Student Business Services
Presentation for Students
Presentation Discussion Topics
Contract & Form
Panther Partner
Authorized User
Tuition & Fee
Billing Due Dates
Payment Options Making Payment Holds & Late Fees
Tuition Withdrawal
Tuition Protection
Health Insurance
Purchase & Policy
Refunds, Credits
and ID Card Funds
1. Tuition and Fee Master Payment Contract 2. Chapman Release Authorization Form
Contract and Form
To abide by the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) a federal
law, Chapman University will not disclose any
information without the written consent from
the student. Students who wish to authorize
Residence Life, Financial Aid, Student
Business Services, and Registrar Offices to
release information to a parent, spouse, or
another person (s), must complete the
Chapman Release of Authorization form.
The Tuition and Fee Master Payment Contract
submission is mandatory as it outlines the
student’s rights and responsibilities regarding
payment of tuition and fees.
How does a student submit the contract?
Student’s can submit an electronic Tuition and Fee
Master Payment Contract through their
Center " To-Do List" box.
How often must a student submit a contract? A
new submission will be requested at the start of
each academic year.
How does a student submit this form?
Students may submit in-person or via-email to:
Contract & Form Due Date: August 30, 2021
Access ePay is our online billing portal. Parents,
guardians, or others, are not automatically given
access to their student's online billing portal.
STUDENTS who would like their parents,
guardian, or another person, to have billing
access MUST add those individuals as a
Partner- Authorized User.
Access ePay offers a variety of functions:
Review billing statement
Submit payment
Enroll in Payment Plan
Obtain a copy of 1098-T (Tax statement)
Sign up for eRefund
Note: Access ePay does NOT display academic
information such as grades.
Panther Partner Authorized User Access-Optional
Sample Statement
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Amount Due
On-Campus Estimate
Tuition (12-18 units) $29,125
Health Center Fee $122
Student Activities Fee $70
Room & Board $9,499
Semester Total: $38,816
Full-Time Tuition and Fee Estimates
Asterisks (*) Items, that are mandatory per term
Parking is free; however, students who wish to park in any
university parking site must register their vehicle through the
Parking Permit Registration System. Failure to register their vehicle
will result in a parking citation and/or disciplinary action.
Health Center Fee: Health Center fee is not student health
insurance; this fee allows students access to the Health Center.
This fee is mandatory for all full-time undergraduate students.
Student Activities Fee: Serves to enhance student’s college life.
The fee provides funding for student events and initiatives such as
clubs, organizations, and Student Government. It also provides
student with discounted tickets.
Room and Board: Estimate is based on double room occupancy.
Total amount includes the cost of the room and the cost of the
board meal plan.
Off-Campus Estimate
Tuition (12-18 units) $29,125
Health Center Fee $122
Student Activities Fee $70
Semester Total: $29,317
Access ePay will send out billing notifications to students' Chapman email addresses and Panther Partner
Authorized Users. All parties are encouraged to review the student account upon receiving a billing notification.
To view your account details, visit Access ePay Portal within your Student Center (
Billing Due Dates & Payment Notices
Bill Notification Email: Sent out early July.
Payment Due: July 20
Interterm Tuition Waiver (4 units) is an option for
undergraduate students attending full time Fall and Spring
Payment Due: December 20
Bill Notification Email: Sent out early December.
Payment Due: December 20
Bill Notification Email: Sent out early May.
Payment Due: May 20
Option 1- Payment in Full
This payment option requires the entire term
balance charges, less financial aid to be
paid in full on or before the due date.
Option 2- Monthly Payment Plan
A monthly payment plan option allows you to
spread tuition, fees, and housing charges over a
five-month period.
Students or Panther Partner Authorized User
can set up a payment plan online through the
ePay Portal.
Participants must enroll each semester. There is
no automatic re-enrollment
Per semester cost: $50 set-up fee.
Payment Options
Due Date: Jul. 20
Due Date: Dec. 20
Due Date: Dec. 20
Due Date: May 20
Note: Payment is due upon registration for courses
added after the term due date.
Due Dates: Jul 20, Aug 20,
Sep 20, Oct 20, Nov 20
Due Date: Dec 20, Jan 20, Feb
20, Mar 20, Apr 20
Online ACH payment through Access ePay within your Student Center (
No fee associated
o Credit cards are not accepted as a form of payment for tuition and fees.
Wire Transfer: (Domestic & International - Bank to Bank and Flywire Transfers)
In-Person: Cash, Check, or Money order by Appointment Only through the Cashier’s Office
Mail: Make checks payable to Chapman University. The student name and student ID number should be
included on the front of all checks
Mail Tuition Payments to:
Chapman University
Attn: Cashier's Office One University Drive
Orange, CA 92866-1005
Methods of Payment
For questions regarding payment methods, contact Cashier Office at (714) 997- 6838 or email:
Business Office Hold
If a student account is not up to date with financial aid or out of pocket payments when priority
registration begins for the following semester, a hold will be placed on the student record that
will prevent any further registration. Only students with current accounts are allowed to take
advantage of priority registration. How does Chapman communicate with the students?
We communicate with students via their Chapman email only. It is essential you monitor
your Chapman email address frequently.
Late Fees
Students that do not pay the total account balance by the due dates will be assessed a late fee
of $100 each month that a Student Account has an overdue outstanding balance. The late
payment fee will accrue every month until the balance is paid in full or a monthly payment plan
has been established.
Business Office Hold, Communication & Late Fees
° The date of withdrawal for tuition credit purposes
shall be when the class was dropped through or the
Registrar's Office. Students
who register, but do not attend classes, will not
receive a tuition credit unless they officially withdraw
by the posted deadlines. Non-attendance does not
constitute a withdrawal from classes.
° Tuition enrollment deposits are non-refundable.
° Full refunds for tuition and fee are available only
through the first week of each term's start (except
Interterm and Summer). After that, tuition and fees
are refunded according to the Chapman Withdrawal
° Housing Reservation Payment non-refundable.
Chapman Tuition Withdrawal Policy
Fall and Spring Policy
Withdrawal through the 1st week of classes 100%
Withdrawal through the 2
week of classes 50%
Withdrawal through the 3
week of classes 20%
Withdrawal after the 4
week of classes none
Receive 100% refund up to September 6, 2021, if
the first day of instruction is August 30.
Tuition Protection Plan Purchase
Chapman University understands that the cost incurred with education can be substantial, and we have
partnered with Grad Guard to offer students and parents tuition insurance protection.
The tuition insurance plan will refund the money paid to the university if a student suffers a severe
illness or accident and must withdraw from the university. The policy covers tuition, fee, and on-campus
How to purchase or review the policy? Students who wish to review/purchase the policy, may log
into their Student Center, and click “Access ePay”. Panther Partner Authorized Users can
review/purchase the policy via the
ePay log-in.
Purchase Deadline: August 29, 2021
For questions regarding coverage? The unexpected happens, so please be prepared!
Phone: 800-719-5915
Student Health Insurance Purchase
Chapman University’s offers optional health insurance coverage through United Healthcare.
The annual cost is $2,040.00.
How to Purchase Student Health Insurance?
Utilizing your Chapman issued email address, complete and returned a Student Health Request Form
Note: To continue coverage, a Student Health Request Form is needed each academic year.
Purchase Deadline: September 20, 2021
For questions regarding coverage?
Phone: (800) 767-0700
Proof of Student Health Insurance Policy
New Requirement: Proof of health insurance is required of all students and will be necessary to prevent a future
per semester health insurance charge of $1,040.
When can students start to submit their proof of health insurance? Students will be notified via their
Chapman email once this feature is open. We anticipate it to be available within the first week of July.
How does a tudent submit proof of health insurance? Students can log in to Student Center, click on the
"Proof of Health Insurance" hyperlink located within their To-Do List, and submit a copy of their insurance
How often must proof of health insurance be provided? Proof of health insurance submissions will be
required once per academic year, typically in July.
Submission Deadline: September 20, 2021.
Note: International students are automatically billed for student health insurance upon enrollment. If
they would like to waive their existing health insurance charge, they will need to submit their proof of
health insurance by following the above instructions.
Student Health Insurance Purchase
Students who wish to purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan offered by Chapman University must log
in to their Student Center and click on "Student Forms" to buy health insurance coverage for the 2021-
2022 academic year.
When can student’s purchase 2021-2022 Student Health Insurance? Students will be notified via their
Chapman email once this feature is open. We anticipate it to be available within the first week of July.
What is the cost? The per semester cost is 1,040 ($2,040 an academic year)
To continue coverage and not experience any insurance gaps, how often must a student submit a
purchase form? Re-enrollment must be completed each academic year, typically in July.
Fall Purchase Deadline: September 20, 2021
Have questions regarding coverage? Visit or call: (800) 767-0700
Credit Balance Options
The Financial Aid Office will disburse funds to your student’s
account on the first day of class if all requirements for receiving
these funds have been met.
If a student receives more in financial aid than is necessary to
pay for tuition, fees, room and board, then they may:
1. Request a refund
2. Request Bookstore Voucher
3. Request funds transfer to ID Card
Note: A credit balance must currently exist on the student
account before a refund can be requested. No refunds will be
generated based on pending aid.
Student are encouraged to sign up for an eRefund (Direct
Deposit). All refunds are made payable to the student EXCEPT:
Parent Plus Loan refunds will be processed
to whomever took
out the loan via check or eRefund (if set up)
How can a student request a refund,
Bookstore Voucher, or both?
1. Request in person.
2. Via-email to:
Bookstore voucher email request
should include total cost (including tax
and shipping) Follett Bookstore
ID credit transfer email should include
exact dollar amount.
Declining Balance/ eAccounts
Students and guests may deposit funds to student's ID
card using eAccounts at
For Declining Balance/ eAccounts questions, contact
the Cashier Office at (714) 997- 6838 or email:
Lost or stolen ID card should be immediately
deactivated by the student through
eAccounts to
prevent unauthorized use of the card.
Panther Bucks
Deposit Funds
Yes Yes
Print Credits Yes
Bookstore Yes
Gift Shop Yes
Funds Expire No Yes
Laundry Yes
Have questions or need
more information?
Contact Us
Phone: (714) 997-6617
Email: or
Student Account Advisor
Location: Bhathal Student Service
Center. 150 W. Sycamore
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.