Protect the people you love
with coverage you can trust.
Get simple, competitively-priced senior term life insurance—exclusively for PERS of Mississippi retirees.
Enroll now at competitive group rates.
Group Term Life Insurance is underwritten by Securian Life Insurance Company.
Term life insurance gives you so much
for so little.
Term life insurance is coverage for a particular
term or period of time that pays a fixed amount
of money if the insured dies during the term of
the policy. The premiums are based on your
age when coverage begins. Your rate may
change only if the rates for the entire group
are changed. The policies do not build up
cash value like whole life insurance.
Double benefits for accidents.
You will receive benefits in the event of a
covered accidental death from day one, and
you’re covered for double the amount of
protection you choose – which could be as
much as $40,000.
Your acceptance is guaranteed.
No medical history needed.
Retirees can elect life insurance coverage up
to, but not to exceed $20,000. The retiree’s
spouse may enroll for a total benefit amount
equal to or less than the retiree’s total
coverage amount.
You can’t be canceled because
of age or health.
If you enroll in the PERS of Mississippi Senior
Term Life Insurance Plan between the ages
of 44 and 90, your plan will continue to renew
until you reach age 120. It cannot be canceled
because of your age or any changes in your
health, subject to the limited benefit period end
at age 120.
Provide peace of mind for your loved ones.
That’s all part of the plan.
Introducing the PERS of Mississippi Senior Term Life Insurance Plan.
About this booklet.
This booklet is designed to answer some common questions about the PERS of
Mississippi Senior Term Life coverage being offered to eligible retirees. It is not intended
to provide a detailed description of the coverage.
When you become insured, you will receive a certificate containing a detailed description
of the insurance, including the definitions, exclusions, limitations, reductions and
terminating events. The controlling provision will be in the group policy. Neither this
booklet nor the certificate modifies the group policy or the insurance coverage in any way.
Term Life Coverage
No medical exam needed
Term Life Benefits
$2,500 to
Double Benefits for
Covered Accidents
$5,000 to
You and your spouse can be covered.
All PERS retirees and their spouses ages
44 to 90 can participate in the senior term life
insurance plan.
However, if you have coverage as an insured
retiree, you cannot become insured as the
spouse of another insured (retiree).
Expanding coverage is easy.
Retirees can increase their life insurance
coverage at any time, however, the total
coverage for the retiree cannot exceed
$20,000. The retiree’s spouse may enroll for
a total benefit amount equal to or less than
the retiree’s total coverage amount. This new
coverage is subject to two years of limited
benefits; full benefits are available after two
Automatic deductions simplify payment.
Term life premiums are deducted directly from
your retirement benefit payment, so you can be
confident that you’ve done your best to protect
your family.
Senior Term Life plan holders can
increase their coverage.
If you are currently insured under another
policy, but want to add to your coverage
under Securian Life, you may contact us at
1-877-863-1497, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m., EST.
Benefits are guaranteed with no medical exam because benefits are limited to a return of premiums paid for non-accidental
death during the first two years. The plan will pay 125% of the initial annual premium the first year and 250% of the initial
annual premium the second year. After that, the full benefit amount will be paid for death from any cause. The full benefit
amount will be paid for accidental death at any time.
Help secure their tomorrow
with the PERS of Mississippi Senior Term Life Insurance Plan.
Your death could cause your family financial hardship in a time of great emotional loss.
While this is hardly a pleasant thought, it could become a real situation.
Life insurance is one way to help plan for the unexpected and protect your family.
The PERS of Mississippi Senior Term Life Insurance Plan
pays your beneficiary a lump sum cash benefit in the event
of your death. Competitive group rates are available.
All Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi
(PERS) retirees and their spouses ages 44 to 90 can
participate in the term life insurance plan.
This voluntary coverage is now available in amounts
from $2,500 to a maximum of $20,000. You can enroll
for coverage without having to complete any medical
forms. Spouse coverage is also available. Your spouse
can be covered for an amount equal to or less than
your coverage without any medical forms.
Your benefits are guaranteed with no medical exam
because benefits are limited to a return of premiums
paid for non-accidental death during the first two years.
The plan will pay 125% of the initial annual premium the
first year and 250% of the initial annual premium the
second year. After that, the full benefit amount will be
paid for death from any cause. The full benefit amount
will be paid for accidental death at any time.
The PERS of Mississippi Senior Term
Life coverage is dependable coverage.
Get up to $20,000 in coverage for just
a few dollars a month
Guaranteed acceptance
No medical exams or questions
Rates won’t increase as you age
Underwritten by Securian Life Insurance
Enroll now at competitive
group rates.
Call 1-877-863-1497
and sign up today.
Life Insurance designed with
you in mind.
Don’t miss this opportunity to protect
your family.
Insurance offer approved by PERS and backed
by one of the nation’s most financially reliable
insurance companies, PERS of Mississippi
Senior Term Life Insurance is a smart, simple,
affordable way to plan for the unexpected.
Enroll now at competitive group rates.
Just call 1-877-863-1497.
You can also complete and mail the enclosed
enrollment form in the reply envelope we have
We’ve provided many answers on the back of
this brochure.
At Securian Financial, we’re here for family. And we’re here
because of it.
Were guided by our purpose: helping customers build secure tomorrows. Since
1880, we’ve been building a uniquely diversified company that has outlasted
economic ups and downs while staying true to our customers. Were committed to
the markets we serve, providing insurance, investment and retirement solutions that
give families the confidence to focus on what’s truly valuable: banking memories
with those who matter most.
Securian Financial is the marketing name for Securian Financial Group, Inc. and its
affiliates including Securian Life Insurance Company.
Please respond soon.
You have been pre-qualified for
this coverage.
The effective date of your coverage
depends on when you meet the eligibility
requirements, when you enroll, and when
your premium deductions start. If you
enroll and agree to pay premiums, your
term life coverage becomes effective the
month after the premium is deducted.
Please respond within the next 10 days
for the earliest effective date. Start your
new year with a peace of mind.
We’re always here to help.
Call one of our friendly, knowledgeable
PERS of Mississippi Member Benefit Program Customer Service
Representatives toll-free at 1-877-863-1497.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you and your spouse are both PERS retirees, you can only be covered for yourself and not as a dependent of your spouse.
Does my coverage under the group policy
have cash value?
No. Group term life insurance does not accrue
cash value or dividends.
How are benefits paid?
The benefit amount will be paid to the designated
Are there any exclusions?
Accidental Death Exclusions
The loss must occur as a direct result of an injury;
and the loss must occur within 365 days of the
accident causing the injury. We will not pay a
benefit for a loss which, directly or indirectly, in
whole or in part, is caused by or results from any
of the following: (1) intentionally self-inflicted injury,
suicide or any attempt thereat while sane or insane
(while sane in Colorado and Missouri) (2) declared
or undeclared war or act of war; (3) military or
combat activities while serving in the armed
forces, National Guard, or organized reserve corps
in any state, country, or international authority;
(4) sickness, disease, bodily or mental infirmity or
medical or surgical treatment thereof, or bacterial
or viral infection, regardless of how contracted.
This does not include bacterial infection that is
the natural and foreseeable result of an accidental
external bodily injury or accidental food poisoning.
(5) flight in, boarding or alighting from an Aircraft
or any craft designed to fly above the Earth’s
surface: a. except as a fare paying passenger on
a regularly scheduled commercial airline; b. being
flown by the Covered Person or in which the
Covered Person is a member of the crew; c. being
used for: i. crop dusting, spraying or seeding,
giving and receiving flying instruction, firefighting,
sky writing, sky diving or hang-gliding, pipeline
or power line inspection, aerial photography or
exploration, racing, endurance tests, stunt or
acrobatic flying; or ii. any operation that requires
a special permit from the FAA, even if it is granted
(this does not apply if the permit is required only
because of the territory flown over or landed on);
d. designed for flight above or beyond the earth’s
atmosphere; e. an ultra-light or glider; f. being
used for the purpose of parachuting or skydiving;
g. being used by any military authority, except
an Aircraft used by the Air Mobility Command or
its foreign equivalent; (6) the Covered Person’s
intoxication as determined according to the laws
of the jurisdiction in which the accident occurred;
(7) voluntary ingestion of any narcotic, drug,
poison, gas or fumes; (8) driving while intoxicated
or driving under the influence of a controlled
substance; (9) riding or driving as a professional
in any kind of race for prize money or profit. See
your Certificate of Insurance for details.
Life Exclusions
The only situation not covered is suicide
within two years after the effective date of this
coverage. There will be a refund of premiums paid.
When does my coverage end?
Term life coverage ends automatically on the
earliest of the following: 1) The date the policy
is terminated; 2) The premium due date after
the Member is no longer a member of the
Policyholder; 3) the date the grace period ends
if all premiums due have not been paid; the
premium due date next following your attainment
of age 120.
Spouse coverage will automatically end on the
earliest of the following: 1) the date your coverage
terminates; 2) the premium due date after the
spouse ceases to be an eligible dependent.
If your term life insurance ends, you may be
eligible to convert the terminated coverage to
certain types of individual life insurance policies
without providing evidence of insurability.
45859 ©2018 AGIA
SECTION A: Complete or correct this information.
Retiree Last Name: Retiree First Name: MI: Social Security No.: Birthdate (MM/DD/YY): Sex
Retiree Home Address: System You Retired From:
Municipal Plan
Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol
Supplemental Legislative Plan
Retiree Home Telephone No:
Date of Retirement: / / (MM/DD/YYYY)
Retired From [Company Name]:
Spouse Information: Check here to cover your spouse.
Spouse Last Name: Spouse First Name: MI Birthdate (MM/DD/YY): Sex
Age: Female
SECTION B: Select Coverage Amount (Check One)
For You: $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
For Spouse: an amount equal to or less than the Retiree amount.
$2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
SECTION C: Beneciary Information (Retiree):
1. Beneciary Name, Address and Telephone #: R Primary Beneciary
Relationship to Insured: Date of Birth: Percentage of Benet:
2. Beneciary Name, Address and Telephone #: Primary Beneciary or Contingent Beneciary*
Relationship to Insured: Date of Birth: Percentage of Benet:
3. Beneciary Name, Address and Telephone #: Primary Beneciary or Contingent Beneciary*
Relationship to Insured: Date of Birth: Percentage of Benet:
46349 ©2019 AGIA
Underwritten by Securian Life Insurance Company
PR26213 B5187 101130
*NOTE: Contingent Beneciaries will only receive proceeds if all Primary Beneciaries have predeceased the Insured.
If more than one Primary Beneciary is named, the Primary Beneciaries shall share equally unless otherwise indicated above. Likewise, if
more than one Contingent Beneciary is named, the Contingent Beneciaries shall share equally unless otherwise indicated above. If you
are naming more than one contingent Beneciary at 100% each, please indicate 1st contingent, 2nd contingent, 3rd contingent, etc., in the
Percentage of Benet block, and list each in the order of precedence.
SECTION D: Please Answer For Each Person Enrolling And Sign Below.
Is this insurance intended, in whole or in part, to replace, discontinue, or change any
existing life insurance or annuity now in effect with this or any other company?
I, and, if indicated below, my spouse, hereby enroll for group term life issued by Securian Life Insurance Company. I understand that
my insurance coverage becomes effective on the effective date stated in the schedule. I acknowledge that I have received, read, and
understand the disclosures.
I understand that death benets during the rst two years of coverage will be a refund of premiums. I understand that death benets
payable on or after the third anniversary, or death benets due to an accidental death at any time, will be the life insurance amount.
Fraud Warnings: AR, LA, RI, WV: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benet or
knowingly presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to nes and connement
in prison. CO: It is unlawful to knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for
the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, nes, denial of insurance and
civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading
facts or information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policyholder or claimant
with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado Division of Insurance within
the department of regulatory agencies. DC: WARNING: It is a crime to provide false or misleading information to an insurer for the
purpose of defrauding the insurer or any other person. Penalties include imprisonment and/or nes. In addition, an insurer may deny
benets if false information materially related to a claim was provided by the applicant. KY: Any person who knowingly and with intent
to defraud any insurance company or other person les a statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals,
for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime. ME: It
is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding
the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, nes or a denial of insurance benets. MD: Any person who knowingly or willfully
presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benet or who knowingly or willfully presents false information in an
application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to nes and connement in prison. NJ: Any person who includes any
false or misleading information on an application for an insurance policy is subject to criminal and civil penalties. NM: Any person who
knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benet or knowingly presents false information in an application
for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to civil nes and criminal penalties. OH: Any person who, with intent to defraud
or knowing that he/she is facilitating a fraud against an insurer, submits an application or les a claim containing a false or deceptive
statement is guilty of insurance fraud. OK: WARNING: Any person who knowingly, and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any
insurer, makes any claim for the proceeds of an insurance policy containing any false, incomplete or misleading information is guilty
of a felony. PA: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person les an application for
insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information
concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and
civil penalties. TN: It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the
purposes of defrauding the company. Penalties include imprisonment, nes and denial of coverage. VA: It is a crime to knowingly
provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding the company. Penalties
include imprisonment, nes and denial of insurance benets.
Retiree Signature (required): Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Spouse Signature (if enrolling): Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
46349 ©2019 AGIA
PERS of Mississippi Member Benet Program
P.O. Box 26610, Phoenix, AZ 85068
Underwritten By: Securian Life Insurance Company, Saint Paul, MN 55101