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or fax to 781-890-2177
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Records Release
Print Name:_______________________________________________________________Date of Birth:_____________________________
Home Address Street:___________________________________________________________________Apt#________________________
By Signing this release form, I authorize Boston Sports & Shoulder Center , to send a copy of my medical records to the following:
Share to:
Name or Office: ________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________
Fax: _________________________________________________
Medical care
Other (please specify): ____________________________
Send via:
Fax provided
Mail paper copy address provided
Medical Records to be sent (please select):
ALL of my medical records (excluding imaging done in the Waltham office)
Imaging done in the Waltham office ONLY*
ONLY the following medical records:___________________________________________________________________________
Special medical records to be sent (please check any/all the apply):
Drug and alcohol abuse records
Mental health records
HIV/AIDS records
Sexual abuse/ assault and domestic violence records
Sexually-transmitted disease records
I understand and agree that:
Boston Sports & Shoulder Center cannot control how the recipient uses or shares the information, and that laws protecting its
confidentiality at Boston Sports & Shoulder Center may or may not protect this information once it has been released to the
This authorization is voluntary
My treatment, payment, health plan enrollment, or eligibility for benefits will not be affected if I do not sign this form
I may cancel this authorization at any time by submitting a written request to the Department or Office where I originally submitted
it, except: if Boston Sports & Shoulder Center has already processed the request (for example, once information is released, it will
not be retrieved) if I signed this authorization as a condition of obtaining insurance. Other laws may provide the insurer with a right
to contest a claim under the policy or the policy itself
This authorization will automatically expire 6 months from the date signed unless otherwise specified:______________________
I understand that if Boston Sports & Shoulder Center maintains any of my records from outside providers, these will not be released
unless I specifically ask for them under “Other” in section C. Please include entity name, provider, and specific dates if known.
My questions about this authorization form have been answered
Patient Signature: __________________________________________________________________________Date:____________________
Print Name: _________________________________________________________
When a patient is a minor, or is not competent to give consent, the signature of a parent, guardian, or other legal representative is required.
Signature of Legal Representative: _____________________________________________________________Date:___________________
Print Name: ______________________________________________________Relationship to patient:______________________________
* Imaging done at New England Baptist Hospital, Boston or Dedham, needs to be requested via:
For Internal Use Only : Information Released/Reviewed By:________________________________________________ Date:_______________
Picked up by:_______________________ Pick-up Identification: License State ID Passport Other Photo ID____________________