s real-time order.
5.2 Wait-Freedom
We show that each invocation of enqueue and dequeue returns in a finite number of steps.
Lemma 5.8. Each enqueue operation in Algorithm 2 completes in a finite number of steps.
Proof. An enqueue operation, as listed in Algorithm 2, consists of two while loops (line 3 and line 10),
each involving a finite number of operations, a single FAA operation at the beginning (line 2), and then
a short finite sequence of operations from line 15 onward. Hence, we only need to show that the two
while loops terminate in a finite number of iterations.
The goal of the first while loop is to ensure that the enqueuer only accesses an allocated buffer. That
is, in each iteration, if the location index it obtained in line 2 is beyond the last allocated buffer, the
enqueuer allocates a new buffer and tries to add it with a CAS to the end of the queue (line 3). Even if
there are concurrent such attempts by multiple enqueuers, in each iteration at least one of them succeeds,
so this loop terminates in a finite number of steps at each such enqueuer.
The next step for the enqueuer is to obtain the buffer corresponding to location. As mentioned before,
it is possible that by this time the queue has grown due to concurrent faster enqueue operations. Hence,
the enqueuer starts scanning from tailOfQueue backwards until reaching the correct buffer (line 10).
Since new buffers are only added at the end of the queue, this while loop also terminates in a finite
number of steps regardless of concurrency.
Lemma 5.9. Each dequeue operation in Algorithm 3 completes in a finite number of steps.
Proof. We prove the lemma by analyzing Algorithm 3. Consider the while loop at line 4. Here, we
advance head to point to the first non-handled element, in case it is not already pointing to one. As
indicated before, the latter could occur if a previous dequeue deq
removed an element not pointed by
head. As we perform this scan only once and the queue is finite, the loop terminates within a finite
number of iterations, each consisting of at most a constant number of operations.
If at this point the queue is identified as empty, which is detectable by comparing head and tail
pointers and indices, then the operation returns immediately (line 10). The following for loop is at
line 15. Again, since the queue is finite, the next set element is within a finite number of entries away.
Hence, we terminate the for loop after a finite number of iterations.
The last for loop iteration at line 26 scans the queue from its head to the first set element, which
as mentioned before, is a finite number of entries away. Yet, the for loop could be restarted in line 28,
so we need to show that such a restart can occur only a finite number of times. This is true because
each time we restart, we shorten the “distance” that the for loop at line 26 needs to cover, and as just
mentioned, this “distance” is finite to begin with.
The rest of the code from line 32 onward is a short list of simple instructions. Hence, each dequeue
operation terminates in a finite number of steps.
Theorem 5.10. The Jiffy queue implementation is wait-free.
Proof. Lemmas 5.8 and 5.9 show that both enqueue and dequeue operations are wait-free. Therefore,
the queue implementation is wait-free.
6 Performance Evaluation
We compare Jiffy to several representative queue implementations in the literature: Yang and Mellor-
Crummey’s queue [32] is the most recent wait free FAA-based queue, denoted WFqueue; Morrison
and Afek LCRQ [22] as a representative of nonblocking FAA-based queues; Fatourou and Kallimanis
CCqueue [7] is a blocking queue based on the combining principle. We also test Michael and Scott’s classic
lock-free MSqueue [20]. We include a microbenchmark that only preforms FAA on a shared variable. This
serves as a practical upper bound for the throughput of all FAA based queue implementations. Notice
that Jiffy performs FAA only during enqueue operations, but not during dequeues. Also, measurements
of Jiffy do not include a memory buffer pool optimization mentioned in Section 4.2.4.
Implementation: We implemented our queue algorithm in C++ [1]. We compiled Jiffy with g++
version 7.4.0 with -Os optimization level. We use the C implementation provided by [32] for the rest of
the queues mentioned here. They are compiled with GCC 4.9.2 with -Os optimization level. The buffer
size of our queue is 1620 entries. The segment size of Yang and Mellor-Crummey queue is 2
and in
LCRQ it is 2
, the optimal sizes according to their respective authors.
Platforms: We measured performance on the following servers:
AMD PowerEdge R7425 server with two AMD EPYC 7551 Processors. Each processor has 32
2.00GHz/2.55GHz cores, each of which multiplexes 2 hardware threads, so in total this system
supports 128 hardware threads. The hardware caches include 32K L1 cache, 512K L2 cache and
8192K L3 cache, and there are 8 NUMA nodes, 4 per processor.
Intel Xeon E5-2667 v4 Processor including 8 3.20GHz cores with 2 hardware threads, so this system
supports 16 hardware threads. The hardware caches include 32K L1 cache, 256K L2 cache and
25600K L3 cache.
Methodology: We used two benchmarks: one that only inserts elements to the queue (enqueue only
benchmark) whereas the second had one thread that only dequeued while the others only enqueued.
In each experiment, x threads concurrently perform operations for a fixed amount of seconds, as
specified shortly. We tightly synchronize the start and end time of threads by having them spin-wait on
a “start” flag. Once all threads are created, we turn this flag on and start the time measurement. To
synchronize the end of the tests, each thread checks on every operation an “end” flag (on a while loop).
When the time we measure ends we turn this flag on. Each thread then counts the amount of finished
operations it preformed and all are combined with FAA after the “end” flag is turned on.
In order to understand the sensitivity of our results to the run lengths, we measure both 1 and 10
seconds runs. That is, the fixed amount of time between turning on the “start” and “end” flags is set
to 1 and 10 seconds, respectively. The graphs depict the throughput in each case, i.e., the number
of operations applied to the shared queue per second by all threads, measured in million operations
per second (MOPS). Each test was repeated 11 times and the average throughput is reported. All
experiments employ an initially empty queue.
With AMD PowerEdge for all queues we pinned each software thread to a different hardware thread
based on the architecture of our server. We started mapping to the first NUMA node until it became
full, with two threads running on the same core. We continue adding threads to the closest NUMA node
until we fill all the processor hardware threads. Then we move to fill the next processor in the same way.
For Intel Xeon server we test up to 32 threads without pinning whereas the server only has 16
hardware threads. This results in multiple threads per hardware thread.
Total Space Usage We collected memory usage statistics via valgrind version 3.13.0 [23]. We measure
the memory usage when inserting 10
elements to the queue on AMD PowerEdge. Table 1 lists the
memory usage when the queues are used by one enqueuer and one dequeuer. Jiffy’s memory usage is
significantly smaller than all other queues compared in this work. Jiffy uses 38.7 MB of heap memory
which is 93.67% less than the WFqueue consumption of 611.63 MB, and 97% less than MSqueue. The
peak heap size depicts the point where memory consumption was greatest. As can be seen Jiffy’s peak
(a) AMD PowerEdge. (b) Intel Xeon.
Figure 6: Enqueues only - 1 second runs.
(a) AMD PowerEdge. (b) Intel Xeon.
Figure 7: Multiple enqueuers with a single dequeuer - 1 second runs.
is significantly lower than the rest. Jiffy’s miss ratios in L1 and L3 data caches are better due to its
construction as a linked list of arrays.
Memory Usage with 128 Threads Table 2 lists the Valgrind statistics for the run with 127 enqueuers
and one dequeuer. Here, Jiffy’s heap consumption has grown to 77.10 MB, yet it is 87% less than
WFqueue’s consumption, 87% less than CCqueue and 96.8% less than MSqueue. As mentioned above,
this memory frugality is an important factor in Jiffy’s cache friendliness, as can be seen by the cache
miss statistics of the CPU data caches (D1 and L3d miss).
Absolute Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative
Total Heap Usage 77.10 MB 611.70 MB x7.93 1.19 GB x15.8 605.68 MB x7.85 2.36 GB x31.42
Number of Allocs 6409 10045 x1.57 2819 x0.44 9922394 x1548 9922263 x1548
Peak Heap Size 87.42 MB 624.5 MB x7.14 1.191 GB x13.94 796.7 MB x9.11 2.426 GB x28.42
# of Instructions Executed 678,651,794 3,099,458,758 x4.57 1,671,748,656 x0.99 8,909,842,602 x13.13 11,944,994,600 x17.60
I1 Misses 2,238 1,724 x0.77 1,669 x0.75 1,668 x0.75 1,689 x0.75
L3i Misses 2,194 1,717 x0.78 1,658 x0.76 1,664 x0.76 1,684 x0.77
Data Cache Tries (R+W) 352,980,193 1,849,850,595 x5.24 690,008,884 x1.95 3,172,272,116 x8.99 3,237,610,091 x9.17
D1 Misses 2,643,266 51,230,800 x19.38 30,012,317 x11.35 68,349,604 x25.86 79,097,745 x29.92
L3d Misses 1,298,646 40,453,921 x31.15 19,946,542 x15.36 57,287,592 x44.11 64,219,733 x49.45
Table 2: Valgrind memory usage statistics with 127 enqueuers and one dequeuer. I1/D1 is the L1
instruction/data cache respectively while L3i/L3d is the L3 instruction/data cache respectively.
Throughput Results Figure 6a shows results for the enqueues only benchmark on the AMD Pow-
erEdge server for one second runs. Jiffy obtains the highest throughput with two threads, as the two
threads are running on the same core and different hardware threads. The rest of the queues obtain the
highest throughput with only one thread. Jiffy outperforms all queues, reaching as much as 69 millions
operations per second (MOPS) with two threads. The FAA is an upper-bound for all the queues as they
all preform FAA in each enqueue operation. The peak at 16 threads and the drop in 17 threads in Jiffy
(a) Enqueues only. (b) Multiple enqueuers with a single deqeuer.
Figure 8: Intel Xeon - 10 seconds runs.
is due to the transition into a new NUMA node. At this point, a single thread is running by itself on a
NUMA node. Notice also the minor peaks when adding a new core vs. starting the 2
thread on the
same core.
Beyond 64 threads the application already spans two CPUs. The performance reaches steady-state.
This is because with 2 CPUs, the sharing is at the memory level, which imposes a non-negligible overhead.
Jiffy maintains its ballpark performance even when 128 enqueuers are running with a throughput of 22
Figure 6b shows results for the enqueues only benchmark on the Intel Xeon server for one second
runs. All of the queues suffer when there are more threads than hardware threads, which happens beyond
16 threads.
Figure 7a shows results with a single dequeuer and multiple enqueuers on the AMD PowerEdge server
for one second runs. Jiffy is the only queue whose throughput improves in the entire range of the graph
(after the initial 2-threads drop).
Figure 7b shows results with a single dequeuer and multiple enqueuers on the Intel Xeon server for
one second runs. Here Jiffy outperforms in some points even the FAA benchmark. This is because the
dequeuer of Jiffy does not preform any synchronization operations. None of the other queues can achieve
this due to their need to support multiple dequeuers.
Figure 8a shows results for the enqueues only benchmark on the Intel Xeon server when the run
length is set to 10 seconds. Figure 8b shows results for a single dequeuer and multiple enqueuers on the
Intel Xeon server with 10 seconds runs. As can be seen, in both cases the results are very similar to the
1 second runs. The same holds for the AMD PowerEdge server.
Let us comment that in a production system, the enqueque rate cannot surpass the dequeue rate for
long periods of time; otherwise the respective queue would grow arbitrarily. However, it is likely to have
short bursts lasting a few seconds each, where a single shard gets a disproportionate number of enqueues.
This test exemplifies Jiffy’s superior ability to overcome such periods of imbalance.
7 Conclusions
In this paper we presented Jiffy, a fast memory efficient wait-free multi-producers single-consumer FIFO
queue. Jiffy is based on maintaining a linked list of buffers, which enables it to be both memory frugal
and unbounded. Most enqueue and dequeue invocations in Jiffy complete by performing only a few
atomic operations.
Further, the buffer allocation scheme of Jiffy is designed to reduce contention and memory bloat.
Reducing the memory footprint of the queue means better inclusion in hardware caches and reduced
resources impact on applications.
Jiffy outperforms prior queues in all concurrency levels especially when the dequeuer is present.
Moreover, Jiffy’s measured memory usage is significantly smaller than all other queues tested in this
work, 90% lower than WFqueue, LCRQ, CCqueue, and MSqueue.
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A Detailed Pseudocode for Jiffy
Enqueue Operation Algorithm 4 lists the detailed implementation of the enqueue operation, expanding the high level
pseudo-code given in Algorithm 2. Specifically, if the location index obtained through the fetch add(1) operation in line 2 is beyond
the last allocated buffer, the enqueuer allocates a new buffer and tries to add it to the queue using a CAS operation. This is
performed by the while loop at line 6 of Algorithm 4, which corresponds to the while loop in line 3 of Algorithm 2. If the CAS
fails, it means that another thread succeeded, so we can move to the new allocated buffer and check if the location we fetched at
line 2 is in that buffer. If it is not, then we continue trying to add buffers until reaching the correct buffer.
The while loop at line 22 of Algorithm 4 matches the loop at line 10 in Algorithm 2, where if needed, the enqueuer retracts
from the end of the queue to the previous buffer corresponding to location. Line 29 in Algorithm 4 is where we calculate the
correct index. To do that we remove from location, which is a global index for the entire queue, the amount of items up to the
current buffer. This is done at line 21 of Algorithm 4. We then insert the node in line 31. Yet, just before returning, if the thread
is in the last buffer of the queue and it obtained the second index in that buffer, then the enqueuer tries to add a new buffer to
the end of the queue at line 33.
Algorithm 4 Enqueue operation - detailed
1: function enqueue(data)
2: unsigned int location = tail.fetch add(1)
3: bool isLastBuffer = true
4: bufferList* tempTail = tailOfQueue.load()
5: unsigned int numElements = bufferSize*tempTail positionInQueue
6: while location numElements do
7: //location is in the next buffer
8: if (tempTail next).load() == NULL then
9: //buffer not yet exist in the queue
10: bufferList* newArr = new bufferList(bufferSize, tempTail positionInQueue + 1, tempTail)
11: if CAS(&(tempTail next), NULL, newArr) then
12: CAS(&tailOfQueue,&tempTail, newArr)
13: else
14: delete newArr
15: end if
16: end if
17: tempTail = tailOfQueue.load()
18: numElements = bufferSize*tempTail positionInQueue
19: end while
20: //calculating the amount of item in the queue - the current buffer
21: unsigned int prevSize= bufferSize*(tempTail positionInQueue-1)
22: while location ¡ prevSize do
23: // location is in a previous buffer from the buffer pointed by tail
24: tempTail = tempTail prev
25: prevSize = bufferSize*(tempTail positionInQueue - 1)
26: isLastBuffer = false
27: end while
28: // location is in this buffer
29: Node* n = &(tempTail currbuffer[location - prevSize])
30: if n isSet.load() == State.empty then
31: n data = data
32: n isSet.store(State.set)
33: if index == 1 && isLastBuffer then
34: //allocating a new buffer and adding it to the queue
35: bufferList* newArr = new bufferList(bufferSize, tempTail positionInQueue + 1, tempTail)
36: if !CAS(&(tempTail next), NULL, newArr) then
37: delete newArr
38: end if
39: end if
40: end if
41: end function
Dequeue Operation Algorithm 5 provides the detailed implementation for the dequeue operation, corresponding to the
high level pseudo-code in Algorithm 3. First, we skip handled elements in lines 3–10 of Algorithm 5, which match the loop at
line 4 of Algorithm 3. Next, we check whether the queue is empty and if so return false (lines 12–14 of Algorithm 5). To do so,
we compare the headOfQueue and tailOfQueue to check if they point to the same BufferList as well as compare the tail and the
head. Note that the tail index is global to the queue while the head index is a member of the BufferList class.
If the element pointed by head is marked set, we simply remove it from the queue and return (lines 15–20). Next, if the
first item is in the middle of an enqueue process (isSet=empty), then the consumer scans the queue for a later set item. This is
performed by function Scan listed in Algorithm 8, which matches line 15 in Algorithm 3. If such an item is found, it is marked
tempN. The folding of the queue invoked in line 17 of Algorithm 3 is encapsulated in the Fold function listed in Algorithm 6.
When preforming the fold, only the array is deleted, which consumes the most memory. The reason for not deleting the
the entire array’s structure is to let enqueuers, who kept a pointer for tailOfQueue at line 4 of Algorithm 4, point to a valid
BufferList at all times with the correct prev and next pointers. To delete the rest of the array structure later on, the dequeuer
keeps this buffer in a list called garbageList, a member of the Jiffy class (line 54). When a BufferList from the queue is deleted,
the dequeuer checks if there is a BufferList in garbageList that is before the buffer being deleted. If so, the dequeuer deletes it as
well (lines 70- 75).
Before dequeuing, the consumer scans the path from head to tempN to look for any item that might have changed its status
to set. This is executed by function Rescan in Algorithm 9, corresponding to line 28 of Algorithm 3. If such an item is found,
it becomes the new tempN and the scan is restarted. This is to check whether there is an even closer item to n that changed its
status to set. Finally, a dequeued item is marked handled in line 33 of Algorithm 5, matching line 32 of Algorithm 3. Also, if the
dequeued item was the last non-handled in its buffer, the consumer deletes the buffer and moves the head to the next one. This is
performed in line 36 of Algorithm 5, corresponding to line 35 of Algorithm 3.
Algorithm 5 Dequeue operation - detailed
1: function dequeue(T&data)
2: Node* n = &(headOfQueue currbuffer[headOfQueue head]);
3: while n isSet.load() == State.handled do // find first non-handled item
4: headOfQueuehead++
5: bool res = MoveToNextBuffer() // if at end of buffer, skip to next one
6: if !res then
7: return false; // reached end of queue and it is empty
8: end if
9: n = &(headOfQueuecurrbuffer[headOfQueuehead]) // n points to the beginning of the queue
10: end while
11: // check if the queue is empty
12: if ((headOfQueue == tailOfQueue.load()) && (headOfQueuehead == tail.load() % bufferSize )) then
13: return false
14: end if
15: if n isSet.load() == State.set then // if the first element is set, dequeue and return it
16: headOfQueuehead++
17: MoveToNextBuffer()
18: data = ndata
19: return true
20: end if
21: if n isSet.load() == State.empty then // otherwise, scan and search for a set element
22: bufferList* tempHeadOfQueue = headOfQueue
23: unsigned int tempHead = headOfQueuehead
24: Node* tempN = &(tempHeadOfQueue currbuffer[tempHead])
25: bool res = Scan(tempHeadOfQueue ,tempHead ,tempN)
26: if !res then
27: return false; // if none was found, we return empty
28: end if
29: //here tempN == set (if we reached the end of the queue we already returned false)
30: Rescan(headOfQueue ,tempHeadOfQueue ,tempHead ,tempN) // perform the rescan
31: // tempN now points to the first set element – remove tempN
32: data = tempNdata
33: tempNisSet.store(State.handled)
34: if (tempHeadOfQueue==headOfQueue && tempHead ==head) //tempN ==n then
35: headOfQueuehead++
36: MoveToNextBuffer()
37: end if
38: return true
39: end if
40: end function
Algorithm 6 Folding a fully handled buffer in the middle of the queue
41: function fold(bufferList* tempHeadOfQueue, unsigned int& tempHead, bool& flag moveToNewBuffer, bool&
flag bufferAllHandeld)
42: if tempHeadOfQueue == tailOfQueue.load() then
43: return false // the queue is empty – we reached the tail of the queue
44: end if
45: bufferList* next = tempHeadOfQueuenext.load()
46: bufferList* prev = tempHeadOfQueueprev
47: if next == NULL then
48: return false // we do not have where to move
49: end if
50: // shortcut this buffer and delete it
51: nextprev = prev
52: prevnext.store(next)
53: delete[] tempHeadOfQueuecurrbuffer
54: garbageList.addLast(tempHeadOfQueue)
55: tempHeadOfQueue = next
56: tempHead = tempHeadOfQueuehead
57: flag bufferAllHandeld = true
58: flag moveToNewBuffer = true
59: return true
60: end function
Algorithm 7 MoveToNextBuffer a helper function to advance to the next buffer
61: function moveToNextBuffer
62: if headOfQueuehead bufferSize then
63: if headOfQueue == tailOfQueue.load() then
64: return false
65: end if
66: bufferList* next = headOfQueuenext.load()
67: if next == NULL then
68: return false
69: end if
70: bufferList* g =garbageList.getFirst()
71: while gpositionInQueue ¡ nextpositionInQueue do
72: garbageList.popFirst()
73: delete g
74: g =garbageList.getFirst()
75: end while
76: delete headOfQueue
77: headOfQueue = next
78: end if
79: return true
80: end function
Algorithm 8 Scan the queue from n searching for a set element return false on failure
81: function scan(bufferList* tempHeadOfQueue, unsigned int& tempHead, Node* tempN)
82: bool flag moveToNewBuffer = false , flag bufferAllHandeld=true
83: while tempNisSet.load() != State.set do
84: tempHead++
85: if tempNisSet.load() != State.handled then
86: flag bufferAllHandeld = false
87: end if
88: if tempHead bufferSize then // we reach the end of the buffer move to the next
89: if flag bufferAllHandeld && flag moveToNewBuffer then // fold fully handled buffers
90: bool res = Fold(tempHeadOfQueue, tempHead, flag moveToNewBuffer,flag bufferAllHandeld)
91: if !res then
92: return false;
93: end if
94: else
95: // there is an empty element in the buffer, so we can’t delete it; move to the next buffer
96: bufferList* next = tempHeadOfQueuenext.load()
97: if next == NULL then
98: return false // we do not have where to move
99: end if
100: tempHeadOfQueue = next
101: tempHead = tempHeadOfQueuehead
102: flag bufferAllHandeld = true
103: flag moveToNewBuffer = true
104: end if
105: end if
106: end while
107: end function
Algorithm 9 Rescan to find an element between n and tempN that changed from empty to set
108: function rescan(bufferList* headOfQueue ,bufferList* tempHeadOfQueue, unsigned int& tempHead ,Node* tempN )
109: // we need to scan until one place before tempN
110: bufferList* scanHeadOfQueue = headOfQueue
111: for (unsigned int scanHead = scanHeadOfQueuehead; ( scanHeadOfQueue != tempHeadOfQueue —— scanHead ¡
(tempHead-1) ); scanHead++) do
112: if scanHead bufferSize then // at the end of a buffer, skip to the next one
113: scanHeadOfQueue= scanHeadOfQueuenext.load()
114: scanHead = scanHeadOfQueuehead
115: end if
116: Node* scanN = &(scanHeadOfQueue currbuffer[scanHead]);
117: // there is a closer element to n that is set mark it and restart the loop from n
118: if scanN isSet.load() == State.set then
119: tempHead = scanHead
120: tempHeadOfQueue = scanHeadOfQueue
121: tempN = scanN
122: scanHeadOfQueue = headOfQueue
123: scanHead = scanHeadOfQueuehead
124: end if
125: end for
126: end function