Curriculum Vita
Mary Jane Bradley
Office Phone: 870-972-2099
Cell: 870-897-5148
Ed.D. Memphis State University 1992
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Ed.S. Arkansas State University 1982
Major: Educational Administration
M.S.E. Arkansas State University 1975
Major: Reading (K-12)
B.S.E. Arkansas State University 1974
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Social Studies
Other areas of license: Special Education Instructional Specialist P-4 & 4-12
Course work in other areas: Gifted and Talented, 12 hours
2012- Present Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Associate Professor of Education; Director, Professional Education
Programs and Professional Licensure Officer.
2011-2012 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Interim Associate Dean and Professional Licensure Officer.
1997-2011 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Associate Professor of Education; Director, Professional Education Programs and
Professional Licensure Officer.
1998-99 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Interim Associate Dean and Director, Professional Education Programs,
College of Education
1996, Fall semester Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Assistant Professor; Interim Director of Professional Education Programs.
1992-1997 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Assistant Professor of Education, Educational Administration and Secondary
1987-1992 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Instructor of Education, Educational Administration and Secondary Education.
1983-1987 Hoxie Public School, Hoxie, Arkansas.
Assistant Principal, Gifted/Talented Coordinator and Teacher, Chapter I
1980-1982 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Graduate Assistant, Educational Administration and Secondary Education
1978-1980 Brookland Public Schools, Brookland, Arkansas.
Reading Supervisor and Teacher, Chapter I Coordinator.
1975-1978 Dixie Public School, Dixie, Arkansas. Teacher.
1974-1975 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Graduate Assistant, Elementary Education Department.
Undergraduate Courses Taught (1987-1996)
Foundations of Reading Instruction (Summer 1987)
Introduction to Secondary School Teaching
Foundations of American Education
Instructional Design for Secondary Education
Fundamentals of Secondary Education
Graduate Courses Taught (1993-2013)
Elementary School Administration
Supervision of Instruction
Theories of Instruction
Educational Administration Practicum
Curriculum and Instruction Practicum
Reflective Teaching
Special Topics: Supervision for Clinical Supervisors
Other Instructional Responsibilities
Supervision of undergraduate interns
Directed two undergraduate honor theses for university trustees scholars
Member of Dissertation Committees - 8
Howerton, D.L., & Bradley, M.J. (2011). The MSERA Researcher. In W.M. Mathews (Ed.), The
heritage volume of the mid-south educational research association (pp. 128-132). Locust
Valley, New York: Evaluation Associates, Inc.
Bradley, M.J, & Howerton, D. L. (Eds.). (2011). MSERA Researcher, (Vols. 1-5), Mid-South
Education Association.
Guffey, J., Rampp, L., & Bradley, M.J. (1998). Technology staff development: Triage using three
mastery levels. Resources in Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No, ED 418
Guffey, J., Rampp, L., & Bradley, M.J. (1998). Curriculum & technology: Integration through modeling.
Resources in Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No, ED 418 072)
Trusock, D. & Bradley, M.J. (1996). Arkansas Learner Outcomes: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing
Students for Global Citizenship. In Fleniken D. & J. Bowman (Ed.), Educational Change: An
Arkansas Perspective (pp. 137-146). Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Association of Colleges for
Teacher Education.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1995). Middle school parental involvement is happening. The Journal of
Educational Public Relations, 16(1), 30-31.
Bradley, M.J., Holifield, M., & Bartels, B. (1995, March). Establishing institutional partnerships and
reshaping instruction via interactive distance learning. Technology and Teacher Education
Annual, 401-403.
Holifield, M., Bradley, M.J., Strickland, H., & Carroll, F. (1994). Recruiting future teachers via summer
academies. Education, 114(3), 343-345.
Mangrum, D., Christenberry, N.J., & Bradley, M.J. (1993). Pre-Service Teacher Training: A Piece Is
Missing! In J. Bowman & D. Fleniken (Ed.), Critical Issues in Education: An Arkansas
Perspective (pp. 45-50). Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher
Bradley, M.J. & Wesson, L.H. (1993). Group processing under the nominal technique. Arkansas
Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Mangrum, D., Christenberry, N.J., & Bradley, M.J. (1992). Pre-Service teacher training: A piece is
missing! Mid-South Educational Research Association Proceedings.
Garner, A. & Bradley, M.J. (1991). The principal as a leader in curriculum innovation. The Clearing
House, 64, 419-421.
Bradley, M.J. & Garner, A. (1991). Cooperative learning in secondary schools. Tennessee Education
Leadership, 18(2), 18-24.Bradley, M.J. (1988). A rationale for the instructional skills areas of the
professional knowledge base: An Arkansas State University model. NCA Workshop Annual
Bradley, M.J. & others. (1988). Survival guide for NCATE. NCA Workshop Annual Report.
Vaupel, C.F. & Bradley, M.J. (1988). Superintendents choose most positive school advocate. Journal of
Educational Public Relations, 11(2), 33-34.
Unpublished Reports/Documents
Bradley, M.J. (June 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013). Professional Education Programs End of Year Report.
Assessment Reports for Professional Education Programs
Bradley, M.J. (July 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013). Teacher Education Preparation Programs Assessment by Exiting
Teacher Interns. Professional Education Unit, Arkansas State University.
Bradley, M.J. (July 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, & 2011). Follow-Up Survey of
Teacher Education Graduates. Professional Education Unit, Arkansas State University.
Bradley, M.J. (July 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, & 2011). Assessment: Praxis Scores Reports for
2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, & 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011. Professional
Education Unit, Arkansas State University.
Bradley, M.J. (June 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013). Supervision of University Supervisor Reports for 1996-1997,
1997-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005,
2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, &
2012-2013. Professional Education Unit, Arkansas State University.
Bradley, M.J. (June 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013). Internship Summative Evaluation.
Bradley, M.J & Hinson, C. (2003, 2006, 2009, & 2012). Teacher Intern Evaluation of School Experience.
Bradley, M.J. & others. (1997, 2002, 2009). Standard 3, Field Experience and Clinical Practice, for the
NCATE Institutional Report.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. Grant Evaluator. (Spring 2000-2003). Designed evaluation
components for CHARMSS grant (Creative, Hands-on Activities Integrating Reading, Math, and
Science), funded by Disney Learning Partnership housed at Trumann Cedar Park Elementary
School. $98,110 per year for three years.
Bradley, M.J. & others. Grant Collaborator. (Spring 2000). Worked with Northeast Arkansas Mentoring
Consortium to write grant to implement the piloting of Pathwise Mentoring for schools in the
Northeast Educational Cooperative. $96,103.75
Bradley, M.J. Arkansas State University Intern Handbook. July 1997. Wrote the intern handbook to
facilitate communication among the clinical supervisors, university supervisors, and teacher
interns. The handbook delineates the policies and procedures for the internship experience.
Bradley, M.J. Revised the Arkansas State University Teacher Education Handbook. July 1997, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013.
Presentations at Learned Forums
Howerton, D. L, & Bradley, M.J. (November, 2011). A Brief History of the Mid-South
Educational Researcher Newsletter Forty Years of Service of the Researcher. Invited
poster presented at the meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association,
Oxford, MS.
Bowser, A., and Bradley, M.J., Defined by our Framework in Practice: An Assessment of
Teacher Intern Performance by Classroom Mentors and University Supervisors. Annual
Conference Association of Teacher. San Antonio, TX, February 13, 2012.
Bradley, M.J., Bowser, A., and Hinson, C. Internship Performance: Comparing Self-Efficacy to
Results by Classroom Teachers and University Supervisors. Annual Conference Association of
Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL, February 14, 2011.
Bradley, M.J., and Hinson, C. D. What Happens When Teacher Candidates Do Not Demonstrate They
Have “the right stuff”? Annual Conference Association of Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL,
February 15, 2011.
Bradley, M.J., Bowser, A., Gaines, G., and Hinson, C. Developing Cultural Competence
through Diverse Field Experiences Diversity. Annual Conference Association of Teacher
Educators. Chicago, IL, February 16, 2010.
Bradley, M.J., Hinson, C., and Lawler-Prince, D. Internship Assessment: What Do University
Indicate? Annual Conference Association of Teacher Educators. Dallas, TX, February 16,
Lawler-Prince, D., Bradley, M.J., and Hinson, C. Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: Creating
Positive Change. Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators. Dallas, TX,
February 15, 2009.
Lawler-Prince, D., Bradley, M.J., Towery, R., Owens, L.L., Fillippino, T., & Stewart, P. (2008,
February). Realities and Challenges: Collaborative Program Design and Delivery. Annual
Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators. New Orleans, LA.
Bradley, M.J., Hinson, C., Towery, R., Meeks, G., & Lawler-Prince, D. (2008, February). Field
Experiences: Addressing the Multiple Demands and Realities of Teaching in a Diverse Culture.
Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, New Orleans, LA.
Lawler-Prince, D., Owens, L.L., Towery, R., Bradley, M.J., & Maness, D. (2007, May). Transforming
Preservice Teachers through Partnership School Experiences. Annual Conference of the
Association for Childhood Education, Tampa, FL.
Bradley, M.J., Owens, L.L., Towery, R., Lawler-Prince, D., & Maness, D. (2007, January). Partnership
Schools: A Collaborative Approach for the Transition of Preservice Teachers to Beginning
Teachers. Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, San Diego, CA.
Lawler-Prince, D., Bradley, M.J., Owens, L.L., Towery, R. & Maness, D. (2007, February). Partnership
Schools: Reinventing the Educational Landscape through Integrated Teaching Experiences and
In-Depth Supervision. Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, San Diego,
Bradley, M.J. (2007, January). Supervising and Assessing Interns Using Conceptually Aligned
Instruments and Improvement Plans. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu,
Maness, D., Bradley, M.J., Lawler-Prince, D., Owens, L.L., & Towery, R. (2005, January). Review of
Literature: Simultaneous Renewal in Professional Development Schools/Partnerships. Round
Table Presentation, Holmes Partnership Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Presentation prepared,
accepted, and listed in program, airline and hotel reservations secured, unable to attend due to
inclement weather.)
Bradley, M.J., Owens, L.L., Lawler-Prince D., Farris, K., Martin, K., Towery, R. & Maness, D. (2005,
January). Partnership Schools: The Transitions from Pre-Service to Beginning Teachers. Holmes
Partnership Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Presentation prepared, accepted, and listed in
program, airline and hotel reservations secured, unable to attend due to inclement weather.)
Lawler-Prince, D., Towery, R., Owens, L.L., Bradley, M.J., & Maness, D. (2005, January). Growing
Teachers: Partnership Schools, Integrated Teaching Experiences, and High Quality Supervision
in Partnership Settings. Holmes Partnership Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Presentation
prepared, accepted, and listed in program, airline and hotel reservations secured, unable to attend
due to inclement weather.)
Bradley, M.J. & Hinson, C. (2005, January). Facilitating Quality of Teacher Education Students Using
Diversity in Field Placements. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HA.
Lawler-Prince, D., Bradley, M.J., Maness, D., Owens, L., Weaver, R., Towery, R. & Ponder, J. (2004,
January). Public Support: Moving Toward Excellence in Partnership Governance. Holmes
Partnership Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Bradley, M.J., Lawler-Prince, D., & Maness, D. (2004, January). Enhancing Teacher Quality Using
Diversity of Field Placements in Partnerships. Holmes Partnership Annual Conference, San
Diego, CA.
Bradley, M.J., Cramer, M., Midkiff, R., Prince, D., & Towery, R. (1999, February). Partner Schools: A
Review of the Literature. Fourth Annual Professional Development School National Conference,
Kansas City, MO.
Bradley, M.J., Lawler-Prince, D., Cramer, J., Cramer, M., & Daniels, R. (1999, February). Developing
School/University Partnerships: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Results. 79
Annual National
Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL.
Lawler-Prince, D., Bradley, M.J., Cramer, J., & Cramer, M. (1999, February). Moving Toward
Excellence: Collaborative Field Experiences. 79
Annual National Conference of the Association
of Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL.
Trusock, D. & Bradley, M.J. (1998, February). Saving a Dying School District: A Proactive Path. 78th
Annual National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, Dallas, TX.
Bradley, M.J. & Rampp, L. (1998, March). A Protocol to Build I-TV Networks for Public Schools Using
Lease-Purchase. 9
International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
Conference, Washington, DC.
Bradley, M.J. & Rampp L. (1998, March). Curriculum and Technology: Integration through Modeling.
International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Conference,
Washington, DC.
Bradley, M.J. & Rampp, L. (1998, March). Using Portfolio in Teacher Licensure Assessment: Is There an
Electronic Portfolio in your Future? 9
International Society for Information Technology &
Teacher Education Conference, Washington, DC.
Trusock, D. & Bradley, M.J. (1998, October). Partners in Progress: A Collaborative Effort to Help a
Predominantly Black School. National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME)
Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Bradley, M.J. & others. (1998, November). Professional Development Schools: A Review of Current
Literature. Mid-South Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LO.
Holifield, M., Cline, D., Castleberry, S. & Bradley, M.J. (1997, February). Clinical Supervision for
Pre-Service Teachers. 77th National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators,
Washington, D.C.
Bradley, M.J. & Holifield, M. (1996, February). Ethical Decision-Making: A Challenge for Teacher
Education Programs. 76th National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, St.
Louis, MO.
Bradley, M.J., Strickland, H., Holifield, M. & Carroll, F. (1996, February). Successes and Pitfalls of a
Summer Academy for Future Teachers. 76th National Conference of the Association of Teacher
Educators, St. Louis, MO.
Trusock, D. & Bradley, M.J. (1996, April). Sexism in Teacher Education Classes: Overt or Covert?
Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education/Association of Teacher Educators
Spring Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1995, February). A Knowledge-Based Model Applied to a Master's Degree
Practicum. 75th National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, Detroit, MI.
Trusock, D. & Bradley, M.J. (1995, February). Incorporating Multicultural Concepts in High Schools
without Minorities. 75th Annual National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators,
Detroit, MI.
Bradley, M.J., Holifield, M. & Bartels, B. (1995, March). Establishing Institutional Partnerships and
Reshaping Instruction Via Interactive Distance Learning. 6th International Conference of the
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Bradley, M.J., Strickland, H., Holifield, M., & Carroll, F. (1994, February). Addressing Diversity Via a
Summer Academy for Future Teachers. 74th Annual National Conference of the Association of
Teacher Educators, Atlanta, GA.
Vaupel C. & Bradley, M.J. (1993, March). Collaboration Activities Garner Middle Level Restructuring.
Annual Rural School Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
Bradley, M.J. & Wesson, L. (1993, March). Group Processing Using the Nominal Group Technique.
Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education/Association of Teacher Educators
Spring Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Bradley, M.J., Carroll, F., Holifield, M., & Strickland, H. (1993, February). Recruiting Future Teachers
Via Summer Academies. 45th Annual American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Conference, San Diego, CA.
Strickland, H., Bradley, M.J., Holifield, M., & Carroll, F. (1993, February). Collegiate Summer
Academies: A Strategy for Promoting Diversity among Future Teachers. Association of Teacher
Educators 73rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley. M.J. (1992, April). Fundamentals of Secondary Education: A Unique Approach.
Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education/Association of Teacher Educators, Little
Rock, AR.
Mangrum, D., Christenberry, N., & Bradley, M.J. (1992, April). Pre-Service Teacher's Knowledge of
School Counselor's Role: A Preliminary Investigation. Arkansas Association of Colleges for
Teacher Education/Association of Teacher Educators, Little Rock, AR.
Wesson, L. & Bradley, M.J. (1992, September). School-Based Management: Leaders Affecting Change.
Sixth Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues Relating to Women in Educational
Administration, Lincoln, NE.
Bradley, M.J. & Vaupel, C. (1992, November). Secondary Teacher Education: Defining an Original
Course Approach. 39th Annual Conference Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher
Educators, Jackson, MS.
Mangrum, D., Christenberry, N., & Bradley, M.J. (1992, November). Pre-Service Teaching Training: A
Piece Is Missing! 21st Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association,
Knoxville, TN.
Bradley, M.J. & Christenberry, N. (1991, April). Cooperative Learning Yesterday's Relic, Today's Fad,
Tomorrow's Cornerstone. Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education/Association
of Teacher Educators Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Wesson, L. & Bradley, M.J. (1991, September). Educational Administration: A Southern Perspective.
Fifth Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues Relating to Women in Educational
Administration, Lincoln, NE.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1991, November). Middle Level Teacher Involvement: No Where To Go But
Up. 17th Annual National Middle School Association Conference and Exhibit, Long Beach, CA.
Bradley, M.J. & Christenberry, N. (1991, November). Cooperative Learning: Relic, Fad, or
Cornerstone? Part I. 38th Annual Conference of Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher
Educators, Little Rock, AR.
Christenberry, N. & Bradley, M.J. (1991, November). Cooperative Learning: Relic, Fad, or
Cornerstone? Part II. 38th Annual Conference of Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher
Educators, Little Rock, AR.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1990, February). University-Wide Governance for Secondary Teacher
Education. 70th Annual National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, Las
Vegas, NV.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1990, April). A Secondary Instructor Assistance Program for Pre-Student
Teachers. Illinois/Indiana Association of Teacher Educators Joint Spring Conference,
Indianapolis, IN.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1989, March). Teacher Assistance Field Experience. Arkansas Association
of Colleges for Teacher Education Spring Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Vaupel, C. & Bradley, M.J. (1989, October). A Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience with Emphasis on
Secondary Teacher Assistance Activities. Association of Teacher Educators Mid-America
Regional Conference, Durant, OK.
Jones, D., Bradley, M.J. & others. (1989, February). Preparing for NCATE: External Evaluation.
Session at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, St. Louis, MO.
Co-Editor, Mid-South Educational Research Association, 2003-present.
Arkansas Representative, Mid-South Educational Research Association, 2003-2005.
Member, Mid-South Educational Research Association, 1988-present.
Reviewer for Papers and Outstanding Paper, 1999-2003.
Board Member (Governor appointed), Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling, 2012-2015.
President, Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators (ArATE), 2011-2012.
President, Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (ArACTE), 2011-2012.
President Elect, Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators (ArATE), 2010-2011.
President Elect, Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (ArACTE), 2010-2011.
Board Member, Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators, 2008-2010.
President, Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 2003-2004.
President Elect, Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (ArACTE), 2002-2003.
Board Member, Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 2010-2013 and 2002-2005 and
Membership Committee, Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 1995-96.
Chair, Elementary Principalship Standards Committee (1994-95).
Committee Member, Request for Proposal: Language and Methodology Semester Abroad Program for
Pre-Service Chilean English Teachers. January-February, 2009.
Background Check Task Force. September-December 2007.
Governance Task Force. March 1998-Spring 1999.
Chair, Secondary Education Council, 1993-95.
Chair, Secondary Education Cabinet Committee, 1993-95.
College (Examples)
NCATE Coordinator, NCATE Advanced Program Focus Visit, 2011.
Member, Teacher Education Department Chair Search Committee, 2011.
Member Advanced Conceptual Framework Task Force, 2011.
Member, School Counseling Search Committee, 2011.
Chair, NCATE Standard 3 Committee, 1997, 2002, 2009.
Member, NCATE Steering Committee, 1997, 2002, and 2009.
Member, Teacher Education Chair Search Committee, January-April 2007.
Member, Educational Renewal Zone Director Search, March-April 2007.
Member, Educational Renewal Zone (ERZ).
Member, Partnership Executive Board, 1999-2005.
Ex-Officio Member, Partnership Network Committee, 1999-2005.
Ex-Officio Member, Unit Assessment Committee, 2006-2012.
Ex-Officio Member, Council on Professional Education, 1999-2012.
Member, Dean Search Committee, 1998-99.
Chair/Convener, Field Experiences and Diversity Working Committee (1998-2000).
Member, Professional Development Committee, 1996-98.
Ex-officio Member, Teacher Education Policy and Planning Committee, 1996-99)
Chair, TEPPC Curriculum Resource Committee, 1991-92.
Member, NCATE Category I Committee. 1989-92.
Department (Examples)
Chair of Search Committee, Coordinator for Teaching Internship and Field Experiences for Off Campus
Sites, Spring 2009.
Chair of Search Committee, Coordinator for Teaching Internship and Field Experiences, Spring 2003,
2004, 2005.
Chair, Lillian Barton Scholarship Committee, 1996-present.
Chair, Goff Scholarship Committee, 1996-present.
Chair, Mary L. Swan Scholarship, 2005-present.
Chair, Wright/Thetford Scholarship, 2006-2009.
Chair, Internship Appeals Committee, 2000-present.
Chair, Educational Administration and Secondary Education Department Master's Degree Program, 1994.
Member, Educational Administration and Secondary Education Department Curriculum & Instruction
Umbrella Degree Program Committee, 1994-95.
Member, Educational Administration and Secondary Education Department Merit Review Committee,
Member, Educational Administration and Secondary Education Department Faculty Awards Committee,
Member, Educational Administration and Secondary Education Department Chair Search, 1990 & 1992.
Member, Educational Administration and Secondary Education Department Faculty Search
Committee--three positions, 1990.
Bradley, M.J. & Others. (July 2011-October 2011). In my capacity as the Interim Associate Dean and
NCATE Coordinator, I organized the NCATE visit focusing on the Graduate Programs. My
responsibilities included meeting with the Chair of the Visiting Team, establishing an itinerary for
the visit, securing the various ASU groups with whom they met, pulling all artifacts, meeting
Board Members at the airport, responding to any requests during the visit. Worked with others on
the Institutional Report.
Bradley, M.J. (1989-present). Served a Chair of NCATE Standard 3 Writing Committee for the 1997,
2002 & 2009 visit. At the request of Dr. Maness, read and edited the Institutional Report for the
2009 visit. Provided many assessments for the 2002 and 2009 visits. Designed and
implemented the Diversity Classification System for Internship in 2000 that facilitated the
removal of an area of improvement in diversity of field placements.
Bradley, M.J. & Layton, K. NCATE Consultants for East Stroudsberg University. Reviewed the living
documents room, providing oral and written strengths and recommendations for documentation to
the Dean and faculty NCATE chairs. Provided sample types of questions asked by BOE
members. East Stroudsberg University, East Stroudsberg, PA: October 2000.
Bradley, M.J. & Layton, K. NCATE Consultants for East Stroudsberg University. Reviewed the
living documents room, provided sample surveys including evaluation forms for university
supervisors interns, school experience, exit evaluations, and follow-up forms to demonstrate how
the evaluation should be aligned with the conceptual framework, and provided the Interim Dean
with written and oral recommendations for implementation to increase the likelihood of meeting
NCATE standards. Met with the Field Experience Director to share placement ideas, and
partnership components integrated with field experiences. Also met with the East Stroudsberg
Partnership Council to share implementation strategies for Professional Development Schools
(partnerships), governance design, and benefits as well as pitfalls of Professional Development
Schools. East Stroudsberg University, East Stroudsberg, PA: September 2000.
Bradley, M.J. (2006). Designed and disseminated the first Praxis II report to all programs for them to use
in SPA report and for analyses of the programs. Each July a report is sent to each program
coordinator and to the Dean’s Office. The report is used to compile a unit assessment.
Bradley, M.J. (2006). Designed an Internship Summative Evaluation Report. The report was used as a
part of the program evaluations and unit assessment.
Grymes, J., Bradley, M.J., & others. (1999, December). Formulation of the Arkansas State University
Unit Assessment Plan. The plan for a plan delineated the various assessments and stakeholders
in the assessment of the teacher education program.
Fimian, M., Bradley, M.J., & Bowser, A. (1998-1999). Working together to establish a prototype for an
electronic portfolio, a performance-based document, for teacher education students.
Bradley, M.J. Pathwise Training. (1999). Little Rock, AR. Participated in the initial training sessions
on August 11 & 12, and October 10 & 11. Had to pass a performance-based observation session
to be certified as a Pathwise Trainer of Trainers24 of the 50 participants successfully passed the
performance assessment. Have worked with providing training for approximately 150 Northeast
Arkansas teachers and 30-35 ASU faculty. Have trained the teachers to serve as mentors to assist
novice teachers in instructional improvement to facilitate the ability of beginning teacher to pass
the Praxis III exam, a performance-based assessment.
Diversity Initiatives
Bradley, M.J., & others. Development of a Diversity Matrix/Classification System Placement of
Teacher Education Students for Field Experiences at Arkansas State University. December 1998.
Piloted Diversity Matrix Classification System. January 1999 to COPE approval in September 2000. Full
implementation beginning October 2000.
Bradley, M.J., and others. (1998, 1997, 1995, & 1993). Co-Director of the Arkansas State University
Summer Academy for Future Teachers. Held the third week in July of 1993, 1995, 1997, and
1998). Focus was to attract the best and brightest higher schoolers from diverse populations.
Responsibilities included the following:
Bradley, M.J. (1997). Developed a Memorandum of Understanding for a Student Teaching Abroad
Program with Morehead University working with Dr. Joe DiCola in Minnesota. Nine interns
student taught abroad, including the countries of Indonesia, Africa, France, England, and Sweden
from 1997- 2000.
Bradley, M.J. (2005). Developed a Memorandum of Understanding with University of Minnesota to
place interns in a student teaching abroad program. Seven intern candidates have participated in
clinical placements abroad since Fall 2007one in Australia, one in China, two in Costa Rica,
one in Czech Republic, one in Sweden, and one in Thailand.
Professional Development Schools (Partnerships) Initiative
Lawler-Prince, D., Maness, D., Bradley, M.J. & three superintendents, Radius Baker, James Dunivan, &
Kim Wilbanks visited Texas to view STEM initiatives and partnerships. February 2009.
Bradley, M.J. Currently serve with the Dean, Associate Dean and an administrator from Jonesboro,
Nettleton, and Valley View on the Partnership Executive Board.
Bradley, M.J. & others. Participated in the facilitation and implementation of the partner school
development initiative. Coordinator and planning team member for six pilot partner schools for
the College of Education. Worked with Dick Ishler, COE Dean, and COE Associate Dean,
Arkansas State University faculty and representatives from three school districts (Jonesboro,
Nettleton, and Valley View) to establish assumptions of the partner schools, public school partner
attributes, and the College of Education partner attributes.
Governance Design for ASU Teacher Education Unit
Bradley, M.J. Member and leadership facilitator. Governance Task Force. During the Spring 1998, I
served as a working member of the governance task force to help develop axioms and
assumptions of a workable governance system for ASU Teacher Education Unit. The task force
also created a governance flow chart. During the Fall and Spring 1998, Bonnie Lynch, Rick
McDaniel, Terry Roach, and I served as facilitators for the following charges: PRT procedures
and process, governance flow chart, and operational guidelines for the Council on Professional
Education and standing committees.
Pathwise Trainings for Unit Faculty
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “Pathwise Training for Arkansas State University Faculty.”
Jonesboro, AR: January, 2009.
Bradley, M.J. “Pathwise Training for Arkansas State University Faculty.” Jonesboro, AR: May 8-10,
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “Pathwise Training for Arkansas State University Faculty.”
Jonesboro, AR: April 26-27, 2001.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “Pathwise Training for Arkansas State University Faculty.”
Jonesboro, AR: March 1-2, 2001.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “Pathwise Mentoring Training for Jonesboro Public School
Teachers.” Training held at Jonesboro Philadelphia School. Jonesboro, AR: November, 2000.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “Pathwise Mentoring Training for Public School Teachers in
Northeast Arkansas Consortium.” Training held at Northeast Arkansas Cooperative. Walnut
Ridge, AR: August, 2000.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “Pathwise Mentoring Training for Public School Teachers in
Northeast Arkansas.” Training held at Arkansas State University. Jonesboro, AR: July, 2000.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “What is Pathwise, the Mentoring Process and the Connections with
Licensure in the State of Arkansas.” Presented to the Principals in the service area of the
Crowley’s Ridge Cooperative. Harrisburg, AR: March, 2000.
Bradley, M.J. & Bowser-Brown, A. “What is Pathwise and Changes in Licensure in the State of
Arkansas.” Presented to the Superintendents in the service area of the Crowley’s Ridge
Cooperative. Harrisburg, AR: March, 2000.
Melbourne High School. COE Visitation. April 17, 1997.
Quiz Bowl Regional Finals. Judge. Greene County Tech School, Sponsor. Paragould, Arkansas: March 9,
Test Proctor. 8th Annual Arkansas Citizen Bee, Jonesboro, Arkansas: March 5, 1994.
Hoxie Elementary School. Innovation in Curriculum. September-October 1993.
Walnut Ridge Public Schools. Comprehensive Outcomes Evaluation, Instructional Leadership. April
26, 1993.
Central Magnet Elementary School. Forrest City School District, Forrest City, AR. April 27, 1993.
Forrest City Magnet Elementary School. Forrest City School District, Forrest City, AR. April 28, 1993.
Mississippi County Community College and Osceola Public Schools. Articulation of Curriculum.
Blytheville, AR: March - May 1993.
Hoxie High School. Restructuring and Learning Modalities. Hoxie, AR: April 1993.
Walnut Ridge Public Schools. COE Writing. Walnut Ridge, AR: April 1993.
Bradley, M.J. "Effective Teaching Skills." Ripley R4 School. Doniphan, MO: August 14, 1992.
Facilitation of ASU Student Monitors. Facilitator. Northeast Arkansas Foreign Language Festival,
Jonesboro, Arkansas: April, 1992.
Sixth Annual Arkansas Citizen Bee. Timekeeper. Jonesboro, Arkansas: March 21, 1992.
Quiz Bowl Regional Finals. Judge. Greene County Tech High School, Paragould, Arkansas: March 10,
Quiz Bowl. Judge. Northeast Arkansas Invitational Quiz Bowl, Greene County Tech High School,
Paragould, Arkansas: February 15, 1992.
Gosnell Junior High School. Comprehensive Outcomes Evaluation. Gosnell, AR: October 23, 1991.
Bradley, M.J. "Effective Questioning Skills for High School Teachers." Dierks, AR: February 7, 1991.
Bradley, M.J. "Program for Effective Teaching: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Guide to Teaching." Hayti
Public Schools. Hayti, MO: August 21, 1991.
Bradley, M.J. "The Instructional Process." First-Year Teacher Assistance In-Service, Arkansas State
University/Crowley's Ridge Educational Cooperative. Harrisburg, AR: April 12, 1990.
Bradley, M.J. "An Overview of Effective Teaching." Northeast Educational Cooperative Teacher
In-Service. Greene County Tech Junior High School. Paragould, AR: August 22, 1989.
Bradley, M.J. "Effectively Teaching to the Objective." Jonesboro Junior High Schools. Jonesboro, AR:
October 13, 1989.
Arkansas Department of Education. Development of a Staff Development Network. September
1988-April 1989.
Bradley, M.J. "Pushing Jello Uphill: The Principles of Learning." Northeast Educational Cooperative
Teacher In-Service. Greene County Tech Junior High School. Paragould, AR: August 22 & 23,
Bradley, M.J. "Descriptive Writing Techniques for Teacher Observations." Arkansas Department of
Education, Public School Evaluator Training Workshop. Jonesboro, AR: September 27, 1988.
Bradley, M.J. "Three "S's" in Reading Instruction." Rivercrest Public Schools. Wilson, AR: August
25, 1987.
Bradley, M.J. "Creative Problem Solving in the Classroom." Hoxie Public Schools. Hoxie, AR: October
26, 1987.
Bradley, M.J. "Teaching to the Objective." Strawberry Public Schools. Strawberry, AR: December 7,
Strawberry Public Schools. Maintenance of the PET Instructional Model. Strawberry, AR:
November-December 1987.
Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development
Association of Teacher Educators
Kappa Delta Pi
Mid-South Educational Research Association
Phi Delta Kappa
Si Kula ArATE Unit Award, Association of Teacher Educators, February 14, 2012.
Harry L. Bowman Service Award, Mid-South Educational Research Association, 2008.
Association of Teacher Educator, ATE Laureate, 2008.
Eugene Smith Point of Excellence Award, 1999.