The Negotiated Agreement
between the
Boardman Board of Education
and the
Boardman Education Association
June 30, 2020 - June 30, 2023
1.01 Statement of Recognition 5
1.02 Definition of Bargaining Unit 5
1.03 Duration of Recognition 6
1.04 Representation Election 6
1.05 Association Rights 6
2.01 Obtaining Objectives 9
2.02 Professional Teaching Personnel 9
2.03 Scope of Negotiation 9
2.04 Policy Making 9
2.05 Submission of Issues 9
2.06 Negotiation Sessions 10
Release of Information 1
2.08 Agreement 11
2.09 Disagreement: Mediation 11
3.01 Definition and Rights of the Grievant and Association 13
3.02 Step 1: Informal Procedure 13
3.03 Step 2 13
3.04 Step 3 14
3.05 Step 4 14
3.06 Step 5: Arbitration 14
3.07 Transcripts 15
3.08 Time Limits 15
3.09 Expedition of Grievance 15
3.10 Request for a Second List 15
3.11 Record
Keeping 1
3.12 Rights to Representation 16
3.13 Miscellaneous 16
4.01 Sick Leave 17
4.02 Sick Leave Accumulation 18
4.03 Personal Leave 19
4.04 Parental Leave 20
4.05 Assault Leave 21
4.06 Professional Leave 22
4.07 Sabbatical Leave 22
4.08 Leave for School Visitations 24
4.09 Jury Duty Leave 24
4.10 Bereavement Leave 24
4.11 Family & Medical Leave 24
5.01 Class Size 26
5.02 Split Classes 27
5.03 Non-Teaching Duties 27
5.04 Substitutes 28
5.05 Paid Teacher Aides 29
5.07 In-Service Training 29
5.08 Parent-Teacher Conferences 29
5.09 School Calendar 30
5.10 School Day 30
5.11 School Year
.12 Nondiscrimination 33
5.13 Personnel Files 33
5.14 Teacher and Counselor Evaluation Procedures 34
5.15 Just Cause 36
5.16 Vacancies 36
5.17 Assignment and Transfer 37
5.18 Seniority 38
5.19 Reduction in Force 41
5.20 Personal Messages 44
5.21 Mentor Program 44
5.22 Health and Safety 45
5.23 Progressive Discipline 45
5.24 Smoke Free and Vape Free Environment 47
5.25 Duplicating Equipment 48
5.26 Professional Dress 4
5.27 Administrative Issues 48
6.01 Placement on Salary Schedule 49
6.02 Professional Improvement 49
6.03 Procedure for Continuing Contract 51
6.04 Pay Plan 52
6.05 Payroll Deduction 53
6.06 A. BEA Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2020 56
6.07 Supplemental Contracts 57
6.08 Severance Pay 57
6.09 Employee Insurances 60
6.10 Medical Insurance Coverage 61
6.11 Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance 63
6.12 Employment of Retired Boardman Teachers 63
7.01 Severability 66
7.02 Conflicts 66
7.03 Reprisals 67
7.04 Amendment 67
7.05 Legal Rights 67
7.06 Duplication and Distribution 67
7.07 Duration 68
Appendix A 69
THIS NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the Boardman
Board of Education and the Boardman Education Association is as follows:
1.01 Statement of Recognition
The Boardman Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) recognizes the
Boardman Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or “BEA”), as the
sole and exclusive employee representative for all professional certificated/licensed employees
of the Board.
1.02 Definition of Bargaining Unit
1.021 Inclusions
As used in this Agreement, "Professional Certified/Licensed Employee" and "Employee Unit"
shall include all professional certified/licensed personnel employed by the Board.
1.022 Exclusions
Excluded are tutors, substitute teachers who work less than sixty (60) consecutive days, the
Superintendent of schools, administrators, supervisors, directors and all employees with
supervisory or managerial responsibilities.
1.023 Restrictions
No employee included in the Employee Unit by Section 1.021 shall be required to perform
managerial responsibilities as set forth in Section 1.022.
1.024 Tutors
As used in this Article, "Tutor" means those certified/licensed employees assigned as: Home
Instruction Tutors, Learning Disabilities Tutors, Title I Tutors, Intervention Tutors, and
Auxiliary Service Hourly Staff.
1.03 Duration of Recognition
The period of recognition shall be for the duration of this Agreement and thereafter until a
successor is elected.
1.04 Representation Election
1.041 Criteria for Election
A representation election shall be conducted by the State Employment Relations Board
when a petition is filed in accordance with the rules prescribed by the State Employment
Relations Board.
1.042 Filing of Election Petition
A petition for an election may be filed with the State Employment Relations Board no
sooner than one hundred twenty (120) days no later than ninety (90) days, and at no other
time, prior to the expiration of this Agreement.
1.043 Restrictions
The State Employment Relations Board may not conduct an election in the Employee
Unit represented by the Association during the term of this Agreement or after its
expiration if a State Employment Relations Board-conducted election has been conducted
in the preceding twelve (12) month period.
1.05 Association Rights
Recognition of the Association as the official employee representative shall entitle the
Association to certain exclusive privileges. Only the Association and its affiliated or parent
organizations and those other organizations that do not desire status as the employee
representative for professional staff members have the following privileges:
A. Payroll deduction of membership dues in accordance with the following
1. The Board agrees to deduct dues from the pay of certified/licensed
employees when so authorized in writing by each employee and pay such
dues to the Treasurer of the Association.
2. Association dues authorization is recognized annually from September 1
of the school year through the following August 31. Such dues
authorization shall be continuous thereafter for each subsequent
membership year.
3. Said authorization may be rescinded by an employee upon termination of
employment with the district, upon commencement of an unpaid leave of
absence, or upon written notice to the district Treasurer and the
Association President between August 20 and August 31.
B. The building representatives/officers of the Association in each individual school
will have the use of a bulletin board designated for Association announcements.
C. Permission to make brief announcements during school faculty meetings with the
prior approval of the building principal.
D. Use of the building public address system to make announcements subject to the
prior approval of the building principal.
E. The Association building representatives/officers will have the permission to use
duplicating equipment and all types of audio-visual equipment when such
equipment is not otherwise in use.
1. The use of school equipment is strictly to service the legitimate business
of the Association as it relates to the membership.
2. Supplies in connection with use of such equipment will be furnished or
paid for by the Association.
3. The Board, along with the Association, shall have the sole and exclusive
organizational right to use interschool mail privileges and district e-mail
for messages related to BEA/OEA/NEA business.
F. Association use of a school building will be permitted provided that the request is
made and use arranged for in advance.
G. When it is necessary for official representatives of the Association to engage in
Association activities directly relating to the Association's duties as
representatives of the teachers, during the school day, they may be given such free
time, without loss of pay, as it is necessary to perform any such activity provided
such activities and free time have been approved by the Superintendent or his
designated representative. The Association and its officers recognize and agree
that this privilege should not be abused.
H. The Association shall receive an advance copy of the agenda of each Board
meeting at the same time it is sent to the news media.
I. Names and addresses of newly employed professional staff members shall be
provided to the Association as early as practicable following Board approval of
their contract.
J. The Association shall be granted no less than thirty (30) minutes for Association
business at the initial orientation meeting for new professional staff members.
K. The administration will make available to all professional staff members a
directory listing the names, addresses, phone numbers, and job assignments on
record of all employees of the Board.
L. The Board Policy Manual shall be available on the District’s website.
M. If the JANUS decision of the U.S. Supreme Court is vacated or otherwise altered
to permit the charging of a service or “fair share fee” by collective bargaining
representatives, upon receipt of written notice from the BEA of such change in the
law, the parties agree to meet and commence bargaining in regard to the issue
within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice by the Superintendent.
2.01 Obtaining Objectives
Attainment of objectives of the educational program of the Boardman Local School District
requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board of Education, administrators,
and the professional teaching staff. Therefore, free and open exchange of views is desirable and
necessary with all parties participating in deliberations leading to the determination of matters of
mutual concern.
2.02 Professional Teaching Personnel
2.021 Philosophy
Teaching is a profession requiring specialized qualifications, and the success of the
education program depends upon the maximum utilization of the abilities of teachers who
are satisfied with and understand conditions under which their services are rendered.
2.022 Legal Rights
The legal rights of minorities and individuals inherent in Federal Law, the Revised Code
of the State of Ohio, and the rulings and regulations of the Department of Education
affecting the professional teaching personnel are no way abridged by this Agreement.
2.03 Scope of Negotiation
The Board and/or Superintendent or their designated representatives shall meet with the
recognized bargaining representative for the purpose of negotiating wages, salaries, hours, and
other terms and conditions of employment of the members of the Employee Unit.
2.04 Policy Making
The policy making function is the exclusive power of the Board and it is without authority to
delegate such power to any other individual or group. However, the Board recognizes a
responsibility to consult with and to be advised by enlightened professional opinion.
2.05 Submission of Issues
Issues proposed for negotiations shall be submitted in writing by the Association to the
Superintendent or his/her designated representative or by the Superintendent to the Association
President or the Association President's designated representative at the first bargaining session.
A mutually convenient meeting date shall be set not later than March 1 of the year in which this
Agreement expires. Negotiations shall be completed within sixty (60) days unless there is a
mutually agreed upon extension. Emergency items may be negotiated at any time upon mutual
consent of both parties.
2.06 Negotiation Sessions
Negotiation sessions, composed of members of the Association and Board’s representatives shall
not exceed three (3) members each, unless mutually agreed upon beforehand. Requests for
meetings shall contain the reasons for the request. Meetings shall be scheduled to least interfere
with the school schedules. At the initial meeting, the parties shall determine when written
proposals shall be exchanged and agree on a preferred format. Thereafter, new proposals may not
be submitted unless mutually agreed upon. Topical listing, or so called “laundry lists” shall
constitute a failure to comply with this paragraph and shall be disregarded.
2.061 Ground Rules
It is understood that the following ground rules are not all inclusive; therefore, the
negotiation teams shall develop additional ground rules at the first bargaining session.
A. All proposals and counter proposals shall be in writing.
B. Either party may call a caucus to discuss items of negotiation.
C. Prior to the conclusion of each bargaining session, the date and time of the next
bargaining session shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
D. All previously negotiated language in which no change has been proposed by
either party, shall remain in full force and effect on both parties as part of the
successor Negotiated Agreement, for the length of time as agreed to and
subsequently described in Section 7.07, Duration, of said Negotiated Agreement.
E. Any ground rules may be amended by mutual consent of both parties.
2.062 Assistance
The parties may call upon competent professional and lay representatives to consider
matters under discussion and to make suggestions. Educational consultants may be used
in the deliberations.
2.063 Study Committees
The parties may appoint ad hoc study committees to research, study, and develop
projects, programs, reports, and to make recommendations on matters under
consideration. The committees shall report findings to the parties. Expenses, mutually
agreed upon, shall be shared equally by the Board and the Association.
2.064 Exchange of Information
The Board agrees to furnish to the Association, upon reasonable request, any information
concerning the district's finances. Such information shall include, but not be limited to,
the Appropriations Resolution before it is approved by the Board and any regularly
prepared reports pertinent to negotiations.
2.07 Release of Information
During negotiations, interim reports may be made to the Association by its representatives and to
the Board by its representatives. Each party is responsible for requesting that the information
from such reports be regarded as only proposals and shall be confidential information within the
respective organization. This, however, shall not be construed as limiting the channels of
communication between employer and employees. News releases during negotiations or at the
conclusion of negotiations may be made by either party, provided they are mutually agreed upon
by the parties prior to release, unless the parties have reached impasse.
2.08 Agreement
The negotiating teams shall have the authority to indicate tentative agreement pending final
approval by the Board and the Association. When tentative agreement has been reached on all
issues, they shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the Board and the Association for
approval. When approved by a majority vote of the Board and the Association, the Agreement
will be signed by the President of the Board and the President of the Association and become
part of the official minutes of the Board. The Agreement shall not discriminate against any
member of the staff regardless of membership or non-membership in the Association.
2.09 Disagreement: Mediation
2.091 Board of Education
If, at the expiration of the sixty (60) day negotiation period as provided for in Section
2.06, final agreement has not been reached, Association representatives may present the
issues to the Board in an executive session of either a special meeting or the next regular
meeting of the Board. If the Association intends to utilize this option, it must notify the
Board within five (5) days after the expiration of the sixty (60) day negotiation period.
2.092 Mediation
At any time after the thirtieth (30th) day of the sixty (60) day negotiation period, either
the Association or the Board may declare impasse and request that the Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service provide a mediator to facilitate bargaining. If impasse is
declared it is with the understanding that the impasse is declared on all issues where
tentative agreement has not been reached. The assigned mediator has the authority to
recommend but not to bind either party to any agreement. Unless final agreement is
reached, mediation conducted under the auspices of the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service shall continue until the expiration of the Collective Bargaining
Agreement, and if the parties mutually agree, may continue thereafter.
It is agreed that the procedures set forth in this section constitute a mutually agreed
dispute settlement procedure that supersedes the procedures contained in Ohio Revised
Code Section 4117.14.
2.093 Cost of Mediation
The cost of mediation shall be shared equally by the Board and the Association.
3.01 Definition and Rights of the Grievant and Association
3.011 A grievance is defined as a claim by an employee, a group of employees, or the
Association that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the
terms of this Agreement. Grievances shall be handled as set forth in this Grievance
3.012 The purpose of these procedures is to secure, at the lowest level administrator
having authority to resolve the grievance, equitable solutions to grievances. All parties
agree that grievances shall be processed as expeditiously as possible and kept as
confidential as is appropriate and legally permitted.
3.013 The fact that a member of the Employee Unit participates in a grievance shall not
be recorded in the member’s personnel file or in any way be used as the basis for a
transfer, reassignment, promotion, or dismissal; nor shall such fact be used as the basis
for a negative evaluation of the member.
3.014 A grievant shall be accompanied at all times and at all formal steps of the
grievance procedure by a representative of the Association.
3.02 Step 1: Informal Procedure
An employee who feels that he/she has a grievance may discuss it with his/her immediate
supervisor. If the grievant determines that said discussion does not affect a satisfactory resolution
to the grievance, the grievance may be processed to Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure, provided
that it is filed within twenty (20) days as per the Time Limit section of this Article. (Section
3.03 Step 2
The employee or the Association may present the grievance in writing to the employee's
supervisor, who shall arrange for a meeting to take place within five (5) days after receipt of the
grievance. The Association's representative, the aggrieved employee, and his/her supervisor shall
be present for the meeting. The supervisor must provide the employee and the Association with
his/her written answer to the grievance within five (5) days after the conclusion of the meeting.
3.04 Step 3
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 2, or if the time limits are not met, the Association may
process the grievance to the Superintendent, or his/her designated representative, within five (5)
days after receipt of the Step 2 answer, or within eight (8) days after the meeting in Step 2,
whichever is later. The Superintendent, or his/her designated representative, shall arrange for a
meeting with the Association representative and the aggrieved employee to take place within five
(5) days of his/her receipt of the appeal. Each party shall have the right to have present at such
meeting such witnesses as it deems necessary to develop facts pertinent to the grievance. Upon
conclusion of the hearing, the Superintendent shall have five (5) days in which to provide his/her
written decision to the Association.
3.05 Step 4
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 3, or if the time limits are not met, the Association may
process the grievance to the Board by submitting a notice to the Superintendent no later than five
(5) days receipt of the Step 3 answer or the date the Superintendent's written response should
have been rendered. The Board will hear the grievance at its next regular meeting that takes
place at least five (5) days after the Superintendent receives notice of the appeal. Each party
shall have the right to present at such meeting such witnesses as it deems necessary to develop
the facts pertinent to the grievance. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall have five (5)
days in which to provide its written decision to the Association.
3.06 Step 5: Arbitration
If the grievance has not been resolved through the preceding procedure, or if the Board has not
issued its written answer within the time prescribed in Step 4, then the Association may submit
the grievance to arbitration by giving written notice to the Superintendent of its intent to do so.
The parties shall first attempt to agree upon an impartial arbitrator to hear the grievance. If the
parties are unable to agree within five (5) days from the Superintendent's receipt of the
Association's appeal to arbitration, the Association shall then request the American Arbitration
Association to administer the proceedings under the Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules of that
Association. The selection of the arbitrator shall be made from a list of nine (9) arbitrators
provided to the parties by the American Arbitration Association, and the parties shall utilize the
alternate strike method to determine the arbitrator. If a demand for arbitration is not filed within
thirty (30) days of the date for the Board's Step 4 answer then the grievance shall be deemed
3.061 Authority of Arbitrator
The decision of the arbitrator shall be in writing and shall be final and binding upon the
parties. The authority of the arbitrator shall be to determine controversies involving the
interpretation, application, or alleged violation of specific provision of this Agreement
and he/she shall have no power to add to, subtract from, or modify any of the terms of
this agreement, or to arbitrate any matter not specifically provided for by this Agreement.
3.062 Cost of Arbitration
Each party shall bear the full costs for its representation in the arbitration proceedings.
The costs and expenses of the arbitrator and the American Arbitration Association shall
be divided equally between the parties.
3.07 Transcripts
Should either party desire a transcript of the proceedings, that party shall bear the full cost for
that transcript. Should both parties request a transcript, then the cost for the transcripts shall be
divided equally between the parties.
3.08 Time Limits
If the grievance is not filed in writing within twenty (20) days after the grievant knew or should
have known of the event giving rise to the grievance, the opportunity to file the grievance shall
be considered to have been waived. All time limits or days as used in this grievance and
arbitration procedure shall be interpreted to mean school days. Except that when a grievance is
submitted on or after June 1, time limits shall consist of all days the Board Office is open so that
the matter may be resolved before the close of the school term or as soon as possible thereafter.
The time limits set forth in this procedure may be extended only by mutual agreement of the
parties, and the parties agree that every reasonable effort shall be made to expedite the grievance
3.09 Expedition of Grievance
If the Association and the Superintendent agree, Step 1, Step 2, and/or Step 3 of the Grievance
Procedure may be by-passed and the grievance brought directly to the next step. Class grievances
involving more than one supervisor and grievances involving an administrator above the
immediate supervisory level may be filed by the Association at Step 3.
3.10 Request for a Second List
Prior to the deadline established by the American Arbitration Association for returning the
parties' selection of arbitrator(s), either party may request in writing a second list of arbitrators
from which to make selection. The party making said request shall notify the other party in
writing at the time the request is made.
3.11 Record Keeping
All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be
filed separately from the personnel file of any employee involved.
3.12 Rights to Representation
Both parties shall have the right to legal counsel at all levels of the procedure beginning at Step
2. The grievant shall have the right to an Association representative at all levels beginning at
Step 1.
3.13 Miscellaneous
3.131 Nothing contained in this procedure shall be construed as limiting the individual
right of a teacher having a complaint or problem to discuss the matter informally with
members of the administration through normal channels of communication.
3.132 In the event the Association determines, at any level of the grievance procedure,
that a grievance should not be carried further, the grievant may continue the procedure
but shall be liable for his/her share of any expense incurred thereafter in such proceeding.
4.01 Sick Leave
4.011 Entitlement to Sick Leave
Members of the Employee Unit shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave with pay
for each full year under contract, which shall be credited at the rate of one and one-fourth
(1 1/4) days per month. Employees shall be permitted to use sick leave in one half (1⁄2)
and full day segments, unless the sick leave is being run concurrent with FMLA leave in
which case the leave may be used in one-hour increments.
4.012 Utilization of Sick Leave
Members of the Employee Unit may use sick leave for absence due to personal illness,
pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to
others and for absence due to illness, injury, or death in the employee's immediate family.
A member of the Employee Unit may use sick leave following the birth of a child for a
period of up to eight (8) weeks. If there are any continuing complications related to the
birth or a medical reason associated with the baby’s health, sick leave may be used
beyond the limits set in this paragraph based upon a physician’s medical certification. A
member of the Employee Unit may also use sick leave for a period of up to two (2) weeks
following his/her spouse giving birth to a child.
4.013 Immediate Family Defines
Immediate family shall be interpreted to include father, mother, grandparents, grandchild,
brother, sister, husband, wife, child, in-laws, aunt, uncle, cousin, and other relatives,
parent-in-law, or anyone who has stood in the same family relationship with the
employee as any one of these.
4.014 Transfer of Sick Leave
A member of the Employee Unit who transfers from one public agency in Ohio to
another public agency shall be permitted to transfer the amount of his or her accumulated
sick leave up to the maximum accumulation allowed by the Boardman Local School
4.015 Catastrophic Leave of Absence (CLA)
Catastrophic Leave of Absence is an option designed for when an employee encounters a
catastrophic life altering/threatening event but has not accumulated sufficient
sick/personal leave to cover the necessary absence.
To utilize this benefit, an employee must complete an application to be submitted for
approval by the CLA committee, which shall be comprised of six (6) members; three (3)
appointed by the Superintendent and three (3) appointed by the Association President.
Applications must receive a majority vote (4-2) for approval. All votes of the committee
will be confidential and final. Applicants will be informed of the committee’s decision in
writing in a timely manner.
If approved, the Board Treasurer will advertise for and accept donations of unused
personal days from BEA members which will be used by the applicant. Applicants are
eligible to receive a maximum of ten (10) days of CLA and then only for one (1) time
during their career with the Boardman schools.
Staff donations of personal days will be accepted in the order they are received. Unused
personal days will be returned in reverse order they were received. Once the applicant’s
request has been met, donations will cease to be accepted.
4.02 Sick Leave Accumulation
4.021 Sick Leave Accumulation
Unused sick leave shall be cumulative up to three hundred (300) days.
4.022 Recording of Sick Leave Accumulation
An update of each employee's accumulated sick leave days will be stated on the current
pay stub.
4.023 Employee's reason for use of sick leave and personal leave is a private matter. An
employee's application for, or use of, such leave shall be kept confidential.
Those school personnel necessary to process Central Office and State reports shall have
access to this information.
4.024 If requested, each new full-time member of the Employee Unit, with a sick leave
balance of zero (0) shall be advanced five (5) days of sick leave credit. If utilization of
sick leave requires the employee to use the full amount of credit before the advanced sick
leave credit has been earned, such member of the Employee Unit may not be lawfully
advanced additional sick leave credit. The five (5) day advance is to be deducted from
the future accumulation of sick leave credit the member of the Employee Unit earns on
the basis of completed months of service.
4.03 Personal Leave
4.031 Entitlement of Personal Leave
Each member of the Employee Unit will be granted three (3) non-accumulative days of
personal leave per school year for responsibilities that cannot be assumed when school is
not in session.
4.032 Utilization of Personal Leave
Notice of intent to use personal leave shall be provided by the employee to the
Superintendent or his/her designee at least five (5) days in advance of the anticipated
absence. However, in the case of an emergency, notice to the Superintendent or his/her
designee shall be made as far in advance of the absence as is possible in order that proper
arrangements for the handling of the duties can be made. If circumstances make advance
requests impossible, the employee shall notify the Superintendent or his/her designee of
the intent to use personal leave as soon as is practicable.
4.033 Approval of Personal Leave
Personal leave days may not be used to cover leave specified by other provisions of this
agreement nor may they be used for recreation or vacation or other employment. Personal
leave days that extend a holiday, a recess or are for calamity make-up days are subject to
approval by the Superintendent.
4.034 Personal Leave -- Non-use
Compensation for unused personal leave is as follows:
3 unused personal days - $200*
2 unused personal days - $125*
1 unused personal day - $50*
*Payment for unused personal days will be added to the second pay of July.
4.04 Parental Leave
4.041 Entitlement of Parental Leave
A. Parental leave of absence shall be granted, upon request, to an employee who
becomes pregnant or who becomes a parent by childbirth or adoption. Said leave
shall be an unpaid leave of absence and shall be granted for a full school year or
part of the school year in which it is requested.
B. In the case of a birth which occurs or an adoption which is finalized on or after
the first day of the final nine-week grading period an employee may request and
shall be granted an extension of the first year of parental leave through the end of
the next school year.
C. After delivery or adoption, once cleared to return to work and upon approval of
unpaid parental leave, an Association member may request up to twelve (12)
weeks of medical coverage at a contribution of fifty (50) percent.
D. A teacher must return to work from a parental leave for a minimum of ninety (90)
work days, excluding sick days following a second year of parental leave before a
“first year” of a new parental leave may be approved.
4.042 Extension of Parental Leave
Upon request of the employee, parental leave shall be extended for one (1) additional
school-year, provided the request is made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools on
or before April 1 immediately preceding the school year for which the extension is
An employee requesting a first year LOA after April 1 shall notify the Superintendent of
Schools on or before June 1 of their intent to extend the parental leave.
4.043 Application
Application for parental leave shall be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools
no later than thirty (30) working days prior to the effective date for such leave and such
request shall state the anticipated duration of the leave. In case of pregnancy, the request
shall be accompanied by a statement from the attending physician giving the expected
date of delivery.
4.044 Reinstatement
A. If the employee on parental leave of absence desires to be reassigned to duty with
the Board of Education following the termination of such leave, application for
reinstatement must be made in writing to the Office of the Superintendent at least
thirty (30) days before the expiration of such leave or as hereinafter specified. An
employee returning after childbirth shall furnish a doctor’s certificate stating that
she is able to perform her duties.
B. Reinstatement of the employee to duty upon expiration of leave shall be made
after the proper application has been submitted and no later than the beginning of
the next semester, unless another leave has been approved.
C. At the end of said leave, the employee returning from leave shall be restored to
contract status and assigned position according to certification.
4.045 Rights While on Leave
A. Employees on parental leave, upon payment by the employee of the appropriate
premiums, may continue as group members of all Board insurance programs,
provided said coverage is acceptable to the carrier.
B. Should disability occur during the term of parental leave for pregnancy, the
employee shall have the option to convert to sick leave.
C. In the case of adoption, the employee may request and shall be granted permission
to use up to six (6) weeks of his/her personal accumulation of earned but unused
sick leave prior to being granted a parental leave. Said use of sick leave shall not
be construed as falsification of the use of sick leave.
4.05 Assault Leave
4.051 Reporting of Assault
Teachers shall report immediately to their principal, or acting principal, in all cases of
assault suffered by them in connection with their employment.
4.052 Entitlement to Assault Leave
Whenever a teacher is absent from school as a result of personal injury caused by an
assault arising out of and/or in the course of his/her employment, the teacher shall be paid
his/her full salary for the period of such absence for up to one calendar year without
having such absence charged to the annual sick leave or accumulated sick leave. Any
amount of salary payable pursuant to this Section shall be reduced by the amount of any
Worker’s Compensation awarded for temporary disability due to the said assault injury
for the period for which such salary is paid.
The leave must be requested in writing and must include the initial date of the leave and
an estimate as to the length of the leave. The request must include the employee's
signature, a statement as to the need for such leave, and signature of attending physician
or physicians. The teacher must also submit an incident report and agree to participate in
any disciplinary proceedings related to the assault. Further, the teacher must file a police
report related to the assault, unless the Superintendent determines it is not necessary or
appropriate in a specific situation. Falsification of the signed statement is grounds for
suspension or termination of employment under Section 3319.16 of the Ohio Revised
The Board shall have the right to have the teacher examined by a physician designated by
the Board for the purpose of establishing the length of time during which the teacher is
temporarily disabled from performing his/her duties; and in the event that there is
adjudication in the appropriate Worker’s Compensation proceedings for the period of
temporary disability, the opinion of the said physician as to the said period shall control.
4.053 Restrictions
Section 4.052 of this Section to be void if through due process the teacher was found to
be negligent or had acted irresponsibly.
4.06 Professional Leave
Staff members incurring expenses by attending Board approved clinics, conferences, workshops,
or visitations will be reimbursed as soon as itemized expenditures, accompanied by lodging
receipts, when applicable, are submitted to the Board Treasurer.
4.07 Sabbatical Leave
4.071 Eligibility
Sabbatical leave for study and research and teaching in foreign countries may be granted
by the Board to teachers who have completed five (5) years of service to the school
system. Such sabbatical leave shall be in recognition of significant service through
teaching and for the purpose of encouraging scholarly achievement that contributes to the
professional effectiveness of the members of the staff and the value of their subsequent
service to the school system.
4.072 Conditions of Leave
A. Each year, five percent (5%) of the certificated/licensed staff, who are eligible,
may be granted sabbatical leave.
B. Sabbatical leave may not be granted to one individual more often than once every
five (5) years.
C. A member who is granted sabbatical leave will be required to return to the staff of
the school system for at least one (1) year. If the member does not return for one
(1) year, he/she shall be required to refund the Board monies given for such leave.
D. Upon returning, each member shall present to the Superintendent a full report
regarding how he/she used his/her sabbatical leave.
4.073 Duration of Leave
A sabbatical leave may be granted for one semester, one full school year, or for the last
semester of one school year and the first semester of the following year. Each member on
sabbatical leave shall receive the difference between the substitute's pay and the
member's expected salary.
4.074 Application for Leave
Application for sabbatical leave shall be made in writing and addressed to the
Superintendent not later than February 15 or October 15 proceeding the school term
within which the leave is desired. The application must be accompanied by a statement of
a well-considered plan for spending the leave in a manner calculated to contribute to the
professional effectiveness of the applicant and the best interests of the school system.
4.075 Reinstatement
A. The member shall be restored to his/her former status upon return.
B. Regular annual salary increments shall be given for the time of the leave the same
as for regular services in the school.
4.08 Leave for School Visitations
Leave of absence with pay may be granted by the Superintendent for the purpose of visitation of
other schools. Visitation of other schools shall be recommended by the principal, and
arrangements made in advance for such visitations.
Jury Duty Leave
When an employee receives notice that he/she was selected for jury duty and is required to report
to the court for the jury duty, the Board shall pay the employee his/her regular compensation.
The employee must promptly notify his/her principal or supervisor when he/she receives the
notice for jury duty. To avoid disruption to his/her classes, the employee is encouraged to
contact the court to determine whether it is possible to defer the jury duty until the summer.
Upon returning to work, the employee must submit to the Board Treasurer an official receipt
from the court verifying the days he/she served on jury duty. Any compensation received as a
member of the jury will be given to the school district.
Bereavement Leave
A. Members of the Employee Unit shall be entitled up to three (3) days of paid Bereavement
Leave for the death of each immediate family member as defined in Section 4.013 of the
Agreement. The Bereavement Leave may be used for the actual funeral, for grieving, or
for business related to the death as needed. Additional days may be taken from sick leave
in accordance with the sick leave provisions of this Agreement.
B. A limited number of members of the Employee Unit, contingent on the teacher providing
his/her own class coverage, shall be excused from his/her teaching duties to attend the
memorial service of another District teacher. The immediate family, as used in this
section, is as defined in Section 4.013 of this Agreement. Said leave shall be for a
maximum of three (3) hours and shall be with no loss of pay.
4.11 Family & Medical Leave
In addition to the above benefits, members of the bargaining unit shall be entitled to leave
as provided in the Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, and the regulations
adopted by the U.S. Department of Labor. Eligible employees may take up to twelve
(12) weeks of unpaid leave in any 12-month period for the following qualifying reasons:
(1) birth and/or care of a newborn child, within twelve (12) months of the child’s birth;
(2) placement of a child with an employee by way of adoption or foster care, and/or care
for the adopted or foster child within twelve (12) months of his/her arrival; (3) the
employee is needed to provide physical and/or psychological care for his/her spouse,
child or parent with a “serious health condition”; (4) the employee’s own “serious health
condition” prevents him/her from performing the functions of his/her job; and (5)
“qualified exigency” leave. Additionally, eligible employees may take up to twenty-six
(26) weeks of unpaid leave in a “single 12-month period” for “military caregiver leave.”
For purposes of this section, "12-month period" is defined as "the 12-month period
measured forward from the date the employee's first FMLA leave begins" (i.e. the leave
year is specific to each employee). Eligible employees are entitled to twelve (12) weeks
of leave during the 12-month period beginning on the first date FMLA leave is taken.
The next 12-month period would commence the first time FMLA leave is taken after
completion of any previous 12-month period. Employees shall be eligible for FMLA
leave if they have been employed for at least twelve (12) months and performed at least
twelve hundred fifty (1,250) hours of service during the 12-month period immediately
preceding the leave (full-time teachers are presumed to meet the 1,250 hours of service
standard). Employees on FMLA leave shall have their group health insurance benefits
maintained as provided for in this Negotiated Agreement.
5.01 Class Size
The Board and the Association recognize that the teacher-pupil ratio is an important aspect of an
effective educational program. However, both the Board and the Association acknowledge that
teacher-pupil ratios should be determined based on the product of many variables including
grade levels, subject areas, nature of pupils in the classroom, nature of learning objectives,
availability of learning materials and facilities, skills and attitudes of the classroom teacher,
availability of support staff, and budgetary constraints as solely determined by the Board.
Therefore, both the Board and the Association agree that class sizes shall be based on the
variables listed above with the following standards as desirable.
A. Elementary Classes:
1. Kindergarten and first grade: 23 students
2. Second grade through eighth grade: 25 students
B. Combined total in teacher's regular classes in secondary schools (based on
five-day week): 125 students.
C. Every effort will be made by the Board to maintain class enrollments according to
the available number of pupil stations when applicable, i.e. art, computer lab,
industrial arts, home economics.
D. In certain activity type classes such as physical education and music, the above
standards do not apply.
E. The Board shall make every effort to maintain a reasonable balance of class size
within all sections of a given course in grades 5-12.
F. Every two (2) years, the Board will give the middle grade teams the option to
rotate inclusion responsibilities. However, the Board reserves the right to make a
change after one (1) year.
5.02 Split Classes
Unless established for the purpose of implementing a specific, deliberately planned educational
program, no split-grade classes shall be maintained in the elementary schools.
5.03 Non-Teaching Duties
5.031 Philosophy
The Board and the Association agree that a teacher's primary responsibility is the effort
put forth in the classroom. They further agree that members must assume additional
responsibilities beyond the classroom to ensure a safe and proper school environment.
5.032 Equitable Distribution of Non-Teaching Assignments:
The administration of each school, on an annual basis, shall take care to see that
non-teaching assignments, inclusive of before school and after school supervisory
responsibilities, are equitably distributed among all members of the Employee Unit and
recognized in the teacher's daily load.
5.033 Cafeteria Duty
Members of the Employee Unit in the middle school and high school may be required to
have cafeteria duty each year during the term of this Agreement. No middle school
teacher shall be assigned to cafeteria duty for more than one lunch section per day.
5.034 Compensation for Non-Teaching Duties
When the additional non-teaching duties affect the quality of teaching or demand
unreasonable time commitments beyond the school day, the Board agrees to give
compensation for such assigned duties.
5.035 Elementary Schools
No teacher in the elementary schools shall have cafeteria duty or playground duty.
5.036 Administrative Duties
No BEA member shall be assigned an administrative duty unless mutually agreed upon.
(examples: attendance, late to class, parking lot monitoring, discipline)
5.04 Substitutes
5.041 List of Qualified Substitutes
The administration shall maintain a list of qualified substitute teachers.
5.042 Employment of Substitutes
When an employee is absent, the Board shall make a reasonable effort to provide a
certificated/licensed substitute.
5.043 Compensation for Assumption of Substitute's Duties
A. When an approved substitute is not available, volunteers shall first be sought to
assume the instructional responsibilities of the absent teacher during his/her
conference/planning period. If no volunteers come forward, the building
administration may assign the responsibility to members of the Employee Unit on
a rotating basis as has been the practice.
B. When an approved substitute is not available and an employee volunteers or is
directed to assume an absent teacher's instructional responsibilities during his/her
conference/planning period, that teacher shall be compensated at the rate of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour or class period or fraction thereof.
C. When approved substitutes are not available for specialists in elementary schools
(art, music, physical education) the responsibility for those students shall be
assumed by the homeroom teacher at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per
period or fraction thereof.
D. Personnel not in the Employee Unit shall not be assigned to assume an absent
teacher's responsibility unless there is an emergency and no member of the
bargaining unit is available.
E. Personnel may not be reassigned from specific duties such as study hall, cafeteria,
hall and bus supervision and Department Chairman/Instructional Coordinator
assignments to assume the responsibility of an absent classroom teacher.
Paragraph E does not apply to administrative assignments and/or assistance as
stated on the middle school master schedule.
F. Students may not be assigned to study hall when an approved substitute is not
available without compensating the study hall supervisors at the rate of fifteen
dollars ($15.00) per period or fraction thereof.
5.05 Paid Teacher Aides
5.051 Employment of Teacher Aides
Teacher aides will be employed to reduce the load of the teaching staff and in particular
whenever possible to assist teachers in classrooms where the number of pupils is beyond
the recommended standards defined in the Class Size Provision of this Agreement
(Section 5.01). Employed aides’ first responsibility will be to the teachers at the grade
level assigned. When available they may be given other duties.
5.06 Five Year Forecast Committee
Annually, a joint committee shall be formed consisting of up to eight (8) representatives (of the
Administration, Association, and community) to have input into the development of any Five
Year Forecast submitted by the Board to the Ohio Department of Education under the provisions
of ORC 5705.391. The Superintendent shall appoint three (3) representatives from the
Administration and one (1) from the community, and the Association President shall appoint
three (3) representatives from the BEA and one from the community.
5.07 In-Service Training
5.071 Planning of In-Service Training
The Association President shall appoint a three (3) member committee representing each
of the District's instructional levels (elementary and secondary) for the purpose of
consultation on planning District in-service training programs.
5.08 Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conference dates will be placed on the school year calendar. The conference days
shall be scheduled to take place on an evening for a duration of five and one-half (51⁄2) hours, to
include a thirty (30) minute break. This time shall constitute a full day worked and schools shall
be closed the following day.
5.09 School Calendar
The regular school year calendar will not be finalized and approved by the Board until the
Association is afforded a reasonable opportunity to comment upon the proposed school year
calendar. The Winter Recess shall include the day before Christmas Eve.
5.10 School Day
5.101 Duration
The school day shall not exceed 71⁄2 consecutive hours.
5.102 Lunch Period
The school day shall include a daily, minimum thirty (30) minute, duty-free uninterrupted
lunch period. Unless mutually agreed upon, a BEA members’ lunch must be scheduled
during a time lunch is served in the building.
5.103 Planning Time
A school week shall include planning periods as follows:
A. High School/Junior High (grades 7 -12)
– One (1) instructional period per day.
B. Intermediate/Elementary (grades K – 6) – 200 minutes per week in blocks of
not less than thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
C. Special Education – One professional day, in their assigned building, shall be
granted each school year to all special education teachers with at least eight (8)
students on their caseload for the purpose of writing IEPs. Two (2) professional
days, in their assigned building, shall be granted each school year to all special
education teachers who have the responsibility to write at least sixteen (16) IEPs
on their caseload.
D. Teachers With Gifted Students
– One half (1⁄2) professional day, in their
assigned building, shall be granted each school year to teachers with at least eight
(8) gifted students on a caseload for the purpose of writing WEPs. One (1)
professional day, in their assigned building, shall be granted each school year to
teachers with at least sixteen (16) gifted students on a caseload for the purpose of
writing WEPs.
5.104 Leaving the Building
An employee may leave the building during his/her lunch period upon notification of the
employee's supervisor or his/her designee. An employee may leave the building during
his/her planning period upon approval of the employee's supervisor or his/her designee.
5.105 Whenever possible, the number of preparations in grades 7 through 12 shall not
exceed four (4). In the event, due to scheduling, a teacher must be given an additional
preparation, said teacher shall:
A. have no non-teaching duties.
B. have an additional planning period.
5.106 No teacher at the middle grade level shall have more than six (6) teaching periods
per day and no teacher at the high school level shall have more than five (5) teaching
periods per day. A teacher at either level may volunteer for an additional teaching period
per day beyond these maximums.
5.107 Meeting/Special Students
Building Assistance Team meetings will be held at a time mutually agreed to by the
Team. Any meetings held outside of the defined school day shall be voluntary.
5.11 School Year
The school year shall consist of a maximum of 184 days and a minimum as defined in ORC
3313.48 (currently 910 hours in grades K-6 and 1,001 hours in grades 7-12). The designated
instruction days shall consist of a maximum 180 days unless otherwise modified by calamity day
language set forth in this section.
The 184 days will consist of:
1 – Pre-school year Professional Day
½ - Flex Day -
one half (1/2) day shall be at the option of each member of the
Employee Unit to complete between the first student report day and ten (10) work
days prior. Teachers should notify the principal/secretary of the building at least
one (1) day before they plan to report. The District will make a concerted effort to
have rooms ready by the first eligible Flex Day.
½ - Open House – one (1) open house per teacher, per year, per building, to which
he/she is assigned.
1 – Post-school year Report Day
1 – Locally planned Inservice day
178 – Student instruction days
2 – Teacher/Parent conference days
5.111 Calamity Days
Calamity Days - If instructional days are lost due to inclement weather or other calamity,
the staff will not be required to make up the first five (5) days lost. Any subsequent days
missed due to a calamity will be made up. Make up days will not result in additional
compensation for teachers. Potential make up days are designated on the Board-approved
District calendar.
Dependent on additional hazardous weather conditions and/or other calamity, the Board
retains the latitude to grant additional calamity days while still meeting the statutory
requirements for a minimum school year, as set forth in Ohio Revised Code Section
In the event the school year is extended beyond the one hundred eighty-four (184) days
by a State of Ohio mandate (excluding the makeup of calamity days) the Board agrees to
reopen negotiations for salaries relating to the additional days only. The Board shall
consult the Association on changes in the school calendar that are due to additional days.
5.112 Approved Inservice - Additional Compensation
The one (1) locally planned inservice day is mandatory. Teachers will also be encouraged
to participate in five (5) hours of approved inservice training beyond the regular school
day. At the end of the regular school year, teachers who have completed the five (5)
hours of approved inservice will be paid for five (5) hours at their hourly rate.
Guidelines - Five Hours of Approved Inservice:
All in-service hours must be pre-approved by the building principal. Hours will be paid
for time actually spent in training or study. Time spent for travel to and from or for meals
associated with the in-service will not be paid.
The five hours of in-service to be paid cannot include approved meetings where a stipend
is paid and cannot include college or university coursework which will be turned in for
module payment.
Examples of Approved In-service Training Program:
1. Federal, State or local mandated training programs that are not offered during the
regular work day such as: Hazardous Communications, Bloodborne Pathogens,
Child Assault, AIDS Awareness, Sports Medicine, CPR and Mentor Training.
2. Staff development programs sponsored by the State Department of Education,
Regional Staff Development Consortium, Mahoning County Office of Education,
or the Boardman Local Schools that address job responsibilities that are directly
related to employment with the Boardman Local Schools.
3. Condition of Employment training and responsibilities
5.12 Nondiscrimination
The Board and the Association are cognizant that professional qualifications are not impaired by
virtue of race, color, creed, sex, disability, religion, or family relationship. Therefore, the Board
and the Association shall not engage in any biased or discriminatory practices regarding
employment, conditions of employment, transfer promotion, or compensation on the basis of
race, color, creed, sex, disability, religion, or family relationship.
5.13 Personnel Files
5.131 Right of Review
Teachers shall have the opportunity to review, discuss and respond in writing to any
evaluation reports with their supervisors and to review the content of any reports
originated in this system that are contained in their personnel files as maintained by
building principals, supervisors, or the Superintendent.
5.132 Legal Rights
This provision shall not be construed to deny employees of any legal rights as delineated
in ORC 1347.
5.133 Restrictions
No item from any anonymous source may be placed in the personnel file of a teacher.
The Superintendent shall provide prior notice to a member of the Employee Unit whose
personnel file is to be inspected by a member of the public other than an
administrator/representative of the Board.
5.134 Removal of Records
Documents placed in the personnel file of an employee will upon written request of the
employee be reviewed by the Superintendent for removal after a five (5) year period,
provided the employee has not violated the same or related infractions during that time
period. Notwithstanding the preceding, disciplinary documents related to allegations of
sexual harassment/discrimination, physical or sexual abuse, and last change agreements
shall not be removed from the employee’s personnel file per the adopted district records
retention policy.
5.14 Teacher and Counselor Evaluation Procedures
For OTES teachers and OSCES counselors, the District will utilize the Board's
standards-based teacher evaluation system set forth in Appendix "A1," which has been
mutually developed by the parties. All matters contained within the system shall be
considered grievable under the grievance procedure contained within this contract and in
accordance with the provisions of this Article. Any revisions to the Board's
standards-based teacher evaluation system must be bargained prior to implementation in
accordance with law, and nothing herein shall diminish the right of the Association to
strike under Ohio Revised Code Section 4117.14(D)(2).
Teachers who do not have applicable student growth measures will be evaluated on 100%
of the Teacher Performance on Standards.
The Evaluation Review Committee shall function on an ongoing basis to make
recommendations to the Board for necessary changes to the evaluation system.
B. Evaluation Review Committee
The Evaluation Review Committee (ERC) will provide additional stakeholder input and
facilitate the statutorily required consultation with teachers relative to the development
and subsequent revision of the Board's standards-based evaluation system.
1. Composition
The Committee (ERC) shall be comprised of three (3) bargaining unit
members appointed by the Association President and three (3)
administrators appointed by the Superintendent. If possible, selections
should be made to include representatives from the elementary, middle
and high school as well as special education and the arts.
2. Operational Procedures
a. The Committee shall be chaired jointly by a bargaining unit Committee
member and an administrator.
b. Members of the Committee must be OTES trained prior to beginning their
c. The Committee will develop the ground rules by which the Committee
will operate.
d. An SLO (Student Learning Objective) Committee will be established
whose members will be jointly appointed by the Committee co-chairs.
e. All decisions of the Committee and any subcommittees established by the
Committee will be achieved by consensus.
f. The committee will establish by mutual agreement a meeting calendar,
tasks for the committee to complete, and timelines for the completion of
specific tasks.
3. Compensation
Any Committee work required outside of the work day will be paid a
Board-approved stipend. Release time for Committee work may be
granted by the Superintendent upon recommendation of the co-chairs.
4. Secretarial Support
The Board will provide necessary clerical support and assistance to the
5. Committee Authority
The Committee shall not have the authority to negotiate wages, hours or
terms and conditions of employment.
5.15 Just Cause
No teacher shall be disciplined without just cause.
5.16 Vacancies
5.161 Definition of Vacancy
A vacancy is defined as a position that the Board decides to fill that is not occupied
A. An employee dies.
B. An employee resigns.
C. An employee retires, except one who chooses the Employment of Retired
Boardman Teachers option as specified in Section 6.15 of the Negotiated
D. An employee's contract is terminated, non-renewed, or suspended.
E. An employee who is transferred, except those which are one to one, whether
voluntary or involuntary.
F. An employee is promoted.
G. An employee's unpaid leave of absence is for more than one school year.
H. A new position is created.
A vacancy shall not be declared until reassignments within a building have been
5.162 Posting of Vacancies
Within five (5) days after the creation of a vacancy, the Superintendent or designee shall
post that vacancy electronically for a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the
filling of said position.
The posting of a vacancy does not necessitate its filling. However, if the position is to be
filled prior to the start of the subsequent school year, all employees responding to the
posting shall be considered as applicants for the position. Bargaining unit applicants will
be interviewed for vacancies before individuals outside the bargaining unit are
interviewed for consideration. A minimum of a twenty-four (24) hour posting period is
acceptable for all vacancies occurring twenty (20) business days or less before the first
school teacher report day of each school year and also when a supplemental vacancy
occurs twenty (20) business days or less before the activity/season is to begin. The
Association President shall be given an electronic copy of the notice at the time of
posting. During summer recess said notices shall be electronically delivered to all
5.163 Content of Notice of Vacancy
Each notice of vacancy shall include department (if applicable), subject to be taught, the
qualifications required, and the compensation if it is a newly created position.
5.17 Assignment and Transfer
5.171 Notification of Assignment
Building assignment of a teacher will appear on the contract.
5.172 Request Form
The Board agrees to provide printed request forms for those teachers applying for
re-assignment or transfer to another grade, subject, or building in the Boardman Local
School District. These forms shall also be used to apply for additional responsibilities and
openings in the areas of guidance, supervision, and administration, as well as any newly
created positions. The request forms shall be available through each building principal
and shall be submitted to the Superintendent.
5.173 Assignments
Every endeavor shall be made to make assignments for the school year no later than the
first day of July. When a re-assignment is made after this date, the employee shall be
given the courtesy of an interview, if requested, explaining the reason for such action.
The employee may, at his/her option, have a representative of the Association present.
5.174 Re-assignment
Mutually agreed upon re-assignments may be made prior to the posting of a vacancy
except when an active Reduction in Force list exists that contains bargaining unit
members certificated/licensed for said vacancy. Prior to an official posting of a building
vacancy, staff members within the building will be given the opportunity to request a
re-assignment to the open position. Once any re-assignments are determined, the official
posting shall be issued.
5.175 Definition of Transfer
A transfer shall be defined as a move from one building to another.
5.176 Types of Transfer
Transfers shall be of two (2) types: Voluntary and Involuntary.
A. Voluntary Transfer
1. A voluntary transfer is a transfer that is requested by the employee.
2. When more than one member of the Employee Unit requests a transfer to
the same vacant position the factors to be considered in making the
transfer will be the ability to meet the qualifications posted, area of
competence, quality of teaching performance, certification/licensure, and
3. Denial of Transfer Request When a requested re-assignment is not
granted, the employee shall be given the courtesy of an interview, if
requested, explaining the reason for such action.
B. Involuntary Transfer
1. An involuntary transfer is a transfer that is initiated by the administration.
2. When a member of the Employee Unit is requested to transfer, the factors
to be considered in making the transfer will be the ability to meet the
qualifications posted, area of competence, quality of teaching
performance, and certification/licensure.
5.18 Seniority
5.181 Definition
A. Seniority, for full time employees, as herein used shall mean the relative status of
employees with respect to total length of service with the District, the only
exception being that employees on continuing contracts shall be granted greater
seniority than employees on limited contracts who have equivalent length of
service with the District. Length of service shall be the total service with the
District from the employee's first day worked since his/her last date of hire.
B. Seniority for part-time employees who render service during the 71⁄2 hour school
day shall be determined by totaling the number of hours worked during the school
year and dividing such total number of hours first by 71⁄2 then by 184.
C. Service rendered beyond the normal school year shall not be considered toward
accumulated seniority.
D. Years of service in supervisory or administrative positions shall not be considered
toward accumulated seniority.
5.182 Continuance of Seniority
A. Seniority will not be broken and time lost will be added to continuous service in
the following instances:
1. Approved paid leaves of absence.
2. Layoffs caused by reduction in force.
B. Seniority will not be broken; however, time lost will not be added to continuous
service in the following instances:
1. Approved unpaid leaves of absence that result in an employee fulfilling
less than 120 days of their contract.
2. Time spent on disability retirement.
5.183 Breaking of Seniority
An employee shall lose his/her seniority:
A. Upon resignation, retirement, or nonrenewal.
B. Upon discharge for just cause.
C. Upon failure to report from layoff within the designated time period.
D. Upon overstaying a leave of absence unless prior to the expiration of such leave
he/she requests and obtains an extension which is then confirmed in writing.
5.184 Ties in Seniority
In the event that two or more employees in the same area of certification/licensure share
the same seniority date, they shall be placed on the seniority list in accordance with the
date of the Board meeting at which the Board acted upon their initial employment. If a tie
still exists, the employees shall be placed on the seniority list in accordance with the date
of their most recent application for employment in an Employee Unit position with the
Board. If a tie still exists the employees who share the same seniority date shall
participate in a coin toss in the presence of the Superintendent. One employee shall flip
the coin; the other shall call the toss. The employee who wins the toss shall be placed on
the seniority list ahead of the other employee.
5.185 Seniority List
The Board shall prepare and post on the bulletin boards in the faculty lounges of each
building, a seniority list, indicating the first day worked, the date of hire, the date of
employment application, the area(s) of certification, and the years of seniority for each
member of the Employee Unit. Postings shall be made in September of each school year,
unless the Board expects to conduct a reduction in force in the spring in which case an
updated seniority list will be posted in February. The Association President shall be
provided with a copy of the seniority list prior to posting. All members of the Employee
Unit who are on leaves of absences shall be mailed a copy of that section of the seniority
list that pertains to his/her area(s) of certification/licensure at the same time as the
seniority list is posted in September and February, if applicable.
5.186 Challenge of Seniority List
Each employee shall have a period of thirty (30) days after the seniority list is posted in
which to advise the Board or its agents in writing of any inaccuracies which affect his/her
seniority. No protest will be considered after thirty (30) days of the posting of the
seniority list, and the list shall be considered as final. The Board or its agents will
investigate all reported inaccuracies and make such adjustments as may be in order and
post the updated list immediately. If the employee is unable to resolve his/her dispute
regarding placement on the seniority list, the employee may file a grievance.
5.19 Reduction in Force
5.191 Definition
A reduction in force may be implemented when the Board deems it necessary because of
decreased enrollment of pupils, return to duty of regular teachers after leaves of absence,
by reason of suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the district, financial
reasons as solely determined by the Board, which determination shall not be arbitrary or
capricious, or lack of adequate funding for Ohio Auxiliary Services.
5.192 General Provisions
A. The Board shall provide the Association President with written notice, including
the reasons, of its intent to implement a reduction in force.
B. Prior to the Board's action on reduction in force, the Association President shall
be given the opportunity to meet with the Superintendent for the purpose of
presenting, both orally and in writing, its views on the proposed reduction in
C. A reduction in force shall be implemented by attrition and by the suspension of
contracts according to the provisions of this Section.
D. A grievance arising only over the procedure of implementation of the reduction in
force shall be submitted to expedited arbitration in accordance with the rules and
procedures established by the American Arbitration Association.
5.193 Determination of Reduction in Force List
A. A list shall be prepared for all teachers according to certification/licensure,
continuing contract status and seniority within all areas of certification/licensure
for each teacher. (This list shall be maintained and updated on an annual basis.)
B. Seniority shall be determined according to the provisions of Section 5.181 of this
C. In the event of a reduction in force, the Board shall issue a formal statement
listing the specific positions to be abolished.
D. Retention
1. Retention of bargaining unit members and recall of eligible teachers
whose contracts have been suspended pursuant to a reduction in force will
not be based upon seniority, except in circumstances when choosing
between teachers with comparable evaluations. The application of the term
“comparable” as applied to teacher evaluations, shall occur in accordance
with the Board adopted, standards-based teacher evaluation system
defining that term.
2. Comparable evaluations of OTES teachers will be defined as all
evaluation ratings above “Ineffective”.
3. If reductions are necessary, limited contract teachers shall first be reduced
in the affected teaching fields (certification/licensure) utilizing the
following order:
a. Comparable evaluations.
b. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall
prevail, with the contract of the least senior limited contract
teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended.
4. Should the necessary reduction of staff required exceed the number of
limited contract teachers in the affected field, continuing contract teachers
will be reduced in the affected teaching fields (certification/licensure)
utilizing the following order:
a. Comparable evaluations.
b. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall
prevail, with the contract of the least senior continuing contract
teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended.
5. When choosing between teachers with comparable evaluations, if the
position of a teacher in one teaching field affected is eliminated due to
reduction in force, and the teacher in that position is also certified/licensed
in another teaching field or fields, the teacher may move to the seniority
list of any other area of his/her certification/licensure as long as the
teacher reduced is displacing a teacher with a comparable evaluation. The
least senior teacher in that area of certification/licensure will then be the
teacher whose contract is suspended.
E. A teacher who is to have his/her contract suspended as a result of reduction in
force shall be given notification of the Board's intended action. Such notification
shall be made in a manner to insure its receipt by the employee prior to the
Board's action to suspend his/her contract.
5.194 Reinstatement of Teachers from the Reduction in Force List
A. All teachers whose contracts are suspended as a result of a reduction in force
program shall be placed on a list stating OTES rating, years of continuous service
to the District, contractual status, and subject(s) certificated/licensed to teach.
B. A teacher on the reduction in force list shall be offered reinstatement for the
positions for which certificated/licensed, as set forth on said reduction in force
list, as positions become available and in keeping with the OTES rating,
certification/licensure, contractual status, and seniority provisions of the reduction
in force list, (inverse order - last suspended, first reinstated).
C. When a vacancy occurs, the Board shall notify all teachers certificated/licensed
for the position to advise them of such position. It is the teacher's responsibility to
make the Board informed of his/her whereabouts. The teacher shall notify within
ten (10) days from the date of receipt of notice, his/her availability and desire for
such position. If the teacher fails to notify the Board within the specified period of
time, said teacher shall be considered to have rejected the position, and said
position will be made available to the next eligible teachers on the reduction in
force list.
D. Upon recall, all rights relating to salary, fringe benefits, and seniority, shall be
fully restored.
E. Transfers of teachers employed but not affected by the reduction in force program
will be limited to positions not affected by said program. If a position(s) initially
abolished is reinstated, or if a new position(s) is established, this position(s) shall
be staffed first from teachers on the reduction in force list. Transfers may be made
to a position affected by the reduction in force program after the position(s) has
been offered to all properly certificated/licensed teachers on the reduction in force
F. No teacher new to the District shall be employed until all properly
certificated/licensed teachers on the reduction list have been offered reinstatement
for the positions in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
5.195 Additional Provisions
A. Teachers remaining laid off shall be given preferential consideration as substitute
teachers. However, employment as a substitute shall not disqualify that teacher
from placement or continued placement on the reduction in force list.
B. Laid off teachers shall have the right to pay the total premium for group life,
hospitalization, and other group insurance benefits for a period not to exceed two
(2) years.
C. A limited contract teacher affected by the reduction in force shall be granted the
rights herein stated for a period not to exceed two (2) years. Continuing contract
teachers will have indefinite recall rights.
5.20 Personal Messages
When personal messages are received in the individual school offices, the teacher(s) concerned
shall be notified as soon as practicable.
5.21 Mentor Program
A. All interaction, written or oral, between the consulting teacher and the client
teacher shall be confidential. Any violation of this tenet by the consulting teacher
shall constitute grounds for immediate removal from their role as a consulting
teacher. This section also applies to Department Chairmen and Instructional
Coordinators who serve as mentors as part of their job description.
B. Other than a notation to the effect that a teacher served as a consulting teacher, the
teacher's activities as a consulting teacher shall not be part of that staff member's
1. Instructional Coordinators and Department Chairmen will receive
compensation when assigned to serve as a mentor.
2. Compensation of mentors for teachers new to the system:
4% - Resident Educator Year 1 Mentor
2% - Resident Educator Year 2 Mentor
1% - Resident Education Year 3 Mentor (if service not provided by ESC)
2% - New Teacher Mentor
8% - Lead Mentor
3. The mentor teacher shall be held harmless in the event that the employer
fails or refuses to certify the completion of the program.
5.22 Health and Safety
A. Employee Health and Safety
The Board and the Association affirm their commitment to provide a safe working
environment for all employees. Therefore, in the event the health and safety of employees
are at risk or could become at risk, employees shall be notified as soon as possible of the
situation and the persons involved.
Situations that may affect the employee's well-being may include, but not be limited to
thefts, threats, assaults or instruments determined to be weapons.
B. OSHA Regulations
Since violations of OSHA regulations will result in the district incurring substantial
penalties from the Ohio Department of Labor Relations, a system of discipline is required
to insure that employees comply with OSHA regulations. That system of discipline shall
be in accordance with Article 5.234 of the Negotiated Agreement.
5.23 Progressive Discipline
A. Informal Procedure
It is expected that most cases will be disposed of by an informal verbal warning
without formal disciplinary action.
B. Formal Procedure
1. Formal disciplinary action taken, except in cases requiring immediate
suspension, shall be commensurate with the employee's offense, including
the repetition of an action, without progressing to the next step. However,
nothing herein prevents the skipping of a step and progressing to a higher
level of discipline dependent upon the circumstances.
2. The discipline procedure shall be:
a. First Step - written reprimand - the employee shall have an
opportunity to respond to the reprimand in writing. Both the
reprimand and the response may be a part of the personnel file.
b. Second Step - suspension(s) one day with or without pay (only the
Superintendent shall have the right to suspend a teacher);
c. Third Step - suspension(s) three (3) days with or without pay (only
the Superintendent shall have the right to suspend a teacher);
d. Fourth Step - suspension(s) not to exceed ten (10) days with or
without pay (only the Superintendent shall have the right to
suspend a teacher);
e. Fifth Step - termination (only the Board of Education shall have
the authority to terminate an employee).
3. Termination shall be preceded by suspension, with or without pay,
pending investigation and the completion of the due process procedure. A
suspension may be converted to a termination following investigation and
the completion of the due process procedure provided an employee has
been advised at the time of the suspension that termination may follow. If
the investigation does not result in termination and not determined a
violation, the employee shall be reimbursed for lost pay, if any.
Any Bargaining Unit member confronted with the termination of his/her
employment contract by the Board shall have the option of challenge to
said action by utilizing the provisions of ORC 33l9.16 and 33l9.161 or by
utilizing the provisions of this Master Contract.
C. Due Process Procedures
1. Except in cases requiring immediate suspension, no employee shall be
suspended or terminated without first having been given due process in
accordance with the following procedure:
a. Notice of Allegation and Conference
A written notice setting forth the allegations, which, if
substantiated could result in disciplinary action, shall be delivered
in person and receipted or sent to the employee by certified mail.
Said notice shall include the time and place of a conference to
discuss said allegations.
b. Conference
The conference to discuss the allegations shall be attended by the
employee, the employee's Association representative(s), and the
Board's representative(s). Said conference shall be held no sooner
than five (5) days, nor later than ten (10) days following the
employee's receipt of the notice of allegations or at the time and
place mutually agreed upon by the parties.
c. Notification of Disposition
The employee and the Association President shall be notified
immediately by certified mail of the disposition of the matter. If a
determination has been made to take disciplinary action, the notice
of disposition shall include the disciplinary action to be taken and
the reasons(s) for said action.
2. In cases of immediate suspension, the written notice of allegations shall be
presented to the employee within twenty-four hours following the
suspension, and the conference shall be held as expeditiously as possible.
D. Privacy of Proceedings
No employee shall be disciplined in the presence of other employees or in public.
To the extent provided by law, all matters herein shall be kept confidential.
5.24 Smoke Free and Vape Free Environment
All Boardman School facilities, property and vehicles are designated smoke free and vape free.
Therefore, there will be no smoking or vaping in school facilities, on school property, or in
school vehicles.
5.25 Duplicating Equipment
Members of the Employee Unit shall have access to the designated equipment in the buildings
for school related business. Such equipment shall include, but not be limited to, printing and
photo or electronic copy machines in each building. Office staff shall have priority in use of
duplicating equipment. The building administrator may set copy allocations per employee when
misuse and unwarranted use is evident. Those employees involved in the misuse or unwarranted
use may be required to log the number of copies.
5.26 Professional Dress
The Association and the Board agree that all staff members have a responsibility to present
themselves in a professional manner. It is assumed that they will represent themselves, their
school, their professional organizations, and the Board in a manner that would earn and maintain
respect and set a proper model for students.
It is recognized that dress is a matter of individual taste and style. However, all personnel are
encouraged to consider appropriate dress and grooming necessary for a positive influence on
their professional performance and the performance of their students.
5.27 Administrative Issues
Representatives of the Association shall meet with the Superintendent for the purpose of
discussing administrative issues. A date for this meeting shall be established by the
Superintendent and the Association President by December 15th. Major issues and names of
those persons to represent the Bargaining Unit will be provided the Superintendent one week
prior to the meeting.
When requested by an administrator (a) representative(s) of the Association shall meet with the
requesting principal for the purpose of discussing administrative issues that relate to that
administrator. The time for such meeting shall be mutually agreed.
6.01 Placement on Salary Schedule
A maximum of ten years credit shall be granted for experience gained in school systems other
than Boardman. It is the Board's prerogative to grant any number of years credit between what
the ORC requires and the maximum as set forth on this section.
6.011 Members of the Employee Unit shall be issued written contracts and written
notices of salary in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.
6.02 Professional Improvement
A. Payment for post-graduate study to be placed on index as follows (for calculations
below, one quarter hour equals two-thirds (2/3) semester hours):
1. Between bachelor’s and master’s degree index, .0066 of salary base per
two (2) semester hours. Maximum number of semester hours is thirty (30)
hours. An Internet and/or Video class shall be acceptable, provided said
course is taken through an accredited university, will earn credit toward a
degree program, and is pre-approved by the Superintendent.
2. Beyond master’s degree, index .01 of salary base per two (2) semester
hours. The maximum number of semester hours is thirty (30). To receive
payments for graduate study or undergraduate study beyond the master’s
degree, approval must be obtained from the Superintendent. An Internet
and/or Video class shall be acceptable, provided said course is taken
through an accredited university, would provide credit toward a degree
program, and is pre-approved by the Superintendent.
A course description
of the additional study is required to be submitted with all requests for
approval. Fifteen (15) of the semester hours may be acquired in
undergraduate study. In addition, all undergraduate courses must be in a
subject area for which the teacher is currently certificated/licensed or in a
subject area in which an employee is working toward licensure. One
official transcript is required.
3. Employees will not be paid for hours taken prior to their date of
employment in the Boardman Local Schools.
4. Payments will be made on every ten (10) semester hours between the
bachelor-masters column and between the masters-masters plus thirty (30)
5. When transcripts are received by August 1, payments will be included in
twenty-four (24) equal payments as part of regular salary. When
transcripts are received from August 1through October 14 then the entire
payment will be received in the second December paycheck. Transcripts
received on October 15 or later will be paid in the following school year.
B. Upon prior approval of the Superintendent, the Board shall reimburse to a teacher
the tuition, fees, and registration costs of each CEU successfully taken to maintain
or update a teaching certificate/license.
C. When an approved professional leave (4.06) is expanded into a course for
graduate or undergraduate credit by the completion of additional work by the
participant, the credit hours may not be used for payment or modules under
Section 6.02A-1 or 2.
D. The Board shall reimburse each member of the Bargaining Unit one hundred
percent (100%) of the application fee for renewing his/her required teaching
certificate/license, required first aid/CPR validation, and/or Pupil Activity Permit.
Members of the Bargaining Unit shall request reimbursement by submitting a
copy of the renewed certificate/license to the Board Treasurer’s office.
E. Boardman Local Professional Development Committee
The Boardman Local Professional Development Committee shall be comprised of
five (5) members as follows:
1. three (3) practicing classroom teachers appointed by the Association
2. two (2) practicing principals selected by the principals currently employed
by the District; and
3. one (1) additional administrator shall serve as a sixth member of the
LPDC with actual voting rights only when a fellow administrator’s
individual plan is presented to the committee for review. In such instances,
a teacher member will abstain.
The Committee shall be empowered according to law and shall determine its own
structure, plans and criteria for approval of individual professional development
plans and in-service plans for the District.
6.03 Procedure for Continuing Contract
A. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.08, any teacher anticipating
becoming eligible for a continuing contract during the term of this Agreement
must notify the Building Principal in writing, with a copy to the Superintendent,
by October 15 of the school year in which the teacher becomes eligible. The
teacher must have on file by March 1 of the school year of tenure eligibility the
following documentation:
1. For teachers initially licensed prior to January 1, 2011, either:
a. An Ohio Professional, Permanent or Life teacher’s certificate or
license and has completed thirty (30) semester hours of
coursework in the areas of licensure or in an area related to the
teaching field since the initial issuance of such certificate or license
if a master’s degree was not held at the time of initially receiving a
teaching certificate or an educator’s license; or
b. six (6) semester hours of graduate coursework in the area of
licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial
issuance of the teaching certificate or license if a master’s degree
was held at the time of initially receiving a teaching certificate or
an educator’s license.
2. For teachers initially licensed after January 1, 2011, continuing contract
eligibility is met if the teacher:
a. Holds a professional, senior professional or lead professional
b. Has held an Ohio educator’s license for at least seven (7) years;
c. Has completed either of the following;
i. If the teacher did not hold a master’s degree at the time of
initially receiving an educator license, thirty (30) semester
hours of coursework in the areas of licensure or in an area
related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of that
license, as specified in rules which the State Board shall
ii. If the teacher held a master’s degree at the time of initially
receiving an educator license, six (6) semester hours or
graduate coursework in the area of licensure or in an area
related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of that
license, as specified in rules which the State Board shall
B. The teacher must have taught for at least three (3) of the last five (5) years in the
Boardman Local School District.
C. A teacher meeting the requirements of A. and B. above is deemed eligible for
tenure as of the May Board meeting. If continuing contract status is granted at that
meeting, the teacher will be deemed to be tenured at that time for purposes of any
reduction in force.
D. If the teacher attained continuing contract status in another school district, the
teacher must have served at least two (2) years in the Boardman Local School
District in order to be eligible for tenure, unless upon recommendation of the
Superintendent and approval of the Board of Education tenure is approved prior to
the expiration of this two-year period. Continuing contract status is effective upon
re-employment of the teacher at the May Board meeting of the second year and, at
that time, the teacher will be deemed to be tenured at that time for purposes of any
reduction in force.
E. Upon recommendation of the Superintendent, teachers under consideration for
continuing contract may be granted a one (1) year or a two (2) year extended
limited contract by the Board, effective at the end of that teacher’s current limited
contract. Any teacher receiving an extended limited contract will be given reasons
directed at professional improvement prior to June 30 in any year the Board acts
to grant an extended limited contract. If re-employed at the end of an extended
limited contract, teachers otherwise eligible shall be granted a continuing contract.
F. The provisions of this section (6.03), shall supersede and prevail over any
conflicting provisions of Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.11 as it existed on the
effective date of this Agreement.
6.04 Pay Plan
6.041 Pay Schedule
Employees shall receive twenty-four (24) semi-monthly payments made directly to a
bank chosen by the employee.
6.042 Pay Plan -Electronic
All members of the Association must have automatic electronic deposit of paychecks and
will receive an electronic notification of the deposit.
6.043 Termination Pay
In the event an employee's individual contract is terminated by either party during the
school year, at the option of the employee, the total sum due to the employee shall be
paid at the next scheduled pay date after the Board's official action on the employee's
6.044 Payroll Deductions
Payroll deductions shall be made in proportionate deductions as authorized by the
employee, said number of deductions to be in accordance with the pay plan selected by
the employee.
6.045 Pay Dates
Pay dates are the 5th and 20th of each month. If any pay date falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, payment shall be made on the Friday before. Further, if any pay date falls on a
holiday, payment will be made on the last banking day prior to the holiday. The change
from the 15
and 30
pay to the 5
and 20
pay will be effective August 1, 2020.
6.05 Payroll Deduction
The Board shall provide, upon written authorization of the employee, payroll deductions for the
A. Professional Dues
1. The deductions for those previously on payroll deduction or those notifying the
Board Treasurer by thirty (30) days prior to September 1 shall be made
bi-monthly, except on a 3-pay month, over the individual's pay plan beginning
with the first pay in September. Deductions for those notifying the Board
Treasurer after September 1 and prior to November 1, shall be made equally over
the pays remaining as determined by the pay period in which the election is made.
The Association shall furnish the Board Treasurer with a schedule indicating the
2. Individual authorization forms for dues deductions shall be furnished by the Local
Association, and when executed, shall be filed by the Local Association with the
Board Treasurer. If the Board does not have on file written documentation
authorizing payroll deduction of Professional Dues for a specific employee, the
Board Treasurer will not payroll deduct such dues from that individual until the
Association Treasurer provides such documentation. If an employee withdraws
such consent, the Association Treasurer must notify the Board Treasurer within
five (5) workdays.
3. Authorization for dues deductions shall be on a continuous basis from year to year
unless a request for withdrawal is submitted, in writing to the Treasurer.
4. The balance of the annual deduction, prorated to reflect the employee's actual
service, shall be deducted from the final paycheck of the member of the Employee
Unit resigning his/her position, receiving a leave of absence, or having his/her
employment terminated after October 20 of any school year during the duration of
this Agreement.
5. Dues deductions shall be transmitted by the district Treasurer to the Ohio
Education Association and the Boardman Education Association Treasurer within
ten (10) days after such deductions are made.
6. The right to refund to the employee monies deducted from his/her pay shall lie
solely with the Association. The Association agrees to reimburse any employee
for the amount of any dues deducted by the Board and paid to the Association
whenever the deduction is in excess of the proper deduction and agrees to hold the
Board harmless for all claims of excessive dues deductions.
B. The Boardman Schools Credit Union.
C. Cancer insurance and other health-related insurance premiums. When a company has
enrolled ten percent (10%) of the certificated/licensed and non-certified, full-time
employees or the equivalent in either or both groups, said employees may, in writing by
November 1, authorize the Board Treasurer to make payroll deductions for health-related
insurance premiums. This provision shall apply only to those health-related insurance
premiums that are not totally provided by the Board.
D. Tax-sheltered annuities.
E. Income protection insurance from a company that has enrolled at least ten percent (10%)
of the full-time teachers. Once a teacher has enrolled in a plan the teacher may continue
on payroll deduction even though the total enrollment of full-time teachers drops below
ten percent (10%). Teacher enrolled in any plan prior to June 30, 1987, may continue
payroll deduction in that plan.
F. Board authorized charitable deductions
G. Employee share of insurance premiums.
H. Premiums or Fees for Flexible Savings Accounts. Any and all premiums, fees, or costs
associated with any FSA plan (American Fidelity) shall be assumed by the Board of
6.06 A. BEA Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2020
6.07 Supplemental Contracts
6.071 Voluntary Acceptance of Supplemental Contracts
Interviews for supplemental contracts will first be granted to members of the bargaining
unit. All qualified applicants that are members of the bargaining unit will be given
serious consideration for the open position. The acceptance of a supplemental contract
shall be a voluntary determination of the employee to whom it is offered.
6.072 Payment of Supplemental Contracts
The payment of supplemental contracts shall be in a lump sum upon completion of the
supplemental assignment or divided equally into twenty-four (24) pays at the option of
the employee.
The payment of athletic supplemental contracts board approved after June 30, 2020 shall
be in a lump sum upon completion of the supplemental assignement.
6.073 Supplemental Salary Schedule
The Supplemental Salary Schedule containing the listing of supplemental positions with
salaries calculated on a percentage of the base salary schedule is maintained in Appendix
6.074 Renewal of Supplemental Contracts
Except as stipulated in Section 6.18 J. of the Agreement (Employment of Retired
Boardman Teachers), any member of the Employee Unit holding a supplemental contract
that is not non-renewed by the Board prior to June 1
shall automatically have their
supplemental contract renewed for the subsequent school year.
6.08 Severance Pay
6.081 Entitlement to Severance Pay
Any professional certificated/licensed employee leaving the Boardman School District
who has fifteen (15) or more years of service with the Boardman School District shall be
entitled to receive severance pay in an amount equal to one fourth (1/4) of his/her
accumulated sick leave days times his/her per diem rate of pay on the last day of service
with the Board. The maximum benefit paid under this provision shall be seventy (70)
6.082 IRA 401 (a) Plan/403(b) Plan
A. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement or Board Policy to the contrary, in
accordance with the terms of this Section and any related provisions of a plan
document adopted by the Board to comply with the requirements of Sections
457(b) of the Internal Revenue code (the “IRC”), certain retiring employees shall
have their severance pay mandatorily paid into an annuity contract with Equitable
that is designed to meet the tax-qualification requirements of the IRC Section
457(b) hereinafter referred to as the “Deferred Compensation Plan”. The
provisions of this Agreement are effective for all employees whose effective
retirement date is after the effective date of this Agreement.
B. The terms of the 457(b) Plan shall include the following:
1. Participation in the 457(b) Plan shall be mandatory for any member who
meets both of the following requirements:
a. the member’s last day of employment qualifies the individual for a
severance payment.
b. the member is entitled to $1,000 or more severance pay.
2. If a retiring member is a participant in the 457(b), an employer
contribution shall be made on his or her behalf under the 457(b) Plan in an
amount equal to the lesser of:
a. the total amount of the participant’s severance pay, or
b. the maximum contribution amount allowable under the terms of
the 457(b) Plan including applicable catch-up provisions
To the extent that an employee’s severance pay exceeds the maximum amount
allowable under the 457(b) Plan, in the calendar year of payment, the excess
amount shall be payable to an approved 403(b) Plan or the excess shall be paid to
the member in cash.
3. If a Participant is entitled to have a contribution paid to the Equitable
457(b) Plan and dies prior to such contribution being paid to the Equitable
457(b) Plan, the contribution shall be paid to Equitable 457(b) plan and
then paid to Beneficiary of the employee in accordance with the terms of
the provider contract; provided, however, that if the Participant does not
have an established 457(b) at the date of death, the Severance Pay shall be
paid in cash to the estate of the deceased teacher.
C. If an employee is entitled to a severance payment, the employee’s severance pay
shall be payable to the Equitable 457(b) Plan by a date selected by the Treasurer
that is not later than 2-1/2 months after the last day of the employee’s
Now, therefore, subject to the applicable federal income tax law, the BEA and the
Board further mutually agree that any such election may be made only if the
following requirements are made:
1. The member’s election is made prior to:
a. in regard to deferrals to a Section 457 Plan, the first day of the
calendar month in which the payment will be made to the
b. in regard to deferrals to a TSA, the date of payment, or
2. The amount to be deferred under a Section 457 Plan for any calendar year
shall not exceed the contribution limitations that apply under IRC Section
457(b), 415, or other applicable federal tax law. The amount to be deferred
to a TSA for any calendar year shall not exceed the contribution
limitations that apply under IRC Sections 402(g) and 415, or other
applicable federal tax law.
3. The Treasurer shall have authority to establish rules relating to the elective
deferral of severance pay as shall be necessary to assure compliance with
the applicable federal income tax law.
If an employee is entitled to a cash payment of severance pay, to the extent that
the member has not elected to defer such amount to a TSA or Section 457 Plan
and dies prior to the date of such payment, the amount payable in cash shall be
paid to the estate of the member.
D. All contributions to the 403(b) Plan, all deferrals to a TSA or Section 457 Plan,
and all cash payment to members, shall be subject to reduction for any tax
withholding or other withholding required by law. Neither the Board, nor the
Association, guarantee any tax results associated with the 403(b) Plan, deferrals to
a TSA or Section 457 Plan, or cash payments made to member.
6.083 Death Benefit
Severance pay benefits for eligible certificated/licensed employees who die while on active pay
status or on a leave of absence per this Negotiated Agreement shall be paid to the member's life
insurance beneficiary.
6.09 Employee Insurances
6.091 Board-Provided Insurance Coverage
A. The Board of Education will fully meet its obligations to provide health care
benefits and services under this collective bargaining agreement by participating
in the health benefits provided through a self-insured plan including health,
dental, vision and life insurance.
B. The Association and the Board agree that the Board shall not be required to make
available to and to inform members of the Association of any option to enroll in a
health maintenance organization established pursuant to Chapter 742 of the Ohio
Revised Code.
C. Section 125 – Tax Shelter Tax sheltering of the individual’s contribution for
health costs may be implemented, under IRS Section 125, if feasible, upon
agreement of the Superintendent and the Association President.
D. Medical Information Personal information generated by the operation of this Plan
shall be kept confidential to the extent possible and necessary and to the extent
required by law.
The Board’s and the employee’s share for each of these coverages is set forth in
6.092 Continuation of Coverage
A. The Board shall permit all members of the Employee Unit who have been granted
unpaid leaves of absence to remain in the employee insurance group for all
medical and dental coverage’s provided by the District at the employee's expense
for the duration of said unpaid leave, subject to requirements and limitations of
the insurance carrier.
B. Insurance coverage for members of the Employee Unit who have been granted
paid leaves of absence shall continue to be provided at the Board's expense.
6.093 Employees Less Than Full Time
Employees under contract working less than a full school day shall be eligible for all
insurances. The Board shall pay premiums equal to the percentage of time worked in the
required seven and one-half hour day.
6.094 Dependent Definition
Unmarried dependent children from birth to age 19 (to age 26 if full-time student),
provided the child is dependent upon the employee for support and maintenance in
accordance with the Internal Revenue dependent guidelines.
6.095 Duration of Coverage
Members of the Employee unit with an effective resignation date after the last day of
their contract, may request to remain in the employee insurance group until July 15.
6.10 Medical Insurance Coverage
A. The Board of Education allocation for district employee health insurance
coverage (medical, dental, and vision) is set at the cost of $6,400,000 for 2017-18,
$6,530,000 for 2018-19, and $6,660,000 for 2019-20. Health insurance costs
above the allocated amount will be offset by increased employee contributions
and/or plan design change as determined the Boardman Local Schools Health
Insurance Committee as defined in Section C.
B. The employee portion of the Premium Sharing for medical/prescriptions will be
10% plus any additional contributions needed to satisfy the conditions described
in 6.11(A).
In the event the Board receives a "premium holiday" for the cost of the medical/
prescription coverage for a month, the employee shall also receive a "premium
holiday" from his/her cost of the premium sharing for that month.
In the event a member of the Employee Unit is married to another employee in
the school district and both are receiving medical/prescription coverage from the
Board, only one (1) of them will be required to pay the monthly premium sharing
identified above.
C. Boardman Local Schools Health Insurance Committee:
1. An ongoing Boardman Local Schools Health Insurance Committee
(BLSHIC), whose membership shall be comprised of representatives from
employee organizations representing employees of the Board, as well as
representatives of the Board and its administrators, shall be formed. The
responsibility of the BLSHIC shall be to annually review the Board’s
health care coverage’s and employee contributions toward coverage for all
Board employees. At a minimum, the BLSHIC shall annually review
insurance costs, employee premium sharing, coverage options, program
additions or modifications to the current plan design, and the option of
remaining self-insured or submitting a Request For Proposal (RFP) on the
open market. The goal of the BLSHIC is to annually produce a final
recommendation to the Board of Education that offers eligible Boardman
Local School employees a quality and cost effective package of health
insurance coverage at or under the board allocated amount as set forth in
section 6.11 section A.
2. The BLSHIC shall annually be comprised of nine (9) voting members,
three (3) representing BEA as selected by the BEA President, three (3)
representing OAPSE, and three (3) representing the Board. Each of the
above referenced groups may have a reasonable number (determined by
the committee) of non-voting representatives
attend meetings of the
3. Regular minutes of all meetings of the BLSHIC shall be kept and shared
with all voting members. A draft of the minutes will be circulated to
members after each meeting, and they shall be reviewed, revised, and
approved at the subsequent meeting. Members of the BLSHIC shall not
receive additional compensation for their work on the Committee. The
BLSHIC shall meet as needed to complete their responsibilities.
4. The Board, at their expense, shall retain the services of an insurance
consultant to assist the BLSHIC with gathering and analyzing data related
to utilization of the Board’s coverage’s, to provide a cost analysis of
options under consideration by the BLSHIC, to prepare a RFP and analyze
any responses to said RFP if directed by the BLSHIC to do so, and any
other function deemed necessary by the BLSHIC.
5. All decisions of the Committee shall be achieved by consensus (i.e. all
voting members agreeing on the decision or at a minimum indicating that
they can live with the decision).
6. The proportion of BEA, OAPSE, and Administration representation on the
committee shall be reviewed by the standing members on a yearly basis.
The standing committee has the power to adjust by consensus the
proportion of any member group.
6.11 Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
6.111 Board-Provided Coverage
The Board shall purchase from a carrier licensed by the State of Ohio, group term life
insurance in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) plus an equal amount of
accidental death and dismemberment coverage for each member of the Employee Unit
now or hereinafter employed. The full cost of such insurance and any increases thereof
shall be paid by the Board.
6.112 Purchase of Additional Coverage
Bargaining unit members may purchase additional life insurance at the group rate in
$5,000 increments, up to a maximum of $20,000 coverage in addition to Board paid
coverage. Modifications to this provision may be necessary to comply with requirements
of the insurance carrier.
If, as of July 1, 2006, any employee had purchased additional coverage in excess of
$20,000, the employee shall maintain the amount purchased.
6.12 Employment of Retired Boardman Teachers
Members of the Association, upon retirement shall be granted the following during the life of
this agreement:
A. Retired teachers re-employed by the Board are considered bargaining unit
members and subject to the terms of this Agreement, except as otherwise set forth
B. Shall be granted in increments of one (1) year limited contracts to current
employees who notify the Board of their intent to retire after the acceptance date
of this agreement. The retirement must be effective June 30th.
Retirees shall be eligible for a maximum of three (3) consecutive (1) year limited
C. A “retired” teacher eligible to receive health insurance benefits through STRS and
who is re-employed by the Board will be eligible for medical benefits through the
Boardman Schools. Retired-rehired employees shall be offered medical benefits
on the District’s plans (medical, dental and vision) with the employee’s premium
sharing based on the rates paid by Association members. Retire-rehire employees
are NOT eligible for premium holiday.
D. A retiree shall be paid at the first year salary step level of the appropriate training
column, regardless of years of service in any Ohio public or private school, and so
long as employed by the Board shall not advance on the salary schedule based on
additional years of service. Any salary schedule placement determination as set
forth herein shall not be subject to the grievance procedure or otherwise
E. Seniority for Boardman teachers returning to employment with the Board after
retirement will be zero (0) upon such re-employment and any subsequent
re-employment for all provisions of the Agreement. In the event the District needs
to implement a Reduction in Force (RIF), those teachers re-employed under this
provision, shall, by areas of certification/licensure, be subject to a RIF before
other members of the Employee Unit. Teachers re-employed under this provision
shall accrue seniority exclusively within the retire-rehire program. In the event
two (2) re-employed teachers, in the same area of certification/licensure, share the
same seniority date within the program, they shall participate in a coin toss as
described in Section 5.184 of the Agreement, or, if more than two (2)
re-employed teachers are tied, they shall participate in a drawing of lots, in the
presence of the Superintendent and a representative designated by the Association
F. Teachers employed by the Board after retirement shall not be eligible for
continuing contract and are restricted to limited contracts of employment.
G. There will be no severance pay available for retired teachers employed by the
Board, however, such teachers will accrue sick leave at a rate of 1 1/4 days per
months worked. Sick leave will accumulate from year to year for retired
re-employed teachers.
H. Re-employed teachers will be awarded one (1) year limited contracts of
employment (per section B. of this provision) that will automatically expire at the
end of the applicable school year (June 30) without notice of non-renewal. This
transition from a one (1) year limited contract to the next one (1) year limited
contract does not create a vacancy. With a satisfactory recommendation from the
Superintendent, those eligible will receive additional one (1) year limited
contract(s) that will be implemented concurrently on July 1. No performance
evaluations shall be required. For purposes of these teachers, the parties
specifically agree that this provision supersedes and takes the place of Ohio
Revised Code Sections 3319.11, 3319.111, 3319.112 and 3319.113 and differs
from the rights of other teachers contained within the terms of the collective
bargaining agreement.
I. Upon the expiration of the three (3) year period of re-employment provided in
Section 6.18 B. of the Agreement and in the event the District is unable to hire a
qualified teacher in the licensed area of need, the Board may, at its’ sole
discretion, grant a teacher additional one (1) year limited contract(s) under the
terms and conditions set forth herein.
J. Any teacher intending to be re-employed under this Section of the Agreement,
shall at the time of submitting his/her resignation for the purpose of retiring into
STRS shall also resign from any supplemental contract he/she holds under the
Agreement. The resulting vacancy for the supplemental contract shall be posted to
all members of the Employee Unit with the understanding that re-employed
teachers are eligible for supplemental contracts. Employees who were hired as a
retire-rehire prior to July 1, 2006, are exempt from this section.
K. The parties expressly agree and fully intend this provision to supersede and take
precedent over the provisions of Revised Code Section 3317.13 and any and all
other inconsistent or contrary state or federal statutes, laws and/or regulations.
L. During the periods of re-employment, the retiree makes contributions to STRS.
These contributions are used to fund an additional annuity benefit. These
contributions plus employer contributions and interest, determine the annuity
amount that will be paid as a benefit. The retiree may collect this annuity at age
65 or upon termination of employment, whichever is later.
M. The provisions of this agreement are applicable only to Boardman teachers, who
accept this option as an early retirement incentive. The acceptance of this option
does not create a vacancy.
7.01 Severability
7.011 Statutory Compliance
It is understood that this Agreement is subject to and shall operate within the framework
of the statutes of the State of Ohio.
7.012 If any provisions or application of a provision of this Agreement to any individual
member or group of members of the Bargaining Unit shall be found contrary to law by a
court or jurisdiction, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and
subsisting except in the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications
shall continue in full force and effect.
7.013 Renegotiation of Invalid Provision
Any provision, in whole or in part, or application of a provision of this Agreement found
contrary to law within a period of time that does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
negotiated duration of this Agreement in accordance with Section 7.07 shall be
renegotiated by the parties within ten (10) days after said finding is rendered.
7.014 Deletion of Invalid Provision
Any provision, in whole or in part, of this Agreement found contrary to law after fifty
percent (50%) of the negotiated duration of this Agreement has elapsed shall be deleted
from the Agreement and shall not be subject to negotiation until the expiration of the
Agreement as established in Section 7.07.
7.02 Conflicts
7.021 Integrity of Agreement
It is understood that teachers shall continue to serve under the direction of the
Superintendent and in accordance with the Board and Administration policies, rules, and
regulations, including those set forth in the School Board handbook, as amended,
provided that the provisions of this Agreement shall supersede and prevail over any
conflicting provisions.
7.022 Effects of Agreement
This Agreement shall constitute Board policy for the term of said Agreement, and the
Board hereby amends its rules and regulations to the extent necessary to give effect to the
provisions of this Agreement.
7.03 Reprisals
There shall be no reprisal of any kind taken against any teacher by reason of his/her membership
in a professional organization or participation in its activities.
7.04 Amendment
This Agreement may not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument
in writing duly executed by both parties.
7.05 Legal Rights
Nothing in this Agreement shall deny any employee rights or privileges that are granted to said
employees by the Ohio Revised Code or any other statute or law.
7.06 Duplication and Distribution
7.061 Distribution of Revisions or Amendments
Any subsequent revisions or amendments of this Negotiated Agreement shall be printed
in its entirety and distributed to all members of the Employee Unit.
7.062 Cost of Preparation and Printing
The Board shall bear the expense of preparing the final draft and the printing of the
Negotiated Agreement. The Association shall be provided up to 100 copies of the
7.07 Duration
This Agreement shall remain in force and effect from June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2023. If tenure
is changed by law in the State of Ohio, negotiations will be opened for the purpose of discussing
job security.
The parties to this contract, signed this date, ___________________________, 2020, as
witnessed below.
_______________________________ _______________________________
President President
_______________________________ _______________________________
OEA/NEA LRC Chief Negotiator
_______________________________ _______________________________
Negotiator Negotiator
_______________________________ _______________________________
Negotiator Negotiator
Nicholas Ciarniello
Appendix A
The Board of Education is responsible for a standards-based teacher evaluation policy which
conforms to the framework for evaluation of teachers as approved by the State Board of
Education and aligns with the “Standards for the Teaching Profession” as set forth in State law.
The Board adopts the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (“OTES”) model and the Ohio School
Counselor Evaluation System (“OSCES”) model as approved by the State Board of Education.
The evaluation policy is intended to provide an evaluation model that is research-based,
transparent, fair, and adaptable to the needs of the District. The Board believes in the importance
of ongoing assessment and meaningful feedback as a powerful vehicle to support improved
teaching performance and student growth, as well as promotion and retention decisions for
teachers. The Board acknowledges that the overarching purposes of the teacher evaluation
system are to serve as a tool to advance the professional development of teachers, to inform
instruction, and to assist teachers and administrators in identifying and developing best
educational practices in order to provide the greatest opportunity for student learning and
This policy shall be implemented as set forth herein and shall be included in the collective
bargaining agreement with the Boardman Education Association, and in all extensions and
renewals thereof.
This policy has been developed in consultation with teachers employed by the Board and
represented by the Boardman Education Association (BEA).
Given the dynamic nature of the mandated teacher evaluation process, the Board recognizes the
Evaluation Review Committee (ERC) as well as Student Learning Objective Committee (SLO),
with continuing participation by District teachers represented by the Boardman Education
Association, and for the express purpose of recommending necessary changes to the Board for
the appropriate revision of this policy.
– stands for the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System as adopted by the Ohio State Board
of Education in 2011, or as otherwise modified by the State Board of Education.
Teacher” – For purposes of this policy, “teacher” means licensed instructors who spend at least
50% of his/her time providing content-related student instruction and who is working under one
of the following:
a. A license issued under ORC Sections 3319.22, 3319.26, 3319.222 or 3319.226; or
b. A permanent certificate issued under ORC Section 3319.222 as it existed prior to
September, 2003; or
c. A permanent certificate issued under ORC Section 3319.222 as it existed prior to
September, 2006; or
d. A permit issued under ORC Section 3319.301.
Substitute teachers and teachers not meeting this definition are not subject to evaluation under
this policy. Full time bargaining unit members who do not meet the definition will be evaluated
utilizing the evaluation procedures of the collective bargaining agreement in effect between the
Board and the Boardman Education Association (BEA).
The Superintendent, Treasurer, and any “other administrator” as defined by ORC Section
3319.02 are not subject to evaluation under this policy
Credentialed Evaluator
” – For purposes of this policy, each teacher subject to evaluation will
be evaluated by a person who:
a. Meets the eligibility requirements under ORC Section 3319.111(D); and
b. Holds a credential established by the Ohio Department of Education for teacher
evaluation; and
c. Has completed state-sponsored evaluation training and has passed an online credentialing
The Board shall authorize the Superintendent/designee, in consultation with the Evaluation
Review Committee, to approve and maintain a list of credentialed evaluators as necessary to
effectively implement this policy. District administrators shall serve as these credentialed
“Core Subject Area”
– means reading and English language arts, mathematics, science, foreign
language, government, economics, fine arts, history and geography.
"Evaluation Cycle" – is the period of time for the completion of the evaluation procedure. The
evaluation cycle is completed when student growth measures resulting from assessments that
were administered in the previous school year are combined with the teacher performance ratings
resulting from performance assessments that are conducted for the current school year to assign a
summative evaluation rating.
"Evaluation Factors"
– refers to the multiple measures that are required by law to be used in the
teacher evaluation procedure. The two factors, which are weighted equally, are student growth
measures at fifty percent (50%) and teacher performance at fifty percent (50%).
"Evaluation Framework"
– means the document created and approved by the Ohio
Department of Education (ODE) in accordance with section 3319.111(A) of the Ohio Revised
Code that establishes the standards-based framework for the evaluation of teachers developed
under section 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code.
"Evaluation Instruments"
– refers to the forms used by the teacher’s evaluator.
"Evaluation Procedure"
– the procedural requirements set forth in this policy are intended to
provide specificity to the statutory obligations established under sections 3319.111 and 3319.112
of the Ohio Revised Code and to conform to the framework for the evaluation of teachers
developed under section 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code.
"Evaluation Rating"
– means the final summative evaluation level that is assigned to a teacher
pursuant to terms of this policy. The evaluation rating is assigned at the conclusion of the
evaluation cycle when the teacher performance rating is combined with the results of student
growth measures where fifty percent (50%) of the evaluation rating is based on student growth
measures as provided for in this policy and fifty percent (50%) the evaluation rating is based on a
teacher performance rating as provided for in this policy Each completed evaluation will result in
the assignment of one of the following evaluation ratings to Accomplished, Skilled, Developing,
or Ineffective.
“Student Growth”
– for the purpose of the district’s evaluation policy, student growth is
defined as the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more
points in time.
“Student Learning Objectives” (“SLOs”)
– include goals identified by a teacher or group of
teachers that identify expected learning outcomes or growth targets for a group of students over a
period of time.
“Shared Attribution Measures”
– student growth measures that can be attributed to a group.
"Teacher Performance" – is the assessment of a teacher’s performance, resulting in a
performance rating. As an evaluation factor, the teacher performance dimension is based on
direct observations of a teacher’s practice (including materials and other instructional artifacts)
and walkthroughs that are performed by a credentialed evaluator. Teacher performance results
are reported as a teacher performance rating that may be coded as “1” indicating lowest
performance to “4” indicating highest performance.
"Teacher-Student Data Linkage" (TSDL)
– refers to the process of connecting the teacher(s)
of record [based upon above definition] to a student and/or defined group of students’
achievement scores for the purpose of attributing student growth to that teacher.
– refers to the EVAAS Value-Added methodology provided by SAS, Inc.,
which provides a measure of student progress at the district and school level based on each
student’s scores on state issued standardized assessments.
“Vendor Assessment”
– student assessments approved by the Ohio Department of Education
that measure mastery of the course content for the appropriate grade level, which may include
nationally normed standardized assessments, industry certification exams, or end-of-course
examinations for grade level and subjects for which the Value-Added measure does not apply.
Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation
Teacher evaluations will utilize multiple factors, with the intent of providing meaningful
feedback to each teacher and assigning an effectiveness rating based in equal part upon teacher
performance and student growth.
Each teacher evaluation will result in an effectiveness rating of:
a. Accomplished;
b. Skilled;
c. Developing; or
d. Ineffective
The specific standards and criteria for distinguishing between these ratings/levels of performance
shall be the same as those developed by the State Board of Education, which are incorporated
herein by reference. And as set forth in the current collective bargaining agreement between the
Board and the BEA
The Superintendent shall annually file a report to the department of education the number of
teachers for whom an evaluation was conducted as well as the number of teachers assigned each
rating as set forth above, aggregated by teacher preparation programs from which and the years
in which the teachers graduated.
Frameworks for Teacher Evaluation will be guided by ORC 3319.112 and ORC 3319.114
and Ohio Department of Education regulations with input from
the ERC Committee.
Assessment of Teacher Performance
Teacher performance will be evaluated during formal observations and periodic informal
observations also known as “classroom walkthroughs.” Such performance, which will comprise
up to 50% of a teacher’s effectiveness rating, will be assessed through a holistic process by
trained and credentialed evaluators based upon the following Ohio Standards for the Teaching
a. Understanding student learning and development and respecting the diversity of the
students they teach;
b. Understanding the content area for which they have instructional responsibility;
c. Understanding and using varied assessment to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure
student learning;
d. Planning and delivering effective instruction that advances individual student learning;
e. Creating learning environments that promote high levels of learning and student
f. Collaborating and communicating with students, parents, other educators, district
administrators and the community to support student learning; and
g. Assuming responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement.
Teachers subject to evaluation under this policy will be evaluated annually using:
1. The Formal Observation Procedure described herein; and
2. A series of Informal Observation/Classroom Walkthroughs.
Evaluators will consider and cite evidence gathered from a variety of sources in addition to the
observation when completing the teacher performance evaluation rubric. Sources of evidence
include: professional growth and improvement plans, conferences (pre, post, etc.), classroom
walkthroughs, and any evidence provided by the teacher.
Formal Observation and Classroom Walkthrough Sequence
All instructors who meet the definition of “teacher” under R.C. 3319.111 and this policy
shall be evaluated based on two (2) formal observations of at least 30 minutes each and
periodic classroom walkthroughs each school year.
Teachers on a limited contract who are under consideration for renewal/nonrenewal
based on performance shall receive three (3) formal observations of at least 30 minutes
unless the Superintendent and/or designee waives the third observation.
A teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the board of education and who
receives a rating of “Accomplished” on his/her most recent evaluation shall be evaluated
every third school year as long as the teacher’s student growth measure for the most
recent school year for which data is available is average or higher.
A teacher who receives a rating of “Skilled” on his/her most recent evaluation shall be
evaluated every other school year as long as the teacher’s student growth measure for the
most recent school year for which data is available is average or higher.
Evaluations will be completed by May 1
and each teacher will be provided upon request a
written report of the results of his/her evaluation by May 10
. Written notice of nonrenewal will
be provided by June 1
In evaluating teacher performance in these areas, the Board shall utilize the measures set forth by
the Ohio Department of Education’s OTES “Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric” for
instructional planning, instruction and assessment, and professionalism."
Formal Observation Procedure
A. A minimum of two (2) formal observations shall be conducted to support summative
evaluation. A formal observation shall last a minimum of thirty (30) continuous minutes.
Efforts will be made by evaluators to facilitate a longitudinal view of a teacher's
performance by appropriately spacing the observations. There shall be a minimum of (5)
school days between formal non-continuous observations one and two. If a third
observation is necessary, there shall at least (25) school days between observation
number 2 and observation number 3 to foster improvement.
B. Unless mutually agreed upon, teachers shall not receive a formal observation on a day
before or after the following: the administration of standardized testing; a holiday or any
break from scheduled school days (excluding weekends); or any approved leave of
absence or a day following a teacher sick day.
C. All formal observations shall be preceded by a conference between the evaluator and the
employee prior to the observation in order for the employee to explain plans and
objectives for the classroom situation to be observed. Each observation will be
announced unless there is mutual agreement upon between evaluator and the employee.
The pre-conference shall be at a mutually agreed upon time prior to the observation.
There will be at least 72 hour notice prior to each pre-conference. At the pre-observation
conference teachers shall provide evidence for the classroom situation to be observed on
the pre-observation form.
D. A post-observation conference shall be held after each formal observation. The post
conference will be held within 5 workdays (exclusive of teacher/administration absences)
after the formal observation. The conference shall be used to inform the teacher if
observed instructional practices are aligned with the expectations that are identified in the
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession as defined in the Teacher Performance
Evaluation Rubric, the teacher’s professional growth or improvement plan, afford the
teacher the opportunity to provide additional evidence of performance, and discuss
professional development opportunities.
Informal Observation/Classroom Walkthrough Procedure
A walkthrough is a formative assessment process that focuses on one or more of the following
components and results in brief written notes or a summary:
1) evidence of planning;
2) lesson delivery;
3) differentiation;
4) resources;
5) classroom environment;
6) student engagement;
7) assessment; or
8) any other component of the standards and rubrics approved for teacher evaluation.
A walkthrough shall consist of at least 3 consecutive minutes, but not more than 10 consecutive
minutes in duration. The walkthrough should be of sufficient duration to allow the evaluator to
assess the focus of the walkthrough.
Data gathered from the walkthrough must be placed on the designated form. Feedback from
walkthroughs may be done electronically within 24 hours of the observation. The teacher and or
administrator may request a face to face meeting to discuss observations relative to the identified
focus of the walkthrough.
Classroom walkthroughs shall not unreasonably disrupt and/or interrupt the learning
Assessment of Student Growth.
In determining student growth measures, the Board adopts the Ohio Department of Education’s
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), which calculates student growth by assessing
achievement for an individual student occurring between two points in time. It is important to
note that a student who has forty-five (45) or more absences for the school year will not be
included in the determination of student academic growth.
In general, the Board will utilize the following categories to determine this aspect of a teacher’s
evaluation, depending upon the instructor involved:
A1: Teachers instructing in value-added subjects exclusively ;
A2: Teachers instructing in value-added courses, but not exclusively ; or
B: Teachers instructing in areas with Ohio Department of Education approved
vendor assessments with teacher-level data available; or
B2: Teachers instructing in areas with Ohio Department of Education approved
vendor assessments, but not exclusively; or
C: Teachers instructing in areas where no teacher-level value-added or approved
vendor assessment available.
Where value-added methodologies exist for A1 and A2 teachers, the Board will utilize them in
the evaluation process, to the extent set forth in the Ohio Teacher Evaluation Framework.
Teachers instructing in value-added courses, but not exclusively, will utilize teacher value-added
and locally determined measures relative to the teacher’s schedule.
When an approved Ohio Department of Education vendor assessment is utilized in the
measurement of student growth, it will be included in the evaluation process for B teachers to the
extent set forth in Ohio Teacher Evaluation Framework.
When neither teacher-level value-added data nor Ohio Department of Education-approved
assessments are available, the District shall use locally-determined Student Growth Measures for
C teachers as set forth in Ohio Teacher Evaluation Framework. Student Growth Measures may
be comprised of SLOs, shared attribution, and/or non-Value-Added vendor data.
An SLO must be based upon the following criteria: Baseline and Trend Data, Student
Population, Interval of Instruction, Standards and Content, Assessment(s), Growth Targets, and
Rationale for Growth Targets. When new SLO’s are developed or revised, the process will
include consultation with the ERC.
Data from these approved measures of student growth will be scored on five (5) levels in
accordance with the Ohio Department of Education/OTES guidance and converted to a score in
one of three (3) levels of student growth:
a. Above
b. Expected
c. Below
District Approved Assessments
Assessments used within SLO’s will be District approved in conjunction with the Evaluation
Review Committee (ERC) as well as the SLO Committee. These assessments will include the
key subject and grade-level content standards and curriculum that will be taught during the
interval of instruction. When examining assessments for alignment, teachers and teacher teams
should look for the following:
Items on the test should cover key subject/grade-level content standards.
No items on the test should cover standards that the course does not address.
Where possible, the number of test items should mirror the distribution of teaching time
devoted to concepts or the curriculum focus. For example, if a foreign language teacher
devotes almost equal amounts of time to developing students’ reading comprehension,
listening comprehension, oral communication, and written communication skills, he or
she should not use a test that devotes 90 percent of the test to reading comprehension.
Instead, the distribution of the test should mirror instruction, meaning that about a quarter
of the test should focus on each of the four skills listed above.
The items or tasks should match the full range of cognitive thinking required during the
course. For example, if the main foci of the mathematics content standards are solving
word problems and explaining reasoning, some questions or items on an assessment
should require students to solve word problems and explain how they arrived at their
answers. The assessment should require students to engage in higher-order thinking
where appropriate. These items or tasks may require students to use reasoning, provide
evidence, make connections between subjects or topics, critique, or analyze.
All District approved assessments will include the growth targets to be used in
determining student growth.
Assessments will be submitted to the teacher’s grade level principal(s) for approval.
Student Growth Measures (SGM)/Student Learning Objectives (SLO)
When utilizing vendor assessments to construct SGMs, all related materials shall be purchased
by the Board, and all affected staff shall be trained on utilization and other considerations by
September 30th. Any student who is enrolled into the course no later than the end of the fourth
(4) week of school will be included in the SLO.
When utilizing SLOs to construct SGMs, the teacher shall submit the completed SLO template
for approval of the SLO by the end of the sixth (6) week of the school year.
1. The SLO Committee shall review all submitted SLOs by by the end of the tenth (10)
week of the school year.
2. Any SLO that is rejected by the SLO Committee or the Superintendent shall be returned
to the teacher/group with specific designation of deficiencies by the end of the twelfth
(12) week of the school year with five (5) days for the resubmittal of the corrected SLO.
Teachers shall administer the final assessment to determine student growth as defined in the
approved SGMs.
Prior to submitting the SGM results to the designated evaluator, the teacher may request that the
ERC review the results for the sole purpose of verifying accuracy.
High stakes employment decisions will not be materially informed by consideration of the
student growth portion of the teacher evaluation unless or until there has been a minimum of
three consecutive years of SGM data from the same grade level, subject matter, and/or age level.
The District may use shared attribution SGM scores as determined in consultation with the ERC.
Job sharing arrangements: The percentage of SGM scores applicable to teachers in an approved
job sharing arrangement shall be mutually agreed upon by the individual teachers in the job
sharing arrangement and the building principal.
Co-teaching arrangements (e.g. Inclusion): Teachers who have an approved co-teaching
arrangement shall have a percentage of the SGM score for the individual teachers in the
co-teaching arrangement based on the time each has spent with the student(s).
Teachers who are employed in an alternative setting rather than as a classroom teacher for more
than 50% of the school day will be evaluated using the OTES teacher performance rubric only
and not using student growth measures.
Final Evaluation Procedures
Each teacher’s performance rating will be combined with the assessment of student growth
measures to produce the summative evaluation rating, based upon the following “Evaluation
The summative evaluation of a teacher shall be based upon student growth measures resulting
from assessments that were administered in the previous school year and performance that is
assessed during the walkthroughs and formal observations that are conducted for the current
school year.
The evaluation shall acknowledge the performance strengths of the teacher evaluated as well as
performance deficiencies, if any. The evaluator shall note all the data used to support the
conclusions reached in the formal evaluation report. The evaluation report shall be signed by the
evaluator. The evaluation report should then be signed by the teacher to verify notification to the
teacher that the evaluation will be placed on file, but the teacher's signature should not be
construed as evidence that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation report.
The evaluation report shall be completed by May 10th, signed by both parties, and sent to the
The teacher shall have the right to make a written response to the evaluation and to have it
attached to the evaluation report to be placed in the teacher's personnel file. A copy, signed by
both parties, shall be provided to the teacher.
At the conclusion of the evaluation process each teacher’s final performance rating of
ineffective, developing, skilled or accomplished and the final growth measure ranking below
expected growth, at expected growth or above expected growth will be entered into the
electronic system, Ohio eTPES (Ohio electronic Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems).
After the data is entered the eTPES will calculate the Final Summative Rating of Teacher
Effectiveness the eTPES will be used to report teacher effectiveness ratings.
Professional Growth Plans and Professional Improvement Plans
There will be three categories of Growth or Improvement plans:
1. Teachers rated accomplished or who have above expected student growth will develop
their growth plan independently and submit their plan to their credentialed evaluator.
Professional growth and improvement plans for a school year shall be developed not later
than the first full week of that school year. The professional growth plan shall include the
following components:
Identification of area(s) for future professional growth;
Specific resources and opportunities the teacher wants to explore to enhance their
skills, knowledge, and practice.
Outcomes that will enable the teacher to increase student learning and achievement.
2. Teachers who meet Expected levels of student growth or attain a rating of skilled or
developing must develop a professional growth plan collaboratively with their
credentialed evaluator for the evaluation cycle. Professional growth and improvement
plans for a school year shall be developed not later than the end of the first full week of
that school year.
The professional growth plan shall include the following components:
Identification of area(s) for future professional growth;
Specific resources and opportunities to assist the teacher in enhancing skills,
knowledge, and practice; and
Outcomes that will enable the teacher to increase student learning and achievement.
A teacher may use their Professional Growth Plan to develop his/her IPDP for the
LPDC in order to meet renewal requirements for their certificate/license.
3. Teachers who meet Below-Expected levels of student growth and are rated Ineffective on
the Teacher Performance component must comply with an improvement plan developed
their credentialed evaluator or an evaluator assigned by the Superintendent/designee from
the District’s Board-approved list. Improvement plans for the next school year shall be
developed not later than the end of first full week of that school year. The improvement
plan shall include the following components:
An Improvement Statement identifying specific area(s) for improvement as related to
the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession;
A desired level of performance that is expected to improve and a reasonable time
period to correct deficiencies;
A specific Plan of Action that must be taken by the teacher to improve his/her
performance with sources of evidence (measurable goals) to document the completion
of the improvement plan;
A description of educational supports and/or opportunities for professional
development needed to improve the identified area(s).
A teacher may use their Professional Growth Plan to develop his/her IPDP for the
LPDC in order to meet renewal requirements for their certificate/license.
Board Professional Development Plan
In accordance with the Ohio State Board of Education’s statewide evaluation framework, the
Board has adopted a specific plan for the allocation of financial resources to support the
professional development of teachers covered by this policy. The plan will be reviewed annually.
Retention and Promotion Decisions/Removal of Poorly Performing Teachers
It is the purpose of this Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation Policy to improve the quality of
instruction, enhance student learning and strengthen professional competence through
meaningful feedback and targeted professional development. In addition, the evaluations
produced will serve to inform the Board on employment decisions, i.e., retention, promotion of
teachers, renewal of teaching contracts, and the removal/nonrenewal of poorly performing
The removal of poorly performing teachers shall be in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code
and any applicable provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement in effect between the
Board and the Boardman Education Association (BEA).
Nothing in this policy will be deemed to prevent the Board from exercising its rights to
non-renew, terminate, or suspend a teaching contract as provided by law and the terms of the
collective bargaining agreement in effect between it and the Boardman Education Association.
The evaluation system and procedures set forth in this policy shall not create an expectation of
continued employment for teachers on a limited contract that are evaluated under this policy. The
Board reserves the right to non-renew a teacher evaluated under this policy in accordance with
R.C. 3319.11 notwithstanding the teacher’s summative rating.
Compliance with Ohio Revised Code
The Boardman Local School District and the Boardman Education Association will abide by all
changes in law that affect and change the provisions of this policy.
R.C. 3319.02, 3319.11, 3319.111, 3319.112, 3319.22, 3319.222, 3319.226, 3319.26, 3319.58,
3333.0411 A.C. 3301-35-03(A)
Boardman Local School District
7410 Market Street
Boardman, Ohio 44512
Certified Personnel
Personal leave will be granted for responsibilities that cannot be assumed when school is not in
session. Personal leave cannot be used for recreation, vacation, for calamity make up days or
other employment. All requests for personal leave that extend a holiday or recess must be
submitted with an explanation of the reason.
Today’s Date _______________ Date(s) Requested ______
This personal leave is for responsibilities that I cannot assume when school is not in session.
Employee’s Signature _____________
Building Assignment ______________
The above leave is approved/disapproved.
Date: ______________ Superintendent ______________
Boardman Local School District
Department Chairperson
1. ARCD*** 2.5%
2. Art 10%
3. Business, Careers & Technology 10%
4. English 14%
5. Foreign Language* 10%
6. Guidance 10%
7. Health & Phys. Ed. 10%
8. Industrial Arts 10%
9. Mathematics 14%
10. Music 10%
11. Science 14%
12. Social Studies 14%
13. Special Education 14%
Extended Duties
1. Band Director 28%
2. Band Assistant (2) 14%
3. Band Assistant 10%
4. Bugle Advisor 8%
5. Bugle Business Manager 6%
6. Choral Music Director 12%
7. Crier Advisor 7%
8. Crier Business Manager 6%
9. Crier Photograph Advisor 5%
10. Dramatics Director 14%
11. Drama Business Manager 6%
12. Orchestra Director 16%
13. Orchestra Assistant 12%
14. Orchestra Assistant 10%
15. Pep Band 4%
16. Speech Director 14%
17. Speech Assistant (2) 4%
18. Stage Crew Advisor 7%
19. Technology Support 8%
Clubs and Class Responsibilities
1. Al Sebastian Med. Careers Club 3%
2. Art Club Advisor 3%
3. Booster Club Advisors (2) 3%
4. Chess Club Advisor 3%
5. Computer Club Advisor 3%
6. Council for Exceptional Children Adv. 4%
7. Envirothon 3%
8. French Club Advisor 3%
9. Humanities Club 3%
10. Industrial Arts Club Advisor 3%
11. Interact Club Advisor 3%
12. Italian Club Advisor 3%
13. Junior Class Advisor 4%
14. Junior Class Asst. Advisor 3%
15. Key Club Advisor 3%
16. Latin Club Advisor 3%
17. Math Club Advisor 3%
18. National Honor Society 3%
19. Ocean Bowl 3%
20. Photo Arts Club Advisor 4%
21. Quiz Bowl Team Advisor 4%
22. SADD Club Advisor 3%
23. Science Club Advisor 3%
24. Senior Class Advisor 4%
25. Social Studies Club Advisor 3%
26. Spanish Club Advisor 3%
27. Student Council Advisor 10%
28. Varsity Wrestlette Advisor 3%
Boys Athletic Positions
1. Baseball Head Coach 18%
2. Baseball Assistants (2) 10%
3. Baseball Freshman Coach 7%
4. Basketball Head Coach 24%
5. Basketball Assistants (3) 14%
6. Bowling Coach 12%
7. Cross Country Coach 14%
8. Football Head Coach 24%
9. Football Assistants (8) 14%
10. Golf Coach 12%
11. Lacrosse Head Coach 12%
12. Lacrosse Assistant 10%
13. Soccer Head Coach 18%
14. Soccer Assistant 10%
15. Soccer Assistant 7%
16. Tennis Coach 12%
17. Track Head Coach 18%
18. Track Assistants (3) 10%
19. Wrestling Head Coach 18%
20. Wrestling Assistants (2) 10%
- Continued
Boys and Girls Athletic Positions
1. Swim Head Coach 18%
2. Swim Assistant (2) 10%
3. Swim Assistant Diving 5%
Girls Athletic Positions
1. Basketball Head Coach 24%
2. Basketball Assistants (3) 14%
3. Bowling Coach 12%
4. Cheerleading Head Coach 14%
5. Cheerleading Asst. (Reserves) 10%
6. Cheerleading Asst. (Freshmen) 7%
7. Cross Country Coach 14%
8. Golf Coach 12%
9. Lacrosse Head Coach 12%
10. Lacrosse Assistant 10%
11. Soccer Head Coach 18%
12. Soccer Assistant 10%
13. Soccer Assistant 7%
14. Softball Head Coach 18%
15. Softball Assistant (2) 10%
16. Softball Freshman Coach 7%
17. Tennis Coach 12%
18. Track Head Coach 18%
19. Track Assistant (3) 10%
20. Volleyball Head Coach 18%
21. Volleyball Assistant Coach (2) 10%
Athletic Department Positions
1. Assistant Athletic Director 15%
2. Athletic Dept Assistants (3)
Fall 5%
Winter 5%
Spring 5%
3. Athletic Trainer (2) 24%
4. Open Gymnasium Supervisors (3) 5%
5. Weight Program Supervisors (3) 5%
Boys Athletic Positions
1. Basketball Grade 7 Maroon 12%
2. Basketball Grade 7 White 12%
3. Basketball Grade 8 Maroon 12%
4. Basketball Grade 8 White 12%
5. Cross Country 10%
6. Football Head Coach Grade 8 12%
7. Football Assistant Grade 8 (2) 9%
8. Football Head Coach Grade 7 12%
9. Football Assistant Grade 7 (2) 9%
10. Track Head Coach 10%
11. Track Assistant (3) 8%
12. Wrestling Coach 10%
13. Wresting Assistant (2) 8%
Girls Athletic Positions
1. Volleyball Grade 7 Maroon 10%
2. Volleyball Grade 7 White 10%
3. Volleyball Grade 8 Maroon 10%
4. Volleyball Grade 8 White 10%
5. Basketball Grade 7 Maroon 12%
6. Basketball Grade 7 White 12%
7. Basketball Grade 8 Maroon 12%
8. Basketball Grade 8 White 12%
9. Cheerleader Advisor Maroon 12%
10. Cheerleader Advisor White 12%
11. Cross Country Coach 10%
12. Track Head Coach 10%
13. Track Assistant (3) 8%
Junior High Athletic Department Positions
Athletic Coordinator 24%
Instructional Coordinators
1. Language Arts 14%
2. Math 14%
3. Social Studies 14%
4. Science 14%
Extended Duties
1. ARCD*** 2.5%
2. Academic Team Advisor** 2.5%
3. BGJH TV 5%
4. Dramatics Director 3%
5. Saturday Rec Advisors (2) 3%
6. School Publication Advisor 4%
7. Student Council Advisor 4%
8. Technology Support 8%
Instructional Coordinators
1. Language Arts 14%
2. Math 14%
3. Social Studies 14%
4. Science 14%
Extended Duties
1. ARCD*** 2.5%
2. Academic Team Advisor** 2.5%
3. BCIS TV 5%
4. Dramatics Director 3%
5. Saturday Rec Advisors (2) 3%
6. School Publication Advisor 4%
7. Student Council Advisor 4%
8. Technology Support 8%
1. ARCD*** 2.5%
2. Curriculum Coordinator (4)
Language Arts 7%
3. Curriculum Coordinator (4)
Math, Science Social Studies 7%
4. Technology Support (4) 8%
1. Lead Mentor 8%
2. Resident Educator Year 1 Mentor 4%
3. Resident Educator Year 2 Mentor 2%
4. Resident Educator Year 3 Mentor (if service not provided by ESC) 1%
5. New Teacher Mentor 2%
* Members of the Employee Unit holding this supplemental contract at the conclusion of the
2013-2014 school year shall be grandfathered at the 2013-14 percentage for as long as they hold
this supplemental contract.
** Academic Team Advisors coach students in various academic competitions. Coaching is done
outside the normal school day. Voluntary tutoring of students before or after school is not
considered a part of Academic Team Advisors. The number of supplemental contracts granted
for Academic Team Advisors may vary from year to year, as determined by the Director of
Instruction. It would not be unusual for a teacher to “pilot” an academic team for a school year
prior to a contract being offered for the following school year.
*** Additional Responsibilities in Curriculum Development (A.R.C.D.) - The Board and the
Association agree that a teacher’s primary responsibility is the effort put forth in the classroom.
They further agree that teachers may be asked to assume additional responsibilities beyond the
classroom to help maintain the academic excellence in Boardman Schools. Such responsibilities
may include, but not be limited to, curriculum development, textbook evaluation, etc. Temporary
additional responsibilities are those that require time beyond the normal school day. The number
of supplemental contracts offered may vary from year to year. The Director of Instruction will
determine what areas are to be developed with the principal’s approval.