Weve had an amazing year in Knightstone. We have worked
really hard in preparaon for adulthood. We have learnt how
to shop for snacks then prepare them independently in the
Baytree at - Ibby is a real expert at this! Yianni has made
amazing progress in his communicaon skills and can let us all
know exactly what he would like clearly and eecvely. Edison
has demonstrated his independence by working really hard
during his Wednesday college sessions. Weve all had a lot of
fun this year, becoming part of the wider community as well
as having a fantasc me during science week, sports week,
art week and a whole range of fantasc events during Wow
week! Overall a fantasc fun year with amazing progress
made by the Knightstone boys!
Making the most of every day
15 AUG
Our Outreach
team have been
busy supporng
our amazing
home learners!
Baytree School
The Campus
Highlands Lane
BS24 7DX
Tel 01934 427555
Email schooloce@baytreeschool.co.uk
Worle Class had a fantasc day out at Noahs
Ark. It was great to see the big animals, Rhinos,
giraes, a bear and elephants and we meet sev-
eral new brightly painted elephants too. The
meerkats and Lemurs were are favour-
ites too. We are having a fun WOW
week. Funfair day was great fun, our fa-
vourite game was eang doughnuts
hanging from a string a very scky
game but worth it.
Green Class has had an amazing WOW
week ! Highlights have been Kayzee loving
touching the snake, Sam choosing our chal-
lenges in Fun Fair Day as well as all the music
and colour of Baytree Does Glastonbury !!
What a busy few weeks we have had. Yellow class
have had a blast and been super busy with our
wow week and school trip. We had a fantasc
day last week during our sports day celebraon -
we absolutely LOVED having you all in to share
this with us. This week we've donned our spar-
kle and have truly made the best of such an
awesome week. A fantasc end to a brilliant
year. Look at us shine!
Red class have thoroughly enjoyed WOW week!
Purple class really enjoyed
Wow week but by far Fun Fair
day was our favourite, playing
with bubbles, hook the duck
games and splang Ed! We
have also enjoyed plenty of
water play and cool oor acv-
ies this week like yoga and
Tac Pac. We hope everyone
has a lovely summer and we
look forward to seeing you in Sep-
tember. To those moving on we
wish you and your families all the
best! Best Wishes Purple class
Orange class have had lots of fun during Wow
Week. We especially loved Glastonbury and vis-
ing Puxton Park as a class.
Steepholm have had a brilliant
Wow week. We have enjoyed lots of dierent and fun
acvies. We have also been doing lots of prom prep-
araon and are looking forward to this! We hope you
have a wonderful summer holiday!
North Somerset Parent Carers Working
North Somerset Parent Carers Working
Together are the local parent carer forum, there to support par-
ents & carers of children/young people between the ages of 0-25
that have an emerging need, addional need and/or disability.
Please contact us on [email protected] or tel: 01934 440844 to
access support.
We are on all social media plaorms or you can nd us at hps://
Term Dates 2022 - 2023
Term 1
INSET DAY - Thursday 1st Sept
INSET DAY - Friday 2nd Sept
Term Starts - Monday 5th Sept
Term Ends - Friday 21st Oct
Term 2
INSET DAY - Monday 31st Oct
INSET DAY - Tuesday 1st Nov
Term Starts - Wednesday 2nd Nov
Term Ends - Friday 16th Dec
Term Dates 2022 - 2023
Term 3
Term Starts - Tuesday 3rd Jan
Term Ends - Friday 10th Feb
Term 4
Term Starts - Monday 20th Feb
Term Ends - Friday 31st Mar
Please note there are sll 2 more INSET
days to be added.
It has been another
fun and amazing year at
Baytree School with some
incredibly excing moments for our learners to enjoy,
such as our wonderful wow week, DofE expedion to
Calvert Trust, sports events and various trips and visits
out in the local community and many more besides!
As the year ends, we have to say goodbye to Jasmine
(our only leaver) and we all wish her well on the next
steps of her excing journey! We have a number of new learners joining in
September and are even opening a new class in our middle school depart-
ment called Pink Class.
We are pleased to welcome a number of new sta to the Baytree team, Kat
who will be teaching in Blue Class, Helen who will be teaching in Birnbeck
Class and also Claire, Millie, Morgan who are joining
as support sta and Andy who will be joining our facili-
es team.
I would like to nally thank all of our families for their
connued support and I would like to wish you all a very
happy, fun and resul summer holiday and we look for-
ward to seeing you all again in September. Ed
What an amazing fun, lled year Blue class have
had. We've loved going on our forest school walks
around our community and learning about our envi-
ronment. We've parcipated in Flamingo chicks
dancing, had lots of fun in our sensory session, en-
joyed reading and learning life skills on toast Fri-
days, We've been shopping and doing some maths
with money in Morrisons and enjoyed meeng the
sta and had lots of fun and laughter with our joint
class games. Wishing everyone a very happy holi-
days from everyone in Blue class.
The Pier went to Calvert
trust to do their Duke of
Edinburgh expedion. Eve-
ryone had the most amaz-
ing me. We are pleased to say that Dominic,
Edison, Ibby, Ben and Ale have all achieved
their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award! Con-
Term Dates 2022 - 2023
Term 5
Term Starts - Monday 17th Apr
BANK HOLIDAY - Monday 1st May
Term Ends - Friday 26 May
Term 6
Term Starts - Monday 5th Jun
Term Ends - Friday 21st Jul