Formative Assessment for
Students with Disabilities
The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials
who head departments of elementary and secondary education in the states, the District of Columbia, the Department
of Defense Education Activity, and five U.S. extra-state jurisdictions. CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy, and technical
assistance on major educational issues. The Council seeks member consensus on major educational issues and expresses
their views to civic and professional organizations, federal agencies, Congress, and the public.
Melody Schopp (South Dakota), President
Chris Minnich, Executive Directorr
Brookhart, S. & Lazarus, S. (2017) Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities.
Commissioned by the Council of Chief State School Officers State Collaboratives on Assessing
Special Education Students and Formative Assessment, Washington, DC.
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Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Few would question the importance of formative assessment in helping students
become more effective and engaged learners. Few would question the importance
of accommodating students with disabilities to maximize their learning. Practical and
research literature exists separately in each of these fields. Two of the Council of
Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO) State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student
Standards (SCASS) — the Assessing Special Education Students (ASES) and Formative
Assessment for Students and Teachers (FAST) — are collaborating to consider the two
fields together: formative assessment for students with disabilities.
We begin this report with introductions to students with disabilities and to formative
assessment. For students to be actively involved in their learning, they must understand a
learning goal, aim for it, and use assessment evidence along the way to stay on course.
Three key formative assessment questions — Where am I going? Where am I now? What
do I need to do next? — are important for all students, including students with
disabilities, as they partner with their teachers to produce successful learning outcomes.
The main section of the report blends the two fields into a discussion of formative
assessment practices for students with disabilities, illustrated with text and video
examples. The video examples all include students with disabilities, some in a regular
classroom and some in a small group setting. This report provides teachers, both special
education and general education, with an introduction to the knowledge and skills they
need to confidently and successfully implement formative assessment for students with
disabilities in their classrooms
The strategies described in this paper are not
limited to use with students with disabilities.
The strategies work for all students, including
those who are low-performing, with or without
disabilities. As important as the specific formative
assessment strategies is the formative approach,
which looks at learning from the students point of
view instead of from a teaching and instructional
planning point of view. Teachers who plan all their
lessons by first asking “What will my students be
trying to learn?” – and make sure that all their
students are aware of what they are trying to learn
– will find that most of their instructional moves
are formative and most of their classroom learning
activities provide evidence of learning.
The strategies
described in this
paper are not limited
to use with students
with disabilities. The
strategies work for
all students, including
those who are low-
performing, with or
without disabilities.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Students with Disabilities
Olivia is a fourth grade student at Hillsborough Elementary School. She has one brother;
he is in kindergarten. Olivia loves to cook. She likes to make quesadillas, blueberry
muffins, and chili. Olivia generally likes schooland especially enjoys chatting with
her friends. Her favorite class is science. She enjoys working with her classmates to
do the experiments and lab exercises. Someday Olivia wants to be a food scientist.
She doesn’t know anyone else in her school who wants to be a food scientist, but her
next door neighbor is one, and it sounds like an awesome job. But Olivia sometimes
gets frustrated at school. She doesn’t read as well as the other students in her class.
Olivia likes her fourth grade teacher and her special education teacher. They both help
Olivia when she has difficulty and help her self-assess how she is doing so that she can
improve her learning.
Olivia is one example of the almost 6 million children and youth in the United States who
receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA). This is about 13% of all students in public schools (U.S. Department of Education,
2015b). Most students with disabilities spend most of their day in the general education
classroom, and it is important that all of their teachers know how to effectively instruct
them (U.S. Department of Education, 2015b). Formative assessment has powerful
potential to increase learning for all students, including students with disabilities. It
is important to consider the needs of individual learners when making assessment
decisions, because each student is unique. Students combine information to create
a network of knowledge(Dolan & Hall, 2001). Using adaptations, scaffolding, and
accommodations, students with disabilities can work toward and reach standards within
the general education curriculum.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
As shown in Figure 1, the federal government denes 13 disability categories: autism, deaf-
blindness, deafness, emotional disturbances, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple
disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech
or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment including blindness.
Additionally, states may use developmental delay as a category for children ages 3 through 9.
Figure 1. Percentage of Students Ages 6 through 21 Served Under IDEA, Part B, by Disability
Category, Fall 2012
*”Other disabilities (combined)” includes deaf-blindness (less than 0.03%), developmental delay (2.1%), hearing
impairments (1.2%), multiple disabilities (2.2%), orthopedic impairments (0.9%), traumatic brain injury (0.4%), and
visual impairments (0.4%). (Source: U.S. Department of Education, 2014)
The students in each disability category vary enormously in whether, and to what degree, they
have barriers to their learning. Categorical labels vary from state to state, and application of
even within-state criteria varies from district to district and school to school. Most students with
disabilities do not have intellectual disabilities, and most students do not have severe disabilities
of any sort. Disability category labels are useful as general descriptors of the types of barriers
students may face, and generally inform the design of options that different groups of students
may need in order to access and make progress in the general curriculum, but they are not
helpful in designing formative assessment strategies that work for all children.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
IDEA requires that the individualized education program (IEP) of students with disabilities “must be
aligned with the State’s academic content standards for which the child is enrolled” (U.S. Department
of Education, 2015a). Effective learning environment and instructional decisions are made at the
individual student level, rather than making blanket decisions based upon a disability category
(Clair, Church, & Batshaw, 2007). Students with disabilities do best in classrooms with a culture of
learning that they perceive as a safe environment where there is freedom to experiment, respect for
differences, and encouragement for risk-taking (Thompson, Lazarus, Clapper, & Thurlow, 2006).
Most students with disabilities are not low performing students (Marion, Gong, & Simpson,
2006); and on the ip side, many low performing students do not have disabilities. (Bechard
& Godin, 2007; HB 05-1246 Study Committee, 2005; Lazarus & Thurlow, 2013; New England
Compact, 2007). Finding strategies to ensure formative assessment effectively includes all
students, including students with disabilities, is not a “recipe” to be applied when a given
categorical label pops up, nor one that is only applied to students with disabilities. All low
performing students need high quality formative assessment practices to help them become
higher achieving.
The Role of Universal Design
The goal of Universal Design is to improve access to instruction and assessment for all
students by removing barriers. The overall concept is that well-designed instruction and
assessments benefit all learners universally — not just those with disabilities. Universal
design is a concept that originated in architecture with the idea that good design benefits
all and reduces the need for accommodations. For example, cuts in the curbs in sidewalks
provide access to individuals in wheelchairs, but the cuts also benefit parents pushing
strollers and people with sore knees who find the curbs cumbersome. Similarly, closed
captioning was developed for individuals who are hard of hearing, yet many people use it
— think of the last time you were at the airport or in a noisy restaurant that had a television
(CAST, 2012; Thompson, Thurlow, & Malouf, 2004).
The National Center on Universal Design for Learning (CAST, 2012) identied three principals
of universal design for learning (UDL):
Principle I: Provide multiple means of representation (the “what” of learning)
Principle II: Provide multiple means of action and expression (the “how” of learning)
Principle III: Provide multiple means of engagement (the “why” of learning)
Formative assessment practices and procedures that are more universally designed can
also play an important role. Formative assessment designed right from the beginning to
allow the participation of individuals with a wide range of characteristics minimizes the
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
need for accommodations. It can also help ensure that all students can participate and that
the assessment measures what is intended and provides instructionally useful information.
Thompson et al. (2004) identied several characteristics of well-designed assessments that
are inclusive of all students:
Precisely designed constructs
Accessible, nonbiased items
Amenable to accommodations
Simple, clear, and intuitive instructions and procedures
Maximum readability and comprehensibility
Maximum legibility
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Formative Assessment – The Basics
John struggles to decode and comprehend written text. At school he was identified as
having a specific learning disability, and both his general education and special education
teachers help him in his regular fourth-grade class. Today, John is practicing baseball at
recess. He knows what he wants to do – and he knows what it looks like when he does. He
watches pro baseball games on television, and he sees the form of the swing, hears the
crack” as the bat connects with the ball, and sees the runner’s legs pumping as he runs
the bases. John can’t reliably get a hit every time he’s up – yet – but hes working on it,
and he is watching himself improve.
Back in class, John’s teacher gives a lesson on personal pronouns. John pays attention as
the teacher and class work on a few examples together. He thinks of these examples the
way he approaches other language arts exercises, as exercises in completing sentences so
they are “right.” When he is assigned exercises to do independently, he falters, because
it isn’t clear to him how to make the sentences right. If you asked John why he was doing
this work, he would say, “Because my teacher asked me to.
Although he doesn’t know it, John uses formative assessment when he practices baseball.
He has a clear vision of what good baseball playing looks like, thanks to his interest in
watching ball games on television. He monitors his swing, his hits, and his speed as he
bats and runs. John’s baseball playing is improving, and he could tell you how he knows
that. In class, the formative assessment process is not engaged. John does not have a
clear idea of what personal pronouns are and what it means to be able to use them. His
feedback comes in the form of knowing what exercises he got right. And his motivation is
compliance, not learning; he simply wants to be a good student and do what his teacher
tells him. It doesn’t have to be this way.
What is Formative Assessment?
In 2006, the FAST SCASS adopted the following denition of formative assessment after a
literature review, study, and discussion:
Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction
that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students
achievements of intended instructional outcomes.
This definition takes a stand on several issues surrounding the question, “What is formative
assessment?” and is comparable to the views of the Assessment Reform Group in the U.K.
(2002) and with the views of other authors (Andrade & Cizek, 2010; Heritage, 2010; Moss &
Brookhart, 2009; Wiliam, 2012).
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Formative assessment is a process. Formative assessment happens when students and
teachers get evidence of student thinking — from a variety of methods — and use that
evidence to further student learning. That means formative assessment has motivational
benefits as well as cognitive (learning) benefits. The process begins with giving students
(or co-creating) a clear vision of what students are trying to learn. We’ll have more to say
about that below.
Formative assessment is used by teachers and students. Some people call an assessment
“formative” if the teacher can use the information to adjust instruction without reference to
students. Adjusting instruction is not a bad thing, but formative assessment is much more.
Learning in schools is certainly managed by teachers, but it is the students who do the
learning, and formative assessment helps students generate and use evidence within the
learning process. According to our definition, if students are not involved in the process, it
is not formative assessment.
Formative assessment improves student achievement of intended instructional
outcomes. While some people count as formative assessment any assessment during
learning, whether it is used or not, the FAST SCASS definition implies that the formative
assessment information is intended to improve learning. The information needs to be
used with the intention of improving learning (Black & Wiliam, 1998) and inform the
learning process, whether learning improves directly or whether evidence suggests
further work.
Students who experience the formative assessment process strive to answer three
questions (Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Sadler, 1989): Where am I going? (What am I trying to
learn?) Where am I now? (What progress have I made toward my learning goal?) What do I
need to do next? (What next steps will take me closer to my learning goal?) They do this by
generating and evaluating evidence of their own learning.
This kind of formative assessment is part of learning. When formative assessment is used
regularly in the classroom, the lines between instruction, assessment, and learning blur
(Hayward, 2015). When students, for example, are aiming to learn to write persuasive
pieces, and during the writing process they get feedback they use to revise their work,
is the feedback assessment or part of their instruction for that lesson where they revise?
And are the insights students receive from the feedback as they read it and apply it to
their work during the revision part of assessment, or is that learning? Well – yes and yes.
True formative assessment blurs the lines between assessment, instruction, and learning.
Finally, as the old saying goes, “Knowledge is power.” The evidence of learning that
students and teachers get during formative assessment creates a mandate to do
something about it – and at the same time yields information that helps learning happen.
Teachers who use formative assessment feel a need to differentiate instruction in a
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
way they hadn’t before (Brookhart, Moss, & Long, 2010). Students who use formative
assessment and thus know what they need to do next, in terms that are understandable
and seem do-able, feel more in control of their learning and feel competent (Butler &
Schnellert, 2015). That feeling of control is motivating. It fuels self-efficacy for learning
and self-regulation of the learning process.
What Formative Assessment is NOT
With all of these good things claimed for formative assessment, it’s no wonder that the
concept has attracted some misconceptions and overgeneralizations. Like a snowball
rolling downhill collects rocks and sticks, formative assessment has found some things
stuck” to it that don’t belong there.
If formative assessment is a process, then it is not a set of assessment tools. If you hear
something like, “We use formative assessments in our school,” using “assessments” in
the plural, chances are the speaker is not referring to formative assessment in the way we
define it here. There are many formative assessment strategies and tools that one can use,
and we will describe some of them in this paper. But the strategies and tools are not what
make the assessment formative — its how the strategies are used.
Formative assessment strategies can be used in very teacher-centered ways (Furtak et
al., 2008; Jonsson, Lundahl, & Holmgren, 2015). When they are, they do not lead to any
improvement of learning beyond that supported by conventional teaching and assessing.
In fact, you can’t tell by looking if an assessment – a test, a performance assessment, or
an informal assessment – is formative or summative. (Summative assessment is assessment
summarizing what has been learned; in most school contexts this means graded work.) You
have to look at how the assessment is used. If students and teachers use the assessment
evidence to figure out what students are supposed to be learning, where they are in relation
to that intended learning, and what they need to do next to make progress, then the process
is formative. If any single one of these components is missing, the process is not formative.
Any “formative assessment strategy” can be twisted and become a de facto summative
assessment. For example, exit tickets are a popular formative assessment strategy. Exit
tickets are supposed to involve students reecting on what they learned and what they still
need to learn. Students can use this information to inform their further study and teachers
can use this information to adjust instruction if needed. The basic format is this: teachers
give students a reection question or a content area question at the end of the lesson.
Students write their answers on a small piece of paper, which is their “ticket” out of the
class. However, we once observed a teacher giving students a five-question “exit ticket”
assignment, collecting them, and using them as a quiz grade. No matter what the teacher
intended, that is summative assessment.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Why Formative Assessment?
Why is interest in formative assessment growing? And if its such a good idea, why haven’t
teachers been using it all along? Teachers have always assessed their students. What is
different is the realization that students need to participate in the process, that they as
well as the teachers need to envision the learning goal, gather and interpret evidence of
where they stand in their journey toward that goal, and actively figure out and take next
steps (Andrade & Cizek, 2010; Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Sadler, 1989).
This approach to assessment, which has come to be called formative assessment or
assessment for learning, has only been conceived in recent decades. Advances in learning
theory are the reason. Years ago, behaviorism was the dominant learning theory, and
teachers were expected to create lessons to which students would respond and from
which they would learn. Then, the teachers would assess students to find out what they
had learned. More recently, cognitive theories of learning have become more prevalent.
While learning theory continues to change, and we hope it will become even more
conclusive in the future, several basic assumptions from cognitive psychology go a long
way toward explaining how student learning in classrooms is different from what our
mothers’ and grandmothers’ teachers thought (Ormrod, 2006, pp. 187-189):
Cognitive processes inuence the nature of what is learned.
People are selective about what they process and learn.
Meaning is constructed by the learner, rather than being derived directly from the
Prior knowledge and beliefs play a major role in the meanings that people construct.
People are actively involved in their own learning.
Considered in light of these assumptions, the three formative assessment questions
(Where am I going? Where am I now? What do I need to do next?) make sense as a
productive way for students to be involved in their own learning. These questions
complement the phases of self-regulation of learning (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2011) and
are important for all students, including students with disabilities (Butler & Schnellert,
2015). Students need to understand a learning goal, aim for it, use assessment information
along the way to stay on course, and eventually be able to articulate what they learned
and how they know they’ve learned it.
This orientation to learning has huge implications for both instruction and assessment.
Teachers who simply incorporate “formative assessment strategies” into an otherwise
teacher-centered approach to instruction, as we have seen, will not effectively harness the
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
learning power in students. For formative assessment to really work, a sea change – a whole
different approach to instruction – is necessary. When planning a lesson, instead of thinking,
“What am I going to do with the kids today?” a teacher needs to think, “What will my
students try to learn today?”
It is very difficult to change one’s thinking at this fundamental level, but the results are
worth it students both learn more and are more motivated (Black & Wiliam, 1998). And
teachers find that when they work on the foundations of formative assessment and really
try to put them in practice, the results are worthwhile for them, as well (Brookhart, Moss,
& Long, 2010).
The Foundations of Formative Assessment
Descriptions of formative assessment differ in how they list the strategies that can be
used in the formative assessment process (Heritage, 2010; Heritage et al., 2012; Moss
& Brookhart, 2009; Wiliam, 2012). However, they all have several basic, foundational
aspects in common. First, clear learning goals and criteria for success should be
communicated to students. It’s not just a matter of teachers having learning goals for
students; students must understand them and actively aim for them. Recall the first
formative assessment question, “Where am I going?” Its not, “What directions did my
teacher give me that I have to follow?” The student is the subject of the sentence. The
student owns the learning.
The learning goals and criteria form the basis for collecting evidence of student learning.
Teachers can find out how their students are thinking by asking questions like, “What
are you trying to learn?” The learning goals, sometimes called “learning targets,
communicated to students should be small, achievable sub-goals derived from broader
curricular goals and grade-level, state content standards. Content-area, standards-
based learning progressions help teachers figure out student-friendly, learning-target-
sized “chunks” appropriate for students to aim for and that add up to larger standards.
Learning progressions provide curricular pathways that can guide teachers as they assist
students in accessing and achieving academic standards for their grade level.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Clear learning goals are the foundation on which formative assessment rests. A student
receiving “feedback” without knowing what she is trying to achieve is basically just
receiving directions. Questions or exercises meant to elicit student thinking, without
the directional pull of a learning goal, are just chat. Some of you remember class
discussions” like this from your own school days.
With clear learning goals, even formerly unsuccessful students can learn. Based on their
work with the Learning How to Learn (LHTL) project, the largest systematic study of
formative assessment to date, James and colleagues (2006, p. 40) observed:
Pupils improve their learning and attainment when they have opportunities to think
about what counts as good work. However, much more significantly, the improvements
appear to be greater for pupils with weak basic skills. This suggests that, at least in part,
low achievement in schools is exacerbated by pupils not understanding what it is they
are meant to be learning.
A second foundation of formative assessment is feedback, which again is mentioned
in every description of formative assessment. Hattie (2009, p. 173) suggested students
needed “heavy dollops of feedback,” while noting that of course it had to be the right
Video Example 1
The state of Hawaii is engaged in the production and use of Progress Maps that describe
typical pathways students travel as they learn and achieve benchmarks in a standards-based
curriculum. These learning progressions help the teachers consistently interpret evidence of
students’ learning as they make their way through the curriculum. The students in this video
include those with disabilities.
A clear learning progression makes it easier to plan instruction and lesson-by-lesson formative
assessment (Steps 4 and 5 in the Hawaii implementation process). Each lesson needs a student
learning target that fits into the progression. Lesson-sized learning targets for students are the
baby steps” they take in their progress toward the larger learning goals highlighted in this video.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
kind of feedback, focused on student work on the task, the student’s process, or the
students self-regulation and pitched at or just above the level on which the student is
working. Another important aspect of feedback is that it has to be part of a feedback
loop or “formative learning cycle” (Moss & Brookhart, 2009) where students get timely
opportunities to use the feedback and see the results. Without such opportunities,
feedback delivered with the intention it will be used “next time” is unlikely to be effective.
With those foundations – learning goals and feedback – in place, other formative
assessment methods and tools that make student thinking visible and thus amenable to
analysis and change can make a real difference. Useful strategies include student goal
setting and self-assessment, and the use by both students and teachers of strategic
questions that make students think. Within these strategies, practitioners use a multitude
of tools: exit tickets, whiteboards, student response systems, “traffic lights” (red-yellow-
green indicators), and others. Remember these strategies themselves are not formative
assessment. They are just useful ways to help generate evidence so that students who are
aiming for a learning goal can find out where they are and where they need to go.
The next section of this paper gives several examples of formative assessment strategies
used with students with disabilities, and it is important to remember that the strategies
are only formative if they are carried out in a classroom where students are actively
involved in directing their own learning. It is also important to note that feedback can
come from the teacher, self or peers, or books, computers, and other materials. Students
generally appreciate teacher feedback, and much has been learned about how teachers
can deliver effective feedback in the context of the formative assessment process (Hattie
& Timperley, 2007; Shute, 2008). Feedback from self-assessment can contribute to
both increased achievement and self-regulation of learning (Brown & Harris, 2013). Peer
assessment can also contribute to increased achievement, but often does not, and can
bring with it student resistance and difficulties in implementation (Topping, 2013). The
success of peer-assessment depends on how it is set up and managed.
Evidence for Connecting Formative Assessment and Students with Disabilities
Before we present practical examples, we will take a moment to cite research that
suggests formative assessment is a very appropriate approach to use with low achievers
in general and students with disabilities in particular. Black and Wiliam (1998) reviewed
250 studies and reviews of studies of formative assessment. They report that some,
but not all, of the studies showed formative assessment helped lower achievers more
than others, in effect narrowing the achievement gap while raising achievement overall
(Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & Wiliam, 2003). Their review described several studies as
examples, including a study of disadvantaged kindergarten students (Bergan, Sladeczek,
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Schwarz, & Smith, 1991), and a meta-analysis of 21 studies that primarily addressed of the
use of formative curriculum-based evaluation for children with disabilities (Fuchs & Fuchs,
1986). The success of formative assessment in these studies serves as proof of concept”
that formative assessment can work with low achievers and students with disabilities.
Brookhart, Moss, and Long (2010) worked with six Title I reading teachers on professional
development in formative assessment. The students of these six teachers were in an
Extended Day Kindergarten program or were receiving remedial reading assistance while
mainstreamed into regular elementary classrooms. The teachers found they became more
mindful of their own instruction, involved students more, gave more specific feedback,
kept more useful records of observations of students, began to focus on student
motivation as well as achievement, and came to see formative assessment as part of good
instruction. The teachers were very positive about their changes in practice and excited
about the changes they saw in their students. Student achievement rose in first grade,
compared with similar students of teachers who were not using formative assessment.
Teachers also said they observed an increase in general reading achievement, motivation,
time on task, and student engagement.
We have already mentioned the LHTL project and its finding that lower achievers
benefitted from clear learning goals and success criteria, suggesting not knowing what
they were supposed to learn was a key issue for them. The LHTL project found that three
factors underlie effective formative assessment practice: making learning explicit, which
we already mentioned, promoting learning autonomy, and a performance orientation
(James, Black et al., 2006; James & Learning Research Program, 2006).
Promoting learning autonomy may be an especially important support for students with
disabilities who have poor executive functioning. Butler and Schnellert (2015) suggest
that teachers create a classroom environment that supports learning autonomy when
they set tasks that give students opportunities for planning, thinking, and learning over
time, and managing their learning. These opportunities promote students’ metacognition,
motivation, and strategic action. Some students with disabilities, Butler and Schnellert
point out, will need routines and structures to support such work, clear learning goals,
feedback, and involvement in the assessment process. These are exactly the qualities
featured in formative assessment. Shutes (2008) review of literature on feedback similarly
finds that low-achieving students benefit from immediate feedback and feedback that
provides scaffolding and support, focused on the learning goal. These supports and the
self-regulation they engender will help all students, including students with disabilities,
move away from some of the unsuccessful routines they may have developed, for
example, conceiving of tasks as following directions instead of making meaning, and
seeing schoolwork as a series of isolated assignments that require mostly recall and drill.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
What does Formative Assessment look like in Action with
Students with Disabilities?
This paper began with an introduction to formative assessment and to students with
disabilities. In this section, we synthesize the two, and present examples of various
formative assessment strategies being used with a variety of students with disabilities
in text and video form. Our intention is to show what effective formative assessment
practices look like when used with students with disabilities.
Sharing Learning Targets and Criteria for Success
Sharing learning targets and criteria for success with students is the foundational
formative assessment strategy. Everything else flows from it, and without it, no strategies
can be “formative.” Students need to know what they’re aiming for or they can only
comply with directions, not pro-actively regulate their learning. The formative assessment
paradigm begins with the student deciding, “What am I trying to learn?”
Two common misconceptions about learning targets for teachers of students without
identified disabilities are especially critical for teachers of students with disabilities. Many
teachers think of a learning target as an “I can” statement, often written on the board for
students to read. An “I can” statement does not constitute a learning target, and its not
the teacher who “has” the target. A lesson has a functioning learning target if students
can tell you “what I am trying to learn.” It takes more than a statement for students to
reach that point; it takes a set of strategies that make the learning target live in the lesson.
A second misconception about learning targets is that a long-term learning goal is
sufficient, for example, “I can write a descriptive paragraph.” While it is true that students
need a long view of where they are going, every lesson should have its own learning
target. Students should be aware of what they are trying to learn in every lesson. Students
should know how each lesson’s learning builds on previous learning and leads to future
learning. This is especially critical for some students with disabilities (as well as other
students) who need short-term goals to keep them on track.
Effective teachers use the following general strategies for sharing learning targets and
refer to the learning target before, during, and after each lesson. First, they share the
learning target with students and make sure they understand it. Second, they have
students do, make, say, or write things that produce evidence about their status on the
learning target as they work. Third, they share success criteria with students, things
to look for in their work that become the yardstick by which they will assess their own
evidence to decide where they are and what they need to do, study, or understand
next. To repeat, all of these strategies must be enacted in order for students to be truly
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
able to answer the question, “What are you trying to learn?” It is vital to consider which
strategies are working as intended, and which may not be taking students to the next
step. Students with disabilities and other struggling learners may need more scaffolding
around these strategies to help ensure they understand the learning targets and why they
are important. Specific suggestions include the following:
State a learning target in language students can understand from the point of
view of a student who has not learned it yet. Some teachers find “I can” or
“We are learning to” sentences helpful, but the format is not required. What
is important is that students have language to express what they are aiming to
learn. A students individual needs and characteristics can provide clues about
how to state the learning target. For example, some students may be easily
distracted and it will be important to clearly and succinctly state the learning
target multiple times throughout the lesson. Other students may have issues
with their working memory capacity — and it may be helpful to provide the
information in ways that the student can refer back to when needed.
Explain the importance and relevance of the lesson’s learning target, its
relation to the previous lesson’s and the next lessons targets, and its relation
to the larger learning goal. Even better, use strategies and questions that help
students make these connections themselves. Struggling learners may find
it difficult to make the connections. Providing just enough detail, and clearly
and explicitly helping the student work through the process, can support
students as they process why each target is important within the larger
context of their learning.
Select or construct examples of work that illustrate various levels of
achievement of the learning target. Ask students, in groups, to sort the work
into sets of high, medium, and low quality. Working in groups, students will
have to verbalize their reasoning. Facilitate discussion with students that helps
turn their expressed reasons into criteria for good work. Some students may
be better able to accurately sort the examples than others. Similarly, some
can better verbalize their rationale than others. Low-performing students
can find it particularly challenging to see why some work is of higher quality
than others — yet it is vital for them to develop an understanding of how to
evaluate various pieces of work. Develop processes to assist, for example,
using additional modeling, smaller steps, and frequent brief feedback. Ensure
that the groups are safe environments for students to express their opinions.
Each lesson should include something for the students to do, make, say, or
write that embodies the learning target. Just listening to a teacher talk does
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
not constitute such an activity. The students must do something that helps
them actively pursue the learning target and at the same time gives them
evidence of how they are doing. This dual role for student work — that it
both develops student learning and at the same time produces evidence
of student achievement — is critical for effective formative assessment.
The tasks students do and the questions they answer should embody the
lesson’s learning target in a direct and obvious way, so that both students and
teachers perceive them as evidence of learning. They should be accessible and
designed in a way that all students, including students with disabilities, can
participate. Some students with disabilities may need to use accommodations.
For example, if students are asked to write, a student with a disability that
affects how she or he interacts with print may complete the activity using
speech-to-text software.
Provide success criteria (as rubrics, guiding questions, a list of “I can
statements, a checklist, etc.) that are more specific and descriptive than the
learning target statement. Co-constructing success criteria with students is
especially effective for learning targets where students have some background
from which to draw. Consider the characteristics and needs of the students
who will be using the criteria. For example, for students with intellectual
disabilities, it would be important to consider the cognitive demands.
Ask students to put the learning target and/or criteria for success in their own
words, or participate in a think-pair-share or other processing or “unpacking
activity about the learning target and criteria. Simply listing criteria does
not guarantee student understanding. As for any concept, students must be
taught what they mean and how to use them. Involve all students, including
students with disabilities, in processing activities. Listen to what the students
say to identify student concerns, needs, and misunderstandings.
Formative Feedback
Feedback can come from many sources: teachers, the students themselves, peers, books,
or computers. Here we focus on two of those sources, teachers and students.
Teacher feedback. Feedback that students can use to move their learning forward
must be based on the learning target and criteria for success (see previous section).
Otherwise, it’s not “formative assessment,” its just more directions for students to
follow. Effective feedback describes — as opposed to evaluating or grading — student
work based on the same criteria for success that students have been targeting. For
example, Good job!” is an evaluative comment; it does not describe what is good.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Contrast this with “Effective topic sentence” given for the same work, and assuming the
learning target was to learn to write an effective topic sentence.
The student work is evidence of learning, and the criteria help both students and teachers
interpret that evidence. For formative feedback, both students and teachers need to
understand this process. Effective feedback is delivered in a timely fashion and contains
a “just right” amount of information. Interpret the evidence of learning to focus on
where students should turn their attention next rather than delivering a blanket critique
of everything one could say about the work. Comments, whether written or oral, should
be clear, specific enough for the student to take action, but not so specific the work is
done for the student. Comments should be stated in language that implies the student
is the owner of the learning, not the executor of teachers directions. All students benefit
when feedback is linked to desired learning targets, processes, and outcomes. For some
students, extra care may be needed to ensure that feedback is provided in a way that is
accessible, useful, and actionable.
Feedback should be an episode of learning for both the student and the teacher — they
both should learn something. The teacher should learn something about how the student
is thinking, not just whether or not she is “correct.” The student, of course, should learn
more about where she is in her quest to hit the learning target and be able to envision
what she should do next. Questions such as “Where am I going?” and “Where am I
now?” can help elicit good student feedback. The teacher should make sure the student
has an immediate opportunity to use the feedback. Feedback delivered with the intent
that students will use it on some indeterminate next timework is wasted time; this is
simply not how learning works. Instructional plans should include dedicated time for
students to use feedback. Teachers should provide feedback that makes information
accessible to each student, including students with disabilities. For example, struggling
learners and some students with disabilities may need their next steps described in
concrete terms, for example, “Make a list of all the reasons you like this book. Then write
a sentence for each one.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Self-assessment. Effective self-assessment begins with students setting, or at least
understanding, a learning goal and understanding the criteria they will be looking for
in their work, then applying the criteria to monitor and adjust their work. This needs
to be taught; it does not come naturally.Checklists or rubrics are useful tools. They
codify the criteria and give students a way to note and explain their self-assessments.
For paper and pencil work, students can use highlighters to match aspects of their work
with the performance descriptions. A key part of the strategy is having students explain
— to each other, to the teacher, or in writing — their assessment of their work against
the criteria and the implications for what they should do next. Students who are less
proficient sometimes find it more difficult to accurately assess their work — though they
benefit greatly when they learn how to use input from self-assessment. Students also
need to feel safe to accurately self-assess. Teachers play a key role in helping struggling
learners develop the self-regulatory processes, and in creating the safe environment,
needed for honest and accurate self-assessment.
Video Example 2
In this interview, Mr. Sias, a 7th grade Social Studies teacher, describes how he gives feedback
to all students and how he builds into his instruction opportunities for students to use the
feedback. He mentions several specific strategies: giving written feedback on written work while
there is still time for revision, helping students understand their feedback using a numbered
heads-together strategy, allowing students to keep their written feedback and use it for
revising work, requiring revision for some students (those with work below a certain quality) and
accepting optional revisions from others.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Video Example 3
In this clip, an 8th grade Social Studies teacher, asks students to assess their own achievement on
each of a set of learning targets in their unit. She uses a 1 to 4 scale where each of the levels describes
something a student would think or feel (e.g., “I can mostly do it by myself, but sometimes I mess up.”).
She has the students turn those in so she can “do a little check.” Notice that one of the students had
trouble holding in mind the denitions for each level; perhaps for this student, or for all students, a copy
of the scale would make the self-assessment even more valid. She follows this rating activity with an exit
ticket asking students to state what they did to make their learning go well today. Reading the resulting
exit tickets should give Ms. Bach insights into the students’ thinking processes during the lesson.
Video Example 4
In this video, the teacher has set up a learning environment that enables students to successfully
self assess their levels of development of Socratic Seminar skills using a chart with learning
progressions. Students first self-assess, then discuss it with a peer, and finally pull back together
as a class to consider next steps. While this appears straightforward in a few minutes of video, it is
worth emphasizing that neither accurate self-assessment nor public discussion of self-assessment
can happen without the safe learning environment, which has been nurtured over time.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Peer assessment. Peer assessment functions in a slightly different manner from self-
assessment. The peer may or may not give useful feedback, and the student may or may
not wish to modify the work because of it. Peer assessment can be successfully used with
students with disabilities who have many different characteristics and needs, including
students who have intellectual disabilities. Some research suggests students benefit
most from peer assessment if their behavior is normative, and that students who struggle
with behavioral issues may not be good candidates for peer assessment (Topping, 2013).
Students who are aggressive or have disruptive behaviors, and those who are withdrawn,
are less likely to be accepted by their classmates and more likely to get lower peer
evaluations than other students.
Using peer assessment requires instruction in both the substance (how to apply criteria
to the work, not the person) and the format (use descriptive language, note strengths as
well as suggestions for improvement) for feedback. Model, perhaps using a role play, how
to do peer assessment, making sure that the purpose is to provide formative suggestions
for improvement and not peer grading. Give students feedback on the quality of their
peer assessments. Students with disabilities can successfully serve in both the roles of
assessor and assessee. Group students thoughtfully for peer review activities; care should
be used in matching students with challenging behaviors with peers likely to be patient,
understanding, and able to deal with challenges that may occur.
Video Example 5
In this clip, an 8th grade Social Studies teacher, has students do a “stand up, hand up, pair up
activity to give peer feedback on work focusing on a single criterion: Was the work specific
enough? Students also gave each other suggestions on how to make the work more specific if
that was needed.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Additional Formative Assessment Strategies: Helping Students Gather, Interpret, and
Use Evidence of Learning
There are a myriad of additional formative assessment strategies, the common
denominator being the formative assessment questions: Where am I going? Where am I
now? How do I close the gap? Or Where to next? These strategies can all be used poorly,
in non-formative ways, if they do not involve students as well as teachers and give evidence
for the formative assessment questions. This section presents a few examples of strategies
teachers and students can use to gather, interpret, and use evidence of learning. There
are many more potential strategies than we illustrate here, and teachers with a formative
approach to instructional planning and assessment develop more every day.
The examples in this section all illustrate key qualities that any formative assessment
should have. Each of these formative assessment strategies should be fit into a formative
learning cycle. Each of these strategies assumes students understand their learning target
for a lesson and the larger learning goals. Each strategy also assumes that students are
learning to be assessment-capable and to apply criteria to evidence of their learning.
As the video examples will show, students with disabilities can learn to be assessment-
capable. As the previous two sections showed, these things must be in place in order for
the following strategies to be truly formative.
Student goal setting and keeping track of their own work. When success criteria are
presented in rubrics or checklists, or are visualized as learning progressions, students can
set goals and monitor their progress using these tools. Its important to remember that
the tools — whether a rubric or some other device — are not what is formative, and they
are not the strategy. Formative assessment comes when students and teachers use tools
that organize criteria and make them easier to apply to evidence of student learning, and
then use the results to improve learning.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Asking strategic questions that make student thinking visible. The most effective
formative assessment gives students and teachers insights into their thinking (and
sometimes skill development), not just correct answers. One strategy for teacher
questioning is to ask open-ended questions, where multiple good answers are possible.
Another questioning strategy for making student thinking visible is to ask students to
explain their reasoning, whether the question they are answering is open-ended or not.
A third questioning strategy for making student thinking visible is the “reflective toss,
where the teacher asks a question based on a student’s own statement (van Zee &
Minstrell, 1997). There are many other questioning strategies, and in all cases, the aim is
to elicit responses from students that present a window on their thinking. Then, teachers
and students can interpret the thinking and push further learning.
Video Example 6
In this video, the teacher works with students on goal-setting for their participation in one
Socratic discussion, which is to be held soon in the same class. (The discussion topic will be
whether or not chocolate milk should be served in schools. Students had read informational
texts on both sides of this issue.) The short timeline is a way to make the goal-setting more
immediate for students. The teacher further scaffolds the goal-setting by having students
select as their goal one of the skills in an area (Analysis and Reasoning) the class had already
identified as a weak point in their previous Socratic discussion. The learning progression
functions as a tool to help students select their level of accomplishment. Thus students can
set goals and levels of accomplishment by matching their learning intentions with elements
on the progression. They do not have to write original goals; rather, they set their caps for
the next level of accomplishment that is already mapped out for them. Students discuss their
goals with peers, an additional strategy to help students understand and take on their goals.
Finally, they hear everyone’s goal. The goals are all different, but they are all about Analysis
and Reasoning in a Socratic discussion. Reaching these goals becomes both an individual
and a community effort.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Students need to learn to ask strategic questions, as well. Methods for teaching students
to ask strategic questions include helping students understand the difference between
open and closed questions, using question starters (for example, using strips of paper
that say “What would happen if,” “How many other ways could we,” “Why do you
think that…,” and so on). Student questioning can be built into almost any collaborative
learning activity, with as much or as little scaffolding as required. In some collaborative
learning activities, a student in each group can be assigned the role of “questioner.
Managing classroom discourse as students answer the teachers questions or questions
from other students is important, too. Calling methods should ensure that every student
is thinking about an answer. This means either using all-student response systems (see the
section below) or calling on students randomly or at least non-systematically, and calling
the students name after you ask the question, not before.
Video Example 7
In this video, students are preparing for a Socratic discussion on the question of whether or
not chocolate milk should be served in schools. Students have read informational text about
chocolate milk and have organized their notes in a graphic organizer with “For” and “Against”
columns. In this clip, a student asks the class a question about adding evidence he hears in
the discussion, but had not considered in his own reading, to the notes he has already taken.
Learning goals for the discussion include analysis and reasoning from evidence, making the
students question right on point. The teacher asks the students to respond to his question and
give their reasoning.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Using techniques for all students to respond. When teachers can see the responses
of all students, not just those who are called on, they get a sense of the distribution of
understanding in the class. Common ways to do that include electronic every-student
response systems (“clickers”), whiteboards, and letter cards (typically cards labelled A, B,
C, and D, which students hold up in answer to multiple choice questions). Teachers also
use hand or body signals as answers to questions, for example, “Thumbs up if you think
the cork will float; thumbs down if you think it will sink.Other variations include whole-
hand voting (for example, “On a scale of one to five, hold up the number of fingers that
indicate how confident you are that we will be able to make our river safe for swimming
again”) or indicating by movement (for example, Go to that corner if you think Billie
Jo is mostly responsible for the fire, and to that corner if you think Bayard is mostly
responsible for it”).
From a formative assessment perspective, all of these methods have the advantage
over individual responses because both the thinking of every individual student and the
collective thinking of the group are made visible. This makes more informed “Where
am I now?” and “Where are they now?” decisions for both students and teachers. In
addition, if the questions are deeply tied to the content and intended learning outcomes,
the responses become evidence that helps move learning forward. Some of these
methods require accommodations for some students, for example blind/visually impaired,
physically impaired, or deaf students.
Video Example 8
In this clip, the teacher uses ip cards with students’ names as a way of randomly calling on
students. This clip also shows her questioning strategy of scaffolding and asking students to
explain how they arrived at their answers to problems in their 8th grade algebra class.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Video Example 9
In this video, a teacher works with three students in a small group. He uses whiteboards so
that he can see the work of each student. Whiteboards also have the advantage of being very
editable. Students can change their work as often as they change their thinking.
Notice that in this clip, the teacher adjusts instruction for two students, but not for the third,
based on the evidence of the work on the whiteboards.
Video Example 10
In this clip, co-teachers use response cards to ascertain all students’ responses to a question
about the use of the words “affect” and “effect.” Notice that asking students to hold the cards
in front of their chest helps students to do their own thinking and not look at the responses of
other students. It also allows for “safe” answering of closed questions like this one – only the
student and the teacher know whether the response was correct or incorrect.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Self-reflection methods. We hope it is clear that all formative assessment methods
include an element of student self-reflection, by definition, as students experience the
formative learning cycle and are guided by the formative assessment questions: Where
am I going? Where am I now? What do I Need to do next? Some formative assessment
strategies offer intentional tools or methods for making self-reflection explicit and
concrete. Methods include keeping learning journals or learning logs, affixing sticky notes
to annotate work, using traffic lights or other red/yellow/green indicators to express
confidence in one’s understanding, and so on. All these methods are ways to compel
student self-regulation of learning and yield external indicators of what often is an internal
process. Once this thinking is visible, both students and teachers can interpret it and take
action to improve learning.
Video Example 11
A teacher uses sentence frames (“I used to think____about Mesopotamia, but now I
know______.”) to scaffold student self-reection about large-chunk (unit-sized) learning goals in
his 7th grade world history class.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
This paper is an introduction to using formative assessment with students with disabilities.
A main theme of the paper is that students with disabilities, as well as other struggling
students without identified disabilities, can benefit from formative assessment.
Accommodations and scaffolding are needed for some students with disabilities so they
can meaningfully access instruction and assessments, including formative assessment.
The paper introduced formative assessment and students with disabilities, then focused
on illustrating key formative assessment strategies with students with disabilities,
using both text and video. The video examples in this paper all included students with
disabilities. Some were videos which showed formative assessment in action in a large-
group classroom setting; others showed how formative assessment can be used with small
groups. While reading and viewing this paper is not sufficient for complete professional
development, it is intended to serve as an introduction to the topic and inspire teachers
to embrace formative assessments potential to help all their students. We encourage
readers who are convinced of our message — that formative assessment should be
available to all students — to pursue professional development that will hone their skills in
using formative assessment strategies by additional reading, trying methods in class, and
importantly, working with colleagues. The aim is to include students with disabilities in the
benefits that formative assessment can provide if done well.
Of course no paper can list or illustrate all strategies. We have emphasized the
foundational role of clarifying learning targets and criteria for success and of formative
feedback. These strategies must be in place in order for students to participate in the
formative learning cycle and answer the questions: Where am I going? Where am I now?
What do I need to do next? We illustrated additional formative assessment strategies
that help students and teachers gather, interpret, and use evidence of learning. Other
strategies exist, such as exit tickets or the formative use of summative tests.
More important than an encyclopedic list of strategies, which by definition will be always
incomplete, is changing one’s approach to instruction. Traditional instructional planning
often has teachers thinking, “What am I going to do with the students today?” In contrast,
a formative approach to instruction and assessment emphasizes the importance of asking,
“What will my students be trying to learn today?” and looking at learning from the
students’ point of view. This change in the pattern of teachers’ thinking may be difficult,
but it will certainly be worth the effort, especially for students with disabilities and for
struggling learners.
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities
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