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DC Public Schools
Organizational Chart
Fall 2022
DCPS Core Leadership Team
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Lewis D. Ferebee
Elizabeth Bartolomeo
Interim Chief of
Maggie Thomas
Chief of Staff
Sarah Parker
Interim Officer,
Engagement and
Melissa Kim
Deputy Chancellor
Kim Jackson
Chief, Elementary
Katie Larkin, IS Cluster I
Mary Ann Stinson, IS Cluster II
Tenia Pritchard, IS Cluster III
Andria Caruthers, IS Cluster IV
Eric Bethel, IS Cluster V
Carolyne AlbertGarvey, IS Cluster VI
Bren Elliott
Chief, School Improvement
and Supports
Deitra Bryant
Senior Deputy
Chief, Student
Drewana Bey
Chief, Secondary
Harry Huges, IS Cluster VII
Kim Martin, IS Cluster VIII
Jerry Jellig, IS Cluster IX
Sarah Navarro
Senior Deputy Chief, Secondary
David Pinder
Chief, Leadership
Corie Colgan
Chief, Teaching and
Regina Grimmett
Senior Deputy
Chief, Specialized
Amy Maisterra
Deputy Chancellor
Cyrus Verrani
Interim Chief, Data and
Cinthia Ruiz
Chief Integrity Officer
Ely Ross
Chief, Operations
Sharon Gaskins
Officer, Resource
Quinne Harris-Lindsey
General Counsel
Charon P.W. Hines
Senior Advisor
Office of the Chief of Staff
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Maggie Thomas
Chief of Staff
Sarah Parker
Interim Officer,
Engagement and
Alyssa Noth
Intergovernmental Affairs
Alden Wells Toiv
Deputy Chief,
Strategic Initiatives
The Engagement and Partnerships
office leads the district's strategy
for partnering with families, commun
ities, students, staff and
partners at the district and
school level in order to
improve outcomes for every student
by fostering collaborative
partnerships between and among
schools and the greater
DC community.
The Intergovernmental
Affairs division maintains
strong relationships with City
Council and other DC
government agencies through
responsive and proactive
The Strategic Initiatives
division supports
collaboration, alignment, and
coherence across DCPS
through systems and
structures focused on the
strategic plan.
Office of the Deputy Chancellors
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Amy Maisterra
Deputy Chancellor,
Innovation and Systems
Elisabeth Morse
Deputy Chief, Policy
The Policy division reviews and develops
regulatory, policy, and system implementation
resources that advance an educational equity
and excellence agenda. This division also
works to strategically support the Deputy
Chancellor in ensuring consistent expectations;
aligning initiatives, resources, and processes;
and supporting a collaborative approach to
budget management and hiring across offices.
The Schools division
strategically supports the
Deputy Chancellors in
ensuring consistent
expectations; aligned
initiatives, resources, and
processes; and a
collaborative approach to
budget management and
hiring across offices.
The Strategic School
Planning division supports
the development and
implementation of a
districtwide growth
The Acceleration division
leads the vision and
strategic plan for
acceleration across the
district, with a focus on
supporting learning and
development of the whole
child and providing aligned
supports to school staff.
Melissa Kim
Deputy Chancellor,
Social Emotional Academic
Stephanie Shultz
Deputy Chief, Schools
Sujata Bhat
Deputy Chief, Strategic
School Planning
Jennifer Rosenbaum
Deputy Chief,
Office of Engagement and Partnerships
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Sarah Parker
Interim Officer,
Engagement and
Sarah Parker
Deputy Chief, Engagement
Abigail Cohen
Manager, Partner
Tara Cheston
Manager, Internal
The Family and Community
Engagement division listens
to and engages with
families, communities, and
students at the district and
school level in order to build
trust and use stakeholder
feedback to inform the work
of DCPS; and builds capacity
for school leaders and
teachers to partner with
families to drive student
The Partnerships team is
responsible for developing and
managing the systems and
resources to support external
partners’ ability to align with
and advance DCPS goals and
priorities. This team is the
primary liaison for partner
organizations that serve
students during afterschool and
in the summer and also serves
as a liaison with other DCPS
internal departments and city
agencies that fund and set
policies for school program
providers in the District.
The Internal Engagement
team is responsible for
driving a district wide staff
engagement strategy for
DCPS and ensuring central
services and school-based
staff priorities are
reflected in key decisions
that impact them.
Office of Communications
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Elizabeth Bartolomeo
Interim Chief, Communications
Elizabeth Bartolomeo
Deputy Chief, Communications
The Communications office
shines a light on the
inspiring stories of the
students and schools within
DCPS and engages with
internal and external
stakeholders to update the
community on DCPS policies
and initiatives.
Office of Teaching and Learning
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Corie Colgan
Chief, Teaching and
Karen Cole
Deputy Chief, Academic &
Creative Empowerment
Alison Williams
Deputy Chief, Content &
Matthew Reif
Director, Extended Learning
and Academic Recovery
Elba Garcia
Executive Director,
Language Acquisition
Ashley Campbell
Director, Professional
Mayra ChongQui Torres
Director, OTL Strategy and
Regina Grimmett
Senior Deputy Chief,
Specialized Inst.
The Academic and Creative
Empowerment division
sets the
vision for equity and excellence
in developing and empowering
the whole child to make
creative, purposeful, and
masterful use of academic
content. The ACE division
supports schools and develops
curriculum and programming in
arts, health, physical education,
library programs, educational
technology, STEM, global
programs, advanced and
enriched instruction, and
curriculum and assessment
The Content and
Curriculum division sets the
vision for equity and
excellence for each content
area in DCPS schools by
researching, creating, and
curating curricular materials
and providing aligned
professional development
experiences to ensure that
all students have access to
rigorous and joyful learning
experiences every day in
every content area.
The Extended Learning
and Academic Recovery
team oversees most of
DCPS' K12 summer
school programs including
enrichment and retention
programs in alignment
with the laws and
regulations of the District
of Columbia. Additionally,
the team oversees the
largest group of
afterschool programs with
the 21st Century
Community Learning
Centers grant and meets
the needs of high potential
students in grades K5
through the Schoolwide
Enrichment Model (SEM.)
The Language Acquisition
team welcomes families of
linguistically and culturally
diverse backgrounds to DCPS,
leads the process of
identifying English Learner
students, and supports
schools in developing
programs that supports
English language acquisition
and academic growth.
The Professional Learning
division sets a vision for
professional development for
DCPS as well as creates
systems, tools, and structures
to increase the efficacy of
professional learning
initiatives. This work includes
LEAP, cluster-based PD,
district PD and other learning
opportunities. The team works
across all DCPS offices to
increase the cohesion of
professional development and
broad sharing of knowledge,
while exploring new avenues
and opportunities for
meaningful development and
learning for our educators.
The Director of Strategy and
Operations will help ensure
the success of the Office of
Teaching and Learning’s high
visibility workstreams through
strategic planning, project
monitoring, and the design of
continuous improvement
The Specialized Instruction
division works to reduce the
opportunity gap between
students with IEPs and their
nondisabled peers; and
increases equity and
excellence in schools through
specific academic
programming, related
services, professional learning,
school leadership
development, family
engagement, dispute
resolution, and community
Office of Leadership Development
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
David Pinder
Chief, Leadership Development
Nakia Nicholson
Deputy Chief, Leadership Development
Director, RISE
Nancy Wright
Director, Talent Acquisition and Retention
A critical aspect of DCPS’ strategy is an investment in people, in all stages of their development. DCPS endeavors to get, grow, and keep its top talent, ensuring
all schoolbased staff have opportunities for development. More specifically, the Office of Leadership Development works across teams and in schools to
build the capacity and influence needed to develop and nurture leaders who are committed to equity and antiracist work in service of students and their
families. Utilizing career ladders and pipelines as anchor structures, the office provides development for leaders within their roles as well as for those who are
aspiring to their next level of work.
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Kim Jackson
Chief, Elementary
Katie Larkin
Cluster I
Mary Ann Stinson
Cluster II
Tenia Pritchard
Cluster III
Andria Caruthers
Cluster IV
Eric Bethel
Cluster V
Cluster VI
Linda Randall
Director, 1st
Grade Academy
Helen Tzow
OES Resident
OES Instructional
Cheryl Ohlson
Deputy Chief,
Early Childhood
Office of Elementary Schools
1st Grade Academy
works to reduce the
achievement gap
through accelerated
student learning,
leadership for
Reading Recovery®,
supports for 1st
grade programming,
and implementation
of sound
practices in
classrooms. It also
serves as a resource
for PreK
The Director of
Schools will
support major
initiatives across
schools to ensure
all schools and
departments are
The Early Childhood
Education division
supports schools and
families in providing
PreK students with
learning experiences
that foster confidence
and independence.
The division also
manages the
implementation of
DCPS' Head Start
Instructional Superintendents supervise clusters of 714 principals. Instructional Superintendents
provide principals with feedback, coaching, guidance, and the support necessary for them to be
effective school leaderswith a particular focus on instructional leadership. They help principals
develop their staff’s capacity to reach student achievement goals, and build positive relationships with
their communities, while ensuring their schools are wellrun, nurturing places of learning.
Office of Secondary Schools
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Drewana Bey
Chief, Secondary Schools
Harry Hughes
Superintendent, Cluster VII
Kim Martin
Superintendent, Cluster VIII
Jerry Jellig,
Superintendent, Cluster IX
Betsy White
Secondary Schools Director
Brandon Eatman
OSS Resident Principal
Sarah Navarro
Senior Deputy Chief,
Secondary Schools
Instructional Superintendents
supervise clusters of 1014 principals. Instructional
Superintendents provide principals with feedback, coaching, guidance, and support necessary
for them to be effective school leaders
with a particular focus on instructional leadership.
They help principals develop their staff’s capacity to reach student achievement goals, and
build positive relationships with their communities, while ensuring their schools are well
nurturing places of learning.
include Athletics,
Office of Integrity
Cinthia Ruiz
Chief Integrity Officer
Ato Biney
Specialist, Integrity
Charlotte Flournoy
Specialist, Integrity
Emerald Becker
Deputy Chief, Enrollment & Attendance
Office of Integrity works with staff, students, parents, and the greater
community to respond to questions and concerns around school
policies and address complaints related to compliance with the law.
The office
conducts internal audits into and reviews of DCPS systems
and practices.
The Attendance division provides
resources and tools to support schools
in ensuring every student attends
school regularly and on time.
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
The Enrollment division supports
schools and the District in staying on
track to achieve enrollment goals
related to operations, growth, and
Office of School Improvement and Supports
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Bren Elliott
Chief, School Improvement
and Supports
Chris Lewis
Deputy Chief, IMPACT
Paige Hoffman
Deputy Chief, School
Deitra BryantMallory
Senior Deputy Chief,
Student Supports
Michael Lamb
Deputy Chief, Learning and
Development Sciences
The IMPACT division
ensures clarity of
expectations and
meaningful feedback in
support of increased
effectiveness of all school
based staff.
The School Improvement
division designs and
implements a system of
differentiated supports and
continuous improvement to
ensure all schools steadily
move toward excellence.
The Student Supports
division ensures that
schools have the necessary
supports to address the
needs of the whole child
and create the conditions
where all students are
ready to learn.
The Learning and Development
Sciences division prioritizes the
research behind how children
learn, how teachers teach, how
families support learning at
home, and how our
systems support all of these
activities, working to ensure this
science is embedded in curricular
work, teacher professional
development, and all policies and
Office of Data & Technology
DC Public Schools Organizational Chart (Last Updated July 2022)
Cyrus Verrani
Interim Chief, Data & Technology
Cyrus Verrani
Deputy Chief, Information
Victoria Nomdedeu
Interim Director, Assessments
Ijeoma Anyanwu
Deputy Chief, Data
Keerthana Hogirala
Director, Strategic Initiatives
The Information Technology team
provides DCPS students and staff, in every
school, with the infrastructure, systems and
support to use technology effectively to
accelerate student achievement.
The Assessments team leads the
administration of all state-
required, summative assessments, and
provides support, resources and processes to
ensure test security and data integrity are
maintained during assessments.
The Data team leads the strategic use of
data in DC Public Schools by ensuring
DCPS stakeholders have timely access to
accurate and relevant data by organizing,
validating and reporting on student data,
by conducting analysis and research to
inform decision-making, and building
school-level capacity to use data to
improve student outcomes.
The Strategic Initiatives team manages a
portfolio of office-wide and agency-wide
cross-functional workstreams; oversees
office strategy, finance, communications,
staffing, and operations; and supports the
Office of Data and Technology divisions
achieve their objectives all with the goal
of ensuring that schools and the district, as
a whole, can use technology and data
Ely Ross
Chief, Operations
Conchita HudsonHall
Deputy Chief, Compliance
Agency Risk Management
Lisa Putman
Interim Deputy Chief,
Strategic School Operations
Toussaint Webster
Interim Deputy Chief,
Robert Jaber
Executive Director, Food
and Nutrition Services
Ricky A. Brown, Jr.
Executive Director, School
Laura Cochrun
Director, OCOO Strategy
DC Public Schools Organizational Chart (Last Updated July 2022)
Office of Operations
The Compliance division works
with all schools and central
departments to ensure that
operations and programming
are compliant with
applicable DCPS, District, and
federal laws; regulations;
and policies. The
Compliance division
manages grievances and
complaints filed by students,
parents and third parties,
except EEOC.
The Strategic School Operations
division provides direct dayto
day support to all DCPS schools.
This division works closely with
and develops Directors
and Managers, Strategy
and Logistics in schools.
The Facilities division works with
partners at the Department of
General Services (DGS) and staff
in schools to ensure that school
buildings are safe, inviting
spaces for learning by driving the
completion of facility
improvements as small as fixing a
broken sink to as large as
building a whole new,
modernized building.
The Food and Nutrition
Services division supports
student health and
achievement by ensuring that
all DCPS students receive
nutritious meals that support
academic success.
The School Security division works
with other agencies to ensure that
schools provide a physically
safe environment for learning. Their
goal is to prevent criminal activity in
and around schools, to investigate
incidents, and to coordinate an
effective response to
serious misbehavior or crime. The
division also collaborates with teams
across central services and intra-
government agencies to provide
professional development
opportunities for contract security
The OCOO Strategy division
manages major initiatives
across all OCOO teams, to
ensure all schools and DCPS
divisions are supported.
Office of Resource Strategy
DC Public Schools Organizational Chart (Last Updated July 2022)
Sharon Gaskins
Resource Strategy Officer
LaVeta Hilton
Deputy Chief, Contracts & Acquisitions
Anita Berry
Interim Deputy Chief, Employee
Kevin Wenzel
Deputy Chief, Finance
Anne DeCorte
Director, Resource Strategy
The Contracts and Acquisitions division
supports schools and Central Office in
purchasing to deliver on our mission of
educating all children.
The Employee Services division provides
worldclass customer service on staffing
benefits, compensation, and HR data systems.
The Finance division ensures school and
central office finances are allocated and
expended in alignment with the district’s
strategic plan, in a manner that fosters
transparency, maximizes funds, promotes
equity, and ensures compliance with
The Resource Strategy division
manages major initiatives
across all ORS teams, to ensure
all schools and DCPS
departments are supported.
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Office of the General Counsel
Quinne Harris-Lindsey
General Counsel
Taneka Miller
Deputy General Counsel,
General Practice
Lynette Collins
Deputy General Counsel,
Labor and Employment
Aimee Peoples
Deputy Chief, Labor
Management & Employee
Relations (LMER)
Jade Fuller
Deputy Chief, Labor
Management & Employee
Relations (LMER)
Quinne HarrisLindsey
Deputy General Counsel,
Erica Smith
Director, Operations
(AttorneyAdvisor), Office
Ops and General Legal
The General Practice team
provides legal training, advice,
representation, and guidance on
a daily basis on a wide variety of
matters, including federal
education law, contract and
procurement law, student
privacy rights, government
ethics, policy, legislation, and
FOIA requests.
The Labor and
Employment team
represents DCPS in FMLA,
workers’ compensation,
unemployment insurance,
union grievances, involving
suspensions and
terminations, immigration,
drug/alcohol testing,
hiring, reduction in force
actions, and other labor
and employment areas.
The team also handles the
legal sufficiency review for
employee misconduct
The Labor Management and Employee Relations
(LMER) division manages and supports staff through highly
sensitive and confidential employee relations, investigations,
labor, and employment law issues.
The SPED/Litigation team
represents DCPS in special
education, residency,
disciplinary appeals, and
human rights matters before
various judicial bodies. The
team also handles mediations
and provides litigation support
and statutory interpretation to
OAG in appellate and complex
civil litigation.
The Operations team
manages the priorities and
operations within the
office and oversees the
development, finalization,
and execution of OGC’s
departmental operating
plan and budget. The team
also supports the legal
operations of the office by
providing legal advice and
counseling to stakeholders
across the school system
and administrative legal
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Katie Larkin
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster I)
Mary Ann Stinson
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster II)
Bunker Hill ES Jennifer Tompkins Beers ES Gwen Payton
Garfield ES Merlyne Graves Boone ES Kimberly Douglas
Hendley ES Demetrius Lucas Browne EC Shawna Dix
ML King ES Angel Hunter Excel Academy Shaunte Daniel
Leckie EC Niyeka Wilson Ketcham ES LaCondria Beckwith
Malcolm X ES Zara Berry Young Kimball ES Eric Dabney
Noyes ES Kermit Burks Moten ES Akela Stanfield-Dogbe
Patterson ES Victorie Thomas Plummer ES Terri Fuller
School Without Walls FS Shanna Young Randle Highlands ES Kristie Edwards
Simon ES Franchita Eborn Savoy ES Lisa Rosado
Turner ES Jessica Morris Stanton ES Harold McCray
Military Road ELC and Stevens ELC Amelia Hunt Walker-Jones EC Clinton Turner
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Tenia Pritchard
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster III)
Andria Caruthers
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster IV)
Burroughs ES Levar Jenkins Barnard ES Grace Reid
Burrville ES Chunita Pilgrim Brent ES Norah Lycknell
C.W. Harris ES Derek Gorham Capitol Hill Montessori Kim Adutwum
Drew ES Naimah Salahuddin Eaton ES Steven Eskay
Langley ES Kristina Kellogg Hearst ES Jen Geoffroy
Lorraine H. Whitlock ES Malaika Golden J.O. Wilson ES Mitchell Brunson
Nalle ES Laena Lee Key ES David Landeryou
Payne ES Stephanie Byrd Lafayette ES Carrie Broquard
Smothers ES Kiana Williams Miner ES Lawrence Dance
Thomas ES Jaimee Trahan Murch ES Chris Cebrzynski
Wheatley EC Shenora Plenty Peabody ES and Watkins ES MScott Berkowitz
Whittier ES Tiffany Johnson Ross ES Holly Searl
School-Within-School ES John Burst
Thomson ES Carmen Shepherd
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Eric Bethel
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster V)
Carolyne AlbertGarvey
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster VI)
Bancroft ES [Dual Language (DL)] Jessica Morales AmidonBowen ES TaMikka Sykes
Bruce Monroe ES (DL) Alethea Bustillo Brightwood ES Maurice Kennard
Cleveland ES (DL) Taeneress Griffin Dorothy Height ES Masi Preston
Houston ES (DL) Camille Townsend Garrison ES Brigham Kiplinger
HydeAddison ES Calvin Hooks H.D. Cooke ES Ryan Lam
Janney ES Danielle Singh John Lewis ES Nikeysha Jackson
Mann ES Brooks Warnick Langdon ES Kemi Baltimore-Husbands
Marie Reed ES (DL) Katie Lundgren LaSalleBackus EC Shelly Gray
Maury ES Helena Payne Chauvenet LudlowTaylor ES Penelope Miller
OysterAdams EC (DL) Julian Pineda Raymond ES Natalie Hubbard
Powell ES (DL) – O’Kiyyah LucasLyons Shepherd ES Tyra Russell
Seaton ES Veronica Torres Takoma ES Brandon Clayton
Stoddert ES Karen Rivas Truesdell ES Tracy Foster
Tubman ES Amanda Delabar Van Ness ES Maquita Alexander
Tyler ES (DL) Jasmine Brann
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Harry Hughes
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster VII)
Kim Martin
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster VIII)
Brookland MS Kerry Richardson Anacostia HS William Haith
Deal MS Diedre Neal Ballou HS Willie Jackson
Eliot-Hine MS Marlene Magrino Cardozo HS Arthur Mola
Hardy MS Errol Johnson Coolidge HS Semanthe Bright
Hart MS Charlette Butler-Strickland Dunbar HS Nadine Smith
Ida B. Wells MS William Lyles Eastern HS Steven Miller
Jefferson MS Greg Dohmann H.D. Woodson HS William Massey
Johnson MS Latisha Coleman Jackson-Reed HS Sah Brown
Kelly Miller MS Donnell Cox, Jr. Phelps ACE HS Cara Fuller
Kramer MS Katreena Shelby Ron Brown HS Reggie Hunt
MacFarland MS Lucas Cooke Roosevelt HS Brandon Eatman
Sousa MS Courtney Wilkerson
Stuart-Hobson MS Eric Fraser
DC Public School Organizational Chart (Last Updated Fall 2022)
Jerry Jellig
Instructional Superintendent (Cluster IX)
Ballou STAY Gloria Bumpass
Banneker HS Anita Berger
Bard DC Vanessa Anderson and Kennard Branch
Columbia Heights EC Maria Tukeva
Duke Ellington HS Sandi Logan
Luke C. Moore Rodney Wormsley
McKinley HS/MS Kortni Stafford
River Terrace EC Aimee Cepeda
Roosevelt STAY DeWayne Little
School Without Walls HS Sylvia Isaac