Dealer Portal
User Guide
Under the “Bring Your Own Sprint Device” program customers
will now know the freedom previously associated only with
GSM handsets. Customers can now reuse their existing Sprint
handset on REAL Mobile, saving them from the cost of a new
handset. However, the program does operate a bit differently
than our GSM based “BYOD” program.
This user manual will walk you through all the processes
associated with our CDMA based “Bring Your Own Sprint
Device” program.
We will be covering:
1. CDMA Handset Requirements
2. CDMA Minute Plans
3. Login
4. Dealer Portal Overview
5. POC Swaps
6. CDMA Activation Process
7. Top-Ups
8. Configuring Data/MMS Settings
9. Number Porting
10. Change Plan
11. Change Equipment
12. Reset DP User Password
Welcome to the Dealer Portal
CDMA Handset Requirements ........................................................................................................... 4
1. In order to be eligible the handset must meet the following criteria: ..................... 4
2. The following types of devices cannot be activated: ...................................................... 4
3. Sprint proprietary Apps will not work, such as: .............................................................. 4
4. Stolen Device Policy: ................................................................................................................... 4
CDMA Minute Plans ................................................................................................................................ 4
Pay-as-you-Go ............................................................................................................................. 4
Plan 1 - $30.00 Talk, Text and 500mb High Speed LTE .............................................. 5
Plan 2 - $40.00 Talk, Text and 1gb High Speed LTE, then unlimited data at
slower speeds ................................................................................................................................ 5
Plan 3 - $55.00 Talk, Text and 2gb High Speed LTE, then unlimited data at
slower speeds ................................................................................................................................ 5
Plan 4 - $60.00 Talk, Text and 3gb High Speed LTE, then unlimited data at
slower speeds ................................................................................................................................ 5
Login ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Dealer Portal Overview ........................................................................................................................ 7
New Home Screen .............................................................................................................................. 7
‘Account’ Screen Legend .................................................................................................................. 8
’Account Actions’ Icons .................................................................................................................... 9
CDMA POC Swaps ................................................................................................................................ 10
CDMA Activations ................................................................................................................................ 14
Top-Ups ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Configuring Data/MMS Settings ..................................................................................................... 21
Update Profile ................................................................................................................................... 22
MMS Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Number Porting .................................................................................................................................... 26
Port In Worklist .................................................................................................................................... 31
Change Plan ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Voucher Detail ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Reset User Pwd ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Log Out ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
CDMA Handset Requirements
1. In order to be eligible the handset must meet the following criteria:
Handset cannot be active on Sprint Network.
Handset cannot be under Contract with another carrier.
Handset cannot be in a Stolen or Lost status.
Handset may be either CDMA or LTE
Wimax devices can be provisioned, but as CDMA.
2. The following types of devices cannot be activated:
o Q-Chat Devices
o Virgin Mobile Devices
o 2G Devices
o Palm Devices
o RIM Devices
o Ready Link Devices
o Quest Devices
o Boost Mobile Devices
o Power Source/IDEN/CDMA
3. Sprint proprietary Apps will not work, such as:
o My Account
o Sprint Zone
o Family Locator
o TeleNav GPS
o Sprint TV/Radio/Music/Mobile
o Sync/Mobile Wallet/Powerdeck
4. Stolen Device Policy: We are unable to contact Sprint or any other network on
behalf of the customer to inquire or request additional information or removal of
stolen status. The owner of the device must contact their previous network or seller
of the phone to rectify the situation.
CDMA Minute Plans
$0.05 /minute or, $0.05 / text or, $0.05 / mb of data
Line is open for 360 days (when $20.00 applied); 120 days (when initial $10.00
Plan 1 - $30.00Talk, Text and 500mb High Speed LTE
Plan 2 - $40.00Talk, Text and 1gb High Speed LTE, then unlimited data at
slower speeds
Plan 3 - $55.00Talk, Text and 2gb High Speed LTE, then unlimited data at
slower speeds
Plan 4 - $60.00Talk, Text and 3gb High Speed LTE, then unlimited data at
slower speeds
Renewal Process is now in place for CDMA. Customers can refill/Topup
anytime before expiration date, and the Topup amount will be applied
directly to the main account balance. On the expiration date, the system
will check the balance for the rateplan cost, and if sufficient, will renew
the current plan for another cycle.
If an account expires, when the next Topup is made, as long as it is
enough for the plan cost, the system will automatically renew the
previous plan.
Expired Accounts
To access the REAL Mobile dealer portal go to:
go to> Dealer Loginon the Main Menu
You will use the username and password assigned
when you enrolled as a dealer.
Dealer Portal Overview
New Home Screen
‘Account’ Screen Legend
Balance: Current Main Balance ($) Account Password: Account Pwd (porting pwd)
Rate Plan Expiry Date: Date this plan will expire. IDD Balance: N/A
Voice Balance: Minutes Remaining Message Balance: Text Remaining
MMS Balance: MMS Remaining Data Balance: MB Remaining
ESN: Serial No of the Device (aka MEID) MSL: Master Subsidy Lock (used to unlock phone)
MSID: Mobile Switch ID (used for programming) Equipment Type: Technology
Account: MobileNumber (Also Account No for
Status: Current Account Status
Airtime Expiry Date: Date any $ on account will expire.
Activation Date: Date Account was activated.
Refill Barred: Not Applicable
Rate Plan: Current Rate Plan
Market: Network Market
Product: The Brand for this Account
Service Removal Date: Account Cancel Date
Temporary Block: Not Applicable
’Account Actions’ Icons
This Note means that something has been changed on the
account, or the Customer has called in during the past week:
All actions that can be taken on an
existing account are found here.
If you hover your cursor over these
icons, you will see their function.
Refill/ Topup with PIN/RefillVoucher
Change Equipment
Change Telephone NUMBER
Change PLAN
Sprint has separate device databases for its retail network and resale
network to protect the company from retail customers buying a
subsidized device and activating it elsewhere. The resale database is
referred to as the PLBL database.
In order for us to activate an eligible CDMA device it must be converted
from the retail database to the PLBL database. We are able to do this
conversion through the dealer portal using the POC Swap Tool.
Step 1
Click on the Sprint POC Swap, under the ‘Actionstab. Screen shots
Step 2
Enter the device’s MEID or ESN and select which type of device it is. Then
** Either the Hex or Decimal format of an MEID/ESN can be entered **
LTE Process- Extra Step Required!
If the device type is LTE, and the SIM
chip is NOT embedded, you need to
enter the UICC/ICCID number on this
screen. When you click on the
‘Removable SIM Card’ button, the
ICCID field will open up, and you can
enter it there.
Step 3
If the POC Swap was successful, you will see one of the screens below:
You will receive the
SUCCESS” message above.
Within this message will be an
Activation Code. This code
will be required to activate
the device.
(For security reasons
the activation code in this example has
been partially hidden)
** You must write down this
code. It is required to
activate the device. **
If the POC Swap was unsuccessful, you will receive one of the Error
Messages below. To the right of the Error Message you will find a
description and possible resolution to the error.
Error Message Description
I'm sorry, we are experiencing difficulties with this
transaction, please try again later.
System Issues, please try again
This Device cannot be activated. Please check the
ESN/MEID and try again.
According to the ESN/Meid entered, this
device cannot be activated, check entry and
try again.
I'm sorry, we are experiencing difficulties with this
transaction, please try again later.
System Issues, please try again
We are unable to locate this ESN/MEID. Please contact
your Operations Account Manager to report this error.
This issue may be able to be rectified. Turn
Around time is 24 hours from submittal
during business hours.
The ESN/MEID you entered is not the correct format.
Please verify and try again.
Esn/MEID is not in correct format. Check
for typos, etc.
"The ESN was not assigned to Sprint. While we can
activate this ESN, we cannot guarantee that we will be able
to provide the MSL code upon activation, which may
prevent programming of the device, which is a requirement
for service. If the device is not OTA capable, and you do not
have the MSL, the phone will not work."
Already in the PLBL database, we may not get
the MSL back, and cannot guarantee that we
will be able to activate the device and/or
provide the MSL.
This device has been reported stolen or lost, and cannot
be activated.
The device is flagged as being stolen or lost.
Please have the customer contact the
previous provider to resolve this issue.
This device has been reported Fraudulent, and cannot be
The device was flagged for fraud. Please
have the customer contact the previous
provider to resolve this issue.
This device is currently active on Sprint's network, and
cannot be activated with us.
The device is currently flagged as being
activated. Please have the customer contact
the previous provider to have the service
cancelled, and try again.
This device is not authorized for service on the CDMA
network, and cannot be activated.
This device is not on the whitelist, and we
cannot activate it at this time.
Communication Error - Please contact your Operations
Account Manager to report this error
System issue, please contact your Ops
Internal Error - Please contact your Operations Account
Manager to report this error
System issue
This device is currently active on Sprint's network, and
cannot be activated with the REAL Mobile Program.
The device is currently flagged as being
activated. Please have the customer contact
the previous provider to have the service
cancelled, and try again.
CDMA Activations
Step 1
Click on the “Actions” button and select ‘New Account”
Step 2
For “Market” select: US
Step 3
Enter either the 7 Digit Activation Code you got on POC Swap.
Enter the Zip Code where the SIM will be used most.
Click Next.
Phone Type is populated with POC swap info (Sets important
technology provisioning on network)
Select Phone OS
Select the Plan the customer wants.
[coming soon] Enter PIN for refill portion
Click Next.
Step 4
Step 4
Review order and click ‘Activate’
Step 5
When activation is complete, you will receive a Green confirmation
screen, listing the Mobile Number (MDN).
Step 6
Write down the customer’s MDN, MSID and the MSL. The MSL Code will
be used later to access the MDN and MMS settings.
Step 7
Refill the account. You MUST refill the account, to make the plan Active,
and set the services. Even though you selected a plan, the services are not
set until the Refill is applied.
1-Enter voucher/PIN number and Click ‘Next’
2- Click ‘Submit’
You will receive a confirmation screen, indicating that the refill was
successful and the plan has been renewed (moved from Expired to
Active plan).
Step 8
Program Device
Most newer devices will get programming over the air (OTA), but you will
also need to program MMS settings for Android. See “Configuring
Data/MMS settings section”
** You must program Feature and Older Android phones with the
exact MDN and MSID listed or the phone will not work. **
** The account status and expiration date may take up to 15 minutes
to change from “expired”. Let the customer know there may be a short
delay before the service starts. **
Step 1
Pull up the Customer’s account and Click on the Refill Icon
Step 2
Enter voucher/PIN number and Click ‘Next’
Step 3
Click ‘Submit’
You will receive a Green confirmation screen Step 3
IF it was Expired before you applied the PIN, you will see this type of
green confirmation screen:
** The account status may take up to 15 minutes to change from
“expired”. Let the customer know there may be a short delay before
the service starts. **
Configuring Data/MMS Settings
The network usually configures data settings automatically. If not, there
are other manual processes you can use. See Update Profile below.
Handsets must be manually configured for MMS to work. To configure
the MMS, you will need the MSL code listed on the customer’s account.
Update Profile
ANDROID Phones LESS THAN 3 years old:
Step 1- Programming Your Android:
Possible menu flows:
Settings -> About phone -> System Updates -> Update Profile
Settings -> About Phone -> Update Profile
Once you’ve selected to update the profile, all you need to do is wait until the update completes and
then reboot your phone.
If you have a problem completing the update, make sure that Wi-FI is turned off, and that you’re in an
area with good coverage and a strong data signal.
iPhones - ALL
Programming Your iPhone.
The following final activation steps are intended for CDMA iPhone 4 or 4S devices running any
1. Connect to a Wi-Fi network
2. Restart your phone
3. Within 2-3 minutes the phone should start a Hands Free Activation on its own
4. When the activation completes, your phone is ready for use
**If your phone does not activate, try the steps below, in order, and re-test your
iPhone- Update Profile-
On your phone:
1. Connect to a Wi-Fi network
2. Tap the phone app
3. Dial # # 873283 #
4. Tap Call
5. Starting Service Update message will appear tap OK
If update is successful Service Update Complete message will appear
after about a minute tap OK
If update is not successful, the “Service Update Fails” message will
appear. Make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi network and try again;
if this happens again you may need to to run
a factory reset.
DO NOT !! manually delete anything from your phone when you are logged into your
iCloud account as that will also delete all that information from iCloud and all your other
iCloud devices!!!
To reset a phone to factory defaults
1. Tap the Settings app
2. Tap General
3. Tap Reset
4. Tap Erase All Content and Settings
5. Enter passcode (if applicable)
6. Tap Erase iPhone
Tap Erase iPhone
MMS Settings
Step 1
Look up the customer’s Account
Step 2
Write down the customer’s MSL number.
** Remaining steps may vary slightly depending upon the device. **
Step 3
From the Main Menu of the handset select the phone dialer.
Step 4
Enter ##3282# and hit “send” to view the data options.
Step 5
Select MMSC
Step 6
Select Edit
Step 8
When prompted for the Service Code enter the MSL number
Step 9
At MMS Setting Menu, Select the MMSC URL and modify the URL to . Select Ok.
Step 10
Select Home button to return to the Main Menu.
Number Porting
** You must port the number after completing the “POC Swap” but
before the start the activation process. A number port cannot be done
after the activation has been completed. **
Step 1
Do a POC swap to clear the device, and get your activation code.
Click on ‘Actions’, and Select ‘Initiate Port-In’
Step 2
Enter the following info:
Select Market
Product will prefill
Select Activation type (use SIM or Activation Code)
Enter Activation Code or SIM (depending on above ‘type’
Enter MDN
Enter all Customer Info
Email address is important. Whatever email address
you list here, will receive important notices during the
port process, and finally a ‘Port Completed’ email will be
Step 3
Select Phone Type (This will send APN setting link to the
Select Rate Plan (this is the expired version, which will
then move to active status once Refill is applied)
Click Next
Step 4
Review your entries, if correct, click ‘Submit Request’ or you can always
click ‘Back’ to correct something.
Do Not Click anything while the gear is spinning.
Step 5
You will receive a Green confirmation screen, with your Port
Request Number.
After 15 minutes, you can then check the status of your port by going to
‘Actions’, and selecting Port-In Worklist’
Porting Tips
MDN, SIM and
Phone Port
The Number you are porting MUST be in an 'Active' status with your Customer's
current carrier, aka OSP (Old Service Provider) or the port will not process.
Some numbers are not eligible for porting, and in these cases you will receive an
ineligible error upon the port request submittal. In the event the Customer clears
up the ineligible status, a new port request must be submitted.
If a new MDN is activated to the device, and the Dealer or customer realizes they
really needed a port, a new, a dummy MEID will be necessary to complete the
port, or we will need to cancel the new number that was activated in error.
If a port is submitted, and the MEID entered for that port is activated while the
port is in process, the port activation piece will fail, until a new MEID is provided
for the port request.
Once a port is submitted, you cannot update any OSP info until the OSP
responds. In a case where OSP info such as account or pwd is entered incorrectly,
and you/the customer realizes it was entered incorrectly, you must wait for the
OSP to send a Resolution Required (Info is incorrect, did not pass OSP validation).
MEID will be checked for lost/stolen flag (blacklisted) upon activation to the
network. If it comes back blacklisted, the port will fail.
OSP info
Please carefully review all of the information you are entering for a port. If any
information does not match what the Customer's OSP has on record, the port
validation will fail, and they will deny the port.
All Port IN field information is required. In the case of porting from a wireless
carrier, the carriers typically validate on account number and password, but name
and address is still required, although likely not used. A good rule of thumb is try
and get the most accurate info, even though it may not be necessary information
for the port validation process.
Any Balance remaining on the Customer's account with their OSP will NOT carry
over to your new Real Mobile account, even though it will be the same phone
If you have a contract with your old service provider, you may be responsible for
an Early Cancellation Fee, or other fees, mandated by the contract. Please check
with your old service provider before porting your number, if you are unsure of
these terms.
Port IN check
Distributors can see their dealers Port INs via the port worklist in the DP.
Dealers can see their dealers and clerks Port INs the port worklist in the DP.
Distributor, Dealers can update any of their port INs that are in Resolution
Required via the Port IN worklist. (Note only Resolution Required can be
updated with new information).
Port Status
Port has been submitted, and waiting for OSP response. 15-20 minutes after
initial submittal, Real Mobile can check port worklist for an updated status.
o No changes to port can be made to the port request in this status.
o OSP has not responded yet.
Port is complete.
o OSP Information given is not correct. Validate info with customer/have
customer call OSP to get correct info.
o Once updated info is received from customer, Dealer can update the port
request via the DP port IN worklist.
o Port has been rejected. If this response is received again, the number cannot
be ported.
o Port has been cancelled.
o Carrier will cancel a stagnant port 30 days from last stagnant status. If this
happens, a new port must be submitted.
o Contact Ztar Tier3 support
o Contact Ztar Tier3 support
o Port errored out, Contact Ztar Tier3 support. likely cause, SIM already used
Port In Worklist
Step 1
Click on ‘Actions’, and Select ‘Port-In Worklist
Step 2
Select Your Port by clicking on the row.
Note: You can see the PRN (Port Request Number), the MDN (Phone
Number), Status (See Porting Tips for Status details) , Last Update (Status
This will bring up detailed info on the port.
If the port is in Resolution Required, this means the OSP (Old
Service Provider) says the Account, Password, or other info is not
correct. This is the only status where you can update the port info
(correct the wrong info).
To see What info is wrong, just click in the Note field where it says
Status Changed, and Text says “Request status updated to
To correct info on a Resolution Required port, just type over the
current info, and Click ‘Update Request’
Once a Port is ‘CONFIRMED’, the mobile number can be pulled up in the
Dealer Portal main screen, to see customer balances, etc..
If a Port goes to ‘Error’ or ‘Rejected’ status, you can also see notes
on why that happened in that same notes section. If you think the
issue is something that can be fixed by using a different SIM, or the
issue has been resolved on the OSP, you can contact care at 800-
325-1960 for assistance with updating the port.
Sometimes, you may have to Submit a new port for these statuses.
Change Plan
Step 1
Pull up the Customer’s account and Click on the ‘Rate Plan’ Icon
Step 2
Select the Customers desired plan and Click ‘Next’.
Step 3
Click on ‘Submit’
Step 4
You will receive a Green confirmation message, indicating that the
plan change was successful.
Note, you may have to click Refresh to see the updated plan:
Possible Error Messages:
If there is NOT enough balance on the account to cover the cost of
the plan, you will receive this message:
Action to take:
Refill account to bring balance to cover the cost of the plan.
Step 1
Voucher Detail
Click on ‘Actions’, and Select ‘Voucher Detail
Step 2
Enter PIN/Voucher Number
Click ‘Search’
Step 3
The system will display the status and history on the PIN.
You can see:
Value- What the PIN was worth
State - Current State (USED, AVAILABLE, VOIDED)
State Date- When the State was changed: When used, made avail, or voided.
If USED- MDN field shows the number the PIN was used on.
Reset User Pwd
Step 1- Select Actions
Step 2- Select Change Password
Step 3- Enter new pwd, and re-enter to confirm it.
Step 4- Click Submit.
Log Out
Step 1- Select Actions
Step 2- Select Logout