Delivering SAP
data to Snowflake
with Qlik
Exploring the comprehensive options to deliver and transform
SAP data in Snowflake using Qlik | Talend.
Dave Freriks Technology Evangelist, Partner Engineering, Qlik
David Richert
Principal Data Platform Architect, Field CTO
, Snowflake
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
SAP Source Connectivity 3
ECC on DB, ECC on HANA, S/4 HANA 4
SAP BW and S/4 HANA BW 4
SAP HANA (db) 5
SAP Extraction Methodology 5
Change Data Capture (CDC) 5
Batch processing 6
Streaming 6
SAP Protocol Connectivity 7
SAP Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) 7
SAP Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) 8
REST APIs (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interfaces) 9
Qlik | Talend Delivery Technology for SAP 10
Qlik Cloud Data Integration 11
Qlik Replicate 11
Talend Studio 12
Make SAP Data More Reliable 16
Reverse ETL and Writeback 18
Qlik SAP Solution Accelerators Prebuilt SAP Content for Snowflake 19
Summary 20
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Discuss options and scenarios around SAP Data Integration into Snowflake.
Qlik | Talend methods and capabilities will be covered in detail regarding SAP technical
integration options.
Recommendations depending on use cases and personas surrounding data integration
scenarios with SAP data.
Qlik is a Snowflake Elite partner with Snowflake Ready Validation for data integration and analytics
solutions. Qlik holds Snowflake Industry Competencies for Manufacturing and Industrial, Retail and
Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Healthcare and Life Sciences, and Technology.
Qlik’s solution provides an end-to-end solution for analytics in Snowflake Data Cloud. It extracts
relevant data from SAP, ingests it into Snowflake in real time and transforms it to analytics-ready data.
The solution automates the design, implementation, and updates of data models while minimizing the
manual, error-prone design processes of data modeling, ETL coding, and scripting. With our 2023
acquisition of Talend, we are adding their leading data transformation, quality, and governance
capabilities. Qlik's capabilities complement SAP systems by providing a user-friendly interface for data
integration and data movement.
Snowflake Data Cloud offers a highly scalable, elastic architecture for storing and analyzing large
volumes of data. It is designed to handle structured and semi-structured data and supports SQL-,
Python-, Scala- , and Java-based transformation and querying for data analysis. Snowflake provides
features like data sharing, data security, zero-copy cloning, time-travel, recursive common table
expressions, and near-real-time data processing. Once the data is in Snowflake Data Cloud,
organizations can enrich that data from other sources (for example from sensors, social feeds, shop
floor devices, service documents, or from over one thousand data providers in the Snowflake
Marketplace) and perform complex queries and analyses on their SAP data, leveraging Snowflake's
processing power and scalability. Large-language Modules (LLM) can run safely and securely within
the Snowflake Data Cloud and can significantly augment the end-user experience while protecting
company data. Try out Snowflake’s time series forecasting as well. Many companies are publishing
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
data applications on Snowflake which can be made available to all other Snowflake customers
In short, using Qlik to integrate SAP and Snowflake can bring significant benefits to organizations by
enabling better data integration, transformation, and management. The combined use of Qlik and
Snowflake can help businesses unlock insights from their SAP data and drive more informed decision-
making processes.
SAP Source Connectivity
Figure 1 - SAP Connectivity Options
First, let’s discuss the section boxed in RED on the left side of the diagram.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
This diagram illustrates a combination of SAP backend systems and options, data integration methods,
SAP connection methods, and Qlik | Talend outputs to Snowflake. While this will be discussed in much
more detail, an example path could be ECC on HANA -> using CDC -> via ODP for Extractors -> into
Snowflake via Qlik Cloud Data Integration (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Example Integration
Whether the customer has ECC on DB, ECC on HANA, S/4HANA, or
S/4 HANA Cloud, there are capabilities available for data extraction from
any variant of those systems. Choosing an option may come down to a
configuration or licensing situation with SAP (i.e., Runtime licensing vs.
Enterprise) and not all options may be available. Let’s look at the major
SAP components used for data extraction. Qlik Talend now supports a
wide range of SAP backend components and methods that encompass
the major data sources inside SAP.
Although used less frequently as time progresses, some customers still
have data they would like to move from SAP BW or S/4 HANA BW. Qlik |
Talend now provides a wide array of options for moving data out of these
complex systems. Qlik Analytics also provides dashboards and
visualizations using connectors like BICS for smaller datasets like
Infoqueries. However, for larger data objects like DSOs or InfoCubes, Qlik |
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Talend can extract the data from those objects directly and load into Snowflake.
A final scenario is when SAP HANA is being used as a standalone database.While uncommon, it still
can be used as a data source via ODBC drivers for Qlik and JDBC drivers for Talend.
SAP Extraction Methodology
Having covered the objects we can connect with inside of SAP, we need to cover the methods for
moving data from SAP into Snowflake: Change Data Capture (CDC), Batch Processing, and Streams.
Figure 3 - Extraction Methods
Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique used in Qlik to identify and capture changes made to data
in a source system. The purpose of CDC is to track modifications, additions, or deletions to the data so
that these changes can be efficiently and accurately propagated to target systems or data consumers.
CDC systems monitor and capture changes at the database level, often by observing the transaction
logs or data replication mechanisms of the source database. This approach allows CDC to capture
changes in near-real time without putting excessive strain on the source system's performance.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
CDC is valuable in scenarios where timely and accurate data propagation is crucial, such as data
warehousing, data synchronization between systems, real-time analytics, and ensuring data
consistency across various applications. It helps organizations avoid resource-intensive full data loads
by focusing only on the changed data, which can lead to improved efficiency, lower latency, and
reduced network bandwidth requirements.
Batch processing refers to a method of moving and processing data in discrete chunks or batches, as
opposed to processing data in real time or on a continuous basis. In this approach, data is collected,
processed, and transferred in predetermined intervals or time windows rather than immediately as it is
generated or modified. Batch processing is often used when the need for real-time data updates is not
critical, and data can be aggregated and processed in larger chunks to improve efficiency.
While batch processing doesn't provide real-time insights, it can be more efficient and scalable for
certain use cases that don't require immediate data updates.
Streaming refers to the process of continuously moving, processing, and analyzing data in real time as
it is generated or updated. Unlike batch processing, which involves processing data in discrete chunks
at scheduled intervals, streaming data movement deals with data that is processed and acted upon as
it flows in a continuous stream.
Streaming data movement is especially valuable in use cases where prompt actions or responses are
necessary, and where analyzing data as it's generated can provide a competitive advantage, improve
operational efficiency, or enhance customer experiences.
When we compare the options with Qlik | Talend, we see that all these
data movement options or a mix of them are supported. For
example, in our SAP Accelerators for Qlik SaaS (to be covered later), we
use a mix of both CDC and Batch options in the same process.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
SAP Protocol Connectivity
Let’s review the options now for processing the SAP extractions options with SAP backend components
which are Operation Data Provisioning (ODP), BAPI Connections, and REST.
Figure 4 - SAP Protocol Options
SAP Operational Data Provisioning (ODP)
is a framework and technology provided by SAP to
enable the efficient and reliable extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of data from various
source systems into SAP's data warehousing and analytics solutions. ODP focuses on integrating data
from both SAP and non-SAP source systems into SAP's data warehousing platforms, like SAP BW
(Business Warehouse) and SAP HANA.
Key features and concepts associated with SAP ODP include:
1. Data Extraction and Replication: ODP provides a standardized way to extract data from source
systems, whether they are SAP applications or third-party systems. It supports different types of
extraction methods, such as delta extraction for incremental updates, full extraction for initial loads, and
change data capture (CDC) for real-time updates.
2. Extraction Modes: ODP supports various extraction modes, such as ODP-BW (for integration with SAP
BW) and ODP-SLT (for integration with SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server). Additional
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
supported methods are SAP Extractors, HANA InfoViews, and CDS Views. These modes offer different
ways to replicate data, each tailored to specific scenarios and requirements.
3. Delta Handling: One of the strengths of ODP is its ability to handle incremental data updates efficiently. It
tracks changes in source systems and extracts only the new or modified records since the last extraction,
reducing the data transfer volume and improving overall performance.
4. Metadata Management: ODP maintains metadata information about the extracted data, such as source
system details, extraction methods, and data transformations. This metadata helps in tracking the lineage
of the data and understanding its context.
5. Real-time and Batch Processing: ODP supports both real-time and batch data replication scenarios.
Real-time replication ensures that changes made in source systems are quickly reflected in the target
data warehouse, enabling near-real-time reporting and analytics.
6. Extended SAP HANA Integration: ODP plays a crucial role in integrating data into SAP HANA, SAP's
in-memory database platform. This integration is crucial for achieving high-speed analytics and
processing of large volumes of data.
Overall, SAP ODP simplifies and standardizes the process of moving and integrating data from various
source systems into SAP's data warehousing solutions, enabling organizations to have accurate,
timely, and comprehensive insights for making informed business decisions. It promotes data
consistency, reduces data transfer overhead, and enhances data quality through various transformation
SAP Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs)
provide a standardized and
efficient way to connect external applications with SAP systems. BAPIs enable seamless integration
between SAP systems and other software components, allowing for data exchange, process
automation, and interaction with SAP's business logic.
Here's how SAP BAPI connectivity works:
1. Standardized Interface: BAPIs are predefined methods or functions provided by SAP that offer a
consistent interface for communication. They encapsulate specific business processes or operations
within the SAP system, such as creating a sales order, posting a goods receipt, or retrieving vendor
2. Remote Function Calls (RFC): BAPIs are exposed as remote function modules in the SAP system.
These functions can be called remotely from external applications using various communication
protocols, such as Remote Function Call (RFC) or SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
3. Communication: To connect to an SAP system, external applications use communication mechanisms
such as RFC or web services. RFC is a set of communication protocols used by SAP to exchange data
between systems.
4. Extensibility: In some cases, organizations might need to enhance or customize existing BAPIs to
accommodate unique business requirements. SAP allows for the creation of custom BAPIs or
enhancement of standard BAPIs using the appropriate tools. Qlik and Talend both have their own BAPI
transports that are installed inside of SAP to manage data extraction.
Overall, SAP BAPI connectivity serves as a robust way to integrate external applications with SAP
systems, enabling businesses to streamline processes, reduce manual data entry, and achieve
seamless data exchange between disparate systems. They are fully supported by Qlik | Talend
REST APIs (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interfaces)
. These
APIs allow external applications to communicate with and retrieve data from SAP systems. There are
three options supported by the Qlik |Talend solutions for SAP REST connectivity.
1. SAP REST API: The Representational State Transfer (REST) API is an architectural style that
uses HTTP methods and standard web protocols to interact with resources. In the context of
SAP, REST APIs provide a way to access and manipulate data stored in SAP systems. SAP
offers REST APIs for various modules such as SAP Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA, SAP
SuccessFactors, etc. These APIs allow third-party applications to perform CRUD (Create, Read,
Update, Delete) operations on SAP data. The data is usually exchanged in JSON or XML
formats, making it easily consumable by a wide range of programming languages and platforms.
2. OData (Open Data Protocol): OData is a standardized protocol that builds upon the principles
of REST. It provides a set of conventions for building and consuming REST APIs. OData
enables querying and manipulating data using a URL-based syntax. SAP supports OData
services, which expose a consistent way to interact with SAP data entities. OData services offer
features like filtering, sorting, paging, and more making it a popular choice for third parties
looking to extract data from SAP systems. OData services typically deliver data in JSON or XML
3. SAP SOAP Web Services: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol that uses XML
for communication between applications over a network. SAP supports SOAP-based web
services, which allow third-party applications to communicate with SAP systems. These web
services can be used for various purposes, including data extraction. SOAP web services
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
provide a standardized way to define operations, inputs, outputs, and data types using Web
Services Description Language (WSDL). While SOAP is considered more heavyweight
compared to REST and OData, it offers strong security features and well-defined
communication patterns.
It is worth noting that REST connections are the slowest performing and
least effective methods for extracting data from SAP. However, they will
work on any version of SAP (ECC, HANA, etc.). REST based protocols
DO NOT support change data capture and are batch only.
Qlik | Talend Delivery Technology for SAP
Now we have all the SAP data backend source, data movement methods, and SAP protocols mapped,
it’s time to discuss how we use those various components of the Qlik | Talend portfolio to conduct the
data integrations. We will cover three solutions: Qlik Cloud Data Integration, Qlik Replicate, and Talend
Figure 5 Qlik | Talend solutions for SAP
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Qlik Cloud Data Integration
: Qlik Cloud Data Integration is a cloud-based data integration platform.
It focuses on providing efficient, real-time data integration and replication solutions. When it comes to
integrating with SAP systems, Qlik Cloud Data Integration offers the following capabilities:
Real-time Data Replication: Qlik Cloud Data Integration can replicate data from SAP systems in real
time to various target systems like data warehouses, data lakes, or cloud storage platforms. This enables
organizations to have up-to-date, synchronized data across their landscape.
Change Data Capture (CDC): The platform supports CDC mechanisms, allowing it to capture and
replicate only the changed data, reducing the overhead on the source system and optimizing the
replication process.
Data Transformation: Qlik Cloud Data Integration provides tools to transform data during the replication
process, ensuring that data is cleansed, enriched, and properly formatted as it moves from SAP to other
Automated Workflows: The platform offers automation features to create end-to-end data integration
workflows, enabling organizations to schedule, monitor, and manage data replication processes
Data Warehouse Automation: The platform extends the capabilities on top of data extraction to data
warehouse management and data mart creation and management on top of a data platform like
Qlik Replicate
: Qlik Replicate is an enterprise-level data replication and integration solution. It is
designed to enable real-time data delivery, migration, and synchronization across various data sources,
including SAP systems. Its capabilities for integrating with SAP include:
SAP-specific Adapters: Qlik Replicate offers specialized adapters for SAP applications, ensuring
seamless connectivity and integration with SAP systems without the need for complex custom coding.
High-Performance Data Movement: Qlik Replicate employs log-based CDC technology to capture and
replicate changes in real time, minimizing the impact on source systems while delivering near-
instantaneous updates to target systems.
Automatic Schema Evolution: Qlik Replicate can handle schema changes in source systems, adapting
to modifications in SAP data structures without disrupting the replication process.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Security and Compliance: The platform supports data encryption, masking, and data lineage features to
maintain data security and compliance while transferring sensitive data from SAP systems.
Talend Studio: Talend Studio is an industry-leading data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform,
Load) solution. When integrating with SAP systems, Talend Studio provides the following capabilities:
SAP Connectors: Talend Studio offers pre-built connectors for SAP systems, enabling users to easily
establish connections, extract data, and load it into various target systems.
Data Transformation and Enrichment: Talend Studio provides a wide range of data transformation and
enrichment options, allowing users to cleanse, transform, and enhance SAP data before loading it into
other systems.
Code Generation: Talend generates optimized code for data integration jobs, which can be executed on
various platforms to ensure efficient data movement from SAP to other destinations.
Job Orchestration: The platform enables the creation of complex data integration workflows, including
conditional logic and error handling, to ensure the reliability of data transfers from SAP systems.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Note that there are some considerations for the different combination of options.
CDC Batch Stream
Read BW & S/4 HANA BW (BAPI)
Read SAP BAPI Objects
Read SAP iDocs Support
Read BW InfoObjects, Providers, etc. (BAPI)
REST Support (SOAP, OData)
RFC Server Required (BAPI)
Read BW & S/4 HANA BW (ODP)
Read ECC(db), ECC (HANA), S/4HANA (ODP)
Qlik Replicate
Read ECC(db), ECC (HANA), S/4HANA (BAPI)
Qlik Replicate
Read BW DSO / aDSO (ODP)
SLT Support (ODP)
Leverage DB Logs for CDC
Read SAP Tables (Clstr, Pool, Trans)
Read SAP Extractors (BAPI)
Read CDS Views (ODP)
Read SAP Infoviews (ODP)
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Can be automated by APIs (App Automation)
Transports Required (BAPI)
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Qlik Replicate
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Details for Talend’s SAP connectivity can be found here: https://help.talend.com/r/en-US/8.0/sap/sap
Details for Qlik’s SAP connectivity can be found here: https://help.qlik.com/en-
This matrix shows the possible combinations of the previous three sections in a single chart. We can
now approach any customer scenario with this guide, and it will help us choose our path(s) to
accomplish the requisite tasks. Let’s work through some examples:
Scenario 1: A company is looking to offload their SAP ECC (on DB2) table data (KNA1, MARA, VBAP,
VBAK, etc.) on-premise data into Snowflake and keep it synchronized.
Figure 6 - CDC Scenario Base Tables
Using Qlik Replicate, we would connect to SAP using BAPI/RFC connection with installed SAP
transports using DB log-based replication and change data capture to load data into Snowflake and
keep the data synchronized. This combination is the highest throughput and provides real-time updates
in Snowflake.
CDC Batch Stream
Write SAP Tables (Clstr, Pool, Trans)
Write SAP BAPI Objects
Write SAP iDocs Support
Write BW DSO / aDSO (BAPI)
Write BW InfoObjects, Providers, etc. (ODP)
Supports Reverse ETL
RFC Server Required (BAPI)
Can be automated by APIs (App Automation)
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Scenario 2: An organization is looking to automate processes related to internal SAP functions in
S/4HANA. They would like to take the output from SAP, write to Snowflake, and then monitor for certain
changes. When detected, an automated response is sent via email to correct persons and triggers
other updates.
Figure 7 - SAP iDocs and Automation
The best way to address this scenario would be to use Talend Studio to read the iDocs via BAPI/RFC
connections from inside SAP and write that information into Snowflake, then monitor the output and use
Qlik Application Automation to act by sending an email that was triggered by the data.
Scenario 3: A large enterprise is looking to extract value from their SAP data in S/4HANA by moving it
to a more flexible and cost-effective platform like Snowflake. They also want to transform the data and
get it ready for users by shaping the data into analytics-ready content. The IT team would also like to
use SAP extractors as they are abandoning SAP BW but wish to keep their logic that has been built.
The organization, however, has a runtime license for SAP S/4HANA as an added complication.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Figure 8 - SAP Modernization for Analytics
The best option in this scenario would be to use Qlik Cloud Data Integration. The data would be fully
lifted from the SAP system using SAP Extractors via ODP (which works with runtime SAP license) and
landed into Snowflake. Qlik will then manage the data lake, data warehouse, and data marts
automatically as the data is transformed into analytics-ready content. We will discuss an example of
this later in the SAP Accelerators section explaining how this can be implemented. Qlik Cloud Data
Integration can also manage the combination of delta (CDC) enabled content mixed with batch
(Trigger) content in the same project, which provides a single management of all data required for
The combination of Qlik | Talend solutions can cover most, if not all, data scenarios related to SAP
content. However, there are some interesting EXTENDED use cases that are unique to the Qlik |
Talend portfolio, which we’ll explore below.
Make SAP Data More Reliable
One of the biggest problems with any ERP like SAP is data reliability! There are often layers of data
integrity issues, bad data, duplicates, and errors within areas like Customer Master, Material Master,
Talend Cloud Data Fabric (https://www.talend.com/products/data-fabric/) is a managed cloud
integration platform that makes it easy for developers and data constituents to collect, transform, and
clean data. Components include:
Talend Data Inventory, which provides automated tools for dataset documentation, quality
proofing, and promotion. It identifies data silos across data sources and targets to provide
visualization of reusable and shareable data assets. Talend Data Inventory uses Snowflake
Snowpark for creating the Talend Trust Score” (https://www.talend.com/products/trust-score/).
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Talend Data Preparation (TDP) allows customers to simplify and speed up the process of
preparing data for analysis and other tasks. TDP allows customers to create, update, remove,
and share datasets, then create preparations on top of the datasets that can be incorporated
into Talend Jobs with Talend Studio.
Talend Data Stewardship (TDS) allows customers to collaboratively curate, validate, and
resolve conflicts in data, as well as address potential data integrity issues.
With these capabilities you can fix, monitor, and govern SAP data directly sourced using one of the
above methods. Data can be fixed inline or after the data has been landed into Snowflake.
More details about how Data Fabric can benefit Snowflake customers can be found here:
Snowflake customers can test the Talend Trust Score directly on their Snowflake instance via the
Snowflake Partner Portal here: https://trial.snowflake.com/?owner=SPN-PID-149016
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Reverse ETL and Writeback
Qlik products are very effective at moving data from SAP into Snowflake, but what about the reverse?
Talend Studio allows for pushing/writing data back into SAP or executing internal SAP jobs via iDocs.
SAP Master Data (like Customer Master) could be cleansed using the Talend Data Preparation Engine
and then the cleansed data would be pushed back into SAP using Talend Studio.
SAP Writeback Task
Writes data to an active Advanced Data Store Object (ADSO)
Extracts data from or loads data to an SAP server using multiple input/output
parameters or the document type parameter.
Commits a global transaction in one go, using a unique connection instead
of doing that on every row or every batch thus providing gain in
Writes Data Source objects into an SAP BW Data Source system.
Creates or updates DSO data in an SAP BW table.
Improves performance while carrying out the Insert operations to an SAP
HANA database.
Uploads IDoc data set in XML fomat to an SAP system.
Writes InfoObject data into an SAP BW system.
Cancels the transaction commit in the connected SAP.
Commits in one go, using a unique connection, a global transaction instead
of doing that on every row or every batch thus providing gain in
Executes the action defined on the table and/or on the data contained in the
table, based on the flow incoming from the preceding component in the Job.
Avoids to commit part of a transaction involuntarily.
Acts on the actual database structure or on the data (although without
handling data).
These capabilities make Qlik | Talend a unique offering in the SAP markets as we can push Snowflake
data back into SAP!
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
Qlik SAP Solution Accelerators Prebuilt SAP
Content for Snowflake
The Qlik SAP Solution Accelerators are quick-start templates designed against a STANDARD SAP
IDES install to demonstrate the art of the possible for extraction, transformation, and analytics using the
Qlik Cloud SaaS solutions which includes both Qlik Cloud Data Integration and Qlik Cloud Analytics.
Figure 9 Qlik SAP Solution Accelerators for Snowflake
The SAP Accelerators take raw SAP data from ECC or HANA and turn it into analytics-ready data with
Qlik Cloud Analytics, using prebuilt dashboards.
The process extracts the data required for three initial SAP use cases:
Orders to Cash
Inventory Management
Financial Analytics
The extracted data is then transformed using the Qlik Cloud Data Integration engine into analytics-
ready data marts. The process also turns the raw SAP unique shorthand codes, which are based on
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
German language and hard to read, into readable business terms and consolidates the dimensional
data into reusable and shared assets for the various SAP Fact data. That result is then cataloged and
fed into the Qlik SaaS Analytics layer for consumption by business users.
Full details and a Snowflake version of the Qlik SAP Solution Accelerators can be found here:
A recent video of Snowflake, SAP and the Qlik SAP Solution Accelerators can be found here:
Qlik | Talend offer robust capabilities for integrating SAP data with Snowflake computing environments,
enabling organizations to streamline data extraction, transformation, and visualization processes.
Qlik, historically known for its powerful data visualization and analytics platform, provides SAP users
with the ability to seamlessly connect to SAP systems and extract data for analysis. Through Qlik's
connectors and data modeling capabilities, organizations can efficiently transform SAP data into
meaningful insights within Snowflake. Qlik's unique associative analytics engine further allows users to
explore data relationships and uncover hidden patterns, facilitating informed decision-making.
Additionally, Qlik's Data Integration with Snowflake ensures that the data remains up-to-date and
accessible for real-time analytics enhancing the overall data-driven decision-making process.
Talend, a leading data integration and transformation solution, simplifies the process of extracting,
transforming, and loading (ETL) SAP data into Snowflake. Talend's extensive library of connectors and
pre-built transformations streamlines the data integration process, ensuring that SAP data is efficiently
prepared and loaded into Snowflake's cloud data warehouse. Moreover, Talend offers data quality and
governance features to maintain data accuracy and compliance, which is vital for SAP data in
Now combined the Qlik | Talend portfolio provides a comprehensive solution for SAP data integration
and analytics within the Snowflake computing environment, empowering organizations to unlock the full
potential of all their data for informed decision making and strategic insights.
Delivering SAP Data to Snowflake with Qlik
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they are associated.
About Qlik
Qlik is the global leader in data integration, data quality, and analytics solutions. Its
comprehensive cloud platform unifies data across cloud and hybrid environments, automates
information pipelines and data-driven workflows, and augments insights with AI. Qlik enables
users to make data more available and actionable for better, faster business outcomes. With
more than 40,000 active customers in over 100 countries, Qlik is committed to providing
powerful data solutions to meet the evolving needs of organizations worldwide.